THE DAILY EVENING TELEOUAril PHILADELPHIA, TOESDAT, JULY 5, 1861. TUESDAY, JDLT 6, W. AFTER Til K 11 ATTI-K. Held ttt lantern aside, an! shncMer not no f 1 Tbert'i nwir blootl to oe limn Uila stain on th snow ! Topr art-V'"' of I"'"" ot " )u,i h' j And nxed faces all streaked, and criiustm-soakcd hair! . . Eld Joo think, wnin we ctme, you anu . To prrrfcigAr our d' l, yon would ,ol tight? You're, his wife) you love him i 7 '"' Am only' hid mother my h"T "-l no 1st ditch with the rei while can '"ar 11 le forto to a grata thl mlue own may ooi : So If yomtivnffih fall" t RO hy llio hearth, i While hi mother nloue awi-Wa Ills bed on tin tnh I ' Ton trill fo! then no fuln'lngs! give me the Unlit! And follow my footnte pi ; my heart will leap 'Ah I Ood I whit il here ? a (Treat heap of the 4laln All Bianttlod ami Rorv I what horrible pain ' The btWs have died In ' Pear mothers, ye weep, 1 e weep, oi, ft wexp, o'ar thli tcrritjld deep I Morel more ! ah, I thonght I coald never more know fWef, horror, Or pity for an ghl hnre below, Pine I ninod in inc. porch and heard Ills chief tell How brave wa my son. how In f illantly fell I Did they think I urcil tlien to sue ollioers tUn-l ' Jlcjore my great sorrow, each hat in each hand 1 . TVhy, lrl, do you feel neither rov'nmca nor fright, That your red handi ttirn over towards thli dim !bt. These dead men that staru so . All ! If yu had kept Your lenses this morning ere hla comnidei hail toil, Too had lieaTJ-t'uat Ai's was worst of them all 01 'mid the struggle where he fought ho would full! .There's the moon thro the clott ls oh, Christ, what a scene I DoetThuu from thy heavens o'er such visions leant Aad still call this corned world a footstool of thine I "Hark I Kroan! there another! here In this Una Plied close on each other ah I here is the Hag, Tom, drijivlng with gore poh, tbey died for 1 ,ag! .Here's the voire that wc seek poor soul, do not . aiarl, ' We're women, Dot ghosts what a gush o'er the ' heart I Is tbera auRbt we can do ? a mi'sage to give 'To any beloved one ? I swear if 1 live 'To take it for sake of the worde my boy said. '"Jlome," "mother," "wife," ere he reeled down l ' 'moDg the dead ! But first can yon tell where his regiment stood ? peak, speak, man, or point 'twas the nimh ! ob the blood Is choking bis voice what a look of despair! There, lean on my knee, while I put bock the hair From eves so fust glazing oil my darling, my own I My hands were both idle when you died alone ! He's dying he's dead! closo his lids let na Cod's peace on bis sonl '. if we onlyronld know Where our dear one lies ! my soul has turned sick I Mnst we rrawl o'er bodies strewn bore so thirk I cannot, I cannot how eager yon are ! One might think yon were nursed on the red lap of War I Be's not here, and not here, what wild hopes nasa ttrr - My thoughts, as foot deep I stand in this dread dew, And cast np a prayer to the bine, quiet sky ! Was it you, girl, that shrieked? ah, what face doth He Vptomed towards me there, rigid and white, Oi God! my brain reels 'tis a dream ! my old . fight Is din med with these horrors my son, oh my son ' Would I had died for thee, my own, only one ! There, lilt off your arms, let him come to the lire aft Where first he was lulled, with my soul's hymn, to reft! Toor heart never thrilled to yonr lover's fond kiss, As mine to bis baby-touch was it for thai He vat your; too! he lorei you! yes, you are right forgive me, my daughter, I'm maddened to night ; Don't moan so, dear child, you're yonng, and yonr years May still bold fair hopes bnt the old die of tears Yes, take him again ah, don't lay yonr lce rAre.' CM the blood from his wound has stained your loose hair ', How quiet you are ha she fainted ? her check la rohl as nin own ray a word to me s pea : Am I crazed ? Is sue dead ? has her heart broke first ) Her trouble was bitter, but snre mine Is wort. I'm afruld. I'm afraid, alone with tliene dead, These corpses are stirrlug, God help my poer Bead I 111 sit by my children nntil the men come To tuvy the others, and then we'll go home. Why, the sluin are all dancing, dearest,'t move, Keep away from my boy, he's guarded by love. SalUby, lul aby, pleep, sweet darling, sleep, (red aud thy mother will w at eh o'er thee keep! Balli it Uuiubtts. JIIAKEHPEAIIE. Snglifhrocn do not keep the 23& ot April-rSt. Oeorne's luy as keep St. Patrick's, aid Scotchmen keep St. Andrew's. The great champion who slew the dragon is not much cared for, but a large portion of the bain in race enrn ncmoratca to-day the birto-of a Warwickshire boy three honored years i.go. Since he first drew breath trn generations of men have c una and gone, and the world has seen vast chinjren eljaai-ties melting awar, nations dropping out of account, great conqueror crowing the artb, aud mistily empires riling out of the iufct new literatures, new arts, new sciences, fctnre the world began tliere aro not t be named three centuries which have mode Bin'ti complete revoluiion in the nlfairs of men or ij the aspect of nature, and which, rm kouing not sty time, but by events, are so full of m'xnent or long in the account. Yet, in all the age, we cannot point to any man who, for a mere human achievement, has been remembered one cen ui y alter bis birth an the. child Ixirn at Ktrait'onl-ou-Avon is now remember' d alter the lup-c of fie tbrre longest centuries in ibe, bi-tory of in un kind, Jt is the ton of a homely ulilcrman wlione birth. elnate the son of a grazier, who wa ived among the cows aud the CiIvok; hut bin iutrlle tnul work has mi.-cd h in to a throne recognitcd fn m c jntlneiit to cout:ueut, aud last ing (rotn use to age. Vhakcspeare gives voice to every wave of feel )ig '0 tvtry mood of the mind. Ho knows ' - , . . tAirOw us weil as all tliu Mr ue stu-iv-i iv u-fo j ;oW K.p. tltt M ' ' , .m'jlliou. Alou an I w. men, lo:is aud tm'iKJ, lays a id liagi he knos .hem aud searn-n, tailor d apottecary. ?.n alile to uiin. His revel i tion of the wolniiigs iif ihe I eart ih ai oaule-s marve't When the murder of "D incao'' is d:s cuvered, "I.adv Maclieih" expresHfs her usMiiMi merjt "What," in our house?" Slie is not, like n Innocent woinun, astonhed at the murder, but that it should have been perpetrated uniier lier roof. . , , Is there anything that c;in be compared for knowledge of ua iue, aud consuinm iti akill in insmging it, Willi the great ipeoen "Autony" over ihe di ad body of "CVsur ?" Simi lar examples mkbt be quoted without naiul) -r, rid wl l crowd on the recollection of every ime: lignt rader. liut thuke-pcnre's perfect know ledge of the human heart would aptar cruel were U not temp red with perfect sympathy. If u ""mi has exhibited so clearly us he the fra;!ueH nature and our tell-Uecepiions iu f un y- - for'ttivcS better th.iU we are, ii is a rare thin .' ' Thtrif.Ji make any ouo p it)vely hitetul. lie civtt-. uuiilce in the ridicule wiih which late whici Vavj there is inliuiio pity in the lock," and W-v. ollemier. See "ohy cr sinht a ruinta jvib pity him as he goes out Ills ducats, ol lmt,;..ft of his vengeance, of The tt-nder memory . re(t 0f in religion, he los of the tuiiuoW. vu .. w,i, , maktH ' was a bachelor one of hu in when ho ' ... - ...ui-h nf sottnu-s u, i... h. evenge .or which V1' J 'ibe btrong provocation ol . . . J , (, , but is trenW itlgS I1K6 ututis ' . .,1 ...l St...- ICCl" BO' 0- sbo l.wself could i-Wv.VS ......... I.Hfl " , uL iouij " - ln ,,er nuwre, fsbo. tiMi, ! h . ,i,a lamily ,ltla1llierfMmi Nut 011y bus wniia viate m i. Ikiw t 'r'Vt':"b..KJbbelL.u.laS hori-.ii fere amhll Ion Is Inspired by devotion lo her rnubarid, and at last the mind ol this s'rong woman fives wny in the ronfc-mplation of her gulit, her higher nature get the maaiery, and she iQ an agonr f reroora. Or, yet gain, teke "lagn, than whom In the whole range of .Shakrapeiira'a characters there la not a more hutefiil vihlari. Hhakespeare never, like other drauitit, puintn gratuitous villany, and In always suggesting a strong motive he mites mrrcy vith tepnbation, "lairo," it must Ira oh ii-vkI, Is laboring under the impression in it the !oor ha been too intimate wli h his wife " f'.m'llii," ' llirtiiouirht whwfT'rtf Mi a tvil.oTioim mliiM1 ir ri a ssr my knwiir., And noililni lanor shall cwiiiai bit feul. Till 1 mn veuej wall hon. iir lur wlt. Ro the woist villain gets the benefit of a donbt In bis lavor anil Is alwa.s J"st'y treated. In Sh.iUc rpente's view ot humim vh-e and trailtv there Is, indeed, bnrdlv any satire. It is only In 7V..ii and rrtuda tliat the scorn In I view of life ta fully present d ; and certainly nothing can be more corntiil than the view there presenter! of lov without j urity, of Wnr wl'hotu dignity, and of society all clcMilutc ol truth. Hue such a view as this is cinitc exceptional in Shakespeare, unless we add to it ihe misanthropy of "'Union." which, alter all, Is not of a kind that makes the nlelure of life hidiona, Wc mav go through lay alter play, and we still llnd this, that whereas when Shakespeare rose to his height lie sad ilespomling views of human life, s iw the earth but as a football of the gods, ami the human nice bat as the crn;t on its surtaee, ho never mixed wiih this view an unkind Judgment of man, be never separated himself trom his fellows, he was a part.ikiruf their sinsand follies, sorrowed In their sorrow, and rijoicedintheirj y. Miskeapeare's art, too, of expressing his lura, or ol making It felt, was beyond that of any man who ever lived, lie puis his idea before us, or suggest it with immense ense. It was usual amut'g the Trench critics to spenk ol hlin ai a sph nohl batbatmn and un Inspiied idiot; nut in ail 1t nch or any other art, th re is to he louml roihlng like the power which Mmkespoare ri.s- filaysof bringing all the raya of thought into a ocua, ai.d coiieeiitiatmg light in a wonl, in a chsiiirur, in n n i ne, or in n whole piny. Oilier wilier- s iiuil but ih ir flios, ilivi Je their firccs, m il me ci nli nt to make a liugle elhct In one ph,y. .Sir John Yanhru;:h provides n-with as ."i 1 antMimple as we need. In one of his phivs he has V'oppington" one of the uio-t eele- bratid lepn seiiialions of a ihimly. In another ei inedy he has "Lady Fanciful," the feminino eoiiiini i art ot "Loid Foppington." The lord is the central figure of the oue and the lady or the other. '1 his is precisely as if Shakespeare hail rut "Ileuedick" in one play and "Dcavice" In another. It is the very opposite of his method, lie would not have wasted two plays on one idea, but would nave worked ootn "Lord l-oppingion atid " 1 July Fancilul" luto one drama, where we should see the dandy of every shade and degree Thus in the most popular of bis tragedies, if be undertakes to show us the mock-madness, or what some think tno Dan-madness ot "Hamlet, Le takes care to let us see it in contrast and com parison with Ihe perfect madness of ' Ophelia.' with the ii rationality of the grave-diggers, and with the over-wisdom of "i'oloniua. So if "Lear" is to stand forth another madman, bis mental ancrrunon is put into comparison with the assumed madness of "Mad Tom," and with the mother-wit of the poor fool. Not only does he hring varieties of the same class of character thus into close relationship he loves to present the same idea in donble lights. The play of King John turns upon a mieHtion ot primogeniture It is a question to be aertously determined be tween "King John" and "1'ruice Arthur." tibukespeure begins the play by discussing the law ot primogeniture from a comic point of view, and nii.-iog a question aa to the right of the bas tard Falcoiibridge. This may not be conscious art; ll me f rencn Choose to cab it nature they are fn e to do so. We know not what to call that orgai.ic foico in nature which produces in the leal and in the fruit of a tree the same form which we see in dower, lu stamen, and In tiiitil. The morphology of plants shows us the same type of structure pervading every member of the plant; and In the works of great art we may uetcct like morpuoiogy. ny some tuhereut force, call it art, call it nuture, the parts repeat each other, and the whole ii a repetition of the parts. Language Is perhaps the most wonderful part of Shakerpeare's art, and his dominion over language is perhaps the gie.itest miracle in lite rature. At least it is iu this region of his art that hla power is mnst understood. We have not all attempted to draw characters and to con struct plajssoas to understand by experience how rare is the mastery which oLakcspearo has attaint d In this way. But we all uso words and know Ibe dJUIculty of finding forcible and fullci tous (xptetsion lor our ideas. Shakespeare at all times gave to bis thoughts not only the most tit, but also the moat beautilul, the most rich, the most rurc expression. Ills phrases hare come to be cur household words. WLeuever we want an expression more than usually suggestive, we turn to his pages acd bonow from b.a treasures. Perhaps the most curious thing about his style Is that though it is remurkabl) timid, and though lloridity commonly implies excess of ornament, there is any stnse ol excess in his language, and we accept all his luxtn lance of diction as moil apt and Decenary. There aro some styles, Wiethe's for example, which, however line, barst hut seldo.n iuio lluwer. Shakespeare's lauguage is always iu blossom, and like the orange-tree we may hod on it at otce the bud, the hlo.som. and the oer- fl lffjt- J1 'luite wonderful to see how he t an combine. Inigusity of expression with ricb nt ss of coloring. The silne sort of phrsses that tVotu a feebler bund would read but as mt-k rpleces of literary agility amaritig feats of words come from his pen wiih a force and lire that make us forget their want of simplicity, and think only of their intense meaning. There is no passage more cele brate d than the one iu which "Macbeth," having coniuilitcd the murder, exclaims in a passion of remorse that all the waters of the sea cannot wash his bands of blood : Will alarat Neptune's ocean wash thli hly4 Clraii fium my haitrir Nj, my ImnU w.JI rather 1 nc muitltueinuui seas IncariAdtiie, tlakius Uia gru-vm rvO. ' rartly h;aUje wc aie sed to It, p irtly because .o violence of the passion wlm which it is in stinct, we lose sight ot the extraordinary eiau raliuu of the taction here, and forget how sirai gily It does violence lo ordinary modes of speech. The play in it is so excessive, that aoy one who bus much enjoy mint of literary form will be apt to think ot it as all play ; whereas, in point oi fact, we lor the most part forget how ornate It is, and think ouiy of its weigut of meaning. Thi se arc the most obvious sources of Rhako sptaie's Inhueuce over us un lullueuce which r riders Lis the grea e-l name iu literature. T hat ll.e anniversary ol his b r h shou d be held iu l.oitor is nature I cuouku. If anuiveisaiiet arc to he held at all, surely he ot nil men is must eu t tit d to lire liouor. Hut, iu the tiuuie of Our country, we uiu-t protest to all tho world and to all U'ls6 Coming', that the dt n.onstiation which this uay witnesses does not proper y leprt sent the national fueling. We have Ihe greate.-t genius Unit the world has ever steu to honor, unu we give Inui the frankincense of our nupiditits, of bungling committees, m.d let ' ic uispiays. Ue I, ptacciu,, sj mpaihei.eo. u- -mdlV.:1' ..nUonr ton , co,n; cf int. imiLblc J'1'''"'1""' turii'iis n atJItailOlt s, IllIU Ol Beinsuuvai, tiitnulty. If we give Utile h inoi' io li ' cth tin.tioii of ih's day it is not because r :iM lutle honor to him who U ceicnr.uud. t)u li e iiii.trnrt, it is b. cause we honor bun that we rtluse to r-iett him w ill the idol.uious claptrap iiDti the r dlculoua oblations Ol a laio icligiou. l.ontfott 'J tiuet. NliMkrisiiVHre ati'l I.t tlx Vrtn. An i:niiibli luitr, sptakiuguf iLujc i wutemiio nirics, snys : Lore tic Vfga, "The SpnnMi riiu-nlx." "Tlio King of CiiiutUy," "1'be l'rotli?y of Natur.'," wLo o name iiushtd Into u tSpituisU mljoriive tlo tiom g Ibe l.ounUs of txcellenci', was born in luta. anil tllitl lit the ripe of si'venty-lbri-f, ii, li. Mi. William StiukisiKiin alio died iu 10 111 ,dif oJ. is eoLalikrfd a prolilic play wriKlH, but lie u uiiogitber eiiullt d out ty Liijo iJo Vena. How many oiinimii plaj s does lliu most iunii niiilte rciidtr nippo-e a niuu iiiaiile of wruiiij? iu ibnescare jiuii und t n kuotkmi oil tliu oild Ibite yiurs ut tbo btinuin, at a pi-riml wl.cui veu Lopo de Vena wjuld seirri'ly g t tiitoueli vti v iniiiii wniK of tliut kind f Tue I,, v. est stun incut, I. undid on tlie .uitlinr's vari ins iiit ilotjues of "comic luliVs," set the linn.Urof Lope de Vega's plays at iillecii Uuu- dri'd. , . ,, M.mtalvan, a friend, companion, anil c il,ia,'iio in liuv-writing, K'HS as Inrli as en litres liun tlr.d;and llouti rwet k, a le.inud Uenuaineii liues lousseit tbat Lo do Vera auppiieil Hie fepaii.-b ibtatie witU upwar.lsof two thousand tii.iiinl iliamiis! lint e will be I lest and rul e ibe lif iire of five liiindred less. Kven tin n, tie lura ol one man wiitinf? lil'toeu buudrcd i lurs all suiresclul, u l hmfU& money tu tlie tbtatiieal trtu.-ury and pleiliora to Ibe aulbur i puisejlike tbat Ltiudou eou.ttllati m of later tlinis, wbieb, iu t urioun uutiiliesls to tho ieg flj title of I be opera tbat wraubt such wou- Utis, nmue uuy lieu unu i K"J , , - ' ..ij .... ... .nit In at. ijii e lit eea v as a leuuw ut ihuumo ...... fty. no "rC'itureu ii" ninro niuu inuj v'sns la wrile a veioilitd ilr.iiuu of three aha ,;ti!unilillaa, iiikr.-persed wiili sonaeis, i li a ,rvis, and fioui hCsfUiuiUst 'l end IAi.CU.uu "iiris'i.t-H, pro. I if.' its, or ur int-n at 'w is,, mu iritling work lie did In . . Uuva Jiiimljea J'liie, 14 Illy ahspe of "about three hundred Interludes and owr oeromenro'es treaemniinaj ouisnen u mrs tenes or ani lent miracle plays) ; ten epic pin one burlesqua poem i various dat:riptivc aud didaellc poems; a nost oi sonnets, roinsnrvs, odes, elegies, and epistles; several works In ming'ed prose and verse ; eight prose 'novels leaving cut of the I1t various other prose writ ings, besides numerona prefacea and cla'io-ruieiy-wrought dedications after thu Fpunish iniiiitirr. Tin te Is a pleasant anned"te told by Montal vnn to I lu-trate the rapidity with which lye tie Yrga wnile. (twos rarnital lime at Madrid, and the Thert're of the t'roaa bring closed In con. HUinre tf the regular writer having written himtclf out, he Applied to I.opc and Mont ilvan lo eonipo-e a jtinit comedy for per forrnance be fore ibe tarnival ended. Lope de Vega under took the lira! act, Montalvau the aecond (they each despatched Iheir work in two dat a), and the third act was to be equally divided into eight pagia apiece. ... This arrangement being concluded, each went home and to bed. Monlalvan, aware that ho ci uld not equal I-opr in the style, hoped to steal a maich upon hi in in the celerity of getting thrttuh the business. Aecoidiiigly, he rose at two (AliM-k In the morning, got through his por tion by eleven, and, in the pride of success, r illed to look In upon Lope. That good, ea'-r-golng man was in Ins garden, tenderly engaged with a poor ornt ge tree which had chanced to be frost bitten In ihe nl ht. "Ab!" thought Montalvnn, "I nave him this time;" so he carelessly asked Ixrpe how his half ,f ih mutual tusk proceeded. In the moat off- bund niatiuvr U)i answered ; i'l set about it at five, bnt I finished the act about an holir Ago ; took a bit ot ham for breakfast, wrote an epistle of fifty tilplets, and have watered the whole of the garden, has not a little fatigned m." '1 hen be produced the eight loaves and the trip lets, and read them lor Montrilmn's c lilication. t-hnkespeare wrote thirty-five dramas, and whl e all are lead, nearly all are plaved at the present day. I.ope do Vega wroto tittcen ban died or two thousand Ray fifteen hundred ami la rtl Holland, publishing his life in 1H0R, says that nine ol the mighty whole were still pi tved at lliat lime, thiuu'li of course, many more than these v r i rend. So that onr Mmke-peare'a 11 fne w as not sunlit d nut by Hint ot the tcnUile Span iaid atier all, ny more than our littlo I'.ns'lish l et t of Sharte-pe ne's day was overcome by the great and Invincible Armada. JIVHUHK Y O U 11 1 I V 1Z IN TO UK OWN HOME COMrANY, Tim Ati:uicvis, OF I'HIIiAUEMMIIA, B. E. Comer of lour A and Walnnt Streets. Iumrers In tills Company have the additional gua rantee of CAPITAL TO:it aU pal up IN CAM!, wtilah, t nthcr with CAH11 AMSK'I'H, now on hana, amount to OMJi 8 , o o u. INCOME FOR THE YEAR 18G3 OVER a o o , o o o. L08PE8 DfniMI THE YEAR AMOVHTINO TO OVEJI 802,00 O. wnnntM Itknr. AXSUALLT, thas aldlnj th In- nrerl lo par premiums. The last IlIVTtiEND od an Mutual rollclas la Ibraa Itcmbr 31, IKS, was I'llTY l'KIt CENT. Of the amoent of PltKMICM-i received during the year Ita TRUHTKH8 are well-known clfiaena In our saldat, atltUnK H lo more conslderaUon than lliosa whose mana sera realda In distant ehles. ' Alexander Whllldln, J. KdV ar Tflompaon, Ucoriiu Nusetit, lion. Juuios Pollot k, AllxrtC Untwru, P. H. Mtnsla, William J. rtoward, Haiaiial T. Bulla, Juun Atkman, rtiarlea r llasilltt, Ilun. lo-epl Alllioa, Isaac llaalchural. Sauiasl Work, ALEX. W1IILLDIN, PKE81UKST. SAMUEL WORK, VlCB-l'KESIDEST. JOilN S. WILSON, tlalS-mwslin BECKETABX1 AND TREASUKE8. TEE HOME ISSUE A50E OOMPANT OF FHILAIiELPniA, fa. ISO H. robHIII STREET. OASU CAPITAL $100,000. Thla Comriany Is prepared ta Innira anal nit Ion or i"nips by riKE on huililinsa. atlher onnai.fnt or for a LialUtU; Ulna, aid on MKHt'llASmnSscnuaUr. Xlllt.t. lUltt- James Tlnswn, Chaa. A. liny, Wtn. 1) Lewis, Cbaa E. Norton, V. m N. hwlln, Tl9tnai Kltnber. J a. lieu tarv S. MetMt, l.murl t:omo, C'liaa. P. Bayard, J, lltllnorn Jonai, John Womlalde. John 1. Taylor, I BAH. A. DUY, Vka-1'rwalant Thohas Kiilsos, Bacnaary. Joll-lia fLlHT i a CHUTOHJCd, CRt'TCIIKR! ThM CmtchM hftT ft Ouu ?mt,2 ,L s. n.klhoaa.Jtaoi .U.ll. . "wCTUW uniiWM"ll""' waaaainv stiiiuii Hi h a.. tVnA iutblliiK tb wrerto waHv with mora comfort ihan ciui bt dertvd fr.nn ftn o(hr crutch. Tno titpB nr mtvUs m to U) ft))tlwl lo May crutch, r .itemed Deitubur. j)19 8m Vo. 117 8. BWONT) RtrMt.Uiow Cheaiitk. - PHILADELPHIA SURGEONS' BAuiul'' IMSIirUTR, No. 14 Hank KIN 111 TtrWl, e,'V Market. Kiiotares ntiicftMycnrr d bvH. v.. KVEIterm rrenihim VMrnx UrftciuaiW I'rtfciHre Tiuis. Uupvrkr JlIiH-O BtlU. Etniiic Hiocr-h-KisSujuHrtAii, tfhoulUer Urwxi, 8uipa ortii.duici.en.ttc. myii-ly TRUSSES, BRACES. Ac, iklin.ll ftttitiotvil hyr M. Nr.KDLKR.oor. of WKLl-TUttiid HACK Hire!. ln-t'ft'tinciit lor niuu, c tuUuoted Uy l-ltsi, TWKl.K HI Btrwet, flmt r Kac. Th most com Pit t antj Vftrl Uk'Ii oa hand. ronKlititiK, Iu I'ttrt, t 1 ritsssa, Huop-irteri, rthtm'dwr ltiiC'i. h i. Hfti iiaifti. Kiulit: HtouMliiKl, Hyr.nirei, AiUvtri for Nurteo.Hicli KHm. &.0 t!0 ia O V rX' O li ill 'X- 11 O 5 EO&CHDS, EATS, MICE, JlcU lluus, Xitte, tVo., Ao., t aa BUET'S TP-HI5 EXTUEMIHATOI,, I IT 18 INFAIXiniXI IT U ISKsLLIULBI It put up ItiLaCaf Han't f"i t Is all ready use. uilsl t l tt olhiT artlc-Vs. ua tu.l nmil or tin I'n and Wi.rihrs. by Kueiln2, Llkeatiuel'llior I'ti-pntilO'is. vrnmis aim .xtiiavaosti.y s-oNitor it. 11A1B AKD KlfK OIK OIT OK TlU.lIt 111LK9. Is MM UMliSVi"" fllv. s Sil,.tno,i to all 'a ue H. fhahl allliiusiiiau and l'al-ra ihrounhont Uia Calud Hiaica. CArTiriM.-Ite snre and ask lor Bun t Bxlermln'tsr, la lern- hoses, nh it e tea lui. aud ,L.utd by tue Prtiprai- tor, K Hi it Jr. Tale ie ot'er . liflol.Jio I rN'lll ."'rest, a'mve W stent. 1 ManiU.t i. rt . No. I.SI .HVhNAL Hirett, ! Wxluut, lieintio 'I tulh mill Kit- vaaiia, fhliadaullia, l'a I ii. fc.''iu : j J3 E I DESBU" RliMACElllE WORKS, OFF I OK, TVo. 15 IV. I'llOINT HT11UBT, I'lULAbKl.l'IIIA. We are , repsred io fill onlurs to any extont r our woll kuotto WACIIINERT YOU COTTON ANT) WOOl.r.N MILLS. Incli diiiK "li recont luiprovemcuts la CardhiK, riplniilnf , end Weevil, k V e .nvlle tl:0 ailelllioil OI iuauuieniicia w vu "jil" ALKKKD JKNICS A RON. 1)1NN STKAM UN' INK ANI) llOU.KR Woils M AS 11.4 I I V V. I'ractlail und Theoretical s, is, II in l.inisls, r...l.r-iakei, llU.kmi.ilhs and lellltdtTa, hat in lor Many rs l.en III silreiL.tuI olicta li..n anil hem i s li.MVfl) . ..kui ' J In bulhluu uiel ru,uir lim Hailni. and illier n, l.iu i ami low uia.siirf.lron lli.ik-ia. Water iauk.. I'loiallaia, . Ac., res.eeliully ell. r H i ir settle. - lo ll.r luikl e a. Ulns Mliv lir. lliie.l coiurucl lor tom es .1 nil .in s, Mannc, Itlver, and riei llointi) : l.avUiS' sels.'l pailenia ol iliileriNl .li.s, arc i ro- ;ii, ,1 lo I io l.le Older, will, iUli k lie-patch. S.iery ilo , TDlleli ol imllerii-uiskiua ui.i.le at lln- shoriec: a .lire. I .. ............. Sl,. T, 0.. iiar. an.ll Mm ler Uxllois, ... . l..i I ..,.,,.Usni clialiinil ir .ll,lor,:lii,i,ol nil iis and an ils; "on and lr. t'u.iniiis ol ail ilccrip tloo; lioil-luriiins. sni- ci.Uli.s,u4 alloUicr wulkuuu ll.eled Willi II . al'i'Ve hu.lne.s. l,iali,es ai d ! I"' uiion. for nH work done at rill isl iocnl free ol eliars-e, nj ork cuaranl, e.l. i.. .. i,a-r His'l. ns'iu for re- liere llieycail lie n, y -- provided vvl.h .l.enrt, bl iclui, lull., Ac, AS., lot lAt.uiH JACOB C. VKVFIK, JOHN C. LEV V, liF.ACH and PAI.MI Il Hlrtelt. la? tf vrivV ('(i.Ml'A.Mtd iOUMlsNQ CAM iiH Jl sui'plltsl wpb And es erv variety of Account Loose and butiouery, oa na.olJal,:al-JJ' WII.MAM MANIM, Btailoner, feUitor, ad ZV'A, tM-tl J'luUuvsiiUlA. MERWm A C).'1 COLUMN SOU THE tllKltOKS-.e MKOlRlNltH. COMrOfMIIEn rnOM K0srrR,BAAK8,Asr0 LEATTS. citrBotr.r. mrvr.tiT, Wis irat lnai Dttiwss, earss an disss of ilia VM MM n . l-i-n nvUB.. .nrh 1 Tw M 1 H Vt vm mt VH Mtf nmlliiinm of Ihr I'rtna. In- M VI AIM M ean.iii.llon of Uia Itlaa.lsr, t v( S at M M v lntln.n.Oerof liKl4ii..i, MM M UK 1 in !h llisa.l.r, airlf- MM M M M MM tnr. Ilrasal, tllt. tlonrr- MS MMVISf MM rh..a and la rarrrlati rs. MM V X M MM umilifl (Ii il in thn.e el MM VMMM MM u..r A Un. OT Wt.l... In UH UtiUU St f.male. whfra all tba o'd naii.enui oit'ilt invt ha a failed. It la prepared In a hi hlv tvnentrat d fo.m, trt i i.s only hplna Ir-m ona tn twit u rtMiKKiuluis Uirna Utat'S per llav. It la dlarxtr and altrratlvs fn Ita a ti'ai purl rina and r.leau.lnii Ik" ll.o I, esasniK H to a.isr la all ol Iu orlglusj par ty and vitar; Uaia r movtnir from th atateinall prrnloioiia cause! witlOJi Sava rrt-rv I 1 1 1 1 v t' i c rr C" tv cc tt' : tcccc CHE ROKF. V. lNJF.r lluN Is lnt luted a. an ally w a.lletuM ti Ihs t'HKUO K l. US MM lY. and alu.ulrl lie ti s.-fl in renjiine' tin wilrt thai nittllrlne la allca.aauf tiaraurlMsn, tilt-al, Knar Allaia ar Wlil'as. Its alleeta are healing, a-etliniir. and tlamtilrri't ; reniovliig aQ rHiil'iia hta. cla.rdta, and pain. Ins'sait of tlio luirnintf anil alinasl um tidurat a isln U at Is ei.-rlinci d wiih nt arly all tue aiiaai quavk, KS.KKhk.l.U KK. n: IKKSf rs.s ;e r.K t.r.v.r.r.rrr.r. JliJtll01it. irn rti mi mm nit mi mi mi iiiiMiiniiitiniii llllllllllllllllllll nn mi mi mi mi mi li u nn K VM KtMK.hV ad CIIC HOKKK INJKCrioS -tl twa u.wlh'liiM at the nam tun all Imnn-pfi di--HiftrjfM are rt-Mioved, ft'id ihe wcAhfiH-d o n a e i.fl ii y ie toiad io full vigor ana Itrtiif'h, fttr iul par'NniUm oar niphls tt m anv dnitf In tnit nntr , t wrlt u and we w 'I m f e to ajtj ftaJdictii a lul uvau. rHrr.rHFnriKt'I'TIl.VR. 1'Y. 'i la-r bottle, or lliivo Loaltt lor Prl.. 1'IIK'IOKFE IV JM"I HIS. ft r Uuillu, or Uirt'i Ouuka lor S's Pent ly rrptft to any ad dress on rel! of rlri. H..1.1 tiyaUdrusalttacvtry whara. IIIHMPM M'OOOUl'OO lUi JiT mi in M OI 1'1 I'll m ru Ml I-It )0TiT)UMM Mi 'UMjMJ rilKKOKKK i'l'RFI An in (altlinr erne lor tper anatorrhea. rUmlnat Wrak beMft, Noc'nrual Kmiition, and all oUcaanii caitd t-y Hrlf pollution ; murU an l& of Mt-mur?, Onlva'aftl Ltil ludv, HsHn-1nlv.eHi.rta, iin nrnd of VIrIoii, I'miialtirn OM Atte WeaK Nrrvi'i Uif floaltT of fireathlnK. Trmb ling, WdhffiilD), Knifttlont on the face I'ale t'oun'a nancn, InRanlty. Oonmnnp tln and all the dlrnt'uJ emn plaintti eauird hj dfparUitg rrr.rrrrr.r.r, EI.KEtl.KKl t KK. KE n r.r.K KES.I.E KK .K KKKF.KFKt'B KttKl.l.l.hf.l. uroiu me pain w nainre. Thhi meOiclne It ft wlmpln Ttst'ilile exirant, mod one on which a l cn rel , It ha .Hen wnfd Inonri'mn tire lor nmnr ymn. and whh tlioumint irntftt. ft Iihh iHt raittil In ft ilntfle Irwtanr. In rurntlvr powers have l)in utl!frfit to rain yIc try over U.e tuoat aiuitorti cane. M To thoi4wtio riav trifled with their rokr.tituttn, un til tin J think thaniftelvt l)1 ond the n-ach uf medical nii'l, we would aav. 1K HI'AIK ') I li)5 ( ;iii-:ko KKK ('IKE whl rrmor ou to health and viror. and after ttli quach doctt'tt have aJed bkrhrrrrr jVKHItUitUKH KKH KR It HUH KKtt KKK KKH KIlsKBKllKHU KKK KKR Khlt Ii K 11 KHB HUH KKH KhK T)R. WRKilTT'A AUITKKATLKp UXlllt T.PfiENCK OP MFF1 rrparcd trom Fura Vftre- Ubw bktraoti, couUiniof noiliinir Iniurioiu to the ltioai delicate. The Kf juvftnatlnff Kllikr I the result of oiodern dla- For fiill parHcijlfirtj, pKt ft Circular from mnj Drug Htor in the cot in try, rr write the Proarieior. who will ma') free, to any one d. Irlng the name, a full trea Uae In pam unlet form. 1'r i.tri, $i pvr boitlft, or thjc bolt ei for $'. and for warded by Kxira to all part of the world. Hold by all r' pec table dxugHifttft everwUre. OWOO fX.VtXX'1' v rt! tx; CO roverHtfe In tlie Teyvta'.fe kingdom; being an entirely Dtw and ftbtiract uett od of enre. IrreHiicctlve ot all tlM old and wuru-out j itciui. it! tiyrviro uuuvu This m.dlclns has ban teatwl hytha most .ralrssnt ancdlral men of tha day, and liy Uicm prunounond to Ite on. of Ilia Rr.ata.t medical 41.oov.rl.. uf uia aio. Unc riotue vfUlcuruOencral Sabillty. A taw boitlaa cars Hys terica In fciuaks. One bom. cures Palpita tion of the Ilnart- A few cVi.aa rsstors tha orrana of sencrdtluu. Krom one to three bottles restore tha manliue.s aod oooo OOOiiOO fxxj 6oo itH OOO OtKJ OOO tJH OOO OOO OOO OOO OOO ooo OUO oooooo ouoo lull viaur or youua. A trw doies rrstore lha amftito. Tlirc. bottl.a cure lha Vitir.t raseof luiiKitfiirt-. A iVr: do ture Ui low plrllrd. Un. bottlt ivatnraa menial powt-r. A Irw dosea bng the ivm to trie This mt-iltrine rfstora tn munly vi,or ar.d rohuat caltrl lha pisir. di lilliuiiul, vtorn-down, and daspairioK davoiae of icnaual yieaaura. IIII llll IIII llll llll IIII IIII IIII llll IIII llll Tha Millets, enerratsd youth, tha over-tasked man of buslne.., trie victim a? Denruil. tk-ires.ion , the In divid oal .utivrlnu irom gena ral d.blllty, or Trum weak neet .f a aln.le orirsu,wlll all and imsaedlaie and onr- KK KK KK KK KK Kit KK KK KK KB maneni relief by tha sa of una jaixlr or JCtiauce of KK KK KK KR KK KK KK km Life. rrlce. It per bottle, tare. boUlt t for $1, aud for. KK KK KK KM- v.srdcq hy expiets, on re- oeipt of Bion.y, to any ad tfrtia . Hold by all drosgitti every, wlwn. CIIEItOKK.e PM.r.RI SiUIIAK liOATKIl rFMAI.K lls.HI l.ATCIB, 1IKAI.TII Vl K.sKHVKII. I t.KTAIN AMI AIK For the Mtrtnotal ot llb struclionh, ami Use Innur anee or Krtulurliy iu tne lieciiinno. ol tlia Mnuilily I'eniKla. '11 ey enre orohvlnte thota nuuiirtus dlscasos t'.at spr.iiK from Irn auiartly, hy removing tha Irrcguwiij It self. Krvw NS N Jlsf SV Nl as KM NN riN US NN NaT ff Jl NN H US They ur Suppres.ea, Ks. esslve, and Painful il.u etroatlon 1 i,ey cure Green Sickness (Chk.roais). They enre Nervona and Pp'nai Affection, ptlns In Uiobockdiid liwer pint or Ui.IsmIv, lle.vlu ..' 'K'ta oil ali.-ni exorlloll. P.ill talloa ef the Heart, l-o-nos. of HpOP., Il.t'erla, aiick lleaactto, llnl.liuest, re... Ac. Ill a suit, by re movii if'het rciruldrllv,iliey remove (hi otu.u aud who Itallt'.e ailccta that tprliMj trout it. rri i'i' r. LI EbEl.l.l.r.E Er. FI-.EF.K EII.1.E I K 1 E I EKKEEIH1'. LI.Ltl.l.l EI.I. (Vmptieeilnf sluipl.' vea lal le tin c ll'ain lool liu illueu ri.ills lo HIT eoiisi.t .lion, lii.wever ilcll eaic. II eir Ii, i in. ii hil1' to sol, .Hi. le tt,i -in fir wtk-lie-.s, : I,, win " I'" V usid, ll i v never a I io ,ln. 'I I,. V ll.a III .Ale,) nsi dat anv a.e. , i,d a nn. pvn.,,1, I Nt'KI'T I I IUMI 'I OB 1-IKs.T ' 11 KKK MIK' I'll h.oi.tu wlinli il.e iii r'liiiiit EKEK.ilKEKEB i EEr.tEEl.Ek. k.c; IV. EKKPB EEEEIC EE I'.K ES.;:FEI'.l'KI'r5 EEEEbKEi-kj lialiiieortl.oir ac'l'ill w mid h.lnlll'jly Pill.M.M prcg liaiir) . All leltere seeklllir Ir.for El EEKI KEFF. 1 r I.E1.E1.1.LB El. I K 1 KEEP. 1 S I.EB IE 1 EFFFrPFFR Eltt.El.l.EEi; noitlon or a.ivlee win ha i.mininl ,lieely,anddiacroot ly auaisered. I nil ilireclluna acoompany eadi box. Price $1 per box, or tlx Doses lot f. Henl l,y until, free of potts'-, on r'eeeipl ol prlee a ,, by ull ris,iectabla JJtiiKiata. The CUI'.ltliKFF. Ml'Df CINEH lire, old hi allei.ttr- l rlsi. r rllt,'il iu me llct wmld. Borne iiniriu t .pled dealers, liowev. r, Iry to sell ttoitl.lesa cotl.pnlinct 111 place of 111. te Hi so vl l.-li lliet can net al la t l,. uppiice.ail niaae umie mi by selimc II nn liny inn in, lie I IIMiOhl.K xi l , in K S M. Asviuva uo S-lHfl S .s.-i irt-l PS HI HS.4 H-l ti-sl Hi SSI 8M bS IS-t HIS M.4 ass BSstsHH bS9 5,,, r fccu Hi ate, ihe hea.t'i 01 m ur ollVprlnji do n a ha a. i.,,t I,v nu ll nl.! nil- 11 ltd dn in . A-k lor Ihe Ilihl.i'KSF. .Mllil Cl s Esi. ai il lakn no o'her. i'i m .. 1,1 "v l-ls vv ,11 mil 1,11V tl 'in (, e you. taint to nt, . ... . ., .. ti ii.iil.vl'vnuil Patllssii'Mre-s- a'1.1 Vl c is i'i aesii ' ' "' , , , 1 lllH lis cl on'il rime 11,' ins, n-c uu ,ai Ii nlors in retiiid to th, it ca-rs. l Vie tieal au v'' :'V' l".. sr. can n.l.lre.s na In perlecl eonfl- j, ' . .. .. .,i .1, su en.. . iiui.Mv and an.wor " I tM.S ai V aisouiee uee,i no-,.e....iic hec .n.n Cftl ell utabllity "1 vftil '.a We have tr-a ed t all 11 un poni.'ii. oi u.e. ,....... " 1 1 ,.. ,. u.l,l,,M III v.1'1 I'les.u Wlilu I .at flillce. Cn.iilv. Miete. an' name of virtler, plain, and inclciso '"w. ".. ii",.V.'v..!d'r? anr W-p... pamphlet f.'ct. AWOTMVtw,N0tV,.. Avert, ft rennaylvanla.DYO'1-T A C., No. WJ NorlU kt'cih .uvsi.l'uiiadai. . "" Tn. w. ft. T. MoUUIUAN,, , topnrlar and WboWsat Tsar ta FANCY OOODR, NOTION R,Ao. rai;woM3, rLAoa, &o, MntolKs and llltvoklna, o. B STBAW11EIIBT axBEKT, (Pint atrt abovt ax-ond. Wtw Markat and Ckoaaut) ny7n rillLAIiRLKHIA. G 010)8 IMrROVKT) RTF.AM AND WATER- In tTamlng and VrniilaiinK Public BuUdltHis aad trt vaia BaaldtuKOa, Vannfa'nrsd hy tha VMO.N HTEA.M Ar WATKR HEATINO COMPABT Or H11LUI.I.I Ills. jams:s p. waon, In 41 M rtillRril Kirttl. ihia-lm B. M. FKLTWKLL. Kuiierialeadtot. W V. K L T II, BEAt'TT. TJ E ALTII, AND If to tain admiring eyeft If 'o rauae Invtd1ui flight; If fo N a hlwtnlng flower. Fading, dying In an hnor Br.rTT I If to hare ft bout of friendi j If for vice to make amende; H with high born blood to we: If ft mart 'la atone wu-m dead WaALTB . If to IrvethrernonTe and t-n. vVb) -ag life aa long agaiai If to Uv a life of e; If to die and go to are. Hbai th t If ton wlb a Hfr of pleaanreft ( If yon value thli world a Uertinret; If every eumh.ri you would tee, Takt my advjoa, and wish ail thrtH. IT, en having flaaiih, WeaHh and Bcftnty, You'U be prepared iir every duty. Py a carrel nenmal of In. WILLIAM YOUNO'fl Kew Book, IriK MAKKIAOF. Ol'IOK, which ahould he read byvervtne Hold by llem generaVv, and at the lctor'a oflice, ho. un blKUClc BlRJukl trie A Ie;l-ln oesu. SECIIBT DIKKARF.S! SECRET CISEASliiil SAMll!TN'S I.IS-Tl 8AMAKITAS a) IITI Tbk Miht Oi.tsis Kiasirr Evta lao. Tc , a p'..itlvs cur. fu l.OMilll IIU.S. I.I KIT. KIRtrriniK.H, h: I'oniain. rs alinrrnl.nn Ii.Iksiii. i,.i M-n u:y. tinly lh i lii- ti rw i.Vi-n i. .-n... t a nisi. Curs Hi Iruin iwfi t' M.ii'r tlrtis.a'.il ri'-f-.l rassi In twtiit.v-l.iiir li'-ura." Tri'i-arrtl ly a urnrlnntti "i tnc I'llvsialn ( rr-iiii.vtvania. )'lis ui III. ini.t cuilinnl si'tl t'l iiii.ts nt ih. irrs-nt nav. n am srss. s Tumsir. su ciiastb wiitTavvR. llio.- n hi. I av, dcpaTi'tl ol ar-'t' Iik cnr-il. nr wlm havebrtn I'ursLS with balrain Cotiaivar Mervury, at trnce try Ilia BAMAHITAN'a IlIfT. . B'-nl hy mall In a vain nvi-lt.. I'nct', main akasfs, I'i. K.oiaJc, tX BLOOD I BLOOD 1 1 IlLOODlll blooii::ii WCltOrTTA, riAKllS, KtlHf'JI. SPOTH, TKTrEKS, Mt'Al.t'.H. ltoll.K, StV l-ll II.IK OK VENB KKAI. lilMKANS.a. Ac, Ac BAMAItlTAN H ROOT ANII lll-KIl Jl'l' FU Ta ollereil ihe rnhll: as a positive enre. RTPTItl.Irl OK VRNF.HF.AL I)1SKAS:8, tlie BAMA Rll AN St KOHI ANI) IIKHII JUII' llicmnat p dent, cerlaln. ar d eflecuaJ rtlneily ever preserllied. rt rea:hea and ermdlcsles every panicle of the venereal poison so that the cure Is tliornnsh and pennanMit. Take ttien of thin purity InK reniocy and lie heeled, aud donor, trtnsmlt tour poiter.ty that Tor which you may repent la after yaart. DO WOT DK1PAIRI Atthcnfll yon may be pronnunesd Incurable, the BAMA ItlTAN H HOOT ANII IIF.IIII JI'ltlK8 will remove every vesllse ol ituDurlllei trom the irtem,ai well at all the bid afreets at fAuicury, rF.MAiE-ii rrMAi.mii In many airecrlone with which nnmiura til S'emalca turer. tha m OT ANK I1KK1I JUK.'K mint happily adapted. In ricera.ed I'teru., in lucorrhiea, In bei-lna down. Sa.inKof Hie Womb, Debility, aud lor all oo.aplluu In. 'dent In Ihe sex. Bcut by express. Price tl a bottle, or S bottlea for $3. HAMA.UIAN'H WASH If, tn cases i f Syphilis, used In conjunction with tha Boot and Hero Juice.. S uit dlrecllona. Price 'Hi cents. 1 he efficacy of those rtmedlee I. alike acknowledged by and UAtlei.U. hey sr. u.ed In the U. si. U. pltal.. tliu. rciorloa to health many of our brave, .old era. I rum rnc nan ni'ire nun : WHAT TDK SH'KOF.ONH RAT Or THE aAJMAhlTAN KKHEIMK.S: Post ll.iaelTAl , Fort IfARsitAix, 1 BsllMnore, Md., S 'b iW, IH II. ( I , T .-- -..l--.. .. ... tha, I t.v.M.l FA. Bamanlan Htnuitrt' lor Venereal Ilttease In Ita Bioat eustomerr form. ; that I nave used mem witn jonit, dlsctcl nn, and properly, and have found lliein respond to ny anticipations promptly and eflectna'ly. Kaowlnp thilr eoniposiilon. 1 have tba full.-.t conrl.lence tn erVcacs. and a. fur aa my nae uf Uauaataads, I recommend them strongly. -itrnriii u. iiowlks, "Aetltltnt Raiveon Sth New York Volt." 1M It be nn.ler.tood tbat these remsdiea .tre aa recom- mended. and will poiltivc'y car tits diseases fur whldt taey are ouerta. DtMU Dy D. s.. (r n.s.n, 3Jo. M. FUlllTII HtreeL UESMONO CO., )e4-m Ko. U16 HACK Straet RAILROAD LINES. 1SG4. CAMDEN AND ATLAN TIC RAILROAD. flrMVJER AllllANUEMENT. 1864. TllltOltill IN TIVO IIOCHHII! Four tral, a dally tu Atlantic CUV. On and after MONDAY. July 4. Iraiut leave Vluettrect Ferry ut follow. : .an, 7'Hn a, at. Frclitht.wlth paasenirer ear attached. 0 16 A. M. Kxpref.ihrouirh In? houral 'JTO P. M. Atlantic Accommodation. 4 lb P. M Junction Accumm wl.ti-.n, blkl P.M. KETL'RMNtl LEAVES ATLANTIC, Acenmmw a hm ( Atlantic; i A. M. Expieaa, 7 IHA. M. I I 'll A. M, lal',4'4S P. l. JunnUa Accmmodatlon.d'Jl A.M. , , s ....... ..i i.. s.i.i.i l,n,..l T.i. n.lan renrvdonlT for the day and train un wlilcn ihav are leaucil) 51 W. .. v . .. . . l.l.,lk,L.,k- IV SflllVI Leave Vine an est tela A. M. and 1 DO P. M. Leav. Iladdondi hi 146 P. M. and'1 46 F. M. ON HL'MllYS. Mall fain r Allai.lle leavea Vln. atreet 1 30 A.M. Lea vet Atlantic 411 P. M. WDP.k JOHN O. BRYANT, Agent. The bar which was made last year has entirely dlsup. peered, leaving Uia bcac'ioua of lha moat deligutfal oa the cuatt. - WKST JEllSET RAII.R0 AD "tsf ' LIN EH. C.,mmencsa MUNDAYIau YS a i r , i Dtreei rv nan. FOIt t Al E MAY. At and lu A. M. and at 4 80 P. M. For BaVm and itridiieton, un U. and 4 P. M. For (ilaliro,at6,U, and IU A. M.. aasl 4 and 130 P.M. Fur Woodbury, ukiuceaiar, Ac, at 6 aadil A M..UM., and 4 aud I'.M. KEIl'KNINO TRAINS LEAVE . Cap. May a- 6 and 11 16 A. M , and 6 lu P. M. at'jvil t a'. 7 1" A. M.,nnd I'M aud S HIP M. rTrtn at 6 A M andi lyP tf. llrldseion alS-16 A. M., I') P M. fllaishoruBt710and-. A.M ,'i W, -0O and 7 tP. M. WKilhi,ry at 7,740 aiidb 64 A. M., audi W,l, 6 06 and 12P.M. irt ttr treae trtwv nrHKHI COMPAVT. Oftivs No 6 W'AI.NI T Ktreel, 'III call lor and deliver KsB.ape, and attend to a'l the a nal branchiaof Express buslt est. Ihary ArlKla taken by A. St. unea oniy ... ua ,,, ,.. the oitlee tl,a eveulns previous. Perishable arikiet kv Dili Hue must he n ut belb.-6a A.M. A ipiciil messenser aecoinim let eacn train, myai j.VAN HESdiKLiEtt.Muiwrlauindont. I ' iwuoT"g-TJ NORTH PENNSYLVANIA aW? k5eW- R A 1 1. RO A D lor BBr iLEHEM ilii? "pIuwn; EAHTwis. MaI CH chunk, uazle TOH. WlLKE-B.tHKF. Wl I Ll A Ni'OK I'. MCMWI H AMII.lNliEMENT. AlilirritisJAl. 1'H MNrt. On andaf er M"MIAY June In. Issil. Passenser Tra'nt win leave the n, w HrK t, I II I UK Htnwt, shove rhouip a n sireel, I hlladel l:ui, dally (Huudaya excepted;, as 7 A. .M. ( Evpress; ror iveiinenein, auinw... Ct enk. w in rsi aire vt iiminispon. b'l.l A kt. iacoii nioUMi,o., "ir ..i.rir.r.-.. 10M6A Al ia"" nim.Hi.ulon) 'or Fmt we.nlnKion. :( P 111 ( AcomuHHiaiioii; lor li,,vlesl"wn -4f P. M ll.sp es.) for -etnl.em, jriJ.ton, Ac. u s, i si .. Ill f..r l,ov le.l.iWii .-. J6 p M ( A.-. ..uiuiouaih ii) f r Beihh hetn, Allentuwn a d I 1,1'i.k . 8-I6P. M.l.ti'.oi ni' dallor.) f,r I tnsdale. 11 P. M. (Acrii ni"da Ion) M' lort w nWnuton. IKAIh-l Stilt 1'llll.AOELl'IIIA I eave Iteth .1 1 in al s :t A M., - ) A. M..a ,de 0, P. M l.oth.'.t atS-:A. M.,3 46 f. M , aud 7 P.M. l.aio da'e i t 'I A kl. 1 ort Wash iikloa si il M. and J P. M. OX lsl'MiAH. Philadelphia kir 11, Ih'etein al !l . M. l'lieaoeliil. n for Hov le-lnwli al ii I'. M. l olleoown li r Plr'nlrlplna al 7 l A. M. a..:. . ... i. . i. 1, Lis ht 4 M ii.i....,.-. ii ,,e ksos'ia will c ill for and deliver i, liner al the' depot Order, imty be loll at No 113 8. , M.I.D air. et. f ( M cLAJtKnt. SHIPPING. Jirr4 STEAM WKEKI.. TO UVEIl ar Tli l' mi. ai i ,n....i,stovii wk lUrbur f. . . J.n:i'...,- .' u,..i,i,.r. of Il.e L v..'tio,i!.New Vors. und I'lnlndiiploa rileuuulnp Comi aiiy ato Inuudtdto tauaa fcillows' - (1IY OK I.ONIiov. Saiurd.iy.Ju y nth, CI'l Y I'F 11A1.TIMOI1E. sullinlay, Juno lClll. Aiiiienr. sui'ietui' neoii.liora Pier No. 44 J,t" "'VlT' KATM OF r8BA.lR. Pnvohtc In (lold.or lis eoiilealeiil In I iiinncy: Klrrll'nnlli fsn'OO Hleer,ve......... Ulstt nb.ll lo London K.'itl hleeiiii'C lo Loudon ... .11' llrsl Cahiu tn Purls ... HV Hieemviel 1 Pu'U I'l 1 i'i.i. ni.. ll...l,i,r nil'I'll Siteeriiue lo llu'llliliru .. -17 l'a. eiders me also lore aided 10 ll.ivro, llrctucll, Holtui' dain. Antmerp. A' cinallv low ra'ea. ... 1 ,,,rt In rn t ri."l or v n eiinh.wii First Cibln. l. 5 . ju6 m. enie ir,m l.ivei pool and giieenslown, f Hi. I hi'so v.t o wish to .end for Iheir Menus can buy uukcta luriuiiberuiiomtaiionapriT m io. . j .loll.N 11. llAl.l., A-ei', Vo 111 WAL.M i rltreel, Phlladi'lidila. TPf T.OSTOX AMI riin.ADELVHI.V Jiu-aySteain -l.lp Line, .alllnc Imlu aeU port 00 r I i I.I. 1 a, Iroiu llrst Winiil above 1'lNS'. hlreel, 1 liilmli iphia. Bi d l.oi,K Whan, llotti 11. Emm llr.t wuull tlsire PINE Kllrrl on sa nrilav, July , 1S04. Hit si. iiuislnp NOIt MAN, linker. Ill tail 'Mm Pli ladel. I hla Iir llo.mii. on h.turt'av, July Hill, at IU A. M , ,.! the Mi nun hip HAVJN. Ma'inewa, Horn llo.luu lur pl,lutel.ila.,,B same duv. al 4 P. M. 'It,,.,, m and kiitMiannal firm a regular line, sa lln 11 (rnln eai Ii p n piim tii'illy ,-n K iliirdnj s. I usiii biic. . elici ted at one hail the pieiuluia on sail vessels. Eiiiii.lakmatfalrra'ea. hliinnr. ure lesin stud to tenJ Blip Receipts snd Bills Lailii.y nh iheir 1 ' tls. lor i""lstilor l'aaase (liavlmr line aerommndailojis) aonlv to IIEMIY WINsilli X t 1) , jal If No. M It. DEI.AW AllE Avouns. a-fT-s. . j-'OR NEW YOUK. DESPATCH and bevlllsuru Line., via Dclasrare and 1 ,,.,!. 'I In. si, -arm rt of Ihe-e III ft arn leacllis- al ,l,i e k M . and 6 o'clock P. M., from third pitir fclioie VV'iiliiu' l-or fieii i.t. v-lneh will he taken on acoomra-nvitlnif Mi, a ply to WILLI AJU M. UAJilD C0, tut. Ui . UiXAU.U.E dvtvuuil. RAILROAD I.INE3. s-r-. r,,,,,rn -i AKRANIIKMRNTH Tl L-s. "trsnr MKW VONK USS'.M. 1S(I1. 1 k. t .inSen ai, Amlioy and PklHulelpliia am i remon Hallr'.ad Oini.panMts' iuuee frvmrblMMleVhsaUi Jfew Vot k and Way P'ae. a. rKliM WALHI'T THF.ET WIIARr. VIII leave aa loilnsi.. vu.: FAaa. At S A. VI., vl. Camden and Ambny.C. and A. Ac- ecmaaedauon ti'tt At S A . M , via Camdeu and Jerecy City, MornUis Fapresa 3'00 At n A. al.. v.. Cruder, and Jer.ey .sty,3d l laaa t Ticket , At I'i al . via l anidan and Amtoe, C. and A. Aooom- ni'slatlnn MS At 8 P. At , via Camden and Amboj.C and A. F.s- pre.s t3S At I I'. M., via t'amden and Amhoy, Accommodation ( an. I P.saet rer) I TS Alfil' anid.-n ami AmO'.T, Ac ciTtrucsl.tlon (Freilil and fassenser), Uai 1 kket t ill 2dll...Oo IW At 7 I'- M.. via Camden and Amls.v A. o I on I Frewht and Passaner), lt t"U l sckal ti Jd" lasa do P al For Maurli rhnnk. Allentnwn, Ttetlilshsm. Ileleldera. Fa. Ion. I.amh. rlvhle. Memlneion, e.,at S ill) P. M. lor 1 1. omul, a, L.nilienv llle, and Intrrmediaia ela tion., r) P M. .... I or Mount Holly, Evanasille, and Pemberton.atS A.M., land li P. M. rer Krreht ldat A. M. and P. M For Palmyra, Kivermu, Heun.o, Heeerle. nilrtlnrton, Flmencei, llordei town, Ao.altA. M., IJ a-.SI. ft andAP M. The J ail .ml i P. M. ansa run direct Uirough to Trenton. For palmyra, Rlverlon, Delnnco, Beverly aad HurUnf ton al 7 P. M. sneamtmat Trenton, for Brl.tol, rturlinirlon, n.v.irly, Tonesdale ted 1 a. oni . at o- :n a. M. and 'i 8'l p. M. l.lta MIOM kENNlNUro DEPOT WiUleavea. f. U vrti Al A U , (nlt-hil via Ifailsth.ton and Kaw Vark, W ash'tutnu and (,', Uail, jyi Ml At U'lS A. Al., via KeuallitftoD and Jersey city kX- pre.. S00 At 4 3o P. i, v,a Kentlost ii and eVrteyt'liy y- pr.s 3 00 At ti 4f, P. M. via Kei,i,nyt"n and Jertoy City, Wa.rilinrt.'n .no New rk Kspti.t 3'0r) Hninlav hue. rivjal 1 A. '. Ami l P. M for water r.(p, acra t. n, wiikcsharra. Moiuro.J.r,,! n,.nn, Miniih Chunk, Allenlown. H tnsa if ai jv jrr, . sa.ion. Lsmliertville, Meinlniriou. Ac., at ,'1'iA.M Tlila line loiimcia sl:i the train leavluf F.asion f, r tlaud, I'hunk at s .in P. M lor ri.nti'vt-u, Laiulwrivllle, and Interme.llsta tta tkins, st A P. If. . . rorMiLioLTrtnion, Ac. at J li and 11 li A.M., and a P. M lor MMm- shri'f . Tacnnv. Wh-ln'mlne. Tlrldeshiirir. ani, f rni korn. at U A M., and 8 P al. IbuSA.M. l.. . ri tie In Hitmiil. I ' I t New Nork. and l'sy Mi. as IravlnR Ken.lnsron l, oi,tak. Hie car. on I'mii st'. t-t, aimve t alnnt, oa f .1 l-onr hfl. re d.paruire The Car. mil leto Hie lienor, ai d i n arnv a' ol escn I rnln. run trmn the In p-M. F ll poon. . oi li.i e eiiiv a low ed earl, p4P""ner PN,.ei,f. rs aie pr.,l,ll. i d from toknirf aliyihlnK aa lour rr.,i' but ihslr we.irlna appaiel. A. I has', ovor rlny poenna in he psl for extr. The t'onipiny Uino the r reipmisihiilly tor hseeai-e io On In, liar per pourd.and win m t lie liable lor any amount beyui.d ailki. eauept by pp.clal emitted. tiraham's Itaoaee Fipre'a will call for and d' liver ha Sara ni the Depots. Onlrrs to be lort at Nn. J wimi iue.L WM. U., Aeut. JuncO. lati4. LIM.B IKOal F.W YOKK FOIt mil. ADELIIII A WILL LEAVE From tsot of CounUnd a'rort at II M. and 4 P. M., via Jei.e. City aad Camden: at 7 and III v M., P. At., and IV ( s'ahl ) via .Irraev I ity and kcn-ll,toil. From foot of Itarclay street, at f A. M. and P. M .vla Amhoy and Caiuden. 'rom lier No. I. North Hirer, at 12 V.,4 and P.M. (Erelitht and Paasi nsert) via Auilioy and Oamden. rTlvrmj FRKIOHT LINES V'OrTne7 rtrsir Vork and all the sta loot on thaOamdau and Auboy aud eoiitievtiiiK Kailroails INCKKASKD DKSPATCII. The Camden and Ambov Hhi !r md and Transportation Com par yV Freiuht Lines ft - N-w To It will leave Walnut air ai wharf, on and an. r January 8, dally (Sunday. s ceptcii), at 4 o'clock P. At. heiurnliis, the above l ine, will laavs Mew Turk at 1 ami 4 P. M. Freleht must he delivered before 9l P. M. to tx for wanied ihe a. ma day. rrtlelitfor Irenton. Princeton, Klnatton, New Brnna wick, and all rointt tn the ?aiudcn and Ainhoy Ititirroadi al.o on tl c ttclsklere. lie awar.i, and e'lcmtiixum. the New Jers y.Uie Krte, awl and Jisu e-bnrs, and trie ltarlimiton and Mount lloll) Ka Iroada, received and forwarded up ro U'jocleck P.M. rinia't l,ackase, lor Mount Holly ra ceiv d opto? o clock P. M. The llelvldere Delaware Railroad eonnecta at rhllllpe- bnrr wltb lha I.elosh VaUey Ksllmad. The Hew Jersey Hal road connecU at Kli.alietli with tha New Jeraey emral Kallioad. and at Newark wltb tne storm a,,o Kstex hallrnsd. A aim in niorandum. trveeliylns the marka and nam. beta, ah ppet. und eon.lsnve., muslin everv Inatanoe oa ent with each load of poode, or no receipt will he alven. meri airo racilti ea naviri Deen made r riLeirenepor tailon oi LIVE STOCK drovers are Invited to try Una Tome. When (fork It furnished In a,nantlllet of TWO CAR IXIAIig er more, It will be delivered al the fmt of Kortietb street, near 0-e D'ove Yards, or at Pier 7o. 1. North Klver, as tba tb'ppeis may d'.lenafe at tne llmeot uia tbltmeat. WaLTEK UtEr.MAN. Frabtht A lent. H'l. S'" 9 jtt iawsre avenue, rniieueipuiaw O.EO. B. IIAYMOND. Frelxht Aeent, Jai-tf Pier No. I .North River, New York. sspn FHlTiADELPHIA, WIL JiVMINi.TON aan 11ALI1M0RC RAIL- li4 w ISO AD. cnANtiB or nouBU. Oa and after Hi NDAV. June 19.1804. raseenirer iraiut leave rmiaaeipnia lor elphla for Ualtluiora at 4 Ml (Exnreaa,MoadayaazoetMd),R'lt A, Ilk.. I SO and lu-ao P. M Chester at l, 11 1 A. M., I'M, I SO, 4 ,'00 and 11 OS . at. Wllmlrurton at 4 00 fMond.ya except), S 06, 11-11 . St.. l'Stl.s-tfu.e-w.e tro lti".ni ana it-uu r. M. Mew Castle at S'l A. M. and 4'SO P. At. thiver at H fft A. M and 410 P. M. Mlllnrd atH'Ot A. M. BaUikuryar sua A. M. TBAINH POR Prm.ATfct PTtfA. Leaver Pal l.nore at 8 46. (SO A. M., (Expretl), I'll 'it, and M)TI6 P. M. . Wllndnston at 1 4H. S'46. 1 A. M.. U14, 1, i u, am, t-as y-90 andS-tO P. M. ttaUarsiry at I laj P. M. Mlltord at 'H6 P. M. Dover at (Xl A. M , and 4 116 P. M ic.w ,'...u a, a. al. and S-bA P. M. C'kettera4;t6,'40A.M.,l W,lWl4 4ll, IO0, 114, -4 .at. Leave Bartlaora for SaJlabanr and lntermadiau autlont al liras P. M. . . . avr Hal tun ore ror Dover ana unsnneaiai awioeia a l lll P.M. train a rtm halti miirk. IssMPSMtrr at M'tn A M . S and 1106 P. M. Leave WUulruiioa al 30. (-36 .A. M., I-SS and ll'M . M, FraVht Trains. wKa Paatenawr Car attached, will ma as auuiwa : Lave vs umtrurtoa ror rerrrvuie ana micrniaaiaia pu-a--ee at lis r. at. nt mi'm da v a : tmiy at igo a. as., iv ev r. jb xrooa ranw A. . 1. 1. tn ttsltbnnra. Prom Philadelphia to WllrnSruyum at 4 SO A. M.. K(0 and 11 no p. M Prom Wlrmlnrlon to rnuaaeinnia at I w a. w. ana I iw r m Only at lu w x. St .. mom riailimore m rnuaucioma. jad M. r. &ENMT.X. Bupenoiaaoank. READING RAILROAD, illtEAT TRI7NK LIWB MOM mil AIIH 1'IllA TO THE IWTERTOR PENNH1 I.VANIA, THE nt'll U V I.KIll,, OUB Ql'KllANNA, Cl'MllElll.ANI), AND WYOMO VAIXEV.S, AKD NOhTll, KORTHWEHT, AND TUB CANADA8. PAHHrSKlKlt THAfNR ... .v . . . i. ...... .. wii 1 OTfrtSVJTrt and J.ruvc trie owii'.nji ,,.,,,.v. a. . - CAL1WII1I.L (Itreeti, Philadelphia, at the following nour.: MOHNIVIl Mill. At 81IS A. M-. for Readmit. Lebanon, Enhrata, Litis, Columbia. Ilnriltburir, Pott.vllle, Plneruve, I auta tia, Hunhoo, Wilbanirpcrt. Kimlra, Kochetler, Nlairara Ka U, Bul'alo AientuvMi. Wilkealiarre, 1'ittsion, York,Carll.e, CI auibcrtuurs, tisieraioarn, o. T 1-. n .,i,n. nt rr . iisuwm r.nsi 1 vuiisrivi. nil. Kuili.Jld fan. for Allen. 011 Ac, the Reaillnk and l o umh a Kiiluoai f.,r Eprnaia, Unit, and Colomiua, and wl'hlht Li banon Valley train for llurriaburir. Aw. : al POUT CLINTON silita Ca.alsta Kailtoad tralna for WUkiiir,a. Wllllau..nnit, Isiek llutrn, S.'lil ra. ate: at iisi.ivi HI ' IK - "lib "Nsruern Central.'' 'Cumberland Valley," and "HchtolMIl a d but,uehaiina" tramt fnr Norllium bcrland, W Uliauisp.,it,l ork.chamheiah ira, PluCKrova, Ac. A 1 I 't si r.seitr.r.n leavra Phllal. Inhla st i P. M. unt Hetdlnt, Pitta- vllie, I inesriive, arrlsburit, Ac., ennnectinK at tte-ns-bn k wllb I'elin.tlvan a Central KAlirna.l tralot f..l Pltts- tiiirsr, Ac. eortnen. tjentral aurosii iru.ns i. -.,u.... Norihnnherh.iiil, E oilra, Ac. and at Port 1 Tint a with Ca'avM'ia Hail.oiidirulua for MIHou. Wli laiuapnn, j- nura, liut uki. A c. HE A 111 .Nil A' t-11 llflijli.l I 111 n. 1 ra. e, II, c t li I'l . M . sp. prune; at all way ata- tlons.arrlvln:-' In l id adelphla ai mu A. M Et luriilns'. leaves rimtat ipuis. i o-isi r. w i m-i..b ih Ri .dim.' ni 8 10 P M . a Irani. 1. r 1 1 iL.h h l.laliave Harrl-bure. at s A.M.. and Fnt'atlitt alUl.'i A M.. utilvli.g lu I'l l.... Iph a at I S) P. M -tf nn ontr.l. s love llnrrl-htirir at 1 P. M.. Potte villeal 'iJ I' 1., .rrlvliiK in I'nilaileluhla tl 7 P. M. llarret tiafni. wiih a pavsenser c.r uitaclrd, leave iphlu ai I H. II., lor Kesd-n, and all ivav si 'I;";; leave hesd'tie ut I', nn n, an-1 llnwnliiatown at U SO I . ta. f. r I'i-i tt.lcli-lnit ami all way on.. All ll,c al. v.- 11 a 11s nil d il.. , exit rued. I um at ir in. i. nve loiisvi Ic a' ;-Ju A. 1.. aud I'linas "'"""CmIFII VALLEY LA-ROW,. ireis lur Dowiiii uiimn an. I I l.-rn eillxla isilnit tike Hies I.'. M. .0,1 s ol ' M. ire I'li.ul l.'llli, rrtniillUK Imill Dvwnin.tou at 6 4) A. M , and li 11 NEW YOKK EM Kl'.SU FOIt PITTIUL'ltll AND TUB t v. x-rk at 7 p. M . na.slus HiMid'nir at 1? nil,l- nhit. ai d c ,ni,e'i n! al llntsli.s wi.u Paunsylvaaia llul'road Express Ini'lis for I'lllsiilirK. Renin mil Expicn. train Uavet lUirltburn oa arrival taT the l enusvlvuu a Esprest from IT'l'hurK al 11 to A. M., misilnii l.e'iidiim at S-46 A. M.. and arrlvlns' at New York lit 1-46 P. M. aiieploK Cars aeonmnsny theeo tramt UiniUKli.between Jersey City and PIliatiiiM.wlthoulohansa. Mall trains lor Hew ork leave lltrrlaburs at A. . audi P.M. Hull iruliu lur Uarrlabura: leave Mew 101 .ISA.M.indl. M. n h yAu vY nKVM Tralna It uve I'otuville ai 7 15 A. 1. and 1 -Ju P. M., rs- tunninl I'lom 'lllsci'tnia st S 10 . M. Bill 4 :n 1 . M. HI i CYI KILI. ANI, H1.H Ell IN NA Klll.ltiM. Trams live Auburn at 3 4J A M for Pluc.rove and llnrrlsLuik'. and ut l 'J and ( tu r. -st mr , i.ieK,...o !, "" rt'iui. i" s from lla.,, at l'' P. M., and. rem lTnebie at 8 16 A. M., andand 4 P. M. Thronth tint rlasl tickers and 'emliirant lleliell ti all the prli .clpal l.olnl. m lliu N,.rll, and West and Canada.. H,e lollow u.e 1,,-seta araehtaiuabla only al the oilitai of 8 llllAI'l.Ulll, T leiisurer No. -? . iI.Ki II r..l, Fli'ladelplila. orol u. A. NIt-0LL3, liencrul MuyuriultMi- """""""" iT.MMCTATIOir TICKET. At i'i per cenl. ol.iount, between auy a,lult detlred. fur faunae and i."-',,,,,,. T1.7KF.T. Oo. d ftirSfvo miles, uciv. ecu all pilntt, at l 3 eacn, forl.m.lie..ud,lrn,..iNT1,l.IrT!,i For tl rco. tlx, nine, or twelve ui .utus.for hoklire only, to.llpo...i.,u.rcd,.uMirEs,e:.MFi( u. ...... 11, 11..- ..1 11,.. r.,a.t will be furnished with audwivca to Uvkolt al hall W FXCrnstOM TICKKT8 From Philade'phw to principal stations, irnod for Baiur duy. bunuay, au.l Hoii.Ii.v. at red'ieed l .re, o be had only ul Ihe l,ckt.lOmce,atlUilUEfcKlUaudCAi.l.OtVUlLL Blrte,, S-11EII1IIT. Ooodt of all drserlpil. in forwarded to all the above no ills, from tlie I oinpal.y s luiw l.c.hl depot, IIU'JAD and Willow bl id.r. 1 r.. ' Elll' KIHT THAIN Leave Philadelphia du lv at A. M., 1 P. M., and S P. at , for He. ,,1111,1. Ltnaiiuu, llariitbur,,', l'olt.vU!o,l'urtlla"uu and poiuta keyuud. Clnaa al Ihe Philadelphia pu.t oillce for all P'aeas road aud 11. bran, set at 6 A. M , aad M she uihwiu slalivus uiaU al .' iv 1' . Al. RAILROAD LINES. I'M II.ADKLPHI A, OKI MANTOWN, AND NOIIKI8IXIW' tvAli.KUAU. TIMS' T A ft IV On and after to!iAY. Mar IC I!, omll frrtber aotleet FOIt OF.HMANTOWN. Iava Phlladili hla s. 7. a, n. io, 11. 11 A. M l 1,1,110, SV sA..r.l- fl. 7.M. H. Id. II. It I', ti 'save ll.rroaniewn S, 7. 7 i H.H-tQ S.IO, U, U A. M. I 1.7. it. 4, 4 , A. a. 0S.7.S. a- I'1- I' and fir. at. T)e H :u down, and Ihet, and At train, ap, da tsaf on the Oermaniown llrsio h I IIESM T HIM. ltAll.HOkI. I rate Philadelphia,!!. 8, III, II A. M . . 1, a '4 V. T. HP M leave Chanit If 'II. 7 ln,.9 40, 11 40 A.M.I 140, 040, fl'o, e 1". arid linen r. St. eitn envHtli.llol trvl AK'n WOUHIflTOW rt. Leave rhiladelphla , S II A. M I IS. 3, 4H. H, , S I. ndli t, P. It . leave K. rilstown. :.,.." . and 11 A.M.tlX.tH, ', and 9 p. M. The n, ttain np will stop at w ieaahlckon, Manajnnk, nnc I'onalKihKkeii on' v ,. loll M I N 4YITNal . Iave Phlladelilna. s, s .s II 1 A. M., H, 3, X. ,.M'iftand II", P. M. .... leave Manayunk. li1.. 7.'4, XI, tfi. II A. V.., ,,, and.i),I.M. hmith 0 neral iipertnteni1nt my.11 Depot, NIS I II and I.KKCN rttreeta, rZrmrrrmvn WKST CIIE3TKII AND PHU sWa,Hrrr3ra?sLAiA,LI'lllA KA1LHOAU.VIA MEDIA. I'KINrl AHR4NOKVIRMT Ob and after t lUOAY, April Trains will lure Sa lollow a : I eave Philadelphia, from the D p t, corner o' Till BTT FlliaT and "AltKET atreen, A. M., 11 l A. U-1 90 P. M..4 HI P. M.. rl4fi P M. pli l.d, li b's Hep"! chaiuerl fYont f I'lllTF.F. VTfl and MaSK i.T aua, (f ,14lTV-HltST aud MAltKtr ST'" . . . . . I iae West Chester, fmm ibe Depot, on r.m -jisr.i Rtlrat.R'lIll A. M , 7 Id A M..M A M ,1 I'.M ,4 l . M. iheiar.of the West I h.lsdi Ipnla Pas.eneer HaPwef riiRipsny I Market streets will t'ontey Peaenas Iu asjtj trom the 1 lilladell,ia ie,.nt. ON SI VIlAY 1 cave phliait'lpMa atn s. a M. arid 1 P. m Iave V est I hss'trt l H A. .VI. and 4 l I' M. 'I rains leavtinr I'bila'iel hia at s A M . and 4 HO P. M., and West Chester al I'll A.M. and 4 4'. P M., onneet si iriilnt An ti e IMnlar.e phia ami llaliimora CeuUal Kailma.t fiOa,rd nr., I line no, I'ale i..ts Ia4 tf I1S.NKY wikjii. i.en. raj !t,ipeHntenclenL fTr:t.J''U'i":'-r' TKNNSYI.VANIA ISO t. t WW CSNIKSI. K1 KOtll ii.i i.o'i VI n n i.i.f. iicAiR snioiir Ruiire 1 IIS. F.sP. StlK , IHVIISI , AMI S UM II -vs. sr. F,ii, loan nis .oil in, 10, ii . tor It e ite. .pecdr. hi.'I c.'m- 1 r -toe Iran 'porii.tioii oi pssseiuer.. ue.iirpas.en y any i,t. In il,.. cooul 1 , nit, t 11 11. e l:l- l), i.o al ELEVENTH and MAUKKT sn-etl-i a. 1, , n.,v.s: 5la,l Tru n at 1 asl Lli e ai.... 1 v.1 A. M. II . A It, . Kl P. Vf. lOfkl A. M. 1 OA P. f . fan P. M. 4U1P. M. Tl 101 tli I xi'ie-s at Parke-liiitR Trsln, lo. raise Dtr . I rtm, o. v. at Ha1 rlsbnrir Aeci,iiiiiiodAll,,n at.. I innur I lain ai l'anlt Ae omm.Miaiion 1 leavea West blla ). at StW P. M. Threnkh Pas.eticers bv Hie Fast Line reach Altonna for Bupiir, v. here will be found excellent aocnmmnd itl vas f.w the nuhl al ibe Lovaa House, and in the momtiur mav take cither the Philadelphia or K.,tinnre Kxere... eaabof ei lei, u ttee connections a' ruisoor r..r an noma, a Sayhiilil lew It ibt.t altoidedof the entire line and Its isntnc ni acrnerv. 1 hi Tliro.uh s. sores. Train run. d.llyi all the ethar trait, dally. except Hnndava pi nt I'lTrnitLHii avotiie west. TSe Vsli 1 rain. Eaal Line, and Tor. nvh Express eon- ne,'t at Piiisi uig wiin ihrnngh tiaioteiiall diva-sinir meila fiom tha. ni tnl. Nurih to the Weat tn tha Mlstle- tlrpl and Allt.oi.rl Hiv.-rt and bolith and Honthwnet lo all points aecrss''.le bv railroad. Thrmwh Tleket to Cleveland, llefiolt,chlcavn, HI. Paul, I'olnrabria, lasllarv- anoll'. Ni. l ouls. Lea.enworin. Kan.a., wn.eun, iwy- ton, Cinch, nail. Loiil.t ll'e, Cairo, and ad ILer priuaipal poinls, and bai vaiie cl ei ked Ihr, uuh. . ISI'IASA UNAS ! HSIMl'l.lll, TheThrnunh Exnresa. leavlna at IO') P. M., eonneot. at IliairtviUe iniersecilou with a train 00 tula road fur P'arsrlllc. Indiana, Arc KnENMICKO ANIl CHESaON BltAlOtl TtAn.ROAD. 1 he Thronth Ez rest train, leaving- at in..! P. M , eon- nects at Creaton. at 11146 A. M.. hh a train on tne road tor F henshuiK. A train also leavea Crea .ua for Ebentbutg at 8 47i P. at . IIOI.I.IUAYNBI'Kfl IIIIANCH KTAO. Tlie Mall Tram at 7 36 A. U . and Thronali Ksnreaa ad 10'il P. M., connect al Altonna wltb tra,u. for Uouidaye-, luirj: a' 7'. o I . at . aim n .11 a. M . TYRONK ANI CLEAItEIELO BRANCH RAILROAD. 1 he Tbrotnih Kxnre.s Train, leav nu at loati p. at. eon-. neci. el Tyrone v. iih a train for Handy Kid -a and Phllups burit.and by llald Ea.le Valley Railroad for Port Idalllda. Aliicsb"' ir and Ite'l. fonte. lll'NTINODON AND BROAO TTI RAII.KO An 1 he Thmurh Axt re.s T ram, leavlne al 10 .AT P. M.. am- nee al llunllnKdoo with a ualu f -r Uopewed aad Uloodr VOHTn'eBN' CF.NTn!, AND PIIILVDELPHIA ASO F.lilE KAIl.ltUAl,!. For Ptinbnry. Wihiam.port. Haven. Kimlra. Rn-.. chaster. haOal,., and Nltkara Kalla. pnesenitera laalng thw Mall Ira'n at 7-26A. at., and ti e Tnroiun Kxpreae as ln-.Tli P.M., dally exeent Hundava. gi directly tbrmbiba without change of can between Philadelphia and FrkV Panisport, or YOKK. nANOVER. and OF.TTYSHCRO, thetralna I leavlnit at SA Mann ,i p M., roneeet at Coiuiobla with trains on tlie Niethern Can'ral Katlmad. l.'l SII1EKI.AM, VAll.r.1 KAILHIIAII. The Hall Tram at 7 '.'6 A. M-, and Bxaraaa at 10-1 OP St., connect at Hairl.bnrii wiih trains for Carlisle, Chembershn'e;. and Hatrerstewn. WAYNEHBl'Rll BHANH RAILROAD. Tbetrelna atavlna at 7 26 A. M and S'ilO P. M., connect at Downins'town wltn train on this road to Wanesbura; and aV Intermediate statlona. Fnrfmthe InStmintlnn apply at the Paennrer flUtiosir S. K. corner Of ELEVENTH and M AHKEr Htreele. JAMES cowiien. Tkkot Aaant, , COMMUTATION TIOKETH, For 1,8, d.S, or li months, at .ry I w r.tea, for the ao enmm idatlon ot par sons livinit out of town, or looaled on or near Its Una of the road. , (XIUPOBl TICKETS, For M trip1 between any two points, at almnt two eenta rrrmhe. These ticket, are Intended for aha a.a of AuiiV, e. travellns freriuently, and are of seal advauvAt'e V. pertolit making occasional irlpe. RCHIMJL TICKF.TH, Fnr nae or three moutha. tor Ihe u.e of ichol.rt attandlne; school In tae cilr. HEaTERN FM1QIIATION. An F.mltrant Actvnimodaiiou train leavwa No 187 Pock etrect dally (Sundays excepted), at 4 octooa P. M., nflertnK a cnraiortahss aaode of travel to fajiillea foirnt ' We.i. at ene-half the utual rale of fare. Particular rattmUnnb pa d to bug aye, for ws. hj che.ka a e slven. an.lPa.'irasetorwaraiHiu.r tne same train wiin pasaenKeiB. Fur tall Informs, 1, 11 apply So Fl'HK.Eralirrant 4 rent. No. I i7 li.KlK u treat. MANN'S BAOOAITE EXS'KEHH. An agent ot thla reliable Express Com. any ertlt pass thronsh each lr..n before reachius the oepa.and lake up eh. aa. and deliver batsaRe to any part of the ally. Haa will becal'ed fnr prompilv when nrdera are left at tho Paa. ni r Depot. Eksveoth and Market atreeta. The tra veling public are assured that i u entirely 1 uponHbl KREK1PTH By thla route freight, or a lldeac Inllonacanhe forwardod to and from any p- .ntaon Ihe rtllroao. nfOhln.Keuioeky, Indiana. Illinois. Wiscon.ln, Iowa or VHssmirl, bv railroad ' dirt et. or 10 any point on tha navigafle water, of Uta VYeet, -by steamers from Pltlthorg. . The r.te. ot irslsh' to and from anv point In lha Wee, . hy ihe Pennsylvania Central Billro.d ae at all ilrae. aa favorable a- aie charged by other Railroad Compaalee. Herd anu and shinier, etitrns'lng the tran.porui Ion at ' then Trch hi io thli Company can rely wttk . ouSdeaoe on It. sp.'dy transit. . , K01 ficight oouiracts or eMppIng d'-ectlont. apply to of adiile.s the A;enls of tha Oonipany H it. KlNtiNTiiN.Jr .orPniatdeipMa. I. A HTEWaRT, ITllablirg. ARK CO., Chicago. ,, l.KFat A CO , Mo 1 Astor noute, or No. IB. UUara Street. Al.w York. . I EE' H t CO . No. 77 W..hlninnn etree, Rottnn. W1II.IAM UK'iWN. No. au North street, itaiumoro, AsentNotUieru Central Hallway. H, Oenrral Frelsht sm ut, Philadelphia. LKWI i L. UHl'PT, General Ticket Avent. I'hll idelohla. ENOCsl LEWIS, (leneral Ruperintendent, Altouna, l'a. PHILADELPHIA AND AoiAjwioA, s Tltf.NMkS AND CAMUEJI AND .ViLRUAD C'lMPAsriEs XI. .Til K On and after MONO Al .January 4. last, lha Tramt for New link, leaving Kenslng,on Hc.a,, l'nnadelihla, at S'l A kl (iglt 1, ami:! ''Hi P. M., and lha train, leaving Near York ai H A. at end 7 Hi P. M , will be ruu ax el.olte y loi ihe Ui I id State. Meila and New Turk an Vt athlniiiun I'astentiit, an,l wl I not take In mr let onl ant 1 a-sei s r b tween ant clilca. The i A. M. and I'i Midnight Linee f OB New York to H asl li.f'on, and the 11, V A. . ' d 1 P M. Lines from Wait 11, 1 ton to ew York, wi 1 eon.lnue a. ai prtae it. and car pssaengeia lo and fr 111 llio lii eriu -dla o auiuuaa and llahlmore, W'a.lillUi on, a .d New Y iik. AllltAMIKMF.NTS BETWEEN PIIIHOELPIII A AND NEW N OIIK lines leave Phll1. 'pin., f.oiu Kemngron Depot, at 11 16 A. M.. 4- 11 a d I.-16 P at nu- I'i i d, I i', and from Wall 1 1 Hlre. l Wln'rl (via l a ndun), utti and A.M., li M . 4 and n 1 . M , lor New V rk ..... Al.dl.ove New York. lion. I d of r' uirtlandt street at 7 M.. 10 A. H ..1-M .4 atid.i '. II . d u miJoiglit, and' tri m to..! ol Uarlaj tii.e. am A. ,.a"''-M. , ju,.,, WM A. 0T.MEK.Agnt. - PHILADELPHIA 1S()1. . Jtftio- IS-l, SIS'. If A ' l.ltll II, In- .lie Noriuvru .um s,,rnti,n c. nolle- of I 1 an... Itsin. 10 Ihe e.iy I r r.e on '.." e. 1 ll I . as h.'i'Ii le .dh. .he ItMHi 'v A.M I', At, (uMI'lsl. a' l ii ii.ti r tli. ic an-plce. U beliM rapidly I 01 i i ihioushot I li-elitlta let's"1- , ... . . . ' I li 11. live .or f,s..n..-i and Frelfhi business Prom. , IL rn.l urn 10 En p 1,1,111 1 lui n .l.onihe Eu.'ern DiTt I ,... .1,0, in m Mielhclil 10 Eue (7S ul lo.l.ou We We.lerav I '''''"ti'mk US PAHSBVUSK TIIAINS AT l'llll.AUEL.llll la, Ira nlievc iVe nS'S' ExpiessT.aui leuvrs F t'ai. run ihro. rh vv 1111, rr ciiAMit: h nil wa.a on llie.o In, ins bctvecn Plnlud. I,lila aud Look UAven.audbalwuea 11 1 1 It, Btlli 1 fV k HmVII. V. euanl nn ihe F.xpre.l Train both wavt. A J ul inlonuat'ioii re pu ling ra-f -nnir nusiueaa, apy ae the ei k:. cot tier ot E even' Ii and M kel sin e t And lor rnleht busliie-a ol Hie Couinaiiy't At'Oilts: H. II Klin!b'on,Jr.,ooriiurnlxUieiithand Jlarkul ttreeU, pl.i:.,.i, Iphia J. W. lu .untds.Eile. J. 61. Dull., V. K. C. B-.,'1'!rai'.rH..014TOrr. , (leneral Fieliilu A.-ent, fmlnde phlt. i.KWia I. umii'i'. Oencial Ticket Am III, I'liliiolelnhia. Joseph I' i"'i 1 1 a. j4-tf Oene.rnl Mauago'.WIIIIauliport, . .. ,, ,.,Tyr. l- n n,AIJ I'. briiiAAnu fetJaaeer-aer-BAl.TIMiiltH OfcNRL KAUf as s .Tiy. .. - TTr. . . . ....... 1,1,1 w.i . 011 . sjiiv-u 1. s-P- H, ,,tli Ufa. is ur i ix 1 win. ". " " '-"' : : fc,On and alter U1DA1 , AprU 1, ui 4, llio trains will kave) I I A E EASTWARD. l.EAVF. WE8TWARI1. htaiio:... a.a. flklold Ji'-O West irovo....l,M Av lale 7 1 Kenneii 7 JO Cl,.d.lalurd..7 4. ( . licord HO W C Junction K IS Pli'la.le i hia...!'.'! W e-l Chester. .U ,J . W. l'bn.,1. Ii,hla... W'.st C evler. . W C Jnncli.,n. Concord Cl,ail.l t Ford.. Keuneit Avon-'ttle Wc.i ilrove.... 81s) 7' t'H l)U tl in 14 IIW.'l Il lll'iid t-5J 4 Ul 417 4 41 6U M'. 6 -' 6 iu Oxl, r 1. . . .. .. . 1. i....i..ii..i..s i.e. u.-eu oi.k.i. d fiuin l-ass.-l get lirp,,, .1. 1 .,... . 7, ,..i,v.e ,,JT ....A F's'hiiiath and Maikel .tree o, ""J '''," LaliKrT Hlreete, xVeet Philadihhia. Market W.ree.f lV.,t.rllliw.y C. convey Passenger, to and tret, t tiieliepot. .v..,i,wlih.inlehan.-eoreara. ! J usseugera go v ,,,., u,,,ri.lndenL Jal .sr, SALKM RAILROAD COM-, lT..ns n. 1 It DAY January 1, ls.4:- ,, I irom Wauul Direct HhaifalSA. M,lullP. M., fri-!M',t 1'.' W. lti lnrnlng. leave na eiu at I A. M., 8 OJ As M 11UP.M. rreubt dnilv escli wav App'y u " MOKIUH MILLS, Anent, Second Covered pier aisne WAI.Mi r Hireot, ' H. I iEI. I 'V AliE Av.-nne. Jal-tf t'l YAH .(EXSoliLAEU, bui,eriiit:idu. T V 1 P.. 4 W 4-4. i 641 ; su . 'is. a. 11 ',4 t OJ T JU