u ... J TIIK DAILY KVKmKti TELKflU A.PII.arinTi AI)KLPHTAf TUESDAY. JULY 5, 1801. j. w -- ' ' " ' " -r v 1 ' Iv . TUESDAY, JVI.Y S, 1804. ETIEIT OF THE SEW YORK PEES3 I I IHKWTTIIf;r I.IVK jVasa lhJtrhat of Commrrre. 1ST JAPA. The Japanoe Hro cnpylng our railroad and electric tclrKrHiiha. Mar we not Dmnni.lt t.k. from tht'm tome of their simple aiut primitive inventions in the art or honest Kovernmcnt, just 17 way of a "swop," as President Lincoln would ay 1 If only on traveler in Japan had hrooRht back report! of the marvelous Integrity and economy vi mo Japanese system or home gorornmint, " auum nave aouotea the story putting it on par with the anihropoph,.g and men whose litmus oo grow tciioalh their sliKultlcrs. The lvng of Sinm, when a piece of Ice, Im ported from tome northern rrin -.. to him, could not he made to believe thut auch sira. oi nature was possible, and stoutly main . taincd that It must be a juggle and a hoax, be csoto be bad never seen any In bit own country. This skepticism was natural under the clrcum tunc. So we, who have so little honesty and eeom-my in the administration or onr Govern- mei,t, that the words, like the things, have ba come quite obsolete, might seriously doubt these wonderful stories from Japan, If they were not cvndriLtd by a number of respectable travelorn It may p,0ve Instructive to run a parallel lKtwten the Japi.nisc administration of airairs and ours. tn .lnTI; Wi"n p."'i"0 m''''r '"" h tnastiry, he la tried by a . ivil court, and. if t?0.!' Hlt,,"tr ', " or. " hi, rank d",rve, that distlnguishhi-mark of imiwrial clumoiicy, be is graclnusly permitted to comu.it harrt-karrt on hirnwlf. Overwhelmed with gratitude for tbhi act of mercy, he bids farewell t", his family ud Is sjathrred to his fathers. ' A delimiter Is one or the rarest enrlosltiej to be found In Japan. How It It in this country More, If the statement of investigating commit tees and d.saHe. ted radicals are to Iw believed. Uie Uovernment bureaus swarm with the Blun derer who either filch directly from the mouey ill, or divide with dislintiest contractors, or lovy fcck mall on tbc busine-s public. How many T these are bro ight to Justice i Not one ont of hundred probably. Government frauds are so common and venial under this Administration, that the arrest of any panlcnlar individual U looked upon by lilt friends as an inst.ince of personal or political animosity or malice. Any newspaper that bap. pens to be of his way of thinking will be sure to . ive this interpn ttlon of his arrest. Instead of being straightway tried by a court, be is released on bail, and may sail for Kurope if ho likes. If be stands trial his chance of acquittal is good, and If he is convicted, the worat puuixh t met t that he can snfler Is a tine or a few years in the State prison. This Is better than a decapita tion, or even than the exalted privilege of A-u-ri- Aorri. The Amcri&iq defaulter, instead ot rlp- ?ing up hia stomach, lives to put turtle soap into t for mauy jears. We would not hive tho lapanese plan literally adopted all at once. The steam guillotine, (which the Ymkee In rentor offered to Louis Napoieon after the coup 4'ttat, would be neceaary to do the beheading; and tt would be rather unpleasant for our occa sional nerves to see the "happy dispatch" adopted as a family institution, btlli, Is there not something new thct we might well copy from Japan i In Japan, ofllce-bolding is so unprofitable and onde.li able that even the vassal princes, who might be supposed to le independent in their notions, resign in favor of their sons at the ear liest opportunity. It ii one of the laws of the em plie that whin an otllce-holder accumulate more money than is thought good for him, It is confiscated for the imperial treasury, on the theory that be must have obtained it by some dishonest courses which cannot be proved on him. In this country, otnoe-boldiug is so prolitible and desirable that eveiybody mauwuvres and intrigues for it. This Administration and all its attache and dependent are. now moving heaven and earth to re-elect themselvos. As tor the "I erqul-itos." which are all rontiscated in Jap in, Federal office-holder must be a clumsy fellow who cannot contrive to lay up a brown stone ' front, an eligible corner lot, a carriage and pair ' of horses, and a fat bank account iu lour years. , In Japan, the laws are innicd by the order of the Tycoon, and are simple and intelligible. All travelers agree in this. In the United Status, the law are issued by some orderjust noviti difficult to say precisely what and though we ' have what Is called a Congress, It is little mora than a rocoidmg bureau, wlulo tho law are neither simple nor intelligible. They are such nditles as might have been propounded by the flphynx. The tax law has been before the public two or three years, and how many fully underbuild it i It whs uot until the collector and as.tcsitirs had rccelvod a large amount or otlleial instructions and judicial interpretations, that they could make head or tail of it. The enro nient bill has been un enlnnia from the duy of Its birth ; and Soli citor Whiting has not yet delivered his las, opinion en it. Look at the gold bill, and the mnltitu lo of diverse constructions that are placed upon that. And so with dozens of other laws Nobody can be said to understand them fully in all their bearings; and the last place of all to go lor In lor ' niation aliove them is to Congress, Ajiould we not gain by a "swop" with the JupaneTV The parallel might be carried ou sont&Mlstuace further, but this will do for to-dny. TAXATION, UlKKt'T AN It I.VDIKKCr. From the Timet. It Is well for us to understund clearly that wo re to be taxed ; that we are not at ponce, hot at war; that a great war involve vast expenditure, and that this expenditure can he met only by taxa tion In one shape or an itucr. Hitherto cur taxation bus been mainly indi rect. Certain occupations have Indeed puld a license; a certain sum has been levied upon .property, and a certain p-r ou'ae has been aseesSid upon incomes. Hut liny and all of these form only fraction of the amount which eveiy man h is p il l and I .paying to carry on the war. Wboevc haj paid fifty or a bindred per cent, more than formerly for a coat or a bat, for a yard of cloth or a spool of thread, for a loaf of bread or a pound of meat, has paid the overp Us innards the support of the war, in the shape of indirect taxation. He. rosy designate this fu.-t liy sue plira-e which suits him. He may call it ii ri-e iu go d, or a d pn nation of the riiriency, but the t.ict it just this: 1 he sum which he has paid in extra w. s is hiit portion of the Indirect t.i for carry ing on the war. If his income as h.ippuns with , a few li.cieuses more rapidly than his expenses, be is richi r lor this indirect taxation. If bis ex pense! a happens with most Increase more rapidly than his Income, be la poorer for this in direct taxation. We ncd not attempt to shut our eye to ihe fact that nil of us, exupt the fe who in ike for tunes by contracts, or Had , or specul jtiou, m ist ftel the burden ot taxation. The only question is, bow to iipponion these burdens s iti it thev msv ,iess fairly upon idl. inia l lull l eel taxation, which t kes the palp itilo shape of na Ircrense of prices, is the nio-t unfair and ntirqtial sossihe. The man who onn a million of dollars Iu property, or who km an in etme of a hundred thoiisaud.'ta s aiul wears little more than the mau who owns or earmahuu- oreuin pan 01 mat sum, and conse piently he pays scarcely more iu the way of indirect taxa tion. Again, of the sum thus iBdlrcctly paid by way of war tax, only a small part actually reaches the bauds of the Goveinmeut, so as to be ex tended In conducting the war. The greater art is arrested in its progress lietween pro ducer and consumer, and fall Into the pocket of the men of whom everybody apeaks a huvlng "made fortune." Add together all of the "fortunes" the millions cieditedto a few score, the hundreds of thou, sands claimed for hundreds, and tho smaller plums plucked by thousands, and we shall have the amount of the war tax indirectly levied, Hdiei, but none the less really paid by the tieople which ha gone, not to support the war, tut into the pockets of speculators, stock gam blers, sod forestalled. The system of direct taxation, which Is now fairly inaugurated, i the only on adapted to the circumstance of the time. Every man's prop rty, every man's Income, should be, and we dust will be. taxed. The gross amount of this tax should be sufficient to pay the ordinary ex- ixmee of Government and the interest upon all oana. This oace fully ascertained, currency will txo up, or, which is the same thing, prices will go down. Gold, among other things, will find Its natnral level: not, probably, aa eiiuality with currency for awhile, because gold, Ilk everything else, must b " hiph" in war time, but certainly far Dearer par, as measured by currency, than the jaits t which it now sells in Wall st.eet. A direct tax, sufficient in amount to bring cur rency up and price down, ft tut) out iiuaucieJ (Miir nele. Vssn ISe TWMtns. Corgm incr-mlcd, Uto on Saturday night, In perfcctHg th new Conscription bi:L UnderthI act,drsfM may be made for one, two, or three years j bounties of 8100, tvino, and 8.100 are to be awaidrd for one, two and three years' service re spectively. Commutation Is no more; bot every one drafted may serve in person or by substitute. ""J uys noure must be given berore en forcing the draft. Each State Is at llbcr'y to ob talu snbslitiilcs In the .S:nto in Iniurreetlon ami have thi ra cre.liie.1 on her quota. We do not seo bow the act could hate been rendered more leni ent, If the paramount object of recruiting our arm cs is to be krr t In view. When the first Conscription Act was pissed, we l.enrtlly approved and suntal ned the commu tation therein emhodied. 80 long as the (Jorcrn incnl could find substitute for 8101, It was wise and right to accept that sum lusto id or personal service, and use it to omain a willing; instead of en unwilling soldier. Hut times h -ve chined compelling a change In the laws. The War Do-' partment, which nt first held the 8100 a full fl,r, P',r""l 'ervice, now reports a vltnlly rhaneed state or (acta. I.nbor is scarce and wages high, so that mnnrv h 1 11 r cominntation, and tho fhru .... - .. ..... 1 piuvnre recruits to the extent ...,u..,u. io ivera-is navo cailo.1 out theirevery white male who can tarry a mnsket; so that our tfcnerals now regard them across, their very Ut diu h. But the waste of the campaign has been very great ; and we need replenished ranks to finish the work. To obtain them if Is essential thai a call be now made whl b will brinit not money but men. Hence the new law. When the lirst act was passed, the 8100 com mutation w as made the chief gronnd of objection to it. The Copperhead organs fairly bowled at the Idea of compelling the poor to serve and letting 1 fj fboe r.ch enoiiLli tn n.v ariia-i tka bloeey and brutal Jelf. D ivia riots in our city last summer wero in e.Hid nart evok.wi n,i t.i alive by clamor against the 8100 exemption, lint, fiom the moment wherein the War Depart nient decided to ask for a repeal of the commit Ution clause, everr r.iniri....,l in rv.n.. bas fought against repewf, ami it has now hen earned over the vote of them all. And the Op posltha lournals and annr-ahon. r clamorous agninst the re al as they were against the enactment of this proration. A sueeial war tax au snvtl h. r...... uring Saturday's sitting. Five per cont, on all Incomes mr lmi3 is to lie paid on the 1st of Sep tember next; and it Is calculated that this item Will put 820,000,000 into the treasury, to be do voted to paying bounties to soldiers aoout t be drafted. An attempt was made to include a tax on l.quors in hand: but this defeated the hill It had to lie passed without too- many members having friends w ho are interested in whisky. It It hinted that a membes from this ritv. who au at first a conspicnous champion of taxing whisky, has since seen (or fob) something that has turned blm completely topsy-turvy, so that be now resist this tax a xeuloualy as he ever favored tt. Queer world this. Congress bas decided that none of the State which have been rormally declared in insurrec tion shall voe for President till veadmittei.t Intn the Union. The States thus excluded from par tlcl atlng in the approaching Presidential coo test are a follows : IKUIMIA, TpiWIilWEa, North Carolina, Miisuwu-ei, ninin lAHUUSA, JjOtTtaiANA, Groroia, FuMtriM, Alabama, Arkansas, Tkxas. Our next President and Vice-President are thciefore to be chosen by the following: mainc New Hampshire... Massachusetts........ Khodo Island....... Connecticut Vermont New York.......... New Jersey Pennsylvania........ Delaware............ Mnrylaud Went Virginia 7 Ohio . f Indiana ... 12 Illinois.... t.MlcklHaB.. 0 Wttconsln . . 6; Minnesota.. 3 1 Iowa 7 Kansas.... 2fi. Kentucky . ..1.1 ..Id .. 8 .. 8 4 .. 8 .. 3 . 11 . It .. 5 .. S .2U .121 Missouri... California.. Oregon.... Total (24 State) Electors necessary to a choice lima -Haveral TsrrHoriM hara liut bfs n a ilhorliod ta form Hlnle toiiitltiiliulis, and to Its admitted unjer tlifin by pmclatuaUun oa dut pru.ii that thty hava Imwd ratiited : liul, aa ihr.v will at any raw have but three Kiaet .rat votea each, arid ara not cartala to ai-eept ths priviiaaus uruiTurisi tliioii v a do not tncluda ua above. A TIMELY IKHIOE VIEW. The liold Pnnlr It 4'anaeleasaiesta and Fatuity. The New York Shipping List affords the public an opportunity to gain an inside view of the gold speculation in Wall street. The List is a com mercial journal of standitig : The more we learn with regard to the matter, the more firmly do we become cojivinced that the great excitement iu gold and tho extreme pi lets which have been quoted during the past lew days have bad no reliable basis, but have been simply the result of a dodge resorted to lv certain of the "ring" with the view of frightening Congiess into a recession from the positi n which it has asaumecl. It is well known that many of the "operators" who sold "short" previous to the adoption of the Gold bill, have been performing the circle of the ring, trying to procure gold to fill their contracts, and all sorts of unreliable quotations have been freely circulated for effuct. A daily contemporary relates a prai tical Inci dent, which goes to show that, since the hill be came a law, tho gold quotat'ons have Iseen wholly nominal, and had no reliable basis. On Wednes day, when ibe excitement was at its height, "two gen Icinen, the Messrs. Dlankmau, holders of a large amount of gold, desirous to take advauuge of the supposed hljih prices, went to Wall street to sell. 1 hi y found that only two brokers wore dlsixised to ojierute in the precious met ii at all. '1 Ley called upon one of these. He was buy ing gold in "mull amounts at 310, aud seldom it at 2lli. What was ihe price of gold at that e-tabllsh. nieut Our travi lers announced that they hid Kold to sel!. ' How much r" "Two hundred and eipbty thousand dollars." ' They would have to sec ihe hi ad of the house," and were showutobis private loom. Informed ol thesiate of Ihe case, the head of the bouse admitted th it be was pay log 210, but could not p ty it for that ainiuiit. Hu "was sine that g ild couldn't keep up, tlmt it would cirtitinly be as low us 2uJ to monow," and in fact, this go id-natured trade, mini preftrnd, rurher than buv the gold, to recommend his customers to his m iiflib r. 80 tho two g mien en went 10 the other broker. He was aiso buying at 2lt) and telling at 216, Miu was as little unxious to buy a lar.uo sum at his (inn pri e as his negh'i..r ha I Keen. Hu "imw that golu iiotild be below 2J0 to-uior-low." ' Well, 11 it was lo fall, the two geutl uieu would like 10 -ell now on ihs best terms luey cuhigct.' "What wo'ild hegive ) -Jlu tilln'c km w. lie won d puier not to buy it at nil." As tl ere was no third broker for the gentlemou to be ci nimeideil to, ihey weie merely luw.-d out, and kit Wall sheet aomewbil enlightened as to bat was not the price of gold. A nue unnecessary excitement than that wlihh has tuct ceded ihe plssaga of this n il can unruly he cor.ceiveu ; ht nee It lollows tb.it it n.ust I Kl ort-'ived. V Idle we have not I snored (:.ld livisalon, e believe tint '.ingress hoi tstlj the iifht th .t there wire gold rea-ons toi the piissa; e ot the (io U lull ; aud we tlo retore tiustthat it will uot lc flight n.d by the de u ami ol at y c iiiitiiit'ee or co mni'tcc into any K-iins-ions trout whit I' cone Ives lo tic Its fall liuti It. H e pr lid-i s. Theie is no dou'.t that the iiiuo ta. 1 ii. luteiiileo as a puli lc b neilt. 11 Mtwssaiy, let it I so iiinsli'ied us to Inaure that result but concede, n nhiiu more at least iiot until the bill shall liavo beeii fairly tried, and Its miriu, and demerits have become self-evident. We may add that it has come to onr knowledge that a gi nth man yesterday endeavored to sell fri 00.000 in gold, and could get no bid at over 200 I or cent. and we believe the majority were under that figure. It is evident that 210 to 220 g M Lave btcn paid ouly for little uribiets. The Way Ibe Money Gocss. vs Leading rich men In New York have a way 0 sptndliiif their inouey peculiar to themselves. Ci mnmdore Vanderbflt want a fast team. He does not want ISonner's dust in bis eves. He has out a standing oiler of flOO.OOO for the "fastest ti am in New York." Jerome gut beaten on the water, home time ago he made a standing olfd ' of agreat sum for the lleetest yacht. Mr. Htcwart bas turn down the most expensive bouse ever built in New York one elegant enough for a prince to live in one that meu and women paid twenty-five cents a bead to peep iuto. He is rear log one now that will make all shoddydom red with eavy. The celiac bottom and wall on the Inside are laid with blocks of hammered stone, and the cellar will be as elegant as a granite bonsecan be. while the building will be a marble palace indeed. Well, what of it i Who bas a twtk r right to make such an outlay than Mr. btuart with his princely income ? Who ha a better right to that income than Mr. Stewart, who began life with a pack of goods on bis back to sell, and who works harder and more nonrs of the day now tbaa any other merchant la New York r A soldier In Grant's army writ boas: "V are rnjiying ourselves In th usual way We have tight for breakfast, dinner, and sapper, twico between meal, and three time during the night in 1 hurt, it bat becviM a cob4 mu." SPECIAL NOTICES. ggf t'.NITKD BTATHS CHRISTIAN CUM CAn ACKSOWlErXiSTEKTi ton tbs wekic r-vniso ivnz :t, 0-4. I r?Tr,"rrrm"d,c.0' C"0"1' f I tertian iwmia.ten. i-eorla. minoi., rVr WU- ''W W Lam ftmnoaia, Chairman. r.VPrM,. . -ALMIIA. . LadUM Chrt-t'an Commission ot first lTfsbrla- rlanCtmrrli, Northern Mhsrtlsa, . . Lain- ChrUiUn Uoumumaiil First Usraisn lltlorm., Church. ... " "Wssiord," - - . . . '"vHnTi"1 Ccm,l,' of 8,',, of l'snosjU Ptrtl ) tartan Church of HiVaarsStirs. Isai.l.aih H. h..nl hi JlsUmd.-i f,pi.c..iial Church. 1 w flit h slni'l, - . . J J H liu-slsr a Co.. ..... Laillss' A d si. let, of TwrlOh trt Melhoitlit f. krnial Chun h. .... napiiMChurrh. Manayunk, psr Kr. A.J Ifar, lT.rcsil.ol a fslr I) J.la Mn. ts.l. Mair C. Hak. r and Mary Blii,,p,.r ,aae Haksr. . at. I'., psr H M. HiM TIIP.ATFRV rKNViYI.VAMt ITwsMs of Ssd.i.iir t and lllulilanit f air, tsar II. .1 M W hit. aiile. Treasurer, ... Ciil ts-lli n at tnion MratiiiK In M K. Church. t t Is.lsr.r-r n.v c.P fylonl, A I.a.l Kilaud, pr Itav. Osr a. l.aUmar, IV) 00 ail v, lao on ti m M tin 111 w SI oil a ud J 01) ft isj JO (V) M 0 Trs 00 la) M 10 no in 00 i 0) I ...ISII1M II, . - . f.Mtif lilrU fPreahvtrlsn f'ahbaihSMiool.Co inrohla, por Rsv K. A Hrown, ... C.illwlid hy 1'hillr.n of me 8ahh th (Vhon, 11 lllilit7r s, l,.t.l;h CoimlT. psr lov..r. J;i,m'. MHU1HKKN NRW JKK4HV. Harmony, I'ppar lloeoail, CuralsirlaiTd County S-tsJ 01 Drrl,a 1 Chinrh, Ciimtssrland couuty, par Jitv. It. llaiulll liavn, . . 7J CO LadlM' Aid a.trlsty, rtowfrtovn and Utttoh sck, Cuuiorlland (Oillitr, Pur lluo. Jl-kn T. Ntion. - K.) 00 so 00 00 y M. K. Ck.rch W0.1Ulf.t1. Bad.lonOrld, par ltav. Mr. 1. sills. A I.I S olely, lUd.l.unald, par Har Mr. Wouliton, ...... IlEt AWAKK. Church, Wllmlttf ton, per J. A. Culon M. Ilrinnls. 31 T 7t .1 mi M. A. la , cvrark, . Total, Amount ai knowledge d paji-ra, i;.;u jo at lantrth In rulc;laf W.l 17 jo.j.'S .i 60S.UI 2t Amonnt prsvlottsljr ai-knowtedssd, Total, . - . . - '.W.filT tu Xraatarar. THB llKITKn STATES) CHRISTtA POVatlgqtllH IWks l. ave lo acanowledsa the re. aipt of tho lolwwiutf ad- I'llll.ADkl.Plll V. Isackaasi North Hroad Htrcet ckaroh. $ 6oe.,chu-oh or tha Natuitr. 1 parsiitn, Lmtiaran Fuhilcatlon Soelstr, tias kases, rilih lta.tlt CUurcU. 1 Kok. Ileerue RantHcia. t.ctrainiown 1 pacta, Mrs. Bayard. Keo.ltiaton boaea, Ladie. OlirUllao romrnlnslon. llolDiesbunr 1 package, par Hov A. Ilartpenee. Ltail parLayea from tho offlra of Ihrt'Mial v Newt," Mill Itlr-ASiTKliM ftit.8iLVNU. POTlentnwa 1 k-.ti. Iwer Mertoa- I packace. recaiainburn-1 boa, C.hrtlllan Asaortatloa. 'aan-th-l box.l kcs.Cbriiuan r.rutuisikin. Vt oat CI.eitar-l pscka, tin. Swat a and sfra.! Win tetlKttiaai. Ilishland.ches'or county 1 hov, Ijilles- A14 Soeletv. Is.wninstown-'l b.i. Ladlea' Aid society. FaUTnoual- I box. Aid rtoctetv. HOLTUKKN MS JRIttF.T. Itaddnnnald 1 boa, l.aillea' Aral Aid Aaaoctafloo. I SKSUWa. 1 box readinir, pads.ao. I kea dried fruit. 1 boxes, via New Tork. 1 boa dried frull and bao&agoa. t boxes .tried frail. 1 kc elni-itar. box dried rusk. Lsxnte umbers of boxea from other nana at tha emrntrr are arknowledifed In the relutoui pp-ra. Tha CotntnU.lon needa ImmeJIsi. r Imfm an?inlle. of um-uMjism. psus, anu osuMwn aa. i na can wane lot tiiaia a very ursont aua preiim-, and to OKOHOK II, , STUART, Ch.itrmita, 0. 11 lANK sttraet, fhlladdplila, I'a. It ISTc KECKIVKI), 18til. JULY. OK D. B, Cnrnmlna. Treasurvr of the WhiMesala lirv lloml. Department of tha Ors-at Central fair, two thousand and sevrnUssn and 77-lou dollars, In cash subacripUoni by the Thronb K. Lafnarrads, of Da Canraev, l.afour eade A Co., from Krtr.tth and Kreuchdrvifooda marrhanta and niaiiafacturera, ... $l,lft0 77 Ft. u. w uiiaius m i o..itr4a'or(i, r.ns:xad,Uiroiujh tf.n. r.nsm,flirumiiDil liraauts, - W. Lindsay A Co., Knsliind, ibrouwa J. H. I'tn- ton. of Kdmuud Yard t Co , trwln A rstiaaon. -M us T frVoti. per M lis Fair, . Mra. M. Oowcn, per " . Mrs. llapbnru.iH'r " lath, ....... - 350 00 Frevlcnily receipted for ... . . . V7 M a j.AM Ki..rj t.l.isviHh Per D.C.MuCAMMUX, Chairman. It ttI3t- FKKNCU CHEEK I.UBRICATrNO Oil. i;U.,Olll No. Mt WALNUT Hlreat. Riiota xso. 17. 1-Hll.Aliau-lllA, doll lat, liii.4. The Hoard fDlrealors have this day declared a dirt drnil of ctie per reaa.un tho Capital Stick, payabla oa anu BJifr ine i nn uay ot VUly, me .1 male IMX. The Irai sier Uouka will ba rloard until the IHh last. J.1-tlitbtl:. M M. WIWiiKKH , Hecretary GREAT CENTRAL FAEE, LOGAN SQUARE. The Public Hale af VANCY AltTKLHS Will bo continued oa WEDNESDAY" MOKMMt), July ti, at 10 o'clock, la UNION AYKM'K. HOltACB UOWAKlt KL'ltNKSS, tt Beeretarjr NOTICE IS HEKKIIY OIVEX TO the Htoskholdera In the Kalrin.iiitti P.mmnm vsiiway eoaipaity, mat ine nooae arein.iw ufien for anil st riptlon riir a portion of tha stock of that Com.mtiv. ati.t alto of the Hestoiivllle, Maiitua, and Kairmtunt Kallroa J coinpany, in piirsusnec or the reeolnttona of tha (stock holder, and Hoard of turoetora ha'Otftfora adopted. Those hi wish to guhscrllie will cill at the nntceof K. V. M At'l'. .AMI a t'tl., NO 10 SI Knl II A NTH K I'U A SOK, with uiair certtncai. a. oeiwueu ine fifilirt or lUA..W.nid 9 I' At . on or bcSM the leth dav of Jul v. mA. sihara full lulbr. luathm will bi'ulven, and iu'jicrl"!..n will be raoelvea by un- iiiiiit-i. Kiit ti. disirs w nr u. rini'Ml an.l nO SOU' tcrlptlous reoolved after the ltxh dar or July, intA. N. II. KNKASs?, E. V. M sITLAWT), I). . WINKBMl'KWKIt, IVJ-ttulMt Committee of Hoard ol Itlrocion. frjiff- ORKAT CENTRAL FAIR HOUSE- " ruraUblrm D partmsnl Ad Uuoual Ca h Can Islt.trtlnni : I.. A.tlodeT 01 lleotueH Joties , uil l.rni. licdtiy Ill O) li. hie ens is) C. K, farr.tr f, ua r.niiu.ie. s in ttuice or u.si.y a l.aoy j lfaxik aud I'latr I'rliillinr I'dire sj5 00 I'alt n A Co., Near ork lis) oil Proprietor House lluralar Alarm Teieraitli Iini im sir iianey on dais (la e 6 Oil L It'. W letnev jiv oo Hiss B. Woolstnt ;ill (Ml J. O K"fu'cr j(o no .v.n- iiAAlotsr.. Bruce'i Parlor Orcan Vanh. rn A' h. kslein N. vrail. Patent I'acka; e Couipany ." J. Hull Kol immi , I I at It.. T kirn Ctiarif. llliriiliain Amour t J.tcviou.l atkiiOHli-il,:ed I V) 00 ln'l ItO l 00 M (.1 II 40 nil .is , 19 l.nA.Vr.H, Chairman. Ij'J OFFICIi UNION PASSKNGER RAH.- y Coniian, No. 4111 WALs I T Hweut, June IS, 1KII4 l he secinil Inataltiiftil ..f Klve Ui.l..rs on eachehara l iho rsntal atook ol ihe l.'nlim al3lll;tlr Kallwavt:oni liany.will bs Hue si.d ayabli at Iho otti. t of aa!d Cittl- piiny on and alur Jul) J, lm.i Hi o ilsr ot tha ll.usnt of lll'KI clora. (jils-7il W. II. KKMI1I.K. Hacrotarv. tj3f DEAFNESS AND III.INDNKS-I. J. XJ laaa.s M II.. Piufraanrtsf tl.a Kie and s.ar.trcata an dlsi asrssr iM iulnini; to lliu hr nau dmeinlicra wtth tlrf H'tt.oal siic.'.-i.a T e-timomala Irum tl.a tunil reltahls sotirr. s -n ttierii, aad tr ntr csn be at-il ax hla Oinoe, No. ..II PINs: Hue-1. Anill.-i.l Kyas lif-ituil wlUioiit pain. Nn el ai,..K nj..ie lor e .sin tianori titlii s Uouia Irom rt la II A M. y ;. ir. MNo.f.ll PltsK strew. )a7 llu t3Wr CORNS, btNIONS," INVERTED 1 ' N.lL.. 4.1'sluf.l .l...nl. .. A ..li I, i . . risrt enrrd iviihoiit pain or Iriix'ticsuli ca lo lha patient. !! At HAKIK A llAl(K.TT. Mu u. n Ol lrotsiduia. No t IIKS.NCI Mliaot. heiorlo "liyaioUua and Siur Kt a o' ihe elti. ell -tf lNVAlTl)8 AND CONVALESCENTS, IX X vatlda and Convak-soenta, Invalids and Csinvali'seenta, iuvallus aud Convalescents, Kaproially K-Mirially Females In mil. ata Health, ramaU'slu Hubeate Health, aouuas In lielicats UualUi, Will and our California Whras. California Wlnaa, I'alllomia Wlnea, California Wlu.i, California Wlnea, Calii.imla Wiuet, peculiarly valuable Ui all oaaes of lansuuraod great proa tratlou .if straiiatlr. Ak Ak Ak Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Aak Ask A.k Ask Ask A.k lira. AtcCktllaud, (it-hoard, Nainuel Jackion, (ol Uie Penniylvanla I'nlrct-slly), llerlnir, llureiia, flrovea. It arts ho rna hW-lioaifls, Williams, H.ictlay, Naidhard, Wllaoa, Tllidal, Vlnal. Fuadev, Kruirr, Mayland, and sthsr leading phyaiclana, bat th.v aink of tha medU c.i.aJ vlriuea of Calil. ruia Wlisail Theaa ssimlamen pro scribe our bands, and assure us 4f Uss tsaaettts psileals raoeivs UV1U lusar Uaa 1 , . . CAUKORNIA WINB ACF.MCY, Jv-tin No. ii a. hum auoet, abacs Cuoeuut. J U N IV O li IkT II- Ws refoad tb money, If Asm trad, fcr avary lot t gbirts Which fail la say res peat. FINE SIITjRTS, CUT LXNOTUWrSK OJT MUSI. IX. Matte of New Tark Mnis Mnskta, ami varf iae Lima Boaorns. Only M'OO. Wlillaiasvtlls MUls MnaUa. tail la Lints Bosoras, Only I3 TO. CEMLEMEN'S FURNUHI.NO GOODS. WMITH A JACOllH, twt-fte ye. l)s ClUeSsTVT (Hraaa. so no Jiw oo ID IK) 1 M It eo 3KI It) ,'I17 77 ti.ru 7j AMUSEMtNTS. A U A la Ii 13 11 V CENTRAL FAIR. IT HAS BKK.N DsVIHKH TO KKKr TUB GRAND CX)laLE0TI0N OF PICIUfiE3 I.OQAN HgUAUF, ON KXiniJITlON Until 10 P. M on Wednesd.iy, July C, AT WHICH TIME IT YVI'.L FINALLY CLOSR. dinliilctiMtU. Catalovnei J canti. Ta VASDrBI TSCS ARIAHNK, cents sulra. AdmttUnoe oaly at Ihe seutro door on Viae itretL jya-ft G ROVER'S ClfRHSDT STREET THE A-THE.- MOSDAY.JuU 4. t. I.MItlKl AM' NOrtCK. rreparstloni for theirreat is, tin Dl AI.AHDIS ; OR. TftR WOMir.Kf-irr, T, AMP, which aroBow betnv made, am nTea.itato tho CI.o-.INH OK TIIK 'IHrSAI'KK 'or a abort time, as many Imoonaat chatiir. In the ma rl, ii or. of ll.e stave are lo be mases; otnes.tiriitlv tti-ro win ba no n rlormaneo until the rsa tssr-as-lu is pro. du. ett. whl. h la oxtealed to surpaae snr preelvsis prodiic llcn ol toa kind esr. r wltnessssdl in Amarti-a Uorlns tha clots Ibe Tbeaut will be tliorvushty eenovatedt. j) j IIX tiALI.HUY, I, AN H Ci i; A U K. -vucrriorv. THE AUCTION SALE OF WOIUC8 OP ART, Dollars to TRK SAHITABT COMMISSION a At Tit Git MAT CKNTRAL I'A I It, Will cnmuienae on TCKSDAT EYKNIMO, Jnly 5, to be contused on tho foDowbis erenlnj. at the same hour. Many Work l of ran mart! will be offered fur sale, any m which as a Uto-alaa portraK of U.a Eaapreat tunle, by Koanaat or Parts, a tnosk tuccs-i.ful llkenasa of this dlitla trulslie persona. Alao, a Water Color Drawtnir, by ths Prlnoaaa Mathilda, cooatn to Napoleon III, and a-beautiful 'Ac Del," ta marble, by lha Uernan BculptorSlela hautsr. Ths ART OAt.I F.RT wtU tie ota at asnal na TI KS DAY and WKDNKBDAT, JiilyS snd , fromS A.M-to 10 P. SI., bain the ckoia of tha EsblblUon. AdmUlanca kv eeatt. treat. Entranco at nitidis door on Via JyS-Jt c LOAKSI CLOAK8I! CLOAKSlli CU)AKS t CLOAKS (t CLOAXSIIt CIOAKUt CtlAKrltl CLOAK8MI CLOAKS! CLOAKS II CLOAKR III CL0AK8I 0LOAK8II CLOAUIII TOT EHIHTH STatEKT CI.OAK KMPORfTTM. THE EIOIITH RTItKET CLOAK EMPOKIUM, THE EIUBTH RTBERT CLOAK EMPORIUM, THK UQUTU STREET 01AAK KMPOKIUM, So W H. EinilTH Stnot, No.iaiH. K1GIITII gtrast. tie,. Xi N. ElUirrU gti-sot. GREAT B.VRflAJNS, GREAT BAROAIMfl. GREAT BARUA1N8. CAIX ABTO PVRC11A8B, CALL AND rUKCUAHE, CALL AND l't'ltCUASii, LTM AN'8 LTM A H'S EKIUTH 8TREKT CLOAK EMPORIUM, ssy U o.M8 If . EiatTTU llressL pLOAKS, COATS, ANU MANTILLAS. J Latllae "ItVltiK to dreii nell and econimicatly, will find It to their advantas-c to visit the Mauitno'h Clouk and Mantilla Eiopoiliitu of Mrs. IIKMtY.Nul. M and 40 N. NINTH fttreal. below Arch, where ara to be had all tho latest 1'arta and London stylet at prions tlial will ensure their ttumcdiaio disposal. N. B. A handsome assortment of Ladles' and Gentle men a Wrappers, SUawH.uu.l Laos Mantlllaa. apll-3m A'os. us and 40 N. NINTH Btrsat. 628 HOOP SKIRTS. -no Kaniifaoiory,l.o. 6J ARCH Ctrvot, UsiO Abuts aixin street, Philadelphia. Wnoleaalsi and Retail. Thanoit completai assoiiiu, ut of Ladltt, Misses', and Cfllitlf on'o Hoop Mklrts In the uilv. In nvery respect first clasa, which for stylo, finish, durability, and cheapness. Base no aiiiat In the market. Siklrte aiado to order, alttred. and repaired, fct-ljt WM.T. HOPKINS. 10 CHLHM T 8TKEET. The attention of t.AMKrt VHITIKfl THE J I lr. or those about l.t.AVlNi. It for" Waier- sa ... . i..n, or --inst ouairy,' is rc.pe. tfully iliMed lo the extenslti. stu. k of W ill I B GOdliS soltabln (or HI 11 M Kit WRAIt, fur WHITE BIJUIKS, AlWltNlNU IVKAPi'KKS. Ac. An evtenstvo aaaortnient Is otTsred Iu Laco and Worked Edmnse and Intertills-,, tails, Ilsnckeichlolt. Collars, Hleeves, and In plain and fancv Plaid, Mirij.f.l. and 1 ni.rs.l White O.Kida AT ritlCK.S) MUCH UKLuW lllkia PKFfcKNT SKTolL Al.l K. 11 muted Linen Cauihrlc Drcssna. loo pieces Paired, Tucked, and airli.aj Mus Uns. xn. r. ivi:i:ii.i:m. 2 1 10 CHESNUT 8TRKKT. MILITARY NOTICES. HEADQUARTERS rUOVO.ST MAU.SIIAL. FtTt Luuui, i n. ' PmII AUH.I'HIA, .fUt45 1WI. Tn namet f tMrinnt. rtiiiuv !iw t.i nrrmmihis in.. trict will ( ntjfjftl to ur Btrkk. n tiatn thfl lti of nr.ii nienl. l opu u( iht llu aiv ten tor puMic itiitiauon, tnd civil uihcrn id all clllzi-n. ar Invl h m Virr ar.il jjolnt out frui la ih litt mini nivt nuU luloruitulua as nT aid In tlio e 'rruction and revi-im tittrdoi' Any priOD enroll d umy appear Utr (he Hoard audcUlm to liava bli tturne ault au ofl the llat iC lie can mow .u. faetorHj tiiat he la not orotierl-j tir. Jitil. oo s...iunl itf Af'Htiye, Aon-retul,iici, Utcrnji, I'triiuiiunt ytysimf A couipllancSWltll the foretrolne attirinstliinaisearoA.tlw Sollclud. WM. K. I.KIIMAN. ieTJ-tl Ckptaln and I'r tvost Marshal. WANTED F Marine Cssrpa (a i laiid),thitahund duties of a aold. WANTED FOR THE VNITKD 8TATK8 a varied and exciting Hro by aaa and ndred able-bodied men, to porform tiia aoldlar at our Navy Yard. anA Cnrted 8tata shlpa-of-war on foralf n ataUnns. unwiciiuiwu.Bi,in man itie army. A atnp-or-war Is comtortnbla tenia The Marina Corns la tha beat asimpped Corps la I bo service. Prlxa Mono k akaa- oaiice. tub local nouNTiES FAH TO BECRrrraam. For ail olher lufurmatain at.alv dalle at tha RerruHlw BcDcfenvtius, No. Sll a. i'RONT Hlreat, btuosr 8uruao,B Iwaan Uie hciurs ot uiao and larao o'eka k. JAMK8 LEWIH, Captain and Kecruttlnitiflirer, Ti-tf No. JU 8. FliUHT Btnot, pUBLOU.QHS-rUELOUQHS. Off cart aisd aoMlers v letting tho city on farloanks, aosdiaf H w o n 1 H , AKD OTIlsa MILITARY EQUIPMENTS, ARK ISYITSD TO TUB UnXSirB MABTJKAfrrrjKiNO XBTABLiaUMEB'F r Gi:01tUI-2 W. BIMON8 A 1JIIO. KAN'tOM STREET HALL, BAkT-lOM Street, aboro Stiak. presentatTon swords Made ta ardsw ok tat abort il aottoo. wklok far rtakaaaa and radaooasM ehaklaaao ooeaoatlttea, no atbor be aaa la sa Wy ooaaNnlruj tki MAMUFACTCR1NG iMWKLEM rM TUB r SAO ICAi, B W0B0 MAASB M FINANCIAL, JJKWU8 4c it A II 91, BXKXERS ADD EXCHANGE BS01ES3, Ho. 0 B. THTRD 8TRF.BT. ' ttaj.ias l flTECIE, PANE WOTKS, AD OOVERX MENT SF.C't'RITIKS. Atoets BontM aod Bold on Commlsiloa. promptly raa4s. CidlecUonl sa. ro tf JTOCKS AND lI3CtriIXII2a BOUOIIT AND SOLD O N O O M M I H S I O N, DE HAVEN & BROTHER, No. 90 8. TUIKO 8TRP.P.T. frA tf g MIT II afc II A. IV I O I. 1 It, No. It) S. THIRD STREET, IJANKKUH ANI UKOKKUS. pccle,8tooki,(inkrlonria(tcn'rotiehn and Cheeks, sal all Oovramu Secnrttlea Bonfht Mid Sold, (mhli pitltalFK:. H T 13 K 11 etc oo.. UANKKlta, Ko. 30 S. TniRD STREET, PV AVD SFU, OOLD, 8II.TEK, ANTJ UOVKKNMCNT SBCtlUITIlii. STOCKS BOHOHT AST) 80IJ OK OOMMIglliSV. (mhU (JUL I, GOLD, (JOLi li. SILVER AND BANK NOTES WANTliD. DE HAVES & BROTHER, a7.ty Ko. at) 8. THIRD BTBB1T. c L A It K H O N A CO., UANKEIta, No. 121 8. THIRD STREET, FUlI.AJir.LNIIA. Qoverament Kecnritlsa of atl Issues PurrhsaiM and for BadO. Stocks, Hoods, Slid Uold llouzht and Hold on Coea. sioa. 1NTERKHT ALLOWED OK bKPOMTS. Collectlotu Promptly Mado. feo tt g 13 V M N T II NATIONAL BANK, No. 31(1 SIAltKI'r 8T11EKT, (COKNKR OF BTBAW1IBBBT.) Capital $125,000. To be Increastrd to $500,000. DIRECTORS. HEHRT 0. MOBItlS, of Morris, Ta.kar A Co., rate! Iron Works, Fifth and Tesker its. ClIAIILKa 8. CLOSE, of Cloao A Noablt. UuUdors, No. No. Ill Rood street. JAMBS M. TBESTOK, Manofaetarsr of Woolea Goodj, MsnssaALa . . A. WATERS, of J. A. da?. .,. A Co., Wnolosalo (Irocere. Mo. 1?J Market street, S. B. COl'aUI.IN, Real Eatats. Bo. W'J M. TUlrtocatl Slraot WM. P. CLYDE, Airent I'hllad'a aad Vew Tork Exproas 8. R. Co., No. 14 a. Delaware Ava. UKORUE W. MUX, IlanitfacturcrorCarpetlnss, No. 126 X. Third street. J. TF. SOVDER, Wholesale Boots and Shoos, Nj. 90 Markol street. J. Z DEHAVEH, Imporiar tf Wlnoa, Brandies, Aa, Xos. HO and 32 8 Dolawaro Avcauo. This Bank having been duly anthorlsed to oommencs btialnoas under tha National Cnrrency Act, Is now pre pared to reotlro DKPOHITH, make Collections, aud trans aotaOeneral IIANKINU IHIMINKH.S. Discount tiers on TCK8DAV and FRIDAY of oaoh waek. J. Z. DS'IIAVEN, PrssHl.tnut. K. H. IIAI.Ti, Cu-I.i. r. PuiLansi.fHiA, June :ic, 18tH. , Je30-iss jjEW loan. m;w loam. U. S. 10-40' JAY COOKK Jtc C., OFKKB FOB SALE TUB NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, BEARINO FIVE I F.R CKNT. IKTEREST IN COIK, redeeuialile any time after Tr.N IKARS, at ths pleasure of th,e Uvverumeut, and piiyahlo KOK TIT V Alt rter data. HOTn COCI'OK AND RR0I8TF.RED BONDS ars Issued for this Loan, of satna dcnomlnaMoa aa tha 4 s. The interest on a.i's and liuos payahls yearly; on at olher denomlnallona, half yearly, Tho 10-40 bonds ara dated March I, lt-4. The hair yearly Interest falllni duo rStptcmher Lit and March 1st or oath y. ari until lat Hep tember. the accrued interest from 1st of March Is roiulriid to be paid by porchasaro In coin or In lkoai. oi-aaKMor, addlns rtfty rer cent- for premium, until further norico. AI.LOTIIKR (JOVI.ItS MKNT SJKCURITim UOL'liHT AND HOLD. JAY COOKE & CO., nil'' If Ko. lit It. THIRD HTKKKT. MONEY. TO ANY AMOUNT. loaned mma IHatiinnda, Watches, Jewelry. late, Clofhtits-. Ac, at JON I S A CO. B OLD F.STAIII.ISIIKU LOAM OFKICK, Collser lllllll) ami l.ASklU rJuast, It.luw l.ntubard. X. B. DI AMONDS, WarcilKS, JKWKI.UT.OUN.Ao, ri-R SACK A T HKMARKA1U.Y LOW PKH'ES. )oS-loi s A N IT A. II Y l-1 A I 11, CIIF.Al'KST HUMMEH HATS IN THE CITY. IIOUKIVK, JeT-h No. 40 N. SIXTH Stroait. MADAME DKMOUEST'S MIRROR OF Fashion fbr fiumiuar. auw roadr. svhalasala aud retail. iORAVD OPEN1NO OF Sl'MMER PATTF.RVS at Mrs. M. A. HlNIlEU'Bl TaiuiO. of r.shL.n. SJ... IftH Cllr SHUT Hires. r.l..ar.t Trimmed Patterns, nf all the latest and moat re hal.la alylea of Parts Kashlona, ir Ladles' aud Children s loess. Oar arranttemenls for r.'lvtns: th latast Parisian dvis-ns ara p..rtoci, arr.srdiits always a ouolc from th freshest and nit eleeaiil styles, Dre.a an.1 Cloak slaking lo all Its branches, and a per fect rlt warranted. Cutune; and Haelliif at th skorvost aoik-e. French Fhillna and UatiOerlii. Slamplhir tor KiotstoldcTy and Braiding; Pinking ha vrs varkov: .Madame Damoreal's Prlxa Ustlal Hkirc: S'po..h Coi set a, Bklyt Bssvatoas, Pads, Blslald, Uouks aud Byos, Iminniug aad mannrkclarln unralv.Icaaaadwtllarrar superior lducuieut to vory ausunuax. tel-tutlialia 11. DIXON, No. 41 S. BIDrlTM Stnot, DBAI.PH IN FANCY A SI) TOlI.ETftOODB. UMUUELLAa A Sill stsstAsullJI. Fans, Bead Dre.saa, ranch dswasry, laauar oooo. Beads, Be, A. aAylo-sat ri'HE AI.1IAMBRA, ATLANTIC CITY.N.J., A la now opsa for visitors. Th rooms and tabu ar uuturpassed by any on the Island T. rms mederat. jaw-ran- atunttasi lut stl, Froprtaaors. K A -II A T II I N G-S H A -h AT U I N O. BsaawnNAL BAIL, CAPB kTWs-aS'lt. (,'APa; MAT, B. J. Children undsar II ssSnrs ol a. a and sswvanta kail pr I a, BuHsrsor accomi ii.os and ample room ivm 1BM HUXttaKIl rKHnclNS. N-BB AAKOB ttAJUtarioOji, rroprteto. pOE THE ARM! AH D Iff ATT 13 V A. PT H HArlBALL, MIHTAIIY FUHNiaUEIia, No. 418 AROII 8TREKT. rarLAAF.LrniA, Baaaora, BosrlaMaUl and OosspanF fTass. Bawds, Raakoa, Bans, Passaata, RoaolsMa, tuts, Oais. Camaana, tlavorasvdui. Camp EJU, FMd Otaeeea, Spurs, and STarr. thlnf pertaurdn to tao ooaptato ooiAt of Arsv a ad Hary Ornoors, o A k-bssral tlaoairat attosrod to tho trade. Baylo-ksa pEESIDEITIAL CAMPAIGN. FLAUHi BAHTTER3 A5D TRANsiPABENOTES. VI. IT. HCIIKIlItaK, No. 49 8. THIRD STREET, Ahovs Cheinat, PhilaJelpkia, MANUFACTURE OF n.Af.s, DANNFRS, TRANSrARKNCIKS, AND LANTERNS. rVktl-al Campalaw CI a ha Dilad out wltk Lantorna. Parte as, Barman, and Pi aaa. at rauvmaMe ratea. fas Urn L A O HI UUNTINO FLA OS, OF BVTKRIOE QVALITT, SILK F LAO S, OT 8UPF.BIOB QUALITY. M U H I. I N F la A O H. or huraitioB cjoautt. llalllarOa, Pulleys, AO. WaoSHsio aavi Retail, at W. BL HOESTUANH k SOUS, lytt-tf rTFTH and CllERBT A treats. J IX. FOHT13 II. AWNINO MAKER, No. 443 tf. TIIIIID Htrooto ABOVE WILLOW. E8TAHLIS1IKD 1344. AWNTNOB, WAOOB COTF.BIa, FLAllS, AIM, TEtrrs, PAKCT TKBAMDA1IS FOB WIBDOWB. All kinds Of Work done aroBantl. and aw.ilul a. aonaily, by ' JUHfJ'H II, FOSTER, Ko. 443 K. THIRD BTBKET, apn-Asa Akovo Willow. lLAtSa, FLAGS, AND UNION LANTERNS, -A- For UiumlaaUoa. JOBS DOM, Ko. sm MARKET Btroet, ImMrliBr of TOY AVb KANUr UQ-UW1. oM rc!Tpl trom fcmoi, f nr ow ilMUoa.ft Unc Bttotimrut nf MKHBUCtlAUM pirns, bowm. cioab titrks. . , CI1KIIKV RTKMK.Ao. W-Utus-lna M.m, a larso vanecy ot t oys and. Sane aruolos. 11 N II Y II A n 1 13 It, DEALBB nt WATCIIKS, JEWELKY, SILVER AHD PLATED WAEE, JVo. 5ao A.RCII Street. AMERICAN WATCH CO. B, R. HOWARD A Cl.'8, AND BEtll S PaTB.NT WATVUKS. All Kinds of Sttrsr Wsrs autdo la Uie Factors; adjoin la- w stoi. )e-lm Q( W. SIM0N8 & BR0THEB, 8AK80M STREET HAJX, PUJLADkXPHXA, MANCFACTTJRERS OF JEWKLKY, FINK SWORDS an (lat-tr BtTIJTABT OOODS IV BTBRT TARIETT. TAMEH II A. It 1 13 II ' v WHIiLKSAI.1 ABO 1IKTA1L CLOCK KSTAnLISIIMENT. S. B. corner SECOND snd CUBdNUT 8uau, Pkllad'a. At.s.ttc r roa thi i-atkst EQUALIZ1NU TlllBTY-DAY CIXX)KS, A very deairabl article fur Churches, Uotels, Banks, iaxiiiuus-oi'iisv, s araii. ac. Also, MAM VM Tl IIKK OF FINB O0U FFSS. CLtM 'KM HKI'AIIIKII AND WAKKANIKD. Jalt-1 y Clock Trlmmlisya of every doaorlption. JOHN 8. WILSON. rMTOUTER AND derlrr In WATCilEd. Fins JEWkXkr. and man. laosures; us BII.VKR WARB, Ko. 11 IT. BINTII Street, atstva Arsk,Phlladfllshhl. Tho hsghest piico paid tor old Silver. my7UylS A. GRAY, N. K. CORNER OF SIXTH and r,an and MINOR RiisseU, buys Diamonds, Watch, Uold, ,auviian icaots. TUOrjji m WAriT Or M0NST, vacxiss. All kuataoss oonfldontlal. myl9-tm & WRIGHT fe SIDDALL No. 119 Market Street rtFTWKEM FRONT AM) SECOND 8TRKKTS. '. o. w wsjuiit. r. II. SIIIDAXL. DRUQaiSTS, I'llYSICIANS, AND OF.NF.RAL STORKKKBI'F.RS, Ca ami at our eatabl Istuueiit a full assort mntof f -uaortod snd iKituestic Drugs, Popular Parent Medletne, 1'atuta, Coal Oil, Window Ulasa Prescnptloa Vuls, Ac, at aa tow prices as genuine first -claas goods can ba salt. FINK F.ISiKNTIAL )LH For Ci.nforllonere.ln full variety, and of th best iUatl'.y. Cochineal, Bengal Inillgo, Madder, Pot Ash, Cu lboar, Soda Ash, Alum, Oil of VI rlol, Annatto, Copperas, Ks. tract of I oswood, Ac, FOR DYERS' use, ala aysou hand, at lowcat net cash prices. P1UE SPICKS FOR FAMILT CBE, Ground expressly lor our sales, aud to which we Invite th attention nt tltosr In want of reliable articles. Also. ISbivu, UTAKvll, JUUTAKO, etc., o.i-tr ottosty. Orders by mall, or city post, will meet vrltu prompt at tention, or tp.cl. I uuoladoui will be lurnlsbod when ra qneatcd. WKIQIIT ft sroilALIi, Wlsulca'e Drag Warelioosa, Jall-ly No. U MAKKKT Street, above Front. G K O It G K W. T. VOIUT'8 Ul.AHrt WARRIIOITHK, Nna.ftVl iid;u;t bt(ANt:i( Htfi... Olaitwareft.r liotuJi aud lCUuriUitft, Uoufoclltmrrt, Pfrliiweri, u.d hrnitt', Aiu. Uie liaticiti Bk)rtrafot of tils ASS NtlAI'FS Ibr Wax Fmlt, Fmerici. Clock, c. PuilcbonanU Vn and iKid k4)ivra. 7-lu II E N H Y HISIOIV VNITED STATES NATIONAL WAGON AKD OOAOH WOBZS, Oftloe, No. 631 NKW MAKKKT Street, And Factory, corner of SECOND AND ClatliERLASD BTBEET8, All and .ry kind of H.tA.vai. WAtlONN. CAH1S. DRAYS. WHPVI HAnunwa and TlMHEat WilEkLS, adaptvd to Army . Koad, kotwr. r Plautaisua purpoaaa. All work warraalssi. Mr0rdrs proatpuy atlaadod to. )-tf I7XPLOSIOX8. LKT EVERY NAN WUO i swni a Steam Boiler read tule nolle. Asharolt a Low Water Detector oaiar galla to grc-a tVasa ana Salf to two hours' warning, as doalrad, that ah water U) saw tag loss In tha hollar, aud that daaa-er la ap proaching. The InsUuuaani iuiuro a oar. ud a) wa I soled in vry lasunoa. AUo, Kuans and Wausr Oaag, wHk Soatck (tasa lube. salS-cleaiismg gaug-cosks. A. . Saad lor (arcular ooaialnlrg Phlladsbikla Uttara las' trculara. AOOl'riTl S 6. Pi tVn r. a4-las X.aB.BUTiIu.!!l- au. and BSuva a' .ir rr ton. .aaisat aos. pro. Cosuasxsra aaoald nsaks thesr r" Ml Flous to aavBua twiaav. IV tJ iriir.i-Aiuia-isc i.tiio.--,,,, ll ehasd as otter bessw th oe prSt. "Js Mkcsi, artkss. Sjssji it w. usss, tmisi) 'ivJ jW. bssst and oat aid, a. Us U nuln KAUl ' lcg kiua.as WANTS. A tslTHNT. nrolssd eKlaot cUH8TlTUTK wanted roa ajdi . BOX lasst, Phlladslpkla root omasa eKlaow. . jTt-i i A SU118TITUTK WANTED MR A li?- SOB Uahls to ha drafted. " . . . Apply at Uie OBI oo, irl-X' Vo tMS.TinM Btroaa. FRflT CI.A8S BKRVANTS LAROB NRW Fork llrat oh Employment Honaa at eapabla, otsft esse, veata, oie, women, elrls, Ao, for famlllea, hotels . ebsraa. dr., for city and ctioti-y. Condttoeed by ra.aoa.asua parUea. No. TSA SA SJHtlM Hires, aoar BiShiS I Ales) ssd aliruusrsM owrv dar to suit ad. JoWaet FOR SALE AND TO LET. G COUNTRY BEAT FOR BALK. A r or.ieaa4 ooontry Baaktanoa, wtth an nisdara .V ?'"''r- ad is aerste tt sroond, half a at lie IW V Z.Zr .'.""Tl1"1 stolnlnd eleaaal masaloa of Hare li ,a"'5.b ",, aaonnoo by emdtoerat to H H f Aiaft,i!M "12"" "n",n -'" Ar-y. FOR SALE. -W,000 WORTH IN Q00D as-a i-s.ss.s. isnis ami s ra . u , ai tarma to suit oiarok nlhars, II hoe asilhont lnrUr..K. . sou pma ss J r , . . ... - isrnkaaeao. aad fostsi h or sr wllhont Inamhranea, for cash , iro of . from lo ta It o look a 1 M. PLtSWMAM Bo.W.koijHTH trade, Inottl THOH. M. FOUHTHe "TIMK'S NOBLKax spring Is tha last." OrF. A Ktw HKWTBa VArrma-aj The WAIIF.NS.K HKW-lNia MAiJHira combines all tha advantages of ike aseanr flrat class marhlnoe. and WllkrAHHKS ALL OTHBBsl 1 for sluplicliy, raoUoaaiuty, aad. ntta lucy, , "acMno.. on srtvmnt of thatrohaapaswa and itaw .. sn sll vaJuatuo and daetrabia maoeufsae so. ttav ta siaaaJao tktj ssnr lowlaa, -fs. -s ; iBWurn MitfTrTtwEw NINTH Street, lootliuntal UoaaL, KLASTIO BTlTc. SKW1NO MAOUIh THE BEST U USB. ap No. TM OIIF.BNUT Stress. sra-ti OUEATEST IMPROVBMBNT aWsjsaaw4or THK AOB IB PIANOS. Ill I I'MSTTtRB IMPROVED 0TB8TBTan PIANOd, AckoowlediredbythelaHnamiUaad InSot aad bT 0k Musical rvollc to be Uie dnaat pianos la Ausarioa. lbs attentioaofUie Muskal !! lc la called to ths rsesoal Tat Improvement In these Piano Forte. By a ssssr n.otnod r eon-lrtietloa, tha rreataat posalhss sol a aaa taf tnnst haa been, kialaed, wlUvasil any of tho osssssatsaoe oast Isriillaacy for waicb tho.o pianoa are so oekdiraiad ksshaa; fcBt. and which, wltk aa Improved Touch aad AeUisaw render then I'aednallod. Thee lo.truao.iiU reoets-od th PRIXR MCDAL at ka World Fair, hld la London, as well as th liurhaak As. arda esfw atl competitors, (rota the oral Fairs aad kv SlMatfss In tlila oonntry. Wsroonis, No. IJ ARCH Stroet, below B1t, . HMa Palladaiphia. ga-siiw lawr 13 v linTt UOOTTAQE ORQANai Bot only mntXCF.LT.FD hot rrrEQrTM.r to ssrrBf 0 Ton and Power, deels-ieed ape4all v for I'kurrksvs aaat school, but foand to be equally a erl a-laali to Use FoaioaT aud Israwlag Bouta. Fa aato only by F If. BRvrrrii. . IS FT. SaWBSTd nlraa.' Aran, a aotnptato aooortaaoot of Use Portaot Meiasiaoa) oastautlF oa hand. aaa IS -Asa 1)AI(LOW'H irVlIGrO iisCuia, rrjT up AT WILTBBROBH'8i j DUUa BTORE. No. S'J'j N. HECOND Htreet, PniLADELPHLA, ' h ' ' 1 WIS ootor mora wat sr than four Uaies th saaso fmaaaB of ordinary India. , Tho new Label doea not roqulra a itamp. ' ' V ' It is Warranted to Give tktisla)otioa.r It Is retailed at ths same pries as ta ImiUUoas aasl loftirloT Articles. JoU-ISk ' pAvUVTiiNou iA.inf Tirron Ko. 47 S. TBIED BTEEET, , r ABOVB OHEHNUT,' ' ' KAUY A BROTHER, r BOUSE, SKIB, AMD OBVAMJUITAI, FAXBTBBC Orafntng, Olajdnf.ODdiasoa Glass, KalaooJnlng, FaaoF TaimlshUis.as. aoMtf. WRITTEN AND VERBAL DK3(?RIP tlonsof Chsractssr.Oonstrtutlsa, and Talent, svttat Advlooon Uus nsaa, Ueaita, tiluoatloo. Hau-laa- frovmcnt, Manairaraont, and Training of HILitKJlN. Social Adantatlon. Jke.. dar inlan. aucg.by Jttiiat u OaPbn. rnraaoirsxistaisd Haokaaaac t pts--MB t i r n i rs -tinrst, airar isnaanrrs. I EDICAL PURVEYOR'S OFFICH. i.rl Miv Ynss.JussiailHI. Insentors and Manufacturers of AKIlrtCIAL L1MBB 'ran ar.d ksys) ar Invlicd to praaeot aasi.iluetia of their M.sl la lo a board ot Medical Icmcers.oou.tllul st by order ol tho Acllnr Hurueoii-O.toral U.S. A., At tho Vedlcsat Purveyor's Cfflce, Ko stw ItKOtiMR fttreet, In thlaolty. oa or hrioie tin eleventh day of July nest, with a vksw w tha adopil. n ol tlio boat model. (hlgned, by oidor) B. A. CLRMEHTS. , ' Assistant Surgeon, tl . S. A., ) tjyll Rcwdorof Hoard." li KDDINO EMPORIUM. No B. oKVriNXli Street. MATTREHHES. MATlltESSKB. Of Hair, Palm, Excelsior, and nnsk. AA 'DUtiJ-l1. HCLH rKHM, ABT) PILLOWS, I Ahl IKON BKHHIKAlid. si-Kino Usui Ay vqts; l and renAVa Tng la a Un sm lio. II S. BEVbS TH HUoeU Jot-Ial K. B.-sBvalrii anl dospulth. ARTIFICIAL HAND. U. A. OILDEA, Ioveutor and Manufacturer of th A at 1 I F I C 1 A L, A II M, Approved and adopted as Tut, SlROKON.OtSEIAL OF THE UNITED STAT SB. for Holdlers, Has permanently located his oillc and Factory at Bo SB 8. Ft ill IC1 h mieet, Bli door below bpruco, Poilada. jv ..'-(.Hi CO V 1ST Y '8 IE A WAREUOOSK.---KaT.4U in It.- Importi-r aud Itvaler In n4ce lla. ana nun, t .'nutA ak KlarkBrBira Pie-k latas ..a a. tnJIh and fttwHcli Am and tnr, ?.ni.tkil Uaali lfiila Iakk As. Vhj ft)t-ki pat up wltti rtra. At Mu. I1H HKTOVl Hirrt. TO 8HII CAPTAIN 8 AND OWNERS. i r T he under U, m-d taviiiM lamrvd Ihe A N llhtt IXM'h. hsBtfit tii liUorra hit ffiamli &n4 tH pain n of Hi iMtk tCat ba la nroptrMl with .ncra UltkH lo ( OtllUllltM atr UiOae havlllif vaiktOal to ba ratlasaaat or li'Mairid, and bflnti a pra U.al il-ciTsfl(itr aati caulltL-r. will ,.ki tonal atituiliun lo aii veaaaia aaUHai to liint for r,l r. Ci aina or Aicntt, Hhfp Carpantm and Maehlalatbi lia iitft Tt.'rBi'U io rpir, ai uUciIimI tooall. Ink tli aMic for iba aule of ''U'etiaratedU' Mtiatlir i oniu-ittn," or tji tser Palut. tut tna wvtMtftrtta. h u off vefkfiii' ImUi fiat, for tbia cits. I bm ni-aAJ te Hi uiAb Uia Mai un tavuiable t-rnn. JON K ft. . nAMMITT. Kenitnivtsrii Hnrw iMtrlr. flawara aauua. abuva Louwl tttrvaC JJDMUKD A. SO TJDEB 4 00, COMMISSION M K RC HA NTS- AM) SHIP AND STEAMBOAT AOKNTS, DOCK BTlttET WHARF", PHILADELPHIA. rnarso A. sornaa, AH. ttrhALD naTTy, sraiiisa x. soL'itaa. a4-tf ClUnGKS & FHOST. No. 9 MECHAVIfT sTr Sircet. Kewark. N. J.. want rtrst.elasa amii. in .11 parte of the United Hpitas to nil their Patent Oovarswa-. Addieaa aa above, wiih two aud ton eeut staiupt, star Agauta clear io par day. JtOO-thatu Ina N THR ORVHANS' COU11T FOH TH . City and County of Philadelphia. Bsiataof Kl.UAtthl H WHITE, deoaaaed. ' . S-K. ......... .... . -.. . . ...mi.S ttt) .... ... iw. ..K.iiucl, W .IHIII. WII..SJM1 , . rat and anal aocount ol FATHH'K l.KvV. rS."".w tho Inst will and teslamont of P.I.I ABKTH " ' i,',., emus, and wport Oaiiriliuilao of the balao- .r, "r1 "! hi. hands, will tuesl Uie partus InUra.l.oV1',"''" hie ai.poinlroeul, on Tl P.BDAY. J""' Tu,":;"" "1 1 csuca a .-.si., at nia omc. a. a- ESTATE OF 8'-'l,u1' G- UI.BKET0.V. ."'.?.'.,fl.-.-a F Orpkaas'Conrt ofrheoss. The Auditor ..oof'" "tpaaas tet ornemv f w audit, atll, and adtust IX and tVsanty of Jnuir ri iwiw ' srftthtllt And, B" LANK BOOKS AND BTA Tlt'N K H "f.m BANhi, SANkkltl. ait ar-MM., ukuuwm Tl hKkS, BA1 H'jAU OoatJ-ASiKJI, A.., WW Bad B a th.tr isius-swt ss rSr grasa lies liauajsrkraada. MLAMM. irti- s a, tm, ABB 8ti nora-HF, AS kkade awBnstnoM, pn..i..ssaiuriri a.. . i or as at saoosaasa pttsea sy wriLWhr wiv; Mlaaasar, PrtaMr, aast B'acik KuA J - .... -. A. St f. F .. hi syBM j jiss.,. 9 -'aia4JtifSiBrj. ; s ..... srf itanaa tgs, a asi.or, aaiJ u ?..!f?, a''" "' rr""' ""westsKl for ib report us bl, apptnlnsW1t,oo Mllh UAlT, July II. v: ' V onk. r j t