The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, July 05, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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A iah.t AmnnooTf xcwsrArxs.
Filua TMra Onti fn Corv, sr (him Fra
areas:, BwraMe tba Carrier, end Milled te Setieertbers
wt athe CHy rvMx.u rn Annua i 01 rmxie
a TM Moerraa, ssvartaMv la advance fcr ths period
ilwlln iwiiW kneertae at the aeaej nIN.
irrwtwunl made Ibf attended UteerUooe.
A llherel
Te lrmHilnM. ' ' ' '
Ma (M Mm Of Awenyaeea.
Whatever to Intended nr Inaortkw am" emti.otio.eti
py the eease ana MdnH ik "-'-'""L T "
poetic!, hut tnro (hr hl endran. Weoan
at wtaiun at nun rejeeied OoauwawJoeuewe.
T AaTvertJavrav.
T Owtnf to great reeree. the ClraelanV ef Tsa
liMMlimuni.Mn! In pre.. i an
arty howr.we enr-eitr crt.l that advertisement, may
banded ba tn a. tea 0 cant'k, If poe.lble, lo secure
Uieaa aa keeartJoa as all ef tax ealtioae. .
i No single went since the commencement of
. the war hit caused to much public delight as
the destruction of the Alabama by the United
-State aTearsars. The long and
hitherto ondlMorbed carwr of this out
law' ajnong nations, with her recorl
of twmlnji ships, plundered cargoes, anl
'outrage and Indignities upon unarmed
sallon and passengers, has created a senti
ment of disgust and horror in every civilized
community, except where that sontlment Is
outweighed by a sordid and mercenary sym
pathy for the murderous Kebelllon that flaunts
4ts Mack flag on sea is well as on Isn't
I We congratulate the country that one of
oar Wlonii Vessels has accepted the bold de
fiance of the buccaneer Ssmmes, and put an
rnd to his Infamous career. By this one act
'Captain WrasLow has wiped out the rrproach
heaped upon our naval service, and won for
(blmfceir Imperishable renown.
tiik War Ann roTrot.
. UntU the Southsm States robelled against
Jlhe Federal Government, they possessed al
most exclusively the . cotton market of the
-world.. 'That la to say, all the non-cotton
producing countries of the civilized world de
pended on our American Southern States for
-their chief supply of cotton. That ono fact
-gave the South great wealth; and presuming
on that, the planting Interest of that section,
"which bad grown arrogant and aristocratic
'under the baneful Influence of the Institution
of slavery, claimed, and for a long while ac
tually exercised, an undue political power In
our national politics. Cotton, In being a staple
-of superior commercial importance, and pro
duced principally In the Southern States, was
-positively converted Into a potential ele
ment of Kavarnnent among us, so that In the
Bourse or time, n came to oe a common anu
' accepted motto, that "Cotton is King."
But the moment the Cotton States seceded
'from the Union and took up arms to maintain
that act of treason, those States lost the ad
' vantage (hey had long derived from the cotton
trade.' That act of revolt against the national
government not only brought on a war which
.topped the production of the plant in the
.South, but It so effectually closed the ports of
, that section of the country against the market
of the world, that If it had raised the usual
f amount of cotton for export, the product could
not have been shipped. Thus the folly of the
Southern cotton planters and slaveholders,
' has destroyed the only or main source of all
i their prosperity and power. They literally
' killed the goose that laid the golden egg when
they Initiated a civil war, which has prevented
the foreign world from getting its usual quart-
tlty of cotton from the United Status, and
I forced It to seek that indspeasable commo-
. 41ty from other sources.
. We are not at all gratified to think that this
? country has forever lost so valuable an ele
' roent of commercial wealth and power. We
would much have preferred that the United
State should keep prolonged and undisputed
' possession, or monopoly rather, of the cotton
' traffic, even though the South enjoyed the lm-
mediate and largest benefit of that monopoly.
But It is too late now to cry over spilt milk.
. Tha Infatuation of the Southern cotton lord s
provoked a conflict with the Federal Govern'
1 ment that has, by cutting England and Europe
' off from their supply of the staple from thin
country, forced them to get cotton from
" other countries, and the consequence is,
1 that the accustomed amount obtained from
America has been so nearly made up from
other sources, that when the present civil war
ends, it may be seriously doubted whether
j the trade which the Southern cotUn planters
i have lost can ever be wholly regained. The
only thing that could save it in such a contin
gency as has happened, would be the cheap-
' ness of slave labor; but as slavery must pur-
Ish In this country in the progress of the war
to its final conclusion, that important advan-
- tftge In growing cheap cotton must pans away
t from us forever. Late statistics of English
' cotton receipts for 1803 and 1804, show that
cotton is coming forward in increased quanti
ties to compensate the deficiency of thU coun
; try. The augmented supply of the hut twelve
i months amount to 311,105 bales, or more tuau
fifty per cent. Increase over the receipts of the
previous year. This supply has boon as ful
' lows:
. 17.W9
. . CI ,":
.. U.UU
. . c.iao
; Br. oil
' ,; H
i tiiu-ru autl Oreetc.
V ret Ilidllr
Uti.-t Indti-a
CI il ai.d Jep. n...
To aU...
liicr. aae.
, t'l this total, T2,(M Amurieau and West
, Inlla bale mny be Kubtractud, Bince It Id pro
bably old growth, and not current production.
, The remainder Is 810,105 bales as the actual
, Increase yield of the latter year over the
former. Let the compound ratio production
be continued for but a very brief period, and
the existing famine in this textile will be at
an end. A the matter now stands, the East
Indies, China, and Japan, Egypt and Brazil,
-aoutributa more than we do to the world's
,a. Their combined growth, however, 1
"iVartion of what our was before the war.
. MKWTAX"tT or TUK :
Nothing In, tt
. -country is mow ruJ tUtory of this
. wh we call "U ga the growth
; n..nw veart cf not aaT" It Is not
- vei T m 4 i - .
J U the regloavia
i man's
-vtvitniA and north of the OW Venn-T-iiw.ui.
Tht region V.
i f7"'" . AniM srosDcroua
It ait
1 ,'J2l
liJ.VJ i
, ttwrr. , - .....ginned soma t "aaag sdmitUd.
I'mer-I of --v--- .utltiM to the
f ih. Ohio. Indiana, Illinois and navl '
I Uaouri J the most prodacUve eon-
' SSSTlhe eder-tlo-. h.v. added
STof dolUr, to toe rurc- ol
The growth of the new futes In the North- j
west Is due in a large measure to the Judicious
legislation of Congress, both as regards the
disposition of the pnbllc lands, and the en-
couragetnrnt given to their Improvement and
settlement. The free-farm system hss drawn
to our shore a vast number of Immigrants
from Europe, who have taken up smill tracts
ogronnd on the remote frontier, and Invested
In their cultivation whatover money .they (
brought over with them, In addition to their
skilled labor. Tho laud thus occupied nndnd
all the contiguous country more attractive, so
that the tide of emigration has, for years
past, set steadily westward, and Is rapidly
bringing into use a wide expanse of territory
which all Indications assure us Is destined to
be the richest, most productive, and powerful
portion of tho United States.
Illinois has more voters than New Hamp
shire, Vormont, and Connecticut. Ohio has
more voters than Maine, Massachusetts, and
Khode Island. And as they have exceeded
their elder sisters In population so will they
hi process of time excel them In wealth.
The same literal policy of tho general
Government which has oiwrated so beneficially
thus far In the settlement and development of
our extensive national territories, should be
persistently pursued until the whole continent
from ocean to ocean and from the lakes to the
gulf Is covered with a homogeneous and
thriving people, working out, under the fos
tering care of a central political system, tholr
own Individual happlnens, and the grandeur
and felicity of one common national organi
zation and life. Every legliilatlve measure
that contributes to that end should be choer
fully supported by every Representative in
The only resl value of the public lands to
the nation lies In what private Industry and
enterprise can bring out of them for the good
of all and the progress of civilization. Hence
the nation gains more In giving them away to
actual settlers than in sailing them, in the
proportion that Its first mode of getting them
occupied and developed Is more certain and
expeditious than the latter.
And here let us remark that those persons
who complain that the Government has made
certain grants of the public lands to railway
companies in the West do not rightly appre
ciate the great advantage which the whole
country has derived from those donations.
The construction of the railways through the
Western States has tended, in a very large
measure, to fill wild regions with an
energetic population, whose labor and intelli
gence have much more than repaid the Gov
ernment in revenue, direct and Indirect, for
the thousands of acres gtvon to the various
railroad corporations that have Interlaced all
the Western country with those Iron high
ways which carry population and wealth with
them wherever they go.
In tho last ten years there have been built
at the West, 8G50 miles of railroad, at a cost
of 1 253,820,404, mostly by eastern or Imported
capital. The Illinois Central Railroad Com
pany alone sent Into Illinois $30,000,000, and
built a road which enabled the Federal Gov
ernment to sell $11,000,000 worth of land, and
the Company to sell $20,000,000 more to actual
settlers making over $01,000,000 concentrated
In that State by the operations of one com
pany. The chief effect of this hai been to
swell the segregate receipts of grain at
Chicago during the ten years, to 153,541,554
bushels, which at an average price of 00 cents
per bushel, (the value for 1800 at Chicago),
would be worth $126,000,000, thus exceeding
by $31,000,000 the cost of the railroads through
the agency of which the grain was made
available In 1801, the grain increased to
47,607,400 bushels, the Southern routes bolng
closed ; and In 1802 the amount was 69,150,300
bushels. These figures but indicate tho ex
tent of that prosperity which has developed
so rapidly (luring the last ten years In the
northern soctlon of the West.
We would call attention to the sale of pictures
and other works of art, to commence this even
ing, July 5, at eight o'clock, and to be con
tinued on the following evening at the same
Lour. Many valuable works will be offered, and
it is hoped that the public, by a numerous attend
ance and liberal bidding, will show their appre
claiiun of the generosity of the artists and others
of New York, Boston, and our own city, who
have so largely contributed those valuable gifis
for the benelit of the Sanitary Fair. A mott life
like portrait of the Empress Kcgbnib by Fao-
kami, of 1'ari, will be offered. Alo a water
color drawing by the Princess Hathildr, couhIu
of NArot.toit III, and a marble "Agnus Dei"
by the German sculptor STuimiAi'sna.
The portrait of Cobdkn, by Faonani, was sold
for one thousand dollars at tha sale'of pictures at
the Metropolitan I'air in New York. The Art
Gallerv will remain open this afternoon and
evening and to-morrow from H A. M. to 10 P. M
when thin beautiful collection will he anally
elosid to the public. Let none mil's this last
chance nf tei lug the Uncut exhibition of works of
art ever brought to'th' r on this Continent.
NkW Ohlkass Pai'EHs. We are Indebted to
Mr. l.oi in It. II mm an, Purser of the new Phila
delphia built Htesmahlp Hlrrtrie Spark, of tha
tetnlir Star l.iue from New York to Ne
Or (anu, for late tiles of the Crescent City jour
nal, tor which he wld accept our thank.
PiAiiiiFti to DiATH A kliiK-iitttker nimeJ
ih til) Force w. rlulibed at Ilia biwrdiii-huuso,
No. 11H Londiurd street, last evening, by a
druikm st-ldicr named Hfniv O'Xcil. O'Xeil,
v1jO is h'.me on a thlrtj davg' furlough In cjnse
qui nee of s druiM'd aim, entered the hduss at
the I me namid, and a nunrrel eusuiiifr bctaeea
It ru and oinc of the inmate, h iiiied a knife
and tut Force lu tho thijib, scverius the uiiin
srlt-iy. The wouudid matt was Itumtdiately
taktn to the rentisylvaiila Hogjiital, where he
du d a abort time ultvrwurds. llu was a native
of Mount Holly, and leaves a wile aud child, who
rtsldc at Bnrdoutown. Ho was working at his
trade in the house in which the allulr occurred.
A bearing; in the case is now progressing at the
I' Dion street Station.
- Am eobd Mi anna. An imiuest will be held
by the Coroner this afternoon, in the shooting
atlair between William Maybury and policeman
Edward Walton, from the effects of which shot,
tired from a revolver in the bands of the police
nun, Maybury almost Instantly expired. The
deceased, It is alleged, was engaged with others
in firing off pistols In front of the Hand in Ha nd
Engine bouse, Ninth street, above Poplar, and
though requested to discontinue tbe act still per
suttd In It. Walton then attempted to muko an
arrest, and being foiled in the attempt, drew bis
revolver and tired, ths bull taking eiluct in May
bury 's temple.
lioti' Hiob School. This morning the ad
mission of pupils Into ths Hoys' Central High
School took place at the school building, corner of
1 Broad aid Green streets
There were IjO camli-
Tba pupils will bs classified
average inark obtained for the
ths regular semi-annual
been dispensed with. Those
wbeuV, -Wow a certain average for their
ia et. sens pack in to eusuvie.iutu
place oa vv!-
Vt ni.1.!. TW,.' onmmencement will take
ursduatci. Mnt, rU tha Academy of
the usual number of
Ths VnrsaANS or 112. Tli soldier of the
War of 1812 held a meeting yeiteMar morning
In the Supreme Court Koo n.I'ou r lUy in tb
After tha or(fnnlrtion of ths meetlnr, Colonel
J. Ros Anowdea nflercd ths following :
Rnntni, That w ! hrd with i'iirr(? r .rot if fw
S-arh nf il't following mitrt ni-n nor I.hi mftlng,
nr. fetor Chi. r,. Krrrirh Krilvton, Wm. H. rr r,
I4.r. I. Ink. 'UrMi pur t'ntin l'-li U tl.lnnli thn
rank. f otir A..rtti-it. anil a1mntiUh u. All of i'io
iibOfrtolnlr of lil", and the ntKe.a.tvol preparation tnt the
future varld.
The rnvolntlnn wan adopted.
The follow tin were elected meni'ier : llenrv
(trseff, II. 1'. Mitchell, N. K. Itarn r, le
Ahnical, Thomai Temple, lienj.tinin Mjthn,
Klwanl K. Thompson. ' (
After a patilntic. nrenmlite resd br f!iHiln
fleorKe Kmi ri' k, on helin'f the Kxecntive C m-
nilttee, the rollowlngreiolutlons were adopted: )
K,.r.l. That allho.ich the anHrlo.flow b ,
n. ., onrrneeumtll. feor.i.ry of a .lovdr ..i. .re..u. of ' ,
lie K.bwlion.aMd the rauoral.onof ir. Mure not yol
he'n ri-a Ikfd. end arol lanneo.o fiow-rtion.
tlntie to he waired, ramlnx death S'id itioti Irt It.
train, olllor the who e I imt with w oner, and orti.n.anS
ne.'r-1-.a'nv Imii'imnrf heave hurd m. uron the homo!'', wa
.till rh-rl.h (he hope ih t lijr tl.f e.winr. -if ihe A I f.. I rf f,
and a l.e and enirietlr p..ll.-v fin ItV liarl of (lie n ititai.t
AilniliihtrnMon. he l ulon llle ra.t-redltt O: it.on nai
purny, a cnnHiimmatino d-rouwy tu ba Ui'.lrad by ever
true frlet'il of liiimeo fVci'iliitn .
A. ..rie'. That tha thank oftlia otS Mildter. aradua to
etu mate l.eiflilantre hr the pmvl.lnn
I'n tale .'..Imii. lor tha roll' f of aotna poor aod le-ra.lJ
elernn. of lCI, thna .roiioihliik Hie pillow of. ima wrune
on. and frandvHik hate ahafl thelf U d la Uu prenont j
w.r. 1
AorMf,That the nnparaUe'.ait lltxn-atllf of onr rlltiona
la r..i,rliii out tWr monr wil mini Mint, bT the tender
and Chrl.tlaii ('iimml.alon., a. well a. br devotln tlie'r
p. r-on it aenlrea oa ilia Held nf batile, a. well a. In taa
mill arv tiuu(tnUi, lo .lipid lha wnnta and allarlata tna
euflerlnir. of one .trk and wouodod .oidier.. atrlRlnirlr
ei nipniie. the true apirlt ol n'liulua phiiauthrop, and la
above all prai.a.
Afur the election of officer for the rnnlnt
year, the Declaration of In lepjiideni'C was read
liv Colonel Koltert C'arr, Rged ei;htv-thriieyeAra,
formerly of the l.'ith United Htited Hiatea Infan
trv, ths oldest mcmiicr, and enly surviving olB'ier
ot'the war of 1HI2 in the States of Pennsylvania,
New Jemi v and Delaware.
Colonel O.irr then road the remarks made hy
Alexander 11. Stevens at the Oeoricla, Convention
in Noremtjer, WM, in which he argued agiinst
recession, and the meeting adjourned.
Sali or rAiwTf wos. The sales of donation
pnintlnga, contritiutcd by New York, lloaton, and
Philadc'phla artists, will commence at the Art
Gallery of the late Great Central Fair this evon-
(ng at eight o'clock. 1 he gallery will be opened
from eight A. M. until ten P. Nf. to-day, and. If
neceniiHI'y, the sale may also be continued to
morrow. It fa to bs trusted that the attendance
will br large and that exclusive sales of these
very valuable, works of art may be effected.
Boakdof Health. At a meeting of the Hoard
of lietUth held yesterday morning, Dr. J. A. Mc
Crea was unanimously elected President, and Dr.
Junes levies: w hs chosen .Secretary. The follow
ing is a list of the mem Iters :
.Tames A. Mrf'rea, Jamea Steele,
Feier Arnihru.ter, J .me. Went,
JaoJ ll.l'oalea, : nr. Wllmn Jewell,
O. Mnriiaim ( uali lr
Arthur Haihf., iltr.Jamea LettiJt.
Keha M Hoche, I
Doakd of GcAKniANs. Tho organization of
the now Board of Guardians of tho Poor took
place yesterday morning. Mr. Tow nsond wa In
the Chair, and Mr. Charlos T. Miller acted a
The ccrtlfiCHtes of the newly-appointed mem.
bers were th n presented, its follows :
Ocorpe Krety, iipiolnied by the Court of Cara
mon PJetui.
John M. YVhitall, appointed by the District
Wi I am II. oodwanl, appointed hy the n-
preme Court.
itie lotiowinft omccrs were men m-oiecwii
unanimouHly :
President ueorg l.iety.
Hecreury Charles T. Miller.
Treasurer Krud. A. KirveV.
The llourd then adjourned.
Cosvalkscf.nt. Benjamin Sige, Ksj., of
West Philadelphia, who was reported dead from
the effects of injuries received on the M irket
(street Bridge ou Saturday, it is thought will
soon recover.
Bskbvohwt. A number of gentlemen con
nected wiih tho Twentieth Ward Bounty Fund
Committee, visited Rev. Mr. II ill, at hit resi
dence, No. lil Frunkliu street, yesterday morn
ing, and presented him with a large an I baud
ionio likouos of General Washington. Hev. W.
It. Thomas madu the presentation ieech, which
was patriotically replied to by Kev. Mr. Hall.
Cottes, sanuwienes, una sonifs.uuu coeera tor tue
President. Gouerul Grant, and the army con
cluded the pleasant exercises.
Thk Bointv Find. At a meeting of th
delegates of the Ward Bounty Fund Coiniti't'oe,
held ou bitturday eveniuj, the following resolu
tion was adopted :
Rrsotred, That K EaiH-atlva (VMnmlttoe. tn he ealial
"Tttt Cl'tzen a V oluiilor niilMt'.ttirte CoiumltU'e." to uou -eWtuf
.In ineiuhers, lo whlrh l be 1' be edd id, ba
appuirtad by Uiu t'har, wluco coiiiutllUjo .tiail tta.ehi
charfrr the duty ol" lakluit 'ich meii.uri'. a. in y .oero to
thi tuDto.t exiK dletir to aid cltiiiMis In iiromriiir a-ibitt-
tuie., and that .aid roininit ae hhnU hut c puwor to Ittt aoy
vat ancle, aud to iticrea.u It. numbi-re.
The follow ing named geutieaten were appointed
to form the committee under the resolutions:
lion. Wm. Siroug, lion. J. 1. Clark Hare, Mr. U.
C. Lea, Mr. J. G. Koseugarten, Mr. John 1'hump
son, Mr. Clement 11. Penrose.
Local Bkf.vitiks. The service of silver
shortly to be presented to General Hancock by
the citi.ens of Norristown will consist of one
largo and small waiter, four goblott, ono lare
pitcher, and a beautiful punch-bowl, with ladle.
The gift is valued at 1500....A tire occurred ia
the cotton waste establishment of J. Lodge & Co.,
back of Third street, below Arch, on Sunday
morning. Loss tfloOO. 8 1 range to reditu, at
noon on the same day a lire was discovered at
No. H9 N. Front street, a bntldlng iu this occu
pancy of the same tinu. The loss ia this
ease, however, was trilling. ...Tho amount of
money paid out by Mr. Uiimin and his corps
of assistants, on the lot and 2d insts., foots
up to HsliU.otio-fW. For interest J0,a;ti 8S ;
cuy warrants, Of the last amount,
there was paid on city lummy wtrrauts
the bum of .0 Ou Saturday a'te noon
2Ki mm ot the Kb Uegiment of veterans
made application lor payment of money, aud
although utter ortl.'t- hours, the bounty inoacy
was paid thetn... .The drivers or the dill'erent
paoseuKer railroads, a a recent meeting, unani
mously resolved tu ti. iiMiid $2 per day I ir tliuir
bcrvicts. An aiisncr is re pleated to lie gien by
the employers ou or liefore the Dili iust A
package containing one thousand dollar., of live
dollar eoiinlt-iliit Mils on the ll.ngtiatii Htnk of
MasSi.chusett-, hh( obtained by the police on
Saturday at Adams' Kxpre s Company. A man
who hud just iiimlo inquiry after the lid's was
also is stated that &..' ,0 H havo
Hlrendy been contributed by the Coal l.vili figo
of ibis citt towards purchasing General llauco K
a splendid mansion in this i it) .
tint at Ci.nthal Cloth I Nil Iloi hk, Sixth and
tlri-at CeiiiralClothlni: Hon.., Hlxth and Mtrkt.
tin al IVnlrui t'tothilut lioii-u. Hi M.tli and vlrke:.
l.ri ai IVnlrel t'lu'htng ll-.ii'.i.', .Hi nth ami Met kit.
f ileal ( eniral i lott.iliM llou.e. Hi via at.d .M.lkl.
Ureal Central Cloihinu H iu.t aliUt aud M u-aot.
tiluat Cai.trai t-i4itliiiig liou.e, tiikih and Market,
tin at (.' btrlil I totliliiir fioll.c. KiKlli :uid vl;kt'L
t.irat t i-ulralt'li'iiiiiig llou.e, Mutli anl Mirket.
llrrMI fell ral ClothlliK llu -ae. Hl h and Uarket.
('eolralt'1'Kliliiir llou.e, Nixm a id M.rLet.
t.teat t'llitialti'itliliia Houe. Htxtb anl Market,
t.ieat (l'Utra. 'lutlilug llou.e, tilalu aud .Viarket.
tireat Ceiilial tllothitit' llou-e, .Sl.tU au.l M irket.
tlieat t'enlr-l t.'lulhl: g lioiike. HUih a id Mirsou
' tirest Central tM tlhliig llou.e, Slmh and M4rkit.
t.reat Central Ctotltilti: lltitiee. Sl.'.tli anil
(Uvnt ( eniral Moiliing Mouse. Hlxth and M trket.
l ireat enliall'lt'tliuig lioHia, Htxth aud Market,
tireat Cenlral Clulliaur U u,e, HUUt aud Market.
Waneuieker A Itmwn. Oak Hull.
Vt'itnituiaker A hruwu, Oak Hall.
Wanauiaker A Itruwu, Oak U-ill.
Wanaiuaker A brown, flak Hall.
Wanamaker A lltowu, tiak Had.
Waiianiakaf A llrawu, Oak Hall.
W anauiaker A Kiown, Oak
t auauiaker A Itrown, Oak Hail.
Vt' anauiaker A Brown, Oak Flail. A llruwa, Oak Hall.
ViaiiaiuaVer A llroou, Oak Hall.
W'aiialnukar A llruwu, Oak Hall.
Hai.aiuakur A llrown, Oak IltU.
rYanauaker A llrown, Oak Halt.
Wanamaker A llrown. Oak Hall.
W anaiuaker A llron. Oak Hall.
Wanainaker A llrown. Oak Hall.
Wmjainaker A llrown. Oak Hall.
Waiamakur A Hronn, Oak ItaU.
Wauaiuaker A llrown, Oak Halt
Stranger, la Uui cltv vl.nlng lha (Ireat (Kutral Fair, and
ertuans generally, will nnd the best CloUiing aud Uie most
rcaiooahle urkas al WaxaMaua A ftatiwa'a,
Oxa Hall,
S.E. corner Sixth and Market aureets.
LABEm A Co., the Incomparable photogra
phers, at ths southeast corner of Eighth And
Arch, have made special arraruTements fur ths
co ruing vreek, ia order to accommodate visitors
to the l air. During tha week, six superb covfes
afevtstfe- will be taken for one dollar.
AatsaiCAH Watohrs,
Jewelry, and
Ullverware, at
W. B. F.ltonhead'g, No. 1322 Cheanut St.
Eats. Straw and soft bats, most fashionable
styles, at Lalng & Co.'s, BUth and Chesnut
CasAT Snoabt discovered to avoid late break
fasts and make ttfaeerfol homes. Bay your Coal
of A- 8. Dotter, N. 304 H. broad street.
AtmoTT On the Ith In.miit, F.riTIIKK, wife of Jh
Ati'M'tf . the Tttlh y ar -f hr aa
1 ue ta a'i.ra aru) tilihd.rrt tha taml'f are IivIImI ka
ilitd ttof. tirral rooihtT lato rrllrnrr, No. Utt Vina
feet on I latr.dar. JH In. I ant. at u'clork r. U. (A It .
NIM'Hit-Oh the tn In.taat., wile o Aa
St rw K,o-Tr. In the 7ot ear of nor aao.
Tlrrrkiutitiil Irl-n e of thr f.m Ir are r porfiillf
to' ttwl lr eticr (he li nral trom the rln f e f hfr .on,
ho. mlT lb, etrtet, f.i.ti'-eeuih War. on Wedneedef
af' riu4 n. at 9 n riork
HowhHaM. KMlol on the fM nf .time. In front of
Viet. hum. tt.-meiil I I.I.I AM W. Ho W ill Al I.. C n
pin, Ik. iU I'unnvlvaiua Volunteer. (lUMt-fk Klra
F.r.1 t K.R --On Saturday, Jtilr I. H -v ft UN.) AM Iff
Kt I.I.I- kt Uoneral ,em of the Luilurnn Fuliiieailon Hj
cii t , th th-71.1 yenr ui hi. aire
T l.e n lailvp and Irieml. ol tl.e d. reiki-rlnra reaperlhillr
Invtetl In RI'etHl M. lii'iernl, Iroji the re.ide.we of (f.
V 'i.r-nn. K.r . No If" ire.(, oa Wcdneadaf
tbri Inn y o'clock, tanoral to prM:eed to Uar-
Klt,- Juir Id, ud ieni, ABAM KKX, la kit
'T,",Tktlve. and filend. of the rm1lrAre ra.nerlfullr
,.,, (a,rll, fr..a r..,enr- ol tilt
, N MK .,.. ,:r,.,,, n.htrailh Wrd, on
Wri'tie.i.ta. ai I r at. t he. or l.'Uf. No. r a, , 1 at.
and I'-'iliy l.odB''. I tl.o o F . sod the ejnnth r. of the
drill r- irei era h are Invite 1 (o aitond. To orooee J (a Odd
Ftllnwv' , eme(rr) .
I'AIIIIAM tin the 3d Inttant, MMtTIIA.tlie wife of
Jol.n I In tle 7 'd ea ot I i r aue.
Ibr n la'IVf. end friend, are re..eritnlly InvMed (a at
ti nd hrr (hnt'ral.on Wedi e.iiav mornlns. (he flih in.'.ant,
ai in n riork. from hi. Iae re.ldeiite, u. 17ut 8au."ia
street, wKhoui luither totire.
l ATt F.HHON. On tho d In.lant IlRtl Kt'C . the be.
bvi itdaa. 'titer i t KobiTt end F.ll'alietb I'.utof.ou, aed
1? veaia. 1 mouth, and IA days.
tier relative, ai d liirrd. anl tlioae nf (tie famllv ara
r-nej'tlu 1 Invltod lo at'end lha fmo-ral. Irotn her pa
ante' naleure, .No. jrf h.t. airet. on Wedwo.der
niornliir. at 10 otlotk. la to Odd Fellow.'
Iron stRfen. Keep It bernre the) PhUay
Selphla public, that Little's lo-calll llarglar proof Safes,
nianiifartiired In Troy, New T irk, oan be opened
without nclae br drilllnn one amatl hole Just over tha
centre or the leek dial and tnln kiaall wlra. Any
of hla Hefea can, by this nutltnd, ba opened la on
tnlnnla aner the hole h.a been dillli d. Said hula can ba
drilled tn from quarter, half, or two hotirV lime. There la
no Haft of hla make la use Jan 1, 19SI, which eanoat ba
drilled and opened In thl. manner.
Parte. Interested are referred lo my Challenire to Llllle,
and other facts relative to his Hal-., piilol.tied to tha
"Nirth American," Jiuko 21, lwi, and "Sunday IMs
pah'h," June l, ISM.
Jnni li)n amlln (he po.lllv u.tir.nrea ylren br Mr.
I.lllle to the public dial hla Hares are drill-proof, pcraonl
dn.lrllig to la) convinced have enly to call at Fran. St
Watson's Hal. mautler Kara Hlure, No. 1 S. Fourtk slreat,
whi're I be operation of drIUIns and opaiiiim will he done In
their pteaencs avary morning at 10 oolock, nntll tha pub
lic ara aatl.fled titat 1 1. Safe, raa be djlile.t aad opiuad
wlUiout makjnr anv nolae.
Of tha Firm of Fvaiu A Watson.
J IIiMl'.'H
Of the Firm tf Fvans A Watton
It woold aeem from your tale notice la Tua Bvastan
Tai.KultAi'ii ant other newepapr-ra Itiat yon have opened a
rhoot of liistruitlon fir toting Llllle'. Chilled-Iron Safe,
actinf, aa we presume, In two-fold capacity :flr.t, at
thelii.irtictatrof thiava.; atcond, as tha protectrof tha
poople Iwo very responsibtt pnnttlone, trnly.
Now, a we are very deiliou. to aid you In everyway,
In thl. Imixrtant work (Imliortanl to tha thler, tlist ha
may nut employ hi time crlsa nally, or ex
poae hie pcraon; Important to tho peopte, Uiat they
may know and (el thai thalr treasures are ar
rtire), wa propnao. In tho fnture, tt warrant every
Itank hah- that may ba sold by our Agent at Philadelphia
proof against your aelentMc attalnmenta la tba art of
bunilary; and as jon have so diiintrrtulty volunteered
to In.imct and eullKhten the bnrglar and protect the
people in this art, wo .hall lake the Uherty lo glva yuu
timely notice of tlie arrival of each Balk, u.d w nut only
ask you to tost each Fate on thefr arrival moa your new
scientific pIhb, a. publicly announced, but wa claim that
we bare the right to upon It in your new position
as a public teacher and benetactor; and If this la not
sufficient reason, we bavc stiU another to urge.
Your present fat uities fur a aattufactoty test ara very
dcficlt-nt, aa you have but one vory Imperfect Safe to
operate upon, and lr you accept our proposition, your
Held of opertitiona will ba much enlarged, and your
ertntts may prove much mora aall.favtory to the puhllo.
We now, as we ever have. If you .uccted to grind
or drill a hule thrungh tha door In the front of the lock., at
any point. It 1. ratal, snd If dono In any way practical to
the burglar, the Safe Is nut harglar- proof.
Tim first Safe we shall expect you to test, ai above
prnrsiMd, is a Safe Ju.t ordered for a hank In the Inte
rior 'of the state. We expect to arrive In PnlltJe'phla,
and te be teady fi r a test, on Monday, the 10th of July,
at in o'clock A. M .and r-h.uld ihure bo any delay In it.
ai rival it will be announced in time. Wa trust you will
be ready for Uiia tct.
Kcepeeifukr, 1.F.W1S I.ILI.IE A SON,
M. C. MAUI. KB, Agent,
Jyl-lf No. HI 8. SBVKNTH Street.
Ityarulrry, DlBrrlni-n,
AFFFXiriO-Sd, Ac,
ant. rRitMiTi.r t'uaat. ar
It ia tulck,sate, and certain In Ita action, sfTordluc tm-
auedtate relief w hen promptly a-1raiulatere4. Ase doea not
Itni nlr ita vlrluea, subject to Uie varying la-
rlueiicea of cllmale, being oijually eflective la aU latlluJet ;
M Is In all (e.pcvta what it claims to ue-Hk " .Honrforrl
iavsehold Hen ey," which every fautlly ahonld be eup-
plletl with.
II never falls to subdue tha moat violent attacks of these
oniiilslnta. no ui tier (root what eauae thoy originate. Aa
ctianxi'l of climate, water, Ac, often nrvduoe these serluu.
dl.ei.kf a. Travelers at4 othera ahoti Id always keep a auunty
ef the Carminative by thent.
The urompt ti'O of 1 r. 1 JAVNF.'S CAliMIN ATIVH
HAI.oAM wi t alwaya reatuve the Dl.nhcea and Oratnps
which ai r. niau II e aUacks of Cholera, (bus often cow
qutrli.g the dlacs.e In Ita inclpienoy. It has I'eiuently
ben siluiinlKieied In nelghtiortiood. where the Chel'Va
has been laguig epldeaaii al'y. and hav m er failed lo give
luiuifiiiatc and ptrtiiant at relit-i.
1. eiieedily and f rfcctiiaily cured by Hie Carminative.
H removes all soreness of the Abdomen, allaya the irrita
tion, and calms tha action of the Stomach, aud may always
be relied on lo relieve tha sufferings of the little ones,
wheu used according to directions.
Cholera Morbus, ChoUc. Griping rains, Sour Stomach,
WatcrbrMb.rain or Sickness ef the Stomach, Want of
Appetite. W ind In the Bowels, Cramps, Sea Blckne.s. and
all Bowel Affections and Mcrvous Dlaeases.are removed by
JAVNE'S ( AKatlNATIVE BALSAM, with more oar
talnty aud cave than by any otier preparation yet offered
the pohllc, Freparcd only at No. W Chuhui g reet. Jy
Nolle. Treasury Dprienf, Jnly a,
l&tit.-Tbe nothe for prupcals for Loan dated 20th of
Jane, ISM, for thirty-three million, of dollar. ( 3,000,000),
being tbe amount of aaaccaptad offers nnder tbe auUue
dated tbe sixth (lh) of June ,1a hereby withdrawn, and
all propoaaU received at this Department will ba imme
diately returned Is the offerer., with the proper order upon
vthkb the two per cent. aepesH will be refunded.
Cao. lUawsiuTOS,
Secretary of Ike Treasury aj lUrtm.
it i t
.mmue.ns vtaikaar. baa ramoTed hla ahoe froea
Mo. i, Blra-oerr. .uttoNe WCAMtaa SlnM a-
lob liis tba oM Fo.l OUloe Huiulliui. Having Inureaaes
fauiukiee Ibr oarrybig on (he hu.uMea ealenalvel, ha booee
W ietn aabatnefrnlLiagpaUoixatrev aw
li. W A L It A V H H,
rjooFJitrra to w. n. oaxbix,
lfo. 719 0IIESHDT Street.
fine llmvamn Ctajatro
StK-uiaa. Dana A i"Ana,
Ac ann Taictn.l
havajti.l received a now ltaporta(tonof
of the cfotcet brands.
K. O. M'bltmrtn A '..
kt anifactnrera tf New and Dellolons Confection., Almond
Taite, t hotyilala. Caramel., Cre.tai La Mode da
rula, eariai.iiely flavoreaL
Roasted Joidaa Almeoda. Ao., Ae.
No. il Chaanut street, trklow 1'onrth.
Ntrk C'o.'a PlonO.
MF.CK ft CO.'fl
STUCK A 00. 8
t. r. nm-Lit,
Seventh and Oheenut atreets.
No 4H PKUNr? Street. "Hub.tltntra." Trie City
Itntinty nf two hsndred and Sfty dollars will he paid In
ca.a. whroenroUtd clttaen. of FhlladHphta, In advaiiea
of the drati, put lu three yeara subilltUitia not liaile to
dran, and proper credit la given upon tha guotaof Iheu
If cltlxen. not enrolled put In auhsUtutes, the eubstlrtite
I. retrarm-d a. a voiuiiteer.and on a proper evidence of his
biltig ert'dlted Is entitled to tho bounty.
1 he opportunity Ik thui attorded for c'ttsene to atd the
ceo.e, while pioeurlng earmiuioiie for themaelvca, and
aeelatlngUie city to ItU i J quota. )y
and Paper Store. No. .IIS cnKSSIJT Street. -
a.nvrepa jusntiiatsni j,
F.nvelupe Mauutactory,
Itnveioie MaJiuXactory,
No. IMS fhe.nut .ire-1, No. 3IS Che.nut alnet.
ro. Mil Cheanut etreer, ISO. la t:ne.ntit itrwl.
No. atti Cbeeiiut a raet. Nu. HIS Clieenul street.
Paiier and r.nvelopea.
Paper and F.nveloitea,
I'mrt-r and Slnvelinie..
WhoVsale and Retail, Wholesale and Retail,
Whd'sale aud Hilall. W hlo-H e and Retail.
Wholesale and Uilsll. Whuleaale and Ketall,
At the Lowest rne..
At Ihe Lowest 1'rlcoa.
At M AnFP.'g. No. aiG CIIF.HNb'T Street, between Third
l.d Fouilb. iW-i-
An areeptaMe vtiertng to every 1'airM.
The oiiit coirert and sulhort.ed
OKMt.KAl, lir.OlttlBl WArtltltlTTIN,
Manufactured In hlerLng Mlver and (Joetier and White
Metal. alllDle sent hv raau tree ol charge nn reroliil of
Ho cents. Agents wanted. K. rtl'F.HOKlt,
liox -im t'liitaaeiuiita ruai ottii e.
Manufactured at No. w ASCII (Kreet, tyi-l a
New bljle .nveloe. al Mo.lllACItK.HNUT tttnwt.
rted r.avetou. and rauer to mat' a.
lied r nve ope. and Faner lo sa.tvn.
Kid Fnvelopea and 1'auer to match.
Ked Fnvcli'pe. and Faperdimateti.
Fit-w kiyle Nule I'aper, colored un theMth paitn.
New style Note Feper.ooloiedontlie tth pne.
New .tle Note Faier, e dured on the ItA page.
Wnh Fnvelopes In o ait-h.
AtsnulacturfHl and for 8 ile at
At M AtlKKS, No. Sir. CHKHNC r tllroet.
At UAOF.K'H, No. 1 CI1V.HNL f Street. Jyl '.'t
Cxcurkloii. by Stenmliii.t TltKN I'O.H Irutn
l.L I aiiftt WI air, fur laconv. Torreadale. Bevurlv.
llutbllotun. and Bristol.
rttit ititiMTtiL tun nirni.iNtiTOH.
I I' THIFH At H'Wi A. M .-i lOaildH V, M.
1 OWN Titll'M-F..m Urlatoi. al M.'t. 11 45 A. M.. and
iy, F.M.
iiOWN TBIPS-Frooa UurUngtoa, at I'll, 11 & A. M ,
ami '. 46 P. M.
The boat down fmm IlrUtol at M$ F. M.. will atop
si I'opl.r Htreel Wharf, Ken.lngton. Tacony Trip. UF. at
H'.'tA.M, i' JO aad 8F.M. HUWN.nt rt i. A. ,
and 7 F. M.
FAKF. Ft 18 THK K UI KtttltN.
FbMadelhla and Bristol, Burlington, lluverty, Tomkadnle,
ami la ony .'lit cent..
Allll n 1' IliM.l.T.
Leave Walnnt Street Wharf at H A. M. and 2'30 P. M.
Iavr Kei.aluhton Depot al 7' Hand il lii a. M.
KKltlllM.-vtl. lesva Trenloil at IS 13. S IO.u li. C','14.
anil H IS F.M.
Kxourtlon rare $1.
Ixave Walnut Htreet W harf at 6 aud 8 A. M.. 12 and
ht.t t km Nit, leave nnrtientown at l,'35,antl6 J0 P. M.
Kxctlf.luli Fare SI,
Leave W.l-til Street liarf at a A M.andlF. at.
Ft l l ItMNl., leave Mount Holly al 4 10 F. H
Kxcorslon Fare 7 cenle.
jyMK Agtsnt.
Tbe Steamboat (IF.NF.ItAI. llfxtKF.It, Captain MAR
K l.F, leavi . Fan mount every iiour for S 'iiuvlkiil Ib'tirut.,
I. Hint Hill, BelinMI Cottage, the Falls' aud WLaa
hukon. jyl-lf
I U It A 1' 11 1 liH
riTULisiikiD nr
INo. :t:i M. HUTU Htreet,
P H 1 L A D U 1. 1" II I A.
1l.e. RIOt.kAPIilK.a ar crc,ult7 empllwl, wtlh In-
ttrMiIng I cldt'iita) of crtr of iotae of th formoit
ciOiuiercil urn ol ttilt couimtinlijr. Kilty mctq penaaal
kk romprUfd in lb work, together with tn Is
tix.Juri.tiD arid n Kkkayoa "HKKSON AL PKOSt'KKirif
OK JIMilHAMH." I .ltd hUU Mveral accurate
l'uilialts ou Ht l. Kvftry l'ssllaUelpban ihoultl laourra a
v y ol this WOHK. Jy'i-ttutU i(
Wo. 305 H. WATEIl Htreet,
Imitation BrinJy nd Wtn 'aski,an4 all kind of
Work made of Old aud Htw I tuff always ou hatitl or
made to order.
All klnda of TrUuuilngt punctually atteadod to. Jyl-lm
1 J Jnly l"i, lM 'i. fur one share of the Capital Stoak ol' the
Nectinil and Thllil,Htreets FaaMUger Hallway Cotnisnr, lu
ttie name ul Ai. U. Hal ej. A. application lias beutt luaJe
1 1 the Compauy fur a new CerUttt-ate, tha Sutler Wltl
lileaNe return Uie same to ttie office t the Couipany, or to
jetw-tre.,- auut. i. iaiwb,
J trel Fair, proBOunced br tba Corutnlitee to be the
nneal view taken, pulitlthaa by K. SIILL go. TM
AiUJll Slieel. A liberal diecouni lo the trade. jeJU-fv
I .henuatvaa tuaathar nailer tha ttrrn of MiBt.rtiM.
HYKEMaN a CO.. auSwill cunilttue the Car Untitling
hu.ltte.s in all Its breueltes, at tbe eld eatabll.tirueut,
ooxnar. XWAJizi-gittai ana tiaaiiLttvi. niraeia,
JOHHfll K. Boi ros,
lyl lm il. W. C'HILDH.
no. nu i.uim.b: ffTKKrrr,
A Urge force ef kolMIng OMcaaauea ef all kraaches
Uwafioasauo. ee-.-iw
A 6M 1ST ANT CJ U A R T E H M A 8 T 15 It .
OWfrml'i onc,
I'Hfl.AI.etlPMI. JtllvOT. !.
ft'ltM trVr)a,tRt will N) rvHoivF-tl at thl ofTI unff
KIir,rtiA nt. JuyA. a It o etk H ftrf
f ti ih rnittt Nisi. divTUl at Um tk'hnyl-
kill Arfnal, tbr roit wtn arttt m. tii.
IftHtrtnaJ ssfit I'tna. Un i Ara afan't-irrt, and tna1
dftl Tei f iMiii.ktnail. f'i m i-aMi1 (ilt,.aW, or
M all !' I ttiM, Ufk. oti.-r r"j fit it wo'it.
( an-ti Wt Wrhn, l lnch Unen t-r tutiun Simple
ft f)un-fd.
lplf ma t t'fn at (Ma ofltcn, nitdr mint nU'e
In tiftr T't"B, I'f'M', Mh nttiat hr nwn in
wrjmi aa .1 at ftguitt', thr qutttUttp, and Itmr of
firm- tn.
Karh Mi tnu-t . tniafa -toed h- twi r'poniole pw
tii w rtiene ai (iiftlurt-i iniiat be ai-prnued to tli
HhU from tlefniiliiMi ontrfirtort wHI not be re
It I a nk ftitmi f-r pin..ali ran b-- had n appllr-ntton art
rtil f tXre. arid i a li li 1 ! fn.ioritotl wiOi tl .
t iki aariioular aitiilf bid fur. '
(1. II. OK'SIAH,
)Xbi l A' t Q. M. tWisral, U. A. A.
Aimj. hf. aft mvi II sir.-Mt
lUi riMinif. Md. Jiinp?t. 11.
sealed rrctv-eelt in itni't
ittr, mil Ik rt-relvs-tj at tnil
Mi.rt is ni
on W KltNF.tlM Y, Ju'r I I. Itl ' H'-
rUlnu the tuliod
riubsi.ten'-a li. partntcot
Kuril fiiotMAN't (tjny ur.n or ftttKf (ut
T 1 K nn the l rx.i, (if.iiwrM at the Hut- Catile .ile, t
HhI: hum p, Md. , In lot) of I iii) rn (liousn'i.t fa tli every
( 1 ) tavti dni : tobeethwl (thin one nnd a ttaif day a'1r
a my a', at tb rtinav -f the rntra'ir. Ili. mul
aM-rae at kmi I ( j.ftif) tlitrtcen 1 tinjred MitnJ ni
weiKlit ; al ia:;h u al.ort ft ( Ir 0"V uiio tiiriHanit pMiiitt
pnai wt'rht, Italia, Htara, Oxen, to a, llilfen, and
IlornJp ( a ill le rr;.ffj,
A i'-iticirti ol trn ( tU; piinfia will he madf from tha
weti hi il tacb Mtr aorcpid un Jit ihia comrnc-.. prt
Tti.i.'gj U e iloi-a nnt iant in Die pern iu i 'te
l.aii lertiit. N-Hr twina; i1rtd, ur la aH we if lied Iiuom
i.laiflv aitit r-mrival imra i tit car,.
ItlrnK Nn tor ran he had on aopllca
tii-ti at thia o4H-. e4 iber Ita person, r br mall, or tele-
Thr tjfvvemnirn' H1 claim the rlvht of wgUing any
rnf an.n al fr. arafr, II lia acpai nrc hnlicta i
welrht ttn tlie niifumoin teirlioncd above; th rs
.ft ol n etu l-i 1 1 W'H o i-ald by the art erring; In Judj(-k-rrit. Md, tn a ot-1 re rn.ieratl'n, mnit cvnta'n a
wrlitefi gtinxaniee ol two roapotialble pvraoni, aa
A e , of 1he County of , Pltiite of . dn hereby
tiiainritf'r thai i (r am) al-lt tu fu'ril a ri.trrt t in
arf' with tlii titni-i ef liU (or Ih ur) nron 'itiin,
ftxl alKHild htt r then) niNiti(n Iw aojetiful l.efr
h-v wHl at nnrm rut r tito a rtnitraft in Bf-r'-rdnnoe
th( r-wlia.. and are pro,. art d to her me hi aucurtt ea,
gli Ini Riud ai d iiifttcwiit builtU fr tt fultllmant.
The renKHiaihl'ity ol the truirantora muat iKirvbtwnhy
the o (fil ial rem il at of ihe Clerk uf tbe niaDnt IH ti let
Coii't.orof thr l'i Hod Hiaioe Olatnct Attorno. t e en
cofd vith tlie ifhi.
Itiudrra mtiet ba ptriont lo reanona to fair nini, ana
fitei-er. d ti. Klvfc bouiU uid alga the couiracl befure lear
rutiooihie. The tFovomnmnt retenfw lo Itaelf the riedit to tr,ect any
or ail btda contfierd nnamrabte.
I'afiueiita in tw? maite attei jtu:h do'tvfry In anrh funda
a ii -a he on Land; 11 noneou Uaud.toba tuadeaa aouD
m rroelvcil
I ioiH'r-Hlfi muat ho OflfWued iliatlm-tly "PR 1() AM
FOU rsrterCAlTl.f: anl atldreais-u tu'CapuluJ. II.
OILMAN, V.. H , lia t mor, Marirtu '
li a htd li In te name if a nriu, tne r names and tholr
fw at office addreaa n.ual appear, ur the? will mt bo cin
kid rr d.
Km li perton or ova-y membor o'a firm olfrtntr it pro
fvanal rrai aecoiiipany It with nn oath of allr!Kc to tlie
Otiitid Hiaica tiuvtriimt'iit, 11 he haa not already tiled una
at thU oftite.
jH bidt not ramptvintr rtrittfy vth the term of thit a4
e,.,rm(K.6,r(f. j. n 0II.M4,,
30-llt Captain and U.S., U e). A.
I riailH ftir tJia Nivt.
June 30. 1H04.
Henlrd Piof O'iila to fnrnhh Timhor anil Mitfrlnia for
the Naryt tor the Hhcal eirondin, jTine.tO, tntUt, will be
rrlvfU nt the Hnruait ot Cnntmothn and Kfptilr, mull
lOu'i soCri ofthf tat uay of ACOl oT nexi. at whict. time
the opening wul be ocinmenreit.
IVt ,,eu ni'.tt Im eontTHr-J, "rmpoaala for Tlmbi-r and
Maipnalfl tor tlw JNavy, that tht may bo eteUlui, uiabed
tiom bUftln Iwi era, ar.d d rctrd tu ihe ciiiaf of
tha hun iiu oi ( i.oitructlun tfnd Itepair.
7 bo material! atot arite.oN emorared In the Alaae
named art- pan imlarly !. ritr.! in the piintcdtchiMtulo,
atii of which will be lun l-txl t auoh aa dtre to ikNt.
on apnHt-aUiiu to to (moiandariU of tbe leepecttve
yarhaor to Hi-ay Aijetit iieriit ihTto. and tQoe of
all tt.e tnrila upon applieation tot i Bureau.
'itoi"olviltii Into I'DkHca b 111 t .r tno eonenience of
dralcra In rach. atiuh clnfrnfR only In- ftirmhed m are
ai-tiiaily riM,utn d for bida. 'lh. C.nnmanMlaat and Navy
Afc'ml tor arh a at (on add! In to ihn achduld or
ciatavR ot their own arda, lavu a copy of thai achedulea of
tho other ard for exauitnation only, . ora wnirh may ba
fudged whether It will he itettmb'e to mK aprncatkm for
auy of tbt-:laaoa ot tlue yard All o her tUtiiiiu brtng
rual. pf lrume will be fcreH to axtx:o of Ainerlcati
an r i of su twee .
Utlera must be n.adr for the wtto of the- aaaaa at
at 7 vard, uwn one of tha prince I achelulea. or in
atrot couleruiliy tljenwuh, of tbey wot uui be cutt-tidi-red.
I pun appth aUn to tlie Hureati, tn tha mm andaatt esf
mi yaid, i r ti any itay ai(v-ii, ibe lorm ot oiler, id uar
autf a, and other nereahary inturm4tlou,rpctiO( tho pru
Doaaii, w ill befuiidl.o.
'll.e contract will 1m a adcd to the lowest bid 'It who
plveh propor iiruntoea, aa rvi.u 1-1 by thu law of Ainruat
10, Ifelti, the Navy Jvpartineil ruaervluti the rlifht torcjfet
ihf lowt-nt hid or any wined m iy he ilei-med exorhlotnt.
Ihccoouncta will bear data tho ,day thn nmltlcaUon
la filven, and iMhertt-e can be dcmnndi-d from Umt date.
Surctlaa In the tuli amount will he re 'ju I rod ui ln xtn
ron tract, and thHr irapoiis)itittv certitiod to by a United
hiu 4. iHvirtct Jnilue. Li.ibd Hiatea UUtrlct Atlotnev. Col
lector, or Navv AKtnt. A adulitoual aeouiity, twenty pr
ct-muin will be wiihhfld iroto the eiuioimi of the billa until
tt.e contract 'hall have been completed, an I eihhty pr
c nt urn of each ail:, approved lnui Iicaie by ihecouiiiiaml-
ania ol Ue un.eieiit aroa, wiii u y ur nary Awnia
ih poti'te O oMry, in mnua or cenincaina, ai ine op-
ion ot ilio oi nun nt. within ten dava alter the wamint
fr tke aurne ahall haw bei-n pa-ted hy the Secretary of the
'Jiraaory. ...
1 i t oli' It are tna ciaaiea reiiuirao at me reapectivo
avy yards:- ,...wvlfv
Ca.a No 1, White Oak h"vm .No?, White Oak Keel and
kiclnon I'teci- : No ;;, Wh te oak Curved '1 Imbor and
Knni; No4, While (ImW 1'lank; and, illovv ri.m Igoua;
So 7, Y-)low Pnic Hfnrn.; .No (4, Vellow 1'tne Mnata and
Uiia-Timber; o II. White I'liie Hank and Harda; No
li, Whi'c I'lu iii'dMhi.e Oak l'eck 1'ian). ; No A all
Li I, a Mt.d fiHi k; r' 14. An nara no to, iiiexory nam;
N 17. tFiiir Uoiuiia: No JH.Locuai; Noli. Viii:o tk HimIUik; No1, II ak Spr-ice; No at. L'k
liumvtta'i Io.'o. nva, iouuo( uw, auu uae, nu an,
hiael; No'7,lmi' flpota; o 2H, Inoi Nallj, wrought and
ci t No;-0, IrFhtl; ISo Sl.Tlo anil .inc t No 3J, Hardware ;
Ni:w, Toole U r ston-a; o .to, won i.ea(i; io a?,iSitic
Pa nt: No ;. Cob red Pattita, drier: No ai, T,
Vktniab: No', lallikrra ni; .id i, uiaaa; no-l.
Olii No4o,'ltt',',P'' No 47, Nlup Chandlery .
Can No 1, Whlta Oak i So J, White Oak Ko
Piexca; Sua. V hlteOak Cur.ed Timber; No 4, Wulto ik
1 lank No H, i tlsow I'liiu laOKa; no iu, uuo rioe nail
aiiU Spar Tinhtir ; Noll, White I'lne L'-a, I'lank, aud
Hoards; No rV White Pine lock and Sta e Plan; N'n 14,
Ann Loa ano Plank ; no H, .itnoir.; o w. tuacn ai
nut aiid Ctierr ; No I". Locuat; No lit, W line tk Staves
and lifadliiB. N vo. Iilack Hpruco; Mo 'iJ, Liidiuinlini ;
No'aU'N Iri-H ; No -o. Htttei i No t7i lion stpUti i O aht, Iron
No la, wnrnjiht. tsHdcui j No :ui. Lead; No 81, .in t;. Tin, and
hila1r; Now, kiaidwuro: NoHl. i oola for 8 ores, fea t o
,V, White l eao : No i;, nu I'uiotn . No Jh, t olore I t'nlnt-i ;
No W'.Tutjwii ttw and Vrr.Uh; N'i4h, I.lnneeil Oil j Nu
41, t.iivai No -O, wtiaiouii; no 4, 1 allow, Buap, aud
Claai Nol.V hi't Oah iu ; No T, White t)ak Keel ,
Pit can; No I. While Oak tuivU lliDler( No4, White
Oak Plank ; Nv ti, Vadovi Pine 1-waa; No 7. Yl.ow Pine ! i ei tiw v-i'i- Airtu ai.u r,mr i ini'Mir ; ro :i.
'White Oak Bi-aids svad 1'l.iuk; So 11. While Pine TlmluT
and I-Ok ; i.n rime; r i,aiu vara; no Lai,
Hickory harst iid lian'" plkos ; NoLn, H.ack nii.ut and
t I fcirV 1 Jl'lll I UUr . iO II. f IIUUIl, iV 11', T yU. a.,BaJ,
Ptaveh ami Ht.fl'WK; Nu r k aprncr, No ii. Mahog
any; No Ti, 1 iiiooin It: ; No i.'i.lon, rum id, flint, and
MTa : No aft-, r i t'l : nu ii.irdti o '.. , to run niH
wioHl,t,rut : N :0. Lead; Nol..luo, Tm; No ;ii,Hard
warv; No :(4. tools for H'siim: So.iA, Wh ta Lead; No 37,
un Pflllit ; no ,M5, t oiorru -"oiin, I'rycra; .o ar-
nUh: No4t, Ui'HiedOII: No41, tllaMi; NO 4. Ilnmhe;
No 44. r lib Ol' i M'i ' i uow ; .o , nuip v.uauoiery.
' PHlaAlKl.llllA.
CTaaa No 1. Willi tiak Lo ; No i, W) lie Oak Kool
Pkica ; No U, Vi4lf f mk i. hi v d 1 imbur j o , v lute Oak
Ptank : No in. Wlnte Plnr Maxi nl t, ar T mber; No 11.
W hite Pme Phuik at.d U an s; N" iV, W'bitt Pina lva
Plat katulHta c Plunk ; N l;t, A-h Lra at.d Pl'iik; N'i
14. Aalt l'Sr : au M. mti a iiui ..i.f-rr., aistiio.-stiiT ;
No 17 1 tlj prvkk .ihd . rdar; No H, IxK'Urtt I rtx luila; No vfo,
hlack Hpruev; No 7:1, I lni'umU f : So-g.',, I:-on, r-und. rtat,
ffgUbrc t Au7li,n,fFii .-o i .nun ryir , rv .n.inni
roOi.h. cot ; o l.i at : No 'M .inc. Tin. an t rto'itrr;
NolU Hardwr-rss; No lt,T.ol. f .r atorca; No H6. While
Lead; Noa,'.nc l alnta; No 3., Colored Pa lilt., Jrera(
Ac: No It:. VurnliU ; Nu4, l.lokecd (HI; No4t,1laSv; No
44, huh OU; Nu 4lt. Tall w, Srap. 8eet (ill; No
47, Hi. a Chsudlery; No id, Oakum; No o0, luot
CoppOf. wiumwnTtW
(lass Fo S.Vhltc Oak KmePi cei; No 11. White Pine
I'lank and K(iol ; No 1. Aah Piank: No 4, Ai-h Oira;
No IB. lilark Walmit, Cherry, and Mti)i"roy; N 17,
Ctpnsa; No 'irt, hp--iire Pine ttra'it; No'i.', P-piar; Novti,, round, flat . ai d iuare: No Hi, HieeJ ; No i7. Hp kot;
No'rsNatls; No im. I cd ; No al. Zinc Tut, and fli.hte',
NoaH.Hardwiirf i No .(4, b.r Kiort-a; No White
lead; Noa7, 'n.c Paiht: No ,Jit toortd Pain's; No a:,
Turpcnilnr am VarD si; N 4o, L'Iim-wI i I ; No 41,l.n;
No46,'laUow,r5oau. Ac : No4i, Hhlp (hanitrry; No 4K,
Oakuiu; No4'..'Iik In n; No IU, lni.ut Cupper; No Vj,
folre; No 6. HfHowa. )y- It
1)iiorosAi.s yon luildinq floatixo
BOKKAt' or VHO. AMt llt'KS.
July I, Ixti.
Separate Healtil rroposala. endorsed "Frupinal. fur
llullilliig Floailn Itrv llocks," accouipanled hy I' and
specincstlor. In full detail, will bo received at this otlloe,
ttttlll 12 o cltH k M.,on the 2sih day of Jl'Ll in.lant, fur
theloiulruillon of a Floating Uiy Dock lor u.e at or near
the Navy Vanl, New toik, and one for uio al Uie Navy
ard. Fhllaaelpl.lai aald dock, to be of full and .ulocleut
capacity and powerto recelt. ral.e.aud sustain In satety
air.Sfl 'il al lea.t 2lto leal lii le.gth.W feet Ureudlil, aud
1U fiat draft, of 221.1 ton. ua;laceuieilt.
Iildileia will make ihelr spteiScationa full and clear,
dr,., nun f the kinds and nualiiles of material, proposed
to Be u.e. i they may bid for one or bolh dock., and In
Heir oners, w hich must lie eeuarale. Uiey will slate tlie
price for which Ihey will build the dock, and the time at
Whit k they will have II ready for u.e.
All lattnts or patented article., Il any, employed In
thee it.i ructlouet tlu.eitocka, aieto be Included In the
propofals. )F'',-'"-''
A J Vi'aulod. .
WAsiiiMt.rog haror.
WAItHIMlTtlt. Il.C . ,IUIV 4. ll.
W anted at onee, te work lu tlovarument Ituuatr Sboya,
guerteriua.iar'slleaa'tuient. Depot of rVa.h.iurtoa, tine
lIuTidiedlltst) gcei M.Ai KSallUlS and One UuodreU
tiOni vend WKKai-VrklitHTH.
lbs pay sir month wUl be SUty IoUara (.), with oae
(11 ratLn per day, and bo.pllal prtvileaei wheu strk.
ApplyatiCaptaUCllAKJjl if. TOMPKINS, A. i). .,
T'nit.d Stales Army, corner Tweaty-aecond and U streets,
Waahlngton, 1- C.
D. n. ltVCKIK,
Bricsdler-Oeneral aa4 Chief yart rma-ter,
ty4-Wt fJatarimuiit of WaahiUjitoa.
pupils Rewrn Martina,
The (irtrver M Baker Bawlrif U .viMns,
The Mirrr oo,
And aH t ntiaieipal ftswlaf alabiuas. AO ftunlaha4
ftaa tae.r Bsruaveiiial cfflcM.
Aiaa. aU kwda of Srckad-Daud MaosAiAaMalbc ala sn4
It ra aU ad ai aba M oiflaa of
K: l( W. BFOBTll t- .
(Ovi ta yean wiU tW- .
Udkt tmtihi to cim.
No. CJH W AL.NL1 Hin d.
dfl.vfrvo In tiUMiteTe, w cti h ftv H'H lvis thin T1" a-rnndi.
the inrka to be cm oft at t'e foO'th i wrte iral foni. and
the bre ant t'liiiiued dn n ; h- h vka of he tore itr era.
tod cm on I'Mir tiiriirsj nwirr ino Fn iWTi,ariio' '
hind nnartcri. euht Iuc'h a ahove tha aa .! t4 or hak
to nt, sa it bi-et to li t fuml-hid In t outl prup rJoti(. of
toiv a d Mnd iuaner4.
lo-iivrrlf . to t ttieera to be made In am h quantities ot
na tr . re. p d
1 h. lfi ol ail Ithflt. 8tar-Oaen,fN)wa,and He I ft r a wll
be n- rttd.
1 he rt l.e y (evi ry dav, If wcit,vy nf any oiarwltles
wheh any te orijt ,e.c, IJ b- im-iutflla e pfloa p
poui-d p- HJled in in ir a i'. utot ttie di-hverle mint Oft
Diatr at ani plxai d Uroaied hy thl otn, wtUtln tweatr
mitt-sjoi ihk lt , a d t ati hour itenk'oatrtl o the co
mai.dior ofhrrr ui mo caii.ii, oarrncna, h itiat.or ottwr
lilac whie It mat b n- e.r J All such d Uvrrha to ba
made at thv apriia ot iki i-ontrict-ir, tha iff a all om
t.. he nii.ji ct t . the .iii-c:I'.ii aitd re.ciloo of tit rt-fav
Ur a)T"tid fti-rux lor
No hid trom dlwa part ha, or from peroais not cmm.
a'Oerrd renp-innbt. .will , conhlT'.t, md ea-n md mod
h a'cenipttirsMl hy toe ynaraatee of tno ref'ralble por
aoits, aa followa
We, the linderalNiitd, ol the eily ot I'ttiUdclphl. Btnte of
iVnnxtliai'ia, do ! n h K"arant-e that will f, it'll
the rwulrrnu nia ot ttt cmtrMct.aR errprtnrd in the areim
panMIiit a Ivett iw ni ol ; and that a. in iht irn'of tit
c Btract Win aardwl to htm, Will faitor Kd aud siiJl
c nt iint lu the an in ot (Styt"') twenty thouaand COt
)arn W the I tllhfm psprHimiaiie ot th atim. 1
Knch bio until h a-r oipamed by the oath of aMeaianra)
of ti e frtertp a and ihf piiaraotr. and mtit iie a
cop o' ti lr a ivrtiatnent aita ilieo. 4
'lie nan f. of a I ia--tiia pa-ucMa tng in the p-o;-fal
muat hv arttxed tn tho rni i, .md no p'ron wiil
ahonta tu larui out or uinl.r.ct any portion ol tht)
No bid fiompaniea not renular y tn thr mi win
te raiiftlderftl. and pnrth hhhltnu lil ba re ta
Matewticr they Intend slaunhietlnif the beef propt
to l e di I tend.
The (h-viTiirnent reaervea the rig d to annul to centra-1
.it any lima, thonld tt tiof pr e allafr!or.
AH hrs i 01 au inh nor nuahiy to th it sdniltled In dvntlr.ment, will be lejec ed. and a tirr Jlna;
ipiiintity punhiikod at maAi-t rat a anl charged t tba
oon taitor, .
I'ropsiaiH to be endorsed TropoakN fr fresh bwf,
and dliectem to
j) i m Captain and O. tt. VVa.
Tt. amhorire Ih Uratllna of Flilllo street.
Kurrife tn liiemono a.rfet In the Nlneti-etit'i WarS.
Heaolveil, By the Helect anil Common Cotuioll. ef Ike
Cltr ot FhUa 'e'rh a. Tlmt the t'lilft Coiaiul.l ner of
Highways be ana be Is herein aulonrlretl to grade rhlila
sirret from Mom. to iiuind siroe,tn tlie Mineteenik
VVurtl, to the tsieb l.hed of t ie cltv, at a oat no!
exrvading nlni'ty-aeren d diars and eeeeinF-nre cenu
('7-7i),privliled the apinirlstlou for grail ug ua ntat
te.aexliau.led. At-F.XANOKK J. llWtl'F.R,
lrtaidoat ef t'orauou Cuti'Vll-
Assistant Clerk ef C'ommAri (Jnuitrfl
Frevltlent ot Hi ttMtl CtMineil.
Apprvrtl tii. second d iy of July. Anno Ita
mini ore HK'tisaiid tight hundred and siat -four (A. D.
It Major of Fhnedelphla
etni'Pementarr to aeftMlnanee approved PeeatrHW
iri, IHgrt, to authorize the F.atenslon of a sevrcr on alarkai
aiieet In Uie Math Ward. -
rlt ctlrm I 1 lie St-let-.t aud t'rjwmon Council, ef the OIIF
of I'hllsde'phls do ordain, That the further sum of eigta
buntlrett SiHi) dollars lie and tlie is neretry apprat
pnaied for 11m purposes and u.ea provided tor by an ertuV
nant-e apniiivtd llet-eniber 22. IHtS, the same t ba re
funded to lite trea.uri out of a Inen hrrafter to be treated,
for Ihe rttii.iri rtlori of enlvens: Fre-vtded. IhMt the
owner, of property fronting oa a tl atreet nay tiielr or
pnritfn of Uie eainse. tiientof. aieorithog te their f o-al
age. at rate, bv law. and pr-tylttnl mat me orff-n.nrt-
d.. not Fn aiij wa enniet witk tue act of AJr-S'-mbiy.
AI.F.X ANllKR 1.
Freaiaeut of Comnoa Oouartl.
ABltAHAM niaW-.RT,
A.slstain Clerk of Common flonnat. '
Fre.tdent ol Seloel CoencH.
Approved this flrst dny ot Ju.y. Anno liemliU
one thousand eight bundled and slaty-tour (A. !.
It Mayor of 1'hiladalptaa.
llrtwrcn tlie Ocean and Railroad, at
Tbe Frt'pttetor. thank ful for past liberal support. pled gne
Hnihelf to .pure no eflnfts thsl will cm trlhitia to the ha
pine.a ef his pations, and secure for them the eomiorte of
s h' me al the .ea-.ldc
For tmornratloa address .
WM. WHTTRtTOnjITl. . '
J,2-aw3w' ATI.AHTI0 OIT?.'-
-finfrwwa mills ltnAUDiNO liotrau.
1 ) The Sirnter patrona and frieuda of Uie ltoardina;
lloute tiilvlia l.v k.tit by ttie Itniwa rarallv, at Rrowa'a
alilis. Hi the township or t'eiuherion. couutyot llarltngtoa.
and Stale of New jersey, are hereby iiifiro,M that tlie
snb.eiibr. being ef the .ante fauiil,la ktrettlnff theaald
hfii.e, and I. now reedy to aecurnmodate all wvi wiB
favor Into withtnetr eotnpany. 1'he koiiaa and urtunds
are provided wiah ail Ihtnae we 'eaaary fttr Ihe eomfort an4
aiiiii.iment tf vlttliert. who may re.l assured that every
attention will be tiatd lo lot Ir roiivonteiira aud oomfott.
By ftiapa-Fa.sengera lake the Steamboat etnlof Wat
put atreft Whart1, Htlterlock F. M., for t:amd'tn. front
llu-lire hy ears ftir Hailltglon and Mount lltllr, be
l'enih. rtiin, where the proprle-or will ha e stagos in readl
ne.a to convey paaeengers Ate utile., to Itrnwn'. Mil1.
JflB-tuth-lm Froprlctor uf Sieges.
The snbiienbeT liegs leave to Inform kla friends and the
puhite in general rhat he la pretartd to rni-tvevl.ttnra,
and pletlttes blmnelf that tie pains er ekpen.e will ba
epured to make bis gue.ra comAtrtakie during lliair .lay
on the lslaud.
JAMES J. BAKU. Proprietor.
For rnnhiT Informallt.n, Inqnlra at the (ll.OBE ltDTBL,
81 XTH, below Cbeanut street, I'hiladelpbla. JeS-lna-
1 would tin 11 y la item nay frtenda and the
publ'o.tbal itiavaagatit takon Ce-ngie.a s betauf
tli. tl.inl year an l i.aie uiatle every preparation tor the
etiatus season, tbe house being eit'arged, reoittdetled , new
ruinttuie. Uie ohamtier. with spring l-ed. eve. Ae. aod
will ac 'Wa.itdaie lour hundred gnt-sta. owiiltindno
better plaoe than Cttnriie.s lia'l. It I. the ne e.l to the
ocean ot any of the large hnusf s of Atlantic t'ltv, being bot
one honored yama In m ihe b-atea, thua preeeut-ng n.eif
an at vantage 'O the publie. 1 here cannot be auv better
bathing than at Atlanlh thl. summer. The San. I bar tha
wa. si rh a great d awback teat at aun ha. au been .wep4
away by the high tiles of la.t winter, forming Its alt tha
In .t It.ih pg sur on tl e-A-uUnile n-a -l .aril.
There I. an eacilient Itiitiiiet MsM.e engageti.
Aitachrd la ipklidid billiard hootu
JclS-U Q. Vf. FUNKUa.
gi:o. i.
OLKNW, Iroirletor.
it d lavorahlv known aa proprtebtr of OTSTU
II At, feHVIll- uitd lllkhMtn' Slreeta.1
Fartlea arrommodated wttk Hoata, Fliliuw Unea,Ae , the,
iar. ruu to the house etery twtaly nuuulee. joti-U
ATLANTIC CITV, SKW JKHHKY. e4dibrael Ho'alia now open for die reoeatloaof
uutFta.aitit ia nnder tbe aHervUioH of t'oloiiel Jamea If.
I'oHira. with .Mr J-.'dward llaitwuiiaa As.lhtanti
I'ractlral and tx url.-.ood rr.uns tiae bwn employes!
for each I'fparttnuiit. and t ery exeribm will be mana to
col iu iu-1 tlie aano totl v cm Ire taMatMCtl'in o the p ibllo
Atur )uiy I, ti'ttr iratna will lavaVln H'revl r rryf
datl ; IM' f aat Mne tlirongb in laolioura, WiUiout U
llnpt at Uie ay .tailooa.
a paa.t Kt-i var will be ran iron the Hotel to tbe InLaft
iT. n iw uty minuu'4.
Haas If i HanU. mn'ei ire oireriion or air. oiawst uaa
It r I. at- been viipi d It tin svunon
1 Tfi ns wlslnuii lomj i.a n-m will addr.-e
11UUWN A rVoKlslVKK.
Atlantic f'lty. New JtTey .
N It. The Band Itar which lat yrar h-rmd o)polt
tli Hliora baa entlialy dl'aijaMril, kavlnj, tits b.-acu ooa
ol the boat and aateat on the coaal. jeiu- isa
J j The atibsrrtber, nTHturul
tbanka to hi patrons nud tike pnbile tor the trenaroaa oiia
loin kIvid blm. and beici laava to say Uiut he la now opess
for ihe at aaou, and ready to receive bordrs, pertnanank
and tsaiialent.ou ttie moat inoderaLe turiua. Tlie bar will
lwa a be au,. piled lth the chokeitt wlui. U'juore, an4
cinuB,aiidauFiriorold ale. Tba Ublea wlii tut sat wus
the be: I tbe market atfotiis.
yiiliinn lines and larkvle always on hand
itar reora on tba premiaaa.
11 the etuaforU ot A bums oan always be found at tha
atxi-banga. OJ-OUi ilAYUAY,
EDWAKD DOYLE, Proprlartoa.
Terms to enH the limes. F-af
aorrrawBST coshek or
jsj I N TH sand HANHOM Htrt,
Ths resort of OenUaavaa of Keitae4 Tests, wbs appra.
elaU a r ars .yaraa. rN laa
r'T "''in iv i-sisi-st , st . m . on n r i niit,Jnijt i !,
ir ttitni-hlttfl and drllvfrlna q th Camnojiarrat kj. Iloa,
i a', Mi.d oftttFrt In the vtchd y of thia cti. all th I
cat rrHiirrd bv thn t4 at a moath. w,i tho ertvi-tr4(
r cntttoumii lor one yrar at ti.o of.ttou of thai ooei
TT-inriM ti a Auroat l((4.
The bf mu-t he kiln frrrra tha tnt faMad f-attta.
Mai? It t not thnii i "Jan iv n iiia aroe e.rnlt. to bat