V XI EE viTEMK H PRICE TWO CENTS. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JULY 5, ISM. PRICE TWO CEtffS. FOURTH EDITlOiJ, THE GREAT NAVAL COMBAT. Attempt of Semmcs to Board tho "Kearsago." ' Nw Yoait, July S. The steamer .Veto York, from Bremen, reports that on (he evening of the 22d nH., (ho plated In the British channel a J screw steamer, with the Rebel colore flying, and bound innthriut. The Paris correspondent of the London Olebt thy I "The Alalmmn Bifida two at'empts to board til htHrtage, but tin commander of the lattof onlmano avred Simmoi, and finally sent a projectile right through ;he Alahama'i beler, tnd then ceding what had oc curr.d, he broo'nt aii die guns to bear on the pira'.ij jn a concentrated broadsldo from slar J"!d, and made a breach four yards !o length trader her water line, when ehe began to link rapidly. From I'ort lluitann. Nkw Yoiik, July . I.atc private advices from Tort Hudson, show that the Rebels are sotu; what active in tho vicinity, but avoid that place. They have endeavored to establish thomsclves n the banks of the Mississippi at Tunica Bend and at Fort Adams. General Ullman has been placed in command of nil the colored troops In the Department of the Gulf, comprising thiry-five regiments of all arms. Ilia bend garters are at Tort Hudson. Generals Sickles and Reynolds lately visited fort Hudson. The troops there are in excellent health. The weather wan very hot. General ln k Taylor croftied the Atchafalaya rWi r on the 6th if June, and an engagement ensued, but no particulars or conformation had tjcen irctlvfd. General Cunby expected to visit Port Hudson by the 1ft of July. Ibe 19th Army Corps lately encamped at Morganrla, but expected soon to move under ro cint ordeis trom General Csnhy, but in what direction is not known. Among the plunder recei t y secured by some Rebel guerillas at the C'ptareof the Pest House, some distance from P .it Hue son, was a large amount of clsthing Intended for the flames, having been used by the aaialltox patients. Ta Departure or the NtsMsmer "Alrlei." Nw Yohk, Inly 6. The s'eamer Afriea'i gnatls will close to-morrow at 7 o'clock A. M., and the stesmer will sail at t) o'clock. Tbo Quota f New York Filled. Aidant, July 8. Governor Bcymonr has been offlrially Informed by Ocnoral Fry that th State of New York is entitled to a credit of 4733 men ever all calls. It appears that the State has pent nioie man 4uu,uuu nun to me war. Cricket Match. New Yohk, July 4. A cricket match between the Second-eleven of New York and the Boston Clnb was plsyed yesterday at i.ast Cambridge. The New York Club won the first Innings the ecore Handing 77 to 60. On the second innings New York made 114 and Boston 72. To-morrow a great match will take place Detween the isew lorx duo ana an Massncnu setts, in which great interest if manifested. Market by Telegraph. Nw York, July 6. Flour quiet ; sales of WOtbll at tU li Colli (or Ptilte: lku,l'J fur Ohio. sml tlnl'J'to lor Sftoibern. Wheat ma ;"! of H0.U.0 kuiiu at tfitioti-.A i"r Milwaukee Ulut. Corn dscnurd K3Mnti sales or ik, oi baaiiou at i't. iiwr nra. 'rrk tirady at tlsfturnr Mass. Lard dullat W eeiiui limn Is tiujflt Mt J4u. Stocks belter, especially Government. ChlcAgo na noes ifiina, 11.1; i. iimiKTisna pmerrea. q t ; ima.Ha 'Catral, ml ; mid on Klver, Vlnonis lit, lit; Mical- IsuCsilull. SS; Mlcliltran Houuurn.tH'i -, N. V. Central , nrwimi, iiKi 7. i i i im oil im i vk-tciiiuu auti n.na S9; riiiearo and N. T irk Noririiirn, IM; One Year I'trtiru'itiiMi, bi ; Trestur r-iw, iih; o-iu uoupon., 10,; jsuicrea, iv. LAI EST CITY UTTELLIQEROE. Stats or Thbrmomktrr To-dat. Six A. M, 71. Noon, 80. One P.M., 81. YVlndN. Fill this Moenino. About baft-past eight o'clock this miming fire broke ont in a large tone structure, about 00 by 40 feet, fronting on Landing avenue and running back to Canal street, short distance from the Fairmount Park. The building was known as Flack' Preserver, and had a frame roof thatched with staw. The first story, or preserver, is built under around. s The apartment aoove is u-ed for see, in ordor to tecure a cold temperature. Ic in used for tlie prestrvailon of fiuiu, eggs, butter, etc., and is well tiatronuud br cuuiectioners and oilier. The structure Is owned by Wm. M. Fluck : hut t the time of the lire was used by Wm. ElKins. The stotkof fruit on hand is not supposed to hae been grcat,altbough about (KKM) worth won xi-ewed to anive Miiueliuie to-day. The whole or me root aua tne upper story, unco tor sioriug txe ice, was u.iirojco. The 11a mn extended to the dwelling of Mr. f la k, a three ai.d a half-stoiy brick. Tue'indd- ing was deniro.vt d to the second story. A large pari I tne tuiniture was saved, lue awulliu was Injured to the aniouut of which win nioie urn n cover the Ions, mere was aio mu in tvrxuci of SiOO on the iurniture. Tbe toutii coriilce of the KiuUo lloue was desrn yd aud tnu cupulo damaged ny tne tiaiuui. The ti ird and f urtu stoiy windows were ulo dtmroyid, und the boure badly Hooded with Water. The Hiulto In limned to Kll Krupp, wtlo tin ai his lo- at 10u0, upjn wuicli tiicro is Do lunuruncc. luu bullOluK was occuptud liy ( brift. pher Dcui-h, who estimates bis loss at Hl.'KHii no iiisurimcu. The flumes were tlrrt seen to issue from the 0 litre oi tbe roof f the preserver, and may have iriginuted from firework. The preseivcr wa vulbtcai J-fU.t;, upuu wliH li tui re is uu ni-iir-a nee oi S'.jUo. On uicouni if the alienee ol Mr Klkin tioni the eit) , the Ion by daingd to t lie su.ek on liana cannot ta a-i eruiiiie J. Trhkihi.i: Oi tbaob List evening between tight and nine o'clu. k,Mi Thomas Me'iu Steward of the ITinted States UoSiiul at II id dingtou, was thrown fiom one of the ear ol'iliu Wtt 1 hi adelhla l'.iMiiu.rr Uailway, and had his arm -nn over nnd so fchiK kingly ma igled Unit auiputailon was rendered neeessury. Mr. Mif gins hud given up his KO.it to a lady lu the car, aud alter going out upon the platform lie was so rudely jobtlud that he remarked to one of the bysbinders. "if you will allow me I will get oil." I lion tlds some one in the crowd guve hiin a push, wliieJi thiew him from the cur aud ciuibed mo tnglitiul accident described. DtATii.- Samuel llobcrtt, who was struck oi ; the head by a locomotive on the (icrmaii:own llsi n iid on Friday night, died at tho bosjiitu IUM ( l llll.g. AMCNK.1ir.NTO. CiiESNi r Srui:iiT Tukatkk. Tho season nt tliia theatre clcn-d la-,t trciilng to a vrrjr (ouil linuse. Til Yreu sui r, after a inont h vkouie stuy Willi it. Iiavu yone Into tlie darinrgs wlisoen they cauie. Tho ci oinut lai enjoyed a prjiltubio season, and If moro stti litlou Imd been de oled lo Its wetlum wo sru ol the opli.lou tout tlie peeanlary n irsnli of ,11011 s eonre would 1 ave mslsrislly Increased tUe present mollis of the manojier. II was cn.tly ,,.a it t.Tenlni wlm urn tl.e tsvoinei of U e patrons ot Hi. ciiesuit.and ivsliope ili it Uie usnuin me.it, sppreri illng .ueli a demru on tl.o pari of Ike ulille, iU slluw uo sluirl-sUli ed snj nli.n. t polity to li.tirfere beti i en It atiC there-eittfig-onirntofituir fuvoriies. Air. Vi'srd, 1xcePe.1t In cntuofy and chsrater iisrts, re' l ived tlie eoipllnti nt of rh eiiihtmiiiitie r.ftna init v ti.lU'. til ltiiiliMtl.o el' t!.i' C uili-.-O ill.t lii il,. H en Nttt?r. was a ILn-ti iiti i e nl'm-tliiu, soil we itiu:. II Is p'uee ill the ecina y emilil tie ml' U li uny one ul-o w b Mi'.lslaeilijU 10 tl.e iiuOlle. i r t he prks. A eio.( tteuu is 1 ol hi es I y lori-ulii'ii. Wu lipu 10 bee liiui in Jtl piO it ili.re m-t hpjuoii. AiUs ioi r:. jr, wlme setlng tia t danelnc lisve slile(l sri(.iiy lii I e iu t- k' i I itie-i-iiu-luii of mt itraiui, r;'i' d'v est.Pii I t il 1.,-ifci n s . h luv r:ti.-. Hsu i ouni. e .1 -led, and lvno'"US ss so s.'tii'.i, a elissle soil 111 leenil iiu irrfMlifl In lirl'lisnl sree-sdn 1.1 snv eo.uip.uiy. si in l.eiiiion, i;r'-sl limirite 111 Una cue, K"- lo S w O kausuext ssaioii, Uma ulua'-lid liaittwi li Ur;e taoiy. THIRD EDITION, FROM EUROPE. OLOKIOUS NEWS! PIRATE "ALABAMA" SUNK SEMMES' CAEEEE AT AN END NINE REBELS KILLED AND TWENTY WOUNDED. U. S. Sloqp-of-war "Kear sago" the Victor. AN ENCLISH SHIP SAVES SEMMES FROM DEATH. rillATE LEAVES HIS VALUA BLES AT CHERBOURO. THE REBEL GOES OUT FOR A FROLIC. SEMMES SLIGHTLY WOUNDED. II IH OFFICIAli ACCOUNT. rco( i:i:i)ics of the coference. etc, r:t., i"to., inc., Eto. New Yohk, July 5. The BU-aracr City 0 Baltimore arrived at this port thit morning. The pirate Alabama has been iui)k by tho United State gunboat Kearnage. Nine Rebels were killed, and twenty wounded. tCRTIIFR PARTICl'LARH OF TUE UMKIXG tr TUB "A1.1BAWV Niw York, July 6. The steamer City of Baltimore, from Liverpool, with Liverpool date to the 23d nit., arrived at this port at half-past nine o'clock this morning. The steamship Atia arrived out on the 10th, the Kedar on the 20th, the .Vora Scotian on the 21st, and tbe Etna on the 22d. The pirate Alabama, Captain Semmei, left Cherbourg on the 19th inst. to engage the United 8taUi steamer Kmrtaye, Captain John A. Win slow, and attacked her ten miles from Cher bourg. Tbe engagement lasted aa hour nnd forty minute. Both vessels made seven complete circles In manunvrlrig, at a distance of from a quarter to half a mile. The Alabama wai then nnk. The pirate Semme and hie crew were nearly all saved by the English yacht Dcerhound. Renimes was slightly wounded in the band. Nothing additional of moment has been re ceived of the Keartagc and Alabama fight. Tlie whereabouts of th Keartaje is doubtful. One rumor pluclng cr at Ostcnduud, and an olhir at Cherbourg. She landed soma wounded men at the latter place. Before going out, Semmes left all his chrono meters, sixty in nnmlier, with his specie and ransom bonds, at Cherbourg. It is confirmed that no one was killed on the A'sarM?,and only three sailors slightly wounded. Tbe vessel sostalncd very little Injury. Semmes declined a public dinner which was tendered him at Southampton, and went to Paris to report to the Confederate Commissioners. Three of the Alabama'i officers, aid six of her crew, Undid at Cherbourg from a French pilot- boat, and also several from tho liritlsh ship Action. Semmes publishes an account of the engage ment, lie says be bad nine killed and twenty-one wounded, and charges tlie Keartag with con tinued firing after ihe Alabama struck her flag, Tbe foilowlug is his extended report of the b ti tle between the gunboat AVouo s and the pirate Alabama : The encounter was witnesied by the English steam yacht Oeerhowut, and that vessel picked up Captain Semmes and the crew of the Alibama, and took them to Oowes, wbenec lie furnished the atiaix. On the morning of Sunday, the 19lh, at 10-30, the Alabama was observed steaming out of Cher bourg harbor toward tho steamur Keartagt. At 1110 tbe Alabama commenced the action by firing with her starboard battery, at a distance of about a mile. Tbe Kearsaje also opened fire immediately with her smriioi'd guus, and a tbarp tugtigcmeut with rapid tiling trom both ships was kept up, both shut mill soell being dis- i hinged. In niuiiu uvilug, both vessels made seven complete circles, at a dl.Unca of frois iuarti r to half a mile. At 12 o'clock the bring fr mi the Alabama was oliMrrid to s'm kca, aud she appeared to bo making had sail ami shaping her course fur laud,, wlin h ui distant ubunt 11 n" ini os. At 12 30 ilia t'untedirute shi.i ,vas in a disabled tm! ni.ku g condition. The J rr 1 wn nil immediately made towards ber, and in pai-sitig tho A"an ie was re jested to drtii t iu taving the crew ot lue Alubama, VI. en the learlwund was still at a distance of two hundred yards tbe Alabama sank, and the Peat hound then lowered her bouts, and with Ihe assistance of I hose from tbe siukiug vessel, suc ceeded in saving about forty men, including Cap nin Semmes and thirteen olllcers. The hiartaiie wo apparently much disabled. The Aluuamu't loss was as follows: Drowned, one olluer and one man; killed, six men; i unilcd, one ollitcr and sixteen men; CipUin Si 11, lues in the baud. The Kcarsaye't boats were lowered, and wl'h the assistance of the 1 renin pilot, snccecded in picking up the re nuiiiii'er of the ctcw. t'i liiio itilng out to light, Captain Semmes con lided lo a gtiitleiiiuu oa thoia the journals aud ail the documents connected with the cruise of of the Alabama. It is siutcd that a formal challenge ti fight was given by the Jieartaii; und accepted by Captain Seiiimes. Aicorulpg to tome accounts tbo Kcarsaiji bad sustained considerable damage, her sides being toin open, showing tho chain-plating. A deipalch frum Cherbourg, where It l pre sumed the Kearsaye had arrived, says tuatshu bud suffered uo duiiage of Importance, aud that none of her officers or crew were killed or wounded, and only three of herseumen woaudJil. 'Ihe Htanage cn ptured sixty -eight of tho o:Iloer. nrd crew of tlie Alaban-a. UIIKtr lllilTAIV. In the House of Lords, Lord Derby nwle iu fiulrlcs as to the arrest and imprisonment In Uostou, for ten days, of Montreal uiervhuiU THE TI e Alabama was Dullt at Liverpool, or Tilrkcn hrnd, nnd left the hitter port in August; is tibout 1200 tons burden, draught ahout fuurtron fo't ; enpinis by Laird (It Pons, Birkenhead, lwi'2. She is a wooden venel, propelled by a ercw, copper bottom, about 210 feet lonir, rather narrow, painted black outside nnd drab inside; has n round stern, billet head, very little sheer, (lu-li deck fore nnd aft ; a bridce forward of the smoke Slack ; carries two large black bout on cranes amlil.-hlps forward of the main rigKlng; two black quarter-boat between the main and miz ten n asts, one small black boat over the stern, on er.n.es ; the spare spars, on a gallows between tbe bridge and foremast, show above the rail. She carries three 3'2-pounilcrs on a side, and Is pierced for two more amidships ; has a 100-pound ntted t ivot pin forward of the bridge, and a OS pound pivot on the main deek; has tracks laid forward for a pivot bow gun, and tracks aft for a pivot stern chaser all of which she will take on board to complete her armament Hr guns are of the Blakely pattern, and manufactured named Levy, without apparent cause. He wished to know if reparation had bean demanded of or tendered by the American Government, Earl Russell said be knew nothing of the case, but promised to Inquire. In the House of Commons Mr. Berkeley's annual motion fur a vote by ballot was rejected by 89 majority. Mr. Hennessey moved a resolution regretting Irish emigration, and urging legislation to check It. Lord ralmerstou contended that emigration to America was simply caused by the fact that the emigrants' condition was improved thereby, and consequently it could not be chocked. The motion was rejected. There has been no change In tbe Dana-German Sjuestlon. It Is stated that Austria is the ouly belligerent that fuvors the proposed arbitration. It is also stated that the cry for -peace Is loud at Vienna. The London journals, except the London Star, continue their warlike tone to Germany. Tbe Ministerial crisis at Copenhagen has been adjusted. The Spanish Ministers hare resolved to avoid a war with I'eru. TIIK LATENT. Qi'Eenrtoww, June 23. The Conference accomplished 'nothing. The terms of arbi tration have been rejected, and the Con ference is regarded as a failure. It will meet again on tbe 2oth, but the proceedings will be merely formal. It is supposed that hostilities will recommence on tbe 2,sth. rninmrrrlnl Inlrlllaiiri. LivAhfool, June 22. The sales of cotton for two days were 12,000 bales, ata decline of (nj d. The suits to speculators and importers were 1000 bales. Tbe Manchester advices aie unfavorable. The market was inactive, owing to the uncertainty in relation to European politics. Uresd-tulfs firmer, and all qualities have im proved to a trifling extent. I'rovbions steady and unchanged. The slock of Cotton In port is 6O.O0O bales. 1'iour is quoted as having an upward tendency. Whoat firmer, at an advance of Id. 'aid. Corn firmer lit 3d. advance. Mixed Com 28s. fid. 1'kovinions. Fork firmer, and unchanged. Iloron steady. But.er, no Sules. Lsrd quiet. Tallnw quiet. l'mime-K. Asbes, sales small. Sugar quiet aid steady. Colli e Inactive. Hire quiet Com niooltofiu quiet and steady. Spirits Turpentine 70s. Petroleum unlet and steady ; refined V.4. 2d. Lomik'H, Jnue22 Illinois Central Shares 3.1(3) 'ib (linoiint ; Eiie 6.10 So. Lrvmroor,, June 2.1. Breadstuff have an upward tendency . Provisions steady ; but with a downward tendency. Produce quiet and steady. IxamoN, June 21. Illinois Central shares, 3d (35; trie, bl(tr. TIIE I.CI KNKi FIGHT. - ;- Kkw Yohk, July 6. A note from tho Ameri can Consul at Liverpool, dated June 22, states that no one was killed on tbe Keartagt, and but three of her crew were slightly injured, and the vetsel was very little Injured. The Nts-Hmrr ' livstnaa-e. The Kvartait is a tbird-rste screw gunboat of lO.'il tons. She carries eight broa Iside g 111s. une bow pivot, and two stem boat howitscrs. The Unm-Uoop hranage was built at II stou n 1Wj2, ai d left for speclul service about a year sso. She Is a very hundso'ne vessel, and her Ulcers ljive dil gently watched for an oppor tunity to engage both tho Alabama nnd the VoiiVii. Heie is a lii-t of the olllcers coram lading this vessel, uow to becouie so well marked in our naval history : Ciiplaln, John A. Winslow. Lltutenant-Comuiauder, Jumcs S.Thornton. Surgeon, John M. Brown. Paymaster, Josrph A. Smith. Engineers Chief, William A. Cuscliman. Ashihtants Second, William II. Bedlam. Third, Fred. L. Miller, Sydney L. Sniilii, and Henry McConnclI. lloatswaiu Jumes C. Walton. Acting Gunner Franklin A. Graham. TO-DAY'S WASHINGTON NEWS. Spitlal Despatches to EtciiIus Telegraph. Washington, July 5. mil kikkchi. The President yesterday signed a largo unrulier i f Important bills, among them tho Gold bill und the Wur Income Tax bill. Krw IJet-'relary of tlie Treaaury. Mr. Eesscnden bus entered upon his duties this luoruiug, ai d his policy will soon be duvul c ped. It is stilted by his most iutiuiate frieuJj tliut he will adhere to Mr. Chase's plans, Itt'f'onatrsK'liusi Hill. The Wlntir-Daris Heconstruction bill wai uot signed by the President. ' Cannl Ilrcnk. ' ' At iisxY, July 6. The break in the Ldc Canal fat liunkfxirt will be closed to-duy. PIRATE "ALABAMA." . Ji-sr;,j.;.j.nT , ,.V,.W -r-. Mm..r-. T "T" T -lJ t. J , - Jf R by Wesley A Preston, I.iverpnoi, 1WV2. She Is biirqiic rigged ; bus very long, bright I iwer . masts, and black ninst-lii iid" ; yard bluclt, long ' ynrd-artii", short pole (ay one or two feci), I with small dog-vanes nn each, nnd a pendant 10 the main; studding sail booms on the fore and ' Dinln ; and has wire rlgalng. Carries nn her foremast a square foro-ail; large try-sail with two reefs, nnd a bonnet top-a:l with two reefs, top gnllnnt sail nnd royal. On the mainmast a largo try-sail with two reefs and a nnnnet. No square mainsail bent, top-sail to reef-, top-gul-bint sail and royal. On tho ml.en-niusi, a very large spanker and a short three-cornered gulf top sail ; has a fore and foretop-mo-t stay-sail anu jio; nns una no stty-siiu to tlie I main or nilen-nnist bent or royal yards iilofl Is rrpressi'iited to go thirteon knots under can vas and tifteen under steam. Can get steam in twenty minute, hut seldom uses it except In a chase or an emergency. H.ut all national Maes. but usually sets the St. George's cross nn ap ,7: proachlng a vessel. Her present complement FROM GEN. SHERMAN'S ARMY THE ASSAULT OP JUNE 27. DEVOTED GALLANTRY OF OUR TROOPS T II 12 11 K 1 J L H TZ. WE CAIX CROCXD IT ILL POINTS. OUH L.OHH . IIET KILLED AND WOUNDED 0ITICER3 Eront or KirNF.SAW Mountain, Go., June 27. An assault took place to-day along portions of our lines at several presumed weak places In the tncmy's fortifications. The armies had been cor Inn ting each other for several days without feri us fighting, and without mater I il cbungo In the lines. Kenetow Mount iln was the apex of Johnston's lines. His Hanks Isting repul-ed, his right wing bent back until it ran but little east of south. Tl.e nemy held stubbornly to the position, knowing that to yield any commanding point wr.uld give us Marietta, and compel bis retreat south of the Chattahoochee, lio n armies were in strong orks, the npimsite salient being so near in some places that skirmishers could not bo thrown out. The honr for the assault was I'ued for 8 o'clock this morning. Four brigades nf Ueneral Lo;an's Corps, New (on'tt ipivision of the 4tb Corps, anil Davis' Division of the 14th Corps, were selected to a uiu It the enemy's intreni hmrms at three dil fmnt points'. At the appointed time, Ueaoral Gik-s Smith's llrigade, aud General Llirht 1 urn's bilvade of Ueneral Morgsn L. Smith's Division, Waicott's lirigade of Harrow's Di vision, and detachments from Osrerhatis' Division, commanded by General R. Wooditll, of 'Logan's, assaulted the enemy's posi tion on Little Kenesaw, a commanding knob joining Dig Keuesiw nnthe Wesi, and euliladed by liHtterles and ril'r-pits on that moiintiiln. I.lghtbiirn held the right, Uiles Smith the centre nnd left, Woodall's command acting as a sup port. The assaulting brigade', four lines deep, advanced gallantlyiu three columns, moving on the enemy's works uu Little Kenesaw, right, left, and centre. Tie Hebe! skirmishers were captured almost to a man by the rapid onset, some of them lighting till they were killed, refusing to sur render. The progress of tho storming column was greatly delayed by the swampy nature of the ground end the tang'ed green-lirier uuder growth through which portions of it were com- iicllcd bi grope their way. I'pon reaching tbe mse of the knob tbe lines were hastily reformed, the rnimyiniUe meantime opening a terrible lire In front of muskeirv and ar tilery, and un enlilaclng lire from liig Kenesaw. The hiigailea of Llghtburn and Wolcott found It Impossible to gain the crest of tho lull, and a'ter a biinl etlort, ss heroic as it was hopeless, fell back lo the point occupied by the enemy's kirmisliers in the nio-nlHg. The brigade of (Jiles Smith a'Urked the bill In the tecU of a tremendous lire, and on reaching the crest the enemy was found posted in a second line of urot g works, from bicb a murderous tirei-sued. 'I he lirigude found it impossible to bol l ihe crest, and fell back slowly, keeping the pursuers at l ay. Some fifty t-r sixty of the men belonging to this bilrace look refuge b -biml a led'e of rorks, within xint-blunk rauce ot the enemy's Vioiks, and theie they were compelled 10 reisain until n ghiliill. In tl ii a sank we lost ulsmt 400 killed and wounded. Kill. 1: 1). Irotenart Co'onel H unbi 1, 40th Illinois, t'sptulu Aiiguntuisi, Comniaiiiling isltti Illinois. v?oi'niii:i. Colonel Spooner. ( olot el Wo'eoit. Colonel Wright, SSd Indiana. CoUinel K ce, 5!lth Indiana, badly. Colonel Perry, 5ith Ohio. This assault was over by eleven o'clock, our troops holding a position several hundred yards In advance of lhat of the morning. Another as mailt was made by KiiiiiutH's, Wajiuur's, und Marker's Brigades, of Newton's Division, of ihn 4ib Corps, ttsaitited by Ueneral Jelf Div.s' Iiivision or the 1 lib Corps on 'he left, Tho Kiint chosen was about a mile anil a half southeast of that whets Locau's assault was maac, thn oppos ing works being iu plain view, l'or un in'erval skirmishing was carried along the main line ot tbe woik-s. At K o'uI'M-k onr batteries opened n heavy lire, and Davis' Division, supported by li iird's divi sion and one Hivision of thu 2nih (,'orps, moved forward, leaving Morgan's llriiwle in imme diate reserve, t'o'onol Dan McCnok'a brigade held the lift; Colonel Mitchell's the right. Skirmishers udvauced rapidly until tliuy en loiint. red a very dilllcult abiittis, througli which, however, they lloundered, capturing tbe slight trenches on the enemy's skirmish linu vt tb little loss. The brigade of Mct'ook and Mitchell moved rapidly towards the enemy's rsiiin line, a strong lunate being immediately in (heir fiont, without fullering, under a very dcs. tiuclivc lire of musketry and grape.' Portions of these l.ohlo brigades reached tho ditch un J at tempted to seulu the parapet. McCook urged forward his men, und while tlicassuult was at Its l ei: hi aud while the bayonet was doing its bloody woik over the trenches he fell badly wouiided iu the shoulder. Mitchell's a'soult was equally determined and biroie; but tbo superhuman e-llorls of our In Is pioved fiuiiloss. Davis, seeing the brigade lijli ing against lu pe'ess odds, end exposed to a scathing, end lading lire, rvtirvd Uio couiinand, leaving upuu nu n Is oni biinlrii l m l ten'V, il tild.hutis anxious to ship more. Keeps a In in at the nirtstlnua from day light till suniH. Her sails are of hemp canvas, m idn very ro ichlug ; tbe topsails have twou y cloths 011 tho bead and thirty on tlie foit. General appearance of the hull and sails decidedly Eng.ish. She Is generally under two topi ails, foe and miln trysails; fore and ford p. ns.it staysails; sometimes topgallantsails and jib, but scldmn anv sails on the m17.cn, except while in charge of a vessel. She is very slow in stays ; gonorally" wears ship. She was bui:t exprosily for the busi ness. She is Intended to destroy, fight, or run, as the character of her opponent may be. She took ber armament nnd crew, and most of her ofll c.jrs. on board near Terceirn, Western Islands, from an English vessel. Her crew are principally Eng lish ; the olllcers, chivalry of tho S mtli. All the water consumed on hoard Is condensed. She has eight months' provisions, besides what is being plundered, and has about four hundred t ins of coal en board. the enemy's trenches representatives of evory regiment in the two brave brigades. The tullowing olllcers fell in this assault : mii.F.n. Colonel Karman, 12ith Illinois. wovmiifd. Colonel Dan McC.iok, severe. I.lcnlenant-f'oloiiel Clansy, .V2d, slight. Lieutenant -Colonel Warner, 113th Ohio, severe. Major Cl.ison, 121st Illinois, severe. Captain Neighbors. 62d Ohio, mortally. Cuitain Durant, U3tb Ohio, severe. Lieutenants Watson and lienton, 62d Ohio, slight. Lieutenant TVh)1, 52d Ohio, slight. The assault by Newton's llrigade was simulta neous with that nf Davis', liarker's llrigade was in the right, Wagner in the centre, Kimball retired in reserve on the left. Details from Wood's and Stanley's Divisions covered the as sault, which was made In column of Kcgiinout and Division that is, a front of two companies, each brigade thus being about thirty lines ties? p. At hnlf past 8 the columns moved forward at the double quick, receiving Immediately the tame lerrltle fire which we mot at other points of tbe line. The Rebels opened with en ifiladlng batteries, tearing gaps in our columns, but not checking the onset. Wagner struck an entire battery fairly in tbo teeth, and Iris alignments were blovn to pieces; bis men, however, struggled forward, und some sjvere clear through tbe murderous abittis. Eew, indeed, of the latter escaped dca'h. liarker's struggles were equally gallant and equally deitrnctive. Darker fell In tlie height -of the furious charge mortally wounded, sur viving hut an bnur. Tbe gallant struggle ended like the others, by our troops retiring, but not until long after the contest was visibly decided. Tbe loss in Davis' Division is about 6J0. That in Newton's ahont the some. W herever tbe llebels attempted to pursue our assaulting columns, while retiring, they were promptly repulsed by the supports, which other wise were not engaged. While these assaults were In progress, the division on the right of the 14th Corps advanced and captured an important ridge in their front without great opposition. A hinvy force of infantry was also moved to a point nine miles southeast of Marietta, and within three miles of ihe Chattahoochee river, without meeting with any contending force. Tbe result of the assaults, lu which not more than ten brigades directly participated, is thut we ad vanced our lines at every point where assaults were made except one. Our loss in the whole ollalr will bardly reach two thousand. Four corps were not engaged at all. Cm. Cum. Tb Toynsro of the Vlalon." Hoston, July fi Tho litt'e brig I 'isiow. Captain Donovan, which lift New Yotk for London, put Into Provfncetown. Capo Cod, yesterday, leaky. The Iiak was repaired, and thu vessel was to re sume her voyage last evening. Wrrrk of a Uavsruiueut Vssssl, Nkw Yoiik, July 6. The storeshlp Courier, from Ilostou for New Orleans, was totally lost on the 14ih of Juno, on Leunard's Keys, Bahamas. The guns, small arms, riggius, etc., were saved and sent to Nassau. Commander Grey and his cfiieets and cr-w were saved, including Sailing master Edwin 13. Pratt, of Hoston; Easigas Siimeon and Snow, nnd Paymaster Brown, who have arrived hire. Ileal h of Kx-Uoveriior Keeiler. Esion, July 6. Ex-Oovornor Andrew II. Herder died ut his residence at this place, at an early hour ibis morning, after a short illness. TE05I GEKE2AL BUTLER'S ATJMT. An Important Sirtlri t'onsitnnt I'snsoii. iMllnar nt Ihe t'ruiit t II Working- Well. EoiiTHKsB Monrok, July II. Tho following order has been Issued : IIESIKII ARTRHS OF THK PEPAKTMFJfT OP Vllt- i.ima ami Noktii Carolina, Juua 21. Sp-citl Orncr No. 41. ihe passes mid permits of the Lit uie naut-Uenerai Commanding, of Majur-Ueiitt- ul iiuiler, and Major-General Meade, given by thimselies respectively or by their orders, for fiersnus, properly, vessels, and supplies of nil inds to pass uiid bo passed Iron Washington, D.C., or Uttlliinore, Md.,to their respective head iiuuiteis, and to City Point, Bermuda Hundred, a., and intermediate points, and from their respective beadiiiart' rs, City Point, B-rmuda Hundred, Va., and intermediate points, to Wash ington and lia tiiooro, will bo respected and obeyed by all military- olllcers aud seutries, 1'iovost Marshals nnd guards. Any disregard to these passes or permits, or Interlercnee Willi tho subjects of them, will bo nn oflein-c, subjecting the guilty prty to satu liuiry punishment. liy coiuinaud of (biguedj Ln:t tfvant-Gknkuai, Ohant. Majou-Uknkhal 11, F. Hi.-1 ci.it. The steamer (Icorje .enrjr will leave hero this evening for New York with sick and wounded from llnmpton Hospital. The steamer lulus urrivoJ horo this nftcrnonn from City Toint, and reports constant canuou gdli g going on in tho direction of Petersburg. No results havo yet been ascertained. All Is woiking to thu best advantage. lte(nlt at Jtualon. EofcToN, July 5. The city regatta yesterday, for singlo sculls, course two miles, the i-;iia, l.otett, rowid by J. II. llr idford, of New York, won the first prize ; time 20 niiuu'es 2 J sccuuds. The race of t'ttied Isoats was won by Su-VU thin, of Hoston; time 2- minutes 30 seconds, aud lu the race of aiq oared bouts, the '. L, Tinker was tbe wiuuer ill 22 minutes ii secouds, FIFTH EDITION! LATE AND IMPORTANT NEWS Grant Demands tho Un conditional Surren der of Eetorsburg. FOURTH OF JULY SURPRISE LIVELY WORK COINC ON. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY MR. FESSENDEN IN HIS NEW POSITION. NEWS FEOM OUR BLOCK ADERS. Forty-two Steamers Captured During tho Year. NMrlnla lo Tlie Evrnlnsr Trlssrrash. Washimotok, July o. Tbe Star says, consid erable trouble has existed for several days past anting the boatmen on the Potomac, occasioned byj buovs od the river at various points being removed from their proper placet. Tbe buoy heretofore stationed at Cedar Point has been removed some four miles out of the wsy, which on Sutnrday misled the propellor Larder, and she ran aground oil the Hats. The l.iz it Maker was engaged for several hours yesterday In attempting to pull the Hardee off, but all ell'oits have proved unavailing. The removal of llieso buoys is reported to be the work of Rebel emissaries. Passergers on the mall boat Highland Light report that on the day before yesterday (Jenoral Grunt sent a demand for the unconditional sur render of Petersburg, but the answer was not known at City Point when the Highland Light left. It was believed, If the demand was not com piled with, that a reasonable time would be allowed for removal of women and children before the town was attacked. Appetranccs at the front Indicated lively work when the High land Light loft, and it was thought not Improb able that Grant w as planning a Fourth of July surprbe for tbe Kebcls. Forty-nine eitliens of Fredericksburg who have been held for some months as hostages for some Union men held by the Confederates, will to-day be returned via Aimia creek. The steamer Connec ticut arrived here last night from City Point, with 540 sick and wounded. There were a few amputations among this load of dbubled men, bat a large majority were fever cases. All of the sick and wounded have been sent in from tbe front to City Point, and there are but few remaining at that place. Washihoton, July fi.-'The Star says the Navy Department has out its big flag to-day in bouor of tbe destruction of the pirate Alabama by the United States Sloop of-War Keartagt. Tbe Keartagt is a steam sloop of 10.11 tons, and has tho following armament, two 11-Inch shell gnns, pivot, throwing 264 ponnds metal, and 30 round rifle pivot, throwing 30 pounds metal ; two 8-thlrty -two's, throwing 64 ponads metal; five guns throwing 358 pounds metal. Tbe Alabama is 119 tons larger than the A'oar tage, and throws tweuty-two ponnds more weight of metal. A Cabinet meeting was held to-day, at which Mr. Chate Introduced Mr Fessenden. Mr. Fraacntleu a.1 Ilia Dntlea. WisnixOTON, July 5. Mr. Fessenden this morning entered upon bis duties as Secretary of tbe Treasury. lie received tbe visits of the chiefs of the various bureaus of tbe Department, and other gentlemen. Ex-bccretary Chase was there, and conducted ihe Introductions. Mr. Chase will probably leave Washington In tbe course of a week. Interrsltna; Naval Nfws. WasaiitOTON, July 5. Admiral Lee, com manding the North Atlantic blockading squad ron, in a despatch to the Navy Deportment under date of July l.says since July 24, 1863, forty-two steamers have been captured or destroyed by the blockaders of his squadron. Taking the averuge tonnage of these vessels at three hundred tons, and assuming the capacity of sn army wo'on at one ton, there has bean a loss indicted on the Rebel supply system e pnv. lent lo the capture and destruction of a tram of 12,000 wagons. The Department has received a communica tion from Admiral Duhlgren, announcing the capture of tbe sloop .ufin by the United Suites steamer Xiptie, ou the 2Uh of June, off Sapolo Sound. Her cargo consisted of 'JJ bags of salu A communication has also been received, an nouncing the dettrui tiou of thu English steamer Jtvtt of London, bound from Nassau, by the United States steamer M'uuMurru, on the shore oi Pollice (Fully ) Islaud, 3. C. When first discovered, she was attempting to escae,nnd iu doing so was run ahore. The crew of about twenty meu made their escape by get ting oil in small boats. It was only after re peated i Hoits to get her oil and night coming on, thut she was lired. She had little cargo ou b rd, moid of it, tho freight, having been sent ashore m iinail l.outs, while liug oil the coast. Mow iiieiitM of Oeueral Hunter. Ni Yoiik, July 5. A siieciil Baltimore des patch lo li e Tnbune ia)S tbut General II ill or with bin wl ole force In cood condition is hi iviii to lii wort tbe designs of the Kent: Is ou their ru.uiiig cxiuoioii. The Fourth or July lis New York. Ni w Yohk, July 5. Some thirty tires occur red jesteidnv, cautcd by fireworks. Five large" building', the Scotch Presbyterian Church on Wooster stieet, aud live dwellings on Grand street, were destroyed, besides heavy dunise to tome ton other building, is tho result ol one lire. Tbo loss is about "2ju,WJ. TIIK KI III I. AlsYAWi K OS II lit li:U-M IKKKV. llALTtMoiiE, July 4. Up to nine o'clock this moruing nothing later was received from tho points mentioned in yesterday's despatches, and there are no reports from General Sigcl. Tlie 'imlliiKritlo" at ftnratoua. Sakatooa, July 5. The liothesdn Water Cure, the luiernationul Hotel, and all the buildings between Ihe Crescent and Clarendon Hotels wero destroyed by fire yesterduy. No other buildings were burned. Dlatu nioM in.tNo BvHNito. Mary Kcllter well, ten yests of age, living In Fortieth street, above Maikct.wus so b.idly burucd yesterday afternoon by hi r clothes taking fire from smnu liKwoiks, that she died at two o'clock '"' Ul"rliin"' r.irertv, Si'icnm.-A soldier nsrued John thirty-two years of age, oowmiitfdry of nisbtby jumping out of the f"r .treets. Tilt iiiirraess hi rum " ',at"6- Coioner held uu inquest tnl " . BXTRI! SIXTH EDITION. It All) IN MARYLAND. FIGHTING AT FALLING WATERS REBELS ATTACK MARY LAND HEICHTS. Baltihobk, July 8. It was reported and -lieved yesterday morning that iU)retowii woa in possession of the enemy, tbe operators at that place having left their posts betweea atueaodten o'clock, auder an alarm. They retnraed, how ever, about one 0'clotk, and reported no enemy nearer than Falling Waters and Wililamsport, fiom Six to ten miles dist-iat an the Pate moos where It was said yesterday that fighting sal fcolDft on. ' , The tame account also say) (bat fighting w'as) polr.." on ut or nrar Sb.iroslinrg, the Federal fore- ' -" ""ded by General Sifel. 1 1 "arjicr's Ferry hA loc " - rr.-.piwjsw tO" . i fio Msi.;.. n .. ; with h;m byMnmn . . iiietowo fighl of Snuday, tea " ; This joint force, it was tkougat, woaUl v to the Maryland side of tbe Potomac, to auccisr Maryland Heights if attacked. , . '.. , An attack was made on Harper's Ferry about 0 or 10 o'clock yesterday morning, by a force) estimated at some 2000 cavalry, with more than as many Infantry. General Weber, hswever, set about a vlgorvot defeme, and up to tbe latest accounts was hold ing his own. ' V'' .ii..' i...: Nothing bad beea beard np to 2 P. M.,at Har per's Ferry, trom General Slgel's ar Mulligan's forces, which Is accounted for, perhaps, by tMl Usgerstown story of their being eug igsd appo site bbepardstown, to wbieb polut they mustb v been followed. Alter two o'clock P. M. the works were iater rupted near Harper's Ferry oa the east side, and the operator at Point of Rjcks was uuicr tood to report that to-day a body of ovalry had! crossed the Potomac there and hai Interrupted the telegraph. In the meantime tbe excitement at Frederick City continuing, all the sick from the bospiuls with tbe Provost Guard of the town were re moved, tbe former going to AnnipuUs. . The Government stores were also moved from Frederick, as tbey had already beea successfully from Hai per 's Ferry. , , , No reason is given for tbls movement from Frederick, as no hostile forces were known to bJ within twenty miles of that place, except cavalry detachment, near Point of Rocks, twelve miles off. ' ' ' .' ' Genera) . B.. Tyler remained at Monocacy la command of General Wallace's forces (that point being tbe extreme western limit of tbe Depart ment), aud protecting tbe great railroad bridga over the Monocacy river, three miles from Trad trick, bnt no signs of any enemy bad appeared up to last night. ... '.'i .-..j - 1 .1 '.r.i The true object and extent of the whole bov nient is as yet a mystery, but it la know a front refugees from Martiusburg, VVincussLir,. eatl other places in Virginia, that the Rebels are ra niorselcsaly and relentlessly enforcing their con scription, taking all the males between the ago of 1(1 and 00 who have left their homes. ' Eveiy horse is taken on the line of march, and! tcoullng psities visit tbe country rouad, and all tound arc stolen, whether owned oy friend or foa. Tbe cap' u re of supplies and the creating diver sion of reinforcement being Wat lo Genera! Giant are very probably the principal reasons foe the raid. Provisions and supplies of all kind ara a doubt very scarce in Virginia at present, and tho Rebels hope to make a large haul on this aide Of tbe Potomac, but tbey have evidently Deo a dis appointed thus for. . , . ', LATENT HEWS OK TUB REBEL IjTvA MOM. Baltimobi, Jnly S. 4 P. M. From tbe Point of Rocks we learn that the entire. Rebel form that visited that place yesterdty mjrolag, did. not exceed 100 cavalrymen, supposed to be com manded by Museby. Their wuo'.e object wai to rob and destroy. ' Tbey took with them so Vlrginli the entlrej stocks of goods found in the snares of Messrs. John B. Dutton, Gower, Basing ft Meaui, aodl Adams. They robbed the loyal and KajeJ storekeepers alike, leaving nothing bat crockery ware aud such articles as were uot easily car ried off. They were followed to the river by Rjoel citizens, who are said to have carried tna gojdf tffluto tbe interior. . . . Tliey retreated after committing these robberies, and the telegraph operator lost night returned from tho mouu'ains, where be bad concealed himi-cir, and sent through sever tl dusatcliss an nouncing the extent of their plu.idor, and thjsi tbe devil was to pay generally I This moruing the operator was not as his ptfc sguln, from which It is to be inferred to il ina Rebels have again returned. . ; LATHO. The telegraph is still working to Fi edurick, wa op to noon uo Rebels had made their sp.iea.M ica lu that city. TUe excucinent bad In a greet measure ab it id, audit was believed that the Provj.it Oaw.t oC that place could etl'ectuaily protect tne city fr na all the Rebels that bad appcard in tbe nei J'l i ir bood of Puint of Rocks np to tuis m ir ala . (ientruls Syol's and Malligan's faroui ret 'liajj Maryland Heights about nine o'clock Its: n 0- it, and no doulrt is now eutertaiued of our f roe being able to successfully reiiit any attack of tuo Rcliels at that post. Uainforceoiems are also out the way to the Heights. General Max Weber, who commands the post, has given notice to the people of llrp jr's Ferry, to leave, us be intends open jig hbl guns on tna town to drive out the Rebels. They are all on tlie Virginia side of the town, busily engaged in their uoik of plunder, and Oc cam uaLy teudiug a shell over to tins side. Tin) inn'con bndyo w hich crosred tbe river at the ieny I s Ueu sude slully reniovoil, aud tbo spun of the ruilroud Liidge ou the Virginia sida has licen lietroycd, to picvent the enemy (roux croi-slnR. Uu Monday Moteby, who has a force sf eT- aliy and utiillery oppos.to tho Point of Rocks, tiled into a train passing that point, aud Causinj U'e cte.i'est excitmeut anong toe peugers. Mi ior-Ueueral John Rarly cmiuauds tbesx. 1 eilit:ou, which is composed ot cavalry, Infanuy, at d oi tillcry. . .',' Karly is reported ',b?.F'w?'1 1 successor. General Itansia" ; l-elitved to have charre bf the cavuiiy, and "Id to be Siaan's hiic- ce.-sor tho old"4 ol lu" e"cJiy may Im l"lVrtcI to rt.sari cd as an bonofiuiit one by G auor4 Li e - - . . . .' - j i lie rnmntry force is said to bs co nmsudad by (joiieial l-oaly in J,ej sou. Kell's l iie orps now BOfliber not aioiw fiaaf 10,00X1 or lli.UW) nru. . i i . v.. i other repoits usma IlrcuHinrblge, .linlioiicn. Jenkins, aud e-eu M'eeelerrs tlie le- leu ; both the M(hrn Jeskins wrr& killed la S$ preseut cs-iipsixn. M treeior is Known, o b. nX 1 eui.tseee at t'tortiia, aid H'C liuri,;o'i pt l u nci! in tlie alley s ve'y lontui'iil. (iem-nut Wtlltet is viT acquis, rtsliun avvty jut.ii UitUi tbat I'udclibS IS'tJ''1 k 4' l( V ''"' -f '..-J I i fl i . i" .1 -i