X aW r 0 1 i SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1801. - SPIRIT OF THE NEW YORK PRESS, Leading Editorial from the Jicw York Papers This Morn In?. TIIK MIMTAHT VIF.W. from I. Ttmrt. To our view, tlio mllitnrjr situation never, on the whole, looked ttmnn and so hopofui, in a larse surrey, as at tlilg moment. In the first place, our two great armies ncrcr were planted in position at all comparable, ax regards their ailvaiitagoousnoss, to tlioo kcu- pled by them nt this moment. Grant is on the south bank of the James, or npon the Appomat tox, wnilc l.ce s army lies north of him, virtually confined to Richmond, or hemmed In by the line of the James. Sherman's urmr la near the hniirt of Oonrirlii, almost within nibt of Atlanta. Even If Grant dea nothing for some time, but atav where he ifi, and operate upon Lee's eoiiiniuni' alions with the splendid body of cavalry he now bas with bim, he must bear with great, far-ruaching, and finally fatal oltect npon the enemy. It Is true that some of Grant's combination! hare lately midoarrtcd as regnrda their real purpose. Hunter's orders undoubtedly were to seize fortify, and hold I.yncbhurg; and the value of success in his essay would have been very peat. Had everything gone well, he would have wielded not only his own force, hut would have) been aided by Sheridan, by Crook and Averlll, and by Wilson. Had he succeeded i:i fteir.ing I.yncbborg with the force he had in band, be could have quickly fortified and held it against any lorce Ie might aend againrt him, Just as Beauregard held Petersburg stoutly for a time against the attacks in force of the Array of the Potomac, but though Hunter's army, and the bodies sont out to co-operate with him, did not accomplish their proper work, they yet did much service in their operations on the Uebcl communication, and much latmr that will bo of Talue aa a preliminary to future efforts. If Lee bas determined to hold bis army where it now in, and to tight outthe war In the narrow strip of land lying between the James river and the Appomattox, he will atfordus the best oppor tunity we have ever yet had to operate ag.tinst him easily, economically, and effectively. We bave an admirable base at City Point, with a short and excellent line of communication with the front. We are on good ground for the display of strategy aa wbl I as for hard fighting. Wears In little or no danger of an offensive movement on the part of the enemy. Militarily viewed, we may be said to be in the rear ef Richmond ; and we operate against it, for the first time, on the line which all Bagacious military men have always asserted to be by all odds the best of the lines of approach. Look, again, at the other of onr two groat armies that under Sherman. We have just luarncd that this olllcer was repulsed in an assault he made on the Rebel fortifications last Monday. Hut look whert that battle was fought. It wan an attack upon the works at Kcncsaw Monntain, only some twenty miles from Atlanta, our ob jective point. The Rebels have been steadily pnnlied back, until they bave now reached this, their last great otronghold defending the main railroad enure of Georgia. ' Here Is concentrated their Southwestern army; and it needs but that they should get another aucb drubbing here as Grant gave them at Chat tanooga last November, to secure tholr retreat across the State of Georgia to the South CaroMna line If there were then any organized army left them. Indeed, a retreat to the Savannah river has lately apneurcd to them so imminent, that the Mayor of Augusta bos issued a proclamation in view of It. We think a contemplation of these facts will Show bow closely we have pressed the two Rebel armies to the line of the last d itch. As to Grant's army, it is certainly in a position from which the Rebels cannot drive it ; and there seems no hope of tbeir being able, In any event, to force a retro grade movement upon Sherman. It becomes the people now, while foeling very strong and man fully conildent, not to give way to impatience not to be too eager for quick and great battles. We press mortally on the flickering vitality of the great Rebellion, and every week assuredly brings us nearer to the end which Heaven has decreed. THE t'AJIPlKJX. From the Tribuiu. It is not long since wo heard that considera ble portion of Lee's army bad been detached to guard tha Danville Railroad. We now bear that Gen. Wilson's cavalry bas destroyed forty miles of the track northeast and southwest of Rurkes Tllle, the station at which the Petersburg and . Lynchburg, and Richmond and Danville rail roads Intersect. We infer, therefore, th it if Lee ever distributed bis forces for the protection o ' these Important lines, be has rocontly found other occupation for them. Gen. Wilson mot bo opposition jvhatevcr along the line of his opora- liuua. A good deal has been said of the facilitr with which the Rebels reconstruct thoir damaged rail ways, and we have lately been entertained with an account of a Construction Corps, numbering several Kngllsh engineers among its members, which is represented as competent to relay tracks bout as fast as they are destroyed. It is alllrmod, also, that duplicates of all important bridgos lie ready to be thrown across the streams. We wholly discredit the story. The resources of the Rebel. Conletlerucy are sntllciently magiiitlod without resorting to such fairy tales as tlice. In reference to the probability of their possess- . Ing vast stores of rails and other material, it is ulllcii nt 10 say that General Wilson found the. ' Danville road laid with the old-f.ihinned strap rail on longitudin.il sleepers and this 011 the most important line of communication then remaining to the Confederacy. Nor is there any evideuce that the Reliels bave fcucccedcd in re- Tt'ni'mf. thn Inner nvti'iit nf' Dim Vir.'inii, .tnti! . Kail road destroyed by our army while lying r south of the North Anna, and suoseiiucntly by bheridnn on his Gordonsviile raid. We attach, then-lore, greut importance to the neeesa of General Wilson, lie bas destroyed ill all seventy miles of railroad, winch we do not believe can be rep'aced, except with great delay and difficulty; and which, if replaced, will again lie at the mercy of General Grant's c ivalry, and again be torn to pieces should it then be worth -while. It is idle to talk of guarding these roads agaii't't a heavy fore of c.tv.ilry. L.'u cannot spare men enough to do it ellcc'tu illy j for the cavalry takes so wide a sweep, descen Is so sud denly, ind does its dotructive work S3 rabidly, that it is impo-sibleeithtr to cover a 1 thti ground 'defensively beforehand or to c mcemraic infantry in sctikoii to interrupt the mi.-cliu f. . It is pro uilile thai this expedition has broken t off the woik of provi-iouing Richmond for a ) siege. The two lima cut Heie the la it remaining I CtJiunililiktlli ns of the R- b.l capital. Tno Klcll- rmmd and Jianvi ie Jtail.oad was the sole link between Richmond and Atl 111U, assuming, what we ate entitled to li.licvc 0.1 Ruil authority, that the Weldon Itailruul Iims been lor gtsum 1) tys in ti e umli tiirbeil t.osesiou of Geiieml Uruut. It was vital y importair, 'horefore, not onlv as an avenue of supply, but ns I he means of npid ex Change of troops bctweeu Lie and Johastou. As matters now Maud, Lee must light his batt.es Wi'h what fi tees he bss. The other mad bleb General VI!on Ins cut in two, the l'uur.-burg uml l.j nchbiir. limned the only cominiinicaiion, avc (he J .tines liiver Canal, lie: wee u Richmond and L nchbiir.wtiicb Vluiier place bus becu and do.iinles.s still is an important depot ut supplies of all kinds. And it strikes us as probablo that Wilson has done a very important service somewhat Incidentally. , The two divisions, comprising nine brigades, which Ijtt tent to repel Hunter, were still at last accounts in the neighborhood of Lynchburg, and are, there lore, cut oil from immediately rein forcing Lee in case of urgent ncces-ity. Our special dei-patch will be found full of in teresting details of Wilson's expedition, gathered from the staff officer who cut bis way through the Rebel lines to inform General Meade that the cavalry was slopped at Reims St itiou, on the Weldon road, by an infantry force. Wilson had he . one bard tight at Sionv creek, on the same '.ad, the result of which was indecisive, but as his work was done and bis business then was to get borne, be had eluded the enemy by a H ink movement, only to bring up against the position ,at Reims Station. It is stated that theotU Corps mut two divisions of the 2d were instantly sent .'"ward by General Meade to relieve Wilson, and ik language ued implies that the Rebel force at ;ielms was In direct communication with the Tight of Lee's army. The length of General Grant's line, from the pi int held on the Appomattox to any point on th. Weldon road, 19 scarcely less than twelve jnilcs, uud is almost too long to be securely held 1 unless there bas been a change o( position, , 11 herto unannounced. f Presuming tbat the public la well through its moment of despondency, we bave nothing to remark concerning the campaign in general, ex- Tt pt mat sue uays ui partial rest wuicu uonnnu tarn oas giveu to nis army am a Dettcrassur ice of progress than if he bod kept hammering t the defenses of Petersburg. 1 tie army bad gone through sunn fatigue as en Napoleon, the most pitiless of generals. Idom required of bis soldiers. It was entitled to some repose, and It is a cruel lmpa!lb",r?willrh would deny it to men who have fou,1; "' marched, and snffered as bave the heroes o. 0'ir army for two months pant. Hut the lull in ,,Q0 ranpaign Is only preparation and portent of th." coming storm. WanM. an !!.. Install any experienced cook in a ftrst-class 1 kitchen, surround him with all the appliances of his art, place at bis di.-pmial a larder stocked with the choicest dainties of the season, give him plenty of understrappers, and tell him to do his best, and he will be sure to produce for your de lectation a sumptuous repast. But the cook woo is not only an artist, but a man of genius, can do more than this he can resolvo the drbrit of the market Into delicious faro. It was in this necro mancy of the cuisine that Soyer excelled. lie could tickle the palates of the poor at a cheap rnte.aa well n excite tlio A,;.,, appetites of princely voluptiiarUs with costly ban.pieta. llcfore his time it was thought that epicurean enjoyment and economy were incompatible. He showed the world how to combine thum. When a ter rible mortality the result of had cookery pre. vailed in the allied array before Sebasto,iol he took possession of themiiltnry kitchens, and-ron-vertod the course ralmrjs ot the troops into whole- ' i iinuoi Mjoii. 1 ne doctors had pr i- nounced the ramp epidemic- beyond their skill, but the great cook arrested it, and restored the strength and stamina of the emaciated hosts. Vattul, Iteauvllller, Caretne, and Udc were wou derltil artists, but they exorcised their talents solely for the benefit of thn 1 hey had no recclt8 for the middlo and tailoring classes. Soyer, on the other hand, was a man of democratic instincts, who believed in the right of moor nj live wen. Wanted, therefore, an American Sover. In teach the American million how to turn cheun edibles into gind diiu.er. The time has gone by when families in moderate circumstances could ntlord to buy the choicest eu's in the mar ket. The goblon age of the Republic cannot be renewed in our day and generation, if ever. The present war will saddle us and onr posterity with a national debt nearly eiiual to that of England, and a pension list of formidable dimensions; and rigid economy will be a matter of necessity, as it Is there, with that portion of the community nin which the dead weight of taxation, after sundry shiikuigsandshlftings, always ultimately falls. But although small tradesmen and iourncv. men mechanics can no longer breakfast on porter-house steaks, aud dine on sirloins and fatted capons, they might, with the aid of scientific cookery, convert the Coarsor provisions to which their altered circumstances restrict them into better dishes than they ever ate In the palmiest days of their prosperity. The man who would teucb them or rather their wives and daugh ters bow to accomplish this object would be a great public Iwnoiactor. Hover's Crimean re ceipts fur soups, stews, and hashes would bo worth ten times the price of any book extant to hundreds of thousands of American families. They bave never been published, we believe; but there are many scientific men in the United States who, if they chose to tnrn their attention to the economics of cooking, could give us receipts 0iittl!y valuable Who will essay the task ? It would be a labor of love, and, while prolitablo to the people, would bring a rich pecuniary return to the laborer. It would amaze the uninitiated to see what can be done by a thorough artist of the Soyer school with the unconsidered fragments that most of us look npon as the refuse of tha butcher's at illa. The piece of neck beef which the butcher tossos contemptuously into the pcxir man's basket, ami which, cooked in the ordinary way, might doty the filed teeth of a Thug to penetrate it, could be transformed by the magic of art Into a dish upon which even an epieure would not disdain to dine. Take the other terminus of the animal its caudal appendage. Most people aupiosc that its ase cea.-us with the life of the ox that it was in- tended solclyho whisk away the flies, jiu t tnoso who nave tasted ox-tail mud. nronerl v made, know that it is richer and more nourish ing than mock turtle, and ouita as delicious. It is a cuiious fact that, although everythiug that was once eonsmereu "waste matter br tha manufacturer is now turned to good accouut in one branch or other of the mechanic arts, most of ns regard with disgust the coarser ditjretn mem brnnaot the shambb's, under a false impression that they are only tit for dogs. The same nour- iMiii R juices mat pervade tno lotus or an ox cir culate through its neck and legs. The fibre is tougher, and there is less fatty niaiter, that is all ; and these are defects which scientific cookery can in a great degree remedy. 1 he almost universal method of treatiuz toush meat is the worst thai could be devised. It is pcuuded and then overfried or overbroiled. Br these means the nutrimental principle is first uravcu out 01 ine vexaeis mat contained it, so as to be easily evolved by heat, and then driven by the action of a fierce tire up the cldmnor. What remains is a dyspeptic mass, little bettor than nulla runoer. It is atranue that we should hava brought tha principles of animal chemistry to bear upon the manuring of land and the fattening of stock, anl yet bave neglected toapplv theui in our kitchens. American cookery, as a general thing, contra venes an me conditions laid down By Llubig as determining the comparative nourishing qualities of meats and vegetables. It is a positive insult to philosophy, as well as an outrage unon tiste and digestion. We waul to see all this remedied, and dietetics elevated to the level of a science Our shirts and our coats are cut by mathemati cal rules, and therefore tit as ; but we havo no rales (save false ones) in culiuary matters, and therefore our inner man Is uniformly and most tbametully inistiltcd. wanted, therefore, as we said before, an Ataori. can Soycr ; or rather, as good a cuisiuicr as he was, with more scientific knowledge. Will not seme oi.e of our leading chemists step out of i ne uiuirarory into me uticnon. ana taktmr a dexterous practical cook as bis aid, endeavor to found a culinary system which shall com bine sound pbilosoi.liv with tasteful art Such a one would deserve well of bis country, and we should be proud to start a subriptiou to erect a statue in bis honor, beside the bust of Schiller, in Central Park. The printed results of his investigations, illus rated hv reoeiuts. would form tlio most popular book of tha ago. it wouiu ua wen. now, ver. that such a work should contain directions for rationally dis:.osinit of the gooi things of III.:. We re iiiro not only to lie taught hour to coo , but kou la e-it, anil it might bo well to preface this bran' h of the sub ject with the remarks w bleb lla iimrtoii puts into be mouth or Aberiirthy I " I he Cloekin ikur. They are rather eoar-e, lie in pertinent that we shall muki- no upnlogy lor . luting t'lein, Mr. Alieini thy is supposed u be a Idlest. ug a dys peptic A merit nit who had applied to him for medical advice. "1 II be I aiicrd. said be. "If I ever saw a Yunkie ihnt dnii't boll his ('nod whole, like a lion ccn'il"t..r. How the di vil ran you exp-ct tneligisl food that yi u n. itber uke the tro tide to dl .-cci nor ttu time to in sticat .1 ? l' s no wuiii.cr you l ife your neh, for you never use em ; nor our digestion, lor you overlaid !: nor your sativu, tor vmi rxp nd it on your c rpvts, itistc d i.f on your lood. It's disgmt- Hi); : u s 1 1 t y. iuoi uukees load your stomachs as a Djvo 1- shiieiiiaii diss-his car', as f ill as it cau h il I, and as fast as he enu pitch it in with a dung fi rk, anil drive oil; and then vol eflmpl nth.t such a I a I of c .m;ot is too he ivy for y 01. Dy-pi psy eh 1 ifcrual ga.z' n,', yon uniu. ' I nil yu w Iihi, take hiiil the time to eat that on do to drHWl out your words, cue yo ir to 1 1 .11 a- much ns you do your lilihy tohi co. and ji it'll H' well in a 11.01 th." 11 any savan on tins s:de ot the AMantii; v ihes to In lici t his country, and m ike a tor tune at ll.e sume time, let him take our hint. ci 1. bratid l.oiuii' pulhist bas asseited that (he tomsch i the s. ut of tli tula "Ion an I Ir' so. wlint a popular idol wwuld thit nun Ua wh should ellet t a wholesome revo'ution In Anion- 11 cookery and A.ncrleati mastica.ion ! Hund Table. When a man is hideously ugly, the only safety is in glorying in it. Let him boldly claim it as a distinction. Mrs. Macaulay having published her "Loose Thoughts," Mr. Sheridan was asked w hether be did not think it a strange title for a lady to choose, "liy no means," replied he, "the sooner a woman gets rid of such thoughts the butter." RELIGIOUS NOTICES. rjS- NORTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Ml X I II KiriH't, alnivo tlreou. Bervicf Balibstli MurnliiK at ila o cluck, by llw Hcv. C. D. UAit I' KAMI. ll tX-" SUNDAY, THE LORD'S DAY, "FOR Man." A SsMiionun thli sublect t.-la.irr.iW, in TItlMTY Cllt llt'll, CATII.sHISK Mlr.sn.s'Hivu Hac ma. S.rvke. at let, A. M. suits 0 clock f. M. 8m St. Mark II. ST7 Slid t.kM XX. 12. It UNION M. E. CHURCH, FOURTH tx? Stmt, I.-J..W Aruk. Habtiain, July S. Kv. JOSEPH i.KMiaoM, H. ...SI. lrui kailtal.wlll pt.Kjh lu Uis moruluv St llltaVekHk. li.Y. C. .I1MILKI In Iks s.iiiii, So cJs)k. rrustau4lf.xpcrlau Maatlua al 7 i'ciwt. i SPECIAL NOTICES. PHII.ADKI.PIIIA. Pa.Julvl.lHM miMiit nest hums roi KTii or jrrr.Y, iws oiics wlll optn tvr the transaction ut busiaiiss until IDA. M , aflvr whlea boar uo pursua can hava acvas to tba ti ITIes. 'I ha rarriari will amka tha asual S A. M. dallrarr. Tha first aiuniinsaail last avsnlini cnllactiuns frwm Ump sm sua utlirr boxes 111 Us tuaita. Tka Hutluaa WIU ba usssa at abov. ualuscl boura. )yi 11 C. 4. WALBOEH, roitiaulw. TUB DAILY EVENING TKtRAPn.PIIILADELPIIIA, rT" NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO j the Sterkhnldars In tliK rairmiunl I'so.-n.-er w.,-, ..-.j,in., , ran rln,,w oi.on tor sub scription p.rtlnn .Ml stoek 01 tW c..mPr, n,t lUMnf the llMinaviii. Mantua. ai4 Fslrra ..ml R.iim.j T i ... . n K j . M-r rr.H.i,Hinil 01 ISA th unrtraK"l7'' 1 " """kswlllha clotnl an,! no aub .crliittout rssv'lv' r th. Inth J.v of i,.y. isst. V. II. KNKA-IS, r.. v. MAiTt.tsn, It. 8. WINKUIU xivit, lyj-ftulhtt CommUtea ofltuarj 01 Diraetont. KST" FOURTH Cv, JULY THE SOL Iy Stfs- of tliew arof ts. will rtlehr its Uia tsr at the HI THUHK. Col HI K'WlM, on I"NIAV, 41 h Inst., at PS o'clock A. M. Urnrrst tlK 'ni " ro.iiintnl. It JOHN II. .' I'b K, Secretary. riSf- ORHAT CENTRAL I'ViR HOUSE- rumithias Imparl m Aalntlaial L'aih Can. iiiriinions f.. A. Ooilrv ...,. fleoriis H .tolias...... I. oilis .t.At j II. Atovns K, Parker Knipl.iTw. in (ilttea of isodrv s l.aily s Dk a 11 .4 I'lats I'rtntlnn ortle .' Paton A Co., Now York ,n Proj.rlntor llouss llurslar Alann TsleKraph Mr HsTvoy.,,, , Jut ilsie , "" I. r . Wk.lii, .'....'....'I t'.s v.. wn.iiston 1.41. korsier. Mt'ItPIIAK.Illl.t' $V) 0) IS) 10 l 10 t no 1 l 01) I si no an m ti (SI n an m m 04 llriiet PuTlnr Ortran ..' 4r) atihorn .V Keksiotn hi aj Newark Fatsnt l'a kasa (.'((rap.-wv is) 00 J. Halt BohntMiii ts t") CI arias T. Krru , 11 V) Charlea numliam., J AuiouutprevioBiIji acknowle.lxed 87?1 : I. K.WAbRAVeW.t'hairmaa. Mi'ix'Uii notk;e, u t a a. i : i r v" , CKNTHAI, lAIIi. Bl'nsl'BIITlONS TO TH NEW TORK and PHILADELPHIA ALBUMS; OF SKKTCIIKH, coNrntituTu) by tub autihts to the SANITAKY 1'AIH, Will close oa SATl'RHAr KVKNIKfl aext, Jaly 3d, at oclock. A few shans may as 1 1 II bt lubscilbed for. )yl 21 NOTICE. ALL CUEDITORS OF tha Ofiat C'entral Kalr Witt nlrnse send thlr aeooimtt fortnwith to ti-e oittce; No. IT.1'! CHKSNIT Hlreet, addnasiHl to Mr It. A. Wood, I'lialrman of tba Auillthif ttommtttaa, havlns first obtained tlio voucher of tha I hairman by wlioni ihe nc ottnt wns oi.aned. JaiV-M UoHAC'K IIOWAKU IIKNK).S8, Necrotary. rsr, 8UHSCRIPTI0N OP ONE DAY'S Iifttsor. IniWasmp. nr Kbtsmirm nttll rlallv miMivsi.l. Let all praiitly rmMiiHla MubicrittltiMi duly nrknw IidKfd. JOHN W. LA,.1,.K.N, TrtM.urer UIHof, No. 118 8. HKVfcN Mi Htreut, lltiUll,hiA. Je.'.)-7t l-fro, A MEETINO OF 11ELEOATE8 itn Uie Ward llountv Kul iSonimlllnAB will ha held at Hie Illsirlct Court Itooin o. 1, H. K. corns of SIXTH and CHKSNUT Hirm-H, on H A I'UKIIA V EVBN 1NW HoRt, July It, at H O'c4o. k. A urneral attendance is nfinesied JIANIKL. HTKltSM.l ., 1'raaident. J. .US K. VaLKNTINH, aecrntar. J) I It r- OFFICE UNION PASSENfJEU UAIL I' way Csjiiicaiiy, No. 419 WAf.sll T airoot, Juno IB, ISM. The seeon.l instalment of Ktva liolUra on sacli share oi the capital etoek otthe Itnlon I'assenirfr KallWAsCom pany, will be due and tmraole at lh oillca at sa:d Coin- palir on and after Jalj 7, lHM. lly order of Hie Hoard of irueciora. uoi-i.ij w . u. KKMtll.K, Heeretary. sr35T- DEAFNESS AND HLINDNES3. J, -:Iy laaaea, M D., Professorof ths Kye and Ear, treats aR diseases appertaining to the ahova-natuedineiHtiers with Ilia almost siieceiia. Testlmenlala from tha most reltahla snitrees in ine etry ana countrs can l soon at his Oltloe. No. nil PINK 8tre.-t. Amn.-lal Kyas Imerted without naln. NocSarsesmsde for exanilnatlon. Oirlee bours from S to iiA.M.jiinr.M. o. on riNK Htieot. Jl-3ni rf CORNS, BUNIONS, INVERTED Kalis, Knlarged Joints, and all Ulieases of tha Keet ettrad without nam or Inconvenlnca to tlia nattenr. bv Ills ZACHAKIK a HAKNKTT, NuiKOooCtiropodlata, No. nil CUES NUT Hiraot. Kafer to vtiyaloUni and Hue. wmi Ql ine CUT. Jell-U AMUSEMENTS. RT GALLEST, LOGIN SQUARE, FOUKTII OK JULY. TIIK AUT OAI.I.KltY, THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR, Will be opan to the Puhllo on Jaly Kourth, from s A. M anttl 10 P. M. ADslITTANCR., ..TWENTY VI VI CKHTS. A ( A L Ii II H Y CENTEAL FAIR. IT HAS llKKEf ItEftlUEII TO KEEP TIIK GRAND COLLECTION OF PICTURES SOW AT I.OOAN fsQUAHK, . O N KXIIIUITION a VOU A I KW DAYS I.ONtiKB, IK AMI Of TIIK HAMTAltV (X)MMIHHION. Tha nailery will be opened to the public oa every weak day, onlll further nonce, fr.im S A. M to II) P. M., oa sail aner Wedtiefday, Jai.a W. Heaaon Tlckotl to Ju'y II, laelllslva, m cents. Admission '16 cents. Catalosuea '.'o rants. To "ANIrKI.VN 4 AltlADNK, ft cents antra. Admittance only at the centre dcor on Vine slraet. Jvs-tf ItS. JOHN L'UEW'd NEW ARCIi ST. 11 tin. .AT UK iiKsnrrr op miss i.ita. CKCll.K III nil has kind 1 vohmtrrri d. lO.Miill'r (.'H'ltlA ) July J, The I'e.'foilaunce will coineie. ee nitli KA.HJ. IttiTea .'Kf'IL! Itttail faio ... Itanoa Ulll To be follow, l bt Hie Come .Itelt.i i.f I.OOI) Foil MlllliN I. Nan Iwllh sons) Mist f.OTTA T. m Stuart ll ibion 'It. i OK. h ile w.lh II e Toes . Hons" and fiance, a id Huut llil. tliel o u. hy M aa l.'JI'l' t. K1 I.IA'ENTII STREET OPERA HOUSE. "THK S'sMil.v KKS.IHT." CAItNCI OSS A IHXKV S MINHI KKM4. Tta Sir. at s ir l rouo ot tne Wmtd, q iheer KKi.htrr Kiiuoi-iAS Honu-.tid, Mpendld Hhikiiitf. Ueautllul lianvinK, iJiaMhaoie Rurlea'iuaa, i':sniritl'i, si-nes, Ao.,4HL, BT TWENTY TA1.KMK1) AlHIUla, KVKUV KVKNINil litis Wl.KK, Tiekata, Uit Oelili. DiMir.ulien ft 7n'elock. ap-17 if 1. L. CAHSC-'IIOSS. Bo.iueq Manatrar. ROVER'H CHKSNUT STREET THEA J TKK. LEONAJil) UKOVKB Mauagor (Alto of Oroar's T beatrs, Washington.) COOL ASD COMFOlt TA1ILE AT ALL TIMKS. TIIK CEVTItin'OAf. PAX IN OPKIIATION M I O II r f. Y . CONTINUED AKI) ENT1IIT81A8TIC SL'CCESS ol the (JOItGKOCRLT IlItll.l.l.AST PltOnUCTIOX, TIIK KW HKV'ICN HISI'KKSl. TUB SKW BKVKW BltSIKItS. TIIK KKW bh.VKN HIHI KKS. THK SHW HHVKS 81STtlti. IMPORTANT KXTIU NOTICE. lMl'OKTA.NT EXTItA KUl'lCt. CBANO llOt'llf.K PKBrORMANCE tiKAM) IXH.I.I.E PEltKOItMANCK THIS (SAIl'UUAV) AKTKKNODN AN l BVEMINU, When the entire spectacle will I presented Wheu tbu entire spectacle will be presented When the entire speelaelo will be preseuted W I I'll A LI. THE Nf.W HCKNKH, Ac. e . Which were rouelvesl on their former representstiua with unbounded duuoustratlons ul duiigbt- Mil. J. E. M.ilONOrtOfI Mil. J. E. M. HONODUII tin. J. E. IlcHONOUUU in his mirthful latpersonailon of MIlTIIEH I'l.fTO. MOTIIKK I'l I'TO. AIOTU1.U PLUTO, PHICEH OP ADMISSION. Dress Circle or 1 arou.lte .....Ill ten's. Pamlly irela .....J. oenti, Oreaeatra Dmu.. 7) oenn. Bti of taa Front Tsenchea only are reserved as On hsstra 0 nut aiuu-gs) luf fcsseaiiag aeats. OIUKD PATHHITH- rEBKOKMAMCB ON MoMHAY.Julyt, And aAMttivsly last oihi of lb aaatoa. h.l.lr and noarrt i.f I Mn'tton hr.iof..r, ptI TJ. " who wtah taauhserlnawlll oil at lh orfe. 01 V V vtlT. t" '" "tj ""' -XT E.ilAN?.,tJ U alt es'tiSest't . botwaen th hours of to A. M. and .1 I' M . onk,r ,'f!",;h ?T Ol'lnlr. ISH4. whara full Inf.ir . 01 togtvan. in. ,uhiTk i.niiK. II N PsJO niHKMI- We refnnd tbs monay, If desired, for (vn7 ot 8brtJ which fall In say rospeot. I1NB BIIIRTH. CUT LEts-OTUWISE 0a MUSI.lV. Made of Kew Vara Mills Maslfn, and vsry to 1.1am Bosoms. Only M 00. WWlaniivllU Mills Vuilln, and fins Linen nosont, Only 13'TS. GENTLEMEN'S FURNIsniNO GOODS. HMITH stc JACOIIH, PX-tm No. 1940 CIIK.SVt'T Slroet. QLOAK81 CLOAK8I1 CLO AK8III CLOARKf CLOAKS! I m.OAKltt CLOAKS! CLOAKNII CLOAKS I CLOAKS 1 1 CLOAKS I CLOAKS II Cl.OARHttl CL0AK8III CLO.AEJIII TIT FJOHTH 8TBF.ET CLOAK EsMPORTTTM, Tfll EK11ITH BTBF.F.T CLOAK P.MPORH'at THK EUIBTU HTREET CLOAK EMPOItlUM, IBJE UUIITU STREET CLOAK BMPOIIIUM, Ho ua sr. F.mirrH ntnH. Vo. WIS. EltlllTK Htreat. No. 1 N. ElOHTU Street OTtEAT BAKOAIN'S, 4IBKAT HAItHAlrSIS, UREAT BAROAINH. CALL AMT) I'UKCIIABE, CALL AND PURCHASE, CALL AJID ITItCIIAse, I.TMAX'S LTMAH 8 EfonTII TRKET CLOAK EMPOWOM, r-tr So. t It. EiarrTif street. pLOAKS, COATS, AND MANTILLAS. V I.a.tlaa wkklnil lo ttrf well and eeonomtasllv. will find It IS ttielr astvnnlaire lo vtist iha Mainmoib Cloak and Nanlltla Emlxjrtiini of Mrs. HKS RY, Nog. .is art 40 V NINTH Htri, below Areh. naere are lo be k.vl all tiia latest Part suit I ondon style at prices tl.at will siuure Uirtr Immediate llfepisal. N. B. A t'andsome assortment nt T.sdlss' and aenila. nien'a Wrwpoers, 8bawH. and l.ajae Mantillas. apll-tlm Xos. iW aiiu-4 N. NINTH Street. li?4 4'IIKMNCT STKP.ET. The attenslon of f.MHES V-BITIHO TUB CITY, or those about I, K AH Nil t for" Waler Ins I'laoes, ot "tha t otntfry," Is respes linllr Invlied li tha axtenslvu t.x-k of W ill I' K (iOllliH sultaklo for ft'MMEB WEVH.for WHITE ItOblhS, ilwUNI.Mi B VPt'EltH, Ac. An enlemlre assortment la ofTered In Lara Slid Worked Kilning, and ItKerthiKS, Vails, Ilsn.lkerrblels, Collars, Kleavet.and In I tsln and fancy I'lAld, Miripml, and Klxnr.il While tlooda AT PKICKM MUCH IIKLOW TUklB MtF.SENT HRTA1L VAI.I'E. lis) rrlaleil Linen caintirlc Dresses. US) pioots fulled. Tucked, aud Striped Mus lins. Ji. M. NEEDLXH l9tii"ciiKsinfT BThr.r.T. 628 HOOP 8KIKTS. rOO a&ruve Mlth trostrt. . . 1'IUIadelpl.la. TvTioIm.) unrl Rut nil. Th-tnwf mmppets nsiiHrfmttit of Ladfct , MlitPt', ami ChtMrtn'i Hoop Mkirti In tbm ej 'n ersry re poet nrnl ctHt, which tt style, tlnltli, durability, and cii.-iiauda, h.tri" no ?4(niil in the mrkH. hktrit bia4 to ordr, aitrJ, and ronalroj. tM-ly. VVM.T. IIOrKtSfl. MADAME DEMOKKST'8 MlHRoiTOK raitiluu tor Biuauor. now ready, wbolosaia au4 rvtsAtl. riJHAKD OFFVIVD OF fll'MMKK PATTERNS ttllri. M. A. ItlNUKIi'd Teiuplo of raahluu, XSo. V4 KU,ant TrLramed P Attorn . of all thn latett and moirt rv, UaMti g lit m i'ftrt ratlilsiiin, l.atlua' and i'hil'tron i IrMi. Our arraaitomtjiin for rrtvtng Ui InUnt Parnlan dfauini are ptrfuct, affrdlnn alwaja a ohokw (tom tii and moil levant style. lres and CMtak. MaktiiR tn all lt bTanchai, and ipor fret tit warranted. Cuttinti and H Anting at tit short Doilcft. French Flntlnv and UritiiTtsring. ftiampiiisT for Enibr llfry and Hraidltiff; Plnhlntfln avery TArir; M alame t(mirit 1'iixn Medal Siirti; rrenoh Cois. ts, Hktrt fcUsTaWai, I'Atli.Hiirtltli, Uuufca aud Kyus. and c harts. Iniiw-rttiifr nd manufacfarlntc larwsly,! can aa l wllMfnsr suotMiur Lt. duct mv tits to evury uusUinir. jt)7-tutlula 1;LA0S, FIaAGR, AND UNION LANTKRaNS, For UiuminaUoiu JODX DOt.L, t. m MARKBt Streot, Impttrtnrof TOV8 ANtt I" ANCT IJOODS. Jnst rer?lTi'd I ruin Kurope, of oiy own wtootloo, a larga atoritiisnt of MKKKriCriAl'M PrPF.H, HOWLS. C It JAR TlTnR8, (JHKHUr HIKMrt.Ao. W-tntiu-lu) Also, a lartra variety of Toys aud fauoy trU1. INVALIDS AND CONVALKsSCENTS. IX v a lids and 'onvakMMiits. Jnraiils and (onra!fecnfs, ioraiida and Voiw altto nt, KSciaUy Ks per , lly Fomalas In lll. ntf Health, Yemak'slo D'-licate llenlih, ieiua;49t In ltdicni lliaitli. Will UnUoiir rallfttrala Wlnra, rllf.irnla WInw. I'aliii.rnia Wiucs, rahfortila Win, ( AhiVrnia Wlrim, CaliiftNiia WIusji, prii!lail.v TflltmLile In all east's of lattfjuur and gruat uros traiiun if straimth. Ak A-k Ak Aik Auk Aik A-lc A,k Aok Ask Ark AK A-.k Ak AWk lrs. litcClfltAttd, fifhhaH, isnmucl Jackson, (ofUio Pennshanta Vnlvuraity). Ilftrintr. ltTsn, (in-v.-g, llartflhoroa Kclittiiile, Willirtms, llitrilay, 'eidlurd. WUsoo, llndal, Vltial. font ley, Knorr, May land, and other leadlnn physician, whnt thuv think of the medL cinal vtriura of California Wine-. I Tln'-nt- Kt niletuua irt crihe our brands, tml assure us of the bono ills patleuta ruc-tite iruui Uiuir ul t'AUFORSIA WINK AUEVOY, J21-lin Ko. 4i 8. i ll i il s tro t-t, above Cbesnut. TUROKS A FROST, M. 9 MKCHANIO ' sHiri t, NHwark. N. J,, want flrt cUm Auiiita In a'I parts of the United Stale tu sell tb.'ir rarent Utvantr. Addretisan alMivu, with two aud tnroe oaiit stamps, for circular and term. Aleuts clear flu per day. J H 1-tlistu 1 nt 7N THE ORPHANS' COITKT FOR TIIK X ilty aad Cnur.ty of PhllH-lc In' la utateor KLI2AIIKI II WHITE, deeeaiul The Aueltor ai)H,luted to anlfM. i6'tle,and adjust the first and final ace-ount of I'ATuick i.KVY, l:sieitir of Hie liut tslli and testament of I I.I. stlK I'll U lll I K, e. oi ased, and report dlsrrlhuti.n of the btlsuce reutalnliHi In Ms hauds, wl.l meet tha esrlie 4 Interenled tu - the nur.ioMtt, of his aiiioliiimeut, onTl FiSHAV, July IV. All si.l,i II a rlork A.'M.. at his otllee. IS K. collier of Till III) and C'HKSNI T Htncta, rhlladelilila jvJU-lhatlithait O. W. DAVIS, Auditor. VST J i at T AT K OF S01'UI . IIKUKIirOX, minor. The Attdiler aiinolHed by 11 Orphans' (.'onrt oftheritr and ttoantv of Pliliadeltiti.a lo su.l'l. stitle, and adist the lira! and flnal aeeonnl of B'HKII I' I) Will I K, Hoard an of ll.e t stale 01 HOPIUA II. IIK.l I k UN. a mini, and to r.pvrt dlslrlliullvn, win meel the nrlles interested fur the purposes of til. ai).aliilmei I. on MUNUAl . .Inly 11, IHI4, at IHS oeloci A. M .at I Is nlhes. No. 717 tVAI.Nl I Street, In Ilia City ol Tlilladelphla JOHS t.'LAVTOV. yeaothstnSt Auditor. I STATE OF BKK.NAltl) McNUTT, E i ceased. The AadlUr aonolnted hv Hi. Oruhan.' flonrt Sir tha City and County of fhllaileleli a to audit, smile, aud adjust the aeeond aeeount 01 ,IA.MK1 I'. nU V I'U, admin istrator e,f the rttmeol HIKNAIlll M' N 1 1 1, deceased, ami to res,rt dlstrltnitlon, wl.l meet the jurtles Interestesf lor the purposes of hi. appointment, ou T'tihSIt IV, July ft.lss.s, at II o'elock A. M., at hi. Utile., No. 717 WALNUT street, In Uieclty of rhlladelnlila. jeiu t'Lii tuts, JeSS-thatn-tl Audit.. military notices. SHKA rust ii The 1 HKAI)qUARTKR8 PROVO.iT MARSHAL, nisinci, 1 a. Piiii.Ain i.i'HiA. J tine -JH. lHrti. The namrt of peniont niiio. 1111 ti or t'nin tfilt Dis trict will t added to or alrk ls,i-ti fititu thn lists of vurol- nifiit. pl s of the litti nr ntn ior pu'tl'c Iiihuhjii)ii, and civil uitlcurs and all rltitiit arj iuvI d to a,,M9itr and point out error In Ihe llstt and hI" xirIi liit-fiuistlon as umy aid tn tho eirruction and nvi-i-ii thitrooi' Any If rrson enrolled may appear ht-jore ih - Hoanl and cUhu to have his name stt lLkwn off the itata n' huuau sauw aatlw fpeiorilr that he Is not Dnptrlv wordied. on aotonni of ttr,abthiy. A compliance wita uie foreuoins uncirontlonN infurneHtly IfalklM-d. W.M. K. I.KHVI.VS, Jevt-tf Ciptaln and I'tjobI Mat sliai. J M' ANTED FOR T Marine Carps (a vahed land), tim e Hundred abli is dutire of a soldier at WANTED FOR TIIK UNITED STATU and e 1 filing life by sea and aulu-itodlfd mtn, to prforin tha our lSiuvv apd. aud aboard I nHfd Htates s)lps-ff-war oti foru.ga statJns. better cnuHK.iiattin than the army. A ehlp-of-war la a con Hurl aide home. The M twine Corpt is toe vest Shipped Corps Id (he service. frUe JMuue fc atWuiir antf, IIIK LOCAL FOUNT I KH PAID TO KECKIjreJV. Kor ail oiher luniroiatUui apply daily at the Kt'crnHln( Kci1 kvi.nit, No. Mil H.fKUM Hlreet, bvlow Buruee, b- tueen Hie a ours ol nine and Uiree o'cluck. JAMI IsKWIH, Captain and liwrmUnK Othos-r, fUBLOUQHS-rUBLOTJQHS. Ofllcers and soldiers Tlsltla, th elty on rarloughs, naadin. H W O IV T H , AND OTMSB MILITARY EQUIPMENTS, ask htvitbd to thi sxTsxsiva HANCrACTCHINO KHTABLISIisfKsTT r Glottal -V. HIMON8 A J1IIO. SAN80M STREET HALL, SANSOM Btrset, abor Slith. PRESENTATION SWORDS Made t. order at tlia saorUat aoUaa, sralch tor rtehnau aa4 puktikldeaaM ehaUani eompMltloa, no other house la tba oooirtrr auKhtnlBd Iha at ANUKACTUKIMU JUVTsutsj WITH TUS I'JtACIlCAA, IWOItU MAJUU. M SATURDAY, JULY 2, igflk FINANCIAL. gllVUNTH NATIONAL BANK, ISO. aiO JUHKET HXIII3I3X, (CORNER or BTHiwpEnnr.) Capital $125,000. To le Increase! to $500,000. DIHI.CTOIta. , IlESlllf O. MOHIIIS. of Vorrli, Ta.kar A Ca., Psscat Iron Works, MfUt SfM Tanker, Is. (.'IIARLeg 8. CL08R, of Close At NesMt, Builders, Ko. t:m BmxI ,trfst. JAitrtS II. ritESTOX, Manufacturer of Waoloa Ooods, Manannk. . A. WATERS, of J. A. Waters At Co., Wholesale Oroeers, K.. U':l Msrket street, 8. It. LOL'UHl.IN, Ileal Estate, Ki. 6VJ Js". TUirtooutb street. WM. r. CLYDE, Ag-nt I'littaJ a sJ Ki-srTark Express N. II. Co., No. 14 9. Delaware At. fiEORdE W. HILL, llanufactiiror of Csrvetln,,, No. IJ.) N. Third strt et. J. W. aOL'bER, W hnleaale Bsmts and Slioss, Ko. 509 Market street. J. Z. HEIIAVEK, Imrvirler ef Wines, Brandies, Ao., !tos. 30 and W 8. Uolaware Arcnua. This Bank hating been dalr authorised to commence business und.r the National Curirni-jr Act, U now pra pared to reotlTe bK.l'OHITg, make Collections, and trans act a Uflicral 1IANK1NU III HINKSfl. Discount dafs oa Tl'KSDAY aud rniDAY of each week. J. 7.. DEHAVEN,- Prssi,lut. V.. H. IIALr,, Ou-l.ir. Pimsi.Fti'MiA..iuna M, !si4. Ie1 I at QOLU, OOIil), UOLI), SILVER AXD BANK NOTES WANTKD. DE HAVEN & BROTHER, JaJtf-iy No. at) 8. THIRD 8T1RET. A 11 A. N II O Li 1 II. No. K 3. T1IIRD STREET, BANICKKH AND imOKKIW. Bperlo, atocki, Quart enn asters' Vouchers and Chiaks, and all GoTonrment Seenrttles Duuglil and Sold, nshlj II niIC. HTKU1I afc CO.. JIANKliUS, No. 30 8. THIRD STREET, act ajtn akll O, Sll.VRU, ASD 4JOVEKSMEST SECURtTIE. STOCKS HOUUDT ASD 80I.D OK COMMISSION, (mid I JEAV LOAN. 1V1JW LOAJf. U. S. 10-40,s. sAY CtXIKll afc CO.. orrEB tor sale the NEW GO vEMMENT LOAN, ItEAKIKO IIVE PER CENT. INTEREST lit C0ISJ, redeemablo any Umo alter TEH YBAKH, at the pleasur of the Ourunmeut, and psjaiile 10HTV VCAJi after date. ltOTIF COUrON ASD REfllSTERED BONDS an Issaed for this Lou, ot saa donosnltiatloa as the S-tO's. The Interest on toO's and flOO s parshle jearlj;on al other denominations, half yearly. The !M0 bonds are dated March I, I8M. The half-yearly Interest falling due September 1st and. March 1st of each year until 1st Hep. trainer, the scented Interest from 1st of March Is required to be paid by jiarcbasera In com or In tsosl. curisnct. addlns fifty per cent, for premium, until further notice. AI.LOTUKK GOVERNMENT 8ECUBITIE4 110UOIIT AMD SOLD. JAY COOKE & CO., nihW-tf Mo. lit 8. THIIID STREET. c L A n 1C H O N sfe CO., HANKERS, No. 121 8. THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Government Securities of all lasnes Purchased and for Sale. Stocks, Bonds, and Uold Uotiiht and Sold oa Com mission. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. Collections Promptly Made. M tf J J K W 13 H sV; It A. II M, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. S'd 8. THIRD 8TKEHT. irastaits iv 81'KCIE, BANK NOTKS, AND GOVERN MENT SECURITIES. Stocks BouiM and Sold an Commission, promptly made. ColltM-tlons au. tf OCJi.H ATS I S-l'JCUIlIXIlia BOrCHT AND SOLD O N C O M M I S H I O N, DE HAVEN fit BROTHER, V" If So. ill) 8. Till It D STREET. s- nimni, tu f w liianed upiia IHanuaids, 7 t Mate, Clalt'liiy. Ao at Jt J JONKS) A tW. S ANY AMOUNT. Watches, Jewelry, 8 OLD K8TAHI.IHIIKII LOAN OKEIt'E, Corner Tlllltll anil HAsKILL Buei U, llrlow l,o,baril. N. B. DIAMONDS, W A I'l'IIKS, JKWELltr, rltJNH.AO., F'lH HAI.K AT RKMARKAII1.V LOW Fltlf'ES. )ett-lra QLD GOLD AND SILVER WANTED. Af.su, ) I AM t N I H, ANU OTHER PRECIOUS STONES, UOL'tillT FOR CASH, BY LEWIS LAD6MUS & 00., TVo. JvU-lln HOa ClIICHlVtJT Htreet. s A Ti 1 T A. It Y A I Hi CIIKAPKST HUMMEll HATH IN THE CITY. HOUIINE, H-Ja No. 40 N. SIXTH BtrsMt. RICHMOND & lOREPAUGH, MASCrACTV'RiaS SSD CSaLIRS la HTJl'lllIOll I'" TJ II N I T TJ 11 13. WAREROOMS, -No. 4.U H. BI3C01VTO Htreet, Above Chasant, wast I Me. e4-lni s. II. DIXON, No.SI 8. F.IUHTH Btrst, A DEAI.KK IN KASCY AND TOI LET 11001)8, ' UWIlKtl.LAS AND PARASOLS, Fans, Bead Dresses, rreuch Jewelry, Leather Onnds, Work Bosee, Beads. Af, Ae. m, 1H-Aa "I ) LANK BOOKS AND STATION E K Vv U HANKS. BANKERS, kIKHf HAMSi, MAMUFAtA. Tt hKKM, KAH.huAU tsjMrANIKS, aw., Wil tod It to their interval t. or 4w ft ota the aaeelgiktA. BLANK. Ulli A, PAPKK, AND STATIONERY?, All khsds (br KnslnMa, ProfMaluaai, aad Private us. ler aaie at ausdraw artetie he Wff l.UM MAira, StaUooer, Prluuc, and Blank Uu Msnisnuitiir.f, Aie.ts S. Ftnrarn hussss. j J8IDENTIAL 0AMPAI0K. I'LAOrJ, l&MT&S MIJ TRAJTSPAlUarOLES. r. V BCIIEIIJrjEJt, VI. A. 1UUIU BTREET, ' tsars CVsamt.raiUd.I.ala. Ko. 49 8. 'nut or MAKTmCTV, FLAGS, a BANNT.RS, ""IBS TRANSTAUErlv TERNS. AND LA. , Lantoras. Folltlral Carapal. a Clahs nitad cm wat t Ira Badass,, Banners, ant) Tm, at reaannaMs sassta. fOR THE ABMT AUD XAY' 13 VAITH fc IIAHHA IL. MII.ITAUY FUKNISUliKS, No. 453 ARCII HTREET, miLADEr.rnu. Baanars, BaKunorMal and Comaana flassj. 8 words. Baakea, lteJIs, FassarsU, KpanhMs, llata. Caps, CantMns. Hararaacka, tamp kits, rteld Glasses, Sfssrs, and ararj Uilnt pertaining to taa cvnpleta on tilt of Aims aad Mars; Omcers. A libera! dlse.' 'rst Hr.ns trade. rarlO-Ssa F Xa A. ii v i : - - . Of Qxs sa uiL.. 8 I U K F L A O 8, or BUFERIOn QOALITT. M U B Ii I N V LAO H, Or 8LTEBJOB gOAUTT. tst tints, HaUlarcU, Wholesale and Kesall, at W. H. EORSTMANH & B0N3, a7tt-r FIFTI! and CHKRBT StTMtS. J II. FOBTE II, AWNINll MAKER, IV o. 4.4.H TS. TIIIIII Htreet. AVBOVB WILLOW. KSTAUL.ISIIK15 1844. AWMNGi, WAf',0!4 COVERS, rLA(18. SAILS, TENTS, FANCY -ERANDAII8 E08 WfNDOWtl. Alt kinds of srork aonearorantlr. and attended (a m. JOSKI'H IL FOSTER, He. i N. TUIKD STREET, Anore WUIosr. ap-Jai J J ENRT II A It P E It, CKALaa in WATCHES, JKWKIsUY, BILVES AND PLATED WAEE, No. Bao AIICII Stroot. AMERICAN WATCH CO. '8. K. ttOWARD A CO.'B, AND KEtl) TATENT WATC1LE8. AD kinds of Silver Ware made la the Faotorf adjotntaf ine Htore. aa-lni Q W. SIMONS t BROTHER, BAN 80 M STREET HALL, PHILADtLPHIA, M ANUFAA-TUHEliS OF JEWELRY, FINE BWORD9 ak jat-tf MTUTABr GOODS 1ST EVERT VABfETT. T A U 13 M t A K II XI ICS " WHoLkSaLa ASf, MtT.lL CLOCK ESTA11LI8HMENT, 8. B. corner SECOND and CHKSNUT Streets, I'hiiad AouNcr rna m raraar EQT'ALir.INO TUIBTV-DAT CLOCKS, A Tory desirable article for Churches, ilotuls, Banks, Also, .MAN I KAI TI HKIt OF FINE nOI.D Pl fli. fLUl K8 HKI'AIRKII AND WAltKANIHD. Jal2ly Clock Trtiuailnva of evury duacripuoo. JOHN 8. WILSON, IMPORTER AND dealer In WADCUE8. Vine JKWKLUY. and mane. uvclurer ot 8II.VT.R WARE, No. 11 N. JTINTII Htreot, alxiv. Area, Phfladolphla. The hiyliekt price paid lor old Silver. myf Uytl TiS. A GRAY, N. R. CORNER OP SIXTH T T and MINOR Hin-eu, buys Dlauiouda, Watches, field, Silver, aud Loan Tickets. THOSE IN WANT OF MONET, CALL. All business eoafldentlal. rnyM-Sra . $ WEIGHT & SIDDALL . No. 119 Market Street ItETWEEN TRONT AND SECOND STREETS, a. w. waioiiT. r. h. aionai. DRUGaiSTsTTlIYSICIANS, AMD AENERAL STOREKEEPERS, Can And at our establ lahrnent a full assortment of Imported aad Domestic Drugs, Popular Patent Medlalnee, Painta, Coal OU, Wlndusr Ulaaa. l'reaoripuon Vials, Ac, at as ksr prices as seoulne AratclMs aoods can be sold. EINK KHNENTIAL W1I.8 rorOonfbct loners. In full variety, and of the best quality. Coohlneal, Bengal Indigo, Madder, Pot Ash, Cnlhear, Soda Ash, Alum, Oil of VI rlid, Annatto, Copperas, Extraot of Louwood, Ac, FOB DYERS' use, always an hand, at lowest net eash prices. PfltE SPICK FOR FAMILY USE, Uronnd expressly for our sales, and tn which we Invite the alleiritou of tt-Ofte In want of reliable articles. Also, 1XD1UO, STAHCIf, MUSTARD, sre., oarfra eei'isf. Orders by mull, or city post, will auwt wltn prompt at tention, or spis:lil quolalloui will be furnished wheu ra- queattHi. WKIUltT dt HIUIJAIjIj. Whnloate Drag Wareitmuae, jall-ly No. 110 MARKET Street, above Front. G ORGEW. T. VOIOT'S OI.A88 WARKIIilllHK, Nos. ftl'l and J:lllltANi:li HftriUt. fllassw are hir Hotels aud lle.lauraula, Coufeotloners, rt'rloojers, ai.d Imiguls a. Alsu, the uttgvsl asH.irtment of lil.AHS NIIAHK8 fhrWati Fmlt, Femerk s. Clocks, Ac. Potii homanla Vaaee and f ard au-cul,era. a7.1ia J J 13 IN 11 Y H I M O N H, VNITKD STATES NATIONAL WAGON AND COACH WORKS, Olltoe., No. 631 NKW MARKET Street, And Factory, corner of SECOND AND CI MHEIlLAND STREETS, ... a v. . . riiiLAbuLraiA. All end every kind of WAOONN, CAIITS, PRAYS, WIIEFXB VRItOWS, and ll.MHKH WIIKKLN, adapted to Army , Koad, Sutler, or Planiatloa purposes. All work warranted. Sar-Onli-ra prompUy aitanded to. )a4-t EDMUND A. SOUDES t CO., COMMISSION MEIICIIANTS, AND SHIP AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS, POCK BTREET WHARF, riULADELPUIA. isr A. enrnita, A HI MlbALb CKTTV. eiat'MKM t. etji'uaa, lat-tf 17 'XPLOSIONS. LET EVERY MAN WHO t owns a Steam Holier raad Ihla uoths.. Asherott s Low Watsw Dvteclor raver tails to atve froaa ene-haU to two hours' warning, as desirtMl, last the water le getting low tu the boiler, and tlutt damrer is ae pmching. Ihe Instruueut reqairee ao cafe.aud le ..r raaltMl In every instance. Also, Steam and Water Oeagee, with BceAuh teksss, sclNclvansing gauga-couks. Ae. m4 Sead tor alicular eoatalnii ru.iAd.liihla l''7Ts, eirculara. AUUl'aTl 8 8. h AT. ,uieV ...w.iTti COAL Fs. U DEUBl'Iltn. rsu inrr;. , r aeuparasr A 1 ptirclia.t to oner oeiow in. ou a(kU. hMSUKt. W.KHrtM.llH"' Vf.I.N. boat .nJ east sid., sells tl. s.nutne r-V.SUl; Large ilui, s puiwal mlssAtd. Ut aud stove .a 0 at aos.pre- ehoatd atake . us-san Tsvag w auvtuui auvauvs AUCTION 8ALCS. XT OAI4J31XV. LOOAN SQUARE. AUCTION, TUB AUCTION SALE 0T WOUKS OF ART, - DOITATK TO m BABITARf COMMISSION . at Tm ( OrtEAT CKNTItAL FAIR, Will take steoa BVESINO. JULY I, AT 8 O'CLOCK. OM Ti'.'eSDAT rartiralmlnafutufTk . Catalust la a few daysv -8. PROPOSE USlKTAN'f QUART sTjsS M A 8 X B ' 'sssft tana --"sK oMue vats? W all iran - J . 4 aiilrea Wrbblng, 1-IMu, .. ... rviniired. MampiesS may he eesm at Brls office. Bidders must ea In lh.tr s.H.i, the prise, which must bs given ts r. inny as well aa figures-, the auaiuu. aasl limear sfrtt-ef-y. ... s Each bid raast he gnarantwd by two responsible aerw eons, ssliosss signature, must be apuenuSd W Uaa guarants. itbts flora defaulting coo tractors will not ha its orls-ed. Illank forms r proposals ean be h5 on appffcatloa 'aft this otttee, anoVearh hid tnii.i be endorsed with she naaaa vt Ike particular article bid for. , . O. H. CROSMATf, - le0-t d Asst Q. M. Ustneral, U.S.A. SUBSI8TKNCK OFFICE, UNITED fiTATKS Army, No. 30 SOUTH Acroet, . . . ltALrtaioaa, Md., ane tA, 1AH Sealed Pronoeala, tn durhrau, will be received at tl-sj erllr. anil MM., on WP.DNF.8DAT, July 13, 1NS4, ftw nar wi'ih ' Vai"A eubsiatenoa DspartoMas FOUR THOUSAND (41)00) HEAD OF BEEP CAT. 1 1. R on the hoof, delivered at the 8tt Cattle aoalee, aft ' Baltimore, Md., la lots of limn) one thousand each trvy ( It') tan dajs ; to he wesshed within on. and a half daye aftssr arrival, at the eapetiM of the contractor. They must averaite alwut (1) tlilrteen hundred pounds eras w.lKht: all tailing short of (lis) ooe thoaaand pounaa imas w.isht. Hulls, sure. Oxen, Oows, Uelfers. aaA llornleaa Cattle will be rejected. A ditiucilon often (Ms pounds wltl be made from she) weh ht of each Mter aorepu-d under this oontraot. pro vided the animal does not stand In the pens two anil one hall hour, benir. being weighed, or Is aot weighed Imnaa tltalely after removal Irom the oara. IllAiik fotnis lor propoaals can be had oa applica tion atUils oiHre, ellhor In person, or by mall, or Isle graph. The Government will claim the right of wslrtilng aasr cne aulffal separate. If Ita appearance tnitlaasee laesi wvlvht tt.an thn mlnlmans mentioned abovo; the ea pans. of weighing will he paid by the party erring la luilg aisut. Kaoh bid, to aaenTSJ consideration, most contain at written guarantee of two responsible pssrsoas, as foe lows Wo , of the Count v of , RtatVsf , do hereby guarantee that l, (or are) alile to fulfil a coBtraot la accontaniss with the terms ot his (or Ihelr) nroe.xltlois. and ahoaM his (or their; proposition b. accepted, be (or they will at once enter Into a contract m aoeordanoat therewith, and we are pniared to become hla SMurtlMc S's'tts Itood and suntclant homls for lu fuinitnaiu. The Isisponslhlllly of the guarantors must b. shown br th. ortlclal ceiilncateof the I'hrrk of Uie mans. Dtatrtot Court, or of ihe United Stales District Attorney, to so. e ClOK'll WlUl UlB tiki. iwmmmm- Hlddrra must be present to respond to their bids, and prepared lo give bonds and sign the oontraci before laav liig tt ooittco. Tho Government reservee to Itself the right to reject aar or ail bids considered unrcaaonable. Pay menta lo be made after each delivery In such fund as mav he on hand ; if none on hand, lo be made ae aoeoi aa received. Proposals must be endorsed dlstlnotly "PROPOSALS FOR 6 KEF CATTLE," and addressed to "CauUinJ. If. OILMAN, C. 8 , Halt more, Maryland." r. . 11 a bid le In ihe name era arm, their mamas and theejr poet ootoe address must appear, or they will not bo eoav aliH'rtd. . Each persoiror every member of a drm aAVh.. . wm. pooal must aeconipany It with an oath of alUsflanre tout United (Stales Uovutnmeu, If he has not already aled esas All btdt not tomvtvtna ttrtctlv iritA iAa Urwu aA4s - vsTftscmeftf srtff or roj&cttit. w. at. UILMABT. Ki0-llt CapUla and 0. 8.. U.S.A.: JJAltLOWM INDIOO 11LTJI3. PUT UP AT WILTUEUQER'a , , citua STORE, IV o. S33 IV. HcorvrD wtroet. PHILADELPHIA, WIS color more st ater than four lltaea Use satao naaalat of ordinary fndtgo. . , The new Label doea not ree.ulra a slants.. It is Warranted to Give Batisfaotion. It Is net ailed at the I ants price as the mltatloaa aa4 Inrarlor Articles, leU-laa , )A.I1NT1I-JIJ 1 A.IIV TI1VOI! No. 47 S. THUU) STEEET, ' aboti casssTUT, - FAUY ft UHOTHKR. BOVBB, aiOX, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTKRAs GrahvHig, Ohulng , Olldlngoa Olaas, Kaleominlng, Paasa Tarstishfsur, ase. aM St WRITTEN AND VERBAL DRSeRIP ttona of Character, Conatltulism, and Talent, w sat Advleeoo Busmeaa. tlealth, Kdueatloa, asstf-laa-Provement. Manaemenl, aud Trainsug ed ClilLUILILk. Kocuti AOaatatlftn. Ae.. dav and Ma. aiug, by Ji'HM L. Capr.M. rnrvmoMMrtss aua nwSss.ur. ailS-3al No. K 8. TENTH Sunt, abovo elaeHias. MATHEMATICAL DRAFTING IN3TRTJ MKNTM. t'luaurau'i Metallte and Steel-taps Meaaorara. Pur sale by JAMES W, QfTF.KSr A CO., No. KM CHKSNUT StisMt. i Mead aad tDuatrated Catalogaea sntis tssVlw KDDINO EMPORIUM. No S. SEVENTH Street. MATTIIERKK. MATlHKSSea. of Hair. Palu,. r.si elslor, and Hash. IKATIIK.ll IIKHH, KOLNI KltS, AID PILLOWS, WOOD AND IKON HtliK I EAIIS, SI'ltlNO IIHIItS AND COTS. N. ft. Repairing and renova'tna aiteuded la with eara and tH'spalch. No. SB. BtVlMfU StraeV )tvl-la ."VI'ERA GLASSES AND OFFICKRcT r riKLii iilahmes. Microsof)ea ror I'hyalciaos aud Stadsiata. A Tory sarge SMiSttsest Air s.le bv eaJMr.n w. QTTKKH A OO., let las No.W4CUtaLT Stroe. MEDICAL PURVEYOR'S OFFICE. Nkw Yiihk. Jm.e'is, IiiHt. Inventors ard Maniifhclurera of AKIU II'IAL LIMB) arma ai.d leas) ate Invlied to ihshm-m ao.'liaana of Ihelr Mid.'ia to a Hoard of Medics! Onicera, oouatltutod by ordw t if.. Aciinv pur:eti-tti-i..rai u. a. A., at tn. Hatol lirveyoi's I Si. Nil 4'M RHOilvlK Street. In title .Itv. u. sT bfioie ihe oicveuib day ut July next, with a riow lo tno adoption ot th. best module. llsujuea, by Older) B. A. ULBMKNT3. Asslataut Surirt'iMi. It. tt A . Je3 tlrll Hexuderof Board. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL 8IQUT8. AR lIFlt:lAL IK MAM EYES. luaerted wllliout pain, bv JAMES W QtTKKN A CO., 14 1m Mo. KM cktri.N UT Bums. - l'II R ARTIFICIAL U A N . If. A. 1)11 HRA. Inventor aud Manuia tarar of tha AXIIIFICIAL ARM, Approved and adopted BV TH Id SfRGEON-CENEAAL OF THE UNITED STAT Bat, for Holdieia, Has permanently located his Dttice and Factary at N. s .rui ntii tjui, su doors below spruce, run."' Je Aa.icq T a sUTfiTv.y I'D a itr i ovtii iiiua. "so g IVV PI 1 o .ssfl ,f AAV r.uoi ' bllslied i ill lSSt-l mnorter and ! I.Li.u.r. v .... ui.rf. s r Choice Havana Clrars, ' . rtofclas aad Saaoos Cmaa A Blacks English and Scotch AJe and '"iieats, Fruits, Soup, Asfl. Mav Meases pat nn wiu sri"llS S. 8KCOVD afreet. JOSHUA U. cousrr-i -rnTVrCAlTAINS AND OWNKRS. 4t ', u,,dv1Tl having leaaW as. KKAKInia. jp T X fs't, nogs t injuria hw fnaod. and tAa tun BOM,,". lK-h that be Is preparad with lnorut patrons .cASouiusouate those liavlug vassal. ts be r.fs.f faclUt.A'tf.(i .nd ulng a pra.-u.al stilp-crpvutw a.4 r.tiir. wid give tiTujaal atKMitloM Hi all sea, sis mlraaSsA nr iwpaln, t iiaois or Agents, 8blp Carpenters ,ad MacbjAiuaft a ag v.sala to rapalr, an soJi.JcmJ lo call. tU tag th. aasucy er the sslr ,f ' n-oiit"Jti' Patssat M.ialMc t . )... ' ur i 'H fslul. . u.. Uon of VMSvia fc.iK.An4. a.r Itus uil, i ua nj..es sw Wtttsh She eaase on a.ro.as4a i.r..... fl , V1TT a .OAJIl.t .Hi l . A 1 1" ''ft, ' stall-tf PeUware aA.im sous. "" ...... a . . V,,lV,l.'Af.kf 1 lfMOVAL. TllUMita as. iwnasn, J i uwin and BuiU'st, hu rem . "si his shop a. No7 irSna-lrrr.lrv lo MWIJS r. "i o,.s. r loliilii, Uie o. run w."." - " Ll iiiIas SM oArrnus tfcsl , ' 'V.' W resssns s share 4 put si psiis wf, - . M i i I 1 i ' ! 1 1 . , 1 i-; ; 5 i 1 f ' i