seA THE DAILY EVENING TKLEGRAFII. PIULADELrillA, SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1864. if V 1 A DAXLT UTKRKOOH VEWRPAFER. OFFICE No. 108 S. THIRD STREET. Tim Two Omrr P Cost, or Twki.ti Csrrs Pan VTns, rayabl to Ik Cifrkc, ut melted to .nr.eorlbeo at of tha Osty m His Doaiu Pu Ahbcmi 0e DaLi.ii Two Moktm, tarwtably la adTano r In. parte' rowM. Ads-artaseenaats Inserted at fha unal rates. A liberal arrnngrtnarit mad in .xtanded Insertions. T Crri W Mttltss east he taken of A Mmrm" fowmnntnaHotn. Vlesrr li Int.mted lot rnsortKsn mustls. aiillixntloated f7 the nam anil address ef Ik wrr not nwnesarll lor Kiibiictoa. but as a gnaraate. an good faith, w.oan nwt uoaaruka to rstura rajauxl OonunuiUoatioiu. To Aalvm-tteOTa. Osrlwg lha great mstmaa. In tha Ctretilatina of Ttra atvitniiaTKLKaiiAPNtomplHaii hi to go to in.. at an oarls-hoar.we artrentlT resiuest that advertisements may Im banded hi at .'ion a. ten o'nlonk, If possible, to saottrie taaaa a laMrtioa la all of oar editions. BATTJRDAY, JULY 2, 18G,. AaBMaaaM Trila Bvrrasn,r. Mat. Danwa Am Strut Thath, Arab street, abort Brttta. rati; and Oood for Nothing. Doors .pan at 7V Curtain rise, at qnartar to 8 o'tlnck. cw CnanrtrrRTaatTTHKATM.Chaonnt street, shoe. TwUftb fimm SUlert. Doon opca at 7. To oom Kaneo at 8 .'alook. KLtraim Rraaar Oris Hwsn. Carnorosl A Dlx.fs MlBstnla. 0a at I 'took. XETIRElrl T.ST OF 8E RKTART CHAftK. While the question of Mr. Cuakk's reatg- nation was In doubt w refrained from any Comment on It. But now that the bet la ' certainly ascertained, w acem It eminently , due to an honest man and faithful officer of the Goto, nment to accord, In warm, but no Mtome language, the meed of praise to which lie U clearly and richly entitled. When the new that Mr. Ciiask had re signed hla portfolio reached the public, a Bin- cere, Indeed a painful, sense of regret flashed , Instantly through the heart of the whole peo ple like an electric shock. Then, more than J ever before, the greatne of Mr. Chase's 1 financial abilities, the purity of his private ' end official character, and the lnestlmablo ' services he has rendered the country since he ' took charge of the Treasury Department, sud- donly rose to their (air measure of apprecla- ' tlon ; and eren many of those who are politi cally opposed to him cannot repress a con' . sclousness of the serious bereavement the - nation has suffered In losing, at this partlcu ' lar crisis, the benefit of his raro talents and . experience. With the motives which Influenced him In j xetlriiig from his arduous post the world has little concern, beyond the simple fitct that he 1 was not actuated In the step by any apprehen sion of Immediate or remote disaster to the "' national finances, or the slightest, abatement " of confidence in their present soundness and ' luture prosperity. And we are glad to be I able to say that the late Secretary of the ' " Treasury, lu resigning his office, leaves the J fiscal affairs of the Government free from em ( barrassment, save that which is naturally and ; uniformly Incident to the necessity of raising, In time of war, vast sums of money to meet . proportionate expenditures. By his judicious measure he has placed the Federal Treasury : In the receipt of an enormous revenue, equal v almost to the current demands upon it, large aa they are; and he bas managed t to meet punctually at maturity every obligation of the Government to its creditors, while providing all the money which has sus tained, without Intermission, for three years , and more, the formidable operations of our gigantic army and navy. There Is not an In 3 stance In all financial history which equals the success of Mr. Chase In his management of the national finances during the long and , difficult period that he has had charge of them. - From s sadly dopressed condition he raised the public credit to so high a point that he was enabled to borrow from our own '' people, at a low rate of Interest, the bulk of the funds which have defrayed the expenses of the most formidable and costly civil : conflict for tbe time It has lasted that the world ever saw. Nor could snccesa of this ' kind. Tinder like circumstances, have been commanded, save by the Implicit and abiding faith which the people everywhere had In the exalted statesmanship and sterling Integrity of Mr. Lincoln's minister of finance. Vast as was the power he wielded by virtue of his position, the Secretary of tbe Treasury used ' it only for the good of the country ; and one of the proudest facts In his history will be, i that in the discbarge of his high and respon sible trust he allowed no aspiration of per sonal ambition to Interfere with his official seal and probity. Leaving tbe Treasury after arduous and protracted labors so honorably performed, ; Mr. Chasb can go Into retirement with the great reward of an approving conscience, which Is even dearer to a high-toned and Christian gentleman than any other guer don he could possess. Like all men In high civil station, he has been tbe target for much ungenerous criticism and abuse ; but while time will no doubt vindicate in the main the wis dem of his financial policy, the most patient and searching Investigation will ultimately prove that while his ability was fully equal to the high demands of his office, bis virtue was equally above Its temptations. eEKKRAL I0BI.A10 4'O.TIINO TO T11K I'NII'KO MTATKM. The French seem to bare it all their own way in Mexico just now, though there is a Considerable Mexican party in the country, Who have not yielded to the new order of things, and do not appear disposed to do at, If they can help it. Tbey can do nothing, however, effectually to recover the Govern ment from the foreign usurpers of it, as their military strength and resources are, alone, ni. equal to the tak. Their hoje lies, there fore, In aid from abroad ; and it Is to the United States that they look lor that much-coveted succor. A correspondent writing to the New Orleans Era, under date of June 8, ultimo, say that Generals Doblado and De Bobden are on their way to this country, and that "great things are expected from them." We vpose this means that those two mlll cl?fflcers and patriots are coming hither to aboxith the Washington Administration some artodition of Mexico, and to seek represent tst by which the cause they encouragement afforded assistance and That the fuglu " celved by 'dux Uoveito be hospitably re probable.'; But we do niC"M people Is very and direct assistance our nuVu positive can give them In resisting th h0rltle auiJAjt without becoming senouu,, xt. : la the Mexican quarrel. That, for L present reasons, would be, to "y" Is hardly v, lent, which Ition to the , for eatab. .j i. '. inconvenient at mis um , sum u I be expected that our Government, : rufrained from any hostile oppositu 1 asiuuna tit Frame and Austria for estab lishing the monarchy recently inaugurated la JfexJco while that scheme was la It lureptlon and progress, will consent bow to delayed thus long to embroil ourselves In a foreign war for the principle Involved In the "Monroe doctrine," we can surely afford to wait a little longer before we turn our atten tion In that direction. We have enough on our hands at home to keep us pretty busy for some months to come ; and nntll we success fully put down a domestic Rebellion of our own, there will be but little wisdom or use In trying to help Mexico In driving an Invader from her shores. "One thing ata time" is a good motto, and It holds especially well In respect to war. The time, however, will, we trust, yet come when, having composed our own difficulties, we may be ahlo to take a hnnd in some foreign matters that concern ua. In the meanwhile the patriotic party in Mexico should continue, In some secret way, to keep up and strengthen their organization and be ready to striko a blow whenever the outside aid they are wish ing for can be supplied. This civil conflict of ours, when once fairly ended, will releaso from service here several hundred thousand of the bravest and best-seasoned soldiers In the world; and It might bo Impossible to prevent them from Individually emigrating to some distant country in search of adventure and fortune. Tills Is a contingency which the new Mexican Emperor may view with what ever feeling of concern It may suggest to his mind ; and since the Washington Administra tion has not yet recognized his Government as being a Government either de facto or tie jure, our people are not bound by any con sideration or obligation of public law to respect it at all, and may regard the Mexican Republic as still In existence, and lend It what aid tbey please against any enemy or enemies seeking to overthrow Its Constitution. CITY INTELLIGENOE. Fourth or Jvlx How It wiil db Ob served. Although there will be no special pub lic observance of the Fourth of July, yet the day will, no doubt, be celebrated In and out of the city, in a private way, with much tclal. There Is to be a parade of the Jack tars belong ing to the several Blockading .Squadrons, a num ber of flag-raisings, cricket matches, and railroad and stcamliout excursions, wuilo at Gettysburg the great anniversary of this far-fa trie J battle field will bo observed with appropriate cero monles. The juveniles will, no doubt, desplto nil lav, pop their crackers whenevnr and wherever thsy can evade the vigilance of tlio lynx-eyed ottlcers of the laws, and not until the "wra tra.i' hour's' of the 6th will the atmosphere cense to be ladnned with the fumes of vithiuous saltpetre! Those raturncd veteran regiments now in our midst will apnln, in iruaKinntion, revisit the bloody field of Gettysburg, and U II to their wives and little ones how, on a certain Fourth of July, brave 1'cnnsylvania troops drove the Kubul in vader from tbe soil of our nobis titure, and in sured to her citizens that peace and securitr a bleb, for so many years pint, they bad enjoyed. To others, though to widowed wives and fatherless children the memory of this day will again toice open the Hood-gates of the heart, and tears ot sorrow will agiiln course down the clieeks that long since have lost the bloom of health, because of the untimely death of tbe loved one. Thus will the day bring joy and sorrow alike to all. Let ua not on this sacred day forget our brethren in the field. There are husbtnd, fathers, sons, and brothers, who, in the face of disease and death, defiantly raise their muskets and ciasb their swords in tbe very face of the JtelK'l foe. Let us rf new our oaths to stand by them to the bitter end ; to give them our prayers, our money, and even our lives, should the call be made upon us for this sacritice. Thus, in a spirit of true patriotism will we celubra'e the era of our second National Independence, and thus haston the millennium when there shall be no more wars, or even so much as rumors of wars, in our midst. Below we append a list of the places where the day will be observed : The United States sonmen belonging to oar several blockading squadrons, now at litis station, will niake a street parade on Hie fourth of July. Tbey will meet at the Navy Yard at ton o'clock A. M., and, preceded by the Jefferson Cornot Band, will move over tho following roate: Up Federal to Third, np Third to Pine, np Pone to Seventeenth, down Seventeenth to South, us South to Naval Asylum. From tbence dowa South to Twentieth, up Twentieth to Chesnnt, down Chesnnt to Third, down Third to Walnut, down Wulnu.t'O Front, down Front to Washing ton avenue, and down Washington avenue to the Union Volunteer Kefrcshment Saloon," where an entertainment will be givon to them I y the Committee. A national salute of twenty one guns will be fired from Fort Brown in com memoration of the day. At 6 o'clock on the morning of tho 4th of July an American Hug, 24 by 12 feet, will be Hung to the breeze from the top of a (0-fect pole, erected mi the l sutiful four-story building of the Second National Bank at Frankford. Another encign, 3D by ft) feet, will also kits the morning breeze at the same hour as above, at the headquarters of the Honser Cadets, corner ot Front and Denmark streets, First Ward. Sa lutes will be fired, and a joyous timt generally mav be expeeted. The Soldiers of the War of 1812 will colo 1 irate tbe day at the Supreme Court Room, on Monday, tbe 4th inst., at ti A. M. General attendance requested. The annual stated meeting of "The State 8 iciety of the Cincinnati of Pennsylvania," will bs held at tbe l a Pierre House, on Broad street, below Chesnut, on Monday, the 4th day of July, 1854, at Id o'clock A. M. Tbe Young America have a club match on the 4th of July, at their grounds, Gerniantown, first eleven against the twenty-two, when wd look for a good display. The first eleven match reported to conio oil with tbe Chippewa will not take place to-dsy. A cricket match between tho Phll.idelphlt and Washington Clubs the Litter from the District ot Columbia will lie played on Monday, July 4, on the grounds of the Philadelphia Club, at Ciin'den, New Jersey. Persons wishing to attend the pre it annlvcr iaiy of the Battle of Gettysburg, to be celobra'ed on the biittle-tield of Gettysburg, on M nilty, July 4, can reach, that city at 7'D on Monday morning, via Ilarrishtirg, by le ivlng Philadelphia At lO'.'IO ou Sunday night, in the express train on the Pennsylvania Kailroad. Governor C'irtiu will preside over the celebration, und tho Uev. W. Wi-rntr, of Gettysburg, will deliver tho ora tion. I verv arrangement has been made for a larce ftMivul. The flavery emiini Ipatlon In Maryland will lie enthusiastically celebrated on tho Fourth of July nt Flkton, a p'uee where Seesion was rimpatit lets than two years since. This celebration will be under the auspices of the United American Mechanics. The H 'n. Henry Winter U ivis will preside. The lion. Simon Caitieion, of Penny! vanis, Hon. Mr llicks, ex-Governor of M.iry lat d, and othi r dis 'inguUhcd gentlemen, are ex pect! el to be pr sent. A. H Sloansker, Ksq . of Philadelphia, has been cliosi n us the orator of the day. A very happy snrt patriotic time mv well bo anlleipitoil. The Art Gallery of the Grout Central Fair will be open to the public on Ju'y 4, from 8 A. M. until 10 P.M. On Monday there will be four trains from Vine street wharf for Ailantlc Citv, at 7-30 and 9-15 A. M., and 2 and 415 P. M. The Express at 2 P. M. goes tbrongh in two hours. The West Jersey Kailroad Company will run three traini to Cape May on the Fourth at 6 and 10 A. M , and at 4 30 P. M. 'J be North Pennsylvania Kailroad also ofTers strong inducements to travelers to pa'rouize their road on the Fourth. See advertisement. Tbe advertisement of the Camden and Am boy Line for persons desirous of visiting New York on tbe Fourth will also be found in another column. Besides these we have the np and down river steamboat trips as mgn as i ronton, ana as tow. as Jted Batik, on the Delaware, together with the romantic rides on the Schuylkill river, all of which are open to the patronage of our readers on tbe Fourth. In the theatrical line for tbe evening, onr readers bave but to peruse tbe advertisements of tbe Chesnnt Street Theatre, M rs. John Drew's Arch Street Theatre, and Carncross ft Dlxey Minstrels. to discover that the largest preparations bave been made for their amusement on this gala night. ylAe BAisixo.-At tbe Second National Bank, Ttanifojj, a pole 60 feet high Is being erectod, "s.,,!B Wji bs displayed the American nag, I "Vlt on the morning of the Fsurth of I j0i1B,i , I 1s5vitNrjKRs. Two lads, named lfn. aTvt,"ue, Anderson, aged about One of the wi,ud by Alderman McMul- money ly from hi b larceny of '! cojnpUca. '"""i to have stolen tbe v other wm hisao Riatoiotts. The Westminster Church, Broad and Fitswater streets, having invited Dr. Irvine, Of Hamilton, Canada Wet, to becomo their pas tor, he has accepted the invitation, and will ' shortly commenco his labors in his new position. i The Hamilton Morning Star says: Ws annnurea with iWp ratrot that our evtAsmsj frlfttifl lir. Iivtns hs rando up hi mtnii to srsi'iu a cull Heiitlnhta from Wtiltnltiitar church, rhllsletphlft. Ata miM-tlnii of Krem'fi l.'htneh eoairriii.'iitinn hn nnnime"1 tlua, til flm r'-Rolu'lon ; an I a:rorlliiHty a inoiinD ptd r-tnrrinfl to Mi tirraflifnl tuitiltlrAtloui In lint rltjr. Intnmtiair that li hud dnturuilni U to ite-ppt tlit call, inq api'nlntli'K two ut'iAiatt to appear li-fira tlif Nyiiou fill win at Toronto. Uiere to five a snnnnnl t'i ihm removal. W have too It-w alila mlni.ter In CannS to warrant ths F itr n ol a ma" "o tnlftiif d. no earnfst. anil ao el'i uint an lr lrvlie. When he tnvpn knoa'a Oliurrn In this r.tiy. j the day may be far distant when so ahle a man will flu lu Payhksit of Warrants. Mr. Honry Bumm, City Treasurer, was unusually busy yesterday on the occasion of paying on the semi-annual inte rest on tho city debt, the warrant! of tho school teachers, and those of the police force. The duties of this onerous ofllco wcro discharged to tbe satisfaction of all panics hnving c'aims upon it, and nearly half a million of dollars wore dis bursed during the day. Death rnou ExrosuRS. Tho lady of Mr. Samuel Bcrrell, a merchant formorly doing business in Market street, above F.lghth, was dis covered In a field tbrae miles from West Choster a few days since. It was supposed that the deceased wandered off during a temporary tit or in sanity, und died from the elrui-ts of exposure. The deceased leaves a family in the city. Oraih aiino Honors. At tbe Bock School, y os torday, diplomas were conferred upon the fol lowing named boys for having attained tho average required for admission to the High School : Daniel H. Paris, Joseph J. Bontz, Wm. C. Hughes and Wm. H. Davis. F.nlistments. For tho week ending to-day, eighteen men received the city bounty of The total amount paid out by the Bounty Com missioners was $46'JO. Local Brevities. Frederick Dcnk, James Goulter, Kllen Casey, und Daniel ILtttan, keep ers of taverns on the corner of Front and Pino stroeta, have been held to answer tho charge of keeping disorderly houses. ...Tho Board of Guardians of the Poor have been solicited by the Managers of the Lombard and South Streets Pas senger Railway Company for permission to lay a railroad track thrnnuli tlio A Itnahnuse property, connecting the western end of a proposed ferry across the Schuylkill at South street with the Darby road. ...The proposed public reception to the 6Hth Pennsylvania Volunteer! did not take place yesterday atternoon, In conncqtionce of a number of tho companies having returned to their homes.... The standing Committee of the Diocese of Pennsylvania recommended for ordi naiion to Deacons' orders Mr. John II II. Millet. Messrs. W. P. Orrlck anil Robert Hit :hie, Jr., applied to be recommended as candidates for Desivins' und Priests' orders. ...Tho Joint Con vention of City Councils, to elect a member of the Guardians of tho Poor, mut yesterday after noon, but a quorum was not present, and a motion to adjourn until Wednesday next, at 4 P. M., prevailed. ...During tho past two weeks tho sum of .5,3(M) has boon paid to families of volunteers by the City Treasurer.... The alarm of fire last night was occasioned by the burning of Mcllwain & Robinson's blacksmPh shop, Front street, near Miry, Second Ward.... The loss by tire yesterday, at tbo establishment of Messrs. V. ft W. Keoves, amounts to JO,000, on which there is an insurance of Sij.'t,0)0.... A man named Colter has been committed to prison on tho cbargo of robbing a hotel-keeper named Adnm Best of $!:t(H) in money ; C2r0 of tho money was found upon the person of Colter.. ..Junes Thomas S.tllen, a citizen of Philadelphia, was shot by one of a gang of minims in Pittsburg, on Wednesday night. The murderer escapod. Tits Victims op Hot Wkathkh. Bv me Haud ov Towkr Hall Folka that we meet alons ihc a-reot, Ae all w! us titive da neted, Hoeoi dllteruntly a"ected 11 Hummer s heut. ow. some there are W hi) caliulj twnr To feel the very noontide hlaxe Ol flatnliiK Soi'a Indignant sae Upon ttioiu glare, lint many, too. Orow rod oi hue As poppies, 'neath the same tierce beam. And down their browa a constant stream Trickling wo view . All, all In vain, Uuk dra'ntiila they drain Of water, uooled with gratnint Ice, Or feeil on Irozen cream, mure nice ; Hot the rema'u t rlntlhta distress alight be made less, If they, being reat)Oiiaol. houfchi, from Itrnnett, seasonable, (.'out styles of dress 1 We have the lir,rt stock and best assortment at Beaponable t.'letliiiiK In l'liliadelphla, which, benrif con stantly rcplelUjhed, continues lull and fresh at all times, Towku 11 w.i.. So. 618 Market Street, Hknnktt a Uo. Gwkat Central Clotiiino Housu, Sixth and afsrket. (treat Central Clothing House, Sixth and Market. Ilriat Central CIuUiIiir House, Sixth and Market. Gnat t-enlrul CloUiing lloime, Hixlh and Market. I treat Central Clothtim House. Sixth and Market. Ureal Central Clothing House, Mlsth and M srknU (iroat Central Clottilug lloutie, Sixth and Market, (in at Central Clothing House, Hlxth and MaikeL Ureal Central Clothing House, Sixth and Murki'l Ureal Central Clothing House. s)lx;h and Market. Great Central Clothing House, Sixth and Market. Ureal Central Clotliiug House, Nixtb anl Mttrkot. Urent Cimiral Clothing House, Hlxtli and Market. Ureat Ceutral ('iotliini; House, Sixth and Market. Ureat Central Clothlnf House, Sixth and Market. Ureal Central (nothing House, Sixth and Marxot. Ottiat Central (nothing House. Sixth and M.trket. Ureat Central Chiihing House, Sixth and Markut. Urrat CanttalClothliig lloase, sixth and Market. Ureat Central Clothing HoUio, Mix 111 and Market. Wanamaker At lirown, Oak Hall. Wanamaker a Itrown, Oak Hull. Wanamaker A Itrown, Oak Il-tll. Wanamaker Ar Itrown, Ouk Hall. Waiiatnakur a Itrown, Oak HaU. Wanauiaker A Itrown, Oak HiUt. Waiiamakor A: Hrown, Oak Hall. Wanamaktr A; Itrown, Oak Hall. Wanamaker A Hrown, Osk Hall. Wuuamuler A lt'uwu, Oak Hall. VCaiiainaker M Hrown, Oak Halt. Waiiainaber X Itrown, Oak Halt. Watiainak, a Hrown, Oitk Hall. Wanamaker fc Itrown, Oak HalU Wanamaker ai llniwn, Oak Hall. Wanamaker A Hrown, Oak Hall. Wanamaker A) Hrown, oak Hall. Wanamaker A Itrown, Oak ll.tlt. M'a: amaker A Hrown, Oak Halt. Wanamaker A; Hrown, Oak Hall. Sttnnsers in the cttv vlshlng ttie Ureat Central t lr, and cltlens generally, still tlnd the best clothing and the most reasonable price at Wanamakks a Uhhwn'h, Oak Hai.l, fl E. corner Sixth and Market streets. Larkin Si Co., tbo Incomparable photogra phers, at the southeast corner of Eighth and Arch, have made special arrangements for the coming week, Ih order to accommodate visitors to the Fair. During the week, six superb rarfas drrisite will bo taken for one dollar. AuKineAN Watch ks, Jewelry, and Silverware, at W. B. F.ltonhcod'S, No. 1322 Chesuut St, Hats. Straw and suit bats, most fashionable styles, at Lalug & Co.'s, Sixth and Cheanut streets. Great Skcrrt discovered to avoid la'o break fusts and make cheerful homes. Buy your Coal of A. S. Dotter, No. 301 N. Broad street. Married. IIOIll'KO kl'HSKI.I On the 1 Ith ultlim. al lh Aah- 1 land House, lii the rsKence of M tyor Henry, TH'IMAS lioorr.s, t (. liester etui ty. ta , lo am Anna, uauguiur ot ' ltussel, ol' llartoril county, Md. II ACT IKK HBsrOS. On .lull" '10, hvtlic R . Andrew LnsiLBcre. WILLIAM r". MAIil'lltK to rMII.V J. UKS- i ToK, holhul llo.tunviile, fhllaieliilila. I IIOHItMl-WAIIHI.KY. On the 110th of June, at fie lleirliants' Hotel, bribe Itev. II. K. II urn. JOHN ti. and A.N NIK C. V AKDi-KV, ull ol htiasbilrg, I l'enusj l sals. Uletd. MXriN.-Onthe-JHth iiltluio.COKNKLlUS L. D1X0S!, sa the 1st!) year of bis Hge. The relatives and friends of tha family are respectfully lalled to attend the Mineral, Iroin the residence of his lalber, James llixon, Kilties' Mill, Mill Creek, Lower Mo rion township, Mouigomery county, on Sunday, Jd Ulstaut, at lu o'clock A. M., without lurtltcr notice. HAUU.-Oit the X'lh ultimo, LOUIS H.VL'U, aged 0 ycius. His relatives n4 friends, also Metamors Tribe, No. 3J 11. o. K. M., and W C. M. Association, are respectfully In vited to attend the funeral, Iroia his laie residence, No. sua Charlotte street, above Third and Hrovu, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o'clock. Ta proceed to UJeuwoott Ceme tery. KIKI1T.. On June UO, WILLIAM B. KIKHL , In tueOTth year ot his age. Tbe relatives and friends of the family Are respectlh'ly Invited to attend die funeral, trout his late residence, No. b-'tf North )fciith meet, ou Tuesday morning, July ft, at loo clock. KIMK. At Alexandria, Va.,nnTuosdas evenlnir, June 2X. Lieutenant WILLIAM KlltK.ol the lith feiinsylvaula Cavalry, fruiu a wound received lu Al ay last, at Todd's Tavern. Ills trlends and those of the family, are respectfully In vited lo attend his funeral, from the residence of his lather, H. Li Hlrk, Ao.sis rt. sua tli street, on laesua niiiruiug, Julys, at 1(1 o'clock. LK1STKII. on Uieaftlh ultimo, altera short Illness, Mrs. KI.IZAHKTH M.,wlle ol Samuel leister, and daughter ol Sarah and the la'.e Calvm Unguis, lu the .kid year of her age. The relatives and frlenfe of the family ar respectfully Invited to attend bar funeral, from bar husbaud's resU deace, io. Apple street, abov Morris, of) Hundjiy atternoon at 3 o'clock, funeral t prooewl IvMouumeut Cetuelcry. i srrWABT. Oa the Md of June, of wounds received on theluth, in front of letersburg, JOHM Si KWAIt f, first Sergeant of Company CHiat Heglaient r. V. f.. son of iully and tha lata John St. wan. in the M year ol ha tge. T he rs'latlvus and Irleuda ot the lawllj, also the meui'ierg of I :bosen Krlends I..kIk-. I. O. of O. '., and all tne soldlurs ef the Dlst K.giaieut In the oily, ar respuclfully Invited ti attend tii funeral, Irom the rceldenceol his mother, tiorth Mi ..i MM-nor iii Huwla and McOrath streets, on Sundav ailtBvv sl I y thxii. Sarrtos Cviaatsry at J aWU. i II. W A L It A V M w, rjecaflsoa to w. h. cajirtl, MASONIO IIAIL., Ko. 719 OnrSNUT BtreeU WINDOW H II A I) 13 S A)SS OUHTAIN8. BUSINESS ITEMS. Iron Atrei.--Hstp It hforr th I'hllrv 6n)phl puMIc, that I,liM'i o-cftllpd l.urKlir-Proof Sfri, mannmcturrd In Troj, Now Tjrk, can ba openod wiiliout nolsa by drllllnn oda amall h ile Juitoror the cntrt of Uie look dial and usIi-k a mnall wire. Anj of bli Bit fen can, hy thli mctliod, be opened n one tntnule after the hole hat bren drlUd. fluid hole cun be drilled hi from qnarter, half, or two hour' time. Tlire li no Hufe of lili miikf In una June 1, ISM, which cannot be dri)ld and opened in thli manner. rartiei interotited art rvferred to my Challenge to Ltllle, and other act relaUre io bl AafVa, pnlillihei In thtf "Korlh AmciicHn," June itl, Ll, and 'Hunda IHi patch," June lff.lSM. KotwftJii'antllnjf the ponKlve asnurancM Hiwn by Mr. I.I 1 lie to the public that hla Nai'oa are drHI-proof, praona do tiring in be convlured have unly to call t Krani & Watnon'a HaUmandor Safe Hiorn, Ho, 16 (. Fourth iln-et, where the operation of drilling and opening will be done In their pri'BLiice erery morning at 10 o'clock, until the pub lic are aatlnflod that tli Hafca can be dJHed and optiued Wltltout making ny noleo. 1AVID BVANS, Of tha Firm of Kvani A Waiaon. CHILLED-IRON SAFE. 4 DEAD, BUT LIVETfl." DAVID KVAN8, Emj., Of Ilie Kino of Evnna A W.Hon It would Boom from your lato notice In Tun Rknino TuxMtKAJ'ii and other newepaporx that you have opened a avhool of liintrut tlon fur teitlnK LUile'a tjliilled-Iron Hmfe, Acting, aa we preHumo, In a two-fold capacity : flrat, a the instructor of thlevea ; arcond, aa tho protect w of the poo pie two very renpomibUt poHitlonit, truly. Now, an we ore very defclroua to aid you In evory way, In tb la ImiMrrtant work (Important to the thief, that he may not uscleanly employ his time criminally, or ex pone hii person t Important to the people, that they may know and fml that their treaiiirci are se cure), we propoao. In the future, to warrant every Hank Hale that may be sold by our AKnt at Philadelphia proof agaiiut your scientific attainments in the art of burglary; and an you have so dtinteretfIty volunteered to Initruet and enlighten the burglar and protect tho people In ihis art, we shall take Ute liberty to give you timely notice of the arrival of each Safe, end we not only ahk you to test each Hate on thou arrival upon your new scHMiilflc pit, aa publicly announced, but wo claim that we bave the right to Insist upon It tn your new poiltUm as a public teacher and benefactor; and If this Is njt sufficient reuaon, we have still another to urge. Your pr eaten t fac ilities fur a satisfactory tent are very deficient, as you have but one very Imperfect Halo to operate upon, and If you accept our proposition, your Held of operations will be much enlarged, and your elloits may prove much more satisfactory to the public. We now admit, as we ever have, If yon succeed to grind or drill a bole through the door In tho front of Uie lock, at any point. It Is fatal, and If done In auy way practical to the burn lar, the Hate Is not burglar-proof. Thotlrst Bate we shall expect you to test, as above a Hal'e just ordered for a bank In the Inte rior of theHtate. We expect to arrive In Philadelphia, and to be ready for a test, on Monday, the loth of July, at 10 o'clock A. M , and Hh itild there be any delay tn Its arrival It will be ai.nounced in time. We trust you will be ready for this test ltcspocitully, LEWIS LIXMK flON, M. C. HADI.KK, Agont, Jyl-tf Ko.ifl H. 8KVKNTU Stroet. I t IlnvAnis 4'larar Mkhhrji. Davis Richamds, Ahuh anuTknth,! have just received a new Importation of Havana (Mqaiu, of tbe ctolcst brands. RKASON4 WHY PHKHOMrt Fit EK Kit THE ELOltENCH." I. It doe bMt4r and floor work than can be done on any other Machine, and nevor skips stitches. II. It Is the only Machine that can mane tie lock and kuot stitches. IH. It U the only Machine having a perfect an J uniform ten sion of upper and: lower .broad.. IV. It li the only Machine having the roverslblu feed motion, enabling the oHrator to fallen the ends of aeains, thereby saving much labtar. V. It U the on I Machine that will not vex and annoy the oporutor by getting out of ordor. VI. It Is the ouly Machine made ou correct mechanical prin ciples, Ithnut any ttprlng to got out of order, aud will latt a life-lime. "vi r. There Is no other Machine that will do so wide a range of work aa ihu Florcnooi chauwua from one kind of stitch to aiii'tbor; can be made imtautl; , while the Machine Is in mutiou. 1II. It uses all kJods Of Uirea4,aud Hems, Kells, Itiudi, Tucks, Braids, Cords. (JulUs, Gathers, and Sews ou a ltuftiu at the saiuc time. IX. It posaesses to many advantages over all others, that It Is unrvtrsaily acknowledged to be the perfection of Swing Machine, There Is no risk In buying the Florence. We warrant very Mac Una to give entire satisfaction, or money re funded. Besides, we keep them Id order, and give lnstruo tlon free of charge. The pub lie are Invited to call and sea tbe operations of this perfection of Sewing Machines. It must be sonn to bs appreciated, and totU you mihtj to ieU Ut mtrtiu sTLOKENCE SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, Ho. UO CUE SMUT Street. E. CL Whitman sfc sk, Manofactarers tf New and Delicious Confections, Almond faste, Cllocsolata, dtramls, Craasas La Mode do Parts, aqalallely Oavored. fioastod Jofdaa Aliaonrts. ., Ae. m Cteaotu) fUoct, fcosow fourtli. I. IVyaaMiiery, ltirrhoMs, OIOI.LHA. 8UMMP.R COMPLAIMT, ALL BOWEL AFKEC'TIONA, Ac, ASK rRrMI'TI.r CtmRO RT JAYSE'sl CARMINATIVE BAIAM, It Is qvrrk,sat, and eertali In Its action, a(Trdlng Itn niTdiate relief when promptly a lmlnlitrnd, Asiedoes not I mi air lu virtues, neither Is It subject to the varying in fluence of climate, being equally etTrctlve In all latitutb'S; Ills In all repeets what It claims ti be a Htiniar,i ifovtfhatd fs-mrrfy," hlch every family should bs sup plied with. DlARIliKKA AXD DYHRNTKRV. It niver fatli to subdue tho most violent attacks of these complaints, no nutter from what cause, they originate. As changes of climate, water, kfM often proilu : theieaerloos diseases. Travflsn and others should always keep a supply of the Carminative by them. AAUTIC CMOI.KHA. The prompt une of 1 r. D. JATNE'S CARMINATIVE BALAAM v. Ill always remove the Dlarrhnta and Cramps which acmmpsny ti e attacks of Oholera, thus often con uerlrg the dlncaf In Its Inolplenoy. It haa freiurntly be?n adminlntered In nelgliborhoodri where the Chopra has been raging (pfdemlcatly. and ha. never failed to give Immediate and permanent tellcf. CHOI. Kit A INKANT1M OK 8UMMEK COMPLAIN T, Is unepdlly and effectually cured by the Carnrtnatlva. It it movei all soreness of the Abdomen, allays the Irrita tion, arid calms the action of the .Stomach, and may always be relied on to fUM-a (he su(Trlngs of the little ono.i, when used a cording to directions. Cholera Morbus, Cliollc. Orlplng I'alHS.Sour Atomach, Walertrah, I'a n or llehneis of the Htomsch, Want of Appetite, W li.d In the HowaU, Cram pi, Sea SicKoens, and all Bowel Aflectloi s snd'KcrviMJk Dlscaiics, arc removed by JAVNL'S CAKMINAT1VE HA I.SAM, with more cer tainty and eae than by any other preparation yet offered the public. Prepared only at No.242 Chksmjt rct. jyH rtTll A 4'oa, 1'lltflON. 81 YA-K A CO. 8 MASON PIANOS. HAMLIN CAnt.NKT 8TECK A CO.'fl OIKIAJIg. I PI A NOR. J. B. OOIILO, Seventh and Onesuut streets. MAGKK'S ENVELOPE MANUFACTOKY Slidi'aiicrfllore. No. 316 CIlKINUt Street. Envelop. Manufactory, Knvelnju. MaiiutHCinry, knveloii. Aiauufactiiry, No. "IS rhosniit sirert, No. ;lln Chesnnt street. No Chesnnt Street, Nn. HIS Ch'-snilt street. ro. iilti Cliesiuit s;reet, No. ;lltf Chesnut street. I'aicr and Ktivi-lntics, laper and Knvelojves, rnier aud Kuvclnjies, Who'esale and Retail, Vh.Iesale and liotiill, Whcbsalr and Itetall, Wholesale anil Ketail, Wholesale and lti tml. Wholesale and IteuU, At the Lowest Trlies. At the Lowest I'rlcos. At MAOFK'S.No.lUS ClIKhHUT Street, between Third atiil Kotinh. JyJ-ut lATKIOTIC ltlRDALS. X I'ATKIOTIC Mr DALfl. Au acceptable onerltw to every 1'atrljL Tliu otilv corteet and suthorit d MKllALLlllN LIKCNKSME9 OS l'itKS'DKNT I.INOOLN. OLNKIIAL IlKDItllK WARIIIVOTON. LlKl TKNANT-tJESKKAL (1KANT, IJKNKIIAL ttKOKtIK It. Met.'I.KLLA V, Mantifactnrad In Sterling- tsllvcr and ( aud White Metal. Sataple sent liy mall free of charge on receiptor ltl cents. Agents wanted. F,. MPKNOKIt, llox lt Philadelphia l'ust Oillc-e. Manufactured st No. us AKCll Hlrcet. lyj-liu Is JEW STYLE PAPEH, AT MAOEE'S!- ew tstyle KliveJupca at No. HIS t'llKSNUT Street. heit Knvelopes and Paper to mHtrh. Itcd t nve:opes and Paper to match. ki d Knvirfopes and Paper to uuttch. lied Knvel'.pes and Paper to match. New style Note Paper, colored on the 4th pace. New styi. Note Paper.eoloied on the 4th puite. New st le Note Paper, c.ilored ou the 4th pane. Whh Envelopes to n atch. Manufactured and for S.ile at MMIKK'H, No HIS rllKH MUT Street. Al MAI1KKH, No. SIS CHKHNI'T Street, At alAUKK S, No. U10 CliKHNUT Street. Jy-2t 1864 UriUVEIl FOURTH JULY . Rxcurslons bv Steatnbott TltKS'l'ON imm i.M I' ire t Wl a.f. for Taconv.Torrendili. ItavHrlv. Ituilintilen end llrlstol. Knit HKISTtlL ANN niIltl.IJilTOX. VP TlilPH Al S3W A. M., ll'.to nd H P. M. DOWN THIPH-Kruin Itristol, at 71i, 11 U A. M , and liOWN TKIP8 Krom HurlhiKlon, at 7-1(5,115'. A.M.. and ti-45 P. M. the lioat down tVntn Rrlslol at fit; P. M.. will stop at Poplsr Htreet Wharf. KensiiiKtiMi. Tacony 'i'rlps UP. at IKS) A.M., X'JOnad 8P.M. S'ii A. M.. U 45 asdll'.M. KAHR t'OVL THK EXCL'IIHION. Philadelphia and Itristol, burllligton, lleverly, Torresdala, and 'la ony Mil cunts. 1H ItAILIttlAll t Olt TltK.N I' JS, H'lKPKNrOW.N, AND MOUNT HOLLY. Kllli I It K.N 'ION. Leave Walnut Htreot Wharf at s A. M. and 2-30 P.M. Leave Kei stnkton Depot at 716 and ll'IA a. M. khlUHMMi, lesv. Irenton at U 13, I0, A 15, G'US. anus is P.M. Kacuniim Fare i. KDR liriltllKNTllWH. l ease Walnut Htieet Wharf at t a:,d 8 A. M., H and 8 P.M. KE'l't RN'INl,lt aveliordeutownst4,5'S5,anJ6 50P.M. Kxcurslun Fare ,41 Ftllt MOUNT IIOI.LV. Leave Wslrut Htrisil Wharf al A M. and? P. M. KKTl hMN'l, loave Mount Hull) al 440 P. M fcaourslob f aru 75 cents. W31. ll .GAI'. MK.K, Jy2;lft A gout. F snp;s UKUOIITFUL EXCUHSIONS ON THK BIVKH SCHUYLKILL. Tho Steamboat flF.KP.ltAL IIOOKP.K, Capla'n M VII KLK, leaves Fslrinolilll every hour fur 8 -buy Ik 'II ll-hrhts, L-ur. I Hill, llehuulit Cottage, the Falls and Wlssa hlekou. jyl-tf IOUltAlHIj)H or SUCOKSNl'UL. PHILADELPHIA MERCHANTS. rUULISHKU II Y JAMES K. SIMON, IV o. M. HIXTH Htroot, P 11 I L A 1 U L P U I A. These BIOdltAPIUKS are carefully eoraplled, with In teresting I cldentsof the career of some of the foremost Couiuierclitl men of this community. Filly - seven personal rke'chesare comprised In the work, together with an In troduction and an olrsayon "I'KltSONAL PKOSl'KKITY OF MKItt'llANlS." Illnstraied nith several accurate I'orti nits on Steel. Every Phlladelphian should secure a copy of this WU11K. Jy'i-stuth St II 15 PsT II Y A. 1 1 Ij U, G AUG EE AND COOPER, IV o. 305 M. WATEIl Htroct, rUILADKLPIIIA. Imitation Itraiuly and Wine Casks, and all kinds of Work made of Old aud New Blurt always on hand or msde to order. COAL PACKED IK IIOOailaUDS FOB SHIPPING. All kinds of Trimmings punctually attended to. Jyl-la I OHT. CERTIFICATE NO. 13, DATED i July 15, lHo, for one share oftli.Oapltal Rtoek of the Hecond and Third8lrets Passenger hallway Company, In the name of M. II. ItaDcy. As appllcstion has been made tJ tbe Company tor a new Certificate, tho Under will please return Ui. same Mj lb. ottlc. of the Company, or to fciu n-el2t KOll'f. F. TAVLOK. PHOToonArns of tub great cen. tral Fair, pronounced by iho Committee to b. tha finest view lakea, published by It. NKWKLL, Mo. 7'J4 AltCH Street. A Ubaral discount to the trade. Je.w.Jr rrilE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE ASSOCIATED X themselves together under th. flna of BOLTON, DVKKMAN a CO., and will couliuue th. Oar Hulldlng Kukliiess in all Its brnnches, at the old eetabllshtueul. Corner, l WtNIV Flllsr and HAMILTON Streets. JOSKI'H K. BOLTON, UtCOKlIK K. IIIKICMAN. jyl lm u. W. Cllll.Ds. jour CHUM P, CAPKITSB ahd tsnanER, No. 114 LOIMIIC STBKET. A lam Aire, of tsulldlnt uawluwlos of all branchat always kaui a4-wituoa nana a a H 10 A I. KSTA T I',. It K A Is H T A T K. KKAI, h.H T A T li, MIM-EIl'H CATALOGUE. HILLER'H r'VTATOtitTi:. JvIIILlilfM CATAIXJUK. KOHIl'I'll Ol' JULY. IOUitlll OK JULY. lOUUTlI OK JULY. No person shOulS allow the F iu-th ot July to Interlcer with II elr putchsi.ln Fsiate, as It l going tip every day. P.very rsoti aleitit pnrebsslng sho ltd call for my fatal. sine at (nee It roniams near,fi00 wonh of Ileal Kslate, at d lo buyers la the most liitricstinit p 110,111 let tver Irsticd. GE0SGE 0. MILLER, PrtiClical Heal Kstate Agnt and Broker, No. 151 N. MXTH hTHKlST. f; 1 OR FALK LOW, WITH IMMK.DIATE aJ-Are'sesiion. exce.lent dwcl'lng, No. 4'7 N. Kour.h b.rtel, tieveu, lot 'i' by H5 I. .1 dip. prh e SrisAl. 4 (iKtlltllK C. MILI.EK, Itial Estate Ai;"iit and It oker, No. IM N. H i 111 Htreet. f TO 111 NT. OR FOR SALE, LAUOE LDw.'lIIng, ho. 4sf N. K.fih street. Fifteen rooius. Kent 7ii0. 1'ilte gir,'s4l j a gie-it sat ! nit e. tlK'llttlK ('. MII.LKIt, Ileal Estate Auciit nod KroVer, AO. H4 .-. HIMll Street. f FOR SALE. HEAL ESTATE! REAL JaiiKstate !-Jtraniiers end eilireiis, desirous of being arccnimcdated V.I1I1 property, either for occupancy or In SOstluetlt, should call on me before gnlng elsewhere, as I have near 5,' tyod w .rth to select fioin, ami thousands coiuirjt in tverv day. Evory person can be buIipJ. IIKOIUIF. C. MILLER, I'rattlcal Beal Estate Ajent and Broker, No. 154 N. SIX I II .Street. FOR SALE-WITII 1'OSSESSION. f -I. Ki ai liweliltig. nine rooms. No. 3J14 Brandy Ine sircct, WU). MoCein Itnprovptnonts. t.KllKIIEC. MII.LEIt. Heal E-tato An n' ami Itroscr, No. 154 N. SIX I'll Street. tf FOR f ALE NEAT DWKLLINO, No. JtlglMW stwalH stre t (is north of Koatos) $i;oa. Modern Ituplosnneuts. (1KOKIIK C. MII.LKIt, Ileal Istaie Anent and Itrokr, No 154 N. tslXTli Surest. a FOR SALE NEAT DWF.LLINO, No. Jtiii'ftlo Lotain sireel (Is cast of Eighth and n.urtu of oiaenl. Klue ruulus, bath, and gas. wd 0 liKIHtilF. t . MILLER, Beal Estate AlchI and llroter. No. l.'.l N.lslX lH Street. FOR SALE SPLENDID DSVELLINO, jauorth side of Wallace, west of Twentieth. Lot 0 by sri, to a street $.vOU. OK.OHOE C. Mil. 1. Kit, Real Eslntu Agent an.l llioknr, No. 154 N. SIXTH Street. FOR f-'AI.E SUPERIOR DWELLING, fcii No. Ii-aa l. nut Veruon street. Lot'JIbvtl.S. Tlilr iven rooms. bl0O. lIKIIIttlEtJ.MII.I.Klt, Heal Estate Agent and Broker, No. l.4 N. SIXTH Htreet- f FOR SALE MAGNIFICENT DWELL aiiiiliig. weat side ol ittoad, north of Brown. Stable and c. ach-houto. Lot ID by 1U. tl.KSsl. (1EOHIIK 0. Real Estate Agi-lll and Broker, No. 1A N. SIXTH HtreaU FOR SALE BESIDES HUNDREDS aiia.of others, vsllh possession. Eveiyperson to tall. t.KDUilK C. Mil. I. Kit, Heal Estste Agent ami llroKer, No. 154 N.alXl'H SireeL Pf FOR SALE EIiGANT DWELLING, Jtiu,put side of Seventh street, north of Pitrrlsh ; twelve rooms. Lotlh by ill. price 9tHtO. Immediate possesion. tlKtlltl.K 1:. MII.LKIt, No. 154 N. SIX ril Street. f$ FOR SALE. NEAT DW ELLING, EAST Juikalde Ul B'ghlh street, eoii.h of Buttonwood; eleven let ins. Lot 17 by 70. 1'rli e Possession soon. OEDIIOKI!. M I L.I.KK, No. 154 N. SIX I B Street. FOR SALE, WITH IMMEDIATE POS ia.aosslon of lltty houses. Every person ouifht to call. OEIlltUF. C. 5111. 1. Kit, No. 154 N. Sixrti Street. Cf I OR SALE, WITH IMMEDIATE P0S l ao-s 1 n hi h ndiJ liHelling, south side of Mmmt 1 11 on ''eet, west of Eighteenth, m by an feut. IMi.tlgitO. I.KOKIIK. '. MILI.K.K, Hual Kstate Agent and Broker, No. 151 N. SIX I'll Sireet. f lOl SALK ELEGANT DWELLING, s 'i No. lei U Wuliuce street, M riHims. Iit 'iO bv !lo l'lieu Mi). I1F. )KUF. C. Ml 1.1. Kit, Heal Estate Avent and itroaer, No. 1MN.SIXTU S tie It. f$ FOR SALE . NEAT DWELLING, llliik Frnncls street, west of Itiilge avenue, coiner ol Ueaiy. 1'rlce U.WI, IlKOttUK O. Mli.l.KU, Heal Estate Agent and Broker, No. 151 N. SIM'il Street. i FOR SALE. TWO SPLENDID asi Dwellings, i.orih side of Mount Vern in street, west of Niuettenlh. Lot 'JO by 104 leet. Price si.'.rs). IIKOKOK V. MILI.KR, Real Estate Agent aud Broker, No. 151 N. SIX 111 Street. FOR SALE. NEAT DWELLING. CUES- nut street, .astofSlxleeiitb. Prloe tll.500 (.KOKIIK. f MII.LKIt. Heal Estate Agent ami linker. No. 154 N. SIXTil Sireel. FOR SALE. SPLENDID DOUHLE kliaMansloii on West Chesnut street. Lot su be ISO loot, it ice .0,IXW. tiEoltllK C. Mil. I. Kit, Heal Estate Agent and Itro'.er, No. 151 N. SIXTH Street. 0FOR KALE. VERY EXCELLENT hrewn stone trout Ilwel ing. nn Woat Spruce s.rcot. llieoil,VU). tiEOKitK C. Mil. I. Kit. Real Estate Aeent and Broker, No. 154 N. Sixrj Sireel. afssj FOR K ALE. FIRST-CLASS LARGE iLltitown stone front liwe llto-, on tA'esl Logau Square. Lot '; by 145 lu l. Price -rlh.KSi. tlEOItllK. O. MILI.KIt, Hesl Ksiale Agent and Broker, No. 151 N SIXTH Street. M FOR KALE SPLENDIDLY BUILT Jloiir-story brow n stone Front Dwelling, ou Vine, east ol Eighteenth sue 01. Pike tl,tsi. tli.iiltilF.f!. MII.I.KR, Ileal Estate Agent unit Broker, No. 15s N. SIXTH Htreet. fj FOR S ALE. BEAUTIFUL FIRST iiin class toiir-h ory maible ho it Os'el lug, on Vine, west ol acveutsenth slrtet. Price iMO.VO. t.KOKtlK. C MILLER, Beal Fslute Ajeul ami Broker, No 154 N. SIXTH .street. f FOR SALE. MAG NIFICKNT FOUR. fiil; story Marb e front Jissellltig, on West C'hesuitl sti'eet. Lol -a by 150 leet Price III, ISSi UEO. C. MIU.EIt, Real Esta.e Aeent and llroker. No. 1.4 B. SIX. I'll Street. FOR SALE PERFECT SACRIFICES. Two neat foiir-slor Dwellieg,, Hnnd street above Demon. Kighti en ivous Lots'Jvfet trout by 2SI leet deep to a street. Price tin 0 each. Besides hunilreils of oltiui s. iii'ortnatlon of whieli oan behadstllieom e. liKUK.r', ('. MIL'.KK. Pre. Ileal Beal Fstale Age-ll an I Itrok.r, No. L 4 N. SIXTH Mtreat. GFOR SALE. MAONIFICENT FOUR alorv brown stone front llwelllug, on West Sprue, street. Ft ti een rooms. Lot 'i by 105 foet deep to a st reet. Price lAbbU. MII.LKK. No. 154 N. SIXTH a FOR SALE, FIRST-CLASS FARM, OFja Isiivestraordlnary Importance, sixty acres t onlvteu-. miles from the oitv, on Pennsylvania Central Kailroad; magnificent Improvements, d;o The whole property must be seen 10 he eppruclacd. Price aJ0,CWt 11 ss tare. splendid building silos. Mil. LRU. No. 154 N. SIXTH Htreet. ta, FOR SALE. PARTIES ANTICIPATING liiii purchasing Heal Estate should lose 110 time In doing so. as It Is Increasing In price everyday A word to the wise is sutllrl 'tit. Call for catalogue, containing .-.'Xl,lss worth 0 real estate. IIEO. C. MILLER, l'raclisul Beal Etate Agent and Broker, No. 154 N . SIXTH HLrest. sa FOR SALE. GREAT BARGAIN AND Immediate possession, e'egant large llwelllng. No. 1 ,0m Kaoe street. F oartean large roeuu. Lot SM by lot) feetdcep. I'ike ;o0. Mll.l.KK, F. w no utN. srxra sue.1. fet FOR BALE LOW, OR EXCHANGE, fj 1. 'A neat Country Beat, with good Imnrov.ments, IS . acres of excellent Land, four and a half miles Irom Mar ket street hnda-e.on llav.rford street, In Iho Twenty-fourth Ward, rasseuger Kailroad wllhlu mile. MILLRB, No. 1M V. IIXTI1 Stmat. f FOR SALE. KEEP IT BEFORE THB L:t people that 1 hav. always 100 Dwellings oa hand, of which Immedlat. possesskm can h. had. 5.t0.eKXJ worth of Heal Estat. In my Catalog... Every business tratisaotlon earrled through upon Ui. Observauc. of tit. Strictest honesty aud Integrity. m (1EOBI1K 4J. MILLEB, rrMlkavl Beal si.u Aag "f cvt mm wt tv rvtvtu uxrmiwvit' WANTS. A SUBSTITUTE siirolel ril sin. Addrrsa j) I . WANTK1) KOIt AH IU)Y HH, fhllaiflphU I'oit (itlc. A -cT ISTITrTK WANTKI) FOIt A TER fn ila.p p to ir iroiiM- Ali.l at (lie Oifit-S, , ))1-;h h 734S.THIR11 At.twt. i;T1i.ST Cl'.ASH 8KHVANT.S T.AIIOK NRW I York M"amh Rii)til4(vmriit H'aif of rai-aN-'.clvM sVr- vhMj , 11 fn, .')tti-'ii, mrU, Ac, itf t-irnllh-a. ImImIm, tir "t fi'., lor cv apt. country. i'r.iir!irio. ir n"i larfl.B Nn 7V HANtOIH Htrt. aWir EiMh ftM0 aiinnrintii avrv day to mitt al. "W'ANTIIT) To SFI1' olt KXCHANVK, T I fcihittie NfwtPK Maciiinn. ' Tlioliniv. r A Biker hliMt Marina, 1 htn Ml vt-r , -1", And all it- Mtn-i).rt! Hrwin AUchlnoa. All OirnlahM from tlttr .-rincii-a: tfll'ri. Aiiio an k ruli oi rM-iiitil-Ilaiul Machlnaa, (br flala aaJ ltciaUt:J at tl.e new im ot I. AVKV V AfH.K SKU, Ovir ti-D yrrt with A t-i I,at1'.o taolit Ijopiratn. U FOR SALE AND TO LET. COOVNTUY SKAT FOR SAT.F.. A ft inli titliti cnuntrT Knat.iono. wtth all m 1"rn r.iiV4niftiMi'P and twn amvn of arnuml, half a nit le fro Kemu U S.nn, ami atiMiininR clrKaut man-ton ol Itayaf Tailor, li will be id at nr-at sacrtiifrt by irnllrom. Itaiiroad and t' lpuranh Altlnn tlitf rt Mtantra' r'1. Artljr to IMI PAINTKH. or W n. WTilKM., V. , Won C healer, fa.w JACOM ilUfc. , Ifaiaoitoti, I'eniia, jai ran sALK.-s-.orto worth in good JLa !Iiiisih, laryp ami urn til, on term tn ant. purnh aaart, tun I'er tr ti or wl'houl InrumhrHtn;, fr cslt auJ guJ tradt. Innitmof, fpm i tn li o vct A.M. 1IIOM.M. FlaWMAN 10. 7 P. KUUHTII trL riiFXTlUCITY. J T. O O K AND Ij I V K I A WOItn TO THK wiaE sumciENTi All dlanaxl condltlona. boil, acuta and chronic, wtver Ihtie la vitality enonxh left to react, are permanniif currd, by warrantee, at Ho. U'iU Walnut timet, I'hlladel plila and in case of a failure In tnt ona'laatn mala-llan. 110 ebartrfl la nude. Electrical Initltutlon, iitJ)llariotl a(M.nt Hve yaata ago by rrofeir Dollea. Bea4 tha CM Inwloir : A rlfin of maladlea prnralU to foarftil extent In eommunitlei, dtwmlng li 10,000 youttu of both aeaea annually lo an earl grave. These dl.ieaira are very Imperteotly understood. Their external matil(BtatUnj or amptunia are nurvoua debility, relaxation, ant great eihatiiUon.maratmiii, or wavilng and eomnraption of tha tsiauoa of tlie whole body, ahortnoaa of breathing, or too hurrlod biatlilug on aaovnilng a htUor 11,'ght of tain, lalptlatkm of the heait, amhma, brotiehlila, and a dry. aorv throat, trembling aod ahaklog of tha at mi and bwv limbs, aTeralon to society, buslneas, and to study; seme times dlmi.Oi of the eyoa'ght, lost of memory, dlnt dosI of the lioad, nuuralla, palm In varloaa parts of the body, prtlni In tho back and lower limbs, litra bairn, dBie)sla, oonftumiitlon of the htiwels, deranged sccrethnM of the kidney, and many other glauda of tbe bdy, producing Tlrutent dlsoases In bHh males and females, likewise epltppty, hystcla, and different forms of naivoua apusms. Now, then, ntnety-nJne eases out ol every hundred of all the above-named dUoasoa, and a boat of others wot named, aa connti nipt Ion of tho lunjra or of the spinal rerra, have Ihelr origin In the pelv.evlsoera, hence the w ant oi uccc by any of the old mod leal aystema of practh a. All the abovp-namad maladies an treated aud cured or Profoasoi Uol e, at No. lti Wabmt street. 1MHKAHEH Of KKMLK.4. UUn, LuueMrba a, Auieuoirttoa, Dyimanor fha a. Alt thw above diias and other Utorlae tiont pihlnti have tlictr orU'n In a 'o(. of the vital power of tho body, brought mi b Injuhes, exceais, Rvdeutarv habata, petbonaj almta, aoortlona, and tre nn; of powerful ni1l rtittfu. home of the pacult ir sTnipiotra are draxtfifig peine thioiifjli tw e hipH ami buck, vrvax nois or the Im'n, and ea trsui UuiKtior and dhtihy ttirouultant the onUro syatem. 1 he efltsotfi produced from tliie troublesome malaillna are almost innlUrudtnous. CotiHtunptkin, Jyipepb. M aural gia, J'rullk, tnfiiaiis, llliiidndas, KiU, Insanity, aud vf n Idirc.v are not tu common , Ko cf'ectiitil or lellnM-rmotky has ever been found for thee atarmli k ooroplaliita trtl mir lata dltoovury la tha use ot tlfccirlclty.tiiitrict accordance with the positive and nera;he polar action f t the Uterine Organs. Wo rever rntlexl In curing all ot the above dieaes. Mvoont In rasca oi organio deiangenifnta, or aevere lujurlaa Otf tho . paft, Oonatiltatioo froo rnor. Turr,s nn. t-kowi. je4-etufti.ra No. rm WAbNUT Htreet, Phltactolphla. pnorosAL.s for loan. TltRAHUKT liKTAKTUKHT, JUHC9 ,1W4, Scaled offers will be received at this IVparttoent, nnder tltaactofMiirchS, 1J3, until noon of WEDSKSDAY, tho 6th day of July, lftU, for bonds of the United State to the amount of T1IIHTV-THHKK alll.LIONS OK DDL LAltS, being the amount of unaccepted otTers under tho Notice of Proposals for Loan, dated tlth Inatant. The bonda will bear ao annual hit ens t of ua pur ecnttttn, payablo t ml-annuaHy in coin, on the first days of July and Jano ary of each yaar, and redeomat leafier the 30th of Jane, 1841. Each oMer must be for fifty or one hundred dollars, or tome multiple of one hundred dollars, and must state the turn, Including prom turn, oth'rod for each one hundred dollars la bond:, or for fifty, wnon the offer la for no more than fifty. 1 wo per cent, of the principal, ex cluding premium, of the whole amount offered bo deposited, as guarantee for payment of subscription If accepted, whh the Treasurer of the United States at Washington, or with the Assistant Treasurer at Hew Tork, Boston, Philadelphia, or St. Louis or with tho liealguated Depositary at Haiti more, PittHburg, Cincin nati, Louisville, Chicago, Detroit, or Uuflalot or wlta any National (tanking AsaocUilon authorized to receive depoblta which may consent to transact the business with out charge Duplicate certificates of deposit will be Issued to depositors by the ofll cor or association receiving: them, the originals of which must be forwarded with the oilers to the Department. AH deposits should he made In time for id vice of offers with certificates to reach Wash li gion not later than tlw morning of July ft. Ho offer not accompanied by Its proper certificate of deposit will be con sidered. The Coupon and Registered Bonds Issued will be Of tho denominations of Wo, $100. tVu, and $1000. Bogiatered Bonds of $-'coo and $10,000 will alao be la. tied If re .tared. AH offers received will be opened oa Wednesday, the 6th of July, by tbe Secretary or one of the Assistant Seore tarles. The awards will be made by the Secretary to the highest offerers, and notice of acceptance or declination wtU be In) mediately given tn the resneotlve offerers ( and. In case of aoco.ptai.oe, bonds ol the descriptions and denomi nation prefer rod will be sent to the subscriber at the cost of Ihe lrepartuieut, on final payment of Instalments Te original deposit of two per oent. will be reckoned In the last initalment paid by successful offerers, and will be Immediately teturmd to those whose offers may not bo accepted. The amount of accepted ofTers must be deposited with the Treasurer, or o'.her ofilour or association author! jied to act under this notice, on advice of acceptance of offer, or aa foluiwa: One-third ot or before the loth) oua third on or before the Uth; and the balance tncludiuf the premium and original two per cent, depoitlt, on or bafre the th of July. Interoistou bonds will beinwl h tha date of deposit. Parlies preferr'ng may pay the arcried ta te res t from date of bond, July 1, to date of deposit. Offers under this notlt-e should be endorsed "Offer for Loan," snd add resc to the Secretary of 'he Treasury. Kootler wilt be considered ata less rate of premium than four er oeLt. s p. cams, Secretary of the Treasury. Notice to Officers receding deposits under this adver tisement : The prei'mliiary certificate of deposit of two per cent. mut not be credited upon your accounts curt eat a It Is to lna Included In the final deposit. ei7-tf TIMK'8 NOBLEST OFF prliig I the last." A NKVV otcwmo MACH1VR. The WAt.KNKK hKW'INa M AtHIfHB eomblnes all the advantages of the outer nrst-claa machtnesi. ana HU KPAtiri Kit Al.L OTIIKB1 for sln'yhuity, practicaJjiilty, aud rella blil't. Ttieie Machines on account of thsir ehaauneas and sim plicity, are the moat valuable auddeslrah.e nxauUlnes In the market. Pamens are Invited to examine this new Sewiay llaclilne, before pun liantng. OFflck OK " WAOJiNliK SBWIMO M iCFITKR,' NINTH Htreet, cl6-ltH Under tha ConUuuntai UotoL EL.A8TIO STITCH BKWINO MAO II INE B, TUB BEST IS USB. ap28 No. ?30 CHESNUT Btreot. GREATEST IMPROVEMENT trrvis OK TUB AOs, IS PIANOS. MKYEK'I IMl'ltuVEU OVEHSTRDNQ 1'IANOM, Ai tnowledRpd by the leit JIna artists aad Indorsed by tha Vusle'al Pulillc tu be the tlllest IManos III America. Ihe attemkin ol the Musical I'u MIc Is tialleU to the reoent greal linprovenieiit In the., l'lsaot s'orte.. Uy a nesr ii.tlidof eunstructiotl, th. greatest possltilo yolum. or tone has bee n obtained, without any of ibojaveetness ana biilllaauy lor ali h these Piano, all so oflMirated Isoliig lust, and which, with an lmoraraa louuU and Aotlua, render them I'nenimlled. ppitip urniT at th Thes. Insiniuieiits received the PRJK Man A " Wurld s Fair bald la London, as well as th. HI sheet, Awards otJr all looo.." Uors.iroia tbtti.t 'alrs anoll- ,,UU,wirr ARCU 8t,.a.b.l.w Eighth J17"m PHlUaaialsU. jfnn COTTAGE ORQAN8, Ko onir tnfBxrKLl.P.n hot rnraQUAlwa la unr ef Tone aid power, designed espsclally far I nurrkes an4 sjckools, but toauid to b. ..nially w. adsseua ta sbaPHssr a4 Drawing Koom. ut jr M vmxJ(.a Wo. U V. RKVKMTU Htrssst. Also, a ennnVeM aswrtujaut o. Ui. PwhM Mssea aanslautlf ua aaad. aat a-aea