The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, July 01, 1864, THIRD EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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, ' " T .'. ' l miDAT, :3Wt 1. 1WH. :; '
- t - a a. -j - ,
nmr.L roHcrn sfnt to tKTT.RMTi tmw iiik
ktrrLiF.s wbiH ai k--wby bb abash-inkd
MABTTWsm'BO, W, Va., June 30-Arrlving
hereon jtatarriitf morning al li o'clock, and learn
ing that a Isrirn' train of wairfins, tcim. by
several thousand trooos. would mart at 6 o'clock
for titnunton, wl'h supplies f i rovisions and 1
aromnnitton f'r Uiwhis linntei nna crook
command, t di-tormlmd to acoitnp.inv It.
Lute in thn afternoon of the next day we were
Ordered to return to M.irtinslMirg, where, i in
our arrival, 1 until Hint llie expedition h id been
turned buck hecttiat Humer and Crook hid ar
rived at Lewiaburg. It win said iluit the gennrai
Intel not lw a hii' I. but onlv rcpulniil lietnre
l.ynohliiirK. and th o hoy e mid li.ive taken the
plai tha next duy, liut llieir auiiiiiiuition i
getting very anir. e, and K well, ami Hrecktnrid.'-!,
and Mot'auslaml were nil a'tning lor point to
cnt Hu m oil'.
I fame to comment 1 1 iimke. Time will how
the truth N spe Mil? all malt-re, the Hunter and
The supplies wnun
were to luive pme to the i-miiniaiul through tho
vhIIiv, will now !i sent via I'ark'r-iiiiirg to
harle-lon, whore Hcnerat Hunt ;r hus already
ordered his headquarter to lio prepared.
Tlkl Ontlma rrnt Whlt-a H-mim tn
. Jamn River Dsprt Fltht t
llvllo t HI. Maryw 'hrh
Vnprerlentet Knllnntry or oar
II era nitllrrlea isiiiillloia .4 Hart
. rpoa Wtalto Itoiine,
11AIH aktbrs Conrs, J""
The (lay belorc General (Sheridan's return ti
White Hotiw, he having been delayed by send
Inn hi prisoners and wounded, nearly one th in
sand In number, to Weal 1'oiiit lay another route,
Wado Hampton, who had marched upon lit-
right Tank at a renjuciful distance all the wiv
' fr.n nonhinaeiile. crossed the M itianonv an I
' l amanker to tl win t ward of him, and tiMde an , ( rook expedition included.
auenipt to rapture nil trans at wniie noun.-. -
He wa .frustrated In thin liy the combined
flonaofOvncral Ahercroinhic, Major Hotnnon,
of ine home artillery, and the irunlioau. llitinp
ton'i forrra were ahclled out ; Wit hi renriruard
had not loiten dear f the vicinity before it
. verhaulrd, neiir Tnnmall'a Kiaiioo, by ciolom l
treg s and Colonel Devlns' lir find. n of Ueai ral
riberidan'a advance, who charged upon nnJ
grratly hastened i' movemenui. in thl- enK,i'
ment, Maior Itcntly, of the nth New York, wko
ttelmvcd very gallantly, wa wounded in the leg,
ranting amputation. The 0ier.ition w.i iu-:-cewfuly
performed bv Ir. Kuliaon, Surgeon in
C'hlef of Torbt'rt'i Division, and the Major ia now
doing well. ,,- ,
" " A Hhlrmlah al Jimim' Rrltc.
Having received aupplicn and recruited amnc
vthat at White Hone, wiihonl twnher molenta
tion, General Sheridan moved hii corps, with his
trains, towards the James river, 1) -vins' r.j l
Meriiu's Hrigmlts being lu t!l8 S;lvaiice. When
near Jones' bridge, tiim the ("hickaliominy, en
the iiJ-inst., they came upon a bodv of tho
"fniy'a cavalry, which they nam rlcircd out,
with fritting los-es In the lt, 4th, ftih, and 10th
iew York, and 1st United Slates.
Hatlle of M. Mart's 4'hnrrh.
In protecting the tlanks and rear of the corps
trains, General Orepg moved his dlviiou
towards Charles City Court House, finding and
rklimishlng with small liodlcs of the enemy, j
When near St. Mary's Church, on the U4tha he I
ascertained that a large for e of Infnntry and
cavalry were posted ami intrenched a short dis
tance in his front, and on his fljnk, apparently
with a desiga to inurcepi his progress. From
the formidable preparations made it was evident
that tbey expected Sheridan's whole force to
attack them.
In this they were soon disappointed, and,
ending that Gregg was flanking their position
with bit two brlgHdcs, they left their works and
fiercely attacked his flank and rear with a galling'
fire, demounted. This attack, being expccuxl,
slid Dot tn the least confuse oar gallant troops,
who at once returned the tire, and, having tils-
:' aaoonted, gave them battle. Gregg placed bis
led hones in the safest position he could select,
sad, finding he was largely outnumbered, fell
back, fighting every inch of the way, till be
; reached an opening where bis artillery could be
made to tell upon the enemy's ranks, bat stl 1
keeping them in inch a position that they could
' not reply eflcctualiy with, the same arm of the
Lama at fit. Mary) f'hnrrh.
' " This was unquestionably one of the most
fiercely contested little battles which our cavalry
has ever fought, and oar losses were compara
tively large. Only Duvies' and Colonel Gregg's
brigade were engaged on our side, while Hamp
ton bad a portion of E well's Infantry to asiiai
film. Ail of Gregg's communications to Slicri-
, lan were ibtcrcejited, and he could get no rein-
' " nituts. ,
1WColonelCovod, C lt,rwya1:moVl"y
ton of ex.Congrcssman " "'"'rft
wounded and left on the field. ? '
through the body. Colonel Smith, 1. . 'me,
waj shot through the thigh, flesh wonnd, whit
tie insisted did not hurt hint eo that be could not
remain in eommaad. Hie surgeon, however,
ordered him to desist. Coloticl Huey, 8th l'enn
ylvania.U misting. Captain Vf. Phillips, 1st
Maine, serving on the sua of General Gregg, was
thi: att i:x i aimoi:.
Etc., r.le., Ke-,,
Joe Jnhniliin' Army,
There are four corp In Oeni-ral l ie Johns' m's
arniv, now opposing Kherman. llnrdee'i Corps
Is composed ol Cheatham a, Cleburne's, Walker's,
and Hates' llivii-tons Hood's Corpe. of Hteven
aon's, Mewnrt's, mid lllnilui in's liviiont I'olk's
Corps, of l.oring's ami Trench's livi-ina, and
another of dillerent communis; mid Whe-ler'e
t avalry Corps eouaiHts of the division of Kelly,
Jackson, and Martin.
There are alfO two Independent cavalry
(livi-lons, respectively commanded tiT Roddy
and, which act in concert wilh Wheeler in
the field, though. iitlr.r-t in their organizations.
The Georgia lnf.intry, or "Governor Itrown's
petH," us they are called, are said to number !'-.
tween ten and fifteen thousand ; they are princi
pally employed In erecting breastworks, and ai
jet have done hut little fighting. The, othor
corps arc each said to lie about twenty thousand
The Kchcl cavalry have not, nntll recently,
effected much harm to our rear. The burning of
the bridge at Tiltnn and the destruction of the
trains there, and Wharton's dash lust week, have
been the only damago since the burning of the
ninle train at Cassville. General Sherman has
ii-sned an order In relation to tho punishment of
guerillas, biishwackcra, and murderers, which
will fullv meet the requirements of the situation.
Louitrillr Jaurnnl.
. Captain Montgomery wat shot In the tVjjl ;
Captain Tncker, 1st Maine, in the shoulder; Cap
" tain See, 2d Pennsylvania, In the hand : Captain
' Ellie died of sunstroke j Captain Page, 10th New
Tfotk, killed i Major Deweee, Uth Pennsylvania
'mksing; also Adjutant Heed, '2d Pennsylvania,
T aad Captain Adams, signal otlicer. Adjutant H.
M. Saidwin, 6th Ohio, killed) also Lieutenant
' Heed, let Pennsylvania. Major Cillcy, 1st Maine,
' shot in the leg.
All behaved with the greatest bravery, and
' their conduct is extolled in the highest terms by
Ovneral Gregg. '
Baudot's Battery lost eighteen men and
twenty-five horses. Deunison's three men and
ix horses.
Ut raamll fklrnlh Near
JonV BrllK, !' CUlcUaliomloy,
' June 23, IH4.
' lltot Joaeph Wright, M. lit Pa, thigh ; Corporal A II
- llt.I, litPa.armi 8KtTh'n SnvUar, 1J. 1st Va, side;
w u ti...u ,i i.. v. i.f ira kn... K. lit Fa. arm:
Baaiaal Hrfd. L. I1 Fa, iSuulKar; ui A O KIHot, 1, 11
f. sip; wao w itranara, ti, i r, ,ii.ihuw, . .
fianll. E, lal Pa, ark et W Tare.C lit Pa, arm;
ltiihrr. M, Ir PS. kota hip. : Hill Wait-r Leal, E. 11 Pa,
Uxk ; Oeorsa W Kilaa. M, lut Pa, hand; laaac (Voir, K,
His PT knaa; Frank Whoalan, D. l nh Pa, il le; Corp
a iMrht..nn. V. laik Pa. mw. Dm Aiuhrnlwli. l. IKitt
hia Pa',
V. riniavr ui ntrki HC Mahonv. I l:tti P
at., w.n.ra. A.lMtta Pa. arm : Jolia Kiifs. 1.
. .r- n n.llrv. H. I.lih Pa. aule and baak; WmJPex
V .lit Pa, arm; An UcMahood.t'.IHth ra. hand t Julio
' JH AJtanh. D. th ra, tnliih; Alsrt Kosanerana, B.4in
mm .n. Cnrn Prrd.rlck L lloachea. li. 4th Pa. chesk and
am; coipliantol ruiek, 1). 4 in Pa. arm; But Jamaa
Barktn, B, 4th Pa, las fraolurtd; Corporal William I
XcCloia, A. 4th Pa, ihlfrht J'avld Kleliarda. I, 4lli
ra. arm: W B McF.lroy, B, 4th Pa, thnuldw; t
B J Smith. B. 4th Pa, kit; J M MeC'ordr, V, lih
l'a.ltilti: W D Black bnrn, D, 4th Pa, arm; HeKt-Ma) K
Apnrty with the principles of G.irlbaldi Is
forming In the llaliuu enamours.
The corporation of Manchester now supplies
high-pnissiire water-power lo the buildings in
that town, and this pressure, feeding numerous
turbines (n particular kind of water wheel), ac
tually aunnlics wind to the church organs, turns
rnuiues and fans, works hoists and cr.iucs, and
in some hotels dues all the lil ting of the establish
The article known in commerce as Jnte,
which has been once tally described In this gos
sip, is now used in the manufacture of tine
roods, such as ladies' dresses, cravats, browser
ings. and other articles of dress. It costs but
about live cents a pound, and whon properly
bleached and prepared, Is as handsome us
Lord Palmcrston, In a late speech, rebnked
severely those British merchants wno cameo on
a contraband trade with the Hebels in China, and
sent homo to thoir friends "high flown pane
gyrics" of their customers. H might, with
much iireatcr nronrietv. have referred to the con-
tralndists who are doing the tamo thing for the
Hebels in the Southern States.
A substitute broker enticed a foolish yonng
fellow from lioston to Concord, cw Hampshire,
the other day, where he Induced htm to consent
to go as a substitute for 100, with the promUe
that as soon as be was enlisted "he should marry
i beautiful young lady who was worth $10,030.
The su""000 I'lestioned him and detected the
frand, and bUi lbal inl til( brokef WW
Francla C. StV.nicr. who murdered Uicuard
Tlr'.cr, Warden of the Maine State Prison, on
the 14th of May, 1V63, was executed on the 2ith
instant, at Thomaston. This Is the first enforce
ment of the death penalty in Maine since 18:W.
There are eleven other persons nndor the death
sentence, but whether nny of them will euttor de
pends upou the will of the Governor.
The lloyal Dublin Society, of which we hear
bat little in this country, is more tliau a hundred
yeais old, and is an agricultural, botanical, statis
tical, soological, geological.mineralogical.artisti
cal, and all sorts of a society. It is managed by
snbsuriliers, who are liberal without being luarncd,
give very small salaries to the scientific men they
employ, and make all the show and take all the
honors to themselves. It is, in fact, a mutnal
.jm.w.. . iv.j, aa some oi our own most pre
tentions societies arc, ana about as oseiut.
One day last week a man laboring under
aberration of mind was taken from tha Roches
ter depot of tho Central Railroad and sent to the
Lunatic Asylum of Monroe countr, where he
still remains. It was supioscd that he had
escaped from some other asylum. He had in
bis possession a railroad check. No. 711, from
New York to Chicago ; but no baggage to corres
pond has been found .He gives his name as
Edward Williams, but his shirts arc marked
"Anson Rogers."
Harvey's theory of the circulation of the blood,
of beginning
to be disputed ; for blushing, sudden paleness of
the face, Hushing and chilliness ot tno nouy, ire
nacntly occur without any disturbance or modili
eminn nf ilm heart's action. The steady move-
n.entof the blood in the capillaries, the circulation
through the liver without the intervention of any
The first of the auction sales al (he Great Cen
tral Knir took place this morning. The s lies
were cont'uud to tho Smve an 1 II dl the
Machinery and the Agr.cnllnrnl 1 iiplcinen s, and
Furniture Department The attendance was
small, and but moderate pri'-cs were obtained.
Tlis" I'rls-v.
At ten o'cloik, Mr. T. S. Fills, sue Ion fr,
mount) d a stand erected i". the Hollow-wire
Department, and corrniet ced the ordar or the
sale for the ilav. He stated th 't the aalis would
be for cli, without reserve or l mlta ion. It was
al-o expected tluit the goods purchased at the
morning sale would ba removed during the
lb first articles depose J 1 1 wi r ' lot no, z,
eoiisisllna ot a I'niteU Stales complete stove.
eight Int lies, with pot, kettle, sp,er, and lon-
ran. J Ins lot was vailieu ill iiiiici.-en nun ir,
nt was finally knocked ilwn lo Mr. J. N. Clark
nt tlie price of fourteen .Miliars and a hull. l.ots
No. 1 aud 'I constilincd the remains ol the stores
eontrihiiUd by Stuart A I'o er-on, the first lot,
iovtiver, having liceii disposed of alter the cat..
logiie had lieen mane out.
Mr. C. Williams' contributions were in x put up,
and ware disposed of to thu donor at the loliuw-
lng7:..;:'.u p-.c" :
Lot No. .'I. One ID-inch gaji-burner parlor stove,
valued a' nroiignt wi.
Lot I No. 4. fine liz-inch gas-burner par. or
stove, valneil at -ju, nrongnt i..
Lot No. A. One lhrce d'Uib'0 oven cooking
range, valued at .0, Irout'lit 10.
Lot No. (i. one 4-inch M. I anil i.oiuns patent
ventilator, vuliii d at 010, brought W.
Lot No. 7. One No. 4 Culver pattern hot-air
furnacn, valued at S'lW, brouiiht 100.
Lot No. lo, consisting ot one large uounio-ovcr
hotel range, contributed by 1). Mcllvuino, Ks..,
valued lit $113, brought tio. It was purchased
by Mr. Hand.
Chase, Shiirpe Thompson's lot, No. 17, con
sisting of one fotir-oven hotel kitchen and canopy,
two hollers and stewholes, was the subject of
much competition when ollercd for sale.
This range, it will remembered, was used
in the kitchen of Die Fair, and has c Hiked over
six thousand meals per day, together with
supplying nt times the demands of the l'eun
Kitchcn.i The range was sold independent of
the selling and the stack.
It is valued at one thousand dollars, and started
at the low figure of two hundred dollars. Alter
considerable bidding, it was finally knocked down
to the donors for the sum of $U0.
The sale of some one hundred other lots, con
sisting of parlor gas-burning and other stores
uccci ded the disposition of the mammoth range,
all of which brought but moderate prices.
The Machinery iti1 Aa-rlcnliural De
partment. was afterwards visited, and the goods remaining
on hand disposed of.
To-morrow Morn Ins;.
at 10 o'clock, the stock of the Refreshment De
partment will be put under the hammer. Among
- j.. ; -:un.i iiiio..i... ir. ianniU.i,i..
' i
Svt rr TiiRanoMF.TaR To-bAT. Six A.M.,
7J. Noon, HI. One P. M., B?i. Wind S. S. W.
VxivmstTT Cow nicktT List or Gnan.
vatfs. Musical Fund Hall was crowded by a
large audience this morning, on the oc -aslonor
the annual commencement of the Vnlverslty of
Pennsylvania. The audience was composed
princli ally of Indies. The following Is tho order
ol i ri, ti getht-r with a list nf the graduates,
and the iiiinni ot tho-e upon wh im the
v.cre tonlerred .
cittt'ttt or i rRCist.
t.ruk f
ii t '
mM IV.
ii i ra .
11. Ciisllr.
M d O XJ. I O A. N,
ratftT and wtwlfaata rslr m -
riitEWOMS, FL&OS, fto.
tches anil IllRoVclrisr,
Ho. 9 lBAWIirllT STUEP.T,
(rmi atraet ataiva fasrond, bsttwaan Narfcst an Ckaaaat)
ai;S-taa PMItADBLPHia.
For Warailrs and Vantuatins Pnialc Hultillniri and Pn-
vaia itasioanvai.
Ma fm faa'n rest hy Hi .
Ol I'UILalls.l.' oi a. .
JiMi-s P. wartn,
Vo 41 H Klt'ltril trt.
hJtl-dm M. PEt.rwkl.U uiilnllilant.
Oiiiilon-"l'"rtiiiiiif r Vi v s.ttn's.'
i Aimtk nt i lie rt
" I urn
urli ne llyriocnle,
Otstldit T'hroli pv of llonier,' D'
uiais.Ti '-MrUii' r anil lo-niiion,"
frail- is lh'l.
li. tlaye,.
('. Rene i.rei! ry.
Charles h. Morgan. J r.
The Degree of llacln lor of Arts was conferred
ou the following memtiers of the Senior class :
.lamas llatnrfl,
Aie-.arilT II. tmilll, I
I'tanSllti li.Ca.ili-, !
lb III V I '. t')iitininlt, 1
I l.iule- M.l'n.wll,
VWli-in .1 1 li.
W'H.lilnston II. ibiiun, 1
('lianas i;
('. Han (iri'Kory. i
The Degree of Ilachclorof Science was con
ferred on
William P. Coleuian.
The derree of Master of Arts was conferred
on the following graduates of three years' stand
ing :
A. M iller
Allr-.l l..ll.mlu,n,
K. Hoiimt Itiiyes,
fraii' is H'J I,
li. IWiini iill K. l.wlWig.
Chsrlo. K. Murn, Jr.,
I ,-,ir. Oakm'in.
Untist t J. H. Htan,
Howard W.m.iI.
Charles .1'la,
Jnt.iiA. Mi rtnnr,
il. nr Mullet.
I rank W. Paul.
K. ilrrenmiKh Piatt,
.lanlfs Has Is,
I hirloa A. Hijiaeffcr,
William S). Hteen,
Hatmul Warnir, Jr.,
(.enrse W. WnnnaiDSChar,
V. Ilium W. Wurta,
Zi7ZttMiT.WW. MthP. uiish ! propulsive force, he tact "
T Batti. 1., 4th Pa, W ; j MoMiiuin,li,4th Pa ie.a.aiii aifcries are usually found empty, among other
taa achatftr. B.4th t u wiisoa, 1, 4th Pa.ttii.h-, I things, cannot lie accounted ior on thtiypotlie
j.bBpugan.E, 4th Pa, head; Jamaa B (ka-rnan, t, id Pa ,iB lnllt tie heart is the sole mover of The blood.
57Sirf.r.:-.? V.rnke.r ! The new theory ia that thn action ia a chemic! oac.
Lewis Msur) . R, 'id Pa, mi R 11 Pierre, L, Id Pa. both
' ctxska-.D. Bates, L, 3d Pa, If K : Thus Jf uklns. 1.. ra,
aum; llaurr O'I'all, L, ti Pa, .Iiouklo'; Kpb llartliolo
aiaw.P, sdPa.ahmiMler: Hersosnt W C Kraoi, 1). 'id Pa,
wck; Hiram Blipart, M, 'id Pa. knae; Captain Clement
i-ae, 24 Pa, hand: W 11 CuUey, A, 'id Pa, arm;
Jaeob Frits, n. tl Pa, hand; CorpiraJ KrTin a.
ttlssnikart, II. 8th Pa, both anklet: Joha W Itlehards,
t. Ml) Pa, arm; Oore M Mi lntyre, (1, Sth Pa. arm)
K L Wlae, (1. sth Pa. arm; W C Olilesnie, o, sth Pa,
Uilfh; J fmHh. (I, etb Pa, bark aad chsst ; eiorp A B
Wolf, O. Sth la. a da and back: W Miller, B, sth Pa, aarond
and fourth drisars; Bjt J B Cuurtaey, P. Sth Pa, le; tA-rp
1. A Slfbart. M. Sth Pa. foot amputated; John Jjhnaon,
V, Sth Pa, hip ; (lao A flntlh, U, llllh Pa, shoulder; Corp
H Umllh, b.Ifcih Pa, arm; Pater French, D.hitB Pa, aide
and na k; John Pbllithasl, D, Kith Pa, lt; Sgt Monroe
Steaaea, O. ltitii Pa. ahouidrr; Amos Adiek. C, 16th Pa,
-awat; Corp H itoilta.B, lath Pa. arm; K P French, 1, lull
f. avcreir; Robert Totiaa, A. 1st Pa. lo-; Jolia
iii'u, ,Uth OUiiJ, Saud I'Miaias, L, 7tli P,
A Copy of PilloVi Letter to Col. Watkins.
The statement that Colonel "Watklnt lost fll'iy
fcillad and as many wounded, published in yes
terday's paper, was an exaggeration. We are
fcaoDV to make the correction. The Federal loss
was only four killed and ten wounded, while the
Kebel loss was Ihreej hundred killed and woun led,
Instead of one hundred and seventy-live as llrat
1.'r,d- . , . ... ., .'..
A copy OI ucnerai iriuvun rmuw a udiuihu
for the rurreuUer of Culuuel Watkius, with his
' command
itaAlvrTIi faviiar Division, LASarsTTH, Oa.,
Joi i4 To tin Coaamaad'ns Orthwr of I he V nlled flla'as
?orc Hill Puat-Blr;-Tgaave tha uunecasaary ahd
iCof biiod, 1 damand ih liania.liate .urre.i Jar of t il
ioaiandyoiir fi.rcea. I have auihdent force to tuk the "lid intend to do It. and mail resort to the torch. In
uTiiiiou to hot and shell, to drive you from your preacut
W,1U"llrlg.-l- QUZ'i- flLLOW.Commaiidlni.
Thui vain, conceited wretch did not take La
favettts. Hil failure was most disgraceful, and
when the llebel authorise ascorum the small
levee which held his three thousand in check, for
than three hours, his disgrace will be final
J- sntnplete. fuuT iniiuencu aud imiiu-
l'oii' "aed bJ lhu ot ih llev" Ur B'S"P
inHneuu,vnniia" kel't u'm in some sort of
kin have,"! tul" t,me' Croxtoa and Wat-CWtunooit&MxiiniSuithi-T
on hi torch.
cJn'wrbury,fCn,.vrll'lieri if prevailing la
A Great National - '
in Boston in November uS; Pair is to be held
Pracd's works are to sppM, !
dited by his sister, Lady Vouua,iio volumes,
fcir George Yc ng. u nephew,
Two thousand itfht hundred ana. . .
. l.n IVnm d. aili O'vy-i.
wreck on the British coast by what is calU?jJ-
In the Runrema Court at Salem. Massachu
setts, last week, an action was brought in behalf
of Wm. ii. i-ovcit, a nine ooy tun years oi bko
aealnst the Salem and South Danvers KiUlroud
Company. The plaintiff and another lad got on
the rear of a horse-car one evening for a ridu.aad
were told bv thu conductor to net off and go on
front, which they did ; but after riding a short
distance the driver ordered them off, and the
nliiintirT aars Dut his hand or foot against him.
The car was not stopped, and the lad in jumping
ntf hiat hia balance and tell auder tho car. A
wheel missed over his riehtanu and tho limb had
to lie am pntated. T he j ury returned a verdict of
ft'2000 lor the plaintiu.
Apparently ingenious "dodges" lo escape the
draft do not succeed in Massachusetts. The other
o',;va young muu in Chicopoe had all his front
teeth t'racted, although they were perfectly
i ir- "s drafted after all. In Amesbiiry.
ne Morse, who . dr",ted ln '-'Ti im
eight teeth extracted to je xemptlon, wh eh
n. obtained ; but the fact. i to the
ii . vii .l lew davs sinCV, worse wis
......h held to service, and asslguea P the ar
tillery, without the privilege of pying C")tnmH.
tation or furnishing a substitute. ..o Was sent to
Galloup's Island on iuesday. ibe npringtiuia
MnntliUcan says a foolish conscript in Dalton cut
ell the index finger of his right baud afier he was
drat'U'd, supposing he would be exempted for it.
Dut when be came to visit the Hoard of Enrol
ment be vi us accepted and sent to camp.
Dr.Cbapman, of whose discoveries in the prac
tice of medicine we have several times spoken,
has published another valuable work on func
tional diseases and the treatment of them by
heat and cold. Among his applications of the
principle are those in cases of headaches, vertigo,
mental alicrratloo, cerebral condition adocted by
the circulation, nieurisy. brouchitis. and hieui i-
topsls. Functional derangement of the stoin tch
are slso cured by the application of ice along the
back. Ko, too, obstinate and long-coutinned con
stitution of the bowels yields to the inilucnco of
. ... , 1 ....... ,1 . .r u .1 1 roffir.ll.
COld Upon ine Ulimarauu lunvi ..a' -
Kpilepsy and paralysis have ugain and
yielded to Dr. Chapman, who seems to IftV0,di,.
covered In the nerves and their ' ng!, 0n v4ch
side of the spinal coluro- , mo4 Taiitahle and
potent iiiliueucci tn( human frame. His views
are philosophical, and will readily be adopted by
tbr'.e who lean that Way themsches.
Frank Smedlcy, the author whose recent
death has been announced in the foreign papers,
was a remarkable instance of the triumph of
nientul vigor over bodily iiillrmity. From his
infancy lie was atllicted wilh the must distressing
deformity tiaturul malformation to such an ex
tent that be could neither walk nor ride, nor
indulge in any active exercise whatsoever. In
ordinary cases such grievous afUictiou would
have deterred the sullcier from any attempt at
making cither a name or a position ; but by an
exercise of Ibe will, Mr. Kmedley triumphed over
the trammels which nature had put on him from
Lis birth, acouired a liberal education, became a
pro. t i and forcible writer, and won bis way
to a good place in literature.
1 liy a curious sntitueai to ni noriu-u mvaiiu
condition, the whole bent of his taste was in the
"I'eclion or Biaiuy power, hks ui hu),iu"
e. nr.
back iu
thrn uoods are comnriscd 12(10 chairs. 100 marble
top tables, 100 sets of castors, together with
niates. cuds, saucers. Ac. without numner. In
the afternoon, at three o'clock, the miscellaneous
goods will be disposed of.
for the lumber of the Fair will not be opened
until live o'clock this afternoon. This delay has
been made in order to allow the Government to
send in its bids.
A Failure-.
We regret that a few members of the commit
tee should have insisted at their meeting yester
day afternoon upon charging an admission fee
of twenty-Are cents to the non-holders of tickets
attending the sale to-day.
IfeveuatiUieyf the beauty of the Fair yet m.t he some nlausible excuse
for'sncifan act. Hut when Union avenue, the
Horticultural Department, and other g dleries of
lower rate, have been ronoeu, even to me wuhs, oi
all their decorations.we cannot conceive what evil
the Committee could have hod in view other than
tbat of reducing the proceeds f the sale to an
amount much less than mat which migut nave
been realized had the doors of tho F'r been
thrown oien to the public at large, iicnceme
I attendance this morning.
We trust that on the occasion ot to-morrow s
.lea ihis mistake will be remedied. If there are
any to poor In our midst as to be obliged to
avail themselves of this means of viewing the
(..erinr of the Fair building, in all conscience
sake let the Committee be liberal enough to en
cnnnigo them, and more than this, to give them
a utau iy welcome.
The Art Gallery
tbi rsm&ins onen. The suction sale, however,
takes place on iucsuay eveuiug, juii , at cios
o'clock. There was a large attendance at the
Gallery this morning.
We have already alluded to the consecration
in England of the ltev. bamuet urowtuer, a
negro, as Bishop of Niger. The following inci
dents of hi career are furniihed by the English
papers :
"His original name was Adjai.aiia nis lamuy
lived nt Ochugu, iu the Yorubu countrv, one
hundred mues lnianu irum tuo diki" oi douiu.
In iH'21 ho was earned oil bv tne l'.yo Miinom-
.-tuna, was exrhanued for a horse, was again
exchanged at Dahduh, and cruelly treated; was
ii,i.n auain sold as a slavo for some tobacco.
wm captured by an F.nglish sbip-of-wiir, and
landed at fSicrra Leone in 1W'2. He was bap
tised in 125, taking the names of the Evangelical
vicar of Christ Church, Newgate street, Samuel
Crowther. In 1HJ he married Asano, a native
girl, who bad been taught in the same school
with him. He was then for some year school
master of llcgent's Town, and subsequently ac
companied the lirst Niger expedition. Arrived
in England, he was sent to the Church Missionary
College, Islington, and was ordained by the
Bishop of London. In 18."4 he accompanied the
second Niger expedition, of which he has written
a very able account, lie has since been an ac
tive clergyman at Akcssa, and has translated the
Bible into Yorubu, aud hs undertaken various
other literary works of a (Slgious character for
the benefit of his Africa brethren. The nw
bishop is a strong evangelical, but has not mixed
himself up with doctrinal controversy."
W.lllsm M lla-nrd,
John J cars- ' r.
W ulluni W. CiiiiK.
Levi 14 ksoii, ,lr ,
Hi- hard II. I'oiulnsa,
F.tiM-ne IU! Polit,
Jolin Turtle.,
Cl aries W . I ;nmi' s,
( In . l r Ii llnitt.iiilt,
Fdward J. Ilejl,
Marl In I1, Jones,
II. 11- in 11 Keen,
Tho degree, of Bachelor of Laws was confer
red on
JohK Ili lhoiaer 1 ox . I .tiimra M. Paul,
'I reailwell I s vi laiul, ! Jli tii rt lilt-li e, Jr.
Ann,, II. Muln,
The degree of Bachelor of Arts ad enntlem was
conferred on
lirv. A.niiel (', Jr.
Valeilktery Oration, - - - Howard Wood.
i r... ll,i h...t iiiiv In tho benartment of InleUaet-al
and Jlloial Pliilosopliy, lo Edward T. Ilarlletl, Junior
tiai-s. ulii't,"Pillumliyol Mnturiaiisiii.
t. For the liest esaniliiatloil III flemontbatirs on tie
r-..... ..... I u. Franklin I. (Insl-. HaSllor Class.
-j i'.. !. I.... i s:.aav. Mobiect. "Heholari-hlD
I'rllirnnlve ' lo Franklin ll.Caaile.of the Senior (.'lass,
and Itohert F.. TlioiniSon, 01' the Junior Cliua, Subject,
I'ltlnia Thiile." ,. ..,,.
4 t or suis rlorlty In declamation, tn rietnrnt ;. Dickey.
H. iiIh. more, and ttrllllni A. I.sino.Ttnn. Freihuian.
I: The Henry Iteed prl.e was awarded lo rrallKlini
f . i.. u..i..... -l.u untiv. tn l.ltrarv LatMir.
The benediction was then prououueed by Dr.
Hassler's Band then closed the exercises with
some snlendid mus c. after which the vast ait
dienco separated. The speakers received with
great applause throughout.
Ahkival of WouxiiEn Soldi ebs. The
steamer -Veir Jernry tltro arrived at Kace street
Wharf yesterday afternoon, with 18 wounded
soldiers on board, direct from City Point, Va.
Many of the soldiers were minus a leg or an
arm, while some few were suffering from levers,
Ac We give a list of thoso belonging to Penn-
sylvania and New Jersey Kegiments.
John Denny, 77th P Pel r Black ,2l Pa Art
u.,, i i... Ni ..,,. i.i .t ia .iood in n i a Ail
Jas MtCliiln. l.'Ath Pa Corp (!en Marplier, Uth N J
John Aill, 1ID 1'a a l.amiierion,suii a
SkI II Mtinimon,-idPaIta Hut John K, Hlrney, M Del
J&t rt raw admlrlns etea:
If to eaup InvUlf-tia sifnai
If li- r-e a moomlns tlower,
ladita;. dying in au hour Bi.actv I
Uui liava a hnstoffVieiiitst
11 (or sire t.i make aiw ndst
It wild l,lvh-b..rn liliKid to wed-t
If a mariile atone wnea dead Wealth.
rf I" Mea threescore and tan,
W Ishlns life aa Shis avala;
K to live a llS o( pvaee;
If to die and sola- flrensa HralthI
If von wl.h a lire of aleaaurea ;
II eon value Ihla world f Iraa.qres;
It every conilTt ynn would aee,
Take aiy advtoe. an-1 wish oJ( lAras.
TVr. ssekis Health, Wraith andBcaaty,
Tou 11 h prepared Sir every duty,
n. ..r-rl n,.r..l of lir. W ILLIAM VOCHil H Hew
...... Tlis. SiAKUIAIlF. (11'lllF.. frhU-h should he read
bye-eryone Bold by hooks- Hera aanrral'r, asia at tna
llorlor a on ce. o. io oi ni n a i vr-. . , r.---
auaii;i a n uir i i
Tils Most O.siain Kvr.a I'aaD.
icff.a M'ltlve cure lo-
iioMiimiHI A. (il.F.RT. KTBIC rcitF.a, Ac.
f'omalns no Balsam, no Mercury.
, ml . ... n ..,h. ,,, iw lo ..lli'i't a rare.
Cure. In (mm Iss lo lour day s and recent rases In
" l. ntr-loor hours.'1 ITenared hv a STaduat of the
t'elveiail- of tviin.vrvania. one n( tlta luost eminent
DiM-tork slid Cr.eniists ol the prew nt day.
mo KViOHVH- xo mill lit. I.. .Ml (HASIIB WHATRVrS.
11 thnte who have ih.p:r d of si lium cured, or who
hue Is-m imiad with lialsaui C'opala,ur
mice uy ma . ,
Rent hr rnnll In a plain euvelie.
Price, wale seekuves, $i. Feuiale, t ).
rrw-T-rn P II 1 1. A D K L V H I A, O P it
Vi-::"1. kiAfciow n, ami hviuuiarows
lUkJiihOAfi. ' . i
aad after MONliA V. Mar iii. laws, ntilll fanMr antlea
! rTinad.lphls S.7.S.I. 10,11. 1J A. M. 1,11 M
i. a., vv.s. j.s. . s. n. n p.
bea.a ilrrmanlewn. I. 7 ;si 1.110 S. Id. It , 1J A. M.., 4, 4 . 6, .',, 7, 10. II. and 11 P. M.
TheS l down, ! the and trains op, do net shay
on the (iern.anlown llr.nrh
( lIKMNt'T lllt.l RAlt.BOAn.
laaverhlladelphla.s.s, 10, 11 a. M.i I, af.f-V. r,9.snd
,,i'.esVcia.n"rl'll .7 in.S.S'40, 11 40 A.M.; 1 40. S 10.
A-40.ll 4o,h'l0. and Mi-lol'. M.
Kill l (iNSlinlloi KF.S AKn KOItltllTOWV.
t ease rhllad-H4ils S, S SA, II W A. M l).8, 4X.
'l V. w VltVrtowaV. 7. , S4 II A.M ! l'-rf..
r .lot,' l . in. ,. ,...i. k u .
Till' ' , fr.ln HP Will Stop ai T. I---"' "W".
ana Conshohocken -my
Leave Pl.lladrlnhla. i'.,' s :V. IP' A.M., H, , H.H.
.' II 'a P.". ... , ,,. A.M..1.'..7.
I ra - e mills.' on. ..',--- -
anil ill, P. M. ... ,,.-,i ,w.rlnlen lenl
mv.11 ' lleil, NINTH sil l lnS-KS atre-ti.
a - , ,, is-i WI'.S T I IIK1 1 P. It l in-
Htl'lA. ,,n,,.r
ril'llinil nnnan'ir nii ' -
on and alter FK1BAV, April l.liaH.ihe Trains will la.iva
'VeJi've Philadelphia, from (he Depot, eorner n JI" HTlf
FIKKT and VAKkKt Slreota, A. M., It'll, A. M J
' -hiYa.'nh 'i'mVS thao'.ed from Kliill TF.P.N T(l ad
WA1.KKI Bireeu, lo I lllarY I IKS I' and MAKKI.r
" I'TaVe We.tChest- r.ftom the Depot, on Kast M ABK KT
l..i.7(IA.M,;4.'.A M.HA M .7 P. M .4 P. M.
'I he ca-a of the wis runs leipua iii--.,ii-i
Company (llarket slrest) will convey rasa.,ers so ami
Ironi the Philadelphia I'rpot.
I.esv l-Miadelpiila at s ;.n A. M. andJifi P. M.
Leave We.l rats A.M. and 4. SIP ;.. .,
Ii.iii. leavinu Phlla-lel Ills at H A M. and 4 30 P. M..
aril West Che-t-r ai J'l'. A. SI. and 44 i r M .e-innei'i
wlih Irnllia on tha rhllaae phia and llaliimore Central
Hailroni! air (i.xf''id snd lice inillate p , lot.
Uk4 tf llt;Mt W ISIU, l.eiW rUi- lliurii.i.m.
7 A li H A N f i K M K NTS
--v,v. t or NKV Vi:k UF.-t l
'i liH tin Oft ai 4 AtnlxiT m l I ,,tii)cl,.hi fti-il
llriiii -nA rmnpnnfrt Lhiii fi.rin riti'1tii.hUto Hem V,
Will If tm fn few, vim r
At r, A. li., mk mI.n and Amhoy , C. A. K-
r n.inr,diitl4n V
Al H A- M..via LNm4ili and Jtimny Oil . Morn Wig
Al h , M ., t'Rinili n and Jv-ry l .vJrt ( tui
Ttrkrl J
At 1 .M . fit f nt4)n anu Aiiim , (,. n A. Aoouu- W
iti'. ati.n tU
A I 2 I' . M , via aimhn and Ambir, . aud A. E - I
ri-" 1
At 1 1' M.,l niiiili ii ftml AitiIkiv, A Csim'rf1a4kin m
(I m j, lit na '--ri (fswr. l-7'
At : CM .via mini i. and Amfi-t', AC AYimvdttoil I
II LI Kill! BLOOD 11 .
Mh haelVlles. 2Ht 1'a
Michael n Price, ls4ih Pa
Hulct HinUh, IH-tih Pa
Hf.1 A Brady. tld P
Jal Bulfer, l4th Pa
Jet. a llabblli, Una Pa
Kt Jas cook, vo ra
John Perry, 1101k Pa
iThon lleurnslith N J
Jos M Casslu.M P
I Rut Fd Miller, 60th X J
'.iohn Williams, nth N J
Win Christ, ftfith Pa
Bgt J W Wallere. 141 It Pa
Corp DaM Rush, lull Pa
A "ilea, Uth Pa
N Burnett, 1st Pa
IF Cole. Mist ra
e Ai.F.s, null s, HYPHII.IH 1 1 it h:k
1IF.AI. liliKAKH. Ar.,c
Ts ofleretl the ptit-llc as a poattlvo care.
rrPltll.lN OU VF.NKRF.AL lilMKAHKH. the HAMA-
KI IAN M k(n 1 1 AND HIlIIII JUH'K. la thomoat p itent,
eerlaln, ai d eflecual remedy ever prescribed; It realties
.ml ..r.illr.le. ever, narlli'le of tha OeiS'irt lo
that the cure Is thorouwh and oermanoiit. Tako than of
no. inirlrvtrn remeitv and he nt-aled. and do not transmit
to vour posuriti that for which you may repent In titer
Ahhonri totj may he nronoane.ri Ineurahte, tlie SAM A
BITAN B BOUT ANII HKltH JCIi'KH will remove every
vesiise of Impurities I rem the srstess.aa, well as all gie hid
enecta i aieicurj.
nunm PKMAI.F.ajlt
I many amnions with which nnmiiers of Females
stiller, th BOOT ANH HKIIB JUICB moat happily
adapted, In Ulcerated Clems, in Leuoorrho-a, In hearlns
down. Falllns nf the Womb, Debility, and (brail complaints
Inrlilem to the ee. ,
Bentkysxpresa. Price tl ahnttle.orll bottles for ,i.
Is, In cases t rSyphklia, used In oonuincllen with thsBoot
and Hero .llileea. nil oireeiiona. i rice to ceoi..
1 ha eltlcacy oTthoae reinedlea la alike ackaowlodved hf
Bay.klaiia ana iistisnis. iuBj,i.iiwmn . n. m.,.
tilials, thus reslorli ft to heallh many of our hrave soldiers.
Iromihelialtimore-'Siin: " ,
"Post H.-aelTAi , Fost Msasttsr.L, I
. ' ll.lilmon.. ld.. F.b. 'ill. IH44. t
mt v.a In atatlnr that I have
rAa Asnidi-fran llemtdM for Venereal Disease In Its
most eostomarv forme ; that I hare nsed ihem with Jmlit discretion, and nroperly, and have found Iheia
...nnnd tn K v aniirliatlons tirnmptlr and effertvaUy.
Kaoerlns their composition. 1 hava Ike follust eonddence
in alMtr eiscaov. ana aa tar aa uiy his oi iswi , .
,o.nd them strongly. Ainm
"Aaalatant Hurueon tlh New York Vole."
Let It be naderstood that iheae remedies are aa recom
mended, and will positively cur tha dlaeaaea for which
""noldbT B.C.T-PHAM.
' So.7.',a. HUIITll Mlteet.
Je4.ini Bo. 816 KACE SJtreet.
Tin SKt'i.L ok Conpucii's Mounted in Gold.
With the late Ixud Elgin's collection of
Chinese curiosities and works of art, this singu
lnr relic Is to be seen at tbe salesruom of Messrs.
Christie and Munson. Wliettiir it be the real
Corp J Whitehead, 187U Pa o Hut. I4tith Pa
al w J.eonaru, ein " . . J ,.
Wm Fosiet.tHh N J r 41 lan, Hut Pa
Capt 8 Hlckey, fleth Pa 1 . o .
f. , .. .1 . ,l,n wav tin asm Nor.
1 111160 WUll UIIU uu iso J -I '
grant Henry FitKSiminons, Company G, 2d I enn-
syivania neservra, risus "I , J,
0,163d New York, and Kausoia Dodgo, Com-
puny i, isi jiaiusi.
Reception. Tbe 68tn itepment rennsyiva
nia Volunteers, which arrived in this city at an
early hour last evening, will have a reception
this afternoon at two o'clock.
The Henry Guards, Captain 8pcar, will par
ticipate In the reception. The procession will
fortu at tne balouu aiiuut i u-oiovl., proceed
to Front Street, thenco to Second street, thence
to Walnut, thence to Broad, thenco to Chesnut,
thence to Fifth, thence to Huce, thence to
National Guarils' Hall, where they will be re
ceived by tho City Councils, and afterwards dis
missed. . ...
This regiment has re-cnllsted for threo years,
and on this account have received a furlough of
thirty-five days. They re-enlisted in January,
but their services emld not be dispensed with
for a day at that time. Whem the regiment,
under the command of the late gallant Colonel
J. Hichter Jones, left this city, in Fobrnary, 18H2,
It numbered 900 men, and returned yesterday
with but 243. . . , ,
The following is a list of the officers who return
with tbe regiment: Itohert C. Hetlman, Co. D,
in command of regiment; Captain Cecil Clay,
acting Major; A'nlant, Morgan C'arrj Surgeon,
H. C. Christy; -issistant Surgeon, F.A.Nichols;
Captains Daniel F. Linn and Julius A. Hoskins;
Lieutenants Clay, liurham, Johnson, llurning-
bam, Collins, Kinsman, ana woou.
Boi'ntt to SfiisTiTiTEs. The resolution
authorizing the Bounty Fund Commissioner to
pay a bounty to each man furnished by a citizen
as a substitute, provided such substitute be
.ritii,i m I'hiUilelnhia. was called up in Coun
cils yesterday ; and Mr. Miller offered an addi
tional ne. which authorize the Commissioners
to pay a bounty of JflOO to men of one year, 0200
to men of two years, aad lf3J0 to men of three
eura. This was introduced, a Mr. Miller stated.
to meet tbe case, should Congress pans finally tbe
bill now before it, authorizing calls for one, two,.
ami three years. Tbe ordinance was auopuxi.
At tha aama time, an ordinance passed Common
Council creating a Hi, of three millions for the
pat ment of bounties.
DisonDKBi.T Yot Tin. For tome time
gang of tmuU boys, whose ages range from ten
to fourteen years, have been In the habit
of Erabbiiiit handkerchief from tho hand of
; poMienirer While passing along in tno cars,
at-xt writ aiimaNiiKMP.NT.
TIIBOl (111 IN TWO UOI'ltS!!!
Vamp Irftln. d.llV to AllaHtiC OltV.
On and alter MONDAY, July 4, trains leave Vins street
Ferry as fellows
stall, 7'w a. n. . . .
rreliihl.wlih passenger car sltsched.n 15 A. at
Kpri'i.s (tlirouKh In! honis) 114 P. M.
AilamK aeeommmlatlon. 4-lft P. M
Junction Arcomni Hlallo,A :i0 P. II.
Aoemmoc'a:lon (Atlantic) i Vi A. at.
Kipiess, J l A. M.
Frelsht, M'AOA.At.
Mb-! . a..,.. a.A
- a.. tiu,.ti &i-isti Unimii Trln Thbeis froedonlv
for Uie duy ana train on winen tna are is.u'o I 90 vo.
l HA tiAinranr ic.1.11 jnan-.,
LeaveVlne atiael 10-11 A. M. and 1 00 P. M.
Laave lladdouQi Id l'4o P. M. and'i 46 P . At.
Mall t'aln for Atlantic leaves Vina streat 1 30 A. M.
, .-.. A(1...,IA A-AK P. M.
1ao-tr JUUS . nnmni, mmrni.
iri,. k.. whlk wa. mada la.t vear has entirely dlsap
Beared, h aving th beach on of Uie must dcUk-hllul on
the coast. . . .
ronyT 11 ii.'.iiil.T a,
w.MMnt Tlk.i.l on tbe 'Jd. Hd. and 4th of JulV.
will be good la return on any tram ou or ueiore wc
skull of the celebrated philosopher aud moralist , yei-ti r3av an excursion train passed through
of tlie celestials er not, it is converted into a very ; Miinaj
cniameulal object by the clever design and
wurkmaiialnp of the Chinese. The strange
iovn,'"" object is mounted in pure gold, on a
caskeor "box, -!vl rest upon a triangular
stand of gold elaborately chaned with the
Chinese conventional cloQut and some very gOuu
scroll work, with a rudu kind of cherubim at
each angle; its weight altogether 77oz. (Mwtfl.
It may be reaiembered in tho Chinese Court of
the Great KxLihiiion of 18t!2, and was taken
aiuongi-t the lot at ibe Summer l'alace at Pckin,
by oueol Kane's Cavalry. The cover is of gold,
and oruiiuiciitcd with the same work, studded
with a lew iewels. Mr. Warren suuxest8 that the
ornament of the clouds is lutein led (o rcpres
thc region to which tho soul hC flo
there guaided by tho celestial f ' ?. ,,,
this skull being a veritable r
dence is sgaiustit; It
nuality ot toiiH
navurilr. when these lads succeeded in rrliev
loir . mm, Ivor of children of their hand kerchiefs
I while waving them from the windows. S lie ob
I ject of the young offenders is to secure what
money may Le tied up in the comers. Tbe
police arrested f urKen of the gang, and they
' were held to answer.
I Curr.i.TY to a Child. A woman residing at
Blxteenth and Junes streets, was arrested yester-
i duy upon complaint Ji her neighbors, ehiirged
' :.t. ... 1. ... 1 i...... tr 1. nlloirml
I wiiu. erueiiy iaj lime uauuuvc. - "'-" .
tliut she kt"' ,i0 little girl con'1.!!;'! iu k garret,
.ni' T'viafeu to give her half enough to eut. The
.ni'.d "when rescued was so weak as nut to lie
' able to nan 1. Tbo unnatural mother was held
. for a further bcuriag.
1 Bt-n.DiNO rtiHHiT. The following will exhi
bit the number of permits issued by the Building
-.' rstmu'iiiili I WF.ST JEKSEY HAll.KUAU
K3LW"1ji:r'l-K's (ViramencinsMONDAVflun
.11, i.lroUl ITALHI I nirvei ttiib.i.
At and IU A. M. and at 4-30 P. If.
w . b-Im. .nA II.IAs,nn .III A M and A P. IS.
PorOlaaehoro. at S, S, and 10 A. M., and 4 and raoP. M.
I or w oodburv. uloacesior, Ac at aad 0 A- M., U a.
and i and P. M.
Cane May a- Sand I1-4A A. M.andA 10P. M.
Mnivll e at 7 40 A. U.. and bl aad 'W P. At.
halrm at S A M. and l ift P. M.
t, ...... ., . 1 '. a if ( i. M.
.. Mn..dii :i a u 1-HOlnJT M P. M.
Wdbury at T.T'-aO and M A. M., and 1 o0,-J, & Wand
S I. p.m.
tub- west .ir.nai.-v KXPBKRSI COMPAVT,
ns No A WALNI'T Street, will caU tor and deliver
Basnase, and attend to all tha usual branches ol F.ipresS
business. oev Article! taken by H A. M. lines only,
and must be sent to tha ofllce th evening previous.
Perishable an h ies bv Oils line mast be sent befors 4a
A, M. A enecml meaaenser aceoiupa. lea eaco wsin.
aiySl J. VAN BBBSSKLAJiB.BuporlnUiUdent
( AD For BP.TiII.KHKal,
Aiiiii riiiSAf. thaiNis
On and after lttlNDAY, June IS, l--t. Passenrer Trahn
ui u,... the naiKt. i lliali Htroat. above liunnp-
son street, rbiladaluhia, daily (buudnjs excepted), as
'"t'a ' m. (Eipreaa) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Maueh
,.". W llhesoarre, W lllismspon.
tith a " ( Aecommod.t-o.. 1 for Dovlestnwn
1014 AM. (Ac7UUatlo) u.'.' Fort waanington,
S P. M. I Aceonimodatloti) for Doyle.
4 P. at (Bapresa) for Hetnkhea), Ea'100'
4-16 P. M.(Mall) lor liotleslown .,.,.,
1 11 P. M (AceomiaoaatlonJ for BullHchew, av'ntown,
S lor1. M.tAcenn-niodalloiO for lansdahs.
11 P. M. (aceenimoila'loa) loi lort Washington.
I save Bethlehem at A M. ,). si., aid 07 P.M .
lH.j h slow n at li 40 A. AI ., 43 P. M ., and J P. M .
1 oil WaaUliigluii at al 9 A. M. and 2 P. At.
Philadelphia for Bethlehem at A. M.
l'hiiuei,bi ft,r Duvleslowu at s p. ht
Jipyloslown fiif I'l;!dal"i-'- u j.. A M
Belliih :roilu.1elp'hla at 4 P. at.
I's Itacusce Express will call fof And deliver
bvni-lie at the depot. Orders may PC Mil at no. itn a.
TimtB .r..t. ELLI8 CLABK. Agant.
t.A.---Sa CKM l lfAl, H SII.IIIIAO,
li'l. i.nrAT Dtit lll.F I It Ai K SIHllir in"
TBF, WEr. MIKI IIWI.-si , A P"H lH"r.-.i.
F.'inlalneliia and (a, nines lor II e safe, .pecrtl, a-id cm-
firii.hle irnn-pon.iloii ol pas-eiiitprs. ucsurpassed oy any
rout'1 lu ibo conntty.
Ttttllis MO-e llie llepol at t.l.e,. I.AIU aim a.-.ioo
Street.. a. foil-. wa:
AlnllTram at 7" A. U.
l ast Line at ' f'?
T lo'ikli Fapieta at " -
Parke.hnrg Train, No. 1, al . w
Parkeamns Train, No. 7. ai po-l P. m.
Ilarrlslo.ri.' A, coioinodallon at s-r-i , n
l.amxater I rain a' "0 P.
Paoll Areon-nioaallon (leaves West I hlla ). at l- 'SI r.
1 hr- nth Pa.rnrers bv the Fast Line reaen sio-ona ior
snpt -T. where Will he tonnn ekoeiient aei-.iminoo.ii m. mr
the nil ht ai Ihe Logan House, and In the moriilnir atav
take ell her the Philadelphia or Itaitltnore F.l're.-,a, each of
wMi h n-alies conrei't'.on. a- rnisniiri.' ror an eo n'"-. s
d.-Hplit lew Is thus artotd-dof tha enllre line and Its
nissnlfli'ent seenerv.
be ihroiuli r.spress irain runs uaur, au 111a wio
trains daiiv. eserpt Hi-ndai a
Full I'll THIIUKII A!Sli llie. vr.--i.
ThS Vail Train. Fast Lino, and Through r.xpreae coa-
nert at Plttsl.uiir with ihroash ttalnaenall dlvei:lnK roads
from thai polnl, horih 10 thu Lakes, ivesi to tne "i
sipplsnd .Mls.onrl Hivers. and Mouth and Honthvrcit lo
all Dolota aeeessllile by railroad. Thmtlah Tlrk-'a to
ajlevrlend, Detroit, I hle.po, Ht, Paul, Columbus, tnillan
apolls. Loula. Leavanworlh, Kan-as, Whsehns, Doy-
toti, (.Tnrliinatl. l.oulsvine, Lauo, ana mu uuier inii'w
points, and hnrraire cheeked thr, ui'h.
l.'.IIIAt.a IHIA.-s- a B.o-n,i.i',
Th.ThrAn.kV.nfM.. le.vme at III .SI P. If.. OOnnfietS
at lilalisvilie Intersatilon with a traiaon this road for
IMa'T'-vllM-. Indiana, Ac.
The 1'hroui.b Exi reaa Train, leavinu al 111 an r. sa . 00a-
necls al Cresson, at 104 A. M., with a train on the r -a-I
for Fhrnshurg. A train also leavaa Cresson for Bbenshurg
at S 4k P. M.
11(11. LlllAT MISI Kll lllta-si;il IS'iAir.
The Mall Train at 7 If A. M., and Througlt Kxpress al
Ke; 0 P. M.. coimei.'t al Altoona with trauisfor lloiudays-
btirIs'7''(0A.M. , ..
TlSOK ASH ei.r.Slirir.UO nioiro.n n n . i.-... ...
Tha Tlimnaa K. --. i r.i". i..ruia ai 10 .-or. frt . r-ip-
b..m .t 1 ,in wno a train ior nanuv 11 mu noil riinoi,-,-
hiirg.aud by Bald Eaulc Valley Ballroad for Port Matilda,
jaile.ootr ann nrni't-iur. n..,.r..t.
Ill .STIMillUS ASP nauso ivr,
Tk. Thrmi.h k.nre.. Train. leaTlnir al IU 110 P. M.. eon-
peels al HiinllnifdoB with a ualn f r Hopewell and Uloody
Uim .1 a hlt A M
r.l.lK KAII.lllaiin.
in Knnliiirr. Willi. miiKirt. Loek Havm, Blmlra, Ito
chenter. Bntlalo, and Bls-jara Falls, paai ni(ers Uxins III
Atall Train ar TVt A. St., ana rue inrou-in -c-ipr..--. e
1(1110 P.M.. dally except Hiindaya, go dlreelly Ihroiuih,
without cnange 01 cars ooiwecu i-uuaueipuiw !-.
uamspon, . n . ,pt-n,,nt,Dii . I
er IU1IA, tifln", s. i. . ano --r-i ,- ,
leaving at 8 A. II. and J ai P M., connect at Columbia
with Iralnaon the No-thetn Central Ballroad.
1 11 im.-ni .ii.Lr.i nAii.n..M..
-rk. W.UTr.m .t 7-JAA.M.. and Tbrouah Exoresi al
lie: 01'. M.,eonnect at Ilairlkburg with Ualns lor carnsia
tliambersbnrg. and nasTTarown.
m.VN.'Miii nr. hiiani 11 H.ii.nonir.
Th. ( Uavlni at 7 26 M and 110 P. M-. connert
ai Downlnk'iownwlih tram oa this road to Waynesburg
., i.i.m.Hl.t. .f.lli.n..
For fmtkei tnftirmalK-n sppiy at uie ra.stnixer nana,
B. K. eornar oi BLEVICNTii and s ssssr ntr.
JAMIJI eei l-r..-.. i ivaai. Aa...-.
a a a it nonth. mt serv low rates, fhr ttie kc-
conim Station 'ol pet nana oat of town, or located on
or near u.eime ot ne roaa.
For Tf- trip beiween aby two points, at aboat two eents
fier mile. These tl, sets are inienoea ror tne o o.
iu traveling frequently, and ar of great advantage to
persons making art aaiosuii inpa.
For oe or three months, for tlie as oi scholars attending
school lu tha city.
Aa F.mlcrant Aic'inuwd iilou irala leaves No. 137
k ........ A.u lliimri.v. ..centi a I. ut S o elivcK I. sa
ottering a eoinltirtabla mode of travel to families going
W est, at one-half IM naual rate or fare, rarticiiinr
attention Is onld to bsf-aire, for which checks are given,
anillia.-saselorwaraeuoy me saiua iiaiii p...w.a---
i or run inionuaiion. appiy to
FBANCIS FUBK, Kmlgraat Agent.
No. 1,17 HCKJH Mtreet
-u. wx."a nmniliR r.VfKKSri.
i. mi. ...ii.hla F.arwss Coinoanv will pass
thronsh each trsln before leaching the depot, and take ap
.i,. ... .i ,i.i,. ts uir sirt Uiealiy. Ilav-
gaie will be cared lor promptly wnen oruera us ivi-.- ..-.
Fas.inatr iteoot. XJawnui wi.u ...-o-o.
valinK public ars asaared lA'i 1- is tutirtlu rtiponMOli.
By this rotate fttlghts faildeaerlptlonaeanh forwarded
to and from any po.nls on tlie rallroaoa of Ohio, Kenlui ky,
i..u. iiitnAi.,Iii. Iowa or rallr.iad
dinel.o'r lo any polnion lbs naylgahle waters of the Wast,
by steamers from Pltisbnri.
The raloaoi trelshi mend (Tom anv point la th west
by the Pennsylvania Caiural Bsllroad are at all times aa
... i.i. - . , hv other ItaUroad Cnmnanles.
Merchants and shippers entrusting the transportation ol
their fieltht to thla Company cau raiy wiui .oiiauao-.o m
Fof'ftlgtii"urraets or stilpplng 4lrclJons, apply to o
address llie Asenta oi ma s ompany .
8 B. B I N41BTON, Jr.. of Philadelphia
1). A BTEWABT. PlUaburg.
-I .UU A .VI .bl..o
I.EM II A CO , Bo lAstor Uous,er No. 1 8. Wllllata
street. Niw -lork. , .
I K F.l n A CO . Kn. 77 Waahlngton straat. Boston.
WILLIAM BKUWN, No su North street, BalUmore,
Agent Korthern C.nU-U Ballw-sy. j( n ,I0r8T0w
General Freight Agent, Phllad-lnhli
General Ticket Ai-nt. l-hll idelnhli
Cleneral fluperlnteudent, Altoona, Pa.
(FtelL'ht and Pa-f-enrerl. 1.1 Class TO-kett
IA I li,-- do ,
At 71, I'. M.. s la ( atofl.n and Atat.iy A o-nomoda- .
I on rrrol-.Lt and l'a..enier), l-KTass Tk-ket 7 IS
d la-s do r'
ForMsinli I'hnnk, Allentow-, Pellilei,--to. llelvidVr,
Fa.lott. I.smh. rv- Hie. H. niln,'rn, Ac., at S p. M.
or t iitnliib,n, Lanilierivllle, aad Intermedial sta
tion., ,M- M. . .
ior liniint Holly, Kvanaville. and A.M.,
9 ami ', I. kl
lor Freeh. Id al S A. M. end 7 P. M
Foi PaloiTia, Itlverion, Denn.o, lloverly. Bnrlln-rton,
Flteoie, florrti i to n . Jtr , at S . M.,1'1 M..I, t .ft
aniISP M. Hie Ml and t p. M. lints run direct through
to 'I'rililon.
For Pshiiyra.lllverton.Delanco, Beverly an Barlhif
tn si t 1. M.
stennilmat Trenton, ft.r Rrl.tol. Iiiirl'neton, Beverly,
Torrcsilsle ana I ii'"n , i p-:io a it aoil -i .n i. M. , t mom k t.SMl .w I I'JI lii.rui
III leave as I, Ito-r. : '
At 4 A M , (ntrhilvia hensinston anu j-iaw i ore.
Wash n. toll and -sew loi a siai w XJ
At ll ilA.M..via BenslngloB and Jersey I Ky a. a-
ore.s aw
At 4 SUP. .M. via Kenslnston Slid Jerseyciiy Ex-
pres. aw
At s -w p. M. Ha Ki nslntl. n and Jersey City,
Wa.hini-ton and Mw iora r.pie.. "
o I., o.,.. ,.... .ill II and li (S P. M
sor Wati-r (lap, stroiol.hnrir. -scraoton. w na.soarre,.
lonlro-e, ureal Bend, Msnrh Chunk, AllomowB, Betkia-
lii m. I.i, I- mhioii, ,Hini,erl iHo, Flemlnirtoo. Ac., at
7 1 A.M. Tkla line rotineeia wlis the train lea Vim -
Fa.loii for WanehCliaak al a .si r.
For Flittitl il, n, LallllHTIvllie. auu interioeoi-wo mm
tlonsatSP.M. , ..... . ....
lot I rsnloo, c. at no ana u u a..,iiih
f ' .. . ,
lor Holm-sbtlrg. rarony, w l.sinommK, nrioi-soorg.anc ,
Fnii krotd. at s A M., ;,, S 4-'. and S P M. The V A. X.
I ion n,n. tn llrl.lnl.
t"lor a Vork, sad W'av Lines leaving Kiusalnglon .
1 ei.ot.lski the canon Flllh' stnet, abnva W alnat, ha
ar hnortiet'ore -trr-nrttfe Ihe Cars run Into (ho ftepot,
and en arrival of each Train, rim rmm lae negiot.
Filly ponnOBtK hnsai-e oniy a-io. e eao.o MM-n.o
i-aaseni'-re are prolillntnil from laauu aio ining aso-ap.
ciife hut Ihslr wenrli-g ap"i'ei- au omwi-'ib -i-"r no,
tounds to he pee I r etra. Tlie Coiapuny Mmlt tliall"
retpotiaihillty lor hsiraane to line Dollar per pound, aad
will nil na liaoie ior any araouiu u.j. ,"', . -. -
spi elal citll aei. ... .
(irahnin-. Bmrrsfe Fvpre-s will call for and 4e'lr"rh"-
gHie at th Dspois. Orders lo lie leu at o. laisio
,:,tri WM. H. UAIV.MEB. Agent.
ll-i'lS iltOM BFW YOBK FOR flllLADRLrRU-
Wll.l. LKAVK.
rmm fed ofCootiland street at 17 M. and 4 P.M., via
Jersa- Cily snu camoen : at t ano jo s. j-ao a . wn".
i. j v',-i.. .. .1 ....... i ii v .od ki.n. In. bin.
Fretn loot of llarelny street, at 6 A. AI. and F. M., via
Amhoy and Caiiolrn.
from ller Bo. I, North 1 M.,4 andt P.M.
(Frclltht and 1'' vim auiuoy anu -oaiau.u.
fjpg York and all tlie sta Ions on the Camden aa4
AuiImiv and cnnni'Clliig Railroads
l.,il. ..... liUBD. TOll . ,
A .v.o--.a l. .r. v,
TLCmrii. ...a Aiolioii u.iiroid and Traassortallot
Compaey'i, Frelnht l ines fo- Few Yo k will leave Walnut
sir-et wharf, on and anr Janaary S, dally (Sundays a
ceptedl, at 4 i.Yleek P. M.
Beturtdng, tbe alKire uno wm leave new -as a
"i relBlimust be delivered bafhre ii t-M. to ba far.
warded the sam day. ' ' "'
Freight for 1 renloli. rnr.wtoo, iiingiiii- J"
wlek, and ail po.nia on the Cairn' ea and Amhoy lUllroadt.
.l.n on tl e II, l. lili re. lie awaie. nr d Flrtulngton, Hie law
Jersiy.S)iFnehold snd .laa e hnrg. and the Bnrhngtom
and Monnt Holly Kallroans. rei-eivru ana niewai-uou
li , vi clock P.M. Bmall packages ior atouua sw
celv- d up lo 2 o eloek P. M.
The Belvldere Delaware Baltmad eonneets at Phllttp-hnri-wlih
the,h Vallev Bsllp.nd. Th Bow Jerscf
urn n-M ...upi. . K.iixalieib with the New Jersey
cential Kallnd, aud at ewark with th Morris aud'
Kssex Ballrosd,
A slip memorandum, specifying th marks aa-S nm
hers, ah'ppers and eonsten.ea, tnai-tta ovary Instance b
sent wilh each k ad o4 gooda. or no reoelit will In glvan.
lncriared lacllli es having been made rorthauansaor
tatlon of LIVE STOCK, drovers are Invited to trytkl.
"when stock Is ftirnlsh In anentltlce of TWO fAB,
LOAliS or more, It will lie ueilverea ai ine mo-ioi ro-
street, near th nwvn laros, or at rirr i-u. i, J-otM.
Rlver. aa Ilia taippera mav oc.irnaie ai in-s iiu--..-.
shli.Bient. w A L I KK r ittsKiuAts, rTautris V-
JIM. 4UO n i - -
UtO. B. RAYMOND, Fnlabt A Bant.
Ja5-tf rier tio. 1 .North Blrsf. Haw York.
O-a and after Hl'NDAY. Juno 19.184.
Paseaar-r traina leava PklUdelphia for '
Baltimore at 4 so ( Bit-Teas. Mondays gssls 4), A.I
17 M-, t'80 and I0-B1 P. M. .
Cheater at b ub, us A. at., tno, a eo, a , vs
to u
Wlimlturton a't 4S0 rMondays eie-etrtedl, 40, U-l
A. M.. I'SU.S'BO.t'W.S'OUBI-SU and II 11 r. J.
Sstt l SHIN) si sin a. a. sna , ei c, w,
Dover ai S i n A. M and 4 P. M.
MUford at 8116 A. M.
BaBsboryatS-dt A. M. " .' '
Laara Barhlnua-o al IU, 40 A. M., tlUffM), -la , 1
t-J.-, and 107 P. M. .... ' ' Tl
Wllmlnston at 1 4,45, A. M., 1M4.1, l ,4,4a 1
I SO aao to r. XT.
BaHsbary at l isi r. m.
Mlllnrd at 3- P. M. ..
HoreratS im A. M., and 4 M P. M.
Bew'aallaa(SA.M.andP.M. '
Cbeatwat7 4,'40A.M.,l W,-aa,4 44, 440. 414, -
'Leave Baltkanrs n Sidlskwy and tntensiedlaaa statloa
S!,vePBiKiinorf.wl)ovrn4 lntrmBaU sUttoM al
IWt.M. ......,.
TltSi .-n r --iv i . . ' , -.,,,-.
Laaye Chester ai 8 40 A. M..S andUOSP.M.
Crave wtlmliKtoa at H0, 11 A. M., 4 a ntt
P- M- . . . ... r. ...X-A
Fr-nignt Train, wita ...n---Ti v. am -...-., -
"lalTwiteliiglosi Ibr PwryvBI an IntwmaiBasa lao
"s'tHDATB i-4Mly at 4-40 A. M.. 1040 1. J4, feoa Pb
dehlA to Baltimore. .
pSom Phaadelphla to WllmlnrBi" at 440 A.M-iri aa
U'OUP.M . . ....... ..... w
From Wffmmifton to r-uisnwus .
, I ' IB piiuouii. . ...u. ..
r m
roi-j ai in u B. M.
On and after MOVDAY. Januarv 4. INS4. the Trains for
V ew York . leaving K enslngioa Det-ot, Philadelphia, at H' 17
jk M. ( night i, ana iw i . ss., ana tne traina leaving tsew
'ork ai a A. Is . and 7 SO P. M . will herealler be run at-
cluslve'y (Or th Dulled Hi. li s Mulls and New York aad
W a. Motion Passensers, and will not tak la n Jr let out
anv passengirs between .aidchlea.
the 10 A. M. and 14 Midnight Lines from New York to
Washington, and tile 111 A. M.andtP M. Ijliea from
Washiiikton to F ew York, will continue as at nn sent, and
car v ps.aengers to and fr m tha Iniorinedlai stations
and Baltimore, w aahlagion. aud New Yoik,
,,, TtlkW OllK.
L!Lr. lei-., wm. A-iom. r.n. K.ntlnulnB lie not. al
U' A. M., ('It'll -4fiP M and ffM mail I -nt, and
irom Walnut mre-t Whan (via Camden), at and A.M.,
17 M.,4 ami ii l'. M .for Bow V-r.
And leave New Yor. Horn lootof Courtlandt Ueet, at
7 A. M., in A.M. ,17 U.,4 and 6 P. M . "' 17 luldoignt,
and rrom foot of Barclay sin ai t 4 A .,'" ' ..,,
jai l M. A OA fHBHi .-"i'
lltie IT TRPNK I.IWa-l
Isv the roo,h'i ieot, at TIllRTEKKTIl an
CALlLwHILL Btrrti, IflclfW, at th IbUowin,
hoars l t
At 414 A. M.. for Beading. Lebanon. RohraU, I.ltf.
Coluuihia, Hnrristmrg, Poii.vllle, Ptne-irove, 1'amaiiua-.,
mitihiiry, w illlatni,io--t, Kimlra, Hoeheater, Niagara Fa'i
lluil.lo. Allenlown. Wllkoabarre. Plttalou. Yotk.C'arUs
Cliainbersburg, llagersiown, Ac I
Tlie train counsels at b LADIMO wilh Bast Pemsaylvali
Bla Ballroad tralus for Allentown. Ac, the Beading an,l-&
t oinnioia waiiioao ior a-i-niBia, I4in, anil -L-oiHi-Buia, aiei
with Ike Libanon Valley train for Uarrlshurg, Ac: al PelkT
CLINTON wilh ( a'Bi... Ballmail traina ior Wllkesbsrro,
WllPanisp-nt, lk Haven. Kiraira. Ac; at IIARIIIB
Bl KUwIlk "Nortr.ere Cealral." Caini-erlaod VsUay,"
and "fu-bitylklll and Hnaouehanna" trains Bir Northuta
berlaad, WUlluusi.irt,York.(.'hamboraliu-,Pii-awiov, A.
AtThKN'-Q;; "tAr,s.-,a
l eave r.'-i4(ltilil 4 P. M. lor Beading, Pl
vllle, Tlni.r,w, tigirisbnrg, Ac, eonnertiag at Harrta.
bin g with l-tansvlvan a Central Ballroad traina Ibr Pitt
burg, ., Northern Cenltal aHn-ad trains Ine Hualmry.
Biitlhumb.rlnd, Eimlra, Ac, and at Poet Clinton wllk
Ca'kwL.a Ballroad iraUis lor Milton, WllllmaB-rt,U-
Too . HnllAln. Ar.
leaves Beading ut is A, M , slopping at all way sta
tions, err run In l'hl.' U i-U A. M
lletlitnlng. leave. -hllsdelhlk St 4-00 P. M. arrlvM la I
R.B.iInu ai s in P. M. -j
Traina i. r Philadelphia leava Harrlahrtrg at H A. BL. and I
Potiavllle alii lo A Al.. am-lug lu riiii.orlUta at jtf
I'. Ja aim rnoontrao,. i-ave iiarti.nnrH al a r, a. "otar
Ulle al t an 1-. M.. arriving in Piill.ileli-)ig a i u M' J
Market trains, wilh a pa.ia iKsr , alla-hcd "leal
Philadelphia at 1 P. M., for mT'llZJm,
. ..... ....1 r.u.L.1 minALruf ua
jjiiirmi .v--.--,-, , ir-i-.iion of Biaiilr power, I eats oi p
The Bntl-slavery celebration on the roBrtaJ Vw,,, g-Uon .and daring euterprit
. ...i ...i.t..k t... .ni.n.llv ni-i'Lirvil at Its. 6vi,. ' . .i .... .. I. ......... 'u I
I juiy, wm-u -"'"." - - -t i Li. 7 not on ly uerur smuh. uwdo . v-..
.liiuliMui. Massachutetu, will be outitted this ......Xw nv..x evta aaw a race or race-
Vear. ' ( iw VJ" fmin reading, conversing, ana tne
r ., ,rvili. .L..1. . ..-i.i...: T .1.. ..Llll
oprovlvx, "-iu iiiiairi'iaiinu muu a siuguwi !
Tha Pacific Methodist College In California
flourishing. It u sUblished If the M Jlho
dist I liunli .South, aud id ituatd at i.acavliie,
fcul.ino ctiuniy. .-.... 4
In reT,v
from Bor-. (Vi dettcriDtlve fact he gathered
the best M-uoially favored people, be wrote
fieargd. . 1 XU lierby that ha ever ap-
..a(?ons. As to
.ic, we fear the evi-
.. so Ruiiill, that unless the
. i. .vol. i am uiu iuiii'.iuiu. .ui'w
exeeiieus. v.... ,.,io,i u .iii,.int.
, , II VIIHIU ll'll 11.1V LIIM.U.I... h ...... . v.. -
)'TliD ,,M coliticiion to represent the iitiantuiii of
onniition. he found that the skull did not till sheds, 2; storehouses, 2 : sta c, 10 1 ;or0Sl
It bv fully seven eiirlltlis ot an inniumo mus, wisi,iii.--
..wl a ho If Ineh In the Small diiLmeU-T. 1
r- ! Inspectors for the month of Juue : Dwellings,
lit 8.BOiry,69; 2-stury, 44; 1 -story, 7 total, UQ;
of bakehouse, 1; church, Jj ooai h-liouscs, 2 ; dye-
houses, 2 i lactones, iu ; engines, ii um
i 1 i Ice-
and a hulf Inch In the small duimeUM.
A lomailo and ball storm, with a track hulf
a mile wide, wrought do-druclion with the crops
in Bethel, Maine, last week. Mituy farmer lost
every growing thing.
The Pojie's censor has adiled a lare number
of new works to the list of the explicated.
Anions them we notice "The Lite aud Work ol'
I'aiseHoeb Railway. A resolution passed
Common Council yt-btetduy, fciittCaling th Com
mittee on I-aw to report to Councils an ordinance
supplementary to an ordinance "renulutinj? I'as
reiiKtP Hallways," tlxing the annual license of
each car in advance of thu aum now paid, equiva
lent to oue cent per each passenger curled
duiliig tho year 1W13.
Inlbeasb in tub I'bicb op Oa. The City
Solicitor is of the o-'fon tl... ,iie Board of
An original manuscript, in the handwriting I Tntti-es nf the 7-i,n.,.i..i..i.i.. r, have a
of Wailanie de Maintitiiin, has recjntly been Ui. ! ngbt to Increase tha n,ce cf B without the
covered at Caen, containing rules for the Kuvoru- I fiSisent of Cltv Coupi!
ment of the celebrated Institution of St. Cyr. cuiiunt ot t.iiy t-oureill.
-Thee.rliestmlni,iture.iuexistencelu ! fc 'TV 0 CmXT LZ
script books are in the form of small, si-mire 01 G lm' . College wer elected by CjuBciI
drawings let into the text without ornamental ' yesterday .fteruoon. Select Branch elected
"''i1llli"i,'31 rillLABELPHIA
AUa-r r--Stt-.?--l Ak'll Vkll.' llAII.HOAD
ThtfTT'si luf tiavirsHiho Korthiia and Nvrthw..
ci amies nf Pi ansvlvanla t-he. eity . f Krie oil I a k " Krle.
II hasbeenl Hi) hi lh P tjIBSl I.VA.M RAII.IWAII
CtlMI'AhY, a-d IllnVr Ihelr aa.plee IS being rapiuy
IV . ,'' '' TW and uowiunguiwa at U-Jur I
ii. r 1'nl'adsli'' '.. .nd all way al'oaa. I
U lb auo-r trains run dvlh, SuiidayAexeoated. ' 1
1 nunilav Irsins leave Potlsviile St 7JU A. M.. and PLIlac
eelelilaalS'UP If. I
Passem-er. lor llownleutown and I'llernipiliata anlulg a
opened ihroutihnlit It. vtulr lentlh. rttuulli from Dowllingtoiru at 4 4U A. M., aud lJ14
ftrft STEAM WEI.KLY TO LIVKR-JJJ.ilLL-as.pool,
lou-htng at 'nMnttown. Cork Harbor.
Tlieei li-nionn sleaue'4 0. litm Liverpool, New York, and
Philadi iplda aioain mn" fonipauy are Uiwudedto aaU
lolloWS '
(UIY D'" MANCIIKHTRH. Saturilay. July 2il.
. t (IF lAIMHlN, Baturday, July Uth,
CITY OF llAl.TIMiillK.Katiirila.v. June Idlh.
Ami en rv aucctxdiug Saturday, at nueu, from Pier BO. 4
Korlli Uiver.
Payable In Oold, or iia-iulvaieniia Currency ;
Flr.l Cabin -(l(l Kleer-ige 41 00
First Cabiu to Lon4oo M 110' Hleeraye to London ... Sl'tSl
First Cabin toPntls ... n HteerAne t , Paris 'W
tlistl ubintolliimhurg HP- buorage lo Hamburg .. S7 UO
l-assant-ers are also (o warded lo H avre, Bremen, Botusr
daui. Anterp.i.,i wiually low ralea. ..
Fan irom Liverpool or y ueensbiwu :-Flrat Pablo, n
tHl' tiOi. gleeraue irom l.ivarpnol and gueauatuwa j.gj.
Tlioavwliewishuist'ud fr Oisir Iriuuds sail b Uol,t
V o furllior lnftirmaUon apply st Jh Co"JNln y, oftloes.
. . ..... i.'-. U- WALK. Aseu-.
So III WAl-NOr jUcet,PUiUdolpllia.
ii.Hi,i,nm lo Fmoi rlluu I M 4 miles, ou Ihe Kustern DiVI
sioo. and livui bheltlald lo Brie (,Sia hj.J.ou Uui WeaUru
Dlv Ision.
Mall 'I raw leave ."'??,' ?J
Aapress Tia-li leaveg tr -V 1 . 94.
Cars run ihro, sh si 1 1 u.a r ciiimii h uh . f,B tl,.,
trains between Piilladtlplils u4 tJ"l.U4ou,auiljelven
Bdltlinvre snd Leek fliv.-n.
F'igsnt Hl.etiiiigCsrs on ;,m Krpress Trsln both ways.
For iiikirmauon ;epectliig Pasaonver busmesa, app y at
llie W . K. co;,,er f Biavtuth aud u.ikai stroe .
And '.r Freight buaim-ss, ot the l ,mu""s Anentt
'.',. B. Kiiins:ou,Jr.,ornr9uilcttiUiuilJtarkit ttrtew,
J. w. Brnu.M,Prln.
J. M. DrlU, Aeaut, B. B. C. K., Baltimore. -y
Oerxral Fi eight
v oon
Leaves hew York at 7 P. M., pa .slug nc at U aaldr
Mill. t, and cnie-tm-i at H.r.i .'.urg wilh r?LUsjboa
-u.,in..A Bv ........ Iin'n. ftr I'll,. Urj.
Iteianlns Fan-ess trulu Itsvo. lrltbargwarrivaIo'f
th', r-epnsvlvni; B'V'esa trom Plusburg ai-ioa.j.
basiina tt al n so A. ai., auu airi....a " i
at 1-4S tT. bleeping ( Are a.-eompany theso tram.)
V ....... F-ltv .-id l-lllshin-a.-intliisulohan-!"
fllsl', trains for Slew York leave Harrlaborg at A. i
WJ-J P. M. Mall trains lor Harrlsburg leave atc-r
-l A- cui y7kii.t. tallft b ailroad. m
Traina leave PottsvPle al 7 10 t ' ' ; SAT
isteain-BHP I'.o, sailing tToai each port oa
tB, irom ..... Whaif above l'lr. i-ttreev
li. 11. HOftf Vh,
it Am nt. I'l.U.elphla.
I.K.H'IHX Plll'l-l'.
General Ticket Ai at.PMia-lelokla.
.Ilk-KI'IS il I'llil.S.
(.eneral Manna r.Wllllamspurt.
DrOwncd pertoo should, as soon as taken
from tbe water, lie placed on their faces wlih oue
of the aims under tlie forehead, In which posi
tion the water will more readily escape from tb
utouth, and the tongue will full forward, ke' , z
th w indpipe free. sJln
I-'.pj-lish words are creeping gnu)-
the (jeriuun language. At iiamour'
jally into
thuro hai
i:E n,k r r rr .heuen ud
Hand: aus dem
Uced that' -suiioriery" M , - j
Kugliiihen von II. Althuus."
Auirns ... ti....,.- ri... tr. I ax. and Gill.
. "' mon llrancb'selocuid Ja. V.tloswoll, Ileur
" .mmous, and Vi. Henry Bmith. t
and others do not seem to be aware that'lt-hi con
trary to law to place water trough! on tho foot
way Yesterday HljA Const ible hartou fined
several hotcl-kct per lor (his otrnce.
LotAiEi'.--The Independence fitcain Fire
1'nglno was located by Council yesterday, over
iheeto "f the Mayor. The bill location the
fpriog Garden Euf ine Company lt.
J'hllaiBII'hla, urd '0g Whart, Boston. From llrat whait
abov e FIN F. ht' M sn' urUay, J ana 75. 1H 4.
j1,a slesiP.dip gAXON. Matthews, wm aau tTomiai
,.ii,.h . .... u ' ... uu.-il.f. Jalv I. at IU oelael
A. A I no the sleauiitip auin, '--.' -
fcr Phtladelphia.ou saiaday.at4 P.M.
Tbeae new auu au-jaiaiuw a.oaws.u r' -
line, sailing Irniii eatb porl piiuclu.lly oa Haturnay a.
luanr!.a llAed at ou haU liiu piwuuus. (UiArgBd oa
sail vessels. j
E""Ue.,i.,:w-Un4 BU EpUa.dB.n.
25JpSKf KSi. Ojsvtn n. acmodaU...)
U- Ho. S-n . HBI.AWAHB Aveu.
and gwinsur Lines, via Iwlaware and
JltwSM..'- P.4UIB- thtr B-..
ft.trtl'-ih'u'h win b. taAen .a -.mod.ti,,,
tefms. .iplr b. wflXIAM M. BAJBD ACO, . 41
XIXAWAKE Avnu. - ' '
y n IJ. A 1)V, L P II I A AN U
BTiAlJ; (5-y;l.''fiXFOUI,5.''.llN(lABBANOEMK.-.T.
(fcM, and alter I WDAV, AM 1.UW.UI uaais wlU lav
MATIIISS. am. r.u,
n(,,,6 ut-so
West drove.... f' 7
ivou.lale 11
Benuell 7 10
Ghadd a Ford.. 7
IM ' L,.,".'?,??.":.'ali
Philadelphia. ..K-S4
w est n. sw; ' ,.. ...u..a I...
E'm!SLui aad Market streets, hi TltlBTY-l iltr and
WABKhr Btreeu, West Phlladelidua. Market giraat
Pas.-Jiser BMlw v c ouy l'aaiaugors to aad Iroa
PaasaualS4Ulilg7iwlth'-utchaaj;aof aars. '
lutassaittasac. .,-, woOP.WaperlaKniUnl.'
4 01
4 41
Y 10
triATloaa. a.m. p.m.
Phllad-lpbla... S HO
Wrst Cieslar.. 7- 4
W C. Jnuoli in. e
CoD-eoril S
Cbadd a ford.. st
kennalt 10 0
Avomlale Be 71
West Orov....U 1
(Hfonl BrM
h.rnln,,...S;10A M VVi.'SkAn.
lULsro,, a. S 16 A. M. I
"tiu-' Miowi... ..i. ''''''v'T,rr.'V'S";i
4 40
5 41
4 U
7 l
OeliLiieaoins-MM,,TATIOM T,0KBTII.
At 71 par cent, dlifoum, Utweea any wUi siro.
fainiiisiB ana uims.
r.ood fhr 2COS
ior laiuunc. ... ...
......,..i, ori;.f,a uw.iihs.rl.oldrso
toallpoUlls.M rauu.;. ""Lunx
tllllAl'.K TICK FT ' ' '
miles, Dm all iolnva 4 e
I , i si. n xvD KALEM It AILltO Al) COM-4v"V-APA,'Y--nDnnln
of Trains, oou
auvoona HUDAY.JaliMary 1, lo4: 4 . . . w
in.uiW.iuMt Btreet vfhaif al A. M'l"J4;oiA
frewlil 17 M. B-liirnlPg. leave Ss' a 1 4 A. IS, l A.
M 110P.M. 'htdvaj-eb .. apv;- j
B-adoo.wipi.17KwAAi;Ai;ls .
JM-tf ' " " J. TAB AtBBMSUtLA Wi iilUl.dBU.
... iin. al ua road I0 bfhriilahad
Bi-sldlngoa th nna or ' uAaia al
cards. oultlllBg taaa"-- .--.
fai. . Hxrrimrtif tickrt -
, I-kitadelphla lo pras- lpal siallona. gosnl ftir 4
Trom ' Monday, at red o ed (are, lo ba bail
H'timl&V fcLB 1 11 AM4 (i.U.IVl'1
BUsels. B-HwrnltT.
.j a daaarlplhna fcrwardod U ll Ui
, ..7T f". c.o..p.f '. asw nght dpo.,
waiow "--t.,.rj...M
.1.1.1. a. ii. mt A. U.I P.M..andl'1
Ballav. Lettaisou, itatvlaua . l'-UTUla.p-ll t
an piaiu bajwsae . -au ' "
Kia and nt beaiieliea at A- As Mi, Ban P
smiUvbi only ai is f-j. .