NsWsfl' THE DAILY EVENING TET,KGRArn.-lrmLADEY,rnTA. FRIDAY, JULY I, I8C4 s i i i t .U At, Yr I . ' A HAHY AfTEftHOOH MWSrArtf. CmCE No. 103 S. THIRD STREET. IMas Two Cwrrs Pan Cost, er Twbi.vs Cm Pan Wesl, naysaxs to the Carrier, UK mailed to Subscribers est of ISssCKty at Sit. rsoLUao pes Annua i Osn IXat.sa o SfotiTwe, hsvartaNy la Knm far u period fraacotV A3'irtsetsnts assarted at tna anal rates. A liberal Brrti.lsossot aseda tot uoa4 mtsruoa. T tTTBWSS)ssdlwasljsl. - We rseriae can hlrotif Arsowymnat rieinnienileBtlons. tuwev U li.taai.te4 tor nasertlea) mart be anthentteeted Vt naane end rHii at tn. srrtter--wot neosatsariiy fnr nbltnothMi. hut M mnnM for hie Hood raKh. Weean- atst undertake to return rejeoted Ooiaiaanhiotioita. Ts Alvnilamn, ' m ts a great tonreseo la the CVnilaMna Tn KTHnlnoTKl.ROKArH.tomD.lhMa.fto .o In nr.. al an arty boar, we urgently fwieeet that B'frrtl..maiitt mar a. eoea an tea e'elnek. if Boeesbia. to .Mum , tkaai an astertioa hi all of on editions. FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1SG4. AaiaaonMaU Tula KTtimlmgr. -' Daw Qaaaim a-rassT TnaATBB.Oheeaat street, above Twautav-T Seem aUUr. Doors apt at J. Tseoea awoaos atle'otoek. Mm. ftaawa Anew Stbkbt TsnstTaa, Area ail ant, above httk. VAereA, IAs Fortattm and Jtnny hind. Boon paa aft Tr. Certain rises et eearter te B e'elock. ' Hurani Inui Oraaa Btmsn. Carworeee A Diners Ninettes. Oaxat at T e'aeoe. TDK CHAireK Its THE A Hi's FT. The ai-cltamani la the public mind with "regttrtj to th realgnatlon of Secri-V- " , bean allayed by the t,, .utment of Boo. Willi am Pitt FsssfDix, at present Senarr-i . uub' Maine, and Chalr- maa of the Committee on Finance, In which responsible position he hat displayed signal ability, supported and confirmed by a rare Integrity and a fidelity to the cause of the nation, which has won for him the respect and friendship of his associates of all parties, even While differing ft-em his political Tiewa. It ! rourt be borne In mind ttiat Mr. Febbkndbn has oo desire for the position he has been so unexpectedly called Into, and In accepting it J be Is actuated solely by a lofty spirit of patrt- otic devotion. J . Of Mr. CjtjaTretlrement from office the - w turns muuue oi opinion prevm is. x lie newspaper press generally throughout the country deplore the circumstance, and unanU , moualy accord to Secretary Chase the high cet credit for eminent ability and unflagging and unwearied labors In a thankless and onerous position. The New York World, ' rhlladelphla Age, and Philadelphia Bulletin . of coarse could not withstand the temptation . to air their hoob In an indecent fling ,at the " dead lion." With these -Unilftnlflcant exceptions, the press have re flected the sentiments of the loyal supporters ' of the Government, which are universally those of regret and sorrow, that In the trying ordeal through which the nation is passing, the President is deprived of the sage advice id profound statesmanship of one who has adorned the national councils, and whose whole life Illustrates his devotion to those cardinal principles Which are so rapidly being erystallzed Into the organic law of the na tional Ufc. T1IK WORM NUIHANCE. - TS press and the people are coming pretty vinulmously to the conclusion that In order to be effectually rid of the "worm nuisance" we aust have the city trees filled with in sectivorous birds, and that to have the birds, nothing can be tolerated in our midst that will frighten and drive them away. We have shows that before the squirrels were admitted lot our public squares we had plenty of birds and no worms ; and the rational Inference is that the birds and the squirrels cannot agree together in peace and harmony. . TVrefore the question to be decided seems to stipe Itself Into this formulary : Shall we hav the squirrels with the worms, or the birds withott the worms f Nobody, we should aJliLnk,tould hesitate for a moment in such a choice? The squirrels are of no imaginable use In the city parks, and we never could see the sense of Introducing them at all. Except that they have a profuxion of hair on their tails, we can discover no more beauty in them than In a rat While, then, they are neither useful nor ornamental, why should they not be exterminated t , They might be endured if they were harm less, even though they are useless ; but they are positively injurious. They keep away the birds by destroying their nests, and otherwise amnoylng them ; and the consequence is that our city trees are covered every spring with fresh brood of caterpillars, which eat up the foliage, and deprive us of the grateful beauty and refreshment of our lntra-mural groves. - It has been suggested by one of our con temporaries that the Municipal Councils ahould make an order to have wren-boxes placed In all the trees in our public squares ; and the argument In favor of the measure Is, that the wren In so small and can gut into its Beit through so tiny an aperture, that the quirrels cannot possibly disturb them. This la very well as far as It goes, but It does not go far enough to meet the evil to be corrected. Even If it wer true, as supposed, that all that b necessary to secure the residence in our city trees of the bird, la to have their nests said young piotocted. the proposition i only a comprnmle with the nuisance to ue abated, ouj like most all compro- BqLs, it Is of very doubtful expediency. It is by no mraan certain that the wren, even provided with quarters impenetrable to the i j i i . . i 1 1 a.euinreu, woiua mnaDii places wnere uo vmer tcan come, and where even they are liable !annd by a swarm of wild rats, which 4txua to be inimical to every form of animal ilie except a flast of nasty and destructive irermln. I The truth is that the squirrels are'the cause J of the worm nuisance, and In order to cure that wo must strike it at the root that Is, ilea ont utterly and forever the squirrels. (Therel nothing like radical measures when 'you are earnestly lnWnt on getting rid of any annoyance whatever. FlraVaarn, If you can, vhbt really produces the vdachlef to be Remedied, and when that la ascertained, go In ? r Its nromnt am AWoorh extirpation. All t .urG,.Aort of that are umt worthy of con ization. ' " . ' 1 It to more than probable It la cefataln that ' Me the squirrels are allowed to reunain la ""y we hall have but few if any'aMrds, 9 w succeed In getting the blrdsVto 'V to tbplr old haunts in our pauiiVe We tho worms. This tuaA '" in mora respects than one, ' not unworthy of the speedy TH AT or I.IYItt. We have happily a few pleasant patches of woodland, acattored here and there In our city, and why should thpy not be made availa ble to the nttermoat for the good and salutary purposes they were meant to serve f Why should we be kept oft the grans, limited to gravel walks, and forced to sit on low stools, as the only alternative of keeping perpetually on our foot Much advanced as we are In some respects beyond the communl les of the Old World, they understand the art of living vastly better than we do. The fact Is, we do not soora to value life at all, or at lot very littlo for its own sake. It apparently never enters the heads of the mans of American, that thrlr brief stay upon this globe has any other proper end than to toil, to scheme, and to sutler, in order te amass money. Wealth Is the object they are perpetually and eagerly driving at, and yet when they have got It they appear to have neither the disposition nor the ability to enjoy it philosophically. It Is otherwise with the societies over the water, or with the educated or better portion of them. To live not exist physically merely but to make life a scene of moral and Intellectual pleasure, sweetened by domestic comfort and affection, endeared by personal friendship, enlivened by social courtesies and sympathies, embellished by elegant accomplishments and tastes, and diversified by refined ain"'.s::ts7 Is the malav'-ui oi aspiration and effort with ple on the other side of the Atlantic. iey labor, they struggle, and they plan and plot as we do bore, to get riches, or rather competency ; but they do not covet and grasp at gold for the mere love of gold, but simply for the human and social, the sensual and spiritual, enjoyment It can purchase. Life with them has a positive worth of its own, to which all laborious effort is made subservient, and its fruition Is infinitely varied and ex baustless. They delight themselves In literature, In painting, in music, In sculpture, in architec tural art, In fetes, in dramatic exhibitions, in zoological and botanic gardens, and all out door and In-door hospitalities, pursuits, and recreations. They work, but they do not work perpetually. They give a good part of their time and thoughts to those diversions, without which the law of labor would be In deed an unmitigated curse, and existence an odious burden. Mrs. Stow a confirms us in this view by the following description of a scene she witnessed In one of tho popular resorts In Paris. She says : "After visiting the Luxembourg, I resorted " to the gardens of the Tuileries. The ther- " mometer was about eighty degrees in the " shade. From the number of persons as M sembled, one would have thought, If It had been in the United States, that some great " mass convention was coming off. Under the " Impenetrable screen of the trees, in the dark, " cool, refreshing shade., are thousands of " chairs, for which one pays two cents a piece. " Whole families come, locking up their door, bringing the baby, work, dinner, or lunch, " take a certain number of chairs, and spend "the day. "As far as eye can reach you see a multl " tude seated, as if at church, with other mul " titudes moving to and fro, while boys and girls without number are frolicking, racing, " playing ball, driving hoop, etc., but contrlv " ing to do It without . making a hideous " racket. . " How French children are taught to play " and enjoy themselves without disturbing " everybody else Is a mystery. ' Cest gentiP " seems to be a talis manic spell ; and 'Ce n'est " pat genlil ca' is sufficient to check every " rising Irregularity. Oh I that some savant " would write a book and tell us how It la " done 1 I gazed for half an hour on the speo f tacle. A more charming sight my eyes never beheld. There wore grey-beaded old men and women, and invalids ; there were " beautiful demoiselle working in worsteds, at embroidery, or sewing ; men reading papers, and In fact, people doing everything tjhey would do In their own parlors. And " all were graceful, kind, and oollglng; not a " word or act of impoliteness cr indecency. " No wonder the French adore Paris, thought "I; In no other city in the world is a scene " like this possible t No wonder that their " hearts die within them at thoughts of exile " in the fens of Cayenne." IIow unlike anything of the kind ever seen In the United States Is this charming picture of French freedom, sociability, and politeness! It makes one wish that he could transplant here something of that genial appreciation of the pleasurable uses of life, and the faculty of harmonizing an easy simplicity and frankness of manners with the distinctions of rank and worldly condition, which the French people so beautifully exemplify In their social habitudes. ' ' : When shall we have a garden of the Tuile ries, where ail classes, tiie lofty and the hum ble, the rich and the poor, the young and the old, men, women, and children, will congregate on a summer's day, without Incurring unsuita ble remarks from any, without uncivil jostling, without the leant cuenslve Impertinence or indecorum whatever, yet with the most agree able unrestraint and naturalness? We fear that this thing Is very, very remote from realization in this country. There is a bard shell of sordid utilitarianism, of practical matter-of-factness, of formal prudlshness, of non-democratic Jealousy and exclusivuuess, In our present character and habits, which forbids any hope of our breaking through, very early, Into that gay, butterfly joyousness, freedom, and comeliness of social demeanor and lnter coume which distinguish society on the Euro pean continent. But let us, at any rale, make the most of our privileges. Let the public squares be kept open always, and let those who will enjoy them to their hearts' content. The bnes of Dante having been be;wJ from tlie cit uf lUveuna, where be diad, ure to be solemnly iransiorrcd to Florence for reinter ment, as an atoLenient by the present generation for the wrongs done him by thvir ancestors. The extensive hardware factory of the Plant' Manufacturing Company at Houthington, Connecticut, with its machinery and stock, was totally destroyed by tirs on Sunday moruinit. The telegraph ollice in the aume building wai also destroyed. Loss 70,000. General Fensendeu, sun of Senator Fesncndon. who is now at his home in Maine, la getting along finely. Ills amputated log heals slowly; but his general health is (iood, and he hai ordered a new lep, which be expects will make blm all right by next winter. The Connecticut river Is now four or five Inches below low-water mark, snd tho water at the water shops of the Rpriniffleld armory is six and a half feet lower than its average. Unless rain falls soon, some of the machinery at these shops will have to stop. Msjor Rodman, commandant at the Water town Arsenal, in Massachusetts, has just com pleted an iron gun-currUKa for his 20-lnch von, which weighs forty thousand pounds. The Arse nal has within a month filled a Government order for six millions of cartridges. The average daily number manufactured is one hundred and fifty thousand. . . A convict who was seat to State prUoa front Concord, Massachusetts, last fall, lot three yean, as a punishment f burglary, manairod to keep all the time a 100 bill that bo had stolen br uiting it in bis hair wnen ne was pui in con. ul a lew days ago be tnouffbc oeuer oi it, aim to gyBd W the eights or Auras. t orrranondrarr B wreathe Britlah I'mn. nwl at Mi. Inls aad Urmrrmt Wm tiatat. The following Important correspondence np. penrs In the MempMi Argm .- "BaiTTna CowrLAT, St. lorn, June 9, ISM. Hir : I have the honor to inclimo herein a newipnpcr extract, dated the 2d inntant, being an Older purporting to be Inmcd by yoor order.- "At it was only a short time since Unit Mr. CrniMil Wilkinn did himself the pleasure of re porting In an Oflicinl despatch to Lord Lyons, her Mn.ie-ly'n Miliinter at Washington, that ha had been informed that it was the strict intention of the United States authorities at Memphis not to infringe on the rights of any alien who properlv conducted himself, I feel convinced that the third pnriKraph ol this order, as reported to lie Insued, wns without your knowledge or approval, as the princ iple involved in that pirni;ra;h is, ia my opinion, of so grave a nature that I loe no tirno in calling your attention to It. "I hate the honor to be, sir, with great renpect, your ohedlent Servant, r iUNcrs Wilkin. "II. D.M. Acting Consul." Rplj rCJenernl Wnahbnrn). " Ilf'.AtiUAt KTHl DtSTHICT WFST TKWWESHFK, M km puis, Tenn., Kith June, lHfit. Kranois Wllklns, Kfq., Acting Consul, Hi. Louis, Mo. : Sir: Your communication of tlieltth instant In received. You have been correctly informed tout it in 'the strict Intention or the United Mutes authorities at Memphis not to infringe, on the rights of any alien who properly conducts hlin self.' "I regret that any misunderstanding should arine an to what those rights are, as 1 am very anxious In the discharge of my dotle- o -rf Government to -"'.id a.. -.C uiai shall iuitly iTr.i.grurlo:ol complaint to any friendly Power. I cannot admit that the order to which yo cull my attention cuo justly he regarded as violating the rights of anybody. You are quite mistaken, 1 acaure you, in supposing that the third para graph of the order alluded to was tssne i without my knowledge or approval. The principle In volved in that paragraph was fully considered by me. "The city of Memphis is a military post, gnvemad hy martial law, and the authorities must be allowed to judge upon what terms any person shall remain hero. It is well known that thero are many persons now in Memphis who claim the protection of foreign Governments, who have been tn the service of the Confederate Government, fighting against the Government of the United Stales, and that others, presuming upon their claims of neutrality, have, in the character of spies, been our most dangerous enemies. "The liberality displayed by the Oovernment of the United States towards the subjects of other Governments who have followed our armies, and a ho were found domiciled in places wrested from the enemy, has no parallel In the aouali of War. "Suppose that during the Crimean war, after the allied troops bad landed at Kupatoria, Ame rican citizens, in the pursuit of gain, had pre sented themselves at that point and demanded that thy should bt allowed to remain there and cngaga in business pursuits, would their claim have been listened to for an instant "If I am not grossly misinformed, no private American cltiitcn was permitted to enter the lines of the Allies during that war. It was right that they should be excluded, and the Government of the United States did not and could not complain. "In regard to the exemption of subject'! of neutral powers fiom mlllii i duty in the defense of this city, I have conceded in the order to which yon a'lude their right to such excration. I have done so from an earnest desire to avoid olfcnse to any neutral or friendly Power rather thm be cause I conceded the principle that they could not rightfully be called out to defend the city in case it should be assailed. "I think that there are precedents fully estab lishing the opposite priuclple, and if I mistake not the parallel, and may be allowed to compire small things wii h large, there is an instance which comes to my mind where your own Government, at a date not remote, recognized this same prin ciple. I allude to the cose of the supposed in tended rising of the Chartists in 1817, under Fear gus O'Connor, vi here ail the able-bodied men of all the large cities were compelled to come out, regardless of tucir nationality, to defend them aguintt any attack that might be made. The pre sent F.mperor of France, then an exile in London, among thousands of other foreigners, was called ont and did duty on that occasion. True, he was called out and sworn in as a special constable, but the dbject was to defend tho city, and so far as the principle Is concerned it mutters not whether he was called a constable or a militia msn. i ."I have the honor to be your obedient servant, "C. C. WASHBItUMB, "Major-General Commanding." OovernnMsnt ftteambaat omntnnleat loai with the Artnlen) on James Rlvor. We learn from a circular issued by Captain P. P. Fltkin, A. Q. M. at City Point, under date of June 27. that the dally mall and way freight line between the armies on James river and Wash ington, established by Brigadier-General Rufus Ingalls, Chief Quartermaster of the armies ope rating against Richmond, In orders No. 2, on the 2th inst., consists now of the steamers llitihl ind I l.xght, heynrr, John A. ii arnrr, ana i nart itlt Yandtrbilt, anil the fnllowing schedule h is been adopted and will lie punctually observed : Leave Washington at 2 o'clo.k P. M. daily; arrive at Fortress Monroe at or before 0 A.M. tho following day. Leave Fortress Monroe at 10 o'clock A. M. daily ; arrive at City Point at 4 o'clock P. M. Leave City Poiut at 5 o'clock P.M.; arrive at Bermuda Hundred at o 13 P. M. lave Bermuda Hundred at 0 o'clock A. M. daily. Leave City Tolnt at 10 o'clock A. M. daily. These boats will touch nt Fortress Monroe and Alexandria, to deliver and receive mails, and arrive at Washington at or before 10 o'clock A. M. the following day. There will be a provost guard, under an officer, on board these bouts to preserve order, examine passes, and to prevent improer persons and pro perty from being taken on board. The officer re leried to will have the right, under the orders of the Provost Msrshsl-Genoral of the Army of the Potomac, to examino passes of all persons wh present themselves for passage, and to eject any one who is not au hurlxid to make the trip. An Ancirnt v KRstow of the BinLE. At a meeting of the Library Committee of the Cor poration, Mr. Deputy Bower iu the chair, it was announced that the Emperor of Russia, tli rough his Ambassador, Baron Brunnow, had presented to the Coriioration a copy of the Vibliorum Codti Siniiticus. recently published ut his expense at Constantinople. It has been edited by M. Zischcndorf, and the history of Its finding is very curious. It appears that the editor, who is a celebrated philosopher of the German school, and a resident in l.cipsic, while on a visit to the convent of St. Catherine, on Mount Sinai, discovered, wrapped in cloth, in tbestewurd's room, an ancient ui tuuserlpt Ho at once taw the value of tho treasure, and after some parley succeeded m ieriuading the monks of the convent 10 present it to the Ktn pcror of Russia. The Emperor, In the must generous manner, caused three hundred copies of H to be printed in the ancient Greek characters, 200 of ahicb were distributed by his own hand, nnd the remainder he presents to the editor. The work contains part of the Greek Septimgint version of the Old Testament, the Epistle of Itnrnabns, the first portion of the Shepherd of Hernias, and other books the New Testament being complete: and, with the one purchased by the same gentleman, and now incorporated with this, the wbo'e of the work is considered to be complete. It is considered to have been originally written about the fourth century. Vity t'rtn. Tho 1st and :id New Jersey Regiments were paid off at Trenton on Saturlay, receiving be tween tH,(MI0 and (tJO.OOO. Kx-Kt nator C. C. Clay, of Alabama, and ex Secretary Jacob Thompson, of Miss., left Wil mington' a lew weeks ago for Bermuda, and were to go thence to Halifax. They are in the secret service of the Rebel Government. The Brown Farm, known as "Violet Grove," sliuah d on the west branch of Langford's bay, Kent county, Md., and coniaiasng 21a acres, has been sold for 65 per acre. Richard Hynson, purchaser. Joseph A. Scovllle, the New York corres pondent of the London mU,died on Saturday, lis wrote over the signature of "Manhatt in." He was at one time the private Secretary of John C. Calhoun. An ocean telegraph, with a capital of one million two hundred and titty thousand dollars, has been started in Kngland on a new plan. This company proposes "to provide and anchor ships near the ordinary track of vessels, such ships to servo as electric telegraph and signal stations in Communication with existing systems in Europe and America, and also as salety -beacons for navi gation." The ships are to be fitted up complete as tele graphic stations, and are to be provided with steam power. Steam teudara, capable of acting as tugs, are also to bo at hand, with a view to render assistance to disabled and derelict ves sels. The tirst stations selected are off the Scilly Islands and off Cape Raca, Newfoundland. The company looks for its revenue to the couveyauce of telegrams, salvage, the sale of stores, towage, and the embarking aud disembarking of mails, I'txU, and iava') , CITY INTELLIGENCE. 1'oLict A bursts. The tollow table will show the number of arrests made by the police during the month of June. v J'. Arret': Jhi. Arrttlt. 1 172 II 121 2 411 12 77 ..411 12 ..277 IS ..2 1 14 ...'(Ml 14 ..127 in ..il4 . Kescrve t'orps. .. '17 ll irlMir Police. 3 4 ft r 7 8 18 41 111 4't 19 ....112 l'nrk do 40 10 140 Chesnut Hill Police. 7 Kl.RCTION OF I'OI.ICS M AO ISTRATRS. Th following Pnllce Magistrates hnve been selected by Councils : First DMrlct, Samuel I,utr. ; Second, Robert Carter j Third, John Swift; Fourth, Charles Welding; Fifth, George I'atcheU Sixth, H.T. Jones; Seventh, Wm. 8. Toland ; I'.lghth, Joseph I'lanklngton; Ninth, Charles K. I'lincoutt; Tenth, A'inm H. Sinn-maker; Kl venth, John Cloud; Twelfth, Win. It. Butler; Thirteenth, O. I.. Hamsdcl ; Fourteenth, Kolicrt II. Thomas; Fifteenth, Thomas T. Holmes; Sixteenth, James Allan. Local Brkvitiss. An ordinance for the ap pointment of one hundred additional policemen is now pending before Councils. The police forco nt present nnniler six hundred and eight patrol m n, thirty-seven telegraph operators, and eighteen turnkeys.... Tne eleventh annual com mencement of the I'olvtechmc College was held lust wr: in Cv.r-,rt'llrtli.. ..A meeting of the ward Bounty Fund Committees will ba held on Suluiilay eWHing, for the purpose of adopting plans hy which the Committees may work with Councils in their endeavors to raise funds for the exemption of every man from the draft. ...The body of Snmuel llerrell, a merchant In Mtrket stteet, above Eighth, has been found in a whe it field, nine miles from CheAcr. When the de ceas d left the city he was supposed to be labor ing undcradcrangcmentol'mind....The Kxccu tive Committee of the Sanitary Fair offer to sell the fountain in Igan Square to the city for 8J0O. It is raid the materials in the fountain cost the Fair over 1.W0. Orrat Crntral Clothing House, Sixth and Sfsrkrt. ornat Ontral Clettkui Hounn, With and Market. (Irval Osotrnl ('Will. Ins Himur, MUth and Market. Orvat IVntrnlt.'loltiiuc HnuM, Sixth ana Mnrknt. (treat I'nmrnlClethlttK Hm, Sixth and Market. Ureal Onlrnl Cl"liins Homo, ftlith and M trknl. Urail Cantral tjnrtnliin llouna. Sixth and Marknt. final 4.'ntratlHKlilnn llounn, Mixta and Maikac ;renl IVntrai ('kAliing Himisa, Hlvlh and Market. (In-at Ontrnl CI'iIIiIiik llaune. Hlxih nnd Marknt. . Oiant Central rsHliinu Houm, Hixttl and Markwt. (Irsnt OnlralCMMiuj llou.e.Hlxih an t Marknt, jM-atCntr:tnhlns' tlu, Sixth and Market. Oieat OentraJCSrtUmK !lun, SJIxth and Market. WiralCcntrnK.'lulhli'l Douse. Hlxlh aid Mnrxnt. Ornat Ontral CloUilns House, Hlxlk and Marknt. fireal Ontral (ttnthin tie isa. SIxUi aad Msrknt. tlrnnt Central !'lol hlnK llnn.n, Hlxth and Market. (Irent I'snltnll kithlni II, xi.a, Mlxlh and M.rknU tireat Omral 'Inthiiif H.iSte, Hutth and MitrknL Wanamaker A llrown, Oak. 1111. Wanamnker a ltruwa. Oak Hall. Wanauiaker A Brawn, Oak Unll. Wanamaker A Brown, Oint Hall. . Wannniaker A Ilrnwn, oak Hall j Wanainaftwr A Itmwn, Oak ILUI. W aiinmAknr A Brown, Oak HaII. WanamnkfT A llrown, Onk Hall. Wanamnker A hmwn, Ota Hall. - WansmAkar A Brown, Oak Halt. '- WanninAher A Itrowu, Oak. Halt , Wannniakar A llrown. Oak Hall. WaramAkr A Browa, Oak lla'l. Wanamakor A limn a, Oak lla'l. Wnnamakar A llrown, , Oak Hall. . Wanamnknr A Brown, Oak Hall. Wauamalter A lln.wn. Oak Hall. Wa.iamakrr A llrown. Oak HaU. Wat aruaknr A Brown, Oak Hall. Wanamaker A llrown. Oak Halt. Atransen In the cltv vialltne ttia treat Contra! Fair, aod crtuens ironeraUjr, viik and the tieat CMIilnt; and the most reaniiallaprlc at WaSAMAKka A itnuws's. Oak Ham,, K. eornar Sixth and Market suronts. Larkik Sc Co., the Incomparable photogra phers, at the southeast corner of Eighth and Arch, have made special arrangements for tho coming week, in order to accommodate visitors to the Fair. During the week, six superb cartes drmtite will be token for one dollar. American Watch ks, v Jewelry, and - . Silverware, at W. B. F.ltonhead's, No. 1322 Chesnot St. IIats. Straw and soft hats, most fashionable styles, at Lalng & Co.'s, Sixth and Chesnut streets. ' Great Srcrkt discovered to avoid late break fasts and make cbecrfnl homes. Buy your Coal of A. S. Dotter, No. 304 N. llroad street. Harried. BltOWaKI.L KlHflAM. Jims 3, at Olansarry, Tor rcsdnlr.br the Itt. Kev. Illih Alonio Potter, II ".Mil V TllHOIt BKUWhKl.l., or Hartliitil. to IlKltrKlIIIK, danshttr ol ttia late Kichard 8. Kissain, at. L., oI'Maw lork. I.OKI.ANn HUliHOK.-Oa the mornleir of the 27th June. I. the Rev. Andrew Lonmiere, W. Lt)KI,tND,of Carolina amntv.M.i., to UK i i is. only uaugniur or tun late naiuucl llndaon, of Fhlladelphia. - nifMi. 'ItIM.-On ti e JOIh Inatant. 8K AH B. CRUX, daughter of Kdward and Maria WaKsnner. Tim ialttvia ami irleuda oi the fhtnlly are reftooctfully Invited to attend tho faueral. from the residence of liir husband, on Hamruav, Julvi, at 12 o tlock, Iroiu o. 704 H. front aireet, Caudau, Mew Jersey. JMXI'N -On tin th ultimo, COKNKLIUS L. DIXOH, hi Uie lth year or hla as. The ri-lanvea nnd itiends of the family are reapectftilly Imlud to attend the luneral, from the rushlu.icenf his luthcr, .lanica lllvoit, Iihim Mill, Mill i;rnek. Lower Mo ron ionnshli, MoutKonjery oonnty.on Snnday,ad uiataat, at 10 o'clock A. M.t without lurthor notice. HAl'U.-On Ike 21Hh ultimo, LOt lS HtVQ, aged Ik) years. Ilia relatives aa I rVleudt, also Metamora Tribe, No. I . o. a. Si., and w v. M Asaoeiation, are reiieciiuiir in vited to attend the nineral, from hla late residence. No. s Charlotte street, above Thlr4 and Brown, on Hunday afternoon, at 1 o'clock. To proeced tj UlenwooO C'eiue- tary. KKLPII.-On the 'th ultimo, JAMKS KKI.SII.snn of liosunna and the late Jauie, nein, ia tue ttstearor hla ase. The relatives and frlenda of the family are reapectlully tnvtttd to iittend the luneral, t'rum the residence of hla mother, 8. W corner of Prune and fifth alieela, on uatiir day tuornln at s.H o'clock. Kimerat service and luteriuent at ht. Mary a cnurcn, noutli liunn aireei. KKl.VtV. On the'th u't mo, of disease oontraoted la tlie erice, Hcrxeaiit JOHN i'.KKl.VKY, late ot lorn nanv 1. Hsih Iteuiiueiil I. V.. in the .'tftli year of his asu. The relatives and fi-tendiof tho htmily. I'hllanihroplo Lidse. o. .. I. l. of O. K.. I'vpnuraiitilrnl Hocletr, 'I'r- Mraltwl t'lilon, Sio. 9, and inaintmtaof tlieiSth Itel mtmt uow In II e city, are rvMnecii'uily in. lied to attend tne luneral, fiom bis late re.hlence, No. lelOAiil'a atreat.oa ISaturdnv aflen o in, July 2, at S o'clock. Toprocdedta Lulavelte Cemetery. X1KIII.. On JuuoSO, WILLIAM K. K1KIIL ,1a the37th Thereiatoea and friends of the family are retpeetfli'ly Inviti-d lo attend the futiural. trom hla lale residence, No. North Kishih alrjel.ou Tuesday uiotiiliuj, July ft, at lUoi-KH-K. KIKK. At Alexandrls. Vt.,nnTusiday evening, June 2m. Lieutenant WILLIAM K I UK. ot the Kill I'eiiuaylvanl Cavalry, Crui a w'oand received iu May laat, at Todd's Thvi ni. i Ilia Irwnda and llioae of the oirally, are respectfully In . vl tsl tti allend hi luneral, trom tiie re.ldeueeol hla lather, a. L. Kirk, No. Hit N ttixtk street, on Tuesday morulas. July e.nt iu o clous. I.KlHTKIt. on the iih ultimo, afte- a short illness, Mrs. Kl.l.AI'K I H M.. lie "I Namtiol Le tter, and dauuhter ol Natali and the late Calvin llisk'int, In the .Ud jeer of re rase The rslatfvet and rViem t of the family are respec'.flill; Invited lo aiond her funeral. from her Imnbaud's resf denee, No. 'il'it1 A)le street, above Norrls.mi Hunday allemcnn at J u clock, rnneral to proceeu to Monuaent (Cemetery. HTK.WAKT. On the ftd of June, of wonnds received on the Hull. infioi.tof 1'elt.rnburv. JOHN H I KW Alt I', first a.rufaiit ol Cuiauy C.UIat ltei;lmeiit t'. V. V.,aaior Kmlly and the late .tohn HI. u art, In the -iM vearof meana. The ri'lstives and frlntls of Uie lamily, alao the meaoera of Chosen friend. Lmle. 1. O. ot O. f ., and nil me sohllurs or the !M Itsimint Iu the eltt. are reii tlully Inelled to attend I he tnnerul. trom the resldeliceol his uiolher, north west corner ol Ituwle and Mullrutii streets, on Su-iday aiienicen at 1 o clock, bervice at cemetery at n o clock. A 11 T i jL, 1-3 It C12NTHAL I'Allt. HI IIHCttllTIONS TO TB NEW YORK and PHILADELPHIA ALBUMS, OF feKKTCHKS, CONTKlllt'Tf.D BY in ARTISTS TO THE SANITAllY FAIIt, Will close oa 8A1I IIDAV KVKSIXO axt, Julj 2d, at V ociuck. A few shares r.iay still be subscribed for. Jyl -it a-jrr- rilOGRKSSIVE LYCEUM'S KX cursion to Kenllwortli tlrove wltl not go to-mor raw. but will loai a I1UOAII and 1'KIMK Streets, at 7. A W..OII WKDNf sOAV, July Ul. Tickets for Adults, Ml cents t niiuren to eepta. M. H. DYOi r It No. 114 SEOON1) Mueet. 11 tNRY AITLE, GAUOER AND COC-rER, Xo. aM S. WATF.B STREET, rtuLAor LrniA. Tnllalloa nrandv and Wine Casks, and all kinds Woik made of Old and New Stud always au kaudaf made la erder. COAL PACKED IK HOOSHHADS fOB BHIPP1NU. All kladt of Trtaaaamst pancluallr aueaded to. Jyl lot XARrENTERS WANTED. FOUR OR FIVE J hands at rraulni. Assly at ale. Jus S.l rVLLKTIl I A HI J """"A HUB8TITUTE WANTED FOR . AN cltiseu. Address no, inns. yhlladclpkla rust ontca. i A SUbwvTrcTK WANTED FOR A l'ER- sva name to is. etied. Applf at luaOasaa, J) vt . Ve.JHI.TIlHD Ket. 24. WALiHATIuN, pocas'oa nr. i. fuaaru MASONIC HALL., Ko. 719 OUTSHUT Street. WINDOW H II A 1) K H AM CUItTAINS. BUSINESS ITEMS. x ia r. i w CHILLED-IRON SAFE. "NOT DEAD, BUT UVETH." DAVItt KVANa.f.sg., Of the Una of Kvans A Wstioa It woald seem n-oaa your late notice la Tmb Bvksinq Tklkukaph and otber aewspapera that yoa have opened a school of Instraetten ir testlnj Llltle a Chilled-Iron Kate, aeUini, as we presume, ia a two-fold capaolty ftrst, at the Instrnetar of thiovee ; second, as the protect ol the people two very rerponsi'Ae posltioos, Irnly. Kow, as we are very desirous to aid you In every way, tn this Important work (Important to the thief, that he may not aseleasly employ his time criminally, or ex pose his persoai Important to the people, that they may know and fetl that their treasures are se cure), we propose, la the future, ti warrant every Hank Hare that may be sold by our Agent at Philadelphia proof against yoor sclentltle attainments In the art of burslary; and at you have so diMhtttreMflly volunteered to Instroet and enlighten the burglar and protect the seoplo ia this art, we shall take the liberty to give you timely notice of the arrival of each Safe, nnd we ma only ask you to test each Bate on their arrival upon your now scienllfle plsa, as publicly announced, but we clalnt that we have the right to Insist apon It In your new poaltlon aa a public teacher aad benefaotor; and If this ts not a sufficient reason, we hare still another to urge. Your present facilities tor a satltfactoiy test are very deficient, as yon have but one very Imperfect Safe to operete upon, and If you accept our proposition, your Held of operations will be much enlarged, and yous enorts may prove much more satisfactory to the public. We now admit, as we ever have, If you succeed to grind or drill a hole throngh the door In the front of the lock, at aay point. It Is fatal, and If done In any way practical to the burglar, the Safe Is not burglar. proof. The first Bare we shall expect you to test, at above propoMd.lsaHafe Just ordered for a bank In the Inte rior of the State. We expect to arrive tn Philadelphia, and to be ready for a test, on Mondsy, the 10th of July, at 10 o'clock A. M , and should there be any delay In Its arrival it win be announced In time. We trust you will be ready for this test. Respectfully, LEWIS LILLIB A SOX, M. 0. SADLER, Agent, jyl-tf No. Jl 8. 8EVENTU Street. Iron Natfe. Keep It before the Phllav delphla public, that LllUe't so-called lturglar-Proof Bafts, manufactured In Troy, New Tork, can be opened without noise by drilling one small hole Just over the centre of the look dull ar.d using a small wire. Any of his Bales can, by this milhod, be opened la one minute after the hole hat been drilled. Said hole can be drilled In from quarter, half, or two hours' time. There Is no Sam of his make In use June 1, 1961, which cannot be drilled and opened In this manner. Parties Interested are referred to my Challenge to Lillle, and other faels relative to his Safes, published In the H.nh Amaiioaa," June 21, twit, and "Hunday Pis- patch," June IS, 1864. , Notwithstanding the positive assurances given by Mr. Lillle to the public that hie Safes are drHI-pmof, persons desiring to be convinced have only to call at Kvans At Walton's Salamander Bant Store, No. 18 S. Fourth street, whore the operation of drilling and opening will he dose in their presence every morning at 10 o'clook, until the pub lic aro satisfied that lis Safes can be dulled and opeued without making any noise. Of the firm of Evans A Watson. Cirrest asiil Blarlc Tea. A fresh Importatloa, By the package or ponnd. just received by Davis A Riohasds, Arch and Tenth streets. fftet-k e Co. a Planoa. BTf.CK A CO.'S MASON runos. HAMLIN'S ftrril CABINET OltQAWB. 8TKCK A CO.'S J. E. OOlTIsI). SerenUi ant Cfcutnut itrtoU. MawnlVctunn f Kow and Delicious Confection b, Almond l'Mte, CtaoooUt, C-vramela, Creanvi La Mod dt l'iiistxiililt6ly flavored. Boaited Joidan AJnumdi. fco., Ac. jNo. 316 t'hetnul street, below Fourth. DELIGHTFUL EXCURSIONS OS THR BIVEB SCHUYLKILL. The Sleemlnal OKNKKAL HOOKKK. Cantata MA.R- KLK. leavrs Fairsuount every hour lor S 'buylklil IL-jshts, Lsoril tun, tieiuiout cottage, tne rant aim nissa Bltkoa. Jyl-tf M'HE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE ASSOCIATED J themselves tog ell tee nnder the firm of BOLI'OSf, liYRKMAN CO.. ana will oouttiiM the Car Hullding lluilness In all its brandies, at the old esiabli.hiueul, cojucr, TWJsNlY-FIHB'f and HAMILTON atreels. JOtEI'll R. BtlLTON, UttoltllK H. tllKKMAN, Jyl lm- O. W. C1I1LDS. 2? TRIUMPH IN DENTISTRY. TEETH vfirVv estr-ted byehetrichy for ttie nervoiit aid deli CHle without pain or unpleasant feelings. The safest aod iw.t plan ever discovered. U. at. HLOCCM, tio.l 41 VI K St cel. Jel-Jt s NITA.HY FAIR, C11EAPKST HUM5IE11 HATH IN THE CITY. JIOURNE, Je7-lm No. 40 N. SIXTH Stresat. IXn.OSIONS. LET EVERY M.VN WHO J owns a Hteam Roller read this noth-e. Ashcrott's Low Water Detector uever ftlls to rive from one-half to two hours' warning, as desired, that the water is getting low us tne Doner, ana uiai aaiutur is ap proaching. The instrument requires ae care, and is war ranted In every instance. Also, Stesm and Water flanges, with Scotch glass tuet'S, eeir-clsansing gauge-cocas, sr. Mend tor circular eoatainli g Philadelphia letters and ea-culara. . AUUt'HTI'S H. UATTI.KS, JeS-lm No. ti N. 8LXTI1 Suost, T7STATE OF EI.IAS BOVUINOT, DEC'D .1 J The Auditor aipolnted by the Orphans' Court for the City and Connty ol i'hlladelphla to audit, settle, and aillust therlral and Baal account ol kUWAKIi J.U. AT rtKBt:H aY.Aduilulatrator d. b. n o. t. a. of KLIAS liOl lll.NO r. lale ol Uie City ol Huillnstoa and State of New Jersey, de based. and also the ttrst ami nnal account of KIiwAKD J. C. A1TKHBVRHY,Tratee,aipolutMl lathe room of the surviving Trustee named In Uie wtuol taiu KLlAa BOUMNuT. and to report dlstrlbutlsa of the baUnoes ia hauda eri,aid Adminlatratta: aud said Trustee, wul sestet the lartt . Interested for the purposes of bis appeintuient, on MAT1 lt!AY, Uie Id dayof July, A.O. last, at 1 o'ckiee. P.M., at hisefflce,No. 717WALJIIT Street, In the City of Phlladelplua. JOHN CLAYTON. JcW-RuOt Auditor. II. DIXON, No.l S. KIOMTH Street, J PBAt.KR IN FANCY AND TOll.KT OOODS, " VMBaKIXAa AMU PAitASOLS, . Vans, Bead Dresaee, Jrreuca Jewelry, Leather Ooode, . Vf era wosee. Beads, ac, As. I. AMUSEMENTS. r II E riClt'RK OALI.KHT NOW OPKNJ I tht ethlbltion ft the b-ns1t of the O -eat Centra rstr of the Cfiite4 -Isles Sauliary Cmsstaftlon, at tl rsid-nei of Mr JOSS III II AKaf.il IN. Jit.. M t IHIITS F.NTII Street, still rtsM at t P. M. ba S ATHH mi sni-SMHU, tnesa July. It T -rV Is i: it v CENTR AL FAIR, it has uf.r.w nr.citKi TORfrrriig GRAND OOLLECTION OF PI0TUEE3 a'w st I ()CAN SQUARE, ON MXHIIHTION FO A PBW DAYS I.ONiiKR, s is sin or tub HAMTAHV COMMIHHIttN. The (isllcry will be opened to list public on every week day. until further notice, front 8 A. M to 10 P. M., oa and after Wednesday, Jene ?e. Bt aeon Tlrkets to July S, tarln.lvo, &0 eents. Admission M cents. Catalogues 19 oentt. Te VANDfRI.VN A 111 A LINK, 14 cents ettra'. AdmHtanoe only at the centre door oa Vine street. e5-t G KOVKB'M CHESNUT STREET THRA- TBK. LBON AMi) OKOV CB M Manager (Also of drover a Theatre, Washington.) COOL ANI COMrORTAHLC AT ALL TIMK. TIIK f BNTKlf miAL FAN IN OPERATION NtQItTLT. THIS (HtlDATI RVI NINO. July 1, fARKWKI.L bs;nkkit A UK WII, I, IlKNKf IT fAKBWkl.L 11K.NKHT I.AHT NIOItT l-OSITIVF.l.T lASi MUHT FostTIVKLI but one of the P O P t! L A K COM K TlT A N , MR. J. K. M. DONOUUH, LAST Nil HIT BUT ONK of the GOROROrSLY BRILLIANT PRODtTCTI3N, TIIK hf.W nKVKN BlHTCKS, which last erenlhg sehleved an JbhTHLhlASTIC 8UCCKSH! ALL TIIK WW SCF.NKts, NEW CHAKAGTf Re., NKW SO VI 18, NEW LANCF.3, Ac., were reeel-ed bv t e m HHWI.f.D AND FASIII0NA1ILK At'DIF.Nt.'B with unbounded d uvuiatrailons of delight. LAST NIOIIT BCT Own OK Mil. i. Y.. M'iiONONilH. In his Inlmltnb e Inieersonatlon of MOII1KR i'LUTU. PHICltS OF AOMISSION. Ttress (Circle or I'arauette .....&( eente. family Clicle 'JA oenta, Orcheatra tiuals 76 eente. Biz of the Front Benches only are reserved as Orchestra Heats. No extra charge for securing seals. Orand family Matinee on Saturday Afternoon. MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH ST. THJCATHK BKNKfIT OF OEOH.K RI'BII. LAST NH11IT Bt'T ON OF JIMS LOTTA. HI N1I11IT (FRIDAY! July 1, DUIOU.UI, TIIE FORSAKF.N. Ielorah Oeclle Rush Herman Barlen Hall Previous to the Plav the Comedietta of JENNY UNO. Jenny Llnd Miss Letts To conclude with a BANJO HOI.O, and Mlt.H. MellOWAN'S HEKL. SATUBDAY, BKNKFIT OF M1MS LOTTA. A tilorlous Bill. ' ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE. "THB FAMILY RB80RT." CARNCIIOS8 A UIXEY'8 MINSTRKLN, The ure at sar Troupe of the World, la User SF.I.RUr ktmIopian SOUUUtS, Splendid Blnoing, Beaulattsl Banolnr, IughaMe Barleenoes, Pssnutloa Scenee. Ao Asa., BT TWKNTT TALKNTKO AKrioIS, F.YF.RY F.VENINO THIS WliKtL. Tieaeu, Jeoents. lloors open at 7 o'clock. astn-t J. L. CAJlNOROsa. Baalaees Kanaga. TIME'S NOBLEST OFF sprlng is the last. A HK.W unwind MACIIINR. Tim WAdKSKK HKWINti MAUUINB combines all tlie advantages of the ouser flrst-elass machines, and HURFAH.if.ll ALL OTIIF.R4 for simplicity, practicability, and rella hiutv. These Machines, on seconnt of their oheanneea and sim plicity, are the moat valuable and deslrenle machines la tile market. I'trient are Invited to examine this new Sewing Machine, before purchasing. Of tick OF " WaGKNKR SMWTNfl ST AOHINK, NINTH atreet. Jelt-lftt Under the Continental Hotel. ELASTIC STITOH SEWINO MAOUINE8, TUX BEST IN USE. ap2S No. 730 CHESNUT Btrxwt. GREATEST IMPROVEMENT ftrrft f TIIK AIIE IN PIANOS. , MF.YKU8 IMI'ltOVED OVtCRSTRDNa PIANOS. Arknowledired hi the leadlus anlsts and Indorsed by the Aiusical Public -o be the llueitl l'lsn-ia In Anerica. 1 he atteuilon i.l Uie Musical l'a'iilc is caued to the recent great ttnpreven-eiit In these I'lano Forti'S. By a new method of cob truetlon, the greaiest poisible volume of lone hasbeenth slued, wllhout any of Ihe-asveetneaa and hrillisncy for sl.l h these Pianos ere so ctHniraled being lost, and which, with an Improved Touctt and Action, render tbnm CuHiballed. These instruments receives! tne riltr.r. sskiiai. ac uie World s l air, he C Iu L'nidon, et well as the Highest as anis over an competitors, irons tne ores rau-e auu in stitutes In this country. . , WarerootiiS, No Tit AKt u street, oeiow Kignm, JelJ-lm Philadelphia. waaj ESTEVri nTTn I'OTTAOE OROANS, Wot onlv YJNfXCF.LI.FI hut UsTEOUAM.KS) In atlrtty of Tone and p.wer, dehlgaed especially lor churches and BcBooie, but loeud lo ne equally wtn adaptea to uterarior and Urawaag ttoom. I at sale only by No. IS . 8EVKM TH Mtreet, Alto, a eomplete aseorUneat et the rerfeot Meiodeoa aonttautly oa hand. auris-ilui TjAHIX)W'H IIMDKIO 1IL,UI, rt r ur at WILTUEUOKIt'S llBUG STORE, IV o. 33 JV. HIX'ONl) Mt root, PHILADELPHIA, Will color mora o ater than four timet the same quantlt af ordinary lndlgn. The new Label dots not reintre a usap. It is Warranted to G!tb BatisfUction. It Is retailed at the tame prloe as Use Imitations aad InfertorArtlcleS; .te!In! BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. BANKS, BANKERS, MFHf!HANTS, MANUFAO Tl.hKHS, RAll.UOAU COMPANIKS, Ae., Will and B to their interest to order (man the ueiisrslgntd. BLANK BOOKS, PAF1.R. AND 8TATIONF.RT, All kinitt for Bushiasa, Professional, and Pnvale use. for sal. a. moderate price, b, Btationer. Printer, and Blank Book Manufactures, ' ao.tS . rOKKl H Street, apis-Am Fhlladetyhla. BEDDING EMPORIUM, No. S 8. SEVEN Til Street. MATTKF8SES, at Al IUE8SKS, Of Hair. Palia.Ksclaior. and flash. s j-i'lllr U BHDS, BOLSTERS, AWT PlI.LOWi, WOOD AND IKON HEliSTKAllS, BPItlKO BROS AND COTS. N.B. Repairing aad reuovai leg attended hi with ears anddeapatch. No.S S. BEYBNTM Street. . )ej-im MEDICAL PURVEYOR'S OFFICE, stw Yohk, Jane IS, iset. lavenlors and M anufaelurers of AU1TFICIAL LIMB, farma and legs) are Invllsd te presenl ssectineue of Ihslr Modit te a board of Medical Omcera.oonstilutMd by order of the Acting HuiKeou-Uetieral It. 8. A., at the Medical Parvesor'soaice, No. Ss BROOM K Slreel, la Uiis eily.oa er beote the eleveuth day of July next, with a View ts the adoptloB of the beat models. isnjaed, by aider) A. CI.1MFNTS ' A ssisunt Surgeon, li.H. A, JeSS tjyll Rejotder of Board. fTH K ARTIFICIAL If. AND. X H. A. OILDBA, laventor and Masuiactarar of the ARTIFICIAL A K At, Approved and adopted SITBOKON-OENXBAL OF THE UNITED STATES, Hat aermanetitly located hie ottloa'and Factory at No. 311 a. rm 'ti u atrvei, tu uvuci ssuew assave, s , 4 . . .. . sjh. l for cltv i fies. Nn 7s.-. I elinstlone every t tir ANTED TO I Tk V . " ff P.allptHI resawdltf V naaiasWiBWBflraBaaBasjj ,h.ra,""w''-'"-""' a, no Mil km.Ui.1 He-fm.l lUn.1 MafthlnM.fer HitaJ 'palreaj t tdt m-w oftif of "mm T ""'"'"'.RXM. law.. i. as".1,:,?.'""-. .... . . -. r mitmt. . j,. ... k. "a years v. lib Singer at . Ladles tattkht ts operate. J. aa. 1. " a. FORSALE AND TO LET. c COUNTRY SKAT FOR SALE. A splendid country Newlrtnnee. wHh all n.A . ... , rn,iinn, nsir e mils rros Kenneit Hot'Sre, and adtn!ng eteaanl niSH.Ion of Hayas .,,--- iwnaenani aronnn, nair e mils 1.,, Ia as r,-.l stsennce l,y errdltore. I,ailtead and leieraph afliul BlUen i. n'Mes1 rl.te. A only to t:.H l-AINTs.lt, or W It. WA'lKi.L, F.l . West Chester. ra..orJAC()H HDf.t , llanotlon, Penna. Ja4 ea, FOR SALE. S-WOOfTwO RT I II N OOf ID JLit lien sea. lares ; end ses ll.nn terms lo salt purh tsers, erherwllhor without Im amhrenoe, lisr cash and ewess trsde. Intlllre of , from III te 12 o clock. A.M. , TIIOS. M. PLOWMAN No. 1WJ t f OtIKTII Street. .Gl TOR SALE. THE NEW AN fj mt hK "" steam-vaeht FAIIUK hnllt for east c.-iiirilo-l' d to the Uieat Centml fair by Msssrs. Cfin Smiis, and N'-sflf A lvy. Iilnicti.l'.ns. in fcjtf.onfl lira Ileum. feet bold; speed aholit 10 Knots - "' Tot seen at tl e jardol Messrs. Mt AMP A SONS, foet AsT I A t . ml It M at pa sf Apii'y to . V. atf.RRti'K, dslrmsn of I onmlllaa est' te, ,.r,eA,t.;er lo . II Altl.KS II. CltAMP,?rmT-, Ships and Ship Bnlldina. Jw-g. 1)HOTOORAPIIS OF THE. GREAT CEN tral Fair, pronounced by the Cotntnnna. to ha IK. nnest view la. a. pahUsl-d by It NF.W KM kj " .J ARCH Street. A ItSeral dtseoani u Uie trade. jeS-iv INVALIDS ANI CONVALR.SCENTSIN. X vehde and Convale!enu, Invslitta aiei nve'eseents Invalids aod Consalesctma, fs,Moially E-pecially Females in fell ale It. alts, f esaates In rselleaie Health, fema.ee In llehrate llcalth. WlUttndour California Wtaet. Callfhrnlt Wines California Wines, Catilonne Wina California Wines. t'ahtosnla Wieea' peeollarly walealile In ail cases of languor and great an, ration of etrenstli. Ak A-k Ask Ask Ask Ask A.k Ak Ask ASA Ask A.k Ask Ask a,k Isrt. McOlellsnd, tiebhard. Hansnel luxtam lot the Penneyltania t'nlsotallyi. ' Muring, Helens, Orovea, Hartsheroa S'lim.Ble, Williams, Hartley, Naidtiard. Wilson, Tlnital, Vlnal. Fon.ley. Knorr, Mavland, and other leading physicians, what thev think of the nedf cinal vlr ue of Calil .rale Wtne.l Tlieae g'm lmen pre scribe our brands, sad astare us of tlie beacttlt paUeula CALIFORNIA WIN8 AORNrlr J21 lm No. ti 8. flV fU street, above chesnat. MONEY, TO ANY AMOUNT. fVl loaned upon Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry t Hl Plato, Ciointt.g. Ac, at 9 V JONKS A CO.'S Ol.f KSTAHI.IHIIKO LOAN OFrtCB, Corner TlltKU and HAisKILL sueeu, Htiow inberil. M. B. DIAMONDS. WAI'CHKS, JEWELRY, OUNS.Ao FoH SA1.K AT RF.MABKAIILY LOW PRJt'BB. jet-Lea QLD GOLD AND SLLVEK WASTED. AI.SO, 1)1 AMON I M, ASD OTHER PRECIOUS S X.ON E S, BOUGHT FOR CASH, BY X LEWI3 LAD0M73 tt 00., rro. him ji HiMri7T Hrtt. jeS-lm J)R0P08ALS FOR LOAN. TBKAStlKr lKrARTKKNT,Jua-3S',l9frt. Sealed ofrers will be rwelved at this mpartment, andei the act ofMarehl, 1HK.1, until noonof WBHN4DAY,th Sth day of Jul) . laM, mr bonds of the U ailed States to the amoant ef TUIRTY-THKkK MIM.IONS OF HOI LARS, being the amount of unaccented otters under Notice ofpronoaais for Loan, dated Sth Instant. The boaie will bear an annual Interest of ala per centum, aayaoee trail annaally In eoln, on the tint days of July and Janu ary oi each year, and redeemable after the 30th of June, 1881 . F.ack offer must be for fitly or one hundred dollars, or some multiple of one hundred dollars, and matt aUsta the sam, lncl&ding premium, offered for each one hundred dollars m bonds, er lor flfty, w,.en the offer ts for ae mure than fifty. Two par cent, of the prlnotuel, ex cluding premium, of the whole amount offered ayaataa deposited,, at guar ant as for payment of subscription Sf accepted, wita the Treasurer of the Unttod S Washington, or with the Assistant Treasurer at Tork, Boston, Philadelphia, or St. Louis i or Designated Iiepotltary at Balllmore, Plttsbattt ' nail, Louisville, Chicago, Detroit, or Buftaleit f r any National Banking Asaoctatloirautborised at' ' j deposits which may consent to transact the busine out charge Duplicate certificates of deposit j .V Issued to depositors hy the officer or association ft . them, the originals of which must be forwarded with tba offers to the Department. All deposits should ae made at time for advice of oners with certificates to reach Wash ington not later than the morning of July . No offer not accompanied by its prober certificate of deposit will bt con sidered. The Coupon and Registered Bonds Issued wilt bo of the denominations of Son, HOD. it0, and $1000. Registered Bonds of a'aWO and S10.0UV will also be Issued If retired. AO offers received will be opened on Wednesday, the Sth of Jaly, by the Secretary or one of the Asslstaat Secre taries. The awards will be made by the Secretary to the highest offerers, and notice of acceptance or declination will be immediately given to the respecUve offerers I aad, tat case of acceptance, bonds of the descriptions snd denoml nttlont preferred will be tent to the subscribers at Use coat of Ihe Department, oa final payment of Instalments. The original deposit of two per eent. will be reokoned la the last Instalment paid by successful offerers, and will be Immediately leturntd to those whose oilers may not ba accepted. The amount of accepted offers must be d-poslted wiUs the Treasurer, or other officer er association authorised to act under this notice, oa advice of eoeeptaace af offer, er as follows -Oae-third ot or before tlie 10th i ont third on or before the loth; and the balauce Including tba premium andorlgiual two per eent. deposit, on or before 10th of July. Interest on bonds will Deitnwt'h the date of deposit. Parlies preferr'ns may pay the accried late rest from date of bond, July 1, to date of deposit. Offers under this notice should bo endorsed " Offer fr Loan," aad addreoted to the Secretary of 'he Treasury- Ho offer will be considered at a h ss rate of premium tlaa four per oeut. S P.CaiSK, , Secretary of tlie Treasury Nolke to Officers receiving deposits under this aS'sr- tlsement : The preliminary ocrtlflcate of deposit per cent, must not be credited upon your accounts oui, at II it lo be Included la the flnal deposit. Jel7- I 11 Ii INHU11ANCE.- THE HOME INSURANCE GOMPABT OF PHILADELPHIA, 'o. 100 S UlLRIH STKKF.T. CASn CAPITAL $100,000. This Compsny Is dsmareby FlltK on LIMITED time, a d prepared te insure agetaet loes or buihlliise. either perwaeenl or tat a on M Kltt'll A N llhg geasraUr. DIRECTORS. i James Brown, I'tas. A. Diiv, Wm. D l ewis, Chas F Norton, Wm. N. Needles JohuD. Taylor, I nomas Kimoer, j, Henry S. M'-Uomh. Lemuel Coma. ( has. P. Ilatard, J. tllllborn Jones, allillll WiSHlsldu. JAMKS llltOWN, Presldeat, t II.A-i. A. DL Y, Vke-Preideat. Secretary. fatl-lal Thou as Nutans EIOHMOND & FOBEPAUGH, AsorAtmiMiaa asd oealsju na suPEition r tj it per i t u it ia. WARER00MS, tfo. 40 (4. BECOND Htroote Above Chesaut. west lata. Jet-lsa a v it. ft AST 19 CatLTouaav 1 .1,1 u SS BLAST Ml CRrfTCnES I These Orutchee hare a Gum Tuba across) ura wp, tua.iui m-m - - - -r . v. , n( ana, ana enabling the wearer to waak wlih mure oomfort than cam be derived rrom any other crnlsh. The topa are ao made as) to be ajipued so any emtoh. Patented iMoeniber. tnoj. t.nnrat HewF aplMaa Jfo.ma.gay'ONDtieot.betl4c;t, 1 J sya, PHILADELPHIA 6URGEf5N8' I m.V27 BANDAOB IBSTITUTE, No. 1 Nortki I SAS Via 1 11 Btrost, ab,ive Market. Rnptareat I radsraSy tured by H. C. EVERKrT'8 rremlent f"" tiraduatlng Pressure Truss. Superior fclaslie K Klastle Sloekasga, Hupoorters, Shoulder Blaeesp' Series, Crutehee, As. ' I Srtertuit :oe unit, eeuducted kv C -Tv- aiJl H Street, drat door keiew k kand eaaulethuf. 1 part, of Trusts, buopo rusts, Bl Brlo.s.i'1? Bustuo Stssolm,., f Arttoles Nisrsesy.blckBoom.Ao. J XTO DECEPTIONNO INFER! I pnrchased to offer below the ooal pry article. SAMl' El. W.HUNS, BROADS eaas eioe, Mia peresi niauew. ssimm wm., loswaasers shoald maks their TWas V aoli avaove. 1 f n