The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, July 01, 1864, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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.... ( I.
Racial I Th Kvenlwe; Telrwraph.
i WHrNOTOK, July 1. In my hut despatch
7r""K Mated that Governor Tod name wa
Kidrwn. iru not known In outside circles
- w do hm aociiird the nomination. Affair
now wdi tbt oidtr no ordinary or ptobtble
ehTumstance could Mr. Chase be induced to
resume hit port folle.
,. The Impression teems general tbts morning
tint Cher, an nw k. . .-.. ), r.hinot
i - there It levceij ,yng9 on, or tno rroldcnt'
nentusnaeiiAsalhlt as just and proper. B it
the Mil polat i tottle will tw, whether that Cabi
net ihaU bendktl or conservative. It will be
cn or the otitr.
1 : f. The psst tu shown the folly of a divided
III council.
V f 11 1 MM ipon pretty good anthority that Sena
tor sticrmia weald decline tho position were It
offeree t kin. a the Frealdont ha never
mentloMd He name of any other Ohio men In
connection with it, it is probable be will now look
toward tie east for new men.
i. Mm will probably be sent t the Senate at
boob to-day, u the President la aware of tho im
perUnoeof prompt action.
' The Clrtmklt, in a loading editorial noticing
the rwlrjiatlon of Mr. Chase, concludes as follow!.'-"
We know that Secretary Chase enjoys
tie occMence of the people te an unexampled
degree, that hit administration of the finances is
Kgaioi m evincing tlie highest statesmanship
M Inancial ability, and hi withdrawal Is
esteemed a national calamity,
"That' there sbonid be a reorganization of the
Cabinet she National Convention has virtually
deelared, and almost Che unanimous sentiment
of theeonntry avouches; and If such a reorganl
tatiou takes places, ttie Radical anti-slavery sen
1 timentof the country Is entitled to the Executive
recognition." ' ;' i
The Xntinwil TnIiII!twr- (runftmltv annnoaerl
to speak tb view of Secretary Seward, say S, In
a leading -editor ui :
"The .announcement we are sure will be rc-
d'mtvmA IwAIia Mnfltr with uittal inmrlM ind
Vregret ; tor whatever differences may obtain with
regard to tbe nancial system which has been
(inaugurated .undo the administration of Mr.
Chase, it wOl not fee denied by any that be has
rought to tbe discharge of, his duties the highest
u capacity mm purest personal integrity.
V "It is know, that yesterday was the termlna
ion of the fiscal year for 1863 and 1864, and Mr,
Chase has, therefore, been able to close the ad.
ministration of bis fflee with the close of the
year. It was supposed by many that he won Id
bare resigned his place on tbe restoration of
General Frank Blair to his command in the
, army, but it wag nenlled by his friends that be
"ft. I eould not with propriety do a at that time, when
his official conduct was just put on trial before
the Committee of Congress. The country is not
yet officially apprised of the Immediate considers
tlons of public duty which have constrained Mr,
Chase to take tho step thus announced.
"But we believe we ran no risk of misstatement
when we (ay that this determination was brought
boat by a difference of opinion between the
President and Secretary with regard to the
appointment of certain officers connected with
the Treaeary Department, and particularly of
the leading financial officer of the Government in
New York, where the Secretary deemed it of
especial importance to secure she services of an
Officer who aboold be selected on the ground of
financial qualifications rather than in deferenee
to considerations of a political interest.
. "It may alto be proper to add that the Secretary
was perhaps partially influenced in arriving at
bis deteiaainatkm by the apparent reluctance of the
Committee of Ways and Means to authorize the
additional taxation which he deemed no more than
adequate to meet the exigencies of the Govern
niect for the ensuing fiscal year. The demands
upon the Treasury by the expenditures of the
war have been prodigal, without precedent in the
history of nations, and have far transcended the
expectations of the coaiitry or of the Secretary
himself at tbe beginning or til war,
Yet then OTSrgrowIng and never-relaxing
. 'demands bars beed SWt with a fbty'lty or re
' , source which, in sorely taxing Lis ingenuity, .'
demonstrated bis financial ability and skill. It
Is easy for these who question the soundness of
1 bis whole financial system to trace all the
, Cifileultiei of tbe present financial situation
' to what, they may deem the radical
v 5, vice ot tnai system, uu it h uuij jue w
fit exactions made on the financial system of Mr.
' Shfi, by the extravagance of onr military ex-
' g47 v "
Idttures and by the unexpected length of the
' a. n....!. A -1- jlskwa aiiw
. have been enough to break down any sys-
y T sem, however sound In it basis, or however
jby capably administered. ' f
. "Onr .miv wonder U that the Secretary has so
wt. able to make a good lace agiiusi mo
-accumulating mass of Indebtedness enuilcd
bv ebliaauions in the assumption of whl;u, to
the aoiOuut of tens of rUohs, lie bal Ouii)timei
not even b:n consulted by his colletgoes in the
Government or the fcxeeuUV, but for the pay
meat of which he was expected to provide."
It is not considered by any one here that the
' chixt that ant cow being made in the Cabinet
will in any banner affect our present military
IF hO-Vr. Fessendcn is in the Senate Finance
. Coiumltke rooms, surrounded by his friends, who
are "urging him to acceptthe Secretaryship of the
. Treasury, so unexpectedly conferred upon bias.
, lie U understood to rVar that hia health is not
equal to the arduous labors of the position.
Senator Fessendoo's acceptance of the position
will certainly return H. Hamlin at Senator from
Maine. Tbe appointment gives general aati
faction, end It is not anticipated that further
', . changee will be made in the Cabinet now. Becrc-
' tary Seward was closeted with Mr. Lincoln for
fKmral hottrt last ulgbt, and Mr. Fesaenden was
luobsUy bis selection.
- Vkinotk, JIy I. The President noml
. uated Mr. l-'easendea wHheeit consulting him.
- The oosflrmatktn was smanlmeus. Ho bai
not yet signified hie acceptance. '
senator ressenden con
Firmed by the senate.
jl rr .i, .
lOTojf, Ju);1j Directly after the
tho jonraal a ibm.-'h was ro-
im the President. It was opened by
plug ojuenr. '
fSoimlor Iwmedlatcly came up and
tit it, when Mr. Grime moved, aud the
' "nt Into excrntiva sloa. -. r ,
! net if main theiclu mar) Uiaa two
" (i the doors ojeaed, and It was
' t William PIU Fessendea, Sena
V as C'iiCwi:d u KvtrcUiry ol
ttriTin awn bruvado or ni HTaa waat bu
Generals TTnnter. Crook. Averill. and Sullivan
put up with Mnjor H utter, about four miles from
town, wnose iieautitni rarm wns used a neaa-
quarters. In their snite were tho notorious Dr.
Kucker and David II. Rtrother (Porte Crayon),
the former attached to Crook's Klatf.
Major II niter, belnir an old array officer, was
well acquainted with Hunter, and talked freely
lo mm respecting Lis expedition. Hunter suia
that he had 50.000 men, and could tako Lynch
burg easily that we had better make no resist
ance. When Mnjor li utter informed him that it
would be no eaay tank, and tliet our people, in
the last resort, would retire to the Amherst
Heighta and Ore upon them, Hunter replied that,
in such event, he would help them to destroy the
town. The general olliuers wrru in-very high
spirits at the supper table oa Friday night, and
boasted that they would be in Lynchburg the
next day.
On Saturday night they took their meal at tho
same board in perlcet silence, oenentl Avertll
retired to tbe back porch after supper, very
moody, and remarked to MUa H utter, that " tbe
battle of Lynchburg would be one of the bloodleit
records of this war for the time it laxted."
raid that tbe loss waa very heavy on both sidu
theirs being not less than eii;ht hundred to a '
thousand. . ineoenerai waa uiiuen as to ours,
which is six killed and ninety-tivt; wonnded.
Sullivan said they had some 20,XK) or 30,000
men, aud reinforormeuta were expected under
Pope, who, with other troops, had four tbousaud
contrabands. .
The Yankees avowed It to be their purpose to
capture Lynchburg, and then proceed to the
assistance of lintler. Tliey placed their signal
officers on the top of Major Hut er's house, and
aa tbe battle progressed oa Saturday the "look
out" declared that the cavalry were cliarninir
splendidly j after a while, however.- he said thtt
they were giving way, and tiually left his eyrie,
in disgust.
When Mips Hotter remonstrated with General
Hunter for bis vandalism in burning the Mili
tary InHtilute, he replied, "You need not make
a fuss about that, for I Intend to bnrn the Uni
versity of Virginia, also."
After the melancholy supper referred to,
Hunter told Major H utter tbut they .wanted to
held a council. They thereupon appropriated
two rooms, the doors of which they locked care
fully. Major II utter, having retired to a back
chamber of hia bouse, attempted to pass out of
tbe buildlpg, V,hen he was inibrmed that he was
a prisoner. ' ",.
when the Yankee officers retired, they said
that they were going to the Iron', and thus took
op the line of retreat before Major 11 utter was
aware of their intentions.
Some of tho Yankee soldiers repaid the hospi
tality of Major H utter by plundering Miss flut
ter's chamber, searching trunks and drawers,
and carrying away various ornaments and
valuables. -.
Some nintty odd wounded Yankees were left
In Major Uutter's barn. Four or five of them
died on Sunday. These wounded were rather
the best -looking Yankees we have yet seen, being
mostly Western men. Other wounded were left
at different points among tho families of tbe
people they had robbed, while many of the
slightly wounded were doubtless carried off.
We are obliged to close our narrative here, by
adding that the Yankee retired by the way they
Tho damage done by the Yankees to the Vir
ginia and Tennessee Railroad, while not fully
ascertained, is reported to be very heavy. Reside
the burning of the bridges across Big and Little
Otter rivers, and Klk creek, the track la said to
be torn tp for several miles, aud all the depot
between here and llig Lick are burned, and the
wuter tank destroyed. If these dimages bs
correctly stated, it will take some time to put the
road in running order again.
The scene of desolation and ruin in the neigh
borhood of this city, near where the enemy mule
their line of battle, la positively appalling. Tbe
people were stripped of everything, fences were
torn down, crops trampled up, and every species
of vandalism that savage could think of was
IT . -I. ...... 1 1.
iwKi, surcp. i-Mttie, penury, weru
toiCn n(1 carried otf, and whon uot needed for
food weiC wantonly slaughtered and left to rot
on the ground. .
Among others we feav heard of a being thus
brutally despoiled were Mrs. PuloJoxter, General
Clay, Captain Armistead. Dr. Floyd, and N. W.
liarkadaiu, on and near the Forest Hoad ; and on
the Saloiu road, Samuel Miller, Major O. C.
Hatter, and Dr. W. Owen. There were alto
others, of whose namea we have not been in
formed and along the entire line of the enemy's
niarcb, as far us we can learn, the same scenes
nlimw an1 rrttthorv VMn AnjtHii-
l , . . ! f 1 L. .. I .... - I . ...I,
aptain Paschal liutord was str'-- . . '
g i cattle, horses, hogs, . - , ""'T:
takeu; and lo witi iV"!.!
ng near r- ,B(t 04 maf( Qa Q
thin? ! rattle, horses, hon. ' rt0- 01 every.
W"B'-, reach Of the Kd. At I.ltiertvUie ease
WU the same, and there ia vcaroaly a family
there who baa a dust of tueaior a raoron of ba xn.
Along the road between tkit place and Liberty,
a gentleman who paaa4 owr It yeaterday tells us
that there are at leas', owe hnudred or ut re deid
horses und mule. . When these animals gave out
tbey were cruelly shot.
The enemy wre oat of rations, aa the Chief
commissary mid a oa tturday morning
that they were cimfilvd to do one of two things,
capture t.yDcnrorg ana gel supplies, or retreat.
r indmc taw'T coukl not do the toriaer, tney naa
to do tin Utter, -and we predict that this is the
laxt Vankoe trip to Lynchburg.
ivi tsaiH-msitiae of uahcous a ceara
xwd CAiTrttK or a l.vuoa mvmbeb or
Miaow ana, bio.
The Petoruburir pavers of yesterday 13d)
bring us nevro of the operations of tbe armies
about tnat xxty, anu tne purticuutrn ot me Bang
ing ot Atancock'a i;urps, which was aunsancea
yesterdity by telegraph. We condense tho news
iu the following summary :
At early dawn, and until nine o'clock, scarcely
a heavy gun waa discharged, aud, if the pickets
contlnud their shooting, the rumbling of heavy
wagons, aud tbe busy hum of the uopalaee, pre
vented it being heard in Petersburg. Can
Lomiding was hoard on our extreme left, and
upon inquiry it wa ascertained to proceed from
a Confederate lialtory admirably posted In Ches
terlield. Tbi battery had obtained tbe raage of
two of the enemy's SO-poundor I'arrotts, planted
at Batteries Nut. 1 and i on Jordan's farm, and,
by the admirable aim aud precision of our gua.
nurs, renaerea aumirame service. .
Inters than thirty mluutes afkir nur battery
oiened tliecnemy 'a guns were onVctually silenced.
Kepcated aitemptl were made duriug tbe day to
roopea tbeue guua, which for several day past
liavo been throwing abella into our oity, but
every attempt was met by a hot fire from the
'liiuterAtdd lleiahta. which prevented tbe aceou-
lishmentaol the enemy's purpose. 1'eterabarg
enioved a remarkable exemption from these an
nosiur missiles of the eneuiv. and luauy were
sun ied at the amiable disposition which seemed
suddenly to have taken puaewion of our auin
viled vuitois. ' "
winiimnAT ArraHifOON vlabkinO) or hax-
- coca' cokfs, amo tAuoa uaix raiaox
BUA, ABTlU-kMK, 4c. ,. j
About two o'clock s7. M., heavy firing was
heard on our extreme right, to the rear of Weils',
oid niaee. In Dinwiddle, about two mile from
UuHuwprth'l Bridge, the tiring wa rapid, and.
? f a fy -rv, . i, ' y ,- - - . . - ju f I
I " T " .7 mrwa FROM MEXICO. I
the discharges of musketry nere plainly heard by
persons residing in the soliurb in that portion of
the city. The report Uiat a fight was progressing
in that direction spread rapidly through the city,
and many hastened where they supposed they
would be enabled to witness the battle.
la this, however, they were disappointed, for
the country wa too thickly wooded to ea the
conflict without exposing one's person to tbe Hy
ing ball and bullet. All, however, osrald hear
tire Iking, and listened to tbe exciting sounds
with breathless attention. The enemy had ad
vanced an entire eorpa around to this extreme
southwesterly direction during Tuesday night.
tunt.iui uiiviv '..f , ,
the purpose of setxlug and holdiag the Weiaoa
d, and our geaerals were on the out sir at a
vrv aarlv hour. Shortly al'er midday a Hank
movement which had been planned was put mw
process or execution, and inia Druugn, un taio
light which bad attracted the attention of our
citisens. ,
It soon became evident mar. our iorw wo
driving the invaders, and before four o'clock it
..T...ini that, wh bad rained a decided
success. Three brigades, under the comtaanu 01
General Malxme, had, by the skilful manajver
ingof ttieirdiceni, succeeded In getting to the
front, right ana leu 01 a larRo iwuj m
vaelers, before tbe vandala were fully apprised of
the danger of their situation. Their front wa
protected by a long line of brea-itworks. which
bad been thrown up during Tuesday night, but
this did not deter our troops from their uuty, lor
uo sooner was the ordor to charge give than our
troops rushed forward with one of their charac
teristic yell. .'.,.
Siuiufiaocons with this charge In front f the
enemy, rite two other brigades mentioned opened
on both Hanks, aud letwacn the tkrao tires but
a few moments sumoea to cna lue eonnici, iu
great bulk of the vandal tlirowuig down their
arms and ttegging for qaarler.
The results of this adtnlrably p'aaaed, and no
letu ailinwably executed Bioveu.'at ant, the cap
ture of loo urisonura, eight atauds of colors, four
pieces of artillery, and two llnea of
breaatworka. But better than all, we relieve the
Hue of railroad, and still tuaiaiaiia our oommaut
eutions with the Soutiu
Among the prisoner are fifty-seven comml
slood olllcers, but noae higher than colonel.
The aien belong ruaiuly to the 'M and tih
Vrindra. Biruev's Di.i.iiHs. Hancock's 2d Army
Corps. We captured no general otneers,
Colonels r nutcr auu i uuiu vuiuiubuuiuji
brigades, borne of the pruunera taken aay that
the movement towards the railroad was generally
regarded as baxardou, aud General Hancock
w as unfortuaaloly taken sick just on the eve of
tbe expeuiiloB. Biniey wa In command, of
whom the piiaonors do not speak at all couipli
mouianly. They say be invariably manage to
get into trouble.
A Rival, all natKsaJiUb art rtprescntrj
''a...'. ' W I
an.oug the prisoner, and many of the men say
that they left
the trenches around Washington !
twr Ive davs sim e. A msjoiltv or them express
great satisfaction that they arc now prisoners of
war, and declare they have no heart to ditht. A
somewhat ma'ured son of the Emerald Isle,
w i re brad is heavily sprinkled with grey, upon
b wst aked where be was from, promptly re
sponded, "Ireland, by , and would to God
that I were back there to-day."
latest mow rBTBusnruo.
Pbtbbsrvbo, June SS, 10 A. M. Our foroe,
fter driving the enemy up to live o'clock last
I BveolDK, lilT want 111 wue.tgiin'iiww p
n,,, . ,tand. The enemy foon endeavored to
.j tne wmk which they had lost, charging
us drperateiy lour iiiiimiwuuum '"
The lighting ended about nine o'clock, and has
not been resumed thia morning.. There is little
or bo firing on any part of the Hue this morning.
Colonel Shelly, of AUbama, waa killed in the
fight yesterday evening.
It is reported that our forces came ap with the
enemy's rear near Dinwiddle Court Houat last
n'gbt, and that there waa lighting all night.
Pbtehhiiuro, June 23, 7 J0 P. M. The prl
oners captured yesterday eveulng number, by
olllcial counts. 167 prisoners and non-commissioned
oflicer. Our kiss yesterday evening was
about 300 killed and wounded: that ol theeuomy
ia estimated fully as many as 1000.
i -jin .miulnf arms were taken. Tho troops
eiiKHKcd wore Muhonc's of Virginia, Kauudi rs' of
Alaoama, anu vri(i"a "w'L"i
whole commanded by Ceneral Mahone.
Our advance foug! i the rear of the enemy
raider near Dinwiddle Court House yesterday
--..(,. ...Minriiiff tn or fifteen Drisouers. :
The enemy are reported to have reached the
Junction of the South Wde and Danville Hail
roads to-day about two o'clock. :
The latest information from Hunter wa that
be bad retreated through Uulford's Gap towards
Salem, lu ILoauoke. ..
iin.. im. hour thera baa been nothing to-(lav
except ihariahooiing and caaaonading. Tho
sharpshooter are very active.
The enemy took possession of the Weldou
Railway, six miles below here, this morning,
nrt art biisv fortl'VliiB. Their pickets in that
Hinu-iinn am within four miles of the city. Our
troops, afwr tne success of last night, retired to
their original poaitlou. ,
Tki .n,.in'i ratilpra barntid the dcDOt. two
enirmes, and rltVen cars, and tore up a mile of
the railroad at Ford s station, Qlteeu muus rroin
here, ou the Bouthslde road, laat night.
An Ivorv tuok. weltthlug eighty-one pounds
waa found in the stomach of an elephant reocutly
killed Uvux h waje ot ukhjuoi.
IVi A f ,
The following ttems are front Savannah
papers ;
w. nattd avarr effort, a our reader will
testify, to preserve the credit of the live-dollar
Conliderate notes, ana uavo .u.ira -vice
to other by receiving them at par in pay
meut of all due up to tbi date, even though it
has subjected us to ueavy loss.
Our oourse, Boweve.r, nas not orcu nimiira
by the public We find it Impossible to pay oui
the uvea in uiscnargo oi uy " "6 ".. -,n.,ni
c.itc at a heavv discximit. 0 are.
therefore, reluctantly compelled to decline re- '
celvinff such notea in future, except at the cur
rent rate of discount in this city, viz. : Thirty-
three and a third per cent, wheu mote man one
are paid in.
van b . pm i
Ti, Plclnnond F.nmtirer states that on the
r.ent annroach of Beast Butler. General Bragg
ordered the evacuation of the nourishing city of
Petersburg, and It abandonment to
vandalism. For some reason, the order was not
carried, and Beauregard niaue a successiui uo
fense. driving the enemy beyond tho James river.
This looks very strange, ana we nope tuu amjuirn-
It mistaken.
Mr. Ru8cII,of Virginia, has introduced a bill
la Congress to amend the army regulations in
reMwct to cam ins br bonded oillcers aud other
custodians of tbe public funds.
1 We lcnrn that this gentleman, unwilling to bo
idle when his State is invaded, has Joined the
militia as a private, and rationed to Gonoral
Wayne, at Atlanta, lor duty.
Among the nromotions in the army are
Colonels Terry, of VirKiuia, and ICraui, of
Georgia, to be brigadier-general.
It was not A.T. Stewart who lately gave
. 000 to Yale College, but a Massachusetu
boy, B. M. C. Durfee, of Fall River, a member of
the present rreauuian ciaa at x aie.
The papers In the wool-growing region of
Ohio report smalt sale ot uie new cup aa ja,
hohlrva aakiua an advance on last year' prioe.
At Cad i a soiiui purchatwa have beeu made, aud
price rang (rout ixty-nv to aeveuty-iivd ceuU.
Tir ar now hi tbe hosnltal at Waablnirton
fifteen hundred Masaachusett soldiers out of
three thousand received Since the present eaia-
paign oomrflenced, most of them capsble W he ra
mmed to IbS North. Titer neod clotkiug, SUuiB-
Jant, jt Uits, ana other 01wikjvI
General Doblatdo 4inlaK te the Vailteil
The New Orleans ro contain the following
communication from correspondent in
", June 8, 18C4. F.dltor of the Era
Thinking you wish to Know wnai is paaug in
i this part of the country, 1 will proceed to give
ids soma Items. Some ten day ago
Dobludo tried to make a push atfalnut the olergy
tn.nrrial irtv at a town called Mntehuala, soma
eighty leagues from this place. His forces nuai
btred two thousand live hundred men, with ten
pieces of artillery, lie maue a gooo. pusn, om
wasiunfortunale, losing everytlilng. Several of his
m, .ra w.r. uirn Drminci. muu anw.
i-Amonir them was an American oj me uaiuuui
Ttrxlcnra. 1 he French, after ill
ii-iroauug uim, iits
tha nonr fellow because he was an American t
The Flench commander, Colonel Lamar, aald
tbut the Yaukeea have no ngtit to meuute in trie
Mexlcnn nnestlon, therefore I suppose that only
the French have this privilege. Poor, brave
nian, he stood like a hero and wa shot down s
several otner omcrs auuercu mo """"j
penalty. General Doblado arrived here safe
on the 3d, and bad a long private Interview
with Colonel de Bordon, now Geueral do Bor-'
don. He is an Intimate menu or sue lusv-nameu
gentleman, who is well known her a a true
patriot ; above all, he Is far superior to the rest
of the chiefs, who think only of to-day. De Bor
den is extremely well liked here.and U'he carries
out his deep plans, will uuerai tuo ooumry. a
understand he will leave bore for tho United
bwtcs to-day. The state of the Government 1
very bad. General Negrete is the only one who
labors bard to keep things In order all apjiears
to be in disorder. Gen. Qucsuda, who commands
at Saltillo, shot on the fitk two officers, Colonel
Bruno Losano and Major Vgartechoa, both
accused of mutiny. Fvery ouo here seems very
bloodthirsty. I have just understood that Gene
ral Doblado goes to the United State with Gene
ral dc Bordon, and that great thlnir are expected
from both these gentlemen. Juares and hia cabi
net appear to M i dead thing. There I no
activity in tbe Government ; all seem so partake
of certain indolence and don't-carw-sivtjaeaa ol
the Spanish race. ' . .v '
"SaceasloBista are bow gaining etrengtB, every
day, although tbe Juares Govorament doee all U
can to keen them under.. " luK
ported frem tit Aatertcaa people ir K.chinooa w
taken. The Mexhaio paopUt piy for tha umiopl
of our emuao, and we must help theut aguoA4
luSTJnIes Ortega will be hole In aew
days with aotu 60OO snen, wall Aimed. 1 Us
Franch have lately made o daioon.' rfnv.o
jaiuat this iltj, uu-i vi
FltoM liAZjl.'Srtxioiii:."
si-rtary t'Stiwia'a. JlMfasiwtlwtf
ArrhbUhnp r nslllmnrr -Ttts Bnt
Bans1) asMl ohlv Rttllroas.'
BA1.TIMORB, July I. There Is ma. h flutw-inf
hm among certain eustom bonn olllvluls Ix r-"-tequeiice
of Mr. Chase's refl(fnaii(;n. Sev
rnnt suffev deoipltatlon. The resignation wn.
niueli regiet. ' ' " t
It baa been ofllcloJIy announced that Rov. Vt
thatRov. Dl ' f
hit ew Arch 1 ' J y
Spnnldins?, of Lnaiville, la to be the
1 (lip of Baltimore.' ,.
The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad trains at i
tunning regularly to-day. " 1. v J
Asi 1 wurcvaafnl RcIhpI ItstM. '
Baltihobb, July 1-A small force of tin.
rnrmy appeared on Wednesday near Ilarper' t
Ferty, but weie promptly pursued byGeners:
Sigal, wkh every prospect of capture.
No trains or property of the Bttimre awl
bio Rullroad have been touched, and t!iere is n i
errmy sow upon or near the Hoe. . All the pM
etiigrr ana ireignt trains are ruuutug wua auu
rafcty and regularity, rha military guard a
'if road I very large and reliable.
r, 1 ... . - t f. -.mi-
-u.. 1 v : r. states ' CRESS.'
ml.r... ...
nurtlea as kvanly land rlknu.
Advaaee 1st
Gold, ttriMiftfaflfev w
I New Ybbk, July 1, Noon. The Flour Ma
is txcited, ana price are nigner,-". is-
fj, Wheat is sleo txcited, wkh an Kdvanoe ot H
6c. Corn is lfo 2c. better. , . ., f
Pork is firmer. Whisky nominal. T t
Gold is quoted at 9033TO. " J in i :
cow niar-AtoK.j o"JA i
Nr Yonx. Julv 1 Tbe steamshlB Bam
nnlved at this pott this morning. Heradvio
New Yobk, June 1, One o'clock. Governmej I ' , f
sfrrksare bitter,' wltlje other stocks have di lit
dined.. Gold has dropped to 85. 01 so : I
: A rrl vi 1 wf 1 he Bsswatrta." I 5 I
have been anticipated. . f n t r
Malar. r.llsT?Mk '.-
"Pobtlabd. July I.'-S.Ptrbnm waa nominated l
for Coscrei'S in the Second Congressional Dia
trict jeitercsy by tho Union Convention.. ' V
raplMlsi Hall. 1 be Arrtle ExptorwrP
Naw Lokbmi, Conn., July L Captain Hall,
the Arctic ( xplorer, sailed to-day.
1 u !
. '1 HMO"" -H
Bspartca sy iiaratm I., nroasn. ne. m a. Tolra 5W
BErOHB BOARliS). -. ,
KOsh Mellhranr.... 4 KiklM.t.
ss sk Fultsa Cva.... 1 , ... . ... SB'S
T10 h Palletl Oil.... t,'! K" f'
l, Boirs B. . isu.h , l-...
jiv.n oo..,. e won iw v .n ao.. ..sen
lot). M..M...a Shti lio.a lo,u.,.,.rfa
SUtOOU. lel.H
tisoo S. rf toiX
sou ah Huh Fav f A SO -
lUO.h New lTa..b I
, M.kllal 4'
lOihf.nna hfi.... IS
lov.a l.litla Swta tsV
yen .h heailhif B. aJ
X'.h , ...,., tsi r ... ....... WJS
Siwi ao....eonp.iin
i An rea..IlilS
B.M CO do K )V
. ' WjhuC'dI I IS
lltUH ( . M A WMI Si SO 1 1 '
l co CHj s. asw..... .losv
4I U ....IlS
ll th Oil Onek b
SOU 111 rttd. IXlu..tiS I
ion .a 1 eo...Ssvr
:i sh , do. e t,
Wsh t da..v
i loo Brok,jr, T W
H. H. tmm- Bloek rnmmlssloa
uaar atMlnas, Wahwt sums, kdDWTbinl. ' k
, rwt'Kg or aiot uiM nbw yobk.. I
Rfportfd bj Clarkioa A Co., Broktrs, Ko. Ill S. Third H
, . . rrn tw,, Qivtmn ue
Vnllvd Ut.s.ln.lnt off.... .lull, bid HU'.'u t
noes i.iatia jfaiutwa............ ma
Headlns Kal'nnd bid
lllinou rtnirsl BaUroad .. bid
(lalena Ballroad bid "
Kw Vutk (Mutual lUUnat .-U!H U4
til Kalltoad I1H bi,
Harlem KaUm..........MM...Ii)t . kid-
(lol.l bid
fiiH.SSUlea &....... 101 1, M4 ,
Market lltavr.
JatCobsk A Co. (jo.ita OovtraBMat 6eiu1U,'ti7, to
boob to-day, aa fellows : ...) v.J'l
1 - Muvin. .MJFHn.
u.n. oa, trr .......m .....j , lift
., ne U4
hh ni iai'i
Inr.t.Ktw. ., . ,, Hjl
txr M b!- - S3
II. B. 1 B- Mt l.nfOtt.H
( orilflratta of InutbleOnftaa
(Jaanetmaator'a voachcra
I tOld.a .............. ...... .F
HO Honds... lOlJf l Z
10 SSCoapoaBondarvadr ft dallvasi !.'
FBIDATj juij i.
The Stock Market opened very weak this
morning, with sales of Reading at f?8j, decline)
of 2 per cent, from yesterday's price. The state)
of the Money Market Is sufficient to account foe
Ibis, h'gh a three per cent, ft month being;
paid on time transactions in stocks. : As long as
tk demand for money is o great at high rates,
the Stock Market must work lower, It Is an
Inevitable law, .. . , ' rt' .'
The resitnatltn of Secretary Chase la still agi
tating the niind of financiers, opinion a , to
it effect upon the Stock Market being as yarjeoV
si the characters of the men who utter thenu
The prevailing belief, however, seems to be that '
any disturbance of present harmonious relations)
in the Cabinet must tell badly upon stocks. J
Gold wss quoted at 210 this morning. In the)
Board Rcadlrg rallied to 601, and was fairly
steady at that figure. . !' a ir
" ' aw -n
riiiLAuaxruiA istAUK BteroTr
Fbidat, July 1. The stock of Flour Is Kht,X
and atisaa koUats tttm IndUpoaad ta aaataU at tvaaau
prlecat th aalas cosaarlaa 1H0 bble. extra farnUy, fit
Bio RU1, at 10-7, iwll V bkl., and v0 bol, tluakas;
CIIJ Mills on Irrai kept aecrat. Th petal ten and bakar
irareliaM wttliia the raima of ta-iofcas-T ar tuaorauoi
Slavs' SO fur extras i lUKro aw aatra raallT, aa4 a
hlsber Ssuraa for faacy kits. Tba Hock of Bjra I'kHir aui
Coin Uoal are Uxbl, and do saloa worth of uot have
comt under our notice. ' , . - . .
Tbe Wtaat Maraat tooBssttM,aad wa aottaaaalaaor
SCWIbuak. ai iKe l anntlrania raS at Si .a, aad JU00 bu.tu
prima KtHinkj wlilt at fffti Ul buab. Ru tranacilaaa 1st
My bava coma under oor nottse. la Corn trtara Is ao a. to
movoBeol tha atatkot la ml bar ftlot, and salaaaf yatluar
aro pukka at 1 ie I SO. Oaks ar la bauav ra taat; a
sale of MOO bu.h. was offectad at KH. HvW Mak I
wortb f l'SC.and a lot waa ukrnat tbi. Star..
Tbo pard tardancj noted la tb rrovUbw Mavkat
lav sob time pi otlll awntlaasa, tad prlea kava asaia
advauoed i axuall saiaa of Jtesa I'urk am cffocUd al ai B
barral; 1(0 llatcaa Laid al llie.; Hams la salt at We. i and
luo aacka(ea Olilo Dairy Batter, at use. '
aval stores and Oila ba.a advancad. Whisky at nfbor
alatbamlssrawvrikySl'S7lal-MI. , , ,,
StaamaMp Couuuauui, suamor, Kaw OiWuis.C. I (luar '
Sbis fcaiparlel,Bwlik,VlTaroi,T,p.ltkriJ.vii r
Baniua oooa uaiura,rtaKn,vora,rorruurs,o.'
brooka A Muraa.
BaiuuaOur I uinn, Klekal.on, Hay Waat, Tyln
n.rnuaT.Vaat Mania. AnMiltl. fun Mi.v.l o. . IMA
A Co. - ' . V . -.--
gchr llaonsh.Walea, Forlross alauroe, ' "' '8.
hU.r S. H. Smllb, bluJk-7, Bon,.,J o. Q. t. Itil
a..iir (I. Flaw. Sltaw. do. do.
bckr 1 la,rili, Mok arson, 1'rovManea, Blakl.wa, O '
itoksrsoa, 1'rovManea, Blakl.wa, u .
lTi Balthnoea, 1. 1. Jn.taa. ' t
blry, WaBliinatuu.Xlvulkjr. t f
A l'
Srhr Oiikatil.TlllT.
bitri.verauo, IiuaU
Brig Both, Owcus, dajsnoat rt kVfal, SB bai'
J. u. atwood.
nrlii C. A. Wblldao, Thotnpton, froia St. Joan i.
Ila ,lnbailatioa iln.
Bus K M Buot-s. Sirooti I oars from Mektoo, In '
last So captain. f
SchrC f. V'iBss.llotehlaaoB.lOdSTirroaiaralali
lnuibvrto ila.kill At t.alvlu.
Skr C. S- k-itoer. M.aou, 0 days from Rotlf 4, wu
to T.iouiat . .- -
achy A o) Va.odar3 i" -
htai 10 cup, iu. -
hckrO. . ''f i(Si'i AVu fia
U,S.h'r"cI,B'i . St. lr4. Uoauw, w.iiW .
U. B. Keup. 1- .
a. kr f-1,1. a Six-act' 1
day h-utu Biaaiii
r.., 1 tiav frvta !;iai.)
14 W. JS. cau. a. v. w. ' f
Oitlrial ItrKwIasa-a f tU tabwi
taayulkuaauav- ... , .. ' :, ..
as. se. i 4.
19, 48, 65,'.
my aai
1KIV al
Stl'i aal.
l'sslj'tailal' " "
llsb aales (
101 taaasj
- t
.. 1
1 ft