1L A si V t u V c 1 4 . f :l ti i; 1; A i X I . 4."n. C'.v. i i - -. t - n OF TJIK UC'RALD. Tbm r''. fut.lU&ed -every- T&elay, lf2 i Vff tvi3i,-f4jWa half-yearly in aJvance.-f-- rfnoCfdridCiio $ie jfear, $2,-SQiU invaria-' Uy be chur ml.' ' ' ' i f ' ": ' V ! ' . Ko sub'ription takVn for f ess than ix mcrfiths nor can a , abseriliec. dicontijux r.le ai - lhe tpifpo of ytbe ,Jitof,-til arrcarajcuare - ;-paii..eiL V ; -,: z.r; n--'! j ADTEmsE.fitjmi ifl nwrua , at.. $1 pej " quare, rr thfe firtTihree insertion, anj'25 cent for ewy-ubftcquenl insertion: longer ones in proportion. c "-' f-.-jj ... ; Advertisements. " 7 J ' 1 ' ' J ' ' 1 United Slates Newspaper '.Jli vcrlising an d :Si(Jjscriptid)i ? IflOR English, ; GerRian-nJ French Xi nanfrs.' At!vfrliimpi-r . inoerrol papers sAiiyeruerne.!H inserted to order in the; variofcs W?pers puV- 5islieil in the Unlteli StattB, al the eame - Terms tuarare cnr.rgeu at the diOcrcnl v- ----''' f i''t t J- T J ii Merchnnts .Acrounlsani others coi JectmJ -an J .prmnpily "lteJed ;rod JJiIall lijsansofthe Unite J States. .i.iVj I ' Authorized , Newsptiper Agent, . Suoi .Uiiililings, 'rtwrd arjd Doek yireeta. no- posite Metchams. Exchange, f -or ;4-40 - or.n r ourth street is. - - -v -,v ? " Printing Inks' of erery xJeacriplion, ' furnished o rtiitiliihera ist mantll'aciiirpr's priccg. N. Warranted to give satisfVctibn J Bonnets. r'J , fjJTU.ORE.NCK Jlraids, Straw, Kudand vdL 4tnd Velvet Bonnetvchcap at J- M. !IOLDEKBAUM:3j ir iL - SOAPS, i - fp.OILET, fancy; airt . common eon, -ltr ca;e at the Drufr store of,-; McCRr.F.TlY. - Stearina X'andles; A DAMAN TINE Stearine Cand)es, a .-i 4a.'-beanttiBi article, and eqtvd to Sperm, on hand snd for sale at the Drug Smre of .' . Wm. McCrf.ery. I:-" ' STRAY STEER. ' JTi IAME' to the premises of the tub f$Jr briber residing in Mil ford town , -ship, sbout the 20th of last August, V . ; lied Steer, " . J , 'uppo?eil to be 2 years old lant spring, 'no ear marks; the ovmer is requested To xroine ftrarJ( prove property, pay char ges, and lake him away, or he will be deposed of aecording tolaw. nov2-,47-3t -DANIEL BAKER. l! MARBLE TOMB STONES; ; npHE subscriber, thankful for' past i JL- -favors, 'respectfully informs the "e public generally .that he continues to car jon the Stone cutting business, at his .ty in Somerset, where he will always 4i"e? on hand and finish to order a varie . . f of MARBLE and COMMON TOMB STOXES, 4'.lof which will be sold at reasonable ' - Country produce taken in exchanjn lot work at market prices. : : .1 BENJAMIN WOOLLEY, t Mlarcli 2. 18-17 I v ' : Th3 GemantownTelerrajiK rr rupuiosnfsii:lil21ff,i5Svnf Hooter.' : -: ' - -: J ' , ! - . - , - . .r-ntamfy Scicspnper, . IIS I rt..,. n - . 1 uersgneK" b7n Put''eJ bv th . I ne o hi - v wentv vears. at ; rh7a county; ,Tn' 1hi,al' and now Tfije. miles of the ':" '""''Aros a degree of nopu? ; iaruyr,Snequ2lled,: perhaps, by any oilier k weekly newspaper in Pennsylvania. '," i ' The Telegraph ts, strictly speaking, a 1 Family Newspaper," devoted to the in terest and entertainment' of Families and Country readers in "general."" It avoids LPolitics-arid' Religion of a partizan'and sectarian character, but assumes io speak its sentiments fully upon all subjects w herein the welfare of its Teadersr and he comrauRity i3 iuvolvedi '- X Jn aII -the features which should fnark a r.ewspaper designed for General Read ng, .and especially, as a Fireside Com panion and Fiiefid,. the Germaxtows Tiii.Es a. aph stjftds nilsurnassed." " The Foreign Intelligence and Domestic news of the day; the full details of the present war; original articles on valuable subiecis: poetry, tales, travels '. voyages, history; weekly .reports of the produce and mo ney. markets; jjoliViral news, &c, consti tute important quafiuesTn 'this . paper; while t!ie agricultural department, a new and valuable Jeature. hrst introduc- ed by he Editor cf this paper, is "of it- velf worth the whole price of subscrip tion.. . . , .' r- .-- i ri. The undersigned requests .the People t ri . couuiy u n oomereci no may vit1i to tdke a newspaper out of their l'wtv county,- in, "addition to their own paper which should nlicoif be taken first Xt try the Germ an town". Telegraph, which will be found to be, in all reipects, e.vnl- if not superior to any "the Cilv Weekly. Papers.. rThe priceof sub?cnp- "lion, too, is so low, as to place tt'wiihin r k . " the reach of every one, however limited j j.i ine.na, to take the.paper for. at least, -neye'af; he wiU then : be capable of judging, of its merits. . i; ; ,;terms; r - -Tak;rg into" view the real vaTue of the X 'per. vUe following lerms are lower than. ' vr r offered bv anv tr 1 "''r 1 i: o nV 1 v e ar. ''"'' ' S s o L t, . i.. "f comes 'in one c ub. I v. 5 fin e club. IV. 5 00 ' ; l?,ic r '..'' i . , -r w Monies in one club. v. in an Knp ri ' 7 I AX , for 1. copies ii nner iih t fo rn u VzT'a all cases the money must ac-T ro.iinnnvMKe ordef. For everv r!,,!'r 17 '-u-scn'jers wlnoh may be sent, the 4 " " t iM-er W 1 I ;iw9n i.r j . 1 . , : , ti'cmiuiji im pome uoo;i, fillexr' wiih uur(.ii, I ..iiea. - I til Li PR. KRRi- Oei, :or Pt i t- PRESET N exreltenll -assortment of ; fresh. f)mr. Melinir w I Chemical, Escences; Perfume ty, Paints, Desr Oil, Vafiibh, &rv, &ev jot received "pnd f?!? : sale ri the Druj Store of . . ,T '? '"" - tint 'li n r- n :' v ' IV Al XJ V-Jl t C It X 0ct5 Somerset. Cpunts's I in and lor.the -county of Sonu ersei, on thebilulayof bepiember, 18i7i present .the jiuiioraUle',, ...Jeremiah? S. Black President,' EmJ ti'eorge Chorpen fuii associate Jutle "of tle same cptirt. ; . ,Un raoUoii of Mf Uox the irourt coni (inn Usc nqtnsjtion :antj rahi a rule on Uhe heirs and legal renresentirrii'p f IV. Jer.' ShireNhcd. V appear aY-an ad- jo oururd . Orphans', Court 'lo he held at oomersei tin Monday t!ie 22d day of Noc-mber, A'. D. 1847, le accent, or re Tij is eTofak"e; "llie, . t reiTT'cV lite uT ' saTiTiJe Vgaied at; the -appraised price, ; w J ttracis-fr.iin the ;KeroruV.of ,said i-ourtV ct rtifieii thja " Cih'ifay" of JSepiem bcr., A. D.'l 347.: V"T -u i : ,1, . .r.WM,'U,t PICKING, t J Somerset Vonntijyss. . i MV:;A rr'an'a?!irnfd Orphans' m , I Jv'rt. held at Sftmerset i". "'? Air" the i-ounty of Sum erect, on tne :lnh ,day -of; September. A D. 1647, before ahc Honorable Jeremiah b. rjaok President, -and Geo. Chornen- jiing and John McCarty associate Judges of die same court,"'-: : ". ' . - Ob motion of." .Mr. CJeWart. "the'cn"ui grum a rule on the widow, heirs and le- salirr0refentatiyes of John'DL Reese, dee'd, u appear at an adjourned Orphans court to be- tield attsomerset in and for said county Wri the 22U c'ay'of November next, in t sliewaose if any;they nare w ny tne reat.estate of said deceased lioalu not be. sold. - 1; . i ,i , , xracts ironi the IfctrIs of said court, eertified this thh day of Septem her. 1847, WM. II. PICKING, i Sept. 21. 1847. ? , . clerk. ! KEGIS'IEirs NOTICE. "Jo fKE is hereby given to all persons i'f "concerned as legatees, creditors or otherwise,', that the following accounts have been hied and passed register in the Register's ufnre16r:tho county of Som. erset, and that the. same will be present- ed to the Orphans conrt for confirmation ami allowance on Monday, the 22 day f. Ncv'emlxr next, m"jm aiourued Or phans' court,' vix4j;;,;.:: ;;::r.. The account of Jacob Koontr, admtn- istrator of Jacob Forney dee'd.'- I iie account f Peter Levy, executor of .Margaret Riffle, decd. . 'Jhe account of John A. Wilt, admin istrator of Adam Wilt, dee'd. . , - , The account of Otho S. Mtclell. act ing executor of Lewis Mitchell, dee'd.: ; I he account of, John HutTtnan and William Rushebarger, iidraioistrators of Jacob IlifiTinan, dee'd. . v. - ' , -The account of DanierStahl. admin istrator of Christina Fox: dee'd ' Hie afpount of; Frederick : Hoover, viuardian ol WilttamnM ff?ja l lie account in t.awsiu iune iau- rainUtratbr of Samuel Cougheuliour, do ceased.'. ": r . , . , i'I')ie account of JeobPeH?r6on, ad ministrator of Ruel Peterson, dee'd. i a-Tbe account of Bamuel Gaumer," ad ministrator vf Samtiel Witt; dec'dl ' v' : . wm: n: picking,: Octobpr i,' 1847. ..Rcffisrer. Frivalcale. TWO VALUABLE . FARMS, ft! Somerset 'county, Vu - , , ( TU E undersigned will seli me, fol lowing described property, rir: ... JSo.'lr.A Jarm lying in Alilford town ship." forks of Cox's creek aiid :Casile man'd river: containing; ' - 2 72 J Ac res'; -;--"! and allovance,Vv'iih: a' house and tarn thereon, nd an excellent running foun tain jtd water t the door; about 130 acres are cleared, (and 60 or 70 acres- more fan be e'eared, of the best quality of land.) a good portion 'is in meado low and r the la!ance first "rate timber land; equal to any in tlie- iwnship; also An Or chard of chou-e ; truil-, oh the : premises.;. The land 1 of the best in -MiWbrd township; has an abundance of , !iiesi'one andVoal thereon , adj oioi ng lands of Si m on' 1 1 an 4 Z1' Jacob Miller, Ludwirk Sannerand others.- ..The contemtdated Baltimore and Ohio ;. Rail Road .route from Cum berland to Pittsburg p;ises through this tract. i-- ' - .'- 'V.,.:iio.;2. AParia .', lying in Jefferson" township, at the font of Laurel Pill, bn the Somerset and.Mt. Pleasant turnptke - toad, containing 282 "acres and 'allowance, on which are erect ed iwo dwelling "houses; a large barn, ',w;ignn-maker, shop, : Blacksmlih shop, oats . house, iSic. The one house has been s occupied as a Uern for..' many years, and has a running jountain-of wa ter at the door; about 80 or 90 acres of this uract are cleaned, of which about 30 acres are x meadow, and as much -more mu5 idue, anu is stiuaic imme.uiaie If.west of. Laurel hill creek;, adjoining ianns oi Jacob tlerk, Henry liakervand o-.nerp; ttus conlu be made one of the best I -rtfrttn. r :-.t i Abb sl HI II I c COu lliy . - r . , .. . . 3 . J , 'esuosc.er is. determined to sell T . ' . - .- - . - - ell the above tracts lows Idierefore would advise person ,-desiroui.or purchasing ti examine 4hem,-AI "A'"Sanntr,-of Souferet, has been1 appointed agent for ei the sate .vfth8e lands,' to whon : appli jg . cation' can be made," or to " ' ''- , . . f JUtiri UEutiA KT, -t4 t ; FOR SALE:' T tlve barret or gailon.'a lot oT prime ' ' SANNEITS STORE.' Cliap Watches and Jevrelry. FULL" Je'weJIed Ghf : ' Levers for XCwalrfBh iea.jacoD. iaiiomns, N6 24& Market stteet, Jhas -ocnstantiy on hand a large assortment of Gold aud Silver --Watches at the Julio w jii low.'prjces1 i J .-x.-.-. j . . .111 JeAv eUed Gold" Level s, $ i 0 :00 ';i :;' SaverL'V 'r '2ft'C0 GofJ Lcpines,. faille vetl '66 .."Sil ver I ;e pi nes , s a ; ; ; T 1 3 0 Q Silver Qnarue'rs, 10 00 With a targe-assortment of Fine Jewel tery. such as ear ring? J finger rings breast pins, braceletsvsoJi'Jind silver pencrJsj gold chains; - &. c. ' -HasValsoon hatid a' cwmpfeie-Wsortme'nt" of :"une(teA?aten a n a A a t n W a t c h - g 1 a s s e s , - A 1 a i n S i n m g Verges, .Dials and W attds'of-'every 'des-i cnptiorti and in Tacf, a f complete assort-f aieet xtf.'Aya.chmakeris4!. ools and. Watch aterials. tb w hieh 4e -would .callthea.t tention of the, country, trade in general. .... C7Those wish i ng any thfng in the. a bove J-ine, would -Juid it Jo their advan tage to call .and examine his. stock-before purchasing elsewhere- TI I' "k , z -JACOBJUAPOMIIS,! ,n:f, , No. 26 .Market street, below 8th, Sept 1 4-47-6m , PMladelphia. Somerset Vmuilyjss; i 'an Orphan Cdrrrt held ;&i'al So'merset in and Tor1 said Con on 1,e 3tiy day of' Aui jguet,iio4;',D eio.re.tne lion oradle Judges I hereof , On petition of "AbValiam-PhilinDi for :4 decree of - epecific. performance of con tract entered into.by John" Philipw. Esq in his lifetime w ith. Adani Fritz: and Pe ter PlMUppi for a tract of la'rid'iituaieln itlitrord townsbip.:On motion of 'Mr ivinimei the Uourt grant a rule n the heirs and legal representatives of ! John PhiJippi,ileceaseda4Ml all persons con cerned except those vlioae waived to appear at an adjourned Orphans' Oourt to be -held at Somerset ?n Monday the 22d day of Kovember,' 1847, 'and "shew caus? . .ay. "fl-ey, wiry .a7"pecrfic performance of .contract entered into by theisaid John Philippi, decM. in his life timerwith Adam Fritz and Peter Phitipi pi should not be decreed agreeably loihe true intent and meaning riiereof.i and a. greeably to jhe act of-assembly in -such case made, and provided, foJ the nurnose oT;comp!et'mg ihe'ititTe to the said Adam r rtiz ana reter; Phmrini,-&e, : ' : 1 o the heirs arte) legalvrepresentaiives cW-Jwhn: riulippi; Eso;, deed, and all o- itier ;persns -corrcef Bed, except those who waived. ;. : -' j t. .... ? : Ycu laying aside alf busmeVs'and ex- eihsea are;; hereby "cited, to- be and'a'ppear before an adjouriied-Orjihans' Court to beheld at Somerset ort Monday" Septem ber 22d, lS47,;ai5hewcaus&if any they IraveV why aTsnerifie" of -contract should :nbPbe grairted, enti-r-ed into bp John I'hUfptii. Esq. dee'di in uis nietime tvitu Adam Fritz an'd J'eter i Philipj i, should .not.be decreed.agreea lbLlflJUe true extent and meaniW there- .Thliaf in uch case mode atlrovided,fiijr .rfie purpose of coinp'leting ' the . Htle to the said Adam Friiz. and Peter' PhilippiV&c. Herein fail not. ' . 'x I V Given under my hand and seal of said Couit this 30ik ' flay, of ' Asr"i; A. D, 1847. , tV M. H.; riUKIK.U,. nov2.IS47, CLprk. Si'mcrrci County, 8S. ...-.. 4V - At an a('ionrn orphans iSC'Ife'Ja. court leJd at Somerset, n and fer the county of So "'esw -merset,, on the 7th day of Sep- temoer, a. .u.,ioii..i 'resent tlie Honorable Jereiiiiali S. Black, Presi-; de'nt, and George Ch or perming . ind John McCarty associate: Ju'dgesvf ti same courl, ' : ': ' :" : On petition of Peter Tf erring the courl grant a rule on the Executors' of Adam Gtihdle, deceased." .'Adam'. Maurer and Henry J. Heiple trustees for the sale of the? Ileal . Estate, of John Gundle, de ceased, widow arid heirs of John Gundle, deceased,' Joseph ' Miller'the': purchaser anil all'other persons' inferested, Jo ap pear at an adjourned"' Grphans' court, Wi be held at Somerset on Monday the 22d day of November, 1S47. ,and.then, and( 1 1 e r e s h 6 w" c a u s e i f a n . y o u h a v e , w h y the said Adam Maurer ! and Henry r Ji Heiple'trustees as aforesaid. should uof pay the petitioner Peter f Herring.1 ihp sum of five hundred dollars with the in terest due thereon from" the years 1826 '1829,' 183-2. 1835,'and 1838, respective ly, out of the funds arisinr'from ilie sale -j i of the Real Estate of siid John "Cundlej deceased. ' ' '' ''". -' ' " To the Executors of Adam' Gundle; deceased, Adam 'Maurer and" HenryJ; Heiple, trustees for . the sale of the Real Estate of John Gundle, deceased. Joseph Miller the purchaser of said Real Estate and all oilier persons interested 7 You laying aside all business and ex cuses are hereby' cited' to be and appear before an -adjourned Orphansv Court to be held at Somerset on Monday the 22 d day of November,5" At D. 181', " then and there lo sliow eauee if any yp have', why you should nof 'pay the petitioner Peter Herring,-out of the - funds arising j Gundte, deceased, the sum of live bun- horn tlie sale ol tne real estate ol John dred dollars with the interests due- there on from 'the years IS26,' 1829, ;1852, 1835, and 1838, "herein fail not."- i - Givcri under mv hand and the seal -of paid court, at S-onierset September '7, I8ir. ' ;--n:---.V j I . v. , : Z w. H. PICKIN,( October 26 1 847. -t Clerk; JOB P.RIII TING.,. TtlE undersisned will pay 1 cent per pound or all old metal, deliy-; ered at their Foundry in Somerset. ' oct2G ARMSTONG;& CO. ' Conlbetionari8stA ft ,1IGS, ' Kaisins, Almonds FUbertsi lr Cream. Pecon, and Ground Nuts, ad Candies of all kinds, fwr sale at the Drug Store of ' Wm.McCreert. Administrator Noticed T? , ETTERS of AduiiRidtraiion-on. rfie ii.-eaute of Lbnhart Shnhz late of Mil ford township, dee'd, having been granted to "the subscriber residing in said town- lipjilT persons. -indebWd to- said;?? late are requested to -attend atrihe late resi deuce of the" deceased' on Wednesday the 17th ot CNovemVeciiexC f reiared to settle; and those having claims lo present viuein ;ii Jiie suineume aim hci y ,autUenti?ated :' - l ? , ' 'i t,r WILUAM SCOTT, ORi.i2Nr-ci.HB r-nr?AdaiV: OilTIOEaarinTl N the court of-Cauimon Plea5 of So. J nierset county, of January term 1846; No6.' ; .'.!' t'.4:. ";;"- -- J i Andriow. io wit,5lSib October; J847, the account of George ,r. Weller,-Se.ques-trator : of 'the ' Somerset & - Cumberland TtirnPik-e road,' :filed.iri .ny odice .and will, be presented. to Ihei court for; con firmation,, on Mon!ay- the,22d day; of November next. . : :'' , t ,?: j , .-- A. J,. OGLE, I :Pfo. .office; Drl,' 2G, M 7 u rProthy 1 T Administrator's Notice. IT.,. ET J'EltS- of . Admfmstraiiea on the SLA estate'. a( . Jonat'haa Butler, ' decd, having been granted to the subscriber, he hereby,, requests all persons, indebted to satu estate, to attend at i.he house ol ,tohn Brallier n the town of Wellersburg, Somerset -county on Wednesday the 24h day of November next, (1847) pre- pareu iu seuiei-anu wose .naving claims to present them at the same', "time and place preperly authenticated. 7" JOHN T. EDWARD, - October 19,. 1847; Adm'r. Private Sale A: VALUABLE FARH In Donegal fp., Westmoreland Cu.,Va. ; rTTMIE subscriber olTers for sale'a ; JLV V A LU A B LE TRACT OF LA N D situate in Ligonier valley, Donegal tp.. Westmoreland county.-Pa., containing SSI- 'ACHES.: adjoining lands of-John Galbraith. John Pliilippi, - Joseph". BeanyV'John-Withe-row and others, one hundred ', acres are Jeared, and in a good slate of cultiva tion, the balance is well timbered, there is .25 acres m meadow. and 20 acres'sowed in limothy and clo ver last spring. ; The farm is well wa tered; the LoyalhannaV-creek ' nassin? through" it. .and a number of neverfail- ing springs of watet thereon; there is on he premises a" lare :and commodious and kitchen, a -tank. barn, amoke house. - 02. and a saw mill on a good site; there is atso.an apple orchard and sugar camp i on the .premises, , J he above tract ts r&Yimn?d'Je to mill, within "2 miles of Centreville, and 6 of Ligonier, Laughlirrstown and DonegaL -Any person wishing to pur chase will please, -cal I on Joseph Lloyd. Centreville, or Ephraim Lloyd, Donegal, who will liuwthe premises and make .known llwterm..- A good . bargain will j j be given, and an indisputable tide made by Anjr31-'4r-Sm ,Mt. PieasanL-. NO CURE. NO PAY! A CERTAIN DlSl tAiSE C U RED." IN TWO - DAYS. The most speedy remedy for pains in the loina, re cent arid chronic aflet-tions of the Sidneys, dis ease of the ' bladder, gravel,' seminal weakness, &C. : Fersciss wha, by: iudaig'm in a secret "ha bit,, liave. entailed on- thenjfettes constitutional debility, should apply immediately to DR. KLY- KCLIN, of the Philadelphia Medical House, the oldest institution of the kind in the city. .Ofr fice, N. W. corner of south 'Third &riA:Union 6tretV between -Sjifuce and". Hue, lj 'squares from the Exchange . . . ;:: , : Thii med'eal Twase was established by Dr. thirteen years, ago, for ahe suppression of quacke ry, there beirig so many jersons, without kaow te4e,'name or ttaracterwho put advertisement in the" p'ubnV. papers, that an institution of thia kind Was highly necessary i to prevent the afflic ted, especially slra Ogers, from falling jt ibe hands of some unskilful vreteh," wko, instead of curing, lnigUt 6ena ins -.victim io no untimny Crave.,-Therefore, the atllicted should shun tne numerous pretended physicians who know noih ing of the practice cf medicine, but xouauH Dr. Kinkehn, who cures - r. -'' I .- -. ? '.' ,', A CURTAIN. DISEASE in two or three d iys, according to the state of the patient, without the use. of mercury. No mer curial remedies are used by Dr. Kinkelin; his me dicines are palatable and harmless, and all pa tients are honoratiy fhiekied from even the pos sibility of being discovered. Ile'wha places him self under the care of J)r K may" reh'sfously confidin, hisTionorl a a gcntleraap, and coufi dently rely on bis sAill as a physician, and if he k not speedily relieved, remuneration" wilt be demanded.- .... J r- . Strictures, ne of the most troublesome . and dangerous affection's, which often end in gravel, inflamatioiJ, weakness, &c.f Dr Kinkelin guaran tiea to remove speedity; as hi swellings, diseas ed prostrate gland, &c Strictures have ruined many who had no knowledge of ther existeuce. " TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE, ? Young men who have injured thcnisclves by a certain pracflee"tnd'u!gcd:in a habit frequent ly learned from -evil companious, or at school Ui e. effects of which are nightly felt, even (when ajJcep and destroy both mind and body, should apply immediately. Weakness ami constitution al debility immediately cured and full vigor res tored; Alt letters post paid.' " - : SiTake Noti-e'Dr Kinkelin has had greater practice in the above affections than any physician in the United States. He also possesses an ad vantage over a!! others, from the fact of his hav ing studied in the great hospitals of Europe." -Thdusartds in Philadelphia" can testify that he cucci-thera afier every othef means had failed,-f Seperata room for private consultation." 0?Sa ull 8 P.M. - i ' fn'ovaly TRATtittn .tuppKed at t monwnt notice with tha reouisitil mir;r!d r rnra' lhiMnivc f ; ' -i -:- . ... .'" ; f ttiv oayi V . 4 . J ' v ! Bd&ci W 'U. i Cf.ee se oii h.md' 2 n3 tg:'; jfof'Xale'atjihe J)iTg:Smro: of :' .; . . .. Wm. McCref.ry. Br. W. S, llarah," v - IT IRS Ins prores&iou.f.serVK'es Jolhe chijens. of A'?mrevil!e :nd vicinity. Ilts-office is .at-the.. -White Ilall' Inn,. (Joseph Pile',) where rU ail times he may be foundunless absent on professional business. 4 4 juncS It "'. D. WKYAX0. JOHN C. RODDY v;t'r Law1 Partnership.": ' ; : - W E Y A N D A .p R O D D Yr .A -ttorneys at ;Luw, -will attend punc X3l tnally to air business entrnsied them. j Collections and ottier business solicited.'.' OSicrJ immediately opposite the Jlotel, of Wm. MI. -Picking,' Main s' reef. -Somerset.. Pa... ept. 21 47-3m. t NOTIONS - yflONSISThNG in part of silver pen ) Cil -rsp. -Rilvr-lJiimh!p cfcoi JL . ' " - "-, .i,.v peauvsitK twist, t.on spools. Tor purses,) .iwiiSmius,; V4idiw9,aiiu ; kvyH, oeaui, necklaces, corabs, waterand fancy,col ours, camels hair pencils, crayon pen cds, scgar aed tobacco bxes, pocket hiirrers,' tweexersfc steel -pens - and hold ers, toys for children, &c, for sale at the Drug Store of. .. War. McCreery NEW GOODS. TJJAVE jusl" returned "Jroru the East- tern cities, and am now opemno- a general assortment of Dry Goods, Hard ware. Groceries and Queensware, which I ill dispose of cheaper than any Siore in somerset. 11 v customers and tfm public in gener?tare inviied to call and examine for themselves.. . .. . ; ' joh n m. holderbaum. . sept, 23, 1847- ' . r Law Notice, THE partnership heretofore existing between Simon Gebhart and Ross Forward has been dissolved.- The for. mer having removed '"to Dayton. Ohio; All business entrusted to the firm rnd papers relative 'thereto'5 have bsen left with Ross Forward who will attend to me. saroe. ; IJis office is the same for merly occupied by Mr. Gebhsrt, on the north. West comer ol the diamond. t w . Oct. 12, 1817. Notice" to Assessors. THE assessors for the year I8i3,'in the several districts of Somerset county, are hereby notified to attend at the Commissioners' Office, on Thursday he 18th. day of November next,, to re ceive their books,- and instructions ne cessary for making, the assessment of said year.;' . " ''. ," . . ' .. By order of the Hoard, " ' r R. L, STEWART, October 19 1847-it cierk. Administrator's Hotic'e. ' fETTEES of Administration ' on the J estate of Henry -Miller late ,cf Jef ferson township, dee'd,. having been granted lo'ihe subscriber rnsiding in Mil ford township, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to attend at the late residence of said deceased on Salur day tlte 20ih - oCJevember next, pre pared to settle; and tHoie having claims to present them .at the same time and place, properly authenticated. - - SAMUEL BARCLAY,1 -Oct. 12 1847. - f - Adm'r. nrtnf rrf? 4 ? B HE undersigned would inform tlie mj': citizens at large, that they have fit ted up a steam engine in complete order, which will enable ihcm to say that they can compete with any establishment in Western Pennsylvania, in the way of castings.; Their casting will -coasi&tin part, of ; ' Stoves, Gratesj Ploughs, and Plough Points, and all kinds, and dei cripthn of, IIOLLOirAVJIiE ; They have also fitted up taming lathes and are ready ut. any. time to take in ttir nirig,, which will be done on the short est notice., -,: '' . .;' 1 1 -,-: i '. It has been but a short time since the abovenamed Foundry , has been put in operation, ind. the undersigned are thank ful for the very flattering support alrea dy. offered ihein. ' They would also add, ihat.they.hopd.tr, give satisfaction to all who will hereafter givefhem a-cail. - ; . ARMSTRONG & CO.; Somerset, Au24'.'47-3m . - . Copper, Sheet-Iron and ' V V, , TIN-WARE, , ;. . riAi'j...y..FAG:To.ey One door "cast of the 'HeratP OrTice, and ira- mediately opposite Slaht's Hatter Shop, " ' - - - Main - street, Sotneret,: Pa. J ;; AIXXATfDEU SHAFFER, "WTnuin . tizens of Somerset and vicinity that: he has purchased frtm J. II. Ben ford & Co., their entire stock, and" that lis. will continue Uo manufacture, TIN, Copper anasiieet-Iron-vvare, ; at'the od Mand.:" Having lately purcha sed a't : Cumber'.a'nd, a fresh supply of tin, sheet-iron, and copper, he is now prepared to" make.'to order all kinds of ware, in his line of bnsiness.'" His work shall n6tbe surpassed in sty le or durability. J , Jilerchants' and others, i .who, keep TW-ware for sale had better give him a caller a he can sell them w?re ws. lo W; as : it can be. bought at any other shop of the kind in the county. .Appro ved country produce taken' in fxcha'ngo for ware. Mending- done on shorty no tice and reasonable prices.- Remember i. iffod. hop ison Min'street ens ;.doof e3?t ?.&Utf. HeraJj'VofSc.Sorset! t A Lot of Blank Deeds ijiistpric- r ted, on fine white paper, ana safest tKsoffice. Citizens of -'Somerset. JZz Pause ! ;Hcik;ct'!! Decide !! Men may cry peace ! peace !l n itea .'i .: thrcre is no peace!!! ' The.war 1 is actually begun li'but Gen. laylop never surrender?,' neither (feet the -ReR; Uibban,.s Vegetab!e AnTi tlous Family Pills;" wher they once charge upon.. bilious disease?, such as bilMua, reoitun?, intermitlino-, conges live, typhus and erurtiv? fpr. m" - l0 hoUct cholera morbus, dysetuary, sick S3 ic-ache. &c, in shaft all diseases an. tng irow , disordered-state of the-sW ach and blood; keep the liver stimulated into, healthy aciie.,,-thblomrcleansed Irom all impurities, and you are cm fn . . r-. . ' i'iwluic rfi,u maintain uninterrunio.l gotnl health. The most potent piirifver V nf Kf,,l .t '"' :. w . .nw uii;i;u urn. tUl I CCWr 01 liJC fiver is r.VJlibbard's pills. f i emaies 11 yon - are nt-awe! - 'land use , lUrx B. , Uibbard's procrtrs put, mey reopen aii oostructions. clean e the systtra, purify the tlood and give animation, health "atrd beaaly to all who use - them, sttch ;as you : cannot receiro from the use of any oilier medicine. Dose half a pill. ' ' . . "Dyspeptics dorrt 'Jc'spaTr,1 here? Ts certain cure. Dyspepsia of ten iW. - H - . , ' .. .. . . standing, and after ahv:other -ine-Jicne had laiied, feas been cured by tf.e u?e of Rev B, Hibbanl' pill?.; taken in quarter of pill doses, tliree times a day for thrsa weets. . . ; - Doctor J WihJcmut'h, of Montgomery co., Va., says he has led them in his practice for three years, and finds them the best medicine he. has ever usednever being disappointed in an case, he em ployed them in. We refer you: to hiria personally. - ; t. : These pills have such-a reputation ir Illinois, that. they, have given to thera the name of "King Pills." Try ..them, you who are ill, and want a cheap, safe, certain and speedy remedy. . Dusa from half a pill to two pills. CircnLrs be had of agents free of charge. caa Price 12. 25 and 50 cents per box'. ' Sold by the following agents, viz : Snyder & Zimmerman, Stoystown, . Samuei Kiramel, Pine Mills.- ; , Walter Chaifant, Allegheny . Summit J; H. !: E. Benford, Snydersville, - Michael Sipe, Somerset ip. - ; -' ' iWilliam M'Creery, Drtijgist, Sonler iel, Pa., General and supply ing cgent for this county. . . , . , August 5 1, I847-6m ' ' ' ' 1 " T HE Great Preventive Medicine! -Though Wright's Indian Vegeta ble Pills h ave achieved triumph upon tri umph, in the cure of obs'.inate cases o disease, -even after t!ey had been emiref ly given up, and after all other remedies had failed, yet iheir power of prevention may, tD8 justly esteemed their growing glory ! . -"Storm's," it is said, "purify the air" but storms" do mischief also, and are so ; far n evil. Were it within human power to in a'n la ia ie EectricuX equilibrium between the earth and air, there would be no occssion for storms, for the air would always be pure. So of the human body. If kept fre ficai morbid humors, the action is regu lar and healthy. But if those humors are allowed to accumulate, a crisis, or, in other words, a storm, will arise, which, is always more or Ies3 dangerous, Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are equally well calculated to prevent tha storm, er to allay it when it comes. But prevention is better -than cure, besides being cheaper and less troublesome. The delay of-a day in the commence ment of sicltness has ofien proved fatal, and always renders the case more diffi cult to manage. . Let the sickness be caused by chan ges of wcsiher, high living, want of ex ercise, close'confinemeni, functional de rangement, or anything else, the effect upon the body is much the same is equally dangerous, and is removable by the same means. .'j Have you a cold? Letit nt ripen in to Consumption. Are yoa Dyspeptic! Beware of the 'hypochondria, "Two Pills takes every other night on an emp ty stomach, for a short time, will, in nin cases out of ten, ctrs the Dyspepsia, and thereby- drive . away the legion of 'devils blue. For Headache, no me dicine .is superior lo ft'rihC Indian 'Visitable Pills. . Costiveness, that pro lific .mother of disease, is caused by, torpid state2 of the -liver,1 whieh thesa t Pills effectually cures."! By striking at die root of disease, Wnghi s Indian ve getable Pills prevent all - and cure, all. They can hardly, ever be taken amiss, if used with common discretion; aud wb commend jhem to the use'o those who have uof yef tried them. - Beware of Counterfeits of all kinds; Some ate coated with sugar; others are made to resemble in outward appearance tiie original medicine The safest course is , to pti rc h a'se ' fr mo t he - reg u I a r a g e n ts only, one or more of.! whom may: be found in every village & town in the state. Jlgenls fav-Somcrsct Count. : PA RKER & ANK.EN Y, Somerset, -,M. A. Ross, Petersburg, - . Samuel Ivimmel, Pino .Mills. , G. Parker &. Co. Jenncrville. .Michael' Sipe, Somerset township." Anghuibaugh & Brubaker, Cenirei!la Stevens k Scldag; Bdkerstown. ; " : J. Shaffer -Sr.' & CoSloystown, ,'3V: Chaifant, Buckstown, C . Hav ife Bj?r, Lavansville, ; . . j.C.,Darrrll,SmitbfieM.. ; ... . " OfTices 'devoted exclusively to the fale of If right Indian Vttublt Pilti, whf!e-,!e t;.Tret.iit7"lCr) Rare S'rret. jPhth'de'lphij?v'2SS;:Grrnwich Street. I'Neve Yorkitj jat rcant Surt, B6s- i