SOMERSET HERALD. SO SI I3IIS CT, PA., . T I! ESS A Y, N 0 VE M B E R 1 0; 184?. - fOiTTrE THE- UNT- TED STATES IN 1849. GEN'L, ZACHARY TAYLOR. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, HON. ANDREW STEWART, XuljutUhthi decision if the Whig Tarty All MY COURT MARTIAL. - A Court Martial is vow fitting in Wash ington City, to investigate certain charges preferred gainst Lieut. Col. Fremont, of the U.S. Regiment of Mounted Riflemen. The Colonel is charged with Mutiny and "Disobedience of orders, whilst in Califor uia ha having. refused to recognize the .Whority of Gen. Kearney, a enperior officer. The Colonel's defence is predi cated ripen the fact that he was acting un der orders from Commodore Stockton, and alleges that he could not obey the con flicting orders of two superiors, not know ing which vtt the highest in rank; but having first received his orders from Com incdora Stockton, he preferred to act un der them end to disregard these of General Kearney. The testimony already adduced on the trial is voluminous, end it is supposed that by ths time it is got through with, the chief purpose of the Administration in bringiug on the war will be pretty ful ly developed. In one of the letters of Sec retary Bancroft to Commodore Stockton read to the Court; it is said that "the ob Ject cf the United Slates is, under its rights as a belligerant nation, to possess xiuelf entirely of Upper California." . General Taylor. The Atlanta Mis ecllany of the 23d ultimo says: "We conversed cn Thursday Ust with a gen- tleman who has been for some time at tached to the Quartermaster's Depart- mentin Gen. Taylor's division, and who left the Rio Grande on tho Cih instant. He informed us that the statement con- tained in the papers that the Genera would visit ihia country in the month of November is without foumlut ion. The '- old Hero has his hands full, and has raade a call on the Government for re infofeements to disperse the large gurr rilla forces that are concentrating in the neighborhood of his camp, and who are becomingexceedingly bold and insolent IMPORTANT ARREST. We learn from the Germantown Tele graph of the 3d insL, that a man, who ave his name as Shakespeare, was arres ted, in Philadelphia, having in his posses sion nearly S5C00 in counterfeit 10's, on . the Mechanics' Bank of the city of New York. The execution of the note though inferior to the genuine, is calcula- . ted to deceive, but they may be detected by the signature cf the Comptroller be in? printed. The notes are stamped a 'cross, the face in red ink, with the words 'Delaware and Hudson Canal Co.," with the view of inducing a belief in their be ing genuine. 7 Judge Banes has issued a circular 'to the Commissioners and Treasurers of the several counties, urging the prompt collection and payment of taxes, to meet the February interest. The damage done by the late food ; will diminish the re ceipts of the Treasury to a very consider able amount; and in order to maintain the integrity and credit of the Stale, all taxes due the Commonwealth should be col lected and paid over without delay. We Lope the Stata Treasurer's appeal will be .promptly responded to on the part of those -entrusted with the collection of the public money. Pcnn. Int. " Dl"ShutiVs majority for Governor is 17,076, and Longstreth's majority for Ca T:l Commissioner 17,718. , Gen. Irvin's vote falls short of Gen. I.larkle's in 1344, about 28,00V and Shunk's is about 14,000 short of his for mer vote. The tote of 1847 is over 42,000 lees than that cf 1844. THE MARKETS. InBahimore, flour is .selling at:$0.- . More sellers than buers. Wheat, 1,25. New York--Prices unsettled. Small .alcs Gf flour a 60,37; ot wheat, at 1,45. ''in Philadelphia, flour sells at 6,50; end wheat at 1,50. . 4 . i i ' .' ' ' :' , JCT" The Supreme Court of Pennsyl-Vinia'-jiow tn session at Pittsburg, have derided 'the "No license Law" of this State to be unconstitutional.. Judge Coul ter and Bell-dissenting. , The opinion has Hut yet been published. -" . . rjrpQne. thousand laborers arc wanted i :pon the Publhrorks immediately, lo . . 1 , - "Ji t . rpair.the Coinages occasioned by.lhe re-, cent freshet. . - jir.e-no of-itft-ijaaoa iJanx. ,ifefcfcst0ccasioaw for aa ifieh-fcftsrri. Meria Ohio' adwfii rf thi-,S?-4te, are rw Jcdeetbe'J at the! txv sooth of ths HIo Graait. Dsi! s ScsisT CchocI W:cwXlssk cf ThihdlThia,' i ?Tfctrj .J.iU caj Rtortfe The Poblic is reminded by the New York "Express" that m the" Congress which is to - assemble -oa: the Cth of the next month ecerif member of the Houte of Jleprescntathes has been chosen by pinole districts, for the first time we be lieve, since the organization of the Na tional Government in 1789. For this re- j form the nation is indebted to the Whig Congress of 18Il-42. their nnlilifat on. . . r r j poncnts having since -abandoned their at- I tempts to repeal the law, and the States I of New Hampshire, Georgia, Mississip- pi, and Missouri, which at first resisted it, and illegally elected their Represent lives by general ticket,' have finally found the system so popular with the people cf those States that their respective Legisla tures have permitted the general law logo into effect by adopting the District sys tem, and their Representatives to Con gress have been elected under it. gThe Journal printed at Camden, (S. C) states that it is in contemplation to raise a fund sufficient to support the family of the late Col. P. M. Butler in honorable competency, by a general sub scription of the citizens of South Caroli na. The subscription to be limited to silt dollar. JSSTThe lion. Jabcz W. Huntingdon, the only , Whig United States Senator from Connecticut, died at his residence in Norwich, on Monday evening, Nov. 1st, of a bilious attack. HCJThe Philadelphia papers state that Mr. George Plitt. of Western Pennsylva nia, was robbed in the National Theatre in that city, of his pocket book contain $4,700 in bank cotes. THE "MEXICAN WHIGS." The best commentary we have seen on the infamous conduct of the Union and its followers in styling the Wbig party "Mexican Whigs." is found in the annex ed brief paragraph from the Mobile Dai ly Advertiser. It appears that a call raade on Alabama more than six months ago for five companies has not yet been answer ed by a single company, notwithstanding the Locofoco Governor has issued two Proclamations to his Locofoco fellow citi zens. The Advertiser thereupon makes the following Suggestion. "The 'Mexican Whig' State of Kentucky the State where dwells Henry Clay 1 has furnished for the Mexican war five companies more than is wanted, or will be received by the President; while the Patriotic Dcm- ccratic State of Alabama, that has been called on to furni.h only five compa- tiles' lacks just Jive companies of the 4 number required. Now, we have to suggest to those companies of 'Mexican . itji i ir . i i i -via li iiigs oi cvcniucKy , who are uc- sirous of engaging m the service of the Ait r i ,i . . - cumin aiiu 'Hit uvcu ictuscu uiviu iu I s a . i i , come to Alabama, "and thev flnnatTiT??' tr.ggs, J,4'J uleb - uusiung. 4 chance. We want just five companies. and there seems no prospect of getting 4 them in this Democratic State. Our people seem to have a decided dislike to 4 'villainous saltpetre. goodness to lay this proposition before "Urgty Wing m both hranches 4 the 'Mexican Whims' cf ' lhat -rascally P,he r,eU'T of . m; mernbtn, ihu fa Hy ' Whig State,' and it accspted let the five 4 companies come on forthwith." WHAT CONGRESS WILL DO. The New York Herald, in discussing the chances and probabilities of what the coming session of Congress will do, makes the following predictions as to the line of policy the President will lay 'down in his message: ' ' ' " ' "The President's annual message will develope the policy the administration in tend to pursue; but as the anxiety of the public on this subject is extreme, we have taken pains to learn in advance the views of those in power. - Our information is of the most reliable character. We can not predict what may take place between this time and the beginning of December, j It may be that the relations between the two countries will entirely change in ihe mean time. Mexico may sue for peace j and accept our terms. ' With these alter-1 ed circumstances, the policy of the admin- ! istratton" would necessarily alter. But should every thin remain as zt present, and the chances of peace appear as vision ary ss now, the President will recom mend to Congress that the war be prose cuted as long as there sha!l-be a show of resistance on the part of the enemy; that a uniform tariffbc established in the Mex ican ports; that the roads to the interior be opened and kept open; that the public mincs and rdl other sources of revenue be seized; lhat the enemy be in this way j compelled to bear all the expenses of the j war; and that every j important place we hare taken be retained until Mexico shall I sue for peace and accede lo terms. "The administration do not desire lo obtain a greater portion of Mexican terri tory than that embraced in Mr. Buchan an's project, sent out by Mr. Trist. New Mexico and the Californias are quite suf ficient for our purpose. At present we have no occasion for more." ' The last two sentences of this quota tion arc certainly tool. The editor talks .ss if Mexico was entirely at our disposal. and a5Sht or leave Jut 38 mcch cf it as we pleased. - - J .H xttnrrU f- Anit.r:a ss that, and ons of them will certainly be "an emphatic "jtoi - We have cof, the "That sane Old Coon." WHIGS! SEND UP A SHOUT FOR NEWARK. GLORIOUS' VICTO R Y. Whole Whig State Ticket E lected by Majorities of from 30,000 toJSOjOOO !!!!!!! THE EMPIRE STATE REDEEM ED! The gallant Whigs of New York have covered themselves with filorv I They have just achieved a SPLENDID VIC TORY -one that will thrill the heart of every Whig in the land I The triumph is most perlect and complete! All honor to the Whigs of the Empire Sta'e! Their brethren throughout the Nation are indebted to them. The Tribune savs, "For the first time since 1844, our "STATE GOVERN MENT. IS WHIG IN EVERY DE PARTMENT save the Judicial. We have a Wrhig Governor, Lieut. Governor, all the Heads of Dc par tin em, Canal Board, Prison Inspectors, fcc, with large majorities in each branch of the Legisla ture. Never before has the State Admin istration been so thoroughly Whig ! Whe believe the Whis have carried THREE FOURTHS OF BOTH HOUSES, and elected every man on their Suts ticket by from 30 to 50,000 ma jority ! We think Mr. Filmore's majori can hardly fail to reach SO.O00 ! The Whigs have elected a majority of 10 or 18 iu the State Senate, who are to, vote in 1819 for a United States Sena tor, in place of Mr. Dix, whose term ex pires ia March 1840. This is important as it may secure a Whig U. S. Senalar. The Wbigs have also swept the City of New York, and with as much of a tempest as in the State. A thousand cheers for Redeemed New York ! MASSACHUSETTS ELECTION. Partial returns indicate that there was a much more general turn-eut of the vo ters at the election in Massachusetts on Monday last than at the preceding annual election. So far as heard from the vote for Governor is as fallows: Counties. Brigg. Cushing. Scat. HamnJen, (cornA 3.271 3.289 409 Hampshire, 17 t. 2,489 986 Franklin, 8 towns. 994 703 Worcester, 10 " 2,188 1,503 559 75 540 8.843 6,520 1,589 , r . en The vole in Boston wasns follows: 2,003; Scattering. 1,328. ' Majority for onggs.z.iuj. - - A majority of all the votes given is ne cessary te elect, but 'if the People fail to make n choice the election will devolve upon the Legislature,' which Ve suppose show the election of eighty-two Whigs to seventeen Democrats. '"" LOUISIANA ELECTION. In the city and parifh of New Orleans on Monday week, the Democrats elected both their candidates to the State Senate, (the same as last year,) end the twenty Kcpresentattves were equally divided be twecn the two parties, (being a Whiggaii 01 two members.) In the parish of Jef ferson -the Democrats have gained one member. There is no doubt of the re-election ict Congress of Emile La Sere, (Dcm. in the first district; he was opposed by Ed gar Montcgut, an Independent candidate oi the same politics. But the announce ment of the defeat of Bannon G. Thibo- ieaux, (Whig) in the second district is at least premature. The vote is vcrv close and all the district has not been heard from. His competitors are P. T. Landry (Dem.) and Jacob Barker (Independent,) the latter receiving only several hundred votes. From the two other Congressional dis tricts, both of which were represented in the last Congress by Democrats, we have no news. MICHIGAN ELECTION. The election which took place in Mich igan on the 1st instant resulted in ihe e- wn of Epaphreditus Ransom to the office of Governor, and W m. M. Fenton as Lieutenant Governor. The vacancy n lhe second Congressional district has hecn fietl "X the r choice . of Charles E. Stuart. All Democrats, of course. A. STRIKE. On yesterday morning soros 15 or 20 of the laborers employed by Messrs. Feister, Breve & Co., on the Hollidays burg and Bennington Rail Road, struck for higher wages $1,00 ner day and found. They were receiving 87j cents and "eatingt enough, we ihink; in bU conscience, when eighteen cents per lb. is demanded for stiszisq butter' by the hucksters attending our market. 31air County Whigv- ' . -o ; ' 11 '-.. '. A Dublin paper say, that t sehoclaii. ,Z till 9 Will kciy, .1. v A private letter from Chicago, III., da ted the I4ih ulL. savs: Wo had a heavy 1 fall of spow last ciht "and this morning, i Sleiffhing bells were heard in the streets ! t t V ca rr a timn f 12 a Yt;Ar pt!fl f p-een corn for dinner, something unparal leled iu the history of the weather. - ; It is stated that General Scott was born in June, 17S3, and is, therefore, 61 years of age. Somerset Lyceum Will meet at the Lyceum Room ca Friday evening next, at 6 o'clock. Question for discussion Has. the Dra ma a beneficial effect upon public morals? Leaders in debate, Ogle and Pearson. Essayist, M'Creery, Declaimer, Scull. 'Geo. L. Little, Sec. MARIUE5J: : On Thursday last, by Rev. D. B. Ernst, Mr. Levi Horner, to Miss Eluabeth, daughter of Joseph Zimmerman, all of Qnemahoning tp. , New Advertisements. Cream Cheese. 6rVrYrV Pound. Cream Cheese, w vJiJ' just received and fr sale by KING & MARKS, nov!6-4t No. 23 Wood st, Pittsburg . Stray Cow. CJAME to ihe piemises of the subscri ber r esidlng in Shade tp, somttimo in September last, a light red row, with a star on the forehead, no oilier mark; ihe owner is requested lo come am! prove property, pay charges and t4ke her away r she will be dispositd of as the law di rects. ABRAHAM MOSES. Novl6473t LAWKOTICE. H. F. Schell, Attorney at Law; . on Main Crott Stmt, Somerset, Pa. OLLECTiNG, Scrirening r.d other legal businesitransacted with Cdelity. Refer to Eckal, Raiguel & Co, Phil'a. Hiser & Dougherty, Halt. " Cissaway t Anson, Cumb. Ewalt & Gebhart, Pituburgh Nav.lG '4 r-3in e : i Hi on Merchant s, IP'S i 5 : ff s a s c CO h E-l i 2- c HA Sis n CO J IS 3 e S'g.S t-H S CtJ t Q p 3 f-2 o o p. 1 ft -; 1 Z -2 i; 5 o . u 0 'r. cr M t .5? ts zz " 3E Si o : 2 &4 - . u: c V ft w K 1 (l 1 1 T S I N pi A N VEG ETA PILLS of the Nirt!i Ameriiran College of Health. The original and enly genuine preparation. .Every day u this celebrated mrdicine extending the sphere of its usefulness, and ctery year ashling to the long ratatogue of its Iri limphs; A MILLION OF BOXES are distributed annually uithout fully meet ing the demand ! For some time 'past, the salea have been limited nolelv by want f facilities of .supply! Truly this is a nnircrsiil re:eiiy! Unlicra'ded, these Pills have fnnd their way iut the remotest comers of the Union, every where proving their title as THE POOH MAN'S FRIEND; and sick man's hope the marvel and blessings of the age. 1 ur a trifling sum, every tuuitidttal and every family may havu HEALTH INSURED to theuu for an indefinite pe riod, rnd what is life without health but a miserable existence! It is too precious a boon tu be tampered with, by Irving a1 sorts of experiments upon iu .The nick should use those medi. iues only which experience ha shown lo be the bc?U Peail.'Murk! Lee rv! 5' in ward ly digest the following rsmarkable state ment from ,one of the most respectable citizens of N orthampton co, Vu: Peters ville. May 4,1317. Dr. Wright In the of 1841, 1 was persuaded Jo use your Pills; and be fore I had used bus box 1 felt ein-utirag ed to continue, and did continue, until I had ncd twelve boxes, having stopped ii intervals :ind commem-ed g4iu. The result was, that in ihe spring following 1 feft the sick bed and room to whieh I hud entirely been confined for eight ers during which lung period I had recourse to the kill of lite beH physicians, that ciuld be obtained, and who did all in their power, bui all of their efforts were in vain, Indeed, I i;e?er derived the least benefit. . My complaint was originally rheuma tie. and was afterwards aggravated by a cold. The two combined became seated in my whole system. 1 became helpless my legs and arms were of no use lo me during thai long time, in which 1 have suffered beyond my power to desciibe; and if I were ia attempt description, it might appear to others an exaggeration. Nor will 1 attempt to tell you how much money 1 paid the doctors. I live hi Moore tp, Northampton ca. - l'a;atii a farmer; am 76 vear't)f age; an4 , though you are unknown to me. I con- reive yV the greaim UaeW ll fisTJJ :. ' , - JoJm Ffajrlj;. Some ate coated whh pt'gsr; othert sre mads in resemble in outward appearance i!ie original medicine. The ssfest course is, to purchase from the ttguhr vgenis only, one or mors tf whom mi" be found m every village & town in the state. ds;ent$for Somtrzzt County. PARKER & ANKENY, Soraenct, M. A. Ross. Samuel Kimmel, Pine Mills, G.Parker & Co. Jennerrille. Mirh iel Sipe. Snmere township. Aunhinhaujh A. Brubuker. OcutreiHs Stevens L Srhbe. B:krr?town, J. Shaffer Sr. & Co. Sioystown, ' W. Chalfant, !'urktwn, Hav & ttter, Lavans-.ille, J. C. IrrdU Smithficld. Culbertsoti Rankin, New Lexington, Offices devoted cxtluielv lo he e of JfrizhCs Indian I'esftable Pills. wholesale ind retail, ICQ Race Street, ; yj . ' 3S Orrrnwich Sirret. ,and 193 Trrtnmil Street, Bos- ton. I mav4 CJCKXEirS- sucm COATED Vegetable f'ursotirc Pills. AHE universal! mJaiittcJ to operate, not only s ineffectual prcvetaive, lut u never tailing reuseJy, io all ihseai vtLivh ran cfluct ths hu man frame. lleuiiacu. InJiestion, KhcumalUic, Piles. Kcurty, Dropsy. Srna!l-pox. ChoIen-morU s, - worm, u noipinj-coogn, vonsump;ion- jnuJicc, Quincv, fcc.irtatina, I.tver eomiilaint. Apojilexy, Uatuer. Mea!e. .Sitt-ntieum, Kits, Hearl luru.hre.-tptla, Ucatneis, lunings ct Uic stiti,coIJ C'iit, grjfl gidilinfis, p-iustuthc bark, tawarj weAnes, pa'pitution of the heart, riiins in the tbruat, asthma, fevers of all kiiula, fcmala corapUint., atitrhe in the si te, anittnij 4f LIooJ, rc eyes, scrufuln, at. anthony'a fire. lewness ot pmts, floovng. fiuor a'Uua or YV lutes. Gripe. kin'i evil, lockj iw, llyttcria, bile on the stomach, and fill bilious affections, pleurisy croop. swelieJ feet snj leg, swine-pox, white swelling, tremors, tumors, ulcers, vomiting, and others hare successfully and repeatvdiy Icea vanquished by their powerful arm. They have been known to effect permanent cures when all other rcmfiiies had proved una vailing, and in the last stages of disease. They have in many cases superceded the pre scriptive skill of the nvwt eminent Physicians, and received bctfiJe their unuliicd commend ation. They have beta rrpeatcdly recommended bj men uf the ust uistinsuinhcd characters. throughout the land, and been sanctioned in i!u roje by noblemen and Princes cf Hoya Blood. Thry have been introduprd into the Hospitals of Edinburgh, Paris, and Vienna, and through out the disinterested exertions of our foreign sm hjfiwdors, they have received the favorable com incmtation of the Emperor of Russia, and Lis Ce lestial Majesty of the Chinese Emperor. (jj'Scarcofy a Packet vrel of any repute sails from the port cfN'ew York, wkbcul an a bundant supply of the sick mas' pevks nit tits vsisitb. d3Agencics have been establish ed in all l be principal cities of the union, and ap plications arc eonstawlty reaching us fmm al most numlwrtcss villages in every section of the country. Testiuionials of their marvellous rf fecUare pouring in from all quarters and in such numbers that we have no time to read halt of them. Whal stronger or more eouclusive evidence than t!i-se important facts can the most skeptical desire! It' U pih!e thut tho many thousands who tried CI.ICKNER'd PILLS, can be deceived in their result! If any impostor or quackery existed, would it flotlong ago have been held up. as it should be, to the scorn and derision of a justly oflVndrd community. Remember Dr. C V. tJiickner is the original inventor of ugar Coaled Pills, and lhat nothiug of the sort was ever heard of, until he introduced them in 1831. Purchaser should, therefore, al ways nk fr Cliikner's 'ugar Coated Vege table Pills, an 1 take no other, or they will be ina-ie the victims of a fraud. PRICE 5 U E ;N TbTcfuij its -n n r r r -r- I)r. Ciickner'e principal office for the sale of Pills. i3 60 Vesey street, New York. Win. Jackson, 80 Liberty street, head of Wood jitrcit. PirtLiirgh, Pa., general agent for West, cm Pennsylvania, Northern Ohio, and ths Riv er counties of Virginia. - b'old by thu fjllowiflg dult appointed Agents for Vinerse.t county. Pa. J J & H F Scheil Somerset Fdmund Kltrnan Jenner n RosJs Snyder St ZifttimTman itoystowa Phillippi & Kieman Rox!urj Chnrh-s Kriss'nigcr Derlin . P & W Meyers Jlcyers Mill . Miiier i Divcly' Salisbury " 44 GranUii:, Md. 6' C II McChesney 5mith!iekl Samucl Eltlcr Tctcriburgh Peter Levy. D.vidil!e, Elias tahl Mount Peh. Likewir sold by the same Agents,. the a est SIHIDI OfKATClI, A M C It I O A N O I L, procured fromawellin Kentucky, 185 feetlc?ow tha Hirbce of t'ue earth, a certain and infallible euro for Iiitlamat.'ry rheumatism, spasms, colic, sprains, strains, cuts, bmines. scalds, burns, tet ter, erysipelas, scald head, croup, iiiSarsatcry sora throats, &c. &c Price 50 f cits per Bottle. CAUTJU.X. Iu order to ho sure of MutaUl ng the genuine, purchase only cf the general agents for Western Pennsylvania, Wia. Jack son, No. S3 Liberty street. Pituburgh, or through sub-agents appointed by him for tUsaia, each of wham wi I have a hovr bill, and generaldi rooiions in pimph!tfriji. con'aining the name and a.Mres of the propru-tor and General Agents for Western Pi-nnsyivaiiia as follow; D. Hail & Co. proprietors, Kentucky. Wei. Jackson, General Agent for Western renn.tylvania, No. 89 Liberty street. 'itUburgh, to whom all orders must be addrrseed. OBEKVK-Eaca bottle is enclosed in one of ths abore named pamphlets, snd the name of Wm. Jackson ftiie trenera) and only wholteah agent far Wrstrrn Pcnnsjlar.ia) printed coihs outiide ff the Ukl, And in addition 'a be sold by the same agmts Dr. Thompson ' Carminative So justly crlebrntad as a ww-reign remsdy fse all iiowet duaplaiuts, Ltarrhflsa, ibolcra iscrlv us,-S.ii2S aamajer complaints of children and 3 dults, &.C prepsrwl enly by Dr. Edgar Thorn (now of Nw York city. fnrinrly of Uuburgh.) For the last tw year this cflbrated end un sgrpassedrenjedy fir tb above fomplainta have leu,vre!l krjawa.,aard extensivflj used in Fitt. burgb and surrounding country w'th nnqualie sucrese vhich renders it unnecessary to parade long list of testimonials Li its favor, which could readily be done. Suffice ILlo say that PUmbersof the raosi resper.uble persons in Jltts burgh and vicioi; bare osed and proved lU wonderfuIefiTcacy. ItUe Veeta'.ile and scien tific preparaiioo predicated cjt thunalU'fabie Laws of Nature, adaptod lnoi rertaiclv u rs- i move tbe reus, thai ite itSrct- lusy cvu; UI i utr:o:iEa. it cau truly b pranouorcji" mnirf ibi bi reaedk f.r the ahu curaDlaiaU fn -a Daiwdfitates. Vo&ioilj WH l wither it P6t f aiDy joora wiio-it lOTB Too, iSall 81:4 l-'Wh fcc8Vff ts tcttiy at VTii. MrCfcrssi?. eTTTCS, f . ' JEsyLVAl. 1 . tiiim. ExcLr.g-UV IH Motet rieJt j?!fucb-,j CirsflKiftk j-ar.Mafi.4S tk.fC.r3Jautwa j."rw lJbv - Chcsur c'nty frC'.u.ft4i " iJeUwars Ca" jar Calcslcs U M-.gjrrvry psr?ifc!eSi . " JCurthertbtraJ pr?2afiisvi'J " UolorftlM Cridjc pr Pclaaja IXviestjn Ink for Vouste Far. EW Reaiuij ptnlivwa Far bk Bucks Co Far bk Lncu rar'cjfsig Lancaster bans, pair! IS sr: Lancaster Ltitik jrCieTcUaJ United btstes UftX I'S XcoIs Brownsville I'Dsjioa Va.shingto Western Rcsrt " Cttysboryh " i j Fro alia CitLl Cbsasbersburg j.ChiliicAhe Soqueha&aa Co 14 S,Lake Ervs Lehigh enemy back fiO'SdoU " Icntstuwa j, Lancaster C? Middletowa IJIamiltca 13 Carlisls i,Granvi;l tO Erie Unk fFsrmers Ek Cttn 40 Farmers' and Droters Urtans to Bank, Way Beslurg MARYLAND. ITarri-burf Ilenesdak . Baltimore banks pse O. R. P. Serfs 10 Lcbanoa Pottsvills' Wtomtnf ' YeTjk Bank. West Branch bank Relief Notes Merchants & Man bk Cumb.Dk AI!egsny J Far.bkof .Marvland -Far.& Fredetkk Frederick co bauk Hagrrstowu labk " Mineral bank Patspsco bank Pitts, relief not1 par Washington Innk lity ct County Scnp i Dink of Wesirairutsr Caps! Gaps'! Caps!;! TXjfEN ami Ho' Fur, Cloth, Piuih, IvJ. Hair-Seal and Glazed capj, very cheap at J. M. IlOLDERGAUM'SSiars. 50,000 Victims every year FALL A PREY TO C O.N SUMP TION , ASTHMA AND RAI SING I5LOOD, HECTIC FEVER AND NIGHT SWEATS. Mra. Atlan;, 126tli street, Ilarlea.V suiTered a year with a cough, pain in the' chest, night sweats, and all the sfjjrava- led sympion of Consumption; nothing relieved her till she tried Sherman' ILdsatn half a bottle cured her. U LU E RATE I) LUNGS A N D LIVE IT. Mr. E. T. Lawrence, Jackson street, Brooklyn, after (years ofsuflcrinj, ssJ treated by various physicists, was pr nounred incurable from ulcertlcd lurjs and liver. DYING, I . as wss supposed he tried the BalrsJ its effects were most miraculous; ftwa bottles mred him. f PLEURISY AND CONSUMPTI0.V. Mrs. Dajgas, residing zt 69 Jbl.eri.7 street, 70 years old, has been subject is attacks of pleurisy and consuc:p!'e coughs far years. Ths Ralsac saved her from very preal suiTerir.. ASTHMA AND CONSUMPTION. L J. Beats, 89 Delancy-streel it lo his sister-in-law. who had bcuh aa in valid for .years from Asthma; tu. another considered as in consumption It re lieved them at tmce, so that thtfy travel led several hundred miles. Sl'l I TlNG BLOOD Is alwavs alarming. It leads a th worst kind of Consumption, and unlet arrested in time U generally fatal. Sher fflffllj'iij iit.AaBtl-W ! i " t l ilom i tha best inane a tttttt .. -sl j. . - r .-- , j remedy it heals tlie wounded or ruptureo - lilnrtd vCcl r f ifu Innm e.Tccis a pcrminenl cure, while other remedies only stop the blood for some time. A few doses of this Balaam will satisfy ihe njost skeptic! that it is tho medicine requrrerj It hs been success ful in many cascsj aMjd thai too whert mcj nau run into a rapurcTw77'i, i.r, as more gercrally expressed, 'HASTY CONSUMPTION." Yotin persons, or those of miJdle age, are more subject to these attacks than the aged. 1'nce 25 cants and $ 1 per bottle. Sold by the following duly appointed Agents for Somerset county, Pa. J.J. & II. F. c5chel!,. Somerset, Snyder & Zimmerman, StoystAWB, Edmund Kiernan, Jenner Roads Philltppi &i Kitrnan. Rexbury, Clias. Krissinger, Derlin, P. & W. Meyer, Meyer'e Mi!. . Miller & Dircly, Salisbury, 'V " GrantsviUe.Md. S. C. II. X'cCht-sney.SmithSeld, Samuel Elder, Ptlershurjh, Peter Levy, Daridsville, Elias Siahl, Mount PcU Likewise. Dr. Sherman Aledieafe! Lozenges, Tooth Pasle, and Poor Man' Phster. COUGH LOZENGES. Thre zenges are a safe, nwslstue ar.J rfTeeroal remedy for coughs and colds, lightness of the lungs or eliesi, die. WORM LOZENGES.-Thcso YYorsf Loienjrcs have been proved in mora than MCO.OnO cases to be the infallible; tlie only certain worm destro) in med icine erer dist-otered, Ii was resertei for Dr. Sherman to invent a rr.edicin to destroy worms that children woukl tke Children will uke these Lozenges snJ rry frr more. DR. SHERMAN'S TOOTH PASTE A premium Dentrtfiee, the testarikl known for cleaning and whitening th teeth, the gows, swteien ing ihe breath. SHERMAN'S POOR MAN'S PLAS TER. The bfit Mrenj'hecing pbstff in tiuj ..r!1; a sosereiijti temedr for pains at wenkr.e in ths bsrk, Iua, siJts. brfSKt. &e. Uc. One reilltnnt year will n.i fpply ihe demand. V ir rantpd ih Vest and'ehcapeit. Osa ilai H itl pioee the fact ..... CAMPHOR L0ZENGE.S relehrii ted for ji 115 almost immediate rli-f lt iidrvniif pnd t-ick herfdarf. j nf pi tattvrS uf thfi !ic;:it, hiwnes .;in!j -h'- .... 1 e ah,svt lna?n'L-i. I o: 1 lain! l'L.-r l.t -S' ?V. ill tUdlr ' li ;-- 1 it.