The Somerset herald and farmers' and mechanics' register. (Somerset, Pa.) 183?-1852, November 16, 1847, Image 1

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Yif nt iUD wrrnr.N rnn vuAir,
$C 50 WII.I. . B& CHAKliED.
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5Mcw. Series.!
' It .
Vol. 6-No. 1
; The 'CumherlaiiJ Civilian'says i'The
grcatuesuoa before, the country is, fie
pacification ofMexicp. : Turn . i hich
ay:w0ay, it ii-present nd before os.
iay- ty growi'-in importance.- it
absorbs the entire attention, u nether ue
will, or not. It is not a mere question
iox.Govtrnment to -consider land dispose
of. -It is. a question that goes home to the
iieart tnd the interests of every individual
n "the land. - ' Rich " and poor,' old' and
young. 14a tk 'aixl -white, the well ahd the
'sick, parent '"and child all all feel that
ihcv have an abiding interest in this vast
. The Philadelphia Inquirer contains a
.comparative statement, showing that the
'number of men killed and wounded ia
the present 'war with Mexico has been
already more than half as 'grcat'as the
loss sustained in the seven years war. of
,the Revolution. In the latter the number
f killed and wounded, as ascertained by
reference to" authentic sources, was 8C97
in the "former, 4491. i It is estimated
Resides, that not less than 5000 haveper
ished t from disease, from assassination
4thd hi skirmishes with the ruerrillas. - '
r t i 6 ;
The Washington correspondent ol the
Philadelpnia Ledger, says : .
, "As to the levying of a contribution cf
150,000 demanded by General Scott of
Jthe city of Mexico, it is far from satisfy
ing the expectation of our Government.
Jk million would have been little enough
slter ,what our4troops have sufiered.-T-(Contributions
will henceforth be levied
ion all large 'towns, and the one - hundred
'nd( fifty Hfcousand dollars furnished' "by'
the capital. is considered as the first instal
ment of a much larger sum due tis by her
-wealthy inhabitants." i-. ,.:: , i :
' Geri. Scott has recommeiKled Sergeants
TJenfson. AVilsou and Robinson,' of the 2d
Artillery; Heck, of the 3d ArtiUeiry,Up
xlegro AT, Farmer, Archer and Daily, ol the
5th. Infantrj; Sergeant Major Thompson,
"6th-; Infantry, tud Sergeant Major Fink,
of the 8th Infantry, Jot commissions, as
rewards for-' distinguished bravery and
jgood conduct in the late batdes. - This is
the way. The 6ih Infantry has already
two Captains, Belger and Hendrickson,
who were enlisted rnenand havebcen
promoted for gallantry in the field. ..r;
jfohn.liandolphin 1806 thus spoke:
I declare in the face of dav that this go
yernment "AVas "rTot instituted for the " pur
pose "of "oflensive'war liO -it was frarn.
ed (tdse its own language) for the toui
tnoA defence and general -welfare,' which
are inconsistent with offensive.-, war. ,.1
yall that offensive war which goes out of
our limits and jurisdiction for the attain
ment of .objects nor within those limits
tnd that jurisdiction.'' ' " - ' ' ' ;
. i .-. i :- -- : ' ' '. -
Onc' thousaad of Coil's Talent Revol-
viug'Rlfles .have been" made at. Hartford,
tor the use of the United States Mounted
Riile .Regiment. . Each rifle is made to
tiold six charges, which can all be fired in
s 'many-seconds; Jand as they can be loa
ded ery, quickly, it is expected that they
will prove, a terribly, effective instrument
ff . war. ; Gtn ral Taylor has approved
rri. ' - .- :-' ' -
' - The London Times of September 3d,
?.!uding'to the difBculties and dangers of
our gl!ant little army iu Mexico, iptiraa
led that, in all probability. General Scott
would have to capitulate to the enemy.
Eleven days after, and the American flag
fioated'oyer the Jfetibnal Palace of Mex
ico,. ; . - ' - - 1 " , - - - '
Tno,!!oER and Lightning: Speaking
fcf tfe ; prese'nt iWatcnihg state of EIu
Yope Major Noah's Times says :
"We, hear ihcthnnder rolling, and on
lyrray : that we nay ; not see the light
fcirigs flash.' v
There never was any thunder x "unac-
ronjpahied by:lightning, which must flash
fi so!uj!tr was . sworn into the service
ct the Unitsd-Statcat : Cincinnati, ' last
wetk, who was n )ha" battles- of. PiloAl--..,
Monterey, vn$ r-Bifena. Vista; and in
ne last fifi,'and.T& j left for dead, upon'
'-!J. reportsJ us des 16 f head-q-jsrters.'
From ihf National Intelligvncer." - '
T K U E X M E It I C A N I S M.
. ; ,. We have never yet happened lo meet
(fwuhjaoy expressTQn of opinion by a pub-
Uc assenbly more distinctly exhibition at
J once Ue intelligence, the spirit and the
port" of Freemen
; than the following Reso-
, , , , .
lutiony, unanimous
invention lately held -iti the State of
n 1
New Hainpshirci : ; ' '
... "Resolved, Tliat, as citizens of a free
country, we. claim and shall exercise the
right at all times, in a candid but fearless
manner, of expressing our opinions, of tiie
acts whether of the State or .National Ad
ministration; aud " whether, those acts of
the President of lhe United Stales in his
Isst Message to brand as traitors all those
citizens.'of the Republic who do not yield
a blind obedience to his will, and approve
his conduct in the unconstitutional com
mencement of the present war with Mexi
co, as an insult to freemen, only to
emanate from one who rules over slaves.
Besolved, That War is to be avoided
at all limes as a great calamity, especially
by this country, as not congenial to the
spirit of our institutions, or the feeling
that shouhl animate us in our intercourse
wiJi the nations of the earth; but that we
regard the present war' with Mexico as
doubly' hateful, inasmuch as' it was un
constitutionally commenced by the act of
the President, in disregard of the rights of
Congress, and as l is waged for the dis
memberment of a sister Republic, upon
'pretexts that are falsearid for a purpose
that is abhorrent to ail feelings of humani
ty and. justice; and, .although w? it
ward to the OiUcers and men engaged in
that war all the praise , that is due to skill
energy, and courage, jyetjve regard the
glory acquired by our arms as an inade
quate compensation for the blood that has
been shed,' the', tres'sure that has been
wasted, and the indelible stain that has
been cast upon bur national character bv
tho prosecution of a war of conquest and
ambition.' the first, as we hope it may be
the last, in the history of the. Republic.
Resolved, therefore,' That it is the duty
of the Whigs 6f the country, by all exer
tions in their power, to. extricate, the coun
try from' lhe condition, into, which it has
been plunged by the madness oHis rulers,
and lo procure a'-peace with Mexico as
, soonas it can be done cordis iently with
lhe true honor and ."dignity of the Ameri
can name, and, by'the termination of the
warset an example otjustice and magna
nimity that 'shall reflect" as much honor
upon the character of the American peo
plc for exercise "of, the' jnoral virtues as
they Jiave acquired hy the'.display of
Tlldsc of a militaiy and heroic kind. ,
" Well done, Whig's of the Granits State!.
' . .' ' COUNTRY. : -y.
Above our readers have a sample of the
Political opinion1 and spiritJof the Peo
ple." r The folio wing, , from a different
quarter, embodies, we believe," a "just ex
position of-the generally sound ""Moral
sentiment of the country: ib.- .' v . ,
Preamble axd RtrsoLtmoNS just adopted
r bi) the Synod of lft Sew School
J'reslyterian Ch urch tf Sew York
"' tend Ji'cw ' Jerseu, i'iz: s ' . '1
I The ' Synod of New '.York and New
Jersey, considering' the tendency of war
to impede 'the. progress of the 'Gospel, by
putting the minds of men in 'a state unfa
vorable to the influence of truth and the
Holy . Spirit; deem it proper and season
able, in view of lhe fact that our country
is now engaged in war with a neighbor
ing nation, which, as far as it has proceed
ed, has ' been unusually sanguinary and
disastrous, lo express their solemn con
victions in the following resolutions:
"Resolved, That the Synod regard this
war both, as an exhibition of human wick
edness and as a dreadful scourge from the
hand of God. . which should, lead lhe!
llhn'rrh nfrhmi i ct,;,,- r :
heart, to deeo humiliation and orostra-1
lion of spirit, and to earnest supplication
before the.Throne of Mercy .....
. Resolved, That it is recommended to
all the Ministers of the word belonging to
this Synod to labor, by prayerypreaching,
and all other" appropriate means, to im
press the minds of men with a sense of
the sinfulness and the evils of War, and
especially of the existing war with Mcxi-
PO- 'ft. ' r -.-
. r tl i -v c . i , j .-
..Micsojveu,. iiai uic oynou express me
arrpat AtGtm flaf nil ttio n.-rt
cople of this
land, and especially GodV-covenant peo-
pie, see eye; to .eye in t reference to the
present and prospecavc evils of the exist
ing war; and the desirableness of its spee
dy termination. ;w ; .t :, -
""-A- poor: little girl ut ..Neve York; says
the Expres4ad one of tier, fingers badly
injured by a "Straw CuUer'Ut-ihe-Faix
of the Amer4eIristkttte-last week.
Hercase xxnted.riiTieh sympathy,' and in
addition to donatirm-frooa visitors the en
itri r?e?ipls f ,;'the, last day
the. fair, were generously appropriated for
bf e r ben e,5 ti hy th e m aaasrs 'Proctf th esa
purees shejH-?? ptjt.i.pos-rjjiDi of. the '
touacttf uziof:$$0& I - i. ;
. . Front the Lancaster Examiner.
" C7Tbe".weU informed Washington
correspondent of the Baltimore Sun, Mr.
Grund, outlines the .President's
lo the;next.Congrss: as follows
"The administration will probably take :
i thL" ZTOU"d .iTlhe'Subiect. The war
J was forced upon -us by Mexico , refusing
to eelre our minister and listen to our
I'he war
proposal. Mexico beln? . unwilling lo
I listen to what' w
e nad to say
we were
y""Bu lu..lde piu.! u. ;y..
n of v
i:: i i.v ...t .Z..L.
j : c t u iu ue our own, auu wuicu was uu
, , , i , -rr. -1
.... ltlllu -alluu . . ,
the act oi our own Congress,' which had j
... . . . I , . -1
made it a collection district. In doing
that, we Were attacked, and were forced ;
. i . i i i : it 4
ui oeai tnem net iu pursue xnem, "
vided Mexico would receive bur commis
sioners, Mexico Tefused, and 'we had to
strike another blow.' Monterey was ta
ken, and .we 'again proposed terms of
peace, which were equally .rejected '-with
scorn The battle of Buena Vista was
fought, and at its victorious close Gen.
Taylor again insinuated to the President
ad interim of the Mexican Republic that
he should be glad to send his proposition
for peace to Washington he -was not e
ven deemed worthy of arranswer. Thus
we'were compelled to reduce Vera Cruz,
and to firht the battle of Cerro Gordo.
xgain we offered peace, but we had to
take Puebla
1 lierc we halted and Com-i
menced negotiations. We have sent down
a commissioner to treat,- hut the enemv
feigning' to partially accord to'o'ur wislies,
fortified the capital and its environs. We
are at last compelled to reduce the capi
tal; but after two fearful-battles we again
halt at. the very gates of tthe city to save
Mexico from' disgrace and ruin. Again
she deceives and employs ": tlie time of the
armistice in preparing graves for our sol
diers.' Wrhat, then, are we to do' Are
we, because. Mexico is unwilling to treat
with us, to abandon the blood-stained battle-fields
- historical monuments ; of the
devotion and heroism of our army? The
idea, is preposterous; it -would involve us
in indelible shamt? and disgrace.- It would
t. : f r : .. l . e
, - - i
tayictiiUHMia tfiirainot vui vi;niiiir.iLvt iiuu
would render the American namc a mock-
it t - i " - ' i
word .throughout the world.' ' - -'" '
The war then must go on. It must be
carried on vigorously- but circumstances
must determine lo wha 'point We can
not very well fall'' back to a given line;
because this would not end the war; but
merely give the "enemy the advantage of
position.- It would coyer his rear, and
he miglit concentrate his "forces in: front
jagaiiist that liuel It .would give him the
advantage of .'attacking it ad infinitum.
while, ourselves would be restricted to the
defensive, in protecting it.f It would in
volve the surrender of our ? most valuable
conquests, and by that means, dcpriveits
not only of the physical,' bnt also of the
moral consequence of our .victories. ''- l
- - The line policy, there fore, will not he
adopted hy . the ' adrainislration; ;hut the
principle avowed of carrying on : thewar
till. all our claims arc satisfied. ..littliese
claims are included the expenses of the
war. These -naturally -increase as the
war goes on, and 'Mexico has ivouhbney
to pay for them; consequently;; she must
lose more and. more- territory;. that is, as
the var goes on, will our, claims for dama
ges increase, will onr government demand
the cession of, additional provinces to be
satisfied. ; As the war is prolonged, the
territory of the Republic Mexico must di
minish, and pursuing this course of mathe
matical reasoning, we . shall arrive -at a
period when nothing biit .the whole of
Mexico will pay for our outlay, and the
! Suite itself be absorbed to liquidate her
debt to us.-; This is the ground the Picsi
dent will take in his message. He will
not avow a conquest which was not of his
seeking, nor will he say how far that
conquest shall be carried;" but he leaves
that to the ' Mexicans, merely intimating
that it will be in proportion to their obsti-
nacv-and tn penou1 ol uie war. ican
uhl!e' 1 half guess .that the. provinces of
Tamaulipas and Zacatccas, either - of
which is much more ..valuable than New
Mexico, will be claimed as the price of
the battle of Chapultepcc and the taking
of the city of Mexico. More .will be
added as we go on. ; . .-.
Mr F. O. J. Smith, of the Boston
Telegraph line, in a communication to
Tlnslnn Trans:nL ofrt;rs .k. follow
-. , - r
Kn -
-.1. will
deposit $1000 in the Merchants
Bank .against a like sum, that I -have a
Durham bull, whose weight exceeds 2500
pounds, who will travel from ; Boston lo
New York xity; with a'imessage of one
thousand, words, ;ia-;less time than the
whole telegraph system patented to House
can convey the same message, in consec
utive -words, frora Boston to New . York;
and I. will furnish thel wires of the New
York and Boston, telegraph, free of charge,
to the: House instruuients, to jca'rry otst the
undertaking.: The :ofier toie accepted
and: the trial: to bjnade. -.within ill the
jpuonlh? of jOtobr and Novem'zr of th3
crent year.. EiUKCia Oj. S:tk.
Telerrapa Cffce,- Bejtca, Oct. 27,.M7;4
. Gcii. Taylor's Popularity.
The popular demonstrations every-
w!ipri. show thft ranidlv increasm? and
! --- -- r- - .
wiue spreauuig popularity oi uie nivm-
cible . bid Rough and Ready, and the deep
hold he has upon the affections of his
countrymen. The name of the OLD
WHIG. HERO is a tower of strength, be
fore, which the weak opposition of Polk
There ,u naine of
. r, - . ,i' , . . , ii'l,n..rta
Zachary I AYLoathatcaptivates all hearts.
Uls W0Uiierfully brilliant military career
, . , J-, . . frv. ,n,i
has excited the admiration of Lurope, and
, . . . iV t.,..
in the estimation of his own countrymen.
He combines the qualities of a Hero and
Statesman in an eminent degree, and is
amply qualified to discharge the duties of
the highest office . in the world -that of
President of this Republic. , How our
greenrst wreath would brighten on Lhe !
brow of such a man as Zachary .1 pylori
Since the time Gen.. Taylor was first
mentioned in connexion witli the Presi
dency, we have continued to note, in va
rious sections of the Union, the certain
indications of his growing strength. The
people here know nothing of his popular
ity ia the West and South; they have no
idea of the enthusiastic unanimity with
which he is 'supported in distant States.
, J - i . ...
nis onniry, no man nas enjujeu such
universal popularity with the masses. ' In
Kentucky tiie Whigs ' arc almost unani
mous for the old Hero, and a State Con
vention has'becn called : for the appoint
ment of Electors. The same process is
now going on in 'Tennessee. Gen. Taylor
is the only Inan thought of in the State.
Missouri presents a solid front for Gen.
Taylor. Louisiana is equally unanimous.
Georgia has already nominated (Jen.
Taylor, by Whig State Convention. Mis
sissippi ' and Illinois have declared ' for
Gen. Taylor nolent celens.' Whig
State Convention is about to be called in
Maryland, to nominate "the old Whig
General. Nearly the whole Whig press
i of Virginia are for General Taylor; white
S .ilubama and .'Jrk'Jiisas'-'irvTquxlW U
t t ' T - -wt
rided. In North Carolina Whig opin
ion is stronIv in favor of Gen. Tnvlor.
Strong demonstrations in favor of'Gen.
Taylor have been made in Pennsylvania;
he has been nominated by Whig meetings
in various counties, and his nainc-floals
at the mast-head of about twenty-five
Whig journals in different parts of -the
State. - In many counties- in Xeic Jersey,
Drlatrare, Ohio," and Nrw Yorkj the
Whig's hare held meetings and nomina-
; trd Get!. Taylor. ; 4;
These indications are- loo plain to be
misunderstood. Should old Rough and
Ready be the nominee of the Whig" Na
tional Convention as-' we believe he will,
the Whig parly will achieve a triumph
far surpassing in; brilliancy that of I84Q.
AVe want a Candidate wha can be elected;
and it is evident that'Gcni Taylor is iusl
tlie man "With "the Hero of Buena Vris
to," victory would be eertain." He would
sweep the Union like a whirlwind and
would leave not a vestige of Polkofocoism.
r- We go for principles, however. In 'pre-
ference of men; and should Clay, Scott, or
any other man he selected as the Whig
nominee, he, will receive .our cordial and
enthusiastic support. We .wish il to be
distinctly understood, that the nominee of
the: Whig National Convention is our can
didate for the Presidency. Penn. Int.
Tlie following bill of . fare for the Roy
al Household of England, for one year
(184G) may not be uninteresting to econ
omists and the public : -
Bread, 2050; butter, bacon, rheese
and eggs, .4970; milk an .1 cream, CM78;
butcher's meat, X'9172; 'poultry, X3633;
fish. . 1979; "grocery, XJ4614; oilery
1703: fruit and confectionary, 1711;
vegetables, 487; wine, 4350; liquors,
&c('JiS13; "tc and beer, 2811? wax
candles, 1977; talfow candles. 079;
lamps, ,41 60; fuel,68l9; stationary,
824,' turnery, 376; braziery, 890;
china, glass, . &c, 1328; . Jineii, 10S5;
washing, table -linen, tc, 2130; plate,
Rich Men iv Boston, -Peter C.
Brooks is worth six millions of dollars.
He is a'-thorough temperance man and
will not allow any of his property to be
occupied, for selling rum. John P. Gush
ing is worth S2,G0d,000. : ''Abbott Law
rence $2,000,000.' Amos Lawrence
500,000, and Win. Lawrence $1,000,000.
The last, three are, brothers. ; Samuel,
Nathan, and. Wm. Appleton, also three
brothers, are worth a million each. There
are- seven other individuals in Boston
worth a million each. . "-'-- ;
- "Loxg HpMANiTV-Nalhan'Lamprnan,
of Coxackie, New York, who is now 18
years of age and seven feet one inch in
height, bids fair to become a man of higher
standing in the world than any man now
livhigVhaving' grown "nine inches daring
the past year, and, --"on th tteual rules of
jrrbw'th will probably reaoh one foot morel
He ; '.yeigii3 -.152 , poandi. Worcester
Jranacnpr. . .
Dy a census of the swinish multitude
in Ohio published in the Cincinnati At-
' lasi it appears that that species of popula
: , . . . .
tion ic tMTmiirrr la irnct nmfd n j lief
: as t lat ol lh )ire.J5.
The whole nuni-
ber yf M VX Ohio
is now but tittle
short of 2,000,000.
By way of New Orleans we have ac
counts from Vera Cruz lo the20lh ulti
Ino, brought by the steamer Alabama.
Geu. Patterson was expected to com
mence his march' la the interior about the
21th. j ; : -
Tlie (ieniusof Liberty (printed at Ve
ra Cruz) has liies of papers from the city
of Mexico to the 7th. It says that the
most profound tranquility reigned in the
capital. ,.-
.. The same pnper furnishes the following
news from Puebla and the interior:
- Tiie family of Mr. Castro, a respect
able citizen of this place, arrived here yes
terday evening from Jalapa. On the road
lo Santa Fer at a deserted rancho about
ten miles, from here, they were met by
some thirty or forty guerrillas, by whom
they were exceedingly maltreated. -
Dr. Gal v en, a native of Havana, who
is direct from the city of Mexico, fell in
with Mr. Castro's family at Jalapa, and
accompanied them to: this city By lhe
kindness of tliis gentleman we were put
in the receipt of very' important intelli
gence from the city of Mexico.
He left the city of Mexico on the 7ih
of this month, and on the 11th, at 5 o'
clock P. M., he entered Huatamantla, a
town a little castol the Perole road, and
about half way between Perote and Pu
cbla.J There he learned that the force of
Gen. Lane had entered shortly before,
and so sudden and unexpected was his ar
rival lhal Santa Anna ' had barely time to
gei away by another quarter of the town.
The Americans captured two pieces of ar
tillery belonging to the force of General
Santa Anna, which the latter in his hurry
had no lime to remove, and also 'took' pris-
wieL.Vcg;i and Iturbide.
.. Santa Anna, aitFrOTmflJS.aQJlaj.
whicli he did al lhe liea'd" of one thousand
horse, was reinforced by fifteen hundred
men of the command of Gen. Reyes, and
both remained in the neighborhood of
Huaiuantla till Gen. Lane's departure, af
ter which this town was again taken pos
session ftf by Generals Santa Anpaand
Reyes, who following up tlie rear guard
of'the Americans. - killed 'seventy men,
principally, inebriated stragglers, and took
twenty prisoners. The Mexicans had
two pieces of artillery with them rone a
brass 13-pounder and the other a 16-pound--er
of the fume metal.
- Gen. Rea sallied out of Puebla at lhe
head of a pretty considerable force, and
was awaiting at El Pinal Qt town a few
miles south of Huaiuantla, on the same
road to PueblaJ the approach of Gen.
Lane, whose flanks aud rear the Mexi
cans are reported to have been incessant
ly harassing..-- Bni we are confident that
though the Mexicans should muster a force
j.fnur - lold the amount of that which it is re
ported that they have, yet General Lane,
the Buena Vista hero, will extricate him
self with honor and with glory from their
midst, and will form a junction with his
General, unsratlit'd by the ordeal of pas
sing through the soldiers of Santa Anna
and Reyes.
The decree hy which it was ordained
that Mr. Pcnay Pena should take charge
of the supreme power, in conjunction with
two associates, has been repealed, and
Santa Anna has again been called upon to
assume the reins of Government, if it can
be called one, and the command of the
Gen. Paredes is in Tulancingo, endea
voring, and wiih some success it appears,
to establish his monarchial system, lie
has of late received some very important
converts to his political principles.
Gen. Vf'em-u is at hi3 hacienda, pas
sing away his lime as agreeably as he can,
taking no part in the national affairs. We
suppose he is only hiding his time.
Gen. Bravo is in Mexico, quiet, and on
; The semblinc-e of the. Mexican Govern
ment met according to .appointment at
Querctaro on the 5th, but there not being
any thing like a quorum present nothing
was done.
Peace is a? far o.Tas ever, the feelings
of the puople.arc aid to he most strenu
ously opposed to any compromise with
the. North Americans; in fact tlie hostility
which exists against us in the interior
towns, cities, an J villages, is reported to
be of the most hitler kind. '
The other leading men and pencrals
have gone for the most part to Cuerna
vaca in the lierra adienle. Guernavaca
is a town teveuteen Ie.iguess.outh of tha
city of Mexico, on the rond to Acapulco.
Capt. William II. Churchill, of the 2d
infantrv.'Assistant 'Quartermaster, dic! wt
Point Isabel "on the l9:h ultimo, of yellow
fever. He graduated at West Point in
1840, and was brevetted captain for his
gallant con Juct at Resaca da la Pilaia.
" Lieut. Jenkins, of the First Dragoons,
died cf ytliow fve: at Vera Cr"u2 02 ih
In the storming cf Molino del Rey,
Major Summer, with hia dragoons,
charged a heavy column of the enemy'
lancers. In doing so, they had to pass
under a heavy fire from the enemy'
works. The following incident connecU
ed with this charge is told by the corres
pondent of the Delta. It is not uncom
mon in history for horses to show such
"While the cavalry were passing in
front of the enemy, in order to charge th
column of lancers, they were not under
the fire more, than ten "seconds, and, du
ring that lime, they sustained a loss cf six
officers wounded, thirty-two privates
killed and wounded, and a loss ofono
hundred and five horses. 'There wero
but two officers that did not have theic
hoises shot under them; but there is ona
thing very remarkable, that the horses
from which the riders had been shot
wheeled and moved with the same rrgu
Iarity as though they had been mounted,
until they came to halt from the charge,
when they all kept on in a body in direc
tion of the enemv."
Mrs. Hoffman, of Baltimore, lost hr
husband, while he was serving his coun
try in Texas less -than two years aro, in,
the capacity of Lieut. Colonel of the 7th
infantry. In lhe winter of 1814, sha
lost a son, Lieut. A. T. Hoffman, of tha
2d Infantry, who died of a disease con
tracted while serving in Florida. At the?
battle of Churubusco, her youngest ani
favorite child was killed, while serving in
ttje 1st U. S. Artillery, in the capacity of
Lieutenant. In the same encasement sh
had another son wounded, Captain Hoif
inan, of the 6th Infantry, who is repre
sented as possessing superior attainment
as. an officer and a gentleman.
j On Thursday evening week, a singular
i and melancholy occurrence took place in
! Roxbury, Massachusetts. .Miss Catha
i rine Lelaud, daughter of Sherman Le-
land, Esq., had been in Boston, where?
family was not expecting her out that e-vening.-
Her brother, upon leaving the
house, about eight o'clock at night, found
his sister lying upon the steps of her fa
ther's dwelling, dead! It is believed sho
must have fallen down in a fit, and thus
died upon the very threshold of her fa
ther'd house.
! During the latter part of last week, a
iargs eagie was capiureu near Jamison a
Corner, in Warwick township, Bucks co.
The Doylcstown Democrat says: A small
boy went after the cows in t.he evening
j and was attacked by the bird ia a furious
manner, and after having battled with it
unsuccessfully for some lime, was reliev
ed hy a dog, that at the time came to hu
l rascue. - Uetween lhe boy and the do"-
the eagle had to surrender, and was taken
home in triumph, with the assistance of
some of the neighbors. It is said to havo
been a noble bird. Its length from tip to
tip, eight feet. ,
fcC7It is a delicate subject to speak of.
but an ingenious person has constructed
what he calls a "skirt expander," by
which a lady, even while walking in th
street, may make her dress appear larger
and smaller in bulk at rill, and without'
permitting observers to note how it is
' done. Of course it is made of In.n.i h
j -
j ber, and is inflated with air;, and the in
; ventor says tliat while it is very light, it
j has also the merit of making ths dress sit
j easier and more graceful. ,It may be a
! good thing, .but we think the inventor
! had a great stock of impudence. to rnsd-
tile wjtll.sucn a matter. h,xchan3.
A good story is told of a Yankee who
went for the first time to a bowling slley,
and keit firing away at the pins' to lha
imminent peril of the boy, whoso far
from having any thing to do in setting
up" the pins, was actively at work in an
endeavor to avoid the balls of the player,
which rattled on all sides of the pins,
without touching them. At length tho
; fellow seeing the predicament the boy
was in, yelled out, as he let drive another
ball, Stand in among the pias, boy, if
j you don't want to get hurt."
An old coats advantages are numerous.
People will not think it worth while to
pick your pockew the ladies will nut
bother you with their insatiate love and
you will not be teased to take tC3 with
your acquaintances.
Mr. President," said John Randolph,
of Roanoke, breaking in tb
midst of one of his Congressional haran
gues, "I have fuund lhe Philosopher's
Sione! " It U contained in four words:
Pay-as-ycc-go!' "
Letters fiom Cork assert that 9,000
nervous i;i lli-t di5tri?:t alone have been
ssvtf frm tWh by rv-,imi. by tho
j timely succur brutal:: 4. at by the Mace-
1 r
' k . -' ' "