The Somerset herald and farmers' and mechanics' register. (Somerset, Pa.) 183?-1852, November 09, 1847, Image 4

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    r .... .'i- m
- "" 1 - -77- , .- ..- . . , , - r- r t -. n t t i
TERMS OF THE IlERAtn-Tum-fwifer
ist published every Ty,'rtP
fer nam, f ayait!e half-yearly inaJTancc
ffnot paid wUhin tbyearj vwH tovanar.
My be charged. ; : i 1
No subscription taken Tor less than ix roorr&s
nor caa a subsrriler discfuitinue unlw
tue opiloa of fhe eHof a rrcaragcsire
..paid oft. .-, f s . . ..,!'
AoTtrrDKnGSTf wHJ.!o nserted at $1 per
square, far ihe finst three insertion, and 25
cent for every ubseueiit iricrtin: longer
oueaA fMportioa. 1 ' -....- J
Advertisements.1 -4 7
United Slates NciuspaperM
.vert ising and 'Subscription 7
'-rrOK English,. German arid French
Jj papers.' Advertisements inserted
to unler a the various newspjpers pub
lulled in the United S'.atts, at the same
terms tlial are charged at the dillercul
. w
offices. 'f ' ' .'; . . , "'":
Mrchanls' Xccownts, and others col
lected and Droinpilv attended ! b in ail
pans of the United States.
x ; E. W.CARR,
' Authorized Newspaper Agent, Surt
Huitdings, Third and Dock Streetsvop
osise ' Merchant Exchange, or 440
iS'orih Fourth street. ; VM
. Criming Inks of every Iescri'piionr
furnished "to publishers at manufacturer's
'ttie ' ; 'v " ' "" 'ri
& ' IV. D. WaorTtet1 lo give satisfaction
, Bonnets;;
rTOL0RENCE HraidaV Straw; Rutland
JjT end Vtifet Rennets, cheap at -"
Somerset County, ss. r ,
m$M ; 4'r.' adjourned Orphans'
Il. s. li'jL-SL Court htld at Somerset,
MMfilifc " and for the county of Som
erset, tiu the 6th day of September; i847,
present the Honorable ; Jeremiah S.
Ulack President, and George Chorpen
nTng associate Judse of the same court.
f On motion of Mr Cox the court con
firm the Inquisition and grant a rule on
the heirs and legal representatives of Pc
cr Shirer, dee'd, tosppear'at ah ad
journed Orphans' Court to be" held at
Somerset on - Monday 'the 2td day of
;N6rember, A; D, 1847. to accept or re
fuse to take the real estate of said de
ceased at the appraised price, '
ll Extracts from the Records of said
co-urt, certified this Oth day of Septem
ber. A. D.1847.: 1 J
; u t WM. H. PICKING,
Sept. 21. 1847 s rlerb.
iotnerset County, ss' , ,
-The Commonwealth of Penn
wiVv sylvania,:
P To Samuel Farsfk. Greeting, j
"17 HERE AS, Margaret Earner by
T f her next friend Philip Brown
,3id on the 20th day of August, A. D.
j 1837, rfer her petition to the Honor
able Jeremiah S. Black, President Judge
.of the court of Common Pleas of Somer
.et county, praying that for causes there
,tn forth she might be ; divorced from
the bonds of patrimony, entered; into
with you the said Samuel Farntr, in all
ftime to come slf she never had; been
jWarried, or as if "you rwere naturally
, dead. We, therefore, command you
,lhe said Samuel. Farner, that setting a
tcide all excuses and other business, you
. he and appear in your- proper person be
fore our Jwlges jai our Court of Common
Pleas, there to be field n the third Mon
. day, of November next, to answer the
peution ".or Jibel of the said ' Margare
Farner, and to shew cause jf any you
tltave, why the said Margaret your .wife
.should not be divorced from jour so--ciety,
fellowship, , and, company, and
from the bonds of matrtmony epntracted
' wivh you rhe .Samuel, as fully and
'eSectually as jf she neer; tiad been
carried, or as if. you, the said ..Samuel
vere naturally deac",; agreeably to the
Ct.of assembly in such case made and
provided, and hereof you are hot' to fail.
Witness the Honorable Jeremiah S.
Black, President Judge of our said court
slSomer&et, this 20,th day of April, A.
D. !817. '
. , , '' a: J. OGLE.
October 26, 1847. ; Proth'v.
- Sornersct County, is. ' ,
Tbc ConmicniTcaKh or Pcnn-
- sylvaula,
To James Downer Greeting: ,
WHEREAS, Mary Elizabeth Dow
ner, by her father and next friend
i jf Andrew Craig, did on the 1st day of Ju-
m A ,84r refcr her Pellio" the
Honorable Jeremiah S. Black, Esquire,
. .President Judge of the Court -of Com
, aon Pleas of Somerset county, r8yin
or eauses therein set forth, the might be
divorced from the bonds of Matrimony,
t enured into with you the said James
l).1vnp.r in all lim. - .!.
, .,,lb 41, tylue( as ;j sl,g nfeit
. vcr had been, married, or as if you were
. .naturally .dead. t We therefore comreand
,ou as we have heretofore commanded
t you the said James Do,wner that fettin
siJe all excuses and other business, yuu
tbe fend appear in your proper .persoiv be
fore our Judges at our "county, ipurt of
Common Pleas there to be held on the
, third Monday in NoVember" riext.'n-
l?Sr !l,e ,pe!i,0n or Jibelof .he Mid My
Mitabeth Downer', by t her father, ad
next friend Andrew Cra;, and jto shuw
caue if- any vou have whr - .the-said
. M;.ry Elisabeth your AriVe'Jsbpu.U ot he
- c;forceu trom your society,, fellowship
jnu company, and from, the . bonds of
. roaininony contracted with you the said
V J mes as Tuily and as .effectually as if
t hho jiever , had be.eo cnarriod, or as . if
you were naturally dead, agreeably to
be act of Assembly in such case made
and provided," and hereof you. are not
rio fail. , . ' . - '
' n W'W" Hori-J-eremiah S. Biaek
. President j)f our said court at Somerset
this Gih day of Sptetabcr A. Dt 1847.'?
- r Ai J, OGLE.. :
- - - i
jrrrc? Ii VnTfKiy rw&T tri lt fpi sorts
oJ : - . . J
: concerned asjegaices. creuuure u.
otherwise, 'that tho following account
hare been filed ami passed! register ir the
Roister vflsee, Ibf tho county of Som
erset and that the same will be present
ed lo the Orphans court for confirmation
anil allowance on Monday I the 22rf day
of Navembir ntxt, z ' adjourned Or
phans' Court, viz: ;' :t'u'"it'i'tl .
The account of Jacob Koontz, admin
istrator of Jacob Fomev, dee'dl
The account of Peter Levy, executor
of Margaret file, jlec'J. . ' "
; The account of "John A;"WiU, admin
isiraWof Adam Wilt, ii'ccd. 35 ?
' (Tii;account of .Out o S.Mitcfiell, act
ing executor'' of Lewis Mitchell, dee'd. e
The ' arcmint of John1 HufTman and
WilHurh Rushharger, administrators of
Jacih lIufTuian, dec d. - " "'
The accotint of Daniel Stahl, admin
istrator, of 'Christina' Fx." de(d u
Tlie arcotint of Frederick! Hoover;
G a a rd i a h ' o f .W ill i a m ', Sa m b el Jacob an d
David Hoover. '; 'f1'-"-
- The accoont bf Edward Dorsey, Ad
ministrator of Samuel Coughenhour, de-censed.-
xV; "-'-l
"The account of Jacob Peterson, -administrator
of Ruel Peterson, dee'd. -
The account ofSamuel Gaumcr, ad
ministrator of-"Samuel Witt; lcd.
, i wm; h, picking;
October 1 5, 1847, 5 Register;
t;.1 in Somerset tountyl Pd."- C
rgHE undersigued will 'cell the fol
? lowing described property, vizi
No'. lr A farm lying in Milford town
ship, forks of Cox's treek and ? Castle
roan's river, containing . s.'t,.: -..
2 724 Acres -
and allowance, -villi a house and barn
thereon, arid an excellent 'running foun
tain of water at the door; about I SO acres
are cleared,'(and 60 or 70 acres more
can be cleared, of the best quality 5 of
land.) a good portion ; is in meado w and
the balance' first ? rate timber land, . equal
to anv tn I fie sownship; also u "v
' A n O r c h a r d
of choice iruit on the 'premises.'.' The
land is of the best in Milford township;
has an abundance of timtstone arid coal
thereon, adjoining lands -of Simon 1 1 au
ger, Jacob Miller, Ludwtck Sariner,"arid
others. ; The contehiplated - Baltimore
and Ohio Rail Road route from Cum
berland to Pittsburg passes through ths
tract. ''"' '''; " ,;?-- x;,11 '
No;! ,2 A Farm
lying in Jefferson township, at' the.' foot
of Laurel Hill, on the Somerset and Ml.
Pleasant turnpike road, containing .282
acres and allowance. ori which are, erect
ed two dwelling , houses; a larget barn,
wagon-maker shop, Blacksmith. shop,
oats house, &c. The one, house1 has
been5 occupied as a' tivern i fori" many
years, and has a running fountain of wa
ter at the door; about, 80 or SO acres f
tins tract are cleared, of which about SO
acres are in meadow, and as much more
could be made, andjis situaXc'immediate
ly west of Laurel hill creek; adjoining
lands of Jacob Fiecki Henry Caker, and
others; this could be made one of the best
grazing farms in' the county. ; i'
The subscriber is determined to sell
the above tracts low; (therefore would
advist persons desirous Tof purchasing
to examine them. M.,' A. Sanner, of
Somerset, has been appointed agent for
the nflf oXhese lands, to whom appli
cation) cane made, or to 4 -.:. . '
V i ' tv ;, JOHN GEBHART, ' .
Oct. 26 47. IQt. ; a'itteburS.'Pa.
For November Term, 18U, commen
r .. ciug on Monday the 15th day.
Stoystown borough-William Wangh.
Somerset townshipDaniel Coleman,
CJt.rad Flick; Samuel Rhoads, Jacob
Youpg of L., Isaac Voung. :
Brothersvalley f)avid Dickey, Gideon
. . Bowman. j..'. n-.f j ,i vt4-! f
Paint Samuel Hofsapple, Jacob Custer.
Quemahoning Samuel Miller. ' . , I
Summit Daniel P; Miller-'. t'?s . !
Southampton Jacob. -.'Martz' Samuel
Hoyman, Peter Reiver, K, ? , :- ,
Allegheny Adam George'.?-: ;.;'.fJ ' .xj
Turkeyfoot Jaclison Mitchell; Thomas:
' R. King ':.. .- )t r.h 1
Eltlick Edward Dively, Jqhn Engle, !
Addison Joseph Henderson.-; ,!., a
Berlin borough Daniel Hefli'V,i:rt.I J
Greenville Owen Biel Samu"el Bochj
StCtlcr-;t c;al; IW5
'i.i-.i ,Travcrse Jurors-tg I j
Somerset boroujh . Andre w: Stewart
-i ' Solomon . Knee j I 51 .' V i
Somerset township Samuel .Coleman''
Joseph Shultz, Henry vSipe. Ludwick
? TWeller; Josiah Walked Rudolph Fer!
. ,her,' James: -McVicker,', David ;Hus-
, iani; -.2- .:st-.t- n
! "
f i
Greenville-. Berjamin .rwry.i Jacob
Limt John Baker. t-r .- ; Hi - - ,
ddison -Henry
I Fuller. ; ...
Wentling,4 Stephen'
Paint Georffe Fisliurl
.' 4,
ccmaugh Ifcnry Umber'eri I -I S i "i
ienn-roh.n. Forney, Hugh- Wyandi
Southampton Alexander Mecsc. '
QucmahoDingJaco Mowry-Vi,, I
.; Jom Glodrehy,, Arthur McKipdleV
Jona3em. , ; , f
lor. j ."-;. , - . ' ' 1
Summit-Rulph Boose? f 'f .p
Turkey foot Alexander ificklowrMin-
ore King.:s, trt,U
Shade-JosephBash, Abraham ,ub.a-ker--'
.. f. - - j
BToilvalleyDayid-IlayVJa? Kl
Allegheny Dcaicl Jfartz.i
S-lissk "---
"W, T
npOILET, fancy atut commons
JL fnr ' ilia Plrnr, clnrp n f
trrrr4 z " i -7-ft:r
ii v CapsLCaps!UCaps!!!xS 1 :
EN and Bot, Fr; Cloth Pluslt,
Hair-Seal and Glased caps, .?.fery
cheap Jit .xfrT-wii
Stearine Candlesf
I A tA3iAtx I isitu cteannc i
A beautiful article, and equal ,lo 1
Sperm, on hand and for sate at tne urug
Store of
Wm. McCreerv.
i : ; i J Confecticnariesv :; t
57IIGS,: Raisins, Almonds,' Filberts,
Cream'. Pecou, and Ground Nuts,
a n d' Candies of all k i ims , for.s ale a t jhe
Drug Store of ? Wm, McCrckrt.,,
fcj . -j c 2 trlnipnt M
fresh .Druzs. Medectnes, s
Chemicals Escences, Perfume-?
ry, Paints, Dves, Oils, Varnish,
&c, &ei, just received and for sate fat
the Drug Stbre of"- ' ' -
4 Oct5-47 ,i( 5i 5 Somerset, Pa.
-Administrator's Notice; -4
ETTERS of Administratioii on the
JO estate of Lenhart Shultz late of Mil
ford township, dec'tf, having been granted
to the subscriber residing m saJ town
ship, all persons ' indebted-' to said estate
are requested to ' attend at:the late resi
dence of ; the deceased oa Wednesday
the 17th of November next r.iepared to
settle; and those haying claims topresVnt
them "at the same lime and ptac, proper
y authenticated;
THE slibscriber; thankful for past
favors; respectfully; informs the
public generally,that he continues to car
ryon the Stone cutting business, ai his
shop in Somerset, where he will always
keep on" hand and finish to order a"varie-
:ty of MARBLE and COMMON
all of whicli will be 'sold atreasonable
Country r produce taken in exchange
forZwork M market prices., ? ft,c,n
March 2 1847 ly ;,r U;'
X T an adjourued .Orphans'
g hi f Court held at Somerset,
Jg .in and far live eotmty of .Som
erset, on the Gihlday of September, A.
D." 1847, before ilie Honorable' Jersmiah
Si Black President, and ; Geo. Chorpen
ning and John McCarty associate Judges
of the same courts i.. l.-.s
On motion bfi Mr. Gebhart ihe coert
grant a rule on the widow, heirs and le
gal "representatives of John D, Reese,
dee'd, to'appearjit ah adjourned Orphans
court to be Iveld at Somerset in and y- for
said county on tlt 22d ayof Noveber
next, (18474 and s(tew ause if any diey
hav why the real estate f said deceased
should not be soW. ii; j r? ,iV
Extracts from the 5 Records f said
court, certified this 6th day of Septem
ber, 1847, ; wM.ii. picking.;: :
. Sept. si;, 1847. ; ; ;;;;"r. ierk;;;
fl. SK.-i V " 1 J -.-
fHE undersigned will offer at ptiblic
51 sale in the Borough of Somerset,
on Mofiday ;t1e 15th day ! of November
next; (unless sooner disposed of at pri
vate sale a valuable tract of land, situate
withiiv one-half mile of the Borough of
Somerset, containing about f'1
six hundred and fifteen acres,
more or less. This land is well Watered,
has good improvements .and is well a
dapted cither to grazing or ;gratn grow
ing, and may be advantageously divided
into two or three parcels lo suit purcha
sers. A more particular description Is
deemed tinneressary as those who may
wish, to purchase will be likely to visit
and examine it for th'cmselves before the
day of sale. ;i 1
On; lo 1847;
rrivalc Sale.
Ji Donegal Ip Westmoreland Co Pu, ,
THE subscriber offers for -sale 'a
situate in Ligoriier valley, Donegal Ip.;
Westmoreland county. Pa., conlatntrig
jj.-i , iaSY ACRES, : t,v. ,
adjoining lauds of John Galbraith. John
Philippi, Joseph Beany, John Withe
row and ptherSvOje hundred acres are
rleared, and in a good state of cultiva
tion, thp '.balance is-vell timbered, there is
-25 acres 'in meadow,- ii
and 20 acres sowed in timothy and clo
'ver lastl spring The farm is weil wa
tered; the Loyalhanna creek passing
through if, Tandasnumber? of neyen fa'iU
ing springs Of water thereon; there is ori
the premises a large and commodious
Ttto Story Frame Houc '.
and kitchen, a bank barn; smoke house,
&ic, and a saw mill on a cood site; there
is also an apple' orchard and - sugar -cadi p
on the premtses. 1 he above; tract, is
simateu in a good settlement, convenieht
to 'mill, within 2 mi es of Centtrevillci
and 6 of Lionier, -Lauehlinstowji arid
Uonegal. "- Any person wishing to pur
chase will please call on Joseph Lloyd,
Centrevillei or Ephraim Lloyd, Donegal,
who will show the premises and make
known the terras. r A good bargain will
bjjiveri, and an indisputable title made by
Aug3i.4NSa: ii . ML pisssaot
i Vif XdbA's AdJi
nnHE undersigned wili; pay i cenf
f jl'J pet pound for alKold metalJeliv-
ered at ibetr t ounury tn Somerset. ,
oci26. ARMSTRONG & CO. , ,
if 1 Ei'TE RS testamemary ou the estate
jjjl hi Garret RfiamEsqi iate of Con
emaugh; to w nsh ip, deceased , ha v hig beea
t ranted to the jubscribers they hereby,
rpntiesi all neraons indebted to said estate!
i0 atienu at the late resuience 01 we uc-
cased' on Frulaf the 12 th of November
next. prepared to -settle; arid those hav
ingclaims. lo p resent. tliem. tit the. same
time nnd place, properly authenticated. ,.,
' ' : " r; WILLIAM REAM,' "
! y J 0 H N A L W I N E,n f 15
Oct) 5 1847. 'Exeetitorsi
IN the court of ComraoH Pleas "of So
merse(coutity, of January term 1816,
0. ,0. . .. ; . .. ';.;. . . .-f
And now lo wit, 10th Oclober, 1847,
the account of George Weller, Seques-
trator of the Somerset & . Cumberland
rt. .li. -I. .'' i! i '-J ' : ' 'J'iK -1
i urnpme roau, uicu m. ray wmit u
w ill he presented to the 'court for con-
firraation, ori Monday the" 2d "day of
' A. J. OGLE,"
ProJ office; Oct; G, '47; j Proih'y;
" 1 Administrators Notice; ;
TT ETTERS of Administration' on the
H i estate ,,df TJonathari.Butler, dee'd,
havinir beehWanted to the subscriber, he
hereby reauests all persons indebted to
said est? t?, to attend at the house of John
Brallier in the - town' of - Welleriburg;
Somerset 1 county.'' on' Wednesday the
24th'day of November next, (1847) pre
pared to settle; and tliose having elatms
to nreseal thera at th same time' and
n!ar rirorrly authenticated. 5 u
t.,vz JOHN .T. EDWARD, r
October 19, 1847. Adm'r.5
proclamtion;- ;
"WTHEREAS the hoaorable Jeremi
T Y aii S. Black, President, and G.
Chorponnlrig and John M'Carty, Esqs.,
associate Judges of the court of common
pleas, in and for the cofv of , Somerset,
and assistaut Justices of the courts of over
and terminer and general jail delivery arid
quarter sessions of the peace;Ja and for
said county, of Somerset, have issued
their precept to - me directed, requiring
me among olherl things id, make! public
proclamation throngliout my bailiwick,
that a court of. oyer and , terminer and
general jail delivery; also, a court of gen
eral quarter sessions of the peace and
jail delivery.; will -commence at Lhe bor
ough of Somerset, in and for the county
of Somerset, in the commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, on, the third Monday of
November next, ( 5th day in pursuance
of which precept j , ' ; . '
Public Notice is hereby giv
en, to the justices of the peace, the coro
ner, 'and i constables of &aid - county of
Somerset, that they be then and there, in
their own proper persons, with their
rolls, records examinations, . and inquisi
tions, and other, remembrances, to do
thostf things w hid) to their . offices apper
tain in thai behalf lo be done and also ail
those; woo prosecute, against the priso
ners; that; are, or then shall be, in the jail
of the said county; of Somerset, are to be
then and there to prosecute against them
as shall be just..4 , - r :.r . . . ; : ;
Given under my hand, at Somerset, this
9ih day of October, in the i year .of
our Lord 1847." , -, ?
most; speedy remedy for pains in the loins, re
cent and chronic affections of the kidneys, dis
ease of .the. bladder, gravel, seminal weakness,
&ci Persons who, by indulging in a secret ha
bit, have entailed on themselves constitutional
'debility; should apply invmediately to DR. KliY
KELIN, of the Philadelphia Medical House,
the oldest institution of the kind in the city.. Of
fice, N. W. corner of south Third aod Union
Ktrcetis, .bctweea iS'ivruco ani Pine, I . squares
from the Exchange. " " ' "''';'' '.
" This med'cal house was es'taibllshed by Dr. K.
thirteen years 050, for the suppression of quacke
ry, there being so many person, without know-
todge, name or character, who put advcUisement
in the public paperg, that an institution of thia
kind was highly necessary "to prevent the afflic
ted, especially strangers, from falling into the
hand A some unskilful wretch, who, instead of
curing, might send his victim to arr untimely
graven Tlerefore, the afflicted should shurf the
numerous pretended physicians who know noth
ing of the practice of medicine, but consult Dr.
Kinfcehn; who cures ,: " " ' ; . - j
i j , iA Ai certaW DISEASE n
iri two or three daysfcc-ording to the state of the
patient, without the use of mercury. v. No mer
curial, remedies arc used by DrKinkclin; hi me
dicines are palatable and harmless, and all. pa
tients arc honorably shielded from even the pos
sibility of being discovered.""" He who places him
self Under 'the care of DrK. may religiously
confide in his honor a a gentleman, and coufi
dently rely upon his sAill as a physician, and if
he is not speedily relieved j no rcmuacration will
be demande!.' s . V , .."
' $tncturee,'onc. of tbo most rtpuL'esome and
darigerons affections, which oftKn end in gravel,
inflamatidri,'wcakftC5fi,"6cc., Dt Kiukeiin guaran
ties lo remove speedily; as a!sos'swe!lings,disea
ed prostrate; gland, &c,-Strictures have ruined
many who had no knowledge p thenr existence.
"r YoungmertVhb have injured thcmsclvfa 1y
a certain ffactico indulged inft hafcit frequent
ly learned; from evil 'comparuowi or at school- I
Vie4 cSbis of w'hjch.V nbtTj felt, eyeu-j when
astccp, ,and destroy .both, mind , and body,.shoulJ
appfy immediatefy. " Weuknes arid con'stitutiorM
ai debility immediately"' cured and fall' vigo res
tored. All letKT57T&?2f- '
2T;fetl&1Dr grater
practie in theabore afjjctiojis thri"anypbjMcian
,10 tbe-United $tatest.,. H also' possesses-an sd-
t?tap over alUthrrs.M the f.c his hav,
iinrr Kiiiii.fMi in rrpni nrini iia rr
r ik . 41...;:
Thousands Ui Philadelphia testify ihal fa W "'f-,lu- mntZnizl ? ou,er
cured tUefiS after every oiRef meafss hid fikilcJ, thop Pi the kind 11 the county ,i Apprd
Sepent roams far private cohsultatiaOv r OpVk yell cciu nlry. 3 produce Jaken in exchange
1111; muunu 111 Licui ;iuiuis uk. EiUi
Uitar.pi, l'.:r k r?.tt i novs-i y j
Taiviittss . supplied, at a -inoraents,
!th the re'iueit ' nsdicia 3 to cur '.fbs
vitf, ui : requiEi?)
Pe r.WcilcMes seat to'a'av fart ctU
United ftatei."
ii' TJ$ ,
L it: ; Cheese, on hand" and i
W 1' A VJ" w
. for: sale at the Dnig Siore iit crt 1: h
Wm. McLref.rv.
rjpENDERS his pro feisfohai services
;JL Id theIciti?ens,oft Crn'.feU!e - and
ttcinity.,, Hisf pfhee is at the , White
ilan innV"(JcpH1lea) Where' alJl
uitteVhe' may be found; unless 'absent oh
prbfessioriaT business M-r
iqns V. RODDY.
IC PartnersKip,
.WE Y A Nl D: ,!A N D l K X IX D " Y,
itomey s at . Law, w ill; attend puuc;
the Hotel
of Wm; H PiekingV Maio
g'reet. Somerset. Pa, :,vsept. 2f47-33i.
,?inonoNsr. ;J-,-r-
eONSlSTlNG in part1 of silver pen
cil "'cases, silver thimbles, steel
beads'; silk twist, (on spools,' for purses,)
wateh guards, chains and keys beads;
necklaces, cOmbswater and .fanccol-j
ours, camels hair pencils, .crayon , pen
cils, segar aediobaccbbsixes; "pocket
mirrors, tweezers, steel pens and hold
ers, toys 1 for children, &cM 'for sale at ihe
Drug Store of ' Wm. McCreery
I II AVE just returned ; from the East
tern citiesndam now opening a
general assortment of Dry , Goods, Hard
ware, G rocer ies and Que enswa re, which
I vill dispose of cheaper than any Store
iriv Somerset.1' My "customers ' and the
public in general are invited-to call and
examine for themselves.-
..sept281847' . ;;y ; - . ,
THE partnership heretofore existing
between Simon Gebhart and Ross
Forward has been dissolved. The for
mer having removed to Dayton, Ohio.
All business entrusted to the firm rnd
papers relative thereto have been left
with Ross Forward who will attend lo
the same. His office is the same for
merly, occupied by Sir. Gebhart, on the
north west corner ol the diamond. -Pel.
12, 1847, r
1 : : Notice. to Assessors.5 ":: '
HE assessors for the year 1843, in
. $ ' 'th several districts of Somerset
.county, are hereby notified to attend at
theCommissioners Office, on Thursday
the 18th day of November next, to re
ceive their; boots, and instructions ne
cessary . for making lhe assessment of
said year.
ar of he Board,
OcloW 19. 1847-4t clerk.
Administrator's Notice,
ETTEKSof Administration on the
A estate of Henry Miller late, of Jef
ferson township, dee'd, having been
granted to the subscriber xrsiding in Mil
ford township,' all persariv indebted to
said estate are requested to attend at tlte
late residence of said deceased on Satur
day the 20th of Noveoiber next, pre
pared to settle; and tiiose having claims
to present them at the same time and
place, properly authenticated. ' , ;
OctVlS 1847. . Adm'r.
THE undersigned wo4 Id inform the
i citizens at large, thai ihey.have fit
ted up a 6team engine in complete order,
which will enable them to say that they
can compete with any establishment in
Western Pennsylvania, in the way of
castings : Their casting will consist in
.part. Of j., . r.n ,-,' . ; y-
Stoves, Grates, Ploughs, and;
"Plough Points, and all kinds and dei'
;f 1 crijlim of 110 LLO !V V J1RE 'Z
.They have alsofitted up taming latfies
arid are ready at any lime to take in tuc
ning. whtch will be done on the short
. 1 0 . .- ..... ' r . - - ......
est noitce, , . .f-, r. . .,
..It ha9.been but a short time since the
above narried Foundry, has been put in
operation, ind the n!leri'3.rie(- are thank
ful for the. very flattering support .alrea
dy offered them. They1 would also add,
that; they hope to give satisfaction lo &U
who wiUhereafter givejhem a cail.
;:if v ARMSTRONG Jl CO, -Somerset,
Aug24, 47-3m"
... . . Copper, Sheet-Iron and .
c; . u tin-ware, '. ' "
One door ' east of tho "HeraltT OfTice, and im-
mediately' opposite Stahl'a Hatter Shopi '
kI ii Main street Somerset, Pa;-"
9 ; j, ; . '
D respectfully inform the ci
tizens of Somerset and vicinity
that he has purchased from J; II. Ben
ford & Co., their entire rstockr and ;-that
he will, continue to manufacture,, TIN,
Copper and Sliccf-I ron-ware, .
at tho old standiJjlaying lately purcha
sed au Cumberland, fresh .supply of
linsheet-iron11 and copper, he is now
""prepares t(I make to-order ill kt'nds of
ware Iri'his line"bf business; & His work
Lsball not be surpassed is Stf 1? or djifabilitj-.
Merchants .ana others .
t-wbor: keep;Tin-: ware, for sale- had bjetlcr
-1e ljirn a xaU, ai he can sell tbejjrware
L . I ' -1. t ,
1 . . - ......
njfm ware 51 end in 9 dAiw nn hnn .
C.u. -I. r.. .'. .. " . " '
vuc Biiop is prt Ai ain sjreet, ojie. qoor est
f01 lRe om;er i,aaiei!et, Paj
:r?rtr.tV t?: ;tlhjese.; on Isand anu
T tua ly to all business entrusteu toj y . ,
. "Co ecuons, anil other business i " .JT"1 ' VI;. 7 ,3
d. r OiTir-e immediately opposite ,,v"" i i T ' .ora
August 51, 1847.
, M.M4iinMA4U3
A Lot of Blank Deeds just prin
l tsdon line white gaper, and
rnow for sale at tKi3 officer
' ICJ Citizen s of 'SoinersetEzl
"Men?may crypcacsV peace !l when 'x '
.there is no peace !!! . ,
The war Vi factually begun but Gen..
Tay lor never- surrender?,' rieidier does'
the",4Re.B.5 II ibbard's '-Vegetable Anti
bilidUS Family "PjIIs: where they once -charge
upon birious: diseases, such as
bilifius, remitting, .intermitting, conges
tive, typhus and eruptive fevers, bilious
nml h Ami L-Pon Mvo Iiwaw ! t .
into healthy action, the rblorxl cleanjej
from alt impurities, and ypu are certain
to procure and maintain, uninterrupted
good healrhi "The most potcnVpiirifver
of the blood and corrector of the Hver tJ
Hibbard's-pills' t.? .-,
; ,sFemaIe3 if jon are (unwelj, procure,
and use, Rev. B. Hibbard's vegetable
pills, they reopen all obstructions, cleanse
the systtm, purify the blood arid giro
animation, health "ami beamy to alt who
use them, such as yod cannot , receive
from the use of auy other mediciae.
Doe half a pill. 7 V 7-
' Dyspeptics don't despair; "here' is a
certain cX-re." Dyspepsia"1 of ten years
standing,' and after alt other "medicines
had failed, has been reared by.tke use oL
Rev B, IUbbard's pills;, taken in quarter
of pill doses, three times a day for thrse
weeks. "'. " - : - -1
Doctor J ldernuthVof Montgomery
co., "Va.; says he his used them in" his"
practice for three years, antf finds them
the best medicine he haYever used; never
being disappointed in any case he em-'
ployed thera in. - We refer you to him
These pills have such. a reputation iti
Illinois, that thsy havegiveu to thera
the name of ''King Pills." Try them,
you who are ill, and want a cheap, safe,
certain and speedy remedy. ; Dose from
half a pill to two- pills Circnlars can
be had of agents free of charge." 7"
Price 12 j. 25 and 50 cents per box.
Sold by the following agents, viz :
' Snyder & Zimmerman, Stoystown,
Samuel Kimrael, Pine Mills, : -f . .
. Walter Chalfant, Allegheny Summit,
, J. H. & E. Benford, Snydersville, ?
: 7Michael Sipe, Somerset ' tp." 7 7
William M'Creery, Druggist, Sorrier
set, Pa., General and supplying agent for
this eounty. ' rxt- r,
-August SI, 1847-6m . - ? ..., -:
fffHE Great Preventive Medicine!
-JL Thoagh Wright's Indian Vegeta
ble Pills have achieved triumph upon tri
umph, ia the cure of obstinate cases V
disease, even after they had been entiref
lygiven up, and after all other remedies
had failed, yet their power of preventioa
may be justly esteemed their growing
glory! J'Storms," it is' said, ';punfy
lh air,' but storms do mischief also,
and-are so far sn evil. Were'it withTii
human power to matniain the XUecirical
equilibrium between the earth and air,
there would be no ocession for storms,
for the air would always be pure.
11 So of the human' body. . If.keptfre
fiora morbid humors, the acliod is regu
lar" and healthy. But if those humors
are allowed to accumulate, a; crisis, or,
in other words, a 6torm; will arise, which
is always more or less dangerous. 1
Wrights Indian-' Vegetable - Pills ' ara
equally well calcolateJ 16 prevent - tho
storm, or lo alJay it when it comes. But
prevention is belter than cure, besiVes
being cheaper and less troublesome..
Tho delay of a day in the commence
ment of sickness has often proved fatal,
and always renders the case more diui-
cull to manage. r ' , 1
, Let the sickness be caused by chan
ges of weather, high living, want of ex
ercise, close confinement, functional de
rangement! or anything else", the effect
upon the botly is much the sameis
equally dangerous, and is removable by
the same means.. . . T ,
""' Have yoa a co!d7 Let it not ripen in
to Consumption. Are you Dyspeptic?
Beware of the ' hypochondria. -' Two
Pills taken every other nfght on an emp
ty stomach, for a short time, will, 'in nine.
ca$ea"out of ten, cure the Dyspepsia,
and thereby drive away the legion ot
''devils blue.' For Headache, no me
dicine is superior to fVg2V Indian
Vegetable Pills. Costiveness, that pro
lific mother of disease, is caused by a
torpid stale of the liver, whiehNhesa
Pills effectually cures. By striking at
ihe root of disease, Wright's Indiaii Ve
getable Pills prevent all and cure all.
They can hardly .ever be taken aaaiss, if
used with common discretion; and wa
commend them to the use W those who
have not yet tried them. ' ?r ' '
v.- Beware of Counterfeits of ll kind;
Some ate coated with sugar; oihers are.
made to resemble in outward appearanc8
ihe original medicine.' 'I'he safest course
is, to purchase from irie reguia"r agents
only, "one or more of whom may-'ba
found in every village & town in the state.
Age n ts f 0 r $0 mersH County.
PARKER & ANKENY, Somerset,.
.M, .A. .Ross, Petersburg, ' k
Samuel ICimmel, Pine Mills, 7
; G.Parker & CoJe'nnerville. ' .
"Cr Michael Sipe, Somerset township."
',;,Aaghinbaaglr& BrubaSier, Centreville
i.Stevens & Schlagt;Bakerstown, - ,f
A . J. Shaffer Sr. Si Co. Stoystown, . .
7W'.',Chalfanti Buckslowu, .
Hay i: Iher, Lavansfilie, "
o;J. iX Darrtll, SmitbSeldr -i - ;?
0(Tm es devoted exclusively to the sala
of , Wright's LidianVezftoUe. Pills,
u ana ret Mjtt icy U4 e mrec.
Philldelphiar 22S Grcenwich Street.
'Ni' Vorkand 133'Tremrrt Street,' Bus-