finding the lecro vor1ed, called n 3ca- SrotJ v! stopped the further effusion of blood hy recaUinff the troops, and every t-ttf js now a quiet a tf ao hotiliti etsted We killed nearly e thousand lepers and lost lulled and wounded awt one hundred men. . n.. ru.. History carmot point to more Twlhnnt anions cor to more successful campaign. Evcrv effort of our arms ins been crown ed wi'th success, and every officer and sol her has rendered himself worthy xf his nonlry's-evexbMing gratitude-. " SOItTERSET BIIR AU)T V. B. PALMER, of ,hiblc!lh'n ftl his lUal Ei-ute anJ Cna! OJilr, is our attfhfmed A-rciit for olti-itiff Ailvertiroem nJ tfulv ,.ri!us -HERALD and cUithrd fv-i:u full fwcr to -rccfipt for anj monies pil j him un these objects. H aenrv includes the f jjlcwjng cities. viz:-Philadelphia, New lorkj tfahimore aod Cotton. j TV. CAIM, Pnn Buildings, Nortfc Hast Mrncr of TliirJ and Dock Street, W WeF haDt Exchange, or 440 No& fourth street, I'!)i!ailclphia, i authorized to xccrire AdvertW monta and tSubsrripttont farthe -HERALD," s)d i3 ciotH-d wiik ftlll f ower to recey Sot all jmoiiicn priJ iim on these dbjrct. Internal Improvement Meeting. 'I'lie citizens of Somerset countyjfr.iend v to tie -contrucUn tf a Kail iiond 4liroug1i ihe county, a-sd the improve uient of our turn rule rad f rotn Cumber land to intersect sUrk water navigation at West Newton, or eifher of the above important objects, arc requesed to meet at the Court House on Monday evening (November J5thJ of next court week. Masv. THAXKsomxo. The 25th of Novem ber has been designated as thanksgiving iay in theallowing States: Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, Indiana, Missouri, Kentucky, Florida, Maine, Mew Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Jersey, fC7Cour'terfeitS,s on th Mei-3aats'v and Manufacturers' Bank of Pittsburg are in circulation in this neighborhood. The general appearance of the notes is rough and the paper flimsy they are shorter than the genuine. So, look out. Chamb. Whirr. A letter to the New Orleans Bee, from the Rio Grande, says: "Two hundred Government horses were sold at auction 4 a few days ago, at an awful sacrifice, not averaging more than ten dollars a head, tliey probably cost each ten limes that 4 sum." This reminds ks -of the transactions of the Florida war, when steamboat wood was furnished to the Government at fiftv dollars per cord, and bacon which cost j the Government twelve cents a pound was sold at two and three cents, and rought rp by the contractors to be again cold to Uncle Sara. When we sec the jtemt in the account of this Mexican war, this sale f horses will, by comparison, prove to be a wtrt tircvrnsteince. Many large fortunes will be made by Govern ment favorites at the expense of the peo ple of the United States. There are a class of men in this country vrho, if con suited, would never have the country in a tate of peace; not that they fight the bat ties of the country, or are inspired by the trnfe-rUtHi to wia a nanie. No such ideas enter into their heads. They stay at home and make mo net. Jobs ami eou iracts are the fields of their ambition, and the greater the expense incurred by the country the wider is the field f their exploits.- Petersburg Inteiligeoeer. . ICf-The Loeofoeos proless to think. Bays the Louisville Journal, that the ac quisition of New Mexico and the Cali fornias would be an ample remuneration for all our lasses in the war. If, . a year and a half ago che question had been asLed whether our eountry ought to be willing lo purchase those territories at the cost of a hundred and fifty millions of dollars and the lives of ten or fifteen thou eand of her heroic yeomanry, who is Ihcre amongst us that would not have thundered forth an indignant negative! Where is the Loeofoco that can tell cs the relative value of. wild lands and hu man life? How , . 1 iuuuu wm reimourse us lor me neatn ol .M.l ...til - j. .1 , a . 1 Ringgold? Ridgley! How many for the dm!i nf How many for the death of How many for the uWh nf Clay! Hamcr! How msnv for the .Wh r j vhftjt ih oricsl and authorities. 11... r . r , . ; Inspectors, and Clerks. After the elec- IJutier: How many for each of the he- r,. . t . l . , 1 Ul ine ne , turn, symptons of a storm having shown nnc privates that fell at Palo Alto, at Re- j themselves Judges, Inspectors, ballot aea, at Monterey, at Buena Vista, at Vera boxes and all, were wheeled "off to a .Cruz, at Cerro Gordo, at Contreros, at 1 chool house near by, M?here the tickets Churubu.eo, and at the City of Mexico!- ! 7 50nnJ?d- Th5 c?usc f h ngu rvti1,r, s. . i proceeding Ws owing to the fact, that l.ettjsuurg bvar. , I ihe owner of the house, heretofore a pub- Mcxicax Whicism. The Loeofoco fi&uj vi idic uwnu &UUW any name , lor tne v nigs but "Meztcan nhigs." Let us mention a few facts for the benelit of ths.e callers of hard names. Two Ken tucky regiments destined1 for Mexico are now encamped near this city, and we are assured by gentlemen of the highest re 1 pectab;!;ty, who profess to know the ficl that aLrgo majority of thurank and ! : of both regiments are Whigs. The regi- menu are raaae up ot men from nine of en Congressional districts of Kentucky; Rot tnore thaa ten cent in tha dollar. hut Lynn uoyd f district, the only Loco-, Such a result causes universal disappoint ; loco district m the State, is not represent, ment and regrel; thoujrh, for my own J oy a sol nary volunteer in either regi. pari, I fiad iiff.cult to believe it ran b inent. Ut the Locofocos whose tongues , so bad as this. ; Ten cents 6n the dollar .re ao .i.iar with ths "Mxia wooJd U t d iading up of the great f!., Jf est uccc Siz they may.-1 Anericaa baskijheuceev York let--L..,...; -cura.1. , . i jcrcfWi-h"; Vnitx - r ' From the rittliUTg Gazette; v Yhhs win. xai War NDf-Ye find, copied into the Fcansylyanian, without f int the fuJkiwinrormiiari expressed , ... e j . in .. . . -.. .l f a lefcr. i rota siexico, ui reiaiwsu u ujc war. It fally confirm the views of Wad dy Thompson; 'Uiww, whatever may Rave eeen roe j provocation of this war, 1 cannot help lamenting it. Mexico is not the .country i where lite war .can bear its own expenses, j On the contrary, t farming idass of the people, and all the Imagers ahotrt, . after having been expelled or left their homes, lorm guernili nana,, relying tor toetr subsistence chicfiy vutiie p?underig of our stores. The. Jeoer Jbe wr lasts, 1 the n(rethe conntrv will Le ilesolated ! and reduced to a state of barbarity the i roore ici possible will it become to regaiu 112c iioujcuse jsums nxucn meesio re cover." . , ,.. -, .. Knowing all Vis (he Administration persists in Jhe war. regardless of the loss pf life, or the misery it may entail upon the country subjugated or rhe people at home If ike Aduuuisiraiian is wise, it will abandon its former policy. a -should it persist tin its folly, we hop Ceugcess will teach it wisdom. A Harrkbuj icorrespoadent of the Pennsylvanian announces the apwsnt ment of Isaac G. McKinley, editor f the "Denvaeratie UnioiC as Postmaster at Ilarrisbnpg, rn this Slate, in place of Jas Peacock, Esq., removed. We have been iuforrned that Mr. Peacock's removal was owing to his participation in the Tay lor iState Convention recently held in Harrisburg. Phitol Bulletin. j7A Whig Treasurer fcasJbeon elect ed in Northampton county. We are glad that a ray of light has at last broken in upon that dark and benighted region. Persevere, Whig?! The future is bright with hope. " We have in oKroffice, (says the Cleve land Herald,) subject to the inspection of the curious, the straw through which Polk sucked in the sy 1 van ia ia 1644. , Tariff wen of Pcmi- Seizure or a British Vessel. -The New York Herald slates that despatches have been received at Washington from the squadron in the Gull of Mexico, ta ring that a British merchant vessel, of light tonnage, freighted with merchandize for an English merchant, resident in Mexico, has been seized and condemned as a lawful prize," on the principle that a merchant permanently residing in Mexi co, no matter of what power he may be a subject, is to be treated in time of war as a citizen of the country in which he re sides and docs business. This proceeding is sustained by the practice of the British admiralty courts during the war between France and Eng land, aud also during the warof 1-812 and '15, between the United Slates and Great Britain. THE KILLED AND WOUNDED. The New Orleans Delta gives the fol. lowing summary of the number killed and wounded in the attack on Chapulte pec and the city of Mexico: Killed. Won ruled. Jfiw 1. Worth's Div'n. 140 2. Twiggs' " 30 3. Pillnw's " 21 4. Quitman's4' 41 27 10 10 Total, 230 1338 47 Killed, wounded and missing in the four divisions of Generals Worth, Twiggs, Pillow and Quitman, 1023. Bribes to Di;sEUTF.Rs.-The New Or leans Picayune translates from the Dairio del Gobierno of Mexico, a proclnraation of Santa Anna's issued in April, inviting the American 5oldiers to desert, and of fering such inducements as the following: To every single deserter a donation of S10, and the value of his arms, to every one who brings a hundred with him, S300 for himself besides $10 for each of the others, for two hundred, $1000, and so on fur other numbers, at the rate of $500 for every hundred: each deserter to have in addition 200 square acres of land. A larger quantity for officers, accordine to . . . ' 1 ftCT'The Election in Pennsbury town ship, Chester county, was held in a wa gon stationed in the middle, of the road. l,e wagou bed were seated the Judges, ne uui now a private one, where the eloc ution is directed to be held, would not per- mil ..... ..iv, sitiuuu iv w uexu upon nis premises. ,3 l"." ' " s; ; It begins to be ssid-and what is worse, believed-in Wall street, that Prime, Ward & Co. s fadure will turn out a very bad one. The 72.000 worth of bills protec ted by Barings for the honor of the house, must of course be paid lup in full, and will probably absorb nearly the whole of the assets, leaving to the other creditors 766 191 111 207 :.f LATEK. FROM THE ARMY, Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gaacite. . Richmond, Nov. 19 P. M- V A X$ from the New Orleans Picayune w.t 4tW r at.,.. in j.i.j. a m vnuuci, ivu tiuin a- containing two letters received by the James L. Day, -commending Gen. Pattex- aoa nu tie lahesi terms for his euurts m Correctir the atm' in reference to the hreatoest of the rick, and his ittdici UU1C10US ajraB?emelit. to aE.Ufv and euDores the Caerrillasu K t The I3ln Wantry marched from Vera rttz w-fh a . lrafm lbe i7th, for the National Bridge. - , - - - -rw .ere 3500 troops at Cezara near yera Cruz, vie: The 13th Infantry; u,,A.,.tt. n,t ni.;A n.ffimwu,.2 ooiioanies from FJoxida, CapL Slajpes in;:. ma..,n4. m,n ;n(tv roomit Itg fjrgt JJra-rooim, two companies H the 11th infantry, Vohigtter recruits, Tigbl- oian's jziagnLEceQt Light Artillery Bat tery; and half a oftle beyond that are four companies of Texan Rangers- - The Flood in Ohio was very destruc tive. The Cincinnati Commercial says, in the Little Miami valley, the destruction of grain and other property has been im mense. The railroad was -damaged hi several places, and the Wooslar turnpike was inundated for miles. - An abutment of the bridge at Malford '2.s washed awav, aud the Data ax Deer field iestroyel, canskiga Joss of ahaut $3000. Most of the tending corn, on the banks of the stream is cither -destroyed or damaged, and several horses, ows, hogs, &c, have been lost. . A man named Parker was drowned in the road, on which the water, was four feet deep. . - . ; -;i There was considerable damage on the Great Miami. :The embankmeut on the Miami Canal some distance, above gave way, and a temporary suspension of navi gation will be the consequence. tJ -; The acqueduct of the Miami eanal, o ver Gregory's creek, is washed away. . , A rumor was currcntyesterday, that the White Wafer caaal had . beea badly in jured. . . , . ; The Turnpike near Fraaklin, was in initiated, aad a bridge in thai vicinity de stroyed. A small house about three rnfles beyond Franklin was swept off on Saturday night. The ccupants escaped. The vapidity of the rise may be jnged from the fact that in ms hour the river I swelled nearly three feet plirrnV : . SeveraSef Captaisi C. M. Clay's com panies of volunteers, who were prisoners in Mexico, have published a card, ia the cotsrse of which they say; ' ' ' - r ; ,-- f ; .t?; When Captain Henry made, Sus e-. srape, and the Mexican eorti wander, .ex cited by that eveat, "gae orders : for the massacre of the Americans, Captain Clay exclaimed, "Kill the officers spare the soldiers!" A Mexican Major ran to foii, presenting a cocked pistol to tas breasL He still exclaimed: "Kill me kill the of ficers hut spare the men they are inno cent!" Who but C. M. Clay, with a loaded pistol to his head, and in the hand of an enraged enemy, would have shown such magnanimous self-devotion! If any man is entitled to be called the '.'soldier's Weed," he is." . . A Scam. -A fellow named Chase has recently made a tour through the northern part of the State of New 1 ork, represent ing himself, as he went, as being . an a genl of one of the factories at Lowell, for the purpose of engaging some thirty young women to proceed to that city, to be employed in said factory, v Several fe males were induced to go to Lowell, and he managed to get their, trunks into his possession and decamped, reaving the poor girls, in some instances, penniless. The rascal deserves to be whipped with a knot made of apron strings, while strength existed in the pretty arras of those he had robbed. ; - - In seventeen years Jive thousand wile of Railroad have been constructed in the United States, at an expense of on hun dred and twenty million of dollars. This is unprecedented in the history of Civil Constructions. It demonstrates, beyond any other fact, the gigantic growth, the unceasing industry, and Cumulative Power of Capital, in this new and vigor ous natiotr : - Schuylkill County. The question of removing the countr seat from Orwigs burg to Potts ville, was submitted to the people last Tuesday, by a law of the last session, and carried aflirmitively by a majority of nearly 500. Pottsville is centrally located in the county, and is to defray all hc expenses of erecting public buildings. Damage: bv a Printer's Mistake. In Rochester, (N. Y.) there are two Lang worlhy's, father and ison. ; The first is L. B. Langworthy, a Democrat, and till lately the collector of the port. The son is S. B. Langworthy, a Whig, who signed a call lor an Anti-Texas meeting. In set ting up the call the compositor mistook S. for L., and the eTror escaped correc tion. This proof of heresy on the part of the Collector, was forwarded to Wash ington, and Mr.' Langworthy', ' senior, was incontinently cast out of office. . The N. Y. Tribune says that the mer cantile failures in England, notice of which was brought out bv the steamer'Cambria, involve the su m of 2 1,1 77.000.- This xclcsive of a number af housca, whose liabilities are not stated. - " - Th British trmv in Ire!and ix efim- posed of 28,000 rank and fib) en dutv: 21,60pe3s:o2ers; militia 5uffs oa ra , eruitiagr.p'srtiw ; and I0.0C0 in ihe". coa: 1 lUbular;-totaJ 58,C00 nea. : ., i Peimsylyania Legislature. ; THE STATE SENATE. : ; .The Senate is composed of 23 mem hers 11 elected each year ibis year 12, one to fill a vacancy. Of those holding -over from last year "9 arc Locofocoa and 12 Whigs,. The new Senators elected are below: I. Pliiladelphia city Benjamin Mat thias. . ;; . ; . . I 1L Philadelphia county Thoraas S. Foray the, gain over Native, v X. Susquehanna, Wayne and 'Wyoming- -Frs.' B. Streeter. " XIII. Luzerne aud Columbia Valen tine Best. : , . - . XV. Unin, MifSih aad Junbta Ner Middles worth. ; . . XVL Cumberland and rcrrv Rohert C. Sterrett. . XVIII. Adams and Franklin Wm It. Saddler. XIX; : Bedford, Blar aud Huntingdon Alexander King. ; - XX. Armstrong, Cambria, Clearfield and Indiana William Johnston, gain, XXIV. : Allegheny ". and Bu der Geo, Darsie. XXV. Mercer and Beaver David Sankey. ' XXVI. Crawford and Yeaango Jas. Porter Brawk?y- 1 ' . The following list of persons, we think, can be relied upon as elected to the HOUSE OF REPRESANTATIVES. Adams William Sherrv. ' AUegheny I,ewis C J Noble, Chris tian Snively, Marshall Swartz welder, Henry Large. ' Armstrong Lewis Brenneman. " Beaver John Allison, John Sharp, Jun'r. . Betlford James L. Kirk, Josiah Miller."- " " " Oerks Jofm C. Me3rers, John Long, Samuel Fegely, Henry G. Stetlcr. Bradford Francis Smith, Aburnah Wattles. Backs J. W. Long, P, D. Bloom, Ed ward Nicholsoiu" Butler Jacob Zeigler. - Cambria John Kean. Centre and Clearfield John B. Meek, George Walters. Chester Henry S. Evans, Thomas K. Bull George Ladley. , Columbia Stewart Pierce. Crawford S. G. Krick, J. K. Kerr. Cumberland Jacob Lefevcr, Abraham Lambertoo. - , 1 Dauphin - James Fox, -Theodore Gratz. . Deleware Sketchley Morton. r iirie G. J. Ball, Wm. Sanborn. ' Fayette William Y. Roberts, WilliaW Kenck. r Franklin William Baker, Samuel SeiberL J " ' Greene John B. Gordon. Huntingkon and BiairDavid Blair, L. BreidenthalL Indiana Wm, C. M'Knight. ; Jefferson, Clarion and Venango Jno. Keatly. Jr, William Perry. Juniata and Union Samuel W eincli, John M'Minn. Lancaster Abraham Shelby, J. B. Stubbs, Thomas B. Jacobs, Joseph C. Dickinson, David G. Eshelraan. Lebanon David Grittinger. Lehigh and Carbon Peter Bowman, Samuel Marx. Luzerne Samuel 'W. Groff, Samuel Benedict. ' : . . Lycoming, Clinton, Potter and Solii van Wm, F. Packer, Timothy Ives; Jr. Mercer Robert Black, M. B. Kre Dtan. - . " Mifilin Hugh M'Kee, . - Montgomery Benjamin Hill, Behja raia F. Hallo well, David Evans. Northampton and Monroe B- S. Schoonever, Charles A. Luchenbach, Jo seph Labough. : North raberland George A. Frick, Perry John Soudcr. , ., Philadelphia county Thomas S. Fer non, Thomas Daly, Ahrahani Olwine, Thomas K. Finletter, William S. Ilallo well, John K. Loughlin, Edward Van- sant. - ' Philadelphia city Thomas C. Steel, George H. Hart, Solomon W. Roberts, John H. Diehl, II. Rundle Smith. Schuylkill George Boycr, Alexander W. Lyburii. . Somerset Jost J. Slutzman. Susquehanna and Wyomiug Samuel Taggart, Robert LitUe. , Tioga Nathaniel A. Elliatt. ' Warren, xM'Kcan and Elk Alonzo J. Wilcox. ; : : Washington Thomas Watson, Jacob Cort. ' ; : Wayne and Pike Pope Buslmell. 1 : - Westmoreland -John Fausold, Harri son P. Laird, John F. M'Culloch. - . York Thos. Grove," David Wilhams, George F. Carl. ; .. Whigs niarked thus ' : ? RECAPITULATION. ' . The next Legislature will stand as fol lows: , . . Whigs, Locofocos. ' Senate, ': ; 10 14 ' House, 3d 64 55 78 Nor a Coward. Lieut. Addle, who was charged and tried for cowardice in a late attack just before the battle of Con treros, has been honorably acquitted. The charges of cowardice Against him were unfounded, and Lieut. Graham has offered him an apology. 'iTh "smallest full frosn horse ever kaowhas arrived at New "orVfrolli-Ja-T3, an a present for General Tn Thumb which, as a curiosity, is core extraordi nvy ven than the General : hiaisclf. It has ''arrived : tt ' full ' Buturltf, . tad yet wxtghs' oaly 45 poua2si ' " " ' " - r tC7The Hon, Alrx. II. Everett, A inerican Minisr to China, died ia C an ion oa the 28lh cf June lai. VOTE FOR GOVERNOR. Counties. Shunt. rtin. Adams 155S 1048 Allegheny 4453 57C3 Armstrong 2138 1918 Beaver 2034 2203 Bedford 2453 ' 2205 .. Berks - .' - . -8038 ; 3357 Blair ' 5 ' " 1254 ' ' 1854 Bradford 3058 2320 Buck 4035 4341 Butler 1931 1860 Cambria, 1139 .-974 Centre 2477 1782 Chester 4014 ,5152 Clarion ; . 1607 C31 Clearfield - 837 582 Clinton 900 . C35 Colstmhia ! ." 2913 1506 Crawford 2205 1CS0 Cumberland 2807 2559 Carbon 786 434 Dauphin 1872 ' 2790 Delaware 1484 1719 Erie ' ' 1728 2536 Elk 182 , 93 Fayette 2811 2113 FrauSlia " 2762 ' 3219 Greene 1914 880 Huntingdon .: 1641 2012 Indiana 1415 2052 Jefferson ' 709 . 454 Juniata 986 975 Lancaster 4031 8741 Lebanon 1600 2149 Lehigh .2583. 2239 Luzerne 3290 2017 Lvcoraing 1874 1528 McKeaa 313."" 252 Mercer 2617 2616 Mifflin 1431 ' 1289 Monroe , ' 1418 347 Montgomery 5141 3723 Northampton 2862 2359 Northumberland ' 1971 1231 Perry 1728 HOC Philadelphia co. 12,692 7605 Philadelphia city 39!8 6512 Pike 671 142 Potter 530 183 Schuylkill 3720 2833 Somerset 913 2162 Sullivan . 317 130 Susquehanna 2352 1463 Tioga 1750 t)72 Union 1479 2464 Venango 1326 802 Washington 3531 3335 Warren 849 659 Wayne 1291 C86 Westmoreland 4525 2337 Wyoming 819 653 York ; ' 4007 , 3103 , TOTAI-S 1 4 6,1 1 5 1 28,1 38 Reigart, (Native,) 11,207 1,677 Lemoyne, (Abolition. l Cumberland Flour, ?. per barrel. Wheat, per bushel, Rye, Com, " Oats, .. " Potatoes ' Apples, " dried " Peaches dried Butter, per pound, Beef, " ; ' Veal, " Chickens, per dozen, Stone Coal, per bushel. JIarktL '$5 CO a 0(0 a 0 00 ; 95 V 60 0 37 '50 50 33 25 ooo 50 37 00 75 73 00 5 9 50 1 50 O0 4 5 25 7 a a 1 DR. INGOLDSHY'S Piles Sp e ci fi c. AS INTERNAL REMEDY : A CERTAIN AFD RADICAL. CVREz H'ket&er Internal, External, Uletdin or Blind: Has maje radical cures in eerycase .of tbs a boTO meuli-jned complaint as caa be praved by personal rcfcrauT, and aevrwl thousand certifi catc from all part of tbe country. The specific U an inlernal rerapy, basagrti t!e aclton n the towrU, 13 i)feasant to take, and perfectly fearn4e in tfie most delicate casrs, male or female. Females before atxl after con fiweaent are len lrool!ed with coiwtipatiun of the bowels, or eortivene, as wr n as the piles. In all sacb ra:s the. Specific can be taken widi perfect safety, and is a certain remedy. PUUUATlVESor NECESSARY, So severe in tiirir effects, and so liable to injure when tted being in mutt easts the cause of piles when taken during fetxr ami tgue end many other diseases,) are thus done away. iib, as CMTivEjEss is ca&ily removed by using this medicine, and the howrU restored ta a vigorous and healthy action without ieaviagaoy pcrceftible effect on the system. PILES OF SEVKS TEAR STANDING CT7RED. . Dear DocToa: I have leen a perfect victim to tbe roMipiaint caliedj Piles, contracted in ihe WentTdein 133S. and during a term of seven yc'arti.ha e suffered beyowl anythiif bal crmid be conceived of loss f apretite, food lawless, want of rest, burnin; pain, weakness in the kid uevs, and a total want of strength, decided ly apposed ta anything bearing a resentlUnce to qaackcry, that ltwiv absMined from any inward or outward application. From the recommen dation of our mutual friend Potter, No. 4 Han over st, I was ifldu eJ lo give your medicine a full trul.and to those who may be similarly af flicted I give you leave to show this, with my name attached, having been, I firmly believe, en. tireJy cured of one of the most confirmed cajr of Piles that any p.xr creature was trouWeJ with. Mata wbafrrrcr vse yaw think proper of this testimonial of your invalaabta median, designated by yoa as Dr. Ingoldsby'a Piles Spe cific, and accejH of ery best assurances for your future success. With regard! your obedient servant, W. H. JON EsJ, Auctioneer. 22 Hne t. Reference can b given aoaeof ear most eminent Physicians. ; " ... Price 50 cents per tJor. Sold by the flowing duly appointed agents for Somerset county. Pa. , j. , J.J.&H. F. tfchell, Somerset. " Snydef & Zinnvnrrnan, tStoyttown, - Edmund Kiormn, Jeriner Roads v . ' PhiJIippi & Liernan. TJoxbary. . . ' , Charles Xriiuinger Deriin , : P &. XV Meycr.Meyrra MiS -Jliikr & DiteJ Stlisbjify " .Crat3viJ!e -S C H McOhpsrfirj -SrcitbSaU : Flour, tt 81 a 5 oa Wheat 85 a 3 Rye 4( 45 Corn 00 ' '4j Oats CUj' Z5 Barley, .) a o Bacon, hams, per Ih . i a lo Pork - CO a o Laid, 0 a 8 Tallow, rendered.;.. 0 a OS . rough 0 a 00 Butter, in kegs, 09 a io 44 roL 0 a rt) Cheese Western Rf serve -,8a 7 Goshen, ' ; O0 a JO Apples green, per barrel, 0 50 a 1 25 dried per buhej, 50 a ofi Peaches, I 25 a I 30 Wool 00 a 20 Eggs M 15 a 0 la Potatoes, Mercrr CO a , ft) Ncshannocks CO a 30 Seed, Clover , 5 Gi a 3 :s Timothy 2 00 a I'll "Flaxseed 00 a i 0d CLICKNEtT S SVGA It COd TED 1 VegttaUe Purgative Pills. ' AHB universally admitted tt operate, not only as an effectual preventive, but a 'a never farting remedy, in all diseases whirh can effect the hu man frame. Hendach, Indigestion, rheumatism. Piles, Scurvy, Dr'np. SmalT-pox. Cholerj-imorb-' o, Worm!,; Whooping-coug, Consumption Jaundice, Quincy, Scarlatina, l.ier cojpplaint. Apoplexy, Ca ucer, Slcasies, SjluRheum, Kits, IIeart-bnrB,Ercij)ilH9, Deahiess, Itthings of Uie skin, coldj gout, gravel gidiliness, pains in the back, inward weakness, palpitation of the heart, ri'ins in the tbrout,'' a.slhm, fevers of M female- coinjUint, stitches in the side, ypiu'mg of Mood, sore eyes scrofula, st. authony fire, lownrss of spirits, f2ooi!ing, fiuor albui or VV bites. Gripes, king's evil, loc kjawjllycria, bile on tha stomach, and all, bilious afli ctions, plcuriny croup, swelled feet and legv sn ine-pox, while swellt-ng, tremors, tumors, uJcers, vomiting, and others have successfully , and repeatedly been vanqabihed by their powerful arm. They have been known to cilrct permanent rtrrM uhpn T1 nlhrr rompi1f Ti..t nrnvvil int. vailing, and in Uie Jaist stages of diesjse. They have in many eases superceded the pre scriptive skill of the most eminent Physicians, and received besides their unaabilcd commend ation. They have been rrpeateJiy recora mended by men of the most distinguished , characters, throughout tbe land, and been sanctioned in Eu rape by noMemen and Priaces of ioyil Blood.' Tln-y have beea iutroduerd into the Hospitals of Edinburgh, Paris, and Vienna, and through out the disiutcretd exertions of our foreign am bassadors, they have received the favorable corn, mendation of the Emperor of Russia, and his Ce lestial Majesty of the Chinese Emperor. (Scarcely a Packet veel of any. repot satis from tbe port of New York, wilhcul art a buudant supply of the sick mix's yxvxa rirt ixe raiETrs. QAgcncics have bceii establish ed in all the principal cities of the union. and ap plications are constantly reaching bs fiom al most mimberSess village in every '.section f th cwtutry. Testimonials of their marvellous t feet are pouring in from all juartes--ai)d in such numbers that we have do time to read bait of them. , What stronger or more couclusiv evidence than these important facts can the most skeptical desire? It is possible that the xniar thousaadswb tried CLICKNERb TILLS, can Iw deceived ia their retwliib! If soy its potor or-quackery existed, would it xmtlonf ago bare leen held up, as it should be, to the scorn arvl dcnVtoa of a jubtly ofTendid community. KemerabeT Dr. C V. Clk&ntr is the original ineiitor of Sugar Coated Pills, and that nothing of Uie sort was ecr bead uatil be introduced tbem ia 1S31. Purchasers should, thereore, al ways ak for Click rvcr'e ugar Coated Vege table Pills, and take no other, or they will b made the victims of a fraud. PRICK 5 CENTS PER BOX. Dr. Clicknefa principal office for tbe sale ef Tills, Is 6 Vcsey street, N-ew Yrk. , Wm. Jackon, S3 Liberty street, bead of Wof strcfct, Pittsburgh, Pa general agcoi for West em PerwjlvaoiajNorthera Ohio, and the Fiv er counties of Virginia. Sold yy the following duly appointed Agent for Somerset countv. Pa. iJ&HF Sohell Somerset . flrawtd Kieraao Jenner x Roads Snyder & Zimmerman toystown rbilllppi fc Kiernan Roxbury Charles Kriseiiiger Berlin T & W Meyers Meyers Mill Miller & Divrfy Salisbury - Granlsviiie, Md. SCH McCiesney SraitbficM Samuel Elder Pctersbnrgb Peter Levy, Davidsvilh, Elias Stabl Mount Pela. Likewise sold by tbe same Agents, tbe sat at itxtDt orsATrir, A M E R I C A N O ! L. procared from a well in Kentucky, 1 85 feet below the surface of the earth, a certain and infa!libl cure for Inflamatory rheumatism, spasms, colic, tprains, strains, cuts, bruises, scalds, burns, tet ter, erysipelas, scald head, croup.inSamaiory ora throats, &c &.c Price 50 tents per Bottle. CAUTION. In order to be sore of obtain ng the genuine, purchase only of the general agcuu for Western Pennsylvania, Wra. Jack son, No. 89 Liberty street. Pittsburgh, or through sub-agents appointed by biin for its sale, each of wbom will have a how bill, and general dx rwtionsin pamphlet form, containing the camea and aldress of tie proprietor and General Agents for WoKlern Pennsylvania aa follows? ' D. Hail & Co. proprietors, Kentucky. Wm. Jackson, General Agent for .Westers Pennsylvania, No. 83 Lilierty street Piltiburjh, to whom all orders must be aidrred. OD6ERVE Each bottle is enclosed in ?ne of the above named pamphlets, and the name cf Wm. Jack Mil (the general and only wbolt sal, agent for Western Pennsylvania) printed onth outei Je of the label, - - -,, . . ' And in addition o He sold hy th? ssme sg'nta . Dr. Thompson." Carminative Soju.-tly celebr-rtfd as a sovereign remedy frr alt Bowel Complaints, DUrrhoBa, cholera morb oa. flux, summer complaint of chiWreo and a dults, &e. prepare! Uy by Dr. Edgar Thorn (now of New Vork city, formerly of Pjtubargh.) For taa last two year tti celebrated and un sorpassetl remedy for the above complaints have been well knowu, and extensively used in Pitts burgh and surrounding country wnb unqualifie success which renders it unnecessary to parad a long k.t of tcstsJooiiiaU in its favor, which could readily be done, SuSce hto say that numbers if the raot respectable persons in Pittf barj1! anj vicinity have used and proved t wonderful efficacy. It is a Vegetable and scien tific preparation predicated upon the uuafterab'.e I.awa "f Nature, adaptod most certainly to ie roovc the eaue that tte e&cr may ceae with out egotism. It can truly be pronounced -en of he lt rv-medies for the above com ptainla iu th United Utea. Vo family shouli be without ii, aJS any person take a Unjhthy jourae. withoiiX s supply of ta w inva!ah&jprpa:a'.io3' : 4w Of AKTHh,J4 ad -flesh b?-ib-