5.- lltHCTBWf lllllll I mj.lL1 r ' . 'i .1 r 4 f i Ai .' . - '-T - - f' t , ' v. : . .. , !;.- lSrwi! ,?bf:uflj;M AriD IViEGHfif JIGS' QES1STE0.' v., ; .Vc-:: if not pud WITH I.N Tim YEA!?. 5J WILL ItU ClMKGLiD. PBINTKD AND PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY S A 31 U K K J. It Q W ; SO MRU SET,, SOMERSET COUNTY. TA. t New Series. J Vol. 5.-No. 61 ..-f.ij Wm 4U efeA.A 3 , ? ' .CHE&SEi j . I noxfs W- Jl. Cheese on hand and far, tilt alike Drug. Store. of r. - ' m. McCnEF.Rr.,' ; '-'-Wanted ;; ;;tr;; -'A N' apprVr.tics to ;the,llattirie busi j. new. J A.bojrfrbflU 14 to J 6 years of ae, pf xood moral character, can ob itnifi.a tiiusti6D"bv matin? immediate application to JOHN C, KUIITZ, Srpt2l-I847 Somfrset. P. VfEYAND,. JOnX D. RODDY. Lav7 Partnership. . W n Y AN D AND RODD Y, A ttorneys at Lnw, will attend punc . tually to all business entrusted to 't!icn. Collrciions and other business solicited. . Office immediately opposite ;the Hotel of Win. II. Picking, Main . g'reet, Somerset. Pa. gept. 21 47-3m. NOTIONS. ;10NSIST1N(; inpart .ofsiWer pen 4 cil cases, silver 'thimbles, steel Al)eadst silk twist, (on spools, for purses,) watch guards, chains and keys, beads, rnecklaces, combs, water and fancy col urs, camels hair pencils, crayon pen- fils. segar eed tobacco boxes, pocket 'mirrors, tweezers, sleel .pens and hold Irrs, uys or children, &c, for sale at the Drug Store of YVm. McC'reery : ' NEW GOODS.: I HAVE just, returned from the East t Urn ci'.ies, and am now. opening a .general assortment of Dry Goods, llard--trare, Groceries and Qoeensware, which I r ill dispose of cheaper than any Store In Somerset. My customers and the rhlic. in general are invited , to call and .examine fjr themselves. , . ; .JOHN M. HOLDERBAUM. ecpt. 28184'' ; . ; . - - i Law Notice. TT'HE'partnership herelofare existing JL' between Sinion Gebhart and la$ ti'orward h.as been dissolved, 'i'lie for ner having removed to Dayton, Ohio. JAil business entrusted to the firm rnd ?ip('r9 relaiire, thereto' have been left v.i:!t Hoss Forward ' who will attend to ,rhc sarce. His office is the same for jiTery occupied by Mr. Gebhart, on the Dorlh west corner ol the diamond I Oct. 2, 1547. - ' ' r NOTICE. N the court of Common Pleas of So merset count, of January terra 1840, And now lo wit, 19th October, 1847, -the account of George Weller, Seqnfs trator of the ; Somerset & Cumberland fj'urnpikc road, filed in my oflTu-e and will' be presented to the court for con firmation, on Monday the 22d day of November next. . l' ' A.J. OG7.E, Pro. office, Oct, iG,47- j TPfothy. ST 12 AY- CATTLE. 1AME to the premises-of the jub scriber in Elklick township, some lime in August, two one year old steers, red and brown,- a lolc in the right car. one has a white head, and the oilier a spotted head. The owner is requested to come andf-rote property, pay char ges anil lake them away or they will be Itrspbsed of as the law directs.- ' ADAM IlOCllSTETkER. October! 19., 18 47. ' " " 1 V . U. -T" ; 1 : ' -'Executors1,: Notice, w H". KTl'EUS testamentary ou the estate JLi -of Garret Ream,.lq late of Con cmangfi township, deceased, having been granted "to the subscribers, they hereby rPqoestall persons indebted lo said estate fo aiteiid.al the lite residence of the de ireased, oh Friday' ihe'Hih of November itext. prepared to settle; and those hav ing claims to present -them at the same liraennd place, properly authenticated. ,- - JACOB REAM, " : ' 'YvILUAM REAM,". V? JOHN ALYVINE, ,7 Oct. 5, 1847. Executor. Administrator's Notice. 1 B- E iTERSof Administration on the JLi estate of Lenhart Shuliz late of Mil ford township, dee'd, having been granted to the . subscriber, residing in said town ship, all persons indebted to said estate lire requested to attend at the late resi tlence of the deceased on . Wednesday the 17th of November next pepared to fettle; and those having claims to present them at ihc same time and place, proper y authenticated.. .;'..;. WILLIAM SCOTT, -Oct.r-Ct.- - AilovV. Administrator's Notice. -E f'TERS of Administration on the A estate of 11 enrv ( M iller late of Jef- fmonr township, .dee'd,-having been jrimtcd "to the subscriber rrsiding in M il fnnHownsdiip. all persons' indebted . lo. s'li JVfeiate nrc Voqut-'sted lo. attend at the (:ite residence .i f. f aid Ieceased on Satur ,ilay'the;2jp:h of November uejst, . pre7 rucdto'sstile;! r.nj thase -ha vin. claims-i- present thefp iit tlie'same limeanJ Tla cev n r ope r ! v a i h n i i c ajgj'l.VJ:.' . i S AM UEL BARCLA.Y, ; ' 'Frorn the National Intelligencer.' r ' SriiD Portentous Future. : The objects of the" Mexican war "out strip the seasons in their changes;' indeed, almost every " month Jias( given, birth to the new avowal of a' new design. The rcoirtrivers and apologists of the ill-tarted invasion, undecided now what course to pursue, are at a loss what object to an nounce for future hostilities. Some, it seems, are for the desperate move of uni versal subjugation, and the President's organ favors that great ultimatum. Thus we are likely to see a war which the President declared to Congress was "not for conquest," or to "extend our Republi can institutions over a reluctant people," waged for the subjection and ' annexation of all -Mexico. The official even oes so fi7 . UVlliil lail ,11 CllwtitU lilts 'glorious? vision;" which is, ' to raise at once 4sevenly-five or one hundred thou sand troops, and .occupy vvry Mate of Jrlexuo with a sufiicient force." We perceive, however, by the last letter of tKc penetrating Ledger correspondent that it is doubtful how far the Administration Is commitled to thir bloated scheme or con quest; ami the writer states that the Cabi net is" divided on the question of how; much of the Republic of Mexico we shall resolve to conquer nnd absorbIIe saj's that 'a pottiotrof the Cabinetis for going' down to the Isthmus of -Tehuantepec, . while another would be .satisfied with a . line lying considerably to the north of it." ; If anything could amaze1 the' public "in this day of 'progress," it would be to see schemes ' so monstrous gravely ' prc entedt and discussed. Our purpose -in adverting to the subject;! however,"-was not to ofler any reflections of our own on this new phase of the lust of dominion which seems to craze j the brains of our rulers, but to offiyr some 5judicious re markson it from two opposite quarters the one YVhig, and the other" eminently! Democratic! The latter will be given fi rst: . FROM THE NEW . YORK EVEXIXG POST." " The Axnkxation of "Mexico. Wc have heard for some time past obseurc givings out concerning a scfieine medita ted by certain politicians at "Washington for annexing to the United Suites the en lire Republic of Mexico. It was said, not that the Federal : Administration gen crally ..approved of it, which wc arc pret ty confident is not the ''case, but that il had found zealous friends in certain mem bers of the .Cabinet, whose imaginations were dazzled by the magnificent prospect of a domain embracing the grern'ridges of the Andes, and extending far within the tropical belt of the globe. The , project began lately to ooze out in the public jour nals. ;' Letter-writers from Washington have occasionally alluded to it. A Balti more journal intimates that il is a favorite schetrie of Mr. Walker, and this morning weJiare a letter ii -the Journal of Com merce froma person, who has resided in Mexico during eighteen years in an ofii cial capacity, and who tells us how de lighlful it would be to an adventurer from Maine, or New Hampshire lo dwell a midst the verdure . of perpetual summer, and feed on the delicious fruits of the tropics, and how, pleasing it would be in the sight of God to rescue "seven millions of people from extinction, by sowing a mong them the seeds of a true Christian faith;" in other words, by promulgating Protestantism, as Mahomet and; his fol lowers propogated their faith, at the poinl of the sword. . The writer of. this letter contemplates the, subjugation and perma nent occupation of Mexico by a territorial governnicnt.' A more plausible scheme of annexation was lately recommended in an elaborate leading, article of a' lcading anti-slavery paper. It proposed that the present military Government of Mexico should be abrogated, and that the States of which that Republic is composed should severally be invited to accede, of their own free will,, to the American IT nion; an invitation which.lhe writer seem ed very confident that they would gladly embrace. . - ? ' - , To us the project, viewed under any aspect, presents itself with no recommen dations. . If the annexation were perfect ly spontaneous and unforced on the part of the States of Mexico, the introduction of the Mexican element into our politics would prove a most unfortunate admix ture .The. character ! of the public men of Mexico, in almost all the samples which have been before the world; has neither the qualities of wisdom, energy, nor con scientiousness. Elections, ; where the mass of the people are o ignorant : 2ni degraded and where the : more intelligent have so little scruple in. regard to the means they use, must of course be so cor rupt and capriciousas scarcely to deserve the uame of elections. ' Of Mexican poli cy we have seen enough during the, last five years.., In regard to foreign affairs it issinguhfjy feeble,: passive, . tardy, and suspicious, though boastful; and in regard to domestic concerns singularly narrow, unenlightened,'' arbitary, and oppresslre, and none thejess'sofor tvearingtbename of a republic. If we "take Mexico into the Union, withitsjniue millions', pf in habitants, we take in her politic alsoj 'we takejne spirit ofi her people' Uieir ?r ' row views, their taste for intngue, their f ignorance or disregard Of the principles of individual freedom; we adulterate the na tional character, with an alloy which it : will require centuries to purge away. , , ; j But we need not dwell upoiflhis view: of the subject. lThe Mexican States will notoluntarily accede to our Union. They hate u too heartily; they condemn us as heretics, 'detest us as their invaders and conquerors, arc jealous of our supe ' rior intelligence iind enterprise, and will hot-enter into a partnership which to iheih seems"odio'us and unequal. If the annexation therefore is to be etfectcd, it must be by force; the Republic must be overrun, subjngated; its defenders beaten 1 in detail, its; strong places occupied, its disaflccted communities chastised; into j submission; military prefects must preside ' 1. . 1: r a..:. . 1 ' in me uinereui . provinces, anu we musi hold the comitry for years by a military government,' a idespotism. We must fol low the sinister example of Britainin'o verninning arid governing the provinces' of India. The executive , will acquTre lucw and enormous sources 'of patronage, urine appomiment 01 governors lor me provinces, themselves in' j'turn; the;:dis- pensers ol subordinate patronage; the ge-, niiis of our nhti6n must become military,' and the habit "of force, thus become in c erate, will naturally re-act upon the char-, acter of our Government. We shall be changed from a people of peaceful pur suits, among whom public Wder is pre served by public opinion, to the condition or those Governments which rule by patronage arid fear. " "','" ' :,', 1 The other 'source from which we quote is an intelligent Baltimore journal, which we ;resort to because, although Whig, it has - manifested heretofore eon sideirable toleration for President Polk's belligerent proceedings against Mexico: FROM THE BALTIMORE CLIPPER, 'J'empik of Tiitr Ti.hks.' When we j firet "euaged in-War -"with Mexico,' it was oliicialiy proclattneilthatTJUr object was riot roTiquest,1 but iio-'6btaiirjiislicc;'and this declaration was reiterated -oh all 6c- i casions lor a certain pnoihj Tlieacame uic annunciation, .that we wanted a. por- Ption of the Mexican territory, Mint would l be content to pay a fair equivalent in money for itr-As ourrospect. of acqui sition advanccJ,'howevcr,"our view's seem to have expanded until the temper of the times has assumed &n: aspect Uhrcateni ng t the national existence of Mexico. First the'N'fw York Sun .urged upon Govcrn ment tlie necessity of conquering the whole of Mexico. This surcttion was I adopted by a few paper of less import ance; but still there seemed to be no se rious disposition entertained by the peo ple of the United States or bV1 Govern ment 10 cmbri'.cc a course so expensive ami uncertain in its result within a few days ' past, when the ' offici:d organ " at Wa5hiiigton''ntaiufd the ominous inti matioir that the subjugation of Mexico might become necessary;' and wc very much fear that less than the whole' will hardly satisfy our cormorant appetite lor territory. " But we should count the cost of the acquisition before we undertake to nake it. The war $0 Car is said lo have cost us the lives of twenty thousand men, and from eighty to one hundred millions of dollars. At this rate.what will be the sacrifice of life and money to'obtain per manent possession of the whole of Mexi co? And how arc hicn and means tQ be procured? Loans' to a limited amount may be procured and armies can be raised; but we doubt whether either can he ob tained for the purpose, of conquering and holding the whole of Mexico. , We may overrun the country with oui ; lorces, but permanent conquest will require the keep ing of a ; large standing army ,' for an in definite period. ? -" To our view the conquest of Mexico would be a most unwise act' were it just and practicable. ' But it would be-manifestly unjust.- We may, we, think, with propriety retain possession of conquered cities and levy contributions in aid of the war until 'Mexico be - willing to make peace; but such places should, be surren dered to' the eneiny on f the'eessation1 of hostilities. We should set an example of moderation and justice to other Pow ers, even if self-preservation 'did not de mand such' policy. But it requires no prophet to foresee that ; the subjugation and annexation of 'Mexico would bring discord and dissolution to the Union. Wc hope, then, if the idci of ahnexmgMcxr co to the' United Suites' be chtcrtaincd by Government it will be abahdoned. Lct the war against that country be' prosecu ted with, renewed vigor, huf let' our ears' bo always open , to receive1 the offer of honorable peace.' J - ' . . f "Previous to the invasion of Mexico by order of "the 'President,- the Government' of that countryr agreed to receive a Comr' mfssionef to settle thequestion iofboun dary arising from the annexation of Tex as' The -President refrsed to send ' a3 Commissioner but sent a' Minister. 'Af ter prosecuting thfe .w:ar for more lha'n a year he sent 'Senor! Dbri;, Nicholas P. Tr is t' ' Co mm is 3 Von er TtoHreat Sv fth Mex:i-cjx- Whydid he not send sl Cohimissio er in 'the -firsl instaiiefctindiana'Stat? Jeurnsl.'i ' " J iW j . From the National Intelligencer.' THE .INCREASED IMPORTS. ; Messrs. Editors: In your journal of the exports iVoni Liverpool to the United States during the five months ending with August, for 1846 and 1847. It is to be regretted that you did not accomyany the slatemeht with commentsi ' lest some of j. your Locofoco readers -ami I hope you 'have" mnnv mtirlit rcincludft ' th:it von I were friends of the existing Tariff, and, j FURTHER INTELLIGENCE. 'as such, paraded it before the countrv to A . - e. . . i . . ' 1 . liie N. O. Picavune of the 10th mst, show what a tremendous business. we are j. driving with John Bull under a Democrat- r15 nS:i" filled with late intelligence from ic Administration. ' According to my re-! Mexico, connected with the recent opera coilection; you resisted the'passage of the lions of our army there, from which we Tariff bill of 1816, - and, ' therefore, y ou - extract tli? most interesting portion, as mrght have favored vour readers with i follows: Nat. Inf , -your views on the increasing .imports which you must Consider alarming; but as Vou have not done it, I' beg leave to do 'it for you, nothing doubting you will en dorse inv.sentiineulis not niv ability. '-'"' With the exception5 ol tin plates it ap- i man' division. Circumstances preven pears thal tho export of all the articles ted their bein? delivered by Geo. Quit- -nanted bvv the Liverpool Mercury have , .. , ! , , ,' , . . ,, .- 1 1 ri man: and thev were taken to Chapaltcpec rapidly increased, and some of them enor-j ., r mously. Packages - of-manufactured ,,v L a,J .Gea. Quitman. goods ihereased about -f2,0O0V packages : u reaching there, finding the General- of hardware about 10,000; other packages ! about 3,000; tons of iron about .19,000; J tons of salt about 13,000; and other arti- , . ; . .. . ' "..I. - , Cles, too tedious to enumerate, have also 'increased; ami -that 'the leadinV articles j ; will continue to increase ' tuyon us solon? i 1 i - f - . . . . ' : -as the present 1 anil exists tnere can now ; be no question. All this may ( look very I'well to free-tradergbutl cwniemplute tlie .result - with dread. '.Within the next twelve months the balance of' trade must be largely against Us and then, as a thing iof course, we shall lose'a large amount of our coin. Albeit the late unprecedented i foreign demand for our 'breadstuff-, stcr- j an natt .uitiHi .ujat t mt par, a.d it; is .quite probable-they will lurther adrance in a short lime; in whicii . .1 mi i . . - event the coin, will begin to move at once. --"j Having a costly war on our hands it was providential for the country and the Administration tlial' Europe in 'the past year, required a?Mul fifty millions of our food; for, but-for this,- fin would have -flowed in large -quantities from both ends I of. the, country t and under such. -a state of things the consequences would have been most disastrous.. If wc, could have a for I cign? demand fur' our brcadslnfls every Jyear'to the extent of fifty millions of dol lars, the laritl or 1846 could he borne, but this wc need not calculate upon a- gain.. The demand was .Unusual and ex-; parties, in all cities and towns occupied tniordinary.'and the sole cause of it was --.by the American army, a Jlexican police the unprecede nted deficiency of the crops j shall be established and duly harmonized of Euroj)C. It is Inie, the free-trade odi- ; with the military . police of the said for lorn, and die Democrats generally, ascribed j cey. t - : . - ' the immense exports to their, tariff." bant- J; 10. This splendid capital, its churches ling, but it was' all brutum ' fvlmen. and . religious worship, its convents and I hese exports would have been made c- ven if they had been 50 percent. There is now an end to them . 1 . '' ' ''' It being perfectly clear that a continu ation of low duties must ultimately prove disastrous to all the great interests of the country, let iis inquire if any portion of the people of the country derive, in the mcan tunc imc, any advantage "from them. reduction of duties had cheapened If the prices of goods generally; it must ".be ad mitted tlut the consumers would be bene fited; but it is sard b 'the "most respect- able merchants that the ' are rage prices arc riot lower. Some articles are , higher and. some lower, according to, the demand and supply, whichi after all, regulate pri ces; but the value pr goods, both foreign and dJinesiic, is, upon the whole, about the same it" was previously , to the 1st of December, 1840. ' : ' " ' As.wc have gained n thing. ly the new 'order in council let us see what' we have' lost. Instead of patronizing our owii labor in preparing for market some sixty thousand packages of dry '! goods, hardware, &c;, and nineteen thousand tons of iron, (we arc speaking of the ex- j cess of imports only ) we have put in the pockct of the people of Great Britain a large sum of money! Would it not have countrymen, and those who seek "an as svlum amoni us, than contribute to the i.u r .i i u n . ' oy nny corps or omcer until a suitao e wealth of those who chuckle at our ex- i M- i u- . , """"-" . , t u , puliie ouiiQiiigs within the above ranges cessire greenness and generosttv? John1, , r . J . , , Bull was delighted when the glorious i f nfu ' cu,ed; ind all offi- news reached him that Brother Jonathan " troops shall be quartered . - " . i , . r " , , , V .-":--,-. - ' , own, anu me oiu gentleman nas necn thankful and happr ever since. But it would be d 'waste of words to 'pursue theni. When we shall have gone through a fiery cordeal like thatof 1837--wheri all the banksfrora NewYork to New Orleans suspended specie payments wc may better Understand our true policy. ' ' October, 1817. ; v ' O. P. Q The Washington Union savs.that"Mr: Webster "his no popularity oiit of his own State." StilMii3 case appears io he bet ter than that ; of MrPqlkf iWhff Jtas;jKX rf. . . . . l 1a the Quartermaster anJ (,ornmiKnrv a f . ...... - " popularity 1? Dis -own otat 4.10-wa.' l. . - . - - . Sr T nV trt r -..,,. v v,,. . ... , Dptrnents will at occe be exempted b'31-1'OJl3 tn 3n beert for the o&ee-ot OoTernpr; jn-his. 1 froU.ijutie. I , K ,: brigade in about a iwDmanths-l reci'v from h own -fStaia -Gen. Quitnan i oruers, datea th 17th, rcg-.mr-t rrady 1; another waWncs of .unqualified cendera- rpatics.--Louis villa journal. :Trt 1 mtm m -m v - . , VThe Spanish Real in Massachusetts, is 'called "mnepence," in New -York a "shilling," in Maryland a Hew," in 'South Carolina asev en pence," and in ; 0" -b.t; ihe half Real m Mas- , sachusctts fourp-nce-ha-peony in New r York "sixpence," Maryland a "dp." and ! j Louisiana a "picavune.' TR OH MEXICO. ; Uv a communication m the American Star we perceive that Gen. Bravo and staff were taken prisoners by a portion of the New York regiment, in General Quit- in-chief still at the castle, ho reported to Gen. Scott that he had Gen. Bravo and : r r n 1 stafT prisoners of war. I he General or- - ' dcrcJ CaPl- Davis 10 br,I1S M1C prisoners forward where he was. w hen the Gener- al-in-chicf addressed Gen. Bravo as fol lows i ' ' " I deeply regret meeting the 'valiant Gen. Bravo in misfortune. I have Ion and favorably known him by fame. I trust wc may oon be friends. I honor and respect him as an enemy. Gen. Bravo expressing his thanks for ; uc vuuuv. t AirnutM ij ittiii uv virii crain.d.icf, the latter directed that the e . . . ,",,' , r former be taken into the citadel and fur- . lushed with as comfortaide quarter as the convenience of the building would ad- t in it of. ; ; t . . ; j ; On the 17th of September Gen. Scott repablished jiis general orders, proclaim- ' ing martial law in places occupied by our j troops, with jmportant additions. From theseorders we .copy that portion by (which contributions are levied upon the I capital, and the reasons therefor assigned : : M.'Fr the ; case and safety of both monastne.s, its inhabitants and property, arc, , moreover, ptaceil under tJie special safeguard of the faith and honor of the American army. .,-.16. In consideration of the foroffoinj protection, a. contribution of $100,000 is j imposed on this capital to be paid in four j weekly instalments of thirty-seven thou- j sand five hundred dollars each, beginning j on Monday next, the 20th inst, and ter minating on Monday the 11th of October 17. The A vuntaniiento, or .corporate authority of the city, is specially charged j with the collection and payment of the ; several instalments. .18. Of the whole contribution to be paid over to this army twenty thousand dollars shall be appropriated to the pur chase of extra comforts for the. wounded and sick in hospital; ninety thousand dol lars to the purchase of blankets and shoes for gratuitous distribu tion among, the rank and file of the army, and forty thousand dollars reserved for other necessary in Hi lar v purposes. . ... The next order wc find is dated the 18. ! and "avians to the troops their different 1 .1. ri . - i - - lar'r5 J - mat portion ot tne ( order would posses no interest here, but . the following paragraphs axe of a gratify- - 8. iNo rent shIl be paid -by the United states h or any building occupied by troops or officers ; without a special direction from general headquarters; nor. shall any private house - be occupied as quarters without the free consent of the owner, or orders from general headquarters. No I deviation from tiicse injunctions will be tolerated. . 9. The collection of customs or duties vil authority of the same, will be contin- ucdas heretofore until modified bv the ci vil and military, governor, (Maj.. General Quitraan,) ceording.to the views of the euemn-cnieN out sr.ppiios. Retougtuj j do- unarmed persons, iath pursuit of 'their rrrrats aflairs, to ras and rersii , j the citv gates and outpost, but aone with ! arm 'without s?tll leave. He a!a ; prohibits arms, ammuniiion, tobacco, or public property of any kiCd to be tAea from the city. Another order of Cen. Q. aliowi 9 I collection of mstouis and duties at th gates of the city aa usual, save on iup- plies for the Quartermaster' and Com missary's departments. The proceed are to be appropriated ia the first instance to city expenses, buJ the residue as tha General may direct. The following order of Gen. Scott point to a danger by which he is beset,- The order is eminently characteristic of his high spirit, his humanity, and care for his troops i ,. - IlKADQUARTrRS OF THE ARXT, Mexico, Sept, '22, 1817. - The Oeaeral-in-ehifcf has received, through many kind sources, Mexican and others, undoubted information that an extensive conspiracy is on foot about us, to surprise (by means of an insurrec tion) our guard and quarter.-, and to mur der our officers and men. Mexican officers and. soldiers, in di guise, who had not the courage to defend their capital, are the. leaders of the con spiracy, aided by some fifteen hundred thieves and murderers, wh were turned loose for that purpose, and to prey upyr the peaceable inhabitant, the night tcfora the triumphal entry of the American, ar my into this city. The conspirators have also the services of several false priests, who dishonor tlio holy religion which they only profess foe the special occasion. ' Until ready for the insurrection thd disguised viUians hope to do us mucli harm in detail. Their plan i3 to assassi nate stragglers, particularly drunken men; to entice individuals of small parties into shops to drink, and to stab ihcm, when in their cups, to entice our gallant Roman Catholic soldiers, who have done so much honor to our colors, to desert, under a promise of land in California, which our arms have already conquered, and which forever will remain a part of the United States. : . Let all our soldiers. Protestant and Ca tholic, remember the fate of the deserters taken at Churubusco. ' Thess deluded wretches were also promised money and land; bat the Mexican Govcrmcnti by ev ery sort of iil-usage, drove them to tako up, arms against the country and flag they had vofit7ifarift sworn to support, ar.d next placed them in front of the battle--in positions from which they could not possibly escape the conquering valor of our glorious ranks. After every effort of the General-ir,-chief to save, by judicious discrimination, as many of those misera ble convicts as possible, fifty of therm have paid for their treachery by an "igno mcnious death on the gallows. Again, the Gcneral-in-chief calls on his brethren in arms, of. alt grades, to be con stantly on the alert, by day as by night; never to appear in the street without side-arms; to walk out only in parties of twos, threes, or more; and to avoid all ob scure places, particularly treacherous dram-shops and liquor stores. By com mand of Major General Scott. II. L. SCOTT, A. A. A. G. POWDER MILL EXPLOSION, r Struck' by I A shining -One Hundred Houses Destroyed Heavy J.o$s cf JAfe. ' ' ClNCTNXATI, Oct 15, P. M. We learn from Nashville, that a most terrific calamity occurred there on Tues day evening. During the prevalence cf a violent thunder storm, the lightninj struck a Powder Magazine, and the stroka was followed by an awful explosion, which could bo - compared to nothing but an earthquake! At least one hundred houses were d stroyed and the loss of life cunnot yet Irs told. Ten dead bodies have already been recovered, and the citizens had turned ouS en masse to search the rum,? either for other corpses, or perhaps to extricate those who may be lingering wounded or ia agonies worse thnn death. - This dreadful calamity has fallen upon the city ot Na!fhrille with appalling force. The particulars of the tragedy will be a- waited with, the greatest anxiety. W have no names of the sufferers, or cf the property destroyed, except that the houee of Mr. Shcvers was shattered to pieces, his family much injured, and a voung la dy killed on the spot. ; ORDKRro to Mkxico The St. Tswls ITiiinn rt iK ?lOit nT;... - dsHnJ lhaf-Gen; Kearney has been or dered by .the. War Department to tak? L command of the new regiments, from O- j hio andJCentncky, and j-in Geo. , Scott -,hnnt . v 1 I H trixpectfd to raoch 1 d ta be ready with his fort-nizht. , The Olr, on its way f.-C3, Da- li is. Kivacky rea!y ia t fs v Jy?,. Q leya'.cat