The Somerset herald and farmers' and mechanics' register. (Somerset, Pa.) 183?-1852, October 19, 1847, Image 3

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so ;;ers i: t, i a.,
SuljcdtJ the dcciilon rf a National Convention
"Somerset County Erect !
The WIjist n"d AnCiniasoiw
We confess that the Whig majority in
this county is less by several hundred
than v.-c anticipated; but it is gratifying at
the same time to know that this result is
r.ot fc be attributed to any acquisition to
the Locofoco ranks, but is owing solely to
the apathy of some of the Whigs in a
crmlcr of townships. In some of the
districts, however, the Whigs did their du
ty nobly, and for "which they merit the
thanks of all who feel an interest in the
success of Whig principles Our oppo
renis, it will be seen by the returns, were
r.earlr all at the polls, as they always are,
-rain or shine." Though the Whig vote
i3 r.ot as large as it ought to have been
for Governor and Canal Commissioner,
yet our victory in the county is as com
plete as could have teen desired. Let it
be understood, once for all, that the gal
lant Whic of good old Somerset "never
surrender T
The returns as far as received show a
considerable falhng off in the U hig vote
compared with that of 1844 and leave no
ccubt of old Shunk's re-election. From
information received prior to tho election,
Vc were induced to look for a far differ
ent result. But the Whigs in many of
the counties appear to have been caught
napping," having no doubt been led in
to a false security by the apparent inactiv
ity of the Locolocos, who, by means of
iheir superior organization, can tit all
limes bring their forces to the polls, and
en the present occasion had out nearly
their fuil strength. All that the .Whigs
can do now, that they arc effectually
licked up or, rather, that they defeated
themselves by staying away
from the
polls is ia "grin and bear'
their flints' for another campaign.
By the official returns which we p
liah to-day it will be seen that Irvin's ma
jority in this county is 1,243, and Pat
ton's 1,200. Jest J. Stutzmcn is elected
to the Legislature, Daniel Lcpley Com
missioner, and Jonathan Row Treasurer.
John Witt for Auditor, and Samue1
Will and Henry Frank for Poor House
Directors, having a!l been elected without
opposition, we have given only their ag-
gregatc vote in the published returns.
The Locos of Maryland have elected
their Governor by less than TOO. Four
Wfil-rs and two Locos elected to Con-
"o -
gress. Whig gain, 2.
is Whig. I ..
The Legislature
New Counterfeits. We extract
from Thompson's Bank Note Reporter
the following list of new counterfeits just
10's on the Union Bank, Tennessee.
5's on the Thomaston Bank, Maine.
5s on the Chester Bank, New York.
1 10's on the Trenton Banking Co., New
- 20's on the Merchant's Bank,
. 2,s on the Union Bank, Dover, New
' 2's on the Pacific Dank, Nantucket,
Franklin .
Somerset . - .
Phila. City"& Co.
Berks ; ;
Allegheny '
- 5H0
Ton the IIerau
Tli tafc riecllon In Somerset
County and Its resuM.
It will be seen br referring
cial returns, that the whole
' ' to " 1 . m 4 i-v w f tvtniABilt
some ol the candidates personally, and is .
matter for sincere congratulation "to every j
true Whig in . the county. ;' It evince3 aj
healthy stale of feeling in the public
miud a resolution to avoid ail vacillation
to respect the; usages of the party to
adhere firmly and faithfully to the regu
lariy nominated ticket, and to discounte
nance every attempt at disorganization.-
Those gentlemen who ran in opposition
to the ticket, we presume are satisfied
by this lime, that even on the score of po
licy, they made a mistake, to say nothing
of "their dereliction of duty to their party.
Either of them had a right to ask for
something, and there is no doubt that in
due time their claims would have been at
tended to. We wil! not undertake to ay
in how far their recent course may have
endangered their future success. ' This is
a matter for their own grave considera
tion, as "well of those who .might hereaf
ter feel disposed to follow their example.
Certainly their claims upon the party
have not been increased. Besides, the
mortification of defeat, will hardly be!
less, when they see, as they cannot fail
to do, tha: even the Loco Focos did not
all support them. I he, one ran con
siderably behind the Loco Foco vole.
We hope this piece of discipline may
prove salutary in the end.
But above and beyond all this, tL ere is
a moral in the result, which it seems
scarcely proper or just to overlook.
Public opinion has in a most signal man
ner punished the outrages which have
been committed against it by certain po
litical leaders of the Loco Foco party in
this borough. It has . administered a re-
buke for their course, which ought to
crimson their checks with shame, if they
be not wholly f trangers to that feeling.
We do not remember having witnessed a
canrass for mere county offices, in wh'ch
the proprieties of social life were so en
tirely disregarded, or in which the attacks :
upon private character were more gross j
and wanton, especially in the case of Mr.
Row. i his too, was m marked contrast
to the forbearance of Mr. Row to some
of thosa same leaders in the late Con
gressional canvass. Notwithstanding all
these disgraceful efforts or rather per
haps ia consequence of them the entire
Whij ticket has been elected, and Mr.
Row, who was the principal victim, com-
:,i.A;Z ul Z wuw.
Ill HUbHlUUWUUUld HW. ul.-. e
a lare
family connection. Indeed :n this bor
ough where the parties are all best known,
Mr. Row ran even with the highest on
the ticket and leads hi3 opponent sixty
two votes.
Such is the manner in which these
cowardly attacks, made by men some of
whom would be venerable if gray hairs
wonld make them so -while skulking be
hind k'aa irresponsible nnnor and making
his mouth the conduit for their own ri
baldrv, have been received by the public.
Can they fail to feel the keenness of the
rebuke I ' ' B.
The National Whio (which, by the
way, appeared oa Saturday in a new and
elegant dress) contains the annexed preg
nant comments on the very extraordinary
result of the late election in Baltimore :
"Trrs Baltimore Defeat. In the i
ly of Baltimore there is a gain of 1,423
on the Democratic vote since last year,
and a falling off in the Whig vote of 37
vote?. No man in his senses will for a
moment believe that this tremendous in
crease in the Democratic vote is a natural
increase. This fraud upon the ballot box
i tnn mlnable a reauiro proof. It stands
!0ut from the canvass in bold relief an
v.w---g- -
eternal disgrace upon the party that re-
joiccs in success by such mtamous
mear.s ! - .
The money expended by the officials
of the General Government here and in
Baltimore, we are credibly informed, ex
ceeds thirfv thousand dollars ! Of what
l value is the right of suffrage when it can
be attacked and trampled down by the di
rect application of money not to currupt
the oonosite nartr, but to invade the sanc
tity of the ballot-bos by the intrusion of
- ... j. .i
illegal and taise votes I It is lor uie peo
ple of Maryland to answer.
The Democratic press pretends that
this immense increase in the Demoeratic
vote of Baltimore is owing to the opposi
tion of Mr. Kennedy to the Mexican war
and the tariff of 184G; that Mr. McLane's
majority of 511 is a rebuke of Whig
doctrines respecting the origin of the war,
&c. If thisr statement were true, there
would necessarily be a heavy falling off in
the Whig vote for Mr. Kennedy compar
er! with that thrown last Year. What is
the fact I 3ir. nennenv is a gamer ui
7-1 votes over the Whig vote of 184G !
nd if Mr. M Lane s vote had increaseu
in the same natural ratio over the Derao -
tois V, -n-ni-itfl ham Uppti
l raiit tuit vi iuxv nv iv. - -- -
beaten by some 400 majority.- Whence
came tha votes, then, by which Mr. Ken
nedy was rebuked for his opinions!
Theif were illezal votes, bought and
paid for by the Officials of the General
Government' here and in Baltimore!"
Our Baltimore correspondent informed
us by telegraph last night that the West
ern mail was in; no news except the flood
(we are sorrv to learn) done great damage
to ths Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. The
Western Railroad safe; and Thomas's ma
jority for Governor reduced to six hun
dred. This tvas less than the number of
fracdslent Democrat votes i.t Baltimore.
Nat. Uxl : i
From the New York Mirror,,,. ; j
General Taylois axd tVe Wnio'r.
1 We publish below a letter- Irom aa emi: . v , . , liin .t
to the cw nenl Whir member of Congress, from. a .-J ,:... f to
V nl5 "5 kcll Voo C(. tt-nfiAn inrnltf to a lettCT from , ' T - A tV-i
i wtuK, ... ... - toe rrr?vajcut jueauers in, ucimiv- w-
party" in this State, asking his new in re
gard to the nomination ,cf General Tay
lor by the Whigs. .The letter shows that
the writer is a clear-thinking, right-minded
man. He takes the common cense
and patriotic view of the matter, and, we
of ninf.
UVUvlWf O mv a - - ----- - i
tenths of the Whig party of the South
and the North, l'hey must choose, as
he says, either . Taylor and victory, or
Clay and defeat. The Whigs have never
been celebrated for good management in
political business, but their true course
now is so obvious, that we cannot for a
moment believe that they will blindly
choose the wrong one. The author of
this letter states, the raerit3 of the case
with admiral brevity. .The nomination
of General Taylor is", in the first place, in
obedience to the will of the people, and in
the second, it is a compromise between
the North and the South, the North gam
ing their principles and the South gaining
their man. What stronger argument
could be given for the election of General
Taylor, or what other man in the nation
could be nominated whose election would
do so much towards strengthening the
bonds of our Union? None. He is the
onlv prominent man in the nation of ac
knowledged fitness (or the office of Presi
dent, who would not be obnoxious to the
South or the North on the score of sec
tional prejudices. This letter was not
intended for publication, but was written
in reply to a candid request for the wri
ter's opinions on the subject of the next
Presidency; if we were at liberty to give
the writer's name, itcouldnot fail to have
great influence with the party to which
he belongs. As an evidence of the tone
of thought among the leading whigs of the
north in regard to the nomination of Gen
eral Taylor for the Presidency, we can
state that out of sixteen members of Con-
! gress who were applied to for an expres-
of opinion-ionrteen of them gave
replies of a similar tone to this one which
wc have been permitted to puolish.
Uniontown, Sept. 3, 1847.
Dear Sir: Your letter of the 27th
ulto. is just received, in which you do
me the honor to ask my opinoin, first, as
to the propriety of the Whigs nominating
General Taylor after his having refused
to run as a party candidate; second,
whether, if Mr. Clay was taken up, Gen
eral Taylor would not decline in his fa
vor! I'answcr frankly and at once, as a
whig and a friend of the Union, I am de
cidedly lor adhering to General Taylor.
First, because I believe him to be a true
Whig, a devoted patriot and honest man,
possessing in an eminent degree sound
judgment, practical good st-n?e and a thor
ough knowledge of inea-the highest qual
ifications for a President of the United
States, qualities in which he greatly re
sembles Washington, and of whom, next
to him, it may now be said, he is first in
war, first in peace, and first in the hearts
of his countrymen. Regarding him in
this light, the position he has chosen is a
characteristic and true one,if candidate
of the ptcjtle and not of a pftrly." Look
ing to his whoie country anu placing u a
bove party, he has taken a high and noble
stand, where the people, the honest and
patriotic of all parlies, may, rally round
and sustain him. True it may drive from
him a few scurvy office-seekers, and ultra
politicians on both sides, but we are better
without than with them. Let them go
lake up their ultra candidate, and sec
wheie they will be left, with scarcely an
electoral vote in the Union. But I go for
General Taylor, not only because I con
sider him a good Whig, and a good man,
but also because he is a Southern man
This Union can only be preserved as it
was established, on principles of conces
sion and compromise. The North can
not claim both the man and the measures.
One or the other must be yieMed to the
South. I prefer to concede to them the
man, rather than the measures. Give
them the and the measures will be
ours, and the harmony of the Union will
thus be preserved. Secondly, yon en
quire if General Taylor (being a good
Whig) would not decline in favor of Hen
ry Clay. How could he, consistendy
with the position he occupies? He has
declared ha will not be a party candidate,
nor will he "yiffd himself to party
scheme." To'do so would be a viola
tion of the pledge which he has so sol
emnly made to the American - people, by
whose wishes alone he says he will be
governed. General Taylor cannot there
fore consistently withdraw, and if the
Whigs abandon him the people will elect
him bv acclamation, and they will be
prostrated. Let the Whigs then be faith
ful to the Old Hero, and their triumpn is
certain. Let them remember that "Tay
lor never surrenders." and was never de-
i feated.
In mv indrmen!. the nosition Aicnerai
j Taylor has assumed is the very best and
- J J o
tTonest he could have taken, anu any
j change would but weaken and degrade it.
Itlth Tavlar the 'fflns must triumph
Without him they will fail. They have
their choice victory or defeat.
Yours respectfully.
To Hon. H-
SixcrLAR Cxsxox.-Exnandins Hall.
A singularly constructed and most de
strnctive missile, called the ''Expanding
f!-mrrtn Rail i rhihited bv the invent
or, Mr. William Beals, of Boston, at the
Mpr.hrm7rs Fair, in that citV. It 13 SO
constructed that immediately on. leaving, mat tne proprietors .
the cannon, four strong and : savage look- j ding and highest celebrit) , and have de-in-
knife-blades extend some six or eight voted years of toil and expense o the pre
inches in every direction from the hall.' sent collection, which ts, proaoaare.1
1 fcorrld looking and teructiro wfaa . Europe zrti AsAriea p'frfej upara.
rulr. " ' v ;': . ltlei. - - ' ' ,
The; Somcrtet Lyceum will meet at
the-Lyceum room on Friday erenin next
ward and Hite, Essayist II ugus.Decl aim
er Pearson. WW. AIM Mb,
Oct. 19. :i I ; ;; Secretary".
On Sunday the 3d of October inst, by
II. B. Barnes, Esq., Mr. Dxiel Phit-
iPPT. to Miss Cath-IBIXE 1'arneb, both
0f Turkey foot township.
On the 23d of September hst, by John
A. Baker, Esq., Mr. Philip Philiph, of
Milford township, to Miss Eliza, daughter
of Mr. Frederick ' Blubaugh, of Turkey-
foot township. .
On Sunday die 2d of October inst., by
th same, Mr. Moses Peck, of Addison
township, to Miss Susannah, daughter of
Daniel Hartroan, of Milford township.
2"ew Advertisements.
A Valuable
THE undersigned will offer at puMir
ale in the Borough of Somerset,
on Monday the 15ih day f November
next, (unless sooner disposed of at pri
vate sale) a valnabfe trart of land, imate
within one-half mile of ihe Borough of
Somerset, containing at'oni
six hundred and fifteen acres,
more or less. This land is well watered,
has good improvements and is welt a
dapted either to grazing or grain grow
ing, and may be advantageously divided
into two or three parcels to suit purcha
ser. A more -particular description i
deemed unrecetsary, ah those who may
wish to purchase will be likely to visit
and examine it for themselves before the
dav of sale.
Oct. 19. !S4r.
vJ oticf. is hereby givrn to all persons
c-iicerned is leaair ", rriiirs or
otherwise, that the following accounts
have been filed and passed register in the
Register's office, for the county of Som
erset, and that the same will be present
ed to the Orphans court for confirmation
and allowance on Monday, the 22,7 day
of Srvember next, at an adjourned Or
phans Court, viz:
The account f Jacob Koontz, admin
istrator of Jjrob Forney, dcr'd.
The arrount or Peier lvy, exertuor
of Margaret Rifile. decM.
The account of John A. Wilt, admin
istrator of Adam Wilt, i.Vc'd.
The account of Olho S. Mitrhell. act
ing executor of Lewi Mitchell.' deeM.
The account of John Huffman "and
William Rtishebarg-r, administraiors
Jacob II tiffin an, dre'd.
The account of Daniel Staid. Idmin
ijtrator of Christina Fox. dee'd
The account of Frcderb-k Hoover,
Guardian of William, Samuel, Jacub and
David Hoover.
The account nf Edward Dorser, Ad
ministrator of Samuel Coughenhour. de
The account of Jacob Peterson, ad
ministrator ef Reel Peterson. dercM.
Octn'vr !.". 1 47.
100 Ken and Horses!
5r- w m a n fit
Will be exhibited at Stoystown Mon
day, October 25th, SOMERSET Tues
dav. Octob-r 20th. Donesral Wednesday,
October 27th. for one day only. Doors
open from 1 to 4 o'clock, P. M. Adnis-
siononly J.l Cfi.T-children un-
Apr 10 vears ot aire. 15 csnt5.
J o
i 7 3 . Tritf, trl in
. urana vavaicauc; p"-" '
harness. On entering each place of ex
hibition, the Menagerie will be preceded
by the grand novel spectacle of an ele
gant Music Car, drawn by a noble Ele
phant, containing a superior band of Mu
sicians, who will enliven the scene by
executing a variety of favorite pieces of
The WUd of the Forest -from
the huge and docile Elephant: the msjes
tic Lion of unexpired Africa: the fiercest
Tiger of the Bengil Jungles: tne Deauu
ful Leopard: the playful but ferocious
Bean the useful and patient Camel: the
curious Tapier. the Reindeer from Lap
land's dreary climes: the grave-robbing
Hyena; the stealthy Panther: the savage
Wolf: the cunning Fox; down through
all the lesser grades, arc here beheld with
perfect safetv. True to their nature at
times, but perfectly subject to ths control
of man, the lord of creation. Fowls of
the air and Reptiles most beautiful, varied
and dangerous of their species, are also
comprised in this valarble combmetion.
! Description is pow cries
' limited to auinil 01 ir.
it to sav
C AME trejpussirtg on the premise
' of the subscriber, residing in Som
erset township. bov:t the 8ih of-September
Lst. a lijhi bay mare, i-ne of the
front sod both of ihe bind feet white, and
some white on the noe, nd is nbut C
or 8 years old. The owner is requeued
to come forward, prove property, pay
charges and take her away or he will be
dinosed of a the U ttirects.
Oo 19,
CAME to the premiers of l!e subscri
ber in Somerset township, abct
two 'months irce. a . year old white
steer, a little red along the neck, end a
piece cut out of the left r, r. and has a
hell on. Tne owner is requested to
come and prove property, pay charges
and tAe him away, or lie will be dis
posed of n ihe taw diieft.
frtoher 10. IStr.
Notice to Assessors.
"MIE afsemor for ihe year 1343. in
3 the several ilmri.t of Somcrs tj
ountv, are hereby notified to attend at
the Commi.?ioners' Oflire, on Thuriday
the !3ih day of Noeu.ber next, tore
reive their boons, and intructions ne
cesry for making the assessment of
ad ye-r. - -
Bv order of die Board.
Ofiuber 19. 184T-41
Administrators Notice.
LETTERS ol Administration on the
estate of Jonjthan Butler, dee'd,
having been granted to the sulxcriber, be
hereby requests all persons indebted to
said estate, to attend at the bouse of John
Brallier in the mn of Wel!erburjj.
Somerset county, on Wednesday the
24 tit d.y of November next, (IS47) pre
pared to settle; and those having claims
to present tl.etn at the same time and
place properlv authenticated.
0,-Ser 19, 1847. Adrn'r.
VJ7HEKEAS the honorable Jcr.rMi
$ ah S. Black, President, and G.
Ciorji!mit!2 r,d Jchn M'Carty, Esqs ,
assot'hte Judges of the court of common, in and for the county of Somerset,
and assistant Justices of the courts of oyer
and terminer znd peneral jail delivery and
quarter sessions of t!i peace, in and for
said county of Somerset, have issued
their precept lo Ynjdirecleil, requirin
me among otherthings to make public
proebmatton throifj;hont my bailiwick,
that a court of oyjer and terminer and
general jail delivery: also, a court of gen
eral quarter sessions cf the pence and
jail delivery, will commence at the bor
ough of Somerset, in and for the county
of Somerset, in the commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, on he third Monday of
November next, (I lib day) in pursuance
of which precept
Public Notice is hereby giv
en, to the justices of the peace, the coro
urr, and constables of said county of
Somerset, tiiat they be then and there, in
ihfir own proper persons, with their
roll, records examinations, and inquisi
tions, and other remembrances, to do
.how things which to their offices apper
tain in liint behalf to be done and also nil
those who prosecute against the priso
ners that arc, or then shall be, in the jnil
of the snid county of Somerset, are to be
then and there to prosecute against them
as shall be j'tst.
i v it under my band, at Somerset, this
!9ih d.iy of October, in the year of
our f.ord 1847.
Sam u :u criffith sheriff.
List of Causes,
"JjjjUT do in for trial at November
ji. Term, 1847, commencing on the
Ijih dav.
Johnsons heirs
Mo burg
vs Whipkey et nx
vs Ankenj' & banner,
v .Millers adm'r
vs (ieiger
v Milhouseand wife
vs Som rsrt and Mt.
Pleasant T. R, C,
Chorpenoirgs use v Anman
Miller heirs
ts Wauer
xt Rush
vs Lichty
v Sliot
v Borer
vs I.OV
vs Chorpennmg
v Br-nford banner
vs Forward fc Stew
art vs Cummirs
vs Co.Troth
vs Friedline
v? Biird and Colvin
vs Bauzhman
U evaad et al
Ii!es usa
j same
I lugu a
s Countrymans
j Thompson's heirs vs Adams etal
Berkey vs kntipp
Savior - v ounkin
.M'Cbitrher vs Brooks
Trainman Iz. wife vs
Crossel vs
Ankeny vs
fenhart s
r.-outman's ex'rs
prem v Fream'a ex'r
Wiihelm&Wilhelra s Peck etal
Beed s Reed
Kelly s Piel
Rowan vi Baldwin vs Miller
Bell et al . vs Homer
Weimerelnx vs Wilnon
Boyd vs Holderbanm
Wigh Hite
A J OGLE. Prot'y
Protbonotary'a Office,
Somerset. 'Oct. 19. 8i7.
ITir' Tooth, Nail and Fth brush
11 rs fortIe at Wsf. McCsecktV
CAME t ibe puf-rsM
PCriber Jn EiUck .:v?, oit
limemAtTju?!. iwncjrr o!d trt.
red ?nd broxrt. tn the rtjht e;r.
oneba-a bite he.d. and the other
,rot:ed hes. The owner is re-ejud
io roo:e end frote pneny. r .y ch'.
ges nnd ! ke ib-n, away or they ul bt
disposed of as t.e law r -ft.
rpoiIXT, fancy and common ic:p
A fyf sa'e l ib Hrog f
Wa. ftlcCRCFRT.
4 Boxes W IC. Uheefe on nam
A for sale at the Drug Store of
Stearino Candles.
f DA MAM LNE Stearine Und.ef, a
k.,.;r.,i .rticle. and equal to
Sperm, on hand and for sale at the Dru g
Store of vm.
7IGS. Raisins, Almonds, Filbert.
32 Cream. Pecon. and Ground No!
and Candies of all kinds, for eale at th
Drug Store of Wh. McCreert.
N excellentt assortment oi-
fresh Drugs. Medeeines.
Chemical. Esrenccs, Perfume
rr. Paint. I) es. Oils. Varnish.
ifec. &c, just received and for fait at
the Drug Store of
Oct5 '47 Somerset, Pa.
GONSISTLMi in part ofsilref pan
cil caes, siUer thimbles, steel
bead, silk twist, (on spools, for purses.)
watch guards, chains and keys, beads,
necklaces, combs, water and fancy eol
ours, ramel hair pencils, crayon pen
rds. fcgar aed tobacco bexes, pociet
mirrors, tweezers, steel pens and hold
ers, toys for children, &e., for sale at th
Drug Store of Wm. McCreert
IHAVE just remrned from the East
trrn riiis. and am notr ooeninjr a
general assortment of Dry Goods, Hard
ware. Groceries and Qucensware, whtcfi
I Mill dispose of cheaper lhan any Store
in Somerset. My customers and ths
public in general are invited to call and,
examine for iheroselvp.
?pf. 23, 1847r
Law Notice.
THE partnership heretofore existipj
between Simon Gebhart and Roes
Forward has been dissolved. The for
mer having removed to Dayton, Ghi?
All business entrusted to the firm rnrt
papers relative thereto have been left
wiih Ross Forward who will attend to
the same. His ofiice is the same for
merly occupied ty Mr. Gebhart, on tho
north west comer ol the diamond.
Oct. 12. IS 17.
THE 'onimissioners of Sororrsct co.'
will sell on Friday the 29th inst.
the building of a Bridge over BoSj!o
creek in Brotbersvalley township, whers
the old Cumberland road crosses saitl
creek, at or near Jacob K. Bieghly's.
Sale to take placs on the ground at 11
o'clock of faid day. when and whera
a plan of sad Bridg9 will be exhibited.
By order cf the Bonrd.
Oct. 5. 1847. Clerk.
Administrator's Notice.
LETTERS of Administration on tha
estate of Lenhart Shuhz late of Mil
ford township, dee'd, having been granted
to the subscriber residing in said town
ship, all persons indebted to said e?ta.'3
are requested to attend at the late resi
lence of the deceased eo. Wednesday
tlie 17th of November next pepared io
settle; and those having claims toprcstnt
them at the sme time and place, proper
y authenticated.
Oct.l2'47Ct. AdmV;
Administrator's Notice.
fE ITERS of Administration on tho
J estate of Henry M iller late of Jef
ferson township, dee'd, having been
granted to the subscriber rrsiding in Mil
ford township, all persons indebted to
said estate are requested to attend at tha
late residence of said deccised on Satur
day the C0;h of November next, pre
pared to settle; and those hating claim
to present them at the same time and
place, properly authenticated.
Oct. 12 1847. Adm'r.
OrpJiau' Court Sale
in shaae tcwns.'iip, Somerset Co. ia.
I.N pnrsnmce cf n orter of tne Crpasn
C'urt of Somerset connfv. there will be ex
posed to sa?e tv way of Tublic Vrndae or Out
er, on the premises, on fatnrJjy the SOth dar
of Oct. next, the fallowing Krai Estate. IaU
ths nro'v-rty ef Ja"oJ M dceetieu t'z:
land. '.lttntp hi fhV township. Somerset coon
ty. 'tj iMin? Un.N nf Jivwph Linj. FraJericfe
CotjTun. J-hn svn'np end otnrr. eontiimn
300 arrr. rnore or ltx, Iw acrf cleared, with
a hr 15 him and tarn ihenon erected-
No. 2. Atxi another trrt .aijninmj
tb first i-!lted trart in fati- townhr. f?n-
rtanvnor acres vr't no its pro vf menf thrrron.
. TtBr IVrtri't No. I. ronton. r.? 300 tcrtm
-ne fn:rA of the pu-ebjemrtpy in hanJ. smI
ih hula-ire in arMitjal ?n?3imr r.M of one hr
o"ml a;vl fentv five dotjsm wir'iaut iutm
be eeeorrd !v jii-lrent hit!.
Ycr N-r -. ror.nir.'nit 3S-rre zr-
Af?en:!r will S, vrn ST J'
Bvih"nrt, II. jpfrT'vr-
iit, t5i
t !