The Somerset herald and farmers' and mechanics' register. (Somerset, Pa.) 183?-1852, October 05, 1847, Image 3

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TIT.! AY. 02F0BER 1347,
for president of the UNI
Fuljict to tU dceiiiun if a National Convention
I observed some weeks since in the
"Somerset Weekly Visitor,' a resolution
purporlir.g to have been adopted at a De-Ejocr-liw
County meeting, with fome re
marks the editorial had of that pa
per, both designed, as appeared from their
import, to injsrs me ia the estimation of
inv fellow citizens, before whom I am a
candidal for the cflice of County Trea
f ;:rer. Though not aware that I had pro
voked by my conduct, either toward the
pr.-t:s compos-mg the meeting or any
connected with the "Visitor," such
jratuitous attack upon civ character, I
fAl disposed to suSer them to pas unno
ticed, believing as I did that they had been
made under high political excitement, and
that ttpon sober reflection the person from
whom they hud emanated would sec the
impropriety cf his conduct. A kind
friend, who is well acquainted with the
circttmslanrcs under which I availed inv-
rv'.f of the Bankrupt law, put forth, wuh
ut rrirjesi from mc, a statement of facts.
Ut prercnt irisapprch:msion on the sub
ject, tnd here I had supposed the matter
xrou!d rest. , Not so, however. The as
fiuh ha been renewed through the
Visitor," and in a nnnitcr more coward
ly ever, than when first made.
Under these cirenmsianres I have fdt
it due to the public as well rs my own
character, to procure such evidence as
vas nearest at hand and which might
place the matter in a true light. The an
nexed certiucates were therefore hastily
obtained aud ere now submitted to the
judgment of the public. Sundry others
of like import might have been added
had time permitted or anything more been
deemed necessarv.
I am now considerably advanced in
years, cud this is the first time in my life
that I have felt myself called upon to ap
pear before the public in vindication of
my character; end had I been as well
known throughout this county zs I am
where I have spent the greater portion of
my life, or even as I am known here in
the Borough of Somerset, I should not
.have troubled myself about the matter.-
But being personally a stranger to many
cf the citizens cf the county, and my
good name being the only legacy I have
to leave to my children, I felt that I would
be doing injustice to them were I to suf
fer it to be wrested from me.
. The emoluments of the ofliee fur which
I am a candidate, however desirable, are
nothing, ceatpared to my reputation,
which my assailants have endeavored to
fiCriHce. The good opiniou of my fel
low citizens has ever been dear to me;
snd amidst all my diaieuliies and misfor
tunes it has been a source of proud con
eolation to me to know that I have enjoy
ed it in no limited degree. I claim not to
be exempt from the frailties common to
human nature, and freely confess that I
Lave committed errors and indiscretions;
but this is the first time in my life that I
Lnow to have been charged, either pri
vately or publicly, with want cf moral
Lcr.esly, and the imputation has, 23 the
public may readily suppose, deeply woun
tied my feelings aud the feelings of my
frmlly and friend:?.
- As regards the intimation of the "Visi-
thal I ought to give an exhibit to the
of what I had paid to my credi
tors, I have only to remark tliat my pri
vate aC"air3 arc as sacred as those of any
Mher individual, and that 1 claim the right
guarantied to every freeman of manag
ing my own concerns in my own way.
If it is due from tne to inke such cn ex
hibit, then, upon tho came principle, eve
ry candidate for ofHce should be called up
on to publish a statement el all his pro
perty and of all his debts and credits; the
absurdity of which is too manifest to re
quire comment. My business in this
respect is with my creditors, and not with
the man of the Visitor;" tnd if the in
ordinate curiosity of those who are anx
ious to know til about inv private af.
fairs has been disappointed heretofore, or
is disappointed now, I can pity their rnor
tificatioM, but cannot gratify their prying
With the circumstances tinder which I
availed" myself of the law ia question,
public are already partly acquainted,
n id will "learn more in regard to theal
t ?.on'dy I? is therefore not ncccrrary
0m jyBaMWIIWWIil,-''"'M"M
Us a.e tc repeu Ties: fcs. I Vi!l.s5t
- .-r - . -
j undertake to decide whether it would have
been for the interest of my creditors had
I not availed myself of it. Perhaps it
would, and perhaps cot.' Nor is it now
very naterial, for ' a few . years more,
should I be farcrcd with life and health,
will probably see ' rae freed from diffi
culty. " .- . "'
Fellow Citizens : I submit the follow
ing documents' without comment.
They speak for themselves. Should you
deem them insufficient to exculpate me
from the odium which my assailants have
attempted to cast upon me, I shall bow to
yourdecision without complaint, and
shall console myself with a consciousness
of the rectitude of my purposes. On
the contrary, if they shall satisfy you, as
I doubt not they will, that I have been
undeservedly aspersed and defamed, and
you accordingly sustain me by your votes,
I shall deem it the proudest "triumph of
my life, and shall rejoice to know that in
the eyes of the intelligent and patriotic
citizens of Somerset County misfortune
is not a crime and poverty no disgrace.
I take pleasure in doing a majority of
the Democratic party in this borough the
justice to say, that they do not approve of
the conduct of the individuals who are en
gaged in this crusade against me, but con
demn it from beginning to end. Concer
ning my defamers I" have nothing to say,
save tliat I am proud to know that of the
most active of them not one bears the
character of a gentleman. Of their mo
lit cs for assailing me 1 leave the public to
judg, contenting myself with having pro-
tea, u i.ic ibiiuiuiiv ui uisiiueresif-'u anu
I .1 !.. .-.l ... 1
respectable witt:s?es, tliat their charges
against me cf dishonesty, not the less
gross because made ia a cowardly man
ner, are entirely false and unfounded.
Your follow citizen,
rrom Messrs. S. IS. C. P. Markte
the sons pJ General MwLle, Whig
candidule for Governor in 1841-3
Mill Grove, Sept. 27," 187.
The undersigned have observed in the
newspapers of Somerset county that the
character of Jonathan Iioir-, formerly of
our county, is assailed for want of integ
rity. Were the attack' made here, where
Mr. Row spent most of his lifetime, we
should not think it necessary to rive our
testimony in his behalf as being an hon- j
est man. It is true he .was unfortunate in !
his mercantile pursuits, owing partly to !
his connexion with others, and to the
pressure of the limes, and partly to his in-
ability ,on account of the failure of his eye- !
sight at the particular crisis, to attend to !
his business. Deing obliged to entrust that
business entirely to others, he in the end
became involved; which indebtedness was
the urgent cause of his taking the benefit 1
of the Bankrupt act. For years he strug
gled to pay ofT his old debts, and at the
time of availing himself of the said act
we were among his heaviest creditors, a
rising from means afforded him in' the
prosecution of the printing business while
in Grcensburgh. Of course we regretted
his failure, but saw nothing to make us
lose confidence in him as an honest man.
In proof of which we again extended to
him a liberal credit, and have the satisfac
tion of saying that our confidence was
not misplaced. Witholt sol;citatiox,
Mr. Row has, since his discharge, sent
us payments on account of the old debt,
which he owed previous to his bankrupt
cy. In conclusion we bear willing testi
mony to his honest and upright character
while a citizen of our county.
S. B. & C P. MARKLE.
From a number of gentleman ef
Greensburgh, most of them creditors.2
Greexscurgh, Westmoreland, Co.,
September 27ih, 1817. $
The undersigned were , well acquainted
with Capt. Jonathan Row while he resi'
ded ia Westmoreland county. lie al
ways sustained the character of 3n up
right, industrious and respectable citizen,
and filled the office of Register and Re
corder of the county with accuracy, punc
tuality, and in a manner very satisfactory
to the people. In previous years an un
fortunate mercantile connexion, in preca
rious limes, resulted in a failure; and the
pressure of the debts of. the concern en
tirely devolved upon him, so as to compel
him, like several others of both parlies in
polilicsf to avail himself of the benefit of
the Bankrupt act."- Notwithstanding his
discharge from the payment of those
debts, he engaged with renewed industry
in arduous business, laboring under a
physical infirmity (loss of sight) and ha
ting a large family to support, he succee
ded in maintaining that family respectably,
had the coitfidence of his creditors, and
tincc his bankruptcy has paid several of
them portions, and some of them in full
the debts from which he had been tits
charged. Few men have left the coun
ty more respected or so well entided to
the .confidence of the people, for indus
try, perseverance, and honesty of char
acter. - .
n!7"We certify that we have exam in-
ed.the original letters of which the above i
are copies, and that we are well acquaint- j
vouch for their respectability. We fur- I
ther certL that Mr. Row has ' exhibited
t5 us Others for nTceiitsc:: to viz-
, ,.
dry others cf his creditors on account of
debts owed by him prior to his baakrupt-
',';:'LD.:SCULL,t'J.-.! '
- C. LINT, '. 'i:: - .
M. A. SA:N.NKK,:v
, F. M. , KIM MEL,
t JOHN It. EDIE. ,
. .V HIS POVERTY. ; c :
Tiie Locofoco press which has teemed
for weeks in wholesale abuse of Mr. Pat
ton, because he is poor, meets with a se
vere rebuke in the following-remarks
from the Pittsburg Chronicfe, a-neutral
paper. .- That paper justly asksr . r
"Is not the humiliation which aa hon
est, but unfortunate man experiences by
the reverses which overtake him suffi
ciently painful, without every heartless
wretch who edits a newspaper, throwing
his misfortune into his leethf What jus-!
.::...: - .u: rr I
u;iciuua can any juati or wunr uuer iur
; grossly assailing one whom poverty has
placed within ins reach? Mr. Patton is
poor, very poor, but his hone it y has nev
j er been questioned. Those who are
bunded by party rancor, should at least
remember that there ve some who are
bound to the unfortunate by every sym
pathy of the human heart, and respect for
their feelings, independent of ones own
manhood, should confine villaioy itself to
at least th truth, while giving vent to feel
ings of its malignant heart.' -
Our readers know that we last week
published a fair statement of the case of
Mr. Patton, which raises him above the
attacks of the mean and malignant, while j
it must excite tne svmpathy of the honest,
' I i ul t i.:. u
' aim nunurauie, 55 11 ei.m'Jiu ins iwucsiy
and uprightness in the most striking light.
Penn. Tel.
Alarmed at the prospects of defeat, the
Shunk men are making most desperate
exertions. At no time have such activ
ity and despair characterized their ac
tions. Thev are" unceasing in their , ef-
! fort?, .md unwearied in vigilance. " The
word gone forth that thoy must labor j
with t.ll their might, or their defeatis in- j
evitable. Are the V higs aware of this:
Are they alike active in their efforts in fa
vor of lrvin and Patton! Are- they as
ready and zealous to expend their time in
! making ready for the second Tuesday of
October, which is just by? aroused to theii
Are thev
ly aroused to their duty, and
w,at must be done to ensure victory! Do
t!,cv fei:i that there is not a day to be lost!
)0 tiiey ta with - and warm up their
neighbours and fellow citizens to the im
portance of the crisis that is at hand!
And will they see that every Whisr in
their respective neighborhoods is at the .
roils on the day 01 ctectiont ui mcj
have the lukewarm and lr.ditlerent sitrreu
up to their uuty, ana see mat prepara-
ll0R3 are made "for tlie aged and infirm to
be at the Polls, and help push on the col-f plONSISTING in part of silver pen
umn for IRVIN, PATTON, PROTEC-; j cil cases, silver thimbles, sietl
T10N and REFORM? Let no Whig be beads, silk twist, (on spools, for purses,)
found shrinking from his duty at; this J watch guards, chains and keys, beads.
time, 1 he weliare ol the country, 01 tne
State and of the WORKING MAN de
mands their active and zealous efforts.
Penn. Tel.
An effort is being made by the iocofoco
press to cast the odium cf the bankrupt
law on the Whig party. When this law
was discussed iu Congress it was not
looked upon as a party measure. Many
of the leading Locofocos of both houses of
Congress advocated its passage, and none
were more zealous for its adoption than
RubU J. Walker, Mr. Polk's Secretary
of the Treasury; and it would seem that
he acted upon the principle that "charity j
begins at home from the fact, that he a
vailed himself of its provisions and was
declared himself a regularly discharged
bankrupt to the amount of something less
than a quarter of a million of dollars.
Yet Mr. Walker is the great financier of
a Iocofoco administration. It was no sin
in mm vu euuer iu.uu
1:1a cuiojs law or avau i.iui ui i
vioions ! ! We would advise the locofocos
to drop this subject; they will find that
both as a parly, or individuals, they are as
deep, if not a little deeper in the mud than
the Whirrs are in the mire. Penn. Dcm.
The Americans having nobly supplied
food for the Irish, we shall look at their
flag with increased respect. Their stripes
shall be to us significant of a gridiron, and
their stars ol sugared buns. ' Glad are we
to find that the American subscriptions
have been so nobly acknowledged in the
House of Commons. These thanks for
bread will go far to keep bullets out of
fashion. The Indian-Meal Hook i?, to
our mind, a much more delighlful volume
than a History of the American- War;
and the directions therein written for the
composition of Hominy-cakes and Slap
jacks, far better than any talk of red-coat
tactics. Bombs have had their day; let
us henceforth try buns; and wherever A
merica has battered our ships, let her, for
all lime to come, batter our frying-pans.
To parphrase the pieman, "Brown Johnny-cakes
is in Congreverockets is out.
I'unch. The boundary between the United
States and Mexico has been settled and
fixed bevonda doubt. Col. Davenport,
commanding the garrison at .Matamoras,
has done tt, and dona it efiectually, tiio.
Ia order to get at the goods and merchan
dize ! entering the mouth of the: Rio
bnr.k cf tha river is the boundary between
Texas and Mexico!'- Hear him: "It be-
'c:mes oy duty to deterruisj'thc bcuadiry
' w
between Texas aud . Mexico. 'This, .
understand, lo be the left bank' of the riv
er,and consequently all . good, mught
into the river are', in .Mexico and subject
laws, are habitual usurpers of powers that
do not belong to them, and it ii no vorj-
dflrjhat ths. military and ;hi? nxvy should
follow the example. . ' Jt '.. ,,(" , ' ;
V'..., . ', FOR GOVERNOR ; '
General r James Irviri,
. . or CENTRE C0O.TY. ,, ,
Joseph W. Patton,
Jost J. S tutzman,
Daniel Lepley,
. ot ocTauirrojf Towaruir.
Jo nathan Row
John Witt,
or Somerset conocoa.
Samuel Will, 3 years,
Henry Frank, 1 year.
Vei? .Idvertisemenls.
N eicelientt assrimeat of
rM . , n f
vi.v.i...i.-, i cuumt-
ry, Paints, Dves, Oils, Varnish,
fcc. &e., just received and for sale at
the Drug Store of
Oct5 '47 Somer?et. Pa.
AIR, Tooth. Nail aud Flesh brush
es fur sale at Wm. McCp.ekrv'.
npOILET, fancy ani common soaps,
- ' for sa'e at the !rng stoie of
Um. McCrekry.
I Boxes W It Cheese on hand and
tJg for sale at the Drug Siore f
Wm. McCreert.
Stearine Candles.
A DAM A.N TLNE .erine Candles, a
beautiful Hiticle, and equal to
Sperm, on hand and for sate at the Drug
Store f Wm. AIcCreerv.
"Bj ICS, Raisuis, Alumni, Filberts,
Ji Urearn ptft.on amj Ground Nut,,
a:id Candies of all kinds, for sale at the
nrn(y $lnrp ur Wa. McCrekry.
necklaces, combs, water and lancv col-
ours, came! hair pencils, crayon pen
cils, segar aed tobacu bexes, pocket
mirrors, tweezers, steel pens and hold
ers, toys for children, &c, for sale at the
D.-uj Store of Wm. McCrkkrv
TH E Commissioners of Somerset r o.
will sell on Friday the 2D:h inst.
the building of a Bridge over BuJf4lr
creek in Broihersvalley town&hip, where
the old Cumberland road crosses said
creek, at or near Jacob K. Bieghiy's.
Srfle to take rdars on the ground at II
o'clock of said day, when and where
a plan of said Bridge wiil be exhibited
Bv ordcr of the Board.
Oct. 5. 1847. Clerk.'
Executors1 Noti
LETTERS testamentary ou the estate
of Garret Ream, Esq., late of Con-
q sub,cHbt,r5, xhej screby
I m nnn.f ..II rarsnnc indaSirrl t n c i ill 1 1 1 f
. n :
to attend at the late residence of the de-
ceased, on Friday the lithof November
next, prepared to settle; and those hav -
ingclaiuis. to present them at the same
wiuc iiuu idbci j
Oct. 5. 1847.
XnM0r;r-fnt,Arn XS.'!
BT anOrohans' court held at Somerset
H in and fur the tountv cf Somerset oh
the 30ih day of August, A. D. 1847, be
fore the Honorable Judges thereof.
In the matter of iha estate of George
Ilartzeil, Eq., decd.
And now to wit August 30th, 1847,
o-. i tv i...,..,n T'.r. ,hi,..iiB.
ditor to ascertain the amount of debts.!
itor to ascertain the amount of debts.
d whether it is nece,sary to sell ihe
l estate of said deceased for the pay-
.t.. .i.. i
if, Exiract from the records of
said court certified this 30th
?waijJa'yof Atifut. A. D. I847-.
The subscriber will attend at his office
in Somerset borough, on Tuesday the
9ih day of November next, at 10 o rloe
for the purpose of executing the
above commission, of which all persons
interested are. requested tn take notice. L
, Oft. 5. 1847- Auditor.
J U O ii I 11 1 i li U "
Mexican Uuty, (under Mr. Pole's tar- J l,,1' . ,J . roer l( "phM'
(. i i' rr! l t -i " i '' - 1 uuft trt "iumorset couii't. there ;
iSM I The whole civil admimtratiti tn . 3V of Pll, v v w ur x'
are breakers ot trie constttalion and Ui rrT. waiaei. on SiturJi. n. . ....
titcvitp At this ernes. ;.
.... j
I !
Orphans Vczirt Unls
- j Q
j m U&SzttXZ
Jot" Oct. nast, , the fauWtcj Ileal Estate, 1st
i ik prsperijr o Jx-ob Moes Jocesj, vit
I No. t. A HFTri'AIN TRACT ni?
- ........ .
wnd, situato ia Sb! totf oL!p,. Socicnwt coun
ty, aJjoiiiinj UrM of Joseph hiuf, FrsJcrick
300 at re, more or Ics, 10 wri cleared, wilh
a ktvtn liy uoaie al Latn tleron errttcd.
No, 2. Also another tract adjoining
the ic Ti!cJ tract in i ai towiwhrp, con-
.l..i.ii -... - : . .!
Tr.M Frlrj-t No. I.rontainlnj COO taw
-one fourth tf the rimhac mjoty in bjiid, and
tb htlanc in tnnu! inAtaunebti of one hun
lfJ aixl twent? five dol'ar wiihjut interest, to
I nurrJ Ijy j.ilmcnt bonJs.
Fcr ,Ng. 2. coiifair.injf li on ci.h.
AitrnJauvo will l-o cii-u tv Jacob Msct att
' tn j ulruiniitrati.r i(f jrC.L
Ity il-p rirt. W. II. PICKING.
Zl. 1st?. . clfrl
Iuillc Sale oT
t' h iir. snusiriorrj win oiier lor sale
I J by way of public cutcry on ihe
j preuiies, oil S..u:.y the I6di of Oc-
TraCt of Land,
situate in Mfiurrsi't luwuitin, near Frie-
dcn" -i:ur-h, lute llie e?t.te of Frederick
j U a!k r. dcreasc-d, ronttioin twenty-
nine acres nl len perches and allow
ance, atom two thirds cleared, a frame
j house ai.d. (fmiue half barn anJ spring
iiuuse ;utu oiner oiin-uiiuing lliereon
ererieil, the whole in giiod condition.
Terms vv Sale Oue third of the
purchase money to be ou the 1st
April, 15-1?, and the remainder in annu
l pay menu of one hundred dollars.
Ptession wiil be gifen on the first dav
of April, 1818.
J Obi All P. WALKER.
Orphans' Court Sale of
IN pursuance of an order of theOr
phans Court of Somerset county,
there wiil be exposed to sale by way of
public teiidue or outcry, on the piemises,
on Monday the 13h day of October
next, (1847) the foilouing real estate,
late the property of .Michael Sanner,
deceased, viz: A certain
or tract of land H'.uaic in Mil ford town
etiip, Somerset county, containing about
three hundred and twelve acres and al
lowance, idjoining land of Peter Biker,
Simon Hanger, John S. Miller and 0
thers, of which about
20 0 Acres
are cleared, about forty of which "are in
meadow. , .On which are erected a two
story house, barn, orchard, aud other
TERMS. One third of the purchase
money to be paid on the first day of A
prii nex (1848) and the residue in
three equal anmul instalments, with in
terest from said fir-;t of April next, to be
secured by judgment bond.
Attendance wiil be given by Michael
j Sanner and Ludwick Sanner, Execu
tors of ihe said Will and Testament of
said Michael Sanner, decd.
Bv the Caurt,
Sept. 28. 1847. Clerk-
in iiomcrsft tuvsnsh'p, Somerset Co, Pa.
JN of an order of the Or
phans' Court of Somerset county,
there will be exposed to sale by public
outcry t n the premises, on Saturday the
JC.h diy of October next, the following
j t;es.ribed rf-al estate, hte the property
j of Joseph Lichty of Somerset township.
'decease'!. iz:
or tract of land situate in Somerset tp,
'Z mile north of Somerset borough on
ihe Somerset and Concrraugh turnpike
Iroad adjoining lands vf Abraham Lichty,
j lhbs KimUm and other, containing two
t l,ti tn'reit -mil l.-rii- Iii a itnrit mr-u
lories of which about
j J60 ECrCS arG Cleared,
jami um?er a ,,"d 8Use 0f cuIliauon.
, uj,f, a j.Jf ,lCW jng.ougef two stories
, tiiin. w taUieruo.irucu ana nainScd. a
frame lu'i:.e of or.e slury in painted, a
largo barn and other outbuilding t:;erc
on erected, there are ubout 30 acres of
meadow, and a brge apple orchard and
i number ii ctierry ami plum trees, all
! uf rh'iie fr,,,,r " ,!'e Premis" ais"
SCTeraI ne Ul 6lreaCiS tlf
'I ERMS. SKOO in hand and the
residue in annual installments of $250
without intercsi, io be secured by judg
ment bonds. Pnssosion to be given on
. .1. . .1 ' . . t :i . . . .
l ".v oi April new.
! f l" " , ,
iof s r"
b-v ."J"f VrMTV
S-'? f,,mr n7 at ,0ok Av V'l
suyiy, wnen t!ie attendance will ue
r f - . i - -
rr pi. i !)(
Public Kale.
Cunimeuk Uncnship, &jmrsd co Pa.
THERE will be sold by public cut
cry on the premises cf John For-
jney, deu'd. in Conemaugh !p, Somerset
j countv, pa., on Saturday the iCt'i day
of October . next. Ona plantalion or
Tract of Land,
containing '.80 acres and fcllowance, more
or less, tbout 150 Aeres cleared and U:t
der good fence, 5 or 30 acre in good
sseadovr, not less than. 50 ton cf hay
made jcarly, widi never failing water
ct .era
Carutraer, Isaaiuel lerkev. and a', ttt
wtta a larga to s:orv fram lirnse,
ciuer mill snd pits and oiLcr build
also an orrcnru nu supr cair.p on thd
pretiisesi. Terror .f tvt o thctmml
do!! &t iu hand, uf which the in'.eff t of
one t!iu;;and to te pnid to the widow,"
at fir pf r cent yearly during her life,
afer her dca;h ths abote one thouinai
dollars io be p-jj ja gf e fq,j 8RnuaI par.
mems wivhout interest; also the jales 9
be paid in six annual payments. Als
to be sold subject us a dower of twenty
one dollars and fifty teats to she widow
of ep. Miller, dee'd., darinj her Ufa
time. Also at the sime time and p'sco
another tract or parcel of wood land in
Jenner Mwnihip, Somertet co.. Pa. eon
taioiu acres more cr lets. c!j oir.inj
Ind cf John Durntrter. Jo!;n Dibert
and others, well limbered. Allsndinc
will be eien bv
Sept. 7. 1347
Orphans' Court Sale of
IN pursaanccof an order of the Or-
. ..... . iiui v j -u.ucjwituuuijr, uti9
will Le exposed to by way of publio
vendue or outcry, in the borough cf
Ntoystown, on Wed"ocsdjy-thr-3riIay
ofNoternter next, (1347.) the follow
ing res! estate late the property cf Joha
Graham, dec4d, viz: No. 1
One Lot of Ground,
situate north of main street, ia the bor
ough of Stojstown. adjoining a lot of
George Graham' hairs on the east, an J
a lot of John German's heirs on the west,
on which re erected a brick dwellinr
house, back buil Jing and a log dwelling;
formerly occupied as a store house
No. 2. Also, one out lot oa which
erected a hewed log stable.
No. 3. Also one lot on the north sid
of main street in said borough, boundsJ
on the east by road leadin? to Johnstown,
adjoining lot of James Waugh on tba
west, on which are erected
A Brick Dwelling House
and kitchen, with a frame more housed
ware house, and stabling, also a adlcr
shop on the premises.
Terms One third to remain a lien oa
the premises, during the lifetime of tha
widow, the interest thereof to bt paid
her semi-annually. The balance oca
third in hand and the remainder in two
equal annual payments, to be secured by
judgment bonds.
Attendance will be given by Samuel
Kimmel, Trustee, appointed for the sale
By the court,
Sept gg. 1847. Clerk.
uneap Watches and Jewelry,
FULL Jewelled Gold
Levers for $40, warran
ted. Jacob Ladomus,
No. 216 Market street.
a larre assortment ofa
Gold and Silver Watches, at the follow
ins low prices
Full Jewelled Gold Leveis, $10 CO
" Siver 20 CD -
Gold Lepines, full ewelled 30 00
Silver Lepines, 13 CO
Silver Quartiers, $3 GO a 10 00
With a large assortment of Fine Jewel
lery, such as ear rings, finger rings, breast
pins, bracelets, gold and silver pencils,
gold chains, &c. Has also on hand a
complete ssorlment of Lunette, patent
and plain Watch glasses. Main Springs,
Verges, Dials and Hands cf every des
cription; and in fact, a complete -assortment
of Wa.chmakers tools and Watch
Materials, to which he would call the at
tention of the country trade in genera!.
CrThose wishing anything in the a
bove line, would find it to their advan
tage to call and examine hi stock befcra
purchasing elsewhere,
No. 2-15 Market street, below Sih,"
SepiH--47-Gm Philadelphia;
Somerset County, ss.
SUSS .4 T adjourned Orphan'
t8- IjL Court held at Somerset,
in antl for lne ccanty of Som
erset, on the 6th day of September, 847,
present the Hoiicrable Jeremiah 8.
Black President, and George Chorpea
ning associate Judge of the aame court, (
On motion of Mr Cox the court con
firm the Inquisition and grant a rule on
the heirs and legal representatives c! Pe
ter Shirer, deu'd, to appear at an ad
journed Orphans Court K be held at
Somerset on Monday the 22d day of
November, A. D. 1847", to accept or re
fuse to take the real estate of said de
ceased at the appraised price,
Extracts from the Records of sail
court, certified this Cthday of Septem
ber. A. D. 1847.
Fr. 21. 1847. clerk.
Somerset CouM, SS.
1 t-S. XZi sZ4
A T an adjourned Orphans
Ik. Court held at Somerset,
e&VZ2r&Z in a'lJ for the county cf So
ersei, on ihe C.h day of September, A.
D. 1847, before the Honorable Jeremiah
8. Black President, and Geo. Chorpen
ning and John McCartv associate Jodges
of the same ccurt.
On moii .n of Mr. Gebharl the court
grant a ru'e on the widow, heirs and le
gal repreentatiffes of John D. Rtese,
dee'd, t' appear at an adjourned Orphans
court to be he'd at Somerset in and for
said county on the 22d day of November
r.ext.(l84r0 and shew cause if any thoy
hne why the real estate cf said deceased
should not be so'd. '
Extracts frm the Fecrds cf v'J
court. e?rt:f!ed this 0;h ii-v of Sp' .
ber, 1647.' WM. II. i'iCKJ
Sept. 21, IS 47. c..r
in ecii field; a;!i,iini, lands