The Somerset herald and farmers' and mechanics' register. (Somerset, Pa.) 183?-1852, October 05, 1847, Image 2

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f 441 ... . .. .Amante in. nb- !
Swtorib. -UCttALD- and u doihcd
vi'U full rocr 1 receipt for ny tnomes paid
1'ork, aliimore and Boston.
"G. V. CARR. Sun BuiiJins, Nortb East
of Third and Dock Strffis. opposite .w.
chant.' Enhance, or 4 10 Jorth roonn m.rvH
Philadelphia, h aufuoriitJ to recei Adver ,
tnrntsand Subscriptions forlbs "IIEKALU,
iind is clothed with full power to receipt for a.I
jr.unics paid him n th?tc oNjccts.
Oar intelligence from the northern
counties is of the most cheering charac
ter. The iron region is said to be in a
tremendous state of "commotion."" irvin
and Patton are all the go, and ShunTc and
Longstreth are hardly thought of. It will
be Temembered that the northern coun
ties heretofore -renerallv defeated the
"Whig candidates, but the people in that
region are much engaged in the coal and
iron business, tnd having been, in com
mon with their fellow -citizens through-
out the State, cheated "by the Locofoco (
leaders in 18-11, are determined to go fori
Polk and Shunt no -longer. They now
s oy, if .-the Whig counties will do their
2aty, they of the north will this year
wheel into the "Whig line and give an o-verwhelmin-vote
for Irvin and Patton.
"We can vouch for the Whigs of Somer
set, that try will do their duty.
Latest from Mexico.
"We have later intelligence from the
city of Mexico. It is stated that propo
sitions for peace were rejected, and that
hostilities had re-commenced on the 8th
September. A battle was fought in which
the Mexicans were badly used up. Our
troops had possession of the principal
' streets and had driven the Mexican for
: ces toward the Plaza. Gen. Worth was
badly, though not mortally wounded.
Herrera, the Governor had recommended
to the citizens men, women and chil
dren to throw stones from the roofs of
the houses upon the Americans. High
ly important intelligence may therefore
be expected from Mexico by the next ar
rival. ESTFnends of the Tariff friends of
Home Industry friends of Economy
and Retrenchment and Reform- in the ad
ministration of public affairs friends of
the gallant Taylor, who is fighting the
tattles of our country if j'ou wish to
-rescue Pennsylvania from the grasp of
Locofocoism and secure her vote next
j car for old Rough and Ready, then em.
" ploy the few days that intervene between
this and the election in mustering your
forces for the conflict! The Locos will
be out, every man. Go ye and do like
wise. CjThere are a great many persons
who get no newspnper, and may there
fore not be aware of the importance o!'
attending the election next Tuesday.
Every Whig who receives this paper
should consider himself a Committee of
cne, and feel it his duty to call upon his
neighbors and bring them cut to the elec
tion. Whigs ! you have no time to lose !
C7An American soldier is known by
the fact that he ght3 in the American ar
my, and a Mexican by his fighting on the J
Mexican eide. The same rule holds i
' good in politics. Those who are wUh
. the Locos are necessarily against the
. "Whigs. WThere do we find Isaac Fried-
line and Daniel Flick ? Go, seek them
in ths Locofoco camp; they are not in the
Whig ranks.
Paint. Paint township alway3 oceu
pics the front when the election returns '
from the several districts are sent in. Wo
understand there is but one locofoco left
. in it, and he means not to vote until nest
year. There is much conjecturing as to
which of the other townships will be !
next best to Paint this year, and amongst
some three or four it will probably he a
clcse race.
Since the Muhlenberg men in Berk3
have come cut for Irvin, it is thought by
we have to say on the subject is, that if
it should turn out so, our mountain bovs
will be entitled to the 'biggest sort of a
$C7This is the last number we in
tend to issue before the election, but will
be governed by circumstances. Should
we discover that the Locos are playing
' off some new tricks in the course of the
week, our readers may expect to be ap
prized of the 'fact in due time.
A man who -professes to be a
co!!iide3-wit!i the Locofocos to
defeat th.o Whig ticket, is a thousand
lii.ncs vors3 than a Locofoco; for the ht
. t.!r cac claim the credit of being- honost,
tut TIL former can not. ... v-
Next Tuesday is lhe dav of the General; Election, when
it is expected thnt:icvrv Whig and Antisnason in the
' will turn out mm-cast uis "lu i
r - . .. ..
ct,irom Governor down to I'oor-iJousc jmiivv.z.
Give one dav to yonr princijilea your ceuntrjl .Let
neither raiii, ."snow-- i storm prevent you from attend
ing the election. 13c true to your cause and jour eandi-
dates. .... . ; . ' ! ' -: ' - y -
Locofocoim is bent upon prostrating the Whig, and
Antimasonic party in Somerset county- To this end the
Loeoloco leaders have coaxed out several volunteer candi
dates, by -which means they expect to divide and distract
the Vhigs and A nti masons and defeat the regular ticket.
We therefore warn the Vhig and Antimasonic voters to
he. on their.guard. Every.efiort will he made at the elec
tion houses to get you tovote some of the volunteer tick
ets. ..-You will he coaxed, cajoled, and bantered and bul
lied. But w e know you too well as to suppose that you could
c led astray by men who each
two abused and villified you
remember how they villified
uer, Gen. Uarrison, Gen. Markle and lienry Ulay, ami
how bitterly -they denounced you for supporting those pa
triots. ! We have therefore ' noVears. that you will now be
come the tools of those very. Locofocos and help them to
break downyourown party; but we deem it our duty to
warn you against their tricks.
Every Whig and Antimason ought to feel proud of this
county. Such is the reputation which the Whigs and
Antimasons of Somerset 'have acquired by. their large rna-
jorities, that the eyes of the
eilcj year anxiously directed
hndv wants to hear first from homerset. We have ai
ready numerous calls for the returns of next Tuesday's
election, and we have promised our friends throughout
the State to give them a good account of the doings of the
Whigs and Antimasons on that day, and hope w e shall
have the pleasure of fulfilling that promise.
But a few days remain now till the election, and we
would embrace this last opportunity that presents itself
to address the Whig and Antimasonic voters prior to that
dav, and say unto them: Be up and doing! The time for
discussion is past: that for action has arrived. Work now!
Work from this day on! Arouse your neighbors! Tell
them that the Locos are trying to "come it over" them.
Stir them up to activity. Bring them out early on the
day of election. Furnish them with tickets. See to it
that they are neither deceived nor cheated by the Loco
loco leaders in your district. Pull all togetherand the
result will be another glorious victory!
The Locofoco Leaders.
One would have supposed that the rebuke which the
Locofoco leaders received from the Whigs of Somerset
county in ISii, should have
a lesson of honesty ;uui fair dealing for the future: but it
seems that they have practised trickery, falsehood and
deception so long and so often, that they cannot find it in
their natures to abandon them, and would rather suffer
defeat than to deal with honorable weapons. Notwith-
f -s p. rl i ikt 1 1 jf tii'tj mill ei..inpi?! wliifli thnv thnn hp.nnffl
, ,
Pon iio5117 pcople
majority oi more than sixteen hundred; and notwith
standing the same men are trying this year to. defeat. the
Whig candidates by similar means, the people will again
roli up a majority- of .-"sixteen hundred and upward ri-
"Give them Jessiel"
"7" ... .1 j 7. . T J. I
io effa me juueojoco leaaers m inis couniij are Doasi-
inghoic they arc going to defeat the JVhi$, because, they
uie Whig parly is napping. Xot so fast blwys! The
? ""rnPc we I xvluil it isthatjoivrcn-
i ilIt' " M see yon to your journey s end! 1 he W lugs
1 iat you arc actively engaged in drilling your for-
ces and that you will hare every voter of your party at
the election and knowing this, llicy are arousing : and
preparing to give you "Jessie ." There will be other folks
at the election, besides yourselves. Messrs, Locos!
It is understood that the Locofoco leaders at Harris
burgh and elsewhere have issued handbills and circulars
containing all sorts of lies against the Whig candidates,
and it is to be expected that they will bo distribute
through this county as well asm other places. Be on the
look-out, AVJiigs!-; -, ' - , ; -
ZamnS -WSlL Vhiir tinlrfitP.-: for ihslMnforc fcarlprni
rs mr . 4 1 a J . -
... i
year lor many years past
and your candidates. You
Charles Ogle, Joseph Kit-
whole people of the State are
towards them, and every
been sufficient to teach them
, . i
of this County gave hllll a
t . I . T .1
....... , . 1
- "-
tfc7Rsmcmber that the Whigs last
Kyear elected their Canal Commissioner
0,000, votesand ;that tha revenue oa
tSe'PuWie ork?''W been increased
4 lilM u 7iiU!i4ii 'iiothirs -sines his election.
Elect Patton, and we shall eooa he. ireeu
from fSiate'Tax. : ; : v. ?'
7Poke it at them t Poke it at the
Locofocos that their party have crcateT a
State tbt m PcnCylvania of forty .mil
lions, and a national war ikbt of a hun
dred millions. -
' 0"The Shunk " men and the old
friends of Muhlenberg liad blow-up at
Ti rrrUKnr rhe tiiher week. "The Mnh-
.-. ... . t i
lenberg men' declared for Irvia "and Pat
ton. The Work goes bravely on I
tCT-Will our friends in the several e-
lection districts have the goodness to send
the' returns on -Wednesday! It is
very 'desirable they should do so.
rrT'Everv AVhig who U true to his
principles will vote the whole Whig tick
et.' No scratching ef names or cnanging
of tickets. ' -- -
' ' ""' " . . For tlie Herald.
Loco Fcco Consistency!!!
Honest Frank Shank vetoing tittle cor
porations, such as iiUle Railroad, Iron and
Coal, Woolen and Cotton manufacturing
companies, because they are "oppressive
monopolies" ana oi -anu-iiemuwaiii.
tendency" and then signing a aBill as he
did on the , ' day of r 184G,
for the incorporation of the Pennsylvania
Rail Road Company, oemg tne oiggcti
monster of the kind that ever threatened
to engulph the liberties of this tiraehonor
ed Commonwealth!!! .Wonder if old
Honesty had'ntthe nightmare for a month
afterwards. - - QC1Z-
Wc wonder with our quizzical friend,
whether , the people of Somerset, Bed
ford, Franklin, Fayette, Greene and
Washington will not remember old Shunk
and his 1 mammoth Rail Road Company,
when they go to the polh on the 2nd
Tuesday in October next. We are as
tonished that more notice has not been ta
ken of. this matter in the southern coun
ties and in fact in all the counties through
which this monster does not pass, for be
assured while it may be beneficial to
those counties through which it is con
structed and to'the rich stockholders, yet
it will operate as blight and mildew upon
the balance of the State, not only because
it forbids forever the construction of a
like work in those t parts of the State
which have hitherto been deprived of this
forbidden fruit, a competitor of onr Pub
lic works (using, as it intends doing, a
portion of them for a time,) that the rev
enue from them will be utterly swept a
way, and then the money to pay the State
debt will have to be levied from the honest
hard working people of the State, who
may cart their , produce, &c. to a market
as best they C3n.
11 1 i
- ; : . lor the licraia. :
Isaac Friedline & Daniel Flick,
Who is Isaac Friedline that is out in
the Loco Foco paper for the Assembly !
said an honest old farmer to me the other
day. I answered that he was a merchant
of Lavansville, professedly a Whig, is
Coroner of the County and has 2 years
to serve. Very well, said he, just let him
stav at home. .
Who is Dankd Flick, that has announ
ced himself also in lhe Locofoco paper
as a candidate for Treasurer X said anoth
er Whig to me. He is a professedly
Whig merchant of Somerset borough, in
partnership with John Neff, Esq., one of
the bitterest Locos in the county, in tho
Tanning business, &c. Ah! yes, said
the eld man, I sec all about it,NelT and
Flick, being in the Mercantile and Tan
ning busines?, want to start a kind cf bank
with the aid of the Treasury, under the
name, I suppose, of the. Merchants and
Tanners' Bank, John Nefl, President, and
Daniel Flick, Cashier." Cute fellows!
but they can't' come it. 1 I, and so 'do all
my neighbors, go, for the Ticket, tho
whole Ticket, and nothing but the Ticket.
And so I think, Mr. Editor, the whole
Anti-Masonic Whig party will go. They
resolved at lasf May - Court to have a
ticket formed tho Convention on the 5th
of July did frame a ticket of good, hon
est and capable men. Two large meet
ings of the people at' August Court rati
fied the nominations made and pledged
their unanimous support to the ticket.
Will they forfeit their pledges? Will
they support disorgauizers for the benefit
of Locofocos ? No,' I answer, and no
will the "frosty sons of thunder" answer
at the ballot box on next Tuesday. C.
;;To tKe Ladies, : ;:
ICH, New and Fashionable Dress
goods, such as Plain and Figured
Silks, uUclv t rencli ftlennosi riain anu
Figured Musltndelaines, Cashmeres;
Earleston.T willed and FrenchGinghams;
Plain, Plaid and Striped Alpaca, from
25 cis. to $1,25 per yard.'and a large
lot of Calicoes from 5 to 0 cts. per
- Caps! Caps!! Caps!:!
TyffEN and Bovs'. Fur. Cloth. Plush.
IvJL Hair-Seal rod Glazed capavery
cheap t ,
To the Free and Independent voters of
Somersit county.
TTLLtow Citizens: I ofTer myself to
JiJ fcyourcoriMJerau.m as a candidate
for iho
State Zssgislattire,
at the ensuing general election. Sntnud
you favor with aa election X will en
iiearor to perform the duties of aid of
fice to the Itfstof my ability.
Lavansil!e, Sept. 27 LS47.
To the independent voters of Somerset
County. ?
eliow Citizks: At the soUcttatton
Jp of numerous personal friends I of;
fet myself to yoar consi Juration aa a cat
didaw f : - 1
Countv Treasurer. .
at the ensuing general election, and if e-
leeted will pledge myself to perform the
dusies ol said oriice to iue csi m w;
ability. '
Somerset Borough,
Sept. 9, 1847.
" Bonnets. -
"TTTU.ORENCE Braids. Straw, Rutland
and Velvet Bonnets, cheap at
A N apprentice to the Hatting busi-
ness. A boy from 14 to 10 years
of age, of good moral character, can ob
tain a situation bv makin;; immediate
application to JOHN C, KURTZ,
Sepr2l-1847 Somerset.
Somerset County, ss.
Tiio Commonwealth of I'ciaa
sylt asii:i,
To James Downer Greeting:
WHEREAS, Mary Elizabeth Dow
ner, by her father and next friend
Andrew Craig, did on the 1st da)' of Ju
ly, A D. 184", refer her petition to the
Honorable Jeremiah S. Black, Esquire,
President Jude of the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Somerset count', praying
for causes therein set forth, she might be
dirorced from the bonds of Matrimony,
entered into with you the said James
Downer, in all lime to come, as ifshe ne
ver had been married, or as if you were
naturally dead. We therefore command
you as we have heretoore commanded
you the said James Downer that setting
aside all excuses and other business you
be and appear in your proper person be
fore our Judges at our county court of
Common Pleas there to be held on the
third Monday in November next, to an
swer the petiion or libel of the said Mary
Elizabeth Downer by her father and
next friend Andrew Craig,, and to show
cause if any you have why the said
Mary Elisabeth your wife should not be
divorced from your society, fellowship
and company, and from the bonds of
matrimony contracted with vou the said
Jmes as fully and as effectually as if
she never had been married, or as if
you were naturally dead, agreeably to
the act of Assembly in such case made
and provided, and hereof you are not
to fail.
Wittness the Hon. Jeremiah S. Black
President of our said court at Somerset
this 6th day of September A. Dv 1847.
Sept. 11, 1817. , Puihy
Commissioners Sale
TH E following tracts of unseated
lands, situate in Somerset county,
and remaining unredeemed for the term
of five years, the Commissioners of said
county in pursuance of an Act of As
sembly, in such case made and provided,
hereby give notice that they will expose
the same to public sale, at their ofHce, in
lhe borough of Somerset, on Thursday,
the 14th day day of October next for
the payment of taxes and costs due
Conemaugh township.
41 61
440 i'
Warrantees. Taxes & costs
Statler Jacob Sr.
Newbold. John L.
Slick John
Ross George"
' Jetiner township,
Dehaven Peter
Bachman Peter
Jones William
Black James
" ' Milford township,
Wrells James, jr. ;
: Hnrt William -.
Brook Jacob r
r Allegheny township,
Beam Thomas. ;
Potter James
"Black John-, ...
. 3.06
418 'Bridge John "
Wells John E. ;
Dow William
Fotts Jonailian
Hemphill Christian
Melor James -Stat'er
' Paint township,
Stockton Richard
Sprout John
Sprogle Thomas
Warner Thomas
400 '
108 '
Haines John, Elias Adam.5,03
Shade township
Stokely Thomas 5.C0
Campbell Margaret 5,lG
Kionvcrcek township,
Miller John 3.87
Southampton township,
Brand John 5,77
Turkeyfoot township,
King John 5,24
Ling John - - 7,40
Clark John-; . 4.951
; : ; JOHN R. KING.
peter berkey, .
- : John mong. ; " :
Conjrp'rs. ,
a 1 12 a & i c
A. S ;ger.t tor he!.eirs vi Henry Y0.
JLlA. thcrs, uec d, 1 will expose i.
by public oatcry 'in th? prcmi$ci or.
I st October, between the hours of U
o closk A. Al. and 3 o clock P. M., the
follow in real estate, lir:r in Saltlick
township, Fay e tie county, cdj oi a ! ng Jar.
of Henry Adams, Frederick Derg au4
others, containing
15 5 .i CTiES,
on which is erected a two story lo
house log barn, aho 'on said tract is a
never failing orchard, about ceventy-grf)
acre are cleared, fifteen acre of which
is in meadow, lying near the watcn cf
Duck creek at tho foot of Laurel Hiil.
nar a good range for ct:ie &e.,t3i4
premises now occupied by John Yothers;
any person wishing to examina the samo
previous to tha day. of sale .will eallou
John Yot! iers ho will show the satna
th8 title for the property is indisputable
and the terms of snfo easy.
Sept.? 3. 18j7-3t Agent.
Administrator's Sale.
HERL will be exposed to ?a!e, by
a way of public outcry, m the borough,
of Somerfet on the 23d day of October,
1847, at the public square in said bor
ough, the following real estate tiz:
One House and Lot,
situated in the town of Lexington, Som
erset county, adjoining Culberson Ras
kin on the esst. en the south si Js tf oain
street, whereon is erected a two sory
dwelling house and other buildings, rs
session to be given on the finl dav of A
pril 1854.
ALSO, A certain tract of land situated
in Milford township, adjoining lands of
John Baron and others, containing
One Hundred Acres,
the land unimproved and warranted ia
the name of Cornelius Martecnus.
Also a tract of nine acres situated in
said township of Milford, adjotr.inj lands
of Henry Walter and David Koontx,
about 3 acres clear.
Sale to commence all o'clock P. M.
Terms of sale one half in hand snd tho
balance in one year to be secured on tha
Adm'r of KuTun Koontz, iec'd.
Sept 21, 1847.
l'uhlic Sale,
AND other lands.
P"HE subscribers will offer at public;
B sale on the premises on Thurtidy ths
2lst day of October next, the following
real estate, late the property of Samuel
Witt, dee'd, to wis; No. 1. A Farm
(the mansion place.) situated in South
ampton township, Somerset county. Pa.,
about i of a mile from lhe Somerset and
Cumberland turnpike road, and immedi
ately north of Jacob Korns' Tavern,
containing about
Two Hundred acres,
about 70 acres clear, of which 14 are in
meadow,' and about 60 acres more cam
be made; nearly ail the land can be cul
tivated; Jt produces good crops of grain,
but is more particularly adapted to grass;
a large quantity of Hay can be made,
and sold on the premises at good prices.
On the premises are erected a good
. Two Story Log House,
cabin barn and ether buildings, zUo aa
excellent apple orchard and other fruit
trees thereon; a number of excellent nev
er failing springs on the land, the woods
pasture is excellent, and in short, by
good management "can be made one of
the most profitable farms for keeping
stock, in the county. This farm U
well calculated for a business man, be
ing situated jut 3 miles from Weilers
burg, 6 from Mt. Savnge Iron works,
12 from Cumberland, and a good road to
either place, and therefore ca-j have a
ready market for all kinds of produce
snd lumber, which he may desire to sell.
Persons wishing to purchase might find
it to their advantage to call and see tl.i
premises, as there are other tdvan'.ages
not mentioned here.
Terms, one fourth in hand, and ths
balance in 8 yearly payments. But it
will also be tried for one thousand dollars
in hand, and three hundred a year until
paid,, conditions more fully explained
on day of sale. An iudisputalfe titla
will be given to the purcLa6cr.
They will t!so at the same time snd
place offer for sale the undivided half of
tract No. 2,'containing about 283 acres,
pattented land, adjoining No. 1, lands cf
Jacob Korns, Jacob Kiber, John Witt,
(now occupied by James Crosbcy) Wil
liam May, Cox & Wits; a portion of
this tract is good land for cultivation, snd
contains valuable timber, such as pine,
cak, lie., and is an excellent situation
for a tavern stand, the turnpike road pas
sing nearly through the middle of it.
Also, No. 3, the undivided half of a
nother tract containing about 312 acres,
adjoining No. 1, tandj of Jacob Korns,
Jjcob Riber, the tract on which Og!e"
big ore bank is opened, Daniel Lpley
and others, the turnpike also passes
through this tract near where a saw mill
is erected on it. It contains coal andi
ron ore; part of it is good land for culti
vation, and some meadow ground, the
balance is limber land. The widows
third will be sold in a!! the tracts.
elias d. wrrr.
and other heirs of Samuel Witt, dee'd
The undersigned, owner of the half,
mentioned in tracts No. 2 and 3. will at
the same time and place, offer his half
for sale on reasonable terms, and if not
sold, will at ny time agree te aj'J3tas
reasonable division of the same.
. - "Jokx Witt. ;
.".September 21, 1817; :