The Somerset herald and farmers' and mechanics' register. (Somerset, Pa.) 183?-1852, August 31, 1847, Image 3

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ii O HI K II -S K
n.iu nii.MinM ur iur, u;M-
Vfi-rftiw miwrnn
T:iM VlfM.' DDPIIil'VT
bubjulio tttc (hamuli of a hulional Convention r
w, -m-re gssssssss ; d to send delegations. The partiality
PENNSYLVANIA. j of the American people for Gen. Taylor
During a long period of years Penn- has recently been manifested in so many
Fvlvania has been almost entirely under ways "and in so many quarters, that we
the rule of Locofocoism. Few States j cannot perceive how he can well be pre
possess greater natural advantages, yet vented from being elected President in
few have been more involved in debt or 1818. We know there are ultra party
more burdened with taxes. From year j men who do not approve of his repeated
to year, with now and then an exception, j declarations that he will not be a party
the Locofoco party have had majorities in 'candidate, nor, if elected, a partv Presi-
. both Houses ol the Legislature, and, ex
ccpting two terms, have ha J also the Ex
ecutive Department, during a period of
feme forty years a period surely long
enough to accomplish much good, if their
measures were calculated to accomplish
any. But, having plunged the State into
n heavy debt and loaded her citizens with
taxes, without accomplishing any great
purpose tending to promote lhe common
welfare, is it not time that a change should
take place, and that the government should
puss into other hands ? We address this
query to such of that party as have no
hankerifg after office, but who have here
tofore supported its candidates under a
hfiicf that their success would tend to ad
vance the common interests of all. See
iiiT row that thev have been deceived,
will they longer td'icrc to their party for
parly's sake, though in doing so they are j
sure to inflict further injury upon them
selves and their fellow citizens ? "Let
them not meet the question by saying
that all parties err in judgment an 1 that
Whiff measures arc no better than Loco
foco measures for it is notoriously true
that such of the Slates as have been a
long time under Whig rule arc less bur
Ientd with debts ind taxc3 than Penn.
tylvania is, which has been ruled by Lo
By an analysis of the waters of these
springs, made by Dr. D. Butts, they arc
found to contain :
Sulphate of Magnesia or Epsom
salts, 20- grain?,
Sulphate of Lime 2j "
Muriate of Soda 2 "
" Lime i
Carbonate of Iron 1 1 u
Lime 2 4
Loss HI grains.
To which must be added 18J cubic iu
rhes of carbonic acid gas.
' Maj. Gainos, who was lately elected to he was destitute of such, would bo
Con-rcss, from the Covington District, j supposing that he was little more than an
Ky., in place of a Locofoco, is at this j 'diot. We have good authority for say
time a prisoner of war in Mexico, the j ng, that in principle he is a Whig; but
miestion suggests itself to the Columbus
Journal, whether Mr. Polk will put forth
the same amount of effort to afiord him a
Pass out of Mexico, that he did to pass
S mta Anna into that country ? No doubt
Santa Anna would be willing to recipro
cate the friendly office of the President,
if called upon: but it is not likely that
the request will be granted very soon, as
JLijor Gaines is a "Mexican Whig."
We see it slated that the House of As-; tions, where no great and important prin
tembly of lhe Canadian Parliament, late- j ciplcs arVinvoIved, and that he holds to the
ly passed an address to her Majesty, j purc Republican doctrine that minorities
praying that the free navigation of the i iave rights which it is the duty of tnajor
St. Lawrence be granted to all nations; ! jties to respect, and in case of neglect or
sml also that the navigation laws be rc-j refusal by others, that they be protected
pealed, so far as they, in any manner, re-. by tie Executive to the extent of his
late or affect that Colony. There were hawful power. These constitute a part
two dissenting voices, one on each
tide of the House. The vote was con
curred in by the Legislative Council, by
a large majority.
The "Blair County Whig" is the title
of a new paper just started at Hollidas
burgh, by J. L. Slentz, Esq. The "Whig"
is lhe "right stripe" and will doubtless be
liberally patronized.
"What will thk Whigs do I" the
Richmond Enquirer asks in great appa
rent distress. We will tell it. They
will go on defeating locofocoism and es
tablishing sound conservative principles.
The Enquirer may know what they will
do by what they have done. Thep have
jrained this month a Whiff Governor, a
Wbiir Tm.iaturi. Lt.t,. o Wino-
Congressman in Tennessee-: a Wl.i Lo-:
- t. v inx'i'Uk'i t r I
O . - i - 0 i
gislatnrc aud two members of Congress I
iu Indiana; a Whig member of Congress
in Alabama; and three members in North
Carolina, to say nothing of lhe awful
fright which they gave locofocoism in the
Governor's canvass in Alabama. What
the Whigs have to do, will be done well,
snd the fruits thereof will be seen in the
approaching Congressional elections,
.'North Amcr.
The.nuinber of deaths in Philadelphia j
'"TOH.was 1&0 135 of
general taylor and the
The "Anthracite Gazette," an ably con
ducted neutral paper published at Potts -
vide, takes strong ground in lavor of Gen.
i buut vauum.tlc ,ur
S" llol,ce ol liie, into power under the auspices of James
holding of a mass convention in that place U as p,, J Francis K.
I at an early day, to advance the old Gene
j l" ?!fh! easlcrn
dent. But to our mind there is nothing
objectionable in these declarations, cer
tainly nothing that should prevent the
Whig party from supporting him. The
idea will not be entertained for a moment
by any sensible man, that Gen. Taylor
means to be understood as saving or inti
mating that he has no fixed political prin
ciples, and that he would pursue a half
way policy to suit, as much as might be,
the views of all parties, regardless of the
effects which such policy would be like
ly to have upon the country. We arc
bound, in justice to his intelligence and
integrity, to put a more liberal construc
tion upon his words. When he says
thai he is not a politician, and that, if e
Iected, he will not be the President of any
clique or party, but of the whole people
he manifests an honesty of purpose that
is certainlv commendable, as beini; a vir
tue rarely met among aspirants for the
Presidency at the present day; which is
no surrender of principle, but, on the
contrary, is the best pledge that a man
could give of his determination to admin
ister the Government honestly and faith
fully. It has been for many years a
source of incessant complaint, that our
Government was administered more with
an eye to the advancement of the inter
ests of the Adm'nislration and its parti-
zans than for the bcucfit of the whole
people, and now when a man is brought
up as a candidate, who is not willing to
prostitute Executive authority and influ
ence to such base purposes, what man
be he Whiff or Democrat who desires
to see corruption removed from high pla
ces and the Government restored to its
pristine purity, but will heartily and cor
dially enter into his support ! But, how
ever men may differ on this point, let
uonc be so simple as to suppose that Gen
Taylor has no opinions of his own in re
gard to measures involving high interests
and important principles. To suppose
we have his own declarations dial he will
not be Lie candidate or the President of
this or that party; and from these it is con
cluded by some of both parties that he
will not suit them, because he would in
all probability not go as far hi carrying
out party measures as lhcy want a Presi
dent to so. Our own inferences from the
premises arc, that he approves of the
Whig policy generally, though ho may
side with the Democrats on some qucs
of the Whig creed; and though the con
trary is never preached by others it is not
unfrcquently practiced. If the Whigs, as
a parly, cannot expect to realize in Gen.
Taylor all that they could desire, the
prospect for the Democrats is still less
cheering; and if he be elected to the Pre
sidency, as now appears quite probable,
and should succeed in allaying parly strife
and in restoring the Government to that
high and pure standard which it occupied
in the days of Washington, he will be
hailed as one of the greatest benefactors
of the age.
Wn from tlo ITiintintrdnn Jour
nal,that a Pedlar, named David March, ' '
was robbed on Tuesday morning, about j
nine oVlock, on the Ridge "between Hun- j
tmgdon and Alcxanuia, oi
I i m .1. I u :.,
Jl. ItlinKs mere wcio uucu 111 uuuijMii ,
two of whom tied him to a tree, gagged,
and then robbed him of his money, which
he had secured around his body. Lane,
Another Prize. The Mexican schr.
Montezuma, under the command of Prize
Master Thomas, has just anchored off
Slaughterhouse point. She was captured
by the U. S. flag-ship Mississippi in the
liver St. Anne, near Tuxpm. The U.
v. iiom w ere j d. .uarsnaw wiu iae cnarge oi ner immo
jdiatcly. New Orleans Delta, August 6.
it. i uit .fi.
The Santa Anna" party appear to he
destined io meet with as many defeats ia
' the UniteJ g.atcg Mex:co. .Vhcr -
ever u have mct lhe Whigs lhcy have j
i been doomed to defeat. This party cams
Shuuk as Governor in 1814 elevated to
oflice under the cabalistic banner of "Polk
Shunk and the Tariff of 1812,"- and the
following pledge to keep the peace: ' 1
"BcneauY its benign sway peace and
prosperity prevail. Freed from the bur
dens and miseries of war, our trade and
intercourse have extended through the
world. Mind no longer tasked in devi
sing means to accomplish or resist schemes
of ambition, usurpation or conquest, is de
veloping his faculties and powers, and the
capactty of nature to minister to his en
joyments." Polk's inausurul Address,
March 4, 1815."
What have they done? They have re
pealed the Tariff of 1812 and declared an
unnecessary and uncalled for war against
Mexico, which has already cost 100 mil
lions of money and the lives of 10,000 A
mcricans. They had then a majority of
all the States and a majority of 07 in the
House of Representatives. What have
they got now? Almost every State has
gone against them, even to New Hamp
shire, and a sufficient number are already
elected to give l decisive majority in the
next Congress against them. Nad not
the Polk and. Shunk parly, better go in a
body to Mexico? Santa Anna will not
refuse them s pass, and such loving brothers
should form one party in one country and
not be deteated so invariably as they have
been, by being divided. Pill. American.
It is now the well known and firm be
lief of persons ' best acquainted with the
subject and the facts, that the Slate was
last year SWINDLED out of a VAST
frauds committed on the public works.
This never would have come to light had
not a Whig Canal Commissioner been c
lectcd; and it is now all important to iho
Tax-pavers that a Whi Legislature be
elected to probe the corruption to the bot
tom ferret out the guilty and expose
their iniquity fully to the public eye.
Let cverv freeman therefore who wants
the lruh BROUGHT TO LIGHT ex
ert himself to seure the election of whig
effort made by these who wouhl keep the
inquiry from being probed, to elect repre
sentatives who will do all in their power
to prevent it. .
It is therefore all important for all free
men who desire to see corruption, fraud
and iniquity rebuked, to go to the polls
and vote for Whig lleprcseutuives. The
Locofocos that may be elected, w'ill all be
found endeavoring to stifle iniquity and
PEOPLE. Pa. Tel.
Poor Excuse. The locofocos leaders
attribute their loss in the Congressional e
lcctions in Indiana, North Carolina, Ala
bama and Tennessee to lhe absence of a
number of their voters, in the volunteer
corps, from these Stales, now in Mexico.
This is a poor excuse, when it is known
that the volunteers are drafted from both
parties; and perhaps do not affect there
suit of the election one way or the other.
In Pennsylvania and Ohio, last fall, the
storm was lhe cause of the defeat of the
"democracy;" and in New York, Anti
Rkntism produced a regular Bucna Vista
in their ranks ! This is all moonshine.
It is but the commencement of the seal
of condemnation that the people of this
Union will pass upon lhe acts of James
K. Polk and his Cabinet, in 1818. Lo
cofoco leaders may try to dodge the real
causes of their defeat; but it will be of no
avail. .The great mass of lhe voters of
the country have probed their deception
to ihebollom.
What reason will be given for the elec
tion of IRVIN and PATTON in Octo
ber next! The leaders of the locofoco
parly must be very much occupied now
in conjuring up reasons for anticipated de
feats. West Chester Record.
We perceive that the Printer of the
Gazette persists iu pronouncing Polk's
Pass to Santa Anna into Mexico a For
gen. This has been his standing argu
ment for years, against facts which he
knew to be incontrovertible br proof.
It hns iusilv lipn stvted the "Fool's Ar-
gumeut." If, however, he really doubts j
tha rrnninpnrc nf fbf PtlS. VI will 3C- !
commodate him with a bet of $50 or SI 00
that James K. Polk, President of the U
nitcd States, DID PASS Senou Antoma
LorEZ de Santa Anna, now Comman
der-in-Chief of the Mexican Army
through our blockading squadron, into
parehe ulce the bet, and in his next
nnmuer name the person in whose hands
- .
he wishes the money deposited. lied-
ford Inquirer.
Protested Bills.- -It is stated that
bilU of exchange to the amount of nearly
a million of dollars have been returned
per Cambria, protested. They were
mostly drawn by Nev York and South
ern houses, and were generally against
shipments of breadslufis.
The New York Journal of Commerce
says that the Government has made - ar
rangements with the Messrs. Rothchilds
to furnish money in Mexico for the ex
penses of the army, tc, and receive pay
ment in New York. - "" -
married :
On the 26th insL, by G. Lint, Esq.,
j Ir- Bowxax, to Miss Mary Lour.,
! both of. Somerset township.
Copper, Sheet-Iron and
One door east of the "Herald" Office, ant) im
meJiatfly opposite JSlahl's Hatter hop,
Main sfect, bomtTiCf, Fa.
VU. rcPec,,,l,l.v "-"or,,n .lh.e .'!
W Ii70iic nf Amfirevl find '
j j 1 1 ( l 1 1 c in j ' niv j i i m nil'
that he has purchased from J. II. Leu
ford & Co., their entire stock, and that
he will continue to manufacture, TIN,
Copper and Slicct-Iron-vrarc,
at the old stand. Ilavmsr lattlv nurcha-
sed at Cumberland, a fresh supply .f
tin, .-hee:-:ron and copper, he is now
prepared to mako to order all knds of
ware in his hue of business. His work
shall not be surpascd in sty le or durability.
Merchants and others
who kepp Tin-ware for sale had better
give him a call, as he can sell them ware
as low as it can be bought at any other
shop of the kind in the county. Appro
ved country produce taken in exchango
for ware. Mending done on short no
tice, and reasonable prices. Remember
the shop is on Main street, one door east
of the Herald" office, Somerset, Pa.
August 51, 1817.
N. B. A good journeyman wanted,
to whom liberal wages will be giren.
Application to be made immediately.
1'rirale Sale.
In Donegal tp, Westmoreland Co Pa.
FTTM1E subscriber offers for sale a
situate in Ligonier valley. Donpgnl ip.,
Westmoreland county, Pa., containing
18? ACRES,
adjoining lands of John Galbraiih. John
Philippi, Josepfi Beatiy, John Withe
row and others, one hundred ai res are
cleared, and in a good state of cultiva
tion, the balance is well timbered, there is
25 acres in meadow,
and 20 acres sowed in limo hy and clo
ver last spring. The farm is well wa
tered; the Lovallianna crerk passing
through it, and a number of never fail
ing springs of water thereon; tfiere is on
the j remises a l.ire and commcdious
Two .Slory I'Yamc lIoc
an I kitchen, bank barn, smoke house.
, and saw mill on a good site; there
is al-o an apple orchard and sugnrcanip
on the premises. The above tract is
tdmaird in a ond settlement, convenient
to tm'l, within 2 miles of Centreville,
ami G of Lijonier, Laughpnstown and
Donegal. Any person wishing to pur-cli3?-e
will please call on Joseph Llovd,
(-entreviHe, or Lphraim Lloyd, Donegal,!
who will sliow the rrremisfs nnd m:ikf
known the terms. A good Par 'am will J
be given, and an indisputable title made by
'4r-Sni xMt.
Commissioners' Stile
THE following, tracts of unseated
Unds, ?iui-,ie in Somerset county,
and remaining unredeemed for the term
of five years, the Commissioners of snid
county in pursuance of an Act of As
sembly, in such case made and provided,
hereby give noiice that ihey will expose
the same to public sale, at their office, in
the borough of Somerset, on Thursday,
the I4ihday day of October next for
the raymcut of taxes ar.d cois due
Conemaugh township.
Warrairees. Taxes &. costs
Statler Jaco Sr. S3.03
New bold John L. 5 00
Slick John 5,2?!
Ross George 5,17
Jenner lowrship,
Dchaven Peter
Kichman Peter
Jones William
Black James
Mil ford township,
Wells James, jr.
Ilarl William
Brook Jacob
Allegheny township,
Beam Thomas
Potter James
Black John
Wells John E.
Dow William
40 i
- t
4,8 1. J
m i
. t
Potts Jonathan 5.55
Hemphill Clu-istian 4,fi0
MelorJamts 2.8S
Stat'er Emanuel 4,Sl i
Ling Peter 7,40
, Paint township,
Stockton Richard 4,87
Sprout John 5,22
Sprogle Thomas 4,87
Warner Thomas 4,S7J
Haines John, Elias Adam,5,03
Shade township,
Stokely Thomas - 5.09
Campbell Margaret 5,16
Sionvcreek township,
Miller John 3,87
Southampton township,
Brand John 5,77
Turkey foot township,
King John 5,24
Ling John 7,40
CUrUJohn 4,931
Aug3l-'47 - - Comm'rs.
Attention Guards.
1U"0U are hereby .notified to
JL parade on Friday the 10th
cay oi September next, at 10
o clock A. M., on your uaual
Bv Order,
1st Scrg't.
Somerset, Aug. 31, 1817.,
trZ7"f7cr of Somrrrt.Z&
Pause ! JMleet !! Decide !!!
Men may cry peace! peace !I when
i ihorA ;a .... , III
The war! is acmally begun !! but Gen.
M t .9
"lit " in ft:uii;;;.
Pay lor never surrender.," ncider doe
the "Ref.B. Ilibhurd's Vegetable Anti
bilious Family Pills;" where ihey once
! charge upon bilious disrasp?. such as
Iniiiiii?, reuiiuinjr, intermitting, conges
tive, typhis and eruptive fevers, bilious
-Iu!ir. eholeru nmrhii?, dysentary, sick I
t heail-arbe. &r, in short all discasrs arts-1
ing fromi tlisnrdned state of lhe s!om-i
Uff-lt ifil lifrtf.j!- 1 I. I l . I !
' " 1 i iwrji me nver stimutaieu
into lipa'iuy ;.ciion, ibe blood cleansed
from all i.pprriiie. and you are certain
to procure and maintain uninterrupted
good health. The most potent purify er
of the blood arid corrector of the liver is
Ilibbards pills."
Females if von are unwell, procure
ami u.e Rev. B. Ilibhnrd's vegetable
pills, lhcy reo(en all obstructions, cleanse
the sysUm. purify the blood and give
animation, health and beauty to all who
use litem, such a you cannot receite
from the use of any other medicine.-
Dojte half a piH.
Dyspeptics don't despair, here is a
certain cure. Dyspepsia of ten years
standing, ami after ali other medicines
had failed, has been cured by ti e use of
Re? B, Nibbard's pills; taken in quarter
of pill doses, three times a day for three
Doctor J Wildemmh, of Montgomery
co. Va., says he has used them in his
practice for three years, and finds them
the best medicine he has ever used; never
ling disappointed in any case he em
ployed them in. We refer you lo him
These pills have such a reputation in
Illinois, lhat ihey have given to them
the name of "King Pill." Try them,
you who are ill, and want a cheap, safe,
certain and speedy remedy. Dose from
half a pill to iwo pills. Circnlars can
be had of agents free of charze.
Price 12l. 25 and 50 cenlsper box,
S.dd by the following agents, viz:
Snyder & Zimmerman, Stoystown,
Samuel Kimmel, Pine MilU.
Wal er Chulfant, Allegheny Summit,
J. II. & E. Benford. Snydersville,
William M'Creery, Druggist, Somer
ct, Pa., General and suppl) ing agent for
ibis county.
August 31. 1817-ly
Dr, W. S. Harah,
T g "EN DEBS his professional services
t the citizens of Centreville and
vtcinitv. His olbce is at tlic WlxWe
I,,n' (Lseph Pile's,) where at all
limes he may be found, utdess absent on
professional business. june8 tf
rIIE underst!inel. Forwarding Mer
5 chants, at ('umberland, Md., haTe
disposeil of their interest in lhe business,
to Mr. Walt r Sliriver, who will conduct
lhe fnmf, on his own account, at the old
stand, wwi the name and style of
"Dickinson &i Co.'
Mr. Shrivcr harinw lon been tlieir
chief clerk, is well acquainted with the
business, and the undersigned take plea
sure in i ecorn mending him to the patron
age of ibeir old friends, who may be
sending .Merchandise or Produce over
the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road.
United Stales .Xtiv spa per Ad
vertising and Subscription
.1 gene tj, .
UjIOR English. German and French
8 papers. Advertisements inserted
to order in iImj various newsp?pers pub
lished in ibe United Suites, at the same
trT;ti3 that arc charged at the different
Merchan'.s' Accounts, and others col
lected and promptly attended to in all
parts of the United States.
Authorized Newspaper Agent, Sun
Building", Third and Dock Street, op
posite Men-hauls'. Exchange, or 440
North Fourth street.
Printing Inks of every description,
furnished to publishers at manulacturer's
N. B. Warranted logive satisfaction.
THE undersigned would inform the
citizens at large, thai ihey have fit
ted up a steam engine in complete order,
which will enable them to say that they
can compete with any esiablishment in
Western Pennsylvania, in the way of
castings. Their casting will consist in
pari, of
Stoves, Grates, Ploughs, and
Plough Points, and all kinds and da-
criplim of HOLLOW-WARE.
They have also fitted up turning lathes
and are ready ai any lime lo take in tur
ning, which will be done on lhe hon
est noiice.
It has been bt a short time since the
above named Foundry has been nut in
operation, iod the nndersigned are thank
ful for ibe very flattering support alrea
dy offered them. They would u$o add.
that they hope to give satisfaction lo ill
who will hereafief give them a cail.
Sonic Met, An 52 4, '17-3ai
Six Cents Reward.
jT3 AN -y iro-n lhe subscribe r'
3L in ElUkk tuwnhip, Somerset
county. Pa., on the I3ih dny of July
an indented apprentice to the Cabim
making business named John M'(.Mo!
key, stid runaway is bctr. rco i'l and
23 years old. five 7 or 8 inches l.itfh,
ami tlnrk complexion ; had t n when he
leflabrntvn frock cc it ; the ;bnve re
ward will be given to any person return
ing him, tut no other h rcs paid.
A"g-3-1 7.:u" V R K D I N A N D B R 1 K E
"a o
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21 1
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Shop one tloor west of J. NctT Tavern, nJ
nearly opjosilo S. Kiuiz'd Dro? Store,
Main Street, Somerset, Pa.
rfHE SU RSCRIBEBS would respect
Jl fully inform the citizens of Somer
set and surrounding country, that they;
intend to carrv on the
Chair Making Iliisincs?,
at their old stand, where they will con
slantly keep on hand and will make to
order Common, Fancy, & Tippecanoa
Self ccs &l?oton Rocking Clialr8,"
which they will sell very low for cash or
exchange for lumber or approved coud
trv produce.
FTpIlE Great Preventive Medicintt
E. Though Wright's Indian Vegeta
ble Pills have achieved triumph npott uU
umph, in the cure of obstinate cases of
disease, even after they had been entire
ly giren up, and after all other remedies
had failed, yet their power of prevention
may be justly esteemed their growing
glory! "Storms," U is said, "purify
the air," but sterms do mischief also.'
and are so far tin evil. Were it within
human power to maintain the Electrical
equilibrium between the earth and air.
j there would be no occssion for storms.
for the air would always be purp.
So of lhe human body. If kept freer
fioni morbiJ humors, the action is regu
lar and healthy. But if ihose humors
are allowed to accumulate, a crisis, or.
in other words, a storm, will arise, whic!
is always more or less dangerous,
Wright's Indian Vegetable Tills nra
equally well calculated (o prevent the?
storm, or to allay it when it comes. But
prevention is better than cure, besu'es
being cheaper and less troublesome.
The delay of a day in the commence
ment of sickness has often proved fatal,
and always renders the case more diffi
cult to manage.
Let the sickness be caused by chan
ges of weather, hijh living, want of ex
ercise, close confinemeni, functional de
rangement, or anything else, lhe effect
upon lhe body is much the same is
equally dangerous, and is removable by
the same means.
Have you a cold? Let it nnt ripen irt
to Consumption. Are you Dyspeptic?
Beware of the hypochondria. Two
Pills taken every other nighl on an emp
ty stomach, for a short ttine, will, in nino
cases out of ten, cure the Dyspepsia-.
end ihereby drivo away the legion of.
"devils blue' For Headache, no me
dicine is superior to IVrighCs Indian
Fetalle Pills. Costiveness, that pro
lific mother of disease, is caused by a
torpid stale of the liver, whieh theso
Pills effectually cures. By striking ai
the root of disease, Wright's Indian Ve
getable Pills prevent ail and cure all.
They can hardly ever be taken amiss, if
used with common discretion; and wo
commend them to the use of those who
have not yet iried them.
Beware of Counterfeits of all kinds;
Some aie coated with sugar; others are
made to resemble in outward appearance
the original medicine. The safest course
is, to purchase from the regular agent
only, one or more of whom may ha
founl in every village & town in ibe stale.
Agents for Somerset County.
P A R K E R & A N K E N Y , Som erse t,
M. A. Ross, Petersburg,
Samuel Kimmel, Pine Milli,
G. Parker & Co, Jcuncrtiile.
Michael Sipe, Somerset township.
Auabinbaugh t Brtdikcr, Centreville
Stevens it bchlajr, Bbkrrlown.
L Shaffer Sr. k Co. S'ioy?own,
W. Chalfant, Buckftown,
Ilav Si Bier, LnvanstiMe.
J. C. DurrtlUSmiihiiebU
Offices devoted exclusively 'in the sate
of f fright' s Indian J'egettibh Pitt
whole-! :i:d:rel.ul, IC'J SueCt,
Philadelphia 23S Grfcnv'.-U Street.
New Yi 1 l?v tlir. .,t Sire. Bo-