The Somerset herald and farmers' and mechanics' register. (Somerset, Pa.) 183?-1852, January 19, 1847, Image 3

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I'.M.rC. -f riiH-nl. at l is
n r-if f V il n;''c( ::r aa:h-.rbctl
v. ;
f.,r 4.1 !!! .it Hi f r-cnts siisd tub
f'( fr the -IIUKAMI" on J is clothed
, i ') -J j-i'.t t rc-ccij t fur any monies paid
t , ,. these phjects. His opwey includes
ri -i 1 .1 I V
f.,;.Vx ng c;;ies, v:r.: i .aiiaaipuj, iU'
;, A'a'iiinoro snd Do-On.
A Slate Convcnt;oi, to be composed of
Relegates from the City of Philadelphia
r,n:l the se veral counties equal to their
representation in the General Assembly
of'thi Gf-mmonwealih, will be held at
ILrrisbnrg, on TUESDAY, the StSa day
, MARCH NEXT, at 10 o'clock in the
" ' i
important to the success of the Whig
Whig State Committee.
County SrZosting.
The Whig and Antimasonic citizens of
.-.n-nrrr ccmnfv urn ronuestod to assem-
i.u n" MpcnnT. nt the Court
fo-h"nn, for lhc Purpose ot selecting ' iuiu ourgx-o.i.
r vvYnl lies for Governor and Canal Com- Samuel McGowan, of South Carol i-ri--ioucr
to be supported bv the Whigs nn to ,,c Assistant Quartermaster, with
dhhe friends of the Protective Policy at . l'c rank of Captain.
tV n"xt cnuin" election, and to transact ; Jamcs Blaiding, of South Cnrohni,
' wd. od-or business as may be deemed !10 be Assistant Commissary, with the
House, in Somerset, on Tuesday evening ! She brings a continuation ot tlic rcpor
cf the enruin-r court week (February 9.) ! t0il advance of Santa Anna upon Saltillo
cl tlie enrumg court wee,i fi ebruary U.)
f r tlie purpose of appointing delegates to
the State Convention which is to be held
:t Harrisburg on the Dili of Marc!) next,
rnd to adopt such other measures as may
be d'cmed es?cnti:d to a complete organi- j
zz'.lra of die party in this county.
Seme of t!.c Northern Democrats in
Congress eppcar lobe wjking up to the
d.-.ngcr that threatens tlie Union from the
. , , , . .
i-pon Her Plnnrs tnrougn tae ummistra-( Jor Qa thc 2Q( vvith his com.
lion, and hence they avow their opposi- J man,. .Marshall started tlie next morn
t'.on to the annexation of any more slave ing wih the remainder of the forces ex-
teraicry. Though the leaders of that
party rr.utt have known when they were
electioneering for Mr. Polk, that his c-
lection would operate injuriously upon
th- r.-a S;at;s. the rank and fie evidcr.t-
ly had no such apprehensions. But Mr.
Polk's policy as President has opened
their eves, and most of than: are no doubt
at this lime heartily sick of his adminis-1
traticn and it is no wonder if they are !
What has he done for them since his el
evation to power? Has he originated or
carried oat a single measure intended or
calculated to benefit thc North? lie ha?
revived the Sub-Treasury, destroyed the
Tariff, prevented tlie improvement cf the
Western Rivers, and plunged the Nation
into an expensive war. ror ail these acts
he could have had no oilier motive than
that of benefiting the South at thc expense
of t!.e North; or, if lie had any other, it
Las not yet been explained, either by
himself or his friends. Thc result is,
that Southern Locofocoism has lc::t its
mcgic power over die Northern Democ
racy and the efforts of Polk's official
organ to drive these again into the traces
will be unavailing.
Thc Bill, providing for the raising of
ten thousand additional troops, passed the
U. S. House of Representatives yester
day a week. The clause providing for
the appointment of a Lieutenant General
was finally stricken out.
X;.Zr Cant. S. S. Austin, of Uniontovn,
tlie services of whose company were re
fused by tlie Governor h?s rone to Mex
ico as a private, "solitary and alone," de
termined, he says, to "fight on his own
hook." This, we presume, comes under
the President's rule of "aid and comfort.'
On Monday a bill was reported in Con
gress, authorizing loans and the issue of
Treasury notes to the amount of twex-
lC"The Vr!iig delegates of Fayette co.
r.rc innrur.ed tc support Mr. COOPER
in the S'.le Convention for Governor.
Allegheny has instructed for Mr. For-v-rd.
ry-Joh'i Qu-ney Adams is recovering
Lorn hi- 1 ate indisposition, and
is expec-
i'-'d tobe.nble to take his scat in Congress
tthhic a few davs.
me- o
V ork i sa
id to
D3?In Pittsburgh and Allegheny cit
ies, Wh'is Mayors' have been' elected by
lurge majorities.
DSResoIutions, complimentary to Ge
neral Taylor, have been passed by the
frr-Senator Pennybaekcr, of Virginia,
died at Washington, on the 12th inst.
Appointments F:y thc President-
By and with the advice and consent of
the Senate.
Samuel H. Montgomery, of Pennsyl
vania, to be Assistant Quartermaster,
with the rank rf Captain.
John W. Shugart, of Pennsylvania, to
be Assistant Commissary, with the rank
of Captain.
Benjamin 8. Muhlenburg, of Penn
sylvania, to be Surgeon.
George Dock of Pennsylvania, to be
..-..... o
James Davis, of South Carolina to be
Elbert Bland, of South Carolina to be
Assistant Sunrcon.
ISiIaly Impartial lulelliseiECC.
The intelligence from Mexico is that
Santa Anna is advancing against Gen.
Worth at Saltillo, with 15,000 men, and
that Gen. Worth is falling back upon
"Washington, Jan. 12, 7 P. M.
Tlie U. S. Steamship Edith has ar
rived at New Orleans from Brazos Santi-
ago, which place she left on the 30th ult.
with a larire force. The .Mexican Army
under his command is reported to number
thirty thousand.
Gen Taylor had only advanced eight
or tcu miles on his inarch for Yictoria, Gen. "Worths express had reached
Monterey; and the troops under Generals
Twiggs ar.d Quitman, were but twelve
miles in advance. Orders were immedi
ately issued to this division to retrace its
steps, and proceed immediately towards
General Butler had already marched
with all the troops he could collect, to
loin General Worth.
Gen. Lane started
cept Hunter and Swarwout's commands, i
'1 be troops from Camargo were on a
forced march in order to reach Saltillo in
lime lor the anticipated attack.
Reports having prevailed before posi-1
live advices had been receiver oi me
r.iovcmonts of Santa Anna, and as Gen.
Wool was at the last advices only ninety
ir.dcs from Saltillo, it is supposed that he
i would have joined Gen. Worth in time to
assist in repelling the enemy. .
' 1 C .... I 1 1
ituiiior siaies inai oaaia viiuu na'a
thrown a force of 17,000 men between
the forces of Generals Worth and Taylor,
to prevent the junction of the troops, but
il was generally discredited. It was lhc
general impression of the passengers cf
thc- Edith, that the battle was fought about
the 25th, but they thought, however, that
the American forces above mentioned,
readied Saltillo before that time, and if
so, Gen. Taylor had about 7000 men to
repel the attack of the forces under Santa
The number of the Mexicans is belie
ved to be overrated.
The whole valley of the Rio Grande
was in a ferment, on account of thc ap
prehended attacks from ranchcros under
Canales, upon Camargo, ?Iatanioras and
other points. Colonel Clark had called
cn lhc citizens of Matamoras to enroll
themselves at the Brazos. Gen. Jcsup
had done thc same thing. Both points
were sadly de ficient in arms and men,
and it was thought Canales had 2,000
rancheros under his command.
(ien. Scott arrived at the Brazos on the
28ih ult., and proceeded for thc mouth of
the Rio Grando on tlie following day;
where he was waiting thc arrival of thc
horses belonging to the regiment of moun
ted riflemen, when the Edith left. It was
understood that he would proceed imme
diately to Camargo.
it was believed that an express had
been sent to Gen. Patterson, counterman
ding his march in the direction of Victo
ria. Thc steamship Alabama was at thc
mouth of thc Brazos when thc Edith sai
led, and by her arrival in a few days we
shall probably receive more definite intel
ligence. A letter in thc Picayune of thc 5th in
stant, dated Camargo, 19th December, 12
o'clock at night, puts at resl all doubts as
to the facts of thc advance of Santa An
na. An express had been received there
fron Gen. Worth at Saltillo, announcing
the march of a large Mexican force. Thc
letter gives in detail all thc facts above
A letter published in thc Picayune, da
ted Tampico, December 23d, Irom a reli
able source, states that lhc Mexican Con
gress have decided that lhc war shall not
cease, nor will they receive Commission
ers lo treat for peace until every hostile
foot has left the soil of Mexico, and eve
ry ship that lines her coast shall have been
withdrawn. The Congress has also rc- !
solved that they will accept of no foreign
wuatevcr to bring about a
On Thursday ev-nin; the 31st n't, hy the
Rev. Mr. II.iz!ctf, Mr. Er.iiin 1 i cut e n r, nn kr,
Printer, (formerly of Somerset,) to Miss Uuiv
BKTit J. Diusov, all of this Borough. Vu&h
ington ('j.) Reporter.
On Monday evening the lllh inst., Catih
hixe, consort of Christian Say lor, of Somerset
township, and second daughter of Joseph Lirh
ty, nod 54 years, 5 months and 12 days.
On Tuesday riorninj the29;h ult. at his resi
dence in Uliea, Ohio, Mr. Cliffouu Elpes, for
merly of Snicrsel, aged 37 years.
j.,aL.iAii'.atiiarw43ccjiJu-j'jiij luili.iii
Jfew Advertisements.
S. Gebhart & Ross Forward,
fl!JAVlNG associated themselves in
f the practice of the law will prompt
ly attend to all business which may be
entrusted to them. Offiee on the North
west corner of the Diamond, ant! the
same place formerly occupied by Geb
hart. Jan. 19th'47.
FIIE Collectors of 1815, and all back
-a of that period, who are in arrears for
State or County taxes, are hereby FI
NALLY uotilied, that unless their Du
plicates are settled in full on or before
ihe 8th day of February 1847, warrants
tvill be issued against all delinquents
without respect to persons. The press
ing demands which will be made upon
the Treasury, compel the Commission
ers to pursue this course. They hope
however, to be saved from proct'tdin' lo
this extremity, by the prompt payment
of each duplicate. The C'limiy is in ar
rears for unpaid interest upnn the state
t 'X for the above years to a large amount,
and il must be paid by the time above
specific;!, or ths Collectors be made in
dividually responsible for tlie interest
The outstanding taxes due for ttate pur
poses, will be publisher! after next court.
The Collectors of 18-1G will also settle
their respective duplicates as soon as pos
sible. JOHN R. KING.
Attest. Coramr's.
R. L. Ftt.wakt, Cl'k.
Jan. 10, 1817.
rEHE subscriber will offer for sale by
il public outcry, on "the Uih day of
February next, (being Tuesday of court
wnek) the property on which lie now
resides, adjoining the borou-ih of "Som
erset, consisting of
of which sb'ul 1 10 acres are cleared, a
bout 40 acres in excellent meadow and
under good fences, the balance being well
The buildings are a large and commo
dious bouse, buih with brick and well
I .,.' t,.l ... I.I, n crs.s!tt ...,.1,
, . . . . , ,
barn, a good spring bouse with wnter
running through it, "a granary, smoke
bouse, wood shed and other necessary
out buildings, all new and in first rate
order, ALSO a number of choice
and n never failing spring of water at the
The farm is handsomely situated and
conveniently divided irto fields, the most
of which are well watered with never
failing springs.
A further description is deemed un
necessary as any person wishing to pur
chase the above properly can apply lo
the subscriber living thereon.
The saie will be held in the Diamond
in the Borough of Somerset when ihe
terms, which will be reasonable will be
made known.
January 15. 18jf.
Somerset County, is.
SYLVANIA. , To Eir.anucI Newcomer, Grf.etixg:
T' WHEREAS, Susan Newcomer.
Ijl!-J- h-v ,ier next frie,,,J Jo!,n "elsel.
i- did on the twenty-second day of
September, eighteen hundred and foriy
five, prnfer her petition to the Honors
ble the Ju !gc3 of the Court of Common
Pleas of Somerset county, praying that
for causes therein set forth, she might
be divorced from the bonds of matrimo
ny entered into with you, the said Eman
uel Newcomer, in all time to come, as if
she never bad been married or as if you
were niturally dead. We, therefore,
command you, as we have heretofore
commanded you the said Emanuel New
comer that, setting aside all excuses and
other business whatever, you be and ap
pear in your proper person before our
Judges ai Somerset, at our county C"urt
of Common Pleas, there to beheld -for
the said county, on the second Monday
in February next, lo answer the petition
or libel of ihe said Susan Newcomer,
and lo phew cause, if any you have,
why the said Susan Newcomer, your
wife, should not be divorced from your
society, fellowship and company, and
from the bonds of matrimony contracted
witli you, the said Emanuel Newcomer,
as fully and effectually as if she never
had been married, or as if you, the said
Emanuel Newcomer, were naturally
dead, agreeably lo ihe Art of Assembly j
in such case made and proviueu. Anu(
hereof you are not lo fail. j
Witness the Honorable Jeremiah S. j
Bhck. President of our said Court at.
Somerset this 23d day of November, A.
I). 1346.
January 10, '17, Prothonotary,
Jayno?s lucdicincs.
29)Amp!e experience has proved that no
con1 ination of medicine has ever been
so efficacious in removi?ig the abore dis
eases, ns Dr. Payne's Alterative, or Life
; Preservative. It has sffected cures truly
astonishing, not only of Cancer and oth
er d.seascs of that class, but has remo
ved the most stubborn Diseases of iho
ski;!. Dyspepsia, fee, ic. 'I his medi
ciiiiVnters inio the circulation, and era
dicates diseases wherever located. It
purifies the blood and oilier fluids of the
body, removes obstruetionjin the pores of
the skin, ami reduces enlargements of
the glams er bones. It increases the
appetite, removes headache and drowsi
ness, and invigorates the whole system,
and imparts animation to the diseased and
dcbilita:ed constimiion. There is noth
ing superior to it in the whole materia
mcdiea. It is perfectly safe and exireme
ly plcasanr, and has nothing of the dis
gusting nausea accompanying the idea of
swallowing medicine.
Prepared and sold No. 8 south third
street, near market, Philadelphia.
Sold by J. J. k II. F. S.-hell,
Somerset Pa.
Also by Edward Bevin,
Siovstown Pa.
3 VI
"pTJ)URSUANT to various acts of As
H scrnbly relating to county rates and
levies, the undersigned Commissioners
of Somerset county will hold appeals at
the limes and places following:
At the bouse of George Parker for Jen
nsr township, on Monday the 22nd day
of February.
At the house of ,eremiah Hire in Da
vidsville, for Conemaugh, on Tuesday
the 25d day of February.
At lhc hon?e of Daniel Berkey for
Paint, on Wednesday thc 24th Jay of
Al the house of George Specht for
Shade, on Thursday the 23th day of Fe
bruary. At the house of General John Hile in
Ste.ystown. for Stoystown amiQoemaho
ning, on Friday the 26th day of Febru
ary. At ihe house f Lenis Spangler for
Stonyertek, on Saturday the -Tib day of
Al the bouse of John Brubakrr in
lit rlin. f.r Berlin on Monday ihe 1st day
of March, and on Tuesday ihe 2nd at
ihe same place for Brothersvalley.
At the house of James Fhiisou for Al
legheny, on Wednesday the 3d day of
Al the house of Daniel Lepley, Esq.,
for Southampton, on Thurfduy the lib
day ol March.
At the bouse of George Long for
Greenville, on Friday the 5'.h day of
At the house of William Dehavcn in
Salisbury, fur Elklick, on Saturday thc
6th day of March.
At tlie house of Peter Movers for Sum
mit, on Monday the 8ih day of March.
At the bouse of Samuel Eider in Pe
lersburgh. for Addison, on Tuesday and
Wednesday tlie Dili and lOtii days of
At thc house of Jacob N. Ilarlzell for
Turkeyfoot, on Thursday the llth ddy
of March.
At the house of John Weller for Mil
ford, on Friday the 1 2th day of March.
At the Commissioners OfFn-e on Sat
urday the I3ih day of Man h, for Som
erset bor-'ugb, and on Mondav the 1 5th
at the same place for Somerset township.
When and where all persons who nm
feel themselves aggrieved by the assess
ment and valuation of their property Jtc.
may attend if they think proper. Inn
keepers who may feel aggrieved by the
yearly rental made by the Assessors, are
also requested to attend. The Assessors
of the several townships and boroughs
are required to attend the appeals at the
limes and places mentioned above
Attest. Comr's.
R. L. Stewart, Cl'k.
January 19, 18 47.
II ERE AS thc honorable Jeremi
V 7 ah S. Black, President, and G.
Chorpenning and John M'Carty, Esqs-,
nssoeiate Judges of the court of common
pleas,.in and for the county of Somerset,
and assistant Justices of (he courts of oyer
and terminer and general jail delivery and
quarter sessions of the peace, in anil for
said county of Somerset, have issued
their precept to me directed, requiring
me among other things to make public
proclamation throughout my bailiwick.
that a court of over and terminer and !
general jail delivery: also, a court of gen
cral quarter sessions of lhc peace and j
.I .1 n I .tr .itil! r r rt-i ni OhlA if fll li n r !
juii utintii win wmiin hi in mi. 'w.
ough of Somerset, in and for the county
of Somerset, in ihe commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, on the 2d Monday of
February next, (3th day) in pursuance
of which precept
Public Notice is hereby giv-
nc, to thc justices of thc peace, the coro
ner, and constables of said county of
Somerset, that they be then and there, in
iheir own proper persons, with their
rolls, records examinations, and inquisi
tions, and other remembrances, to do
those things which to their offices apper
tain in thai behalf to be done and also all
those who prosecute against the priso
ners that are, or then shall be, in the jail
of lhc said county of Somerset, are to be
then and there to prosecute against them
as shall be just.
Given under my hand, al Somerset, this
5th day of January, in the year of
our Lord 1RJ7.
Msl of Clauses
UT down for trial .nt Fe
bruary term, 1S47, com
menemg on
the 8th day.
vs Somerset and Mi.
Pieasant Tump.
Road Company
vs Miller
vs Reiman
vs NetT fc Neff
vs Hoflinyer
vs Philippi
vs Light
vs Allison
vs Moyer et i
vs Martceny
vs B.iird et A
vs McCullouTh
vs Uochstetler
vs Sitzman
vs Statler's admr.
Baldwin et al
Rankin's use
W ilbel hi
Rrugh's assignee
Chorpenning t
Beni'ord vs Cassndy
Ben Curd vs Sune
Flick vs Riser
Riddle vs F.lder
Berkey vs Knupp
Neff vs Rankin
Husband's adm'rs
use vs Husband's admr.
Flick vs Rizer
Connelly vs Countryman's ad's
Countryman's use vs Koontz
Neff vs Rankin
Lenhart vs Lenhart
Proth'ys Office, Som- ) Proth'y.
erset. Jan. 12, IS 17
Sheriff's Sales.
Xp) Y virtueof sundry writs of Vcnili'i
JiBo.'U Fxponn? issued out of ihe Court
of Common Pleas of Somerset county
and to me directed, ihere will be expos
ed to sale by way of public outcry, at
the public square in the borough of Som
erset, on
Saturday, the Ch day cf February,
at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following Real
Estate, viz:
AH she right, title, interest nnd claim
of John Bunting, of. in and to one
situate in the town of Smiihfipid, Addi
son township, Somerset county, Pa., con
taining one-fourth acre, more or less, ad
joining a lot of IL t E. M. Hagans on
the east, main street on the north, and
the Youghpghrny river on the west and
south, r-n which are erected a two-story
dwtlling house, with the appurtenances
as the property of the said John Bun-
'ing, at the mit of J. S. Hagans, for the
use of Daniel We y and.
All the right, tide, interest and claim
of Thomas Rifile. of, hi and lo a certain
situate in Conemaugh township, Somer
set county, Pa., containing two hundred
acres, more or less, about sixteen acres
cleared, about four acres in meadow, ad
joining lands of Jacob Schneider's heirs,
Gabriel Mishler, Galirid Ge ndlesparger
and other lauds of defendant, on which
are erected a cabin house and st dde, with
the appurtenances as the property of
lhc said Thomas Rifile, at the suit of
John Uochstetler, now for the use of Hi
ram Beam.
All the right, title, interest and claim
of Michael Iletbaugh, deceased, of, in
and to a certain
situate in the borough of Somerset, So
merset county, Pa., containing one-fourth
acre, more or iess, adjoining the Somer
set and Mountpleasant Tvrnp'.kc on the
South, a lot af Marshall College vn the
west. Union street on the north, a lot of
Jacob Myers' heirs on the east, on which
are erected a two-story log dwelling
bouse, and kiti hen and stable, with the
appurienanccsj-as the property of the
said Michael llerbaugh, deceased, in the
hands of John Neff, Executor of the last
Will am! Testament of ti e said decea
sed; Elizabeth Herbaugb, Widow; and
Elizabeth Herbaugb, Guardian ad litem
of Lydia Herbaugb and Caroline Amelia
Herbiugb, legal representatives of siid
deceased; at the suit of Iaae Ankeny,
Guardian of Mary B. Roberts, Marga
ret Roberts and Anne Roberts.
All the right, title, interest and claim
of Philip Custer, of, in and to a certain
5ituate in the borough of Stoys'own, So
merset county. Pa., containing one-fourth
acre, more or less, adjoining main street
on the south, lot of 'Henry Horner on
the west, lands of Jonathan Statler or
the north, and a lot of Henry Little on
the cast, on which arc erected a two-story
dwelling bouse, carpenter shop and
stable, with thc appurtenances as the
properly nf the said Philip Custer, at
tiie suit of Jacob Albert & Co.
All thc right, lide, interest and claim
of Samuel Tren', of, in and to one
or tract of land, situato in Somerset
township, Somerset county. Pa., contai
ning two hundred and twenty-six acres,
more or less, about 100 acre cleared and
aboul 20 acres in meadow, adjoining
lauds of Daniel Coleman, Daniel Shoe
maker, John Cober and others, on which
are erected two log dwelling houses and
barn and stable, and an apple orchard on
the premises, with the ppurienanccs
as the property of the said Samuel Trent,
at the suit of Michal Frease, now for ihe
use of Joshua Rhoads.
Sheriff's Office, Somerset, 7 Sheriff.
January 12. 1647. $
TIONS, For sale at this Office.
SAMl t I. U A Of IRK.
Hi & ii I vJ if i i vs Li i j 1 1 i -1
ruv:cai'dinz J Covnuission
At tin; Railroad DYpot,
Hon.A Stewen. ?f
Hon. II. V. Beeson S 3
Hon. J S. Black, 1
Col L A nken v, -Somerset Pa
Jonas Kehn. Esq. J
Thomas J. & W. W. McKair,
Cumberland, MJ.
Dc. 15 .m.
TjHE subscriber has received Irom
Jl she Eastern cities, and is now ope
ning at his store North East corner of
the Diamond, a very large and gencn.l
assortment of Goods suitable for the
among which are French and English
Cloths of various colors. Also Tweeds,
Cassimcres, Satinets and Jeans, Tarleton
and Cecilia Chubs for Ladies dresses.
ALSO, Cashmeres, Alpaca?,
Mouslin lie laincs. Calicoes ol all qush-
lies from 4 to 25 cents per yard. Mus
lins from 4 to. I Oct?, Silk and Thread
Lace, Silk Gloves of a superior quality
for ladies ami gentlemen, together with a
fine assortment of HARDWARE,
(iieens7vuve, Groceries. &c.
Boots and shoes of ail kinds and very
low, Weavers Reeds of very superior
All which will be sold on as cheap and!
accomodating terms, as they can be had
west of the Allegheny Mountains.
Srrifrr-f. s"pt C2, 1840.
Totice is hereby given to all person3
concerned as legatees, creditors or
otherwise, that thc following account
have been filed and passed register in the
Register's office, for the county of Som
erset, and that the same will ho present
ed lo tlie Orphans court for confirmation
and allowance on Monday, the 15 day
cf February next, at an adjourned Or
phans' Court, viz:
The account of Jacob Lichty, admin
istrator of Jasob S.iylor, dee'd.
The final account of Tobias Mnsser
and George Walker, Executors nf tho
Lst Will and Testament of Philip Weig
ley dee'd.
The account of John Maust adminis
trator of Jonas Maust, dee'd.
The account of Daniel Lepley, ad
ministrator of Christian Shockey. who
was administrator of George Albright,
The account of John Bradfie'd acting1
Executor of the last Will and Testa
ment of Thomas Gricr, dee'd.
Thc account of George Mccse, ad
ministralor &c. of Christian Rice, de
ceased. The account of Joshua Rhoads, ad
ministrator of Mary Dwirc, dee'd.
The account of Samuel Coleman and
Jacob J. Coleman, administrators of John
N. Coleman, who was Executor of Eli
zabeth Flick, dee'd.
The aceoant of Daniel Gaumer, ad
ministrator of Henry Kennel, dee'd.
The Guardianship account of Jacob
Kimrr.el, Guardian wf Henry, Catharine,
John and William Rink.
The account of Otho S Mitchell, ac
ting Executor of thc last Wiil and Tes
lament of Lewis Mitchell, dee'd.
The account of Daniel J,epley, ad
ministrator &.c. of Christian Shockey,
The account of A. II. Phi'son, George
Walker and John P. Brubaker, adminis
trators of William G. Walker, dee'd.
The account of John Schneider, ad
ministrator de bonis non of Peter Fleck,
Jannnry U2. IS 17, Register.
Call at the Old Stand!
rwilJE subscriber respectfully inform
jjL his friends and the public, that, in
addition to his former stock, he has just
received at his Drug Store in the Borough
of Somerset, a fresh supply of
Drugs, Vainls, Medicines,
Groceries, I) yes luffs, j?c.
oonsisting in part of the following, all of
which will bs sold cheap for cash or
exchanged for approved country pro
duce, viz :
Red and White Lead, Venetian Red,
Chrome Yellow and Green. Vermillion
Red, Prussian Blue, Terra de Sienna,
Turkey Umber, Lamp Black.
ALSO; Copal Varnish, Black Varnish,
Gum Shelac; gold, silver and matal leaf;
white, yellow and red bronze; sand pa
per, turpentine and Fian Pit.
Indigo. Madder. Alum, Brazilwood,
Fustic,"' Camwood. Lcgwood; ALSO;
Extract of Logwood, Annctto Cochineal,
Solution f Tin. Bine Vilriol. oil Vitriol.
Best green Rio Cofiee. 'lea, Pepper,
Allspice, and fine lab'e salt.
NOTIONS; combs, purges, pocket
books, pins, needles, steel pens, lancet
hbdes, inoth brushes, percussion caps,
powdfT, shot and lead.
WISTAR'S B ilsinn nf Wild rhrrv
VOSFLC'nOXAlllF.S f : 'I kinds
The celebrated Sugr Cna rd Pi!K
D;ccn.b?r C?t IS JO,