wen 1 1 ; il !r. ? X A ! t f-l ii : -i f i f -u f i ?! 1! If 1 i ii! J! 1 1 . i ; ii ; ;! i! F,o::j the I e-m. Ir.tfcllijejiccr.J t- r V J ' Ti;: r3Dav. J -uiuary 7, IS47. K-nile tart. The journal of yotcr dav having beer. re,d, the Senate proceeu- " t lit" r.pnnii;tiiii".l r' C'!n:r.ut.:e, r',, a; j-r ,.f Bills, tc. Several messages Merc presented from the C-.vnior-niio m-.tnin!i':!i-r the completion of the Co lumbia Bait iload and oditrs vetoing local bills. Oa motion of Mr.. KHI.SO. ofLr.c, !?. Senate proceeded in the- election oi Clerks and oCioc -.vhich rosuhed as fallow?: for Ceo. W. Hamcry of Lancaster Messrs. Boas, Carson, Crabb, Darragu, l),r-;p Harris Johnson. Jordan, L-vis, Morrison. IoVh, Kidu.rds, Sand-ram, Smith, Smysir, iHianison, tiiibonj, Sneaker IT. Tor E. S, (Goodrich, Messrs. Ander son, Bcnncr, Bigler, Black, Croat-raft, Dimmick, Cillis, "Hill, Hoover, Mason, Overfield, Pottiegtr and Boss 13. John M. Sullivan of Bailor, Assistant Clerk, and James W. Chapman, of Sus quehanna and J. II. M'Cauly of Frank lin, Trr.necribing Clerks, were elected la the same vote. Benj. F. Kins of Allegheny, was c!n &:n Sergeant at Arms and Win. P. Braoy of Chiton, Asfisuni. J. W. Cowclh Door Keeper. Phillip Weber, Messenger. Mr. POTTIECER of Berks, moved for the printing of 25J copies of thc Stale Treasurers Report in the German lan ijTine. Agreed to. Mr. BWLEBof Clearfield, offered a joint resolution icqucsting our Senators :ead instructing; our Representatives in Congress, to favor ai;y I proposition to ap propViatc such portion oi the Public lands to the use 'd cavil of die oiiieors and sol diers u ho have volunteered to serve in li;e v.-or with Mexico, m such amount.: insnch manner as the wisuom o. j ) W 1;.,,..M. r.,.? v!USOld, Fer Convs may seem n!:t and proper, ,,ursvlX (;r:icn; v hi,h w rruwd totne CotiInui,cc ou ( Uym.y J-ohv. Jack- Military a dan s A resolution adopting the rides of last session was passed, after which the Senate ailiuuraed until 10 o'clock to-morrow. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Tm R'OAY, January 7, 1'3 17. Mr. tt-OFGIINER appeared, was sworn and took his seat as the represen tative from Greene county. The State Treasure! report was rt mittcJ. A Message from the Governor was read. It is a veto on a bill passed late at the last session making some changes in the jurisdiction of Justices of t of Bradford county. Laid :n l' tiic i eace i it table. Another Message from the Govern )f xvas reaJ. lie refused his signature to the bid of last sechm incorporating a rompany to make a Railroad from the Delaware to the So-ipaehauna river, be ginning at a certain point on the Dela ware, in Philadelphia county, and termi nating in Luzerne county. The consideration of the bill was post poned for the present. The bill of last session rejuhtincr -actions before Justices ( f the Peace, in Erie county, was also sent back with the Go vernor's objections. The consideration of the bill was also postponed for the present. Mr. RUPERT moved the prin'.in j f S.'OO copies of the Slate Treasurers- re port. Agreed to. Mr. MATIHAS introduced a bill for Mr. MATHER a bill exempting the property of the sol-jiers who have gone to Jlexico, from execution. Mr. LEYBURN a resolution relative to domesllc mauuluetnres. Mr. DALY introduced nine several ills ol a private and local character. lulls 01 a or Mr. MARTIN presented a petition prayinjr the cancellation of tlie Relief cotes of the Delaware County Bank. Mr- MORRISON a petition for die construction of a Railroad from otrasburg in Lancaster county, to intersect the Co lumbia RailroaJ. Mr. niloTi one of like import. Mr. PATTERSON one of like im port. Mr. HALV moved that the. House go into the consideration of the bill aliowinj the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company to m..ke and Jeclare dhideuds in certain acs. Agreed to. On the final passage of the bill some opposition was manifested. Mr. HALV brieily jjavc the reasons for the Recasf-ttr ef it.? early passage. jMr. FORSYTH desire.l to know wh:t!icr t'ue Bond holders were opposed to the bill. Mr. EDIE gave some satisfactory cx pl an. it "ions. The yeas zmd nays were called, and resulted 01 for and 31 against the bid. On motion of Mr. LAWRENCE, the House then went into the election of a Clerk, which resulted as follows: Messrs. Allison, B..s.-ler, Bentz, Big- ham, Black, Bhdr, Breidenlhal, Bull, Col Loc-khart, M.ckcy, Mather, Matthias, Monk-has, M.:rnso:i, Morton, M'Ahee, r A luster, M Curdy, M'Curley, M' Kni-h, M'Mian, Noble, Patterson, Ihui Spjiikcv .voted for David Flem-! jo. Messrs. Anderson, Bough ner, Bow tnn, I'jia:, Bii&h, Buahu.ll, Clark, Duly, flip rnmnr.-Wirornt of lJie ivn'iufaetnn of! T . ; n A..:.-oj! .!e Ju.lje in the county Mr. WEILER, a bill for a new couiHv ,:;a'I :ri,1;;L , out of parts of Mont-ornery, Bucks and - IrJ1,-f a.TPcnt to an CUi,r f.. !','!;;, " aet en:::.: -! ,.n act tj incorporate tlw A- vm, Connor, Dickinson, DicKson, Edie, of 1-cbruarv, to meet the interest then f.v.ns, Fox Geldev, Gould, Gratz Ha- fdling due; 2nl if so, to specify from lv, Lams, Hi.aao. Hunter, Kauhnan, wliat source he expects to reali-f. thn Jvuinear, Ladl-v, Lawrence, Levbuni, amount. t mii. i "mi-jhm , i fiercer. I'uni- t m I'.imm k xr i u , .. ..- I "n i ' v""n"IW!: fas aim .neans, to' v .ai.K.i:!. i ced Rubins, Lo,f San- inqilire iato thc CJEpoji3nPV of intr0(u. VV VV " 'V- l:0: r reg a 1,111 ,,lakiBS revisions for addition .r'.er, i i.-ii, V.estnerand Coopcr.'a rfflm,.M,;n .. .r... , ; Donaldson, Fasselt, Fan sold, Fernon, Fcn strrmachcr, Forsyth, GraelT, Haymaker, Ives, Jacoby, Jvoatloy, Kline, Klingen smith, Knox, Krick, Longidin, Levan, Icng, Myers, Fcsrcc, Ferrv, Fiollet, Rey nolds, Rupert, Sipcs Soudcr, Thomas, Vhet, Veiler Mid Worrell 38 voted for Wii.mam Jack. f Mr. Fleming hiving a m-.jori!y of tie whole r.uinbrr of votes, was duly elected. Mr. FLEMING then appointed A. L. Rusk , of Usdford county, his First As 5tun vr. J for Transerihing Clerks lie appointed Tl.rK V Dnihold, of Phila (1 Iphia eounty, John M'Koe of Washing ion, and J. W. Hunter, of iJri'.!. On nio'ion, the lloitsc went into the nomination of Scrgcant-at-Arms and Doorkeeper. Mr. FOX irv.nirvsted J. Morchcad, of V ' e -1 : r. o ; t 1 . i ; d t o n !i ! y . Mr. FOX' no.ninjted J. R. Hurd, of Ceclre county. Mr. K.X'OX" nomltiated J. Sander?, of H irris')-.'., for Dv)orkeeer. Mr. EUliXS nominated A. K rinse. Mr. IRGIIAM nominated E. W. Rig ham, for Mcsseni-er. A motion v.-a made to suspend ths rule, which reijtiires nominations to lay over one da v. Tliis was opposed by Messrs. KNOX and FIOLLET and ad vocate! bv Messrs. MATIilAS, EDIE and IHGH'AM. The yeas and nays be ing required, resulted ::s follows: E M e.s s r-. A i 1 i s o in R s d e r . R n t z , Righam, Blaek, 131 air, Fridenliia!!, Rull, Colv'm, Connor, Dirkinson, Dickson, E.lie, Evans, Fox, (iehley, Gon'.d, Gratz, Halv, Harris.. Hdan ls, HnnUr, Kaufman, Khmer, Ladk-y, Lawrence, Lnbum, Lockhart, M..ckev, Matlhias, Monleiius, Morison, Morion, M'Aliee, .FA!lister, M'Curdy, M'C'urlcy, M'Mina, M'Knight, .Noble, l 1 1 1 i i t, Fiidlips, Ftiinroy (Frank lin) Frmerlty (.Mercer) Rjed, Ro!ins, Si:. rn, Mil iUV, I no.np- ii ff.i Waruc Wilson, Vt'estner o j n j;. and Copper (Spc:.kc A i ..:e.-:-i:-. .).). :i:!.':v.i:i. Tlirvbner. OOWill Itl, ml I;!::, l ion, Keadcv, Kerr, Kline, Kii:ige:ismith, Knox, Krick, Laughiin, Levan, Long, Mather, Myers, Pearee, Perry, Pioilet, Reynolds, Rupert. Sipes, Sou.ler, Tho mas, Viiet, Weiler, WorrjII 11. SENATE. Saturday, Jan. 9. 1817. r.na'e met. Mr. RICH presented a petition from the President and Directors of (he Far mers Bank of Bucks, praying to be re lieved from l!i3 clTeets of tin; decision of the State Treasurer in regard to relief is- -Mis..-. iklO-'f VIi'O 11 VIU lil S IVCI resmeni, - ' " i and FeaicrviSk Turnpike Ro.ul, jiraying for t::e n iss of an act of inecroora lion. Mr. MORRISON", a petition praying for the incorporation of an Iron company in the county of Blair, with a capital of Mr. CRABB, a petition from the May or, Aldermen au.l citizens of Philadel phia, praying for authority to prevent the introduction of Fire Apparatus in the city of Philadelphia except bv their leave. Mr. CRABB, also read a hill in his pkve to carry out the objeel of the above p-titio:i. s.iv. S.iliil, a petition from Jacoo Strieker of Lancaster, praying for a law to bgdiz-?. fjrtahi erections in the Sus ei::eh .:i;ia river, Mr. MORRISON, a petition praying that ;ue epp' intmout of Daniel .JeConnell of iicrir m S.m ! :v Scliool Union. Also, a resolution to extend the time of com mencing operuuons.by the Fishing Creek, Sv.-atarj ;:nd Sehuvlkill Railroad Com- p.i.. DAkSie., a supplement to an act to :U5tilo;l.Z2 die Secretly t iho Com- monwea:t'i to t!i.nr!uto copies of the St.indard Wi i-h's ;md Mjasurcs, and for the appointment of S.e.der-'. ' .tir. I i e.A'iv lb 1, a bid relalm to pul'ic roads in the ceunly oi v'.'ashuM- to;i. Mr. SANDERSON, a bii! to incorpo rate the Evangcnieal Lutheran Synod of Pennsylvania. Mr." JOHNSON, a bill relative to the sale of unseated Lands, in the several counties cf the ( 'o.nmon wealth. Mr. CAI?S(N, read a bill in place relative to Orphan's Courts. ) Mr. BEX NEB, a hill entitled a sup plement to ;;ct, entitled An net to in cre:.so the revenues -and diminish the ex penses of Government. .dr. GILLIS, a bill relative to officers and sohiiers of the army in Mexico. On motion, die Senate adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, January 0, 1847. The Jouvnrd of yesterday having been read, Mr. Lawruxce introduced the fol lowing resolution: L'rsofrrd, That the State Treasurer be requested o inform this House whether i.u ii Hiu i;c a su'nncnt amount of avail At. LuvnrjRN introduced a resolution providing lor the final adjournment of the Lcswl-Jicrc on the loth of March next. Air. Ih-rns, a resolution instructing Bowman Mr. Edie desired to know whether ! voting for this resolution ur.,U l. ' strucJ into zn expression of opinion on - able binds in tha Ti-.iirv- ""o"u w m.u ijuu - vi enerai i estion of allowing the Adjutant - General more nay. For one he was not -u- - nucstion. if tlie passage of that resolu- tion would not be so construed, he would support it. Mr. LAwnrCE suggested the reference of the resolution to the Committee on Ways and Means, as thatsubjeet was al- leadv before tliat committee. Mr. Trego, in explanation, said he Hid not know what construction might be sriven in tl.e passage of tih resolution, but he believed it was not usual to con sider the adoption of resolutions of in- - r ? n i . ii An t(K quiry s expressions oi ujnuiuiia . . merits ot the subject ot mqu-iw Mr. IIaia- prcscn'ed the supplement to the law relatin.T to county and township ofnecs and county and township oincers. Mr. pATTKn-o.v presented a pedtion relating to a scliool district late in Harri tosi townsinp, Lanc:uter county. Mr. Noiu.k, the petition of William Galbraith praying for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony. Mr. Krick, the petition of Josep Mor rison, for claims for services rendered as Assistant Clerk of the House of Repre sentatives 1792, '03, '01. Mr. Hains, the petition of Willian M'Creary, praying for a pension. .Mr. M'Minx, a petition from the citi zens of Juniata county, praying that the Legislature may e.bjourn in CO days. Mr. Tno:.!As, the petition of Dennis M'Donald, for claims against the State. Mr. Patterson, a petition relating to Bridges in Lancaster county. Mr, Forsyth, introduced a bill relative to the appointment of Appraisers of .Mer chandise in the county of Philadelphia. Mr. Anderson, a bill authorizing the Commissioners of Philadelphia county, to widen and rcruhite Second street. Mr. Morton, a bill authorizing the re moval of the seat of justice in Delaware county. Mr. Matijias. a bill relating to the in spection of Prisons, and also a bill relative to Seminaries. Mr. IIi'NTr.R, a bill authoizing James Lanirhead to convey certain real estate. ?ilr. Knox, introduced a hill to prevent and punish bribery: a bid to reform the laws of the Commonwealth; an 1 a bill providing for the partition of certain real estate. Mr. Blair, a hill, being a further sup plement to an act erecting Blair county. Mr. Thompson, a fe.U relative to the Perkiomen Turnpike Road Company. Mr. Haymaker, presented the petition of John Gibson, an old soldier, praying for relief. Mr. Krick, a h':!i relative to justices of the Peace of the borough of Meadvilie in Crawford county. Mr. IvAn-MAN a bill supplementary to the bill incorporating tlie Mine-hill, Mill Creek Navigation Company. The Annual Report of tlie Treasurer of the Danville and Poitsville Railroad Company was laid before. die House by the Sneaker. Adjourned. ST 1 71 1 I X G CO " 31 1 IT E ZIS OF TilU LEwISL.VTUilE. IN THE SENATE. Finance Messrs. Darsie, Bigler, Crabb, Ross, Sanderson. Judiciary Messrs. Sanderson, Jiia son, Black, Williamson, Dimmick. Accounts Messrs. Carson, Bonner, Smyscr, Hill, Rieii. Estates and Escheats Messrs. Wil liamson, Black, Smith, Dimmick, Crc craf'. iension3 and Gratuities ?ucssrs. Big ler, Wagenseller, Ross, Darragb, Boas. Corporations Messrs. Jolmson, Hoo ver, Harris, Richards, Anderson. Banks Messrs Crabb, Gillis, Ander son, Darsie, Jordan. Internal Improvements Messrs, Gil lis, Harris, Crabb, Johnson, Overfield. Election Districts Messrs. Levis, Ben nor, Richards, Boas, Dimmick. Retrenchment and Reform Messrs. Rich, Hill, Jordan, Bigler, Levis. Education Messrs. Black, Harris, Creacraft, Smith, Wagcnscller. Agriculture and Domestic Manufac tures Messrs. Morrison, Mason, Car son, Polleiger, Boas. Militia .Messrs. Ross, Smyser, Com ma!!, Mason, Morrison. Roads and Bridges Messrs. Hill, Car son, Rich, Pottciger, Hoover. Compare Bills Messrs. Corair.an, Hoover, Richards, Levis, Mason. Vice asd Immorality Messrs. Dar ragh, Poitciger, Smyser, Creacraft, Bcn ncr. Private Claims and Damages Messrs. Smith, Overfield, Darsie, Gillis, Corn man. Library Messrs. Williamson, Sander son, Wxgensellcr. Public Buildings Messrs. Jordan, O verlield, Morrison. IN THE HOUSE. Ways and Means Trcro, Allison, Ha ley, Forsyth, Pomeroy of Mercer, Ives, Jackson. Judiciary Bighnm, Haley, Knox, E die, Fox, Ley burn, Patterson, Blair, I las son. Retrenchment and Reform Pomcroy of Mercer, Clark, Mackey, Levan, Rob Inns, MeCurley, Klingcnsmith. Claims Lawrence, Connor, Hayma ker, McKnight, Ives, Reed, Souder. Agriculture Gould, Warner, Fausold, Sharp, Jacoby, Brindenthall, GrsctT. P ensions and Gratuities Pumrov of Franklin, McAbee, I'Vsctt, Lockhart, 'Da ly, Phillips, Perry. Domestic Mann fact n res Allison, Dick son, Krick, Basslcr, Vliet, Ross, Sipes. Accounts Connor, Mather, Colvin, Kaufman, Pearee, Sanborn, Bush. Education McCurdv, Bull, Anderson, Black, Pumroy of Franklin, Dickinson, Vice and In ti'ilraaiorality--Ladlcy.M'Minn, ) Levan, Sharp, Jacoby, Reynolds, Fcn- ; stermacner. Ilarris, Burn?, McAllister, Noble, L. vans, Gehlcy, Myers Election Districts Hunter, Bentz, Bowman, Ililands, Fernon, M'jiinn, Kin- near. Banks- -Edie, Gratz, Piollett, McAbce, Sanborn, Kline, Mather. Estates snd Escheat? Knox, Blair, ; uson, ieyuurn, .uatuuas, jiasson aau I : ivcaue . IvO'.i w and Bridges Mcuuriey, 1 ant ing, Laughiin, Shelly, Weiler, McAllis ter, Reynolds. Local A pnropriations Donaldson, i tiompson, ljong, Wilson, .Morrison, Ro- bins, Rupert. Corporations Matthias, Morton, Don aldson, Fox, Kinuear, Lad'ey, Worrcl. Iands Patterson, Burns, Bull, Wcrst ner, Aould, Morrison, Kerr. (omjiare Bids Mackey, Thomas, Bushnell, Morton and Bouglmer. Printing Evans, Myers, Montelius. Idbrary Fox, McCurd', Colvin. Inland Navigation and Internal Im provement Inlands, Ttego, Evans, Werstner, Clark, GratZj Harris, Thomp son, Knox, Hunter, Allison, Krick, Fer non. All tlie volunteers have left Pittsburg for New O. leans. . ft Will meet at the Lyceum room on Fri day evening next, at C o'clock. QUESTION FOR DISCUSSION. "Is the world jrovcrned too much." Essayist, Declaixer, D. Weyand. J. J. Schell, II. P. HITE, Scc'y. RAY 7 "i A.ME to premises of the subscriber Xy in iS5 nr srt.1 lownf-hip, in June, last, a brindle STEER, with a slit in ihe right ear two years old last spring. The owner is requested to come and prove property pay charges and take il away, or it will be sold as the law di rects. HENRY BOUCHER, j a n ,5, 1817. iUJifii iiiOi jXJo. i UitD Li U 1 i.Un p ETTERS of Administration on the AjL estate nf Peter Shirer. Sr., late of Salisbury, Flklbk tp., decM. having been granted to the subscribers, Jtli persons indebted to s.iid estate are requested to attend at the latj residence of the de ceased, on the 20th "of January next, prepared to settle; and lho?e havin? (daims, to present them at the same time and place, properly authenticated. JOHN SHIRER, of F.iklirk to. PETER SHIRER, of Allegany co., Md. Dec. 8. ISIG-Si To thc licirs and legal rep rese:italvcs of Malhcvc rinkcrloih dccll. r 3 'AKE notice that an inquest will be held at the late dwelling house of said deceased, in the township of Turkey foot and cotin'y of Somerset Pa., on Saturday the 30th day of January 1817, for the purpose of making parti tion of the real est tie of said deceased, to and among his Chil !ren and legal rep; resentatives. if the same can be done without prejudice to or spoiling of the vvho'e, olherw ise to vaiue and appraise the same according to htv. at which time and place yon jre required to attend if von thin k proper. SAMUEL GRIFFITH, dec 8 Sheriff ,110 WING the abrogate value and assessments made in each township and hor ' oujh in the County of Somerset for the vear 1817, upon property made taxahle Iv law, lor County and State purposes; as required hy an Act of Assembly of this Com monwealth, passed the 27th day ot" July, 1842. VALUE ot Gross J Keal Estate, of Tax illorses, Cat-'County tie, &c asdposes. Isessed for county rates ind levies, 1 A'ldison Allegheny l?roihersv.dIey Berlin Conemaugh Elklick Greenville Jenner Miifi.rd Paint Q'.iemnhoning Somerset Uorougb .Sioystown Borough Sioncycreek Southampton Shade Summit Tin key foot Somerset township 2050ta 205206 43582 141681 157551 7 8055 lf313 231971 393 105 4-2C 89 235 281 5 17562 8.7S 0487-2 1470-12 157381 S514G0 The undersigned Commissioners of Somerset county, do "certify that tlie aht)vJcTsT correct statement of thc aggregate value of assessment and valuation of ihv. several objects made taxable by tlie laws of this Commonwealth for countv and Rtafe pur poses, which statement has been revised, corrected and equalized 'nccordin;-- to the meaning and intention of the law. Given under our hands this 11th day of January, 1847. Attest " JOHN 11. KING. 1 11. L. STEWART, Clerk. VKTEll i firm 1 rcp- roscntatives of John (J Mi lium, dcc'tl. PlpAKE notice that an inquest will .!L be held at the late dwelling house of said deceased, in ti e Borough of Sioystown, Somerset county, Pa , on Saturday the Ibhh day of January IS ;7, for the purpose cf making p irtition of die real estate of said deceased, to and a niong his children and legal representa tives, if the same can be done wiinnut prejudice to or spoiling cf tlie whole; otherwise, to value and appraise the same according to law; at which time and place you are required to attend if you think proper. SAMUEL GRIFFITH, dec 3, Sheriff. For February Term, 1817. 2ND MONDAY, 8tH DAY. g Hd xd junons Somerset br. Henry Stewart Henry Chorpenuing Somerset tp. Benjamin M.isters Henry J Heinle David Lavan Jacob Mo wry Solomen Bare Stoystown Jacob Rishsberger Miffurd Henry Walter, Sr. Hiram Will Conemaugh Peter Miller Turkey foot Eli Tarmehill Queiuuhoning Josiah Swenk Daniel Berkey Adam Frifdliue Jcnncr John . Miller Addison Josejdi Liehtv John P II Walker L.seph Welch Southampton Jidm Siurtz llerlin Ananias Iicfily B. Valley Francis Countryman Allegheny Henry Paorbaugh, jr. Elklick Jacob Keim TRAVERSE JURORS. Milfard Joseph Boling Michael Slioa.T George Humbert Jonas Tedrow Henry Boucher Conemaugh Samuel Border Isaac Kaufman Petri Levy Quemahoniiig Michael Zimmerman Daniel Specht Stony creek Shade Somerset tp. Tobias Miller Abraham Musser John Lambert Levi Herkepde Benjamin Clark Henrv Musser q "l II II ...... .-(tillliCI II. IllliUCC Hiram Beam Jacob Baker Somerset br. James Arm-trong Daniel Koutz Jennet Barnct Picking Malhew Black Ohara Kiern..n George Kimmel Tubias Lelirr.au Jrdin Land is Sonuel Halier Jacob Wanpr John C Heal Hcnrv Litde Joim Brooks H. Valley Greenville Stoystown TurUevfool (ieorgc Pringcy F.iederi'-k BbiSuch Southampton Daniel Smrtz Allegheny George Switzer Addison Thomas Endley jr. John Hanna. aui'ijAmouul ot Amount ol V for Suite tax on Mortgages, pur-:property as- money au a I u e To the heirs a nil I carriages. Watches , Furniture, salaries r.f o'dicc, &c. scssed lor Interest, county pur-! bnnds.judg- poses. incuts, ic., 8-23 00 243 94 617 70 32833 15840 128!J1 2101 5534 j 3027 879 8351 33:9.1 3990 4 CO 97 f 6 70 8-21 181 015 88 174 32 566 72 550 20 130 71 425 OlJ 332 6!: 235 93' 489 39! 314 GGj 652 52 j 910 9 701 119 216 267 80 526 159 34 421 70 356 94 114 86 701 41 334 99; 79 14 Of 1I) 1 275 1800 15S2 204 Gl 183 71 443 82 471 14 1054 3b 259 48! 863 5? 5") 2058 H'325 591 70 029 52 1405 84 9) g5oo Ctoiniv 'Pax 4 ini.'ls on the Doibir. JOHX 31GXM, 3 BAilR KOTE LIST. Pittsiiur 0.1, pa. STANDARD GOLD AND SILVER Rninsrfcttnia. Pittsburgh, Bant,?, Philadelphia Uai.ks, Girard S ink United States Hank, Bank of Germnutown Mononga!:cIa Hank Brownsville Bank of Gettysburg Bank ;f C.hcster County P-ank of Chambcrsburg Bank tif Delaware, Hank of Susquehanna County Bank of Montgomery County Bank of Northumberland Bank of Lcwisiown Bank of Middieton, Carlisle Bank Columbia Bank and Bridge Co. )" lestou n Bank Erie B oik Franklin Bank, Washington Farmers' Bank Reading Farmers Bank Bucks County r,r par i 1 pr.r pr.r 5 par pnr par U u pnr 1 I par par FarmerVtDrovcr's Hank WayncsbV j Fanners' Bank Lancaster Cpnr Lancaster to. Bank Lancaster Bank t llarrisburg Bank Ilouesdalc Rank Lebanon Bank .Miners' Bank Poitsville Wyoming Bank Northampton bank York Bank State Scrip, Exchange bank Pitts., Mer. and Maul's B Issued by solvent Banks Ohio. Mount Pleasant Stcubcnvilic, (F. & M.) St. Ciairvilie Marietta New Lisbon Cincinnati banks, Columbus Oirelevih'e Zanesville Putnam Wooslcr Massillon Sandusky Geauga Nor walk Xenia Cleveland Bsnk Dayton Franklin Batik of Columbus, Chillicothe 'Vciota Lancaster linmihon Granville Commercial Bank of Lake Erie Farmers Bank Canton Urbjna T'irsinie, Eastern solvent banks Wheeling and Branches, Indiana. Styte Ban': and branches State Scrip, $5's III inn is. p.r Ii 14 4 a 10 1.1 n so 1 2 a State B . i- 50 Shaw nctown Missouri. Stale bank Memphis Tcmifissrr, 3 Other solvent banks 3 Xorfh Carolina. All solvent banks i Sjrith Carolina, All solvent banks 2 Xcw England, New England 1 JS'eic York, New York city par ( Other banks 1 Maryland, Baltimore par Other banks r Blank Seeds, LO T of Itl ink Deeds of a sujcrior qui!i tv.jurt printed and now fursnle yi7' THIS OFFICE tlx (:!Anri ol' rotate Gross amount ol Jm: tax on proper ty taxable for State purpo ses only, Tax for 1847. the ear 147 G 765 CD m 7o CG8 00 178 8 t 132 81 SOD 39 235 99 501 07 73 2 5 4 M9 5) 3 45 92 4 r - r i .) vj I ) 92 21 53! Gl 250 9'i 2-: -8 29 4Gl 7 4?0 17 R91 50 52 12 43 K)j 7 8h 1G 75' 50 12 28 27 02 i no 29 Go 0 197 7 G 07 5 3? 5 71 3 CS 17 5" 9 03 36 125 100 I IP' VKKK. t Com HITS. i I ! t 1 t i i II u I