The Somerset herald and farmers' and mechanics' register. (Somerset, Pa.) 183?-1852, January 12, 1847, Image 4

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Tsi pW U published every Tuesday, at
Jxsf mum, payable half-yaaHr in aJwo.
Ifn paid withia lb. yaer, $2,50 will inv.ria
. "Wy Uc charged.
Ka sWrirtion taken for Iwth.n.ix months
mm cae a abaerilier discontinue unlaw at
ibe option of tUe editor, until arrcaragewre
paid ofL
AavarTitTS will t nserted at $1 per
asoax. far the first three insertion, and 25
cent far every subsequent insertion: longer
net in proportion.
Sheriff's Sale.
v ar
Y virtue of t writ ol Vcndiiini bx
ponas issued out of theCourt olUom
me directed, there will be exposed lo
ale by public outcry.atthe public square
Somerset on Thursday the 14. day of
January next, at 1 o clock, P. N. the
following Reai estate, viz:
All the right, title, interest and claim,
f Joseph Mason of. in, and to a certain
r tract of laud, situate in Shade town
ship, Somerset county, Pa., containing
395 acres more or less, about '.20 acres
cleared and about 20 acres in meadow;
adjoining lands of David Rodgers. Jehu
Paul. Jesse Berkepile, John Fry. jr
ami thers; on which are erected a Jg
dwelling house and barn and stable, wiih
the appertenances as the property of
aid Joseph Mason, al the suit of law
Sheriff's Office, Somerset ?
Deri. 8. 1846.
Valuable Ileal Estate
JHTMIE subscriber offers at prirale sale
the following valuable teal estate
No, 1. a certain tract or
land situate in Jenner township, Somer
set county, cnt;rtnng about 131 acres,
abou 60 acres tf clear land of which
about 30 acres is in good meadow; on
which is erected a new one and a hall
lory frame house, stable and a large
frame MreatherlKvardea1 barf).
No. 2. also another tract
of land tituate in said township,
trontaSng ilxwt 87 acres and 74 perches,
about 40 acess of elear land, of which
about 6 acres is in meadow, whith a
nory lag house and log stable thereon
Yo. 3. also another Irael
of land situate in said township of Jen
ner, containing about 118 acres, about
5 acres of clear land, of which about 3
acres is in meadow with a small log house
thereon CTected.
If not sold between this and the first
day of April will then be for
rent on the shares.
The above lands adjoin Matthew
Clack, Joseph Haines, Henry S. Picking.
George Parker and others, and are situ a-
a . m r I IImi
tea just at me loot oi laurel iiiti, on
the Turnpike road. They are of a good
quality, a large portion is fine bottom
land, and that which is not cleared con
tains excellent timber.
For terms apply lo the subscriber, re
tiding on one of the tracts.
Sept. 22, '46. 3m.
Valuable Property.
F 0 31 SAL
rjnHE snbscriber being disposed to
JL reaove from Somerset, offers for
tale the House ad Lot, occupied by
him situate on the north west corner of
the Diamond in the Borough of Somer
tet. The House is large the from
building being 66 by 35 feet, and ihe
back building 40 by 20, both twa stories
high, built with brick and well finished,
with a 6ne cellar under the whole
there is a good
Carriage House and Wood shed also a
good Brick Smoke and Wash House,
with a good well of water and cistern on
the premise, also a fine Garden wiih a
Tarieiy of choice fruit trees & shrubbery
this property is admirably adapted for
a comfortable residence, as well as fr
any kind ef public business, and ris n
turpatsed by any property in the place.
A meadow lot containing I2l acres,
together with a 20 acre clover lot ad
ointng; and several oiher out lots all
adjeiuing the borough.
. Two tracts of unimproved hud, con
taining 400 acres each, situate in Som
erset township.
The terms will be liberal.
ICflf the adove property is not dis
pesed of, it will be for rent from the 1st
er April next.
Dee. 8, 1846. .
riHE Subscriber once more earnestly
JL requests all persons having unset
led accounts with him, to cz and dis
cbarge them or at least, close them by
note before the Jirsl day of Febvary next
bsing desirous to remove and having
already given several calls, which have
bn in a great measure unheeded, he
trusts that those persons who (ail to at
tend to ibis latt notice, will not complain
shouM they receive a "ilffirrnt kind of
rail,' after the expiration of the above
, time, as the accounts must and shall be
" closed. J. L. SNYDER.
Dec. 8, 1846.
Many of my GOODS on hand, will
be told at Cost for Cash, some even be
low that or I would sell out the enire
tfoc&onvery accomodating terms and
fhji HOUSE and LOT can be had -with
tit Btort if desired. J. L. 8.
House and Lot
TTE subscriber offers for h
house and lot al the rortheast end
of the borough of Somerset. The lot
contains one acre, the house is one snu !
n half stories high; and there is also a
staUe on the premiss. The property
is ingnml condition and will be fold on
reasonable terms and to a purchascrjwho
would pay cash, it will he put very lw.
Somerset county SS.
'"' 4 sn adjourned Orphan's
itfe jt (;url ,,el, al Somerset
SftiSkvariu and for the enmity of
-A-vTW.. o o"!. I -I C
VP ooinerse i on uie uay vi
November A. 1)
I81G, before the Hon-
erable Judges ihereof
ON motion of J. F. Cox, Esq., the
court ten a rule on ihe heirs and (le
g d Representatives of Christian Shocky,
deceased, to appear at an adjoured Or
phan's count to be held at Somerset, on
the 3d Monday of February, 1847, and
show cause if any they heve why the
real estate of said Christian Sltocky
dee'd, should not he sold.
Extract from the Record of said court
certified litis 23d i.ty of November.
A D 184G.
Dec 9 Clerk.
To the heirs and lenl rep
resentatives of 3Iichael
San ncr, dee'd.
rifAKE noiice that an inquest' will
M he held 'at the late dwelimr house
of saul uWeasen, in Millord township,
Somerset county, on Saturday iIk; SOlh
lay of January 1847, for ihe purpose ol
making partition of the real estate of
said dee'd. to and among his children.
1 a a a
ano legal representatives, u the same
a i
can be oone without preimJice to or
spoiling of the whole; otherwise to value
and appraise the same according to law;
at which time ami p'la-ce ym are request
ed to attend if you think proper.
dec 8. 1816. Sheriff
25) The virtues of this efficacious and
cheap medicine for the cure of Concump
tion and other diseases cannot be too well
known. Very mm$' lives have been
saved bv it. X. Y. Jlloruivz Jllas.
Jayne'sExpcctorant for Cough. Colds,
tc. So many people are afJlotcd with
these common every day disorders, that
we deem it our duty to point our readers
to a simple remedy, which we have tried
and found efficacious. Jayc Exec
toradt is a very valuable phial of syrup
which we have lately used wiih good
effect in stopping a Cough and loosening,
and breaking up a cold. It is a very a
greeable medicine. This recommmen
dation is not a bought puff, but entirely
voUiniary. And we frel that we can
hardly d.i a greater favor to our readers
in these days of cheaiing, lhaij to recom
mend them a well tried, efficient reme
dies, especially those wc have used our
selves. Daniel Henshaw,
Editor off the "Lynn Record," Mass.
Cancer. Goitre and Scrofula Cured.
Pretty ample experience has proved that
Jay re's Life Preservative is a Remedy
for Cancer, King's Evil, Crochoceie or
Goitre and Diseases of the Skin which
will not fail one time in a hundred of
effecting a radical cure. It is also one of
the most pleasant and safe articles ever
offered for the relief of the afflicted.
Sold by J. J. & II . F. Schell,
Somerset Pa.
Aleo by Edward Bevin,
Stoystown Pa
25) T!e fHo win letter from Dr. Brig
ham, of Lowell Mass., but speaks the
uniform langunge of huuilr?ds of other
Physicians, who have tried and therefore
know how to appreciate Jayne's Expec
torant. Lowell, Mass. Jan. 27, 1844,
Dr David Jayne:
Dear Sir. I have used your medicine,
(so universally known as Jayne's Ex
pkctph ant.) in my practice for a num
ber of years, and can most truly say. thai
I hav been more successful in the use of
that as a mild, safe and thorough Ex
pectorant, than of any which I have
ever IJ6e(l. jt js tie bf,st ror ,j:e fow.
ing obvious reasons. It docs not if giv
en in proper doses, occasion a disagree
able nausea. It does not weaken the
lungs and prostrate the system, like
most oiher Expectorants in common hsp
j nor does i- abnte the appetite of the pa-
urni, ime otner nauseating medicines,
which have been used by the faculty.
In a word it is nearly or quite the thins?
which has been souget for by many of
the faculty for ages gone by.
I remain yours, &.
Luther Huigham. M. D.
Sold by J.J.&H. F. Schell,
Somerset Pa.
Also by Edward Bevin,
Stystown Pa.
Blank Deeds,
Aj LOT of Blank Deeds of a superior quaTi
atVaUa ty, just printed and now for mle
TIONS, For sale at this Office.
Blank ExcniitiaiVf:.
1 FOR SALE at thii Office.
NERSHIP. THE co-parnership existing between
Perry O. Koutz and Georjje Fair
has been dissolved by mutual consent,
the dissolution to lake place on the 1st
of January 1817. The books to be set
tled by ilie partners. I he shop in ei-
lersburg will in future be earned on o
P. C- Kauiz, and ihe shop at Mount
Savage by George Fair.
KUu I , ot r
Wellersburg, Dec. 22. 1810.
rrHE subsenbe wouhJ respcctinny
A inform the public, that he has just
a . I O .
received and opened out in tne oiure
Kiminel. Esq., in Berlin,
a fresh and assorted stock of
Drugs, Medicines, Taints.
Dues and Confectionarics,
which he offers to sell very cheap for
Persons wishing to purchase articles
in his line of business, are invueu 10 call
i nd examine his stock.
an 2l'40. SAMUEL J. ROW
SIHS Stove combines all that is val
fi liable in txistine Cooking Stoves
with certain improvements peculiar to
itself. It is constructed u-.)Oii a new and
entirely distinct piinciple truly philo
sophical, so as to pass the flue entirely
round the oven, thus making it enveloped
vr Jfome encircled, without impairing the
necessary draught of the stove. This
method of thus passing twice round,
once over and once under the oven, is the
secret of i:s great economy in the use of
fuel, vt hile the enlargement of the air
cliam'her affords increased space for the
rarefaction of air and compensates for
the usual disadvantages of a circular
draught, It bakes, roasts, and boils.
easier and better iIjxh any
Stove yel of
the advantage
fered to the public, with
over most of ihen of saving one half the
fuel. It is superior to the Qieen of
the West," -Buck's Patent," -Eclipse"
or "Haihaways Patent," for the follow
ing reasons: In these Stoves the upper
side of the ovrn is dependant for heal
and can have from no other source than
what radiates through ihe plate on which
the fire is made. II the ashes be lif'.cd
clean, too cmch heat will radiate and
ourn the bread on ihe tipper
side, if too much ashes be left, the bread
will not bake ol the upper side. Of this
i r -. ii i. I -.. M. : .
ueieci an goou cooks compiain. ms
Stove is entirely free of this ohjection,
the oven always heating exactly alike
top and bottom, and ends. Many buy
the Premium ortepstov and otliers of
f imilar model. These Stoves consume
much fuel, for first the fire chamber is
too deep, the pots &c., are too high a
bove the fire. Second when using ihe
oven, all the beat whivh passes off under
ihe oven being one ha'f, never comes in
contact wiih the boiling utensils. passesoff
into ihe pipe and is lost. Also our Stove
is so arranged with a bank or elevation
in the fire chamber as to ensure the use
of the flame upon the forward part nf
the Stove first, and it then passes back
afterward heating all alike whereas
Stoves like the Hathaway, having one
vest chamber, allow loo wide a range
for the flame without suffcieut concen
tration. Wc manufacture two sizes of ibis
Stove at iheEaole Foundry in BerlinSom
erset county. Pa. For the larger size
most of the pots commonly used in the
kitchen w ill answer.
Always on Imwl, a complete assort
ment of PLOUGHS, with PLOUGH
CASTINGS of great variety. HOL
LOW WARE of superior material and
finish, conipri?injr eveiy thing in that
line. CASTINGS on hand, and made
to order, on the most reasonable .terms.
Berlin. Oct. 13 184G 3m.
THE snbscriberrespecifully informs
his friends and the public in gen
eral, that he carries on the
Stone Cutting Business
in all its various branches, at his shop
on main street, 2 doors east of George
Piles tavern, and nearly opposite the
drugstore of John L. Snyder.
made at the shoaiest noiice, and on the
most reasonable terms, and in a manrr
that will render them superior to o-m
other manvfuclured in this section oftht
Grind stones of an excellent quality,
always kept on hand.
Also constantly on hand, marble
Country produce taken in exchange
for work, at Market Prices.
Somerset, Pa.,
March 5. 1816
AtxEcrrzD at this office.
Cheap, Good and Fashionable.
THANKFUL for past favors, the
subscriber would respectfully in-
orm his old customers and the public
generally, that he continues to carry on the
in all its branches, at his old stand on
main street, in the borough of Somerset,
where he keeps constantly on hand a
supply of HATS of his own manufac
ture, made ol the best materials and in
every vnrietv of style emb'acin?.
Fur, Nutria. Russia, Cassimer
Country Dealers will be supplied with
any quantity they may desire for retail,
on short notice and at moderate prices;
and customers can at all times cither have
a choice from among the stock on hand,
or have their hats made to order, of any
From his long experience in the busi
ness and a determination to ee' cheap,
and at the same lime also that his hats
shall not be excelled by those of any
oiher establishment here or elsewhere,
the subscriber flatters hinself with the
iiope lhai he shall contiiwe to receives
liberal share of pu'dic patronage.
The subscriber understands thai some
persons have been selling hats as having
been manuf.wtured by him, which are
made elsewhere and he therefore cau
tions the pnblic against purchasing any
as his make, which have not t'e words
John C. Kurtz, Main street, Somerset,
Pa.," on the tip
Furs and approved country produce
taken in exchange for hats.
rTPHE subscriber thankful for past fa-
B vors, lakes this method of informing
his usfl-mers and the public in general
thai he has removed to tiie sho- former
ly occupied by him immediately west of
the residence of John L. Snyder, anil
one door east of the fice of C. F.
Mitchell, Esq., in the Borough of Sum
erset where he will coustantly keep on
hand. COPPER and
of ever)' description, manufactured from
the best materials and in a neat find du
rable manner. COPPER KETTLES.
STOVE PIPE, nd other
articles in his line of his in ess w:ll be
made to order on short notice. Persons
wishing to purchase good and cheap ar
ticles are resnee'fully invited to give lum
a call.
Approved country produce will he ta
ken in exchange for ware.
Feb. 1 7-3m.
mT a t
i. u. Also on hand, a nuincer o
Sfoves, of different sorts, which will be
sold rheap.
Drs, Speer and Kuhn.
HHE object of ibis establishment is
j to supply a want greatly felt by re
spectable travellers on our western high
ways by residents, w ithout family, ta
ken sick and by patients from ihe sur
rounding towns ami country who resort
to this place for relief Irom surgical and
other diseases. Such have often suffered
from the want of the various comforts
and attentions so necessary and agreeable
to ihe sick, and from careless and un
faithful nurses; and been subjected to
heavy and unreasonable charges.
Invalids will here be provided with
constant, faithful and comfortable atten
dance, snd al a rate much below the usu
al charges.
While the care of both physicians will
be extended to every variety of disease,
it is intended by Dr. Speer, to give spe
cial attention to
To these branches of his profession
he has eiven a large share ol his atten-
ion for ihe lasl twenty-five years, and
he will continue to devote to them the
experience acquired by a constant prac
lice during that time.
The Hotel for Invalids is not an exper
iment. Its establishment is suggested
not only as necessary to supply an evi
dent want in this city, in the entire ab
sence of any special provision for the
sick, but is warranted also by the success
of similar institutions at Cincinnati and
New Orleans the former under the care
of Drs. Taliaferro, Marshall and Strader
the latter under that of Dr. Stone.
The building selected for ihe purpose
is situated attheccrner of Federal and
Robinson streets, in Allegheny city, ad
. i . r i . i
joining ine cny i riiisrjurun. it is
commodious and roomy, anj furnished
with all accommodations necessary for
he sick.
Applications for admission to be made
to the subscribers, at their office on Penn
street, Pittsburgh, or at the establishment.
C7No contagious diseases will be adj
mined. J. R. SPEER, M. D.
J.S. KUHN, M. D.
February 25, 1815.
have formed a copartnership in the prac
tice of the Law, in the county of Somer
set. All business entrusted to them
will receive prompt attention. Office
in Snyder's new brick building near the
Dec. 8 1846.
Coughs, Colds, Consumptions,
Important to all those afflicted with dis
eases of the Lungs and Bieasts.
Seven Thol-sand Cases of obstintttejml
vionury complaints ctked in one year!
for Lung Complaints, and alt affections
of the Hetptralory Organs.
Read ihe following letter written to
our Agent at Bowling Green, Ky, bv a
gentleman of high standing in that
Mr. Joseph L. lounghve Sir
As a duty I owe to the community.
and particularly to ihe afilcted, I would
state that I had oeen tor a number. of
vears laboring under disease and weak-
ness of the Itrngs, which caused me to
cough a great deal, & produced a vonse-
queut debility of my system geuerally,
to such a degree that it was with ddi
culty I could walk, to do which even for
a short distance, experienced great fa
tigue. 1 had various medicines recom
mended lo me, which I used without any
beneficial effects whatever, until I pro
cured a buttle of Wistar'd Balsam ofWild
Cherry. The use of one bottle afTorded
relief, entirely relieving me of cough,
and restoring my lungs to healthy action.
The use of it for a short lime increased
my general health and strength to such
an extent, that I was strorger and moie
Leahy than I had been for years before.
From the trial I have made of the medi
cine, I can vnfidentlv recommend it as a
powerful Tnie" a certain cure lor af
feciioits of ile lungs, unless it may be in
a case of consumption, obstinate and of
Narch 7, 184G Bowling GreenKy.
mr tf to wm
IRead the following statement of facts
from Mr, E, Bailv. a highly respecta
ble merchant of Vicuna, Johnson coun
ty, Illinois
Messis Phelps & Blakeley, St,
Louis, Mo,
Gentlemen. A desire to benefit the
afilcted throughout the land has alone
induced me to make the following state
ment of facts respecting one of
the most astonishing cures ever re
corded, My son, now 17 years
old, has been afilicted during his whole
lile with a constant cough, pain in ;he
side and chest, accompanied wiih night
sweats and hectic fever, which produced
great emaciation and debility; and at in
tervals during the nighi iiis first expec
toration would become so great as to en
danger his life from strangulation. Du
ring this time he was attended by many
physicians of the highest repute, whose
prescriptions gave bui temporary relief
in fact so alarming were the synnoms
and so inveterate was his disease, that I
was compelled to believe him beyond
the reach of medical aid. All our neigh
bors and friends who saw him, regarded
him as one who was rapidly approach
ing the grave. After having thus ex
hausted the skill of our best physicians,
without obtaining relief, I was prevailed
upon by the advice of a friend to make
use of Wisar's Uaham of Wild Cher-
He commenced its use about the 30th
of December, 1841, the first bottle of
which gave astonishing relief, ami began
egain indulge in the fond hope that he
might yet be restored to health.
After having coirinued the uso of it
until 3 bottles had been taken, the dis
ease was entirely removed and his shat
tered constitution and emaciated form
restored to sound and permanent health
which he continues enjoy up to the
present time.
I believe the genuine Dr. Wistars Bal
sam of Wild Cherry to be one of ihe
most valuable medicines ever discovered
knowing, as 1 do, that the above cure
was effected solely by its use.
1 am, gentlemen, very respectfully
Your most obedient servant,
Aprii 9, 1S4G. ELI DAILY.
fceyCures similar to ihe above are
constantly being performed in all parU
of ihe countrj', and we should be desti
tute of all feeling of humanity, did we
not call upon all who are afilicted with
pulmonary diseases to resort ol once to
the use of this, the only remedy that can
be relied upon for a cure.
The true and genuine Wistar's Bal
sam bf Wild Cherry is sold at establish
ed agencies in all parts cf the U. States.
So d in Cincinnati on the corner of
Fourih and Walnut streets by
Gen'I agents for ihe Western Slates.
Agents for Wistar's Balsam.
J. L. SNYDER. Somerset,
J Lloyd & Co, Donegal,
S Philson, Berlin,
H Little, Stovstown,
G H Keyser", BedforJ.
O:teber0, 1846--ly
L.iUtiKo nii protosMonnl nerxice, to j,
public. Otlicc in the buiUlins formerly
. cnj'ico i'v n:irie ugic, r.q., as a taw olf.i
j june 9, 1815.
1 A N apprentice to ihe Hatimg lUui.
ness is wanted by the subscriber j,
Application to be made so:,.,
For the cure of Ih pal i lex cr Lirfr Complaint
Dysprpsia and Sick Head-Ache.
RTIIS remedy having leo for cvrral ?eara
lb employed by the proprirtnr in hi prnctice
on a very large scale in Movonsnlm, IVc-irsn'
HarrUon nd Randolph counlies, in Virginij. he
sides several other places, and having lVilt atun.
ded with the most happy efforts, he lias U-cn from
time to time solicited to aJopt such a course m
woulJ give it a more extensive wiih
a view to lessen ihe amount of human sulK-rin.
Aware of the fact that many useless nosi ruins
have heen palmed upon the public, he hesiiat. j
for several years until thoroughly convinced that
the above medicine, if properly "used, would not
ijuio eueci euros in a great many instances, and
even to alleviate those cases which are quite incu'
aide. i
Simpfoms of a diseased Liver. Pain in lh
right side, under ihe edije of the ril. incrrard
on pressure; sometimes the pain is in die left
die patient is rarely aide to lie on the left siJo
sometimes the pain is felt under the rhouMer.
blade, it frequency extends to the top of the shoul
der, and is sometimes mistaken for a rheumati.-ni
in the ri!t arm. The stomach is affected wiilj
loss of aptx'lUeand sickness; the !owels, in gen
ral.are costive, sometimes altering with lax. the
head ;s troubled with pain, accompanied with a
dull, heavy sensation in the buck part. There is
generally a considerable loss of memory, aiconi
panied with a painful sensation of lining ( ft
undone something which ought to have Ifcn
done. A blight dry cough is sometimes an atten
dant. The patient comphins of weariness end
dotxfity; he is easily startled, his feet are colder
burning, and he complains of a prickly sensation
cf Ihe scin; liiu spirits are low; and although ho
is satisfied that exercise would le 1 eneficial !
him. yet he can scarcely summon up f .rtitu
enough to try it. In fact, he distrusts every ie
medy. .Several of the above symptoms attend
the disease, but cases have nrcuiTcd where few o
them existed, yet examination of the bodv after
death has shown the liver to have bceu extensive
ly deranged.
This is to certify, that having been awocjaiJ
with Dr. M'Lane in the practice of medicine for
nearly two and a half years, I have hud rmpy
opportunities of witnessing the good t fleets o
his l.iver Pills, and I believe they have rured and
relieved a much larser proportion of the diseases
of the liver, than I have known cured and re
lieved bv any other course of treatment.
Dec. 7, 1836. OLIVER MORO.AN, M. D.
OTOhseiive None are genuine without ft
fac-simile of the proprietor's signature.
Prepared for the proprietor bv
Wholesale and Kctail Druggist, corner nf
4th and Wood Ms, Pittsburg. P,
They are also sold by the following agents.
John L. Snyder, Somerset.
Hay l Morrison, Lavansville.
Knablc and Vought, Centrcvill ,
M. A. Ross, Potersburgli,
A. Wyatl, Smilhfield.
C. Cook, Wellersburgh.
Samuel Kurtz, Somerset.
Samuel Ha met. Addison.
I.ivongood & WeMIey. Salisbury.
Charles Krissinger, Berlin.
Kdrn. Kernan, Jenocr Cross road
Edwasd iJevin, Stovstown.
V.&. W. Myers. Myers Mill.
B. In rnk-r that there may le no mistake.
be particular and ask
lor -ur. .vi j.ane 8
J . . i
Patent Vermifuge.
Db. XIcLAJtk's America Wohm Srr.cino
Tromplly expels Worms to an almost in
credible number!
fFJO substantiate the alove fad many hundred
Jn of testimonials could !e adduced, out of
which the following are selected, from individ
uals of standing and veracity. Indeed, il is con
fidently affirmed that each new trial of the w
ers of this remedy will have an additional ten-
jdeney to w iden and confirm its fame, and that if
it were universally known and diffused over ihn
United States, it would not save less than many
hundreds, if not thousands of lives annually
I do certify that a vial of Dr. M'Lane's Amen
can Worm Spcrific expelled live hundred and two
whole worms and pieces that would have made
sixty more, from a boy of John Levelling, which,
it laid in a straight line, would have most probably
measured the enormous length of one hundrer
yards. JOSIA1I JACKSON, owner of Wata
Forge, and other works. Monongalia county tVa
This is to certify that I purchased from Holme
cV Kidd a vial of Dr. M'Lane's American Womi
Specifi", and gave two doses lo a Loy tf n;it:o
about three years years of age. He passed fully
half a pint of worms. The quantity was o large
I was really alarmed, and called in several of my
neighbors to see Ihem. Had this story been re
lated to me, I could not have credited it, without
being an eye-witness lo the same. My child'
heihh improved much after.
Merchant Tailor, Wood t, Pittsburgh
Some two months ago I purchased a vial of Dr
M'Lanes A merican Worm Specific. I gave a boy
of mine most of a vial; he jessed forty very
large worms. From that time his health" impro
ved very much. I had tried two other Vermifuges
to no purpose. I believe Dr, M'Lane's the host
article before the public. D. CALHOUN.
Mifflin township, Allegheny county.
From a regular Physician, Dr G S Smith, San
linh, Ohio.
Mr. J. Kidd Dear Sir I hav ued in mr
paclice Dr. M'Lane's American Worm Sjeeirir.
rndhavc often witnessed its effcaey in exwHinj
worms from the system. A patient of mine, a
short time ag-j, gave a vial of the Worm Sj ifie
to a child; in a short time upwards of wity-fia
worms were expelled.
Prepared for the Proprietor I y
Wholesale and Retail Druggist, comer of
4th and Wood st. PilUburgh,
Also for sle by the flowinj aeuls
JOHN L. SNYDER, Somerset,
Hay and Morrison, L.ivansvillc.
K nablc and Vought. Ceutrcviila,
W' A. Ros, lYtersl.urgh.
A. Wyatt, Smilhfield.
G.Cook. Wellersburgh.
Samuel Kurlz, Somerset.
Samuel Harnrf. Ad?i.on.
Liengood &. WclrFlt y. SanInjry
Chailes Krissinger, Doilin.
Edm. Kernan. Jenner Cro read
Edward He' in, .S'
1. A. W. Myrrn. Myers Mill.
- j . a aaw w
Amnricm VV.rni fi.criij. . or Pjieiu Vc.fyg
r. a. Be rmrucnlar lo ask fjr L)-. M'iuSt