HEW AD7ERTISEHEHT3."" practicable, the mountain guns would be LvailaMe at tha most difficult positions; nJvrJi;sr.i with alucri'y, an J pouring their fires of th? most destructive missiles upon an euemv, who otherwise might post hin pelfia apparent security to dispute we passage of our troops. The compactness anJ simplicity of Ihe eamppage of the new mountain artillery js , deenieJ very superior to either that o. the French cr the English. The pack e.iJdle, for -instance, is identical for the three purposes of transporting the gon, lhe carriage, and the amunition; whereas, in foreign services, the sadule is made Tor each of those particular purposes: and the carriage, besides being packed may likewise be transported by draft wher ever the surface of the ground is suffi ciently smooth for carriages to travel, and for this purpose shafts accompany, the carriages, which, in packing, arc detach ed, and carried upon the horse, on which the howitzer is mounted. The whole ar rangement of the gun, carriage, amunition and'equipment, is exceedingly eoaipaet, ne3t and ingenious. Attached to this corps, it is understood to be the intention of the "War Depart ment to organize a Rocket Corps, for ser vice in the field. This, likewise, is novel to our service, but for many years lias been considered a most important branch of the ordnance in the British army where the construction and service of war rockets have been per fect and effective and it is believed by the officers of our army, who have atten ded to the subject, that their use in Mexi co, will be attended with equal success. The introduction of recent improvements in this projectile, has added, very consi derably to its destructivencss, by increa sing its accuracy of flight. Movements of tfco Troops. The Malaraoras Flag says: ' The 3d and 4th Illinois Regiments broke up their encampments at this place on Monday last, and commenced the inarch for Tampieo. It is the intention, J we understand, to form an encampment at Moquete, a rancho about six leagued distant, and await the coming of supplies, v.hieh. we hear it stated, will take some eight or ten days to send forward. A part of the Tennessee cavalry regiment marched with them, and the remainder will go forward in due time. The com bined strength of the three regiments is not more than eighteen hundred men the two Illinois regiments furnishing little over half the number, sickness and death having roduced them one third their ori ginal strength, Gen. Patterson still has his quarters in the city, and we cannot venture a statement as to any fixed day for his departure, such information not being easily come at the best way to state it.is to say that he will be off when he gets ready. It is given out that the ex pedition proceeds first to Victoria, which will lengthen the march to Tainpico one fourth, and make it a journey of near five hundred miles. We cannot conceive vrhat everybody is to be sent to Tampieo for. "What do they in the south when they should be" somewhere eke. Military SlovemcniS. Tn the steamer Alabama, which hk New Orleans on the 23d ultimo for the Rio Gran J., and on board of which Cm. Scott and his Staff were passengers, there were also embarked five com names of the United Slates Mounted Riflemen, as follows: Company A, Capt. Loriug r.d Lieuts. Morris and Palmer; Company B, CapU Sanderson and Lieut. (Jordan; Company- I), CapL Pope and Lieuts. Claiborne ana -a Hawkins; ivomnanv C. Capt. Crittenden and Lieut. May and (-cmpany G, Capt. Simonson and Lieuts. Russell and Gibbs, all destined for Tam pieo the whole under the command of Major Summer, Major Uurbridge being compelled to slay in New Orleans in consequence of illces. Lieuts. Newton, Tipton, Taylor, Lindsay, and Ewcll, "with a detachment of men, were also left liehitid for some days, to superintend the shipment of the horses belonsfinir to the rompanies, which are to be dispatched at lhc earliest possible moment. Dicknelfs Reporter. A Bcplorablc Accident. The Holidaysburg Register says: During the high wind on Sabbath last, the roof of the Raptist Meeting House in Duncansville was entirely lifted off, and the western gab'e-end blown in, severely injuring four individuals who were on the gallery, and several others slight!. Mrs. Rurbsmk was badly cut under the chin, and in her face and body otherwise much bruised. Her daughter, a little girl about fourteen years old, had her left arm bro ien, and is otherwise much hurt. Mr. Stover's daughter, of the same age, had her ankle dislocated and fractured, her face r.nd temples much bruised. Miss Malinda Staler, although none of her limbs were broken, was verv severely in jured her back very much bruised and her face since swollen that any one would scarcely recognize her. Erery assistance was rendered by the physicians and others, and all are now doing well." The Louisville Journal says: "Col. Mitchell, who was shot ia the leg at Monterey, and is still suffering much from his wound. Adjutant Armstrong, who had oje of bis legs s"hot off in the same battle, and several wounded officers and men of the Ohio Regiment, passed through tms city on Friday last, on their way to Onieinnnati. They were direct from Monterey." The r.nmbcr of passengers that arrived st HilLim-:?, f.-ori fore:gn ports during the yar I RIO, v.:.s as follows: From R rem en 8,3:1'?; from Rotterdam 663; from ,muenh'n I.V2; from Havre 326; Horn Lon!o:i 172; from Liverpool 166. Total U,911. Tea anil Coflce. The Allowing is a copy of the letter addressed by the Secretary of the Treas ury to the -chairman of ths Committee of Ways and Means of the House of Repre sentatives. The "Union" accompanies its publication with a paragraph urging the (speedy adoption ol tnc measure pro posed: , Treasury Department, Dec. 21. '-10. Sir: . Permit me most respectfully to call your attention to the views submit ted in mv last annual report in regard to to Imposing duties on tea and coffee. """""" These duties were suggested in view of the necessity of obtaining the loan tneren proposes, ana tins iiepartment feels bound to communicate the opinion entertained by it, that m the -absence of these duties, it will probably be wholly impracticable to negotiate the loan on such terms as would be permitted by Congress, - - - "Most respectfully, - : Your obedient servant, ' R. J. WALKER. Secretary of the Treasury. lion. Jmes J. McKay. Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means. 1- - ' t -" T . "- An Irish girl named McCormik, rc su'inT in Hamilton. Canada West, as a servant, has been guilty of a series of vcrv strange acts. In her capacity as servant, she would with a very artless address ascertain the feelings 'of almost every lady, relative to the tender pas sions," telling them that Mr. , a dry goods clerk, or a lawyer, &c, was des perately in love with them, and that he would contrive to see them on a certain night. When the night appointed came, the young gentleman spoken of would come, in the shape of Miss McCormick in male apparel. In tliacc different ca ses the question was popped, and ac-s ccptcd: in one the wedding dress wr.8 made. The fun was tried once too of-1 ten, and the gav creature was on Mon-1 day locked up in juL F I II i:. A very serious fire broke out last night in a four story brick building at the cor ner of Liberty and Wayne streets, own ed by Reuben Miller, Jr., and occupied by Gal way & Watson as a liquor store. The house though not burned down, is completely burnt out, from first floor to the rvf, with a large amount of liquors. The fire, with such aids, burnt long and obstinately; but was finally subdued by the untiring energy of the firemen and prevented from spreading any further though connected with other buildings on bc-ih streets. The building and stock are fully in sureJ in tho Delewarc ?Iutual office. Ilavs & Rockawav suffered very slight ly by the removal of some drugs. Pro tected by the Franklin o.Cicc!. Pittsburg Americon. i so?cs OF EMINENT MEN. Major Van Buren, son of the Ex-President, acted as aid to Gen. Taylor at the &icge ot Monterey, Lieut. Calhoun, son of the Sou t!i Carolina Senator, has, for some lime past, been acting as aid to Gen. E, P. Gaines. Lieut. Col. Henry Clay, son of Harry of the West, is now in Mexico vi;h a regiment of Kentucky Vo'unteors, and has been invited by Gen. Taylor to becoma one of his staff. A son of Senator Wthster is Captain of a com pany of Volunteers in Massachusetts, and will probably soon be in Mexico. A son of t'.ie Hon. .T.J. Crittenden is a Captain i:i the new regiment of Mounted Rifle men. The Baltimore Clipper says: A gen tleman named Reynolds, who recently ar rived in this city, accompanied by his wife and child, and put up at the Swan Tavern, corner of Franklin and Eotaw sts., disappeared very singularly onl Wed nesday night, and we understand, has not been fcince beard from. lie started to go to one of the theatres on the above even ing, and was known to have had in his possession between 6300 and 400, and being a unst correct and steady man, his absence has 2:ivcn rise to most fearful ap prehensions for his safety." Crla. The New York Tribune says: "In making an estimate a few davs since of the quantity ol Grain exported thi3 year to 22d December, (reducing Fiour and .Meal to Grain) from this port, we made the quantity eight millions of bushels, not inrlading Barley, Rye and Oats. We .have sinca ascertained that of Rye the exports reach 930,000 bushels, averaging about one dollar per bushel in value." More Trouble. The Van Buren (Ark.) Intelligencer, of the 12th inst. says: Wc learn that some ons or more of the volunteers, so supposed, who are now stationed at Fort Gibson Jiavc recently killed two Chero kees. The Chcrokees are -Teatly exci ted and loudly demand redress. We have not h?ard any particulars, and there fore we arc not able to give any history ol the affair, nor our opinion as to the cause of the murders, or the justice -of the excitement." Santa .4 mi a and the 32cxicans. A letter from Monterey, under date of Nov 25th, says: "Santa Anna is said to be very strong in San Luis, having about 30,000 volunteers besides the rerulars Reports, however, are conflicting. The Mexicans are disappearing daily from this neighborhood no doubt to join San ta Anna." SpEcir. Comi.no. r - u,T0rnfbmbroasIt out from I Lufiuad 116,432 m specie. IIOYVTXG the srrcate he Countv of law, for County and State purposes; as required uy an ;vci oi Mwmuij u. una um monwoalth, passed the 27th day of July, 184?. 1YALUE ut Gross Ileal Estate, of Horses, Cat lie. Sic. as sessed for county rates jposes. ind levies, " Addison Allegheny Broiliersv.illey Berlin . Cmemaugh Elkhck (Jreenvilie Jen ner Miiford " Paint Quemahoning : Somerset Borough Stoys'own Borough Sioneycreek Southampton Shade Summit Turkeyfoot Somerset township G551I 43582 141681' 12.504: ' 8280 1 i g:i 1 3 1 34971 - 393 36: 10542C 89235 20713 1 7562 8371S 61248' 147042 157380 Aiiiijfon w.vi S unerset townships will Tiie undersigned Commissioners of Somerset county, correct statement of the asrscresrate value of assessment objects made taxable by the laws of this Commonwealth for county and State pur poses, which statement has been revised, corrected and equalized according to the meaning and intention of the law. Given under our hands this 11th dtiy of .January, 1847. Attest JOilX II. KING, 11. L. STEWART, Clerk. PETEU BEKKEY, JOHN MONG. Santa Anna and 111 Troops. The Matamoras Flag states on the au thority of a Mexican, that Santa Anna enjoys "the unlimited confidence of the soldiery, and to such a pitch has he rai sed their ardor by eloquent appeals to their passions, that it would be impossible to conceive the enthusiasm that prevails A 1 1 amonT tncm. A general uesire is ex pressed to bo led against the invaders. ' ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. 0 ETTERS of Administration on the jf 4 estate of Peter Shirer, Sr., late of ballisbury,Elllik tp., dee'd. having been granted to the subscribers, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to attend at the late residence of the de ceased, on the 20ih fof January next, prepared to settle; and those having claims, to present them at the sanve time and place, properly authenticated. JOHN SHIRER, of F.Ik lick tn. PE TER SHIRER, of A Ih gany co., Md. Her. 8. 19J6-61 PROCLAMATION. TSi7?7HF.REAS the honorable Jeremi V T ah !S. Ulack, President, and G. Chorpcnning and John M'Carly, Esqs., associate Judges of the court of common pleas, in and for the county of Somerset, and assistant Justices of the courts of over and terminer antf general jail delivery and quarter sessions of the peace, in and for said county of Somerset, have issued their precept lo me directed, requiring me among other things to make public proclamation throughout my bailiwick. i!i at a court of oyer and terminer and general jail delivery: also, a court of gen eral quarter sessions of the peace and jail delivery, will commence at the bor ough of Somerset, in and for the county of Somerset, in the commonwealth o! Pennsylvania, on the 2d Monday of February next, (Sih day) in pursuance of which precept Public Notice is hereby cfiv- e, to the justices of the peace, the coro ner, and constables of said county of Somerset, that they be then and there, in their own proper persons, with their roils, records examinations, and inquisi tions, and other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices apper tain in thai behalf lo be done and also all those wiio prosecute against the priso ners that are, or then shall be, in the jail of the said county of Somerset, are to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. Given under my hand, at Somerset, this I 5ih day of January, in the year of our Lord 13 47. SAMUEL GRIFFITH Sheriff. LEGISLATIVE TELEGRAPH. Duting the ensuing eegsion of the Legislature, the Pennsylvania. Tele graph will be; published iwireta week, on fine double royal sized paper, and will contain full, impartial, and accu rate reports of the proceedings of the two Houses, together wiih the latest Cougrsssional, Foreign and General news. Experienced Reporters will be em ployed in bath branches of the Le giila ture, and every exertion used to make the. Telepraph urorthy of the patronag9 and confidence of the public, and of the reputation. h has acquired for correctness and impartiality. The ensuing session of the Legislature will be one of more interest to the citi zens ofPennsylvania ihan any one for: many years. Subjects of life deepest j interest io iter welfare to everv riiifcm will be agitated, in all of which the Telegraph will always contain the 1 3liJ most correct intelliScnco E latest Every M. M 112J1YMJJ2J value anU assessments mauc Somerset for the year 1847, upon property -made taxable by am t Amount ol Amount 01 Value Tax" forlbiate tax on Mortgages. carrNgf6 Watches , Furuitu rc, salaries of "oSee.&c. County, pur-jpropcrty as-f money at i5sed for. I n i e r e st. eounty pur-, bonds.judg- ,)Oses. ments, &c, &L C, " 262 04 6C6 94 190 53 492 71 ISO 74 425 04 375 14 248 40 15840 12801 240 5534 3927 8792 8351 174 32 506 72 5110-18 S3 1 20 G5 52 9 50 9 159 3 4 4-21 70 350 94 10X1 80 701 44 334 99 245 99 591 70 629 52 4S9 39 '704 92 119 5f. 316 27 267 79 80 14 337931 I -275 I860 1582 . 863 56 2653 526 06 251 24 183 74 443 82 471 H be included next week. intelligent citizen all who feel an inter est in .the afTdirs of the Commonwealth, should receive a paper from tha neat cf Government during the sessivu of the Legislature. In consequence of the facility of the Magnetic Telegraph we shall be enabled to give all important Congressional and oilier intelligence up to the hur of pub lication, As the publication of a paper of the size, and giving the information cf the Telegraph during the session, is at tended with great expense, as well as edilorul labor, our friends throughout Commonwealth are respectfully revest ed to aid in increasing the circulation in llieir respective neighborhoods during that period. The terms are : For the session, 2 00 For the vear, 5 00 Two copies of the Telegraph will be sent during the Session for S3, 00, The same deduction will be made for a la -re number. THEO. PENN. For February Term, 1847, 2ND MONDAY, 8l'H DAY. GRAND JUROhS Somerset br. Henry Siewart Henry Cborpenning Benjamin Masters Henry J Heiple David Lsvan Jacob Mo wry. Sidomen Bare Jacob Rishebcrger Henry Walter, Sr. Hiram Will Peter Miller Eli Tarmehill Somerset tp. Stoystown Miiford Conemaugh Turkeyfoot Quemahoning Josiah Swrenk Daniel Berkey Adam Friedline Jenner Addison John J Milier Joseidi Licbty John P II Walker Joseph Welch Southampton John Sturtz Berlin Ananias Heflly Francis Countryman Henry Paoi baugli, jr. Jacob Keim H. Valley Allegheny Elklick TRAVERSE JURORS. Miiford Joseph Boling Michael Shoaff Gsorge Humbert Jonai Ted row Henry Boucher Conemaugh Samuel Border Isaac Kaufman Peiei Levy Quemahoning Michael Zimmerman Daniel Specht Sionycreek Tobias Miller Abraham Musser Shade John Lambert Levi Herkepile Benjamin Clark Somerset tp. Henry Mussr Samuel H. Hunter Hiram Beam Jacob Maker Somerset br. James Armstrong Daniel Koutz Jenner Barnet Picking Mathew Black Ohara Kieman B. Valley George Kimrxel Tobias Lehman Jhn Land is Greenville Samuel Haller Jacob Warner John C Heal Stoystown Henry Little Turkeyfoot John Brooks George Pringey Frederick Bin Wh Southampton Dsniel Smrij Allegheny George Switter Addison Thomas EruUIey jr. John Hann.3. 'NT, in cat-u iuwiinii .um iiui- o!i Ain't il StaieUnss aiiumnt ol bt.its tax on proper ly taxable for State ' purpo ses only, Tkx 1847, for the year 190 53 544 83 178 81 432 8 4 391 89 248 40 501 67 7SZ 51 119 50 3 45 92 4("5 66 80 21 531 G4 256 93 187 42 461 57 4S0 17 4 CO 970 52 12 48 10 7 80 : 16 75 12 28 27 62 29 65 197 87 ? 60 50 125 400 OGoO 125 6 07 58 7 68 53 5 5 S 17 100 110 93 9 ;03 do certify that the above is a and valuation of the several Comm'rs. To the heirs and legal rep resentatives of John Gra ham, dee'd. FTjflAKE nonce that an inquest will .fi be held at the late dwelling house of said deceased, in the Borough of Stoystown, Somerset county, Pa , on Saturday the 1 6th day of January 1SJ7, for the purpose of making partition of the real estate of said deceased, to and a mong his children and legal representa tives, if the same can bo done without prejudice to or spoiling of the whole; otherwise, to value and appraise the same according to law; at which time and place you are required to attend il you think proper. SAMUEL GRIFFITH, dec 3, Sheriff. NOTICE. To the heirs and legal rcp rcsealaives of Jlu there Tinker ton, deed. Flj",'AKE notice that an inquest will H be held at the late dwelling house of said deceased, in the township of Turkeyfoot and county of Somerset Pa., on Saturday ihe 30:h day f January 1847, for the purpose of making parti tion of the real estate of said deceased. to and among his ChiHren and legal rep resentatives, if ihe sme can be done wiihftut prejudice to or spoiling of the who'c, otherwise lo value and appraise the same according to law, at which time and place you are required to attend if you think proper. SAMUEL GRIFFITH, dec 8 Sheriff. DAILY I N T E L LI GENU E R. .'2 JS'7D Arrangement. On the commencement of the ensuing session of the Legislature, the Penn'a Intelligencer will be published Daily during f!ie session, and Weekly the re mainder of the year on the following terms: For the session Daily, $2,00 For the year Daily and Weekly, 3,00 ICT-Payments in all cases lo be made in advance. I'he Daily will be published on a me dium sheet, the size of ihe dailies hereto fore issued .at the seat of Government. We have made arrangements for the em ployment of competent and experienced REPORTERS, and will give full, accu rate and impartial reports of the proceed ings of ihe Legislature. Ample sketches of the doings of Congress, accounts of the progress of the wir. the news of ihe tfjy, and a general variety of Political nnd miscellaneous matter, will also be given. We will so arrange as to issue every evening, a few hours after the adjourn ment, so that the proceedings of each day will be contained in the paper of the same evening, and w ill be delivered through the fiist mails that Jeatc after; the adjournment. i 'i'he Weekly will retain its present size and form, and wiil contain as great an amount and variety of reading mat-j ter as any other paper published at Har- risburg. . TO CLUBS. Tire Intelligencrr will be furnished to Clubs at ihe following rates: Three copies, Daily, for $5,00 Seven copies, do " 10.00 Any person obtaining tour subscrib3rs for ihe session or for the year, will be entitled to a fifth copy gratis. tC7But no paper will be sent without the cash accompanying the order. Monies may be remitted by mail. Mires C. W CURDY. Harriiburg, Dec. 12, 1516, A, II person? i.: 'elHed to t! r etr.te nf Jacob Will, Sr. h'e of Si.nyrrcr!t tp.. deceased, are requested to- meet t',e undersigned Ex'Tutors, at. the office cf Gthhnrt anJ Forward, in Somerset, orj Saturday the 20ih of Jr'thnnry i.ext. to settle; and those having c'ahiis.t rn sent them at the same time and place, propcily authenticated. Win. WILL, Jacob will. J m. 12 of Stonycrcek tp. Ex'r. Orphans' Court Sale IN pursuance of an order of ihe Or phan's court of Somerset county, t! ere will be exposed to sale by way of Public Vendue or outcry on the prem ises, on Su!urd(tj ihe Gth day of Febru ary next, (1847) the following Real Es tate late ihe property of Jacob Huffman, deceased, viz: A certain Tract or PLANTATION of land, tittiate in Jenner township, con taining 317 acres and allowance, more vt less, adjoining lands of David Simpson. Jacob Boyers, Conrad Keyser, Ji;,a Hoffman and others, with upwards of 100 acres of clear land, on which ara erected a large Two Story House and a one story house and a lare S:na Bank Barn, with other improvements. Terms: One third in hand, and tha balance in six annual payments, without interest, to be secured by Judgment bonds and Mortgage. Attendance will be given by William Rishcbargrr and John Hoffmann admin istrator's of the estate of said deceased. Bv the court, W. 11. PICKING. January F2, 1947. Clerk. Cumberland Market. Flour, per barrel, $1 50 a 5 00 Wheat, per bush!, go a 0 00 Rv. " 50 a 0 60 Corn, " 50 a 0 CO Oats, " so a 0 35 Potatoes 00 a 0 27 Apples, ' 0 00 a 0 CO " dried 44 50 7J Peaches dried ' 0 75 a 1 00 Butter, per pound, 00 a 0 00 Beef, 4 a 0 5 Veal, " 5 a 0 c Chickens, per dozen, 1 5 n 1 50 Eggs " 15 8 0 lr Stone Coal, per bushel, 7 0 9 Tittsburgh Market. Flour, 13 12 i S 60 Wheat 0 50 a 0 55 R a 37 Corn 81 a 37 Oats 0 a 25 Barley. 33 a 40 Bacon, hams, per lb 0 a 0 Pork CO a 00 Lard, 6a 7 Tallow, rendered 7 a CO ' rough 5 t 00 Butter, in kegs, 7 t 8 roll. 9 a 10 ChecseWestcrn Rescrva 0 a 7 " Goshen, CO a 10 Apples green, per barrel, 1 12 a 2 00 dried per bushel, 50 a 6"2 Peaches, 1 57 a 1 50 Potatoes, Mercer 00 a VJ Neshannockt a (13 Seeds, Clover 5 25 a 3 50 ,, Timothy I 25 a 1 50 Flaxseed 75 a 0 00 Wool 20 a 28 BANK NOTE LIST. PjUshurgli, Pa. STANDARD GOLD AND SILVER Pennsylvania. I iltsburgh, Banks, Philadelphia Banks, Girard Bank United States Banfc, Bank of Germantown Monongahela Bank Brownsville Bank of Gettysburg' Bank of Chester County Bank of Chambersburg Bank of Delaware, Bank of Susquehanna County Bank of Montgomery County Bank of Northumberland Bank of Lewistown Bank of Middleton, Carlisle Bank Columbia Bank and Bridge Co. Dcyiestown Bank Erie Bank Franklin Bank, Washington Farmers' Bank Reading fir par par 30 par i 1 rr U psr 5 par par par u If par par 1 1 par rarmers Bank Bucks County par Farmer's Drover's Bcr.k W'ayncsb'g ! Farmers' Bank Lancaster par par Lancaster Co. Bank Lancaster Bank Harrisborg Bank Honesdale Bank 4 u .1 w n 'Lebanon Bank j M tilers' Bank Poltsvill Wyoming Bank Northampton bank York Bank ; State Serin, Exchange bank Pitts.. i par 2 H Mer. and Manl's B issued by solvent Banks ' Ohio Mount Pleasant Stcubenrille, (F. & M.) St. Clairville Marietta New Lisbon Cincinnati banks, Columbus Circle ville Zancsviila Putnam Wooster Massitlon Raudusky Geauga 4 44 4