. ITEMS OF THE JIERlLtt. pr Wuna, payabht half-yearly in 3Tane ff -t p!i witkio the tr, wiU iBVria- uKfrUi-A months XNI14 subscriber discontinue tirrirwut J aioo of U. iiir. autit trrwragesare IKMK1rTR Wfil W ertet at fl per e?e. for -he first 4hxee insertion, ml 23 rfta r ery subseqaeut iosertisn: longer ,tjB oeepwtioB.. msnTTTTTflN OF PART- MERSHIP- flJinE co-parnership existing between 2 Perry C. Kouiz and George Fair 134 'earheolPi y mutual consent, j5-oluiion to take place on -the l&l fiacuary 1847. The books to be eet !edf ty Aht parlcerf . TLe hop in Wei irrrfaurg will in fubura be earned on by f. C' Kautz, and the shop at Mount 'gvaae by George Fair- 'fHirburf , Dec. 22, 1846 House and Xiot FTTVrE subscriber offers for sale a - Jj fcouee and lot at the northeast end ;f&e iiorouffh of Somerset. The lot eanuins nn"er?. the house is one nd ;tel (stories high; and there is also a tal4e.cn the pn nises. The property i iirod eon Juion and iH be sold on fea!ir..:hle ter ns and to a purchaserjwho nt Id ay cif . will be pwt very low. G :ORGE MILLER. -rw. gf T in adjourned Orphan's .4 It. Court held at bomerset " v in ami i ami for the county oi i .Somerset xn the 23d day of TUvtuber A.D. 186, before the Ilon crJU Judges thereof OS motion of J. F. Cox. Esq., he ar franfcft a rule on the heirs and (le Representatives of Christian Shocky, (wjwed, to appear at an adjoured Or )koaat to be held at Somerset, on lb 3d Monday of February, $47, and bwtuse if any they here why the e.1!taie of said Christian Skocky de4 liuld -not be sold. Emact Cre-ai the Record of said court certified this 23d day of November. A D 1840. IV, II. PICKING. Dec 23 Clerk. DR. B. JAYNES FJMILY MEDICINES.- AN IMPORTANT LETTER. PLEASE READ IT. 25) The following letter from Dr. Brig hio, of Lowell Mase. but Fneaks the uiuforaa language of hundr?ds of other IMiysieianft, wht have tried and therefore kaow Low to appreciate Jay ne's Expec- ' torant. - LffwEix, Mass. Jan. 27, 1344, . Pr David Jayne: Dear Sir- I have used your medicine, (o universally known as Jat.ne's Ex Txxoki.st.) in my practise for a num ber of years, aud can most truly say, thaf I har been more successful iu the use of th t i z ciild, afe and thorough Ex riiCTOjiANT, than of any which 1 have eer ued. it is the best for the fitllow inr obvious reasons. It does not if giv- in -proper doses, occasion a disagree ihi nzu&ez. It -does not weaken the longs arvj prostrate the sysiem, like oiher Expectorants in common use, Dor Joes it ibato the appetite of the pa tient, like other nauseating medicines, ulw'j have beea used by the faculty. In a ward it is nearly or quite the thin? which has been eou-get for by many of the faculty for ages gone by. I remain yours, &r. Luther 1'f.iqijam. M. D. Sold by J. J. &, II. F. Schell, Somerset Pa. Also by Edward Be vin, Stovstown Pa -Orphans' Court Sale "TTN pursuance of in order of the Or 'jL phan's Court there will be exposed m sale tiy way ot public vendue or out rry on the 8th day of January 1847, on ilie premises, the following Real Estate, late i'.ie property of John Kensinger, deceased, viz : A certain tract or i' L A N T d T I 0 V oriand, situate in Conamaugh township. Somerset county, containing about 114 a res and allowance more or less; ad j 'ioiKg lauds of Joseph Matson. John Liiiders, II. Hoover and others, wuh a b ut 60 acres clear land, on which are trTted a one and a half story house, log turn with other improvements. TERMS Three hundred dollars to be paid on iVe 25 day of March next, and the hal uiu'e in annual paymens, of one hun dred dollars without interest, to b e ;med by judgment bonds. Attendance willbegiren by the sub scriber. I3ENRY BURGET. Administrator of the esiaie of! s aid deceased. Per. 22. Blank Deeds, LOT of Uhuk Deeds of a superior juab tv,jvi2t prtuted an J now for sate AT THIS OfFfbE BLANK SUMMONS' AND EXECU , 'HONS, For sale at this Office. Blank I-xecution's. I'OH SALE at this Office. LAW NOTICE. ftW J. F. COX & JOS, J. ST.UTZMAN nave formed a eojiartnerftWp in the prac tice of the Law, in the county of Somer set. All business entrusted to lryfro will receive prompt attention. Office in Snyder's new brick bailing near th diamond. I)erv 8 184C. Coughs,' Colds, Consumptions, Important to ill those afflicted with dis eases ol the Lungs and Breasts. Sj:rcx Thousand Cases of obstinate pul monary complaints cured in oni: year! W I STAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHSHP.Tj THE CHEAT AMERICAN REMEDY for Lung Complaints, and all affections of the Jiespiratory Organs. Read the following letter written to our Agent at Bowling Green, Ky, by a gentleman of high standing io that place. Mr. Joseph 1,. YoungloveSxx' As a duty I owe to the community, and particularly to the affleted, 1 would ' siate ih;t 1 had been for a number Jul vears laboring under disease and weak ness of the lungs, which caused me to cough agreal deal, Si produced a conse quent debiliiy of my system geuera'.ly, to such a degree that it was with difi culiy I could walk, to do which even for a short distance, experienced great fa tigue. 1 had rarious medicines recom mended to me, which I used without any ueneiiciai euecis wiiaterer. until I pro cured a boftle of Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. The use of one bottle afforded relief, entirely relieving me of cmigb, and restoring my lungs to healthy action. The use of it for a short lime increased ray general health and strength to such an extent, ihl I was s'.rorger and more healty than I had been for years before. From the ttial 1 have made of ha medi cine, I can confidently recommend it as a powerful Tnic" a certain cure lor af fectious of tle lungs, unless it may be in a case of consumption, obstinate aud of longstanding. . JAMES A. LEWIS. Narcli 7, 184C Bowling GreenK y. ANOTHER INVALID RESTORED TO HEALTH. Read the following statement of facts from Mr, E, Baily, a highly respectas hie merchant of Vienna, Johnson coun ty, Illinois, Messts Phelps & Blakeley, - St, Louis, Mo, Gentlemen. -A desire to benefit the afficted throughout the land has alone induced me to make the following state- 9 ment of facts respecting one of the mo;t astonishing cures ever re corded. My. son, now 17 years old, has been afflicted daring hid whole life with a constant cough, pain in the side and chest, accompanied with night sweats and hectic fever, which produced great emaciation and debility; and at in tervals during the night his first, expec toration would become so firpat as to en danger his life from strangulation. Du ring this time he was attended by many physicians of the highest repute, whose prescriptions gare but temporary relief in fact so alarming were the symtoms and so inveterate was his disease, that I Mas compelled to. believe him beyond the reach of medical aid. All our neigh bors and friends w ho saw him, regarded him as one who was rapidly approach, ing the grave. Afier having thus ex hausted the skill of our best physicians, without obtaining relief, I was prevailed upon by the advice of a friend to make use of' Wsar's Uuham of Wild Cher ry. He commenced its use about the 30th of December, 181 1, the first boule of which gave astonishing relief, and began ?g iin indulge in the fond hope that he might yet be restored to health. After having corvinucd the u?o of it until 3 bottles had been taken, the dis ease was entirely removed and hit shat tered constitution and emaciated form restored to sound and permanent health whi h he continues U enjoy up to the present time. I believe the genuine Dr. Wistars Bal- JsamofWild Cherry to be one of the most valuable medicines ever discovered -knowing, as I dv, thai the above cure was effected solely by its use. I am, gentlemen, very respectfully Your most obedient servant, April 9, 1845. ELI BAILY. tCT'Curcs similar to ihe above are constantly beii.g performed in ali parts oflhe country, and we should be desti tute of all feeling of humanity, did we not call upon all who ate afflicted with pulmonary diseases to resort ol once to the us of this, the only remedy that can be relied upon for a cure. The true and genuine Wistar's Bal sam bf Wild Cherry is sold at establish ed agencies in all parts cf the U. States. ooiu in vinnnnaii on the corner of rourtn and Walnut streets by SANFORD & PARK, Gen'I agents for the Western States. Agents for Wistar's Balsam. J. L. SNYDER, Somerset, J Lloyd fc Co, Donegal, S Phileon. Berlin, II Little, Sloystown, G II Keyser, Bedford, O;tober0, 134G.-ly ST KAY HEIFFZU- GAME to the premise oflhe subscri ber in Elklick township, en the 27th of October last, a one year old BI.ACIv IIEIFlfEK. with some WHITE spots about the head and a hole in the right ear. -- " . - -' The otvner is requested to come and prove property and pay charges, other wise said heifTer wilt be sold as the law directs. WM. R1NGLER. . Doc. 15, '46. JVZSfr DJtVG AND IMDSGifJE STORE IN BERLIN THE subscriber would respectfully inform the public, that he has just received and opened out in the Store room of Jacob Kimmel, Esq., in Berlin, a fresh and assorted slock of Druzs, Medicines, Faints, J) ties a n d Co nfeci ion a vies, which he offers to sell very cheap for cash. Persons wishing to purchase articles in his line of business, are invited io call and examine his stock. ar2r40. SAMUEL J. ROW FLAME ENCIRCLED OVEN COOKING STOVE. rTMUS Stove combines all that is al JL uablein existing Cooking Stoves with certain improvements peculiar to itself. It is constructed upon a new and entirely distinct principle truly nhilo sophica, so as to pass the flue entirely round the oven, thus making it enveloped or flame encircled, without impairing ihe necessary draught of the stove. This method of thus passing twice round, once over and once under the oven, is the secret of i'.s great economy in the use o fuel, while the enlargement of the air chamber affords increased 6pace for the rarefaction of air and compensates for tiie usual msauvantages or a circular draught. It bakes, roastjs.-and boils. easier and belter lhan anv Stove yet of fered to the public, with the advantage over most of them of saving one half the fuel. It is superior to the Queen -i) the West," "Buck's Patent," Eclipse" or ,4Hathaways Patent," for the follow ing reasons: In these Sioves the upper 6ide of the oven is dependant for beat and can have from no oilier source, than what radiates thrcmgi live plate oil which the fire is made. If the ashes be lifted clean, too much heat will radiate am ourn tue . breau on Hie upper side, if too much ashes be left, tta bread will not bake on the upper side. Of this defect all good cooks complain. This Stove is entirely free of this objection the oven always heating exactly alike top and bottom, and ends. Many buy the Premium orslep6tove and others o similar model. I nese Moves consume much fuel, for first the fire chamber is too deep, the pots fcc., are too high a bove the fire. Second when using the oven, all the heal which passes off under the oven being one half, never comes in contact with the boiling utensils. passesoff into the pipe and is lost. Also our Stove is so arranged with a bank or elevation in ine nre cnamoer as to ensure me use of the flame upon the forward part b the Stove first, and it then passes bac afterward healing all alike w hereas Stoves like the Hathaway, having one vest chamber, allow too wide a range for the flame without sufl'cient cohcen tration. We manufacture two sizes of this Stove at theEagle Foundry in BerlinSom erset county. Pa. For the larger size most of the pots commonly used in the kitchen will answer. Always on 'hand, a complele assort ment of PLOUGHS, with PLOUGH CASTINGS of great variety. HOL LOW WARE of superior material and finish, comprising every thing in that line. CASTINGS on hand, and made to order, on the most reasonable terms. HOUSER ii BERKEY. Berlin. Oct. 13 1846-3tn. STONK CUTTING B USIjYE s s. THE subscriberreppecJfully informs his friend and the public in gen cral, that he carries on the Stone Cutting llusincss in all its various branches, at his shop on main street, 2 doors east of George Piles tavern, and nearly opposite the drugstore of John L. Snyder. TOMB STONES, made at the shoJtest notice, and on the most reasonable terms, and in a manner that will render them superior to anx, -other manufactured hi this section of At country. Grind stones of an excellent quality, always kept on hand. ' Also constantly on hand, marble GRAVE STONES. Country produce taken in exchange for work, at Market Prices. -v BENJAMIN JVOOLLEr. Somerset, Pa., ' March 5. 1846 ly.fr JOB PRINTING, NETLY AND EXPEDITIOUSLY A ZXLCVJBD AT THIS OFFICE THIS WAY! HATS! ACHATS! Cheap, Good and Fashionable, THANKFUL for past favors, the subscriber would respectfully in form his oid customers and the public generally, that hecontinues locarry on the HATTING BUSltNS. in all its branches, at his old stand on main street, in tiie feoroogli of Somerset, where he keeps constantly on hand a supply of HATS of his own manufac ture, made of the best materials and in every vnrietv of Ftyle emb-aring. Fur, Nutria, Russia, Cassimer AND WOOIjIIATS. Country Dealers will beeupplied with any quantity they may desire for retail, on short notice and at moderate prices-; and customers ran at all times either have a choice from among the stock on hand, or have iheir hat? made to order, of anv QUALITY OR STYLE. From his long experience in the busi ness and a determination to se I cheap, and at the same time also that his hats shall not be excelled by those of any other establishment here or elsewhere, the subscriber flatters himself with ihe iiope that he shall continue to receives liberal share of pnMic patronage. ; Brc-"JTI01T.-a3 The subscriber understands that some persons have been selling hats as having been 'manufactured by him, which are made elsewhere and he therefore cau tions the public against purchasing any as his nake, w hich have not the words John C. Knrtz, Main street, Somerset, Pa.," on the tip. Furs and approved country produce taken in exchange for hats. CHEAP FOR CASH. sep8 JOHN C. KURTZ. WAR WITH MEXICO! THE subscriber thankful Tor past fa vors, takes this method of informing his customers and the public in general, that he has removed to the shop former ly occupied by him immediately west of the residence ofVohn L. Snyder, and one door east of the office of C. F. Mitchell, Esq., in the Borough of Som erset where he will constantly keep on hand, COPPER and - Tgft-wims of every description, manufactured from the best materials and in a neat and du rable manner. COPPER KETTLES. STOVE PIPS3, "'J er articles in his . line of business w:ll be made to order on short notice. Persons wishing to purchase good and cheap ar ticles are respectfully invited to give him a call. ... Approvpd country produce will be ta ken in exchange for ware. 'JAMES II. BENFORD. Feb. 17-om. . . N. B. AIjo on hand, a number -o Stoves, of different sorts, which will be sold cheap. HOTEL, for INVALIDS ' AT PITTSBURGH. Brs. Speer and Suhn. THE object of this establishment is to supply a want greatly felt by re spectable travellers on our western .high ways by residents, without family, ta ken sick and by patients from the sur rounding towns and country who resort to this place for relief Irom surgical and other diseases. Such have often suffered from the want of the vcrious comforts and altcntions so necessary and agreeahfe to the sick, and from careless and un faithful nurses; and been subjected to heavy and unreasonable charges. Invalids will here be provided with constant, faithful and comfortable atten dance, snd at a rate much below ihe usu al charges. While the care of both physicians w ill be extended to every variety of disease, it is intended by Dr. Speer, to give spe cial attention to ALL SURGICAL DISEASES, PARTICULARLY to DISEASES OF THE EYE. To these branches of his profession he has given a large share of his atlen ion for the last twenly-five years, and he will continue to. devote to them the experience acquired by a coustanl. prac tice during that time. . The Hotel for Invalids is not an exper iment. Its establishment is suggested not only as necessary to supply an evi dent want in this city, in the entire ab sence of any special provision for the sick, but is warranted also by. the success of similar institutions at Cincinnati and New Orleans the former under the care of Drs. Taliaferro, Marshall and Strader the latter under that of Dr. Stone. : The building selected for the purpose is situated at the corner of Federal and Robinson streets, in Allegheny city, ad joining the city of Pittsburgh. It is commodious and roomy, an J. furnished with all accommodations necessary for he sick. . - -: . - Applications for admission to.be made lo the subscribers, at their office on Penn street, Pittsburgh, or at the establishment. C7"No coutagious diseases will be adj milled. - . J. R. SPEER, M. D. . .J. S. KUHN, M. D. ;: Febniary 25, 1815.' ."- c . NOTICK. To the heirs nnd legal rep resentatives of Miehael Sanneiy tlee'tl. TAKE notice that an inquest will .he held at the hue linellitig house of said deceasen, .in Miltotd township, Somerset county, on Saturday the 50th day-of January IS 17, for the purpose off making partition ol the ro estate t said dee'd, to and among bis children. and legal representatives, it t lie same can be 7 done without prtjudicc o or spoiling of the whole; otherwise io value and appraise the same according to I nv; at which time and place you arc request ed to attend if yon think proper. SAMUEL GRIFFITH, dccS. 18, C. - Sheriff Valuable Heal Estate F O R s A L E. FTTMIE subscriber offers at private sale JL the following valuable ical estate viz: No, 1, a certain tract of land situate in Jenner township, Somer set county, containing about 131 acres, abou CO acres f clear land of which about 30 acres is in good meadow; on which is erected a new one and a hall story frame house, stable and a large frame weatherboarded barn. No. 2. also another traet i'f land situate in said townhip, containg about 87 acres and 74 perches, about 40 acess of clear land, of which about 6 acres is in meadow, whith a Is story log house and log stable thereon erected. 0. 3. also another tract of land situate in said township of Jen ner. containing aboul 118 acres, about 5 acres of clear land, of w l.iii a! out 3 acres is in meadow with a small log house thereon erected. If not sold between this nn tl the first day of April next, it will then te for rent on the shares. The above lands adjoin Matthew Black, Jospph Haines, Henry S. Picking, George Parker and others, and are situa ted jnt at the foot of Laurel Hill, on the Turnpike road. They are of a good quality, a I irge portion is fine bottom land, and that which is not cleared con tains excellent timber. For terms apply to the subscriber, re siding on one oflhe tracts. JOHN B. REED. Sept. 22, '46. 3m. Jaync's Medicine. 25) THESE medicines are recom mended and extensively used by the most inteligent persons in the United States, by numerous Professors and Presidents of Colleges, Physicians of the Army and Navy, and of Hospitals and Almhnnses, and by more iban five hundred Clergy men of various denominations. They are exjTeasly prepared for fami ly use, and have acquired an unprece dented popularity throughout the Uni ted Slates; and as ihev are admirably cal culaied lo preserve health and cure dis eases, no family should ever be without them. The proprietor of these valua ble preparations received his education at due of the best Medical Colleges in the Uui.eii States, -and has had twenty years expesience in zn extensive and diveeified practice, by which he has had opportu nities of acquiring a practical knowledge of diseases, and of the remedies besi cal culated to remove them' Names and prices of Dr. D. Joy tic's FanxiUj JMeUicienSt tit z Jayne's Expectorant, per bottle SI 00 Hair Tome, .. ' I CO Alternative or lirejPreserva- tive, per bottle,. 1 CO Tonic Vermifuge, 25 and 50 cis. Carniinaiive Balsaln 25 & 50 ct. Sanative Pill, ner box, 0'2" " American Hair Dye, 0 50 All the above mentioned Medicines are prepared only by Dr. I). Jayne, In ventor and Sole Proprietor No. 8 South Third Street, PJiiladelphta, Pa., 'who has no hesitation in recommending them to the community as preparations wor thy of their entire confidence, and fully persuaded from past experience, that they will -be found - eminently suc cessful in removing those diseases for which they are severally recommended. JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT. 22) THIS medicine has already proved itself to he all .'thai it' has been recom mended, by those who have iven it a in a neieliborin? town ihe case was that of a lemale, who had for a Ions time been tinder the care of a physician but had received no relief, and her rase was ronsidered hopeless. Asa last re sort she purchased a bottle ofUr, Jayne's Expectorant, whHi caused her to ex pectorate freely, gradually eased her cough, and rapidly restored her to health. Wehavejno hesitation in saying, thai this preparation of I)r. Jnyne, for ihe cure of Coughs, Cedds, Influenza, Asth ma, Consumption, &,, is the most val nable medicine ever offered to the A roerican pnblir. There is no quackery aboul il Dr. 'ayne is one of the most skilful practising physicians in Pennsyl vania, and wherever his various preper alions have been thoroughly tested, he is looked upon as a ereat public bene factor. Sornersst (Maine) Journal. Prepared: only by Dr. David Jayne, N. 3 South Third Street, Philadelphia. . . Sold by . J.J.&I1.F. Srhell, : '-. : - Somerset Pa. : Also by - Edwnrd P,evin, 1 - . .Z.j'J i.6tytHn'a. '. i fair test in this country, and the demand ' mine most of a via!; he passed forty very for it increases daily. We have just ,arSc worm' From that time hi health impro- heardofan important' rnre frf Asihm-i, ved very rauth' J,ai? triPt 'Hier VcrmifugM .i i u i r . i l i r . to no purpose. I be heve Dr. At'Law-'s th best which has been eOerletl by ihe use of arl;tl.ore lhe pub;il.. V sl DR. S. POSTLETHWAITE. FKNDUU lii pntrssHA)nl wh-- lo iK IT mIpprentice" wanted. a N apprentice to ihe INuim !oi IVk. "KSS 19 wanted by the ?ub riher tt ; Somerset. Application to te m n!e sot-u. OCSO I. VI i 1. CELEBRATED JjjJS, Vvr tie cure tf Ilrj-ctifc or Lirrr f'fmj.luiHt Dij.'ixt'n and S'fk Head-Ache. T5II.-? remedy having lcen forcv(rj ve;iM afa emphwcil by I he pr.-jritt-r in Lin prartu-r, on a very large trnle in .Mo-ifP2;n!in. Proton, Ifarrison nid IJ.inJolph counties, iti Viuit!i . 'ulcs several other p'.ices. ami havics lw tj ar'm ded w it!i the nsoit happy elltH-t, he ri:ihvn from time t time soiiiitfj to -iipt sveh a roursc i woulJ give il a more extensive tircubtiou. a view to IfssfTt Ihe amount of human sr florin". Aware of the fart that many u-e!es' nostrums have been palmed upon the public, he hesitatr.1 for serera! year3 until thoroughly corjxiiu etl that the above medicine, if properly UicJ. wou!J r.vl fiil to rfiivt cures in a grout many iiMjnce-i, ami even to alleviate those cast s which are quite imu' ab'e. 4 Symptoms of a d'iensed IJrcr. Pain in tire right siile, unilrr tiie ct'jje of the n!., iiirn-ard en procure; sometimes the jair. is in ihe hft silo the patient is rarely a! !c to lie c the It ft sk! someti res the pain is felt unJer ihe shouLVr MaJe, it frequ? n'lv exten-Is ilie top of tiie s!jo;:? dcr, and is sometimes mistaken for a ibeumatism in the ri;!)! arm. The stomach is ale rted wii: loss of appetite and sickness; the bowels, in rrfMJ ral,are costive, sometimes altering with lax. the head ;s troubled with pain, necoropanied wi;h a dull, heavy sensation in the Iv.rti part. 'J'here is generally a considerable loss of memory, am rn panied with a painful sensntion of bavin? lift undone something which cucrbt to have Irrrt done. A slight dry cough is sometime an a'Vn danf. The patient romplaius of wcarineyn end debility; he i easily ftartled.Lis fed nre e.!d or burning, and he roinpiain. of a prii kly penatiori of the scin; his sjiirits are low; and ahhouch he is satisfied that exercise would ic lenefeial to him, yet he enn scarcely summon up fortitu enough to try it. In fjet, he districts every ie medy. Several of the atove symptom attend the disease, but cases have occurred where lew them existed, yet examination cf the Uxly afier death has bhown Ihe liver lo have been extensive ly deranged. . CERTIFICATES. This is to ccriify, thut having fven asai-jtrj with Dr. M'La;ie in the practice ct. medicine fr nearly two and a half years, I have had nuny opportunities of witnessing ihe good iiTcdso his Liver Pills, and I Ix-lieve they ha v cured and relieved a much larger projoriii.n of the t,'i-eases of the liver, thnn I have known cured and re lieved hv any other course of trealmerit. Dec. T, I8a'ff. OMVKi: .MOKG.l.V, M. D. (JjObsktite Xone are gniEine withoul a fje-similc cf the proprietor's signature. Prepared for tiie proprietor b JtJ.N ATIIAN KIDD A: Ca, Vholesalc and Ctlail Dmjrgitt. corner f 4lh nnd Wood sis, Pitt.-I ur. Pa, They are a!.-so sold by the following aeutj. John I.. Snyder, fc'omcr-ct. Hay Sc .Morrison, Lnvansville, Knnble and Vought, Centrevill , . M. A. Jos;-. Petersliurgh, A. Wyatt, StamhtWlJ, C. Uoolv, Wc'lersburgh. Samuel Kurtz, omerrt-t. Samuel Hornet. Ahlison. I.ivrngond & WeliHey, S'aTi?bcry. Charles Kris.-ituer. Berl n. lMm. Kernan, Jenner C'res-s roads L'Jvvard iieiiu, Stovstown. l& V. Myers, Myers Mill. N. I- In order that there may l-e nr mi-taJce, be particular and ak for "Dr. .M 'line's Liver Pills." jnnta'-ir,) Patent Vermifuge. Dn. McT.xik( Avrnicix Won Spinric Promptly cxprk Morns to an uh.toi-t in credihh numUr! TO Fiibsfantinfe the alvc f ji l many hundred of teslintoni.ils eeu'J le adduced, out of which the following are selected, from individ uals of btnnding nnd veracity. Indeed, it is con fidently aliirnjcd that each new trial of the pow ers of this remedy will have an additional ten dency lo widen end confirm its f.ime, nnd tiut if t were universally known and d;il'jsrJ OVCr th United states, it would not save less than many hundreds, if not thousand of lives auiua!ly. CERTIFICATES. I do certify that a vial of Dr. .MT.ane's Amen can orm Specific expelled five hundred ar.cl two whole worm- and piece that n-otdd have made sixty more, from a boy of Jjhn I.cwcUing, hi h, il laid iu a straight line, would have mo.-t probably measured ihe mormons length cf cue huiuher yards. JOI.iI JACKSU.,ov.iicrof U ate Forge, and other works, Slonongalia county, V This is to certify that I purchase.? from HoTrn- & Kiild a vial of Dr. M'Lanc'a American Worm Spceifi", and gave two doses to a boy of min about three years years of age. He passed fully half a pint of warms. The quantity ntruo huge I was really alanueil. and railed in several of my neighbors to see them. Had this Mory teen re lated to me, I catild not have credited it, without being ai eye-witness lo the surue. My child's health improved much nfier. SAM'L irORRISlN, Merchant Toilor, Wood st, Pittsburgh Some two months ago I purchased a vial of Pr M Lanes American orm Si-ei ifie. I ave a ly JliiHin township, Allegheny county. HEAR MFDrCAL TESTIMONY. From a regular Physician, Dr G S Smith, Sun fish, Ohio. Mr. J. Kidd Dear Sir I hzw ued in my paclice Dr. M'Lane's Anierh an Worm Sjitcjilc. mdhave often witnessed iu efilcaey in exf eliing worms from the system. A patient of mine, a short time ag j, gave a vial of the Worm Speriilo to a child; in a short lime upwards of wstv-fiva worms were eipelied. Prepared lor the Proprietor by JONATHAN- KIDD & Co. Wholesale and Retail Dn iggiMs. corner of ...... 4th and Wood sts, Pittsburgh. Also for sale by the f lilowing agenU JOHN L. .SNVDEU'.'soinerwf, Hay and Morrison, Lav juviil. K nable and Voo-ht. Centre ihV, Rt A. Ross, Peler.t.crgh, A. Wyatt.Smithfield. G. CMk, Wellersborgh. Samuel Kurtz, Soitn-rstt. Samuel Harnef. Ad!i!i. LivcnoMl 5c W-h-. Salisbury Chailes Kriinger. Ceilin. iJdui. Krrr.an. .tenner Cros read Edward Hevin, .Vtr-vsiown. I'.A. V. Myers. MveM .Mill. N. B: L'e rarlimla. to k f ir Dr.,.tT a.'t American Worai Specific, tr P-Unt Vcnmfu,.