SOMERSET HERALD. somcrs r: r, i a., TUESDAY. JANUARY 3, 1817. V. !J. PALMES. 1,. of J'hitadelphia at hi .uf Kestf and Cva Office, ii our authorized yi-i f'r cliulriii y AJvrrli rrecnts anJ tor ir.c II l'.wAl.u esJ ij cioiiitd "-Vj '",d fu;5 Javier to rrce i;t for any fromes f . , ' '- ,r ihfsc o! iccU. 1 1 la agency Writ T ,T,n7, - v J l.'il i.e;.:iT-jrc sr.J iiott.n in-.por'.ant to tii3 success of tli3 Whig CuUSt. J. P. SANDERSON, NAM U EL D. KARNS. JOSE I'll K ONKi MAC HER, ;vi 0 RTO N McMICIIAE L, (iEO;v(E ERETY, 11. JONES BROOKE, Til EC), i). COCHRAN, JAMES FOX, JAMES MARTIN, WILLIAM BUTLER, J. J. S LOCUM, JOHN R. ED IE, EDWARD CO WAN. JOHN B. JOHNSON, WM. J. I:OWA3ii, Whig Stale CommiUee. yiFThe Whig? of C.'recnc county h:u e appointed Col. Wells as Rcprcsen tative Delegate, and Wm. Hailej, of Fay cv.z, vs Senatoriil Delegate to the State Ccnver.tion. They arc instructed for yii. Stfwr.rt; but since that gentleman has c dined, it is understood they will go for CV'pcr. UThc Harrisburgh and Reading volunteers passed through Stoystown List week, on their way to Pittsburgh, tlie place of rendezvous for the new regi ment. Those from Wcs'morrtend left Gret-nsburgk on Wednesday morning. r7Maj. V'uYiam Larimer, of Pitts burgh, is a candidate for Colonel of the new Rciment Pennsylvania volunteers. The Major is a wholc-sauled clever fellow and would make an excellent officer. rrjs-s r.. l . . . :,n: e Tt' .-s3f yJVii nnciiiiL'in.c iiuui a- fhington city is derived through the Pittsburgh (Jazette, the editors of which received it by Telegraph on Thursday and sent it to us in their paper of Friday. fiCnAKLrs A. Kimmel, formerly of llsio place, and now in the U. S. service, writes to his friends here that he is a few miles from Monterey and enjoys good Lealth. C-John Quincy Adams has been ad vised by his physicians not to attempt to 0 to Washington this Winter, as the slate of his hcd;h is still precarious. SCpThe Legislature of Maryland met r.t Annapolis, on yesterday a week. lion. John P. Kennedy was elected Speaker of the House. 'W. W. Irwin, the present Charge ce Aihirs at (Afcpcr.hsgcn, will shortly be superceded, it is laid, by Mr. Flennikln cf Favclte county. SCr The latest accounts state that Gcn. Taylor, whh 1500 men, intended to I march for Victoria, about the Sth of last no nth. 5ib" Capt. B.mkhead is in Baltimore, j en leivGrir.g to recruil volunteers fcr Mex ico to fill up the Virginia Regiment. kCTSonakir Barrow, of Louisax 1' ClCU at Baltimore, cn Tuesday last, haviug been ill but a few davs. EEfJuugc Douglass has been elected to the U. S. Senate from the State of liii-' LOIS. fr-1 he .'.i?i-net;e i eicrnnii is 4 f , . ... : in operation from the eastern cities to ? ' i now nusburrh. Two Whigs heve been elected in the 2nd and 4th districts in ' ...,v,r,.,. Vs' The weather for some days past has been mild nnd pleasant. THE SOUTH CAROLINA TROOPS. The Charleslen Courier of Monday last p:-.ys: "The Fai'fidd, Lancaster and A'.iV.tvi'.Ie Companies arrived at the ('amp .Tour.d on Sturdrty Inst. There arc rwv in camp r.pwrds cf 000 men. The iiinve coiTipsnieu will bc mustered into service this niorning ot 10 oYIock. W e lindcrstand that the Regiment' will have f.n Wcdr.erday, for Haviburii; rnd from ihcy will l';cc fcr the ccue of action. . --. - Win k I L it UUi J V' Lili L iU.i , ! f ,:s v'h0 thronged the levee and the J I uesday, giving the proceedings m the Democrats. There were three Whig , State Convention, to he rotnposed cf j ians ' at the shore. She carried the t House of Representatives, 'on Monday ! Senators who had ' sent their sons to' the and the several countit-s equal to luoir ; ths -Philadelphia company of : tee of ine Whole. -' - ! test in the Armv it was as to who should in ih -C.-'nrrr.l Asfsomhlv Capt. .Moorhead. Scenes cf this kuul . Mr. .SAWYER of Ohio.' isdifrftssptl 1 .i, n ... i - oi l!. , CfrnonweaUh, will be held at i :ire fruitful of. excitement, -end' tnat of the Committee in an ultra speech, beifin-- " ! Afr. Tjakr ait'l that at th moner tiirc ' ... ' a -cV-.:r or. TUESDAY, the i2i dav yesterday had ii- full sfiare. Mothers nincr with a tlefencs of the war and the h chn,.U l- Kx.- ?t ! AUyl3!1 .;!A:;r:i NriX'i',;.! 10 o'clock in the r-m.? with their children wiyo witn ; char-e that the W h.?sf as a party, were cr3 to offer a 'resolution to supply the 1"" i" f i . . i r :ue purpose of sclcctinr j their hurbands f i-ters with their loved j opposed to its prosecution; and then j volunteers with clothm and deduct the ! o ,K,m.on VTl. 1 f .. r . k: Covc-:. jr and Canal Com- J and cherished brothers. Vv e could not i launching out in charging the Whigs with I am0llnt from lieir pav. a s,u-h a' Resole-1 lV.?3II!pl0n nn t;inner to be exported by the Whigs J vy the man who could witness this un- j being "Federalists," and like the "Fede- j tioa j,aa been drawn v.n at his request and "v',, p""' rl r, .: r U r Pn!p!-:v! PoT;-,-! movetl one more word anollirr rnd a : ralists" of iftlS. standsncr -fHit in nnni. i : i i i. . i. .i ' a,e.v nri XX- - ' k - . . . ....... . . . . tV (lEV At. L Ui IttlUCtii - V'l i-T VVII- , . tt t , r-K,r n.r fVction. mul to tmn.-;r.ct i last embrace, was even fou r it for and ; tion to the War and the Country. Then.-( e,;.r u..u a .i..,. ul "r?ul,"y . "nir) 'J,,IU,i c 1, r '.rhur-uess as may be deemed ! conquered of the gnards, beSravitig a i too, they used the precise lnn?uaire of tlie mn,u. Pss;;v u .,. .lfi tt-ir'n ! . jjco- ivcuq 4,..V1.-.-- 1 DEPART CUE OF THE 1st REGI MENT. "Yesterday was a day of exciting inter est to Pittsburgh. I; was signalised by the departure of about. 200 of our .own immediate citizens, and in ail about one thousand Pennsylvanians,' on a very dis tant and dnngerc-us service, their re turn from which must be deemed a mat ter of hazard. - The - ample 1 levee was j crowded throughout the day. The Sr. t Anthony left in the mornin-r with Cant. Bis,der and Capt. I Ws companies and pisnk r.nd backed out into the stream, amidst the shouts of' ten thousand per- desperate ;.gony of filing that defied iiue ami vixi?.. .iien are cuiier k-ss a- rute m ta 'ir ieclms or liave more p?w er to rommand" them, but women seek relief in audible sobs and tears. Stand ing on the levee our warmest sympa thies were called into action by exhibi tions of this kind, many having remained to gaze on the boat until it rounded the point of laud at Manchester, crealing a void between them and all they held dear cu earth. At three o'clock a crowd, if possible j more dense, covered the same ground, to witness tlie departure of the Duquesne i Careys, Hcrron, in the New Eng- land; on this beat r.!so embarked Col. Wvnkoop, Lietit. Cel. Black end Mnj. Bowman, and anether scene cf t!i2 same life exciting emotion was repealed. Gallant Allows! they left here with the prayers of a whole people to God for protection, raid for their early and. safe, but honorable return. The New England, we learn, rounded ! to at Manchester, where she remained until this morning, when she again put out at sn early hour. PiHib. American Dec. 30. Tlie Pay of the Soldiers. The following table ' shows the com pensation allowed to officers and men from a Colonel down. 5 ? CO -3 O 19 c P c o o . rs 4 3 3 o 2 1 1 1 j Ycluntc-crs will require the following dress: 1 Dress Ccp, 2 Flannel Shirts, 1 Foraga Cp (glaz-' 2 Pair Drawers, ed silk,) 1 Uniform Coat. 1 Woolen Jacket, 2 Pr. Woollen Over alls. 1 Cotion Jacket. 4 Pairs Bootees, 4 Pairs Socks, 1 Leather cr- Silk slock, 1 Faiigue Frock, (linen.) 3 Pr.Cotton Overalls. 1 Blanket. We have the pleasure of presenting our readers with tho first of Despatches received by the "Lightning Line from lie East. "The marvellous faciility. with which news is conreyed on this great in vention of lite age, was a soCrce of admi- raiion to nnm!ers of our citizens .who crowded the Telegraph Office during the atfernoon and evening. We shall spare nehher pains nor expense to put our rea ders in possession of the latest intelligence by it. The Tvews is now. emphatically received fey Lishlniuz and printed bv Steam.' Piflsbarz - Guze'.fo. STATE TEMPERANCE CONVE ji. .IN TION AT HARRISBURG. The Chairman cf the State Temper ance Central Committee announces that .'tlie r.nnual Convention will be. In-id at Harrisburg, cn the 4th - Wednesday of ! January next, the 27m. r.nd requests that i the associations will send full delegations. The Grand Division of the Sons of i cm- rerancii will siiso hold a mcetimr at tho J ,. , . same time and place. GEN. SCOTT. Thi. distinguished officer, 'arrnmpenicd by Mijor Smith, Captain Monroe, and Lieut.-. Scott and Williams, arrived zl New Ocleans on the I0;h t.dt. in the ship Union, from New York. They 'were aii in fine health and spirits, and would leavt in a few davs for the seat of war. A powder house in Providence con tuning six'.y kes of powder, was fired by an ineen diary on Wednesday, when the whole exploded, 1-ut occasioned no 1:1:1.-.,:: a bin: u lmurv 10 a Uwiyu- , . . . J J,.v, lw -" o k vr rii(Fiovo' 'vr...- 4.wu It Tn Veg.,onhis arrival .it Colonel $73 . G Lieut. Colonel 60 5 Major 50 4 Adjutant, (pay of a Lieut, and $10 in addition.) 2 Captain 40 4 First Lict. SO , 4 Second Lieut. 23 4 Sergc-uit Major 17 . 1 Q. M. Sergeant 17 1 Prin. Musicians 17 1 First Sergeant 10 1 Sergcauls 13 1 Corporals 9 1" Musicians 8.1 Privates, 7 1 Havanareceived the melancholy news of plored to do something and to act prompt the death of his tnathcr. He has beeii'lv. f - A directed by his Government to repair to jan Jiiiis Potosi, as skhi as possible after his arrival at Vcm Cruz. Resolutions were introduced into both I question of patriotism. Theirs had been branches cf the North Carolina Legisla- J tried and proved. - But whether Whigs ttire, on Monday last, appropriating the, or Democrats, Bank men or no Bank sum of ten thousand dollars, for the pur- men, Distribution men or antidistribution 'poso of equipping and paying the expen- men, Sub Treasury men or anti-Sub-scs to Wilmington of the ..regiment of; Treasury men, 19 men or 5 (here there oiunieers caneu into we service Gl mc, United States.' Bickn. Rep. 29TH CONGRESS.- No to mi Session. DEBATE ON THE WAR. We take the following from the corres pondent of the Baltimore Americnof a I Tories of 1776, and must have borrowed i 1: irom mem. The worst sentiments of old lories end i federalists "were referred to, to show this odious likeness, and in this style Mr. S. went on for his hour. Mr. GIDDINGS of Ohio, had so little sparring witii Mr. Sawver in behslf , . , - ol Mr. lvoot, who, tnough ausent. was as- sailed BAKER of Illinois, the Mr. E. D r'i ,.i r .i, hi a- ....... i , , ,1 ... ,. dressed the Committee, thankmsr - the House at the first for the floor and the Chairman of the Committee for awarding it to him. lie did not design to take any p.rt in the controversy which -had been goma: on between members of ciflerent. political parties. Coming then to the important subject, he said that the Army in Mexico needed more men and more money, and they needed both now, immediately at once. The army was deficient in tlie necessary numerical force. 'Hie country they had ': captured covered an immense tract, and it would require large forces cf men to garrison Monterey, Saliillo, Camargo, Matamoras, nnd other points of country which had been secured. According to Mr. Baker, there were but 11,000 men oelomnnrto our forces in Mexico a-ailable men, after the places taken had been gun isoned. Mexico was better prepared to make a war. now than she was when the war commenced. The Mexicans did not yet believe that we could conquer iheir country, and during the existence of the war they had become more nationalized than they had been, and many of the Mexicans had made he roic sacrifices to save themselves mid their country. We'had really done little or nothing to conquer peace. The President had re cently called out nine or tn new regi ments, but they were very far from being upon the ground. At most they were but about 7000 mn. Mexico had 25,000 i men. and most of them her bravest peo ple. Six months aro we sent into the field 2G regiments. They went into the ser vice with high' hopes and eager expecta tions, but alas, how many of them slept upon the brnks of the Rio Grande. About 200 G men, of the best blood of the nation, who had never seen the enemy, found a grave upon the Rio Grande. Tlie country had proved mi sickly, and the army had suffered most severely. Even the young men .of the service had been among the greatest sufferers. In some regiments one-seventh and one eighth had died from the exposure to the climate, the want of water, and the change of food! What those men had done they had done for fame, glory, Ic e of country. It was cold blooded cruelty to desire that these men should be called to endure an other campaign, when by a prompt and energetic war we could produce a peace before another campaign. He spoke not now as a volunteer offi cer, but' as a Representative of the Peo ple. Wc were to have peace some time. Let it como as soon as we could seenre it. It must come at some time. If it was not meant to prosecute the war further, it was better to withdraw the troops now. Bntho supposed there was to be no re treat, and God forbid that there should be nv. .iie sioou r.oi umv w ne'v could bo procured or how more men : could be provided. He was sure, however, that wc, hed both the means and the energy to prose cute the war. The sentiment of the American people and the sentiment of tlie Army Was for a short, suuticn war. The '; eM;r.nff.. fnr hntt t ney necueu . . . i ii' nnK-" n.n- c"d encouragement .from ! i. ' ' , eftp'm-ev in "their arm. He was sure tiiai more volunteers cou.u , ha nrrtc-red and he knew that more IIWlllV -' J , . II were ready to join the army from his own ! -.,.. ' . . - ' .Mii'.C. - ' . j lhr-.n in lands Hp had seen volunteers, poor, emaciated and suffering severely for the comforts of life He hsd known ten cents a pound to bo paid for bread, twenty cents for poor su- i.tu 1 ,T ,..vrit!ioF trnr f hn r3 11 rairu nwk mv w - - uti 110. .w . trn iiiiO.OfiO r Q1C0.0C0.O0O. I.ct. . . . -ni Whit TA-ni tn no 1 n untary. a:iu we Ann once. If ths . hardly do a-greater fvor to -J'-.,, WOrr. tn bn naid more than S7 in these days of cheating, til . . ..i ,rV.t Mroco.tP ltrnw.i mend them as well tnets, e n mcniiif mn . t. - , , -- i t.,..-, r-, ihnrn in mnipv: cien. fnecia.iY those we na nnu i. Hiii w p-' i ........ -- j i gar, and futv cents a pour.a iur tncrsc. 1 u,...... ..... It was a Ion" lime, too, before the Volun- j Jayne's Life Preservative is a Remedy teers had received their pay, sir months for Cancer, King's Evil; Crochoceie or u,y, i, TUinms Vn'unieers received Goitre and Diseases of the Skin which ! the members of this House then r,eJ;.u 1 .. .-,- ... uctW " He did not address his remarks to one , parly more than another. He knew the I Yb loo w-sll to addrws thni upon a was a pause anu iouu laughter.) Mr. Baker continued, ' , Oh breathe not its name ' . Lei it sleep in its shame." (Renewed laughter.") Returning to the party aspect of the question, Mr. Baker went on to show that ! the W higs had fought as gallantly and with as great a numerical lorce as the j fcar months from' tlui time, if tlie eoun- i t?v de.- -ired it. d witliin lh:- Citv of 1 .f iioir Tho committee now rose and reported. CLOTHING OF VOLUN TEERS. Mr. BAKER now ofTered a joint Eeso- : , ,r ?.". .u r- r .u to deliver clothing to the onicers of the . T. , , , ! f "J3 f action P1"0" "j instead of pay, as do Lie soidiers of the i . r ; . : . !' 1. .1.. . I I- . r .t regular. Armv. MAiiniKih On the 31. Dec. by John Ilamcr, Esq., Fp.EDErvie Weijier, Esq., of this Bor oughi to. Miss Margaujlt Buchanan, of Shade township. . STRAY STIHEIS- ' lAMEto premises of ihe subscriber J in iMilford towr.sliip, in Junp, l st, a brindle STEUR, wiih a slit in the right ear two years old last spring. The owner is requested lo come and prove property pay charges and take it away, or it will be sold as the law di rects. HENRY BOUCHER. jan,5, 1847. " PROCLAMATION.' 7il EREAS the honorable Juresxi V t ah S. Black, President, and G. Chorpennino- and John M'Carty, Esqs.f assori-jte Judges of the court of common pleas, in and for the county of Somerset, and assistant Justices of die courts of oyer and terminer am? general jail delivery and quarte.r sessions of the peace, in and for said county of Somerset, have issued their precept to me directed, requiring) me among other tilings to make public proclamation throughout my bailiwick, that a court of oyer and terminer 3r.d general jail delivery: also, a court of gen era! quarter sessions of the peace and jail delivery, will commence nt the bor ough of Somerset, in and for the county of Somerset, in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, on the 2d Monday of February next, (Sth day) in pursuance of which precept Public Notice is hereby Hv- ne, to the justices of the peace, the corn npr, and constables of said couniy of Somerset, that they be then and there, in their own proper persons, with their rolls, records examinations, and inquisi tions, and other remembrances, to do those things which to their offecs apper tain in that behalf to be done and also all those who prosecute against the priso ners that are, or then shall be, in the jail of the said county of Somerset, are to be then am! there to prosecute against them as shall be just.. Given under my band, at Somerset, this 5:h day of January, in the year of our Lord 1847. SAMUEL GRIFFITH Sheriff. 1)11. B. JAiNVS FAMILY MEDICINES. JAYN'E'S EXPECTORANT. 25) Tlie virtues of this efficacious and cheap medicine for the cure of Concump tin and other diseases cannot be too well known. Very wnny lives have been 5aTed by it, A". F. JVaruing Ailas JaynesExpectorant far Canghs, Colds. &.c. St many people ara cfilirted with these romwon everv day disorders, that we deem it ur duty to point our readers to a simple remedy, whi.-h we have trifd .i f l . rr. ; . .'j T 1 . iuuiui rui- u. iwi.. -i- oradl is a very valuable phial of syrup j which we have lately used with good , ir... ' .. t. ,1 Innconn'rr ; eea m i v o..., dm and breaking up a ct-hi. It is a very a- , greeable medicine. This rr comir d.uion is not a bougnt puff, but en ... , , r i .1,... linmen- itircly ft.xl that we ran wur raiders .m to recom- HicieiU reme re used our- selves, D.iniel nenshaw. Editor ofjthc "Lyiui Record," Mass. Cancer, Goitre and Scrofula Cured. .... . 1 1 1 wi not lad one time m a hundred ct r 1- .".- J r - - - - r nectin-r a radical cure. 11 is aiso one 01 offered for ihe relief of the afflicted. Sold by J. J. Sill. F. Schell. " Somerset Pi. Also by Edward Bevin, . .-.'T ; .. : bioystotrn P I W l t I il..! For February Term, 1847. 2nd koxpay, 8th day. GRAND JURORS Somerseibr. Henry Siewatt Henry Chorpenning -Somerset tp. Benjamin Masters He:?ry J lleipio Ddvid Lavan Jcoh Mo wry SMonirn Bare fctnyslowri Milfurd , Jacob Risheberff r Henry Waller, Sr. Hiram Will Peter Miller Eli Tarmehill . Jsiah S-rnk Daniel Berkey Adam Friedline Joiin J Miller Conemaugh Turkt- j'uoi Q iemuhuuin Josejdi Lichty er man ugli, jr. TRAVERSE JURORS. Milford Jorp!i Boling M iclmel Siiit.ilF ('eorre HtiMibert Jo;i3J- 'IViIro If fury Boin-ber S.nmifl Border lsac Kaufman Pet-t Levy Conemaugh Q'-Cn 'konir.g Vli.-hael Z-'ru merman 1 t S onycreck ; I ri.'u M i;!rr Afraba:n Musser J"hn I.".fi!frl Lvi Berkf pde Benjamin Clrk Hemy Mnsssr Sjnniel II. Hunter Shade Somerset tp. Somerset br. tenner B. Valley Hiram Be;;m Ja'ob Baker Armtropg Datii! KtiHZ Bsrnet Bilking Mt!icw Black O.'iara Kiernn ('enr?e Kimmel Tfin? Ii!nnan ' Jo'io Lamtii Sjmnel H;.Her Jamb Warner Joim C Beul Hnrv Liult John Brooks (eorse Priney Frederick Blu'Sch Greenville Stoystown Turkey fool S Mithampton Allegheny Addison Smriz George Sitzer Thomas Endsley jr. Juhn Hannn. Call at the Old Stand! FRESH STRUGS, MEPACIXES, S F IV E S, ; GROCERIES, Sec. THE subscriber respectfully inform bis friends and the public, that, in addition to his former stock, he has just received at his Dm; Store in tlie Borough of Somerset, a fresh supply of Drugs. Faints, Medicines, Groceries, D ye stuffs, Cj?c. oensisting in part cf the following, all of which wi!J hi sold cheap for cash or exrhansed fur approved country pro duce, viz : - ' Red and Whits Lead, Venetian Red, Chrome Yellow :md Green. Vermillion Red. Prussian !5!ue, Terr3 tie Sienna, Turkey Umber, Limp BUk. ALSO; Copal Varnish, Black Varnish. Gum She'ae; n?d, silver ynd metal leaf; white, ycilow and red bronze; sand pa per, turpentine aii J Fisn Til. DYE-STUFFS; Indijro, Mahler, Alum. Brazilwood. Fustic, Camwood, Logwood; ALSO; Extract of Lawod. Armetto Ccchinea', Solution nf Tin. Bine Viirin!. oil Vitriol. Best green Km Cotire. Tea, Pepper, Allspice aniline table salt. NOTIONS; rombs, p-irses, pocket book, pins, needles, s'.ee! pens lancet blades,, tooth brushes, percussion C3ps, powiler. shot and lead. " W STAR'S B,!.am of Wild Cherrv, COSFECTIONAUIRS of all kinds Th- celebrated Susrnr Coated PM-. SAMUEL KURTZ. December ill. ISV5. L1 Ij SI' Cv Vllh:il Uiilllk3. rgTHE subscriber - lias received Iron a the Eal-r"n cities. Mid is now c . . . i. ... K' 1 J ' - . t uis ?.', c vim 'ui,r 1 ! tiie l)iaR;,,r , a ery large and general assort Tif-nt 'l lioo,ls sr.itn'de for t'ns FALL AND WINTER SEASONS, anon- wb.ich are Frcnh and lncli'h Cloths of varinn? cohr". A!o Tw cds. Cassimerc, Sitincts r.nd Jean, T.-rletm and Cecilia Clo 's for Ladirs dresses. ALSO, Cashmeres, Alpacas, Mouslin de hiincs. Calicoes of all qush lies from 4 to '23 cents per yard. Mus lins from 4 to 10 rts, Si!k r.d Thread Lace, Silk Glove? o a su; trior quality for ladies an.l gentlemen. r(getlier with a fine assortment of HARDY AKE, (ltieens7vare, Groceries, V c. Boots spdFhors of all kind and ery low. Weavers Reeds of very superior All which will be sold on as chnp and .mn,hiiniT lerms. as tliev ran fce liaa I west of ihe Allegheny Mnr.!-un. M.TliEUWIiLL. Somerset, srpt 22, 1310. ROCBRTt. Sl JCA1Q. fistri. 91 oriRK. fll'fiiSIG & M'GUIRE, Forwarding & Cornmissiou BIEROHANTS, At tlie Httilroad Depot, CUMBERLAND MD. REFERENCES. Hon. A. Siewen. ? Hon. 11. W. Bfcton S 1 iJ 9 CO. If on. J S. Black, ") Col. I. Ankcny. ' VSoueriatPa Jfnas Keim, E?q. J Thomsa J. i'W. W. McKiig, Cumberland, M4. Dc. 15 Sm. Sheriff's Sale Y virtue of a writ of Venditioni Er .penqs issued ou! of theCourt ofCorn mon rii?a of Somerset county, and to me directed, there will be exposed to sale by public ouicry.atthe rublic tquaro , in Sjmerret n Tuesday the I4th day of janm.ry next, al I o clock, P. M. iho f.diowing Real estate,-viz: All the riiiht, tide, interest and clira, of Joseph Mason of, in. r.nd to a certain cr tract ol land, situate m Shade town ship, Somerset county, Pa., containing IVJ5 acrf.s more or less, about !0 acrei leered and about 2-) acres in meadow; joining lands of David Kodgers. Jhu P.iul. Jesse Berkcpilc, hn Fry, jr. 8nd oiljers; on wjifrh are erected a dwtliin? house and barn nnd stable, widi i he . appertenances as tho praperty of said Jo?ep!i Mason, at th suit of Sam tiel'li enter. . . SAMUEL GRIFFITH, Sheriff. Sheriffs Oiliee, Somerset ? D-c. 8. IMS. LKGISLAT1V.C TELEGRAPH. During the ensuing session of lha Uegiolaiure, the Pennsylvania Tele oaiPH will bei published twicers week, on fine double royal sized paper, and wilt contain full, impartial, and accu rate reports of the proceedings of the two Douses, together with the latest Congressional, Foreign and General news. Experienced Reporters will be em ployed in both branches of the Legisla ture, and every exertion used to rcako tlie Telegraph vorihy of the palronas and confidence of the public, and of the reputation it has acquired for correctness and impartiality. The ensuing session of the Legisfafnre will be one ef more interest to the citi zens of Pennsylvania than any one for many years. Subjects of the deepest interest to her welfare to every citizen will be agitated, in all of which ths Telegraph wilt always contain the latest and most correct intelligence Every intelligent citizen all who feel an inter est in the affairs of the Commonwealth, should receive a paper from the seat of Government during the session tf lha Legislature. In consequence of the facility of the Magnetic Telegraph we shall be enablei to give all important Congressional and other intelligence up to the hour of pub lication, As the publication of a paper of the size, and giving the information of the Telegrapii durtng the session, is at tended with great expense, ss well as editorial labor, our friends throughout Commonwealth are respectfully revest ed to aid in increasing the circulation in their . respective neighborhoods during that period. The at rms are : For the session, $2 00 For the year, 5 00 Two copies of the Telegraph will be sent during the Session for 83.00. The same deduction will be made fer a large number. TIIEO. PENN. DAILY INTELLIGENCER. A Jiew Arrangement. On the fomrnenccment of the ensuing session of the Legislature, the Penn'a Intelligencer will be published Daily during the session, and Weekly the re mainder of the year on the following terms: For thfl session Daily, $2,00 For the year Daily and Weekly, 3.00 fcCT" Payments ia cases to be made ID 3.tV3Cv The Daily will be published on a me dium short, ihe size of the dailies hereto fora issued the seat of Government. We have made arrangsments for the em ployment of competent snd experienced REPORTERS, and will give full, accu rate and impriial reports ef she proceed ings of the Legislature. Ample sketches of the doings of Cosgress, r.rco;;n:s ef the prgres of the war, the news nf th d .y, and a general variety cf p)!it:col ! nnd miscellaneous matter, will ilo be ; ,r m wm so ' n I r TM1 arrange as to issue every cvenmg, a lew nours suer me ai.j-inrn- r. .tt? ment, so that the prcsecings of earn day will ce ccntainrd in the paper ff the sa-nc evening, anJ wi.l ce Gf.ivrru through ths fi-'st maili that leave after The Weekly will rstsin its presjr.t size and form, and will crr.ui-i as great sn amount aid variety cf rendic mat te a; any other paper published at II ar risbnrg. TO CLUBS. The Inre'lijenc-T will be furnished lo Clubs at ihe follow in g rates: Thrf-e copies. Daily, for $5.00 Seven corics, dj " 10. CO Any person ob'.nirr g r.-rt 3?'srnbiri for the e?Mm cr . f:r ilie r, n ill be cni'uled to a fifth copy grati?. CTl3it no pr,pers will be sect wiihoui ihe cash ! accompany n-g m -' be rcmifed by mail. ' Tlarristur;, Dec. Vi, JBiQ. I