1! I" it i t i j .: I t 1V New Orleans papers of the eroaain extracts from ths ihe r.cvs ,f.i'r fro in Civ.Ie Washington, Dec. 27 -6 P. M. The steam-hip McKiin arrived at New Orleans on the 2:Jihf from ihe Rrazos, :t,Y;(.,1 ' received .ov w.ii-ig uus u itj '"-i. - V e . rf aeaur ntws iro;n . iunitro .v- 1 la van papers a thai f-u.r. Mercurv, 2 fol- ; later ihan before received Araujon, lately arrived 'and cut quite swath. . He .represents- that he lias ite a ' miiteJ. Men, women end children cry-. jJJISINISTRATORS1 NOTICE, sold' ig fr ercy; the" women and children, KrHKS olAdnd!s?r:mon on the twelve letters of marquc.bat unfortunate, Jin the agonies terror,, were put to Ueau pfl:1?p ofIfICr Shirer Sr., late ot could . invent. were v ' -.1 . I t .invent. --nappy were mose wno ,C(I l0 tie ,uhsTirs 'shot, or who fell by tha sword, who . inJeb,e(! lt 8 )i(1 csn,. nr. ly for -him no cue is so '-.credulous," as to swallow jt. ; .- ijic J . kj. ui Hill .ii.Kiii) 1 . ... i j .4 I, r, .:.. ..i 'r.....i r-.U ' had not their bowels rirped out ot them . I : i . . i it rw 1 1 .' I . . . .New.York, makinz quite a short run. pvmse nvins w"" - i re9seU, o the 20if t, nffirprs ! aunusf ip.c . sxiouw iiu .u'2iw nrnare( to sett r: i i (y. " " AinoiiT the nasseitcers were ir,Bu.u-!B, , .- fB . , ... i ' t,;-, ; ! nfinlV's- ' cers. and eutv-one sic ana u.senargca i . . ,,., in I murderers. J' I'j'l'tiS J... J iw ... - J HliU Cl , O CUb Vdli VUILIIU - I f trJ"- . i t ,rr,.i. 'J he steamship ir-rinia Ml lirnzos on , . tX. cvpri I juvc per: ITi"1 pin'.TS S-.i-i ct- .! j-wii. .ui ( . . . , T . inv will irill.tllj 1:1 lino wi " . . 1 - - M -,.....vp.1 f l.p- ' the 13th- for I ampico, with L'eut. Ool. , : . : . -,,unn iht i lowest cal ;;f ihftni. Almonte, iaioicdiate- ; Park, and ix compruites of tje hiaama - nrivateers. and will ve s!a il;., , Lin charge of the finances, issued $tmeut of voiu-iteers .-iuc stcaraooat 1 f.ir ' ,,e rC;ldv for anv ' lagc, or town ,r C:,hr i.o? all payments fron, the ; Oincnnat,, and the U. b. prr.po.cr Janjes em y lhnt may ris0. 'Hie loss of ( dcr Kbn ) Trmrr, but ihe order was scarcely ,s-: Taf e, left on t ho 1 bd,; with C.,n. Slmlds the astJ caased much regret among hj!,tthe, i v v : .Mtrm.iri(lpd. ow!!)? J and dUii, and Lap, heibv s ro:iiiany ol ., .. - . :.!,., - - "--' " council, over THOUSAND OF TFin NcTORIANS SUED XX THIS ;.IAiiSACRa, ON THE :claticn. -The most exten- uiiter took place at a large vii- s!up, called Iiias, where U- was hnn?clf present. e" things were happ?ing, a fall reque ai'tfnd at the Iv.e restdftife ot Hie i of Jamury ne.xt.j r prepared to seitlr: a id tlioe havi'i; t claims, tn present t'iPni al t!.e sa:re! time and place, prnprrlv ;niiMc;s::catta joiixsiiiiti::?, -f IV.lihck to. ..PRTERSSliUEU. " of Alh-gany co., Md, Dec 8, 1S4G-6i Ciimbcrhi7id rionr, prr hirre!. Wheal, per buiitl. live. (,'crn, nr rons i Ui to ; j '..t ltnCS pp'S, t:ne I'rat lies dried per ptuisid, 4t lljiter, I'.ref. VeJ. 8i.r.e Coal, per bus!;: I, r, p r dozen, euc-d "Wore it was eountcrmanded, owing I and uh, and Caph Shelby s coa.ny ol . -A- riMn rPS;a,n!s. - ' ' " councilover' whieh the i.cslornn 1 atr,- j .'...' .n its effects upon the ; Alabama vciuni;.v.-s. ad buund to ramps- n.(J ,,,:r!:nri nr --thousand : arch, wna has escaped from .Joussoul, ti,.i...;;.vi.? . . i 4 i .ic Kiwi" ; . , . . ., - U 1 ;TT r.uM;c eredit. Santa Anna w said to be . co. ' iof Gen. Tavlor men is not at all credi-. presided, was held ata- town c.wdit t lr; dissatisfied with the management of j i he I. . Ftemboat " G opher was - hnfSlt h believed to be a rjss of ; reccllee; arigat, Artchy , one ol the prmci ihe fir-uces. pvreeiied on the ICthyoade ot i ampico . s.jMta Am3 (0 0utaitl lhe means to con- j 11 Nestortan setilemcnts. Here it was f5s:,or Adame has been elected Govern- ! bar. , , , , tiuue lhe war,, and keep, up appearances, determined that, as resistance was vam, -ril-f Stso cf.S.m LuisPatosi, which . I f pd t b-val Ar.ei n-as ai-o tost, and . r llje whole people of the restonans snoula to'r.3 to a Cord much sutisfaction. S.das s?ver:d v?i-se;s were blown outT) sea. t - A t-.i OUl AnJ'tr'n r r II T'l;! r! f 1 fif Iivi:i:1 VOilintefirS j.SS J ti'ji.is-c: Jii 4.iv; ut.,Miiii;- . ..... . . , . - - .ii I j ,i' 'J. i .. v ni r jjauc; . iiju i-1 1 .huu ' . . . .... . 5eria of the Americon army contraband, i terry for .S;dtilSo,' to join Clen. ''Worthy id :;iKir.2 the entrv of goods al no.cas- loin house nearer to the American lines t find nothing 'J:a 2j miles, and if not entered within i a ii:ni'i, declaring thtm to he forfeiied. Thtre ire aeeiuUs frara the Pacific to tha 11th. Lux no further than the i.rrival of ti'ie -.hop of w:r C'yane, oft" the port of Guvaniac, i-nd h?r hlockading it, and the "."a'cuieiit of a letter writer that- the .: ". ,.f Vinrrit'a'a was conducted in so loose a maimer that departed witli i.aj unity, we From the New Orleans Bulletin. Or Uie 2ist Nov., a hrig and merchant packet part of the prizes captured at Tohusco, tveje wrecked near Alvarado, unci of nine Americans on board, 5 were crov, r. id and 4 i aved The c:oit cxapscra,lC accoants are pitl-ishi-d in tV.ecity of Mexico, as to the sit uation of Grn. Taylor's army. One lct-t-?j sis a v h(Aa brigade of 1000 men with thdr arms, ic. had gone over to the rdcxie-ans, and .that froia desertion and the rvges of-llie typhus fever.Gen.Tay ior had retreated frcm Saltiho to ilonte rev, and had asked a cessation of hoitiii iits from Santa Anna ! Gen. TwurtrV- Division was on its march for Virioria. Uridier Gen. Hamer had died at Monterey of inflammation of the bowels, after hut two days illness. (Jen. Uutler still cor.linued-in command of MonU-rey. ('oh Taylor had arrived at Mata moras with d-.-spalehes fur Gen. Patterson.' A!:dor Arthur came passenger in the vessels entered and I ' McKirn. lie brings despatches from General Taylor. On the 8th, Vlh and 10th, General Taylor was to move in col umns for Victoria, with about I a JO men. No further demonstrations would be made towards Sin Luis Potosi until orders from Government were received. Gen. Tay lor had imprisoned the Alcalde of Mon terey, his sou, and several others, for fur nishmir monv and horses lo deserers fro in the American army. Gea. Wo-.d was at Parras, one hun dred ihIIcs niuh of Chihuahun, with 1000 men, and Colonel Riley was at Monte .Morales, wiCa a similar force. General Pillow was lo move for Victoria on the 1 ith taenment ol 1000 men to destroy water tanks between S-iiuho and Potosi The f.iwowin;r letter appears of 5Io4crcy. r It was our pleasure yesterday, to hold a conversation With Dr. Vjjson, of Col. Wood's Texan Rangers, lis arrived here on the steamship Alabama, on Mon day evening, and . is one of the last per sons from Mcn'.cry having left there on the 25th ult. Sickness was abating in tiie camp, and tha wounded, generally speaking, were rapidly-recovering." Gen. liutlcr was arnoag thos3 whose convales cence was most slow. Gen Worth, with about 1200 men, was at Saiiillo, were he found very comfortable quarters. The number of men fit for -active duty at Monterey at the present tima is about 3U00. Of these, oac regiment is quar tered in the city the remainder arc en camped at the Walnut Springs. From the representations which Dr. Wilson makes to in, Gen. Taylor cannot advance with his 'forces from Saltillo to San Luis Poiosi. The Mexicans, in iheir retreat, performed tlie march at great sacrifice ol life: the Americans can not accomplish it first, became the ene mv would let the water out of the tanks, and thus deprive them of this necessary clement of existence; next, becauso they in the' Monitor of 8:h November: San Li-is De Potosi, 1 5th Nov. The invaders are very near on ns Ttrttrday they entered Saltillo and must now ah?o be ;ncTampieo, because the cor respondenc3 which should to-day have pmeJo those points, has been rut off by order of Gen. Santa Anna. Who knows .rhat will be cur fate? However, we! Lave about 25.000 men, with 52 twenty four pounders, and a full supply of ara rramition of all kinds, wliirli is almost in- creditibio, but leaves no doubt" on my mind are 200 blacksmiths and enrpentc-s work aa?; for the army, and besides the men there are 1000 country women working en the fortifications, which is very satis factory, as it shows the enthusiasm :md rood will which animates the people. In one store there has been Void 10,000 daggers, bought by the country' people, both men and women in every direction we see them making lances, sharpeninc wcrds !'d lixing fire-anus and oiher warlike arrangement?, and we are all get ting acca&tomcd to the din of arms. having seen it myself, h'" iin mv iii'"n ! Them i .i . Santa Anna had sent n de- provisions on me xva a 1000 men to destroy all lhe I dislanee of 25) miles and because it j wouid amount to an almost aasolute im possibility to convey the necessary lorage and provisions over the mountains in the line indicated. There would seem to be do probability, then, that a junction can bo farmed with the t w o wings of oar ar my at San Luis Potosi the one march ing from Tampico, the other from Monte rey aiid Saltillo which, report has been savin?, is to be the movement. . " . - i . i i . ti: lions asked for were not sit, and creat circuiatou- aiong ine iuo Gen. Taylor, to meet "him with 30,000 men, iu pitched bailie, between San Luis Late Havana dates had been received al New Orleans. . -. The steamer Vera Cruz had arrived at Havana on lhe 6th inst. from Mexico. Santa Anna h said to have threatened to reireut to Querelaro, if the two rail- exertions were making to meet -his de mands. It was reported that- he would fall back whether the money was forth coming cr not, in order to be nearer the capital on the opening of the new Con sjress. A proposition had been made to the British merchants for aToan of twen ty millions, to be secured by a reduction The monird and hmd?d interests were lere? aii express arrived there from (Jen Po.o?i and Suiiilo. " Bough and lieadv replied, that so soon as he couid hate 10, 000 cflieient men under his command, he would meet him anywhere, whatever be the stealth of his forces. A lew dav before Dr. Wilson JcftMon- i miirni II' I ! I " much affected bv the duration ef thu Vwo1' ai -icnciova. u is ikh p.cs, war, and those interested were heartllv cnt purpose lo join Ger. Taylor. In tired of it. "i this decision he is gu-Uod by the inslrue- 1 Gen. Woll, fr in-mv years in the ser- j or :u5.vice r aU'- rCo,' -,Iar-rc r.r ipviV.- h-w! n'a.-tA t l -.-i.itn. i I u?v acd his druXToous are at Ghmuauua, Irom the Js"e.n Orleans Evening .'er nr of December IS. Trom Texan. By the arrival this morning of the ,;!r."mcr Guhcston C?pt. Havcland, we have Galveston paprs to the 10th inst. and cjrrfccpo:idiug dates from the inte rior. . The organization of a territorial govern ment ot Santa Pe by Gen. Kc-rney, tlie p.pers fad cause fr:r hxud compiaini in. They claim Santa Fe was v. i'Jiia the ac knowledged limits of the Re pub1.: Texas at the time of annexation therefore it now constitutes a thev marched without firing a Lacuna. :id n.-ocede-J towards lheca;!- ! mio va:iM n ' l I l i i i - i-i m inueeu, ttiey were coruiai:y wel comed and g;.t Irom the uuthonticj a de cent ""blow out" into the bargain. Tlie regular army at Monterey conduct themselves with great order and r- gu'a itv: not so, always, with lhe volu: tej:s Thev and the Mexicans too often get into 1 nd homicides follow. On T5y the arrival of the packet ship Chris Upher Colon, at New York, on Thurs day last, we have advices from that placi of the lGdiiust. T!ie annexed letter of difiieulties, emigrate, without an hour's delay, into Persia, where a numerous body of their country mt'u are settled on the banks of the lake of Oroamiah. The execution of this design was, however, didcult, perilous and disastrous. . The fugitives were obliged to leave behind them all their properly; most of them crossed the mountains in straggling, frightened, wret ched bands. Rut one corps of emigrants, stronger than the others, commanded by lhe patriarch, was attacked on their pas sage by the soldiers ol Roder Khan Rey. j After an obstiaata conflict, in whica ma ny fell on both sides, the Nsstonans gain cd the victory. , To Cue heir and legal rep resentatives of Geo. lLirl zelL decL ST -"J A K i.iirn tliat f.n inaurst will be - 4 0 ') a (: (j, 3 a a a -j 1'0 a 0 .V: c tn i 0 v;, fa) 75 0 .5 a ,j) 4 u (t 5 1 3 1 s) I5 a 0 1,. rillsfoirzh Market. 1 Fionr, W!eal Rye Corn Outs bc!d at the late dwelling b.m:?e i-f j J.irlev. 0 a S C (it) a h . a i said deceased- in ti e ijomuh 1 1 Sioys- Mwii, Somerset county. Pa., on I ricay the l5ih dav f .1 inunry I S 17. fr thp jj;,r,. purpose of making partition d tlie resl '$tate nf said deceased, to and amung his children, and Irg'd rcjre;ent :t; vr s. if the sarrc ran be done without pnjudice to or spoiling' of lhe whole. othcrwi.e to vslne and appraise lle same s-.rcor Ii icon, liams.pcr lb Pork !mg van A IVallo'iaS CovernuiCBt 3Ias- " saci"cJ. A horrible massacre occurred in the city' of Katmandoo, the capital of the kingdom of Nepatd, in Northern India, last September The Queen had a fa vorite, one General Gairgun Singh, whom ihe King caused to be murdered on the 14lh September, at 10 o'clock al night. Her majesty was so enraged at the lo.'-s of her paramour, that she al once insti gated the massacr-3 of the prime minister, the members of the Cabfnei, the nobility, the Council of State, generals and chief men, lo the number of two hundred. The King alone escaped, but ht3 where abouts was not known. A single -nobleman only was saved, nnd the Q.necn ap pointed him commander-in-chief. The Quesn is the King's second wife. The male children by lhe first wife, who would have preceded her children in tho government, were cmonx tho.e slain or confined in dungeons. Nepaul is a paw crltil kingdom, having about three mil lions of inhabitants. The ' national reli gion 13 Ruddhism. Most of the people are Tartars, as may readily be inferred from the conduct of. the Queen. our correspondent gives nearly news. Bait. Sun. 1 lhe Havanjs-a, (Cuba,) Dec. 1-ith, 1S13. 1 Hilii vr.. As an opportunity o tiers I avail myself of ai to inform yonr uunv readers of some of the 'doinzs' in the ciiv and its vitinh. Immediately af- ten Mexicans. r- 1 ti fwx .... aad l:iat j judiiiu?' Irom the day before Dr. Wilson left t ie camp, the body of a member of the Louisville Legion Was found in a position which showed Mat lie had beeu violently murder ed. IJ is comrades buried him, and the next day, the Dr. heard when he reached Camargo. tiiev sallied out and killed scv- heard. that for He further' rnado of t!ie Uth October, this, Gen. Tayior had ordered ihem back the v.rst drstruetion here, j from the cam p, with a strong remimaad, PrwOn 01 ! It WiS !'ener:illv S!!rfiy.tt th-t hrt" n:-.a !oith.'r In l.nn iros i.r f um jr.m' f'h" ,itt ineotate of Texas, in which nehher the i had been destroyed,' bin 1 am - h-ippv. to j regiment of Iilkois -volunteers; which had United Slates nor her agents have any j learn upon inquiry thai uch was ."not the ? marched Iro:a Cara.tnm to M ata moras, on nght to erect any form ol gave.-.iment but , case. .'i"iie sii;;:r crop, which was thought 1 their wsv to Tammco, were ordered such as may originate with ihe people of to be totUiy lost, will ia fact be laora' back, nrobablvia- tak tSm n'cn ,f iIjp ' l ' i ------ , , - j exas ana oi astaiisnca :n acconJanee with the terms of imneia'.i'Vi, and in the manner prtscrilied by the Federal Con stitution. Tlie papers seam to be !.i'"!:!v inccDsed at Gca. Kearney's procedure i i lhis respect. Vv'e quote from the Auain Democrat, r s a sample : 'Should the Ccn'r.-.l Government per- i.i; an i. n. i uuc: me car,? ikavin;- ini- ly matured, sulkivd no injury by being pros'.r.-.ted. . Oa the Jth, I0ih and 1 lth proximo the Queen's marriage will be cel. bra ted here with ;rrer.t pomp extensive and costly prep.iriaions are now bein made for tint purpose half a mil lien will be : ;t-nthe hi-h-hand. d, tyran:c;d course j sp-at jn gewgaws and brocade on the o 11 n." -mrncru, lhe grenna wnrs, the casion, P.nd. ihe people will be allowed the laam prop, upon tvhich the rectitude and high privilege of footing the bill. Here, juft:eeoi the war with Mexico can be ;;S mulor ull vemmenis cnntrollcd bv cfenued, w:dle swept away. The Gov- j mun-irehisls. the two cxtrr. -nr, t., Kentucky L.jgioa, or possibiv to repel some threatened attack on Camargo. Whatever the motive, they were, at least, ordered to counlcrmach from Matamoras. Tt. ... f... ' .t.. , 4 ... pudia liad buen tried by a mditary court at San Luis Polosi, for his conduct at Monterey, and ordered to be shot. N. O. Delta'. - ;-"'.. trnracnt w1l be estenncd from r:Wi-r I . s t.ucm, but i er.? wui not. 1 !;is contends, and will ever contend, that -lit immry innuaoa vv. i:i the isw , r .irsM-.nwM bo p..r,:r,t:o-l . oust iu cr- or jjou,ii(.i.uu.o iuvj,i HJIliri, illiti ICJ JiCr MASSACRE OF THE NESTORIAN . CHRISTIANS. We learn, savs the New York ; Cou- sl'!':i iu ;di ihc;r hideous deformity mon- t rier, through the correspondence of the arebial splendor and the most abject pov-I London Morning Chronicle from Con- crly. Shameful it is that this state of af- . lone, and any ct'.emntto est: rltariat or ether government within those 2aits, is rm iuh iimement of her rights as a sovereign State." The House of W. R. Nichols, on the fcCtuh side of Galveston, was much in jured by tire on the 11th. In the county of Easlrop there were, lhis spbjoti, in cultivation, 3933 acres, in corn, 1010 in cotton, 210 acres in oats, raid 92 ia potatoes. There are at pres ent -17,000 bushels of corn for sale in that county. The meeting which was h dd in Galve3 u facilitate the communications with tae cov a try, resulted m a committee ot thirteen beir.g appointed, to cause to r??d'j aopy oi c-..hi!;rt., ,a:. . ( -...uLinui, U1JU(.W unucr uie ca; Ji Java. The powaifui Italian Opera Company lately brought out here, h s created a stantinople, that another icrrihie massacre has occurred among the Nestorians. In his letter bearing dale Nov. 7, ho says that the fact of such an event having oc curred was' known al Constantinople, but great pains were taken to conceal the par- ! nculars. In las letter ol lhe 0th, he great excitement among the critic and ;ives further details. About a month be fore. Reder Khan Rev- hnnwintr th-at r - ...... . J - i aeon is miffhti v etlorts of ihe Ml amateur musicians The Leviathan crowded with an amhsnee of wfuhh n.t ,',,i, m a,:... . r..-, i,, , , ,t , '""u ","u" "ia v.-?ijL;u3 must, prove lutue .."u-V.8Ulu :iy aione, on this Icctcd various detarhm nf i I 1. A a . . .... I . ' ' - -' i urtvisti - uovcrnment lo col d-j surveys of roads on two different siacoime Atlantic, can., present. Thev f re rer-ping a rich harvest for the sever ? successive nights their receipts were eleven thousand dollars. I . regret thev m-c not to visit the States, beinV anpre hensivc i; would not pay. They num ber over one hundred. ot j L-onold de Meyer is here, and will bo shortly commfr.ee a series of concfrtj routes, one ieadmr; from Virginia Point Santa Anna. 'keeps his'pitof cocks. : or towcrds the Rrszas, and the other Doubtless he prefers f.!ning cocks to ir ;:n IV- n.r lV.tat. in fuch a direction fighting A meth'an-. .toscr-.e inot cectu-diy in opening 1 Gen. Vejra rnd suite have sailed for co Mmun.cation with the country between Vera Cruz; he feems lo be quite a favor Me 1 rimty :;nd S.dun rivers, jand With Ue with ihe Cubans L'asteni Tas r nru!iy. i Tl Meiicon CwnaWtioapr, Cow. uer tae command of the Reys of Ilaika raiand Revari, and himself' taking com mand of a large body cf Knrde marched into the country of the Nestorians. Knowing that he would meet with no re sistance, he divided his force into - small bands, and sent them in various direc tions to fall on the defenceless Nestorian villages. . . r Thirty-six of these villages at the least, have been thus made the scenes of the mosi harrowing wholesale murders. To speak of their having been sacked, plun dered and burnt to the ground, would bo w uraw attention to an incident of small Tiac Itew lik Reimerit. The regiment called into service from the State of New York is not yet full. The Courier says : "Various causes may be assigned for lias, but a prominent one undoubtedly is tho insufficiency of Lhe law, which leaves tlie men unprovi ded for until actually mustered into ser vice. This- is a great error, and should he remedied by Congress - immediately. In the mean time, however, the o facers of the regiment are suffering greatly; and we 3e irn from good authority that they areniwin advance SI, 500 beyond the spj r priation by the Common Council, f ft : u!:si t ng their men before being mus tered i; t s-ervice! . Surc'y this shoi.l 1 a t be. U ader ihe existing law no regi jantcanbe raised, the ra:n of whieh will not, on an average, require to be sub sisted fo.ir or five davs before mustcrin;-; and although the raV.ons only cost the Government about seven centc, no man can be bearded and lodged temporarily in this city for lea lime? that amount per day. It 'follows.- that at leas: 65,000 must be advanced bv somebody." i!Ie tstnn Runners, Tim New York Sun says thr.t the Mexicans have organized a division of troops cuiieil Runner?," to harrass the Americans in marching, cat off straggling parties. They already number ten thou sand men, armed with lances and match locks old muskets which the scarcity of arms compels them lo use. These forces are commanded by experienced officers in Santa Anna3 army at San Luis Potosi, we note the names of Valencia, Vosqtiez and Lombordini, commanding divisions of inf:;ntry;and Cortaza, of Cavalrw . Genends Pachcro, Perez and Megiaz commanded brigade oi" infantry. n law; at which time and ph-ce are required to attend if yon think prcp SAMUEL GRHTITH. tier fl, ' ShfrifT. To the heii's und legrtl vep rescatatves of M'dlheiv rinhcvlon. iIccaI. r"5"AKH notice that an ir?jnest w ill Jl be held at the late dwelling house of said deceased, in the township f Turkey foot and county of Somerset Pw., on Saturday thc-SOih day f January 1817, for tlie purpose of inukinjj parti t i 1 1 of tlie real estate of said ileceaseil, to and among his Chil Iren and legal-rep: reftcnta'aves, if ihe same can be done without prejudice to or spoiling of ihe who'c, otherwise to value and appraise the same according li law, 8t whi'-h time and place you are required to attend if you thin k proper.' SAMUEL GRIFFITH, dee 8 Sheriff. To tlie heirs ami legal rop rosentrstivt's of John Gni 1mm, (Icc'd. rAlvlv notice ih.at an inquest will .fcL- he held at the late dwelling house of said deceased, in the Rorough of SioysJown, Somerset eountv, Pa, on Satnrday the lCth day of .himiary 19i7. ! for the purpose of making partition of the real estate of said deceased, to and a rnong bis children ami lc;al representa tives, if the same ran be done -without prjidsre lo or spoiling of the whole; otherwise, to value and appraise the same aecordinc to law; nl wbicli time anl place you are required to attend if von think pnptr. SAMUEL GRIFFITH, dec 3, Sherifi'. YiiluabJe Proijcrly. uA I L. uasa test i '. . I allow, rendered " rough Rutler, i:t k g-, 44 roll. Cheese Western Reserve " Goshen, Apples rrrren, per barrel, diicd per bushel. Peaches, Potatoes. Merrrr " Neshannocks j Sf cds. Clover Timothr Flaxseed Wool . 33 a 0 a S3 a a a C a C A t a 4 a mm 9 0 on 7J 45 1 20 CO 40 5 25 35 i -'i 4 a ft CO 0.) s 1'J T I ?j 51 I 'iS 10 44 5 50 25 a I 7 75 a 0 Hi a 25 BANK NOTE LIST. Pittsburgh, Pa. Eg rBHnE subscriber being disposed to Ja remove from Somerset, olfer?f for sale lhe House and Lot, occupied by him situate on the north west corner of the Diamond ia the Rurot;?h of Somer set.. Til?; Hcuse is iarge the front building being flu by 35 feel, r.nd the hack bisihling 4i) by 20, I;oih two stories high, built with brick and well liaishrd. whole- STA N DA R D ii OLD AND SILVER Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh. Rank?, Philadelphia Ranks, Girard Rank United States DanX, Rank of Gennr-n'.own Mouongahtda Rank Rrownsville Rank nf Gettysburg RanK of Chester County Rank of Chambersburfi Rank of Delaware, Ran!; of Susquehanna Comv Rank of Montgomery Cmnty Rank of Nortfiiitaficrland Raitk of Lcwistrtwii I'an! of Middleton, Carlisle Rank Columbia Rank and Rridgs Co. R'Mesiown Hank Eric Rank Franklin R nk, Wcshinffloa Farmers' Rank Ren'!mr Farmers Rank line k." County Farmer'sA: Driivrr's Rank 'ayiusb'g rarmcrs Lank Ijaneasler fiae.custer Co. Rank Lancaster Pank 1 1nrti-shtirrr Rank pnr pur par '25 rt i I par u par par par far u ll par par t 1 pr p-r P-r Flat IRoat Sank. Wc clip the following from the Mays ville. Eagle, of Tuesday last: ' "Tho steamer Clipper i-an into a flat boat from Zanesville, laden with -1490 barrels of Flour, on Wednesday night, just opposite- this city. The night was very dark with snow blowing from the cast, ajt 1 no damage wa apprehended until too late to prevent the. strike. The flat-boat had no lights out, aud in the excessive darkness had at a little distance the appear ance of drift. The flour was insured. As the the Flat Roat had no signal out the owners will have to bear the loss. with a fine cellar tinder the there is a sod Carriasc House and Wood shed al.o a good Rrick Smoke and Wash House, with a good well of w ater end cisicrn on the premise, also a flue Garden with a variety of choice frnii trees & shrubbery this property is admirably adapted for a comfortable residence, as, well as far any kind ef public .business, and ?is uu surpassed by anv properly in the place. A meadow lot combining 2 neres, together with a 20 acre i !oer lot ad oin'm; and several other out lots all adjoining the borough. ALSO Two tracts of unimproved bind, con taining 400 acres eah, situate in Som erset township. The terms will be liberal. $C7U the udove properly is not dis posed of. it will be for rent from lhe Iss ef April next. J.L.SNYDER. Dec. 3, 18f. -i ' , LAST MID FINAL KOTICEv' Memj)!ii5 Honcsdale Hank Lenarioa Rank Miners' Rack Poifsvilla Wyoming Rank Northampton bank York Rank Stale Scrip, Exchange bark Pills., Mer. Mid Maul R Issued by solvent R.:nk3 Ch'o. Mount Plcr.sant Shi.henviile, (F. Si M.) St. Chitrville Marietta tNew Li.-brn Cincinnsti banks, Columbus ('irele villa Zanesville Put man Woostcr Massillort. Samlusky (ieauga Norwalk Xenta- Clevcland Rsnk Day ion Franklin Rat;k of Columl'js, Cluliicotl.e Sc'u.'.a Lancaster Hamilton Granville Commercial Rank of L.ke Etfe Farmers Rank Cantt-n Uibiiu Jlrainia, Eastern soHer.t banks 1 Wheeling and Rranche", Indiana. Stale Rant and branches, Sia'.e Scrip, 5's Iflinrh 50 S'mVne'ova Missouri. u 4 u u t a. I p-ir 2 h it u it ( 4 i II n .? il :s 43 1 it 2 i State Rank State bank Trnnrssre. 3 f Other solvent tanks 5 North Caro!i)iu. SESThc Savannah Georgian of the 23d Nov. says: Two fine shad, caught in bavannah river, were served up :on ahead I uesday, the 22d instant, by our worthy been host of the. City Hotel, to lus hoarders. They were purchased on the 2 1st, at $3 50 each. Last year lhe first Shad were served up at the same house oa lhe 20ih of December. , - . ' g MIL Subscriber once more earnestly All solvent banks JL requests all persons 'having 'um'ct- South Carolina, led accounts with him, m call end div ' All solvent banks charge tiem or at least, close them '.by j " A'etv Z,'ag Tan , note before xhefit'sl d( of I covitri; n'xt i New 'England being desirous to' remove. and having j .Vcy? Vcvh. y given several calls, which have; New York city par ( M.rr b?nts in a great, raeafcure utihci-dcd, . he j 'ilfiiryhn--', that ihose persons who fail to a!-; Rdtimre pnr - Oth.-vr bant trusts leoil i.'tih! ii.n.'irr. will nni cum !ifii. ! ..... " " ' - ..... I ' i . i , A . m IT, A -r w a. . ... MJ B should thev receive a 'Uh'rrenl Aim! of'- sL j2i.-i., JL.---' niti; after Hie expiration of ihe above I ' MK l ,hc W'.nut o it.. time, as the accounts must end shall " be ! V, ter ,n Ikhcl; i: r.aihe - "; Negro Suffrage. -The: Constftutibnal l' Convention, Wisconsin, hare "passed negro suffrage resolutions bv a vote of 53 to 43. ' closed. " Dec. 8, 18 JC. ' J.-L. SN i DEU. Many of mv GOODS on hand, will . t.S ..l.l .1 f-M I f " sum ai oM for t nan, some even le- Hackalhnrn, wl o killed Sullivan on the! ,uw fli,:lor I would ell -nnt the entire I siocKun very aceomoviatm" terms sou can be bad with J. L. S. importance in the face of the greater hor-,. Steamer Hudson, is now confined., in the ,jm j()rjs.; anij y xwi wiiicii ihcse bloody barbarians com: ' Piiubury jail. . j ' the Store if deiitd. of October bst. a o;;s vear RLAt'N HEIFFER. with s.oi.e WlftrE p;- tiboul lhe head and a hole in liie, t' ear. The ownfr is rq'-estfil to co:: mil prove proj?riv and pay fliarg, h -r-vise said heilftr will be s-ld a th I f direrts. . WM. RINGLLiU. Doc. 1318. i r