TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM,? HALF-YEA KL1T I.V ADVANCE. 5 AMD FfiRr.lEBS' AMD r.lEGIIAHIGS' TF NOT PAID VrrnifN TITH YEAH. 3 5i) W1M. CHAi&EU. . rillXTED AND PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY J O N AT II A X R O W ' SOMERSET, SOMERSET COUNTY, PA. New Scries. TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1847, Vol. 5. Ho. C. A TOUCH OF THE POETICS. A newspaper bearing the following original inscription, passed through a Post nfrice in Wyoming .county, a few days fincc: "This is to Miss Lucinda Drake, The charming girl I'll ne'er forsake; She docs reside in Elba town, "Which is a place of great renown; This town, it is in Genesee, "Where L. and I would like to be; The county is in New-York State, The very place to get your mate." Beport of the Secretary of the , Navy. The Report of the Secretary of the Navy has not yet been presented to Con press, but by the kindness of the Chief Clerk of the Department, we are enabled to present the following synopsis of it: The Mediterranean squadron has not been continued during the last year. It is pro posed to revive it as soon as circumstan ces will permit. The station at Mahon has been discontinued at the earnest re quest of the Portugnesc Government, and measures are in progress for the removal of die public stores from that place. The East Indta squadron, consisting of the Columbus. 74, and the sloop Vmcen lies, is supposed to have satled for Japan and Kamskatka, in the month of May or June last, and to have returned to Macao about this time. They will probably commence their homeward cruise via the North Pacific in January or February. Orders were sent to Com. Biddle in Jan uary last to proceed to the west coast of Mexico, and assume command of the squadron there. No acknowledgment of the receipt of them has been received at the Department. The Brazil squadron consists of the frigate Columbus, Commander Ritchie, and the brig Bainbridge, Lieutenant com manding Pennington, under Commodore Rosseau. The African squadron consists of the frigate United States, the sloop Marion, brigs Dolphin and Boxer and store ship Southampton, 9G guns in all. A full and interesting narrative is given t.f the operations of the Pacific squadron f'mcc the war, both under Commodore Sloat and Commodore Stockton, and co pies are annexed of the official reports of these officers. The squadron now con fists of the Savannah and the Congress, frigates; the sloops Portsmouth, Levant, Warren and Cyanc; schooner Shark and store-ship Erie. The razee Indepen dence is on her way out with Com. Shu brick, who will on his arrival assume command, and the sloop Preble has sailed for the same destination. The doings of the home squadron arc also fully narrated, and copies annexed of the official reports of Com. Conner in reference to the blockade, the designs on Alvarado, the affair at Tabasco, and the viking of Tampico. Full justice is done t) the commanders of both squadrons, in whom the confidence of the department seems unabated. Extracts from the in structions under which they acted show also a disposition on the part of the Go vernment to avoid all collision with Mex ico, if possible. The vessels comprising the Navy of Texas seem to have been fouud unworthy of repair, with the exception of the Aus tin, which is at Pensacola. The others have been ordered to be sold. The esti mates of the department are based on the employment of 10,000 men, though no more than 8,500 are now in service. Authority is asked to build 4 sea steamers to be employed in connection with our tquadrons abroad. The practicability of the dry dock at New York is not doubted, ?:nd the work is urged upon the favorable notice of Congress. A dock at Pensacc- la is also recommended, and other im provements to increase the efficiency of lac yard at that place. The restriction n the Memphis work, adopted at the last Congress, it is thought may be advantage ously removed. The exclusive employment of naval of ficer, ns naval storekeepers abroad, is not thought to be wise, and a modification of the law on the subject is recommended. The naval school is spoken of in terms of approbation, and the same appropria tion is asked for it as was had last year. A suitable notice is also given to the offi cers of the observatory, whose valuable operations are beginning to attract the at tention they deserve. An addition to the number of assistant surgeons is very much desired, and the department also recommends an increase in the rank and fde of the marine corps and in the num ber of warrant officers. The report concludes with advising that authority be given to the President to appoint one out of five or six midshipmen taken sick; the former was a raving ma st large, irrespective of the place of resi-j niac during the whole passage; he had dencc of the person appointed. Provi- crossed the ocean a number of times, and fiions might thus be made for cases of pe- had never experienced such a eevere and i:h:r merit which arc now excluded. protracted storm before; and his last loaf Nothing is said in the report on the sys- i bread was distributed among tho passen tcm of promotion. liters some three days before he made the The Secretary c-mfincs himself to a port, and he says that the sufferings of faithful narration of the doings of the all on board were mclancholly in the cx Navv, with a few practical suggestions, j tromc. These are facts which ought to K'ch as wc hve mrn'iore.l. His re- command the immediate action of-our port is aUy written, is dear and intcrcs- j authorities with regard to theirnporta ting. ' . j . i lien of paupers. NVY. Express. , Report of the Secretary of War. This Document has not yet been prin ted. A brief synopsis, made from the original Report, has been furnished us. The Secretary gives a full history of the commencement and progress of our Mex ican war operations; the battles of Palo Alto, Resaca dc la Palma and Monterey arc narrated; then we have the termina tion of the armistice; the conquest of Santa Fe and the Crlifornias, and accounts of the various movements of the armies. Satisfactory, though not official infor mation has been received of the taking of Monclova, but not Chihuahua. Gen. Kearney's detachment was expected to reach the Pacific about November last. The operations of Colonel. Fremont and" Commodore Stockton west of the Rocky Mountains, arc referred to with commen dation, Autheutic information but no of ficial report has been received of their operations. The military force of the United States has been augmented from 7G 40 men to 30,000 mcn The duties of the War Department have been arduous and em barrassing. The Department of Tamau lipas, and the right bank of the Rio Grande for several hundred miles from its, mouth, New Ieon, Coahulla and Chi huahua have all in effect been wrested from the enemy; and the Mexican au thority, civil and military, displaced in New Mexico and the Calitornias all in the short space of seven months. The regular army, under the law of last session, when filled up, would amount to 19,998, officers end men,, but does not J now exceed 10,300. Oar success in the ! 111 .1 1 1 neiu is aitriouiaoic prooaoiy 10 tnc large number of volunteers called out since the passage of the bill increasing the army. It is impossible to tell the number of troops which the exigencies of the war may require. The volunteers called out who have encountered the enemy, have more than justified the expectations form ed of this description of troops; but it is no disparagement to them to say that reg ular forces would be preferred in a war to be prosecuted in a foreign country. Con siderations of economy are also decided ly in favor of troops engaged to serve du ring the war. The Secretary is most so licitious that this subject should receive ; the attention of Congress, and that a body of troops should be raised to take the place of those volunteers who will claim a discharge at the end of their term of service. The plan suggested by General Ma comb in his report in 1S3G, is recommen ded now in reference to regimental field officers. Provision should be made for offences committed by our troops, and by persons connected with the army. An increase of the regular army is recom mended. The estimated appropriations for fortifications for next year amount to $195,690. The report then goes on to speak of our national defences; of sap pers, miners and topographical engineers and their present organization; of he ord nance bureau being inadequate; deficien cy in the medical staff of the army; his tory of operations in mineral lands the past year; number of pension agencies, 41, exclusive of Navy pensions, and num ber of pensioners about 20,000. Sub-Treasury act contemplates the em ployment of officers therein named as pension agents, and renders it doubtful whether those hitherto employed are not suspended. He recommends that au thority be given to continnc the irescnt agents at a reasonable compensation. Three thousand four hundred and thirty four Indians have been removed West of the Mississippi river since last annual re port. New treaties with Indians arc re ferred to, and the solicitude of Govern ment to promote the welfare of the Indian tribes is feelingly expressed. TXic lauier story. Distressed Emigrants. Two ves sels arrived in this port on Monday, hav ing on board 312 passengers, 34 of whom were dead, and 41 in such a miserable plight as to be sent to the City Hospital, where thev now lie wavering between life and death. One of these vessels was the Ligonia, from Bremen, where she sailed on the 1st or September having been out 110 days ; the other was the Pontiac from Liverpool, where she sailed j uciooer zuin Having oeen oui u.j uays. The Cant, of the Pontiac is G. XV. Tuck er, who called at the Alms House and mentioned the following particulars : The number of deaths on board his ship was 19; the entire navigation de volved upon himself and six sailors, his first and second mates having both been COXGRCSS. Mr. Davis' resolution calling on the President for copies of instructions to Gen. Kearney and Com. Stockton, as to the governments they have established in New Mexico and California, 'has been a dopted in the" House of Representatives, and a spirited debate is now going on in that body on the Presidents Message gen erally. We regret that our limits pre vent us from giving a sketch of this de bale, which is very interesting. The im putation of treason, cast by the President upon those who differed with him as to the policy or necessity of the war, is commented with becoming freedom and independence, and with a severity which causes that functionary and his friends to quail under the rebukes administered, and to regret that the language was ever used. It is shown that the President himself, in admitting Santa Anna through the block ade of the coast of Mexico, has given more "aid and comfort to the enemy" than any body else, or all other persons put together, and if there is treason to be imputed to any one, he it is himself, who has been guilty of it. The Whigs nobly perform their duty to tho country, now that we are engaged in the war. by voting supplies to carry it on, and hushing it to a speedy and honorable conclusion. This is the right spirit. The President sent a message to the House on Tuesday in reply to Mr. Da vis' resolution, from which we extract the following paragraphs: . "Thes3 orders and instructions were given to regulate the exercise of the rights of the belligerants engaged in actual war over such portions of the territory of our enemy as by military conquest "might be taken possession of" and be occupied by our armed forces rights necessarily re sulting from a state of war and clearly recognized by the laws of nations. This was all the authority which could be del egated to our military and naval comman ders, and its exercise was indispensable to the secure occupation and possession of the territory of the enemy which might be conquered. . The regulations au thorized were temporary and dependent on the rights acquired by the. conquest. "Among the documents accompanying the Report of the Secretary of War, will be found "a form of government," "es tablished and organized" by the military commander who conquered and occupied with his forces the territory of New Mex ico. This document was received at the War Department in the latter part of last month, and as will be perceived by the report of the Secretary of War, was not, for the reasons stated by that officer, brought to my, notice, until after my an nual message of the 7th iust. was com municated to Congress. "It is declared on its face to be a "tem porary government of the said territory," but there are portions of it which purport to "establish and organize" a permanent territorial government of the U. States over. the territory and to impart to its in habitants political rights which under the constitution of the U. S. can be enjoyed permanently only by citizens of the Uni- ted States. I nese have not been ap- proved and recognized by me." It will be perceived Jrom these passa ges that Kearney and Stockton acted in some measure on their own hook. The following paragraphs wc copy from the report of the proceedings of Tuesday by a correspondent of the Bal timore American: Mr. DAVIS of Ky., made a brilliant spcccli in rebuke of those who stood forth as the servile defenders of the Ex ecutive power. He argued upon the ex traordinary spectacle which was presented to the American People in the defences of the President, who had, without con sulting Congress, and in a reckless vio lation of the Constitution, . involved the country in a war with a Foreign Power; and vet. for pointing out and condemning an act like this, charges of treason were made. Mr. Davis rejoined ,lo those who were charging the Whigs with treason. by a most pointed retort. . What was treason? It was giving aid and comfort to the ene my. And had not the Executive done this in-admitting Santa Anna into the city of Vera Cruz? Suppose Commodore Conner, Morris, Perry or any other naval commander had done this, would not thcy have been arraigned and tried for treason; and most justly? Supposing they had been found in conference and correspon dence with Santa Anna, would they not have been dragged before the Douse, im- der.Court Martial orders!. Unquestiona bly they would. And this , was precisely what the Executive had done and he COU1U nOl CSCapu irum uiw uuciuuia 111 which he was involved. ...... Mexican Elections Favorable to Peace. The franco American!, pub lished in New York, slates that a letter has been received from the City of Mex ico, dated November 17, in which it is affirmed that the elections have taken turn decidedly favorable to peace, and that the overtures of the United States will be ta ken into serious' consideration by the Congress. ri.EMLIBERJHEP00R. When Providence blesses . In basket and store. And conscience confesses That yon need nothing more; When Plenty is smiling, With comforts beguiling, All labor and strife Then think of tho ecdy! Remember the poor! For good ever ready, Drop aid at their door. "Wherever another In anguish you find, Speak joy to that brother! Breathe balm on his mind! His look of sad pleasure, The tear and the smile Repay in full measure, And gladden the wliile! AXYI'S FROM THE .4 El 31 Y. The steamer Alabama arrived at New Orleans, on the 14th inst., with dates from the Brassos to the 11th, and from Monterey to the 1st inst. The steamer Sea was totally lost in the Brassos on the Gth inst. all hands saved. The news is considered interesting as regards the disposition of the 'forces in Mexico; and particularly so as indicating future movements of the army. The drift of the intelligence points to a crisis of bloody import. "We cannot condense, but present the entire news as we receiv ed it from the Picayune. r A duel had been fought at the mouth o the Rio Grande, between Capt. Stewart and Col. Thomson, of the U. S. Quar termaster's Department. After an ex change of shots the difficulty was amica bly settled. We are informed that 05 or 70 wagons belonging to our army, had been captured between Camnrgo and Monterey, not a great distance from Seraivo, and that Col. McKee's Kentucky regiment, with a part of the Ohio regiment, had been despatched to re-capture them. Wc are inclined to think there is some mistake about 4his, and that the report is one of old Canales stories trumped up for effect at this time. A correspondent of the Picayune, at Brazos, writes as follows: It was my good fortune to meet this morning an old friend in a gentleman di rect from Monterey, who gave me the data for what follows. My informant left Monterey, on the 27th of November. Gen, Taylor had returned from Sallillo; and expressed himself pleased with the appearance of the city, which was in quiet possession of the troops under Gen. Worth. Saltillo is about C5 miles from Monterey and has an elevation of some 2000 feel above the latter place. The cold, in consequence, is frequently quite intense. Gen. Taylor saw ice while he was "there. The most delicate fruits are said to abound in - Saltillo. No demon stration against Gen. Worth had been made by the enemy, although only at the distance of 20 miles from him.. His scouts had discovered about 3,000 Mexi can cavalry, said to have been sent from San Luis Potosi for die purpose of gra zing their horses. Gen. Wool had been ordered by Gen. Taylor to occupy forthwith the town of rarras, a small but neutilm place to miles northeast of' Sallillo. Gen. Wool would have no opsosilion at Parras, as the inhabitants were prepared to receive him peaceably. His troops are repersented to be in the finest health anil discipline. The ultimate plans of (Jen. Taylor had not, of course, been fully developed, but sufficient was known to render it quite certain that something like the following outline was to be. adhered to. He had received intelligence from the Government of the call for additional troops. He would therefore occupy all the posts, towns, &c., ciiher immediately or re motely, on the line of operations to Tam pico 'Lieut. Col. Riley rw occupies Mount Morales with the 21 Regiment of U. S.' Infantry. Gen. Taylor would himself take up his line of masch for Vic toria, where rumor has it, Santa Anna has 10,000 choice troops. This city is indis pensibly necessary to Gen. Taylor, in order that he may secure his lines of communication in an attack upon San Luis Potosi. Santa Anna knows its im portance, and will no doubt resist its pos session by our troops. But I hall not speculate. Gen. Taylor intended to march as soon as provisions could be hastened up which would probably be by the 10th December, with the 3d, 4th and 7th Infantry, the Dragoons under Col. Harney, who had arrived at Monte rey, Bragg's battery, and two regiments of volunteers, which latter had not been designated. It would seem that Gen. Taylor himself attiched some importance to the rumor of Santa Anna's 10,000 troops, as ho heads in person the expedi tion against Victoria. After Jaking this point, which he most assuredly will do, it U thought he will make no further de- monstration until desired . reinforcements reach him from Tampico. Should Gen. Butler's health admit of it lie wi!l$c left at Montercv in command; otherwise Col. Smith, of The Rille3, will be detained lor that purpose. Gen. But- . The Mexicans, finding that they cannot uccessfullv light "Uncle Sam's I""1" motion, and it is to be regreted that in too - , .i -u i many instances their , villainous schemes i i rpi ,, ,, , have succeeded. The Alcalde s son was i e . i- , , - i.-"i u u ll w bdio suite UIIU llJUIfPlMlLli. i ... . - i ' ' nuuii" uut-H ucitxiL-u ui carrying on litis species of war, and remains a prisoner still. When the Alcalde, who has been treated with all kindness and considera tion by Gen Taylor, heard of his son's imprisonment, he remonstrated wiih the General against his further detention. The oh! man -bilcd over" in a moment, and "let out" on the Alcalde in hot style. He told him, in no measured phraseology, that he was well convinced of his son's guilt and not entirely freefrom suspicions of his worthy sell; and that if he did not at once assist in restoring those. who had been seduced to desert, he would hang his son and himself too, as high as Human hung ! A deserter, who fought against us at Monterey a3 an offi cer, had been seen in the city, a tool of Santa Anna. " His name is Reiley, and deserted, from the 5th infantry before the battles. It is said, and on , good authority, that Santa Anna, fearing the Congress about to assemble at Mexico would not carry out his measures, or fully sustain him. de tached and marched to the capital 7000 men under the pretense cf putting down another outbreak of the populace, being well aware that Gen. Taylor cannot at tack him in his strongholds at San Luis for some two months or more. Santa Anna, it is no news to say, is a rnot wily foe, and in respect to knowing the posi tion of affairs has the advantage, of Gen. Tavlor, and he is determined to resist. It is now conceded by the officers of our j army generally, that the Mexicans will fight. San liOtiis Potosi is in a strong state of defence, and daily being strength ened still nd it may be that the hat tics of Palo Alto and Resaca, and those of Monterey, were but specimens of what may occur bcfore San Louis. Officers believe that a harder fight than any one yet is before them. San Louis Potosi is one of the richest cities in all Mexico, being directly in the mining districts, and vou mav depend ey ' m S upon it the Mexicans will make the big stand here. One tiling, however, is cer tain): old 44 Rough and Ready" is not go ing to be caught again deficient of any thing cither in men,munitions or besieg ing cannon. Nor will he be againj deceived by "white flags" or treashcrous parleys. You may deceive him once, but twice, never! But more of this hereafter. My letter is already too long, and I fear has but little interest to you. . In closing, I will add that Maj. Gen. Patterson had left Camargo with the Ala bama and Illinois regiments, and was con veying those troops down to the mouth of the Rio Grande, intending to go to Tampico by water. Having duly re ported his intentions to the commanding general, an express was despatched and arrived in time, ordering Gen. Patterson to go to Tampieo by land. Gen. P. and staff have arrived at Matamoras. Brig. Gen. Pillow is at that place, go- in ir out of the country on sk-k leave. THE WAR. A few Loco Foco Editors, whose stu pidity is the only commodity which out weighs their malice, are constantly charging the Whigs wiih hostility to the Government in it? prosecution of the War with Mexico. Nothing could be more untrue. The Whigs did not wish the Government to go to war, because they did not believe that every preliminary process of adjustment had been tried or exhausted. But after the Rubicon hail been passed, and war was upon i.s, the Whigs who had votes to cast, voted in favcr of evcrv measure brought forward by the Government to carry on the war. They not only voted supplies; hut press ed resolutions to encourage the enroll ment of volunteers, by incresing their pay. The same policy will be codtinucd. No Whig will lay a straw in the ways of a vigorous prosecution of the War. Those who vilify them, and accuse them of tret- son, could be bought with Mexican goid. Alb. Jour. -'The Plain-field Bank. The Men town Republican states that the citizens of that place, among whom are the me chanics ayd merchants generally, have entered into a general agreement no lon ger to take the notes of 'ihU bank.- ler s wrvund was not improving; indeed, it f " " "'V"eu lu aPP' io congress is said to be getting worse. j r the tion of un office of Lieutenant The air of Monterey is considered un- ,en w,"e,1 ,s tb,c rred upon favorable to wounded invalids, and the ! lhe, IIf?- 1 horaas !enton- surgeons have odviaed, that all slIc! "n',,k"wn o our service, but in Ea i mi !... :r :.,.i , roPe understood, I believe, to represent either m the open field or behind entren- t r, ,i . t- t- r v t. . . -,r . i, .i -i- Alter the taking of V era Cruz, which died works, have resorted to the insidious . , , 4,s ., . f ., r I , . is not doubted, the three divtsicna of the means of seducing our men to desert bv i e 'n n i .v . .... - i army, from lamDico. vera Cruz, and oners oi icuipnng uouniv and hhrli ' ANeivOnice. J Washington correspondent of the : . . j 1 h"aclphia - North Ameiucax, give lJlc followino M the outline of a plan ' which, he avers, is seriously entertained I bv the Administration : u Ti ..I - . - J1' W,U de,VoIv" f?Pon. him fthe 7 Pone command and the plan of opera- I mlm'lno. nnlnt f 1 'H.. ..." r ' , , . , , I may have reached, wi I be ordered to ad- ' - , . . , vauce and concentrate on the ci y of Mex- rPI , . . A 'co. J iiere assembled, the Lieutenant- 1 Ml -1 r i iicncral will assume the civil functions of a Commissioner, authorized to propose terms of peace and to negotiate the basi of a treaty. Such is the skeleton of a plan to bring this war to a close." JCr" Late accounts from Washington state that it is positively determined by the administration to ask of Congress the appointment of this officer. The Wasington Fountain further says, that it is not generally known that Cel. l Benton's opinion ami advice were asked by the Government after the battles of die 9di of May last, and that he is the real author of the operations in New Mexico and the Caliloniias. Nor is it so well known, that his opinion and advice were again asked by the government after the storming of Monterey, and that he is the author of the basis of operations against Vera Cruz, and the Mexican Capital. But that such are the facts in the premises is no longer doubled even bv the most sceptical. Pa. Intel. LATER FROM FORT BENT. From the L Louis Republican, Dec. 7. A letter from Fort Bent, written on the 30th of October, communicates some in formation which is of interestat the pres ent time. The proper officer was busily eugaged in forwarding to Santa Fe, on an avcrrge, about thirty wagon loads cf proxisions per week. " It will be hardly possible," says the letter, 44 to get all the stores into Santa Fe this Winter, from the very bad con dition of the trains which arrive here. A bout 140 tons of provisions are stored in this fort, all of which have to rross the mountains this Winter if possible. "There are now on the road between this oiid Fort Leavenworth seme dozen trains of wagons part of which cannot get here this Winter, though enough can be got to Santa Fe to last the army until next spring. Uncle Sam'9 braves havo tremendous appetites in this country, and a wagon load of provisions do not go far with them." The writer says that the Indians are getting troublesome between Fort Bent and the States. 44 The Pawnees attacked a provision train, a few days ago, near the crossing of the Arkansas, and killed one man. The Arapahoes killed two week, on the road between this and S;m ta Fe. After our troops get through with the Uoops on the o;her side of the mountains, they will have to corairer.c on this side, and after thrashing s.-u.c half dozen nations in all, there will be no more trouble with them." Messrs. St. Vrain and Folder arrived at the Fort on the 29th of October. The P. M. General has issued 3 clrcu lartohis deputies, directing them lore move the wrappers from all transient newspapers, printed circulars, price cur rcntr, pamphlets, and magazines, received at their offices, and if found to coutaia any manuscript or memorandum, cither written or stamped, or any marks or signs, except the name r.nd address of th person to whom it is directed, the a they shall be charged letter postjge, by weight; ccuted for lhe penalty of S5. The name of the sender, written or starm-eu on us j wrapper, shall subject hi:n !a the sa-;o ! penalty. Fire at Sea. The packet ship T. P, Cope was struck by lightning, at sea, on ihe29lhu!t. Some hemp end tallow be low was set fire to, and aUo th? rigging. The fire soon commnuicated toytha cargo tb,.. hatches were closed and the li"r kept smouldering until the Gth inst., whj.i die passengers and crew (62 in number) were relieved by the packet ship Emi grant. Soon after, the flames Ltrst from the- &hip in every direction. Fcr nine days the crew of the Cope labored incessantly, expecting ecry moraci.t to be driven into the sea. t 'l'eT tsc?-V was almost miraculous. The Cope wr3 a splendid Philadelphia Packet Ship, owned by the eatcrpu.-ing Merchant vtho.c name she bore. . ' - which, if the person receiving shall rck:3? to pay, they shall be sent to the ctlice whence thev came, and the offender pror- II