yi8 mmmmmmmm? ill! - V. : " .. - :- -:i .; ' - "- ' f TWO DOLLARS TER ANNUM, I HALF-YEARLY L ADVANCE. 5 sir not paid vrrrniN tttg vn.R, I $-2 SQ WILL DM tfh'AlCGED. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY JO N ATH AN Ii O W , SOMERSET, S03IE1ISET COUNTY, PA. flow Series.3 TUESBiL'iy DSCSrrlBSSt 22, 1846, Vol. C. ill E S S A G E OF THE rricsiDST or Tsit: u. statics. December 8, 1S1G. CONCLVDKO FROX LAST WEEK. I).wn i' tite i'n -!uiinti of ihe Florida treaty, in tVbnury, I HSU. whieh this tcrriury us reJed i, ihe U:iicd ia -smcd hiii! uMiui;ii:if i! iheir ter t'roriul rights to ilus extent. I.i t!ie maaui ul June. 1618, dming Mr. Mon roe's aihnMisr-iii u, iuiof uiatiuii hating breri reVieU thai a iMlriitrr of hTeign ail vci) uncrs had landed ai G.Ue.t:ni, .ivawt'.l purpose of forming a scc!eiii'iit itt thai vifM'iUy. a spend mes ffiiifr .ts !i',-ui'Muil by the Govern ment uf me Uninl Siaies. w jib iniruc ti ms from ihe 5vi usury of Sute o warn litem n desjM. hoih! tliry he fonii'i iht-re "or any othtr jdacu north of in? Ki t'ravo, ami wi bin the territory claimed iy hu Unucd Slate." He was instructed, houl j ihfV he found in the cuiirry north sf lhat tiv r, i make known t tlif m ihe surprise with which the President has rem poises-ion ll.iij lakeii, xvilhout a.nl- 'iiiv from iht: United Sla-es, of a place within ihcir cr ri'ri d limit, ami upon wtu.-I no law ful seitleooni ea:i be made wil'mut their fanctiiMi.'" lie u J i.oorue.ed torall up o: th'n to "avow tt.uSrr wliat itatioiul auiltftii'v thv pn.ff!" io an.' and li ji ll:t'm ih( wntitifj iht the p'aret wiihiiuh Uni-eJ Siitu. u h w-ill til fer rio perm nii'iit fiMih-mf nt to h made there, uiuh r any auiiiyrny other lha; tiirir own." As late as the 8th of July, 1812, the Secre:.-rv of Stntp of the United SLntcs, i:t a ijol? nddrcssc! to our minister in ioxico, maintains thxt, hy t'le Fionda treaty of 1SIU, the ttrritv as far west 39 the liio Grande was confirmed to .Spain. Ia thr.t no'.e he states that, -by ihe treaty of the twenty-second of February, 1810, between the United Slates and Spain, the Sahine was adopted as the line of boun dary between the two powers. Up to that period, no considerable colonization had been effected in Texas; but the ter riiory between the Sahi::2 and the Rio Gmnde bcini contirmed io Spain by the treaty, applications were made to that Jover fur grants of land, and such grants or permissions of settlement were in fact made by the Spanish authorities in favor of citizens of the United States proposing to migrate to Texas in numerous families before the declaration of independence by Mexico. The Texas which was reded to Spain bv l!.c Florida treaty of 1319, embraced all the oir.itry now chimed by the State of Texas between the Nueces and the IihGf.tnde. The republic of Texas :d wivs fHmrd thi river as her 'vesicni bound.-iry, and in her treaty made with fcLnti An!a in May 1835, h? recognized it as su;ii. Uy the (Tins:iiu:io:i wliit-Ii Texs adopted in Mar.rh, 1S3G, senatorial and represenLitivc districts were oran-iz- d extending west of t!;e Nueces. The Cnnr??.-i'i"l e.is, o:t l;ie li):ii of I. innber, IbGG, passed "An act to deiliie the bound irivs of the reuMi" of Texas, In which thry declare; tha Uio Grande f;-;:ii t's u:r,'jth to its source to be their W.::vl-irv, and hv t!ie suid art thev vx t"'i Jv-ii isieir ctvi! and political jurisdic ti:n ' oer i!ic iN-'niiry lip to t!i.t boun dary. Di'.rirsr a period i.f mere than nine year?, whin iv.tervrned between l!ic a (Inp'.io;) cf her eoiisiitiition and her an nexation as oi:e of tlie States of our Union Texas asserted and exercised many a.-u of sovereignty r.r.d jurisdiction over the territory :.nd irdiabitanis west of tlie Nu.'-ecs. Si;e orjr.:nized and defined the limits of counties i xtendin;r lo the Hio Grande. She established ceurls of jus tice and extended her judicial system cr the territory. Slie eta'.!isied a custom-house, and collected duties and also posUo(Tices an 1 post-roads in it. She established a land oiTioe, and issued nu merous grants for land, within its limits. A Senator and a representative residing in it were elected to the Congress of the re public, and served as such before the art of ami -"xtswo:: inrdc puce. In both t!n Congress and Convention of Texas, which gave ficir assent to the terms of annexation to the United States, pro nosed by our Congress, were representatives re. H'shl west of tlie Nuecc. who took part in lite act of annexation itself. This was the Texas which, by the act of our Con gress of t!.o 2'J:h "of December, 1815, nas admired as one of the States of our Union. That the Congress of the U r.i'cd States understood the State of Tex as winch they admitted :nt tlie Union to extend beyond the Nueces, is apparent from the fact, that on the 31st of Deecm 1T, 18 15, only two days after the act of admission, they passed a law to establish u collection district in the State of Texas, by which they created a port of delivery at Corpus Christi, fiiLSted west ot the Nueces, and being ihesamo point at which the Texas custom-house under theluws of lhat republic, had been located, and di rected thai a survey cr to collect the reve nue should be appointed for that port by the President, and with the advice and consent c the Senate. A surveyor was fcccordingtyr uombau?wl SJiJ confirmed by the Senate, and has Ikjcii ever since in the performance of his duties. All these acts i of the republic of Texas, and our Con- gress, preceueu me oruers tor me aovancu ( ootn ol whtcii occom panted my message i of our array to the cast bank ot the Kio to Congress of the eleventh of May last Grande. Subsequently, Congress poss- l were received" at the Department of i t ed an act establishing" certain post routes." extending west of the Nu?ees. These' communications rendered it ! of that republic to the United States, The country west of that river now con- : highly probable, if not absolutely certain, j which was rejected by the Senate. Fi stitJtes a part of one of the Congressional that our minister Would not be" received I nail v. on the first of March. 18i5. Con- districts of Texas, and is represented in ' by the government of General Ilerrcra. 1 gress passed a joint resolution for annes the Iluse of Representatives. ' It was a!?o well known lhat but little hope ! ing her to the United States, upon certain ine etiatcrs irrm mai oiue were chosen by a IcghLnre in w hich the country west of that river was represent- lutionarv movement which h? was prose ed. In view of ail these facts, it is difii- rutin s!iou!d prove successful, as was cult to conceive upon what ground it can highly probahb. TI12 partisans of Par be "maintained that, in Occupying the odes, as our minister i:i the despatch re- country west of the Nueces with our army, witn a view soieiy io us oeiencc, we invaded the territory of Mexico. But tt would have been still more l:hicmt to justify the Executive, whose duty it is to sec that the laws oe laitiiiuuy cxecuien nerera ty lorce. 1 he reconquest of if in the face of all these proceedings bolh.j Texas, anil war with the United States, of the Congress of Texas and of the U- .' were openly threatened. These were ni'ed States, he had assumed the respon- j the circumstances existing when it was sibility of yielding up the territory west j deemed proper to order the army under of t!ic Nueces to Mexico, or of refusing j the command of Ganeral Taylor to ad to protect and defend this territory r.nd its vance to the western t frontier of Te vas, inliabitants, including Corpus Christi, as " and occupy a position on or near the Rio well as the remainder of Texas, against j Grande. the threatened Mexican invasion. , The apprehensions of a contemplated But Mexico herself has never placed ! Mexican invasion have been since fully the war which she has waged upon the j justified by the event. The detennina ground that our army occupied tlie inter- lion of Mexico to rash into hostilities mediate territory between the Nueces and with the United States was afterwards th? Rio Grande. Her refuted pretension 'manifested from the whole tenor of the lhat Texas was not in fact an independent note of the Mexican Minister of Foreign State, but a rebellious province, was ob- A 11 airs to our minister, bearing date on iStinatcly preserved, in: and her avowed j the 12:h ofMandi, 184G. Paredes had ' purpose in commencing a war with the i then revolutionized the government &. his United States was to reconquer Texas, J minister, after referring to the resolution and lo restore Mexican authority over the f for the annexation of Texas, which had ; whole territory not to the Nueces only, j been adopted by our Congress in March, but to th Sabine. In view cf the pro-j 1 845," proceeds to declare that "a fact ' claimed menaces of Mexico to this effect j uch as this, or, to speak with greater ex 1 1 deemed it my duty, as a measure of j aptness, so notable an act of usurpation, ! precaution and defence, to order our army j created an imperious necessity that Mex ,' to o-cupv a position on our frontier as a ! ico, for her own honor, should repel it military post, from which our troops ; with proper firmness and dignity. The 'could best resist and repel any at-i Supreme Government heforehr.nd" dc i tempted invasion which Mexico might ! dared thai it would look upon such an make. i Our army had occupied a position at i Corpus Christi, wrst of the Nueces, as ! early as August. 1845, without complaint i from nnv mmrter. Had the Nueces been i J 4 ( regarded a? the true western "boundary of j It appears, also, that on the 4lh cf A Texas, that boundary had been passed by j pril billowing Gen. Paredes, through the our army many months before it advanced j minister of Avar, issued orders to the Mex to the eastern bank ol the Rio Grande. ican general m command of the Texan In my annual message of December last j frontier to "attack" our army " by cvery l informed ("ongres, that upon the inviia-j mo- ins which war permits." To this lion of both the Congress and Convention i Gen. Paretics had been pledged lv the of Texas, 1 had deemed it proper to order j a strong squadron to the coasts of Mexi- I co, and to concentrate an efficient mihta-1 j rv lorce on tuc wesiern (rentier oi i exns, ; to protect and defend the inhabitants a- yainst the menaced invasion of Mexico. In lhat message I informed Congress th.at the moment th? terms of auncxaiion of- fered by the th? United States were ac- cepted by Tex: s, tiie latter became so far a pirt of our own country as to make it iir duty to aihird such protection and fene.?; au.l that lor that purpose our squadron had been ordered to the Gulf, and our army to "aken position between the Nueces and the Del Norte," or Rio Grande, and "Jo repjl any invasion of the Texan territory which might be attempt ed by the Mexican forces." It was deemed proper to issue this or dor. because, roon after the President of' gard the relations- between the two coun Tcxas, in April, 1815, had issued his 1 tries as peaceful, unless Mexico should proclamation onveneing the Congrces of j declare wer or commit acts of hostilily hat republic, for the purpose of submit ting to that body the terms of annexation proposed by the United States, the gov ernment of Mexico made serious threats of invading the Texan terrctorv. These i threats become more imposing as it be came more apparent, m the. progress 1 question, that the people of Texas wotdd decide in favor of accepting the terms of annexation; and, finally, they had assum ed such a formidable character, r-s in duced both ihe Congress and Convention of Texas to request lhat a military force should be sent by the United "States into her le-i itorv for ihe purpose of protecting and defending her againft the threatened invasion. Il would have been a violation of good faith towards the people of Tex as to have refused lo afford the an! w Inch they desired njrainst a threatened invasion. lo which they had been exposed by their free determination lo annex themselves to our Union, in compliance with the over ture made to them by the joint resolution of our Congress. Accordingly, a portion of ihe army was ordered to advance into Texas. Corpus Christi xvas the position selected by Gen eral Tavlor. lie encamped at that place i in August, 1845, and the army remained in that position until the 11th of March, 1840, when it moved wc.-tward, and on i tlie 28th of that month readied the east j bank of the Rio Grande, opposite to Mat j amoras. This movement was made in , pursuance or orders from the War De partment, issued on the 13th of January, ,1810. Before these orders were issued, . me despatch ol our minister in Mexico' , transmuting tlie decision of the Council oi government ol Mexico, advising that j he should not bo- received, and also the despatched our consul residing ia the city of Mexico the former bearin j' datc on the seventeenth, and the latter on the eighteenth of December, 1815, copies of State. : ; coutu lie cntertjined ot a I:(terent result from General Paredes, in case 'the revo - : ferred to states, breathed the firecust hos ; unty against the Linned States, denoun- red t!io proposed negotiations as treason, and openly called upon the troops and the people to put down the government of !lt-'t s a niauu ttlh ; and, as a eonsc- quence of thi declaration, negotiation was, hv its very nature, at an end. and was the only recourse of the .Mexican rovernment. army and people of Mexico during the military rovolulion which had brought him into power. un tne ciutueentn ol April, isiu, iien- l oral Paredes addressed a letter to thc commander on that frontier, in which be stated Jo him " at the present date I sup- j posp vo.i at ttie r.oao ol tnat valiant ar- my, cither lighting already, or preparing 'for the operations of a campaign;" and "'supposing von alreadv on the theare .of ! opcratim and all tlie forces as- semoieu, it is indispensable that iiostiii- ties be commenced, voursclf takm the initiative against the enemy." The movement of ihe enemy to the Rio Grande was made by the command ing general under positive orders to ab shun from all aggressive acts towards Mexico, or Mexican citizens, and to re- indicative of a state of war; and these or ders he faithfully executed. Whilst oc cupying his position on the cast bank of the Rio Grande, within ihe limits of Texas, then recently ndmiJled as one of the Slates of our Union, the command ing general of the Mexican forces, xvho, in pursuance of the orders of his govern ment, had collected a large army on the opposite shore of the Rio Grande, cross ed the river, invaded our territory, and commenced hostilities by attacking' our forces. Thus after all the injuries which we had received ami borne from Mexico, and and alter she had insultingly rejected a minister sent to heron a mission of peace and whom she had solemnly agreed to receive, she consummated her long course of outrage against our country by com- TT-nrinr rin n fT(Mi:i t f v:ir :md shrddiivr the blood of our citizens, on pur own soil. , . , The United States never attempted to acquireTcxas by conquest. On the con trary, at an early period after the people of Texas had achieved their independence they sought to be annexed io. the. United States. At n general election in Septem ber, 183G, they decided with great una nimity in favor of "annexation;" and in Nox ember following, the Congress of ihe republic authorized the appointment of a minister, to bear their request to this fov ernmeitt. This government, however, having re mained neutral hctwecu Texas and Mex ico during the xvar between them, and considering it due to the honor of our country, and our fair fame among ihe na tions of ihe earth, that we should not at aids early period consent, to .annexation, nor uutil it should be iaaaifest to the ! whole world that the re-conquest of Tex- 1 as by Mexico was impossible, refused io 'accede to the overtures' made by Texas, On the I2ih of April, 1841, and after more than seven years had elapsed since i Texas had established her independence, alreatv was ronelndr:! for tho annexation I preliminary conditions to which her as ! sent was ' required. The ' solemnities which characterized the deliberations and conduct of tlie government and people of iexas, on the deeply interesting ques tions presented by these ""resolutions, are known to the world. Tlie Congress, the ! Executive, and the people of Texas, m I convention elected for that purpose, a purpose, ac cepted witii great unanimity the proposed terms of annexation; and thus consuma-! ted on her part tlie great act of restoring; to our leueral Liuon a vast terntorv which had been ceded to Spain by the l ioriJa treaty more than a quarter of a century before. After the joint resolution for the an nexation of Texas to the United States had been passed by our Congress, the Mexican minister at Washington address ed a note to the Secretary of State, bear ing date on the .sixth of March, 1835, protesting against it as 4 an act of aggres sion, the most unjust which can be found recorded in the annals of modern history; namely, that of despoiling a friendly na tion, like Mexico, of a considerable por tion of her territory;" and protesting a gainst the resolution of annexation as be ing an act. "whereby the province of Texas, an integal portion of the Mexican territory, is agreed and admitted into the American Union;" and he. announced that, as a consequence, his mission to the United States had terminated, and deman ded his passports, which were granted. It was upon the absurd pretext, made by Mexico, (herself indebted lor her inde pendence to a snceesfu! revolution,) that the republic of Texas still continued to be, notwithstanding all that had passed, a province of Mexico, lhat this step was taken by the Mexican minister. Every honorable effort has been used by me to avoid the war which followed, buta!!"have provedvain. All our attempts to preserve pence have been met by insult nn I resistance on the part of Mexico. My efforts to this end commenced in the note of the Secretary of State ci the teruh of March, 18 15, in answer to that of the Mexican Minister. Whilst declining lo reopen a discussion which had already been exhausted, and proving again what was known to the whole world, that Texas had long since achieved her inde pendence, the Sicrct oy of finale express ed the regret cf this government that Mex ico should h ive ti.ken offence at the reso lution of annexation passed by Congress, and gave assurance that our" most strenu ous ellorts shall ho devoted lo the amica ble adjustment of every eauje ot com rdr.int between the two governments, and j the ciibivation of the kin-Ut and i incnmy relations uetwen tae sisirr re publics. rThatI have acted in spirit of this as surance, will rppear from the events which h ive since occurred. Notwith standing Mexico had abruptly terminated all diplomatic intercourse with the U- 1 nited Slates, and ought, therefore, to have been the first to ask f:r its resumntion, yet waiving all ceremony, I embraced the earliest favorable opportunity " lo ascer- tnn lrom toe Mexican government pilious moment lor such an overture had arrived. Texas, by the enthusiastic and almost unanimous xvill of her people, had pronounced in favor of annexation. . Mex ico herself had agreed to acknowledge the independence of Texas, subject to a condition, it is true, which she had no rigiil to impose rod no power lo enforce. The last lingering Lope of Mexico, if she still could have retained any, that Texas xvould ever again become one of her provinces, must have brer, abandoned. The consul of the United States at the city of .Mexico was therefore, instructed by 'the Secretary of Stats on the 15th of September, 1815, to make the inquiry of the Mexican government. Ihe inquiry was made, and on the 15th of October, 1815, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Mexican government, in a note ad dressed to our consul, gave a favorable response, requesting, at the same time.that our naval force might be withdrawn from Vera Cruz while negotiations should be pending. Upon the receipt cf this note, our nax-al force xvas promptly xvithdraxvn from Vera Cruz. A minister xvas imme diately appointed, and despatched to Mexico. Every thing bore a promising aspect for a speedy and peaceful adjust ment of all our difficulties. At the date of my annual message to Congress, in December last, no doubt xvas entertained but that he xvould be received I by the Mexican government, and the hope xvas cherished that all cause of rnUunder sU.ridir.g between the'two countries would from the United States intrusted will, lull U.T of peace, invested will, fall powers to " I ' power to adjust all questions in dispute adjust all lie existing difference between cen. I ' hXl n? I i t .i ... . . ..'..:.:,;.. - ,,r,-r ;cf i revo ution, hy vviiu !; ne b in outatncJ prv- betxveen the two governments." In the two connes m a mamnr just am! I , -r be speedily rcmorcd. In the confident hope that such would be the result of his mission, I informed Congress that I for- bore at that time to "recommend such ul- tenor measures of redress for the wronrs and injuries we had so long borne, as it founded upon opposition to the ainbiii i would have been proper to make had no projects of Paredes, would tend to pro such negotiation been instituted." ; mote the cause of peace, as well as pre To my surprise ami regret, the Mexi- ' vent any attempted European interference ican government, though solemnly pledg- in the affairs of tlie North American con ed to do so, upon the arrival of our min- j tinent boih objects of deep interest to i! e ister in Mexico, refused to receive and ac- t United States. Any such foreign infv creditl im. When he reached Vera Cruz ference, if attempted, must lnvelven rc on the tJOlh of November, 1845, he found , sisted by the United States. Mv viewrj that the aspect of affiiirs had undergone an UDhappy change. 1 lie government ol ; ieu io congress m i;y last annual me -GenerailIerera,who was at that time Pre- 'sage. In any event, it was certain ih;l sident of the Republic, was tottering to its j no cliangc whatever in the government i f fall. General Paredes (a military leader) Mexico which would deprive Parade i f had manifested his determin ation to over- : power, could he for the worse, so far u- throw the government of Ilerrcra, by a the United States wcro concerned, whi'o military revolution ; and one of the prin- cipal means which he employed to effect his purpose, and render the government ot Ilerrcra lious to tlie army and people of Mexico, was by loudly condemning its tie termination to receive a minister of peace from the United Suites, alleging that it was the intention cf Ilerrcra, by a treaty xvitli the United Stater. to dismember the ter- ritory of Mexico, by ceding axvay the de partment of Texas. The government of Ilerrcra is belicud to hare been xvell dis posed to a pacific adjustment cf existing difficulties; but, probably alarmed for its own security, and in order lo ward eff the danger of lliP revolution led by Paredes-, violated its solemn agreement, and refused to receive or accredit our minister: and this, although informed that he had been invested xvith full power to adjust all questions in dispute between ihe two gov ernments. Among the frivolous pretexts for this refusal, the principal one xvas, lhat our minister h;ul not gone upon a special mis sion.' confined to the question of Texas a lone-, leaving all the outrages upon our flag and our citizens unredressed. The Mexican government xvtilknew that both our national honor and the protection due to our citizens imperatively required that the two questions of boundary and indem nitx' should be treated together, as natur ally and inseparably blended, and they ought to have seen that this course was best calculated to enable the United Slates to extend to them the most liberal justice. On tlie thirtieth cf December, 1845, Gen. I lerrera resigned tlie Presidency, and yielded up the government to General Pa redes without a struggle. Thus a revolu tion wi.3 accomplished solely by the army commanded by Paredes, r.nd tlie supreme power in Mexico passed into thchunds of a military usurper, who was known to be bitterly hostile to the United Slates. Although the prospect of a pacific ad justment wiili the new government was unpromising, from the know n hostility of its head to the United States, yet, deter mined that nothing should be left undone on our part o restore i rummy relations r between the two countries, our minister was instrncted to present his credentials to ihe new government, "nd ask to be :c eredi'edbvit in the diplomatic character m which he had been commissioned. These instructions he executed by his note of the first of .March, 18 id addressed to the ?-Iexiean Minister of Foreign Affairs but his request was insultingly refused by tint minister in hi vaswer of the 12th of the same month. No alternative remain ed for our minister but to demand his pas port and return to the United States. Thus xvas the extraordinary spectacle presented to the civilized xvorld, of a gov ernment, in violation of iLs oxv:i express agreement, haxing twice rejected aminis- betxveen litem Scarcely a hope of adjusting our diffi culties, even at a remote day, or of pre serving peace xvith .Mexico, could be cher ished while Pavedc j remained at the hea l of the government. lie had acquired the supreme power by a military revolution, and upon the most solemn pledge to xvage war against the United States, and to re conquer Tcxas.which he claimed as a re volted province of .Mexico, lie had de nounced as guilty of treason all those Mexicans who considered Texas as no I longer constituting a part of the territory j of Mexico, and xvho xvere friendly to the j cause of peace. The duration of the war xvhich he xvaged against the United States xvas indefinite, because the end xvhich lie proposed, of the reennquest of Texas, xvas hopeless. Besides, there xvas good rea- j son to believe, from all his conduct, i.Va it v.,c I ta mlnnlM,, .r. ll,.-. mtV.i'.'.l-T I of Mexico into a Monarchy, fMid to call a foreign European prince io the throne Preparatory to this end, lie h"d, during hi short rule, destroyed the liberty oi ihe press, tolerating that portion of it only which openly advocated the establishment of a monarchy. The better to secure the success of his ultimate designs, he had, by an arbitrary decree, convoked a Cci jrress not to be elected by the free voice of the people, but to bo chosen in a nian- mouern nisuirv Drescms a parauei case, . . . ' . in which, in lime of peace, one nation has J7 iil . San- reluscd even to hear propositions from a- lf Aia h been cxpeded from power by ., . .i:in,.i.:, toe army, xvas known to be m enen hos- nomer nr icrmiuaung cAisuug UIUH..UHCO - . I O O till?,- In I' I r.. i ! .1 ' I n ' ner to make them subservient to h;s will, and to give him absolute control over iheir deliberations. Under all these circumstances, it believed that ar.v revolution in Mexico. i upon that subject were fully ccnimnn- it was highly probable, that any ch must he Icr the b etter. This was the state of affairs cx tir-T when Congress, on the thirteenth of My last, recognised the existence of the war which had been commenced hv the trey- ! ernment of Paredes ; snd it Lecame aa ob- ijcctof much importance, with a view to a speedy settlement of our difiicuhte tr.d the restoration of an honorable peace, ih.it Paredes should not retain power in Mex ico. Before that time there were svmptr;:ns of a revolution in Mexico, favored, rc i? xvas understood to be. by the inure liber .1 party, and especially by those who were opposed to foreign interference end to ibo monarchical form cf government. S.nit i Anna xvas then in exile in Havana, lur ing been expelled from power and banish ed from his country by a revolution which occurred in December, IS 11 ; but it xva3 known that he had sti'la cun&iderabL par ty in his favor in Mexico. It was also equally xvell known that no vigilance which could be exerted by our squadron xvould, in all probability, have prever.tr .1 him from effecting a landing soinewhero on the extensive gulf cf Mexico, if h de sired to return lo his country. lie lnd openly professed an entire change of pr.l -cy had expressed his regret that he hrd subverted the federal constitution of 182 1, and avowed that he was now in f-vor of its restoration. lie had publicly tleclai d his hostility, in the strongest terms, to t'.3 establishment cf a monarchy, and to Eu ropean interference in tlie affairs of his country. Information to thia effect h-l been received, from sources believed to reliable, at the date of the negotiation cf the existence of the war by Congress, and was afterwards fully confirmed by the n ceipt of ihe despatch of our consul in the city of Mexico, with the documents, which are herewith transmit ted. Besides, it was reasonable to sup pose thitlie must cec iho r-imjus t.'n.si.--quences to Mexico cf a w ar with the Uni ted States, and that il xvould be his inter est to favor pence. It was under these circumstances at:J upon these considerations thai it xvos deemed expedient not to obstruct hi? rc iurn to ?Iexieo. should he attempt to J so. O.ir object xvas ihe restoration i.f pc:.co: and with that view, no reason perceived why we shouM take part with Paredes, and aid him, by means of our blockr.de, in preventing iisc return of hi.-; rival to Mexico. On the cr.tr:. rv, it xvas I believed that the intestine division whL-h ordinary s .gacity could not but air.icip.ita as ihe fruit of Santa Anna's rr?tu.-a t- Mexico, and his contest xvith P.ire;hc, might strongly tend to produce a disposi tion with both parties lo restore and pre serve peace xvith ihe Unite. I Stated. i'. redes was a soldier by profession, and a gaiui ioeig!i in.ert enuo:i anu iuc rs-;ora-tion of monarchy in Mexico. In view of these facts and circumstances it xvas, that, xv hen orders were issued to the comman I cr of onr naval forces in the Gulf, on i'c.s fifteenth day of May last, only two days after the existence of ihe war hast been recognised by Congress, to plaen the eoai.s of Mexico under blockade, he xvas. direct ed not to obstruct the passage of S;.;iu Anna to Mexico, should he attempt to re Utrsi. c : . .:. i .1 . A revolution took place in Mexico i ; early part of August following, l.y I !' v. iiich the power of Paredes was ove.v thrown, and he has sinr-e been be ished ! trorn couutrv, rnd if v.j.v in cxik . Shortly aftcrwaiK Santa Aa-ui return?-.?, It rc:n-:in f. be .-cen whether his retttm niay net yet prove to be i tveriblo lo a r- iilC a'.Ji USllllCni CI l,iC CXtStt'Tg tliniCtli. U'S it b'Mig m-.nifvstly his interest r.ot to p s" vcre in t::e pro--e.t.tio:i cf a xv-r ce:---mer.ced bv P.. redes, t ;.cconirhsh a per- j po-c so absurd as ihe rcconquest of Tex as to the Sabine. )!;;d Paredes remam edin powpr.it is morally certain that any pacific idjustiuct.t xvould have been home less. Upon the commencement of hosiiliiie. by Mexico agamot th United Suites, ib indignant ffirit cf t! natlcn was at oncj