The Somerset herald and farmers' and mechanics' register. (Somerset, Pa.) 183?-1852, December 15, 1846, Image 1

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sir not, pun witkj.Vtks year.
i r'.vo iK-u..ns ri'R anmtm.v
TUISSBAir, ' 15, 1846,
Vol. 5. No. 5.
J'' .' , T 1
.'fgSeillallfCZ OJ UCO. Hart' ,
Tt7 (IcCil j
rrMKE notice thai an inquest Will bi
fl ' - ... . . 1
hclJ al the late dwelling bouse of
I i r-n.A in it. Rrriini'! if Slnvs.
tjwii, Suinnse! county, ra.. on
I. "ii i daV o f Januarr 1847.
for the
iirrio?c of making partition
of ill e real
estate of said deceased, to and among his
rhilJren. and legal representatives, if the
Fame can be done wiihoul prejudice lo
t.r spoiling of the whole, otherwise to
vidufi and appraif-o the ame according
iohw;at which tuna and place you
are required lo attend if yon think prop-
Aec 8. Sheriff.
7b ic heirs and legal rep-
resent a Ires of Mathac
Vinkerlon. dccl.
rSTAK E notice thai an inquest will
j he held al the late dwelling house
t;f said deceased, in the township of
Turkey f ot and county of Somerset P.,
vn Saturday the 30th day of January
1847, for the purpose of making parti
tion of the real estate of said deceased,
to and among hi Chil dren and legal rep
resentatives, if the same ean be done
without prejudice to or spoiling of the
who'e, otherwise lo value and appraise
ltie Fame according to law, at which time
and place you arc required to attend if
you think" proper.
dec 8 Sheriff.
To the heirs and legal rep
resentatives of Joli n Gra
ham, dee'd.
Hp AKE notice that an inquest will
Jl be held at tVie late dwelling house
of said deceased, in the Borough of
Stoystown, Somerset county, Pa , on
Saturday the ICih day of January 18 47,
for the purpose of making partition of the
real estate of said deceased, to and a
uitiiiff hi children and legal representa
tives, if the same can he done without
; reju dice lo or spoiling of the whole;
otherwise, lo value am!,4 appraise tUe
tame according to law; at which time
nl place you are required to attend if
you think proper.
dec 3, Sheriff.
Valuable Property.
THE snbscriber being disposed to
remove from Somerset, offers
pale the House and Lot, occupied by
him situate on the north west corner of
the Diamond in ihe Borough of Somer
set. The House is large the from
building being 66 by 35 feet, and the
back building 40 by 20, both two stories
high, built with brick and well finished,
with a fine cellar nder the whole
there is a pood
Carri;.e House and Wood shed also a
good Brick Smoke nnd Wash House,
wiih a good well of water and cistern on
ihe premise, also a fine Garden with a
variety of lioice fruit trees &. shrubbery
this property is admirably adapted for
a comfortable residence, ss well as for
any kind pf public business, and is un
surpassed by any property in the place.
A meadow lot containing 12j acres,
torcthf r with a 0 acre clover lot nd
jnir.iup; and several other out lots all
adjoining the borough.
Two tracts of unimproved land, con
taining 400 acres each, situate in Som
erset township.
The terms w ill b liberal.
tI7U the adove property is not dis
Tord of. it will be for rent from the 1st
cf April at xt.
Dec. 8, 1346.
pliE Subscriber once more earnestly
ii. requests all persons having unset
I "d account wi;h him, to call ami dis
'orre t!u m or al least, close ihem by
tc beforti the first day of Ftbuary next
bci:g desirous to ramoveand having
-ready gircn several calls, which have
hfpn in a greal measure unheeded, he
lruu i!iat thoe persons who (ail .to. at
''nd i is feat notice, will not com plain
houbl ibey receive a "tUJJ'f.renl kind of
W," after the txpiraiion of the above
time, as ihe accounts must unu shall be
:h.ed. J. L. SN VDER.
Dee. 8, iS-iG.
Mauvofmy GOODS on hand, will
e sold ai Tosf for Cosh, some even be
low that or I would sell out ihe entire
itoti on rerv acconiodatinfr terms and
Jhr. HOUSE ami LOT can he had with
the Siwre if desired.' C J. j. S.
. UW .NOT ICR. .
have formed a copartnership in the Law, ;
j lne COUniy of Somerset. All business j
entrusted lo them will receive prompt 1
"Von 0ff'(e,n new brick
liiiilf'inrr nf?r Ilia iliuniniul .
Dec.8 181G.
H"T1IE Stockholders in the Somerset
Jt. and Bedford turnpike - Road Com
pany will lake notice that an election
will be held a the house of James Fhil
son, in Allegheny township on ihe 4th
day of January next, to elect one I'resi
dent six .Managers and a Treasurer to
conduct the affairs of said Company the
ensuing year.
Dec. 1, 5S5G. Pi est.
AUi a-dividend was declared on ihe
Ifiih of ihis mt'iiih, i two percent in Use
afore,- said company to be paid by the
Treasurer of said Company.
D. K,
Dee. 1, 1SI6.
'l'o tlie heirs and legal rep
resentatives of 3Iichael
Sanner, dee'd. .
AKE notice that 3n innuesi will
be held at the late dwelling U-nise
of said deceasen, in Millord township,
Somersel county, on Saturday ihe 50;h
day of JiMiuary 1847, for the purpose of
making partition ot the real esute of
said dee'd, to and among his children,
and legal representatives, if . ihe same
can he done without prejudice lo or
spoiling of the whole; otherwise lo value
and appraise ihe same according to law;
at which lime and jdace you are request
ed to attend if von think proper.
dec 8. 1846. Sheriff.
Orphans' Court Salo
N pursuance of an order of the Or
JS. phan's court of Somerset county,
there will be exposed to sale by way of
Public Vendue or outcry on the prem
ises, on Friday the 37i day of Decem
ber next, (184C) ihe following Real Es
tate late the property of Jacob HufTiyan,
deceased, viz: A certain Tract or
of land, situate in Jeuoer t.iwn&liip, con
taining 317"acrcs and 'allowance, more or
less, adjoining lands of fervid Simpson,
Jacob Boyers, Conrad Keyfer, John
Hoffman and others, wiih upwards of
1C0 acres of clear laud, on which are
erected a large
Tivo'Slory House
and a one story house and a large Stone
Bank Barn, with other improvements.
Terms: One third in hand, and the
balance in six annual payments, without
interest, -to be secured by Judgment
bonds and Mortgage.
Attendance will be given by William
Rishcbarger and John HofTmam. admin
istrator's of the estate of said deceased.
Bv ihe court,
nov 24. Clerk.
FubliG- Sale.
THE subscriber will offer at. sale by
public outcry, on Christmas day,
25th December next, the following real
property belonging to the estate of Maj.
George Kraham, late of Stoystowii,
So.neisctcouniv, deceased, viz: .
Ho. 1.
The well known Tavern stand for ma-
hy years kept bv deceased, on ihe North
side of Main street in Stoystowii afore-,
said, being a large two-stwry frame and
wealherboided building with good and I
convergent oulJumses on ihe same lot,
and also an excellent meadow loiof 13
acrce, large barn and stabling on ihe op
posite side of the street.
No. 2,
One small house and lot of one acre
situate on Main cross street near the Pub
lie school house in said borough, and
now in ihe occupancy of Jhn Leber
k Height.
A large fdanta'.ion or iract of land sit
oaie near Sloystown on both sides of ihe
road .leading to Somersel, containing a
bout 40U acres, of which nearly 300
acres arc cleared and under fence, with
a two-story log house and Lrga
thereon erected, now in ihe possession
lof . WiWiaru Waugh and Samuel Weis-
singer. , ...
The above farm will be divided into
twoorihree rwrts, if necessary, to suit
purchasers, or if desired pari of il may.
be divided into lots of 20 or
30 acres each.
The sale will be held at ihe : Tare rit
House now kepi by Allison Lmighrey,
and will be couuiinued until all is sold,
n hen and where the' term's, which will
be reasonable, will be made known.
Administrator cum lestameiito annexo of
J uovIO- -Vr George (iraham, dev'd
BETTERS of Adiiii'iictratioii on lite
2 estate of Peter Sitirer, Sr., late of
Salisbury, Elklbk tp., dee'd. having been
granted ir ths subscribers, all persons
indebted to said estate are requested to
attend al the late residence of lite, de
ceased, on t!ie 2)th $of January next,
prepared to settle; and those having
claims, to 'present them at the safte
lime and place, "properly authenticated.
of Elk lick in.
of Alfeganv CO., Md.
Dec. 8. ISlC-Ct
Sheriff's. Sale.
Y virtue of a w rit of Venditioni Ex-
jiJponas issued out of theCourt ofCom
rMn Pieas of Somerset county, and to
me directed,' there will be exposed lo
sale by public. outcry, al the ptiblic square
in Somerset on Tuesday ihe 1 4th day cf
January next, at 1 o'clock, P, M. the
following Real estate, viz:
Ail the right-, tide, interest and claim,
of Joseph Mason of, in, and to a certain
or tract ol land, situate in Sb.ide town
ship, Somerset county. Pa., containing
39 J acres more or less, about !20 acres
cleared and about 20 acres in meadow;
adjoining lands1.f David Rodger?', John
Paul. Jesse Berkepile, ohu Fry, jr.
and others; on whirh are erected a log
dwelling house and barn and suble, wiih
the appertenam-es as ihe property of
said Joseph Mason, al the suit of Sam
Sheriff's Office, Somerset
Dec. 8. 14 0.
DllVG dXJ)
fIEOlOillE ST01E
HE subscri'-e would respectfully
inform the public, thai he has just
received :nd opened out in the Store
room of Jacob Kiuiiviel, I'iq.. in Beilin,
a fresh and a-sorled stork of
Drugs, iMcdichtes, Faints.
Dyes and Confectionaries,
which he offers lo sell vey cheap for
Persons wishing to purchase nrti'les
in his line of business, aie invited 10 call
and examine his stock. -
Kllb it A
Si. t
TN purpsunncc of an crdcr of the ,Or
ji h mi's C.urt of Somerset county,
theie will be expored to s;de by way of
Pullic Vendue or or Outcry on ihe prem
ises, on Fiiday the I si day of Janni.ry
nexl. (1817.) the following Real Estate,
late the propciiy if Jacob Moses dee'd,
viz :
No.! A certain of tract of
land Situate in Shade township, Somer
set comity, adjoining lauds of Joseph
Liig. Frederick Coleman, John" Stump
;ttid oihcs; couUlning 50 acres more
or less, 100 acres cleared, with a hewn
log house and barn ihereon erected.
Nik 2. Also another tract
adjoining the first desrri'.ied tract in
same township, containing 25 acres with
no improvements ihereon.
Terms No. I. containing 00 acres
one third of the purchase money to be
paid in hand and the balance' in annual
instalments of one hundred nnd fifty dol
lars, without interest, to be secured by
udgmcnl Bond?.
No. 2, containing 25 acres lo be cash.
Attendance- will be given by Jacob
Moses and Abraham Moses, administra
tors of the said dee'd.,
Bv ihe Court,
Dee. I. Clerk.
TTpHE subscriber has received from
j he Eastern ciiies, and is now ope
ning at his store North Easi corner of
ihe Diamond, a very large and general
assortment of Goods suitable for the
among which are French and English
Cloths of various colors.' AlsoTweeds,
Cassimcres, Satinets and Jean, Tarlf Ion
and CeciM-i -Cloths for Ladies , dresses.
ALSO, Cashmeres, Alpacas, .Lines, Calicoes of all quali
ties from 4 to 25 cents per .yard. Mus
lins from 4 lo lOcts. Silk and Thread
j Lace, Silk Gloves of a superior quality
for ladies and gentlemen, together with a
fine assortment of HARDWARE,
(iiccnstvarc. Groceries, &e.
Boots nnd shoes of all kinds and very
low, Weavers Reeds of very superior
quality. "'"'-
All which will be sold on as cheap and
nctnmodating terms, as they ran be had
west of the Allegheny Mountains.
. - M. TR EI) WELL.
i- Somerset, sept 22, 1816,
Ioss of Steamer 3Iaa3a 32ore
. Particular.).
From the
e N. C. Tropic, Nov. 23J. . .
5 nf thr ATnri-i were knocked
5 oi uie uana were KnocKeu
ds. scvcriiur the connect n-
The boilers
off their stands, severing ihe connect in
rdrffi. f: inn ia n-v-p tro.!i tho mVA
deck aud cabin floor with steam and boil-1
ing water, scahiin? nearly all those -neV-'
sons in that portion of the boat 'aft of the
boilers, consisting of the deck 'hand and
some few deck passengers. The only-)
person known to be lost or injured in -the
upper cabin was 'James P. Durst, tiie
principal clerk of the boat, who, at the
time of the collision,' tyas standing at hi.5
desk in the office.
As 'soon as the 'boats, struck, and !3
fore the effccls'nf the shock wore known
l.c ,W IT.,11 !
out to the passengers "not to be alarmed,'
and relumed to his office to secure his
hooks; after thai lime he wr.s not ?ccn,
and it issnnooscd that he must have been
crushed wid fell through the door, the ' of-1
fice being entirely destroyed, and the!
deck forced into the Social Hall. The
third engineer. i.s also missing, and, no
doubt, is buried amid the ruins of the'
lower deck. "The crew of the boat num
bered fifty-two; of those, only nine - could
be mustered within three hours after the -
collision, at which time we left the wreck, j
who had escaped uninjured. . 'These'
were principally tho firemen and saiiors ;
on duty. -
About twenty are missing1 and have
perished immednlely. Twen'.y-oue were
rescued, but ail so dreadfully' scalded ill it
there are no hopes of their recovery, with j
the exception of the third cook, a man
of color. In a lew minutes after the col
lision, the steamer Talma, which was rs
cending the river.camo alongside and sent
her yawl undercharge of the male, to the
Maria, and succeeded by means of cut
ting through the decks and forcing off the
doors of ihe dock' rooms, iu rescuing nine
of the sufferers.
The Sultana having received the force
of ihe collision immediately wpon her
bow, was not ir.:Ttcri:iliy injured. The
loss cf a few feet cf the guards of her bow
principally on ihe starboard side, was the
only injury-of nolo received above docks.
Mr. James- Peters, the Pilot at the
wheel of the Sch-ina, informed us that he
hold his boil in its proper position ihe
channel of th.'; River and that-when
he !i; covered the Maria he thought I cr
running lo-wards 'the bend on the Louisi
ana shore. As the boats noarcd each oth
er, he found that the Maria was in 'he
channel standing over for the bar. He
immediately rang the bell nnd slopped his
boat, and notified the Engineer to be in
readiness to b;;ek her.- ' . .
- The Maria's engine wa? not stopped
until it wus done from the effects of ihe
collision. As soon -as he discovered that
the Maria was in a sinking condition, he
fang the hell to go ahead, ami forced the
latter by the bow of the Sultana, for sev
eral hundred yards over the bar of ihe
L-land where she sunk. Mr. Peters, in
this emergency, showed great presence,
mind, for, had tiie' Maria sunk at the
point where ihe collision took place,
nearly every soul en board must have
As soon as the Maria had settled down
upon the bar, Capt. Pease lashed the
Sultana alongside and rendered, with his
officers and crew, every assistance in his
power to aid in saving ihe properly on
the sunken vessel, and in alleviating the
distress of the "unfortunate lyings on
board of her. The sufferers were.' con
veyed to the 'cabin floor of the Sultana,
were mattresses has been provided. One
or two medical gentlemen, who chanced
te be on board, in conjunction with ihe
passenjers, went promptly to work and
enacted the parts of good Samaritans upon
the melancholy occasion.
Captain Hite, of the To! ma, who also
carnesly rendered every assistance in his
power, and farther assistance from his
boat being bcemcd unnecessary, he kindly
proffered to convey the sufferers to
Natchez, where the advantages of imme
diate medical aid al the Marine Hospital
might be obtained. If is proposal was
accepted, and before daylight the. suffer
ers were put on board the wharf-boat, at
Natchez, and placed under the charge of
the Directory of the Hospital.
We will not pain our readers with a
recital of the suffering? of. these poor
scalded beings, some of them stripped of
their skin from head to foot, others with
the skin pealed from their hands and
hanging loosely at their finger's, ends.
Their " unearthly groans and piercing
cries' for water to qunch their burning
thirst, are too horrible to think upon too
awful to relate.
The United States and Canada.
A Canadian journal refers to the recent
legislation of England which has placed
her ..North American colonies on the same
footing w-ith the United Slates in the
home market and adds :
"Aud sooner or later, the free naviga
tion of the St. Lawrence must be conced
ed. We say must, because the first step
of withdrawing all protective considera
tion from the colonics, as integral portions
rom me colonics, as integral porunus.
, '. iff u,
empire is only tne prelude of what
iticvitaUy fuiiyw, ,WTe may be
of the
alarmists, it is nevertheless our conscien
tious conviction that the tendency of these
new political mou-inem will be to force, ; coancsd Senator Niles for Lis Speec
t l'e trresifiable pressure of uccessitv, .i -re -il rn
. -'ton the Ian IF. I hi following extra
' t,ll! 1 ro'e close and beneiicul t . , . . . . 6
Wl lu,v A,vu 1 ' - vjiiuit Wt.nN if ,i
cre ,on3 a Scncral "communilv cf mercan-!
t,le. "l"00" aai!, 0sfH"ff. -f
soc,a! 'P- v U be established, .md
a thorough nmaamatioa of mutual inU-r- a Um
limn u.i, u uut n.ivoiiiv., iu uvwi.w w.i
'nnrllmn nn'-ln,!, "
position of Canada.
Th-3 Battl8 Oi EOIimOUth.
ev t::o:'. Carlisle.
The 20th of June, 1770, was a nrcat
momnr,l,t,,l 1 ' ,rnla nf Infml -
mencan Kcpubiics. For wise anil good
reasons the English army left Phiiadcl-
phia, with a train of hagage twelve miles
lomr, for New -York. The latter city was
held during tho whole of this Liberty war,
this contest between the mother and
takter, by the unnatural mother.-
two armies of his -enemy. He led his
suffering soldiers towards ihe seashore.
lie s:oujht his enemy and hi?' met Iiin on
the sandy plains of Monmouth. - "Wash-
. ; ; i ri:... l r I
. ir i - ? ,
waihs wide-wuvjed at and around the vil-
lagcs of Freehold and Endishtown: and
I fire-hail is whistling Inr - near upon
those burning plams ; ihe greatguns play-
11 Til - It
inT and me sma , noni vomiimg nre ana
;iiiu v.cii. i it r. is tuju u.:i; m
j , , , r ,11-
this wing and on that, and is like to bo
swept back utterly, when Washington ar
rives in person and speaks a prompt word
or two. '-Stand," said l!ie Hero,
"sland fist, my boys, for the Virginia and
Maryland line will foon come to your re
lief." The hearts ef the American sol
diers leaped at the st .rnd of their beloved,
auti, as they tiiougr.t, mvmcib'.e i. met, and
hc armed mercenary of a monarch fell
in unr.s, lens ana mmoreiis ucneaui uicrc-
publican fire.
Was bins ton, on his doaih-defving eld
and faithful white horse, galloped alon?
the line : he waved nis sword and cheered
! on h;s men in the death strnjrirle. I i;e
fierce provincials wrestled with their op
pressors, they mctllie soldiers ofjthe moth
er connlry hand to hand, they close with
them at weapon's point. ..
- It was a bloody conjugation of carnage,
this battle of Monmouth. Men of kind
red bleed, men speaking the same noble
language, met in the death grapple. It
was indeed a bloody conjugation. It was
I kill, thou killes!, he kills, we kill, you
kiil, they kill. -Hut death had other wea
pons of destruction. The sun for seven
days had been in the Boreal Crab, ihe
men were fi jhting. by Fahrenheit's ther
mometer, at CO decrees. Many of the
combatants bit t?;e dust and died unscath
ed by sabre or shot. If Washington was
Fabius in October, 1777, at White Plains
he was MareoUus at Monmouth. The
honors of the day remained with him, for
his enemv retreated.
liavat Gallantry of Lieutenant
We learn, says the New Orleans
Picayune, from our private correspondent
al Pensacola, that the store ship Relief
was still detained at that port. It was re
ported that she had been detained to carry
Gen. La Vega to Vera Cruz, but it was
a mere report. She was expected to get
away yesterday without fail.
.The brigAbrasia arrived atPcnsacohi on
the 18th inst. from Anton Lizardo. This
isths vessel, which brought overLieut.Ren
shaw, of die Navy, and Capt. Parkinson
of ihe brig Plimouth. Dr.'Mcsscrsmith,
the surgeon of the Truxton, also came in
the Abrasia. The additional report which
we have received by this arrival of the
-Tobasco expedition; furnishes few partic
ulars requiring mention from n. The
gallantry of Lieut. Parker, of Pittsburg, is
warmly commended. Lieut. Parker, it
will be recollected, commanded the prize
vessel which got ashore and was attacked
by an overpowering force of Mexicans,
whom he gallantly repulsed. Vv'c have
been assured by an eve -witness th;Tl his
party of twenty-three men killed filly hi'.-'
cersin uelcmhng themehcs. Letters
hate been received making an apology
Washington' left his huts afValh-v Eorgc, 1 Vr In,f , 1 cderah!,.t,01 lllat daT
ami m imitation nl trie Koman Consul " . : r K - y i TV, 7
who opposed Asdntbal, incdca hloody n-lal:d for :uI g?J and "Scaled the
,(rrt L nrm M;,,,:;n f ,i' id'-a of our.nuiiufactunng anything for
tor tne ruexiran troops who auac.-ieu rar- . . v, -
, ... . r ; in? miller of Le Rov, (IS. i.) sent eix
ker, alleging th-t thev were not aware cf '"o - ' '
t , i - t (- o hirrals of the choicest rupcrfine Genesee
the truce, or terms upon which Corn, i'cr-j-'"w' 1 .
ry had desisted from firing upon the town. zr, Manuhictwrcu at 4:!5 e:i., to Qnccri
On the same autlioritr it is said, that the Victoria, and for which, in due time, he
0 - I
loss of life and property during the tir.-t r?a.;Vcd from her Majesty the comfcrta
part of the bombardment was absolutely ,' Miji of ll; rce iliousand dollars. Tho
frightful. Nothing is said of the' fm-'' ; ;0;:r was put up !n hi"hlv Ccished bar
bombardment, when a hundred mora s.ioi : ,.1. n,..,tlv varnished, inclosed in sacks,
were fired. and forwarded direct to the Queen of Lon-
don. This - fcrtuirtr? experiment upon
m, . r- .1 ...-!- t., S ntir.c! states : the annjtite of liovaltv seems to hare
thatsom-of ihe farmers in that vicinity,
tnaisom- cm.t.-.1 ii.o
on low oouum
loss of nearly all 'their corn, wh.c.i was
i i a a i , i l o i k r- - n 1 1 1 i i i
i - . r
I rut and shocked, in consequence cl
jcul Jlut -"un. ,
flood occasioned by the heavy rams.
f tho.
Senator Mies on the Tariff.
The locofocos of Connecticut have de
. I
, " 1. this a Democratic measure ? Is it
h on the recognized principles of
Democratic party ! I deny that it is.
I enter my solemn disclaimer, and protest
simc assumption, that this .is, in its
j the doctrines of the Democratic party, old
; vs i pu, in xiaruionv wr.n
t ll S d OC t fl O fiS t f t !l a T ,
I or new. n may be m conformity to ihe
' V ol minority of thai party
I sometimes called the Carolina school, but
; wiiL tiD other. It is not in conlorraity
10 principles .ol Jeilerson, Madisoa,
Slid tflf? Old DcmOlTatS; nOf JoCS it har-
" ' ..aui.
awford, Iwndes, .Jackson and an
'l'r- The eld Demacruts were friend-
'"'"V"r. ana averse to Keep-
""".V u,l!izn"znVJ Slfl
Kr ? ? .rhey wished to make
: "t-ic l-niicil tatcs independent of Great
The worthy Senator here touches the
0ofocos "on the raw" Their boru3
.P -lV- , , , , , .
a .am i3 ui me reai oiu iasmoneu r eueral
i stamp. J here is not as much Democra-
- c-v 111 itas lhere is bl a turnip. It
j is rank old blue-light Federalism from be
ginning to end- - And worse. It is a bill
;fn c-,nr. ti.;,:u . f , ,
ward British labor and capital. If our
Iocofoco rulers had been in the service of
Englandmembers of the British Parlia
ment, they could not have contrived amore
scheme directlyalculated to promote Bri
tish interests. Its whole scope and aim
appears lo he to first break down Amcri-
can manulacturcs, ai;d then built up tho
j manuf;icture3 of our great rival. The
ttT , r., T . r, . . ,
Lors of the Leom" in Birmingham and
Manchester would have paid laiilioni of
dollars rather thad had that bill defeated,
or sooner than now have it repealed.
So deeply are ihey interested in its con
tinuance, that we shall not ha surprised to
find the Whigs, ia 1913, fighting against
Britsh gold as well well as Free Trada
Iocofoco Federalism.
The real character of this measure is
well understood by the mass of the .peo
ple. They will never willingly consent
to die ruin of our national industry for the
benefit of the manufacturing capitalist of
England. It is bad enough to be t3ied
to carry on the war for Texas. It i
worse to have American Labor crushed to
benefit Great Britain. Lancaster Ex.
The following is a letter from the War
Department, regarding the equipments of
the Pennsylvania Volunteers:
Ordinance Office,
Washington, Nov. 10, 1810.
Hit Excellency the Governor of
PenMijlvonia, Uarriihitrg, Pa.
Sir: Ordcr3 have been sent to-day,
from this office to Captain Edward Hard
ing, commanding Allegheny Arsenal Pitts
burg, Pa., to issue to the Pennsylvania
Regiment of Infantry, called into the U.
S. service, by the letter to your Excellen
cy, from the War Department, dated Nor.
10,1810, the following arme, accoutre
ments and ammunition-viz:
8S0 muskets, National Armry, with
appendages complete.
42 nou-commissioned officers sword.
22 musicians' swords.
830 sets Infantry accoutrements, com
plete. 40 N. C. officers sword belts, with
double frags for Sergeants of Com
panies. 21 N. C. officers svrord hells, wiui
single frags for principal Musicians
Musicians cf Coinoanics aud N.
C. staff.
35,200 Musket Catridgc?.
1,730 Musket flints.
All the foregoing articles have been di
rected to be held in readiness at Pittsburg.
Royal Floi a and a Roval Price.
, .--( I'.li !r Mpm-v Hinifh.fcn cntemris-
' her Majesty s p.late so mceiy
! t-lat 111 '-dd.ti!i to the smipie remuneration
f )r jjis Q,at .KjTeuu,e. he has recently re-
j j , ort!cr t!;rea r,c;n lidos', for
; jlrf o t!.ovaud htrrels mere "ol t!ir same
cr whit a h h.:s rornj.tly forwarded.