The Somerset herald and farmers' and mechanics' register. (Somerset, Pa.) 183?-1852, December 08, 1846, Image 4

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Tr paper i pM..ihi Tee5yt 1 f2
ier cm, M htlf-yr.r in advance.
Un p'-1 witi It. Jr, $2.50 will irt
Wj fee clurf J.
Bards t sTjWcriKer fiM.ue unless tt
Vh ;' af lh riit-r, until artvaragestrc
pakl at
TsrTiitT will nrted at $1 per
qnare, for llie tfrst lhre insertion, and 25
ent for every mbtfuenl iasmion: longer
resln proportion.
TFSC 1191.12 IJOYS.
IIardly a hundred years have passed
Since I vas as gay as yea,
When rarih was ever green to me,
And skies were ever blue;
And I lored the summer brook,
And ihe loresf s autumn hue.
But, time, that brings some change to all,
Ilalh wrought much change with me;
And in many things I nra much unlike
" The hoy I used to lip,
"When years ago, 1 lotcd to play
Beneath the spreading tree.
Care have not overshadowed me,
Nor sorrow been my lot;
And I have spent some pleasant hours
Too bright to be forgot;
And forced strong chains, that bind me to
This dim and earthly spot.
My best and earliest friend is dead,
Untouched by slain of sin;
Cut they still live, whose memories
Light up a love within
Hope lives, and holds the laurel out
Thai I would die to win!
For a wide future is before
My heart beats light for fame;
And I have learned to breathe with love
The music of her name,
Writ on the tablets of my heart
In syllables of flame.
Oh ! little thought have ye of all
That comes in after years,
To stir the spirit with a spell
Of changing hopes and fears
To ruin all the fancy work
! That dreaming boyhood rears !
Play, while the glad hours sparkle by
Lifcs the bubbles of a stream,
Play on ! the world may be to you
All that it now may seem;
Love may not be a phantasy,
Nor fame an idle dream !
We find the following" capital article in
the Ilollydaysburg Democratic Stand
ard: Headde Wattlrs of ye Saylt,
October ye 26, 1846.
Deere Freynds: After a boysterous
passaygeupye roughe and stormy bdlovvs
of ye farre-faymed Saylt, we are now
siyfly landded and I will procede to
girreyou all ye particulares worthey of
Earley on yc morningc of ye 12th
instante, we werre infonnedded thatte we
muste go up," and no mystake: so ac
cordynghe we putte ye beste fayce on ye
mattere, and prepay red to cotte styck
folhewythe. Some of ye Keystonne
delifraytionnc who liadde ye elyphant
didde nolle like ye tryppc muehe, buttc I
wa sttrre thatte ye noveylu? cf ye ihingc
would partly recom pence me for ye pn
vationns I knewe I muste indurrc. On
vc lG'.b we werre mette atte ye'monthe of
ve turlvalente ryver bye large delegaytions Maine and Marylannde, ye ship
was soone freyted, ye snyls sctte, ye
anchorrc hoystcd, and we were soone
stemming itte uppe ye turbulentc antl
swollcne Saylt. Ye nexte daye we were
overrtakvinge bye a largge highe pressure.
steainme boat cnllede ve Ohvo, load-
ded withe yc Puckeyyc delegation,
commanded bye exx governor Todd,
boundc for ye sainmc porte. We sayled
mne compayne, and innc a fewe dayc$
we reachedd oure destinnytion. Yc
cooncs haddc bearde ye newes.and were
rcadye to givve us a recepiyone, and as
soone 33 we nearedd ye wharffe, we
seen ye granndc csscmblayge, and theye
irnmedy.uelye commenced synginge
44 Ha ! ha ! ha ! such a nomynee,
As Jimmey Polkc of Tcnnccssee."
Ye Whie mynstrels of ye campayne
o MG leddeCofle choorus, and yc hymme
was givenn culte by ye gratte embody
mcnt himsclQc, from yc booke withe ye
y alter kiver, as he wass scatedd onn ye
toppc of an empire cyder barrellc. Ye
landings is a most dangerous placce,
whiceh accountes fore eflbrtcs of ve
Whiirgicswget yc Kyvcr and Harborr
bille nassede ye last session. 1 Iicye
wille never make anye improvements
withe theirr owne inoneye, evenn if theye
alonne are to be benefi tted bye themme.
Ye whole country c Iookes damme deso
layte -andduringe all ye tyme ye W hig
gles have occupyed yc playcc as a colo
ney they havve donnc noihynge towaids
immprovyng ye countrye, exceppt buildd
a couple of logge edbins. Tlieyc weyre
profuse in thevre wclcommes, ande som-
mo of themme evenu spoke of leavynge.
Pcore fellows ! theye are doomed to tavk
up ther permanent iibode here, and theye
mighte as well submiite withe a gocde
Ye shippe has borne hauled tippe for
repayres, and wille notte sayle againne for
a Tears, wheone Uie Dcmocracey h iU
returne hornme espceyalley a chylde
about me syze wille showe a strayt coatte
tayle to the mhabytants of theese barreue,
God-forsakyne Whbjge 4retjrementes to
pray vatte lyfle. Yourse, as well as can
bee expeetid.
Mr. George Turner, of Leeds, England
lias discovered an explosive compound
cheaper than that from cotton. Instead of :
cotton he uses sAwnrsT, or any fibrous
vegetable matter, which he immerses from
eight to ten minutes iti equal measure of
nitric acid, specific gravity one and a half,
and of common oil of vitrol. A slight in
crease of the latter incteases the rapidity
of combustion. With this p'-epared saw
dust Mr. Turner discharged a pocket pis
tol, loaded with ball, with equcd force to
that of gunpowder. Weight for weijht,
he thinks the wdust v. ill prove the bet-!
j j
The New York Tribune of Saturday
says: "Among the bills found by the
Grand' Jury yesterday, we understand,
yas one against Mr. Danl. E. Siekels,
Member of Assembly elect, fur Stealing.
Also.on against Michael Walsh, anoth
er Member elect, for Libel. We have
not heard that any ol!,er Members of the ;
them at this term ::.s yet.
This is a 44 great country !'
S2?The Union says : " A friend in
Virginia cinzrafufatfs us r.potj the itrfeut
we have sustained in Ohio. Pennsylvania
&c." Tiiis reminds the Ab'Xandia Ga
zette of a man, who on beinjr asked after
the health of his wife, replied, "She is
dead, J thak you."
The Louisville Journal thus gives up a
section of the country to the Locofocos:
The. country Ivinjr round the head wa-
. ,.r : 1 1 .i. -
unmitigated Lncofoco stronghold in
.1 i
Union. Whatever other victoiics llvj
Whizs rnav r.chieve. it is rrc itv cz: ..In i they will never again have a n;
.9 " 1
ly mere.
Statue of IIensy Clay. Mr. Hart
the Sculptor, will zo to Italy in the Spring
for the purpose of executing the statue
which is to be erected by the ladies cf
The Journal of Oornmciec slates that
the new Constitution has been adopted in
the Stnfe of ew York by a majority of
near 100,000, and that Negro Suffrage is
rejected by a majority of about 4 to i.
19) THE following letrr from Dr.
Rriham. of Lowell, Mass, but spes)k
ihe unifirm language of hundreds f oth
er Pbysiciars, who have tried, and
therffore know how to appreciate
Jayne's Expectorant.
Lowell, Mass. Jan. 27, 1844.
Dr. David Javne
Dear Sir. I have ued your medi
cinet (so universally known by the name
of Jayne's Expr.croRANT.) in my prac
tise lor a number of enrs, and can moet
trulj -say.ihat I have been moresuecessfu!
in tlie use of that a nu'd, safe and
thorough Expetonmt. than of any w hich
I have ever used. It is the best for the
following obvious reasons, h does pot
if given in proper doses, r.crasion a
li-ijrreabte nausea. It does not we- k-
t en the hints and pMsirate the system.
like most oiher I'.xpetoraiMs in common
use. nor does it abate the appetite of the
patient, like other n.iueeatint medicines,
which have been used by the faeuhv.
In ; went it is neatly or quite the ibin?
which has been sought for by manv of
the faculty for agp cone bv.
I remain vour's.
Sold by J. J. &. II. F. S. heil,
SomiTsel Pa.
Also by Edward Hevin,
Stovstown Pa
id. e
i S
) Kr4" MR
E r xTtv
"1TMIE subscriber thankful for past fa
il, vors. lakes this method of informing
his customers and the public in gem ral.
that he has removed in ihe shop former
ly occupied by him immediately west of
the rrsidence of John L. Simler. -and
one door east of ihe office of O. F.
Mitchell, Esq., in ihe RnrMiigh'nf S.m
erset where he will constantly keen n
hand. COPPER and ' 1 "
of every description, manufactured fr
the best materials and in a neat and du
rable manner. COPPER KETTLFS
SIOVE PIPE, and other
artices m his line of business w:H be
made to order on short notice. Persons
wishing to purchase good and rbp .
tides are respectfully invhed to give Hm
a call.
Approved country produce will be t
ken in exchange for wa?e.
Feb. 17-lm.
N. B. Also on hand, a number o
Stoves, of different sorts, which will he
sold cheap.
1 zxtwTzr at this orr:cc.
CAME to premises of the subscriber
in Somerset township, in June,
a black and whiie spoiled STEEK
bout 2 years old, no ear marks, "'
-The owner is requested to come and
prove properly pay charges ad take it
away, or it will be sold as the law di
rects. ' )
nov. 54.
f1 ffSLflftSCZ
fSlIE suhsi riber h:is ju.l returned j
Jl from tb eastf rn -ities, with a well
selected assortment of gooits sintaie lor,
the Mjiproarhing season, which he i now
opening in 1: is ltrii-i store, on the north
e:il corner of the diamond, opposite
('ol. Ankeny's Ilo'.el, (now Win. II.
flis stork enibraces all inds of
j Goods, Groceries Hani-
7trr, vfjicciiswurei o v.
all of w Inch he will sell rheap for cash j
or rotiiitrv prcnitsee Th?.!kfol for the
putrnnajre berriobtre given him. 1 lie sub
srribrr s-:iviis hm old .MMotncrs and the
publii eenpriilly to give him a ca'l, as
lie will exhibit bis goods w'ph pleasure
;md is certain be can accommodate them
with l; M. TIJElJWEhh,
Somerset, April 7, '40-ly.
Valuable Ileal Estate
IIIE subscriber offers at private sale
i the lojlowing viduable teal estate
1 i
No. 1. a certain tract of
m'"-.' in Jenn-r iownhip, Sonter-
s1 ro;,"'-y
-jtinii ftO
containing about 131 acres,
aboti 00 acrts t, clear land of which
about '.10 acres is in good meadow; on
which is erected a new one and a half
story frame house, Mahle and a large
I'raine weatherboarded barn.
No. 2. also another tract!
of laud situate in paid township,
enntaing about 87 acres and 74 perches,
about 40 acess of clear laud, of which
about G acres is in meadow, w hith a M
story log house and log stable thereon
Yo. 3. also another tract
of land situate in said tow nship ol Jen
ner, containing about 118 acres, about
5 acres of clear land, of which about 3
acres is in meadow w ith a email log house
thereon erected.
If not sold between this and t?:c fiist
day of April next, il will ihcn
be for
rent on tlie shares.
The above lands adjoin Matthew
Black. Joseph Haines. !! nry S. Picking;,
beorge Parker and others, and are situa
ted just at the foot of Laurel Mill, on
the Turnpike road. They are of a good
quality, a large portion is fine bottom
land, and thai which is not cleared con
tains excellent timber.
For terms appl to the subscriber, re
siding on one of ihe tract.
Sept. 22, '46. 3m.
Drs. Speer and IZuIm.
S"ME object of tiiis establishment is
t supply a want greatly felt by re
spectable travellers on oiir western high
ways by residents, without family, la
ken sick and by patients from the sur
rounding towns and country who resorl
in ibis place for relief Irom surgical and
other diseases. Such have ofien suffered
Irom the want of ihe various comforts
and attentions eo necessary and ngreeable
to the sick, and from careless and un
faithful nuoes; ami been subjected In
heavy and unreasonable charges.
Invalids will here be piovided with
cooxaui, laitnini :i!il eM,ii.iria!-ie alien-1
lance, snd at a r.iie much below the u?u
al charges.
While the care of both physicians will
be extended lo every variety of disease,
it is intended by Dr. Speer, to give spe
cial attention tn
To ihese brandies of his profession
be has given a large share of his alten
i'n for the Lst twenty-five years, antl
he will continue lo devote to them the
f-xperience acquired by a constant prac
tice during lhat lime.
'I he Motel for Invalids is not an exper
iment. Its establishment is suggested
not only as necessary to supply .mi evi
dent want in this city, in ihe entire ah
seuce of any special provision for the
sick, but is warranted also by ihe success
of similar institutions at Cincinnati and
New Orleans the former under ihe care
of Drs. Taliaferro, Marshall and Strader
the latier under lhat of Dr. Stone.
The building selected for the purpose
is situated attheccrner of Federal and
Robinson streets, Allegheny city, ad
joining ihe ciiy of Pittsburgh. It is
commodimis and roomy, and furnished
wiih all accommodations necessary for
he Kick.
Applications for admission to be made
lo the subscribers, at their office on Perm
streei. Pittsburgh, or at the establishment.
CTNo contagious diseases will he ad
iued. J. R. SPEER, M. D. :
J. S. KUI1N, M. D.
rVmiary 5, 18J4. i
rip". HE subseriberrespecifuHy informs
J his friend, and the public in gen
eral, thai be carries on the
Stone Cutting lousiness
in all its various branches, at his shop
on main street, 2 doors east of George
Piles tavern, ami nearly opposite the
drug store of John L. Snyder.
made at the shoJtesl notice, and or. the
most re ioi;ti):e tt tfi.s, and m a man:
that will render them superior
ofhrr manufactured i'h (his section of iht
Grim! stones of an excellent quality.
always kept on h;ind.
Also constantly on hand, marble
Country produce taken in exchange
for work. !t Market Prices.
Somerset, Pa..
March 5. 184tf ly
Jayne's Medicine.
MON SENSE teach us that EXPEC
TORATION is the mot natural as
well as the most effectual agent in ar
resting and curing
Reason savs yes. t ecatise
is either immediately o r remotely ihe
cause of Inllani-ition and Catarrhal Fe
vers, producing ('roup. Consumption, &
Absci-sses of the Lungs, Pain and Sre
ness of the Throat, Rreast, Sides, or
Shoulders Bronchitis, exciiing mucow
and lerolent secretions, thereby clogging
up the longs, so as to more or less im
pede both respiration and the free circu
! ;tion nf the. blood, cauin Difficulty of
Urealhing, and
,Ip(IriiV, nw,lWUW.n?9 of Voh-e.
Dropsy of ih Mrart and ('best, liup
ture ol Hlood Vessels and Hieedini' frvnt
Throat and Luttjr!, and
To remove this Obstruction, from
which all these alarming and dangerous
diseases originate, and to prodm-p a radi
cal cure, limbing ha ever been found e
It stands unrivalled It stands pre-eminent
try it. and yon will he forced m
acknowledge that its virtues have not.
NOR CANNOT BE OV ATI t : that ii stands
(Af ,,.mi ;md hpvnnil l!i rpneli if rnm.
petition ; iiiat it Is the onlv reasonable.
the only natural :.nd the only truly snc-
i cessfid meibod of arresting and
diseases of the Pulmonary Organs.
discovery nf Dr. Jayne, awakens Ihe
praises of the press in all parts of the coun
try. The fact is, ihe more the article be
comes known, the les? peace has the?
Doctor. A cotiiinual stieam ol bald beads
keep pourig into his establishment, who
gt to bed at isighi, dream of long and
flowing locks, arid awake in the morning'
and find (he vision realized. We saw;,
bewitched d.tii'el a few days since, the
curl nf whose auburn locks attracted our
attention, ami for some lime we did not
recognise an old friend. "Bless us, Ma
ria," said we. "where did you raise thai
beautiful hair?" "Thank ou, sir."
said the blushing girl, "You must ask
Dr Jayne." The fact is, It it alih iiuh
the Doctor is verging into ihe "se:ir and
e-lnw leaf" of life, he understands liow
m please ihe ladies. Public Ledger.
exclaimed ihe other day, on tasting sou-.e
of Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge. It cer
t.iinly h is none of the inuseous flavor,
which one associates with the idea of
. . I : i . i i . .
povsic, vnimreu eonsiucr u quae at
tieat, atid in taking i' their palates are
granftHd, ami their health r stored :,i tie!
same time. Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge
not only destroys worms, but carries off
the miicas in which thpy are imbedded,
ami t (reels a radical am peruianel cure.
Every mother knows the prominent
sympions of worms, six h as voracity,
leanness, fetid breath, grinding of the
iceth during sleep, paleness of the lips,
itching of the nose,&c, h;i there is oth
er indicia not so generally recognized.
A dry cough, dull eyes, enlargement of
ihe abdomen, and many other symptoms
common to other diseases, frequently
denote the presence of worms. I' their
existence is even suspected, the Vermi
fuge should be administered, because it
can do no harm in any case, and may do
incalculable goud.
JAXNES E X P E CT 0 R A N T al w a y s
cures Asthma. two oi three large do
ses will cure Croup or Hives of children
in from 15 minutes' lo I hour's time
Ii immediately subdues the violence of
whooping congU, and effects a speedy
cure. Hundreds who have been given
up by their physicians as incurable,,
with Consumption, Spitting of Blood,
and oiher pulmonary Affections, have
been icstored in perfect health by it. It
never fails in giving relief.
Prepared only by Dr. David Jayne,
N. 8 Souih Third Street. Philadelphia.
Sold by J. J.& II. F. Schell.
Somerset Pa.
Also by Edward Bevin,
Stystown Po,
CAME to the premises of the subscri
ber in Turkeyfoot township, about
ihe Inst of Oeioeer, a 2 year old pale red
heifer, a slit in the right ear, and cud of
the tail whiie.
The owner is requested to come for
ward, prove property, pay charges and
lake' her away, otherwise she will be
sold as the law directs.
ponrmi to '.II i.iT..cted widi dis -
' . , . .
eases ot ihe Icings and 1,. casts.
Seven Thousand i' ay.s nf obstinate pul
monary cumpfuins cukkd in om: year!
"WILD CiS?.?h?s
the g it t: a t ameiucan remkdv
for Lung Cuiiiplninta. and aI njf'cctions
vf the Iie.-pirutury Organs.
Will miracles never cease? More evi
dence of Its Mirjirising Health Restora
tive virtues ! ! !
From Dr. Maker, Springfield,
Spi ii'jjtiehl, Washington co. ly., Mav
14. 1845.
Messrs Sauford and Iark:
(Jeots I lake this opportunity of in
forming you of a most rematkabic cure
performed upon me by the use of Dr.
Wistar's Ral,m of Wild Cherry. In
the year 1840 1 was t-ken wiih an infla
tnaliou of the bowels which I labored un
der f.r six weeks when I gradually re
covered. In the fa!j of 1841 I was at
tacked with a severe cold, which seated
itself upon mv longs and for the spare
... ' ', ' . i. .
01 ,,ree years I was coninel lo my Led.
I tried all kinds of medicine and every
variety of medical aid without benefit;
and I wearied along until the winter of
1844 when I heard of Wistar's Balsam
of Wild Cherry.
My fripnds persuaded me to give it a
fair trial though I find given up all hopes
of recovery and had prepared myself for
ire mi . tig- oi another w..ruj. I tinman i
ibeir sidici-aiion I was induced tn make'
use of ihe genuine Viiars Balsam of
Wild (,'iierrv. The effect was truly as
tonishing. After five years of nfllictiou,
pain ami snO'ering: and after having spent
lour or fne hundred dollars In no pur
pose, ami the best and most respectable
physifims had proved unavailing. 1 was
soon restored to entire health by ihe bles
sing of Ood and ihe use of Wistar's Bal
sam of Wihl Cherry.
I am now enjoying good health, and
such is mv a'tered appearance that I am
no longer known when I meet my for
mer acquaintances.
I have gained rapidlv in weight and
my flesh is firm and solid. I c.n now
eat as much as any person and my food
seems to agree with me. 1 have eaten
more during the last six months than I
had eaten five years before.
Considering my case almost a rr.bnele
I deem it necessary for ib good of the
afllicted and a duty I owe to the propiie
tors and my fellow men (who should
know where relief may be had) to make
l!iis statement public.
May the blessings of Cod rest upon
the proprietors of so valuable n medicine
as Wisiar'r Halsim of Wild Cherry.
Yours respectfully,
l'noe w ho cnuntei leu a god njed
icine for ihe purpose of adding a few
dollars to their pockets are worse i!un
the manufacturers of spurious coin. For
while ihe lattpr onlv rd i,s of our pio
pertv the foimer take property ar.d health
and life away. Dr Wi-i.r's liaisamofl
Wild ("berry is ad-iii'ted bv thousands ol i
distiiic'icsird u iin' .-es to have effected '
the most extraordinary cures ixdino-
nary and asthmatic character eer befote
recorded in the history of medicine.
The young, the beautiful, the good, all
speak forth lis praise Ji js now the fi-!
vorile medicine in the most intelligent
t.i iii i : ips in iur country.
Stn h a high stand in public estimation
has been attained by its own merits n-
tone. And so long as a discerning pub-I
!! are careful to oet W istaii s I'alsam
of W'ild Cukrrv ami refine with scorn
counterfeits and every other article prof
fered to them :s a substitute, so long will
cures positive cures cheer the fireside
of many a despairing family.
Tbe true and ve nine Wj-tar's Hal
sam ff Wild ('berry is sold at establish
ed agencies in ail pans cf ihe IJ. IStates.
So d in Cincinnati on ihe corner of
Fourth and Walnut strcpts bv
Gen'l agents for the Western Stales.
Agknts for Wistar's Halsam.
J. SNYDEIl. Somerset,
J Llovd &. Co, Donegal,
S Philson. Merlin,
II Little, Stoystown,
G II Kevser, Vvdfon,
OrtoberCO. 184C ly
- Bln.nk T1rfrlc.
LOP ot blank Deeds of a superior qoaH
ty, just printed and now for sala
TIONS. For Sale Here. !
giUEKS hia professional orrvicrv lw
I public. Office in the t-uiMinj f)r;ji,.ly
ca;icl lv Chai lea Cgtc, Esj., as a Uw or,0t.
juncu, :str. -
A N npprcntiee to lh- Halting
l nes? is w:n,ted by-the !;!? iih.r ja
Somerset. Application to be maiV nt)tI
ci:i,i:in:A s i:d
For the cure of Ih pittite rr IJitr Cvmju;nt
Dyfpfpvia arid Sir': llrmt'Acle.
grams remedy !:aviiv Iicro for srvt ral far9
ti, cmployttl t'V lli r.ijri tr in liis pr -ti. e.
on 1 very Iitrtr m!c iu .Mo-or.n!i.i. IVpio
Hjrrisoo tuI K.iinlh ciMiiitic. in Vi. t inij.
siil'i wvcmI oilier p!.i; c. aiul b.nins; ln-( u jii.-n,
' tim? to lime lU-;tl t. wrli anui-3)
wot:!.! :vf it . cin.f x t n! v
' V'vW ullT'c u""1 f
Aware ol the net that m.inv iwifss r. ..ttin
h;ixp . . . . . .. , . ;
fr general yerw unitl tlioiiiiirjUy rctniiii-ril i'.:::t
tin? atvo riH-tlii iiic, if ;:ropi ily used, won!,) i.0i
fj:llj clTffl cures iu 1 great n any in-lanees. ;ln;
l even iy ai.evi.itc ttiosc cases wljif'j j;c j; u!
! ul.le.
Symptom tf a d't.eeil I-'rrr. Va'm ' llir
right side, limit r llie ede f !'. rib-, juvt.ej
on pressure; sometimes l!ic j ain is in t!,e d fi ('
ibe ji.itient is rarely id !e to lie on i!v lei't fi.'Li
so neii iies the jmin felt uider t!n- hi'Mii.T-l!-nfe.
it frrqiienMy extemls tn t!,e t .j) i f ti c Moul
der, and issnineiinies f. r a i!n-i;;n::!ni
in the ri!jt arm. The Mionaeli is infected M,;;i
loss of api'eiite and sit kness; t!u I'OweU, in
I rah are eoslive. sometimes altering widi lax. i!.e
bead s troubled wiili pain, ixvoninnn:! d U
dull, benvy sensation in the i;:ek part. 'I Li rr i,
generally a considerable loss r.r mcmo -v, n eerii
panied with n painful Fensation cf I, coin? lift
undone brtrnelh'r.g which ocglit loliave Inrs
done. A slight dry rough is sometimes an a:t n
dan. Tbn patient complains of weariness end
debility; be is easily MarCcd. bis feet are redd or
burning, and be romr.iains of a p. i klv semation
of the sin; his spirits are low; at:d alllmn-li li?
is .saiisfled that exercise would be bernTiia; tj
him, yit bo can scarcely summon up tt:mj!;
enough to try it. In fact, he dilru.,ls eeiy ie-
'77 T "0 TT" V'"
Hie disease, liut cases have o(vurred wrc fpw o
ihom existed, yet examination of the l,odv afler
death has shown the Iivcrto have lcn extensive
ly deranged.
This is to rerlit'v, thai having Wen associated
with Dr. M'l.ane in the practice 'f nn-ili, ine for
nearly two and a half years, I have ha I tmny
opportunities of w i! nessing the fomt rili-i I n
hi Liver Pills, and I believe they h oe cured and
relieved a mi;rh larger proportion nf (he dUca-ics
I of ibe liver, than I have known rmed ami ra
lieved by anv other course of treatment.
Doc. 7. 13:3i. UMVCK AIOIMJA.V, M. V.
CCjOnir.nvr; None are jrenuine without a
fac-simiie of tiie proprietor's signature.
Prepared for the propiiclor bv
Wholesale and lietail Dru2--ist. corner of
4 ih and Wood his. J'ii f.-iirq-. J'i,
They are also sold by ihe following agent.
Joim Snyder. imerset.
Hay & .Woiiison, Iavausviile.
Kna'de and Voughf, Onirevilf .
M. A. lioss. Petersburg!!,
A. Wyatt, Smii!)tield,
CI. Uook, Wellersbiirh.
Samuel Kurtz, Somerset.
SSj.'micI HariH-t. Addison.
Idvencjood & Welirfey, Salisbury.
Charles Krissinger. Derlin.
Edm. Keinan, Jennrr Cross roada.
Edward Cein, iStoy slown.
Y.Sc W. Myers. Myers Mill.
N". U. In r rder that there may be no mistake,
be particular and ask for "Dr. M'Lane's Lmr
Pi Ms." jantPjiC
j Patent VermifUC.
Dn. MoT. Ami-ricax Woum Smririo
Vruniptiij exptf Wvrms io an c!nir.?i in
crcrf; 1 1' ? rr. her.'
Y?0 substantiate the ahm- f;i; - many hi
fcj of tevtirniii.ds could be atLh.eed,
out if
whuh the f 'IJowin are rejected, ir.dhid
nafs of standing and vrraeiiy. Indeu!. il is con
fidently atliric.ed that each riw trial of ihe pow
ers of tiiis remedy will have an additional ten
dency lo widen ami confirm it f.m.e. and thai if
t were universally known and d Ifused over ilu;
United States, it would not save b ss than many
bun Jreds, if not thousands of lives annually.
I do certify that a ial nf Dr. M'f.nne's Amen
can Worm specific expelled live hundred and f-vo
n hole worms and pieces would have made
Sixty more, fn m a icy id" J.d.n I.cwe iili.i. v, h'ch.
it ia:d in a straight line, woulti havemot proliaiiiy
I men.-iiicd the i eoi lin e.-, h iiili i f one Iu:edier
yards. JDSIAH JACh()..imncr of tt'ate
Forge, and other works. Monongalia county, Va
This is to certify that I purchase.-! ftorn II.,
fc Kidd a vi d of l.'r. M'.a.-ie's Amcri'-jn Wer.;i
Specifi". and sae two do es r a l.iy of mine
about t!ree years ye. r of a-e. He pas-ed fully
half a pmt of w-tsms. The (pi.niiiiy wa- huge
I was r-d!y alarmed, and rrdh d in several of o v
neii:h!Mrs to .e ihent. Had this story been ic-
I-i'ed to me. I cou'd ml have rrediled it. wilboet
, W.,z an ey-w liness to the saiu,
Mv child's
; l,ejll!l imri0Vt"J niucb after,
R!ercha.i'. Tailor, Wood .st, ri..-i"ar:;
?ome two months j,, pun h.wd a vt.d if Pr'
anes A me: iean Worn! I
er tlie. I cue ; imV
r.f mnn! must of a ia'; Iio a d f.irtv v. rv
lare worms. From lhat lime hi' hi-rlb' impro
ved very m-ich. I hadliii-d '.-..o.-ihcr Vermifuges
to no I believe lr. .M'l.anrs ibeli.t
article before the public. ). (.'A I. II L.V.
AJitllio township. Alleglieny County.
i rom a reguur riiysieian. Dr G K Smith,
fih, ihi..
Mr. J. Kidd Dear Nir I have used Jrt my
paeliee Ur. .M' Lane's Amrricnn Spe'-ille.
mil have often nitnesed its ell'.ency in expelling
worms the system. A pifie'i.t of n.iie. a
t-boit lime ng:j. javc a vial of tuo
oi m peeitic
to a child; iu a short lime upwards of siity-Go
worms vvpre piwiU!
Prepared for (he Proprietor by
Who!e.-ale and lutail DniiM corner ef
4th and Wr,.d sLs, I'itlshurjU.
Alo fjT sale by ill.? fjdov.ina: a-.'entfi
JOHN L. .S'XVOEI?, f-omersef,
Hay a"d Mrri.wn. Lav,ir.vjie.
K nablo and Vought. L,Vutre:iI,
M" A. Ross, rct.-rshnrh.
A. Wyatf.Smithfield.
G. Cook. Wellcrshurgh.
iSarnue! Kurtz, Somerset.
Sfimuef f fi.rrcT. Addivm,
I.ivenTOod t Welfdcv. S3!iihnry
Chattel KiifWO'er. Uri.'Tn.
KJm. K. man. Cron road -Edward
Bevhi, fStovKtuwn.
P. Sc VV. Myers. Myer- Vill.
N. B. Ue particidir to a.k f.r.Dr. M'!rS .
Acwricna Wt j Kpecific, cr Pau-Bt Vcrr-'.fjf-