The Somerset herald and farmers' and mechanics' register. (Somerset, Pa.) 183?-1852, December 08, 1846, Image 3

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e o 52 s it s r:
. r ..r.,. r. I- j
i- u PT. Mil II Hsf. f P it .. n hu al i.
J &u:ean.i CW is our auH,or;y.rJ
iw f-r obial.iiiv Adttrihawits end j
h .,.. liPt? IIP .,..7 -I..7iv1 !
u" fv" rerelpt for any monies paiJ
l,l.jion c'-jei-ti. His agency iucbuJcs
f!.vi v:i: Piii!d(Jd;hia, Jicw
,r on TUESDAY, the OtU day. of
MARCIl NEXT, at 10 o'clock in" the
forenoon, for ilie purpose of selecting
cati ilil'tcs for Governor and Canal Com
r.vr'uii?r to be s-npported by the Whips
;,r. l the friends of the Protective Policy at
the next tr..n::: election, and to transact
such o'Jurrbtrfiness as may may be deem
cJ iaiporUint to '.he success of the Whig
Whii Slate Committee.
T!:c firsl duty or Coiiiess.
Immrdiatcly upon assembling, Con
gress Gr;g!it to m-ke atnple provision for
prosecutinj the war to a sp: dy rrd sue
ct ssfal isue. A large f jrce ought to be
ilcnce ordered out to as?ail Mexico both
on land and bv water. Ti;i-- vriil have tu i
be done at all events before the enemy can
be brought to sue for ps.icc, and the soon
er it ii do.ic the better will it be for the
nation. Dy striking the blow at once,
much treasure and many valuable lives
ntav be srred. There will be no dilEcul-
ii rjtii'rr nth
:r men or supples.
0;.r "jccpie are reaJv lor ht.t, ana the ;
resources of th? country are ubundaat. It
matters not now whetlicr, in bringing or.
the war, the Administration acted wisely j
or cthcrwise; whether it was actuateuby
a ficst re to promote tr.e national weuaie,
or bv the more nurrcw one cf advancing
the interests of the South ; the nation is
involved in the war and wi'l have to jlghl
it out. Delay will only increase present
thfiiruhios ; prompt action will soon ob
viate them. Increase die pay of soldiers
from seven dollars per month to twelve
dollars or tnOre, and in less than six
weeks you will be able to raise a volun
teer force sufficient to overrun ali Mexico.
We wa't. no untiDcrsary cepm htur:
but on the contrary dc. ire to see the w-r
prosecuted with vigor, as the surest way
liinz moncv. Ounces in Slco
. ,. ., ;
q-tttteil thciiise.ves gadanuy, bu. t.:e
reed strong before it will j
be prudent f;r them to advance much far-
, . , . . , , 1
t-icr. L'.t these he prompt! v, atiei j
oon ...v v.o. ....I u. ... w..-.
, j
a,; tr-.-ucu :-y trie ,
Wc publish above a c
State Central Commiitea for the ht-hlhg j
x'fu W!;:r State Convention, at Harris-j
burg, on the 0th of March next, to ncm
intte a c::tdi;.ie for Governor c. Th1
city end county of Philadelphia and some
cf the c.a::rics in the interior, have al
r:a -r cptrain'.d delegates, and. fiom the
iii.erc-t 2;:auire;!eJ by the fricnJs cf the
several gentlemen whose names have
bcra sttzcested as candidate-:, it is to be
presumed ihr.l every county in the State
wliibj fa'ly represented in the Conven
tion. j
Itlnj-jr General fit sit.
M-i'-r (Je-r.ral Scott has at length i
U r, rrdtr.-d to Mexico, to take com-
, . , , . f rp . I
t-ud 1 1 t!:e troops uesttned for Tat tpico. 1
r.-:.l .vierwarJ t join General "I ay Lot i
:t Si-.:- Luis Potest, where seniority of J
iar.k v.-hi give him the command cf the j
tr;;)V :
"ivc are gratifit-d to notice this evidence
. , . , . . , , . i
t i. tntcntton on tae part of the Amm- i
i:trzt:cti to proiccute the war with be- j'mg v'or. Gen. Scott, it is said, is i
invested with Jr.rre discrctimony powers,
1 he as circumstances and his
own jid "i.tCw".
icy th
k ;.- fc i rt -
Ore oi" the rtcrt uflicers cf the
P.cvcivtin wc Get:. Green: and rot less
r- was Ge t. Urcwn, of the late War
ar- I
Though the ot:e mps a Gnrnv.
8Td the other u Prt-x cue, belli were'
WttiUDJLiil. UUiS ViW 1IU1M. e'escendants of that people which built even the shirt on hts back was almost burnt ,p , ,,7,' iPnl vrn ?
i v.Cve'o be eomelrf ! cient chics of Mexico and Tuca- ?'"! recover oropertv from - 0 Uie f "" 'J ' "
A v. or.en:ton, to be composed oi the tlames. Lmontown Dem. Rev. reseillatlYFi 01 GtO. liar I'
J.!cja!es fro-.ii the City of Ph.iladelphia 6z ta ' rr:rrr'-m;- - - - - ----- , ,
, cfviTrd comities t'c-.d to their renre-1 ! . "" " " 7" " r i.CC u.
4 fo i in the (ier.oral AssemUv of ih:s fCPAs Shaw-E-Quam, (Sinjin?-Dird) 6j A V i f a C !.. i ruAKE n-nh c ihit an inquest wii be
'' 1 1.. . .. rr ' ., , ' , . ' J. F. COX & J OS. J. STHT'UN g . ...... i. .. i. C.
-- o.UC. a.. n .., ... u . u . 1 ...
, r i. 1 tew to it, tt must follow that tins Govern- Sold by J. J.& II. F. Scbell, I afore, said company to he paid by
H.vuua ...u.t. j ,::c:U -,VJd be bound to enter into a treaty Somerset Pa. j Treasurer of said Company.
W-gr-p. fnystlie Trentoa State C.a-j lp0IlAqit:dde terms, instead of. demtutd- Also by Edward Bcvin. ; j B. K.
&MUuy IVhd fifteen dw.r u one div,j in,islf of their trruery,,- j . SKSiOwa a. i Dec. 1.18 16. .. . .
C7A correspondent of the Boston
Post mentions this curious fact: The
grounds upon which the city of Troy, in
the State of JNew York, now stand?, em
bracing some 500 acres, were rented in
1720 to D. Van Dcrhayden at three bush-
els and three pecks of wheat and four fat
1 .
Is per annum. What changes a cen-
tcry may briii forth !
5 ' r .
A tribe of white Indians are said fsct almost everything about his premises
to have been discovered in a valley a- j bora ,UP 7 24li't , Ths fi,re
, , , ,r. . " i caught tn the Hiavipjs while the workmen-the
Sierra de !os .Jur.bros, near j Inc-were at dinner and so sudden was
the river Gila, in Mexico. They mim- j the conflagration that they had no lime to
ber about 500, rmd are supposed to be
Rhick Hawk, died recently on Kausas
river, a;red eiclitv-iive years.
fCR is rumored that the Pittsburgh
and Con;icllvi!!e Pa'I-rord Comp n ' had
abandoned all idea of constructing tlio' con- i
templated road to the Maryland line,
probably fcr want of adequate funds.
The Mount Sivare Company, it is said, !
b.ave suspended operations. If it be so, i
theeflects will !,e seriously felt bv the j
r ,. u r " i ;
farmers cl our county, who for several
years past dways found at Mount Savzge
a good market for their surplus produce. !
Ve understand that arrangements have j
been made to carry the President's Mes-
sa?e bv Express from Cumberland to j
tn Pinmli.t-wSnmPrsP!.
C7"At St. Pierre, Newfoundland, re
cently, thirty or forty houses were laid in
ruins and a number of persons wounded j
by the explosion of a pvwder magsine, ;
iKr'asioned by an incendiary, who h
tended to destroy tlio town and wlio p
-hvd m the alt.'mpt.
,P . ,- '
.new TowNfmr. A new township
1:as been erected out cf parts of Scmerse' .
and Miiford, called JcFriCRsoy. j
Ihcii Watkr. On Thursdsv last, the !
small streams in this vicinity were as
hih, of not higher, than they had been
- ut-k
Ji-"T!ie .?ervics cf six companies of
volunteers in Philadelphia tad two it:
' , ' "
others hive been selected to make out;
the complement. .
W( Icr.rn that Commander C.!tpnN'crn,
late of tjv Vsiiied Stales brig Tru.Vou, i
who, with his oi'hcsrs, v.scxchr.ngea ior ;
Gi.n. VtOA and fcuite, hao arrived at N'Jf-
SpeculalioE an flic "Ic?:!can
Washington, November "0.
General Scott sai l, a white rgo, thai
he nc. :r would be called up'm fur active
j? .TgcS; I
trwmc;ui5 m a stra.., ....u Lxccal Kt j
h,s !jCea IIcJ upon for aid. It is iha
orimoit cf nr.hir.ry men, and arao: oth- ;
- General l ayior in mseif, t:?.t the j
vh.ite cf ihe Monterey demonstration,!
. . , - ...
bngto end was wrong; that
rri ilC.rAli?? corresponding with its cost m
I life r.nd t ream re, hv.s been oht:tnccI; tnat
t!:e crigina! design of pushing Ger.era! j
Tjvlor forward to Sun Ltits, hv this route j
was tr.icriy rdsurd; that G'?r.eral Tay-o.-
never bad eidier the lorco or the supplies
ncce'scrv for suc'.i an eulerpiise; ilutt tt
has bc-?n abatitloned at the suggestion of
General Taylor, and that an entirely new
nh.n of the war has been or must be a-
General Taylor, be-fore he marched
from M?:ta:r.or;;s, to!! Major Forsyth thr-t
lie did not know whut was the object of
the movement he w-oS ordered to
and thrrt, if th.e dc;i-n was to io in San I
Luis i.r the city of Mexico, Tampieo was !
point from which the movement
;d be made.
General Tailor has ro doubt, ex-
pressed the same opinion? in his corres-
pondrnce with tl-e Government. After a
?x therefore, the Government
i-ti; acuptcd what tne Union properly
c a ,4 ncv. 0,J:!n:2al;0.,, dif-
ft-rcnt plan of oper.;tio:r-,-md ha been cot::-
pilled to ask the aid of General Scott.
In reprd io the Mexican war, it hrs
!Wi?iorin niaue Known, nor m nny
hat is its true ohjeet.-
vver.reltit to believe th-.t the Admmh-
tr..;trrl:on h;ivc Jto definite object, any
lIlorc t, rj a mature plan far effretins' it."
A portion of the Western and Southern
people consider the object to bo territo
rial acquisition conquest and approve
of it. Some of the Southern politicians
as a means of extending Southern territo
ry and influence, and restoring to them
the sceptre of Federal dominion.
The terms upon which this Govern
ment is prepared to make are en
tirc-ly a matter of conjecture, and ere prob-
ahly ytttohc decided upon. But if the
r rt
Mexican Congress, which is now about i, snows a disposition to meet;
"l" .or.i are 10 ne submit- ' . S Souili Itnril direct. I'liiUiielphta. i tith ol this moniii, at two per cent tn it
The New York Tribune says, "By
reducing the wheat to fionr, the quantity
left at tide-water this year, compared with
the corresponding-period of the last year,
shows an excess equal to 829,062 bbis
of flour.
We regret to learn that Mr. Thos.
Henderson of Dunbar Township had his
New Brick Ilonse, Grain, Pork, mid in
save anything. Mr. II. ioslrdl his clothes
have farmed a copanr.erhtp in the Ljw, j
tr. the county of FomcrnU. Ail business j
etrusi-il to if-pin recite prwupt j
aiientimi, Oftice m Snyder s new brick
wuilding ner.r the duiaoiid.
Jlec. 3 18 i0.
Valuable Property.
SHE s!i'3friNer bri.iir disposed t'
rt-.-novc from Sotncr.-i, i.SVrs fir
aie ths Hoi.e i-nd Lot. ocupivil by
- v.U vest corner of
UK' l-i "'t')-;d in iiie florou-!: o? So-rsr-
. .... , , . . r
set. !if llo:i-e is l;.r--M ih fru-'i
,Uti.!i:!S viv CG by f rt, and the
b:n k bi;i;.ii:?r 4i bv J0, bodi two siurirs
hih, bu-it with bri:k utd well finished,
with a fine ctllar under the wholf
there is n jr..od
rPiASfE Sii.X?lI;J,
Carne liou-e sml Wood 5heJ;do a
lrirk -;'-okR ;U, J U ' House.
wi-.'i a co.i svcli of w:sier and i is;rru on
the premise--, x'.i'i a fine (J.irien with a
vjriiy f.f ri oire fruit irres L sliruhberv
ihii propertv i adu.irubty sdipirdfor
a rooifortu!) e rr.-i.h-H-e, as weli far
:,y lU'-0 pubhc business, and is un
; f-urpasrw ty awv p-r-pfrtv m the puce.
A iv.e.idio.v Jos. l ouiau.'!!1. J-c scrs.
iif"i.';::i'r wii.ia -0 xcie, ci.uer let
j':u:-; nud severii oihrr out lots ail
J ,. - . ,
S'Jy tn:: but'cir'lj.
Two tract.-? of un i n provr d Isnd. ron-
tatninj 4-0 acrts eath, situate in Som-
r rpt towns!,!:..
The terrjs will h libera!.
5T?H t!t.- inlnvp p roprv i not di
rosia of, it will Uvj for rem frotn the 1st
; r.l A pfil neit.
Dec. 8, 1SIC.
Llibi iHi XxiHilL ii t 1 iUiii 1
irsiup v..! !.,. ,,.?.. 1
c ,. , - j
J.J ncrmints with him, to cdi "and dis ! t them c.r at h'aM. e!ae them by j
r.,,ltf ; cf re the jlnf rfuy of ebuurp wzl
Jvoms to ruioJe-,.d hnviu j
ur(.u,jy yiv-n several ca.'is, which bare i
;;gC:1 pre.., ,evSurp unhide! In- I
hco in a gre it measure unheeded, he
iruis tha; thre persons win. fat! to at-
j iciu! ta this Ufil nsticc, will tint c:inplin ''0 the IteifS ttlid Ical rej;
j should ihev receive a 'thitrrent kind of .
t iff r rent kind of
r.," ;itVr the expiration of ihc above
tiiup, as the account must :aid sh;d! I'e
D.-c. S, 1 S 4C.
M:.nv of mv GOOD on hand.
l' f.'' "mC fTPn I
w .!t?tor 1 ,rinlj e , UMhe -rr
sf0(fi on vrrv a,,()!110;:;i;:!1? t-r.-n.-and !
,lf ,OUSE and LOT tan be hid wiih
iUe $!0re if defirt-i!. J. L. S.
r- ,.r.r, . Tn rr
jkS HiilR TOf JlO.
HAVING ourselves wit-iessed the
beneficial elf-cts of thi article no the
prs..ns of several "f oar in!iabttant5. we
iic?i:-'e nt to comnu-ul to al! those who
have uatWitiUaicly losl t'ur-ir liair. Wc
refer sanh to t!e cer'ifi.Mtc of Mr.
Unl.nrs. Una' of. I'!:a:i)Z.
"Hristni. i:, I , Feb. 16, 1SU.
Mr. Hay Icy Sir: 'laving abmit four
ycurs f iii-rr; tl;-' .ii.-ene, lost the !inir the t.-p of wy hfad, and having
ii-ed ii!3'iv articles recn'iirreoued t- re
t!rc i, I was iiuh.tvtd, frnm the recorn
mendati n I saw in ymir "Pii'-reaix," to
t"V Dr. Jnyue s llmr I rn. I am now
h !PP.V ,0 s:1.v t',al 'a''CT yiSl:)ti three bn;-
ties, mv head is eavcred with a hue
rnwih ofyounand hcnlstiy hair. Se?'
cral of my friends and acquaintances
have abo used ii to their entire sati?fac-
dun. I therefore cheerfully recommend !
11 to all who are suffering tiie disagreea- J
b'e sensation caused bv haMness.
The above certiticair is from a res
j ect ible y'U'ig ni:n, km overseer in the
Sieaiu-.Miil, ffboss ttatement cm Le be
Frar.klm. !;., March 19. !8H.
Dr. JA YN E. Dear Sia: Your medi
cine has been in nearly every case sue
ressftil. especially the Expectorant. I
have received much benifii from the u?e
of this myself, and one of my nearest
neighbors', who had been ;fllicted from
childhood wiih the Asthma, so severely
as nearly to suffocate jher during the
paroxism, which returned about once a
week, ius been to all appearance perma-;
! netitlv cured. Your's with rtspect
Prepared only by Dr. David Jayne, j
LETTERS of Administration on the
pstaie of Peter Shirer. Sr., late of
Salisbury, Elklbk. tp., dee'd. having been
grantedi to the subscribers, all persons
indebted to said estate are requested to
attend al the late residence of the de
ceased, on ihe 20ih Jof January next,
prepared to settle; and these bavin?
claims, to present them at the same
time and place, properly authenticated.
of Elk lick to.
of Allegany co., Md.
Dec. 8. IS Ifi-Gi
s.ii;j ,:Cfe:!,e,. j t?.,. IJ(tr;;j!'of Ssovs- j
llW!,f S.r.nersset cout:iv. Pa" en Friday j
,,e (nv t,r j;.r;rv 1847. f r tb j
purpose of mnUti-'g" j--aruiion of the res! j
fj;.i'.e ;f s id !tri-sed. :o; nd arU'-n his
children. s;id h-jp! ie;T,se:rt tiffs, if the j
snp can lt ib.r.a without p-ej id.ii-f; t!
fr spoi'ii-f of v;e. wbo'e. c-!;i'r'Ai-';; to;
v!ue and apprsd-ie the sf jTur bpgs
"o law; at ii:r! t! i e r.nd p';" uu j
are required to a'lsnd if yon prop
Vc 8. ' Si-. r riff.
7b fic hfirs f.'Jiit legal rep-
rcseataires of Jlciikvii'
Finkerton, deel.
TAKE n;ti-s that an irqtiest v.i:?;
le hi-hj at the Lite d-liT.2r hwssj
f aid !et-t-asc-d, io the township ci t
Turkey foot and coun'y of Somerset Pa., j
ca Saturday the 23; h day ef January
1847, fur tise purpose oi mtkiuj p-;rti-j
li:i of t'.e re d st tp of sai l dt c ."f ! , !
t. and amoi-j his Clni 'rtn and iej.r"l ; i
re?entatte, if the itho ran he doiie ;
w idtfut pr jiulice to or spoiling cf lh i
who'e, otherw ise la value and appraise
the same according to !-w. at whi. ii time j
and p!a c. y-i are required to atteiid ii j
vou t'uia k proper. j
drc S- Sheriff, j
To the heirs una h'nl rrp
rosenlfUivt c of John Gra
ham, dee'd.
npAKE notice an icqnest v.- i 1 1
be hs-'d n the hue dwh.itijj
" said drceust-il, i:i d c HorouvU !
j Stoys'.owo, Siimrr?l rouuty, V , o-i
jSiinrd.y the it-ih d-.y . f j;:r,u:trv !S:7.
j h;r the purioKe of uukii'j p -riition of ;be
! re a 5 ? o sat a t:-.:cc.;s(j, ta a
tw.e bi c'.ii'drra nd Icl reprefr.t
iivf. if the 3.1:11? cuti he douR wi'h.ait
.,.-.;.,,,.,. f ,.r B-ii,..r ,,f tIi wJ'o'e
"Jbcnv :,c, t .di.e auJ apprs? iie
-et.rds. to at which time
nn "' place uci ;;re required to attetui i'
3' "' pr"P-"
dec 3, SberitT.
S'csentiitiTe-i oi JiiciiatM
Sftnner, dee'd.
'gAKE r.etiee l bat an ?nqier w iH
. le hfh! at the laic d Aching hnue
nfsiid dereasen, in Milford townsliip.
.""Tf1 PPU:,,U" r"'-' t
, iv of Januarv 1S7. far ihc purpose ot
nkinj partition oi the rei.1 estate of
said ded. t ;nid among ,is children.
I and lef.d representatives, if the siimr
can hp. doiio wiih ui? prejudice to or
pai!iiVT of ihe whole; od.erwi?e to thic
! and ar.i.riie the same vice, riling t? law;
r.t whirfi time and phice yon are request
ed to attend if (u I'.istk proper.
dec 8. I SIC. Shrri'J.
7! .. V virtt: of a writ of Venditioni Ex
& J?pnu:js it:ed out of thfCow rt !CVn-n-.mi
Plea" f Samrr.'rt ccunty, !ud t
rr.- d.ra.-t'--!. i'k re will hp. exposed U
sU: !y public nu' ihe tddie rqutre
in on Tuesday ihe ! ih ts-y of
Ji-rii! .ry lies!, at 1 oMock, P. M. the
fcMtfwmg Uea! estate, viz:
Ail ihe tight. i:tic. iuunesi r.nd claim,
of Joserdi Mson of. i;-, and in a crriain
rr tract ol land, sntm:e in Siiatle town-
ship, Somerset coimtv," Pa., cwntainii 1
31)5 aeres more or l&-s, a'-iout :C0 acres
cleared aa? a bout 2-i acres in merd-.w;
r,i:joi, mg l.imis.ot Jatjti lOv'.SPis, a-"!iii
Paul. Jrse R: rke;.i!e, . hn Fry. '
1 , r T -it, !. T . I .
! and others; on whirl; -are creeled a J'g ;
dwelling bruise and bam end stable, wish
the appertenancf s as tiie property of
said Joseph Mason, ?t tiie suit cf Sam
uel'Hun'er. SAMUEL GRIFF1 Til, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Olhce, Somerset
D.c. 8, IS 10.
f FpHE Stockholders in the Somer?et
and Redford turnpike Road Com-
pany will take notice that an election
will be held a tiie house of James Phd-;
son. in Allegheny township on the l:b:
day of January next, m elect one "res t-1
denl six Managers and a Treasurer tn j
conduct ihe affairs of said Company the j
ensuing year.
Dec. 1, iS'jfi.
Also a dividend was declared on the
Orphans' Court Gala
7T N pursuance if a:i order of th Or-
J phan s court of Somerset coi;t:3',
there mm!I be exposed to by way 1 I
Public Vendue or oucry otr the prm -
ises, on Friday the 5'i r c Uecrm-
her n?xt, ( ISlu) tin.? .fo!i.wu Es
taie la!e the property of J.icob Hi-.Toiun,
deceased, viz: A rtmirt 'I'm-1 .t
of IdiiJ. siuiate i:i Jc.nir t t.w usbp. eoa-t-inin3l7
arf.s a:'! :..!' wtut-c, mure r
less, adjoining u-.A wl DaviJ Simpson.
Jacob Rovers. Conrad K?yser, Jh:i
HofTaun s.'id uihers, v.itli upwards of
IrJO :.-rcs of r!e:;r Und, on which are
erecti'J a I trTe
T:r 5f6ry House
and a one .s.rv h:re u!.jd j lare f5tcr.t?
urn, itii ::!fr i.T.prnvctiie'us.
Tk;:M: Ono in hain!, and t!.s
balance in .-ix anuuj! pavmettts. without
i.reresr. b,- scored ' Lv Judr:S;e,;i
bonds Mort'jrrt.
A !' ;.;!. -rice will ?;vn !.v Wi'ltato
R.V.!:f'.4r:: r ?.i!'i j ; ILjii'iLtiui ad:tu-
jl ?r s e-':'.te o! $..iJ (U-ceast'U.
r.r.T 4.
valvulk nr.. ii. i:s'jirt: .rr
riJMSj: m: .cii'ier will oSVr a
S.ds !'V
pub! c ot.vrv, ',u ( i.ii-t.ius day,
V.5i!t j)?e'mbKr n-x'. the follow in rf aS
oron.-r!v he'onai:? t the est ne of Mui.
(iei.'ijjc ('r:dia;o, late of Stoysto'.vn,
S'.uert'l coi.itiv, d
I i;: vp!i t;no
wm I rfvr;! stand for ma-
hy vesrs kept bv I-ci?cd, on the North
s:;' of M .in Sir.'i-l in S;uy!own Hlore
s:i'l, b-iu i a h.rjp tw-st'rv fra::e unA
wer.thf.-(bortifd bu'idir-2 vvitli gojd arid
p...i kjf. ?:t i;jti: oo tiie ?:;uie lot.
ex'-c.Ieul ir.fnit'iw iol ol to
;' s ;rrt
c of lio-
(I .-t sbiitijj on the op--rrt.
f'-nc f-tv.rdl iinii-f ;iati lot ct one ncre
si;i,;i;c on Miiin cross sim t ne;ir t !: e Pub-s'.-hor.l
!;ti"e in said horoub. am!
now in ti e C'-.-upDn-'-y of Jvihn Ltber O. J.
A S i'-r? i'.ion or tract of land sit
uate Siftiown on both, sides of tiie
foad Iraiitu l- So Ltrst. ront::iiir. a-
res. of whi. h nearly 3( 0
i :'rt5 arc cleared an -a unoer fence, v.'im
1 1 1 r - v
a two story log h.'.-use and large
thern er?c!ril, i.o-.v u t!?e po?eitou
of Wihiaai Yi Li:h and Sjtauel Wei-si:i--r.
Tiie above farm will be dii.!ed iuti or three puis, if necessary, to suit
p-.:rrb:-Srs, or if desired pi.rl of il IDjV
he divide:' tut t ol 20 or
30 acres each.
The faie will b- he'd al the Tver.T
House i:nv kepi bv Allison Lougbrey,
and will be (-ountinued until all i" soid.
l cuai!'l wiiere ihe terms, which will
be reasui ible, ill be made known.
Ad;r.h;i;tiiPjr etas 'et :.'!!e;:!o anaexo of
novlO Ge'irge Graham, decbi
HE subscriber has received Iron;
the Iistcrn f ines, ;od is now ope
ning at i;re North East corner of
the Diamond, a very I re ;nd ceneral
assortment of Goods suitable for the
Tirrw.rtJ which are Frrrrch and Enjlifb
Cloths of rr.ri;iis coh rs. Also l'weds,
Casiinere, Satinets and Je;in, "IV.rlcton
nn-i Ce-i'ii ('lodis for Ladies dres-es.
ALSO, Cashmeres, Alpacas,
Mouihn tie ! :iut;?, C:ictt.-s o! ;d! q'luli-!ii-3
from 1 to t5 coins per yard. Mas
tins fi(o? 4 o 10 et, Silk and Thread
L".e. S,!k Gloves of a superior quality
lor i idifs and enilenien, topether with a
hue assortment of HAUDW AKE,
fliieens-ivcive, Groceries, cr.
IViO'? .'.) shoe of ail kir.'ds and very
low. Weavers Heeds cf very superior
All v. hich trii! be sold on ns cheap and
aecomoditieg terms, as they can be bad
west of the Ailrgiienv Monrtiain.
Somerset, spt Cj, 1
N piifpsor.urc if an en fpr of the Or
g f lan's Court of Somerset county
and otberii; ront4;uir,g it' acres more
or less, 100 ai-res cle-sred, widi a hewn
log hnuep and barn ihcrenn erected.
No. 2. Also another tract
E'ljohvr.g the first described trct i:
same tiuve.s'iip, containing "25 acres with
s th?reon.
Tt irt'
No. I. containing 200 acres
pup third of the purchase mniif y i; he
pii'.l ir. hsi.d and the balance m an:.n.
instalments of one hundred arid t'oi.v dol
bars, without interest, u be secured by
tudgmftit Roods.
No. 2. containing 23 acres to be rash.
Attendance will be given by Jamb
Mre sod Ai.ebam Moses, administra
tors of tiie s ii l dre'd.
By the Court,
Dec. I. Clerk.
there will be exposed to sale hv wav ol j -" ""o
P.-hlie Vendue or or Omcrv on The prcm- -Vcl .d.the ho-lmg u-cnsds.psssesoff
i.f.. oo Fibhv the If t day of Jam. :ry P!PP ai!fI !o:, A!so ',r
next. (1847,) the following Rr.-d Est te. ! 15 s srr.-ngeu with a bank r elevauon
late lb."' prci.crty of Jacob Moses dte'd. in t!ie fire chamber r.s to ensure the msc
j ' - Hl'll -.1V j' M I I
ijn 1 ft nf t-rno rP 'de Stove first, nnd ii then pas3 b.nk
i0, I, LL Certain 0 traCt, Ot af.erward iea,i all alike berea,
, land Situate im, Sorr.-r- Snvfs ,ikc ,!e I!,thawav, bnvir- r-. f
; t"1 ron,-V a'!in';:r:- la,:,!? ,l h:Xx vet chamber, v,vt z,r.
hilar. Frederick C.o.cman, John Stump , , r whhout suiTcient rorw.,..
j npH subrper r::M r.-- pert Mir
J jjj inf. rm the hr-! h" jttt
received nr.J npeneo t in H' otoie
room of J. .cob Ki'.nu.v!. in l!t.rli;i,
a rc?h hiid isirlc?l stci f
Medicines, Painls,
Dyes and Cinifeulioiuirics,-
which he
clTtrs tu ct cheap lor
Person? wishing te purcliase sriicle
in his line of business, are invited to call
nod examine s:ocIj.
,p2P4fl. SAMUEL J. ROW
rpo t ;i 'T'G f
A 1 & I JU I jl A 1 5 I
Cheap, Good and FashiosaWo.
T THANKFUL for rttsi fjvors. the
Ji. subscriber would respectfully in
form his old customers and the pobiiu
generallv.that be continues tn carry un tbo
in al! lt bran. h-s, at bis old st3nd on
mitiii street, in the borot b if Somerset,
v here tic keep- constantly cn band a
supply of HATS of his own mrufac-i-arc,
ni.ide of the I est nnieiioW and in
?crv variety of stvle rmb'acnur.
Fur, Nutria. Russia, Cassiner '
Cnuutiy Dealers will leeupplied with
any quantity they may desire for retail.
on short notice and ut moderate prices;
and customers can at all liiuts ei'her bae
a chice from amontite stock on band,
or have their hats made to order, of any
Frm his long experience in the b-jsi
upss and a dettrminalian to ied cheap,
and at the same time al' that his hats
shall net be excelled by trtce of any
other estabiisdiment fipre or f Isewhers,
the subscriber fiatirrs himself witli the
hope that he shall continue to receive
liberal shnre of public piitrmage.
i he fiihscriber imderstand t.bat yoma
peru'ns lue been selling bis n Iiiu
ticen mnnufat-tured by him, which are
made elsewhere 2nd he therefore cau
tions the public a.iusl purchnsinj any
as liis nsl- e, whir li have not t!:e words
"John C. Kurtz, Main street, Scmerict,
Pa.." on the tip.
Fin 3 2ii J approved country prodacs
taken in exchange fr luts.
FLAME encircled oven
IJHIS Steve combine si! that m val
J cable in existing Cooking Stoves
with certain improvements peculiar to
itself. It is constructed u;on a new and
entirely distinct principle truly philo'
sopbical, so as to pass tle flje entirely
round the oven, thu making il enveloped
or Jhime encircled, without impairing tha
necessary draugh.t of the stove. This
method of thus p-?ir, twice round,
once over and once under the oven, is the
secret of i:s great economy in tiie use of
fuel, ivhile tlis enlargement of the air
chamber aiTords increased space for th?
rarefaction of air and compensates for
the usual disadvantages of a circular
draught, It bakes, lossts, and boil,
e.isier n:d better ihan env Stove yrt cf
iVreri to the puh'ie, with ihe adv:ir,t"??3
o--er most of them of saving one half the
fuel. It is superior to the 'Qi:efn of
the Wet.M "Pu k's Patent," "Eciipse"
or "Hatha ways Patent." for the follow
ing reasons: In these Stoves the epper
side of ihe oven is dependant for beat
and can have from no other source than
what radiates through the plate on which
the fire is made. If th.e sbes he lifted
clean, toe much hen will radiate and
bum ih bread on the eppsr
side, if t :o mm h r.shrs be left, the bread
! will rot bak on ihe upper sids. Of (hi
defect all jfood cooks comr lain. Thij
Stove is en?ircl3" free of this objection,
the oven always beating exactly a'tke
lip aid bottom, and ends. Many buy
the Premium or step stove and others cf
f imi.'ar model. These Stores consume
much fuel, for first the fire chamber i3
tn.a deep, the pots i.c, are tor I.r !i a
love the tire. Seccnd whea usin-' the
lot en, ail the bent which passes cfi"unur
Wc msnuf.rrfiTe two fdzrs of ih "s
Store at the En;! Fo''.:dr in Herlii Som
erset county, Pa. For the lirer ei2e
!0-?-t of ih-t pois cemniouly used in the w ill answer.
A'.wivs on b -t.l. a cnmpletfl assort
ment of PLOUGHS, r.ii!, PLOUGH
HASTINGS of rre&l variety. II 01.
id1 WARE of Miperior material an'!
:iuis!, ccmpri-ii ? every tiling in lh?t
ii-te. C ASTIN GS .in h:md. ami mad
to order, ott .!.? no5i reaioo-.ihle rmi.
IinUSER I! Eli KEY".
Berim, Oct. !. 1 J;) r,P.
I.Ol'oi V.v.ik !.Vmm' s.i; .nr j:ali
ivrju"' priteI aril rii-n me
. I f I . a noon If f ra H Ff r; . aa "