wmrn mwm AJO FARRSEBS AND 'MEGHANiGS'- RES1STEB; iT7 NOT PAID VrTTTfTX T1TR TSAR, I f2 53 WILL Li: UJ.W.GED. HAlJ'-VJSAKLir IN ADVANCE. J PRINTED AND PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY JONATHAN HOW, SOMERSET, SOMERSET COUNTY, PA. Sex? Scries. Vol. 5,-Kc. 4. Tbo is l "' grm'e reader,' who, j,3t labors hard m pleasing you, r(. j:i;ig ij.Il that's strange e;;i! new ? The Printer. Who is it brings yon from a far, Pi-lb-gcnee of bloody war, 0r teats ot some immortal tar ? The rimer. Who tells v0'1 c'" sfiirs of Suits, Wli2:i Lgi'b!ors legislate, Av.d re ir. gaged ia warm tic-bate ? The l1 rmter. "Who is it with sncssnd kcle. Chastises well ihe knave and fool; And keeps at awe the party ool ! The Printer. whom is it that learning's got, And genius to perfection brought Oh 1 reader, say say is it not ! The Printer. Siv. ye who always wish to know How the concerns of nations ro Wham do you for that knowledge owe? The Printer. Ye politicians too cm tell W! o makes you understand so well Tit' affairs on which you love lodwell- The Printer. Then, reader, why should you deby, (Though many do from d.iy to day,) With punctuality to PAY The Printer. 1 Bombardment of Tabasco. The cw Orleans Picavune has ken . M-i ti mtf,,-: ,to t; eamst 1 aba?co. I uc cntcrrrtse f tiie i i- b . , f . cyune says) was a.mgether success.ul. , The o!ject of the expedition was to cut fet certain prizes anchored in the rier. ! Theic were all taken. W hen ihe ci iv was summoned to surrender, the peop (e i w ere all in f.;vor of yielding at once. - ty opposed it. i ITl'J A I f Mll'f" The Governor : nd fchlicrv 1 m.e was given lor nil p- .20 persms, ; women nn ) r:o!i.:n, .o c. o: nariii s v:iv: but the tifvci. r: um.u not -I in. I- cation was principally done upon inolTen ,r,n ; eive persons, tlse city would havo 5een t raoiished, with the exception ol the resi denccs of foreign consuls and the tals. i i e squaurou cohmmcu oi uie Aiiris- i ... 1 ... . i l -r.i.- At:..:.. S ii'.Js ; lionit i, Licutcn mt Commanding l'fniiam; Peeler, Lieutenant Surret; Nonita. LifutemMit ILzinl ; revenue stea r.er McLane. Capt. Howard; revenue rmter Forward, Captain IVones ; 200 sea men and marines from the Kari'.an and Cumberland, under command of ('not. ToriTrt, Lieutenants Gist Winslow Walsh I II".., tMn .....1 t..r. ! ro,T . 'f , - , . t- ol i :e .dsrm:.?. liievleit Anton L-zar- ' ctirrent very rapid; towel by the. Pe- , irna u:,l ixen : oas.-:i ie;is irn iii I f in.. iO-ed, tv an omcer 01 me .u n s:u . ," 7 1 volunteer". immense numbers with hi wh-.c force. .... .1. A.' 1 ! LiWU. .I1UK IS ll H U IM ,V Illf'.'SIS i ti : :! C f-H I . : I ,C in HIl'l i I !, t' T 1 -f w., crgaffcd in the -iTatr ofTabasco, with ... t. , 'T , :. " ' ; .t ; men are said to be rallying r, round me a- prn..cr,v lh:. , t !-,., tho T V . ;' - v tons standard. The accounts received I .':,; " nf . v e r.ncxeu summarv and ske. c, ot the , It wd be seen by raacimg lh:s cursory deavoitng to disposes his Excellency of : al lU, C ;i:1 irou, aH Pepartmcnt, are I , . ,fVn, P-wnv. tvitti the de- rcrturl :i,:;t ihn Commodore srr.rcd the thn oDn..:,.- m,.-.;' natv,.p xti.wd. ..Ir. . , . ' . . , . oo rn.. . nilo . ill or , - i --- - ---- - ......j v. r.. v., ...... t0 ,;e c;ico:;.-:!g;ng to ania .tvK rS , f.(-Ur i . . . i. V- citv (r..m h!!tr.-nf ffi!i!t Vrat-.nr.s. 1 he. mm .r. , i , c.Jr -I-.-.t,... . . . . ..... .-.uc in in., i ru u f .n I m.lil r.I lf ' S M'lIL lli.Ht.i lll.il ..-!"' " i-.ii.un .u.i. m.i. u miiv ui u.aiiii-, N.lrrf. CiiM'lliivu: n . ill'. tir-rs ! a.-Jo-.eto leave, so th..t it is feared -ost iiK 1, troops u no ,o,. .. .v ,ore , e:e:ny to tmtu our oblations ; .hcKCJ? nzT with an overwhelm " . , , , , . of cannon, beside? an uii inown number ol i to tne country, and to repel tne sugges- r ;n v ';-.-;!.m u '-r- ii p invv'n of those kilied during the bombardment j rrn5e.J pea5?nts ; aiS f(f whom wcr, pos-ed Uons of tho; wh, endeavor to distnd us JrmnV'ibUeV' ' nuuiw. a'uuu.-. .i.i. in .ioii iniii'.n ," I...- tu.ij sui..t liWiiiw1 o.-j-.-c.e.. i iia j .iii: oou- r I Jc has dc.'led on yb-p.ponin" Tampi- we.-e killed. Had it no been thai the ex- ; pation of stone or brick houses hence we I or to re:vn:. to your Kxct ilcxicy my I rA ,v:thftl, mr.l-in anvrr;tn4 hrba I v.'hm in-- jo: i o. verier, an arrivcu ai , , . . , c , . - ,- . , . v. , .. , i i r.ave pi iced across tne mouth of the river our ruerr.v a lute longer ,v tkirmi- i r-.Uiiera on the 23d. Captured steamers ' , . ,, , , , , , - , , , ' r it , , ... . 1 , , three strong chain cables, and sunk vessfls and other o'ist:;c!es, wc shali soon i etnta and ii.iasvaeno, and several small; . , - ,, , . , , ; . f . ,. , nt . - ; . - i , , ; on t:ic t ar. Ii would be entirely useless t mem retire from our countn . vt-ro.'s. On the 2 !i i and 25th ascended , . , ir ' thn river sevcaiv-f.vo miles t.i Ia'asco; 1 I A hagoi truce Irom tne united 2 V. M.; i-m le lau-.l spiked four 2 1-poun- j The steamship Massachusetts arrived 1 lion bestowed upon the officers and ders. Arriied off Tabasco at G P. M., ; cj Xew Orleans on the ICth instant, from j e" of the Truxton, wliile prironers in and anchored in line ahead, distant 13 J p a. . ,:, ivT ir. ,iiprn ttin f Mexico, and announced the acceptance of yards iio.;i the snore. Summoned the' , ' , . the proposition to liberate Gen. ega and c'v to surrender, governor rciuseu. i " other Mexican Fired three shots from the Vixen one j to Draso? troops from New York, cut down the hbg-stafiTof the fort, and as j Capt. L.oiottf., of the 1st Infantry, the colors fell, we though-that they had came over on her. He was severely stirrendered. An o,T:eer came off with a j wounded at Monterey, but we were hap rcqu?L lV.I wc would snare their hospi- py to find him in the finest spirits, and he tals, which was granted. At 5 o'clock j is doing we'd. He left Monterey on 3d. bnded 200 seamen and marines, hut, as it was too late to attack the fort, they were ordered on board. Some skirmishing en- sued, but none of us were hart. This was Sunday, and the Commodore was somewhat reluc;ant to commence the at- tack on that da v. Cantured one brio-. three sch.xmeis, and one large sloon : also captured one scliooner oeiore we arrived , W-.I ron.rra. zn.. r.;u,iav.-r or. our passage up the river; making in a,l one brig, live S'i:oo!ier, two s'eamer. one sloop, and many small craft and lighters. Monday, 2r).h. a: davlijh?, a tharp fire of nmskeirv h.;:n rhore, which was returned by our great gars firing at the flash. The firing cuntmued lor some time at intervals, when, a white flag was shown by the ci- vuians on shore, 110 doubt with the con- sent cf th?i Governor. Sent ofT a petition ta the Commodore to spcre the town, Hh;:fc he -?Qt4. Idj tint hoply fa ' sired to fiyht the soldiery. Got the pri- ! 1 zes under weigh, and wh r-scrv prepar- ' ; ihe while. Lieut. W. A : P.-i'rker got' a- .snore wi;!i ins prize vr -..: near the citv, s , . . . . .. rim was attacked oy sooiut-tJ.iy soId:e:i, j ; whom he beat off with about eighteen men ; i loin? nnlv on- and having but two wound- ; ' eJ. This afi'iir lasted thirty minutes. ! . n.rui. f . .uo;r was u;Cnaieuea in , ! ;.,. f w .! i.j i ( him with order?, and, paffip t.ie heavy . 'llrnfmv -.c .... u ; ; neck by a musket ball. Lieut. Morris ; mnt ga!i;.n!ly, until he ffll in the arms of : Midshipman Cheever, who was with him. i he Commodore then com:r.eneed can- ' nonadinz in earnest from the Vixen. Boni- i ta, and Forward, and in the space of half j j or three-fourths of an iiour almost demol- j ! ished the city sparing the houses of the ! i foreign Consuls and such as appeared to . I be inhabited l?y peaceful citizens. At about midd.iv the fleet left Tabasco. v., J I'kwvu till. I I v 14. i . 1 L. V f ry and irreat uns, and swept them com pletely of every living thing. All the prizes were saved with the exception of one, which was burnt by the Cemmodres order, it having been found impossible to get her clear of the "Devil's Turn," a ra pid in the river. Arrived at Frontera on Sunday at mid night inhabitants all peaceful having tTair st Tabasco and the return of me vc-s- s.-ls ler marines, under Lieut. Lrown. , .. r, . ,! were on board tbe J etnta. Darmg l ie . ,.,,,, . . . 2oth and 2Cth all the pnzfs were duly dis- ... , , ' . . T i patched and arrived at Anton Ltzaroo. The Peirita, on iter return under com n j.l'J of Lieut. IJcrt. captured the American brig Pivmouth, Capt. Parkerson, engaged .n 'discharging cotton at Alvaradobar. t Lieut. .iop.Ris died on tic 1st insTnt i!i.iam:in:. eou.d not tea re, as VTOvcr- . , r.-r Vvouiil not permit tnem ; hence tr.ev ... can,;on'. .e ar,i ti.::.- esc;':cd detraction. II..' it not been 'dial we should have been obii- t geti to Kid many innocent persons oesore i . i -i, t r taking the city, I ahasco at tms moment v.ould have hern ours. As it is, we have 1... . . f ... . I pant tnem dearlv lor Uie shot mat cepriv- ( us 0fl,tcvt. Morris. Long will they r?me:niK-r our visit and (tread U:e return i . - i h i. .i nn t o o. The Mexican force was three hnndrcd t could onlv re?ch tnem witn our greai guns nd at every disadvantage. j ceton. together with the gutiboats and six . rni c, t-.., .,,1 sm prize vessel. J he St. Marx sr.ndoom . , - T - -1 .i i . I i'lnpico, the McLane inside the bar at j Tabasco, an I the Forward blockading Ta- ' asco. inc ci.anewmgetoutonnigni tide Lieut. Renshaw came v.p f-.-m squadron under orders to iVnj.'ivi , i. yard. Ileaith of t'ie squ::d;. n rr" i good. s" "' 1 here i a .cxican force o! a.?i . . , o six mousanu men at .xnarauo. i i instant, and our private advices cornel ; c!ow,i to the 2d. ; The gallant Major Lear, of the 3d In- fantrv, has died of his wounds. He was! j buried on the 1st inst. Gen. Wool had communicated with ! Hnn. Tvriir. on two occasions. It vrould nnnear that the former has detached one etn kent in awe during our absence by v.i;!i him ns a lifc-riri! rt 'I'-pu'vu-i . & c,. T . o , i .t..i.. i - T . . , , ... - , . , can Jji;)5 i oiO-i uno oeciareu auitu... uu. I a "Ccount oi ttic attempt on uen. Gen. Sabs, Acting President of i ne revenue steamer .m-iyms i a:as lite was lorw.-irdert to Santa Anna in favor of Santa Anna, wliile attemr.t'm'r to nass t'oe bar. and did i l- V.x-.r mr.v:nrv r.vn.c A' .', .' " A' ". . . . - . ... , - "-- , ...v.. unuieis:oi vcio'-er vcn. Ainnu H.'.ituuiciiiiijaui mu i:n.ii n.c ; iraVCae'J HOUl IP. 5 lJOUOi tO..in lUlS ,:., .ir-ii-.(' t I im Pn-nsi -m.l , ilulc, 111:1. uuuiui..:j.to. li"'-UJricrs -'M cvacu-.tin' it lie sh. ill stren-Tihen his ov.m The following vessels were at Anton T.uis i'o osi. (). t ?.!. I si c. ! . 7 -... ?. .t. I .1 I I i 1 I II "I IT I J : ----- ;.r;nv. uiiu v,e;iM-!i vikii. ian r , ,! Ltzardo on the Sth of November: l i;.g- . ... r o ...:u'i. ..t.i:.,, "...;.i.-JMw rt- Uh.p Cumberland, fnga es llaritan and j ,.,lf pftn,. n ! body of troops to hde possession of and Potomac, steamers Mississippi and Prm- Mexico, Out. .0, 18 io. A hue cor:, . j , . . l ... ) .. ....I. . ...tmtf thous; posesiou cr two ' to Ch: ; that Gen. of del 1 wav with Gen. Wool's pi: ceded that the latter's troops cm be more - serviceaiile south of Chihuahua, -which does not require so large a force for iu ; subjection. Wc have no definite knowledge of Gen. 1 Taylor's plans, but may -sJate that the pre. 1 railinj impression antong o5icers is that and men from his command to take 1 tion was pertormed at tne .iercnanis ho.wumuj. u,w,0 ... .............. ...... - , ... , r.on linon tne Governor ot tha . . , .u (..1 1 Tt it..:.i rr;iv., ..f 1 mno rpsncctah p wp-dthv. :ini! nni- ! sps nnvH hmiiirht timiU the late P'!r:cal i , . . . . o .uonciova, anu wnii mt-uni- iei, in mis cnv, ov uv. j.iwu ,.v.... ; -'. , I , , , . ! i v of .New 1 orK. inn r?g'.mcni os- thousand proceeded on his march Gettysburg, 1'rolessor 01 rmrgery ai me ; usi ui ; o- e. " " , - ... ; .,rj..s to the citv cf Nov.- York. dmahua. It seemed to be regretted Pennsylvania Medical College. Mlbcrt ; oayonet. i ney pmaged nouses ai pica- menT,provoAea o ine .m i..,, , - Taylor, from motives perhaps . street. Dr. Wagonseller bore the intense ure, and insulted women and children . ing proihgney 01 tne ie.,erai , Tt the hwrt cf every trea icaey; refrained from entering in any j pain of the operation with perfect hero- j without hesitation, and under the pretence ( Hon ; and it is hut JIaT"Z Whig to k-m lor.t the Hon. Vzow E. Tampico is to bo the next point of attack, j From Monterey we learn from an an- j est had transpired since our list dates'. j I'uttvunc. t- LATE TiiO.'?! .".IKaICO. Bv wav oi Ilavanna. the X. Y. Sun has received intelligence from Vera rni7, ,fi. :ne. 7?,.; m;.. , T. . . " , I'er oi Foreign Relations, and Gen. Pacheca Minister of Justice, have rc- caneies thus caused have been filled bv Reappointments of Gen. LalVegno and T , , ,, ,. Gen' Lr-l"'om de vara. 1 lie State ? Sjn uis P"tosi has pronounced against Salas, declaring that Santa Anna, or some one appointed !y him, ought to assume the Government. Don Felix Kivas. bearing a commission for Government, came passenger in the T.tV to Havanna. ' ' t - ' ' ' . " ' ' ' k . Several attempts of assassination have been made against Gen. Sabs, and other recent threats, hate been nude, in conse quence of which he left the Capital on the otn int., tor laeu'oaya, where he will remain m tne nouse oi fcenor t-lores . President Silas was esc , c , V lUL cuy oi .ucuco pv the troops stationed at Potosi, at the rule of 12 miles an hour extracrdinarv. indeed, for Mexican : i orec. i ii-(-' r, e , . ' Gf.x. Santa Asna to Gex. Ai.?tosTE. ; uie Capitol, i iiese wi l i l-o remain T-f.i !-,cr: :,. .t. i.;..i...f. j ' !I!'J unr nrtvaii, "i' irnr .-irr i;:r. . t- Sir: Hy the recept.on of your circa- t3vrn:rrnr there will soon br of tl,e l'Jth mst., 1 have learned with ,)e a Jesi ve battle, which we arc per extreme regret that cur foreign enemies, ' .v;ji (, f 1Vnr d,lf. m i by means ol ti!sj;i;seti agents, aliemptedon ; and wotml na-.e proda u d tns mo.t disas- trous ccnscqyences, had it not been op- , portuiuly diMCveml t.t 'u v.t n.rr.t. . I u ;?v -c.ig.v wiai tra:..iui,. and puidic coniKh-nre remain iirmly es- and puiilic confuivi; . ,., . - .... . .- " . uimsncu in ttns Mate, and ctmtorming tnysell to Uie wishes ol the Supreme Gov- j ernmeut, I ta.ni Uke good care liiat it is ; .. . , well jrt served, i beg leave to assure j year Llxee'.iencv, on tiie o irt of invself and tho troops un.ier my comtntir.i!, that ) i no other thought is given place to here j excerd a d-sir tor revenge r.gamst ouri.,n(j in;,.;n rrr, cr;;n;j to rc coiisidCi.'.uon and u:gii ie-iect. Manlt.l Maria ee Saxdoval. The following is translated from "El Diano del Gomcrno, of Mexico, of Oct. "tlA ' n is aiu i ic !.!',' til l?i cum ,it cw.il o-i . a ;. ihivs; that the crews of the squadron mostly si -k with tin scurvy that the , ti - ernmeut have already sprr.t 675,lK0, t;0 in the w; r. To debv is a triumph 'on our part, as we have before said; and if ue are ordv fortunate enough to hi t;ites i sqadron to era i,ruz, conveyed the jthanksofour Government for the atten- - - M 1 pns States. The 'Naiionol Guard" were pouring into Vera Cruz. Every means that in genuity can devise, are adopted to ?xcite the people in favor of the war. PAINFUL OPERATION. j A few days since. Dr. Wagonsclier, j Senator from Union County, had the en tire arm will portions of the collar hone B and shoulder blade removed in conse quence of a malignant disease, arising ; ; from iniuries received some time since by- ! being thrown from a sulkey. The opr- prospect of recovery Id The Vermont Legislature previous to adjournment, passed resolutions that 1 Vermi ; adrr.tf Vermont will not give her assent to the sion of anv new State into the Union ' whose constitution establishes slavery. a, Ii i rnn-i i-sin. and IS now clomsr well,' Witn every -wan-i urua men 1 ur in a- ircuier.uo i kiv-.uuu?. r-r n,.,r, ..r--v of ths .tv im-.ier November 17. Important from i The brig Havne arrived here vesterdrtv , rr -i " r " Irom liavanna, brimrin? u? hies o. papers from that port to the ?t!i mst. On the , , . . . , previous dav, ihp CdMhe Bnt:h ficamer 'a-v nrrive- nt Il.-vnnna from Tampico ; 'fb Tnv Iprf i' 1 h- 1 a le'1 1 1st instant, ult., and from Potosi, wither thev were ordered, for the purpose o! lormmg a junction with tne . Santa Anna. The cilia izens of Tampico, ;n v- ,.c thn c1,., c i " "-'v.v.-....... town, and ihe (.read ot a hostile visit irom 4 ollr ..n,j anj forccs v,ere leaving in gainst Mexico, fi,..;,.,'.l..-ti r. t .,?." f ?,;c . ti.-: :r .. iisiwu. I pill.- n u.nviii, .1 riv i i . .u ' . n- need"., to the repn.-t of his movement a- 4 r. r1,.,, iramst Gen. U ool. A era l. ruz paper t r.. 5ni,j to ,e coinpn.cr cf the principal ,-iti-j zc;;s of the ri:v !ex:eo. b-.vc- '-?cv ';r-1 ionized to gaa-.-.n 't. !.-:id-.rs upward. j c,f one thousand art.zans had volunteered for t!ie F....:0 pnrnn-c. -" r Ltns Potosi. S.inla nnnahasre- 5.:,ivrij r.n drawing tiie whole militarv KrVfT u r,fC couhtv in n i" point ot oni v "src tj,c rein;jar coldi-rs. who are uv vrcd"ovcr -.n inmcne rxlrrt f,p ;crr"p.-,rv. ordered to marcli toiliat point Sua yyis iloso!HU au the volunteers i no disposable force to garrison it, and by Wc append the following extract of a letter, dated Vera Cruz, Oct. 31. A condncta arrived at Mexico on the 20th ir.st. from Guanajuato, with about I.2h0.000, so that money was again ain "it 1 'Jti abundant there. Another lias left Luis Potosi on the lfith inst. lor Tampi co, with upwards of a million. The 13ri tish sloop Elcctra has sailed to Tampico TJjc Oti'.rns;es ii ?auvco. tCT Hxtract from a private letter to the Editor Editor of the Nevv Yoik Tribune, dated -, Illinois, Nov. 5, 1840. "Gov. Tord is now at Xauvoo. t hat citv ami county is suffering under the cf- S k-cts ot twe lawless movements wnicn have been carried on there for the last few years. I was there two days after the mo! entered the city, and a more desolate looking pbee was never seen. Out of probably 2,500 houses, not more than 10 or 50 seemed to be occupied. "Tiie mob had a guard there of over j 100 men, under a committee of public safety, before whom every person they 1 disliked was summoned, and ordered to leave the county, not to return unuer pa-n ! ny miles around the citv, in everv direc- j tion, nearly every hirm house was aban tinned, the fences were thrown down, and ; die crops at the mercy of cattle and h'TS and -law and order' men. Such scenes ; were never aeard of in a 'ctrxuzed cun- J fry. N. O. Time?. N Iate and lnf it r , i a immuiii:i i i tun K i t- Wit J U 4. till r v . V V 111 tk.-t ' " . . t , - . . . I lli IU I ill.. .ItiT I D T I xo last named port on the . . - ' of tijiion, shrugs. ! ";R a?cePl f'13 nniSSions. This in- nm! brotisht fall files of pa-; nocK fiIlernatc sral!cs fcnJ iVowns, and j l' "J her say.),, i.e citv of Mexico to the 27th ; thit whole calaio-ue ( f silent bnguage ; ,c u letter Irom Hnvan-i, whirl, . . . . sa lUat lion I riiT l?ivr. ...i . VeraCruz to the 31st. -,th hich P?sons oi rrench or.gm ar,., jn " Santa Axxa. Oiucial imorrm.tion ; f. . , .. r,milv -ird ! ' '3 ie 't'"rcr ' l!iec onn missions, iii i- ien. Ampiiiiiii i- (i a i r..nt u iamn , au i . , , . ... . . had been received at tne citv of Mexico j fc lJie yc .. Miics j object ot his miss-on t to endeay. from Santa Anna, that he was daily con- Tavo' c o:htr inn(1. wa8 as P"1 into eifect. h h, howev. centratmg a large force at S:n Lms de ; drvas a d,i rs hiin a pipe.stem, and c.r; f"1 lhat ll,e ?'n;sh authornus will Polos;; and were then announced as be- VTU. Dressed in bis best do aiI lKv can to prevent it, but tn.t :her ing about 20.COO men. coat; (which. bv-the-bv. looks ns if it had :f S "any oesrate charts rmi i ampxco. V e have received dates servCil hnlf.a.(!nzcn campaigns.) with his i " "' , "J J" "ai 11 ,s from Tampico to the SliSi ult. Letters olaz;f, oirlh ca strSi;,, '.nj,, and -'et.,ey may elude all the precaut.o.n announce that on the following day, the J SW.f:!Silinpri, Ve:t. lie looked more aJPted !v ! authontiei. Our Govern. 23th, the whole of the the troops in gar- ilke an old farmer. Mrlv clceial militia ",e"! ?h niined,jU'iy to sirergd.enthe rison there were to evacuate the place and co?OPf.i ivrin h d on hi eve-v-dav ' , ,:Ja',rn - 'n0" tws.ll fssu tal c up the line of march for San Lvis. b 'f. ".r,.,!," , :...:-4u c;,Tn ,W ! S?,,M1 rri'rs, to nip the plan in the bud. tn- I " '"' ' sf .!. n.t.mtr-oinn bnve not f ed iwrt in Indiana. So th:U the prohuii I the specie for shipment. Two private -,"-. ' -- . ! L,.,c rrWA h"r. fMm MovW wi.h i nvad t hems, 1 vcs, smgubriy favored our are very strongs in fat or of t.13 j : ',1 o Ul ' Th., ricnlmrd population linving a clear majority m th? n-xt j: ' i were tel.! that the hHi nrices thev w fre 1 ere- a very important matter to th Gene. AnipKriin and Taylor. S"u An,i;m'. 1:1 cIal1? 10 lI'e canlula" tion ci Mor.tsrev, has been de?rn'n'd to - -. , - present, a vcrv rich &cc:?e, m w!.:c! the ' ... . . two chief actors were in fine contrast. nd fine m:i:. . fft lolr. nb 1,5m from a rrnnii n- niPfP rivi?iar Tn his retdv o nr. ,.f ,i,.;in,t " in h rp.dv I III .-!!! I HlUi;! S Hill ' 11 II I c.IlM:C-, lit; 11,-1.1 . - 4 I 1- I, n;ul 1 Rn.u t:r(tM Ki,,n, ' ...i r-innbtif i;n-rusff. .. , ; ' . - tnat tne vaiornus .Mexican w:s inrown an ,Knf.- .,,i ui . . a ones, arm 'van notnmg to sn . Ampudii opened tiie interview by sta ting that his forces were too large to be conquered by Gen. Taylor's army that hclndan abundance of ammunition, 7, 000 infantry and 2,000 cavalry, with 40 cannon, and the best artillerists in the world that his loss was very small; and he felt confident that he could defend the citv agTiiiSt a moHi stronger fore than j that under G-n. Tavlor ommand ; but that, from motives of humanity to spar? '.he ff;:sirm of blood to save thelites of iiHOie-s women and c'ui Iren he was , 't l!;e great Mexican ivsti m rs to surrender tl;e city, provide d he wa-ai'iowcd to retire end c-.rry the pu'dic and all the arms and ated proc!;-m;;:on. wa : i r.,.r -rr-t! ,vr-.v r, r ; ' j. r:.-Ah-x lets old z;,rk quietlv stm-k his hands dvcp' into h ,.rrf.ciic; rocUets. cocked his head a ... - frarnished with numerous :ii!--ii,:i' to t'ie little fn one su!, and getitiv ra:;ng his grizzb evebrows. that die bold lit'.le blr.ck eye lurking beneatli might Ir.ve full play upon the gnmddoqurnl Mexican replied .i r i . . . 7 . - m tneseie .y out cxpresMvc oru; 'Gen. Ampu lia. we came here to take Monterey, and we are going to do it on such terms p p;- u. I v,Uh y-" rood nvriMrg." And the vd Genera! hobbled oil ru hi two short little legs, leaving ihr ?lexic,in (ieneral and staff in the profoundest '.ewihlerment. TJIC R!:yoi.I"TEOV. The political chnngrs exhibited in the results of she elections which have been held during the present year, are so nu merous and decisive as to indicate beyond all question th d a complete and general revolution in public opinion has taken place. It is in vain that the r.dministra timi pror.-rs attribu'e the defeats ef their party to local or incidental causes : they are the evident results of a spontaneous movement of the great body of Use people. The bro-id seal of public censure has been i distinctly obced upon the policy of the i ' . - . " Government, and (his not, in a season oi excitement, nor under ihe presu.rc of a commercird and financial crij-is. but at a of which the or- I obtaining for their produce were tne c gitimate conscqnences of the Tariifof '10 Enrl.in,! it was insisted came us for ?Q ffp lA con? scnted to open our pc!!, lo ,Pr manufacturers. Hut tbe farmers of die United States are not the 1 1.1 - C.l- ..I.!,.'. iVo inn ir-w-i! tne -t . . , . 1 . ipi Vr astimgfon supposeu i.icm :o 1,?. a ne saw tliat fierce necessity had complied all Europe to look to our well filled gran- aries as the onlv resource against famine; nd could xot see that by supplying the operatives cf England with bread which they could get nowhere else, we conferr ed upon them the right to supply us with thousands of articles which we could make as weil at home, in the manufacture of which hundreds of millions of capital were invested, and upon the prosecution of ,t-VitK crtmrt ilrrwrt milr f r r rs' trorA dependent for support. ' , , ' . , . . Let not the Incofocos lay the flattering The Hon. R. J- Ingersoll. oar new Minister to Russia, sailed from New York on Monday, in the packet ship Burgundy, for Havre. He was accompanied by hta son, CVi. C. M. lngcr3olI. i . . T I . I . - n it .'ff f IKV. 11 i Mil l' l.-'SCLkld MM I . WW. WAAVCAi n f ---- . er in loib. p-5;den MCXICAN LETTXT.S OF MA K QUE. Tho!at New Or:e:'a-Bu!le:;n"tatr r.s an iipor::nt iurn i?: !!e ret tnt inteiii. cn c lro n hc nty of .Mexxo. !:::t letsen Troni t!,ence cs hue ; s rl.:n 'Oin ih?. Usi Pnurr.-s, announce t!;s in. j in,- cfn hr,TJ . i r ,. r V, nuu.J.er c! Jtrfr-of-marous era j Commissions, inch iae been forwarded I l Uaan:'. tether wui, blank p dents fur i " aa-v i Pvatcers should be fctie.1 oul mien-fencer. I ii ! I he Liuon takes cccsssion to brWifv i a j uiiiiwydiiua unuer every phase of its tortuous and vacillating course of action. "When Gov. Marcv declared tint no more troops were necessary for the prosacutioa of Lha war, ths Union was ready to compliment thj economical spirit of its masters. Ihut decision was, opinion, the very best evidence of in its, profound statesmanship ! And now the Administration has stulti fied itself in that opinion : and before ths letter ot the Secretary of War i:x which it i embodied, is cold, aa on!.?r i? issueil br 8300 additional troops ! In oa'dii- ' 111 i'-1-311- j :n'rT ,nis oroer, tne Laioa com-bcentiy I observes: "This movpmpnt annoi-t in ttftT n.en he had finish- ! conformity with the policy, latter, lv as--t:on, which, in the i s:ffncj ! c'ihe federal press and its scribes. of masterly inactivity." (,... . , , . . -lrAS 5 op:-tJllJ.v' - H.. The .tl ij i Pw hl answer to the fulsome adbtious ; which the twadler of the Union heaped nn0;i those who hare hbed Lim to do I "A ' to op.-uiiuv-. ?a i . p. g .Wiiij. ueh work, but sahl what the course cf the Administration itself ha? shown to Le true, that more men would !:c found i:ec- j t sar v j rssary to carry on tiie war rigorously. This every iiuelllgeni man saw anJ pro j . biir.t d at the verv moment the fact was j ..er:c j t)V ths Sceretsry of War. Th t functionary, by the advice of the Presi dent, has only now d&oe what every one said a month ago would have to be done. Albany Journal. The Washington Union in making art estimate of parties, before the recent elec tion, conceded to t'ie Whigs 106 members of the House,, to 121 locofcccs. In this estimate New York was set down as 17 Whigs to 17 Locos, New Jersey as 3 Whigs to 2 Locos, and Ohio as 11 t 10. Correcting these error- bv adding six to ! tha Whigs in New Yor', one in New- I Jersey and one in Ohio, maK.es the hig strength 114 and the Locos 1 1 6. This j gives the Locos hut two majority :n the ,r .ft.. TT l - I 1 '. . House. The hie? have, however, a vcrv fair chance to?aiii one in Vermont, one or two in Maryland, ami two in V:r- I T tie3 5 em - 1 sp.ou'-d the election oi tne next rreiaeni nf the United Sutes happen to be throwa : into the House I IC7 The number of steamboats built at Pittsbnrg, Pa., during the pas', year, will aver ge one per wees. Ko.B3niES AT YoKtv. o- Robbers nrc bu j sy at York, Pa. On Thursday nai last thev entered the Washington House, stu'e a dozen silver spcor.s, opened .ur. Aew:s Miller's trunk, from vriiich they trek a bout $18 in ancient coins, gathered in Eu. rope, and then dec-imped. On the sno night thev entered the dwelling of Mr. L. Erb, but sloped before obtaining ar.y thing. f A- f I- Nr.w Ychk Volitnteer'. Tne first I rn.!iti.nl ff !unt- T?, u.rdsr Loionet ! Waud B. RrasET. hr.rS oeen ort-Tf J 1 ii-pr.''l into the service of to Lnueu ; er J 1 t r-,;nn r, to fill tbe vacancy m t o o.m--r n; . ..1 ed bv iho res"r:a:v5a cf M;. I1avwsc3 1 .V, it'tVe.jjff. Preside: Harson, has been elated by the Legislature cf the or'-s C'2r olinA to lie 2 Senator of the United State,