rr alio rv -rn r irpniin XOTICE. Estate of Jacob Shcp, dccM. LETTERS of administration dt bonis non with the Will annexed, on the estate of Jacob Shep, dee'd, having been granted 10 the subscriber residing in Cen tre viDe, Milford township, lie requests ill persons to attend al his residence, on Friday the 20ih of November next, pre pared to settle, and those having claims to present them at the same time and place. JACOB KNABLE, Ql 13, MG 6t Adm'r. Sir ay Cattle. F1AME trespassing on the premises J of the subscriber, in ElUlick lown thip, on the 22d of September Usl, three head of cattle, o wit: A. oneyear idd iieitTer, brown, with white face, right ear cropped. A duna steer, marked as the above. A brindle steer, with a cro; off the left ear ami a swallow fork in the right. 'I he owner is requested to come for void, prove property, pay charges and take them away, otherwise they will be sold as the law directs. octl3 " DAVID YODER. Somerset County, ss. NOfyPft-Vy 4 T an adjourned Orphans' Vr 2L Tl held al Somerset, vjli'n and for said county, on the ''ftfffi' seventh day of September, 1816, before the Honorable Judges thereof. TJiTrnotiolToiHSmion Gcbhr.rt. Esq., the court grant a rule on the Heirs and Legal Representatives of Abraham Col born, dee'd, to appear at an adjourned Orphans.' Court, lo be held at Somerset, on the 23d day of November next, and show cause, if any they have, why the Krai estate of said deceased should not be sold. Extract from the records of said court, certified the 7th day of September, 1846. W. H. PICKING, rctl3 Clerk. Somerset County, ss. jXXL'f, L T an adjourned Orphans' l. Court held at Somerset, ycn an(l for said county, on the ''f?5Sft 7th day of September. A. I). Ib4b, before the Honorable Judges thereof. On motion of Samuel Gailher. Esq. tlie court confirm the Inquisition on the Real Estate of Kosanna Shaver, dee'd, and grant a rule on the heirs and legal representatives of said dee'd, to appear at an adjourned Orphans' Court, to be held At Somerset, on the 23d day of No vember, next, and accept or refuse to take the real estate of said deceased at the appraised price. Extract from the records of said court, certified this 7ih day of September. 1846. W. II. PICKING, ficl13 Clerk. Somerset County, ss. A 8n ac'journe Orphans' fr 5l Court held at Somerset, In 8!u "r sal coun,v on tlte ''fXffr 7th day of September, A. D. !B40, before the Honorable Judges thereof. , On motion of J. F. Cox, Esq., the court confirm the Inquisition on the Ileal Estate of Christian Shockey, dee'd, and grant a rule on the Heirs and Legal Representatives of said dee'd, to appear at an adjourned Orphans' Court to be held at Somerset, on the 23d day of No vember next, and accept or refuse to take the real estate of said deceased, at the appraised price. Extract from the records or said court, certified this 7th day of September, A. D. 1S46. . WM. II. PICKING, net 13 Clerk. Somerset County, ss. 10tl. . io1U( oeiore tne Honorable Judges thereof. On petition of Jacob .Moses and Abra ham Moses, two of the heirs and legal representatives of Jacob Moses, dee'd, the court grant a rule on the Heirs and Legal Representatives of said deceased, to appear at an adjourned Orphans Conn to be held at Somerset on Monday the 23d day of November, A. D. 1S4G. and shew cause, if any they have, why ihe real estate of said Jacob Moses, dee'd, should not lie sold. Extract from the Records of n,j( court, certified this 19ih day of Septem ber, 184C. W. H. PICKING, Clrk. 3L STT3LTC1TS' For fcale at this Oflicc. i L P! " VI I lib llljl'a !.-(, tat paper U pub!i&hJ evrj Tuesday, at per nan, ptythU haif-ywrrv in advance.,- ' Ifnl psiJ within tU yen, 52.0 will iovaria- Wjr be charged. No subscription l-ken far ! than ! mantba nor cm a .atweriber Jintinn unlew at Ibe.olioa of l! Jiw. until arrearages' . paid o ADTtmuTi wHl b inerteJ at $1 per .aware, for lha first thres insertion, ami 23 cent for every subsequent insertion: longer ones in proportion. jUTinTiscMERTS inserted in the Hera! J and republican, three limes, al 2 per square and 50 renin for every other insertion. mi ii inn Tro In-'" " ' Notice. fTTMIE Commissioners of Somerset fl County will rec eive proposals f.r fupplyitiff the couri house, offices and jail with fuel, during the ensning winter. Proposals to be handed in on or before Monday of Court. II. L. STEWART, Oct. VI, I34f. Clerk. V1 an a'U"Hrneil Orphans' fls& Cauri held at Somerset, in and for said countv. on the mi STORE -AND" fH"MIE stibs riber has jtut returned Jl from the eastern cities, with a well selected assortment of goods suitable for the approaching season, which he is now opening in his brick store, on the north rsint corner of ihe diamond, - opposite Col. Ankeny's Hotel, (now Win. H. Picking's.) His stock embraces all Vinds of Dry Goods, Groceries Hard ware, Cjiccnsware, &c. all of which he will sell cheap for cash or country produce Thankful for the patronage heretofore given him, the sub scriber solicits hi old customers and the public generally to give dim a cn'l, as he wiilt-xhihil his goods wiih pleasure and is certain he can accommodate them with b,.vr:.ins. M. TRED WELL, Somerset, April 7, '40-l v. .XKJF DliUG .1.X1) IE S km Da THE subscribe; would respectfully inform the public, that he has just received and opened out in the Store room of Jacob Kjmmel, Esq., in Berlin, a fresh tind assorted stork of Drugs, .Medicines, Faints, Dyes and Confectionaries, which he offers to sell very cheap for cash. Persons wishing to purchase articles in his line of business, are invited to call ; and examine his stock. ap-2n. SAMUEL J. ROW STONE CUTTING B US IN E S S THE snhscriherrcspecfnlly informs his friends and the public in gen eral, that lie carries on the Stone Cutting Business in all its various branches, at his shop tn main street, 2 doors east of George Piles tavern, and nearly opposite the drugstore of John L. Snyder. TOMB STONES,. made at the shojtest notice and ori the most reasonable terms, and in a ntan'r that will render them superior toan oilier manufactured hi th's section of Hit country. Grind stones of an excellent quality, always kept on hand. Also constantly on hand, marble CttAVK STOXCS. Country produce taken in exchange lor work, at Market Price. n i: y.MMiy wool lev. Somerset, Pa., ily.( March 5, 1 84 H ZfiOTEJ, BIS rALIDS AT PITTSI5URGII. Drs, Spccr and Suhn. rHE object of this establishment is JL to supply a want greatly felt by re spcctable iravelicrs on our western high waysby residents, without fainily,ia hH) sir!; :md y patients from the sur rounding towns and country who resoit to this place for relief Irom surgical and other diseases. Surii have often suffered from the want of the various comforts and attentions so necessary and agreeable to the sick, and from careless and un faithful nurses; and been subjected to heavy and unreasonable charges. Invalids will here be provided with constant, faithful and comfortable atten dance, snd at a rate much below the usu al charges. While the care of both physicians will be extended to every variety of disease, it is intended by Dr. Spccr, lo give spe cial attention to ALL SURGICAL DISEASES, PARTICl LARI.Y TO DISEASES OF THE EYE. 'I o these branches of his profession he has given a large share of his atten- lOn for the last twentv-fiio vr an.t ! he-will continue to devote lo them the! experience acquired by a constant prac tice "during that lime. 'I he Hotel for Invalids is not an exper iment. Its establishment is suggested not only as necessary to supply an evi dent want in this city, in the entire ab sence of any special provision for the sn k, bu is warranted also by the success of similar institutions at Cincinnati and New Orleans the former under the care of Drs. Taliaferro, Marshall and Strader ihe latter under ihat of Dr. Stone. The building selected for the purpose is situated altheecrner or Federal and Robinson streets, in Allegheny city, ad joining the city of Pittsburgh. Il is commodious and roomy, anJ furnished with all accommodations necessary for he sick. Applications for admission to be made to the subscribers, at their office on Penn street, Pmsbuwjh, or at the establishment. tC7No contagions diseases will be ad: ,n'cJ- J. R. SPEER, HI. D. ' J. S. KUIIN, M. D. February 25, 1815. LAND 'FOR SALE "IT HAVE forty odd acres of land, and am not able to farm, ar.d no family, I would sell reasonable: apply to me, . . JOHN M'GINNIS. . Somerset tp. Sept. 8,18 46. TV OT EC 50 THE partnership heretofore existing between the subscriber under the firm of J. O. Carson fe Co., is this day dissolved by mutual eonsent.of which all concerned will take notice. The books of the firm are in ihe hands of J. O.Car son for settlement. All persons neglecl ing to call and settle their accounts on or before the first of January next, will rind them, after thai date in othar hands. Sept. 8th. 1846. N. M. P.RUCE, I. O. ("ARSON, - frtci ili T? Ililp Esn . of Stovsiown is authorised, in the absence of Mr. ('arson, ; to settle accounts. ! n. m. n. J. O. c. NEW&CHGAPGljODS. THUIE subscnter has received from Ji 5be Eastern cities, and is now ope ning at his store North East corner of the Diamond, a very large ami general assortment of Goods suitable for the FALL AND WINTER SEASONS, among which are French and English Cloths of various colors. Also Tweeds, Cassimeres, Satinets and Jeans, Tatleton and Cecilia (Mollis for Ladies dresses. ALSO, Cashmeres, Alpacas, Mouslin ie laines. Calicoes o! all quali ties from 4 to 25 cents per yard. Mus lins from 4 to 10 cts, Silk and Thread Lace. Silk Gloves of a superior quality for ladies and gentlemen, together with a fine assortment of HARD W A RE, (iieensiearc, Groceries, fc. Roots and shoes of ail kinds and very low. Weavers Reeds of very superior quality. All which will he sold on as cheap and accomodating terms, as they can be had west of the Allegheny Mountains. M. TR ED WELL. Somerset, sept 22. 184G. Valuable Heal Estate FOR SAL E. rnHE subscriber offers at private sale JL the following valuable ical estate viz : No, 1. a certain tract of land situate in Jenntr township, Somer set county, containing ahonl 131. acres, abou GO acres of clear land of which about 30 acres is in good meadow; on hich is erected a new one and a hal! story frame house, stable and a large Irame wcatherlioarded barn. No. 2. also another tract of land situate in said township, containg about 87 acres and 74 perches, about 40 acess of clear land, of which about G arrcs is in meadow, whilh a 1$ story log house and log stable thereon erected. Yo. 3. also another tract of land situate in said township of Jen ner, containing about 118 acres, about 25 acres f clear land, of which about 3 acres is in meadow with a small log house thereon erected. If nol sold between this and the firsl day of April next, it will then be for rent on the shares. The above lands adjoin Matthew Hlack, Joseph Haines, Henry S. Picking, George Parker anil others, anil are situa ted juci at the foot of Laurel Hill, on the Turnpike road. They are of a good quality, a large portion is fine bottom land, and that which is nol cleared con tains excellent timber. For terms applv to the subscriber, re siding on one of the tract. JOHN . REED. Sept. 22. '4G. 3m. THIS WAY! HATS! Cheap, Good and Fashionable. rjPHANKFUL for past favors, the subscriber would respectfully in form his old customers and the public generally, that he continues to carry on the Ea!fit) I!i!mcK,' in all lis branches, at his old stand on main street, in the borough of Somerset, where he keeps constantly on hand a supply of HA TS of his own manufac ture, m ole of ihe best materials and in every variety of ?tye embracing. Fur, Nutria. Russia, Cassimer AND WOOMIATS. Country Dealers will l c supplied with any quantity they may desire for retail, on short notice and at moderate prices; and customers can at all limes either have a choice from among the slock on hand, or have their hats made to order, of any QiiaCily or Slylc. From his long experience in ihe btisi ness and a determination to se: cheap, and at the same time also that his hats shall not be excelled by those of anv other establishment here or elsewhere, the subscriber flatters himself with the hope that he shall continue to receive a liberal slnre of public patronage. .rit-CJTIClT.Q I lie subscriber understands Uiat some persons have been selling hats as having been manufactured by him, which are made elsewhere and he therefore cau tions the public against purchasing any as his make, which have not the words "John C. Kurtz, Main street, Somerset, Pa., on ilie tip. Furs and approved rnniiinr nfrntuxa taken in exchange for hats. . -CHEAP FOR CASH. er8 JOHN C. KURTZ. HATSlly SSotice. A LTj persons are hereby notified not fcJ3 to harbour or trust my wife Catua risk, "late Catharine" Caton, on Kiy ac count, as I am de'ermined to pay no debts, whatever, of her contracting. oci2( . ANTHONY GROW ALL. Stray Steer. jiptAME trespassing on the premises J of the subscriber, residing in Addi son township, about ihe first of Septem ber, a deep red sieer, with wide horns, both ears cropped, and the end of lire tail while. .The owner is requested to come for ward, prove property and pay charges, i or he will be sold, according t law. i ocilS JOHN BELL. Stray Steer. ffi AME trespassing on the premises nf the subscriber in Milford loivnsh'p, the first week in August, a one year old brown steer, with some white spots, a crop o IT the left ear. The owner is requested o come for ward, prove property and p-.iy charges, otherwise he will be sold as ihe law di rects oct'l3 GEO. HUM PERT. Stray Cattle. CAME trespassing on tlte premises of the subsciiber in Somerset town ship, about the beginning of August, a one year old steer, while and Irghl hrin dle, the right ear cropped, and a piece out ol the upper part of each ear. Also a one year old brown heiffer, with simi lar marks to those of the steer. The owner is requested to come for .ward, prove properly and pay charges, otherwise they will be sold as the law directs. net IS GEORGE MEESE. Claea WAR WITH MEXICO! THE subscriber thankful for past fa vors, lakes this method of informing his customers and the public in general, thtit he lias removed to the shop former ly occupied by him immediately west of the residence of John L. Snyder, and one door east of the office of C. F. Mitchell, Esq., in ihe Borough of Som erset where he will constantly keep on h ind. COPPER and of every description, manufactured from the best materials and in a neat and du rable manner. COPTER KETTLES. STOVE P2PE, ncl other articles in his line of business w:II be made to order on short notice. Persons wishing lo purchase good ami cheap ar ticles are respectfully invited to give him a call. Approved country produce will be ta ken ill exchange for ware. JAMES II. REN FORD. Feb. 1 7-un. N. H. Also on hand, a number o Stores, of different sorts, which will be sold cheap. YET AXOTUKU. From the iSusqiiebaniia Register. 15) ALTHOUGH the public have been often imposed upon by patent med icines, yec occasionally a really useful and beneficial medicine is despised, neg lected, merely because "found in bad company." 1 am led to these remarks by a conversation with a friend a few days since. She had been afdicted for suveral years with a disease cf the heart which had apparantly brought her near to the grave. One of our most skilful physicians was called, who pronounced her disease incurable. Au advertisement of Dr. Jayre's Expectorant in the Reg ister, couglit the eye of her friends, and a bottle of it was immediately procured at 1'enlley & Mitchell's, in Montrose. Before she had taken it two days, there was sn apparant improvement. She has not taken two bottles as yet but her health has been nearly restored. I h ive no personal motive for recom mending this medicine, but merely state ibis fuct, hoping that it may meet the eye of some who are laboring under sim ilar diseases, that may likewise partake of i's benefits A Friend to Humanity. 7th mo, 5lh, 1840. Sold by J. J.&Ti. P. Schell. Somerset Pa. Also by Edward Bevin, Sivsiown Pa. Jayne's Hair Tonic. 14) THE efficacy of this elegant pre paration in restoring the grow ih of ihe hair in bald places, is truly wonderful. Where the hair has been worn off from ihe top of the head, by the careless prac tice of carrying things in the crown of the hal, it is generally considered diffi cult, if not impossible, to restore it; but it is found by unmerous examples that the Hair Tonic reaches these eases very promptly, and effects a complete cure. Every gentleman (we say nothing to Ihe ladies, it being a fair presumption that their h;ir is always in full luxuriance t:t least it always seems so) every gen tleman who finds his hair growing too thin, or becoming loose, should place a bottle of Jayne's Hair Tonic, in his dressing-case, and apply it with a free use of the hair-brush every morning. The re suit will be a full, strong healthy head of hair, The cases that have fallen un der own observation warrant us fully in asserting this, Weekly Messenger, . Sold by J. J. & H. F. Schell. Somerset Pa, Also by Edward Bevin, - Sioystown Pa llMa 1.11 ft i 3L CAUTION- -mPTTHFKRAS mv wife Amt. lias lefi mv bed md board without any just cause, I hereby caution' the j public against trusting or harboring t er ! on my account, as 1 shall pay no debt of her contracting. MICHAEL MILLER, Jr. Oct. 20, 1810. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. A JOURXEIl JI AX CII Aims AliKK. A JOURNEYMAN rhairmaker, h ho XyL. 's a gd workman and of good moral character and industrious habit, will find constant employment and re ceive liberal wages with the subscriber, by applying immediately. GEORGE L. GORDON. Somerset, sept. 22. ' 'JAT W C - ' Coughs, Golds, Consumptions, Important to all those afflicted with dis eases of the Lungs and Breasts. Seven Thousand Casks of obstinate pul monary complaints li ked in one yeak! WIST A R'S BALSAM OF wild c : : 3 ? THE G UK AT AMERICAN RKMEDV for Lung Complaints, and all vjftclions of the Et.'pira.'ory Organs. Will miracles never cease? More evi dence of its surprising Health Restora tive virtues ! ! ! From Dr. Baker, Springfield, Ky. Springfield, Washington co. Ky., Mav 14, 1845. Messrs. San ford and Park: Gents I take this opportunity of in forming you of a most remarkable cure performed upon me by the use of Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. In the year 1840 1 wast .ken with an infla mation of the bowels which I labored un der for six weeks when I gradually re covered. In the fall of 1811 I was at tacked with a severe cold, which seated itself upon my lungs; and for the space of three years I was confined to my bed. I tried all kinds of medicine and ecrv variety e.f medical aid without benefit; and I wearied along until tlie 'winter of 1844 when I heard of Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. My friends persuaded me to give it a fair trial though I had given up ;.ll hopes of recovery and had prepared myself for the change of another world. Tiirough their solicitation I was induced to make use of ihe genuine Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. The effect was truly as tonishing. After five years of affliction, pain and suffering: and after having spent four or five hundred dollars to no pur pose, and ihe best and most respectable physici ins had proved unavailing. I was soon restored to entire health by ihe bles sing of God and the use of Wistar's Bal sam of Wild Cherry, I am now enjoying good health, and such is my a'tered appearance that I am no longer known when I meet my for mer acquaintances. I have gained rapidly in weight and my flesh is firm and solid. I c-in now eat as much as any person and my food seems to agree with me. I have eaten more during the last six mouths than I had eaten five years before. Considering my case almost a miracle I deem it necessary for ihe good of the afflicted and a duty I owe to the proprie tors and my fellow men (who should know where relief may be had) lo make this statement public. May the blessings of God rest upon ihe proprietors of so valuable a medicine as Wisur'r Balsam of Wild Cherry. Yours respectfully, Wm. II. BAKER. .Vi , r O 1 H Those who counterfeit a god mod icine for the purpose of adding a few dollars to their pockets are far worse than the manufacturers nf spurious coin. For while the latter only rob us of mi r pro perty the foimer take property and health and life away. Dr Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry is admitted by thousands of disinterested witnesses to have effected the most extraordinary cures of a pulmo nary and asthmatic character eer before recorded in the history of medicine. The young, the beautiful, the good, all speak fonh Its praise Ii is now the favorite-medicine in the most intelligent fami'ies in our country. Such a high stand in public estimation has been attaint;! by its own merits a huie. And so long as a discerning pub lic are careful to get Wistak's Balsam of Wild Cherry and refuse wiih scorn counterfeits and every other article prof fered to them :ig a substitute, so long will cures positive cures cheer the fireside of many a despairing family. Thp true and get uine Wistar's Bal sam bf Wild Cherry is sold al establish ed agencies in all parts cf ihe U. States. So d in Cincinnati on the corner of Fourth and Walnut streets hv SAN FORD & PARK. Grn'l agents for the Western States. Agk.nts tok Wistar's Balsam. J. L. SNYDER, Somerset, J Llovd fc Co. Donegal, S Philson. Berlin, II Little, Stovstown. G II K evser, Bedford. O;tober0, lS4S -ly i V. I A" .'! ! ' ..' " DR. S. POSTLETHWAITE ENULiiS bis p rrfrtuioiv.il jericr t h g public. OlUetj in the luiiM'sti; t'lrmrr!? .v cupied by Ch.irlcs Og!o, E; , a Lw cUice. juney, 18 IS. iUT APPRENTICE WiiKTSD. A. N apprentice to the Hatting . . ness is wauled by the subscriber it Somerset. Application to be mide soon otiG JOHN C. KLUTZ. ' CELEBRATED ! Forths cur of Hpcfi.': rr Lhr Ctr:?..;n J"HI-S reii:e,lr havi'i b:en for spvera! tc.ts rL enirlve-1 bv the iironricfnr in hi nrti ! on n very larste tca! in Mo-ovzti!i.i, i'atoi Il'irnsoii niHt hanilotpii counties, in V irmia. be Bi.fc several otfier plat e?, nti J haviag bceu attcn df J with the most happy effects, be has born from time to time solicited to adopt such a course ri wouiJ give it a more extensile, circulation, wii'x a view to los-ten the amonnt of hurnan sufTeriii', Aware of the fact that many useless nostrum have been palmed upou the public, be hesitated f r several years until thoroughly convinced that the above medicine, if properly "used, would not full to effect cures in a great nmpy instances, and evrn to alleviate those cases which arc quite incu' able. J Symptoms of a d.'seuscd LVrer. IVn in tha right side, under the edge of the ribs, increasrd on pressure; sometimes the pain is in the It ft sida the putu nt is rarely ah!c to lie on the left side sometimes the pain h felt under the shoulder blade, it fif quei.My extends to the top of the shoul der, and is sometimes mistaken fur a rheumatism in the risht arm. Tin' stomach U nffectcd with lossnf appetite and sirknes; t.'ic bowels, in j.-n ral, nre costive, sometimes altering with !:it, th-j head :s troubled with pain, accomjiaiiied wiih a dull, heavy terision in the bach part. There U generally a considerable loss of memory, aeeom fianird with a painful sensation of Laving left undone something wliieh i ti-ht to have l irn done. A slight dry cough is sometimes an a". -dan?. The patient com;.! iins of weaii.:i.i end dehihty; he is eai!y startled, his feet are told or 1'iirnln. and he complain: of o piieMv sensation of the seiti; his spirits are low; and alilum-:!) ho is satisfied that exercise would Ie Lenefu ia ij him, yet he can scarcely summon up fortitn enough to try it. In fact, he distrusts every re medy. Several of the ahove symptoms, nuerul the disease, hut cases have oecurred where few o them existed, yet examination of the lioJv after death has shown the liver to have been extensive ly deranged. CERTIFICATES. This is to certify, tint having lecn nssocbtpd with Dr. .M'Latie in the practice of medii ine for nearly two and a half years, I have hu I nnnv opportunities of vitneii;t: the good elli eiso his Liver Tills, and I believe they have cured ami relieved a much larger proj o'liott of iht tii-en-es of the liver, than I have known cured and ra lieved bv anv other course of trentmei.l. Dec. l IS3G. OLIVER MOlU;.S, M.D. (T(lBSEnvE Noun are cenvlnc without a fjc-simile vd" the proprietor's pitiature. Prepared for the proprietor bv JONATHAN KIDD & Co. Wholesale and l.'ctail Dnipcjist, corner of 4th and Wood hts. Pillsbur. Pa, Th?y are a!so sold by the following oent. John L. Snvder, Somerset. Hay c Morrison, Lnvansvilfe. Knahfe and Voughf, Centreil!, Al. A. Koss. relerslmrgh, A. Wyatl. Smiihfleld, G. UooU, Wcllersliurgh. Samuel Kurtz, Somerset. Samuel Harriet, Addison, Livelihood & WehHey, Salisbury. Charles Kris-iner. Uei lm. I'dm. Kernan, Jenr.er Cross roada. J-Jdward i3evin, Stovstow n. r.&c V. Myers, Myers Mill. N. B. In rrder tliat there may lie no mistake, be particular and ask for "Dr. M'liane's Liver I'llls.' j-nt3T46 Patent Vermifuge. Dii. McT.axk's Ameiucax Worm Specific Trum-pHy expel Worms to an ulmoit in crciliLle number! P?0 substantiate the above fact many hundred tit of testimonials could lo adduced, out of which the follow in are selected, from individ uals of stp.ndhijr and veracity. Indeed, it is con fidently allirmed that each new trial of the pow ers of this remedy will have an nddiiion.it ten dency to w iden and confirm its fame, and that if t were universally known arid d UWd over tho United States, it would not save less than many hundreds, if not thousands of lives annually. CEKTUTCATES. I do certify that a vial of Dr. AT La no's Amen can Worm Specific expelled five hundred and two whole worms and pieces that would have made rixty more, from a boy of Jjhn Lewel!i:ij. which, it luid in a stredgl.t li.ie, could have mot pn.hai dy measured the ennrioous length of one huiuber yards. JOIAH JACKSO.N", owner of Wale Torre, and other works. Monongalia county ,V This is to certify that I purchased from Holme i Kidd a vinl of Dr. M'Laiie's American Worm Specifi", and gave two doses to a loy of mine about three years years of ace. Ho pnssrtl fuliy half a pint of worms. Tlie quantity w as so larga I w:n really alarmed, and called in several of my neighbor u ace them. Had ibis story been re lated l me. 1 could not have, credited it, without being an eye-witness to the same. Aly chili's health improved much .nftcr. SAAJ'L MOHRIiON. Merchant Tailor, Wood !, ri"iburgh Some two months ago I puri based a vial of Dr' ATLai.es American Worm Specific. I gave a hoy of mine most of a tial; he pased forty very large w orms. Trom I hat time his health impro ved very much. I had tried tw o other Vermifuges to no purpose. I believe Dr. M'Lane's the bent article Ufore the public. D. CALHUU-N'. -Mifflin towiiehip, Allegheny county. HEAR MEDICAL TESTIMONY. From a regular Physician, Dr G S Smith, Sun- fi.-h, Ohio. Air. J. Kidd Dear sir I h oe used in my paet'xe Dr. M'Lane's American Worm specific, rndhoe open witnessed its ttneacy in expelling worms from the system. A patient of mine, a short lime ng . gave a viai of the Worm J pec i tie to a chi'd; in a short time upward of iily-flv wortris were eipelied. Prepared for the Proprietor bv JONATHAN KIDD tc Co. Wholesale and Retail Druggists, corner ff 4 lb and Wood its, Pitliburgh. Also for sale by the following agent JOHN L. .VD K::. Somerset, Hay and Morrison. Lavniisviltp, K nable and Vonjht. (eutrevii!i Al' A. Ross, Petersburgu, A. Wyatt, Sniitbfi-1.1. (. Cook. Wcllersburgh. Samuel Kurtz, Somerset. Samuel Harnct. Addison, Livelihood & Weiffliy. Salislmry Chatle! Kris.ingrr, Uei.io. Edm. Kernan. Jenr.er Cross Toai Edward lein, S'lovsfo'vn. V.&. W. Myers. Myers Mill. N. D. Uc particular to 4.-k for Dr. M'Lare Amerrtan 'erm Spcif e. m Patent Vernj'.H"'-