Tkxm papr tc rmhiihd vry Tuesday, at ?2 per tan, ptytKlo half-yearly la advance. tf-W r'J witHta it. Jr, $2,50 wiHiBvari. Vly be rbar; aX. So ufri.i;U uVifr1rfT rrtrt sjt ejai ubcrit-r 4iwemtiw unless at "lb. option f tb Jif. ntil ""earajesare paid oil JLivsjtii't wm be inserted at $1 pr uar, Ar tb "t three insertion, and 25 ent far cery tabacqatat insertion: longer one ia proportion. AttTcxTisr.MEQTs msertedln th Herald and nepul)Tican,tbrclinies,t $5 per square and m n . r .-f ini-l inn ' ' h ' Coughs, Colds, Consumptions, Important to ill those afflicted with dis ease! ol' the Lungs sud Breasts. Seven Thocsaxd Cases of obstinate pul monary complaints cuued in one year! WLSTAirs BALSA m of THE OKE4T AMERICAN RKMEDV or Lung Complaints, and all affections of the Hespirutory Organs. u Will miracles never cease! More evi dence of its surprising Health Restora tive virtues ! ! ! Troui Dr. Baker, Springfield, Ky. Springfield, Washington co. Ky., May 14. 1845. llesnrs. Ivanford and Par';: Gents 1 takfi tlits opportunity of in forming yoo of a most rematkable cure jwxforujed upon me by ihe use of Dr. Wistar's Bal-am of Wild Cherry. In tlje year 1840 I was taken with an infia fuation of the bowels which I labored tin kler for fix weeks when I gradually re covered. In the fall of . 184 1 I at tacked with a seierecold, which seated itself upon my lung; and Tor. the spare of Jhree years I was confined to my bed. Itried all kinds of medicine and eiery variety of medical aid without benefit; audi wearied along until (he wintir 'of 184 4 when 1 hearo of Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. My friends persuaded me to give it a fair trial though 1 had given up hopes of recovery and had prepared myself for the change of another world. Tliroiiili their folicitaiion 1 whs induced to make use f the genuine Wistar's Balsam of WildCnerry. The effect was truly as toiushin. Alter five years cf uCliction. I aia and suffering: and after having spent four or five hundred dollars to no pur pose, and the best and most respectable physirjius had proved unavailing, I was coon restored to entire health by the bles eicguf God and the use cf Wistar's aajaoJ Wild Cherry, lira now enjoying good health, and t ucJb is my a'tered appearance thai I am txa longer .known when I meet my for tcer acgusintanccs. . I h tve gained rapidly in weight and tny firsh is firm and solid. I cm now eat as liiuch as any person and my food stems to agree with me. I have eaten more during the last six month a than 1 iiad eateji live years before. Considering my case almost a miracle I ?Wm it necessary for the good of the afilicied and a duly I owe lo the proprie tors and my fellow men (vho should know where relief may be had) to make t'.iis statement public. Ma' the bh'ssings of God rest upon due proprietors of so valuables medicine Wisiar'r DaWn of Wild Cherry. - Yours respectfully," Win. H.BAKER. -o. , COUNTERFEITS. Those who counterfeit a gciod med icine for the purpose of adding a few dollars to their pockets are far worse than the manufacturers of spurious coin. For while die latter only rob us of our pro perty the ftumer lake property and health and life away. Dr Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry is admitted by thousands of disinterested witnesses to have effected tlie most extraordinary cures of a pulmo rnry and asthmatic ciaractcr ever Vcfore recorded in the history of medicine. The your;, the beautiful, ihe good, all speak forth Its rrraisc. It is now ihe fa vorite medicine in the most intelligent families in our country. Such a high stand in public estimation Viat been attained by its own merits a lone. And so long as a discerning pub lic are careful to get Wistar's Balsam or Wild Cherry and refuse with scorn connjprfeiis and every other article prof fered lo ihem ;i6 a substitute, so long will cures positive cures cheer the fireside of many a despairing family. -aThp true and genuine Wistar's Bal sam bf Wild Cherry is sold at establish ed agencies in all parts cf the U. Stales. bo d in Cincinnati rn the corner of Fourth and Walnut streets by SAN FORD k PARK. Gf,n'l agents for the Western Slates. Agents tor Wistar's Balsam. J. L. SNYDER. Somerset, ...s J Lloyd & Co, Donegal, - . 8 Philson. Berlin, ' II Li ill', Stoystown. G H Kevser, Bedford, . 0tiber 0. BL AITS S-J11C1TS' fror Male at this OiHce. VT TH E i i ; i. i ni i i 1 1 m i" hi 1 . I- A LL persona are hereby notified not Ba lo harbour or trust my wife Catba kixe. late Catharine Caion, on my ac eoont, as I m determined, to pay no debt, whatever, of lier contracting. . nri-?0 ANTHONY GROW ALL. - im CAUTION".; VyilEUKAS my wife Jlmt, has yV left my bed md board without any just cause, I hereby caution the public against trusting or harboring on my at count, ss I shall pay no debts of her contfjciinff. - MICHAEL MILLER; Jr. Oct. 20. 1S4G. : ' - f 1 WANTED IMMEDIATELY. A JOEK3EY31.1X C'f IA1R2IAKER. A JOURNEYMAN chairmaker. wlio is a good workman' and of good moral character and industrious habile, will find constant employment and re ceive libcTi.l wages with the subscriber, by applying immediately. GEORGE L. GORDON, R-irrereft. sept. 22. Jayne's Hair Tonic. 14) Tllh ttlh .u y of this elegant pre p:r;itio:i in restoring tl e growth of the h..ii in !;i!d plm-e. is' truly wonderful. Wl.pre ilie hair h is been worn oil from ! the t:p of the head, by the careless prac tie of ra rrviny tliinrs in the crown o: the hat, ii is generally considered diffi cult, if imt impossible, to restore it; but it is found by numerous examples hat the Hair Tonic reaches t!:ei-e c;?ses very prrmptlv. atiJ c tTtc:s i complete cure. Evtry gentleman (we siy nothing to Ihe ladies, it being a 'fiir presumption th;.t iheir hi'ir is always in full luxuriance ;:t Jeist it always seems so) every gen iicman who finds his hair growing ton thin, or becoming loose, should place a bottle of J.iyi.e's Hair Tonit in his dres-sinff-case, ami apply it with a free use of the hair-brush every morninjj, The re sult will be a full, Mrong healthy head of -hair, The cases that have fallen un drr own observation w arrant us fully in .SM-r:in this, Weekly Messenger, Sold by . J. J. & H. F. Scheil. Somerset Pa. Also by Edward Hevm, Si(yst(wn la TJJIS WAY! HATS! MATS! Cheap, Good and Fashionable. rwH A NKFUL for past favors, the p. subriber would reppecifwlly in- ffel)erallv,!l,sit he continues to carrv on the w r,.;...r vv " until ins oiu cusmmers ar.u uie nuoiic in all its branches, at his old stand on main street, in the borough of Somerset, where he keeps constantly on hand a supply of HATS of his own manufac ture, made of the best materials and in every variety of style embracing. For, Nutria, Russia, Cassimer AND WOO MI ATS. Country Dealers will be supplied with any quantity they may desire for retail, on short notice and at moderate prices; and customers cr.n ::t all times cither have a choice from among the stock on hand, or have thrir hats made to order, of any finality.' or Slyfe. From bis long experience in the busi ness and a dctei initiation to se I hcap, and at the same time also that his hats hll not be excelled by those of any oilier establishment here or elsewhere, ihe subscriber (Liters himself with the hope that he shall continue to" receive a libera! b- re of public p-iir n'-.If."' l be subscriber inulcrsunds liiai some person have been selling hats as having been manuf ai-iured by him, which are made cl-ewhere and he therefore cau tions the public against pun-hasimr any as his make, whit h have not the words 1 "John C. Kurtz, Main street, Somerset, Fa., on the tip Furs and approved country produce taken in exchange for hts. cheap tor cash. sepS JOHN C. KURTZ. WAR WITH MEXICO! THE subscriber thankful for past fa vors, takes this method of informing his customers and the public in general, that he has removed to the shop former ly occupied by him immediately wcsl of the residence of John L. Snyder, and one tloor cast of the ofiice of C. F. Mitchell, Esq., in the Borough of Sum erset where he will constantly keep on hand. COPPER and of every description, manufactured from ihe best material and in a neat and du rable manner. COPPER KETTLES. STOVE PIPED, and other articles in his line of business w:J be made to order on short notice. . Persons wishing io purchase good and cheap ar ticles are respectfully iuvited lo give him a call. Approved country produce will be ta ken ni exchange for ware. . . . . :JAMES II. BENFORD. Feb. l-3m. . , . N. B- Also on - hand, a -number Stoves, of difTerent sorts, which will be sold cheap". J, ' '.' . ""V. :..:':': t BLANK SUMMONS' AND EXECU TIONS, For sale at this Office. . 2 Tl 1 HAVE forty odd acres of land, and I am not able to far.n, ar.d nj family,' I would sell reasonabler apply to mr,, JOHN M'GINNIS. Somerset 1p. Sept. 8, i8l6. ' " SIIE partnership Iieretofore existing. between the subsenberR under tno firm of J, O. Carson & Cdrv i this day dissolved by mutual conseci.of which all concerned will take notice. The books of the firm :irc in the hands of J. O. Car son for settlement. ' All persons neglect ing a call and settle their accounts on or before-the first of January next, will find them.'afier that date in othar hands. Sept, 8th. 1S4G. K N. M. BRUCE. 1. O. CARSON, Josiah R. Hiie Esq , of Stoystown is authorised, in the absence of Air. Carson, lo settle accouuts. , N; M. 15. ; J. O. C. PENTERS. SEALED proposals lor doing the work of a Miw cnuticn to be erected by the Ev. Lutheran Congeegatiox of Samuels, at LavansviUe, will be received on or before the 51st of October next. The building is to be of brick, GO feet long and 4'J feet wide, with a basement story. The foundation is lo be of. stone, 8 leet high, and 40 ftel wide in frouU and the oilier walls to be proportioned lo the ground, which is inclined. The brick work is to be 10 feel high to the caves. For particulars, contractors are requested to call on David Woy, Frede rick Countryman or Samuel Kooeer. The Committee will furnish the materi als for the foundation, and also the brick and lumber for the building. The whole job will be let out to one man, or the 'ouudrfiigii. will be let out: separately. 'Contractors are expected to attend in per son at Somerset, on th d;;y of letting, when a full understanding can be had. It is desired to have ihe church com pleted by. the 1st of July next. By order of the Building Committee, ; l RIZER. Somerset. Sept. 22d, 1840. Valuable Heal Estate FOR S A L E. 7TTM1E subscriber offers at private sale & the following valuable teal estate viz : No. 1, a certain tract of land situate in Jeuuer township. Somer set county, containing about 131 acres, abnu GO acres of clear land of which about 30 acres is in good meadow; on which is erected a new one and a half tory frame house, stable and a large frame weaiherWoarded barn. No. 2. also another tract ef land situate in said township, containg about b7 acres and 74 perches, about 4li acess of elear land, of which about G acres is in meadow, whiiha story log houe and log stable thereon erected. Vo. 3. aso another tract of land situate in said tow nship of Jen ner, containing about 118 acres, about 5 acres of clear land, of which about 3 acres is in meadow with a email log house thereon erected. If not sold between this and the first day of April will for rent on the shares. The above lauds adjoin Matthew Black, Joseph Haines, IL-ury S. Picking, George Parker and others, and are sinn ted jiivl at the foot of Laurel Hill, on the Turnpike road. They are of a good quality, a huge portion is fine bottom laud, and that which is not cleared con tains excellent timber. For terms applv to the subscriber, re siding on one of the tracts. JOHN B. REED. Sept. S2V'4S. 3m. Orphans' Court Sale. CP RSAIi SET ATE. j N pursuance of an order of the Or ii phans' Court of Somerset county there will be sold by public outcry on the premises, on Saturday, the 3 1st day of October 1816, the folowing real estate, late of William Silbaugb, deceased, viz:. Two certain tracts or Plan tations of land, situate in Addison town ship, Somerset county. The one called Ilomeplace, contain ing about two hundred and thirty nine acres, adjoining lands of John McClin tock, James Campbell, Henry "Reck and William Harned, of which about one hundred an I thirty acres is cleared land and about eighteen acres in meadow. On which are erected one two-and a half story house, with about two hun dred fruit tress and an excellent on the premises-; the place is also well watered and well timbered. The other place called Parker, in said township and county, containing about ninety six acres, adjoining lauds of John McClintock, John Hanna, Esq., and William Harned, of which about fifiy . . , '? i-nu. aooui inree oi which is m meadow, with two good sugar camps, a one-and-a-half story house, and DOUBLE 13 A UN thereon erected. The place is well wa tered and has about twenty fruit trees thereon, and is well timbered. - Terms Cne third to remain a lien on the premises, during the lifetime - of the widow, io secure ihe interest semi-annually, of the residue one third in hand, and the remainder in two equal annual pay ments, io be secured by judgment bonds. .Attendance will be "given by Thomas Lision Esq. Trustee for ihe sale of, the real estate of ihe said William Siibaugh, deceased. ; By. the court, , . -W. 1L PICKING i ., WViiff wUIIlU iEdI.GSE;iSTOHE .J I IN-BERLIN. THE subscriber would respectfully inform the public, that he has just received and opened out in the Store rooni of Jacob Kimmel, Esq., in Berlin, - a fresh and assorted slock of Drugs,' Medicines, Faints, Dyes and Confectioiiaries, which he offers lo sell very cheap for cash. .' u . , ' . Persons wishing to purchase articles in his line of business, are invited io call and examine his stock. . ap 21!4G. . SAMUEL J. ROW '---'NEW: STORE:. AND'. r HE subscriber has just returned JL from the eastern cities, with n well selected assortment of goods suitable for the approaching season, which he is now opening in his brick store, tin the north east corner of the diamond, opposite Col. Ankeny's Hotel, (now Win. H. Picking's.) His stock embraces all kinds of Dry Goods, Groceries Hard ware, Qjieensware, &c. all of which he will sell cheap for cash or' country produce Thankful for the patronage heretofore given him, the sub scriber solicits his old customers and the public generally to give him a call, as he. will exhibit his goods with pleasure and is certain he can accommodate them S with bargains. M. TREDWELL. Somerset. April 7, '46-ly. STONE CUTTING B USI jYE S S. y 5 "IIE snbscriberresppctfnlly informs Jl. his friends and the jiublic in gen eral, that he carries on the Stone Cutting Business in all its various branches, al his shop Ion main street, 2 doors east of George Piles tavern, and nearly opposite ihe drug store of John L. Snvder. TOMB STONES, made, at the shoJtest notice, and on the most reasonable terms, and in a manrer that will render them superior to any other manufactured 'u this section of Hit country. Grind stones of an excellent quality, always kept on hand. Also constantly on hand, marble OK AVE STONES. Country produce taken in exchange for work. :l Market Prices. liKXJ.'lMIN WOOLLEY. Somerset, Pa. i ly. ( March 5. I81G SIOTEIL IlVVAlLIiltS AT PITTSBURGH. Brs, Spcer and Etihn. PHE object of this establishment is j to supply a want greatly fell by re spectable travellers on our western highways- by residents, without family, ta ken sick and by patients from the sur rounding towns and country who resort to this place for relief Irom surgical and other diseases. Such have often suffered from the want of the various comforts and attentions so necessary and agreeable to the sick, and from careless and un faithful nurses; and been subjected to heavy and unreasonable charges. Invalids will here be provided with constant, faithful and comfortable atten dance, snd at a rate much below ihe usu al charges. While ihe care of both physicians will be extended to every variety of disease, it is intended by Dr. Sneer, to give spe cial attention to ALL SURGICAL DISEASES, particularly to DISEASES OF THE EYE. To these branches of his profession he has given a large share of his atten ion for the last iwenty-five years, and he will continue to devote to them the experience acquired by a constant prac tice during lhat time. The Hotel for Invalids is not an exper ; iment. : Its establishment is suggested not only as necessary to supply an evi i dent want in ibis city, in (be entire ab- sence of any special "provision for the J sick, but is warranted alo by the success nf simIar jlls,j,mioii8 at Cincinnati and New Orleans the former under the care of Drs. Taliaferro, Marshall and Strader the latter under that of Dr. Stone. The building selected for the purpose is situated at the ccrner of Federal ami Robinson streets, in Allegheny city, ad joining the city of Pittsburgh. It is commodious and roomy, and furnished with all accommodations necessary for he sick, i : , Applications for admission to be made to the subscribers, at their office on Penn street, Pittsburgh, 'or at the establishment. fC7No contagious diseases will be adj milted ; ; I ; J. R. SPEER, M. D. . , . : ; J, S. KUHN, M. D. ' February '5, 1815. .. . , . . ; , Stray Steer. GAME trespassing on the premises cf the subscriber, residing m Addi son township,' abonl the Srsi of Septem ber, a deep red steer, w ith wide horns, both ears cropped, and ihe end cf the tail while. Tha owner is requested to come for ward, prove properly and pay charges, or he will be sold, according lo law. octi: JOHN BELL. Stray Steer. ,41 AME trespassing on tlie premises of; ihe subscriber in Milford township. the first week in August, a one year old brown steer, with some white spots, a crop off the Icfi ear. The owner is requested to come for ward, prove property and pjy charges, otherwise he will be sold as the law di rects. oct'l3 GEO. HUMBERT. Stray Cattle. C1AME trespassing on the premises J of the subscriber in Somerset town ship, about the begiuniug of August, a one year old steer, white and ligjii brin dle, the right ear cropped, and 3 piece out ol the upper part of each ear. Also a one year old brown heiffur, with simi lar marks to those of the steer. The owner is requested to come for ward, prove property and pay charges, otherwise they will be sold as the law directs. net I .? GEORGE MEESE. mim mmsm. 13) JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT. We esteem it a pleasure to be able to recommend this medicine as the best calculated for the purpose of curing coughs, colds, sore throat, asthma, and all affections of the lungs. From a lontr personal acquaitance with Dr. Jayne, we know that lie is no quack, and his medi cines are not nostrums of ihe modern cry up, nut are the result of his long expe rience as a practising physician, ami the expense of great labor. Hartford, (Conn.) Daily Review. N. Y. March lOih, 1811. Dr. Jayne Dear Sir Being severe ly alllicted with Influenza a hard Cough and Asthma and finding every means fail of relieving me. Consumption appeared inevitable but by using two bottles of your expectorant, 1 was re stored to perfect health. Respectfully vours, IO UN ELLS. Late Paetor of the Baptist Church, Stamford, Cl, 'From the Rev. J. Seur. Laml-en.-ivilie, N. J. April 7ih '39. Dr. ayne Dear Sir By the bles sing of God your Expectorant has effect ed a cure in me of a mosl distressing complaint. In December last I was seized wiih great severity by a paroxysm of Asthma; a disease with which 1 had been afilcted for many years past. It was attended with a hoarseness and sore ness of the lungs and throat, together with a laborous cough, and complete prostration of strength, and when almost worn out wiih suffocation, a bottl? of your expectorant was sent to me. A I first I thought it was nothing but quack ery; but seeing it so highly recommend ed by Dr Going, with whom I was well acquainted, I was induced to try it. and in a few days it completely cured me, nor, have I ever had any return of ihe disease since. I have now formed S' high an opinion of your medicine, that if I had but a fw bottles of it, could ob tain no more, 1 would not part with them for ten dollars each, Your, most affec tionately. JOHN SEGUR. Important! Asthma Cured, Putnam, Ohio, May 18, 1811. 12) . Dr. D. Jayne, Desr Str, Doc tor Helmeck has used some eight or ttn bott'es of your EXPECTORANT, and has found decidtd benefit. II is health is better than for several years past, and his . .appearance' indicates decided im provement in health. His confidence in your medicine has induced him to rec ommend it to his fiiends, and we are informed that many of 'idem have been cured, and others greatly relieved. POTTS & GRAIIEM. Watertown, N. Y.. Oct. 20, 1840 Dr. D. Jayne Dear Sir Your Hair Tonic is an excellent article. Many respectable persons also offer their cer tificates in favor of your Expectorant. 1 believe you.' medicines are the best prep arations that have ever been offered to the public, for ihe relief of the afllcted, and for ihe cure olthe diseases fyr which they were intended. Your Expectorant I think will soon be exclusively popular, Yours Sic. ADRIAL ELY. The following is from a Physician and a much rospected Clergyman of the Methodist Society, datep Modest Town, Va, Aug. 27, 140. . Dr. Javne Dear Sir I have been I using your Expectorant extensively in my practice for the lasl three years, ; nd for all attacks nf (lol,l f!oi..tli I fl-, inition of the Lunge. Consumption, Asthma, . Pains and Weakness of the Breast, it is decidedly ihe best meiciue I hava ever tried Very respectfully yours. R- V. WILLI AN Si M. D. XCT'JIsthma cured by Dr. Jmnes Expectorant. Miss Mary Campcmll. of New Haven. Fayette county, ha been cured of Asthma, of more than eighteen years coniinunnce, by tlie use of Dr. Jayne's Expectorant. She -.commenced taking the medicine last summer, and after using eleven bettles, was" entirely rid of ihia distressing disease. We are assured of this cure by a lady of undoubt ed veracity, ; and requested to make ' it public for the beierii of others. Mount Pleasent (Pa.) Register. : DR. S. POSTLETEWillTE. 2" E -N 0 C U. U; j'rnK-!iim.l M-nii-n i i i.j .nttii.' - nrc.-i,,. tUm r.. . r , mpicd by CharfesUjIe, Esq., is alaw willc?. juncO, IS-lfl. AN APPRENTICE WMTEI). A ft apprentice to the Uatun l;,. J XL ness i-s vi anted by the suIh rihpr r Somerset. Application to be made it; tci6 JO MX C. KUiiTZ. ' CELEBRATED Tor i?.e cure of Hepatites rr I,iicr Corj.l-nt Dyspejisia and Ikcd'Ace. JTIIIS remedy hnvint; been far several racs sia employed by ihe proprietor in hi practi, on a very l.irge scale in MonotioMa, iVston, Uorriion tnd Rjndo'ph counties, in Virginia, l. f'hles several oilier places, and havin? Ivcn atu-n tied with the most happy effects, lie has been t'rorV time to tim solicited to adnpt such a course a would give it a more extensive circulation, witri a view to lessen the amount of liumii suiTcrin. Aware of tlie facl that many useless r.ivtru.'n bav been palmed upon the public, Lc heitattl for several yenrs until thoroughly convinced that the above medicine, if projerly used, would not fjil to cCeet cures in a great many instances. auJ even to alleviate those casrs which arc quite iucu' ahle. Symptoms of a d'seotfd Lrer. Pain in tho right side, under the edge of the ribs, increased on pressure; sometimes the pain is in the left side the patient U rarely able to lie cn the left sid sometimes the pain is ft It tinder the thoulder blade, it frequen'Iv extends to the top of the shoul der, and is sometimes mistaken fir a rheumatism in the right arm. The stomach is affected will loss of appetite and sukness; the boweN. in e-u rah are costive. alterinrr with lav. ths head 's troubled with pain, accompanied wi:h n dull, heavy sensation in the imt k part. '1 lu re u generally u considerable loss of niciuurv, accom panied with a painful sens.ilion of ha ills' h-'t undone M.tnrthic.r which ought M have I ecu done. A slight dry couijli is sometime nr ai't-n-danf. The patient implum. of wenrinc-.; end debility; be is easily startled, his feet are cl-M or burning, and he complains of a prieklv sonsnii iii of the siin; his spirits are low; and uIlh-Hiizh he is satisfied that exercise would be beneficial t, him, yet he can scarcely summon up f.irtitoij enough lo try it. In fact, he distrusts everv ie medy. 6'everal of the above symptoms iiit-.tid the disease, but caes have ore urn d where few o the ni existed, yet examination of the body afier death has shown the hvcrtotuve been extensive ly deranged. CERTIFICATES. This is to certify, that having b.-en associated with Dr. MT.aue in the practice of medicine for nearly two and a half years, I have had miny opportunities of witnessing the good elTVctso his Liver Fills, and I believe they have cured and relieved a much larger proportion of th diseases of the liver, than I have known cured and r lieved by anv oilier course of treatment. Dec. 7," 133(5. OLIVE Ii MUKU.l.V. M.D. (Xj'Ob'eiive Xone are genuine without a fic-simi'e of the proprietor's signature. Prepared for the proprietor bv JONATHAN KIDD & Co, Wholesale and Hi tail Druggist, corner of 4th and Wood s!s, Pittsburg. Pu, They are also sold by the following agent. John L. -Snyder, Somerset. Hay ct Morrison, LavansviUe, Knable and Votight, C'entrevii!, M. A. I?oss. Petershurglj, A. VVyatt, SSmiihfif Id, G. Uook, Wellersburgh. Samuel Kurtz, Somerset. Samuel Harnet, Addison, Livengood & WehHey, Salisbury. Charles KiisM'ngcr, Dcrlin. Hilrn. Kern an, Jeimer Cross roads. Edward Uovin, Stovstonn. P.& W. Myers, Myers Mill. N. Ii. In order that there may be no mistake, be particular and ask for "Dr. M'Lane Liver Pills." janttnC Patent Vermifuge. Da. McLik's AvirnicAX Worm Sptcinc Promptly cxpdi Worms lo un ulnioit in eccIiUc iimbrrf 330 suhstantiaip the above fitt t miny hundred tfa of ifhtimoni lis could be adduced, out nf which the follow ing are si leered. tVorn individ uals of standing and veracity. Indeed, it is con fidently aliii'Mud that each new trial i f the pow ers of this remedy will have an additional ten dency to widen and confirm its fame, and that if t were universally known and ditl'used aver th United Mates, it would not save less than many hundreds, if not thousands of lives annually. CERTIFICATES. I do certify that a vial of Dr. M'Lanc's Amen can Worm Specific expelled live hundred and two w hole worm. and pieces that would have made sixty more, from a boy of J hn Lewelliinr, which, if laid in a straight line, would have mot probably measured the enormous length of one hundrer ynrds. JOSIAH JACKS(j., owner of Wale Forge, and oilier work. Monongalia county, Va This is to certify that I purchased from Holme & Kidd a vial cf I)r. M 'Lane's American Worm Specifi", and gave two doses to a boy of mine about three years years of age. He pacd fully half a pint of worms. The quantity w as so large I was really alarmed.'and called in several of my neighbors to see them. Had this story been re lated to me. I could not have cn dited it, without being an eye-witness to tlie same. My child heilth improved much after. . SAM'L MORRISON, Merchant Tailor, Wood t, Pittsburgh. Some two months ago I pun based a vial of Dr' M'Lancs American Worm Specific. I gave a boy of mine most of a via!; he passed forty very Iarg worms. F rem that time his health impro ved very much. I had tried two oilier Vermifuge to no purpose. I believe Dr. M'Lsne's the best article before the public. D. CALIIOL'NV Mi'lllii township, Allegheny county. HEAR MEDICAL TESTIMONY. From a regular Physician, Dr G S Smith, Sun fish, Ohio. Mr. J. Kidd Dear Sir I have used in mv ' pactice Dr. M'Lar.e's American Worm fxperiSc, rmlhave often witnessed its cf'icary in expelling ' worms from the system. A patient cf mine. t.hoit lime og . gave a vial of ihe Worm Sivi i;ie to a chi'u; in a sliorf time upward of eixty-fiva worms were expelled. Prepared for the Proprietor by JONATHAN KIDD cc Co. Wholesale and Retail Druggists, corner of 4lh and WoM sts, Pittsburgh. Also for ale lv the following amenta JOHN L. S.NYDES:, Soinemct, Hay and Morrison. LavansvjPe. K nable and Vought. Centreviila, M' A. lbr. Pitersborgh, A. Wyatt. SmilhC UK G. Cook. Vvelleri-burgh. Samuel Kurtz, .vom-rset. Samuel Uarnct. Ad.!i-n, Livelihood t Wrlidey. Salisbury Chailcs Kri-singer, Pciiin. Edm. Kitmii. Jenner Cros rond Edward rievin, &"tovstown. P. & W. Myers, My era Mill. N. B. Lv partfcular to ask for Dr. M'Lar Acrerican Worm Specific, r Patent Venuifm-