30?!R3ET HERALD. rr a v, october27' is io. " C '.'-' V'--" '7- nfriiil.i.Ifljjh)J l his '- i:fc r '. i C(.::! ((fflct, U our authorized n '. , J r :Vl.i iii!,r Adserihtmenh and Sub- . t.v.T to n'f-i-ii't lr any monies pntu - i f Mm .' i'k'Ws oty'rt-J, t-f fo!!!i"2 c;lc. vi; -PLIIaJt'lphia, -Vcw t O.I. JO.'fl 6 fid BosttJO. Ty Divine permission, nev. .Messrs. Ftevknscs sr.d 0:?snN, Pastors of the jjfC5.y;efinn congregations at ComicHs v'V. ;nd Uainr.town, will deliver a cour.se i.pr, commencing on TtKsday eveninj. V. K.,:md 10 continue at intervals d;i iW ita week. Printing PreSS. We wish to purchase a second-hand rsiiv-ig? press. Any person having one ljr sa!?, will please inform us by kr, staling the izs, price, &c. s! H ;J H i 4 S) - T2: V? V, The ensuing court week will afford op portunities to those indebted to us, to us--h:ire what they severally owe. We ,vi:l then have published the "Herald" KU'H vfahs, F.nd such a have been re ceiving it all that time without ever pay ji'g us a cent, can readily tell the amount of -heir ahscaraces. h b b k w i b k b ff tL W ttit Great TariiT Victory! PENNSYLVANIA REDEEMED! . H7'g Canal Commissioner, IV his; J)'lcnlii to Congress, and a H his; Stats Senate end House if Eepiacn tuples, elected! We have the pleasure of announcing to our readers one of the greatest political victories ever achieved by any party in Pennsylvania. The Whigs' have swept the State from the centre to the circum ference. They have elected their candi date lor Canal Commissioner, 1? out of 21 Members of Congress and a majority of 10 to the Assembly, and have 18 out of the 33 .Members of the Stale Senate. Pennsylvania stands by the Tariff of IS42, as the sheet-anchor of her prcs peritv. Though cut off by base and treacherous hands, it is destined to be restored again at a day not distant. Her people have spoken in a voice audible as thunder, and her betrayers may take war ning from it and prepare for the coming Etorra, in other Slates of the Union. Tolnnlcers lor Mexico! It will be remembered that Congress EUihorizcd the calling out of 50,000 vol unteers to be employed against Mexico, should the Executive deem it expedient, rjj that Pennsylvania's quota of that force was fixed at six regiments. In the carlv part of the Summer a number ot Volunteer companies from this Slate ten dered their services, but owing to a strong turn out from the Western and South western St-ites they were r.ji ;I..n acrepl f.,1. Vn learn, however, that a rrouisi- ' . I lion has been made upen Gov. Shunk j , r, . , r wit nn tne nast weeii, lor tne wnoie oi this Suites quota of men, we suppose for the purpose of reinforcing Gen. Tay lor's Army at Monterey, and the proba bility therefore i., that onr gallant volun teers will ere long find opportunities to distinguish themselves on t!w battle-fields cf Mexico. The Tniig and Anliiiiasons cf Somerset. Though the day w?.s one of the most disagreeable we had tne present season, j t':e who!e-Ciued Yv higs and Antmissons of this county did their duty nobly on the dav of the election. The turn out was small, it is trn?, but still much great er thm many supposed it would be vhen they saw it raining ail day. Onr moun tain boys do not regard a little sprinkling, however, when duty calls them to the b:dlot-boxe? and whether there be "rain or shine,' Lrown." t'.icy always "do up thing? War Kan or s. We have several rumors in regard to the present state of affairs at Monterey, the litest of which is, that the Mexicans h'aj lurried upon Gen. Taylor and attack id him in the city, but were repulsed with the loss of from 1200 to 1800 men in kilh-d and wounded, and that Gen. Tay lor had lost from 300 to 500. We have not been able to trace lhi3 rumor to any reliable source, and cannot say, therefore, what degree of credit it is entitled to. Gliio Election. The election in Ohio has resulted in lh election of a Whig Governor, 12 Whijr Members cf Congrci-r, and a Whig i'i:jori:y in eac h branch of tho Stale Le gislature. Particulars nest wetk. CXTThe returns fur Canal Commis sioner aro us yet incomplete. Wiien re ceived iu full, we shall spread them before i-r reader. Power" majority v.Ul be tVwtzt 0,000, From the Pittsburgh American. -Speaker el" the House of Kejpre- sentadves As the choice of this officer is not on ly of great importance to the entire Le gislation of the session, but singularly so in tne selection ol Committees ol the House ami in all the bearings of conser vative legislation, we 'would earnestly recommend the election of Col. Edie of Somerset. Mr. E. is a man of talents a staunch Whiff, and in all respects admi rably qualified for the Chair. We there fore most cheerfully recommend him for the station, and trust that the Whigs and Antimasons of the State together, will cordially unite with us in placing him in the Chair. ' JO We cordially concur in the fore going recommendation of the American. Col. Edje is a man of "the right stripe," and would make an excellent presiding officer. The "Frosty Sons of Thunder," . moreover, are entitled to some little dis j tinetion for their persevering eft 1 half of tiie ascendancy of Wl torts in be- h'g princi ples, and we trust it will be conferred up on them by electing; their Representative to the Speakership of the House. omcial rtclKi-ns of the ISIIi District. Stewart. Wevand Somerset, Favette, Greene, 1G18 2181 1105 4904 4152 723 ISS4 1515 4152 Stewart's maj. t Oi Pennsylvania Legislature, STATE SENATE. Whigs. Loco 3. Philadelphia County, 1 Montgomery 1 Berks, 1 Bucks, 1 Schuylkill, Carbon, Monroe & Pike, 0 Northampton and Le high, 1 Bradford and Tioga, 0 Lycoming, Clinton and Centre, 1 York, 1 Allegheny and Butler, 1 Erie, 1 00 00 HOUSE OF BEPBESENTATIVES. Whigs. 1 4 Locos. Adams, Allegheny, Armstrong, Bedford, Beaver, Bradford, Bucks, Blair, Berks, Butler, Crawford, Centre and Clearfield, Chester, Columbia, Cumberland, Cambria, Delaware, Dauphin, Erie, Franklin, Fayette, Creer.e, Huntingdon, 3 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 jjjjjjjjjjj r., . . Jeiierson, Clarion and Venango, Lebanon, Lehigh and Carbon, Luzerne, 2 1 1 1 Lancaster, 5 Lvcoming, Clinton, &c. 1 Mifflin, 1 Montgomery, 2 Mercer, ' 2 Northumberland, 1 Northampton Sc Monroe, IVrry, Philadelphia City, 5 Phihide! phia county, Schuylkill; " 2 Somerset, 1 S'.ipqn?h'a & Wyoming, i loga, Washington, 1 Westmoreland, Warren and McKean, Wayne and Pike, Union and Juniata, 2 York, 2 53 3 1 8 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 42 Those marked thus () are elected as independent candidates. Slore Glory. ( Whig thunder, while it is rolling and . rumbling over our heads, comes boom- ing in from the North and South. Hear Georgia: GEORGIA ELECTION. The election of Congress took place on Monday last, in Georgia. l?t Dist. King, (V) Cohen, (LF) Chatham 000 395 No doubt,-vc should say, from this in dication, that T. B. King, Whig, is re elected. 7th Dist. Stephens, (W) Turner, (L) Taliaferro 421 21 And this vould indicote that A. II. Stephens (W.) is re-elected. Sth Dis. Toombs, XV) Turner, (h) Lincoln 210 117 Richmond 553 304 790 421 Mr. Toombs has gained in these two counties 23 votes. Hi majority in 1844 was 1365, and he is no douht re-elected. DaUimore Election For Mayor. The election for Mayor and city coun cil in Baltimore was held on Wednesday last, and resulted in the election of. the Locofoco cahdidate by a majority of 106 voles: The American says: The largest vote ever cast in Baltimore was that of yesterday, the aggregate be ing 17,701. At the State election held last week the whole vote was 14,809, be ing 2832 less than yesterday. At the Pre sidential election in 1814, the aggregate vote was 17,301. The City Council will stand in the FirFt Branch 1 1 Democrats, and 9 Whigs. In the Second Branch, 5 to 5. Last year the First Branch consisted of 17 Democrats and 3 Whigs, and the Sec ond Branch of 9 Democrats and 1 Whig. COUNTERFEITERS ARRESTED. The Nashville Union of the 1st instant says: "Yesterday morning four men, cal ling themselves Wm. C. Spencer, Win. Brown, James Johnson, ond Wm. Boyd, were brought before Justice Ferriss on a charge of having in their possession coun terfeit money. On an examination there was found in one of their saddlebags be tween $15,000 and $17,000 of counter feit paper money, on the Bank of Ken tucky, 'he Northern Bank of Kentucky, Yates Couhtv Bank at Pen van, New- York, the Planters Bank of Alabama, (no such bank in existence.) and banks in Virginia. They had also in their posses sion copper plates and other necessary implements for engraving money upon all the above mentioned banks. The engra ving for the Planters Bank of Alabama is the same as the Planters Bank in Ten nessee, with the exception ol the change of the name of the State." etv Copper Discovery at Miner al Point. Extract of a letter, dated "Mineral Point, Sept. 25th, 18 J G." A very splen did show of copper .has just been opened here. It is a regular sbect, running north west and southwest, going down into the water, and the ore is believed by men competent to judge, to contain 45 or 50 per cent, of copper. It will not, how ever, be worked at present, because smel ters will not give what the ore is worth. About a ton of this rich ore will be ship ped to Boston forthwith. At the diggings of Mr. Woodman and .Mr. Hubbard, there is a large quantity of ore now in sight, and it is estimated by miners, that the ground now broken will turn out from 300 to 500 tons of ore. ROCKY MOUNTAIN CORN. Corn, the seed or which was brought by Lieut. Fremont from the Rocky Moun tains, is growing in Albany. Each ker nel is enveloped in a husk. The above paragraph, the Philadelphia IVnnsylvanian says, h going the rounds of the press. In some places it is called Rice Corn, both names covering one va- nety. i ne same description oi corn tins been cultivated all through the West and Sou;h these fn'teen years; and :i positive nuisance for all ordinary purposes it is, except when ground, hull and all, for feed ing rattle. The common Pennsylvania yellow yields a greater return, and is much more desirabb: in every respect, whatever fancy agriculturists may say to the contrary. Tl'.e offi'.ial p iper, the Union, inform ed the public yesterday that orders would be immediately transmitted to Gen. Tav Lon to terminate t!io asmibUce, and ad vance; and we understand that an officer (Maj. J. (JRAnAM) will set out this morn ing with all sped for Gen. Taylor's headquarters, with the orders alluded to bv the Union. fNat. Int. Oct. 14. MoNTr.REY, now in possession of Gen. Taylor, is the capital of the State of New Loon. It is on tho Fernando river, about 2'0 miles from its mouth. It has well-paved streets and mostly one story stone buildings. The population is about 10,000, and the city is situated on the main travelling route from the Rio Grands to the city of Mexico. On Sunday the ltli mst., near Ligonier, by Henry Landis, Esq., Mr. John J. Miller, of Somerset County, to Miss Rosanna Darron, of Westmoreland Co. On Thursday the Sth, by the same, Mr. Michael Sin:, of Somerset town ship, to Miss Magoalena Kuaslxker, of Jenner township. FASMI FOR SALE. ''RILIi be exposed to ea?e on Fri Y Y d;h 2o''i day of November neit, on the premises, at 2 o'clock P. .Mf, tbe fsirm bolonging to the estiite of Christian Myers, late of Ligonier town ship dce ised containing or thereabouts. The said larm is situa led in siid Ligonier township, West moreland county, ami within 2 miles of the borough of Ligonier adjoining lands f Joseph Peoples, O'Haira's lleirp, i Michael Myers, Henry Myers and oth-j prs. - There are i;n the nremises a good i DWELLING HOUSE, a log bank Uarn, a good Spring House, and a never failing Spring. There is also an excellent apple Orchard, &c, about I GO acres cleared, 35 of which are in good meadow. The cleared land is under good fence, and in a high state of cultivation. The balance is well tim bered and abounding with limestone and coal. The laud is of lirjt r:te quality. An indisputable Title will be giren. Any person wishing to examine said farm will call with Henry Myers. The the terms will be easy and made known on the day of sale. MICHAEL MYERS, HENRY (MYERS, EDWARD CLIFFORD, ExV of the estate of Cn Mycr dec-'d. Oct. 2,T, 1846. . - Somerset Lyceum, Will meet at the Lyceum room on Fri day evening next, at 6i o'clock. QUESTION FOR DISCUSSION. Is the Government of the United States right in carryine the War into Mexico. Essayist, Declaimer, A. J. Ogle. S. Gebhart. A. II. COFFROTII, Sec'y. Notice. THE Comniissioners of Somerset County will receive proposals fur supplying the court house, offices and jail with fuel, during the ensuing winter. Proposals to be handed in on or before Monday of Court. R. L. STEWART. QM. 37. 1S10. " irk. JAYNE'S' MEDICINE. YET AXOTHER. Yrom the Susquehanna Hegistrr. 15) ALTHOUGH tbe public lure been often imposed upon by patent med icines, yet occasionally a really upffnl anu benehcial meniriue is !e?piel. ueg - lected, merely because "found in bad company. ' I am led to these remark by a emiversathm with a friend few days since. She had breti -atlln-ted lor several years with a disease of the h'ri which had fcpparautly brought her-neur; to the grave. Oi.c vf our most fkiiful physicians wns called, who pronounced; her disease incurable. Au acier;isemetii i of Dr. Jayi'e's Expectorint in tbe Reg ister, cougbt the eye of her frieiula, and a bottle of it was immediately procured at Bentky & Mitchell's, in Montrose. tic fore the had uken it two days, ihere was Eti appnrant improvement. She has not taken l boults as yet but her b.eahh has been tiemly restored. I hiie no personal motive for recom mending this medicine, but merely stale this fKct, hoping ih;it it may meet the eye of some who are laboring under sim itar disease., that may liken ISA partake of its benefits A Friknd to Humanity. 7lh mo, Sth, 1840. Svddby J. J. it'll. F. Schelf, Somerset Pa. Also far Edward Bcvjii. Stvstnwn Pit. FOR SALE. IN pursuance of the lai Will and Tes tament of Ma'.hias Mxrkcr, htc of Donegal township. Westmoreland coun ty dee'd, I will offer for aale by way of public outcry, on Friday ihe 13th day of November, next, on the premises, a Tract of land. situatfd in Donegal township, adjoining; UMtls of 'ohn Hood, John Parke, John Campbeil, James Irwin, John Burrel -ml others containing I I O A C tl E s. more or less.) having therron nbout 75 acres of clear land, I A of which are in nieaduw, wi:h a shinjle Jro-'ed log house qnd k'.cherirand a lg barn, and soinr fruit irren thereon. The sal Mill commence at 12 o'-rh.-ck, on the aforeaaiil day, when the terms w il! be made known by the sub scribcr, HUGH CA VAN, Administrator, with the will aniiex'd. O,'lolfr 0, iCiG. REGIS IWS NOTICE. ""vJoticf. is hereby given to all persons concerned ns legators, creditors or otherwise, tb.it tho following accounts have been filed and passed register in the Register's otTice, lor the county of Som erset, and tluit the same will be present ed lo the Orphans court for confirmation and allowance on Monday, the 23 day of November next, at an adjourned Or phans' Court, viz: The account of Jar-nb Keim. admin istrator of John J Siiylor !ec'd. The account of Jocoli Miller and Pe ter Hoclistetler Jr, Executors of the last will and Ttsumrnt of Peter Hochstetler, deceased. The account of Edwrd Dorsry Ex rfutnr of the l ift will and Testament of Jacob Htikman. dre'd. The account of Ianc Yoder and Dan iel Hochstetler, Executors ol Daniel Hochstetler deceased. The arconnl cf Jacob Rhmgh and Samuel Fib kinger. Executors of Abras ham Fliekinger dee'd. The account of George Walker Ex ecutor of Simon Hay, dee'd. Tbe account Samuel Tho.-np?on ad minisiat jr of Thomas Collier dee'd. WM. H. PICKING. Oct. 20 184G. Kugmifr (PRO 150X0 Pi:iJLIUO.) SUR1FF9S SAL.BS. rgHE Sheriff of S nirsM will offer g forsalo by public nutt-ry in thr noroiighitf Somerset, oaFiidiy tbe 13th of November next, the following real estate: A tract of land, shunt in Allegheny township, containg 400 a-res more or less, ll ai res cleared, adjoining bonis of H T Wild, Jchn Wi i, Niu.on Gt-bhart and others, a one story l2 houvp. a spring hwuse and stable thereon erected as thr property of Peter P- Shaffer. Two lots of ground in the Rorough of Somorset, containing half an acre, more or less, adjoining a lot of Daniel Baird on the west. Union street on the north. Main street on the somh, and'a lot of A brabam Dull on the eust, a large two story dwelling house, wood hed and stable thereon erected, now in the oc pancyof Henry Jackson and John J. Renford as the property of Schachlitcr, Rear fc Staum, A tract of land in Jenner township, containing 140 acres more or less, about CU acres cleared, about 10 acres in mea dow, adjoining lands of Jesse Griffith, George Smith, George Friedline and William Griffith snd others, a o stry bouse, a brn and other building there- on as the property of Herman Umbcr ger. A tract of land in Somerset tawnship, containing SS acres, more or less, a cab in house and stable thereon erected, adjoining lands of Samuel .Metzler. George Hartmcn, Joim Caebeer. God frey Siahl and Mi.dvel Sipe ss the property of John Vming, A tract of hnd in Stnnycreek town ship, containing 15f) m-re. anodier of Mn r inn nna ne ji -ioo acres, one ol -ton 'res, one or 44 acres, and one of 200 Hi-res, )l more or less improred us the property of Da- Keller KOTICK. Estate of John V. Colemav, deceased. LETTERS of Administration on the estate of John N. Coleman, late of Broihcriralley, deceased, having been granted lo the f ohsrrihers. all persons indebted to s.id -aie are requested to attend - Ml (be !te ridptwc of the da reaWd. on SaMirdnv the I -lib of Noveai- her nf-xi, pre pa ml n spitie; ntid those I i t f . having , ruims. to prceni litem the saiLt? lime mid idace. pronerlr su- ! theiilicattd j ; SAML'EL COLEMAN, ol Somprfet tp JACOB J. roi.EMAN. of Brutlierralley tp. Oct. G. ! SIR G U f (bnvii for Tri'i! at November term IS to. (commencing on the I O h day of the month. Tamlmgfcr'a use Mow ry late Sh'ff. Sr oil v Jwauk (borpennin' ue Harizell el si. Pile Giisiillcsparger & RoiugarJiicr Wable Augustine ts ('uster rs Ilosluiid r Ringler t s Liu Irs and Hart m:n s Hoffman ft Philippi Kimmrl t C.x &, Goiiher vs Marteeny Wable ij.i mo Foti?t E. k F. F-ber Kmgkr Ku.k Wilhelm Hoover 15 urtu use Colborus Ex'trs. Siiallis Dork holder and M"- G ruth's me Johnson Srhell's use .Adnison Milkr Cliorpenning et al Beiifurd Flick Johnson Rerkey Neff vs Countryman et al Witi Si Gebhait s Cummins s Ogle's Execulrix ra Ritunger vi CjbsoIv vs Sams vs Rizer a Ddly 18 Kllllpp ts Rankin H unhand adm's u.-e vs Hslnd adm'r Cotiuirv man's use vg Kooniz. A. J. OGLE. Protlionotary's office Otc. HO. 'l54fl For November Term 1S4G. ciMMtciNO os hie IGni dat or tub MONTH GIMND JURORS. Milfurd Wm. Henry Henry Long John Infield Wm. Moore Jacob Kn-.?ile, 'i'homas Masn Divid Philippi Jr. Summit Martin B. I.oj Petrr Walker Stoystown (ienrgr Foy Southanipion W. G. Csppeller John Bowman Addison David Campbell Jenner - Jacob (.ver J iseph Hnynes Somerset R. Lauehto.i Pfter Friedline Jr. D ivid Ankeny of J. Berlin - Chirlrs Kris?inger Brothcrva'ley JoJm Knepper Turkey foei Jitmhn Born worth David Crossing John Cramer ol S. Thomas II anna TR.1VEHSE JURORS. Brothersvalley Simon Hay Ilug'i Srhr.rk John P. Biuaker Conemangh Peter Herkman Tobia Levinston Lcwix Fen burn Stotivcrcck John .M Charles Ut hman Conrad Mvers Mi. harl Biobker Shade Jo-epb Lcaaure Philip Lin Jolio Haim r S iinio i Si.oler jr Andrew Btrkeplila Milford - Daid D. Miller Henry Cramer Jacob Humbert Samuel Snyder Somerset ip. Henry Frank Joseph Smith Jacob Hanger Abm. Beam Christian Walter Philip Shafer Jennfr - - Mich;;d Homer Philip Hoffman Allegheny - Henry Poorbaugh Turkevfuot Alex. Cunningham Aaron Srlirack Summit - Rudolph Boose Southampton D;iie! Camp Paint - Solomen Moyers Wm. Dempsey Peter Berkey Berlin - Samuel Philsnn Qneniahoning Valentine Miller Somerset br. George Pile DR. S. POSTLETHWAITE TENUEKS his professional service t 1h rul!is. Office ift tb taildiag fornwrly 36 f cucietl by Chr!s Ogle, Esq., m law cfit. Estate of Jacob v LETTERS .ffc.!ii!iiirv noit wii'i'ih Will i.imv estaic ol JjrohShrp. the'd. bj'fv granted to the ?nb?cnbcr rt"i'iij inlL... irtili; '.Milfon! lv ip. hei qm'S all rprsons to Hitend l f.i resiuVtire. Frid.iy tbe Otli of November rrjt. pie- pared to sctdf, and ilnc having iliio to present them st the ame ti ne una r.,xn t v 1 1 r I P!are JACOB KNABI.E. Oct 13. '40 6i Adm'r, Stray Cattle. CAME trespassing on the premise of the subscriber, in Llktick town ship, on the 22d of September lat, thre beaj of cattle, V wit: A oneyear old heitfer, brown, wii! white face, right ear cropped. A duna steer, marked as the above. A tr'mdle steer, with a crop cfT ths left ejr and a swallow fork in the rials'. 'I he owner is rrqutsicd to come fr woid. prove property, py charges vol take them awv, otherwise thev will bo at ! sou! as the law 'irpf:. ni!3 DAVID YODER. Somerset County, ss. k r an adjnnrneil Orphan :Minr a. (;lirl ,ie,J l Somerset. 'n am' ',r a'(' counly o iho '''TTov seventh d-y of September, 1S1G, before the Honorable Judges thereof. On motion of Simon Gebhnrl, Esq.. the court grant a rule on the Heirs and. Legal Representatives of Abraham Col born, dee'd, tr appear at an adjourned Orphan' Court, to he held al Somerset, on die 23d day of November next, and show cause, if any they have, why ih Real estate of said deceased should net be sol. I. Extract from the records of said court, certified the 7th day of September, 1845. W. H. PICKING, oct 1 3 Clerk. Somerset County, ss. VtiV,, 4 T an adjourned Orphans' W Cmm ,ie,J 81 SomePSCt V$Pjz in aQJ for said county, on tho 7h day of September. A. D. 1846, before the Honorable Judge thereof. On motion of Samuel G.iithcr. Esq. the court confirm iho Inquisition on tha Real Estate of Rosanna Shaver, dee'd. anJ grant a rule on the heirs and legnl representatives of said dee'd, to appear at au adjourned Orphans' Court, to be held at Somerset, on the 3d day of No vember, next, and accept or refuse lo lake the real estate of said deceased at the appraised price. Es'rj' t from tbe records of said court, certified this 7ih dv of September. 164G. W.' II. PICKING, cl!3 Clerk. Somerset County, ss. 4 1' an adjourned Orp! iSMllSL Court held at Some erct. Xlyc m ant" fur SiHt' county, on th '''f 7th day of September, A. D. :S4 6, before the Honorable Judge thereof. On motion of J. F. Cox, Esq., tha court confirm the Inquisition on tha Re d Estate of Christian Shncfccy, dee'd, and grant a rule on the Heirs and Legal Representatives of said dee'd. to appear at an adjourned Orphans' Couri lobs held at Somerset, on the Hd day of No- . vember next, and accept or refuse to taka tbe real estate of said deceased, at tha appraised price. Extract from tbe records ofsaidconrt. certified this 7th day of September, A. It. I34b. WM. H. PICKING, ccll3 Clerk. Somerset County, ss. -V' an a,'j1urne'' Orphans ltfe" Court held at Somerset, in V.icand for said county, on the '''7f 19ih dy of September, A. D. 1816, before the Honorable Judges thereof. On petition of Jacob Mose? and Abra ham Moses, two of the heirs and legal representatives of Jacob Moses, dee'd. die court grant a rule on the Heirs and Legal Representatives of said deceased, to appear at an adjourned Orphans Court lube held at Soinervl on Monday tha 23d doy of November, A. D. 134C, and shew c.uifc, if any ihry have, why tha real estate of sid Jacob Moses, dee'd, should not be sold. Extract from the Records of ssiJ rour:, certified this 19th dav of Septcm ber, 186. W. II. PICKING, nrll 5 Clcr NEW&CHEAPGOODS. 'irHE subscriber has rectived from J the Eastern cities, and is now ope ning at his store North East corner of ihe Diamond, a very large and general asforiment of CooJji suitable for tha FALL AND WINTER SEASONS, 1 among which are French and English Cloths of various color. Also Tweeds, Cashmeres. Satinets and Jeans, Tarletoa and Ceci'ia Cioihs for Ladies dre.es. ALSO, Cashmeres. Alpacas, Mouolin de Uine. C;dicot s of all quali ties from 4 to to cents per yard. Mus lins frooi 4 ut 10 cts, Silk and Thread L-e, Silk (i!oes of a superior qui.lity for ladies ind gentlemen, together with a fins-assortment of HARDWARE, ((jicciiszvcive, Groceries ?c Boots and shors of all ki;:i! a id ery low. Weavers Ucds of ery superior quality. All whi-h wi'd br so'.j on r! ep ar.d sccorDoduti'ng itrms. d ev be Ls.d west of the Aliegh-y Mrti'.nii-y. M. I RED W ELT.' ir I