3 31 TITO IIOM.AJIS TER ANNUM. V HALF-VtARUy IN ADVANCE. $ MID :: FARMERS': AMD 1 EOMUIGS? BESISTEO. vir not paii vriTiiiN the ykac, $i 53 WILL Mi CHANGED. i .i PRINTED AND PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY J O N A T II A N ROW , SOMERSET; SOMERSET COUNTY, PA. 2Zcvj Series. Vol. 4. Ho. 50 (T TV ffs XflEBMPKRANDTftliFLOWEIIS. ; t m-KBT w. mVr.ru.1,.. i The?? is a reaiper, whose name is death, And, with his sickle keen, He reaps the bearded grain at n breath, And the flowers that grow between. "Shall I hare naught dial is lair?" saith he; ' "Tlave'naE.-rht but the bearded cram? i a Though the breath of these flowers is tweet to me;' I will give them all back again." He gazed at the flowers with tearful eyes; 5 He kissed their drooping leaves; ' It was for the Lord of Paradise He bound them in his sheaves. "Mv Lord hath need of these flowretsgay." - The reaper said, and smiled; -Dear tokens of the earth are they, Where He was once a child." 'They shall all bloom in fields of light, Transplanted by my care, And Faints, upon their garments white, These sacred blossoms wear," And the mother gave, in tears and pain, The flowers she most did love; She knew she should find them all again, In the fields of light, above. 0, not in cruelty, not in wrath, The Reaper came that day; 'Twas an angel visited the green earth And took the flowers awav. x.z.. HOW THC WOLVEKIXC DISCOVERED THE LEAD MINE. A FACT. I was a "young" man ten year's ago and (like some oilier young men I wet of, who did the same thing, id returned lighter than they went!) I drifted out "West. Mv locale for the time bcin ' was in the easterly part of Michigan, but I once ventured westward as far as Wis consin. There is a swarm of "suckers," "hoo ziers," "buckeyes," "corn-crackers," and "wolverines," eternally on the qvi vive, in them "parts a migratory race of peds who float about from spot to spat, "squatting," for the nonce, wherever their fancy or interest incline them; and a rougher set of men will rarclv be met with, savirg the genuine "voyrgcurs" or "trappers" so notorious for their hardi hood. A "green" looking individual turned lip suddenly one morning in the vicinity of a back-woods mining settlement, and, according to his own account he had come from a "desperate wavs oil"" in search of "sumlhin to du." A iinsey-woolscy jacket, considerably the worse for wear, was slung ever his shoulder; his pants were made of tcw cloth; a pair of coarse cow-hide brogans ornamented his feet, and the gear which protected (?) his head might have answer ed an excellent turn to sift ashes through; in brief, his tout ensemble looked very like the "breaking up of a hard winter." lie sauntered leisurely up to a knot of workmen, and drawing from his side pocket a huge soft-cracker, he commenced launching it solus. "Mornin stranger,", said one of the hands., at length. 'Momin' vourself, Cap'n." "Which way?" "None in partic'Iar." "Well, stranger, where do vou hail from?" "Wall I hails from all around the lot." "From the East'ard?" "Wal yes I reckon." "What news?" "None as I know on." "You're short kinder." tWal you'll find me long enough r-REhaps." The conversation was suspended; the -wolverine cominued to munch his biscuit, j and llie miners pursued their labors.' Hut the biscuit finally disappeared, and the stranger, who had taken considerable interest in their operations, had approach ed within speaking distance again. .Val they da say the Banks busted "What bank" bawled an operative, dropping his spade and looking about him for a land side. . "Nited State Bank" ' -O! is that all!. Wiiv, how you skearl a feller'." "Some of 'em'llget fkeercd, wus then that, I reck'n, afore they're through, with it," Again the talk ceased. ' The wolverine watched the progress of thc workmen, and finally laid his jacket upon the bank. "S'pose you don't want another hand!" "No." X- . . T.I t. Here one of the party in a green round- -ci; i inoegiii ii'i, about, who imagined hrmseif considera- My more than a match for hr.lf a score like the green 'un and tvho appeared hke overseer Jof the gang- proposed to him that he thould pay scot for the rrowd, and he would then show him where hj could set up the "diggia trade" fcC his owr, account! "Done!" said the wolverine; "Drinks all round- mind." i "Sartin. Jest fetch on your prary 1 dew' for the hull lot, and d n the ex ; penses." ' A capacious caddy of the cratvre was ! procured and t!ie party had a jolly time at the cost of the new comer. The li- quor disposed of, he asked for directions t0 the siLe where he should commence op- i - ' orations. "Well, stranger said the knowing one, j with a side wink to his men, "begin any w har; try imder the. old tree, von der." . "The big shaddy tree," across the lot, there?" "Yes" "Thank ye. It looks like ?. right smart spot. "Hope you'll have a good time of it," added the overseer, and the parlies sepa rated, - The wolverine went at it in right good j earnest, with a borrowed "pick, and ! Ion? before sunset (as luck would have it) he "struck a Lead!" Having "satisfied himself in reference to' the location, lie covered up his tracks 2nd returned to the lead mine. "Say, Cap'n; you're raylhcr hard on a poor felicr." . , , "Eh! Wiiat luck, stranger?" "Luck, you snid! Wl;- I don't know what you call luck. I've been a sweat in' over tiiar, about ten hours; a hull day lost, smack, and not a red cent made yet." "Oh, trv again," said the sharp 'un, '"you'll no." Wa!, may be so, and may be not. Whar's the owner o' that r.r patch?" 'I own this land, ail about." "Mav be vou would'nt like to sell that are lot?" "But I should though." "Wot'll you take for that lot?" "O, you may have it at government price; there is eighty acres." "Eli. take that Lor, Mr. Wot-you-call-em." "You wili?" "Yes, Mister; and here's yer 'plt tv!' " As our wolverine pronounced this last sentence, he drew forth a ragged bandana, in one corner of which w as stowed away a goodly quantum of the "shiners." The hundred dollars were soon told; the parties immediately repaired to the Laud OiEce, where Squire 1. made the deed of transfer, and the document was placed in the stranger's hand. On his way back, he passed a. crowd of miners, w ho had done laughing, and shortly afterwards he was out of sight. Next morning, bright and earlv, the wol verine was at work under that tree, with two assistants; and by noon-time a very showy vein had come to light, within a lew feet of the ground's surface. Tiir stranger laughed then! the miners grin ned, and the lucky buyer disappeared, a gain. Four weeks afterwards, a countryman in plain homespun; accompanied by a "gentleman in black," visited the spot; and thev, too, went to Squire P's office. Another transfer was made; and the awk ward wolverine of the tattered breeches and torn hat, left his purchase in other hands, with a boxcs of fie thousand DOLLARS IN HIS POCKET. The last I saw of the rough stranger, he was enquiring of the overseer in the green roundabout, whether he had for Sale "ANY MORE LEFT OF THE SAME SORT?" Yankee Blade. The AVixnebaoo Indians and the Government Coramisstoners liad a con ferance on Monday last at Apollo Hall in the presence of a large company of ladies and gentlemen who attended on the interesting occasion. Little Hill, the Indian orator, who was fantastically at tired after the manner of his tribe, made an address, which was delivered in an impassioned and somewhat graceful style. i no auuress was interpreted, i lie ora tor handed to thc Commissioners a pro position from the Indians, in writing, sta ting what they were willing to do. It was understood that Little required from the Government Commissioners an answer in writing. Being indisposed. Little Hill retired after shaking hands with the com- j mi-sioncrs. Judge Partus replied, and intimated the desire of the Government to remove the Winnebagoes where the whites would not interrupt them, with some other kindred remarks. The Coun cil broke up, after all the Indians, in pas sing, had shaken hands with thc Com missioners. . The Union of Monday night having stated that thc Indians would again as semble in conference yesterday morning at Apollo Hall, and that it would proba bly be their last meeting, there was a number of ladies and gentlemen in attend j ance at ten o'clock and in the course of the morning. But there was no confer- j ence, and the company was much disap- j pointed. We happened to be present ! when a despatch arrived at Mayer s Ho tel from the Commissioners, (as we un- clerstood from one of the attendants,) which was afterwards interpreted to the Little FROM MEXICO. From the New Orleans Picayune of October 6.3 ' " Advices from Mexico were received by the James L. Day which appear to us of the utmost importance. The American Flag of the 2Gih ultimo, published at Matamoras, announced the receipt of late i news there from" the city of Mexico di- ' rect, but the details given are not of im- j portance. ' We , are able to announce, I however, most positively, '; that letters'. were rcici ku i;i tins unv uy me iay, by a gentleman deeply interested in Mcx- ican all airs, and from a very responsible foreign source in Matutnoras, which say that Gen. Almonte has been appointed Prpcidont of Mevien- ah rvrrn,. nn.-l (len. Aanta Anna generalissimo of the armies of Mexico; and further, that San ta Anna was then engaged in raising and organizing troops, intending to take the field in person in the North. This news wili strike every one as important in va rious aspects, but it is especially so as it may bear upon the armistice granted by Gen Taylor to Gen. Ampudia's forces, and again upon the dependence which placed m the pacific mtention3 of Santa . 1 . . . clainations from tlie 28t!i August to the ninn Uin. r An-,,,' v-.um-! Jl r?eptcr:.ucr. ..ltisi ol titCMi uouii.ens , , , . , , , r have been rub lisited already, but we fina - p-:iM .Ir'.l n'il'v.l I 1 1 ,ttv i 1. 1. then, cheer up my hrav countrymen, and show .vour mdigJtant liot:i. to our cue- inics by every moans wiiidi your power right, :::ivl position should dictate." The. following items we take or make ! up from the Matamoras Fi;:g: Sickness continues to prevr- to a great extent, boui at Camargo and Matamoras At Camargo it is scid that tliere are eight : or tin deaths per day. All the hospitals in Matamoras are full, and new ones were being opened. Two hundred entered the hospitals thereon thc week ending the 23d ultimo. ..api. wanwou!, ine commanu.nui V 7r.u,-,!f "ls i'lu " u v,cu- I Patterson is doing the same at Camargo. j A gentleman who arrived at Matamo- ras irom i.ainargo imormeu me eaucrs oi ; - . p . , . ting serious depredations along the east hank of the river, and cn to the Colorado. LATE FROM SANTA FE. A correspondent of the St. Iouis Re publican communicates thc subjoined in telligence, brought by a company of tra ders from Santa Fe. Not placing any confidence in the report of the assembling of a large Mexican force in that quarter, weonlv regard it of interest as showing the continued quietude of our camp: "Independence, October 3, 1810. "The arrival of another company from Santa Fe is just announced by one of their number, a little in advance of the j rest. They are twenty-four days out from Santa Fc, having left there the. 9ih of September. Every thing seems to have been quiet in and around thc place, but the news from below is a little start- "It was currently reported (when thc company left) that five thousand men, thc flower of the Mexican force, were on their way up from below, and near Chi huahua, to meet and attack Gen." Kear ney, and that it was the General's deter mination to leave a sufficient number un der the command of Col. Doniphan, and take the remainder below, if possible, to meet Gen. Wool's division of our army. - "Our armv at Santa Fo were garrison ing the post rapidly,-and a flag-stafi" of nine, two lumdred feet hiHr, was m course ol erection, to receive the stars ana stripes that Joat so proudly over our land. Gen. Ke rnfy- had his headquarters, at the Governor's castle, and had given one or two'splcndid fandangoes." - ' ' " ' . ' In nine weeks 14,000 dogs vrcrc killed injjoiiisville, Kv. -ii- .i -,. .i. Tlro fLo ' .1 t 1 -n j r .1 ' enclosed, (Ao. I.) lo t ;is commnniea- Uehave received savs the Delta) the occupv ihv balulio ro:id m rear of the T , , - ; , . , , , N " , i, -r . , , , , t:on, 1 deemeJ it mv uutv to return an first number of the Boletin Oficial, da- town, carrying, if prachcao e, the several i io inhabilan.s .i '.t.,. ;wo.i,. .!,;k s. loriihea eminences m that direction. il:e i. . .. . - .. . . urti .uwu.r.L-T, -.in uTi !.,,.., v-v;. . t ) leave tne cit v. tivii o clock r. 31. A . ry . ,. , , i 2d civi.vi'm cl regular troops, and a nor- , rt , .. . . , .-. , , , , tarns all Gen. A mnud:.Ts orders and pro- ; . r r, , TT -, . 4 ' - , the 2d division, whicn r. ul entered the general Ampvuiia s proclamation to tne . . ;n ,j;e nu,y t;ni1 jje011 pluced in battery eeuiJIo 1J A complete surrender oi tr.e 11-. . r r i i - t .'placed iu butterv t:uri:ig the ni-'h; to pi :v ' t" " "" , "" "r i town and ('"rion t 1-ifpr i nrinnra inhabitants of Coahuila, Nucvo liCon, and v . . , ,- . 73 .a , : ! m the ccnetrv, within good ran-e of the 41 dnu b -ruo-1 l-e la"er as prisoners , , . , , , , , j upon the citad-jl and town. At o cock . . - t e , of war. is now demanded Tiut s irh "r Tuiiiaulipas, which had not been trun a- ,i' ... on.. .... i U1,-M..(I ,t heart ct the lown.-.m I was served through- Ul wa ' . ? , $J.ca- . . l. , , laese guns opc.cu lu conhnned a ocnj- 0,-ti- iutI-uvuIi good efvc' render will be upon terms; and the gal- teJ. it isu if uat tne General s (juar- i crate tire, which was returned. To create f fa . , T hint defence of the place, creditable alike ters in the citv of Saltiib, 2S:h of Aiw a ill farther dive-ion in favor of G(.n. Lajiy in tan morning ol t.ie 1 re- t( thc Mexican troops and nat;0llt will gust. 18-13. The following is an extract; orths movement, the remainder of the "l Pmpt me to make those terms as liberal S MV r . , , , . , force, except a camp ffnard, was display- n..i;u,u,. uhom(.,..Ar.,t,udu,w.,iJi as possibIe. The garrison will be allow- "Mv friends, our brother dapartmen's ri :n r ,...n 'jm.., I cue ose, (No. 2. and lo which I re- . 1 , , . e , . c . . . cu in t!i'. ci.t.o .ma if it or i..e town. J ae , , cd, at your option, aker laving down it are . prrpinng fr tne l:atih-; thev w;d ; ...... ,..., r i,,,. f,r i at turned the answer, (No. o.) I alio ar- ' . . ' - ' i" ... i. h i n ' v t""11"1 a-J GI"- o-'tie.j, ol die 1st dnis- . r i' n ; arms, to retire t tl;e i;iter:or.oa condiUoa send to ihv held thoasands ol brave vohm- t rr,.,,., ctrnn il-.n--'-sT-t-n n-i t-n ranged with the bearer of the flag a eessa- r . - . i -1 v i ; i m-i'i-a siro.:g u. m. ?.i. ration on i.:e . , , , - ol not serving aain durmthe war. or teers, witr. ud necessary suppl:-; and, ; id n;;J soon j,....:U!lf? St) cu?e!v cm,,rii t:on of hre until I2u ciocs.whtcl: hourlap- .ri!?,.J - ,n, . T . , lasuy, it h pronto tn.t ti.e chid of otr lJint X Ri)VC,, Yimvrjr;J the vof!!!!?e?r di. j pointed to neene the final answer ofGeu j Uiat the ngts" of EOcombnU wil mdepcnd--:i.-o -the f-nm-h-r of hus lie- ; v:,io:5 UIIL.r M,jor U(?n. Butler h, its sun- A.ul Ge.i V, ortn's neadquarters.Betore the re; d pubhc ti e worihv oench.cior c. 'lie na- porlf ,e3Vl5,? on,. !,..1:.Hon.(lft Kentuck- appointed tune, however, Gen. Ampudia An answer to this ca-n-ruricaon i lion and gcnor.d ol divis,,n-IKn Anto- y) to rovcr-.he raortar battery. A close to (Jon. Worth his desire for ireJ by ,2 oVIock. i-ou assent ta NioLorrz vz Sata Ann,- re.ura rontr,t ti ,n,.,,;!f wlic, re?uhci, in lhs . a personal interview w.th me, for the pur- an accom-nodation 3n olcer w,u u to tne seat ol war at the hid o :t large -,..., 0r K:.rn,,T i. flr r(,,,r pose ol m. iking some dt; hnitc arrangement. , ,K i , , . . . c : . ' ((apu.i o..- Mro.ig t.n oi lour i . n t . ,( despatched at once, under instrucuoa3 to reml.srcement o. - troops m oratr io con- P.. . . n-.;. r., e thSwr- A a mtervpiw was accordingly appointed t iT. duct t.ie i .i - if r r A np r :it ri r itii i mis. nr nT . . " i r. ,.r.u. i.!.r.-. .1 two women, had been killed only a few , () lnt onr 5U,CP,S lia5 j change of Government in Mexico, bclicv- Art". 1. As the Icai'imate rc u .u... tny , not bcc,, ohtaincJ without severe loss, to j --u to be i:.vorat;ie to the interests ot peace, operations before this place an' attnouted to some of the volunteers, but he aUriI)Utcd in a good me3sre to the ar- ilaccd n to concur with the commis- c.'u po,j.:on cf lhe C0Gndi ? ,;V ; . dor ot the troops in pressing forward. wni-r. win. 1 trust, affrecj t;iat tije city lhe for The Camam-hc Indians are commit- :c0 rcturns of killed and wounded have ! receive the approval of the Government. ! cjnRmi. t!i nin;(;'' THE EVENING STAR. - BT C. H. VOLtlS. Star of the angel. star of love, Through the warm twilight skv. Thou shinest from the fields above Blessing the watcher's eye; Instilling the magnetic hues Ineffable, which interfuse With aspirations high time, High o'er the earth, the scene, the To thee and to the spirits clime. , , 017, . . Ui 'WAL UhM A I UlLb Ul uLN. ! 1T lAiLu.C. ' ""Wastes A?y of Occupation. Camp hcore Monterey September 22 AG Sir: I have the honor to report ihst the troops under my command, including tha mounted volunteers from Texas, marched from Marin on the ISthi and encamped before Monterey on the 19th instant. It was immediately discovered that the enemy occupied the town in force and had added greatly to its strength by fortifying the approaches and command ing heights. A close raconnoissance was made the same evening bv the cflicers of , . , r.i . 1 . 1 , both iianks of the town, and it was detcr- ; volunteers, was r.ccordit'glv detach , I llPl! I'll. ; u ; v f f .! der Brigadier titn. ortu on this senu-e ' , .i o..: . - t it nocn cn the 2 Jt:i. A ten-inch mortar . .... a ,rln.,.., . jcj-t to liold this portion k, the remainder j r . t c for,c i-eturne ! to can-.o. i ,t ,, " gaged the enemv ear.v m the morning, and defeated him- with ccntiderablc loss ci! bv the works already carried. K,t"n' o ill's division otvupit-s llie iJ!f-M rr-il irn rnfc tth ill dl succor or support T ,Kf --v.-, om lhc minute report of the important operations of ves.crtiv i;ntil iu)sel cf U;? direnl ,,. .,1. a I . U.illl.l.lJi.O IK.vltli. tiiia ui.m; nil. 11 vet been received, nor is it known what 'corps of Gen. Worth's division have suf- fercd mosuln the other'poriior.of ihearmv of first, third, fourth regiments of infan try, and regiment of Tcnnesse volunteers have sustained the greatest loss. fllcre follows a list of officers who were killed and wounded, which we omit j bccaHSC u hg becn , publi3iied i I need hardly add that the conduct of our troops, both regulars and volunteers, throughout the operations, has been eve ry thing that could be desired. The part which each corps contributed to the suc cesses of the day will appear more fully in future reports. To Mjor Generals Butler and Henderson, and Brigadier Generals Twiggs and "Worth, command j ing divisions, 1 must express my obliga tions for thc efucient support which they rendered particularly so to Brigadier Gen. Worth, whose j-crviees, from his j detached position, have been most con- ;picuous. I am, sir, very respctfuhy, your obe - dicnt servant, Z.TAYLOR, Major General U. S. A. commanding. The Adjutant General of the Army . Wa?hington. ' - Heabqt-arters Armv of OccrPATiov, . Camp before Monterey, Sept. 23, 1810. Sir : I have the gratification lo report that the Bishop's Palace was gallantly. carried yesterday by the troops of the seconu division. . in the course ot the nigru me rawenn ociow me lowu were M'ilh one exception, abandoned by the enemy and this morning were occuped by ;onr troops. To-day the third infantry, j with the field artillery of the first division the Mississippi and Tennessee regirrn!sr j and the second regiment of Texas, fride-. xnen, '(dismounted.) have been warmly 1 : ir . 1 . : r .- 1 . 1 ) in the course of the day two of thc bat- U c' , ' 1 ?a a"1' I Terms of capitulation of the citv of Mon- a-rics in rear nflhe town were rnrried hr t'vl 1 ""'" 01 tern v. l!m nnnisnl f V,,v 1 r, .1.- o i l- i Leon. 1 hose named oa thc American r, . , . f ., .. ,. .'. MwiKii.ii; wiwrs ui .h: u u-yivu, i ., ... , . kiucu u j:i uy IU3 UHUCrsigneU COIH- i . . ; . .... . ' .-' worn, t.'-n. W nrlh. I.p'i Ii!rnlnrr.? 1 - . . 1 J . . and a imrd was carried t:i!s morning at ., .', ,, , . j miss'.oners, to wit : Genr ral V orth. of dawncfd.ty. The Bbhop's Palace oc- Vv- V. ..n010""1 ' the United States Armv, Cencrui Ilen- cu pied thc oulv remaining height in rear Msippi luuttcrs. i he commission (Crson, of the Texan Volunteers, and r .1 . .1 1 r....r i 1 liiiallv se'ticd uooa the articles, ot which ... t .1 ... . II IM" III 7 ? T M 1 I; IT1 I ?! 1 1 ; fi V r-O I 111 'in. 1 A II . ti ) I f 1 T W I I I'll r T 1 C TTl i tnr.rii-p.iniim-il tt'.itip nf t in fiAinitrr j engaged with The en-?m v in the town, and ; have driven him, witli eoMMdorabte lossj ito the pliraand its vicinity, which is yell i strongly occupied. A portion of the sec-1 j ond division Ins also advanced into the J town on the right, and hoi Is a position! i there. The enemv still maintains him- self in t'no piaza and ciudt , and sesms dc- ' ceptible, I have fulfilled my duty, and termined to make a stubborn resistance, j ave satisfied that military honor which I am particularly grutilk-d to report th:-.t ! U1 a certain manner, is common to all our successes of "yesterday and to-day, j arimes of the civilized world, though disastrous to the enemy, have j prosecute the defence, therefore, been achieved without material loss. I would only result in distress to the popu I cannot speak in to.j high texms of the ! l:"on, who have already suffered enough galhntrv and perseverance' of our troops j from lh.e misfortunes conseqent on war; throughout the arduous operations of the 2n'J taking, it for granted that the Aranricaa tout the arduous operations of the last thrc 2e (kvs lam, sir,"verv respectfully, your obe- lent servant, " " d Z. TAYLOR, Major General U. S. A. commanding. The Adjutant General of the Army, Washington. Headqurters Army of Occupation, Camp before Monterey, Sept. 23, 18 1G. Sir: At noon on the 23 instant, while our troops were closely engaged in the lower part of the city, as reported in. my last despatch, I received by a flag a com munication from the Governor of the Stale of New L'jou, which is herewith 1 l.MI 11 IllIll iltb iJUl.tk!Ull S i 111V L. I . . ... i a lace, i uui au a nccu wimin one square r t i . i . , i ol the principal p!:iza, and occupied the ., . 1- - . , ; ior i o ciocu.o, rcsu.tcu m me namingoi a ! i-. i i r. .!..!. i - r ' "oniinisio:i to'draw up articles of ogrce- meat regulating the withdrawal of the i t Ph. j tion of hostilities. The commissioners i , . , ,T . . . , . . I p ...!,:. ,l . ,:.!, 1 i..i:. l. V. Hi IWi.Ui III! I'-il.iUltll Ulitl JIlli.-Il I UcDC ! bfca du!: Agreeably to the Pro- 1 visions ol 'die -Itn article, our troops have 11113 ,",f" V- It will be seen that the terms gn -! "d the Mexican garrison are less rigorous than those tir.st imposed. The gallant de- lhe latter eonsideraiion also prorajitedth convention for a U-mporary cessation of J hostilities. Though scarcely warrantc ! bv mv instructions, vet the change of af fairs since those instructions were issued seemed to wsrrrnt this course. I beg to be advised, as early as practicable, wheth er I have metthc views of the Government in these particulars. I am, sir, very respectfully, vour obe dient scrv..u Z. TAYLOR, Maj. Grp.. V. S. A. commanding. The Adjutant General of the Army, Washington. (No. .1) D. Franco De P. Morales, Governor of Sew Leon, tn .Major General Tt.ylir Translated. Moi.tcn y, Sept. 20, 8 o'clock A. M. As von arc resohed lo occupy the , p;.ce hV force of a;m. und iI.h Mexico j Gencral-in-ch:cf resolved to defend it z 1 every cost, as his honor and duty require fJii,n to do, thousands of victims, who, ; fr0m indigence and wnt of means, find themselves now in tbe theatre of war. and who would be uselessly sacrificed, claim the rights which, in all times r.ndoll coun tries, humanity extends. As Governor of the State and legitimate representative of the people, I state their case to you, and hope from your civilization and r finc- mfllt tbnT tvfiifOvnr m-n- Ur tl-io ornnt of I u : -ii r,!.rS that f::m':hr! hill h rpsnrctc.J. or Will ! -rant a rensnnr.h's time for them to leave . C2vli I have thc honor to salute you General- in-chief of the Army of Occupation of the United Suites, and to assure you of my highest consideration. God andlibprty. FRANCO DE P. MORALES. Gener-vl-in-Chikf cf the Armv ct Oc - conation of !. S. " ! v im in in: t r.sMi'i. i r.f unr nr r i f 1 i ' , I . I T 1 1 " e (No. 2.) D. Pedro Jmpudia, General- in-chief, to Jilajor General Vuy- for. Transla'ed.' Headquarters at Monteret, Sept. 23, 18JG 9 o'clock P. M. Senor General : Having made th i ?-fcnce of which I believe this city sua- 2n'J wiunf.xt tor granted that th Government has mauilestea a disposition j 10 negotiate, I propose to you to evacuate j inB cit.v and ls fort, taking with me th personel and materiel whicli have remain ed, and under the assurance that no hara shall ensue to the inhabitants who hava taken a part in the defence. Be pleased to accept the assuranco of my most distinguished consideration. PEDRO DEAMPUDIA. To Senor Don. Z. Taylor, General-in-chief of the American arruj. No. 3.1 Headquarters Army or Occu pation, Camp before Monterey, Sept. 24. 7 o'clock A. M. Sir: Your communication, bearing date at nine o'clock P. M. oa the 23d ! instant, has just been revceived bv tha hands ol Col. Moreno. In answer to your proposition to evac uate the city and fort with all the person nel and materiel of war, I have to stata that my duty compels me to decline tc- I am, sir, very rsspectfullv, your obedient servant, Z. TAYLOR, Major Gen. U. S. A., commanding.. Senor D. Pedro da Ampudia, General-in-chief, Monlerev. tssissippi men, on the part of Major General Taylor, commanding-in-chief the U." S. forces,t Gen Raquena&Gen Ortega of the army of Mexico, and Senor Man uel M. Llano, Governor of Nuevo Leon, on the part of Senor General Don Pedro Ampudia, commanding-in- cniel the Army of the North cf Mex-. ult of tha 1 the pres rmie, it is Ci cations, and ail other public property, with the undermea-' j t;oricd exceptions, be sm commanding general of t! rrendercd to the ie United State3 forces now at Monterey. Art. 2. That the Mexican forces ba allowed to retain the following arms, to wit: the commissioned officers their side arms, the infantry their arms and accou trements, the cavclry their arms and ac coutrements, thc artillery one field bal- I tery, not to exceed six pieces, with twea- ly-one rounds of ammunition. Art. 3. That the Mexican armed for ces retire, within seven days from this date, beyond the lino formed by the pass of the Rmeonada, die city of Linares, and San Fernando de Presas. Art. 4. That thc citadel of Monterey be evacuated by the Mexican and occu pied by the American forces tc-rorrcnr morning at 10 o'clock. Art. 5. To avoid collision?, End for mutual convenience, that the troops cf the i I- n'.tL.l States will not occupy the city i tuitil the Mexican forces hare withdrawn, except for hospital and starage purposes. Art. 6. That the forces of the United States will not advance beyond the line specified in tbe second thinF article be fore the expiration of eight weeks, or un til the orders or instructions cf the respect ive Governments can be received. Art. 7. That the public properly to ba , Ufiivcre. si.aa he turned over cd! v offictrs cp'rinted bv thc command ing gcK-'rals of tin t.vo armies. Art. P. Th;t all dcubfs r.s to !" rr.ean- h:g rt w.x of t!:; prcrf-dirg Erth-h-s sh-Il ccairrction. be solve:! bv r.n equit ,:-.e ?n! on pri 'cip'cs cf h:,cr.-.!:'y to t::e re- tiring armv. Art. 9. Th. ! tli- Me.v.k-n C g. wbn I str-cck at the chUC.u . y lc iuluttd by its i0 - 1 - ;1 ; 0 Mrr.terfv.pvmbcr Ci. 1945. ir