The Somerset herald and farmers' and mechanics' register. (Somerset, Pa.) 183?-1852, October 20, 1846, Image 2

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    !il VLL J.J'J.g
r,au Ihf A'es Orleans licda.
"TV J:i-b f Capuin Jon 1'aos, lata
of th 4ih re.nuieni of the United Slates
1 roi?rr. oi i!i3 t?JUl303i .uim,".
.. . u 1
natsJ is 3M !:
rnprrs J"3 United Slatt!s: DJl J 5
:j ii'n memory requires that at it as I a
Jjnsf acroautof his public services and
private virtues should be given to his
sentry, to whose service his youln and
manhood were asvotca. ana uaauy uPo
. i m ...
whose altar he orcJ ins inc.
... ,K nmT' -a ,
c-o. i , l
2Au?u3t, IMZ he was appointed ,!
y the direction of President Jacksou, j
ui.lir.S au 1 disbursm- reat in tne ,
cm 1 1'
--,.T.....! ,r ,Lr. rtmt,!.- '(..,!: wic t,. the '
1 l. IIU dl Ul .11 J
country west c,f the Mississippi rivcv, as
f i 'n"u :s the uitare homes of the various
Indian tnbes. and was en'rested fucccs-
f 1
vr-lv with the emigration of the Creeii.?, j
Cherokees. and Chiekasaws.
Tiie policy of removing th
tres from contact with the wh
la -.Han
whites wis
leemed to the internal peace o
the Slates within whose Ihffsihty resided
and it was a delicate and iliihYult task,
even after the Indians had pledged them
t:,.,3i,r irn,!v with the General Gov-
-"-"v , ,rtrvr-,'n
Their attachment to liieir native woods,
next to revenge the tlrougcst feeling m an
t . J
During his employment on this du
he oisbursed millions of public money
M ith the most scrupulous regard to the
lakh of ihe Government and justice to the
Indians. He enjoyed to the fullest ex
Tent the confidence of the Department in
las connexion with thc Indian tribes, and
by the Indians themselves was beloved.
On the breaking cut of hostilities in
Florida Captain Page was in Washington,
aid bing prcs eJ by General Scot;
t.accompany him in his stall, was at an
early dav engaged in the long and sangui
nary contest with Indians. J
Florida at different periods
nuncance of the war with
In 1841 Mr. Poinsett,
He served in
2uni32T the con
untiring zeal
then Secretary of War, despairing of
closing the war in Florida by thc usual
process of hostile operations, determined
la try the friendly oificcs of a delegation ;
01 the cmtraied bemmoles, and with th
IS j
is j
view, selected CaDt. IV'e. from hi
knowledge of Indian character, and con
sentient fitness for the enterprise, to pro
ceed to the Semiuole country, west of
Fort Gibson, and pre veil upon as many
of the most influential of the nation as in
his judgment might be necessary to aid in
the pacification of their hostile brethren,
lie succeeded, and with his fricudly dele
gation repaired to thc seat of war and re
ported to Gan. Armtslead. With this
delegation he operated, and in a very short j
time brought about the surrender of sev
err.l hundred of the Indians.
He left Florida in May, 1841, with
Gen. Armisiead, but returned early in the
fail of the next year, and remained in the
field of duty with his regiment until thc
termination of the war by Gen Worth m
1812. His regiment was then relieved
from dnty in Florida, and he accompanied
it to JefiVrson Barracks, Missouri; where
li? was permitted to repose for a time,
blessed with the society of his wife and
children. Rut this period of happiness
was brief, and the last he enjoyed on
earth. In May, 181 J, his regiment was
ordered to Natchitoches, Louisiana, being
rn clement of the force ibilined fur thc
frontier of Texas, pending the proposi
tion to annex that Republic, as a stale, to
the American Union.
In this movement Capt. Page accom
panied his regiment. In July, IS45, cir
cumstances placed him temporarily at its
U t 11... ) .... i ... .1. . .. C !
iifuu, uk runuucieu a 10 me siioi es oi
St. Joseph's islaud and Corpus Christi
those almost unknown regions; since
which lime he has maintained bis posi
tion as a soldier in thc field, exposed to
ihe hardships, privations, end diseases
incident to die service and climate, resist
ing the appeals of family and friends,
though for some time disaeled for outy by
SLUU Se8 regiment of! duJ. They left Xew Orleans on the pro wt of sueecs ,
nJitCp ?hof Febrairv. 1B23: : t.m'Mt Mimri for t. I,oai?,but the most advanced battery. I us atackvas
in nlV?!L Iutl heroi, .nfT.rer was dwumed to expire be-directed by . Major Man.iiehf, Cngmeer,
n?on .v " l ?cf Snrv ISia d fore re-aeliin, their dctmation.nd on and Major Kinney, Quartermaster to the
tl:ot6n Hth of July, 180. near Cairo, he 1 Texas division. A J--yhe Uie
Lc,, .1., -joth of Anrd. 1631. Iq-iietlv -ave up hinirit, consoled m his ! first battery was im.wcukuo u,.
I wf4 n"rv vcai' ac ivelv cm- I M m.tnents bv the tender care of his de- on the advance but the troops suon turned
AK ua, .c. m.x j i-v , . . ' ...... :,v , ,..frrn iii-n t if. enter nir and engaffinjr with the enemy
SX:;; .nin, nlnV, neriod also filled ! Ibrracks nn! interred with the : in the streets oi we city,
thVnon of Assistant Suartennaster, bem,' i h-tvr f war, escorted to the grave by thrm.p nu incessruu ere,
. . ....... .... ........ .-!! . i '..t r;. v. 1 ...r itiinMi voluu- tciiidal and the first and s
the aeuve ouccr w inai acparuneni m ti0 j.,, .
l ie original csKmnscrceui ui lun uiuuivu i'-.-. . c.rc ',
c . i , , r.;,-n rf Frt Hire. Pfts, strceib, rn iioue-io
Indian a breast, li e dM.ust with v.h u. ;hjs b-mle, o hoiviraMe ui the bravery of I of tll dav.
jhey leek nea, U.r fa.u- M wdl M , .
ccscess in he oe n an, tre ( whofc yicU) m uq1 .. .
b :? ll : ,1Zlr 55 t nf ! r' -ithotu severs loss. Many the ,r3rrison of te captured tuition, un-
Captain Page, after ncred ble l.bor 0.1 , ki d d woundtfd. Thc . V,B . 1p' 2innnn ,
illness, and devoting himself to the J;-i i storm ihe heights above the Bishop's Pul
mcmcnt lo thc calls of the service of his j ace, which vital point the enemy appear
country. That devotion he scaled with j to f.:-c strangely!cc:ed. . Circtim-
his life. lie fell nobly in the memorable
nctioa of Palo Alto, on the Sih of May
last, while commanding the leading d'n is
ion of his regiment iu support of the bat-
lower jaw. He was removed from the
field, and, under the hands sf the surgeon,
displayed unexampled patience and forti
tude. The day after the battle he was sent to
Point Isabel, where he endured extreme
Fufferingfor nearly two months, during
which be was never heard to complain, '
toryof 18-pcunders. His regiment for huge body of the enemy', cav.lry and in- Early on thc morning of the 24 th n
some time was exposed to a most gad in g fimtry, supported by the artillery from the comrauniealion was sent to Gen. Taylor
fire from the Mexican am hery, a thot heights, he repulsed them with loss, and from Gen. Ampudia, under a flag, makin
from which struck Captain I age on the finally encamped, covering the passage of an offer of capitulation, to which the for-
facc, carrying away thc whole of the the Saltillo road. m,rxcj i t..i
but was checrlul, and manifested at all mediately turned with a plunging fire up
times, though he couid not speak, she on thc Bishop's Palace. " -companion;
Ue and social queues which, 0n the same mornin (the 21st) the
witn prov rhiJ gooiiness of heart, endear- i st division of regular troops, under Gen.
j dlmn. through bfe, to all who knew Twiggs, and the volunteer division, under
Ti . . i . c t , , J Gen' IJmler were ordered under arms to
.W;t t.;e lest cf J use his wound had niakc a devcrsion lo the left of the town,
63 far healed S3 to enable lri'a to talta.
' n in,mH!m far New Orleans !
A fair days after his dV his wife,
who, impelled by the purest affection and
.i..;,. to h..r hsK,ni tlmt "overcame !
-r,rv n'xrln. had! eft her home in Del-
aware aloie. and travelled several thou-
.! t'.1i f.i minister tfl JUS CUIJIIOlw ui-
, ... ,', . tT, .Ucnnnrtmt-!
rived at I omt Isancl. ner ui:ippi'ik- at not meeting him was borne, not
withoat grief, but with a firmness "as tin-j
pr"'NbrUe l as. it was adm.rable. She
returned immediately to New Orleans,
- ...I Annri n.T;
- . ,
led husoinu i
r . : . ' ":.tVi1 i. " i
r a); fTirf'-ne hill erilli ll Iiau I'll- i
niVn-i-.tMof Mmne nnd was horn on the
,n the .i..u; o. -,a,nc- ,!o ,ive,, .!
' j,v a;i vho knew'
- p , ;
'('L'iVS FROM Ti!E AiiMV
Th;:s-k days jTiu: Drtluant sic-
C:.3'; OF TitK AnKRICAX Ali.aS, AND
Capture or Mo.ti:ri:y.
'i:e aw mail last night
;-!:' t:s !.ijhly exciting news from the
l,J "-'" iAi.iu.iK m-au.mi hil
army announcing a protracted battle witu j
"1 V"1 .
my. ana tne glorious inumpii oi me a-
inericaii arms un,.i r t.euerai 1 ay.or.
We compile fr mi the Now Orleans pa-
enemy it seems, had strengthened Monte-
rev with various fortified , batteries, ihe
cover 01 which gave their army, esuma- j S0IUC twenty or thirty men taken prison
led at 7,000 regulars and some thousands . ers (A1C of the li-pounders was served
of nmdr.vos, great advantage over our ex- I ag.,jnsl tj,e second fort and defences, witli
p.-ised troops. Rut nei'tu r their fortress- ciptured ammunition, during the remain
es nor their bravery, such as it was could der of the day, by Captain Ridselv.
wi:!islaud the ardent courage and gallant- 'The storming parties of General Worth's
ry of i!ii; American battalions. 'J'ha laad- divissioa also cipt.ircJ two 9-poundcrs,
ing and chief assault the post of honor ; w,;ei Were also immediately turned a-
was given by the commander to thc their former owners,
chivalric Worth and his srailant division, j On'tlie morning of the i!2d Gen. Worth
and :u-i)!y did their victorious valor justify . continued his operations, and portwas of
the commander's confidence. ! his division storm.- d and carried succes-
itivelv the heights above the Rislion's
F ihe . 0. lUcajptnt nf Ort . 4. ,
'"k" nvs ri.x t:.m: Armv-Ca-
nui.ATiox of .won rnr.'., auer j
TiiRt.E DAi s ivjHii.Nc. !
The steamship James I.. Day arrived i
from Rrasos San :i ago about 10 o'clock
this morning. Rv lier we have ieeeived
tiie gionous news that ?.lonterey has ca- ;
pimlated, after three days of desperate j
hffhting. ( apt. I. iton, one of the aids oi ;
Gen. Taylor, arrived on the Dav, bear-
ing despatches for Washington. Deleft j2vJd Co!. Garland and his command were
Monterey on the 25th ultimo. I relieved as the garrison of thc captured
We cannot delay the press to aJ'tempt ' furl, by Gen Quitman wkh thc Missis
to write out a narration of the battles. j sippi and Tennessee regiments, and five
The following "mcmorand i" are from J companies of the Kentucky regiment,
the pen oi an officer who was iu thc bat- Early on the morning of the 23d, (Jen.
(ien. Worth, who led ihe attack upon Uh at thc second and third forts and defeu
the city on the west side, has immortali- j ccs east of the city had leen entirely a
zed himself. Tiie figh.iing was desperate j l):mdn;iod by tiie enemy, w ho, apprehend
on our side. t!u Mexii-ans outnunibpring ing another assault on thc night of the
us by two to one, and being protected by ,' 22d, hail retired from all its defences to
stroag c ntrenchmenl?. j the main plaza and its immediate vicinity.
Almost all our (iill'nent recount? set i A command of two companies of Mis-is-do
wn our loss at five hundred or over, of : sippi and two of Tennessee troops wrc
whom three hundred were killed. This then thrown into lite street to reconnoitre,
best tells the character of the fight. jam! soon became holly engaged with the
j enemy. These were soon supported bv
llASTv memoranda of the u?F.p..vnoxs ;
s" iEioRM. of the u?F.n.vnox3
if the American Ar-iv elfork Mon-
-ki;::v Mexico, i-ium tuk 10th to
run 21in Swit.
On the 19;!t Grn. Tavlor arrived be-I
fore Monterey with a force v( about G,- j
0G5 men.
liter reconnoitring the city
at fifteen or sixteen hundred vards
from i!:e Cathedral fort, during which he !
wa& fired upoii from its batteries, his force
wa encamped at tlic Walnut 3prings,throc j
miles short of the city. This was the '
neatest position at which the army cctdd
obtain a supply of water, and he bevonr
. ! . . - r .! I . . "nil
me lcac.i oi wie enrmv s naileries. 1 he
remainder of the 10th was occupied bv
thc ermecrs in making reconnoissanccs
of thc
Cii .
batteries. anl coinmandn
On the 2flth Gen. Worth was ordered
v.nh his divieion to mote. by a circuitous
route to the right, to gain the Saitillo
road. bcnnd die. wcct ot the town, and to
stances caused bis halt on thc night of the
20th short of the intended position.
.1.- . . . . i . .
V !.., i
lt was here discovered that, besides the
fort at the Bishop's Palace, and the oc
cupation of the heights above it, two
forts, on commanding eminences, on the
opposite side of the San Juan, had been
fortified and occupied. These two latter
heights were then Btormed and c irried
ihe"nins of the last fort carried beincr 3m.
w.. n.ornmg oi tne 'it tie continued 1 camp of the enemv in the plaza.Thusr
his route, and after an encounter with a'rmlwl nnpritlnnf iN " .
in lavor wbw 1ui,4lK"ww
Gen. Worth, i he 10 inch mortar and
two 2 J-poimdcrs howitzers had been put
in battery -lie night of the 20th, in a ra-
vine toitrteen nuaared yarns distant irom
the Cathedra! Fort or Cilidal, and were
supported by the 4th regiment of iufan
At8 A. M. on tlm 21st the order was
j v v , . .
'given for this battery to open upon the J
citidal and town, and immediately after j
Uiie 1st division, with the jj nnum i-j
! fin: try in "advance," under Col. Garland, ;
were orueren to reoonnourc aim ;
- - cxlreme 1 ft of
i..,: .fnitr. mnV should
me tiiiciiic n-n i -v ' 7 . 1
hain pa-sed
. .. it.
ss nre ironi me
eeond batteries,
ho lined t!ie para-
of the cilv.
1 he rear oi me nrst nattcry was soon
turned, and the reverse fire of of the
troops, thrxn,2h tlic gorre of the works,
m tl;s!od!Icd artiueristi5 and in.
Itcrv was soon
fan try from it, and the bedding1 occupied
bv infantrv immcdiatclv in tlic rear. The
j lirst division was followed and supported
by the Mississippi -ud Tennessee and
; first Ohio regiments, the two former regi-
j tnents bcin the first to scale and occupy
j the fort. The success of die day here
i mm. i- :. : 'f'
: aiwppti;. i jiu .iiic: t ."ippi, i c.iiiuis.c,
amj Qhio r0gimcnts, thoudi warmly cn
gagcd in the streets of the city for som
craffeu in me streets oi tiie cilv lor some
sjme arlcr the capture of the "lirst halterv
any us aojommg ueiences, were unaDte,
froni exhaustion and the loss thev had
suffered, to iain more advantage. A.hca-
vv slunvpr nf r.nn :iiso rame Tin to pause
. ' " - " - - . - - I
j oue 4.p,j
ounder, mid one howitzer were
in this fort, thsee olficcrs and
paldCP. lio,h wcro rurnc,j by a cora.
m:m;l unJar CapK VintoIlt thinl ar.iIlerv.
In these operations the company of Loui-
siana troops under Uapt. lilanchard pcr-
fermed ellicient and gallant service as part;
of C;q;t. Vinton's command. Four pic- I
ces of ariil'.erv, with a good supply of am-
mimit;on, were caplureu m the liistiop
Palace this d-aV, some of which were in
mediately turned upon the enemy a ic
Me;ices in the citw On the even mar f the 1
"VV. V-t. , . 1. ..I 'Vr... I . . . . V Wl
iolouci M oou s regiment cl Texas Ran-1
jrers, dismounted, by Bragg's ii-rht batte- j
ay, and the 3d Infantry. The "cnamy's i
j fire was constant and uninterrupted from i
Colonel u ooii s regiment of Texas Ran
arc was constant ana unmlorruptc
the streets, house-tops, barricades, &.C.,
i the vicinity of the pbza. The pieces
of Bragg's battery were also used with
much effect far into the heart of the citv.
This engagement lasted the best part of
lbs day, our troops having driven thc
scattered parties of the enemy, and pene
tratcd quite to the defences of the mair
The advantage thus gained it was rot
considered uccesssry to hold, as the ene
my had permanently abandoned the city
and its defences, except the main plaza,
its immediate vicinity, and the cathedral
fort or citidal. Early in the afternoon
(same day) Gen. Worth assaulted from
the Bishop's Palace the west side of thc
city, and succeeded in driving the enemy
and maintaininr : his nosilinn wifhin a
short distance of thc main plaza on that
side of the city.. Towards evening thc
mortar hud also been planted in the ce
metery enclosure, and during the night
did great execution in the circumscribed
o - '
.. . . '
than the American commander would ua-i
dcr any circumstances grant. At ihe
same time a demand to surrender was in
reply made upon Gen. Arapudia. Twelve
o'clock was the hour at which the accejW
tance or non-acceptance was to be com
municated to the American General. At
11 A M. the Mexican General sent, re
questing a personal conference with Gen.
Taylor, which was granted; the principal
officers of rank on either side accompany
ing their Generals. After several offers
in relation to the capitulation of the city
made on cither side, and refused, at half
patt 4P..M. Gen. Taylor rose, and,
saying he woutd give Gen. Ampnuia or.3
hour to consider and cocept or refuse, left
the conference with his officers. At the
expiration of the hour the discharge ot the
mortar was to be the signal for tho rc
rrmmencement of hostilities. Before
the expiration of the hour, however,
an officer was pent on thc part of
Gen. Atnpudia to inform the American
General that, to avoid the further effusion
of blood, and the national honor being
sitisfied by the exertions of the Mexican
troops, he had, after consultation with his
General Officers, decided to capitulate,
accepting the ofTer of the American Gen
eral. . ' ' '
The terms of capitulation were in ef
fect as follows:
That the officer? should be allowed to
march out with their side arms.
That the cavalry and infantry should
be allowed to march out with their arms
and accoutrements.
That the artillery should be allowed to
inarch out with one battery of six pieces
and twenty rounds of ammunition.
, That all the munitions of war and sup
plies should be turned over to aboard of
American -officers appointed to receive
That the Mexican army should be al
lowed seven days lo evacuate thc city,
and that the American troops should not
occupy it until evacuated.
That the Cathedral Fort, or Citidal,
should be evacuated at 10 A. M. next day,
(25th,) the Mexicans then marching
out and thc American garrison marching
in. The Mexicans allowed to salute their
flag when hauled down.
That there should be an armistice of
eirht weeks, during which lime neither
army should pass a line running from the
Rinconada through Linares and San Fer
nando. Tli is lenient offer of the American Gen
eral was dictated with thc concurrence of
his Generals, and by motives of good pol
icy and consideration for ihe good defence
of their city by the Mexican army.
Killed. Capt. Williams, Topopraph
ical Engineers; Lieut. Terret, 1st infan
try; Capt. L. N. Morns, 3d do.: Capt.
Field, 3d do.; Major Barbour, 3d do.;
Lieut. Irvin, 3d do.; Lieut. Hazlitt, 3d
do.; Jjieut. Ilcskms, 4th do.; Lieut.
Woods, 4th do.; CapU McKavett, 8th do.
Col. Watson, Baltimore Battalion; Capt.
Battlem, 1st Tennessee Regiment; Lieut.
Putnam, 1st do. do.; a Lieutenant in a
Germany Company.
Wounded. Major Leer, 3d infantry,
severely; Captain Bainbrtdge, 3d do., ve
ry slightly; Lieut. R. II. Graham, 4ih
do., severely; Capt. Lamottc, 1st do.,
slightly; Lieut. Dilworth, 1st do., severe
ly; .Major Abercrombie, 1st do., slightly;
Lieut. Wain right, 8th do.; slightly; Lieut.
Russell, 5th do., slightly; Lieut. Potter,
7lh do., slightly; Major Mansfield, Engi
neers, slightly; Gen. Butler, Volunteer
Division, slightly; Col. Mitchell, Ohio
Volunteers, slightly; Col. McClung, Mis
sissippi Regiment, severely, Maj. Alex
ander, Tennessee Volunteers; Lieut. Al
len, do. do,; Lieut. Seudder, do. do. ; Lt.
Nixton, do. do. ; Capt. Dowler, Missis
sippi Regiment; LieuL Thomas, Texas
Regiment; Lieut. Armstrong, Ohio Regi
ment, severely; Capt. Gillespie, Texas
Rangers, mortailv, since dead.
Official returns from all the counties
of the State show lite vote for Governor
at the late election to be as follows:
For Graham, (Whig) 43,431
For Shepherd, (Locofoco) 35,627
Whiz majority
Two years ago thc Wrhig majority for
Governor was only three thousand three
hundred and fifty three; and Mr. Clay's
majority was. but three thousand nine
hundred and forty-fire.
Tlic tVliijr Cause Triumpliant.
The following is the Grand Result:
1810. 1815.
W. L W. L.
Senators hold'g over 9 3 9 3
Baltimore City, 10 0 1
Baltimore County, 0 1 0 1
Cecil, 0 1 0 1
Washington, 1 0 1 0
Allegany, 0 1 0 1
Queen Anne's, 10 10
Caroline, 0 1 1 0
Worcester. 0 10
12 8 13 7
; : - 18fG. 1815. '
; W. L. W L.
Baltimore City, 2 3 0 5
Baltimore County, 0 .5 0 5
Cecil, 13 0 4
Harford, 13 0 4
Frederick, 5 0 0 5
Montgomery 4 0 3 1
Kent, 3 0 3.0
Carroll, . 4 0 4 0
P. George's 4 0 1 0
Charles, . 2 1 3 0
Washington, 3 2 2 3
Talbot, 12 0 3
Calvert, j 3 0 1 2
Alleghany, 0 4 0 4
Anne Arundel, 3 a 2 3
Queen Anne's 3 0 3 0
Caroline, 0 . . 3 . 3 0
Sl. Mary's - 3 , 0 3 0
Dorchester, ,4 0 4 0
Somerset, '4 0 4 0
Worcester, .3 1 4 0
S3 29 43 39'
Estate of John .V. Coleman,
LETTERS of Administration; on the
estate of John N. Coleman, late of
BrotbersTalley, deceased, bavin been
granted lo ihe subscribers, all persons
indebted to said estate are requested to
attend at the late residence oi the de
ceased, on Saturdny'the 14th of Novem
ber next, prepared. lo eeiile; at-J ihoe
having claims, tf present them at
the sair.e time and place, properly au-
. Z - -
of Somerset tp,
of Brothersvallev ip.
Oct. C, 1846 G.
For November Term. 1S4G.
Mil ford - Wm. Henry
Henry Long
John In field
Wm. Moore
Jacob Knjble,
Thomas Mason
D avid Philippi Jr.
Martin B. Loy
Peter Walker
George Foy
W. (I. Cappeller
Jidm Ibiivman
David Campbell
Jacob Cover
Joseph (Iaynes
R. Laugh ton
Peter Friedhne Jr.
David Ankeuy of J.
Charles Krissinger
Addison -Jenncr
- -
Somerset -
Brothersvalley Jo!tn Knrpper
Turkeyfool Jonathni Burnworth
David Crossing
Jolin Cramer of S.
Thorna Ilanna
Brotb.ersvalley Simon liny
Hugh Sehrack
John P. Rrubaker
Conemaugh Peter Heckman
Tobias Levingstou
Lewis Uuiburn
Stonvcreek John Mong
Charles Rchinan
Conrad Myers
Michael Brubaker
Joseph Lcasure
Philip Ling
John Ilamer
Samuel Ststler jr
Andrew Berkeplile
David I). Miller
Henry Cramer
Jacob Humbert
Samuel Snyder
Henry Frank
Joseph Smith
Jacob Hanger
Abm. Beam
Christian Walter
Philip Sliafer
Michael Horner
Philip Hoffman
Henry Poorbaugh
Alex. Cunningham
Aaron Scbrack
Rudolph Booso
Mil ford
Somerset tp.
Jenncr -
Allegheny -Turkeyfoot
Summit -
Southampton Daiel Camp
Paint - - Solomon Moycrs
Wm. Dempey
Peter Berkry
Berlin - - Samuel Philson
Quemahoning Valentine Miller
Somerset br. George Pile
PHIS Stove combines all that is val
S liable in existing Cooking Stoves
with certain improvements peculiar to
itself. It is constructed upon a new and
entirely distinct principle truly philo
sophical, so as lo pass the flue entirely
round the oven, ihus making it enveloped
or JIame encircled, without impairing ihe
necessary draught of the stove. This
method of thus passing twice round,
once over and once under the oven, is the
secret of its great economy ia the use of
fuel, while the enlargement of thc air
chamber affords increased space for the
rarefaction of air and compensates for
the usual disadvantages of a circular
draught, It bakes, loasis, and boils,
easier and belter than any Stove yet of
fered to the public, with ihe advantage
over most of them of saving one half the
fuel. It is superior to the '"Q ieen of
the West," -Buck's Patent," "Eclipse"
or Ibtbaways Patent," for thc follow
ing reasons: In these Stoves the upper
side of the oven is dependant for beat
and can have from no other source than
what radiates through the plate on which
the fire is made, if the ashes be lifted
clean, too much, beat will radiate and
burn the bread on the upper
side, if too much ashes be left, the bread
will not bake on the upper side. Of this
defect jsli good cooks complain. This
Stove is entirely free of this objection,
the oven always heating exactly alike
top and bottom,' and ends. -Many buy
ihe Premium or step stove and others of
similar model. These Stoves consume
much fuel, for first thc fire chamber is
too deep, ihe ptts &c, are too high a
bote ihe fire. - Second when using the
oven, all the heat which passes cfi under
the oven being one h!f, never comes in
contact wiihlhe boiling utensils. passesofT
into ihe pipe ami is lost. Also our Store
is so arranged with a bank or clevaiioti
in the fire chamber as to ensure the use
of ibe flame upon the forward part ' of
the Stove first, and it ihen passes back
afterward heating alike wit?rea-
Stoves like, the Hathaway, having .one
vest chamber, allow too, wide a range
for the flame uiihout sulfeietil concen
tration.' : . - ,,a .
- We manufacture- two nzea nf ihi
Store at theEaglc Fouudrv wi BerlinSom-
crsrt rcrnty. Pa. For lbs l-r?r 5;7.
most of the pot comtr.onlytined in ti.
kitchen u ill ansHor.
Always on li:nt. a eip'pte ?aori.
ment of PLOUGHS, wi;b PLOUGH
CASTINGS of gifat t:riftr. Ji()f..
LOW WARE of supprior tr.atrrial an 1
finish, corv.prising cvetv ibing in tb it
iinc. CASTINGS on hand, and made
tu order, o:i ths m-Mi reao'irdde ternn
Berlin. Oct. 13 1815 3m.
' vJ7UEREAS the honorable Jlrumx
V ? au S. Black, President, and G.
Chorpenning and John M'Carty, Esqs ,
nsocir.te Judges ff the court of com mon
pleas, in and for the county of Somerset,
and assistant Justices of ihe courts of over
and terminer and general jail delivery and
quarter sessions of the peace, in and far
said county of Somerset, have iseed
their precept to m; directed, requirii g
me among oilier things to make pd':c
proclamation throughout my bailiwick,
that a court of oyer and terminer and
general jail delivery: also, a court of cr quarter sessions of the pence jm:J
j dl delirery, will romrnrp at the her
ons h of Somerset, in and for thc county
of Somerset, in the commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, on the 3d Monday of
November next, (I6:h day) in pursuance
of wl i'h precept
Public Xotice is hereby. riv-
ue, to ihe justices r f ile peace, the coro
ner, and constables of said comity of
Somerset, that they be then and there, i:
their own- proper persons, with their
rolls, records examinations, and inqcisi
tions, and other remembrances, to t!
those things which to their offices apper
tain in that behalf to be done and also all
those wiio prosecute against the priso
ners that are, or then shall be, in the jail
of the said county of Somerset, are to be
ihen and there to prosecute against them
as shall be just.
Given under my hand, at Somerset, this
Gih day of October, in the year of
our Lord 1846.
Pittsburgh, l'a.
Pittsburgh, Ban!;-,
Philadelphia Banks,
Girard Bank
United States Ban,
Bank of (Jermantown
Monongahela Bank Brownsville
Batd; of Gettysburg
Bank of Chester County
Bank of Clnmbcrsburg
Batik of Delaware,
Rank of Susquehanna County
Bank of .Montgomery County
Bank of Northumberland
Bank of Lcwistown
Bank of Middleton,
Carlisle Bank
Columbia Bank and Bridge Co.
D' Ie?town Bank
Erie Bank
Franklin Bank, Washington
Farmers' Bank Reading
Farmers Bank Bucks Countv
Farmer's&Drovcr's Bunk Waynesb'g li
farmers Bank Lancaster
Lancaster Co. Bank
Lancaster Bank
Harrisbnrg Bank
Honesdale Bank
Lebanon Bank
.-li.ieis k.zvk i'or.sviiia
Wyoming Bank
Northampton bank
York Bank
State Scrip, Exchange bank Pitts.,
Mer. and Maul's B
Issued by solvent Banks
Mount Pleasant
Steubenville, (F.& M.)
St. Clairville
New Lisbon
Cincinnati banks,
Nor wink
Cleveland Bank
Franklin Bank of Columbu,
Vein la
Commercial Bank of Lake Erie
Farmers Bank Canton
Eastern solveni banks
Wheeling and Branches,
fail tana.
Stale Bank and branches,
Sta'.e Scrip, $o'
' it
45 .
45 '
I .
50 Shawnetown
Jllissouri. 1
State Bank
State bank
3 J Other solvent banks 3
Xorlh Carolina.
All solvent banks 2
" South Carolina,
All solvent banks 2
Xew England,
New England . 1
JVew York.
New York ciiv par Other banks 1
Baltimore par Other banks 1
A solvtnt Etsnks 1