II g, W - . rJr , - ' " ' 1 ' ' "" i sranin mil TWO pOM.ARS TEK ANNUM.? IIAJ.r-VEAKI.r IS ADVANCE. 5 AfID FACERS AND MEGlIAf'lGS' REGISTER. sir not paid wrnn.v the vitas, 2 50 WIIJ. DC CHARGED. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY JONATHAN ROW, SOMERSET, SOMERSET COUNTY, PA. mm m uiy New Series. rur POET'S SONG TO THE STARS. Pel stooJ lhe GranJ Duke MichaeI' lhe the color of that of the Infantrv of Rus lUL brother of the Emperor. Next to him s;, t. u.ns tn srr thnt"uh his BY A. J. SPARROW. paraphrased from the German of Kroner, Oh ye that calmly move In holy peace above Uuled by harmonious love Since first the world was new! Oh, solemn stars of night! Upon your path of light Eternal, pure and bright I spake to you! "While trustingly I gaze Upon your shining rays, A tender softness plays Within my breast and brain. Sweet stars! I have but three Fond wishes dear to me, Oh, do not let them be Brcath'd forth in vain! The lore that I have known, The love I thought my own, It fails! and left alone, Mine is a joyless lot! Restore that love which blest The poets clinging breast; This is my first request Refuse it not! And deem it not too hard, Oh, stars! to grant the bard One only one reward For all his glowing lays! The lyre beneath my hand, Oh, let it but command In this, my Fatherland, One voice of praise! And when death's hour is nigh, Then swan-like let me die, And sunwards let me fly, A singer pure and true! "When hence I shall depart, Oh bear my fervent heart, From sorrow's piercing dart, Sweet stars, to vou ! XJotco of CraUrllrro. ROYAL MARRIAGE. The New York Journal of Commerce contains a long letter from the Rev. Dr. Buird, now in Europe, in which he gives a description of the ceremonies of the marriage of the Grand Duchess Olga, daughter of the Russian Emperor Nicho las, to the Crown Prince of Wurtemburg. We extract what follows: As we entered, we found several of the digr.itaries of the Church standing in the centre of the chapel, and the choir of men and boys, dressed in deep purple coats, which came down to their heels, standing half on one side, and half on the other side of the chapel, near to the most holy place." In fact, they occu pied corners of the chapel. The Ambas sadors and Ministers of the Emperor, and your humble servant among them, stood on one side of the chapel, and hard by a portion of the sir.gers. " It was some time after our arrival, that the Imperial family came. After them followed a great number of officers and ladies, who filled the ante-chamber or ves tibule, or whatever else it may be called. The Archbishop of St. Petersburg, ac companied by several other dignitaries, dressed in their showy and heavy robes, which seemed tc be composed more ol silver and gold than anything else, and wearing their mitres, met the Emperor and Empress, and the rest of the Imperial group, in the middle of the other room, and received them in Oriental style, bow ing most profoundly, and kissing their hand3, an homage which was as gracious ly returned. Entering the chapel, the Emperor presented his daughter and her affianced to the Imperial chaplain, who w as to perform the ceremony, and who received them on the estrade or platform. I had expected that the Metropolitan would perform this servieei but he is a monk, and no monk is allowed in Russia to perform the marriage ceremony. The chaplain is a little old man, whose coun tenance interested me much. After the presentations of the persons who were to be married, the Emperor, rmnrMfi. ami fhf mom hers of the Imne- L. r.sl W,lr. ibp.r nlirP on the side .f the chapel opposite the Ambassadors, MwVonthe riht hand of the officiating priest. The Emperor and Empress stood by a window, he being quite nar to the T.'i-iinn nf th choir on thnt p'uIp of thf rlnpsl. Next to the Empress stood her brother the I'nnce ot rrussia, tne neir to the throne of that country. Next to him and beside another window, stood the Duchess of Leuchtensberg, (the oldest dmshtcr of the Emperor,) and hersistet in-law, the wife of His Imperial High ness Alexander Nicholauvitch, the heir to the throne of Russia. Next to them viood tho Prince himself, and his three brother?, h Grand Duke Constantine, Nicholas, ?nd Michael, whoaro youths frr;!i H to 10 or 12 vear?. Near to them, v:ut in 'tn of the side doors of the cha- i was the Duke of Leuchlenberg; the cen- ! . t 1 .1 .I 1 A ; ; trai ooor anu me ouier muc uwr crc su . i j -.1. a -iT! u- v. i.i: i erowuea wiui greai murcre, uii. u.c lauic ; j and gentlemen who tilled the antechamber 1 j had but a poor chance to see what was j j going on in the chapel, although they j might hear the chanting, and much of what was said. After all had taken their places, lhe ser vice commenced. The Grand Duchess and the Prince ot U urtemburg standing j on the platlorm, occupied a conspicuous station; and certainly they went through their portion of the ceremony in an ad mirable manner. The Prince was dress ed in the uniform of a Wurtemburg offi cer of the highest rank. He is a fine look inj vou tig man, of between twenty three and twenty-four years of age. He is well-formed, of proper height; pos sesses a very pleasant countenance, and has the reputation of unblemished morals and line talents. The Grand Duchess is twentv-four years of age, and is older than her husband by some six months. She is a beautiful woman she is even called the most beautiful woman in Eu rope. However this may be, it is certain that it would be difficult to conceive of one that could possess more charms of person; and those of her mind and of her heart are said by those who know her well, not to be inferior to those of her person. She is rather above the medium height of ladies; has bright blue eyes, a fair blonde complexion, and auburn hair. Her dress was magnificent, as maybe supposed. In the first place, she wore a white, or rather a fawn-colored, silk dress, with large sleeves, that were adorned, as was the skirt, with a rich border of flowers of silver. A red velvet riband, Df a couple of inches in width, passed from one shoul der over or beneath her bosom, round to the other side, from which hung numer ous diamonds, as pendant. A iiecklace of the richest and most splendid kind, all sparkling with precious stones, adorned with many a fold, her neck and bosom; whilst two tresses of her hair fell on her fair shoulders behind, and two more de scended before. A coronet, studded with precious stones, rested on her head; whilst a train or mantilla, if such it may be term ed, made of the richest purple velvet, and ermine, some ten or twelve feet long and j six wide, attached to the dress below her I shoulders, descended behind, and was j borne by five great officers of state. In my humble opinion, she would have look ed better without this splendid and heavy appendage, As it was, she appeared ex tremely beautiful. When she ascended the platform, and throughout the ceremo ny, she was rather paler than usual, but seemed to be self-possessed. The grace ful manner iu which she stood, and the rcat beauty and loveliness which beamed from her countenance, charmed every one, and made it impossible to take their eyes off her. The marriage service was very long, and consisted of reading portions of the Gospels and Epistles, and chanting of prayers and hymns; the chaplain, and two deacons, who assisted him, taking the lead. And never have I heard such singing or chanting as from the choir, which consisted of from sixty to eighty boys and men. There was no instru ment of any kind. I have heard the Pope's choir many times in the Sixtine chapel, but never did I hear any thing like this. The bass and soprano voices were wonderful. A great portion of the sinking consisted of the responses in the prayers, chanteJ by the whole choir. I never heard so :nds prolonged to any thing like the extern I did in these responses. Often the priest had made considerable progress in the next petition, before the last lingering notes of the choir uttering the preceding responses, had died away. At the commencement of the ceremo nv, a wax candle was put into the left hands of the bride and bridegroom, which they held until its close. The marriage crowns were held over their heads, du ring almost the whole ceremony; the Grand Duke Constantine holding one over the Princes, the Grand Duke Nicholas holding the other over his brother-in-law, the Prince. It must have been fatiguing work to these youths, for they changed hands and position very often. At one stage of the ceremony, the offi ciating priest uniting the right hands of . i . I ! trie parties wnoit whom he was marrying, and taking their hands in his, led them three tunes around the altar, accompanied by j the crown-bearers, tram-bearers, and two j deacons, whilst the choir and priests ! chanted portions of the Scriptures in the I most wonderful manner. It seemed al- most as if the very walls of the chapel must bc driven asunder by the power and immensity of the volume of voice, which was poured forth by the many-throated band. During the whole service, the Empe ror, the Empress, all the members of the Imperial family, and many of the specta tors, crossed themselves frequently, ac cording to the custom of the Greek church, with much apparent devotion. This was especially tho case with the Emperor, who stood rdi the time, wearing a half- military a;es oi auccp rvtnt wmcn is TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1846, w10ie heart he doated upon his Moved j . .... . S daughter; and that his earnest aspirations c . . . . . F. .... 1 ascended to heaven m her behalf. 1 he Empress, who is a most affectionate mo tjierf seemed scarcely to take her eyes off her; and it was manifest that her mater- nal affections were deeply interested in the touching scene before her. There was one part of the ceremony. which was verv striking, and which I ,ave never seen jn anv excepting that of . the Gseek Church. It is this: the offi- ! dating priest placed in the hands of the ! Prince a cup filled with wine, into which 177 ur"S ,a""w" " j which he drank, and then gave it to the Princess. She drank of it, and then re- , frrnfl tho r.m in him Tin .W i three times. It signifies that those who 1 enter the married state must expect sor- i row, as well as joy, and that they must J sepk snnnort nnrJpr tbf fnrmpr frnm Gml i tt alone. At one point of the ceremony, all kneeled down, and remained iu that posi tion whilst the priest offered up a prayer ; over the heads of the couple whom he was marrying. It was an impressive ' and affecting moment. ( At the close of the marriage ceremony, ! properly so called, the bnde and bride- ! groom moved from the estrade towards j uiL-.unn-i-iU! dim .iiipiwa. iiju i "i.- , embrace they were both received by the parents, as well as by all the other mem l)ers of tne Imperial Family, to whom they advanced in the order in which these persons stood. When this was done, the Metropolitan and other great dignitaries of the Greek Church came forward on the estrade, and there took their stand. They commenced the chanting of the Te Dei m: and cer tainly I never heard any thing like it, al though I have heard it chanted by many celebrated choirs. At the close of the service; the most distinguished of the clergy came forward, j and expressed their felicitations and con gratulations to thc newly-married pair, r.s well as to the Emperor, Empress, and other members of the Imperial Family. This was done in Russian style, in which there was mutual kissing of hands. That ir, while the priest took the hand of the Princess, (or Prince, or Emperor as the case might be,) and kissed it, she kissed his. Ihis being over, thc Imperial ra mily retired first from thc chapel, follow ed by all thc rest of thc company. The Prince is a nephew of the Empe ror, the Princess is a sister of the reign ing Duke of Nassau. 'ew rouncllancl. A disastrous gale swept the Colony on the 19th, 20th ane 21st ult., causing im mense destruction to life and property. Among the buildings destroyed in the city of St. John's, was the Native Hall, which was blown down at 5 o'clock iu the afternoon, burying a voting woman and child in the ruins: the former is likely j river, the better to behold the success of to recover. A brother and sister were j his design?, and establishes his head quar also instantly killed by some falling tim- J ters in a small stone building yet stand bers at the same place. Several ojhers jn,r. 'j'hc signal is given, and, ere the were more or less hurt. Several bridges 5Un rien np0:i tie ?Ccne, the roar of were carried away. One boat with six artillery from the Mexican battery awa or seven men on board, in trying to make kcns tie echoes far and wide, and rouses the harbor, was upset and all in the boat j froin their slumbers the yet sleeping m pcrished. Wrecks cover the waters, and habitants. But thc defenders of thc Al dead bodies are continually being washed j am0 iarc not sight for a single mc.nent on shore. It has been found impossible to form any thing like a correct estimate of the entire injury. At Quidi Vidi,a loss of not less than 1,000 falls on poor fishermen, thc pro ceeds of whose Summer's labor were de- stroyed in a few hours. At Grates Cove in Trinity Bay, about 70 fishing skiffs lay at anchor, and 60 of them were totally wrecked and lost. In addition to the great loss of skiffs and loads of fish and oil, the poor people's fishing stages and flakes were destroyed. They are likely to suffer much: from want of food and clothing in the course of the coming win ter. We understand also lhat the state of things is truly melancholy and distressing in other parts of Trinity and Conception Bays. Boston Post. THE HOTTEST I EVER SAW. Thc story of the countryman who drank the lemon water from the finger bowls at one of the fashionable hotels, and called it poor lemonade, has found its equal in the following: A gentleman atone ot the hotels in an eastern city, sat beside a countryman, who from his appearance had "just come down." He used "split ted spoons," as he termed silver forks, with remarkable agility, and the fricasee do poulet and other viands, were sent-1 tti their long account with magnetic spcciL On the opposite side of the table sat a plate of peppers, the genuine red hot ones strong enough to shake a man to . pieces,' which the countryman eyed for a moment and plunged his fork over, and conveyed one entire to his mouth. He munched, and munched, and 'munched away until he could stand it no longer, for . he was the color of crimson, and the lears pour ed down his cheeks." He hastily took it from his mouth, and laying it down a- side of his plate, exclaimed, "There ! lay um vuu, . A KIND WORD. A little word in kindness spoken, A motion or a tear, Has often healed the heart that's broken And made a friend sincere. A word a look has crushed to earth, Full many a budding flower, Which had a smile but owned its birth, Would bless life's darkest hour. 1 nen t,eem 11 not a" tnmg, A pleasant word to speak; The face you wear the thoughts vou brin, A heart may heal or break, ' THE DCFCXCE OF THE ALAJIO IX 1S36. Lettkr frok ax Officer of the Army to his flten d ix north carolina, commcxcated to the national l teligencer. San Antonio ile Zfcxar, (Texas.) August 24, 184G. On tho 1-lth inf.int I ivrntp rnn n vprv Ar:pr tpnpr annonn-;nn. mv arrivni at lh;a place; We are so faf rcmovcJ from thc UniteJ St3tes lhat iatercourse is almost prohibjted. Mails are so irregular that no reiiancc js to bc piami on tj,emi nnd private expresSes to La Baca, and thence to Ncw Orleans, bv any vessel that offers jorm the most common means ol trans mission. This place is very different from any in the Republic as it was, and the houses and streets are not more extra ordinary than the habits and appearance of the people. The most interesting ob ject, however, in the vicinity, is the Alamo. It is now a shapeless mass of ruins. The chapel is defaced and broken down, and the walls of the fort are fast crumbling to decay. Time and the elements have al most completed what the Mexican artil lery commenced, and the Coliseum of Texas will soon form but a shattered and mournful monument of its own exist- encc. On the 23d day of February, 183G, ! Sanla Anna entered San Antonio de Bex ! ar, and took possession of thc town with out firing a gun. J he small garrison of one hundred and thirty men, under com mr.nd of William Barret Travis, retired, as he advanced, to the A'anio, on the op posite side of the river, determined there to offer whatever resistance to the pro gress of the tyrant that God and their own energies should permit. Flushed with thc conquest, so easily effected of the town, the Mexican General preparad for an immediate attack upon the Alamo. He ordered breastworks to be thrown up on every commanding poinf, and artillery to be planted wherever it could bc made most effective. One battery was comple ted on thc right bank of the river by the 25th, and on this day the siege commen ced. It is a dark and gloomy morning, devo ted to a dark and unholy purpose. Ex ulting in thc work of death upon which he is entering, Santa Anna crosses the of their wily and remorseless enemy: they watch the studied gun: they see the match lighted; they listen, breathless, as if even at that distance they could hear thc command to fire: and when it does come, and the walls of thc citadel tremble j under thc shock of the iron hail, and lhe j fragments of stone arc whirled aloft by I tie suddcn impulse, they send back a t shout of defiance, mingled with a dis- charge from their own guns, almost as deafening as the thunder of their assail ants. Before the smoke rolls away, and the reverberations arc lost in the distance, while the shouts of the besieged still lin ger on thc ears of the besiegers, the can nonade is renewed, and for seven hours fiercely continued upon the walls of the Alamo. BuJ these walls yield no more than the spirits of their defenders. TI13 fire is steadily returned; and, though stones are shivered around them, there are stout hearts and willing hands ready to repair every breach, and to restore from the in terior whatever may have been destroyed from without. Earth is thrown up; every crack or fissure closed as fast as created bv the eager efforts of those who will per mit no evidence of success to cheer the hopes of their enemy. The sun has al most sunk behind the western plains when there is a pause in the work of demolition. The firing ceases lor the day by order of the Mexican commander, with his thirst for blood uusatisficd, for not a single drop has fallen within thc Alamo. Many of his own men have bit the dust before the artillerists and riflemen of the fort; but thus far they arc unavenged. Darkness falls upon besieger and besiged, the for mer raise new-entrenchments to prose cute the assault;the latter establish a watch j for the night, and endeavor to seek that ! rypose which shall give them fresh vigor j for thc contest w hkh they know will come to-morrow. . i anj . L thc ef- eneniv 1 i i reveals to the occupants of the fort feet of the midnight labors of their enenr in the establishment of two additional i batteries within the Alameda of the Alamo. The bayonets of the infantry, crossed over the river during thc niht. fitter in I The morning of the 26th dawns, and ! the morning beams, and the plumes oflusual movement. Th besieging army the cavalry are seen waving on the east-) ls ln motion. There is no advance by ern hills, to intercept the expected aid : columns- The force of the Mexicans is so from that quarter. The contest is renew-; fea?' th.al the forl ' 'c surrounded, ed bv a slight skirmish between a few of! saving mtervals only for the fire of artxl the Texans, sent in quest of wood and i CT- The P1?ce " girdled by a deep, water, and a detachment under the Mexi- Ime of infantry, and these are hemmed m can General S:mi: but this is a mere & surrounded by another of cavalry If overture to the grand performance of thc th' ret ir,nk' cy must be thrust for day. The thunders of thc heavy ord- j wf rJ l? ?S8auIt b-v,lhs ard P"s" nance, under thc direction of Colonel Ampudia, are soon roused into action .-f' -r. i! t .u r-. i i .!.. ' . . vais, uy ttie snouts ol tiiose witnin. - r There is no pause, no cessation. tjU .' the cannonade goes on; shells fly hissing through the air, and balls bury themselves within thc ramparts; but night comes on, and the .Mexican general can see no pro gress. BatH?d but not discouraged, he advances his line of posts, and prepares with the morning light to enter again upon his task. The north wind sweeps over the prairies, as it only sweeps in passions of thos'e contending hosts. The J J exas: a storm v lullaby to the stormy darkness is broken onlv bv the feeble blaze of a few huts, fired bv the Texan?, which have furnished a cover to "the ene my. The flames curl upwards with a sickly glare, throw a fitful light for a mo ment upon the slumbering army, and ex pire. The reign of darkness and of si lence is resumed. On the next day the Mexicans appear inactivc. There is but little firing on either side. Those within the fort, with spirits unsubdued, and with energies weakened but not exhausted, are apply ing their limited resources to the purposes of defence. No heart falters; no pulse throbs with diminished power, no hand shrinks from the labor that necessity im poses; all is confidence and determination a firm reliance springing from the holi ness of the cause, and the certainty of its final triumph. Sunday follows, but brings no rest to those whom God has created in his own image, vet endowed with such unhallowed passions. Per haps within the. chapel of the Alamo, con secrated to the worship of the Almighty, and distinguished by the emblem of man's salvation which surmounts the dome, heads may be bowed in prayer to the God of battles for deliverance from their san gui narv foe: but that foe takes no heed 'of Sabbaths. Exclusive followers, as they proclaim themselves, of the true church, they doom to destruction the very temple they have erected for its worship; and, kissing the cros suspended from their necks, and planted before every camp, they point their guns upon the image of that Saviour they once made the tutelary deity of the Alamo. The fire of the ar tillery keeps company with the minutes as they roil on. Morning, midday and eve ning are passcl yet there is no filtering among tiiose who are defending the Thermopylae of Texas. Another sun rises and sets; and yet another: still the indomitable hearts within quail not before the unceasing efforts of their enemy. In spite of tint enemy's vindictive vigilcncc, the little garrison receives from Gonzales a reinforement of thirty-three men: addi tional victims for the funeral pyre, soon to be kindled by Santa Anna on thc sur rounding hills, as a human hecatomb to Mexican vengeance. New batteries arc erected by the be siegers: from every point around the mis siles of destruction concentrate upon the Alamo. The circles grow smaller and smaller. The final hour must soon come. Provisions are not vet exhausted; but the ammunition is almost gone. Water for days has been supplied by the daring ef- forts of a solitary Mexican woman, who, through showers of grape and musketry, has threaded her way from thc river to the castle, while her own blood has mark ed the path. She bears with her the spirit of her illustrious ancestor, stretched upon the nicks of Certez; and il is not the fear of death or thc torture that can swerve her from her purpose. In her presence there is hope, and joy, and life. At each arrival she is hailed by the gar rison as the guardian angel of the Alamo, and until it falls her efforts fail not. The siege has continued for ten days. The Mexican General has received large reinforcements, and his army now num bers thousands. He has been unceasing in his efforts to batter down the walls, hut has thus far failed. Thc triumph is with Travis; hut it is written iu the heart of his ruthless foe that he must diV; and when the cannonade is suspended on the 1 C'h of March. Santa Amid has determined that the hour for the assault has arrived. During ten days a blood-red fig has been streaming from the spire of the church in San Antonio, proclaiming that no quarter is to be riven to thc champions of the Alamo lhat blood alone will appease the j fury of Mexican malice. When the sun arain goes down, the flag is no longer pecn, for thc deed o; whih it was the j sign has been accomplishod. 1. It i-j midnight. Stars arc ? miU;-g in Vol. 4. No. 49. lhe rmancnt,and the repose of paradise tne nrmaneni, pnu wie rcposu ui paiautu sccms hovering over the armed hosts, and h'ls Plains which encircle the Alamo. A low murmur rises upon tho Alamo. A low murmur rises upon air, which graduallv becomes more and j more distinct. Lights now move to and Jro m lhe distance, and indicate some an- tois 01 mcir coinraues. ouuuemy me ! batteries are in a blaze, and from their concentric positions pour lorth radii of fire pointing toa single centre. Amid the .i .i . . i .u:- x - . . ... l ;t'rs iims rrrain . iiif-ir u i. 11 a iu scarcely less terrible, and thc blasts of ! bugles, the .Mexicans advance to tne Alamo. A sheet of Came from rifles that never failed is the answer to the charge. The infantrv recoil and fall back upon the cavalry; their rank3 bro ken &, disordered by the deadly fire of the be5ieeJ.The shouts frcm the fort are min gled with the groans of the dying on the plain, while the officers are endeavoring to re-form their scattered masses. Ther retur" '? attack' but l leen show er which thev encounter fells them to tho earth by platoons. Travis shows him self on the walls, cheering on his un daunted followers. Around him are Crocket, Evans, and Bonham, roused to a last struggle, for they know that their doom is sealed. In quick succession, rifle after rifle is discharged, sending hun dreds to their long acconnt. The Mexi cans are again repulsed; they fall back, disheartened bv the dead and the dying; around them. The battalion of Toluca, the flower of the Mexican army, is re duced from fourteen hundred to twenty three. Men have become for a moment regardless of their officers, and arc al most delirious, from the cries of anguish which no discipline can restrain, and which come from their fallen and expir ing comrades. But a breach is made at last; the disjointed forces, by the aid of threats and entreaties are rallied, and once more turn their faces to jhe Alamo. The firing in that quarter has for some time been growing slower and slower. Rifles have dropped from many a vigor ous hand, now cold in death, while others cling to their weapons even in the ago nies of dissolution. Ammunition, too, has been failing; one by one the muzzles drop; the last rifle is loaded and dischar ged, and the Mexicans have gained the wall. Proudly conspicuous in that aw ful moment, Travis receives a shot, stag gers, and falls. He dies not unavenged. A Mexican officer rushes upon him, and is about to plunge his sabre into the bo som of the fallen man, when, gathering all his energies for a last effort, he bathes his own sword in the blood of his enemy, and they die together. In the mean time the battle has bcc.l raging hot and thick. The Mexicans' have poured into the citadel, like leaves? falling before the storms of autumn. The conflict becomes haud to hand. Each man struggles with his adversary, dealing: blows with rifles, sabres, or whatever missile may be within reach The Tex ans are almost buried beneath the num bers of their opponents. The carnage has been so terrible that the slain are piled up in heaps. Death stares each survivor in the face, but still he struggles on. Crockett has been conspicuous in the melee, wherever the blows fell hottest and thickest. He has forced his way over piles of the dead bodies of his ene mies, and has reached the door of the chapel. Here he determines to make hia ; last stand. At one glance of his eye he sees that the fate of thcAlamo rests up on himself alone. Travis ha3 fallen; Evans is no more; Bowie expries upon a bed of sickness, pierced to the heart by a Mexican bavonet; Bonham fell before eyes, md he finds himself Lhe only living warrior of lhe one hundred and sixty-three who had been his com rades. Perhaps at that moment thc life blood creeps to his heart by a natural im pulse, but it is only for a moment Hi? foes gla-e on him with the fierceness of demons, and assault him with blows from sabres, muskets, and piitois. The strength of a hundred men seems concen trated in his single arm, as he deals out death to his rancorous and unsparing as sailants. Their bodies hare grown into a rampart before hira. Blackened with, fire and smoke, besmeared with blood and roused into phrenzy, he stands Ike some fabled god of antiquity, laughing to sroni the malice, and the power, and lhe furv of his enemies. New fire ftis&cs from his eye. and new vigor nerves his arm. On bis assailants rush, but il ts on ly upon certain death. They LII. but their places are still suppled; and cv quVaiy the dead seemed to nc up before him, like armed men from the teeth of Cadmus. At length a bd! from a dis tant rifle piervft him in ih? forehead; he falls backward to the earth, in the tream ofore which curdL around him. N roan escapes his lip: no cry of agony gratifies the imp'a.-aMc ranmr of his ne- ' cue?; he rlic -i-i A:.n? hz i.dla. ir