The Somerset herald and farmers' and mechanics' register. (Somerset, Pa.) 183?-1852, October 13, 1846, Image 3

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Trnf:;uY, OCTOBER 13, 1810.
s 'i7 VAl.V.ZX F.-7- r.f n:!i.'.!o!-.;:n at his
;- tl.nilcci'l Cd Vi'cr, is oiir ouhorlr-rJ
'i'i''ur A'V;,ws A.i?fiLr,ni!3 cJ Xub-f-r
t!.c -HEiTAI-IT aid U cb'ifcrd
.-V.'i i-.v.T to receipt fr any io:-:,r r..iJ
f.'iwii? ciiio. vcri'LiJadclpbia, icv
Yurk,Cs'.t:3iorf amlL'K-.v.n.
mi: w.i
V.'c r-vc highly interesting intelligence
j-,;,- week from the seat of war. (Jen.
'j.oj! is advancing still farther into the
interior cf Mexico, while the Mexicans
rrpc::r to be making extensive
tiaas to give him a warm reception wlieu
ncr they can attach him to advantage. the result will be, none can foretell.
(Jen. Tavior will no doubt act with be- j ' GZocittV.
, t . . , , ri Each successive week tlevclcpcs more
commg prudence. Cut in the heart o. of fjft , ..,r illftueRce cf
the enemy's country, with a small force he .u;k anj Dallas" Tarifi. During
under him, and remote from magazines the past week, there have been a number
of provisions and ammunition, what can j of stoppages among the dry goods deal-
, , . j . t, ; crs hi ?bis city, some of whom have been
In be expected to accomplish! Is it noi. ; ut -? . -...
, 1 , , , A . i aMe to comnromtse v.ntn their creditors
Ube feared that prudence anJ courage :;( foj.!v (if fiy ce,;L? a!lll ff0 on rain;
and discipline may have to yield to supe-; Vl diilc Olivers have gone by the board tn
ricr numbers? We confess that we hava ' tirrly. The sudden rcducticn that has
ftrious apprehensions for t!ie fate of his; taken place hi the ralueof e'oods, in cm-
, , T .i- i ' scour nee f t!i? nw TariH, must neco?-
ht'de armv. 3lanv are cn L'tc sier.-.i-t, .. , ,
. "... . . i sari v produce such ronseorjenccs. i he
un .b.e ior duty. A line oi pests has to; caa?s Iiave proj.,?ej a p-u.;s jn all
I? esiab!ihed to keep up a communiea- i the lounufhciuring districts, and have in
tioa with Point Label, whence the sup- i dueed some to make immediate prepr.ra-pli.-s
for the Armv have to be A ! to abandon their busine?. It was
, t i . . ! rumored on Saturday that tv. o of the lar-
liumber are required aiso as escorts to Lie . ,
1 i irest manutactcries in Manavur.k are abont
baggage trains, and a number more to i',, dased. A single manufacturer is
uke care cf the sick. In this way the ' reported to have two hundred thousand
active ricimxo force must ueeessarilv ' dolhirs worth cf goods on hand, upon
become greatlv reduced, and the Mcxjj !n,h ther is an averse reduction in the
" ; marKet va"je, of from twentv to twentv-
cans, aware of me iact, may not be slow fivp ocnt Thc (li,astcrs' which lhis
in availing themselves of the advantage j British scheme for ruining American ma
vhich these circumstances obviously give ' nufactnrcs, is working out, are painful to
them. That they, have determined 'on j conlcmplatp. Philad. Chronicle,
raa'r in? a bold stand, either at Monterev ! . f-, t ii i
or antiuO, is but too apparent; anJ tliougii
Cen. Taylor and his men may, and' Tlie 3Icxcnns to supiJorl oar
doubtless win fight with their usual bra-J Army,
very, the enemy, being in his own coun- j T!jC 'asliington Union, m the course
try," will perhaps be able to choose his j of an editorial article, makes the follow
own jrround and brin- up reinforcements ! S" iporkaut announcement, by which it
m case of necessity, and thus overpower j
the Americans
Wc shall most heartily
rejoice iii a different result, but repeat
that the present situation and condition of;
. i i i , i . 1
the Army are such as are calculated to,
' .
fill the mind with the most serious ap-
Maryland Election. j
We have some accounts of the .Mary- j
land election, but not sufficient to justify
lis in venturing a conjecture as to the re
sult throughout the State. As fas as
heard from the Whirs did nobly.
In Allegany County the Democratic 1
ticket is elected; majority much reduced j
from last year. Blochcr's majority for !
Senator is reported at 102.
Frederick County elected the whole j
AViiig ticket by a large majority.
In Washington County, the Whig Sen
ator and three Whig Delegates elected.
Baltimore City: Here the Democratic
inr.jority last year was about 1 200; this
year the Whigs elected their Senator and
two Delegates.
Prate Cook of Pennsylvania,
The above is thc title of a Book just
published by Hi nt & Son, Philadelphia.
pr.d which is being -extensive!- used in
the Common Schools of Pennsylvania.
The Board of Directors of Somerset have
passed a resolution - recommending its in
troduction into the Borough Schools as
foon as practicable. It is for sale at the
Etore of Mr. Daniel Flick.
Iabcs crs Wanted.
The contractors at Portland, for the At
lantic and St. Lawrence Railroad, adver
tise for five hundred laborers, with a pros
pect of steady work for one or two ycrs,
itt one dollar per day.
.Ttiue Sarprean! Reszsmetl.
It was announced on Friday, in the Su-
ourt. by Chief Justice Gibson I
that Judge Sakokant had resigned his of-j
fee as one of thc Associate Judges of that
ISenrv Clav.
This distinguished Statesman is spoken '
of in the KminrVv r,,n,re lilrK- to
Ie sent back to the United States Senate.
We trust he will be.
Shot Tower.
A shot tower one hundred and seven
ly f.ct high is nearly completed at St.
Louis, Mo.
XCT'li cases of Yellow Fever have
recurred at Pensacob, 5 at New Orleans,
-ti J cue d.'jih from it at Mobile.
v.IM . . . , . t t i
t r I here has been a violent Ham-
c -ane in the West Indies. No particulars j
t-f t'.ic damrgt;, 1
More Govtrntrttnt Piiper.
At Fort Leavenworth a vnsf amount
(!ac bills have been executed by the
Quarter-Master, in payment of wagons
and other articles purchased by him for
t!;c United Slater. This is another cp
cies of government neper, used as a sub
stitute fur money. This is one of tha
shifts the government ofUcers tire-driven
to fur want of money. When payment
is made in s;ch stuff everything will of
murse cost tli2 government double price.
The Loco Foeos have been constantly
declaiming ngainit paper money, but they
will toon have so many kinds of paper
currency afloat that it will be difficult to
tell what to call it. These notes issued
hv the Quarter-.Master will be subjected
to a heavy discount if they are cn?hed,and
;f course the government will have to
pav much higher prices for those things
that it is comnelled U buv. The amount
cf this stuff about Fort Leavenworth is
said to be very large. Vi. Louis L'ra.
wiH be seen, thai, for the future, the Mex-
icans are to be made to support our army:
"Wc offered the olive branch. Instead
promptly aecepung , .ueiico uccones
even to jiive us an answer, whether she
... . ' ., ..
wul or wnl not negotiate with us, until
)lcr Constituent Congress shall assemble
iu December next. Three months, therc-
fore, were to pass away without doing
anything for peace, unless we can assist
its restoration by the vigor of our. arms.
It becomes high time, then, tor us to has
ten the decision of Mexico. We must
carry on thn war with vigor. We must
make it more her interest to terminate its
! evils- We must compel her people to
sjlare t9 expenses with us by levying
contributions upon her for the support of
oar army. Wc want provisions, and
thev must assist in supplying us
lhc contents of vvhieh has :u st cached us.
increarcs the necessity of such a mea
sure. He breathes the severest vengeance
against any Mexican who will have an"
dealings with us, and will even sell us
provisions. We must compel them,
therefore, to contribute lor the support of
cur army.
As soon as the dilatory answer from
Mexico was received by the government,
there is no doubt that tlie policy here in
dicated was adopted. The private pro
perty of the Mexican people will be reli
giously respected, except what may be
necessary for the support of our army.
Their persons and property, with this ex
ception, will be sacredly protected. Their
religion and their altars ill be respected
as truly as if they vvere Americans in thc
bosom of our own country."
Wonpehs of the Telegraph. Ex
tras, containing the news of the Great
Western, were published almost simulta
neously in New York, Boston, Albany,
Rochester, Utica, Philidelphia and Baiti
moac; and all the intermediate places
were in possession of her adv'ces. This
is truly a wonderful discovery !
Thunder and Hail Storm in Octo
r,::n, Yesterday afternoon, says a Phiii-di-lphia
pager of Saturday last, wc were
vishedwtha thunder shower, accompa
nied with hail, which lasted for some
thirty or forty minutes. Tha lightning
was vivid, mid the rain for a thort time
came down in torrents.
1f , - , .
ult. A coiiUK'iiy nf Arm-ATormmis cnn.
tia;irJ0 occupy the city of Nauvoo aud
tha Temple. They were assiduous in
and all was quiet and orderly. The
1 roops were nccominj quite tired ol thc
inaciiv ityof garrisoning the town, amL
uere iasl Irng
Thc Fredericksburg Recorder says: j
"A ffentletnan recently from the Springs,!
in Bath county, in this State, met there j
an old managed 103 years, who had justj
completed a pedestrian lour of 1300
miles! He had teen out West to see thc
country possibly with the view to 'settle
for life. He was in excellent health and
We learn t!i at the Synod of the Ger-m-.n
. Eeformed Church in the United
States, will hold it annual session at
(;lri;s!eon,c ,G.h of October int. A
larffe number of ministers and lay dele-
gates will be in attendance.
. Rrlgradj . elected a staunch Whig on
Monday week, by thirty majority ove- all
others. On the 14th iustant, the majori
rv a?ainst Eronscn was iust thirty net
Whig ffain sixty! Bangor has elected 2
staunch Whigs, one by 131, the ether by
73 majority over all others. The House
now stands 4G Whigs to 45 Democrats.
Ex-President Adams has been nomi
nated by the Whigs of VIIIiIi District of
Massachusetts for re-election to Con
gress. -
On the 8th inst. by (i. Lint, Esq., Mr
William G. Witt, cf Southampton tp.,
to Miss Elizabeth IIoffmax, of Somer
set townsh.p.
Stray Sleer.
rfAMC trespassing o-i llie premites
,) of the subsjribcr. residing in Addi
son township, about the first of Septem
ber, a deep red stefr, with wi;!e horns,
both ears cropped, and the end of li.e
tail wliite.
The owner i requested to come for
ward, prove properly and pay charges,
ur he il! be sold, according t law.
on 13' JOHN HELL.
Stray Slecr.
f"1A.ME tresp;!??iag on the premises of
'J die mi jii-ri':er in Mi! ford townslrp,
tiifc first week in August, a oae year o!d
brown steer, iihsonje white spots, a
crop off the kfi ear.
The owner is reqoesfed o come for
ward, pr'jve properly and p-jy charges,
otherwise he will be sold as the law di
rects. -ii3 geo. m?inEtrr.
Slvay Cat lie.
p1AME trespassing on the premises
liJ of the subscriber in Somerset town
ship, about the begior.iug of August, a
one year uhl steer, whit uud ti ht brin-
dle, die right ear cropped, and a piece
out ol ihe upper part oT each er. Alsu
a one vear old brown heiffer, with simi
lar marks to those of the steer.
The owner is requested to come for
ward, prove property and paj' charges.
nt!ierwi:e they will be sold as tne law
Somerset County, ss.
0:??f. 4 T an adjourned Orp
f77i& srveiitli I i y of September,
1 S 46, before the 1J onorablc Judges
l hereof.
On ir.otion of Simsn Gebh.irt, Esq.,
the court . grant a rule on ihe Heirs and
Legal Bepresentaties of Abraham Col-
born, dee'd, to appear at an adj. aimed
Orphan Court, to be held at .Somerset,
on ihe 23.1 day of November next, and
show cause, if any they have, why the
tt?al estaic of said deceased should not
be sold.
Extract from the records of sai l enur
certified the 7th day of Sr ptcuiher, I S 15.
oct 13 Clerk.
Somerset County, ss.
0jVx, T an adjourned Orphans'
Court held 21 Sou.eet,
Vviiii hi and for said county, on the
7th day of September, A.
D I Sif, before the Honorable Judges
On motion cf Samuel G.dther. Esq.
the court confirm lhc Inquisition on the
Keal Estate of Bosanna Shaver, dee'd,
and grant a rule on the heirs and letral
representatives of said dee'd, to appear
at an-adjourned Orphans Court, lobe
held t Somerset, on the '23d day of No
vember, next, and accept or refuse lo
take the real estate cf said deceased at
ihe appraised price.
Extract from ihe records of said court,
certified this 7th dav of September. 134G.
W." 11. PICKING,
oct 1 3 Clerk.
Somerset County, ss.
v-r4? i an 3l'joumed Orphans'
::UM.' j Court field at Somerset.
'l&S&iZS 111 ;u,(J 'r said county, on lhc
''X" ?ih day of September, A. D.
!84G. before the Honorable Judges
On motion of J. F. Cox, Esq., the
court confirm the Inquisiiion on the
Iteal Estate of Christian Shockey, dee'd,
and grant a rule on the Heirs and Legal
Representatives of said dee'd, lo appear
at an adjourned Orphans' Court to be
held at Sornersei, on the 23d day of No
vember next, and accept or refuse to lake
the real estate of said deceased, at the
appraised price.
Extract from the records of said court,
certified ihi 7ih day of September, A.
D. ISlG.
on 13 Clerk.
Somerset County, ss.
J$y& AT an 3'li0',r,,c,l Orphan'
(;uri ,iell! al Somerei, in
."ki3Ml"fnr said county, on the
''V,?fvfr , 1 9th day of September. A.
D. I S4 0, before the Honorable Judges
thereof. . ,
On petition of Jacob Moses and Abra
ham. Moses, two of lbs heirs and legal
representaii ves of Jacob Moses, dee'd,
the court grant a rule on the Heirs and
Legal Representatives of said deceased,
to appear at an adjourned Orphans' Court
lobe held at Somerset on Monday the
23d day of November. A. D, 184G, and
shew cause, if any they have, why the
real estate of said Jacob - Moses, dee'd,
should not be sold.
Extract from the Records of said
court, certified this 19th day of Septem
ber, 1846.
octlS Clerk,
Stray Cattle.
CAME trespassing on the premises
of the subscriber, in Elklick town
ship, on the22d cf September last, three
heaJ cf cattle, o wit:
A oneyear old heiffer, brown, with
white face, right ear cropped.
A duns, steer, marked as the abnve.
A brindle steer wish a crop off the
left ear and a swallow fork in ihe right.
. '1 he owner is requested to come for
word, prove property, pay charges and
take them away, otherwise they will be
sold as the law directs.
SUIS Stove combines all that is val
il liable in existino Cooking Stoves
with certain improvements peculiar to
itself. Il is constructed upon a oe w and
entirely distinct piincip'e truly philo
sophical, s( as to pHss the flue entirely
round lite oven, liius nuking il tin tdopfd
injlame emircUd.- without impairing the i
necessary !rsu:lii of t!:e stove. i his
method if t'ms p;o"sin twice round,
once over and once under the ovr n, is the
serrel of i:s economy. in the use of
fuel, while the enlargement ' of the air
chamber affords increased space for the
rarefaction of air ami compensates for
tlie usual disad vant;?es of. a ii cular
draught, It bakes, loasis, and buds,
easier and better than any Siove yet of
fered so die public, v.itli ihe advar.tace
over most of them of saving one half ihe
fuel. It is superior to t'te "Q iern of
the West,"-Iiu k's Patent," -Edipse"
or ILahaways Patent," for t!:e follow
ing reason: In these Stoves ihe upper
side of the oven is dependant for heat
an. I can have from no other source than
whnt radhtes ihroush t!:e plate on which
the lire is made. If the ashes be lifted
e'ean, too much heat will radiate and
born thff I read on the upper
side, if too much ashes be left, the bread
will not bake on die upper siJe. Of this
defect all good cooks complain. This
Stove is entirely free of this objection,
the oven always beating exactly alike
( top and bottom, and ends. Many buy
the Premium or siep stove and others of
similar model. These Stoves consume
much fuel, for first the fire rhnmher is
too deep, the pots &c, are tohih .a
boTc the fire. Second when using ibe
oven, ai! the heal which passes off under
the oven being one h'f, never comes in
contact widithe boiiipg utensils. passes. tT
into ihe pipe and is lost. Also our Siove
is so arranged with a bank or elevation
in tlie fire chamber as to ensure tbe use
of ihe flame upon the forward part of
ihe Siove first, and it then pusses back
afterward hea'.in? all alike whereas
Sioves like trie Hathaway, having one
vest chamber, allow loo wide a rane
for the flame wiihout sufTcieut concen
tration. Wc manufacture two sizes nf this
Stove at tbtEatiie Foundrv in BerlinSom-
erset county. Pa. For the larger size
most of the pots commonly used in ihe
kitchen will answer.
Always on hard, a complete asort
ment of PLOUGHS, v.iih PLOUGH
CASTINGS of gresi taiirtv. HOL
LOW WARE of superior material and
finish, comprising eveiy ihhtg in that
line. CASTINGS on hand, and made
to order, on the m'St reasonable terms.
HOUSE!' Sc B Eli KEY."
BerKn, Oct. 13 IM(V3m.
We esteem it a pleasure to be able to
recommend this medicine as the best
calculated for ihe purpose of curing
coughs, colds, sore throat, athma. and
all affections of ihe lungs. From a long
personal acquailance wiih Dr. Jayne, we
know that lie is no quack, and his medi
cines are not nostrums of ihe modern rv
up, rut are the result of his long expe
rience as a practising physician, and the
expense of great labor, Hartford,
(Conn.) Daily Review.
N. Y. March IOih. 1841. '
Dr. Jayne Dear Sir lining severe
ly afflicted Mid; ,?ver.7.;. a hard
Ornish and Asthma and finding ecery
means fail oT relieving me. Consumption
appeared inevitable bm by using two
honles of your expectorant, 1 was re
stored to perfect health.
Respectfully vnurs,
Late Pastor of the Baptist Church,
Sumford, Ct.
From the lie v. .. Segur.
Lambertsvdle, N. J April C7th "39
Dr. Jayne Dear Sir By the hies
fing of God your Expectorant has effect
cd a cure in me of a most distressing .
complaint.. In December I was
seized with great 'severity by a paroxysm
of Aslhma; a disease ilh which I ha 1
been rdllcted for many years past. It
was attended with a hoarsrncss and sore
ness of ihe Jungs and throat, togeiher
wiih a Ichorous cough, and complete
prostration of strength and wnen almost
worn out with suffocation, a bottlo of
your expectorant was sent lo me. At
first I thought it was nothing but quack
ery; but seeing it so highly recommend
ed by Dr Going, wiih whom I was
well acquainted, I was induced to try
it, and in a few days it completely cured
me, nor, have I ever had any return of
the disease since. I hate now formed
so high an opinion of your medicine. that
if I had but a few bottles of it, could ob
tain no more, 1 would not part wiih them
for ten dollars each, Yours, most affec
tionately. JOI1NSEGUR.
J. J. & II. F. Schell.
Somerset Pa.
Edward Bevin,
Stoystown' Pa
Sold by
Also by
Estate of Jacob Sliyp, decM.I
If ETTERS of administration dc boith
HJ noil with the Will annexed, on the
estate of Jacob Shep; dte'd, having been
granted to the subscriber residing in Ccn -
treville, Milfufil townslup. he request
all persons to attend at bis ressdetn-e. on
Friday the t!0t!i of November next, pre
pared to settle, nd those having claims
to present them at the same "time and
Oct 15. NG 6i Adm'r.
a i apprentice to tne Mumncr ihi-
j. U. r.ess is wanlf-J by the subscriber i )
App.icvmn to be made sno.
.nil i. ( . a l a i ..
Estate of John "V. Colemav,
E'l'TERS of Ad:niiiirntion on the
estate of L.h:i N. L'mViiwi, late of
lirodiers v.-dley, deceased, hiiug been
granted lo t!ie subscriber!, -11 persons
indebted t said rstste are requested to
attend at the late rcsidi-uce of the de
ceased, on Samrdav the Nsh of Novem
ber next, prepared l setde; a::d tiiose
having claims, i pres:.'ui iheni
the safr lime and
of Souiersci to
t'f IJroi.hers valley tp.
O.-t. C. 1SM-C
stitft'O.-iiii, a. f.-4
D EI? E AS i!ie h-m-rably Jlremi
V V ah S. Ulac.-:, President, and G.
Chorjcr:n:.!i and Joli i MXirty, Esqs ,
associate Judges of the com l of common
pleas, in ami for t!:e county of Somerset,
and ::ssi?!n:it Justices of ihe co-arts of over
and terminer aud rzeneral i .il di livery and I
quarter sessions of the pe; ce, in for
said county of Somerset, h ;ve issued
their precept to mr tiiiected, requiring
me among other t!:i;;gs to make pub;ie
procLmati ui throughout my bailiwick,
that a court of oyer and terminer and
generrd jail de!iv ry: ;dso, a court of gen
eral quarter sessions of the peace and
jail delivery, will commence at the bor
ough of Somerset, iu and for the county
of Somerset, in i!ie commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, on the 3d Monday of
November next, (lGih day) in pursuance
of which precept
Public Notice is hereby triv-
ne, to the justices of ihe peace, the coro
ner, and constables r,f slid county ol
Somerset, that they he then -and lucre, in
their own proper persons, with their
roils, records examinations, and inquisi
tions, and oilier remembrances, to do
those ii;:ngs which to their oiih-cs apper
tain iu thai hehaif m be done and also all
those w ho prosecute against the priso
ners that are, or ihen shall be, in the j:il
of the said county of Somerset, are to be j
then and there to prosecute against them
us shall be jnst
Given under my hand, at Somerset, this
6:h day of October, in thc year of
our Lord 1S45.
For November Term 1S46.
commencing on the IGru day of the
Milford - Wro. Henry
Henry Long
Jchn L.Sieij
Wm. Moore
Jacob Kn ' !e,
Thoma Mason
David Phihppi Jr.
Summit - Martin B. Loy
i'enr Walker
Stoystown Geerge Fny
Southampton W. G. Cappeller
Ji'bo ilovvirian
Addison - David Cam.bell
Jenner - - Jacob Cover
Joseph Haynes
Somerset - R. Laughton
Pt ler Frieilhne Jr.
Da id Ankeny of J.
Berlin - - Ch.rles Krisinger ..
Broihersvailey J h n Kiiepprr
T'urkt foot Jouai'i .n Btiruwonli
D yiJ Cros?it g
Jo'iu (?ratv.t r ol S.
Thomas Hanna
TR.u ': n 7Tj un on s.
Brothersvalley Simon Hay
Hugh Sen rack
John P. Brubakcr
Peter Hickman
Tobias Lcvin?tOll
Lewis Umburii
John Mong
Charles liehman
Con.-..d M era
Michael Brubaker
Joseph Leisure
Philip Ling
John Earner
Samuel Stitler 'y
Andrew Btruepliia
David I). Miller
Henry Cramer
Jacob Humbert
Samuel Snyder
Henry Frank
Joseph Smith
Jacob Hanger
Ahm. Beam
Christian Walter
Philip Shafer
Michael Horner
Philip Hoffman
Henry Poorbaugh
Alex. Cunningham
Aaron Schrack
Rudolph Boose
Somerset tp.
Jenner -
Allegheny -Turkey
Summit -
Southampton Daiel Camp
PaiLt - - Solomen Movers
Wm. Dempsey
Peter Berkey
Berlin - Samuel Philson
QMerrahoning Valentine Miller
Somerset br.
raIJE su!scn!r h.s
A the Eastern c ifc, at n is now op--
j uiriif at his store Noitb Ea-t rtif r
; the Diamond, a cry hr -;n gej:ir:.l
; assortinent 'of G"Ot:.- nt.d I? for t';3
i amoiv which arc Frtueh and English
Cbuhs of various colors. Also Tweeds.
Cas'iineres. Satinets and Jen. Tarltton
and (.'ecilia Chubs lor Ldles dresse.
ALSO, Cashmeres, xfiJpacas,
.Mouslin tie bines, Calkues ol 11 quali
ties from 4 to 25 cents per yard. Mus
lins from 4 to lOcts, Siik and Thread
Lace si;k Gloves of a superior quality
I fnr ii;-. cn,!!-inn. inrroiber with x
fine a.sortinent 0f HARDWARE,
i t rj
llLLLilSil Ul t? Ul Oltf ilCj wi.
I5.ots and shoes of all kinds and very
low. Weavers Reeds of very superior
All which will be sold on as cheap anfi
accomodating terms, as they can be had
west of the AHeghenv Mountains. -
S;rr:prpt. srpt 1S?G.
OEALED proposals tor
doir the
Ul kJ work cfaMlw cuuxen lo be erected
u" J by the Ev. Ll'Tiikran Congregation or
1 Samuels, at Laansville, will be receirevl
on or before the 5 1st of October next.-
. i : -
Tt;e building is to be of brick, CO feet
long and 4:J feet wide, with a basement
s'.'ry. The foundation is to be ef stone,
S.'iet high, and 40 feel wide in from,
and :he other walls to be proportioned to
the irrouud, which is inclined. The
brick work is to be 1 6 feet high to tha
eaves. For particulars, contractors sr&
requested to call on David Woy, Frede
rick Countryman or Samuel Kooser.-
The Committee will furnish ihe maieri-
for ihe foundation, and also the brick;
i -i-d lumber for ihe building. The whole
I will be let out to one man, or tha
oinuhiiM'i will be let out separately.
Contractors re expected to attend in per
son at Somerset, on the day of letting,
when a full understanding csn be had.
It is desired to have thc church com
pleted by the 1st of July next.
Bv order of the Building Committee
Somerset, Sept. 22d, 1845.
about fj.000 Acres vj Land,
in Shade and Paint townships,
Somerset County.
IPHE undersigned will sell at Public
a sale on Tuesday the CCth day of
October next, at ihe old Shade Fumaca
in Shady township, the follcwing Lauds,
NoT 401 wsrrant;d in the name of
Edward Bobisou
SCSi do John Leonard
S 10' do Joseph Lehman
4 330 do Samuel Anderson
5 59.' do James Thorn pso.i
6 S89 do Win. Oliver
7 4 31 1 do James Corman
8 300 do Thomas Procter
0 404 do Michael Kipplo
10 3S0 do John Poor
11 400 do Elizabeth Trish
12 433 do George Thomson
13 403 do Wm. Fell
14 00 acres of the north end of a
tract warranted in the name of
John Newbol I, adjoining Henry
Little's furnace tract.
15 02 acres, pari of a tract warranted
in ihe name of John Sears.
The above lands will be sold at tha
farnare of Shryocks and Bingham.
Terms made known on day of sale. -A
reasonable credit wf!I te given.
Any person wishing to examine the
draft of the lands will call with
who will attend on djv of sale as agent
Administrator of Lewis H. Conover,
deceased. fjepr22 -lG
Orphans' Court Sale cf
r'HE subscribers, Trusters for tho
JL h? of the real estate of John Kun
dle deceased, will offer at public sale,
in i:c Boratigh of Somerset, on Saturday
the 17th day of October next, the follow
ing valuable property, lats the estite of
said deceased, viz :
i eertaui plantation
or tract of land, situate in Somerset tp.
Sornersei county, containing about two
hundred and ninety acres, more or less,
adjoining lands of Christian Ankeny, Jr. Ankeny of C. John Maust, Jacob
SbJIis and others, with a weatherboard
ed dwelling hotse and bank burn thereca
erected, and two sugar camps on tho
premises; about one hundred and fifty
acres cleared, at least thirty acres of
whic h artf in exreiljnt meadow. The
property is wilt watered, thera being;
springs'of w3'.er in nearly all of the fields
and t;.er is also, a yourg orchard of
ruit trees on ihe premises.
One third of the purchase money O
remain a lien on the premises, the inter
est thereof to be psi.i to the widow "of
said deceased daring her natural life an
no Jy. an I af'f r her death the principal,
to be paid to die hri-s and legal repre
sentaiives of said deceased; one half of
i!ie balance in hind sr.d the remainder
four equal r.nnua! payments wiihoa
j Is bi-irtueJ ly j-dgmcnt
Aitendunce he givcu by sab-
seribi rs.
.' V V
TICN?, For ra.e a'. '