B Si MB JgU-.i-JX!1ff '.'.If , K ' " trill bs very acccp'table, as to the volun teers about marching have not been paid, and many of thern are much in need of shoes and clo:hcs. I am sorry to inform yon that there is n :z cickn-s in several of the volunteer or J3. a;id it is feared that diseases will i.tcreise. In 'the Frst Tennessee Regi ment, rmrmnJcd by CoL Campbell, :n r3 than three hundred men are on the sick list, and there have been for some ! y oast several deaths each day. Oth er regiments are suflering severely, but not bo much. The diseases arc measles, dyscntcrv, and billions fever. ' Since the preceding matter was pat in 1 f . j ,e ra. I I" " - lowing extract of a letter from an omcer at Malamoras to his friend in Washing ton: "Matamoras, Sept. 13. "Mr DkarSir: I am informed by letter from L-Kiaargo, written u) my cicriv j ... ii tmf hi! n :iPP 15 II lf'(l V I IH OIS Jlvllll j r i . j . . the interior, to the effect that the sutler of the 8:h infantry left Seralvo on the 7th instant, and reports that die spy compa nies of McCullough and Gillespie, togeth er with 400 regulars, bad been sent on fome sixteen miles beyond Seralvo, (he thinks,) to examine the condition of the road; that they found the enemy in great force, both regulars and ranchcros, and returned to camp. Capt. Ferguson's beef agent, however, left some hours after the sutler. "They both agree in the following particulars: That it was known at Seral vo that Gen. Ampudia had declared mar tial law in Monterey, and was imprison ing all strangers and suspected person.--; that the Mexican population was leaving Seralvo in great haste, under the appre hension that the place was to be attacked in a day or two; that it was the impression among the officers of the Army that the road would be disputed all the way frc-m Seralvo to Monterey. They also, say they met Gen Taylor about six leagues beyond Micr, pushing on to Seralvo, at three o'clock in the morning. He select ed that hour in all probability to avoid the heat, although much stress seems to bo laid upon it by some persons. It is snid the Mexicans have driven off all their cattle to prevent the arm' from getting beef, &c. "Last night six Texan mounted men reached here from Camargo. They hit that place with eight in number, but they fay they were attacked on the road by tome thirty Mexicans, and that thev lost i two of their men, and that they killed J come six of the Mexicans." An Incfdesif. The clever Philadelphia correspondent of the New York Mirror relates the fol lowing: "Yesterday I went down to the Navy Yard to see the wreck of the U. S. brig Washington. The ravings of the 'winds and waves' had indeed despoiled her of her fair proportions. There is a little incident connected with the melancholy I.11.U1) .1 11111 " 'v w . . . . v. - - - j - - interest. The whole crew, save four, (three of whom were the only ones on board who could not swim!) were swept violently into the sea, but, with the excep lion of Lieut. Bache and ten others, soon regained the vessel. Last among those who drew themselves dripping and almost "exhausted out of the element was a color ed man from Annapolis, Md. As soon as he touched the deck, he inquired: "Where is Mr. Bache!" "I don't know," said the man adddres sed. Have any of you seen Mr. Bache?' persistcdjihe earnest inquirer. Yes,' said two or three, 'there he floats half a mile below. Then I will try and save him,' re joined the nobic iicarted fellow, plunging igain into the briny wave from which he was doomed, alas, never more to rise." ' The Great Western brings tidings of disaster and wo to Western Europe, in the failure of the potato, and the delicincy of other harvests, which are calculated to increase the demand for, and enhance the price of, our own staple products of food, very materially. Thousands will be benefited, a few score enriched, by the re ports of European markets and prices which the telegraph bore, in a few mo ments after their receipt, to Washington, lieston and Buffalo, whence fleet steam boats and horses are bearing them to every part of our country. There is great dan ger that the mad speculations of last Au tumn are to be enacted over again, ulti mately causing the bankruptcy of verv many who are now in comfortable cir cumstances, and possibly deranging the currency and business of the country. Our people will be tempted to forget that this European demand for our grain is mvt regular and healthful, but casual and fortuitous a consequence, not of growth 1 1 cnii vigor, iiut ol disease anu atropny. Hundreds will be sufficiently unprincipled to say, "Behold here a result of the relax ing of tariffs in Great Britain and Ameri ca! Behold the prices which our far mers are to realize for their rain, under free trade!" These know well that this is just r.s much a result of the modification of tariffs as the ravages of the East India cholera; but the less informed thousands do not know it. (N. Y. Tribune. TheOttcwa Advocate (Canada) gives ii account of an Indian falling in with a very large she bear and two cubs. The eld bear attacked him, be succeeded in breaking one of her front legs with his ' tomanawu, wkii i:er other paw she I Agrarian outrage, too, appears to be on 1 nocked the weapon out of his hand, : the increase in this hitherto peaceable dis t.jhtl.Is arm in hers, breaking it so that trict. The annexed threatening notice it most be amputated; his dogs ran up and has been extensively posted on the Pow 'iu r;ed her, w hile he loaded his run and crscourt estates in Fcrman-'"h dpatcicd the breast. She weighed j ARRIVAL OF THE HIBERXIA. SE7EH DAyTlATEB. The - Steamship Hibernia : arrived at Boston on Saturday the 3d ins. The Hibernia made the passage in 13 days and 18 hours. The dates from Li verpool are to the 19th September, Lon don 18ih, Paris lGth, and Dublin 17th. COTTON. Well founded apprehensions of a fail- . . , , . , p'e i" Liverpool, and prices have accor- dingly advanced a farthing per pound. MARRIAGE OF THE QUEEN OF SPAIN POSTPONED. Her Britannic Majesty's government ml the people of Spain have manifested so much hostility to the marriage of the Quce.r 0f Spain's 6sXer to jm Phillip- ' pe s youngest son, that the celebration ol the nuptials has been postponed for the present, if not forever. The immediate consequence is a tre mendous war of words between Eng land, France and Spain. The remote consequence will probably be the destruc tion of the extkxtk cordi.vle, which has so long existed between the courts of St. James and St. Cloud. It is hoped that the sudden extinguishment of the fires on the altars of two young hearts, will not prove the means of exciting a 'general conflagration among the crowned heads and kingdoms of Europe. THE POTATO CROP. The total failure of the potato crop ap pears to be a s:ul reality. Every where in Ireland, and in the greater part of the British Inland, the potato fields are shrou ded with tiie dark munilcs of the plague. The vegetable has turned into putrid mat ter, which even the hogs will not devour. I From the continent of Europe, including Russia, we have dismal accounts ol the progress of the blight. The future use of the potato, as an article of food, is now ahnoi-t abandoned. FLOUR AND INDIAN CORN. At the latest date, 18th September, A mencan flour was selling at twenty-nine shillings to thirty shillings per barrel, du ty paid, at Liverpool. The price in bond was t.ttcnty-seven shilling? and six pence. Indian corn was quoted three shillings the quarter higher; and closed at lorty and fort v-se von sliil- shillings fur yellow lings for white. FRANCE. Paris, Sept. 17. The news of the f-iosipof procceumgs in Lon rrre.-s, wnn Mr. Polk's proposition of peaci to Mex- ieo, cave rise to con iJerabic comment in Parisian journals. The Journal des Deb.its, the Govern ment orgjn, contented itself with remark ing that, without doubt, the new aspect given to the policy of the United States towards Mexico must be ascribed to of fers of mediation made bv England. SPAIN. The rumor of a Carlist rising in Cata lonia, turns out to be not unfounded. Letters from Barcelona, dated the -4th, assert that a band of from 300 to 400 men, under the command of a person of the name ol Pielot has made its appear ance in thti plain of Larrangeena. Pielot was, during the civil war, at the head of a division in the Carlist army and the commandant of Sarragona. IRELAND. Fa six r. Distress Pchltc Meet ing!. Relief Measures. The Irish journals are filled with tli2 most dcomv accounts of the condition of the of Ireland, owing to the failure people of the potato crop. The (Hare Journal gives a gloomy pic ture of the state of distress ia that district, as thus: "We feel it absolutely necessary, from the preseu' state of the country," to call upon the Government to take immediate and decisive steps to satisfy the clamors of a starving people. Provisions are ri sing in price every day. As for potatoes, there are very little indsrd in market, and it is almost dangerous to moke use of those offered for sale. Not one stone of potatoes can be obtained, without some of them being found tainted: ;;nJeven those bring 7gd. Indeed, we are strongly in clined to believe, that, for the sake of their health, the people should not anv lopger be allowed to use this diseased food." The slate of Fermanagh the county of all others in Ireland where there is more to be said in favor of the landlords seems to be as unsatisfactory as any of the southern and western districts. The following is from the Erne Packet: "On Wednesday, the 9th inst., about 1000 of the laboring peasantry entered the village of Newtownbutler, and having proceeded to the police barrack, called for the constable in charge of that station, to whom they rtated that they and their fa milies were perishing for lack cf food that they had hitherto wailed patiently in hopes something would be done for their relief by the neighboring gentry; but no measure having been adopted to give them employment, and thereby save them from starvation, their only alternative was to take by force what they could not oth erwise obtain. The constable remonstra ted with them on the evil consequences that would attend a violation of the law, and told them that Lord Erne was on that day gone to Enniskillen to hold a meeting for the purpose of adopting immediate measures for their relief, upon which thev all returned peaceably to their re- spective places of abode. "Take notice, sccimr the blhrhtcmthc potato crop has become so darming, we i think well to caution the occupying ten ants, particularly thosef who may be called capitalists, and also those who have been in the habit of tendering their 'rents at an early period from sinister.moiives, not to let their motives or large"purses induce them to do so this season until there is an understanding between the Representa tives of Lord Powerscourt and the ten antry; we trust the lovers , of humanity and agricultural interests will" take notice of any person who will le so low or truckling as to pull any of our Circulars down; Brand us not with Molly Maguire isni, but it you wish to mention us you may use the following gilt characters (the lovers of humanity.) We confess we have got at the present time a good gen tleman to deal with, Mr. Ilore. 'Signed on behalf of our supporters, CAPTAIN FEARNOT. "N. B. We hope our neighboring es tates will take 'pattern.' " From the National Inteliscencer. T3IE ARUY OP TiiK WEST. From an Officer of the Army lo the Editors. Saxta Fe, August 25, 1816. Gextlemex : As the movements of this army may not be uninteresting, you shall have a few of the facts in relation to our operations. On the 2d instant we left Bent's For, and, in thirteen days arrived at the first Mexican settlements. Our march for the first tea days was very fatiguing to the men and destructive to the horses. For several days we march ed over a country which may propriety be called a desert. Not a green blade of grass did we see for more than fifty miles, and a paTt of the distance none but brack ish water. It was not until we crossed the first mountain, (the Rattone,) and slruek the head-waters of the Canadian, that we could see our way clearly before us. Here we found good waters, and tolerable grass. We heard very little of the intentions of the Mexicans, whether for peace or war, until we reached the "Moro." At this place an American met us, who had been sent by some traders livintr m Santa Fe to inform Gen. Kear ney that Gov. Armijo was at the head of twelve thousand men, and would march in a few days to meet him. The same dav we met a lieutenant and three men, boarinj letters from Governor Armija to Gen. Kearney, politely requesting the Gcneralnuttoadvar.ee so rapidly, but to wait some time at the "Moro." To this polite request the General returned an answer that in four days he would be in Santa Fe, and that lie hoped the Govern or and himself would meet as friends. At night we encamped at the village of' Vegas a village containing about five ; hunureu inhabitants. 1 hey uul not seem at all surprised at our arrival, but came to meet us, the Alcalde remarking to the in the After Genera!,"! am glad to see some country capable of governing it i i t we encamnea, they brought us such marketing as the country afforded. From the appearance of the people and the cor dial reception they , gave us, many were induced to believe there would be no fighting. Their notions were changed in the morning; for at night it had been reported to the General that the Mexicans were occupying a "mountain pass" two miles in our front. Of course, all pre parations were made for a battle. About 9 o'clock we'reached the mouth of the "pass," which was so narrow as to ad mit us only iour abreast. 1 he signal to "trot" was sounded, and on we dashed in the most enthusiastic manner. Alas! dis appointment awaited us, for uot a sign of the enemy was visable. Our march for ten miles further was over just such a country as our enemy should have chosen to meet us in a country heavily timbered with scrubby pieces, and through two "passes" beauti fully adapted for defence. We kept in high spirits, in anticipation of a fight, until within a day and a half of Santa Fe. Here we met soma Mexicans, bringing the news of Governor Armijo's retreat to the south, with all the regulars and ord nance. It was now clear that we had nothing to do but march into Santa Fe and take possession. The only sign we saw of resistance (and it was a sign only) was a barrier across the road in a cannon, between our camp, on the "Rio Pecos," and Santa Fe. This slight barrier was formed by placing some trees in the road. The natural advantages of the ground at this place could not be surpassed, and, had they had five hundred well-armed and determined men, they could have prevent ed our approach . to Santa Fe by this road. Wc reached the city in the afternoon. The General immediately established himself in the Governor's house, and hoisted onr flag, amidst the salute of Oic artillery and the cheers cf the troops. On the following morning Gen. Kearney as sembled the citizens in front of his house and addressed them to the eflect that "he had been ordered amongst them by his Governmet, to take Tpossession of the capital of the Province, he now proclaim edall that portion of country cast of the j Kio Lrande a part of the Lulled States, and that all persons within these limits t WnnJd b.n cniiti,lr.rJ C IT- i uited States; that those who did not wish to remain tinder our laws could go where they pleased- the road was free for them." He further told them he would protect all good citizens in their persons, property and religion; dwelling a long time on the subject of their religion assuring them that our laws allowed eve ry man to worship God according lo the dictates of his own conscience. lie then turned to the acting Governor of the Province and the three Alcaldes of the city, and asked them if they were willing to lake the oath of allegiance. They an swered in the affirmative. After adminis tering the oath, he told them to continue in all the exercise of their duties as be fore. In conclusion,- he advised the citi zens to go to their homes, and continue their usual pursuits', assuring protection to all who followed this advice. Gen. Kear ney, in his management of the important commission'entrusted to him, has proved Kr.ir iitr in 9nnin!ihpd soldier rr?h.rOf him d.P I- been U anew to pro- country may well be proud. ' As we may now call this country a part of the United States; it may be well to inquire what advantage is likely to accrue to the United States. If any ad vantage it is not revealed to us short sight ed mortal now 'in "the country; for of all the country we have passed over, there is not one acre in a million suscep tible of cultivation. Only the narrow strips of land in the river bottoms can be cultivated, and these only by irrigation. The country can scarcely be made to pro duce enough for the subsistence of its in habitants, As to horses, they have to de pend entirely upon pasturage. Vve have not been able to get one grain of corn for our horses. The whole province could not turn out a huudred bushels at this time. The Mexicans have an immense number of sheep and goats, and these flocks constitute their whole wealth, and on them they chiefly depend for snbsit enee. The people are about as far ad vanced in civilization as the Cherokees; perhaps the proportion who can read and write is not so great. We found here nine pieces of cannon, and among them the piece taken from the Texans, under Col. McLcod. Gen. Kearney, with 800 men, will march the last of this week into the south ern part of tlie province. After his re turn he will commence fitting out his ex pedition Tor California. The number of men he will take with him is not known. The march to California will be as ardu ous a one as was ever undertaken. on can judge, when there is one reach of ninety miles without grass or water. If itcan be done, Gen. Kearney is the man, of all others, who can do it. Yours, in haste. " O J TIIE VALUK OF SANTA YE. The St. Louis "Union" says that all of its correspondents describe this country "as being axlremely poor, and not well. adapted to agricultural pursuits. be-' low we give a portion of one of its letters. The same opinion as to the sterillity of the land expressed by our own corres pondent, in the letter published in our last Correspondence of the St. Louis Uiiion, Sata Fe, August 22, 184G. We arrived here on the 18:h instant, and took possession without resistance. We are all doing well, we have had three or four days' rest, and are beginning to want something to do. On Monday next we will commence the erection of a fort at this place: a beautiful selection has been made, and I have no doubt one will bo constructed that will astonish the na tives. I confess I do not see the import ance of this fortification. In my opinion the whole country, from the Crossing of the Arkansas to this place, is not worth what it has cost the Government to march the troops here.No man who has not visit ed this rej ion can form any idea of the character of the country. Never has a nation been so completely humbugged about any thing as the United States have been about this province. I am candid ly of the opinion that Gen. Kearney would do his country much service by abandoning the expedition and returning to the United States. I am fully persua ded that, if the President and Congress knew as much about the state of tilings here as we do. no effort would have been made to acquire it. I have discovered that every man we have met or seen since wc lcaft the Sates has exaggerated the ac counts of this country. It appears that there is something in the atmosphere that creates a propensity to lie. 1 would therefore advise you to pay no attention to what vou may learn from those who have visited this city or iho mountains. Defore we reached here there were two places where we expected to figet. There were gaps in the mountains where five hundred well-disciplined troops could have successfully resisted five thoucand; yet no effort was made to stop us. The last place where we expected the enemy we discovered that some preparations had been made for defencp, but, in con sequence of the dissatisfaction amongst the troops of Armijo, the whole had been abandoned. Armijo left the city about Ihirty-six hours before our arrival, and has been moving towards the sou ill with alidispaich eve since. ' He sent Gen. Kearney a letter stating that he would return on the 21st; this was only used as a means to prevent pursuit. Ail the pub lic property of any value was removed before we arrived. The citizens here are occoming very wen pieaseu wuu us, uhu seemed disposed to submit cheerfully to f. . ii i ,i :l i our government at tnc several lowns through which we passed. At St. Jose, Vegos, and St. Miguel, Gen. Kearney called the people together, and caused them to promise allegiance to the United States, he made speeches to them,and ad- ministered oaths to the different alcaldes. The General's quarters are those former ly occupied palace. by the- Governor in the A letter to the New Orleans Bee says: I met with an old acquaintance direct from the Rio Grande having served a three months' tour. As regards the feel ings of the Mexicans as to the war and towards the American forces, he thinks that they are inevitably hostile, and that if General Taylor should meet with even a partial defeat, the' population would turn out en masse, and that the army would be entirely destroyed. lie esti mates the whole force upon the Rio Grande at 10,000, of which 6,009 were at Camargoand advancingupon Monterey so that unless negotiation should settle the matter, wc may consider the war as jusitfgun.' Major General Jesi:p, Quartermaster General, left the citv this morning for the frontier of Mexico, to take vpon him- srtf the general direction of ths affairs of his Department in that quarter. This ... - . vide for every exigency without delay and inconvenience which sometimes result from waiting instructions from Washing ington, and in order to secure the utmost efficiency and economy to the measures of that Department. We understand, "also, that' before Gen eral Jesup left Washington he had t re cently purchased two more excellent steamboats, on very moderate terms, for the operations of the Rio Grande, in or der to save the high freights which were demand d for the transportation of our -v. 1 stores. Uthcr appliances navesuso ueen recently adopted, which will save much expense, and contribute most effective ly to tho transportation of the nesessa ry means for our army. Wash. Union. FROM YUCATAN. The New York Herald says that an arrival from Matanzas brings no import ant news from that place, but reports the arrival ol the brig Grcgcrie, in eleven days from Sisal, bringing news from Yu catan to the 28th August, confirming that hitherto received. In a copy of the Siglo XIX we find a decree of the Congress, declaring: 1st. That Yucatan recognizes and proclaims the pronunciamento of tiie city of Guadalajara, of the 20th of May. 2d. That Yucatan will continue in the same position of self-government, until by an acknowledgement by the general governmet of the inviolability of the trea ties of 1843, she can with honor return to her allegiance. 3d. That Yucatan, convined that Gen. Santa Anna has given at various times proofs of his patriotism, and has promul gated the most liberal sentiments, recog nises him and proclaims him as chief and director of the Mexican republic. Upon the publication of this decree, a grand celebration was held in Mcrida, nnil ( t f'iirr:il Uni'iilri" v-re l-,r flir( O.. iibuviui .h.-bva.w II yilvht J kills people. Slcliiicss at Jhc VTosf. From all wc can learn, we should judge that the present has been the most sickly season throughout the whole West since 1838. The continued pcrvalenee of hot and dry weather, acting upon the marshes and swamps whers they exist, necessarily exhales a nuisance, which creates disease wherever it can reach. In Illinois, especially, has sickness gau erally prevailed. The diseases are scarce ly ever fatal. Whole neighborhoods are frequently so disabled that there arc not enough well ones to take care of the sick. In many localities, during the present sea son, the crops have remained unitarvested from the prostration of the farmers, and their inability to procure assistance. In fact there has been throughout the whole country, at the E:tst as well as at the West, an unusual amount of sickness du ring the present season. The number of deaths in our large cities is much larger than heretofore. Buffalo Courier. IdA Cincinnati paper says that drag ging for dead bodies is sometimes unsuc cessful, but a curious discovery has been lately made in that place. A child of six years was drowned in ihi canal, and a long time was lost in dragging for the bo dy without success, A young woman recommended them to utt a loaf of bread and put some quicksilver in it, averring that it would float to the body. The bread thus prepared floated to a distance, remained stationary after turning round several times, and beneath the spot occu pied by the loaf the child was found. ANOTHER SPECK OF WAR-. We learn from the Cincinnati Times, tiiat the troops now at the Newport, (O.,) barracks have boen ordered to proceed forthwilh,$o the interior of Ohio, for the purpose of removing the Indians by force of arms, from the Miami reservation, pur chased not long siccc from that tribe, to their lands west of the Mississippi. They refuse to move, as they are dissat isfied willi their new home from reports of persons sent to view it. A JOKE. A well known physician in a certain town' is very much annoyed by an old lady, who is always sure to es cort him in the street, for the purpose of telling over her ailment. Once she met him in broad way, and he was in a very great hurry. "Ah! I see you are very feeble," said the Doctor, "shut your eves and show me your tongue." She obey ed, and the Doctor, quietly moving off, i . ieit tier standing there lor some time in . this ridicuknu position, to the infinite amusement of all who witnessed the fun- ' ny scene. Cre for the. or TErroat. The Charleston Courier publishes the following: "Two table spoor s ubf ashrs in one pint of boiling water, to which, af ter being strained, add two tea-spoons full of table salt, a piece of alum and one of saltpetre, each the size of a nu'mejr, the juice of three limes, or a little vinegar or orange juice, all sweetened with honey, and when cold, imrgle the throat every three hours. This remedy has been fre quently tried, and never found to fail." A gcntlemm attached to Gen. Kear ney's expedition says, in a letter from Santa Fe to a brother in St. Lous. "This is the most miserable country I have ever seen. The hovels the people Jive in are built of mud, one story high, and have no flooring. They slcen on the ground, and have neither beds, tables, nor chairs. In fact, they burrow in the ground like Prai r;e dogs. We entered the city on the , the 18th of August, and took session withouf firing a gun." pos-j WANTED IMMEDIATELY. A JOURNEYMAN hairnu-ker. w U j 1 5L a workman and of KOlij ; moral cbnncter and industrious hnbiu, j . til 11 I rtllll r T 11 ( .11 n 1 ... ... "ill uuvt i Diiauiu inciu r.riil fg. ceive liberal wages with U,c subscriber bv applying imm?di iiflv. GEORGE L. GORDON, Somerset, sept. 22. Cu m be rid n d Uavktt. j Flour, per barrel, $3 53 a 4 00 Wheat, per bushel, C5 a 0 To j Rye, " 63 a 0 7o Corn, " 6.5 a C 70 Oat. 37 a 0 40 Potatoes " 00 a 0 3r Apples, 0 00 a 0 00 dried " I 25 I fo Peaches dried 4t 2 50 a 3 CO Butter, per pound, 12 a 0 15 Beef, " 5i a 0 Q Veal, " 5 a 0 6 Chickens, per dozen, 1 25 a 1 5a Eggs, " 1J a 0 lu Stone Coal, per bushel, 7 0 - Pittsburgh .Market. Flour, f2 Sr a 3 CO Wheat 0 50 a 0 0(J Rye :3 a 00 Cora 37 a 43 Oats 0 a C5 Barley, 37 a C: ! icon, haras, per lb 5 a 0 Pork CO a CO Lard, 5 a 6 Tallow, rendered 6 a CO " rough 4 a C'l Butter, in kt? gs, 6 a 8 " roll. 7 a 9 Cheese Western Reserve 5 a 7 " Goshen, CO a 10 Apples green, per barrel, 50 a 1 CO " diied per bushel, 1 10 a 1 2') Peaches, 3 CO a 3 50 Potatoes, Mercer 00 a CO Neshannocks 45 a 50 Seeds, Clover 4 50 a 0 CO ,, Timothy i 18 a 0 00 " FlaxsecJ 00 a 1 C'j Word 22 a 33 BANK NOTE LIST. Pittsburgh, i'a. STANDARD GOLD AND SILVER Fennwlvania. Pittsburgh, Ranks, Phikulelphia Banks, Girard Bank United States Bank, Bank of Grrmantown Monongahela Bank Brownsville Bank of Gettysburg BaiiU of Chester County Bank of Ch-ambersbiirg Bank of Delaware, Ban'i of Susquehanna County Bank of Montgomery County Ban!; of Northumberland Bank of Lewistown, Bank "of Middleton, Carlisle Bank Columbia Bank and Bridge Co. D"3 lestown Bank Erie B mk Franklin Bank, Washington Farmers' Bank Reading par par par 25 par 1 p3r u par it par par par n p;r par I 1 P3r Farmers Bank Bucks County par Farrncr's&Drovpr's Bink Waynesb'g l rarmers Bank Lancaster Lancaster Co. Bank L-mcasler Bank Harrisbnrg Bnk Hcnesdale Bank Lebanon B;n!i Miners' Bank Pottsvilla Wyoming Bank Northampton bank York Bank Stale Scrip, Exchange bank Titts., Mer. and Manf'a B Issued by solvent Bank3 OMo. Mount Pleasant Sleubenviilc, (p. & M.) St. Ciairville Marietta New Lisbon Cincinnati banks, Columbus Oircleville Zar.esville Pulnam Wooster Massillon Sandosky Geauga Norwalk Xer.ia Cleveland Bank Dayton Franklin Bank of Columbus, Chillicoiho tfciota Lancaster Hamilton Granville Commercial Bank of Lske Erie Farmers Bank Canton Urbma . Virginia, Eastern solvent hanks Wheeling and Branches, Bank and branches, Slate Scrip, 5's par u H U l par li It It t 4 V i i It 1 it ft It It It .1 I o 10 13 43 li 50 45 I 2 o Illinois. 50 J Shavvnetown Missouri. Slate Bank State bank Memphis Tennessee, 3 Other solvent banks 5 North Carolina. All solvent banks 2 South Carolina, All solvent banks 2 A(iv England, New England - 1 .Yew York, New York cilv par Other banks 1 Maryland, Baltimore par Other banki j Kentucky, A solvent Bank . 1