The Somerset herald and farmers' and mechanics' register. (Somerset, Pa.) 183?-1852, October 13, 1846, Image 1

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$2 50 WILL BE CliAJi'JED.
New Series.
Vol. 4. Ho. 48
She hath gone, the gorgeous summer,
Vet on patli. and wood, and hill
The traces of her rosy feet
Are lightly brightly still;
And, as ihe sunlight paling
On eveuing leaves its flush,
In the shadowy arms of Autumn
Still we revel in her blush.
Art thou gone, oh! lovely summer?
I am wandering where the trees,
The grand high priests of nature.
Swing their censors to the breeze;
String perfumes on the hazy air,
While through the arches dim
Comes far, and sweet, and solemnly
Their murmured, mystic hymn.
I am wandering through the forests,
Through the summer woods butlo!
There droops and sways a yellow Hag,
Amid the green beech bough;
And from the tufts of waiving fern
Spring shafts of paly gold,
And the long grass 'plaineth w hispcringly
"When rising winds are bold.
And the balm flower by the streamlet,
The thistle-down that sails,
A fairy craft o'er mount and mead
Urged on by mimic gales,
The golden rod bright glancing
Where the calm and sunny light
Tails trickling through the woven leaves
These whisper of thy flight.
Alas ! alas ! for summer gone,
Alas ! when death his snow
Shall heap upon her rosy lips
And on her radient brow !
Alas! alas ! for darker days
When Nature, pale with dread,
Shall stand, a stricken Niobe,
Alone amid her dead,
A. D,
Pennsylvania, September, 1S4'.
The fact of the recent loss of the stea
mer New York, while on her way from
Galveston to New Orleans, has been al
ready briefly stated in this paper. The
details connected with this melancholy
cvent by which a number of human be
ings were suddenly swept into eternity,
arc given in the following letter from one
of the survivors. The letter was not
written for publication, but it narrates the
events of the fearful catastrophe with a
simplicity and power which will cause it
to be read with deep and thrilling interest.
From the New Orleans Bulletin.
My Dkar Sir: Many items of an in
dividual character might be picked from
the surviving passengers of the New
York, embracing their sufferings and their
fortunate rescue from a watery grave. I
write you off a few pages principally
c onnected with what came under my own
The first night out I found the violence
of the wind sprained the upper works of
iho hnnt so much as to cause the cabin to
leak badly, rmd, indeed, I was fearful that
it would nc Diown on, anu i mil- u uui
should occur that it would, no doubt,
cause our destruction, as our wheel rope
led along the promenade deck, and that
some of the machinery would probably
be damaged by such an event. At about
10 P. Mm Sunday night, I was lying in
mv berth in one of the after State Rooms
011 the larboard side, and observed the
quarter boat, expecting it to be carried
away every moment, when, sure enough,
the arter davit parted; some of the hands
were called, and every effort made to save
the boat. As we had a tremendous sea
running, and she was bringing up with a
surge, I told the men, after they had
made several a! tempts to secure it, to eut
away the forward falls and let it go adrift
as the boat was, doubtless, stove. They,
however, hoi.-ted up the after par' of the
deck, and while securing it we were
stricken with a heavy sea which carried
awav the boat, and took a portion of our
bulwarks. W e had two lady passengers
on board, and a few children. As I was
near the ladies' cabin w hen I heard them
crying for assistance, I went in and tried
to console them. They were in great
eatress. I told them that all had been
rlonc in our power to save the boat, and
we must rely alone on Divine Providence,
and lie would do what was best for us.
Capt. Phillips came into the cabin at
about one o'clock and told the passengers:
Gentlemen, if you will go below and
light the chain upon the deck wc may
save the boat; it is the only chance we
hnvp for our lives." I turned to several
of them and urged them to come, but on
f oing below found that most of them had
preferred to remain on deck. I found
two or throe hands below near the chain
locker, which was well aft, tinder the la
dies' evibin. After hard work we got it
rn drrk, when I returned again to the
cabin. Cant. Phillips came in again at
about 3 o'clock, and told the passengers ;
that we had but one chance for our lives, 1
and that was every one to take his turn
at the pumps, and to help to bail out with ;
buckets, and keep the boat afloat until j
day-light or until the sea went down.
The passengers generally turned out, but
it was with reluctance many of them
would go below to pass the buckets up
the cabin-hatchway. There were about
two feet water in the lower cabin. I
worked until I was completely' prostra
ted, and came on deck, and afterwards
took my turn in pumping and passing a
long the buckets. I proposed that we
should clear away the ladder and a part
of the bulk-head around the hatchway,
and fix lanyards to the buckets and draw
the water up. This was done, which
left several spare buckets, and we formed
another party and went aft to the ladies'
ca!in. and there bailed for an hour or so,
by passing the water up the steps leading
to the lower cabin. Coming on deck
shortly after, I was surprised to see such
a destruction; the sea was making at
times a clean breach over the vessel; the
larboard wheel-house, and nearly all the
bulk-heads forward were gone, and the re
mainder tottering. I got a rope and took
a turn with it round the arch brace, and
held on to prevent myself from being
washed overboard. The boat had settled
down very much on her larboard side.
Whilst 1 was forward Mr. James Phil
lips came up to me and said, "Captain, I
did'nl know you with rig on, I have ob
served you working about all night but
did not 'know it was you." I requested
him, if he should reach shore, and should
ever meet any of my friends to tell them
that I have worked like a man, and felt
perfectly reconciled to abide the future.
Whilst v. e were talking, Captain Phil
lips came up, and it was thought if we
could set the foresail it would bring her
on an even keel; after a good dc al of dif
ficulty we got the sail set; she soon right
ed on an even keel, but in a few moments
I felt her settling down rapidly on the
starboard side; I then gave up all as gone;
for I felt sure the heavy sea which had
been striking her whilst she was sagged
down to leeward, had opened her ways.
One or two hands came forward and w e
lowered down the foresail. I then, climb
ed up by the pilot house, and was struck
with the perfect destruction of every
thing above deck. I walked aft and found
one of the hands at work, repairing the
only boat wc had left he was cutting
strips of canvass, and with them and his
knife, trying to caulk her seams. One
or two others came up to assist him; I
examined the boat, and told them that it
was love's labor lost, to try to get her in a
condition to float, that she might save
one or two, but as all hands would be for
jumping into her, I had no doubt she
wonld fill at once.
The passengers now assembled on the
promenade deck. I saw Capt. Phillips
ed to
him that if 1 could get
a bottle I would write a few lines and
cork them up and throw it overboard.
lie replied, that's well, for none of us
will ever be seen again. A bottle was
brought, and on the back of an old mani
fest I wrote something likfe the following:
Steam vessel New York, total wreck
encountered a tremendous gale all hands
did their duty like men; Sept. 7, 5 o'clock
A. M., and signed my name to it. After
I got through, it struck me, that if it was
ever picked up, they might think I was
very much agitated, irom the nand-wn-ting,
and I added the following postscript:
"I feel as calm as a summer's sun." Af
ter being properly secured, the bottle
with its contents was thrown overboard.
Several passengers came to me and
asked me what was to be done; I told
them our only chance was to make a raft,
and we fell to work to tear away the ben
ches, ctr. I walked forward and got
hold of the chicken-coop; some of the
passengers followed me. I told them this
might save one or two, as long as it would
hold together, and advised them to lash it
round securely with a rope to prevent it
from tumbling to pieces. Finding the
hands cutting away the foremast, I went
aft to keep out of the way When I got
aft, near the boat, Judge Tokr r.sked me
what I was going to do? try the boat or a
plank? I stated I had not yet determined
what I would take, but should keep clear
of the boat, for I was confident she would
not float, and all hands would jump into
her the moment she was launched. I
further said that I would hang by the
wreck until the last moment, and thought
it best in such cases to keep cool, and not
be in a hurry to leave. 1 saw the lead
line lying close by and I cut off a fathom
or so and tied it securely round my waist;
several others did the same. I saw Da
niel Phillips preparing to launch the boat;
I went tin to lend a hand iust as we
were getting ready the crowd rushed to
the boat, and a heavy sea striking us at
the same moment, the confusion that en
sued, made me think that it was no place
for me, and I started forward; I felt the
promenade deck giving way under my
feet, and sprung to the star-board arch
braces and crawled forward of the wheel
house. In looking round and seeing the
total destruction that ensued, and the
shrieks and groans ot the dying, I heard
the bell of the boat, as it was falling, give
one toll. It was the most solemn sound
4hat ever fell upon my ear; I thought it
the death knell to man-, perhaps to all.
I cast my eyes to the Northward and dis-
covered dark and dreadful looking clouds
tumbling up rapidly above the horizon,
threatening to sweep the ocean with the ( my hands as I could and wet them well
besom of destruction. 1 was on the brace ; and advised the others to do the same to
for a moment, only, when I felt it giving prevent thirst. I frequently through the
way. In looking round calmly and col- day carefully surveyed the horizon
lected, as every moment appeared my by sweeping my eyes gently a
last, nearly every act ol my life rushed long in hopes to discover a sail. 1 meil
tli rmiivli ml minil" T fplt rrrffftl v rornn. ' lirmfwl n mv rxtnirviiiwtna tliit T imil
ciled to mv condition and was cheerfully
looking upon everv breath as my last.
said to myself, loud enough to be heard,
if any one had been present, "Fearless
let him be, whose trust is in God."
Discovering the pilot-house floating about,
I thought
mv best cnanee was to trv and
T 1
reach it. I watched a favorable moment
as the floating mass came up with the
surge of the boat; I lowered myself
down and made a spring to reach a piece
of the wreck; the moment I struck it it
turned, and I suppose I must have gone
down at least six feet. It is surprising
how rapidly one can think at a moment
when he feels himself done with time.-
As I was rising to the surface I thought to
myself drowning is a pretty easy death,
but to be jammed, mangled, and crushed
here amidst this mass of iron and timber
is horrible. AVhen I reached the surface
I with great difficulty reached the pilot-
honse, which I discovered made a rapid
semi-circle to and fro, and I judged the
tiller rope was still fast; in reaching over
and examining, I discovered it to be the
case. Having a small pen-knife in my
pocket, I got it out with great difficulty
and succeeded in cutting the rope. I
then floated clear of the mass and swung
down and caught hold of the wheel, when
the whole upper part of the house tum
bled off. I picked up a piece of plank
and shoved myself out from the wreck as
far as possible. As wc had a very heavy
sea running, I lashed myself to the wheel
to prevent being washed off. A piece of
the promenade-deck floating by me, I
hauled it towards me with a strip of moul
ding which was floating by me, in my
reach, and lashed it to my raft so as to
make it more buoyant, for I found the
wheel was so heavy as to waterlog my
raft. At this time, a black dog that was
floating on a piece of the wreck discov
ered me, left his raft and swam for me.
I gave him a hearty reception and assist
ed him on board. He appeared very
grateful and afleetionate, and would stay
no place but m my lap; I tried to make
him lay down, but he implored me with
such beseeching looks, that I thought I
would let him alone, and although he was
but a dog, those lines in Pope's prayer
came forcibly to my mind, and I repeat
ed them loudly:
lTLat mercy It) others s'tow,
That mercy show to inc."
The wheel, I afterwards found, was too
heavy to keep afloat, and I cut my lash
ing adrift and got on the piece of deck;
the moment I did so, the wheel capsized
and sunk. After floating a few hours, I
found a piece of the deck of the boat
floating near me. I managed, by using a
piece of plank for an oar to sheer enough
as I thought to make it. I made the ef
fort, and as I stepped near the edge of my
raft to make a spring the plank under me
sunk, and I went overboard. I had my
lanyard in my hand, and as I came up I
struck for mv raft, and threw the lanyard
over one of the spikes, and crawled up,
lacerating mv leg with one of the numer
ous spikes with which it was lined. It
may seem strange, but I found the sting
ing sensation produced by the salt water
in my fresh wound, gave me rather a
pleasureable excitement. In examining
mv raft, which I at once named New
Providence, I found myself quite happy,
for I felt as if I had something under foot
that would ride out the gale. A squall of
wind and rain soon set in, which was
followed by a heavy sen, which very fre
quently made a clean sweep over me.
Some time after it subsided in a measure,
I discovered a large raft containing ten or
twelve persons.
I look a wide plank that I had on my1
raft, and bv bracing one end of it with mv
feet against the beam, and bracing the
other part with my head and hands, I
found it answered very well ns a sail, as
it was blowing verv fresh. I could tack
about by arranging my plank, according
ly; I stood up towards the large raft con
taining Captain Philips and numerous
others; their raft was composed of the
greater part of the promenade deck abaft
the wheels. I inquired how they were
getting along, and was answered very
badly. I saw Judge Toler looking very
wishfully towards mv raft, and I asked
him if he would not come on board. -He
and Mr. Stakes answered in the affirma
tive, and after some time I got them on
board. My dog passenger left me at this
time and swam on board of the other
raft; a black pig tried to board me from
Captain Phillips' raft, but finding it a dif
ficult matter to get on borrd he put back.
I now shoved off.
I found two additional
passengers made mv raft prettv well water
lnn-n-r..! nnA iho enrt (Von,iortl v mirip !i
clear breach over us, but we lashed our
1 ropes and held on firmly. The constant
breaking of the sea over us tit rough the
j day had one good effect; it enabled the
! pores of our skin to absorb water, whicli
j prevented the least feeling of thirst, and
when I found mv head and shoulders ?ret-
! ting dry, I would dip as much water with
' thought a trreat deal through the dav about
the awful position I was in, not know-in
but every moment would be my last,yet I
; could not really feel it, for I tried to farui-
liarize myself to death, and appearing be -
! fore mv Maker. Yet I had not been
pbie to divest myself of the firm belief
that we would be picked up, or drift a
shore. Judge Tuler and Mr. Stakes both
stated that to be their own feeling, and
! all regretted that it was the case.
j I told them the first thing we would
f see in the shape of relief would be a
j smoke on shore or from the steamer Gal
: veston. And that since the weather had
moderated, I had no doubt that Captain
AY right had
leu lialveslon. and as we
y- I 1
were in his track, if he passed alonr bv
daylight, he would rescue us. In look
ing round again I discovered a faint col
umn of smoke, as I thought, ascending-
I watched it intensely and cried out-
"There is smoke, mv God! it is Galves-
ton." Up jumped the others, and after
looking for a while they agreed that it
was a boat, ami that she was standing
down in our track.
She gradually appeared in sight, and
would stand off picking up the smallest
objects first; in that way we were the
last taken on board, as we had drifted a
few miles faster than the others. As the
Galveston stood down towards us, I found
she had lowered a boat, which was tow
ing with a long scope of rope; the pas
sengers on the promenade deck ran for
ward with the rope. I found it to
be about 6 P. M. when I got on board of
the Galveston, having been about twelve
hours in the water. Seventeen persons
were lost, out of names that were known;
doubtless several others who were not
recollected. No one under all the cir-
cumstances, could imagine for a moment
the possibility of so many of us being
saved. I lauded on the Galveston, hat
les, but one shoe on. blistered with the
sun, and bruised very much. I felt hap
py, though, and in thinking of my trunk
and carpet bag, containing a tolerable war
drobe, and all my papers, many of them
of value' I thought of nothing but of a few
little mementoes, gifts of other days, each
one containing the associations of a vol
ume in my mind, and almost regretted that
I had not tried to stow them away in my
pocket. 1 went more in for the substan
tial in leaving the wreck I observed some
Irish and sweet potatoes and onions ly
ing about the deck and I filled my coat
pocket with them, not doubting but the
to-morrow's sun would make me value
them beyond millions of treasure.
I soon retired to rest, and I poured out
my heart in to God for my
Providential escape from suffering and
death; and although it was a general
breaking up of "this world's gear" with
mc, vet I felt grateful and thankful that it
was even so, for it is one of those land
marks in one's existence that reconciles
him to take the world as it comes, and
enables him to feel that there is no situa
tion so trying, or prospect so gloomy, but
that under the blessing of pro vidence our
energies and fortitude can surmount.
The steam vessel New York has been
running so constantly that her engines,
doubtless, required considerrble repair,
for on our way to Galveston nearly one
half of her steam escaped. She was a
strong, well built vessel, and a good sea
boat, and stood the hurricane much long
er than I expected; and it might have
been, if her engines had remained in per
fect order, that we could have kept her
head to sea, and probably rode out the
The New Orleans Dklta of the 20th
ult. contradicts the reported arrest of CoL
Harney, which was circulated in the
New Orleans papers of the day before.
The Delta had jeceived letters from San
Antonia as late as the 10th Sept., which
make no mention of any such arrest. A
letter of the 3d ult. states that Col. II.,
with three companies of the 2d dragoons,
returned on the 26th of August from the
Presidio de Rio Grande, having been ab
sent a month. A letter ol the 10th Sept.
from San Antonio says: 4,Such is the ac-
tivity of preparations for getting off the
' troops in the quartermaster's department
that the clerks are at business till two or
three o'clock everv morning. There is
no doubt but we will have a tight piece
of it at Chihuhua. The first division
of the army leaves here in three or four
days; the balaancc will follow in the
course often, or, at farthest, fifteen days."
Mr. JosEnt Gray, of Wilton New
j Hampshire, died on the 26:h of August,
aged SO. He served his country f.iithful-
i lv in thn Tievnlntinn and hnrl hfon !i rpffii.
lar paying subscriber for the Amherst
Cabinot for nearly forty years.
The New Orleans papers are rilled
with highly interesting news from the
i u " i i i ,
Armv, brought by the steamer Mektm,
arrived on the 21st ultimo, in sixty-five j
hours from Hrasos Santiago. In t'lis
vessel two hundred and fifiv sick volun-
teers and six United States 'soldiers who
were wounded in the battles of May
were conveyed to New Orleans.
The accounts from the Army, it will
' i, -tn,? n.w-
1 . . ,, ... n
j ORTU anJ a hre bod' of Mexicans.
I Should it take place, we have no fear for
' the result. The force at Monterey is
slated at 8,000 men. and reinforcements
are reported to be on the march to that
The Matamoras Flag" states that va
rious proclamations from Ampudia, Santa
Anna, and other Mexican officers, were
circulating at Matamoras. Ampudia's
proclamation is dated at Saltillo, August
27. He says he is determined to be
revenged for the defeats of the 8lh and
' 0th y; calls UP! lhc Mexicans to rally
round the standard ol their country;
boasts that if the Americans attack Mon
terey they will be scattered like chaff be
fore the wind; threatens all Mexicans and
foreigners with death who shall be found
trading with Matamoras; treats as spies
all those who hold correspondence with
the Americans; forbid the Mexicans to
work for the Americans; and promises to
his people the sacking of Matamoras,
should he prove victorious, of which he
says he is certain.
From the Matamoras F)a; of .September 12.
After the regular edition of our paper
had been struck off this morning, the
steamer Big Hatchee arrived form Camar
go, and we arc indebted to Mr. Hicks,
clerk of the boat, for the following letter
and other information :
"Camargo,Septmckr 8, 1846.
"I hasten to inform you of the arrival,
post haste, from Serai vo, of Captain Mur
ray, with information that McCulIough's
Rangers had come into Gen. AY orlh's
j camp at Sera'vo, and reported that on the
4th instant, about fortv miles beyond
Seralvo, they discovered a body of Mex
icans, forming the advance guard of a large
force. They retreated as the Rangers
came upon them, and were pursued until
they fell back on a large, force, which was
discovered to befroui800 to 1,000 strong.
It was the general impression that it was
intended to attack General YA'orth before
reinforements could arrive, and Captain
Murry thinks that a battle is being fought
at Seralvo to day, (the 8th.) Captain
Murry met General Taylor, with a part
of his force, some distance in adv ance of
the main body, and within thirty-five
miles of Seralvo, on a forced march to its
relief. It is positively asserted that the
Mexicans are determined to make a strong
resistance between Seralvo and Monterey.
Ampudia and Aristi are co-operating with
each other, and their forces are augment
ing fast the Mexicans are rallying to
their standard from all quarters. The
heat has retarded roniewlnt the progress
of the troops who left here with General
Taylor, it being out of the question to
march during the heart of the day. The
troops were in high spirits and eager to
come up wtth the Mexicans. Two com
panies of Rangers that were here lately,
having their horses shod, started off im
mediately after Captain Murry's arrival.
All is quiet
Santa Anna,
here. Proclamations from
mpudia, and the Uovern-
or of Tamaulipas, have been received i:i
town, and are having their effect upon the
Mexicans. The proclamation of Ampu
dia makes the penalty very severe upon
all who may for.nsh provisions, assist in
transporting provisions, or in anywise aid
the Americans. It prohibits them from
hnMino- nnv intercourse or carrvmr on
any trade with us.Death and confiscation
of property are the penalties for disobey-
iug the order. These proclamations have
also been received in Mierand Reynosa.
Nothing more of imootanee "
On the above letter the New Orleans
Courier makes the following remarks:
"Ii is not probable that the troops seen
bv Captain McCuilough beyond Seralvo
had an intention to attack General YY'orih
if thev numbered onlv from
800 to 1,000,
as the rumor states. General YY'orth's
force outnumbered them, even before he
was lioined'by General Smiths brigade
Those Mexican troops may be
vance of a stronger body, but
the" ad-
Tavlor, in all probability arrived at Ser-
lio ia
stated by the messenger to havehcen only
thirtvtive miles eastward of that phu-e,
and rapidly advancing; while the rccontre
of the Rangers with the Mexicans occur
red about the same distance from that
town on the other side. "Whatever may
have been the force of the Mexicans in
the battle supposed to have taken place
on the 8th, we have no apprehesion for
.i 'Vht Ampriron tronns under
Wrtrth and Smith are not less than 2.000
11 ic iirou... . - r -
composed of the best regiments in the
army, with due proportions axuiirry.
cavalry, engineers, &c. Tor a hard ami
a long fight no troops can excel them, and"
! 'orth and Smith are worUiy to command
8uth men."
1 he ricayune also ssems to uouot ih&
! curacy oi me aoove leuer. una,
leUcrs from Seralvo which it supposes to
, C0!,lam intellince quite as late as Ca?-
, t - i t.i -
tain Murray could have brought to Ca-
margo. The first one is dated at Seralro
j on the 6th September, and gives all detail
. e cxp 10n Kangers- Ths
j second is dated on the ah, and merely
indicates that Gen. Worth was meditatinz
j an attack upon the enemy, rather Una ex-
Ae copy the following from the "A
merican Flag" (published at Matamoras)
of the 12th inst:
In our last paper we stated the ad
vance of the army under General YY'ortii
to be at China. It was at Seralvo, a
small town about sixty miles from Mon
terey. Further reports have reacheJ
here as to the number of Mexican troop
in Monterey, which puts them at 8,000r
with a heavy additional force on tha
march, which, it is said, will be there be
fore General Taylor can possibly arrive.
The whole force with which General
Taylor marches to Monterey will not ex
ceed 7,000. The place is represented by
the Mexicans to be extremely well forti
fied, and they are firmly of opinion that
the Americans will be whipped. AA"
have had no intelligence from General
Taylor since he left Camargo. He is no
doubt by this time m Seralvo, and but a
few days can elapse before important
news may be looked for. Much the lar
ger part of his force has been left behind,
which he will not move forward unless
the exigencies may demand it. The im
possibility of transporting provision has,
no doubt, caused him to move forward a
less force than he otherwise would."
The New Orleans Delta has a letter,
written at Point Isabel on the evening of
the 16th, which stales
"That two spies were found in th
camp of Camargo. and their guilt wa3 so
ev ident that they were immediately hang
ed. Also, that there was a skirmish be
tween a party of Americans bound from
Camargo to Matamoras and some Mexi
cans, in which some lives were lost. And
further, that Col. Clarke, commandant of
Matamoras, had been shot at while sitting
in hi3 room; that in consequence an or
der was issued to deprive the Mexicans
in that town of their arms; that no Mexi
can should leave nor enter the town with
out a written permit from the command
ant. In depriving the Mexicans of their
arms, new discoveries were made of se
creted arms of all descriptions and ammu
nition. The Americans in the towa
were held in readiness to repel any at
tempt of the Mexicans to make an insur
rection.,' The New Orleans Times has the sub
joined letter from Camargo, noticing mor
particularly some of the movements o
the troops. AYe arc sorry to learn from
it that there is no abatement of the sick
ness among the volunteers :
Camargo, (Mcyico,) Sept. 5,
Since the date of my last letter thera
has been much bustle and note of prep
aration here, though not as ranch efiected,
it appears to me, (a novice in military
mattets.) as might have been. Ten days
ago it was well known that the army
j which is going to .Monterey had orders to
march in me course oi me preseni week
.uonciav me i
brigade of regulars
crossed the little river
San Juan, lha
one hundred and
; river is not exceeding
' fifty yards wide, and the brigade is not
more than nine hundred or one thousand
J strong; yet it took a great portion of ths
day to get them over, and the prov ision
. train that went with it was not ready until
! Tuesday afternoon, and some portion of
it and the troops uiu not get away ushu
the next morning. Ut the division oi
volunteers commanded by Gen. Butler,
some have ?one. but many a-e here, or
--v i - c
! !; lhe iniiy of the place, and I the day
is not yet Known wuen aa w.u u. v
not yet
march. The want ol suiucicnt transpor
tation is alleged to be the cause of delay.
If thi be true, a load of censure should
be heaped upon those in the United Slates
j whose duty it is to provide it su.nciem w
crush them.
If there be a sufficiency ot
' transportation, then
ffmsp here. o:i
frontier, whose business
it is to use it
properly, should be held to strict resp
iibilily." Tint the movement of the for-
on this frontier
have been dilatory ana
nd (Sen, Tay-
! pnensive is
; lor and his friends owe it lac coun.rj
j his fame to have the causes fuu
It isTsaid, and I suspect truly, that
monev is much wanted in all the thate"-
ments here. Two d..vs a; I s.i v a .:
of one of the chtf g'"; anwd
enilrti-c rjnnt-Slincr t!i 'III t; ''!
to tho
m have
all iheni.'-n
i cbrcks en
1 . 1 I .
1 tako
the i!ensitc banks of your
.-. r ,ir
ruv. '.I. ,
J we.- also rep
it l eiicveu a suj-
t u'-lit; if f, hey
p y r. iu-u. -