The Somerset herald and farmers' and mechanics' register. (Somerset, Pa.) 183?-1852, October 06, 1846, Image 1

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I t SO WILL Uil LUAKl.Cl).
2cw Scries.
Vol. 4. No, I7.
C 0 R 0 N E R .
JaiAC Friedlixe, of Lavansviiie. is
commended as a candidate fur the office
ci Coroner, by many voters of
Paint Towx snip.
Simctl J. Lichty, of Somerset town
ship, in recommended for county Auditor
ly Stonycreek.
IN accordance wiili the nish of numer
ousfriends. I submit myseif to llie vo
ters of Sumerept ronniy as a candidal
Tr 'Jt? .iSSE.MH I.Y at the ensuing e
lectton. and respectfully solicit thpir sup
port. GEO. MOWKY.
Somerset. An. 5.
am again before my fellow citizens
of Somerset county as a candidate
for the ASSEMBLY. Grateful for the
confidence already bestowed upon me,
1 only add thai if elected I will rep
resent them faithful! v.
Somerset ep. 1. 1846.
rSH E :m. crsitfticd, at the request of
Jt, friends, offers himself to tit e citi
zens of Somerset county as a candidate
for the
I, F. f i I I. A T IT R F.
and t liquid be be elected, will faithfully
!icharge his duty to the best of his a
Septembers. 1845.
I am !efrp as a candiJate for
the JlSSEMJLV, and respectfully so
licit vour support.
Somrret borough. Sept. 15. 1846.
To the Voters of Somerset County.
AT the snoot-lion i'f iiunv fiietuls, 1 of
fer inv-clf to vmir cniji''er:ition as a
candidate for S 1 1 EH I FF :" ,hp
fusion? election. Siuiuld I he elected, I
pledge my utmost abilities for the faith
ful discharge of all the bities r.f the of
fice. JOHN O. KLM MEL.
may 19, 1816.
Ta the Voter! cf Somerset County.
gestion of uuint-roiis friends, I offer
myself to your consideration as a candi
date for
at the ensuing' general . election, and res
pectfully solicit your votes for the same.
If elected I will per orm the duties of the
office with fidelity.
Rorkingham Furnace,
June 23. :8-J6.
Sheriff ally.
To the electors cf Sornersjt County:
for the very liberal support received on
a former tucasion, I again offer myself
as a candidate for
and respectfully solicit your votes frr
the s.nie. If elected. I will perform the
duties ctf the office correctly.
Jenner tp. July 14, lSlf
To the Free and Independent Voters
of' Somerset County.
eleow Citizens: 1' offer myself
to vour consideration as a candidate
for the office cf
tt the ensuing election, and respectfully
solicit vour suffrages for the same. If
ejected. 1 will perform the duties of the
office with fidelity.
Somerset tp. May 19. ISlG.
To the Ft;t:r. and Independent Voters
of Somerset County. cu izexsi
T the solicitation of numerous
fiie;t!s throughout the county. I
oflVr mvelf to vour consideration as a
CiOI!ll:t f..r
at n,e enduing; General Election, and
respertfnlly Solicit Vour suffrages. If
elected, I wiH 6ich:ir"ge the duties ofthe
office wii intpp.rtii.litv.
Southampton tp,
Aug, 25. 46
To the Independent Voters of Som-er-et
i OFFER on self to your consideration
:i ( '-.i'mIuI lie for the otfice of
Soiibl I he so fortunate as to receive a
majority of your stifferages I pledge my
self to lbs performance of the duties of
the office with impartiality and fidelity.
Stonycreek tp. May, 56, M6.
To the Lf zal mill Independent Voters
of Somerset Comity.
FELLOV-(MTIZENS:-I offer my.
self to vour consideration as a candidate
for the office of
County Commissioner,
at the eitsumj eiecitou in Oct. .her.
Should 1 be elecied I shall perform the
duties of said nffice to the best of my
capacity and ability.
cpt346. AB'M. BEAM.
To the Voters of Somerset County.
ITellow Citizens: At the solicita
tion of a number of friend, I offer
mvst'.f to vour considration as a candi- ;
date for
at the ensuing jrener;.! election, and res
pectfully solicit vour suffrages. If e!ec- i
ted, 1 will discharge the duties of the of
fice with impartiality.
Berlin. June 23, I84f.
To the Voters of Somerset County.
gesticm of many friends, I ofier my
self to vour consideration s a candidate
f"r County Commissioner,
ensuing ebciion, and .-houl.l I receive
a majority if your suffrages. I shall per
f;rm ibe duties f said oflice to the Lest
of my judgment and. aci'iiy.
Addison tp. July 2S. I8t6.
JL be solicitations of numerous friends
lliroughout the county. offer myself in
your consideration for re-e!e-'ion.
Should I receive a mnj irity of your votes
you may expect the duties of the office
to be faithfully and effi.-ipnily performed.
Somerst, May 6. I b-tG.
To the Voters of Somerset County.
myself to your consideration as a
Candidate for
County Commissioner
at the enduing election; and should I re
ceive a majority of your suffrages, shall
perform the duties of said oflice to the
best of mv judgment and ability.
Stonycreek tp. )
June 2. 1846.
Valuable Ileal lislale
BHE subscriber offers at private sale
B. the billowing valuable ieal estate
iz :
No. 1, a certain tract of
land situate in Jenner township, Somer
set county, containing; about 1 3 1 acres,
abou GO acres of clear bind of which
about 30 acres is in good meadow; .on
hich is erected a new one and a half
story frame house, stable and a large
frame weaiherhoardcd barn.
No. 2. also another tract
cf land sittnte in said township,
contains about 87 acres and 74 perches,
about 40 aess of clear land, of which
about G acres is in meadow, whith a li
story log house and log stable thereon
No. 3. also another tract
of bud situate in said township ol Jen
ner. containing about 118 acres, about
5 acres f rle;ir land, of which about 3
acres is in meadow with a small log house
thereon erected.
If not sold between this and the first
day of April next, it will then te for
rent on the shares.
The above lands adjoin Matthew
Black. Joseph Haines. Henry S. Picking.
George Parker and others, and are situa
ted jut at the foot of Laurel Hill, on
the Turnpike road. They are of a rood
I quality, a brge portion it fine bottom
J land, and that which U not cleared con
tains excellent timber.
For terms applv to the subscriber, re
ceding on one of the tracts.
Sept. 2, '49.
We praise thee, God, when morning's ray
In Orient skies begins to shine,
And once again returning day,
."Wakes on litis glorious world of thine.
We praise thee, God, whose mighty hand,
Supreme in love, supreme in power,
Rolls on the sun from land to land.
To light and glad each fleeting hour.
We prai?e thee, God, at evening tide,
With all the starry hosts on high,
Which beam, as if thy throne beside,
To hym thy greatness through the sky.
At morn, at noon, at eve, we praise
Thy might and grace on bended knee,
And hearts of grateful joy still rise,
Creator, Saviour, God, to thee.
From the North American.
There has been no time for years past
when the prospects of the Whig party
were so brilliant in this Sta'e as at pres
ent. The course of the administration,
had the tariff pledge of '44 been respect
ed, and the interest of Pennsylvania left
unassailed, would still have been suffi
cient to secure the State for the Whifs.
The usurpation by the President of the
power of plunging the country into a
war, a prerogative distinctly withheld by
our constitution, and known only to mo
narchies, is an outrage that could not fail
to siartie every Pennsylvanian republican;
while the motives of that usurpation, the
conquest of Mexico, in order to add a
number of slave States to the confedera
cy, to destroy all equipoise in our govern
ment, and subject the people of the North
to the slave owners of the South, heigh
ten the indignation and apprehension
which such a measure is calculated to in
spire. The veto by the President of tiie
Harbor Bill is regarded with no less dis
approbation. The law was demanded by
the best interests of the entire country; it
was sanctioned by the enlightened states
men of all parlies, and demanded to se
cure our commerce and those engage d in
it froun 'calamities at which humanity
shudders. The Sub-Treasury act, also,
a measure against which, after full trial
and elaborate argument, the people of the
nation, with unprecedented unanimity,
gave a verdict of condemnation, has been
revived. A vast government mammoth
bank has been created; its notes are made
a currency; and in the absence of any
revenue adequate to provide for their pay
ment, the forethoughtful look to see the
land flooded with an issue of continental
raTs the cowardly and cruel stratagem
of government to client a people they
dare not more directly tax. The first ve
to of a private bill the French Claimant's
biil is not forgotten; nor the fact, that
while the President makes war upon
Mexico, upon the ground that she docs
not pay her acknowledged debts, he re
fuses to pay the debts of our government,
of longer standing, more solemn obliga
tion, and due to our citizens; and does so
upon no better ground than that he wants
the money to compel the Mexicans to be
honest. The folly and madness, the in
consistency and treachery, the final imbe
cility and meanness of the Administration
upon the On gou question would of itself,
be sufficient to carry the State against it.
Indeed the subjects of accusation against
the government as now administered have
so multiplied in number and so swelled
in grossncss, one aboe another, that it
may be apprehended that the public press
have not done justice to any. But the
intelligence of the people, who have wit
nessed vron after wrou? and shame after
shame falling upon the country, has cher
ished a remembrance of the long calender
of offences, and will pass judgment upon
them, according to their merits, at the
polls. Were the Tariff question buried,
these issues would secure the condemna
tion of the Administration. Were these
questions lost sight of, the Tariff fraud
and outrage would render the same result
Pennsylvania is a Whig State. Cir
cumstances have hitherto defrauded the
party of the victory which was its right;
but the result of each earnest contest has
shown a regular advance in the vote of
the Whigs. The Tariff fraud has deci
sively' ascertained their triumph. It Ins
split the party throughout the entire State.
It is the ruling question in Pennsylvania
politics: and necessarily so, for it is inter
woven with every fibre of Pennsylvania
industry. Six months since the entire
population of the State were ultra in sup
port of the tariff of '42. The course of j
the administration has thrown every thing :
into confusion in the ranks of the locofo- j
cos. There are some that must go with
the Administration, go whithersoever it '
may; they have gulped down the shame
ful dose prepared tor them, bent their
necks for the collar, and can in nothing
be distinguished from the nullifiers ot
South Carolina. 1 here are others who :
'Do perceive here a divided duty,"
and while in national politics they are for
free trtde, on lotal" issues they' still affect
a devotion to the tariff of '42. Others
make a hotchpotch mixture of Free Trade
and Tariff, and proclaim themselves to
be upon both sides and upon neither; and
there are still others who, afraid to desert
ths tariff, and ashamed of the absurdity them to be traversing the country in eve
of supporting a Free Trade admt.nistra- ry direction.
tion, while they advocate protection, say , Mr. Sublette's party rerched Fort Bent
little on ths subject and hope to pass tin- ! on the 17th of August, when all Gen.
challenged. To maintain these various Kearney's party had left for Santa Fe.
positions, all sorts of strange inventions Lieut. Simpson was in command of
ana tumorous inconsistencies are resorted
to. But the mass of the people, those
who are politicians because patriots, and
desire only to see justice and honesty in
the public councils, afi righted and dis-
gusted at the fraud of '4 t, openly de-j
nouncc the authors and supporters ol the ! panics of Col. Priced regiment. Col.
British Tariff, and avow this determina- j price himself was at Cotton Wood Fork,
tion to sustain the only Pennsylvania par- j The battalion of Mormons v. :?s met fif
ty that dares proclaim its principles and i teen miles the other sidy of Council
man tain them the Whigs. Never was I Grove. Mr. Sublette was twenty-three
the locofoco party so shattered in Penn- j Jjys in taa filing from Bent's Fort to St.
sylvania as by the British Bill. Its or- Louis.
g:ms and candidates profess different prin- j Mr. Sublette reoresents the Governor
ciples in different districts and counties:
and even in the same districts we find
them antipodes on thi ruling question of
the contest. From a confusion thus worse
confounded there is little difficulty in pre
dicting the result discomfiture.
That which has chilled and distracted
the enemy, has united and stimulated the
Whig party. Its organization has been
vigorously resumed; its wanderers have
been reclaimed; and its ranks, swelled by
unexpected accessions, knit like a pha
lanx, confident and resolute, advance to a
certain victory. No false expediency
will in the coming contest divert their
votes to other issues. They are Whigs
and nothing else. With this ardor and
fidelity, and with the advantages which
the st?te of the conquest affords them,
they cannot fail to achieve a victory that
will be the basis of other and more ex
tended triumphs.
Later from Fort Bent Progress of
The St. Louis Republican, of the 12th
instant, mentions the arrival on the pre
ceding day of the Little Missouri, from
Missouri river, bringing passengers Solo
mon Sublette, Wi.ber Roddick, and sev
eral fellow travellers from California.
Mr. Sublette had been absent three years
in Oregon and California."
In company with ten others, he left
Pueblo do Los Angelos about the last of
May, driving some eighty mules and hor
ses. They travelled the road usually ta
ken to Santa Fe. His account from
Lieut.' Fremont is not so late as that re
ceived at Washington, but be left him on
the Sacramento, and when l ist heard from
it was understood that he expected to
reach home by the first of this month.
Mr. Sublette met tit? first company cf
emigrants to California, under the com
mand of Mr. Davis, eighteen miles on
the other side of Green river, on the Sih
of July last; they had eighteen wagons.
He understood from them that they had
no difficulties with the Indians on the
route. On the 10th of July he met a
Lieutenant of the United Suites navy, the
same who passed through this place some
time ago, goirijr as n express from the
United States Government to our fleet in
the Pacific: he was between Little Sandy
and Sweet Water, and left this city in ad
vance of the emigrants. Gov. Bo-r;s was
met two or three days in the rear of Col.
Russell, and some 300 miles from the
point where they were to separate; the
one party going to Oregon and the other
to California. At the dividing place there
would be two guides to lead them on their
way to California Mr. Greenwood, who
proposed to take a route north of the j
Great Salt Lake, and Mr. L. P. Hastings,
who preferred going south of it. Mr.
Sublette prefers the former route, and ad- t
vised the emigrants to take it. By the j
latter route they must travel sixty miles j
witnout any water whatever, ami the uis-
tance is nearly as great as the former.
On the lG:h of July he left the last
party of emigrants at the Willow Spring. I
After passing them Mr. Sublette met a
party of Sioux warriors, about ten miles
in the rear of the emigrants, and he learn
ed that a party of six hundred warriors
were not far distant. He understood that
these Indians were on an expedition a
gainst the Crow or Snake tribes, and if a ,
small party of the latter were met it im
probable that they would be killed; but
their real design, it is probable, was to
rob, and, if necessary, kill the emigrants.
The Pawnees had, however, been suc
cessful in despoiling the emigrants of ma
ny of their horses and sixty head of cat
tle. Subsequently 3Ir. Sublette's party was
attacked by twenty-five or- thirty of the
Sioux, from which they escaped with dif-
ficulty. He met a man by the name of
Boxxey, from Ohio, who had been rob
bed of his horses and provisions, but es
caped with his life, and accompanied the
party to Fort Laramie. Near Fort Bent
he found fifteen families of Mormons.
They had selected their grounds, had
sown patches of turnips, and were cut
ting logs for their habitations. They
seemed cheerful, and during the time Mr.
S.s party was with them a week they
fhad preaching, two or three baptism?, and
ceversl dance. -'
: Between Fort Linmieand Fort Bent
,c met fifty lodges of Sioux Indian--, who I
told him t'h3t they had determined to stop !
all routes for the travel of Americans ex-'
cent one; that thev would not nermit
the military at the Fort. Many provi-j
sion wagons h id reached there, 'and two j
. companies were met not far distant from
;.e Fort. In Ins proirres homeward he j
! met trains of wa-ons all alon; the road. I
At Pawnee Fork Mr. S. met two com-j
of California as d is posed to enouraue the
emigration of Americans, but General
Castro was very hostile to it. He says
that the usual quantity of rain has fallen
in California during the prist year, contra
dicting, in this respect, the reports of oih
ea travellers.
The following is extracted from Wm.
II. Russell's letter, dated Sw:f.t Water
River, 80 miles west of Independence
Rock, 12th June, 1846:
I am now within ten miles of the val
ley of the Pacific, and shall hereafter drink
of its waters, instead of the muddy Mis
sissippi. This is a country that may cap
tivate mad poets, but I will swear I see
nothing but big rocks, and a great many
of them, high mountains and wild sage,
without other vegetation to admire. It is
a miserable country we are passing
I resigned my commond of 150 wa
gons at North Platte, where I considered
all safe, and am now travelling w ith twelve
men on mule?, which we procured at Fort
Laramie. In my company are Mcs-rs.
Brvaut and Jacobs, of Louisville, Ken
tuckv, Currv, &c. of St. Louis.
The schooner J. P. Holt, Captain
Holt, at New York, from St. .Mary's
Georgia, make? the following report,
from which it will be seen that the brig
! Helen McLead, which Ic !f Baltimore on
the 2d instant f r New Orleans, was dis
masted in the late equinoctial gale, and
when last seen was in such a condition as
to leave no doubt that she soon after sunk
with all on board.
The following is a list of the officer?,
crew, and passengers of the Ilcieu Mc
Leod :
Thomas Marston, mister; Samuel Ed
wards, chief mate: Wm. R. Richardson,
second mute.
Seamen Wm, Borroughs, John Val
entine, John Chardon, John Wilkinson,
William Moore, Francis Monmonier,
William Collars, (cook.)
Cabin Pas.scngers Mrs. Amos and
two daughters.
In the steerge A lady and three
gentlemen names not known; Wm.
Scwel, (colored.)
Her c argo consisted of 1.G13 b 'gs of
coffee, 210 kegs if nails, 23 tons of pig
iron, 97 bales of domestics, 20 bundle?
of leather, and abont 200 packages of va
rious articles.!
Capt. Holtsavs, on thellsh. at 1 A.
M., wind hauled to southwest,
i lie i
moderate, sea grew more smooth; at 8
A. M. passed several parts of wreck, saw
one large p;ec3 and several pans of a
cabin; at 10 A. M. thick and rainy, went
aloft, saw a wreck to-leeward dismasted,
kept ofl for her; at the time saw, as we j
supposed, a square-rigged bng lying by
hor; as we nnds mem. saw another
wreck with both mas's gone; about 20
feet of the foremo! standing; saw 6 per-
sons on noaiM; appeartu to irj a new ves
sel of about 160 tons: high deck; swept
every thing, both boats and davits gone.
The first one I saw was a ship with every
thing gone but her foremast, running be
...... i ... i .
fore the wind under foresail. As I saw ;
afore and aft schooner running for the j
wreck of the ship, I rem for the bri,
which proved to b.; the brig Helen Me-
Leoo. of and for Baltimore; had her en
sign set in the fon 'opinnst rigging, the
union down, and blown to pieces; at half-j
past 11 spoke her, the captain reported!
3 or 4 feet water in the hold, and in a
sinking condition. She had no boats,
j deck swept of every thing; bulwarks
i gone they, had cut away her stanchions,
j and had a "raft of spars 'ready to launch
overnoaru: ner sails oem" in rioano iroui
the yards and jihboorns. She lay p1"
fectly unmanageable; s?ood past her per
haps a mile; put the vessel c.ndr work
ing sail, tacked ship nd went to wind
ward of her, with the intention of board
iWher. hut did not think it prudent to
auempt it then, as the sea ran irregular j
and rou-h, although my crew volunteered .
to a man ta attempt it. when I snouhl j
think proper. Kept off. and spoke the j
fore and aft schooner before mentioned, .
which prc-7? ? n '.he SUa II. Wright
bound to Sl Domingo, (since put back to
New York.) She was under bars pole
appeared to be repairing his sails. I
re-jutsred the captain to keep my comps
nv Liid I iv bv trie Helen McLeod, until
he could board her, as he had a better
boat than I had for the purpose; ho re
ported himself a wreck: said lie had hova
his deck load overboard the iLy betorc,
in a hurricane, but said he would lay by.
I then ran under the brig's lee, and "hove
too lay by her until half-past 2 o'clock,
when it came to blow a complete hurri
cane from the southward; about the sarno
time saw the brig's foremast go bv tha
deck, taking the mainicpmait with it
the sea making a fair breach over her.
I should judge myself then about half a
mile to leeward other. The last time I
spoke her, which was Is;oko t io
Silas II. Wright, we run icr touch
er. I saw, as myself and passengers con
cluded, several passengers on board; sa7
one lady standing in the di or of the houso
my people certify that they saw thrca
ladies at once I should say 13 males on
board; Jay to until 4 P. M., when we had
ranged ahead of her a m;b and a half;
tried to wear ship to keep under his lee;
got before the wind, when, if possible, it
blew harder than ever; and as I had a
heavy deck load on board, I did not think
it prudent to head to again; scud befora
the wind for 8 hours in the heaviest gala
I have ever experienced at sea.
It is my opinion, if th-3 captain of tho
Helen McLcod stated facts, and I hava
no rewon to think he did not, that h3
could noH have stayed above water m iry
hours, as it blew then they appeared Xo
have abandoned the pump-; ami when t
came alongside of them th? first time, all
appeared to be employed iin making the
raft, which they abandoned, and appeared
to be sure of getting taken off when we
spoke them. They had a tack!? on the
mainstay, which appeared csif they had
been heaving over cargo whicn I think
must have been coffee, bv the scent tm
leeward of her. She spptarrd to '. e. cry
dcen in the water the last time we i uka
her, and labored tremendously.
At 1 1 P. M. wind abated, but tremen
dous sea; set foretopsail, close reefed; h..d
barely set it, when the gale hurst ; in
all its fury, which blew it e'eir f; in thi!
yard; at same time shipped a num'ier of
seas, which s'.ove dead Tiglr.s nn ! v. ;n
(lows in the house, and fb o Ud the cabin
with water, and blew the flying jib par
tially from the gaskets on the bo un. -Thus
was the llih and 12:h commence J
with heavy gales. In the course of ti.a
forenoon saw three vessels to windward,
apparently in distress, loss, of spars and
sails, making for the (Japes of Virginia?"
in the course of the afternoon saw several
pieces of wreck.
l'KO! HCSEi'O.
We have received (says the New O."
leans Bee, of the lS:h inst-.nt) through
Havana a file of Vera Cruz papers to tho
30th ultimo. As may be supposed from
the date the most important parts of their
intelligence has been anticipated.
The papers are filled with pronuncia
mcntos in favor of Siniu Anna. We no
tice those of Mexico, Aiinacatientes,
Puebh, Vera Cruz, O j a'c.?, Qu .tci. Z",
San Luis Potoi, Durango, Zac te?i
Tabasco, and others. O t the 2i ulti
mo Almonte, Cruscc'tric, R?jm, and
Boves, reached the city of .Mexico. Thy
had accompanied Santa Anna from IIi
vanua. Doujuan Morales has been appointed
Governor of Guanajuato.
As soon as Santa Anna arrived at ths
capital a decree was issued c-mferrin
plenary powers upon tha new Congress
to meet in December. Tho promulg uioa
of this order created gen?r.d jatisfLc ion.
The people hastened in large n rubers to
the National Palace amidst cries of "Viva
Santa Anua!" Viva Farias 1" "Long;
live the army W
The Vera Cruz papers express a strong
desire that the new Congress shoulJ con
vene before the period first agreed upon
the 6th December.
Don Francisco O'agnlbel has bn ap
pointed Governor of the St it? of Mexico,
in place of Senor Cartina, an 1 Do t Ju in
Soto Governor of the Dcp irtcieii: of Vera
We notice several a l.lrc?s to virion
portions of the army by different chiefs.
TIipv breathe nothing but vengeance a
gaint the United States, and express a
confident belief that, un !er :h? ?nv;ncible
Santa Anna, a splen lid v-etf-y will be
achieved over the troops of tb: country.
On t'C o;h ultimo a boat left the Gulf
squadron with a flag of tntcc. and tp
nroached the town o: Vera Cruz, llav.
iiiT touched the shore, an officer deliver
ed :i letter to the Commanding General,
and returned without awaiting any reply.
According to the Vera Cruz J.t firwtof
the letter contained another address ta
the Mexican Minister r.f Forcighn Rela
tions. It contained, in all probability, the
overtures cf peace.
Another decree hi be:n jr.t ferth by
the Prorhiou;.! ( r..n -hi. which
clares the Constltti m cf 1621 infall
force until a new ore be f-inneJ. The
Departmental A?erubUe and the Coua
cil of the 0 overnnueui ire tb---iUluxit