The Somerset herald and farmers' and mechanics' register. (Somerset, Pa.) 183?-1852, September 29, 1846, Image 4

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    rrtrvts nr the herald,
SV rat'T i :ublifWj 4"?rnr ToJy. tf2
par n-vinm. p-vM hifT-yrarly f advance.
If an paid within Ik- yr, f 2,50 wiU invari
Uv be rirjrL ,
No 'tuWniKua uIm rr !mi cbtn ri mnt.w
loreia a atl-iier .iiwoniinu- nlr at
' tha o-Ain of .Jiior. mil rrras;eart
Amwt win ? ' 5 T
miar. tt .. first tbrre T.; rt'onn. and 25
Cffnt for rrry wvU insertion: longer
jwsin proportion.
AriTitMf.nT inserts! in the Herald and
fpuhlirar. three liii.r , at v per square and
V for etTV 'i?r invert ion.
LETTERS of "administration, ile bo
nis t urn trsmrnto anuexo, on
the estate of Shsphet Dwire, sen., dce'd,
having been granted to the subscriber,
residing in Turkeyfoot township, Som
erset county, ail persons indc ttcd to said
estate are requested to make payment
before the iTtU day of October next; and
h having claims, to present on or
before said dav, properly authenticated.
September 8. 1810 fit AdmV.
Estate of John Wijjle. dee'd.
IE TTERS of adminisimbm on the
J estate of Joint Wig!e, Lie of Siony
creek township, deceased, having; been
granted to the subscriber, residing in
said township, he requests all peisons
indebted to said estate to attend at his
'residence, on Thursday ihe 1st of Octo
ber next, prepared to settle, and those
having claims against siid estate, to pre
ent them at the same time and place,
properly authenticated.
An?. 25. MG-Gi
THE subscriber thankful for past fa
vors, takes this method of informing'
his customers and the public in general,
h3t he has removed to the shop former
ly occupied by him immediately '.vest of
the residence of L. Snyder, and
one door east of the office of C F.
Mitchell, Eq., in the Borough of Sum
cret where he will constantly keep on
hand. CO ITER and
of every description, manufactured from
the "best materials and in a neat and du
rable manner. COPPER KETTLES.
STOVE PI PBS, and other
articles in his line of business w:Il be
made to order on short notice. Persons
wishing to purchase good and cheap ar
ticles are respectfully invited to give him
Approved country produce will be ta
ken lu exchange for ware.
Feb. 1 7-jtti.
N. B. Also on band, a number o
Stovtf, of different sorts, which will be
old cheap.
?inS7HERKAS. by an act of "lie Gen
If eral Assembly of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act
relatinig to tbeElectinns of this Common
wealth," it is enjoined on the Sheriff to
give public notice of such election, and
to enumerate in such notice what ofllcers
are to be elected: In pursuance thereof,
High Sheriff of the county of Somerset
th hereby make known and give public
notice to the qualified electors of the aid
county, that a
General Election
will be held on the second Tuesday of
October next, (being the 13th day cf the
month.) aV the several election districts,
lo wit :
-The Electors of the borough and
township of Somerset, to meet at the
Court House, in said borough;
The Electors of ihe township of Mil
ford, to meet at the house of John Wei
ler, in aid township;
' The EJeetors of the township nf Tur
key foot, to meet at the house of ,tce;di
Pringey (now George Ansel) in said
The Electors of ti e township of Ad
lison to meet at the house of Samuel El
er, in the town of Pelersburgh, in said
The Electors of the township of Eik
lick, to meet at the house formerly occu
pied by Jsseph Mills, in Salisbury, in
said township, -
The Electors of the township of Sum
mit, to meet at the School House of My
ers Mill, tu slid tp;
The Electors of the township of
Green viHe.. to meet at the house of
George Long, in said township;
The Electors of the township of South-
mpton, in meet at the house of Daniel
Lepley. in said township;
The Electors of the Borough of Ber
lin and the township of Broihersvalley,
to meet at the house of Archibald Comp
ton, in said borough;
Tive Electors of the tow nship of Sto
nvcreek. lo meet at the house of Jacob
Will, Jr. in said township;
The Electors of the Borough of Stovs
town, to meet at the house of John line,
in said borough;
- The Electors of the township of Que
mahouing, to meet at the house of David
Shaffer, in Sioystown;
The Electors of the.iownship of Alle
ghenv, to meet at the house of James
Plii!on. in said township;
; The Electors of the township of Con
f mauH., i ,nfF, al ,jie cf Peter
Ly, in said tp;
Tl. Eiecor cf the loTRshfn cf S!nc
"T7V T
t if
to meet at the house of Henry Fry, in
M township; ; ,
The Electors of the township of Paint
to meet at the School Ilouso erected on
the bind of Henry Berkey, iu said lown-
The Electors of the the township of
Jpnner, to meet at the bouse of George
Parker, i:i said township;
At which time and places the Qualified
Electors aforesaid will elect by ballot.
One Person fur Member of
the House of Representa
tives of the United States,
in conjunction with the
coun'ies of Fayette end Greene. - ;
One Person for Canal Com
missioner of the Common
wealth of PennsIvania:
One Person for Member of!
of the House of He
tativeS of the Common-!
wealth of Pennsylvania.
One Person for .Sheriff of
the County of Somerset:
One Person for Commission
er of said county,
One Person for Coroner of
said county;
One Person for Auditor, and
Three Persons for Poor
House Directors.
C7The clectcon to be opened be
tween the hours of 8 and 10 o'clock in
the forenoon, by a public proclamation,
and to be kept open until 7 o'clock in the
evening, when the pjlls shall be clo
sed. OJ
"The inspectors and judges of the e
lection, shall meet at their respective
pl.ices appointed for holding the election
in the district to whirl they respectively
belong, belore nine o'clock of the mor
ning of the second Tuesday of October,
and each of a;d inspectors sludl appoint
one cierk, who siiail be a qualified voter
of such district."
"And it is further directed, that the
Sheriff "shall gire notice that every per
son, excepting justices of the peace, who
shall hold doy office or appointment of
profit or trust under the Government if
the United States or of ibis State, or of
any city or incorporated district, wheth
er a commissioned officer or otherwise
a subordinate officer or agent who is, or
shall be employed under the legislative,
executive or judiciary department of this
State, or of ihe United Slates, or o any
city or incorporated district, and that ev
ery member of Congress, and of the
Slate Lrgfslature, and of the select or
common council of any city, or commis
sioner'of any incorporated disirict. is by
lew incapable of exercising, al the same
time, the office or appointment of judge,
inspector, or clerk of any election of this
commonwealth, and that no inspector,
judge or other officer of any such elec;
tion, shall be eligible to any office to be
then voted for.
.'In case the person who shall have re
ceived the second highest number of
votes for inspector, shall not attend; on
the day of election, the persen who shall
h;vc received the second highest num
ber of votes for judge at the next pre
cceding election, shall act as inspector in
his place. And in case tne person who
shall have received the highest number
of votes for inspector shall nut attend. the
person elected a judge shall an
inspector in his place; and in case the
person elecied a judge shall not attend,
then the inspector who shall have recei
ved the highest number of votes, shall
appoint a judge in his place; and if any
vacancy shall continue in the board for
the space of one hour after the time fixed
by law for the opening of the election,
the qualified voters of the township,ward
or district, for which such officer slia'l
have been elected, present at the place
of flection, skall elect one of their num
ber to fill the vacancy.'
"In case any clerk, appointed under
the protisiMi of this act. sln.ll neglect
to attend at any election during aid year
it shall be the duty of the inspector who
appointed said clerk, or the person filling
the place of such inspector, to forthwith
appoint a suitable person ns clerk, quali
fied as aforesaid, who shall perform the
duties for the year."
"It shall be the duly of the several as
sossors, respectively to attend at the-place
of lodding every general, special or
township election, during the whole time
said election is kept open, for the pur
pose of giving information to the inspect
tors, and judge w hen called on, in rela
tion to the right of any person assessed
by them to vote at such election, or such
oilier matters in relation lo the assess
ment of voters as the said inspectors or
either of them, thall from time to time
"No person shall be permitted to vole
at any election as aforesaid, than a white
freeman of the age of, twenty-one years
or more, who hail have resided in" this
Slate at least one year, and in, the elec
tion district where he offers to vote, at
least ten days immediately j.receeding
such election, and within two years paid
a state or county tax, which shall have
been assessed at least ten davs before the
flection. But a citizen of" ihe United
States who has previously been a quali
fied voier of this State, and rpmov,.,!
therelrom and returned, and who shall
have resided in the election district and
paid taxes aforesaid, shall be entitled to
vote after residing in this State 0 months
Provided. That the while freemen,' citi
zens of the United Stales between the
ages of twenty-one and twenty-two years
and have resided in the election disirict
ten days as aforesaid, shall be entitled
to vote, ahhoogh they shall nol harepaid !
tarn." . '
person shall be admitted to vote
whose name is not contained in the list
of taxable inhabitants furnished by the
contmissioners, unless. First he produce
a receipt for the payment, within two
years, of a State or county tax assessed
ngreeably lo give sat
isfactory evidence either on his own oath
or affirmation, or the oath or affirmation
of another that has paid such a tax, or on
failure to produce a receipt, shall make
an oath to the payment thereof; or Se
cond if he claim a right to rote by being
an elector between the age of iwcntv-one
and twenty-two years, he shall depose
on rath or affirmation that he has resided
in the State at least one year next before
his application, : nl make such proof of
residence in the distri-.-l as is required by
this act, and that he does verily believe,
from the nccounis'given him that he is of
the age aforesaid, ami give such "other ev
idence as is required by this act, where
j upon the name of the person so admitted
i lo vote sbnil be inserted in thn alohiheii
cal list by the inspectors and a note made
opposite thereto by writing the word
"tax." if he shall be admitted to vote by
rea-$,n thereof,havingpa;d tax, orihe word
'agii? if he shall be admitted to vote bv
reason of such vote shall be called out lo
ihe clerks, who shall make the likes notes
in the list of voters kept by them.
"In all cases where he name of the
person claiming to vote is found on the
list furnished by the commissioners and
assessor, or his right lo vote whether
found thereon or nol, is objected' to by
any-qualified citizen, it shall be the duty
ol the inspectors to examine such person
on oiith as the qualifications, and if he
claims lo have resided in the Slate for
one year or more, his oath shall be suffi
cient proof thereof, bui shall make proof
by at least one competent witness, who
shall be a qualified elector, that he has
resided within ihe district for more than
ten days immediately preceding said e
Icction, and shall also swear that his bona
fide residence, in pursuance of his lawful
calling, is within the district, and that he
did not remove into said district for the
purpose of voting therein.'
"Every person qualified as aforesaid,
and who shall make due proof, if requir
ed, of- his residence and payrneut of
taxes, as aforesaid, shall be admitted to
vote in the township, ward, or district,
in which he shall reside.
"If any person shall prevent or at
tempt to prevent any officer of any elec
tion under this act, from holding such e
lection, or use or theaien any violence
to any such officer, or shall interrupt or
improperly interfere with him it: the ex
ecution of his duty, or shall block up the
window or avenue to any window where
life same may be holding, or shall rio
tously disturb ihe peace at such election,
or shall use or practise any intimidating
threats, force or violence, witlt design to
influence unduly or overawe any elector
or to prevent him from voting or to res
train ihe freedom of choice, such -person
on conviction shall be fined in: any.sum
not exceeding fi.e dollars and be impri
soned for any time nol less lhan nor more
than twelve mouths, and if it shall be
shown to the court, where ihe trial of
such offence shall be had, that the per
son so offending was not a resident of
the city, ward, or district, or township
where the said offence was committed,
and not entitled to vo e therein, then on
conviction, he sh .ll be sentenced to pay
a fine of nol less than one hundred, nor
more than one thousand dollars, and be
imprisoned not less than six months nor
more than two years.
"If any person or persons shall make
any bet or uager upon the result of any
election within this commonwealth, or
shall offer lo make any such bet or wager,
either by verbal proclamation thereof, or
by any written or printed advertisement,
challenge or invite any person to mke
such bet or wager.upou convieiion there
of, he or they shall forfeit and pay three
times the amount so bet or offered to be
. "If any person not by law qualified,
shall fraudulently vote al any election in
this common wealth, or being nthewise
qualified, shalfvole out of his proper dis
trict, or ifany person knowing the want
of such qualification, shall aid to procure
"su;h person lo vole, the person offend
ing, shall or conviction, be fined in any
Sum not exceeding two hundred dollars
and be imprisoned for any term nol ex
ceeding three months.
"Ifany person shall vote at more than
one election district, cr otherwise fraud
ulently vote more than once on ihe same
day, or shall fraudulently fold and diliver
lo ihe inspector two tickets folded togeth
er with the in tent illegally to vote, advise
and-'procure another so t do, he or they
offending shall on conviction, be : fined in
any sum not less that fifty or more than
five hundred dollars; and be imprisoned
for any term not less than there or more
than twelve months,
"Ifany person not qualified lo vote in
this commonwealth agreeably to law,
(except the 6ons of qualified citizens.)
shall appear al any place of election for
the purpose of issuing tickets or of influ-i
encing the citizens qualified lo vote, he
shall on conviction, forfeit and pay any
sum nol exceeding one hundred dollars
for every such an offence: and be impri
soned for any term nol exceeding three
months." -
And the return judges of the respect
ive districts are requested to meet at the
Court House in the borough of Somer
set, on the Friday succeeding the second
Tuesday in October, (bin ihe 16th)
j then and thereto perform the dnties en-
joined upon them by law.
Given under my hand, at my office in
Somersei, this 1st day or Septem
ber, in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and forty
'six.'and the 70th of ihe indepen
dence of the United States.
JACOB I'll I LIP PI, Sheriff.
FsflernVer 1, 1645,
THE subscriber would respectfully
inform the public, that he has just
received and opened ont in the Store
room of Jacob Kimrael, Esq., in Berlin,
- a fresh and assorted slock of
Drugs, Medicines Faints,
Byes and Confectionaries,
which he offers to sell very cheap for
Persons wishing to purchase articles
in his liie of business, are invited to call
and exaniine his stock.
THEs subscriber has just returned
frnrn the eastern cities, with a well
selected assortment of goods suitable for
ihe approaching season, which he is now
opening in his brick store, on the north
east corner of the diamond, opposite
Col. Ankeny's Hotel, (now Win. II.
His stock embraces all kinds of
Dry Goods, Groceries Hard
ware, (iiccnstcare, &c.
all of which he will sell cheap for cash
or country produce Thankful for the
palronage heretofore given him, the sub
scriber solicits his old customers and ihe
public generally to give him a call, as
he will exhibit his goods with pleasure
and is certain he can accommodate them
with bargains. M. THE I) WELL,
Somerset. April 7. '46-I
THE subscriberrespec'.fnlly informs
his friend, and the public in gen
eral, that he carries on the
Stone Cutting Business
in all its various branches, al his shop
on main streel, 2 doors east of George
Piles tavern, and nearly opposite the
drugstore of John L. Snyder.
made at the shoJlest notice, and on the
most reasonable terms, and in a manrer
mat win rentier them superior to ?,
other mauvfucttired in this section of Hit
Grind stones of an excellent quality,
always kept on hand.
Also constantly on hand, marble
Country produce taken in exchange
for work, at Market Prices.
j f Somersel, Pa.,
IV March 5, 1846 I v.
Drs, Speer and Euhn.
"rT"nHE object of this establishment is
H, to supply a want greatly felt by re
spectable travellers on our western high
ways by residents, without family, ta
ken sick -and by patients from the sur
rounding towns and country who resort
lo this place for relief Irom surgical and
other diseases. Such have often suffered
from the want of the various comforts
and attentions so necessary and agreeable
to the sick, and from careless and un
faithful nurses; and been subjected to
heavy and unreasonable charges.
Invalids will here be provided with
constant, faithful and comfortable atten
dance, snd at a rale much below the usu
al charges.
While the care of both physicians will
be extended to every vaneiy of disease,
it is intended by Dr. Speer, to give spe
cial attention to
. To these branches of his profession
he has given a large share of his atten
ion for the last twenty-five years, and
he will continue to devote to them the
experience acquired by a constant prac
tice during that time.
The. Hole! for Invalids is not an experj
unenL - Its establishment is suggested
not only as necessary to supply an evi
dent want in this city, in the entire ab
sence, of any- special provision for the
sick, but is warranted also by ihe success
of similar institutions at Cincinnati and
New Orleans ihe former under ihe care
of Drs. Taliaferro, Marshall and Strader
-the latter under lhat of Dr. Stone.
The building selected for ihe purpose
is situated at the ccrner of Federal ami
Robinson streets, in Allegheny cily, ad
joining the ciiy of Pittsburgh. It i
commodious and roomy, anJ furnished
with all , accommodations necessary fo
he sick.
Applications for admission to be made
to the subscribers, at their office on Peno
street. Pittsburgh, nr al the establishment.
lCjNo contagious disposes will be ad
milted. . J. R. SPEER, M. D.
.,: .- : J. S. KUHN, M. D,
February 23, 1543.
.iiiiSll, . u io
I HAVE forty odd acre of land, and
I am not able to farm, ar.d no family,
I would sell reasonable: apply to me,
Somerset tp. Sept. 8. 1915.
Cheap, Good and Fashionable.
THANKFUL for past favors, the
subscriber would respectfully in
form his old customers and the public
generally, that he continues lo carry on the
Hattinsr Ruiiics,
in all its branches, al his old stand on
main street, in ihe borough of Somerset,
where be keeps constantly on hand a
supply of HA TS of his own manufac
ture, made of the besi materials and in
every variety of style embracing.
Fur, Nutria, Russia, Cassimer
Country Dealers will be supplied with
any quantity they may desire for retail,
on short notice and at moderate prices;
and customers can at all times either have
a choice from among the stock on hand,
or have iheir hats made to order, of any
Quality or Style.
From bis long experience in the busi
ness and a determination to sej cheap,
and al the same time also thai his hats
shall not be excelled by those of any
other establishment here or elsewhere,
the subscriber flatters himself with the
impe lhat be shall continue to receives
liberal share of public pair niare.
The subscriber understand that some
persons have been selling hats as having
been manufactured by him, which are
made elsewhere and he therefore cau
tions the public against purchasing anv
as his make, which h ive not the words
"John C. Kurtz, Main street, Somerset.
Pa.." on the tip.
Furs ami approved country produce
taken iu exchange for hats.
Piles Cured.
Philadelphia, Nov 2, 1842.
10) Messrs. Editors: As there are
many persons who are suffering much
from Humorrhoidcs, or Piles, I would
inform ihem, through the medium of
your paper, that after man- vers afiic
tion with them, and having in vain
sought relief from various physician",
that I have at length been completely
cured by the use of four bottles of Dr.
jayne's Vermifuge, which has not only
cured me of the Piles but has greatly
benefited my health otherwise.
an Alterative and Duparalive Preparation
combining all the medicinal virtues of
those articles, which long experience
has proved to possess the most safe ef
fieient alterative and dtinbstrument pro
prieties, for the cure of Scrofula, King's
Evil, While Swellings, Ulcers. Scrofu
lous, Cancerous and Indolent Rumours,
Gout, Scurvy, Neuralgia, or Tic-Dou-loureux.
Cancer, Goitre or Bronchocele
(swelled-neck) enlargements of the bones
joints, or ligaments, or of the ovaries,
liver, spleen, kidneys, Ac. All the va
rious Disdases of ihe Skin, such as tetter
ring-worm, biles, pimples, carbuncles,
&c. dropsical swellings, constitutional
disorders, and diseases originating from
a depraved or impure slate of the blood
or other fluids of the body:
Prepared only by Dr, D. Jayne, No.
S South Third street, Philadelphia.
Sold by J. J. & H. F. Schell,
Somersel Pa.
Also by Edward Bevin,
Sloystown Pa,
Jayne's Carminative Balsam.
y; II is welll known that regular phy
sicians are shy of endorsing the virtues
of any of th;U class of remedies common
ly called "Patent Medicindes.'' but so
conspiuous have been the curative pow
ers of ibis preparation, in ils wonderful
effects, that some of the first physicians
in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and other
Slates, have voluntarily come forward.
and furnished Dr. Jayne with certifi
cates of its sensative influence. It is
now extensively prescribed in medical
practise, as a remedy for cholere infan
tum, ciysentary, cholic, dyspepsia, and
all v'iseases proceeding from a disordered
action of ihe stomach, liver, intestines,
or nerves, whether in children, or ner-
sons of adult age. It acts directly upon
the sicreiaries, and puriSes the blood,
by purifying the elements of which it is
Hamilton, N. Y, Oct, 8, 1SJI.
Mr. J. J Faote Dear Sir- I cheer
fully add my testimonial io ihe numerous
recommendaiinns of Dr. Jayne's Medi
cines, which have already been given.
I have found his Carminative successful
in my family in caes where all other
means hail failed. I have also used with
decided benefit his Expectorant. I
would nol e without either of these
medicines in my family for any consid
I have the gratification of a personal
acqnaitnce with Dr. Jayr.e. He is an
exemplary member ofsociety, and sus
tains a high reputation in Philadelphia
as a regular and skilful physician.
Prefessor in the Hamilton Literary
and Theological Seminary.
Sold by J. J.fc H. F. Schell,
Somerset Pa.
Also by Edward Bevin,
St vi town fa.
yNt)ER$ hw profusion! service, , i
public. Office iu th bj:M'.3 f.-,,,.,.' .
cujhc.1 by eharU Ogle, IIkc., fu :4XV ''"
Jane 9, IS 10.
WOOL! wotmf
GOOD clean wool will be taken'
payment of debts due this tfike, if j'
liered soon.
For the aire of Hepatite cr Z,W Coryl
Dyrptpsta end iirk Head-Ache
mill's remedy having been f0T WVe",
i employed bjMhe proprietor ir, his "
on a very Iar?e scale in .Mtv-onafi,, yr ,
Uarri.-iori "Old Randolph counties, u y;'r: ?n
sides several other places, find h.ivin-- Wvti'au
ded with the mou ,3r?y effect, he hatvrnfr!
lime to lime solicited to adopt sucb iuou- -woulJ
give it a more extensive cirru! ui,i:i,
1 a new iu uracil iuc amount oi liunun sulr":
j Aware of the fact that many i;s,-les isoi-rj
j have, been palmed upon the public, be hcvu-cl
j for several yenrs until thoroe;My con-:'i!l(0(i th (.
j the above medicine, if properly used, wouljt
l fail to effect cures in a creat in-, .
i . . - " lUilll'v T',l
even to alleviate those cases which arc quite in u'
able. v i
Symptoms cf a diseased Lirer.TsUn int?
right side, under the ede of the ribs, inert nd
on pressure; sometimes the pain is in ile t.f. M(.
the patient is rarely able to lie cM the I. ft su'
sometimes the pain is felt ntnler the pfiouMer.
blade, it frequently ex tend.-? to tJie top of the shoul
der, and is sometimes mistaken for a rheimint"
in the rijbl arm. The stomach u atlcctcd' vi
loss of appetite and sickness; tfe bowel,-, in ?ei
rah are costive, anenp wiih JT ""
bead troubled with pain, acrompanied wi;h
dull, heavy sensation in the back, j art. 'J lu re ij
generally a considerable loss of memory. an-ot:,
panied with a painful sensation of bavin r tj.-j
undone something which ou-Lt to l:,ive"t,M.a
done. A slight dry cough is sometimes an atu n
dan. The patient complains of wca.mcss ciij
debility; he is easily startled. hs feet are old or
burning, and be complains of a piickly sedation
of t!i in; bis spirits are low; and although
is saiisfe.l that exeicise would be benell, -, ,
him. yet he can scarcely summon up fu.tin.
enough to try it. In fact, he distrusts every n
medy. Several of the above symptoms s.ueiii
the disi, but cases have occurred where fe-.v o
them existed, yet examination of the body af:Cr
death has shown the hvertohave been extensive
ly deranged.
This is lo certify, that having been asori itrj
with Dr. M'Lane in the practice of medicine for
nearly two and a half years, I have ha I mwj
opportunities of witnessing the good effects o
his Liver Pills, and I believe they have ci.-n d anJ
relieved a much larger proportion cf the disease
of the liver, than I have known cured and r
lievcd by anv other course of treatment.
Dec. 7, I836 OLIVER MURUAS. M.V.1
(COBSEnvE None are genuine without
fic-similc of Ihe proprietor's signature.
Prepared for the proprietor bv
Wholesale and Retail Druggist, corner of
4th and Wood ts, Pittsburg. Pa,
They are also sold by the follow ing agtnU.
John L. Snyder, Somerset,
Hay & Morrison, Lnvunsv
Knable and Vought, CentreviJI,
M. A. Ross. Petersburg!',
A. Wyatf, Smithficfd,
G. Cook, Wellersburgh.
Samuel Kurtz, Somerset
Samuel Harriet,. Addison.
Livengood & WeliHey. Salisbury.
Charles Krissingcr, Dprlin.
Ed:n. Kernan, Jenner Cross road.
Edward Deviij, Stoysfown.
P.& W. Myers. Myers Mill.
N. IJ. In order that there may be r.o m?--t.ike,
be particular and ask for "Dr. M'Lanc's Liver
Pills." janlSMG
Patent Vermifuge.
Da. McLaxei Airmen Won Sptcirio
Promptly exprU Worms to cn almost in
credible number!
fO substantiate the a!ovG fact manv hundreds
tit or testimonials coultl lie adduced, out of
which the f blowing are selected, from individ
uals of sfandi;jg and veracity. Indeed, it is con
fidently affirmed that each new trial of the pow
ers of this remedy will have an addition ten
dency to widen and confirm its fame, and that if
t were universally known and dillued over th
United States, it would not save- less than many
hundreds, if not thousands of lives annually.
I do certify that a vial of Dr. M'l.ane's Amen
can Worm Specific expelled five hundred and lw
whole worms and pieces lhat w ould have mids
sixty more, from a boy of Jahn Lewelling, which,
ii laid in a straight line, w ould have most probably
measured the enormous length of one Lundu'r
yards. JOSIA II JACKSON, owner of Wat
Forge, and other works. Monongalia county, Va
This is to certify that I purchased from Holmes
& Kidd a vial of Dr. MT.ane's American Worm
Specif)', and gave two doses to a boy of mine
about three years years of age. He passed fully
half a pint of worms. The quantity was so larga
I was really alarmed, and called in several of my
neighbors to see them. Had this story been re
lated to me, I could nut have c redited it, w ithout
being an eye-w itness to the same. My child'
health improved much after.
Merchant Tailor, Wood st, Pittsburgh
Some two months ago I purchased a via! of Pr1
M'Lanes A merican Worm Specific. I cave a boy
of mine most of a vial; he passed forty very
large worms. From that time his health impro
ved very much. I bad tried two other Vermifuge
to no purpose. I believe Dr, M Time's the best
article before the public. D. CALHOUN.
Mifflin township, Allegheny county.
From a regular Physician. Dr G S Smith, Sua
fish, Ohio.
Mr. J. Kidd Dear Sir I have ued! in my
pactice Dr. M'Lane'a American Worm Sjecitie,
rod have often witnessed its cfTcacy in expelling
worms from the system. A patient of mine, a
shot time ago, gave a via! of the Worm Sjeiiue
lo a child; in a short lime upward of iity-flv
worms were expelled.
Prepared for the Proprietor by
Wholesale and Retail Druggists, corner of
4th and Wood sis, Pittsburgh.
Also for sale by the following agents
JOHN L. SNYDER, Somerset,
Hay and Morrison, Lavansvil!,
K nable and Vought. Centreviile,
M' A. Ross, Petersburgh,
A. Wyatf, Smithfield,
G. Cook. Wellersburgh.
Samuel Kurrz, Somerset.
Samuel Harnet. Addison.
Livengood fe WrlihVy. Salisbury
Charles Krissingrr, Ceilin.
F.drti. Keruan. Jenner Crow waJj,
Edward Revio, Siovsto'tn.
P. Ax W. Myers, My cm Mill.
N. B. Be particulir' fa k for D-. M'Le'i
At3ricaji V'fflSfpwifi:, er Fa'.Ort "7ermi .