The Somerset herald and farmers' and mechanics' register. (Somerset, Pa.) 183?-1852, September 29, 1846, Image 3

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j'Ui:S!)AY, SEPTEMBER 29, .1840. j
rihil.3cT,.ait hi". !
.. 4 r f ! tf
f F t 'e n II I (Ml 1 i3 'ur "UU'wiii i
Arfcrfttemenft ana uo-
;,;,(V,f,r the -HEKAMJ
f.iit l""' to receipt for s
is clothed j
anv monies paid !
Hi agency intluJcs
Mlilm on i ""J"1';
... :? c-iiies.
PLilaJcIphia, New
POl. ' . i. com m rssioF.R;
" ... ..r-TiTr? fOrVTV.
imp I'flVf.Ts.-.
avdumv sTj:nun
of Fayette County.
rgjr'Vhf! obituary notice of Mrs. lien-1
furJ was handed in only when our Torm J
was made up: and wc arc tlicretorc com
pelled to defer its publication until next
ERSET cocxty :
The election is nih at hand, and the
question therefore presents itself: "how
goes the light?" Your opponents are
quietly, yet actively engaged in mustering
their forces and will make a vigorous ef
fort to elect their candidates. Are you
prepared to look calmly on and permit a
minority, numbering scarcely one third of
the voters of the county, to "come the gi
raffe" over you and give you a real Wa
terloo defeat, when ycu have it in your
power to avert such a disastrous result?
Wc hope not: we trust not. Cut you
must bestir yourselves, otherwise all will
Le lost. We speak, now of the county
For the several oniees uf Assembly,
Sheriff, and County Commissioner, there
arc a number of Whig candidates in the
field, whilst the Locos have but a single
candidate for each office. You perceive,
therefore, that they have every chance of
electing tkir men, unless you give up
your personal preferences and concentrate
your forces. The Whig candidates arc
all good men, but cannot all be elected
nd the only way in which you can elect
any or them, will be by first ascertaining
who are the strongest, and then uniting
upon them. We "speak to you as unto
vase men; hearken ye to what wc say'."
Army Movements.
A let'er from Sun Antonio de Ikxar,
(Texas) dated Sept. 5lh, and published
in the New Orleans papers, states that
Capt. Washington's Artillery arrived at
that place the preceding day, and undo
(juite a formidable appearance.
Gen. Wool had contemplated to set his
forces in motion on the 15ih instant, for
the invasion of the province of Chihua
hua. His command numbers 3,000 men,
infantry, dragoons and artillery.
It is perhaps not generally understood
thai the Army of Isva-sicn consists now
of three divisions one under Col. Kear-
ney, marcning upon oama t, ,u-,-.x
under Gen. Wool, proceeding toward
capital cf Chihuahua; and the main body
under Gen. Taylor, on their way to M on-
Gen. Taylor expected to be at
:rey on the 15ih inst., from whence he
intended to march upon Saltillo, a town
about CO miles bevond.
TIc rjcclion.
There are a great many voters in this
county who, not taking a county newspa
per, scarcely know who are the candi
dates; and as the Whigs have no town
ship committees, it is to be feared there
will be but a small vote polled at the en
suing election. Our opponents, the Lo
cos, we understand, are busy in all the
townships, and will no doubt poll a heavy
rote for their candidates. Now, we think
it the duty of every Whig or Antimason
in the county who understands these mat
ters, and who has any time to spare, to
devote, a few days the week before the
election to the "good old cause," and urge j
his neighbors to turn out to the election.
What say ye?
Will vou do it?
The Governor has appointed Hon.
Richard Cocltxr, of Westmoreland,
Judge of the Supreme Court, in the place
vacated by the decease of Judge Kenne
dy. Mr.' Coulter is one of the oldest
?nd most prominent Members of the
Western Bar, and his appointment, we
have no doubt, will give general satisfac
tion. Canal Commissioner.
We have printed and sent into the sev
eral townships, tickets for James M.
Power, for Canal Commissioner, and de-
tire our Wi.i? friends to see to it that ev
rrv Whig vo-cr will put one of them in-!
", o.c i
to the bullot-box.
Are you Assessed T
If hnv voter should not be assessed,
r voter shou
let him attend lo the m
Iter at least ten
days before the election, otherwise he
will lute Lis vcie. '
n.Hr cmnd.
The Svnod of Pittsburgh (old school) ;
met agreeably to adjournment, on wed-
cesday the Oih of September, in the 2nd
presbyterian Church of Pittsburgh, and
opened with a sermon by Mr.lonng
Oi UUIILI, uic last iuuunoiuij Hum a . i
00. Af,. rmAn thScnn.f
. ,-,
was u cirLuiij: inu xngti-
nnM S MrMnstpr." Moderator, and the
Rev. James Davis, Temporary clerk.
This Synod numbers about 133 ministers.
The number of ministers and elders pres
ent at synod was 1 GO. The deliberations
were characterized by much harmony and
rood feeling. Svnod adjourned 14th
Sept., to meet in 1847, in the 1st. Presby-J
. . . . i
t,nan chun-h ol A legheny City, on the,
third Wednesday of bcptcinbcr at 1 5 o-jcWk A precisely, ia f,
From the Cumberland Civilian.
CEIVED? It not a little surprises us, thot the lea
,lrc .if tho Democratic party should have
the hardihood so soon to beset the people. ;
of Pennsylvania with promises oi ;"0(!1-;
fying and better suiting the free trade bul
ol 40 to tne mieresis ui mt-
vidfld thev will nve them their support at
tlieapproaciiing election for members of
Congress. J he oft-repeated promise
made them in 1S44, that Mr. Polk should
defend the Tariff of '42, and thus guard
now volunteer a new one to the effect,
that whatever is contained in the present
bill inimical to their welfare, shall be re-
moved, and where additions are requisite,
they shall be made. Wc have before gi
ven specimens of their mode of proce
dure, and now add another to the nnm
ber, from the Udonfau n Genius of Li
ban;, setting forth the principles and in
tended course of Damex Weyand, the
Democratic candidate for Congress in op
position to Hon. Antuew Stewart.
Here it is:
"He Mr. Weyanu would advocate
the Tariff law of 184C, which discrimi
nates in favor of American industry, and
particularly in favor of Pennsylvania in
terests. Where it is not sufficient to pro
tect the American products, he would
have it increased! He would not, like
Mr. Stewart, throw the. fat in the fire by
an indiscriminate war upon the whole
bill, and eflect nothing at last."
Very fair indeed; but we are disposed
to doubt whether Pennsylvania will ac
cept Mr. Weyanp's valuable services in
adapting the free trade bill of '40 to the
use of her people. We think they are
satisfied with Mr. Stewart, and perfect
ly willing to let "well enough" alone.
They are aware of his high order of ta
lentand consummate ability in handling
the tariff subject; and ought to be fully
convinced that, were they to hunt the
State over for the purpose of making a
selection, they could not place upon the
floor of Congress an abler defender cf a
just revenue law, or a stauncher friend to
Pennsylvania interests.
That State wants, and, in fact, needs,
the Tariff cf '42. To this measure the
Democracy are opposed, and it is useless
to suppose that the leaders of that party
will upheld it. They look upon the tariff
question as a sectional policy, while they
ought, as the Whigs all over the Union
do, to regard it as a great national mea
sure. This is plainly shown by the pro-
I mise made in the above extract, that where
ti,e tlutfcs are not sufficiently high in the
new bill "o protect tfmcricun products,
tic (Mr. Weyand) v:ovhi have them in-crt-nscd!'
But how is it possible for
Democrats, in other States, oppose higher
on coal anJ iron anJf ,,kc himself;
desire that all the protection afforded by
the bill, be given t- the products of their
own respective sections of country?
While in Pennsylvania protection is only
sought for Coal " and Iron, in Louisiana it
is opposed on every article of produce
save Sagar and Molasses. In Vermont
Wool is the favorite, whilst in New York,
if Salt be not protected, the Democratic
party will support no'revenuc measure
whatever. The same party in Maine
care for nothing but the Fishing Bounty
the drawback on fish cured for expor
tation with foreign salt. So goes the
North; but in the South the whole policy
of protection, except in Louisiana, is re
garded by the Democracy, as a system of
fraud and oppression. Go to the West
and we find the same confliction of senti
ment. Missouri is strenuous for the pro
tection of Lead, and so are Illinois, Iowa
and Wisconsin; but the Democrats of
Ohio and Indiana think this very protcc
tion a gross outrage upon their rights.
Kentucky Democracy is vcrv fond of
protection to Hemp, Cordage and Cotton
BatrginT, which South Carolina and Ala
bama deplore as one of the severest evils
rf tbn times. Now. could the Democra
tic members of Congress, from the sev-
eral States mentioned, hit upon a compro- -
mise in framing a new tariff billeach
one entering upon the list the rate of du-!
ties which he desired to be paid upon the
products of the section from which he
hailed, (doubtless Mr. Weyaxd's idea)
we imagine the country would soon boast
a bill cf vrch ibi lions, instead of a inst
revenue measure, such as the Tariff of'
1842. But these protection Democruls
form but a corporal's guard of their party,
and can consequently do nothing. So
the people must look to the great V hig
rarl.v e co.umry- ,0J el,ei ,ro
I fref trade fiTOf-nmnnts nf th nrpspnt Ad-
... r . ,
ministration, without the aid of which it
is fallacious even to think of prosperity,
. ! flf lli!a tart Tom-icvltor?n if nn nitiov
. . , Tr
State. ou?ht to be fullv convinced. If
. permits herself to be deceived a sec
j ond time, she will justly merit the whole
cataljw of evil?, which euch conduct
mil deem licr to led-, liut we nave no
fears on this score we think Pcnnsylra-
On "Sunday evening last, by Rev. P.
.ill. w X tilt viiC.i - , w
rah axn z,cfall, bom oi somerset ip.
On Tuesday morning;. the 21st inst.,
Magdalexa, consort of Mr. Henry Ben
ford, in the G3d vear of her age.
Ob will meet on your usual parade
M irrouml in Somerset, on Satunl'V
next, Kt lo o -
precisely, m lull un. form,
uiili kiwivsfi'ts. !irrnart:! trt niarc'i til
1 t i - -'
y order.
TIic Voters r otJtersct
(011 my
IJE herewith informed, that for rea-
-)n hae!ldraW!I as a ratii,,ale ,-or
Sheriff at the ensuing elerl.on; and to
such of , illlenie(, , supporl
Y c i t si o r1 liotcCGMT'nn ti f r mv an.
me, 1 return my cordial thanks for their
good intentions.
sppt. 29.
jHA ML treeing on he premises
J of the subscriber, jn Somerset
township, about the 1st of August last,
three stnyss, viz: -
One lj year old red Vrindle steer,
villi a tel! on, and a crop off the left
1 red moiley heiffer, with white head,
same ae and mark as the steer.
1 black and while heiffer, same age,
and a rnpoff the right ear.
'I he owners is requested to come for
wotd, prove properly, p y rliarges an 1
take' them away, otherwise they will be
sold as the law directs.
jrHE partnership heretofore existing
ji between the subscriber? under the
firm of J. O. ('arson & Co., is this day
dissolved by mutual consent. ol" which all
concerned will take noiire. The books
of the firm arc in the hands of J. O.Car
son for st-ttif merit. persons neglect
ing t-i call and sef.le tin ir accounts n or
before the first of January next, will find
them, afier that date in ollur hanJs.
Sept, 8di. 184G.
Josiah K. IFr.e Esq , of Stoystown is
authorised, in the absence of Mr. Carson,
to settle accounts.
N. M. H.
J. O. C.
Sfpt. 59. !84f.
Jiockintzham Furnace, c. 1
'BHE undersigned will offer at public I
ji sale upon the premises in Shade j
townsliip, Somerset county. Penna , on j
Friday the 2:d ilay of October nest, tbe j
following ra-uable propcilv. to wif
tf n i '
40U adeS CI lanaj COmmOn- jbrmdle COW, with white legs andbel
Iv called tlic Rockingham Furna. e tract, j ly. and some white spots on the body;
wnrrai.tcd in the name of Jan es Dunn,
wheieon are erected a Furnace stack,
casting house and several dwelling hou
ses. Also I acre of land adjoining the above
with a good dwelling house and stable
thereon erected, w ith the appurtenance..
Also at the same time and place i large
amount of personal property, to wii:
15 horses, 2 yoke of oxen,
2 cows, 1 one horse wagon, 1 two horse
wagon, 3 fmir horse wagons, 1 cart, I
wagon bed, 2 coal beds, several wheel
barrows, shovels, picks ami sledges,
ploughs and harrows, 2 Grindstones, 15
sugar kettles, a lot of stoves of various
kinds, a quantity of hollow ware. I set
of smith's tools, 1 Turning lathe. Horse
gears, a quantity of store goods. Bed
steads atid Beddir.g, Household and Kit
chen Furniture.
Sale to commence at 9 o'clock A. M.
Due attendance and a reasonable credit
will be given by
tePi29 II. LITTLE.
Worms! Worms!! Worms!!!
II) TO remove these troublesome and
dangerous inhabitants of the stomach
and bowels, which so often impair the
health and destroy the lives of children,
use Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge, a certain
and safe preparaden for the removal of
the various kinds of Worms, Dyspepsia,
Sour Stomach, Want of Appetite, Infan-
tile Fever and Ague, and Debility of the
Stomach and Bowels, and organs of
Digestion, Prepared only by Dr. I),
Jayne, No. 8 South Third - street Phila-
SICK DISEASES are often owing to
a Scrofulous Habit of body, and in or
der to effect a permanent cure, the orig
inal cause must be removed.
Jsyne's Life Preservative, one of the
most pleasant articles ever offered lo the
public, has been found not only to cure
Scrofula, under all its multiplied forms,
ofCancer, King's Evil, Goitre. White
Swelling, &c, but also to remove tin
disposition of tendency to diseases of
that class, spd all diseases originating
from obstructions in the glands or pores
of the kin, or from impurity of the blood
or other fludis of the body.
Prepared only by Dr. D, Jayne, No
8 South Third street, Philadelphia, i
Orphans' Court Sale.
N pursuance of an order of the Or
phans Court of Somerset county.
there will be sold by public outcry on the
premises, on Saturday, the 31st day of
October 1846, the foluwing real eatate,
late of Wiliiam Silhauh, deceased, viz:
Two certain tracts or Plan-
lotions of land, situate in Addison town
ship, Somerset county.
The "one railed Hnmeplnce, contain
ing about two hundred and thirty nine
arrcs, adjoining lands of Julin Mi CIin
tock, James Campbell, Henry Keck and
William Named, of uhi -h about one
j hundred an. I thirty acres is clearrd land
i and about eighteen arrrs in meadow.
Cii u liirh are ere ted o.;c iwo-a::cl a j
half storv house,' with abmit two hun-
, urtiJ hull tress a!id an exi'H.cni f
; Li'Jj&JlU? fJJliJiSf
I .t . .1 - i . .! ,1!
1 mi uic Mniiisc: liie litfirt! o aisu cii
watered anil well hniVr. d
The other 'dace railed Paiker, in sr.i l
township and co itity. containing about
ninety six aTes, adjoining lands of John j
McClintork, John llanua. Esq , and !
W iiliain Named, of which about lifty
acres is cleared Und. atmut tbr'e of
which is in meadow, u iih two grind tugar
camps, a one-and a h If s orv house, and
thereon erected. The place is well wa
teied and bns admit mcmy fruit tree
thereon, and is well tiiitbt-red.
Thkms Cue third to remain a lien on
the premises, during th lifetime of the
widow, to secure the i;:totPt semi-annually,
of the residue one third in hand, and
the remainder in two rami annual pay
ments, to be Sf-cii.'fd by judgment bonds.
Attendance uili be oivcn bv Thomas
Liston Esq. Trustee f-r the s.ile of the
reil estate of the said William Siibaugii,
Bv the court,
Sept.20. Clerk.
A JOl'RX KYM A VZl kill ?l ASER.
lu, a !'d
JOU UN E V M A N chairir.aker. w he
workman and of go!
moral tdiaracter and indiisirion j habits.
will find constant employment and re
ceive liberal wages with the iuhscriber,
bv applying imuirduit I v.
Somerset, set. 22.
To the Vulers of Somerset County.
OU reasons which 1 di not deem it
" necess-iry to state, 1 liave withdrawn
my name as a candidate for Sheriff.
While declining to stand a poll at the
ensuing election, I tent er my sincere
thanks to such ol my fellow citizens as
had kiiid'v offered o:e their support.
sept-22.;4 6 J At : OB C. SPKICHEK.
CAME on t!ie premises of
'"tlie sub.scri'ier in Green illc town-
jlnindle COW, with a crop off the left
ear, supposed to be aonut lii years old.
The owner is requested o come for
ward, prove property and piy charges.
or she will be
old as the I iw directs.
sePr2i'4(i. JOHN L. BAEIf.
Ti AM E trrspassing on the premises
) of tltc sui'sci iier in Greenville town-
Uhip, tome lime in Apiil ht, a red and
.' . . . ". . . . . -
supposed to Ue 7 ears old.
The owner is requested to come for
ward, prove properly smd pay charges,
or she will be sold is the law directs.
sept23'J-0 ABSALOM BAER.
Stray Go w.
CAME to the piemists of the subscri
ber in Somerset township, on the
2b'tb of August last, a Black and White
COW, with slender lnin, supposed to
be five years old; no car uuiks.
The owner i requested to come for
ward, prove propei ty and pay charges,
otheru ise she w ill be sold as the law di
recis. sepi22 WILLIAM ANKENY.
Orphans' Court Sale of
THE subscribers, Tiustecs for the
sale of the real estaie of John Kuu
dle deceased, will offer at public sale,
in the Boraugh of Somerset, on Saturday
the 17th day of October next, the follow
ing valuable property, late the estate of
said deceased, viz :
.2 certain plantation
or tract of land, situate in Somerset tp .
Somerset county, containing about two
hundred and ninety acres, more or less,
adjoining lands of Christian Ankenv, Jr.
Jacok Ankeny of C. John Maust, Jacob
Shallis and others, with a gweatherboard
cd dwelling house and bank barn thereon
creeled, and two sug;.r camps on the
premises; about one hundred and fifty
acres cleared, at least ihirty acres of
which are in excellanl meadow. The
properly is well watered, there being
springs of water in nearly all of the fields
and there, is also, a young orchard of
fruit trees on the premises.
- wmuiwx-
One third of the purchase money to
remain a lien on the premises, the inter
est thereof to be paid to the widow of
said deceased during her natural life an
nually. and after her death the principal
to be paid to the heirs and legal repre
sentatives of said deceased; one half of
the balance in hand snd the remainder
in four equal annual payments withou
interest, lo be secured by judgment
Attendance will be given by the sub
scribers. ADAM MO WRY.
eept. 15, 46. - . : . . Trcifec.
riirinE subscriber lias received from
the Eastern cities, and is now ope
ning at his store North East corner of
the Diamond, a very Urge and general
assortment of Goods suitable for the
among which are French and English
Cloths of various colors. Also Tweeds.
Ccssimeres, Satineis and Je ms, Trlet-in
and Cecilia Clod.s for Ladies dresses.
ALSO, Cashmeres, Alpacas,
Mou:li:i tie Lines. Calicoes ol all quali
ties from 4 to 23 cents per yard. Mus
lins from. 4 'o 10 cts. Silk end Thread
Liice Silk Gloves ol a superior quality
for ladies nd gentlemen, w-ceiher with a
fine assrimei.t'or HARDWARE,
((iiccnszcare, Groceries. Cse.
Boots miil shoes of ail k tin's aad very
low. Weavers Reeds of very superior
AH which will be sold on as che:'pand
accorrodating lenns, as they can be had
west of thtf Allegheny Mmir.tnius.
Somerset, sept 22. 1S4G.
PENTERS. CJEALEU proposals lor doing the
work of a m:w church to be erected
by lite Ev. Ll lllKliAN CoNCRKOATION OF
Saj;uli.s. at L ivaiisv i!!e. w ill be received
on or before the 3!si of October next.
The budding is t. b of brick, CO feci
long and !') let-l wide, with a b..semcnt
story. Tlie foundation is to I e f stone.
Sleet high, and 40 feet wide in front,
anil the other v, jIIs t: Le proportioned to
the ground, which is inclined. The
brick work is to be l( ftct high to the
caves. For" p n '.iruhrs, contractors are
request! tor-all on David Woy, Frede
rick Countryman or Samuel Kooser.
The Committee wiil furui-h the materi
als for ihe foundation, and !so the brick
and lumber fr the building. The whole
job will be let out to one man, or the
'ouudutiuii will be let out separately.
Contractors sre expected to attend in per
son at Somerset, on ihe day of letting,
when a full understanding can be had.
It is desired to hae the church com
pleted by thr Ut of July next.
Bv order of the Building Commitlee,
Somerset. Sept. 22d. 18 4G.
ahout f.000 Acres of Land,
in Shade and Paint townships,
Somerset County.
S 1 1 E undersigned will sell at Public
JL s-de on Tuesday the 20th day of
October next, at the old Shade Furnace
in Sludt township, the follnwing Lands,
tl 1
warranted in the name of
Edward Robisou
do John Leonard
S 402 do Joseph Lehman
4 380 do Samuel Anderson
5 ft)-' do James Thompson
0 389 do Wm. Oliver
7 4'Al do James Corman
8 390 do Thomas Procter
9 40 4 do Michael Kipple
10 330 do John Poor
1 1 400 do Elizabeth Trish
12 433 do George Thomson
13 408 do Wm. Fell
14 2(0 acres of the north end of a
traci warranted in the name of
John New hoi f, adjoining Henry
Little's furnace tract.
15 G2 ai res, part of a tract warranted
in the name of JohuScirs.
The above lands will be sold at the
f-.irna.-e of Shryncks and Bingham.
Terms made known on day of sale.
A reasonable credit wfil be given.
Any person wishing to examine the
drafl of the lands will call wi:h
who will attend on d--v of sale as agent
Administrator of Lewis II. Conover,
deceased. sept22'4Gj
Vain able Ileal Estaie
rHSIIE subscriber offr-is at private sale
lite following valuable iel estate
nz :
No. 1. a certain tract
land Miuale in Jeioo r township, Somer
set county, containing about 131 acres,
abou GO acres of clear land of which
about 30 acres is in good meadow; on
w hich is creeled a new one and a half
story frame bouse, stable and a large
frame weatherboarded barn.
No. 2. also another tract
of land situate in said township,
containg about 87 acres and 71 perches,
about 40 accss of clear land, of w hich
about 0 ai res h in meadow, wliitfi a 1 1
story log house and log stable thereon
Yo. 3. also another tract
of land situate in said township of Jen
ner, containing about 118 acres, about
5 acres of desr land, of which about 3
acres is in meadow with a email log house
thereon erected.
If not sold between this and the first
day of April next, it wiii then be for
rent on the shares.
The above lands adjoin Matthew
Black, Joseph Haines. 1 1 i ry S. Picking.
George Parker and othprs, and arc situa
ted just at the foot of Laurel Hill, on
the Turnpike road. They ;oe of a good
Quality, a Uttk norlion is fine bottom
land, and thai which is not cleared con-
tains excellent limber.
For terms appK lo he subscriber, re
siding on one of the tracts.
S e pt. C2.'46. 3m
TIONS, Fo: szh zl this 0ce.
41AAlEtutbt -lriiilMi ol lie; -ti!-TJ BroibersvJ ey ur.s ip,
about 2 miles from Berlin, somw tin e i
July fast, 8 lira I i f r:!t;:o a:
1 two-ver old red and w'.i'e htiur
I oiie-vear old Mack heiHt-r.
do old brow n heiil r.
do black ai d mI'c t!..
do bl:tt k S'td w hi s' -T,
do rtd and white 5tvt.,
No ear marks.
The owners are desired to cviv.e for
ward, prove property pay cf.rfc, til
! thev will bo sold as the law directs.
Sept. 22. MtV ,
Orphans' Court b'alo
Meal Ssfcat.
fN pursuance of an order of the Or-
plum's Court of Somerset couniy.
there w ill be exposed to sale by way tf
public vendue or outcry on the premise?,
on Saturday the 3d day of October
next, the following real estate, late tho
property of Joseph Coiighenour, of Alle
gheny tow nship, deceased, ;z: a ci-rtaiu or
situate in Allegheny township Somerset
cotiiity, containing about one hundred
and forty acres, more or less, from eigh
ty to one hundred acres of clear land,
with a two story log dwelling house, a
double barn, and an orchard of excellent
fruit trees on the premises, adjoining
lands of Edward Dorsey, snd Noah Tip
ton, and land late the propery of Ficd
erick Altfathcr, deceased, and others.
Verms; one third in hand, and ihe bal
ance in three equal annual instalments,
w ithout interest, lo be secured by judg
ment bonds.
Attendance will be given by Jacob
Uoon. Esq., Trustee fyr ihe tale of said
Real Estate.
Bv the Court
" W. 11. PICKING.
Sent. 8. 1840. Clerk.
Feblic Sale.
rnilE subscriber will offer lor sale, by
2 way of public outcry, at his resi
dence in Somerset township, on Friday
the 9th of October next, the following
personal property, viz:
15 head of cattle, among them several
milch cows, 25 head sheep, 3 hogs, ft
leaver's loom and gears, one cooking;
stove, a lot of hogsheads and barrels, i
ploughs and 1 harrow, 1 crt and cart
gears, 3 setts of horse gears, and some
new collars and bridles, 1 sleigh and i
setts of harness, 1 threshinz machine;
250 Bushels Wheat,
125 bushels rye, 300 bushels
oats, 10 or 12 ton hay,
and a variety of oiher articles, which
will be exhibited on the day of sale.
Sale lo commence at 9 o'clock, A. M.,
when ihe ferms will be made kuowii
at the same time and place, 147 teres of
land situate in Somerset township. sd
joining lands of Absalom Casebter,
Widow Shauman, Joseph Smith and
others, 80 or 90 acres clear. 10 in mea
dow, and more can be made, with two
Dwelling Houses
and cabin barn and other buildings there
on erected, and a fine orchard on tha
Terms will be made reasonable.
September 15. 18-JG.
Orphans' Court Sale
IN pursuance of an order of the Or
phans Court of Somerset county
there will be exposed to sale, by way
of public outcry on the premises, oa
Saturday the 17th day of October, next
the following valuab'e Real Estate, late
the property of Peter Peterheim, dee'd
viz: a certain
Plantation and tract of land,
si:ua;e in Slonycreek township, Somer
set couniy, containing 131 acres and
35 perches and allowance, adjoining:
lauds, of John Miiler, Solumcn Ringler,
Jacob Ft iiZ, Abraham Landis and ethers,
on which tre erected a two-story
Dwelling House,
large frame bank barn and other improve
ments; about sixly acres are cleared, a
part of which is in meadow, and a good
orchard on the premises;
Terms One third of the purchase
money to be secured on the premises for
the use of Susanna Kemp, and late ihe
widow of said Peter Perterheim. the in
terest whereof to le p.iid her annually
during her natural hfe, and afier her
death the said third to be paid to il
heirs and legal representatives of said
deceased, one half of the re.-idua in cash
and the balance in three equal annual
payments without interest to be secured
by judgment bonds.
"Atendance will be given by John
Yodcr, surviving Administrator tf Peter
Peterheim, deceased.
Bv tiie Crt.jrf.
Sept. 15. Mfi. (;lerk
Cumberland Market.
Flour, per barrel, $3 5o a 4 oO
H'i...,i per bushel, to a V t V
C 00
I 25
5 50
f I 1 u ' f
0 70
0 70
0 40
O 37
o ca
! Peaches dried
I Butler, per p 'ortJ,
! Beef.
! Chickens, per dozen.
; Eygs. " t
S.ciiC Cci.. f .v...d,