The Somerset herald and farmers' and mechanics' register. (Somerset, Pa.) 183?-1852, September 29, 1846, Image 1

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    mm poij-as rcu annum.?
ttt not paid with ix run tj:a,t.
Hcxv Series.3
Vol. 4. No. 46.
p!j ; coal J e read the human heart,
J:s strange mysterious depths explore.
What tongue could tell cr pen impart,
The riches cf its hidden lore !
Safe from the world's distrustful eye.
What deep and burning feeling p'1)',
Which e'en stern reason's power defy,
And wear the sands of life away.
Think not beneath a smiling brow,
To always find a joyous heart.
Ir Wit's bright slow, and reasons flow,
Too often hide a cankering dart.
The bird with bruised and broken wing,
Oft tries to mount the air again,
Among its mates to gaily sing.
Its Lt melodious dying strain.
The fire that lights the flashing eye,
May by a burning heart be fed,
Which in its anguish yearns to die.
While yet it seems to pleasure wed.
Oh, do not harshly judge the heart,
Though cohi and vain it seem3 to be,
Nor rudely seek the veil to part.
That hides its deep, deep mystery.
1 -
B UY iyft A FA H 31.
Brooks who lived in Dobson county.
North Carolina, wanted to buy a tract of
land near him, and concluded to dis
patch one Angus McAlpin to Charleston,
South Carolina, to buy it from the owner,
who lived there. All the necessary ar
rangements were made. Angus started
cff,and in due time Brooks would take
his scat and look down the road, in the
hope of seeing his agent returning. At
last he appeared, and the moment he
nearcd the house Brooks accosted him
" Will, Mac, have you got the land!"
The agent in whose face was any tiling
but sunshine, replied somewhat gruffly,
that "he might let a bodv ret down from
his horse, be fore he put at him with qucs- j
i-i... .: I
But Brooks was in
a a fever of anxietv. ; late letter from Camargo. gives the follow
siion ' inir description of a Mexican wedding
tad repeated the que
"Did vou get it!
" Pshaw, now Brooks, don't press up
on a bodv in this uncivil war. It is a
long story, and I rauthavc time."
: Brooks still ured, and Mac still par
ricd the question till they got into the
"Now surely," thought Brooks, "he
will tell me." But Mac was not quite
"Brooks," said he, "have you any
thing to drink V
To be sure I have," said the ciher,
tnd immediately had some of the best
Having moistened his clav, Mac took
a seat and his employer another. Mac
fave a preliminary hem! He then
turned suddenly around to Brooks, look
ed him straight in the eyes, and slapped
him on the thigh.
" Brooks," says lie, "was you ever in
Charleston !"
" Why, you know I never was," re
plied the oihor. ;
"Well, then Brooks," says the agent,
"vou ought to go there. The greatest
place upon the face of the earth! They've
git houses there on both sides of the road
tor five miles at a stretch, and d n the
horse track the whole wpy through!
Brooks, I think I met five thousand peo
ple in a minut?. and not a chap would
look at me
Thev've got houses there
on wheels
Brooks I saw one with six
horses hitched to it, and a big driver with j
alonr whip going it like a whirlwind, j
I followed it down the road for a mile and 1
a half, and when it stopt I looked, and
what do you think it was? Nothing in
it but one little woman sitting up in one
'Well, Brooks, I turned up -the road,
and as I was riding along I sees a fancy
looking chap with long
curlv hair
hanging down his back, and
his boots
as shiny as the laceol an up-country lug
ger.! I called him into the middle of the
road and aked him a civil question, and
a civil question, you know, Brooks, calls
for a civil answer, all over the world.
I sav, avs I, Stranger, can vou tell
where Col
Lamar lives: and what do
vou think was the
answer "Ga to
h IjOU fool.'' .
' Well. Brooks, I knocks along up and
down, and about until at last I finds out1
were Col. Lamar lives. I got down and
bangs away at the door. Presently the
door was opened by as pretty, fine spo
ken, well dressed a wom-.ri as erer yon
seed in your born days. Brooks. Ai.'Ars,
lilki thtir, every day, Brooks. ;
" Says I, 'Mrs. Lamar, I presume, mai
an,' pays I.
I am Mcs. Jnmar, sir.
" We'd, nrid'.m, savs I, "I have c?m
si! th way from North Carolina to see
Col. Lamar to ep.3 about buying a track
cf l:.nd from him that's up in our parts.
t ' Then she says,Col. Lamar has rode
rut in the country, but will be back short
ly. Ccrae in, ehr, a id. w sit avhile. -
, I'vano doubt the Col. will soon return,'
j and she had a smile upon that pretty
face of her's that reminded a body of a
j spring mornin.'
j Well, Brocks, I hitched my horse to
j a brass thing on the door, and walked in.
j " Wei!, when I got in. I sees the floor
! all covered with the nicest looking thing !
nicer than any patchH-work bed quilt j
i vou ever seed in yur hie, Broods. 1 was
j trving to edge along around it, but pres-
! cntly I sees a'niggcr stepping right over it. ;
j Thinks I, li that nigger can go it, I can go
j it too. So right over it I goes, and takes
j my seat right before a picture, which, at
first, I thought was like a htde man look-in-'
in at a window.
4 ell, brooks, mere I sat waiting audi
waiting for Col. Lamar, and at lust he'
didn't come, but thev began to bring in j
dinner. 'I'll inks I to myself here's a j
scrape. But I made up my mind to tell !
her that, if she asked me to eat to tell j
her with a genteel bow, that I had no)
occasion to eat. But, Brooks, she did'nt j
ax me to cat she askrd me if I'd be so
good as to carve that turkey for her, and
she did it with one of them lovely smiles
that make the cold streaks run down the
small of a fellow's back.
"Certainly madam! says I, and I
walks to the table there was on one
side of the turkey a great big knife as big
as a bowie knife, and a fork with a trisr-
ger on it on the other side. j
" W ell, I tails to work, and in tue nrst
effort I splashed the gravy about two
yards over the whitest table-cloth you
ecr seed in your life. Brooks. Well, I
felt the steam begin to gather about mv
eyes. But, I'm not a man to back out
for trifles, so I makes another effort, and
the darned thing took a flight and lit
in Mrs. Lamar's hp.
We'd, you see, Brooks, then I was
taken with a blindness, and the next I re
member, I was upon the Iinth a kicking.
Well, by this time I began to think of
navigating. So I goes out and mounts
Rosum, and puts for North Carolina.
Now Brooks, joit don' I Llame tne! do
you f
A correspondent of-the Picavune, in a
which he attended:
A Mexican wedding is to come off in
the church to-morrow niht at one o'clock
and I am goin? to form one of the party.
. This getting married, at "the solemn hour
of. midnight," is a new idea to me, and I
would not miss the scene for any con
sideration. Will they invite one to kiss
the bride, I wonder? And if invited ought
a fellow to profit bv the privilege? But
I we will sec the bride before we decide
hese momentous questions.
Capt. Miles, on being informed of the
' wish of die parly to hold the wedding to
j ni'iht. extended to them every facility for
going tnrougn witn tne ceremony unmo
lested. Had he received information a
little earlier he would have furnished them
with muste, so that a regular ball would
have taken place.
Atir. 12. I attended the wedding last
night, and shall never regret it, though it
isTather hard to be roused out of a sound
slumber at 1 o'clock at night. At half
past 1 we entered the church, where the
pa due and his assistants were already
robed for the ceremony. These assistants
consisted of an elderly Mexican and four
boys, the latter being three-fourths Indian.
The altar was lighted up with long wax
candles, set in massive silver caudle
s'iks. and candles were also burning in
the vicinitv of the large wax figures in
other parts of the building. The bride-
groom soon made his appearance with
the bride, attended by a bridesmaid and
groomsman. The bridesmaid, a beautiful
Utile woman, was dressed in black a
prettier ligure 1 never loosed au I lie
bride, a tall, awkward, plain-looking wo
man of twenty-three, was dressed in dark
figured stuff. The bridegroom, a short.
! stumpy fellow, about 30 years old, with
an ugiy visage, had on white pants, and a
blue roundabout. He looked confused,
and took very little notice of the bride; in
fact he acted like a man who felt ihathe
was gelling himself into a disagreeable
situation. .The first part of lhe ceremony
was similar to that observed in Louisiana.
The hands were joined, ring placed upon
the finger, etc. Ths parties then knelt
before 'he altar, and one end of a beauti
ful silk rebozo wa3 thrown over the
bride's head, the other end falling about
the shoulders of the bridegroom. A sil
ken cord, about the size, of the little fin
ger, with a regular hangman's noose, was
then, slipped over the head of each, yo
king them together hard and fast. Thev
remained in this position, holding lighted
candies in their hands, for nearly an hour,
The bride became wearied, and leaned a
little on the rope, but not hard enough to
choke the loving husband. The padre
was in the meantime engaged in prayer,
and one of the boys rang a little, silver
bell occasionally, to wake up the little
audience of twenty or thirty, who crossed
themselves, and then relapsed into their
former state of stupidity. All hands re
tired quietly from the church, and scatter
ed to their hoines. Only four. or. five. A-
mericans were present. Nobody, fortu
natelv, was called on to kiss the bride.
Army of the West.
n- i . i
"-" 'Jttc" 11,c I'-"' H'"1-U't
accurate information in regard to the -con-
' , V "u " 14115 '"'"J j
oi nie esi, uuuer ueu. jve;irne, aue
we acknowledge that the result of our in
quiries fills us with solitude. We have
great confidence in the commander of the
expedition. We know his prudence, his
ability to surmount great fc extraordinarv
difficulties, but we are satisfied also that
he has to encounter such difficulties, and ;
thai it wili be a miracle if he escapes ;
ttirvtn f - o m ICtnrum- it is nnw nortiin 1
leaves the United States under peculiar j
and most critical circumstances. He !
reached Fort Bent, with a command of at j
wapiti. -"i.ii. o iv , ..v... --i.o.i.,
least 1.800 men, nearly all ol whom
were mounted when thev left Fort Leav-
enworth; the exception jo be found in the
companies of infantry," which were rc-!
ceived into the service before his depar- !
4 r f ... ir.1,.,1 ,u I
M frn.v, lK f,... tin l,1JllDnnfAl!n,ro,!
by a battalion of five hundred infantry, She drifted down the stream rs far as
composed of Mormons; by Col. Price's Conland-st. when the steamboat Coium
regiment of mounted men, a thousand ; bus took her passengers off and towed her
7.11'4l, UilU VI lll-Wtil 1 V ...
r't ik 1 1 i.
consisting of hve hundred mounted men.
T . "
In the course of the present month anotn -
, r c ' i
er regiment ol mfantrv will ;be organized
i i " , 4 , i"
tliousand men. And to these are to be
added a thousand men at least connected
with the train of the arm v. Should thev
ever reach Santa Fe, the command v. ill
consist, in round numbers, of fortv-eirht
hundred men: and with the teamsters and
attendants of the camp, it will be !
swelled to six thousand. At least this
number will, at all events, have to be,
subsisted, and that subsistence must, be
yond question, be derived from the United
Gen. Kearnev arrived at Fort Bent on
the 30:h of July, At left on the 2d of Aug. !
lie had limited supply of rations, & these j
were extenuated by reducing the men to j
half rations. But he was not permitted, !
bv circumstances, to stop there and a- j
wait supplies; for he was in absolute want)
cc c i tr ,iiit lit t iii
of forage tor horses. He was compelled ' the boat, half seen througti clouds ot
to tkeup the line of march in order to i smoke and Came as she swept down the
find food for them on the oraia.s. Th;s;,tr3am, u as tf rand d subiime. The
- n - t c . . t- . i , i- i -.I, i , r
is the true cause of bis brief stav at I nrt shore was lined with dense masses of
Bent, and denotes the difficuhies in his
way and in that of the mounted men who
were to follow him. To all our inquiries
as to the prospect of forage for his ani
mals at Santa Fe, we have received the
same uniform answer: it was not to be
had, except in vi.-ry limited quantities,' at
the rrn?heros from ten to twenty and
mere miles from Santa Fe. In die whole
department the highest estimate of the
surplus wheat is 7,000 to 8.000 bushels, t
and corn was earec as to make it worth, j
when it could be obtained at all, 63,50 !
per bushel. Such is the prospect pre-i
;tn,l T.. ,K e.irt ,if ll Iw,
mules, and cattle which aeeomnanv the !
,vnp.'i-;an i
Now as to supplies from the United
States. Strange as it mav seem, the sev
eral detachments of wagons, upon which
alone troops could rciy for provisions,
were despatched without a military es
cort, and with no other means of defence
than a few muskets, and a very limited
supply of ammunition, placed in the hands
of the teamsters. Indians suddenlv, and
very unexpectedly to all, made their ap
pearance on the road, with the evident in
tention of robbing the trains and taking
such things as they wanted. The team
sters were not in a condition to resist
them, and, as this became evident, there
can be no doubt that the Indians became
more daring in' their . encroachments, un
til, it is probable, life as well as property
was taken. It is known that from one
team fifteen oxen were run od'in a night;
there was no other alternative than to
stop with it altogether, or lessen the num- j
ber employed in naming other teams," to
get it along.
These difficulties were, it is feared, on
ly. . commencing, , and unless - Colonel
Price, who was in the rear with his regi
ment, undertook to give the. Indians a
sound drubbing, all die provision wagons
were in danger of being delayed, if not
cut oil, and the army left to starve. We
do not know enough of army matters to
ay where the blame belongs, but it seems
to us that there has been gross neglect in
not sending a proper military guard to pro-
tcct the various detachments of provision
wagons: " .
From the facts which we have stated,
some idea may be formed of tthc probable
condition and the prospects of the "Army
of ihe W"evl on. its arrival al, Santa Fe.
Uuless provisions reach there before the
winter sets in, the main reliance of the
men for subsistence must be upon the
sheep to be found and the limited quanti
ty bt wheat and corn to be purchased in
thatregioru.- This,'it must be confessed,
is not a very flattering prospect for an ar
my, but no oiher presents itself to us in
store for them. .. V. " '
A letter, dated U. S. schooner Petrel,
off. Vera Cruz, August 27 says: We are
now living entirely on alt. junk," pork
1 beans, a day or two ago a small boat '
; came ofi" from the shore with supplies, '
at the verv moderate war price, as follows:
j six very poor chickens $2 each ! two .
i dozen of eggs $2! half a bushel of potatoes '
j 4 ! what surprised me most was, that
any thing of the kmd could be nad in the j
nP ,r , kirhnnH of Vpm (Vn? T in mtV
t & t j distressed for everv thing,
but beef, which is abundant.
3F tku steamboat excel- j
rd lives lost! !
pi or!
From the New York Tribune.
At 5 o'clock last evening, as the ste3m-
boat Excelsior, Captain Nelson, which
plies between this Citv and Coxsackie,
!.,.: ,7..'- I" rS fn ..t I r-irle t
Ud It;!!!' IIJU UUt IV UllllU V. Ul liail J"l. : i
her boiler exploded with a terrific concus- j
pion, kiiiin- and scaldiivr several ..f her j
passenrs and crew. The boat imme- !
diaie v took fire from the c-fleets ot the :
, i .. i -ii r ! I
meats, and for a" moment it was feared i
that those on board her who had reaped j
the orHnal cahmitv, would be engulfed
1 till LiUJlll V.J ItlU lt7iJ 1I1-H W I t .
'11 - 1 , . i.i'-,- 1 ;
; had started, when the steamboat 1 airiielu
. . ., , .ii"
. roinr up the river, went between the i.x-
i 3 , Z5 v , n , . ,ru . r .i
, celsior and Columbus. 1 he stern ot the
' r, c , , i , - - i ,i i
burnm? vessel, and those on board the F. I
' . . . . . . -
cutting the tow-line, the wreck was adrift j
As the wreck drilled down stream great
fears were entertained that she would run
foul of some one of several ships which
lav at anchor in the stream. This was
prevented, however, by her coming in
contact with a small slnop, setting her
bows on fire, and ihen veering round and
setting fire to her whole broadside. Af
ter a hard firht llu- blazing wreck was
I beaten off and pursued her course down
the river. She had not proceeded far,
how ever, before she was overtaken by the
steamer John Fitch which grappled with
ihe Iierv fugitive jinl conveved her over
he J'crsev shore. The boat wa burnt
to t
to the water's edge, an 1 the skeleton o!
people and the river was crowded with
J l .
'pi t . ., , ,t
The boat was new and put on the route
t i . i r
in June last, but was not one of the hrst
i l n,-:,'
dahs. Sue was engaged principal!) in
, , i . .-'
cheap passenger business between JSew j
York -ami Calskdl and Coxsackie, and!
was owned bv Hunt Nelson & Sons, of '
,.. w-i . i . i , ii-
the latter mace. She was valued at Jo,-
000. and was but partially insured.
The whole number of passengers on
board probably did not epee-ed forty.
The boat, at the lime cf the exple-si-jn.
had just left the wharf, and the passen-j
Je ,nl ,! Ilfi n,c,OIl n
The rircr. moved over to the starboard or i
f!itv- u. Thr bnilrr tvhicf, hurst wns
on the larboard side.
The explosion shook the large steamers
Ilendrik Hudson and Empier, lying at
the Cortland-st. piers. The timbers were
thrown high up into the air, and the bodv
of at least one person was seen falling
with the timbers. The boiler was not
seen after the explosion. That part of it
not broken to pieces went immediately to
the bottom.
The sufferers were immediately carried
to the Hospital and taken care of. Their
names are
Daniel Slawson, passenger, aged 78,
father-in-law of Alderman Gilbert, 1st
ward. He was badly scalded, and died
in a few minutes after being taken to the
Wm. Hull, passenger, lives at No. 177
Lewis-st. His face is verv much batter-
both arms badlv burnt, and is bruised on
his back.
George Van Wart. 2d Engineer, bro
ther of William, has his arms, legs, back
and throat, badly burnt.
One of the firemen is mining, -supposed
to hare been the Imdy seen blown up
in the air at the time of the explosion.
We. leant that the first Engineer was
struck on the back by something heavy
and forced through a bulk-head, and on
returning to his station found Mr. Slaw
sou in his (the Engineer's room lying on
his back with a. large piece of the smoke
pipe alongside of him.
The injuries sustained by Mr. Slawson
were not known last evening1. A Coro
ner's inquest is to be held this morning.
The cause of the explosion is a3 yet un
explained. There are various rnmor?
about it, but we cannot state anything as
positive. The 1st Engineer says that
there was only about eighteen inches of
steam on just before the explosion.
There must be a searching enquiry insti
tuted as io the causes of this sad catas
trophe, and let the public know, whether
or not it is the result of. carelessness.
I It is said that the steamer could have
been saved with the loss of only about a
thwiwid dollars worth of the.woe-d--oik.
I nnd nnner and lower iav.s both broken
. . . .- . . I 1 A I I A
in several p:ace; was a uuep i;:u:i un . , . . ,
. - - 1 nnmi?cs to spt out the next morning with
t i i MitiM.s iirxm .Muntercv: anu amp
his t h'T i. una is burnt on one knee. . . .... .
iT-'ii i- xx- ... , t.. -t... the bngrde under Ms comrnanu 10
William an w an, isi engineer, nai , , - , , , ,,. , T,
had die Fairfield not gone between the j
Columbus and the wreck and severed the ;
tow-line, thus setting the Excelsior adrift j
again. The E. was almost at the wharf
where the fire-engines could have easily j
subdued the flames. j
Files of .Mexican papers to the 2Gth of
August, inclusive, have been received at
the Navy Department. Thev contain deserves. This is the third Cotton Fac
little of intercut except the address or tory in our immediate icinitv; and ell.
manifesto of General Santa Anna to the
people of Mexico, dated the 16th of Au-
the dav cf hi s lauding at Vera Cruz.
It is a paper of some length, ably and
carefully framed, and temperate in lan-
guage ana sentiments.
lie commences with a sort of apology
. i i . . i i 11
or uie r?rt wtacr. no p.aye, , suos-que..!
10 lbo l 111 oTcl a s,ron-r t,?l,wl. V
cm l',e -nitry, whicn he ad-
. , , ' ,. r. ,
lii ::.. ii'j di ii i hi . !. iu u. ui-iyiiiiiii ui
lhe PPje t..c laiiurc to preserve the pro-
iru:C ol U'XS He men bneily reviews
lae ,conV":1 . lh.05Jc Jho have
sivciv adniiiiistcred the (overnment since
iI'L1 i!l.lMIIIMl-in Hit UW, CIUUKMI J1.M.V.
his exile. The aggressions cf the Uni
ted States were encouraged, lie says, by
the perfidy of the Cabinet of General
Herrera. Faredes, he savs, liad alwavs
, , ft 1
been an ootinate enemv of anv popular
. - r .
representative tovcn:nunt; when he
, 1 , c , . . , , . c.
beard of his projected revolution at San
r .... ; J, , , ,
Luis Potosi he noped that his opinions
"Mt ,' . "cu , fca , 1 a
mini i5 n r.i ni'nn irt inn ni-.r n? !
-- "'---" - "
Luis Potosi, he found it to be rather a
diatribe against the independence of the by trading with it. Buy its fabrics and
nation than the patriotic address of a ; s'c t0 jt y0Ur iaoorf y0ur provisions and
Mexican G?nerai seeking in sood faith a j whatever" vou raise that you cannot con
remedy for the distresses of his country: ! sume. No matter if its cloths are at firs:
snd his sinister designs were fullv devel
oped by his act convoking a Congress,
and by the attempts to reconcile the peo
ple to the idea of a monarchy and a for
eign Prince.
He denounces and discusses at length
the proposal for a monarchial form of
Government, whien he considers absurd
and impracticable. He accuses those in
favor ol a monarchy ol having, almost m
J direct nifner' provosccl the I nited
" r '
auvance an ar;nv ;iu t u uerorui .yicj-
j . . , . . . , ,
j '5' onler li?at nught be re -
UCP.J lf tne of submi tin-to
! Anglo-American domination, or adopting
w . . , A. ' r
a - -'
was wtm this view, he says, that m 181 1
and 1S45. when thev had the control in
, . . , ,
Congress, thev refused trie aid which the
. ' : . .- . . , , r .
existing Administration asked for the pur
p , . ,. . . . c , r
pose of defending the integrity of the na-
K . 3 - -
"onal tern tory.
. He kes no direct or enrnest profes-
iSion.oi nn inicriiion to pmsecuie' mcviar
, . . 1 . , ,
againsi uc tniii'M oia, aim uof.i i.k
spesk of this country in the usual terms
of vilification.
e concludes by oiscianning any i.cMre
itention to exercise dictatorial power,
therefore proposes that the Congress
' .
1 311,1 WC'(-''- prOpOSCS UIH U.e U O.IgT
ab"ut lo !,c a be powered
t0 rcl!ate a!l bnncho? oF lh J"nistra-
fion of the Government, and that the
provisional Executive be entirely under
its control, lie also recommends lha?, ;
until a new constituticn be proclaimed,
the constitution ni 1.-.2 1 be adopted for
ihe internal administration of the depart
ments. Santa Anna left Vera Cruz on the 18th
of August for ihe city of Mexico. The
papers give no account of his arrival
there; but one of them, the Republicano,
complains of their wailing his arrival to
forward reinforcements to the army of
the north. Santa Anna, it says, is not
the nation: nor is Gen. Taylor n knight
errant waiting the arrival of a new cham
pion. An official letter of Gen. Ampudia, ad
dressed to the Mexican Secretary of War,
and dated at S.m Luis da Potosi, 13th
August, sneaks of the march of Gen.
de la Palma, though he says he himself is
not well, and the greater part of his men
arc recruits, without clothing and without
. A letter from Monterey, dated the 23th
of July, says that they expect Gen. Tay
lor there about the I5h of August: and
although their small army was prepared
to ma.e a good ceicnce, tney expected a
defeat unless the first brigade c f the army,
which Ielt Mexico tinder the command of
Garcia Conde, should arrive seasonably.
The general of division, Don Pedro
Cortazar, had been appointed general-in
ch iff of the armv of the north. This
w'as" subseouent to the overthrow of the
late Government, but nrcvious to the ar-
rival of Santa Anna.
lirrd ur.c n nrisnnpr in the citv of
XTfivifO lint Tint in t.frit foil il nP.HC nt. Hilu
i'.iI'-'', VJ '1 . wrv . - - - - -
cad asked for his passports, hich it is
said would be given to him.
Quiet prevailed in the citv ol .viexiro,
but the papers do not seem hi
i . . .
much - enthusiasm m iaor vi oauw u
na. ( Union. '
Darn Vm"- said Jonathan nt the battle
of Ranker hill, "they're shooting bulbil"
1 whenone-pifTC'd through the top jrf h:a hat,
Cotton Factories.
The Fredericksburg, Virginia, Recor
der says:
"It will be seen by Mr. DuffGresn
advertisement, that his new Factory, at
Falmouth, is now in operation. We
cn-omcle this fact with the utmost p!e:t-
sum, and we hope the worthy proprietor
will reao the full harvest his enterprise
we believe, are in successful operation.
Success to them all. Our merchants and
' planters outfit to make it a matter of con-
science to patronize them to the extent cf
their power."
In copying this paragraph the Rich
mond Inquirer makes the following con
men: This is the true spirit, and should b3
thoroughly carried out. We see
great many person? in the South, who
ie verge of "nullincation, now iht most
ardent Tariffites, because cf their idola
. t. .
J ' I . - . HI U U I U " C I ft C CM HI.-
livhnicritt at rour wn deors. That it
the true protective policy far the South?
Yes, says ihe New York Courier and
Enquirer, and for the North, -and for the
West, and 'or every section of the Union,
and for the whole cocntrv! 4En
courage the establishments at your own
1 a Tl r
(.oorsi Mi nil up tne lactones cnon tne
streams and water-courjes that run through
, out vuije'-j. neruttrr mere is nic.
nnwrr. pst-iblili n Fiirfnrv.- firniinfrp it.
.- . ..ii . i i. .1 : .
- J 1
j a little dearer than from other mills, you
j can pay for them much easier, because
you can pay in your own monrcE, in
stead of money. You ran send them
! your corn, potatoes. Harden vegetables,
! &c. &!, in payment lv,r their niarmfa
: tures, and so in the end vou will be thy
j gainer, even if
i for the foods.
you pay somewhat mere
And in the course of a
i feW vears, after experience shall have in-
creased their skill, and your patrona
j increased n.o r resources, mey wm oa
a' p to make tr.p root's as chp-n as tt rsti
iu makv u.c eujw i.n.yij .ican
j be done elsewhere. Let every one, then,
. en-oarage the establishments at their owa
door Th advice comes from the Tl;-b.
uuu'' i rfuua uuw u.l
mona inquirer, out it is sountt ana jud
And precisely the same advice 13 go oil
for the whole country. Let the Ameri
can people everywhere "encourage the?
establishments al their own door." Let
them buy of those who live nearest, and
to w!forn they can sell their surplus prr
duce. Instead of going to England for
goods, go to the factory nearest your own
door. And let the Covernment protect
ami build up such Factories, Instead of
j abandoning them to the rivalry of foreign
capitalists. We rejoice to notice facts
j ti,at which elicited this advice from
t the Enquirer. Tiie South is very cener
zy tumin? its attention to manufacturing.
; Tt ha3 abundant water power, rhean h
bor and the raw material close at hand;
and ihere is no reason why manufactures
should not reach the same high point of
prosperity and succes there, which thev
have attained in other sections of th?
Un'.on. We hope to see the day when
Factories and Forges and Mids of every
description shall be profusely scattered
over the South employing its labor, de
veloping its resources, extending i;s com
merce and promoting its general prosperi
ty 2nd advancement. We look to such 3
consummation with high hope, not merely
for the South-itself, but for the whole
country, and above al! for the preservation
of the C.mox, upon which depend all cur
i prospective greatness and glory. Let the
South once ieel trie full enect of exten
sive Manufacturing Establishments, let
the system take root then?, as it has dons
at the North and East, and wc shall soorj
see a different tone of public, feeling upon
many of the grea questions which agitate
and threaten the welfare of the country.
Instead of regarding a Protective Tar
iff as the enemy of her prosperity, as a.
hostile encouragement of free, to the de
pression of slave labor, she will then,
regard it as the gret defence of American
labor of all kinds rgain-st the ruinous rt
va rv of foreign labcr. Instead of hav
ing and cherishing sectional interests, she
will then have interests more in common
i w;lh. those of the entire Fuson, and will
j thus escape from the prejn'.!i"es and mr
; r0w maxims which her fj as lira I Ic-ders
! have instilled into so Urge a body of the
people. Wc are heartily glad to nna
manufacturing establishments so geneni-
i lv encouraged; and especially to find pa
i ners of both prties unite in their de-
fence and support. The
result cannot
i but bs highly beneficent.
"I've alwavs tan;-ht mv children ti ?y
tr, amljy mr, remarket. .ir. l K.ger.
T!j.-fa 'nn!fini,r lilr nnniff' in rhif-
' drcd. Here Tommy." he cnntimwd 'would
: vou like to fo and tivo hi:., u; rrsnuff-
i man?
"Nc trhf-f.