5 fit- : ell fiv TWO DOLLARS TER ANNUM,? HAbF-VEAKLV IN ADVANCE. 5 AND FARMS' AKD MGMIGS' REGISTER. rr xot paid vrrrniN rnr. teak. 2 5u will i!U ciia::ui:d. PRINTED1 AND PUBLISHED WEJ5KLY. BY JONATHAN ROW, SOMERSET, SOMERSET COUNTY, PA. Uew Scries. 5Tinfh r it i 1 . r;,e following lines were written by ,?; I'nnccjs Amelia, a little before her , ce3tn- Unthinking, uhc, wild and young, T l ni-rhM nnd danced, and taik'd and sumr: ' ..it ifi.i,i, fiffJnm,; Dream'd not of sorrow, care or pain; Concluding in those hours of glee, That all the world was made for me, But when the hour of trial came, When sickness shook my trembling frame, When folly's gay pursuit was o'er, And I could dance and sing no more, It then occurr'd how sad 'twould be, Were this the only world for me. rIU2K WEST. Fisher's National Magaziue A SKETCH OF CALIFORNIA. The First Settlers Missions Indians -Agriculture -IIorseM,and tattle Faints Ports Klines Forests and Tiaibcr-Climate l'oputation and advantages to tlicFnited States. For the following interesting sketch of California, we are indebted to Alfred Kobinson, Esq., author of a very popu lar work called "Life in California," re cently published by Messrs. Wiley & Putnam New York. Mr. Robinson re sided a considerable lime in that country was a close observer, and both in the work above mentioned, and in this little sketch has spread before his fellow citi zens an amusing and instructive arcount of a part of the Western Continent, which is increasingly attracting public atten tion : The extei-sive tract of country com prised under this name, constitutes, at present, part of the Mexican Republic, and was once included in the Vice Royal ty of New Spain. It extends from Cape bt. Lucas, along the border of the great Pacific Ocean, To the forty second degree of north latitude, and is bounded on the easi ly the Gulf of California, the river Colorado, and the Indian territory. Lu Vifjtt, or Old California, was dis covered in 1531, by an expedition fitted out by Hernan Cortes. It consisted of two ships, commanded by Hernando Gri jalba and Diego Bercerra de Mcndoza, who being separated during the first night of their voyage were unable to prosecute their discoveries together. SSenor Grijulba, alter navigating three hundred leagues north of Tehuantepec, made land near the southern extremity of California :.nd returned to New Spain. Rercerra, less fortunate, was murdered by Ortun Jimenez, his pilot, who took the lead of a mutinous faction on board, and fearing the wrath of CortC5, continued his voyage in search of other land. Ar riving at a place railed afterwards La B.diia de Santa Cruz, he landed and was attacked by the Indians, in which conflict lie and twenty others perished; thus re ceiving the just penalty of their wicked ness. The crew returned to. New Spain with the ship, and reported favorably ol their discoveries which determined Cor tes to superinted in person another ex pedition, wherein he ascertained that Cal ifornia was not an island as had been sup posed. Oiher subsequent attempts to ex plore the country were made by the Vice roys of New Spain, but no important ef fort for its settlement look place until the years 150G and 1002. The method of colonization by ihe Spaniards, was by establishing missionary posts, and in con verting the Indians to Christianity, whom thev located at the various ro'nts of their religious conquests. In this pirformancc the primitive fathers sulTered many iriais and in many instances marlydom. Yet, notwithstanding, their hones were at length realized,and they triumphantly be held the subjugation of the whole country to the banner of the cross. .', or Upper California, was first visited by Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo, a Portuguese, under the patronage of the Viceroy Senor Don Antonio Mendoza. Cabril'o set sail on a voyage to the nocth 0:1 the 27tli June, 1542, and anchored at most of the porta along the coast as far as the forty-fourth degree of latitude; but no particular attention was drawn to the settling and colonizing the countny until the expulsion of the Jesuits from Lower California, in 17C7. The year following it was resolved on by the Marquis de Croix, when Father junipero Serra re ceived the appointment of missionary president. Sixteen brothers of the same order accompanied Father Junipero, some of whom were destined to replace the Jesuits in Lower California. This holy brotherhood sailed from San Bias on the 12t!i March, 1708, and arrived at San Pieco pome time in May, 17G9, thev rommenced iheir apostolic labors. The Treat length of time intervening from the l;;te of their departure until that of their arrival in Aha California, was partially occupied at ihe port of Loreto, A milita ry - force, under the command of Don tipper de Porlaia, was sent for tlic pro- i . . i tection of the missionaries, and the same ! of colonization and government was ob- i as r(Jonization of Lower ,., . : r Father Junipero, which continued v uiiivi luu. v , lus death, m 1782, there were es eight missions, and afterwards under er management the number was increased to twenty one. As these religious insti tutions flourished, the directors of them were eccasionally succord by remittances from the Spanish government, and im portant donations were made, and numer ous estates were bequeathe? in lands and houses, for the benefit of the missions which were held as a fund, known in Mexico as La Fonda Piadoso de Califor nia. This fund was managed by the Convent of San Fernando, and the pro ceeds, as well as well as thejjsalaries of ihe missionaries, to whom were assigned the sum of four hundred dollars per annum, were remitted annually to California. The prevailing style of architecture ob served m erecting the missionary estab lishments, has been faithfully described in a work entitled "Life in California," but it mav be interesting to know how or in what manner they were conducted in the administrotion of their temporal as well as spiritual government. The do mains were always extensive often from twenty to thirty square leagues, and divided out into separate farms for domes ticating cattle and for cultivation. The control over those estates and the princi pal establishments was effected by a few soldiers and a sergeant, who were subject to the friars, and whose quart cl or bar racks were immediately opposite the front entrance. The Indians were taught man- y trades, and a variety of things proved their progress in their arts. They man ufactured blankets, carpeting, and a coarse fabric of woollen for clothing; they also made hats, shoes, and other necessary ar ticles. Notwithstanding their" immense resources at home, they were yearly sup plied with large quantities of mercandise by foreigu vessels, many of their estab lishments making purchases to the a mount of forty and fifty thousand dollars which were freely distributed among the Indians, so that they were clad, most of them, after the manner of the Spaniards. The Indians, as well as the priests, rose with the sun and went to mass, which lasted about an hour. . During this cere mony the breakfast was prepared, which was usually their favorite utole or pottage, with boiled dried meat. After breakfast they went to their labors either in the workshop or the field. At noon the toll ing of a bell announced the hour for din ner, when the Indians quitted their work, and repaired to receive their rations as at breaklast time. After dinner they return ed to their work until the evening cere mony cf prayer, when all repaired to the church, and the supper of ufp'e wound up the performances of the day. 1 lie girls and widows were kept 'in separate rooms while at work during the day, and at night the unmarried of both sexes were locked up separately; the keys being de livered always to the missionary, who se verely chastised any breach of this cus tom when detected. Thus ihe Indians were happy, and venerated the men who had made them so. The immense herds and flocks belong ing to the missionaries yearly increased their recources, and they became of im portant account to the government, inas much as U was almost entirely dependent on them. At many of the establishments I saw accounts against the government amounting to over one hundred thousand dollars, besides many large amounts owed by individuals, who were never expected to pay them. This did not, however, af fect the missions nor weaken them in the least, for their possessions were continu ally increasing, and they were prosper ous indeed. But alas ! this state oi things exists no longer. Since 1834 the priests have been deprived of their property, and the missions have been entirely destroyed under the scandalous administration "of certain hirelings of the government. The following returns of 1834 and 1842, may be interesting: "I. In 1831 the Indian population of ihe 21 missionaries amounted to 30,G50; in 1842, to 4,400. "2. In the former year the number of horned cattle was 424,000; in the latter 28,220. "3. At the same period the number of of Sheep, goats, and pigs, was 231,500; at the latter, 31,000 "4. In 1834, the number of horses, as ses, mules, &c, was 61,500; in 1842, it was 3,800. "5. The produce in corn, tc., has de creased in a much greater proportion that of 70 to 4." These facts will prove the blind zeal on the part of the government, in its im prudent measures for secularizing the mis sions, which have caused such results, 2nd the return of the Indians to their old customs in the mountains. For several years after the revolution ! every house is a place for retailing mer broke out in Mexico in 1822, the white Vchandise; and during the harvest for population of California was very limited, and could not have exceeded four thuu 6and. At the different 'ic'nlio certain officers were appointed to receive such duties as might be obtained from any vessels arriving in their respective , di- TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1846, ' ' tricts; and in this way the government received a small revenue, by imposing a trifling per ccntage on tl value of "he ...V.n ,r,.b : San Diego, and other subordinate officers : until 7,., ,!!! iRos. Wl,n linnMns- d- tent, until Monsier Louis Vime. a native "c ranc ucean requires a piaee 01 suei- , .. ......;.. w.u.. SUUua sum. i lie acinic ijidtuc ujhiui- ' ' i v iw . n . . . , i i i I . - i t ..,.t,,,, .. . . 1 ' . . - . . . tap rXi. ho t...c-...wU rP vnccnlc w hn i lor the :Ut:irk: hut when thev were riboiit tablished 1 Eachandia was named commandant-gen- ol t rance, successiully undertook tne , .1 . .1 1. I . 1 .- I Irt nvui'lltrt flirt MwM'AitMint Inn I . iwjI-.K oth- eral, who placed a collector at the port of management of a partially abandoned "c poxi v iu?t; Wuic,, 1 VJlV-.r o... t:.. .u -n ,.:...,i ..r, tnen let fcan rrancisco oe me one, m ,"" vumc-i.i aim 1. ju 0.1 l.j. at Monterey and Santa Barbara. The hundred and fifty dollars. Mons. V igne Mexican tarifl was now introduced, and emigrated to California in 1834, and six the general government, to encourage the ' years afterwards, when desirous of leav settlement of the Californias, awarded ; ing the country, he was willing to make a that two-fifths of the duties established, sacrifice, and offered his estate for sale should be deducted on all goods landed in : for the sum of twenty thousand dollars, that country of foreign importation. This j The soil, he says, for this kind" of cul recrulation however, has ceased to exist, ture. is not surpassed anywhere: and is and the importer is now obliged to pay j the full extent ot the tariti rate, which ou j country. ioinmg is wanteu mu iniem sorne articles amounts to over one hun- J gent persons to make wine of an excel- dred and fifty per cent, on their first cost I he nett amount of revenue s.eldom ex ceeded, in any year, over eighty thousand dollars, so that when a deficiency took place, to supply the expenditures of gov ernment, it had been usual to call upon the missions for aid. Mexico would have had to have remitted annually, if it had paid its debts and its soldiers, over one hundred thousand dollars, of which the exchequer fell short, to defray the actual expenses of the country. This may be quite sufficient to show standing which the mis sustaining the covernment feeblcd it must have become since their ruin. Since 1830, when the Californians drove out the Mexicans, the country has undergone many changes. Numbers of new farms have been erected by the di vision of the mission estates, and hun dreds of Englishmen and Americans are scattered over the extent of their domains. Theie were very few farmers previous to 1830, whose actual possessions of horned cattle did not exceed one hundred thou sand. In 1842, there were no less than ninety-two ranchores located between the ports of San Diego and San Luis Obispo. These persons possessing, on an average one thousand bullocks each, making an aggregate of ninelv-two thousand. From San Luis Obispo towards the north, he farmers are more numerous, and may be supposed to contain treble the number of cattle contained southward of that point; so we may safely estimate the whole number of horned cattle held by individu als in the whole country, at four hundred thousand. The vearlv number of cattle slaughter cd seldom exceeded fifty thousand, which left a large increase; so that, with care and attention, in a very short time the number must overreach lhat ever held by the missions even in their most flourishing condition. The value of the hides and tallow derived from these annual slaugh ters, may be estimated rt three hundred and seventy two thousand dollars. These two commodities, with the exception of some beaver, sea otter, and other furs, comprise the most important part of their exportations, which in addition, would augment the value of exports to four hun dred thousand dollars per annum. The greater portion of these .items find their way to the United States, either director via the Sandwich Islands or Lima; the Yankees being the principal participants in the trade with California. No mercantile houses of any import ance are vet established in the' country, owing to the impolitic advantages given to foreign navigation, which permit the coasting trade, and give license for the disposal of merchandise without restric tion as to quantity. Hence each vessel becomes 'a moving warehouse, which is despatched about, from port to port, ac cording to the demand for their merchan dise; and no one thinks of buying any thing on shore, while these floating con veniences are at hand. As it may be supposed, this method of non-protection to home trade, is of serious injury to the country, inasmuch as it prevents the in troduction of capitalists, and the establish ment of them 011 shore. This detriment to the prosperity of California, however, is not unknown to its government, and it has made several unsuccessful attempts to regulate and reform the system. Weak and unstable in their government, the Californians have ever wavered from their decrees, and though certain restric tions have been levied again and again up on foreign commenrce, they seldom con tinued long enough to give any encour- agement. This has been owing to the poverty of the treasury, and the lack of means possessed by government to sup port itself without the aid of foreign com merce, which is the only source of reve nue whereby it is sustained. A reform can only be effected by shutting the ports, and imposing a direct lax upon individu al property, which to accomplish the gov ernment has not sufficient force; and for the reason California must remain as it is, ' subject to a thousand changes, until some other and more elevated power shall rule its destiny'. In the small villages almost J grapes, while distilling tt!iuanlinitet all of them become grog shops, and serve out destruction to the Indians, who are the principal consumers. Of late years the cultivation of the grape has become an important branch of . . t. I-. . ; agriculture, ana almost ever)' lnnamiam of any note in the town of los Ancblks has his vineyard. No particular alien-; .1 '1. ' ,.o,.. v. vineyard, which he purchased for one infinitely superior to that of his own lent quality, .which would readily find a market in Mexico, and the neighboring countries where the vine is not cultivated. The climate is well adapted to the ol-! ive, which is quite abundant, and when well prepared, not inferior to thai of Eu- rope. In some parts of the country rice may be raised, and cotton and tobacco thrive to perfection. The natives under- , stand well enough the art of cultivating them, but are too indolent to pay that strict attention which they require. Ma how the important ny kinds of fruits are produced in their . quires skilful miners only to make it pro issions held towards j gardens, such as apples, peaches, plums, j fitahle. nent, and how en- oranges, citrons, limes, pomegranates, I The arrival of Captain r reemont m figs, fce. and in fact, every attempt to- wards agriculture has succeeded. In the spring of the year, during the months of May and June, the plains and hills are variegated with flowers, and the whole country becomes a garden. It is one of the most enchanting sights ima ginable to look upon its extensive prai ries, carpeted, as they are, with millions of beautiful and fragrant blossoms; so ar ranged in nature's grand kaleideoscope as to call forth admiration from the be holder, and his reverence and love for the great author of such magnificence. The air becomes perfumed with their sweet ness, and as the heavy tramp of the tra veller's steed presses upon them, an ex quisite fragrance rises, which is borne away by the wind? to the hills and moun tains, to mingle with the sweets which they inhale. Indeed there is more love liness and beauty in such a scene, than my humble self can delineate. I recol lect a spot in(the rear of the Mission of San Gabriel, where the flowers arc of so rich a vermillion, as to be seen distinctly from the ship's place of anchorage at San Pedro, from whence they appear like a velvet covering to the earth. This is a distance of over thirty miles, and it may seem to ihe reader almost incredible, but , nevertheless it is the truth, and may be 1 witnessed, year after year, without any j decrease in beauty. The hills nnd the woods abound with j many kinds of wiid fruits, among which are gooseberries, blackberries, whortle berries, strawberries, &c. The latter va ry in their appearance and flavor, accor ding to their locality; those found in the northern parts of ihe country being infe rior in size, but sweeter. Raspberries are also to be met with, in quality equal lo the English ones; but the most abun dant of all is the mora or blackberry, The soil of California is rich, and aided by the mild temperature of its climate, extremely productive for all kinds of grain; admitting of two crops in one sea son. From the parallel of San Luis O bispo, northward, the highlands are topp ed with pines, while the green plains be yond them are plentifully supplied with oak; the former, in some sections of the country, growing to an immense size, with long cones hanging from their bran ches, containing pinoxes or seeds, which are collected by the Indians a their pro per season, and become an important ar ticle of "their food. Other classes of trees are found in the forests, of which the ash, beach and maple, comprise the greater portion. The feature of the mountains extending through California, gives a dreary aspect to the country, till arriving near the con fines of Monterey, where they are wood ed, and less accompanied with the volca nic appearances. Their average height is about twenty-two hundred .feet, rising in some places almost directly from the sea, so as to leave but a narrow strip be tween them and the beach. The woods are abundant in wild game, and the rivers and bays supply the inhabitants with fish of many kinds. California, viewed as a maritime sta tion, has not its equal on the whole wes tern coast of America. Her principal ports, which are San Francisco and San Diego, afford the most secure anchorage for the largest fleets, with facilities for establishing wharves, docks and arsenals. The former harbor is so situated as to re quire but little labor to make it one of the strongest fortified places in ihe world; for the rocky cliffs which forrn its narrow entrance, combined with other prominent locations within, seem as if inten nature lor delence. 1 here are numerous small islands scattered about the bav. and one of them affords an abundant supply of fresh water, and convenient locations for heaving out vessels for coppering or for repairs. The Blossom, a British sloop of war, was grounded here some years ago, and thoroughly overhauled. 4 1...ka. ...;.. .,u .,iBim.c I v. r'""S:'ul' tfUU"r"; must or ought to. attract the attention or U.e United States Government; and .1 the importance of her commercial interests in preference to any other port! How can it be acquired, will be the inquiry, or ne gotiated lor, while we are, as it were, wa ging war against Mexico, thus shutting out all means for negotiation? My answer is, that California will negotiate for her self soon, and perhaps ere now she has dared to proclaim her independence, and may be at this moment prep: arcd lor any arrangement with the United States. Let our government look to this important is sue, and secure, if possible, such an ac quisition as San Francisco would become to our glorious republic, and silver mines have necn louno California, from which considerable quantities of ore have been obtained; and recently, during the present year, one of quicksilver has been discovered. Ihe last is now worked on a small scale, and produces one sixth of metal from the ore. Any quantity of copper ore can be had . . ... . . 1 r 1 . 1 ,1 r fn 1 t-, . 1 . . in ifi is-iv 01 1 ouas nus, wmni iu- Uaiiiorma, must soon cause a in the commerce of the country, and per haps, ere long, our enterprising Yankees will be flocking there in thousands with team loads of merchandise. The captain has discovered a route which is eight hun dred miles shorter than the one formerly travelled by our hunting parties, and the whole distance through has not the slight est obstruction for vehicles. LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP. EY WILLIAM LLCGKTT. The birds, when winter shades the sky, Fly o'er the seas away, Where laughing eyes in sunshine lie. And summer breezes play. And thus the friends that flutter near While Fortune's sun is warm, And startled if a cloud appear, And fly before the storm. But when from winter's howling plains Each other warbler's past, The little snow-bird still remains And chirrups midst the blast. throng Dove-like that bird, when Friendship's With Fortune's sun depart, Still lingers with its cheerful song, And nestles on the heart. Tha late Revolution in Mexico. The New Orleans Times of the 25th ultimo contains copious extracts from In'e Mexican papers from which it appears lhat the revolution in Mexico has not on ly been completely successful, but con summated with a singular degree of una nimity. The same paper mentions the receipt of a letter from the city of Mexico, d;.t 'd on the 8th, which makes no allusion to ; the impiisonment of Gen. Paretics. For ibis reason, and because it believes that Paredes left the capital on the 31st for the North, at the head of 4,000 troops, and must have been pretty f ir advanced on his way when ihe revolution broke out. it is inclined to doubt the correctness of the information heretofore received r.s to the imprisonment of lhat officer. All other accounts, however, go to confirm this intelligence. In the same letter above alluded to, it is stated that some of ihe disaiTected citi zens of Monterey, in conjunction with a ffvv inbn!if:iiits nf - nvrirvm nriirin. who were ai led by the crew of the U. S. sloop-of-war Falmoihni. took possession of ihe city, hoisted the American colors. and proclaimed the Californias annexed to the United Slates. The subjoined extract exhibits ihe man ner of conducting a bloodless revolution in the Mexican Republic, such as has just taken place. The reader must pre mise, that on the 3d ultimo, as sorn as news reached the city of Mexico of the declaration, or, as they call it, pr tntn r'm i.i'iito, at Vera Cruz, the troops of the party opposed to the then existing Go vernment adopted a preamble and articles similar to ihose promulgated at the latter city, in which the causes and objects of the revolution are set forth; and lhat these proceedings have been politely comma the revolutionists, to Gen. Bravo, the act- mg President of the Republic. I r.v, if, i.Pj,.;.?;.n ..r i ..v.. -r i'n Anmt a. EVENTS OF YESTERDAY AND OF THIS MORNING. Since the 3d instant, repeated notices minent have been given to the Government, but j country are for war, then I am wjih them; ded by j in the - most respectful terms, and almost ; hut I would prefer p?.;ce. Bef.-n !r;;v merons ! in the tone of entreatv. Both these com-; ing Havana, he requested and received ; in the tnnp of pntrentv mnnicmlmw nml nrivite letfers, addrcs -d to Senor Bravo and Senor Quipno, bv the General-in-chief of the pronounced forces in the citadel, remained cither unanswer- ed or were answered in an evasive man - net by asking for time, and seeking to gain timd. The kst time fixed upon for a ,..va ...... Vol. 4.-No. iVIrlnnr 'n definitive answer was two o'cloeTc f ,, rnnn nt .... .,,.. .,,1. x m the afternoon of t, ib . VA u,t o h.) r he G ncnd-in-Uu i o tec i a; . . u- ed until utter that hour, and having re- presented themselves on the p:irt of ihu Government, and stated that Gen. D. Benito Quijano was empowered as Gcn-cral-in-chief to treat with the pronoun ce rs, if both parties should appoint com missioners to meet at a designated ph.cc. The General-in-Chief of the pronounced forces drew up a new communication with this view, stating that the commissioners appointed on his part would attend before five o'clock in the afternoon in the con vent of San Francisco, where they would await those appointed by Gen. Qu'juno. The commissioners of the chief of the prvVimcintnfitfo attended according to appointment; bet those of the Govern ment, lifter tfie lapse of more than an hour, had not made their appearance. In consequence of this, and of Gen. Qui jano's having sent a new communication, stating lhat a junta of war would meet at seven o'clock in the evening, and that a reply would be given in the courso of the night, the General-in-Chief of the pro nounced forces determined to wait no lon ger, and commenced his m.'.reh with two strong columns, composed of some ir. fantry, a body of cavalry, and some light pieces, which, being arranged in the most efficient manner, advanced without mee ting any impediment until thev surround ed the palace, the forces occupying it be ing confined within the limits ot the prin cipal squire. At this stage of affairs, General Qnija no promised that his commissioners would attend at nine o'clock at night, in house No. 10, in the first street de IMatcros, oc cupied by Dr. D. Pedro Vanderlinden, the director of the military board of health. In fact, almost an hour before the ap pointed time, Generals Carrcra, Urre:it and D. Ramon Morales appeared as com missioners of the general commanding the forces of the Government, and on ti c part of those of the citadel, Generals Dc Pedro Lemus, D. Antonio Vizcayno, and D. Ramon Pachcco, honorary inlcndant of the army. A long discussion was en tered into, which lasted un'i! half after one in the morning, and the result f.f which was that the General-in-Chief cf the forces of the Government was to re cede lothe plan proclaimed in the citadel, and every article of it: it being further determined, on the part of the pronoun cers, that, in consideration of the defer ence and respect for the national will ma nifested by Senor Bravo, as well as in testimony of the respect due to his for mer services, he should he allowed, whilo in ihe capital, the uiaiincticii of guard of honor, fueh ls the ordinance aligns to captains-general; that neither he nor his ministers, nor the chiefs, officers, and troops who have supported his cause, should be molested; and that, immediate ly upon the ratiiication of the plan, the Government should cease its functions, the troops defending the palace to remain under the orders of Senor S. 1 3. The latter occupied the palace at three o'cloclc this morning. The chiming of bell?, t'13 beating of drums, and music of the mili tary bands, viva from a large concourse 1 fr General Santa Annn, who is invoked in the plan, and a salvo of twenty-ons guns from the battery of the citadel, at daybreak, were the fird celebration of tilts event. As yet no Govern nent ha.J been organized, and the General-iii-chief of the pronounced forces is to continue in command until the arrival of General Simla Anna, who is expected wiihin a few days. Santa Axxa was received at Vera Cruz with every demonstration of enthu- ! si.jsm aml j"- He arrived on the 1 Gill ultimo, on board the English merchant- steamer Arab, accompanied by his own j family, and Gen. Almonte, the ex-Minis ters neion and ll iro v 1 amariz. Senor Bov.'s, ex-Deputy f.om Yucatan to the Mexican Congress, and several other in dividuals. The Picayune says: "Upon t'l? appe i.a c ? o!' the Arab off Vera Cruz, CommnJore Cjxxe.i repaired o;i board t!i? steamer PaixcETOX, and an attempt wan m :dj to iuurcpt the Arab; but the morning was calm an ! she slipped into port wilhoJtJiindrar.ee, with her val uable fYcigh Opinions differ as to the intentions of t!:o Commodcrc towari'3 S.mt.i A'KV.i, some bc-!uvmg that he had no desire to intercept him. Oa this sub iect we learn, by loiters received by tho w r n t Ti at Pensacoln from 1 1 a- j van . that before Sana Anna left llavan i, OUrVOIllH, Jl.Ij'l I It! VI l VMlV.l- sa'.ton wiih him lo the following c fleet: V' i!1l!"rcd l!'.e General was in favor of the war with the United States. I To which the General replied, Yoa j know how it is; if ;hc per-pfe of i.:y from -Cclm inei C;:mpbe:i a letter ol intro- I ' ductivn to Commodoi-3 Co:a:vr. J.'eruo t-ok with him a v.dn,.b!e box of e?gar? intended as a prvm f r t: C';riPjidor?, j Upon arriving ofi "vera Cniz, !;. ! j good care to ws.ste. no it me in the prcs'-a tation of hi? Iot'er or ig-r3 ..1,.,. r.w,.,r. 1 If -J-