SOMERSET HERALD. Somerset, $j.i.f TFESPAY, JULY 2S, 1810. Y P. 7Mr.Vt Et-7. of rhil i-Wj-hia athii Jtral EsWc nn ! Coal Ojv,h our atubzeJ fHERALD-- and is clothed wiJli full power to for any monies pa, I ,V:c M!rvri? cities. vu:-riii!aJe!rhia, cv York, Cahirnore and Co?ton. FOR CANAL COMMTIOXTCR. JA2IES 31. POWER , OF MERCER COUNTY. FOR CONGRF..-SS: .1XMIE1V STE1VAHT, of Fayette County. Something about Dunning. We dislike .the practice, so prevalent with publishers, of frequently dunning their subscribers for money, or we should ere this lime have thrown out a few hints to perrons who are indebted to us one, two, three years, and upwards, for sub scription, advertising and job-work; but, much as we dislike the practice, we find that wc shall have to adopt it; and if the class of patrons alluded to do not come forward before or during the ensuing court week and ''fork over" at least a part of what they severally owe, wc'shall then be under the necessity of sending them not a dun but a dvnuer. Our Candidate. Mr. Stewaut having been unanimous ly nominated by the Whig conferees of the District, wc have raised his name to our mast-head as the candidate of the Whiz and Antimasonic party for Con cress at the ensuing election. The nomi nation of Mr. Stewart, so far as wc have heard an expression of opinion, gives -eneral satisfaction to the true friends of American industry, and we are happy to be able to add, to the personal friends of the other gentlemen whose names had been sn-fcstcd for the consideration of the con f'crccs. Of Mr. Stewart's election we entertain not a doubt. lie has thus far faithfully served his constituents and the nation, and if he did not accomplish all that was desirable, it was only because facts and arguments could not prevail a gainst numbers. We cannot speak for the other counties of the District, but feel persuaded that in Somerset county his ma jority at the ensuing election will be great er than it was on cither of the former oc casions when he was a candidate. DAXIEL lTCYAXD, ESQ. Wc should like to learn what arc Mr. Wcyand's views of a protective Tarifl. He is now a candidate for public favor, and wc arc desirous of giving our readers all the information wc can as regards the "position" of each of the opposing candi dates for Congress on great questions of national Policy. The Tariff is at this time the all-absorbing question with the people of Pennsylvania. The passage through the House of McKay's bill has alarmed them and whether that bill be comes a law or is defeated in the Senate, the subject is not going to be put to rest the present session. It will engage the attention of the nest Congress perhaps as much as it has done that of the present one and hence the people have a right to expect that each candidate for a seat in that body will give his views in regard to it before soliciting their suffrages. On the part of Mr. Stewart no expose on this subject is necessary. From one ex tremity of the country to the other he is the known and acknowledged champion z,f t'm nrnfortivf nolk'V ill CoP.rCSS. IS O one can have a doubt as to -what will be h i$ course, if elected. Not so with Mr. Wcyand. He is known to have been a warm supporter of Mr. Polk in 1811. Many in Pennsylvania were led into the" support of that gentleman under a belief that he was a thorough-going Tariff man, hut now find that they were most grossly deceived. No one who is a real friend of the protective system can any longer ad here to an Administration that is acting so contrary to hij expectations and adverse to his interests. The Administration and a Tariff arc inconsistent with each other; they arc as opposite as the poles; and wc want no better evidence of a man being op posed to the latter than the fact that he is an adherant of the former. Mr. cy and's "position" can therefore perhaps be bcsljudgcdof when it is ascertained wheth er he is still a supporter of the Administra tion, or whether Mr. Polk's free trade doctrines, as promulgated in his messa ges and the reports of his Secretary of the Treasury, anil recently pui in lorm Mr McKay have induced him to bv Ivindon it. Adjournment. n,v'. I Inure-s of Conrrress have rcsolv-j r. , .,.!; ,. it r in to ci Auirust.- 'IV r.resoiit session will have lasted ICr'Thc proceedings of the Whig con ferees of this Congressional District will be given in detail next week. f SrX bill, appropriating $12,000,000, to pny volunteers, has passed Congress. This makes 621,000,000 for the war so far. Acknowledging Hie Corn. The editor of the Lancaster Democrat, a leading locofoco sheet, acknowledges straight up and down, that he and his j party in Pennsylvania were cheated when. they supported Mr. Polk as a Tariffman. Would that all locofoco editors were as honest as lie of the Democrat. Qua e. Are polk-stalks as plenty in these diggins now as they were in 1844? In the House ef Reprcsetativcs recent-j , Mr. Kinf of Georgia staled, that the I prizes brought into the United States du. jing the last war were 113 public vessels, and 2,0S3 private vessels. Vf CELEBRATION AT PETERSBURG- The anniversary of our National Inde pendence was ushered in by firing of a na tional salute of twenty eight guns at day break. At 10 o'clock, A. M. Cant. Ross and West's Volunteer companies, (ahe Addison Infantry and Allegany Riflemen.) formed at thejsousc of William Reynolds and marched to iheMethodistE.P. chnrch, under command of A. Newlon, Esq., Chief Marshal; Andrew Craig, Sam'l El der, Simon Kcllar and James Burton, Esqs. Assistant Marshals, and escorted the Petersburg Sabbath School, accompa nied by the officers of the Washington Temperance Society and citizens general ly, near William Reynold's Hotel, where the Sabbath School refreshments were par- ' taken ol. The company then proceded to the public square, between -. ievion a and Samuel Elder's Hotels, where an A nieriean flag was presented to the Addi son Infantry by A.J. Hunt, Esq., on he half of the bdies of Petersburg and vicin ity. After the presentation of the flag, the companies accompanied by the orator of the day, proceeded to a bowery near Wm Reynold's hotel and partook of an elegant repast. The cloth being removed and the com pany assembled around a stand prepared for the occasion,.! ohnBell, Esq. Pre'stRob't Hunter, Jacob Cravcr, Frederick Augus tine, John A. II. Wiliiam Burgess, James Roddy and Henry Wenllmg, Esqs., Vice Presidents, William Roddy and Robert Patrick, Esqs., Secretaries, took their scats. On motion William Irvin, Esq., was iutroduced who read the Declaration of Independence. On motion, F. M. Kimmcl, dilivercd his address. The whole proceeJings were interspersed with excellent music by the Military Musicians, and Somerfield Inde pendent Brass Rand. On motion, they adjourned to meet on the 4th July 1847. nFA correspondent of the N. York Sun, writing from Washington under date of July 15, gives the following, as part of that day's proceeding in the House of Representatives: Hhc House went into Committc of the Whole, Mr. Wcntworth in the c'nirand took up the Bill to pay the mile: ge and per diem allowance of Members of Con gress and for other purposes. Great merriment at the appearance of the chairman, who is celebrated for his extraordinary height) Various amendments were ofiered and l ejected, one by Mr. Stewart propos ed reducing the pay of the members to six dollars per day after a session of seven months, and to three dollars per day after n srssion of cifrht months. The bill was explained by Mr. McKay, and discussed j and opposed by .Mr. llanncman. lie uia not like the provision in it for -paying ex penses to certain Indians. Mr, Douglass got lhciloor and tried to speak, but nobody would listen to him the House in its roars of merriment at the party decisions of the Chairman, would let no one be heard. Finally the Commit tee rot un and the House adjourned, amid loud bursts of laughter on all sides. . GOOD NEWS! Wc have l ite advices from Baltimore, the purport of which are, that the Pitts burgh Committee has had a satisfactory in terview with the directors of the Balti more and Ohio Railroad Company, and that the probability is, that a Corps of Engineers will be immediately placed on the Pittsburgh and Connellsville route to prepare the line for contract. Pitts Gazette. HorE. The United Suites Gazette of yesterday says, we arc gratified to give our readers the following few lines, which come as a postcript to Mr. Oldschool's letter : "P.S. I think I can hold out a hope that the tariff will be saved in the Semite. Letters arc being received from Locofocos mother parts of the country, denouncing M'Kay's bill and the administration in unmitigated terms. They arc not with out effect ! ! THE WAR WITH MEXICO. A Washington letter writer says: "The recent orders from the War Dcpart- meat, contemplate a movement by three interior, on or about the first of August; one via Monterey, under General Tay lor in person, another under Gen. Wool, via the Prcsidia of the Rio Grande in a parallel line; another under General Kear nCy, and Gcricrul Butler, via Santa Fe to j 1st, . - - I SIXXEISS UEFIIVTIXG. Wc learn from the Untied Stalei Ga zette, that the locofocosare holding meet ings at Reading and Pcltsville, in Penn svlvania, to protest against the passage cl M'Kay's IrrifF bill. They "look to the Senate," and implore the lion. Geo. M. Dallas, in case he has the casting vote, to save Pennsylvania from ruin. Were it not for the general distress that will en sue, wc could almost rejoice at the pros pect of their sufferings. These very men were told, over and over again, during the Presidential canvass, that the clcctidn of Jas. K. Polk would bring destruction to the protective policy. They had his votes and speeches against the larift'of '42 before them; and yet they turned traitors to their own interests, and made him Pre sident. They will now pay the price of their folly, and well do they deserve it. They are lull of repentance now, but let hem escape the danger that threatcns,and they will hug the free traders to their bo- soms as fondly as ever. In less than three months in time for the next election they will have another set of banners bearing the inscription: " The Tariff of 42 the IVhigs dare not repeal it." Such is democracy, not the democracy of Washington, and Jefferson, and Madison, but the bastard, cob-web democ racy of our day, better known as Locofo coism. Cumb. Civilian. The American Sentinel, a Locofoco paper in Philadelphia, manly language in relation to the Tariff thus : "The spirit of a greatly excited people is abroad throughout our whole State, and threaten? to call in judgment every man, that shall in any way lend his aid to de stroy the Tariff of 1342. The whole body of the people say that the country is now prosperous and happy; and that they will not tolerate any experiments, that cannot fail to give the best interests of our country a fatal stab. FROM FORT STERLING. Wc are informed by Capt. B.-.rgcr, of the steamer Red-Wing, which arrived from St. Peters yesterday, that some in timations had been received at Fort Snel Iing before he left, the Indians were col lecting it that vicinity with on intention of making an attack on the Fort, for the perpose of effecting the liberation cf one of the Sioux, who had .been given up., and was held in custody, cither as a hostage, or for being conccrnccd in the murder of a chief some! time ago. A demand for his release was sent in some days ago, which was refused. St. Louis Rep. 4th. COMMISSWJS'EH. To the Voters of Somerset Coun'ty. BELLOW CITIZFNS: At the sug a gestion cf many friends, I offer my self to your consideration as a candidate f' County Commissioner, al lhc ensuing eltciioM, and should 1 rcreive a majority f your suffrages, I shall per form the duties of said office to the best of my judgment and ani'iiy. JOHN P. H. WALKER, Addison tp, j dy 23, 1810. PI AME trespassing on th premises of J the subscriber in Elkliek township, Somerset county, on the 28th of June, IS40, One sorrel mare with ball face, about four years old last spring, the own er is requested to co:nc forward, prove property, pay rh irgesnnd take her away, or she will Lc lispopl of a i!.e law di rect s. VALENTINE TlSE. july C5,'40 Somerset County f ss. A T an adj.nirned Orphnns' iSfeBL Court h.dd at Somerset, t?j?fr in and for suid County, on ''0y tIie Nlh d,,y uf Ju,-V 18,G- Before lhc Honorable Judges thereof. ON motion of Sam'l W. Pearson, Esq.. the roiirt confirm the inquisition, and grant a rule on the heirs and icgal representatives of Jacob Moses, deceas ed, ta appear at an adjourned Orphans' nr.rt, to be held at Somerset, on the 7ih September, A, D, ( I S 1 1 ) And accept or refuse to take the real estate of saiJ Ja cob Mo srs, de'd at the appr ised price. Extract from the records of sard court, certified this 14th d;iv. July A, D, 181G. WM 11 PICKING, july 21, '43 Clerk.. Somerset Countii, ss. iL 'P 251 adjourned Orphans ' i. court "held al Somerset fcftgU on and for said county on the '4 ISihday of July, A, I), 1S46. Before the Honorable Judg- ec thereof. IN the matter of the account ol Ro gers Marshall and .ohn Tantlinger, ad ministrators of John Graham, dee'd. And now to -wit, July 15ib; A D 1 8 40. On petition of F. B. Murdr-c, sntcrm ir maricd with Mary E. one of the daugh ters of said John Graham, dee'd. The Court grant a rule on Phoebe Marshall, administratrix of Rogers Mar shall, deo'd, who was one of the admin istrators of said John Graham, dee'd, and on John Tantlinger, who was also one of the administrators of said John Graham, dee'd, to appear at an adjourn ed orphans court to be held at Somer set, on Monday the 7th day of Septem ber 1346. and shew cause if any .they have why the confirmation should not be taken off said account, and the same re frrred to Auditors for settlement and adjustment. Extract from the Records, certified this loth day of July 1346. WM II I'lUlUKU, Clerk. A Word to Blothors ! E ALT II is one of the best rifts of parents to their children, and with out it, all the advantages of fortune are but evils in disguise. Nature . always admonishes the parent when aid is re quired. If a young child cries much it must be ill, for it is not capable of being affected by any ideas, but those of bodily pain or pleasure. At s ich t'mes mothers are apt to give their infants cordials, con taining intoxicating or stupyfying pro perties, and though this may answer their immediate purpose, what is the re sult! The children either die in convul sions, or live miserable and unhealthy, pined in their growth, with debilitated stomachs, and palsied nerves. The food designed by nature for children is so clearly pointed out, that it is marvel lous how any person can be mistaken, the breast of the mother, 'or bread and milk for infants, is so clearly adapted to the delicate slate of their stomachs, that nothing c:;n be snbstituted equally nutri tious and wholesome. It is at the criti cal period of '7cca";jg," or when the infant is withdrawn from the mother's breast, in order to 'substitute a stronger diet, that those fatal diseases arise which sweep off so many tens of thousand. of infants annually. Who can esti mate the ravages made by "Cholera Infantum!" And ytt there is a specific for it, which has never been known to fail, when applied according to direc tions. "JAYNE'S CARMINATIVE BALSAM'.' is a remedy that has restored many a languishing babe to the arms of the delighted mother, restoring vigor to ihe system, at the same time that it cred imtad the disease. As 'men are but children of a larger growth,' the same remedy will be found equally efficacious in Cholera Morbus, Nervous or Sick Headache, and indeed all diseases that arise from a disordered slats of the stomach and bowels. Sold by J. J. & H. F. Scholl, Somerset Pa. Also by Edward "levin. Stysiown Pa. i? n Vj : c si 11 U 11 It F AC T 0 11 Y. riTMIE subscriber respectfully infurms thy piillit; in general, and mill owners in particular, that he still contin ues to carry on ilu: making of Fisf''uia Estrasax in the borough of Voungtown, West mnreland county Pa. In addition to hi3 old stock he ha received a large number of choice Ihirr lliocks, from the east, with all. other necessary materiil, he will be ablejto manufacture .Mill Stones. of any size on the shortest notice. The sub scriber thanklul for the patronage ho has heretofore received, he flutters himself from rlfcvcn ye;irs experience i:i hia business togpther wit!i keeping the moM experienced . workmen . in his rmpIoT, that he can render gener d satisfaction, j auu ukii un iuu linoi jiuct'ii ii. i in-, ii- can and will sell as low as any manufac tory in the western country. OrJers directed 1j the subscriber in You'igtown, Westmoreland county, Pa. punctually attended to A) UN TONER. july 28, 18iG, ITTN pursuance of an order of the Or ! jj phans' court of Somerset County, I .1 ....II ! . li c.lo I... nnlli.. llieiC III we cijMuni iu aaii vj j.wmh outcry on the premises, on Saturday the 20th day oj Jluusl next, the following valuable teal csialc, late the property of Jacob Swank deceased, viz: Ono Plantation and tract of land, Mtuioe in Somerset township, 3 utiles Nor h E irom Som erset Uorsugh, near the Somerset and ISiiiYMotvn road, adjoining butds of Chris tian Sa)lor, Ilcnn J. Heiple, Jacob Snyder Esq.. John Swank and others, containing, 28S.ACKESS and al lowance, 150 acres of which are clear, with about 5 or 30 acres in meadow, on which are erected a large two sury log house wcatficrboarled, a lug barn, stables and other buildings, there is also a large apple orchard, with an apple-mill and cider press on the the pte:nises, as also several never failing streams of good water. Terms made known on the day of sale. Also at the same time nud place, will be sold the following person al property viz. 1 ten plate Strive ami pipe, 1 I'ureau, Kitchen Cubboard, 1 Uuffalo Robe, 4 or 5 double coverlets, a lot of bedding, and a variety of Kitchen furniture, on a reasonable credit. Sale to commence at 10 o'cb ck A. M, and due attendance will be. given. SAMUEL I1UNSAKER, SAMUEL SWANK, July C8 1846. Adm'rs. Somerset County, ss, vv-r A T ?n adjourned Orphans' S L.S. court held at Somerset, in Hth day of uly.'A. D.184G. Before the Honorable Judges thereof. ON motion of F, M, Kimmel Esq, the court grant a ride on the heirs and legal Representatives of William Sil baugh deceased, to appear at an adjourn ed Orphans Court to be held at Somer set on Monday the 7th day of September next (1846) and shtw cause if any they have why the Real Estate of said Win. Silbaugli dee'd should not be sold. Extract from the records of said court, certified this Hth day. of .July. A. D i8!G. W.'U. PICKING. July 29, 1815 . Qtek 'SHERIFFALTY. To the Voters of Somkhsrt CountvI IT the suggestion of many friends, I of i fermvsclfto your consideration as a candidate for g J VIP9' a U:e ensuing election. Should 1 be elected, I pledge my utmost abilities for the faith ful discharge of all ths Iuties of the of fice. IOIIN U. KIM. MEL. may 19, 1810. Sheriffalty. To the Voters of Samcrfcl Cuuntt. . rELLOW CI ITENS: At the sug--- gestion of numerous friemls, I offer myself to your consideration as a candi date for at the ensuing general election, and res pectfully solicit your votes for the samo. If elected I will perform the duties of the office wiili fidelity. JACOB CUSTER. - Rockingham Furnace, June 23, '.SlG. Sheriff alii ij. To the etrcfors cf SomcrsJt County: FELLOW CITIZENS: Thankful for the very liberal support received on a former occasion, I nrpiii offer myself as a candidate for SHERIFF,' ami rrs post fully solicit your voles for lite same, if elected, 1 will perform the duties of the offi-- rorrrcily. SAMUEL GRIFFITH. Jenner tp. July 14, 18 R. Sheriffalty. Tj the voters of Somerset County. 7i: I. L OiV ( 7 T17. HXS: Thank f u 1 for lb- vote I received on a previous occasion, 1 again offer myself to your consideration as a candidate for lhc of fice of SIS K 11 1 FF, at the ensu ing tdecton. Should I be mi fortunate as to be elected I pledge myself to perform the duties of tlic office with fidelity and impartiality. june 16.' 4G. JACOB C.SPEICIIER Sheriffalty. To THE FfiKE AND lNDF.PLNIE.N T VOTERS of Somerset County. IjTtKi.Low Citizens: I offer myself jfj to your consideration as a candidate for the office of s n io n IFF, at the ensuing election, and. respectfully solicit your suffrages for the same.- If elected. I will perform IMe duties of the office wiih fidelity. JJMES PARSON. Somerset tp. May 19. 18 1G, To the voters of Somerset County. S Iellow Citizens: I offer myself to Bj your consideration a3 a candidate for the office, of SHERIFF, at the ensuing general cllection, and re spectfully sc.licit your votes for the same. I f elected, I will perform the du ics of the office with fidelity. SOLOMON KNEE, may 26 18 IG, Commissioner. To the Voters of Somerset County. 71 ELLOW-CI TP ENS. I offer invsclf to vour consideration as a candidate for County Commissioner at the ensuing election; and should I re ceive a majority of your suffrages, shall perform tin? duties of said office to the b st of mv judgment nod ability. JOHN MONG. Stop.ycr.'ek fp. 7 June 2, ISiG. "iT.lELLOW CITIZENS; Through j i!ie solicitations of numerous friends throughout the c ;in:y 1 offer myself to your consideration for re-election. Should I receive a majority of your votes yon may espect the duties of the office to be faithfully nnd efficit?ndv "performed. FREDERICK V ELMER. Somcrst, May 6. IcttG. Commissioner. To the Voter of Somerset County. "WTIellow Citizen: At the soliciti JL i'n of a number of friends, I offer myself to your consideration as a candi date for COMMISSIONER, at the ensuing general flection, and res pectfully .solicit your sttffrarres. If elec ted, 1 will discharge the duties of tho of fico with impartiality. . WM. F. DIVELY, Berlin, June C3, 18 to. COMM SS OXEK. TO THE InPETENDENT VoTEI13 OF Sojr- er'ET County. . - OFFER myself to your consideration as a Candidate for ihe office of n r -re tv t r n T r rT T o u iu mi o o i u n j xi j Sould I be so fortunate as to receive a majority of your sufferagetf I pledge my self to the pei formance of the duties of the office with impartiality and fidelity. 'JACOB LAMBER T (. fj.) I S'.oaycrsck p M'JJ" -?-Iv. " , Shriff&liy To the heirs ant! Ie.l rep rcsenlativos of SJosanna "V Rhaller, IeceasCl. f"AKE notice that an inqtift will be fi held at the -house of Divid Wil liamson, in i!ie township of Somer-H nnd rounty of Somerset, on Wednesday the 2Gih day ofr August 1816, for the pur pose of making partition of the real es tate Of said . Rosunn Shaffer, dee'd, to and among her children and legal repre sentatives, if the same can be done wi;h otit prejudice to or spoiling of Ihe whole, otherwise to value,and appraise the same, according jw; al which time anJ place you are required to attend if you think proper. JACOB PHILIPPI. july 21,'46-ot. Sheriff. Mate of -ciinyl7amn. Somerset County, ss: -'.Vu an adjourned Orphans' cort held at Somerset rtJ in and for'safd county anJ 'S State aforesaid, on the 14th Uii day of July A.l). 1816. . Present Honorable J. S. Black. Presi dent, and John McCartv and George Chorpenning, associaie JuJjes of tho 6ame court. IN the matter of the estate of Peter Bradford, late of Somerset eounty, Penn sylvania, deceased. , -" And now to wit: July 14ih, 184C, the final account of David Weimer, adminis trator of sajd deceased, confirmed by ihe court, and July' 15th, A. 1). I84C, the court appoint Samuel VV. Pearson, Isaac Hugus and Samnel Gaither, Esqrs., au diiors to report a distribution of the funds, in 'the hands of the Administrator, to wit, the sum of three thousand, five hundred and uinetyone dollars and twenty centa, ($3.r)fJ l,.0) to and among the persou3 loyally entitled to receive the same. "Three weeks notice of the Auditor meeting to be published in ' one poper ia Somerset county, Penn'a. and same no tice in one weekly paper in Louisville Kentucky, and in Saint Louis Missouri. Extract from the Records of sard court, certified this 15th day of July, 1810, W. 11. PICKING, CIcik. To the heirs of Velcr Brad ford, late of Somerset Coun ty, l'enn'u. deceased. IN pursuance of the above commission. 4 l!ir iimTprai ift nuflilnr'i ttiprpin n.iniPff. will meet at the Hotel of Win. II. Pick ing in Somerset Borough, County and State aforesaid, on Friday the 'ZSLtt day of August next, to peiform the duty thereby enjoined upon them, at which lime and place, all persons interested are notified toalteud, if thev see proper. S W PEARSON, I. HUGUS, S. GAITHER, Somerset, July 21, I54G. Auditors." The Weekly Louisvilic Journal and Weekly Missouri Republican, will copy, as per order of court, and send a copy of each number of their respective -papers containing the advertisement lo this of fice. - Somerset County, sv SxrZSt, 2k an adjourned orphan' court held at Somerset, in and for said county on tha VS5 liib dav of July A. 11.1846. " ' Before the Hon. J, S. Black. President, and George Chorpenning & John McCarty.Eaqrs., associate Judges of the same court.- IN the matter of the administration account of Samuel Spangler and LevrU Spanker, administrators of Abrahatn Spangler, deceased. '""dnow to i!: July Uth A D 13IG, ihe conrl appoint Samuel Gaiiher, Esq., auditor to report a distribution of the bal ance in hand of administrators to and a mong the creditors. Extract from t!ie Records of said court, certified thi3 1 1th day of July, A. D. 184G. WILLIAM II. PICKING. july 2 140. . : Clerk. I.OTICE. IN pursuance of ihe foregoing com mission the'snbseriber will attend at his office "in the ."Boroijgh of Sornrset, on Wednesday ihe 1 Gthlay of August next, to discharge the duties injoined on Lira thereby, of which all persons interested will please take no'ice. SAMUEL GAITHER, j July 21,1810. Auditor, TT1 4 t To the heirs and legal rep resentatives of Christian Shockcy. deceased. T'riPtAKE notice that an inquest will Lo held at the late dwelling house of Christian Shockev. ded. in theNtown- ship of Greenville, in the county of So- - . . a . . merset, on Friday the HUi -aj oi Au gust 1810, for tne'pm'p95Ccf fiakiug par on of.the real estate of said decease'.,' to and among the widow and thl!urc:,t and legal representatives, if die sauvj can b3 done without prejudice to O'" spoil ing of ihe whole; otherwise o :,lue and apprai-e ihe same accordin'to . law; M which time and place you arj riqf.ireti ta attend if vou think prftp r. jacou puiLirn. july 2 J . Mr, 4t. ?fr,.f! Blank Sxacalioii. a 7T'riTt ? y If. X T ' months. California. july 2S 4C Ol