The Somerset herald and farmers' and mechanics' register. (Somerset, Pa.) 183?-1852, July 21, 1846, Image 4

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fni papet is pw1df)e every Tuesday, at f i
par m-ium. rnyaM h.f-yarlT in advance.
If a pii l within tb. year, $2,50 io"a
My Us drfi'J.
..,1 niWri'ier dirniiniie unless at
til" O iTIOH
wf ike editor, "nti! arrcaragesarc
paid if.
A .rr.rT no: will tct
inartfl at f per
sunare. fir the lirst three iuscitioti. ami 25
reul for evrry ulepjent insertion: lunge
anei in prnpurtimi.
AiTrnTMr.Mr.nT tnerlcdin the Ifera'd and
fJrpnliIiran. three lin.e. at J? per square anJ
Wrjl forever? it her insertion.
0 fi-
Knuii li f Cim li i.ali 02 Hr.
To tve successful in bnddin-z fmii trees,
tlie operator should be provided wilh a
proper budding knife, which can be ob
tained at the different seed stores. The
. ... .... , , . , -
good condition, which is when the rind of
dsxk, parts ireeiy iroramc woou, wun j Fet, m mi.iJ l.r .;nl rHiuuy. on Hie hi
llie knife, and is free of sap. The buds Monilav f Ang-ist nex. tlieie t anwi r
should be selected from Irec-irrowing wood j (!-urg- '''. '": f tvt exne.l-
ofthc current vcar, and be full and plump; I1" f,5,, "nUr ,n,,!,,,J
,,.,,,. . ' , im. the faKI Sli-ril. th t oii -fi'iiiiiKini
and, like the stalk, part freely from thej aI lf.rMlIi-, r
WOOC- for if either the rind of the bud . (;..,M. -n.Mri.areU-. ..mU am!
or tree is mutilated by the operation, the 1 Tei-mieu: .r anv f them ii le
yucccs will be doubtful; if the rind of the -'- "l l,,;'i i'ev. and eiety ul them.
. . . . ' i... ...i . t...i .1 .
is too young and teiider,it is liable to
.hrivel, and will never unite to the ;dbur-1
num of the s o, k; and hence many buds .
""""'"V V "" 'VUW
springing from the stock instead of uni
ting to it.
. The lims of bmldinsr fruit trees is from
the beginning of July till September. !
r; ... 111 T. i 11. . , ,
S m f
The Hum and will be in order first;
t!i2 C.icrry and the Apple follow; and
IjsjIv, the reach and Aet iarine: Many
persons adopt the rule of budding the Pear
and Cherry early, in order, in case of a
failure to have a second chance; and it is
generally a good method, although in
some cases early budding of those trees
causes the bud to start into growth, in
stead of laying dormant, which is an ob
jection, as they make feeble wood and are
fometiincs winter killed. .In either case,
moit, cloudy weather is preterable for
Ihe operation, and the morninT nml thr
evening to that of the middle of the dav
p-rtirularly m hot, dry weahter, for
the sip of the bud often dries, up during
the operaiion, which is detrimental.
ut should always be done in a neat, ex
peditious manner, to succeed well.
Phac-tics of Bidding. When the
shoots for the buds are taken awav from
the tree, the leaves are tn bn tken nfl.
leaving a part of the foot stalk of the leaf
.1 ...
With the bud-this is essentially neres.a- j
. .
ry because the leaves, if lei ton the i
thoot aficr bein? cut from tree, would ev- I
Inmst the bud and cause it to shrivel. j
The scions should be kept moist by wrap- '
l .1. . t i ... . I
n:nr iroim 1 t inm trot nmur ,.l.t .. 1
j'ln ..luuuu iiic-iii wui iaper, iu rnai-
luvi. grass or anv other suhstnnfn until
' '
they arg.4nsoricd.
There are various methods of incenintr
, i . , , ., - ,:
bud; but 1 shall confine mvself to the
most general and I believe most success- I Unli.oi. . n-erv
ful method; which is to choose a clear j Millar Tr. dw ell " "
ph ceinthetiee, r.nd making an incision M-h ,n
in the of the letter T, bv first rut- ,v tt '
ting throh the rind in the top. in a j s tiuli,. Vhael
transverse direction; the lower incision is 1 rr.-..ll.,,e & Fi..-k
made by drawing the point of the knife r,,,,,,.,,.,,,, K,lth4l,s
cither upwards or downwards the ' j.'tuu,,,
npper mci.,imt,taaiacli diiiisairs! !,,,. tt y,, tf1
pmntm btiddmg trees, as ,he edge of the; a,,,,,,,,, I( ,,,ril,laUri
km le ouoht to go just throu.rl, the rind W .Titer A KnaMc
and no further lor il the alburnum is cut Sa,..e .,r,.,.
throng iU the wood, which will be the j x l.t-.i N,.
case if cut too deep, the ooeratUm will be i I1M. j..,,.
tinccm.n; because the very part which is; J..h 1). i...hv'
the nrost delicate and which IS to nniti tn ' I. ....... ii. i
.i . . , ,
the min nrnncr r. ntl 11 t.
, j... .tan llin-l UKetV
prove a failure. This beiujr tkme, ap
ply the thin end of the h.-tft of tt.n L ;r
: ,1 . - , . . . . - -1
lo the ton oJ tne incision m order to n-.rt
ihe rind from the wood, which is dtme by
pcnilv hftingthe top of the rind from the1
wood and running the endufthe haft down-!
wards on evch side to Uic end of Uic inci-
sion, being careful not to mutilate theal-!
umu, of the stock in the operation, but!
leave it ma clean, neat manner.
-. The incision being made for the reccp-
tonorihebnd,tlvenext thing to be done
is to prepare the bud, by placing the scion
in the leit hand, between thi thnmi. .,.t
jo-ennjrer. i he knile is then lo I plu.
ced a half an inch below the bud, with
the heel of the blade, which is carefully
drawn upwards a half an inch above the
bud, cutting it out with about half the
wood and bark. This beimr done thf rvirl I
.is placed beveen Uie thumb and forefinger
of the left hand, and the rindgcntlv pres- j
sed back with the edge of the knife, when
the wood is to be pinrhel between the i
thumb and knife, and divided from the!
rinj with Uie bud, which is to be inserted '
neatly in the incision, by preeshig it gent-
ly down between the bark and the wood !
of the stock, cutting nfl the tonalove the'
A i
ransrersc cut, so that the bud fits in a
compact manner. Then apply boss mat
ling or any other sofi strinir, and hind it
neat v.hv beginnmg below the ligature,
, u.e lop, itfav.,ng the end un
bound, and he careful that every other part
8erely bound, ?o as u exclude the '
Jutl and atrfrom i!r, ... .'
jun andatr from drying up lhe bud I)e.
fore tl is well united.
Sm;jt w52J, which grows in almost e
very hant yard, when bruised and applied
to the sore, is a certain cure for galls on
Lojecn rcBcr-Uy rauscd by bad coUars.
Kstntc of Klizabeth Hus
band , (he'd.
111 l. . t ..U, I
i l iimirr,ZMru 11 urns 1
r o , u.t.
i.-tii mr iv J I -1
of xiliiMiii-irtf'li witi 1 U
. .... . . . e a . v ib a a iimiiurii.. a w-
.1 a- y-i t mIi fft
all p r-ou imlehteil
! iiul riur u mkp .yiiirnt inr lfl-re
it itlur If l-r
li;ii'r I .Mil. ! ytvtit in llifMt i tW till
ili-iSiffi il at .Hire III 2S'llirlrt, lt
r I'cliitr a.iul iIm .
July II. Nil-fit. A.l.u'r
Somerset Count if .ss.
The Couiiuonurnhh nT
IVuiisvlv.mia, to tho Hu'rilT
of HoiiRTbct Count, Givi't-
ti ;.lU'-h Willi. m
A nirMiir, !;l ,iir
(nniiiv. lv l! S"inl fiiiuiilar
luf iihhN ami' ImI li imls
111 TlllPl--Hlf. Ill Vln!t IlillKl! flf JMI1-
suM.MerH.e ame may le . thai
i... i i 1...1..,.. ..... i'...... ..i
lifi'c aui appear neiore mir Luri oi
: ( .,, .... , ,,e at s.nuer-
7 ' ' " "r ai
'7. ' 5" W,T
,e ,.,e , . ,he (:.. re,:
r '"'iriin..iH.
atit.'. iijj 1 1 ......iI.Iaa ....... I. V I
Illavk. I'i-.!imii Judge ot niir s.ii.1 ,ourt.
at Sinner-el. I'll I 1 'li d-iv f JulV HI tlte
1 j year ul our lrl eiiilitt rn liin.drrd and
''" ".,Ml
A I.OCihC. PiiMhonotarV.
j.ily 1 3. Ut lit.
MYwife.?ry liaiiiijr left n,y l. d
anil hoard unhom an rrajton or prmo
rmion 1 hi-iehv rainion all petMin n
lfili!l tnisiiii.; In-r on i ai'i-oinit. as
I an d terinitieil not to u . :mv drbii of
Jifr conir from 'ln !ate
niiiiMAiN iiiul:i(;eu.
Jennr-r ip l.ily 7, IX40
UST OF RlTA?LBbHepiblicatioaof thstwomost
In the County of Somerset
I S rcturne.1 to ine .vnt
oj Q i trier
Il'!!! Ill J.iinitirv
I t4'i. h Ho tl
s..inrs of ihe si-iitI di-sti sets, d-l joa-
' , t U ' "Ul
tilt.! II. lu 1.1 I....... .. ..
"If. " MM lOl.
j'". s"
," '." ' '? 'T
Farlier &L Ann
HO 11 eil'OP
, Her,
' ",,nriif
lllrfl A. Tsaniii'p.
J.J. it II. F. Seheil,
Jorpn Viinmins,
i i-
Ohorpnniine &i llrnfnrd.
no ti.-ense i
d .
no licence
in. li. e m
lii e-iM
tM In i n.
, do
i'i leiiurit'KSOII.
. .. ' .. .
S .nmel I'hl. r.
.Moses Jennings,
Aaron iatt.
rtaron iait,
i f t
.:rv F,t,u lv
K,,j ,, vWr'
.nr :Tfc ll'ifilv
.Vr: I)elx
Jo-eph J Mnin'
Sa...,,el II." liailer,
a. lxer.
John M" i rv.
XliUer iMely.
k......i im ...
fit) license
(Jenrae .l.ilinlnf),
Ketzer & I'oorhanoh
A. Ill-fflev & Co.
t'hailes Krisjtier,
Saumel I'JiiJmhi.
Jai'oh IlftLpv
no lieensr
funnel J. !,
s Knnmel, '
A. t k.-.
re- A l..ike.
"ar..n & (
" r l.nih-.
!-'- I?. Mi IH r,
-J ,l r.
I'd-ninnl Kiein.m.
ttVortjp I'arkrr.
Ilnhrr I. in en Si Mevprn
I lavnl T. Smt in.
(.;-.. ne . h nham.
A'lp. rs. . wbobaip not tken . ..m
hnr In-inse w i!l do mi ....
Assemhlv r ijmr.8 ihe lre.
... .. ....
- "
surei in nring svn against ili ! Imu u nt
uiihin die ti-i-iilli of ,une.
Tto-e persoi who have heen rettinieil
on ilr. ;ih..e Jisi; nid have declined i.iim.
.... a.r... a...... ... si .. I. l .. ..t. .....I
, .ir- . , ii 'i. wni
- tijnn it,,. uiMTiifr iil.oiii delay, i
u.,.1 .....1 .. I . ' r r- . I
iio.e uue prom t me icamp j
Treaiurer. i
ravnn 4 r
B " 1 ""'Mr .mm respfctumv
i H ' I It" I
Jj III! ...I" 'UO.IC, lllril lr ltS J!l
re. encd opined toil in the Niore
- - - - - .... . . - - - - -
I . I : .1.' ..
i " -" ivw-i. r.M, . in nriim.
X Irrfll HUll ..irl.l Murk ..f .
Drug) Mrtlichirfi, Paints,
l)jcs ami Confcctiouavies
vli ifli lie ill'rnii m'II trry r!ifj
iVrn'Mii wi-.i.ff ! piir. lijf ' urti.-Ifn
In lut-i.r iMioiiM-M.'wrr invim! mil
Hh.l x uni..e In- Murk.
ii r imiiit in' jii'i lr-
pn. SXMUF.I. J. I'OW.I F'.V aitd (' C'liairn. H. & C
Wool ardin
r siiii.' ...1......1.... i i ,.l.u..i
m - ni mi"' i, k mi n.-.-n...
j frmn fiii.i.e during li e lal full ami :
winter, sun' i li.ii inu !i en iei'riel
li.'itimr tiin . narliil
ilinmuli the ciMinirv tliai lie was not go-
j nig i " iriiiiii, n uiir? iiiuniii
, , a, ,,,,, fitl
lr arnvil. ;ih, mietuN to earrv on the
hneines in all its viirioun hram lieM at n
sn;il. Satiinet. Keiitck v-.lfan. Tweeds.
1'ilai.kets. Carpet. Fi .nni l. f loth. &r..
will he done in the I e-t iii:.imm r. anl as
) .W a- at an odier plai-e in the eonn TV.
j ('oiiii rv eaiiliiiii and ful'inff will lie
f:riiMl 4'lniiJed i.i. Ami for llie eonve-
I llll'IK-f !'
. wmAi er'm
r,.iie(J r, iiniril ;. '
:,4W r4r,,Hj! neas-.n at the ilhH
Kdmniid Kifrn 111 store. rro8 roads
John lleijde's llenrv Sheflr'" Ju-pph
Z'Mimei n'aic. Mud Cieore M-ter'n
J l'!sr- . I) i )ilv.'p
r.nmirv will be t ken for
eardinj;. lulling ami ma .n'ael-M imr
UWF.N l()(lN.
Jt Hiu-r tp A 1 -I Ifi.
Ntn a:id ChiMj) iimtitltl v
jMibliraMnii: UnK one a vr:u
To coiHuifufe i ()-lulrr next. hi
in'ur.l leniiliirltf lhi-riof!ee on or
uftovt Ihr fifteenth f i-venf month
poputo vorks in Europe,
T; LACK WOOD'S L.dy's Mazincr,
ind Ui'zstte ol tlie I ashioab e
t a . . .
World. Also: the London World of
Fashion, and continental Fcuilletons.
The price of which two Works in Eng
land is SI 2 a year. As republished by the
subscriber they will c. ist only SI a year.
Jln-Suzi'tr inn (iiizil'e uf ihe lmhinu
uhle Win I. fur 7'orn uml (tni
tri, Dern'eil to iees- '.et
Irrs. .V".o. Fin Jlrft
"r.vAoMV. te.
The well-known celebrity in EtKope atul
this country, ot RIackwonk's 1-Mi
Hiettse ; iNlagiztne, has indueed the subscriber, to
no lic.-ue . commence the re-publication of this fash
' ion ible London Monthly.
. M It is a matter of surprise that the Re-
litN-nse j publication of this Work was not rom
t minced some rears since. Oti lookmnr
. ' -
ovpr pomelate numbers, we find them fill
ed with Stone.-and Poetry, and Narra
tives, the most of which fall but little be
liMid those published in the Ediuburg
Work, and many surpass even the em a-
nations from the Giant intellects of the I
ontribu'ors to the jrreat Northern Maga
zine. The b"st writers of the day con
tribute to its pages,
It has now been published seventeen
years in London, an I has a circulation
exceeding 70.000 copies through England
Scotland, Ireland, snd the continent of
Europe. It i? translated into several of
the continental languares. it heincr the
nn'v instance of an English Mamizine !
rci'-'ving that component.
The pnblie:it?on w ill commence in Oc
to'er nx. and will be continued monthly.
The publication pr'ce of the above
work, in London, is 0 Dollars.
of Fash:o. and Continent
al FueilletoT).
A monthly Publication of the Courts of
London and Paris: Dedicated to High
LifcFashionables, Fashions, Polite Liter
ature, Fine Aarts, the Operas. Theatres.
&e. Edited by several Literary and
Fashionable Character.
In tbi above Mro works wiM be found,
all the nct-n of London. Paris, and be
principal Ci; of ihe Tontinent of Eu-
. .
i.vii ,osc,n I Jprc-pon of n
QpecnV Vr'W'rr Perm P-rties. wbh
T.di or pink NMmen's Fce
Dercn'ion of every New Ooth. with ,
cHtVicrnfi rn the -mA- Prformers. Azc.
Talec by the hest Fnorlich Authors. Pop-i
rV. New VTncie. Tle Mietv. rid tn i
ifTerent Noblemen PeFcrmion of NVvv
r ...
Pa'otinsr?, rnd tbe Artists Varieties, he. I
Tp rn'dteaticn nrlee of the above ;
wc-k. in I,cod"n. Jc f, do''-s. ' !
Tern of Godey's New Monthly.
M?" zir.f. sl . vor. ?n advvco. I
All orders must h add d. no&t
TVOl.l f
i j. v . t" ' e; y .
L. A. Oonp.y.
101 Chesnnt Street,.Philadelnhia.
For Bale at this Office. '
- - . m ....
rml IK iihn.-rihfr: lh:,nkf..l for
h r ., r
! ,rN" ' in..rm? i.i!.
uU rictiimeni :iiiI ili puMif sfnerally
-i a .
iiimi hi '-iiiiMiit i iriv t'li ihe
lllillP!. in ;ill it VHrmiH lr:inilif ..
' h,s ...i.rret. nearly .pP"
i Ins in
"r- ,xl,r z ,n,f lre l.e wu
' " ""'fr
; I.. ...... .i ...... r ' i ii -
Korkitig "hair-. Fanev.aml ( iiunii)
fe.. :M if litrh he v ill sell i-bep
I t !' it exehaiifre lr uppmvtd rniin-
tr ,r...h..e.
I ivr!"Oi. in Hie tne rsouiii ni the rmnit
fft . i a a i
I ..I... ......i. ." ......i....... "
i-. i-ii iii-. ;ire re-
ijues'p.l li imII wnli Mr. Khi .h U arit r
in S.ilislmr . w lili u limn tli suhari iiier
I In S:ilulinri u-iil. ti li...m il... .. ..I..... ii.
has left an excellent hit lo s ll
geoim;k l. (joudon.
March SI lo-Ki m.
111 snl.s, riber has jut returmd
(rum the e--Hrn ritir n t ln well
eee?ed .i.-surtiiif Hi ol g .uIm smia 'ie f-r
ihe ap; lung season. liii-fi he now
pnii.iw in hi rt- k si r-. on the m rih
a-t crner ol iht i'i ouoml. opposite
o. Ankeny's lloitd. now Win. II.
I'm kingV.)
llltoi k end race all kind of
Dry Goods, Groceries Ilnrd
7cnre, Cfjieenstcarc, &c.
ot w hiel. he will sell iMo-ap for e-isb
o- . oninry pro-oice- Thank fnl for the
V-itronajj.' hereiolore yiven hint, the n'-
ri- r solj.-ii In- old ti-tomer' and ihe
pit' je uemr illv lo one him a ra'l. a
he u i lexhi'u! h'n uno.lswi.1i j feature
ml t reriain he can acrooimoil ,t- hein
wiili h.r-.m. . M riJEJWEI.L.
Someiset. April 7. 4f-lv.
9 II V, snbseTiherie-sjiee-l'iiMy
III fneii.U and ihe ptddic
to gen
eral, tb at bp carries mi hp
Stout ('iittin !hisinpss
itl all its iarioi branches, at Ins shop
on main ireti. 'I doors pal of Oeorie'
Pth l ,vero. nod iiearlv iiniwuiii il.x.
------ --)o'.-iio iur
drug stor o" L. Snvder
made al die shojtest noii.-p and or the
oio-fi reason. .Ide terms, ami m a man r
bat will render dn-m mipertor tn n-u
nfhsr luJiioifucturrd i su ction of ih
Cnn l sioms of an PXcpUent quality,
alwavs kepi on h Mid.
CoiniTV produce taken in PXchanue
for woik. Market Pii.-e.
S -iiierel. Pa.. )
March 5. 1 8 in I v.
7MEPEAS the honorahle Ji.rkMI
V f All S. UlacK. President, ami tl.
t 'horpenning and John M't'ariv. E(JS ,
isfoei ite Judtf! of ihe court commo i
i in ami lor iheeoimiv of Smni rs l.
ami ;.S"ilaiil .Insllces o 'he .onit-. n o er
ml terminer amf gem pd j ul ilelnerv ami !
on Mier sessions of the peace, in amldor
said cot.. of Soiin-i-ei, have i-sued
their precept tn me directed, retpiiring
me among other things to make puldi
proclamation throughout my - bailiwick. ;
that a coiiriofocr and terminer and in for ihe .,si tweniy-fivp years, and
general j ol delivery: ao. a court of gen- lie will continue to devote to them ihe
eral quarter kpssioiis of ihe peace ami experience acquired hy a consiant prac-
jail deliipry. will cotnmeiice at the hnr- lice .luring that lime.
ngll of Somersei. in and for the omniy The Hotel lo. Invalids is n.., :,n exper
ol Somerset, in the common wealth of intent. lis esildi-bment is
Petinsv liauia. on ihe ftdi Monday of not milt as eeesarv to supply evi-
August next, (rilsl day) in pursuance of dent want in thi-eilv. in the entire ah
which precept senee ,, any pei i . pr-.visjon ..r the
I ilhlHi iSotlCC IS llCrehV JJIV-j
IP. to the justices of the peace, the i-oro
tier, ami cuiista'des of fiaid eoiitny ol
Somersei that ibey he then and there, ii
iheir own proper persons, with then
rolls, rfi-nls examinations, and mquisi
turns, ami ol'ier reniHm!ram-es. to d
those dung which to tbejr olf.-es upper
lain in thai Ndialf to hp done and also a
ihose im pros.-cuie against the priso
ner that are. or then -hall lie. in the i .it
of the said county of SomeTe. are lo !
diPn an-l there to prosecutp against them
ball be jut. - f -
(iiven under mv hmid. at Somerset, this
J4b day of Juy. in 'the year ol
our Lord IRJnV
7? LJi J K
For sale ut this OjH
ii imi siiaihrTailhftMwM nniimiiin y imiiwiin a
" - : . ' " v . l . .
. . i e . e
I MM. ftlrri-.i-r HI ii.MHi i"r i;i-
f vii!. takt- llu tnt-iiI il informing
In- fii!ttuer! win! il.p iiuMn in gnu rul.
ili.ii Iih tA rfimnnl io iht fiiiv ! r i n f r-
j ly u-iMipnl by liim iiniiinliMtflv .vi'5t of
" a .
ni .i... n ..i i .... i. ....
II'CT I fHIII' V ll 1'M 14 "l ( rtiMI
,.Ue i!..r ea-t ol the Hire of t P.
, 1 it.t.ll. q . in ihe n..r..iiili "f N....
, erei nlie.e lie will rnuMantlv keep
4 -
ri'rl n Hfr iirniii
j ,;H. COIM'FR and
j of rverv d S''ripiin. in.iniif;n-Mireil frm
j the I.est iMiHerinl- tnl i a neat ami i!u
; r l'le . nner. t'OI'I'FI? KKTTI.Ks
tSTDVK Pli'Ea '"! "'hp
riii'ln in Ins line of lifiiif-s w.ll le
i iii;iue iti iriMT "tl P'Hiri tiotiee. rermi:
M Hlunir to imrVhane iid and ebean :ir
made to inlT "'ti phnrt notiee." l'ermi?
. ' .1. 1 .1 11.. : 1 . .
tl.des are respe. llnlly to gue hl.ll
AiprovpJ eoiinirv produce will be ta
ken in exchange tor waip.
Feb. 17- ni.
N. H. A'-o on band. a. nuinhrr o
Store, ol tilth-re nt sorts, wlindi will be
ohl cheap.
Heal Estate
HE ii,seri!er-. agpnn and atfor-
Ilex for A C Cole, oiler fo, s,le
, .
II a.I aniage.u. terms, ihe l.dlow i2 de-
j.r net- real esixif. t.i Mf Thai wel'
I .te Ihe pioprly o Ja.-,,t Prol-a wild
lobn Uaker. Ext. on the Xtiliimiil I.'.mJ.
in iienrv iay iov u-iiip. I' a eie conn
... II ........ -
In llu..v.- . I ... I ' . '
IV. Pa. aod one mile west of ihe village
ol Soiiiertield in Somerset comity, to
oeiher with ,e appurlenances thereiuito
eloi.jiiiiu. This piopeiv c-msists of
al'oui one linn. Ire. I ami lifiv iliree acres
of I mil. -a irealer portion of ulil.-li h
eh-ared and under enliivan'on and III mea
dow. The buildings consist of a hrge
and coiiveiiieni
partlv stone aod parilv frame, eommodi
us stahlinu ami oilier oui-luililinjfa.
The locaiiou of ibis property being
ore mile from the town o! Somerfield.
aboiimlmg in wood -ind .Stone cool; ha
ving a Saw Mill ami f7rV Mill adj i.-ent
ihereto and plenty of ater remaining
ihronoli the land, remlers il an important
and valuable siiiiation for any of bu
siness. The premises bale been for a
long limp occupied as a Tavern .Slim (I
The stand is ;i.lnur ,hy adapted for the
"''ii of all kinds ol Droves
Persons dei-ou of piirchas'tng ihe
propwriv. are requested t.. (-;, ,,u Josh
ua It Mouel ami E. P. iphaiil. of IJ.
ii, o. Hon n. Pa., who will give every in
formation ilenred. concerning said pro
perty. HOURL & OLIi"A4T.
Atiomevs of A (i Cole, f IJali.
jtiV-H "lii tl
at pi rrsuuiicii.
Drs. Speer and 2uhn.
rami. i ...
HE-liee, of this esla'.l.hmenl is
. - . . . .
,o Mippiv a wan, great.v lei, hy re-,.i.Ie ira. filer ,,r western !iio,.
was liy lesidents. uithoui lamilv. la- j
ken sick ami hv patterns from the snr-
ronnriing towns ami country w ho re-ort
to this place lor leliel Ir-.m oirgical and
oihei di-eases. Such hat e olien nfr.-i..l
Tom llie vvant of Ihe various rt
ad attentions so nee. -:irv;ttii aureealde
lo the fj-oin carelcs ;,m nn
faithful mir-e-; and been mi! j. cli il lo
he iv y -and unreasorja'de charies.
Invalids uil here he p.otided with
cousiatit. faithful ami eomfoiiatde atien
dance. snd at a rale much below the usu
al charges'.
W bile dip carp of hotb phvsichn will
. . '
be ex.emb-d to every var.e.y of disease.
II s inteii.b il hy l)r. Speer. to g,ve sp - I
cial attention
I'o ihese branches of bis profession
he has given -a Lrop share of hia -..n.,
",,'fc ,,,, ,s warranted a.. hy ihe,.
f similar instimtions -a i ...i
ew llrteao die former under tbe care
,,r; Talialerro. .r-ball and Strader
he latter under that ! )-. Sione.
I he hui'ding selected for die purpose
siniaict! at tne ci rner of l-Vderd ami
Kol.inon sineis, in Allegheny city. d
loining the rjtv ,f Piu-hurgh. , j.
-oieinodioiis and room ,'. an ! furnished
iih all accoinm.Hbitious necessary foi
he sick.
Applications for admi-uion to hp made
the snhs.-riKers. ai tb ir office ot, IV tin
-reel. Pniyhurgh. or at the establishment
Cout-igions dis-ase will hp at:
mitled. J. IJ. SPEER. V. D. '
:," J. s. KUIIN, M. D.
Blank Deeds,
f LOT of Blank Deed of a superior qualt
JkS ty.jut p'iuted and now for sale
pu!!ir. in t!n liMin-x f irirvrlv .
cu;ii'l by tJharU' t igle, E'Hj., as a l.iw tJe.
juii'9. I.SI6.
(()()!) ele-m wo ! will he uken
pivninu ol drbu due nflice, if d-.
Iiered 8o-iii.
rKi.KiiK.t n:i
For the ctrtof llpat'te f-r IJrrr
Drpepx a and S'cle Iknd'Ac'r.
PPJHI- n-mpjlv hnvms; been fr K-frdl venn
aL employ eil hy tlie prprictr in In pr.irtue,
on i ery l iree r.ili in Mo-'ona'ii. i':,,
Harri-Mi ml Kamtolph tuuiiti. in Vreiui.i.
ai.iw ovpral other pl.n c. nix! having U rn qi...
1 J'l with the m t hxpv i lFi ts he lm!wn from
' time to time aoiii-ifetl to aJ.t iirh a rour nt
; Wiiulil tfivp it a more rx:rnnii nrru!aii..t.
a view t( h-jMeii flic nm .nnt ..f hiiiiiin stiff fi,,
Aware if the fart that rruitiv un less iHKrrr.rni
have Ihtii pilmeil uptm the public, he ho-iM;,-J
f.r several r:irM until thoroughly rotisin, ml ih.,t
the a!ove hhi!u ine. if pmperlv itrtl. wuJ lwl
Mil to eii.Tt rures m 3 treat many in-tai.c'. auJ
even to alleviate those ram . u hi. U are quit,- in. u
Symptoms if a d'ntnl Urrr. in tlie
ris'it si.!... under the ei! of the rih-. i.M-nr.l
on pn"urv;HoniiMiii.e. the pnin i:, thP ,.f, j,;(te
the pati.-nt i rare'v aMeto lie o ihe , ft Pj,ie.
aorneli ne the pain i-. f it under . die ,hoKir.' Ireqili-iiMyeitciiiln tmlie tp-..f the shouU
der. and 14 sometimes mistjkeii f r j rlu umaif
j m the nht arm. The stun,,,.-!, .-irrted uit'j
I.WS..I ap. elite an.l .-i. knvt'. the hovveli. in e-n
ral.are ro-tive. iiiieii.-tiei alterins with .'at the
h. a I :s trouhlcd w,th p,in. ;,ernipii!iie.l with a
dull, heavy fM-ina'io,, in the ht, k -urt. There U
generdlv a eomid.-ruMe Iosh ,.f mem.Kv, arrora.
pani. dwith a paii. fol ei.,ijlHi f lvinsr J, ft
undone somethiinj whi. h ..-Tif to have Km
done. A s!i?!.t dry n.tnjh sometime an alien.
nan-. i nr naiienr i-omitim.. .,r .
' I. ' .... ' ,' , . : ' r'-
. " ." "i:-'.t ui.eo. r.i leel are ro!,l lr
hiirnii. and l.e l omptain ..f a pn. klv senni.
' "e s. in; his Mpirifs are a.r ltl..,..K i,.
. . - ...ii
is v-nrwfied that eTrrrie won'd h t-i.h. r.i
him rt he ran Bcar.ely suinnem u. f..'titi-d to try it. bi fa. t. he di.-ruM rvrrv ip-
the disea-e. hut i-asen have .m-i-iiit.iI here few a
diem exit-d vet ex aminaiion of t,.t.. 'c...
. lle:llll h 14 a li.ll ll (liu n.rl.. I. I
je ueen cxteajiive-
ly deranged.
This U In certify, that having fh-rn n.ri.itod
witli Dr. .M'l-ane in the practice i.f tne,'i, ie f,r
nearly Iwo and a half years. I have ha I nnny
opportunities of witnessing "the co,Kl r fleet rt
hi- l.iver Pills, and I iM-lievethoy h ive rurrd am
relieved a much larger prnnoniori ..f the di-vas
of die liver, thati I have knvn rured and re-
lieteil hv anv other coiirw ff treitiieiii.
Dec. ?, 13M. OMVEi: MOKUAA. M.D.
(TtBrnTK None are trcntiine itliout a
f.ic-imile of the proprietor' t-inalure.
I 'repared for the prt.prietor lv
Wholesale and i: tail l)rui:i-t. comer nf
4th :.nd V,wi nt. Piiuhnrtr. Pa,
They arc alo tn.ld ,y ihe foll.minj; agents.
John 1 Snyder. snier-ct.
Hay Sc .Morrison. I.avanville.
Knal'le and Vonght. t.Vntreville,
M. A. Koss. IVters'-urgli,
A. Wyatt. Smiihfield.
(. Cook. VVcllersluri;h.
Namupl Kurtz. Somerset.
Samuel Harnet. Addison.
Livengoo.1 & WehHey. Salisbury.
(Jharles Kris.-tiiijer. C. rl i.
( Khn. Kernan. Jei.ncr Tiosa roaJa.
Kdward Hi viii.
. P..t W. Myer. Myers Mill.
N. B. In order that t!uie may he no mitnke,
he particular and ask f..r "Dr. MM.ane's I.oer
' j m 1 :H G
Patent Vermifuge,
Dh. Mcl.v.'a Amr:cax V.(v strtt.r
Vrumptty exprl Y,ms to (m in.
cerf lit n n m ha
TD substantiate thcahnve fM t mmv ImiHlrrd
of testi notii ds c- uM Ih a.l.hi. e.r ..... . c
I whi. h the f i!!n irtir are selected, f om Individ-
i V'. f;:'"wf "r- -'c'r.i. f orn individ
, fl,,,.,,,!,- nlilroud ,h,t each new ,ri. ..f ,e p..w.
....... ..i S..II..II.I-aim vera'liv. Inil.i.I. u Me....
rrs of this remedy will have an ad.:;.;......!,..
l''my to widen and confirm t and th a -f
lv ,r'" ii'iiv.-rsa'ly kn-vn and d if.ised over lh
i tun i -tanw. n w..ui. not save lens than many
hundreds, if not thousands . f livcsaiiiiually.
('HIM'IFM.'A'I Ks.
I do certify that a vial ..f Dr .M'l.nne Aieri
ran Worm Spc. in. ex, r, d (Tve h.n,.!,, .1 and two
whole worm-, and fieees that mmlil hue m.J4
s'lMv more, f om .1 lov of J dm f.eV(-ii,7 !,lrh.
if I ii I in a straight hue. would havenm-t pr.hah'y
m -a-nrcd the enorm- es hngrh ..f t,e hm dier
ya.ds. JlW H JA;Kil. .nwm-r of W ale
Forge, and other work. Monongalia county, Va
Thi ito cert'fy that I purchase, from JT-dme
& Ki.l.l a vial of Dr. .M'I.!ie'a An.eri. ji, Worm
Npecifi". and gave two dosH to a l-oy of i..iie
no-nil uiree years years i.I ne ,. i,.... r, n
h:t!f a if w .rm. nZ u!X
I wa- really a!arme,. ad r:.f,, in several of mr
nemtilh.r in e th.-m. Had ihis story heen re
lated lo nie. c ml.l ii , hive credited it. wiiJ t
Umg an eye-wiuiea to the bame. My child"
heitth improved much ..fter.
Vervliani Tailor. VV.mtl st, Pitthurgh
Some two month ag. I pun trued a vial -f Pr
M'banes Aiucricai. Worm pe. iiic IcaveaN.v
of mine mt of a via'; he pns,-d f.rfv v. rv
large worm. From drat lime hi health impro
ved very much. I had tried two. .titer Vermifuges
to no I hclieve Dr. ,M "Lane's the I est
article In fore the puhli.-. D. l.'AF.HtJUN.
Aliffiin township, Allegheny rouniy.
From a regular Physician. Dr G S mith, hun
ilish. Ohio.
Mr. J Kid I Dear 'ir I hive n'd in mr
pact tee Dr. M Lane's Am-rican vl orm sc!fir.
rn.1 hoe of en it eJTlccv in exei!ing
worms f om the svstcm. A mti-iit .f m!..
. fhoil time ag. gave a vial of the Worm .ct ifir
to a child: in a sh.t time upwards of niity-fiva
nmiiia nr i'rili'n.
Prcpand for ihe hv
W hoIeaIe and Retail Drugji't. corner r.f
4ti anl V,t.H t. Pittshurgh.
Also fr s-de hv tlie f uhm-ina rent
J ) 1 1 V L .V. V D B U. Vomer set,
Hav and Morrison, L.ivansil!e.
K nahle and Vonght. ( Vutreville,
M' A. IJos. IVt.-rsl.ur5h.
A Wyatt. mil!ifieli?.
G. t'ook. We i rgh.
Jsamuel Kurtz, .om'-ra; t.
Nnmnel Harnet. Addison.
I.ivensood & Wrlf3'-v. KallJtury
t'hatles KrisKinger. Uri'iii.
Fdm. Kernan. ron rcftjs,
Edward Uev?n. .Stovo n.
P. ct W. Mver. Mvpix MiX
S. Tl. ftp partien'sr tf a-k Cr lr. M'f,w'i .
Auwipw U crai tfjsxii:, if '.tit VtrnJn-i
lWtim-W-4llltti.lHW--WI MMfihUlSaCMkkMtai t