The Somerset herald and farmers' and mechanics' register. (Somerset, Pa.) 183?-1852, June 09, 1846, Image 1

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    ran in
cif not paid wrrmx THE veail,
New Series.
TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1846,
Vol. 4. No. 30.
From ike London Punch
punrl) to ttje IDoofco aut
Lincoln spare tint tree
Touch not a single bough;
Though in the way it be,
Oh sland up for it now.
Still let its shades expand
Where, round the social pot,
The Haxscm cabman stand
Oh, Lincoln, harm it not!
If every ancient tree.
Because its green's gone brown,
Scrubbed up, perforce, must be.
What is there mayn't come down!
Though barren all it looks,
Both head and heart unsound;
Oh think upon the Dukes,
And leave it to the grouud!
You ought to draw it mild,
"You ought, upon my word;
For cutting down you're wild
Protection is the word.
The Piccadilly tree,
The burden on the land,
Is old so let it be,
Though in the war it stand!
Thy sire, great Clumber's King,
Thou'rt rertain to offend
His son do such a thing!
The world draws to an end!
Old laws, old Dukes, old Trees,
Deby, decay, dry-rot
Let Peel, do as he please,
But Lincoln, harm them not!
CapL K. one of our shrewdest steam
boat captains, caught a "Jeremy Diddier"
on board his boat, as he was making his
passage from Boston to "down East"
and pinned him up in food style, It
seems the fellow laid a traverse to get
clear of paying his fare, and insisted to
the elerk that he had paid, but had lost
his ticket. Whom did you pay! asked
the clerk Why he rather guessed that it
was the captain. So K. was summoned
to the conference. Oh yes, yes, says
Capt. K., it appears tt me I do recollect.
-Let mc see, vou jrave me a rive dollar
bill! Yes, says Diddier, I did. And I
gave you your chanjre in half dollars,
ilid'nt I? (The fare was only half a dol
lar competition was high.) Yes, says
Jeremy, that's it recollect it perfectly.
Very well says Capt. K., I won't dispute
your word for any thing but, if you
please, should l!ce to see the halves!
The fellow was tripped when he least
expected it. He could not produce the
halves, and had to fork out his fare. Port.
Lazif. Op'fcry day, a f?rrr:r
went forth to his mowing, where he had
hired half a dozen men to cut down the
grass. lie came upon them suddenly,
and found them all lying down under an
apple tree. " Well i" said the indignant
farmer, TI1 give an extra half a dollar to
the laziest fellow among ye!" All jump
ed to their feet, to claim the donation, but
on? man, who laid still. "Ah!" said
the farmer, "that fellow has won the
money. Here my lad, take your money."
To which Indolence replied, "Won't you
put it iu my pocket !"
Three Thursdays in one'Week.
Tet a vessel sail east round the world,
and arrive on Tbnrsday,according to their
reckoning. On the foilwingday, let the
crew land; they will find it Thursday on
shore. On the next day, let them board
a vessel which has just arrived from a
cmise ronnd the world, sailing in a wes
terly direction, tbev will again find it is
Thursday on board that ship. Thus
they will find three Thursdays in one
"Ma, what is a bustle!" honestly en
quired a little boy of his mother. "A
bintle, my clear, simply means a ruwp
us" calmly replied the lady.
Dandies to make a great show,
Wear coats stuck out with pads &pu fling.
And Lhis is surely apropos,
Tor what's a goose without the stuffing?
A son of Emerald Isle, meeting a coun
tryman whose face was not perfectly re
membered, after saluting him most cordi
ally, inquired his name. - "Wal?h," said
the gentleman. "Walsh, Walsh," respon
ded Paddy, "are ye from Dublin! I
knew two ocld maids there of that name
An editor of an exchange w ilfully per
petrates the following outrageous and a
bominable rhyme.
"Hail beauteoct maid of grace irine
Whv do joa wear a. bump behind!
The audacious scamp, he ought to be
choked to death 'with a lady's bustle.
"Peter," said the schoolmarra, "of
what fruit is cider made!"
"Don't know."
"Why, you stupid boy; what did yoa
pet when you robbed widow Coffin's or
chard!" "I got a licking."
The Progress of the Republic.
The following passages from Mr.
Crittenden's Speech on the Oregon
question, in the Senate, are as full of
meaning as jthey' are eloquent in expres
sion. It is a little more than two centuries
since a feeble band, very few and very
feeble, landed on the bleak shores of an
unknown land. And what do we now
behold ? They have spread their em
pire across this broad continent from sea
to sea; they have overcome the wilder
ness and filled it with cities; from a few
hundreds of people, they have multiplied
to twenty miilions, and the child is born
who will see that number swelled to one
hundred millions. And all thia is done
by the mere work of Nature. No art has
been called in to urge her onward pro
gress; the country has grown up with
people, and as rapidly as the one multi
plies and spreads the other holds out her
supplies and opens her rich resources.
This is your inheritance. How proud
ought it make us feel ! Why so impa
tient to get to day, what by mere force of
circumstances!, by a destiny that cannot
be controlled, will be yours to-morrow ?
Cannot we afford to be a little wise, a
little patient! We are going ahead up
on a tide of prosperity, and a sea of glo
ry, wi;h unequalled celerity and the speed
of the vind. Can we not be satisfied!
Why must we try artificial means to get
cn still faster ! This is die only way by
which our onward course can be success
fully impeded. We are the greatest
bom of this continent. This continent
is our's by a tide indefeasible, irreversa
ble and irresistable. I smile inwardly at
ail petty European endeavors to check
us, by establishing what they denominate
a "balance of power." It provokes no
feelmg in my hreast; I know it is natural;
it rather provokes my pride. This re
public is not seventy years old; as a na
tion i: has not yet attained to the length
of ae individual life it has justly and cor
rectly spoken of as an "infant republic"
yet we see it exciting the wonder and
jsalousv and diplomatic plots and schemes
j of the kingdoms of Europe. What can
they enact? n hat can Mons. Guizot's
fine-drawn policy of a "balance of power"
oa this western continent accomplish in
stopping the march of this advancing peo
ple ! We are this dav twenty millions of
people ; we shall soon be on hundred
millions; where will he find his "balance"
for this! .
I was much amused the other day by
reading a memorial of the Count de Ver
gennes addressed to the King of France.
i It accompanies a survey of the United
States, and the memorial treats of the
true basis lor the future policy of the
i rYen.-M Government toward.1 us. This
was written sixty years agoust after the
treaty of our independence in .1783; . and
Lhe politic and wise Count there states to j
the king, his master; that there is a very '
powerful and formidable tribe of Indians,
called the Cherokees, who live in the j
e .1- . - ,1
gorges oi me western mountains, anu ne
recommends the Kins; to cultivate their
friendship and alliance as a "litsrrier ,z
gainst the people of the United States,"
mark that Tmuch laughterj "lest
the people of the United Slates," says
the worthy count, "more ambitious than
wise, should attempt to cross the Alle-
i gheny Mountains' and look even as fur
os tut .Mi3itfpi xtstlf. (Renewed
merriment through the chamber and gal
leries. To check this overweening daring of
an ambitious people; he recommends an
alliance between the Crown of France
and the powerful nation ol the Cherokees!
Here is Monsieur Guizot's "balance of
power." In that day the Cherokee In
dians were to be the counterweight in the
French balance of power, to keep us
back from being so daring as to look
even towards the Mississippi itself.
Poor Count de Yergennes ? The day is
coming when our posterity will look,
with the same feeling of wonder, at our
present anxiety and greediness to get the
"whole of Oregon," just as if it would
not be our natural destiny; -we cannot a
void it but by the grossest folly and wick
edness. Nothing else can disappoint our
hope or frustrate the designs cf 'Nature
and Providence in our behalf. Let things
alone. Take care of your union; that is
-ill ,-i-in In l-"- t.A rP U n rf,.. f
j your free institutions goes before vou
everywhere! or rather, let me say, the
bright radiance of those institutions illu
minates your path in every direction.
The people of other countries, living
under systems of despotic rule, are soli
citously volunteering to come under the
shelter of your laws and the security of
your protection. Without wrong or in
jury or violence, without a wound, you
may conquer more effectually than ever
did the Roman legions. This, this, and
not the sword, is your. all-conquering
power. It is the. burning example of
your liberty. This it is that carries hope
into the breasts of the hopeless, and
the most depressed that there is happiness
yet within their, rezch. You arji vour-
seives trie great living practical illustration
of your own principles; you want no
more. Why, then, so impatient to pluck
tha fruit green to-day which to-morrow
will fall ripe in your hands !
I say not these things in any spirit of
aggrandizement, or with any desire to
my country usurp its neighbor s
nghL - No, sir; no. It is a part of the
- u .
elements of our conquering character, a
part of the augury of our great career,
that we shall be jusi to all; that we shall' ar to the Governors ot the several
violate no right; that wq shall do no ir;ju- ' States and Territories to cause the folio w
ry ; that we shall respect the weak, but ; ing number ot Volunteers to be enrolled &.
submit to no injustice. Take care of your 1 . ,,. ,- e .
t ' i , t , . nelu iu readiness for muster into service,
selves, preserve your sacred Union, and. . t4 .,
all the rest is certain the course of;v'2;
Nature. For ourselves not merely, but j Volunteers to be Enrolled, bct not
for die common race of man, we hold the ; called into service until further
sceptre of an empire such as never before
was seen upon the earth. Do not, by
precipitancy and childish impatience, mar
the fortune which nature and destiny
hold out to you.
Three Days Later from the
RAS. By last night's Sont'iern mail, says the
Baltimore Clipper, we have extras from
the New Orleans Bulletin, Picayune, and
Delta, containing dates from Brazos St.
J;?go, to the 18ih inst., brought by the ar
rival of the steamer James L. Day.
We copy the following from the Bul
letin :
The stenmer James L. Day, ('apt.
Griffin, arrived this morning from Bra
zos St. Jago, which place she left on the
lGth iNSt. bringing intelligence two days
later than that by the Galveston.
The news is important! Captain Grif
fin, informs us that General Taylor left
Point Isabel on the morning of the 13th,
with about two hundred men, and a sup
ply of provisions for the army at the
camp. After proceeding a short distance
however, lie deemed it expedient to re-
turn and increase his escort, and
take with him a lame quintitv of
suppues. He did so, and tooi up his
march r.gain for the camp, on the morning
of die 14th, with from six or eight hun
dred men, a park of artillery, and about
two hundred and fifty wagons. He was
motabout'midway. Letwetn Point Isabel L
the camp, late on the evening cf the 15th.
Up to that time he had not met the ene
my, nor was it anticipated that he would
encounter opposition, as the general im
pression was that the enemy had retreat
ed from our soil, immediately after the
defeat on the 9di and 10th, and sought
safety on the west bank of the Rio
While Geueral Taylor was at Point
Isabel he received intelligence that the
Mexicans were gathering in lare rum
bers at Barrita, a Mexican town, imme
diately on the bank of the Rio Grande.
On being thus informed, lie ordered the
two companies of Louisiana Volunteers,
under Captains Desha and Stockton, and
a detachmant of the United Stales infan
try, numbering in all, regulars and volun
teers, about one thousand men, composed
entirely of Infantry, to proceed to the at
tack ot that town.
These troops embarked on the morn-!
ingofthe 15th, on the steamers Neva,
Leo and Cincinnati, and" were landed at
the Brasos at 1 P. M., and immediately
marched for the Rio Grande; the steam
ers being ordered to ascend the river and
transport their troops and ammnnition
across. . Commodore Connor, .with Lis
whole squadron, consisting of the steam
frigate Mississippi, the frigates Cumber
land, Raritan, tnd Potomac, sloop St.
Mary, the brig Lawrence, and Lhe schr.
Santa Anna, at the same time weighed
anchor and sailed for the mouth of the
river, intending to assist the troops in
crossing with his boats, and to aid in the
attack with his men. The expedition
was under the command of Col. Wilson.
Gen. Taylor intended to cross the riv
er at or near his camp, to take possession
of Matamoras, and the expedition was or
dered for the double purpose of dislodg
ing the Mexicans from their position at
Barrita, and assisting Gen. Taylor in oc
cupying Matamoras should he be oppos
ed. -
Gen. Taylor intended to cross the riv
er on a bridge formed of the boxes of his
wagous caulked tight. For this purpose
he had ordered all the oakum at Point
Isabel to be sent up to the camp.
Capt. Griffin heard nothing whatever
of the report that Paredes was marching
to Matamoras with 15;000 men, nor was
there any certainty that the Mexicans had J
been reinforced; the general opinion, how
ever, was that they had been.
There were none of the enemy be
tween the camp and Poinrlsabel; if any
remained on this side of the river , they
are above the camp.
The Volunteers taken out by the Jas.
L. Day were all landed in safety on the
4th. A steamer, supposed to be the
New York, was seen standing in for the
Brazos as the Day came up.
The Telegraph arrived there in about
38 hous after the Day.
Capt. Griffin left Point Isabel at 10V-
clock on the mornmg of the 16th, and got
under way at 1 P. M." - " 7
Under the act of Congress authorizing
the President of the United States to ac-
ceDt &e serv;Ces of Volunteers, we learn
r . , , ,. . , 4 , ,. ; Hacienda Arroya Saco
from an official publication that letters,,..,, . ,f,
1 illage of I ula
have been dressed by the Secretary of City 0f Mexico
Maine ....777
New Hampshire . 390
Massachusetts...... ....777
Rhode Island 390
Connecticut 390
Vermont..... 390
New York... 5,439
New Jersey 777
Delaware "....390
Pennsylvania........... 4,652
Maryland 1,551
Virginia 2.331
North Carolina ,
South Carolina
4 4 t
Volunteers called for from differ
ent States fox immediate service.
j Kentucky
j Illinois
i Indiana
' . 17,153
That is to say (exclusive of Volun
teers called for by General Taylor) for
imwediiite nervier, seventeen thousand
one hundred and fifty-three volunteers; to
be enrolled and subject to be called into
service, twenty four thousand four hund
red and eighty-six volunteers.
From the N. O. Picayune of May 17.
A friend has furnished us from his
route book with the distance from San
Antonio, Texas, to the city of Mexico,
including all the intermediate halting pla
ces. Just at this moment it possesses
interest, for we continually have ques
tions put to us as to the distances
from point to point in Txxas and Mexi
co. They are given from the journal of
an actual traveller, and lhe recruits who
have not yet left here inav improve the
opportunity of the passage to Brasos
j Santiago to study the road which they
have to traverse.
Distance from Sax Antonio to mE
following places.
Rio Grande, at the Presipo
San Juan de Nava
San Fernando
San Juan de Mata
Rosita ' . -. .
River Sabinns
Hacienda of Alamas
Do Encines
Do Hermanes
Do Ajuntas
Town of Monclava
Ranche of Bajan
Tank of San Felipe
Hacienda Anelo
Do Messia
Village Capellanillo
Hacienda Agua Nueva
Do Incanacion
Do San Salvador
Do Saiado
Ranche las Ancinas
Hacienda San Juan de Venangaa
Village of Cadral
Town of Mataguala
Hacienda Represadara
Do Laguna Seca
Village of Benado
Hacienda Bocas
. Do Pcnasco
City San Luis Potosi
. 20
Hacienda Pi!a
Town of Jawl
H-cienda. Cubo
LTown of Dolores
Do S. Miguel Grande
Hacienda Santa Rosa
Horse Foot.
789 - 3S9
7S9 1,554
789 1,554
789 3S8
City of Qucrctcro
. j
Hacienda Colorado
Town San Juan del Rio
The "Rancheros" of Mexico.
WTe copy from an Albany paper the
; following description of the Mexican Ran-
"It will have been observed, in severar
statements tit at have from time to time
leen put forth relative to the mu'.erial of
the Mexican armies, and more particular
ly the one which the American troops
Ahavejust encountered, that mention is
made of a description of troops called
Runcheros. This is an appellation de
rived from their occupation and mode of
life, and is common to a similar class of
men who subsist on the pampas of South
America. Half Indian and half Spanish
in their extrac hn; gaunt, shrivelled,
though muscular in their frames, & dark
and swarthy visaged as they are, these
men are the Arabs of the American conti
nent. Living half of the time in the sad
dle, (for they are unrivaled horsemen,)
wiih lasso in hand, they traverse those
plains in search of the buflalo and wild
horse, who roam there in countless herds.
The killing of these animals, and the
preparation and sale of their hides, is
their sola means of livelihood, other than
occasionally lending a helping hand to
some of the partizans in the civil wars
that are continually being waged around
them, Their costume generally consists
of a pair of tough hide leggins with san
dals of the same material, bound together
with leathern thongs, over which is a
blanket with a hole in the centre, large
enough to allow ihe head to be thrust out,
and which falls uot ungracefully over their
shoulders, leaving ample room for the
play of their arms Add to this a broad
straw sombrero, and the lasso hanging
ready for use in his girdle, and you have
the Ranchero as he appears in the time
of peace, or in the pursuit of his occu
pation. Join to this a long lance, with a
sharp spear head, ornamented with a strip
of red bunting, on a horse as savage and
as unmanageable as himself, and his belt
plentifully supplied with pistols & knives,
and yon have the Ranchero as a mem
ber of a troop of banditti, or as a soldier
in a body of cavalry.
"Cowardly as they generally are in
the open field, yet in a conflict among the
chaparrals of Mexico, or in an ambus
cade, they are indeed a formidable ene
my. Their power of enduring fatigue is
almost mcxhaus'i'xc, and a scanty meal
per diem of jerkeJ beef and a plamtain
suffices them during months.
"Such are the Ranciieros, and, under
disciplined control, they would be render
ed the best light troops in the world.
These are the men who comprise the
i great body of the Mexican cavalry, and
j they are to the armies of that nation what
! the Cossacks are to the Russians ever
on the alert, nsver to bs surprised, and
untiring in pursuit of the foe when plun
der, no matter how triflinz, is to be ob
The following speculations, from one
of the most enlightened of the Democrat
ic innm.ils rhi;h S!iirnrt t.hf m-vs:nrRs
23 of the AJministratiea, cannot fail to intcr
J est our readers at the present moment:
20 ) -at Intelligencer.
15 "If, as som3 seem to expect, the demon
. 23 ' stration of strength which the United
17 ; Slate3 have made on the Rio Grande
: should discourage lh.3 Mexican Govem-
355 mem ia the further prosecution of the
10 war, an! lead them to accept an envoy
3D from oar Government, the war will have
33 been brought to a spej Jy and fortunate
23 termination. We earnestly hops that
22 this will be the result, both for the inter-
21 est of the two nations concerned and for
11 the interest of humanity. On the other
hand, should the animosity of the Mexi-
505 can population towards Lhis country disin-
vnuv mtn vuciuiiiiii. iu an irarnsuiaie
accommodation, the close of tho war may
hi adjourned to a very distant day. We
incline to bliaf 'uhat tin; war will either
be a very short or a very long one.
"The temper of the native Mexicans,
a race consisting mostly oi abonzm33
ot mixed breeds
wiih a lars infusion of
original that of dojged endurance.
The nation has no commerce for us to i
harass or plunder; the productions of the
I country suthve for their imperfect state of-
-1 r S
civilization; they have no mag miies or
' provision for an invader to seize, and if
they were deliberately to adopt the policy
of attempting to weary, us out with that
sort of flying and desultory hostdity
j which in their language are called by Lhe
: term guerilla, we may hive a war of long
duration before us.
Tl e Governor of Maryland has Urssd
a call upon tint State for Volunteers. "
Tlie National Fair.
Tliis truly National Exhibition opcn?i
yesterday at nonn with the firing of asa
lnte, and to the sound of national airs
fram a band of music provided for the oc
casion. We made it our business, in the
course of the morning, to walk round and
through the eleandy fitted up building
in which the Fair is held, and we felt a:i
honest pndff in beholding the rich display
of industry, taste, and skill which fs there
We shall not attempt, to-day, to go in
to detail, or to particularize any thing
which we there beheld; the coup d'xtl
was perfect, and we have no doubt but
the thorough examination into particulars
which we purpose to give this exhibition
from day to day, will more than establish
our first impression of it. Already Lhe
spacious building is filled with the richest
productions of the loom, the workshop,
and the laboratory; we scarce know ons
branch of manufacturing skill which i3
not already abundantly and triumphantly
represented there, exciting the admiratioa
of the crowd of visiters who thus early
throng to this concentrated display of our
country's inventive genius and productive
We propose, in futura notices of this
great American Exhibition, to take up
the different branches of manufacture in
succession, ond shall endeavor to do the
most impartial justice to all, and to every
portion of each. Wears happy ia hav
ing an opportunity thus to pay our hum
ble tribute cf approbation to this import
ant source of our country's true honor,
glory, and prosperity; and we greatly err
in our conclusions if this exhibition does
not win "golden opinions" for the Ameri
can manufacturing system from many
who have hitherto tamed the cold shoul
der to all its claims.
In going into an examination, both of
the quality and the prices of goods, wo
shall make it our business to inquire what
were the prices which consumers had to
pay for manufactured articles before the
present protective system was established
to estimate as well us we can what would
be the prices which they would have to
pay at the present tim?, if that sysieux
were abolished. This line of argument,
carried out upon the foundation of tho
rich exhibition now in our city, can lead
but to one result; and that result, we feel
confident, will be a triumphant one in fa
vor of the protectiue system.
We are glad to find, from the influx of
strangers in our city from every pirt of
the Union, that this Fair, notwithstand
ing the shortness of the notice for tt, ha3
obtained a wids-spread celebrity, and wa
feel confident that a visit to it and an in
spection of its congregated stores will
yield a more than abundant compensa-
tton. .au intei. uay zz. .
Oregon and California Expedi
tion. A correspondent of the Missouri Re
publican writes as follows, from the Indi"
an country ,20 miles west of Independence,
under date of the 10th inst.,
"The company bound for Calafornia 13
composed of as much intelligence and
respectability, certainly, as ever wended
their way to a new country, and the inte
grals are representatives from almost ev
ery State in the Union.
"It is impossible to form any thing
like an accurate idea of our number, but
it is very large far more than I had dar
ed to hope; I can now count from my pre
sent humble seat, over one hundred wag
ons, and, estimating each wagon to con
tain five souls, we have at this encamp
ment at least five hundred persons all
bound for California. The number, I
Lhink, cannot fill short of one thousand.
"The Oregon fever has abated,. and I
think the number cannot be large that will
strive for a place in the dthatttUe land.
"I have just received a letter from Col.
Kearney, at Fort Leavenworth, to whom
I sent an express to know something of
the Mormons, who are crossing the Mis
souri river ia great numbers at St. Jo
seph's. He informs me that at least two
thousand have actually passed, and that
others ore datly crossing. He represents
them as well provided with all needful
munitions of war, including a train cf ar
tdiery." Another correspondent of the same pa
per writing from Independence on the
11th, communicates the following:
tOar town for the last few .weeks has
presented a scene of business equal to a
crowded cirv. Emigrants to Oregon and
California have been pouring in from all
quarters to this point, which is made their
general rendezvous. There are, this
spring, two distinct companies, one to
Oregon and the other to California; here
tofore they have made but one company
until they have crossed the mountains,
but at present the number to each eipeJi
tion is suflicint to organize and protect
themselves from the Indian?.
"The number of emigrants is not v
known, nor can itbc until they react their
general encampment on Kansas nvor,
bout one hundred miles wen of this placa,
and where a cense? will &d taken. A fi
ner lookisg body of envgrants than the
present,! hive never se.a aasly and