liin " Somerset, TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 1846. K D. r.iLMER Eq. ofPlnlilelphia at his H al G-2.'c and Coj! OJfice. u our authorized A-rnl fr utiaiuin Adctrtircmtnlt and Sub Krt'piiun for the HERALD' ami ic clothed with full power to rcn-ipx fr any monies pak! to hi:n on lhc2 object. Hi agency incluJes the fili3inj cities, viz: PhilaJf!phi3, New York. naltimVe an J Boston, asij his o'Sccs in Hjoaeiicnlp'jcffs nrc looate.I as follows: ph-hJflpMciXo.SO Pine Street. .ewYurk A'o. 15 Aasau " a!UmorcS. E. C wncr of Balt-& Cal si Messrs. Rcnnells and Liughton request us to state that their respective schools will commence on the lGth, instead of the 9ih, as stated in their cards. Congress. Our latest intelligence from Washing ton is dated February the 21th. In the Senate on Saturday, the Oregon Resolu tions had been still under consideration, and the House was chiefly engaged in matters of a local character. Both Houses adjourned over from Monday morning till Tuesday, in honor of Washington's Birih Day. The Committee of Ways and Mean in the House of Representatives, it is expected, will report a new Revenue Bill in the course of the present week. The Bribery Case In a preceding column the reader will find an account of an attempt at bribery by a man named McCook, upon certain members of our State Legislature. Thellar- risburg Telegraph state? that McCook was bound over to appear at the next court of Quarter Sessions to answer to the charge, audit was said he had commenced proceed ings inturn,againstMessrs.Piolietand Bur rcll of the House, aud John Laporte, Esq., Surveyor General, aud Jesse Mil ler, Esq., Secretary of the Commonwealth, for conspiracy. A nice business, truly, for the leaders cf the "unterrificd Democ racy' to be enraged is- The Weather. The cold during several days the past week was intense, accompanied by high winds and occasional skifts of snow. On Saturday morning it moderated a lit tlc, and during that day and the night fol lowing we had an additional fall of snow of about six inches. Ve- have now three feet of snow on the ground, with a Lrisk north-wester sweeping over it. Blair County. A Bill, authorizing the erection of a new rouiity out of parts of Bedford and Huntingdon, to be called Blair," has passed both Houses of the Legislature. The Native American Party held a State Convention zX Harmburg, on the 21th u!t., and nominated Robert Mor ton for Canal Commissioner. The Delegates from Lancaster Ccuntv to the Whig State Convention are in structed tO Support JOSETH KlXIC2IACK- tn, Esq., for Canal Commissioner. The Right or way mil. The Harrisburg Telegraph of the 25th February has the following gratifying in telligence. The bul Tor the right of way to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, was taken tan on second reading in the Senate this . morning, :nd the first section of the bill was passed by the following votejj - YEAS. -Messrs. Anderson, Black, Carson Darrah, Darsie. Dimmick, Dun lap, Ebaugh, Gibbons, Gillis, Hill, Hoo ver, Morrison, Rahn, Ross,. Sanderson, Sullivan, Williamson, Sherwood. Speak er. 19. NAYS. Messrs. Bcnner, Biglcr, Chapman, Ccrnman, Crabb, CreacraU, Fe-jely, Foulkrod, Heckman, Jordan, Smith, Wagenseller. 12. The Senate proceeded to act upon the other sections of the bill until the adjourn ment. From Texas. Texas dates to the 10th ult. have been received at New Orleans : -The journals contain little news. All was quiet at Corpus Christi. J-ocal poli tics appear to run. Gen. Houston's friends are warmly urging his claims as IT. S. Senator. Thirtv-five horses were stolen a few weeks since from the citizens of San An tonio bv a party of Wacoes and Kcechics. They were closely pursucu j? pers, under the command of Capt. Gil lespie, but escaped by plunging in an im penetrable thicket leaving, however, their ill-gotten booty. ! The schooners Mareia M. Briggs and Creole, of Galveston, were seized at the mouth of the Sabine, a few days since, by Capt. Green, of the U. S. Revenue Ser vice for alleged violation of -the laws. Great complaint is made of the seizure in tome of the papers. A survey of the several bays between Corpus Christi and Matagorda is being made It order of the United States Go. veroment. Corpus Christi is going ahead several new and substantial buildings arc in process cf erection ' Car.r.e-, ecz?red of wrought ire:: and ate!, ere r?T cittiafa dared it Boston. Tho Foreign Trows. The Foreign News which we publish in to-day's paper is of the highest inter est. Upon a cursory perusal we deemed it rather favorable; But from the tenor of the following paragraph which we find in the National Intelligencer, it appears that the editors of that journal have arrired at a difTerent conclusion; We have looked carefully through the English newspapers on the subject of Oregon, and attentively considered what has been expressed by leading persons in both Houses of Parliament, and we con fess we do not see much change in the aspect of things, nor any change that can be regarded as favorable. It appears to us that the English Ministry stand where they stood some months ago, in the re spective declarations of Lord Aberdeen and Sir Robert Peel; and we apprehend an impression will be made still more un favorable on the English Ministry and En glish mind when it shall be seen that the Government of the United States has re peatedly rejected what can hardly fail to be regarded as terms for a fair and hororable termination of the dispute. Wc may add, as another circumstance calculated to cause deep regret, that the remarks made by the Presidant, in his mess3ge at the opening of the session, respecting the conduct of France, have produced just the effect which discreet persons foresaw namely, a degree of as tonishment at the President's language, and an impression unfavorable on the whole, as we greatly fear, to the general character and conduct of the present A merican Government. Well may it be asked, What wisdom, then, in the gratui thus indulgence of remarks calculated to avert the sympathy of enlightened na tions from us and our cause ? On the whole.we wish that prospects of continued peace were brighter and stronger. Clippings and Scribbling. Cassius M. Clay lectured the other week to a crowd of upwards of 3,000 per sons in the city of New York, on the subject of slavery. A Pensacola letter writer says, "the greatest place for living is this city of Pensacola. Wild tuckies with fat an inch thick on the ribs, and venison with the article still thicker ducks, quails, squirrels, fish and oysters, are brought into this little shanty of a market,in abun dance." A petition was recently presented in the Ohio Legislature from one Noel praying that a man named Rodebaugh be divorced from his wife, and that she be given to the petitioner, in pursuance of a previous promise of marriage. War. The editor of the Brooklyn Daily Advertiser has got himself into a scrape with a Major and Colonel of Mili tia, bv calling the one Mavor and the oth ex Captain. At Mobile, on the 4th of February, peach trees having a southern exposure were already in full bloom. An Old Coat. Under one of the pews in the old East Church, in Salem, Mass., a coat was recently found which had evidently belonged to one of the Car penters engaged in erecting the house a hundred and twentv-eight vears ago. In one of the pockets, was a gimlet and a piece'of chalk, and in another a cotton handkerchief. Beans have been known to germinate after a lapse of one hundred years, and an onion taken from die head of an Egyp tian mummy, perhaps two thousand years old, has been made to grow. In the vicinity of Elyria, Ohio, some men recently pursued a strange wild ani mal about 150 miles, and finally succeed ed in killing him. He is described as bein a dark brindle, three fret high and six feet eight inches long, and is supposed to be a species of wolf. It is stated that an" old lady in Iowa, while-recently in the woods, was bitten on the nose by a ratde-snake. The old lady recovered, but the snake died. Cor oner's verdict: Poisoned by snuff. That accident must have happened be fore the snow fell. Thomas II. Pettit has been appointed United States Attorney General for the eastern district, and John L. Dawson to the same office for the western district of Pennsylvania. Both appointments have been confirmed by the Senate. In Waterburg. Connecticut, there is a pin machine which makes eight millions of pins per day. A sea-serpent fifty feet in length is re ported by the captain of the schooner Empire to have been seen off the capes of Virginia, recently. - "Landlord, give us another glass," said Sops about eleven at night. "Have you not had enough ? No; I am about going home to my wife, and you sec, in peace you must prepare for war." Arnor.g the passengers in the Cambria, were Mr. Bache, bearer of despatches from Mr. McLane to Mr. Buchanan, Mr. CRAMPTON,sonof Sir Philip Crampton, the Secretary of Legation to Washington, bearer of despatches from the English Government to Mr. Pakenham. Very Late Trom Iexico. We have received by the packet ship Norma, Captain Barton, from Havanna, the Faro Industrial to the 10th ult. It contains intelligence from the city of Mex ico and Vera Cruz to the 31st of Janua ry, ten days later than our previous advi ces. ' According to these accounts, Paredes remains in the undisturbed enjoyment of the power which his military force acqui red for him, and his course and conduct seem to make it appear that as far as re gards the good government, the power could not have fallen into better hands. All accounts of revolution, subversive of his authority, which date prior to the 31st of January, are falsified by the intel ligence we have received. No movement up to that date was made, or even appears contemplated, against the power and au thority of Paredes. ' , At any rate, there is nothing in the pa per relative to the reported proniwcia mexto of Arista. N. O. Courier. Pexsacola, February 14. Indian Depredations. Wc leam that on Saturday last, as a parly of three men were hunting about ten miles from East Bay, an arm of the Escambia Bay, some fifteen miles from this place, . they were fired upon by Indians. We regret to hear that one of the party (a Mr. Pitts) was instantly killed, and his brother se verely wounded: the 3d (Mr. Silcox) re ceived no injury, and in company witfuhe wounded man, succeeded in escaping. As soon as intelligence of the murder rea'ched Col. Crane, commanding the for tifications in this harbor, he despatched a detachment of men under the command of Lieut. Donalson, up Santa Rosa Sound to endeavor to cut off this body of roving Indians, wha are thus committing depre dations upon unoffending citizens. We feel confident that Lieut. D. will give a good account of the Indians, should he come across them. We have not yet heard of the return of the troops. Gazette. The Mobile Advertiser of the 14th says: One of the most afflicting events which it has been our lot to record for a long time, is that of the death by. lightning, of Miss E. A. C. Goodman, which occured early yesterday morning. The deceased together with Mrs. Sampson and her child, were in the same bed. The light ning struck and passed down the chim ney, and entering the chamber where they were sleeping, the fluid seems to have branched and struck the deceased in the face, causing instant death; and at the same time se ttlng kite bed on fire. Mrs. S. and the child were badly shocked, and the former considerably, though . it is hoped not dangerously, burned. A gen tleman sleeping in an adjoining room rushed in in season to rescue them from the flames, otherwise they too, might have been numbered with the dtad, as they were so completely paralyzed as to be altogether helplesa. Scppressed Correspondence. That part of Mr. McLane's letter to Mr. Bu chanan, suppressed by the President in his communication to Congress, has be come an anxious subject of enquiry. The correspondent of the North Ameri can, at Washington, says: "As consider able speculation has been afloat in refer ence to that portion of Mr. McLane's let ter, in which he refers to his "own opin ions" as to the preparations of England, and which is suppressed from the public eye, I have sufiirient reasons for stating, he declares it to be his candid conviction, that they had no reference to a difficulty with the United States, were prosecuted in compliance with former appropriations and contracts, and would have been com pleted, whether this dispute has arisen or not. And I venture to stale farther, that General Cass was apprised of these facts, when he made his last belligerentspeech, in which he took special care to tell the country of the preparations, but not to represent the impressions of our minister concerning the objects for which they were made. This ex pari t management is a part of the panicmaking system, in which the War-candidates for the Presi dency are prone to indulge and which deserves to be exposed to censure by eve ry independent press." Magnificent Catholic Church. We learn from a source entitled to res pect, that the Catholics of this city have it in contemplation to erect in this me tropolis a church edifice of magnificent dimensions, something after the manner of the most extensive cathedrals of Eu rope, and to be, in the catholic sense of the term, a national church. It is in tended by the Catholics to appeal for aid in this magnificent undertaking to every congregation of their denomination in the United States; all of whom, it is thought will be influenced by a laudable pride to contribute towards the erection of a noble structure 'which is expected will cost a bout $75,000. Should this magnificent design be car ried out, according to the purpose and plan of its projectors, it will undoubtedly by a great ornament to the city of Wash ington, as it is thought and believed that the style, architecture, and size of ths mother church will not suffer on a com parison with any of the public buildings already erected or about to be built in the metropolis of the Union. Nat. Intel. Removal or the Mormons. The Su Louis Reporter of the 11th ult., states that about two thousand Mormons, most ly young men, have crossed the Missis sippi, on their way to California. They are to form the avant guard of the Mor mon expedition, and have started early for the purpose of providing the necessa ry subsistence for those who have to fol low. -" ' Slave Hunting. Three whits men,' who, claim to be Pensylvanians, and reside in the neigh borhood of Chambersburg, captured four negroes as runaway slaves from Mary land, at Monleursvill, Lycoming county, and were driving them through the town of Milton, Northumberland county, on the 10th inst. hand-cuffed, two together, the white men on horseback, one carrying a rifle and a tomahawk when they were arrested as kidnappers, and were lodged in jail at Sunbury. The negroes were also arrested on a charge of theft, and . were committed to tne same prison, where the negroes and negro-catchers will remain until the matter is investigated. SWc advise the gendemen 'in the nighborhood of Chambersburg" who have a taste for the Slave Trade, to fit out an expedition for Africa at once, and go into the business, upon a more respectable scale. Chambersburg Whig. Three Cheers for the Cumber . land Valley. By the aid of the Iron Plough, inven ted by D. Holl, Esq. the Chief Engi neer of the Cumberland Valley. Rail Road Company, the company were enabled to open the road on Friday, the same morn ing of the last heavy fall of snow. They were in advance of all other road. The cars are now running regularly between this place and Harrisburg. With this plough they can run at the rate of 12 miles per hour. Mr. Holl deserves cred it for the plough he has planned, and his perseverance in opening the road.-Cham-bersburg Times. COMPLEMENTARY TO TORYISM The Report of Secretary Walker, in favor of Free Trade, and against the pro tection of our own labor and manufac tures, has been published and widely cir culated in England, and is highly com plimented by the British press! Free Trade Toryism is sure of being eulogized bv the ever watchful and eade-eved cabi net of Queen Victoria. Pa. Tel. ' MARRIED. On Thursday the 26th ult. by the Rev. P. Rizer, Mr. William Rickart, of Westmoreland county, to Miss Mary Johnson, of Somerset tp. . On the 19ih February by Rev. S. B. Lawson, Mr. William Mosholder, to Mrs. Nancy Flamm, both of Stonycrcek p- : ; On Thursday morning last, the 2fith ultimo, at Jennerville, (where she was taken ill some three weeks since, while on a visit to her friends,) Mrs. Rosaxna Mowrt. consort of George Mo wry, Esq., cf this Borough, aged C2 years, 2 months and 18 days. On the same day, William A., infant son of Mr. John M'Intire, of Somerset township, aged 5 years, 3m. and 7 days. On Tuesday 24th ult. Elizreth Bru baker, consort of Benjamin Brubaker, of Berlin bor. aged 51 years 4 months. THE co-partnership heretofore ex isting between the subscribers, un der th firm of BENFORD & SAN NER, having been dissolved by mutual consent, the. books, notes, tc., hare been placed in the hands of Cyrus Ben ford, one of ihe partners, for collecion; with whom all persons indebted are re quested to call without delay and settle.! as he intends going to the west early in the spring. The business of merchan dizing will be continued by Michael A Sanner, at the old sUnd, where he will continue to sell goods on accommodating terms, as heretofore. - CYRUS BENFORD. MICHAEL A. SANNER, Somerset, March 8, 4G. 41AMEfb the plantation of the snl J scriber in Jenner township."som b- p. some time in November last, a pale II K a) ST EE 12. with a white stripe along the back, no earmark perceivable, sup; posed to ba three years old next spring. The owner will please cone forward, prove property pay charges and take him away, or he will be disposed of accord ing to law. JOSEPH B. EARL. March 3, 1816. APPEALS. PURSUANT to ihe acts of Assem bly, the commissioners of Somer set county will hold an appeal at their office in Somerset, For the townships cf Milford, Tur keyfaat and Addison, on Monday ihe 23d day of March. For the townships of Elklick. Sum mit, Brothersvalley and Berlin bcr. on Tuesday the 24th of March. For the townships of Greenville, Southampton scd Allegheny, on Wed nesday the 25th of March. For the townships of Stonycreek, Shade, Quemahoning and Stoyslovn bor. on Thursday the 25th March. For the townships of Paint, Cone maugh, Jenner and Somerset borough and tp. on Friday the 27ih day of March At which time and place all persons feelinj themselves aggrieved by the As sessments made for 1846, can attend if they think proper. The Assessors are required to be present upon the days fixed for their respective districts. F. WEIMER. J. R. KING, P. BERKEY. Attest, Comm r. j febir R. L. STEWART, clerk. I Notice. tjij M QD o Ho WAR IVITH MEKIGO! rSHHE subscriber thankful for nasi fa B vors, takes this method of informing his customers and the public tn general, that he has removed to ihe shop former ly occupied by him immediately west of the residence of John L. Snyder, ami one door east of the office of C. F. Mitchell, Esq., in the Borough of Som erset where he will constantly keep on hand. COPPER and of every descrintien, manufactured from ihe best material and in a neat and du rable manner. COPPER KETTLES. STOVE PBPK, d other articles in his line of business w:ll be (made to order on short naticc. Persons wishing to purchase good and cheap ar ticles are respectfully invited to give him a call. Approved country produce will be ta ken in exchange for ware. JAMES H. BENFORD. Feb. 17-" m. N. B. Also on hand, a number f Hfovet, of different sort?, which will be sold cheap. TO Til EPUBLICT" ROBERT LAUGUTON would in form the citizens of Somerset, fc the puMie generally, that he intends opening an English Schord in the Academy biiildin of lhi Borough, for a term of 13 weeKs. t! commence on Monday Marck lGih 1S4G. T SI R !!3 S. Instruction in Orthography, Reading, writing, and preparatory lessons to com mencing ariihniatic, $2,00. Arithmetic, Book keeping, Grammer, Geography and History wiih the bran ches preceding ,50. If required, lessons in Geometry, Plane Trigonometry and land surveying will be giren at a reasonable charge. But knowing, that by assuming loo much, little or nothing can be correctly and fully performeJ, therefore the prin cipal deign of ihe teacher, at ihis time, shall be, to impress the minds of those committed to his charge, with a correct fcnowjedge of ihe elementary branches of an English education, To effect this important, but much neglected object, a rr.urse of instruction by lecture so far as prarticable, will be pursued, A share of public patronage is respect fully snlirited. Sojnerel Feb IT IS4G, Mei e. 7E ths undersigned having eslab Itched ourselves as a firm in ihe Eagle Foundry of Berlin, have now on hand a new PLO I'G Uj . which has lately been patented It i a self-sliarpening and can be made to diffe rent kind, s u oh as the bar shear, or shear and cutter seperate, or ihe pieres can all be nude of wrought Iron with ve ry li't'e iibour, in short it is the best plough .ever brought to ihis county. Likewise iheCrocket Plough, which is an excellent plough for rough land, also , . STOVES. of various kinds amon ihein is a cook-in- ftove for burning wood or coal. "KETTLES .f different size. HOLLOW VALPJB of all kinds. Alio castings fr machi nery, ice, all of which are made of the best kind of material and on the shortest notice. Please call anil examine for Vourselre. HOU3ER. CONRAD & KRISSINGER. February 17, I81li-3in ilOOE BUILDING. THE und Smers ndersigncd commissioners of rset county, will sell on Frr dv ihe I3ih day of March 1846. aeon tract to the lowest bidder, for building a bridge over Laurel Hill creek ai or near Kr.oser's .Mill in Miiford townsnip. in said county. Sale to take place at the bridge at I o'clock P M. A Phn of the bridge will b exhibited on the day of sale. F. WEIMER, J. R. KING. feb'7 P. BERKEY, Co.n'rs. Executor's Notice. LETTERS testamentary on the es tate of John Christner. late of Elk lick township, deceased, having been granted to the subscriber, residing in eaid township, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby requested to attend at the late residence of the deceased, on Saturday the 4ih day April next, pre pared to settle; aud those having claims, to present them at the same lime and place, properly authenticated. ABRAHAM MOUST, Febl7,4C-6t. Executor. Administrators1 Jfotice. THE undersigned, residing in Mil ford township, having obtained letters of administratian on ihe estate of Andrew Enos, late of said township, de ceased, requests all persons indebted to said estate, to attend atthe late residence of the deceased.on Satnrday the Mth day of March next, prepared l ene their ac counts, and those having claims against 6aid estate, to preseni theiu at the same lime and place properly authenticated for settlement. HENRY 5EGHLER, SAMUEL rAOC," Foncarding & Commission lUbllUfliiUIo, Immediately ou the Hailroad, Cumberland, 22d. ROBERT S. M'KAIU. lite of Ntw Lisbon Ohio. anJ SAMUEL MA GU1RE, late of the house of Duncan. Calhoun & Co.. Cumberland, hate as-' sociated themselves, under the firm of M'Kaio & Maguiks. in the FORWAR DING AND COMMISSION BUSI NESS, in Cumberland, where they arti prepared to receive consignments and execute all orders connected with tho Forwardin business with the utmost despatch, and they hope to the entire sat isfaction of ihose who may employ tnern as t!irir agents. JOParticuhr attentioi will be give to the sale of Produce entrusted to their care. . REFERtNCRS. Robert Steen and Co., Philadelphia. Elder, Gelston & Co.. Hopkins, Brothers & Co. Balusort, YVm. McCulley & Co. "1 Mailman, Jennings & Co Burbrid2e, Wilson & Co. Church & Carothers, Clarke & Thaw. J PilUborj. Lorenz. Sterling & Co Alexander Liughtin, v atterman Palmer, Shatletl& Clyde Ion. T, M, T, M Kennan Washington Ta- Gen. Isaac Hodgens, Hon II, W. Beeson, I Faye tle c (Ion. A. Stewart, Hon. A, Buchanan, Samuel Black, General Jesse Lazear. V Greene J Thos, J,& W W.M'Kaig, CoraberlaBd. Feb. 24. 184G-6t. Orphans1 Court Sale OF EE AL BSTATE. fN pursuance of an order ef the Or phans Court of Somerset county, there will be exposed to salt by way of public vendue or outcry on ihe premise on Saturday the H'.h day of march next, the following real estate, late the proper ty of John J. Yuunkindec'd to wit: One plantation or tract of land situate in Turkeyfoot township. Somerset county, adjoining lands of Mi chael Ansel, land warranted in tha name of Chew & Wilcox, and land lam estate of Henry Younkin, deceased, nd others--containiner two hundred and ninety nine acres an ne hundred and three perches and allowance, on whirfi are erected a two-stoiy house, eabia barn and other buildings, about one hun dred acres of clear land. TERMSone third of the purchase) money to be secured on the premises, the interest thereof to be pnd to tho widow annually during her life time, and at her death the principal to be equally divided among the heirs and legal rep resentatives of said deceased, one third of the balance in hand aud the remain der in four equal annual payments with out interest, to be secured by judgment bonds. Attendance will be given by Jacob J. Younkin & .Michael Sanner, admicistra tors of said deceased. By the Court. W. II. PICKING. Feb 17 '40-41. Clerk. looz: H3?S LAfJD FOB SALE, THE subscriber will fell at publics outcry on Friday, the Gth day of March next, his farm whereon he new resides, situate in Mountpleasant town ship, Westmoreland county, adjoining lands of Fausold's heir. John Porch, jr. and ethers, 6 miles northeast of Mount pleasant, 5 miles south of Pleasant Uni ty. It is 3 mile from Newill's, also 3 miles from Lobingier'f mill; there are several school houses convenient; within cn? mile of a sawmill. Tne claf pik that leads from the Somerset and Mount pleasant turnpike to Pittsburgh passee through it; containing 380 ACRES, about 109 acres clear. The baiidinge are a good square two story log dwelling house, an excellent poiter shop, but woald answer for a carpenter or any other me chanic shop, 2 potter kilns, stables and several smaller dwelling houses thereon. A never failing spring of pure water, very convenient to the house; an orchard of choice fruit; an abundance of good timber, consisting of Whiteoak, Black oak. Chesnat, Poplar, Walnut and ih best of Locust; this land will product rain of every description, and is well adnpted for GRAZI3C. It gener ally lies level, and any amount of it can be'made into meadow, there are seert coal banks on it and Limestone can ib obtained to any amount wiihin a hatf mile's distance, free ef charge. I am determined to sell, and in order to mako matters plain will here insert the terms, viz: Two hundred dollars in hand, and fifty dollars annually until paid. An in disputable title can be given, Any per son wishing to see this land can be how it at any time by the subscriber. febl7 CHRISTIAN DABBY. Books! Books!! O TeM Ti OBBS Series SmiiV fc.ra;hr. J Gramtcsr and ArtV Stajib't Church Harmony; fri'ates; Slates; S. . tionarv. & for a rhei? bv decll J J H I fcCHELrV. RUBKKTS.M KAIO,